hzl 3a my life project


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Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios No.268

Project:“Life Plan”

Héctor Zamora LópezLogistic 3”A”

Víctor M. Matla Rojas

H. Ver., Veracruz, Viernes 25 de Septiembre del 2015.

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I think we do not always know what will do in our lives, and some people live their lives without a reason or goals, and it could be okay for them but it would be great to have some goals to accomplish in order to feel succesful or great with ourselves, and it could also help us to go far in our lives.

This project will help me to know what I will do to acomplish them, and it will also help me to guide me trought my live and not feel so lost in my decisions.

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1_ Who Am I? / Autobiography ................................... 6

1.1 Personal Information, Name, Where and When I Was Born, My Family’s Names. .......................................................................6

1.2 Autobiography ......................................................................................7

1.3 Who were the people who had the greatest influence on my life and how? ..........................................................................................9

1.4 What are my interests since an early age? .........................10

1.5 What were the events that have influenced decisively in what I am today? .......................................................................................11

1.6 What in my life have been major successes and failures? ............................................................................................................................11

1.7 What were my most significant decisions? .....................12

1.8 What do I want in my life? .........................................................12


2_ How Am I? ..................................................................13

2.1 Qualities & Strengths ....................................................................13

2.2 Weakness & Defects .......................................................................13

2.4 My likes ................................................................................................14

2.3 Personality Traits ..............................................................................14

2.5 Aspects that I like and dislike about: .....................................15

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433_ Who do I Want to Be? Who will I be? My dreams. ..16

3.1 What are my dreams? ....................................................................16

3.2 What are the realities that favor my dreams? ...................17

3.3 How can I overcome the obstacles that reality presents me to realize my dreams? ....................................................................17

3.4 What would I like to profess in the future? ........................17

3.5 How will I make it? ..........................................................................18

3.6 What are the enabling conditions or instigating my deve-lopment? (Both personal and professionally) ............................18

3.7 What are the hindering or inhibiting conditions for my development? (both personal and those in the middle). ....18

3.8 Is it possible to change? ...............................................................19

3.9 It can not change? (justify why not) .......................................19

3.10 Eventually, ¿How do I know I managed to accomplish what I wanted?) .........................................................................................19

4_ My Life Plan ................................................................20

4.1 First of all, Do I need to improve something in me? ......20

4.2 SHORT TERM: ......................................................................................21

A) What do I hope to accomplish this year? ....................21

B) What goals do I plan for the next year? .......................21

4.3 MEDIUM TERM ...................................................................................22

A) My goals in 5 years? ...............................................................22

4.4 LONG TERM .........................................................................................23

A) How do I visualize myself in 15 years? ........................23

4.5 What actions will I undertake to improve and help my family, my community and my country? .......................................24

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1.1 Personal Information, Name, Where and When I Was Born, My Family’s Names.

My name is Héctor Zamora López, I was born on February

12, 1999 in México, Veracruz.

My mom's name is Maria Del Carmen López Rodríguez,

my dad's name is Héctor Francisco Zamora Licona, and my

sister's name is Liliana Zamora López. I have two stepsisters,

Celia and Paty.


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1.2 Autobiography

So as I state before, I’m Héctor Zamora López, I was born on February 12 and I am now 16 years old.

I live in México Veracruz, and I’m now in HighSchool, I did my Primary School in Emiliano Zapata. In that time I used to be a very bad boy, or so I think so. In 1st grade I used to “bully” a kid from my classroom with no reason, till one day I cross the line and I made him cry, in that very moment I felt terrible bad, I apologized to him, and I never ever bothered him again (or someone else) , completely the opposite, since I felt terrible bad with myself I used to “protect him” from other kids since I was the tallest one of the classroom (A curious fact is that his brother is now in high school where I am).

That changed my life, I did not bullied someone again, and when I saw that a kid was bothering another one I stopped them. Then in 5th grade things got a 360° turn, since I was the bullied one. I was a little shy and calmer than the previous years, a kid who was new started bullying me after I stopped talking to him for some circumstances.

In primary school I already knew a bit of English with no classes of it or something.

I actually learned, and I’m not quite sure how I really learn it. But I used to watch this YouTuber on YouTube called Shane Dawson, who I still watch and I’m subscribed to. His videos made me laugh with no apparent reason, I really didn’t understood what he was saying but it made me smile and laugh, and so little by little I started understanding him, sometimes I used Google Translate to understand what he was saying.

I ended Primary School, and then I started Middle School, I was sooo afraid of it, for 2 reasons, 1 in was away from my home and I had to take bus, and 2, the kids there looked so intimidating. So luckily me, the first year my mom used to ride me to the school and so I didn’t had to take bus (I’m so scared of them to this date).

Shane Dawson

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The biggest reason to go to that school was because it was 2 blocks away from a house my mom had win in a lottery from her job, and in middle of the first year we move out to Casas Diaz (where the house is and where I now live). Sometimes my mom used to take me to the school in her car, and sometimes I walked to the school.

Middle School was a very important moment in life, at least for me. I went through a lot of good, and some bad experiences, that I now remember as lessons. Some of those experiences are, my first crush (that I still have), some good friendships, and motivation from my teachers.

I had Art Classes and I completely LOVED THEM, my first teacher was a sweet teacher who I appreciate a lot, and my second teacher too. My first teacher, not knowing, helped me a lot with an exercise with my self-esteem, her name was Sara. She move out to the USA I think, that was the last thing I knew about her.

In 2nd and 3rd grade my other Art teacher named Sarah too, was great. I loved everything about art and she left a project where we had to duplicate a painting, I choose a minimalistic painting of a couple and I loved paint it with oleos. That was my first time painting with some good quality paints. I used to paint with acrylics since I was little child.

My teacher at the end told me I had a very good hand with painting and she recommended me to go to some Painting Classes in Atarazanas but sadly I never went because I was too afraid to take the bus by myself.

I was so inspired that I even painted a Lady Gaga image, Applause, a year after when I was in 1st Semester.

A year or two after I’mv now in High School, in Logistics, and I think I’m doing good, I don’t want bad grades I really haven’t have them, only in Chemistry.

To be completely honest, I used to think bad about this school, for its way of looking, but surprisingly the teachers have really made me change that way of thinking, although it may look a bit bad from the outside, in the inside it has really great teachers and workers! To the point I may say I’m proud to be from this school.

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1.3. Who were the people who had the greatest influence on my life and how?

I really wouldn’t know how to answer this, I think a lot of people have influenced me a lot but I never realized when or how. I would dare to say that the first person to influence me was Shane Dawson, that YouTuber I told above, he made me learn and be interested in English.

The first person to come to my head is Lady Gaga, it may sound cliché to some people, but she influenced me a lot. What she says about accept & love ourselves just how we are and accept others, and although that is common sense, she really taught me that with her songs, albums and speeches.

My parents, who just now I notice how they truly work hard to have us happy, me and my sister, and have all the things we have. And in other ways. Work hard, to be honest, be a good person, and taught me a lot of values.

Other people I can’t put my finger on right now but that I know have influenced me in the way I am with others, to be respectful towards other people, to be accepting, to listen to others, and to accept myself, love myself and take care of myself.

Even movies have influenced me a lot, I recently watched one in Netflix, it’s called The Good Lie, it made me tear a little bit and my mom too, I really recommend watching it, it is eye-opening and very beautiful, and It made me appreciate all the things I have.


e Daw

son :D!My Parents :)


dy Gaga <3

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1.4. What are my interests since an early age?

I’ve always had a fascination with art it all its expressions, paintings, music, movies, literature, and although I do not read that much I do appreciate books and its content, because I respect and can understand how much effort its in them.

Painting has always be something I do like and love, music it’s great and can express a lot of things, all its genres and stuff, I love listening to music and pay attention to little details in songs that may not be important for others but for me is in a certain way.

Cooking, I love knowing recipes of certain bread or desserts and I love baking and see that my bread came out great.

Photo editing has my attention too, because in photo editing or Photoshop you can create awesome things with no little and you don’t have to an expert.

I love Cinematography and all related to that, from the script to the Post-production, where they add all the effects and cgi’s. I would love to someday not too far, write a script and film something, whatever it comes out. I have even think to ask my friends as actors and see what comes out.

I have applied this in one of my projects ColorBullet that is my YouTube Channel where I designed everything, from the intro to the logo, there I can use programs for post-production and design.

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1.5. What were the events that have influenced decisively in what I am today? 1.6. What in my life have been major

successes and failures?

The only one I can remember affecting are:

The one I bullied a kid from primary school and being bullied some years after, I learned that is not cool or right to bully someone just because you don’t like them.

When my dog died thanks to a freaking taxi, made me love all living things that surround me because you never know when you are going to lose them.

Oh, and another one, I sent anonymous letter through a mutual friend to the person I was in “love” with in Middle School, and I never got a response but I did learn that you don’t lose nothing if you try.

Other than those I can’t remember another one.

A lot of projects actually, and things in my life.

I had more than 1 project that were completely failures but thankfully I do have some successful ones.

ColorBullet my YouTube channel now has 116 subscribers and I have a secret blog with MVR being its initials, were people do visit it and comment on some posts.

Another success its my drawing abilities, even if not the best drawer I do have improved my skills.

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1.7. What were my most significant decisions?

1.8. What do I want in my life?

• Be healthy

• Be a better person

• Do homework

• Learn English more

• Work on myself

I really don’t want anything but to be HAPPY with my decisions, enjoy what I do, not be angry with life.

Not to depend on money but do have a lot of money so I can buy things for myself or help others.

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2.1. Qualities & Strengths 2.2. Weakness & Defects

2_ HOW AM I?

- I’m very patient.

- I’m respectful.

- Empathy

- Honest

- I’ll try my best if I’m truly inspired

- I’m impartial.

- I pay attention.

- Not so susceptible

- Somewhat good on designing

- Don’t like to hurt someone else’s feelings.

- Introvert

- Anxiety

- Shy

- Hard to make friends

- Cannot trust people right away.

- I can be very emotional.

- Can express my feelings, it’s really hard for me.

- It’s hard for me sometimes to express right.

- Work under a lot of pressure and stress.

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2.3. Personality Traits

2.4. My likes

My temperament is relaxed and calm, I don’t feel the need to be yelling and be like a little monster, I won’t yell at least you make me mad and even then I won’t yell you like a monsters, I’ll just raise my voice and won’t tell you curse words.

I am very disorganized but only in my room, I can be organized in other places and I do like to be organized and have my things organized.

I am very calm, but sometimes I do can get a little bit noisy with my laugh.

I guess I have normal likes, I mean, I like movies, I like books, music, shows, games etc

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2.5 Aspects that I like and dislike about:

Physical Appearance

I got in terms with my height so I kinda like being tall, I haven’t got to terms with my weight and I dislike my weight and my body shape, but that’s what I have and in some way I do like and respect my body.

Social Relationships

I don’t like the fact that I’m shy and that I don’t have like this spark that the majority has when talking to strangers.

I do like that I get to have great friends, I cannot discuss that, friends that support each other.

Spiritual Life

I used to go the church but was never constant so in reality I don’t believe in Jesus or something like that, I don’t know much about it.

But I do believe in Karma and Love.

Emotional Life.

I get depress in weird patterns, that may be because of being a teenager and all that mood swap, but I have also read that a lot of Mexicans are diagnosed Depression, so it would surprise me.

Sometimes I’m so happy with myself and surroundings like friends and family, that I could die and not regret anything, since I was so happy or joyful.

Intellectual Aspects.

We are all good to some things and bad to others, so I am normal, I’m bad with math and good on other things like cooking maybe, English.

I like to learn new things that are my interest.

Vocational Aspects

I like art, and I would like to do something related to that, create design or make colorful, fun things.

I also think that I can adapt and learn about something if I have even the minimum interest in it.

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3.1 What are my dreams?

I have some, you can say basic, dreams, and those are, b

e happy

with whatever I work as. Since I still don't know exactly what

I'm going to profess I'm just looking to happiness, succe

ss, enjoy.

Live a life with no worries about money or problems. And even

if I do have what it takes to solve them.

My dream would also be to live in a kind, lovely, peaceful,

calm country or neighborhood, since it would be perfect for me

and I love and appreciate that kind of aura.


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3.2 What are the realities that favor my dreams?

The fact that I know my potentials. If I ever get to know what I truly like to do I know that I’ll be capable of succeeding at it.

The fact that I know us as human, can change and learn from our mistakes, that makes me less worried for the future of Mexico, and plus because I know that there are still people who have nice and kind hearts.

3.3 How can I overcome the obstacles that reality presents me to realize my dreams?

Working hard to get it. Analyze the problem and then find a way to solve it.

3.4 What would I like to profess in the future?

I heard that end my career that is Logistics you can get well-payed jobs and so that kind of has my attention, but I’d be okay working as a chef, a post-production crew, a director, as an actor, etc. anything that makes me happy.

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3.5 How will I make it?

Learn about it, stop being lazy about studying, and work hard till I get far enough to be proud of me and my accomplishments.

3.6 What are the enabling conditions or instigating my development? (Both personal and professionally)

Well, study enables me to learn what I need to in order to work it and profess it.

Personally I know I have the capabilities to go far.

Professionally I do hope that people are professionally and accept me when I enter to work and support me being the new one.

3.7 What are the hindering or inhibiting conditions for my development? (both personal and those in the middle).

Personally, because I put myself into so much pressure and I overthink A LOT, and so that puts me in a weak space in my mind and that breaks me in sometimes.

Professionally, because I’d get paranoiac and think that they dislike me and want me out.

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3.8 Is it possible to change?

Yes, because we have that capability as humans, to change and get better.

3.9 It can not change? (justify why not)

Yes we can, but there will be issues and obstacles.

3.10 Eventually, ¿How do I know I managed to accomplish what I wanted?)

Well, I’ll know because I’ll be smiling and enjoying life, because I don’t ask for much.

I’ll look back and see that I’m pleased with what I’ve done in my life.

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PLANYes I need to, not a lot of things but a couple of them.

First, accept myself, build a stronger self-esteem since sometimes I think I am ok, I do accept myself but there are times when I can’t barely accept myself and I think I have to change a lot of things about me, and to certain point it’s normal but other times it bothers me.

Physically I do accept and need to change, I’m so big for my age and don’t always feel good about it, so I need to lose some weight and build a stronger mind or self-esteem.

4.1First of all, Do I need to improve something in me?

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4.1First of all, Do I need to improve something in me?



Mmm… right right now I’m saving money to buy me a camera, and so hopefully I will save enough money that I can at least pay half of the camera and maybe my parents help me by putting the other half hohohoho. And keep saving money so I can buy more things for my project ColorBullet.

I do have in mind lose weight and if not (this year) change my eating habits, that’s harder than exercise. I hope and think my body does lose weight a bit fast so I can accomplish what I want.

A) What do I hope to accomplish this year?

» Keep losing weight and doing exercise.

» Have more content on my YouTube Channel.

» Trust more in me, stop being so shy and obsessively overthinking things.

» Being more if not a little bit extrovert.

» Have more friends, make stronger connections.

» Calculate more my timings at doing homework, stop being so lazy, not that I’m but I want to be more efficient.

B) What goals do I plan for the next year?

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4.1First of all, Do I need to improve something in me?

4.3 medium


I definitely want to have a job. Have the university done and if I keep studying be better at it. But I do want a job. Have and buy my own things, not asking money to my parents.

Have my on MacBook Pro, a nice camera and phone, but those are not priorities, my priorities are to be proud and happy of what I do.

Still have my friends, go out with them.

Meet new people and have adventures that left me knowledge.

A) My goals in 5 years?

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4.1First of all, Do I need to improve something in me?

4.3 longTERM

Have a stable job, and get paid for it.

Have already my own house, have a stable couple and be together for a lot of time, live together if possible if not just see us and be happy with each other.

Probably move out of Veracruz to Puebla, Guadalajara or Xalapa, I’d love to know Mexico DF but things like traffic or people assaulting other people on the streets on a sunny day leads me to decide otherwise. Have a strong circle of friends and support each other, go out to coffees, bars, cinemas, etc.

If I have children play with them, be with them, take care of them, love them. And if my sisters have children at that point, I’d be more than pleasant to take care of them from time to time, so my sons and her sons have a strong connection so when they grow up they can still count with each other.

A) How do I visualize myself in 15 years?

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In my FAMILY: Just by being a better person, in my family because I’ll taught them values, be a good person, to not steal, to not lie, give back, not be extremely selfish.

In my COMMUNITY: By being a good neighbor, not be rude, respect them, and I hope they’ll act the same and in that way spread a positive actitude.

In my COUNTRY: Just as in my community, I’ll try to be a good person out in the society so the positivity spreads. Because I do want a change in my country, in Mexico.

Because we DO have the potential to be a great country but the people are not seeing that, plus the fact that there’s a lot of bad and negative people.

4.5. What actions will I undertake to improve and help my family, my community and my country?