i 1- r ji ic tr i he inte hih ror journalnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3px13x/data/0903.pdftarot milton...

r I I 1- I y < t 1 l k oa tY it l it jI 4 t t 6M r r > J 4 8wiumJ HiH r > IC I i- 4i2YOLUMbC t tr I JJ HE I N TE ROR J OURNAL 1JIi I 1 XXXV1L STANFORD LINCOLN COUNTY KENTUCKY FRIDAY OtXhMBER M 1910 NO si GODS FINGER TOUCHED j HIM AND HE SLEPT HEV WILLIAM SHELTON PASSES OVER THE RIVER TWI- LIGHT WLDNESDAY- EVENING i tUods lager touched him niwl he At Uu twilight hoar t the clone et a tUfrloua winter1 ley jwwefully aaf t4 the soul of Dr William fc htlton left its mortal aWdIsr place Io Wednesday the Z1M and was l wita Ow tloslS ot me re aeetefa1 And tile unit to that laad which is fairer than dy- N more beautiful death can liopW for than that by which hl1 gnat good man of Oo i crossed tho dark jlver to rccelre the trowaj which hns awaited him BO tong and wikh those who know him and the life that he wlknow has bees adorn ca by the Son of God himself with tko brightest Jewels ot Hla kingdom Just lien days After h > had been stricken with the apoplectic stroke tie lln eml fills iplcndld physique nun tremendous vttalttyremarkabl indeed for a maa tfG yCarafor tlnm lod his towed ones to hope that h + jralpht overcome the fearful attack JUt tired nature waa unable to res liond and he sank gradually and quiet I 1 unto tho Tid- Prolwlily no mrm who ttaa died In f tiuntonl was more universally re peeled and bclovil than I > r HhltSn for iltltfon cynrn hu had rondo hTs I tome In thus community coming 4 tit tlmt Limo to takt the pft beI I oIth4ofd KUufoid Funate C For ilvn years he held that 1utd livn hn retired to the wall earned > tr which hli yenta of labor en I titled him Since then hQrbad made i ma bone with hls dandil1 and her tt husband Mr nnd Mrs J MeClary J At tie Bf8 of 17 Ur bifiton pro lashed his lord end few hrvu wore laltaftliy served llltn or given more ol their live deration and Jnbor Me worked In the ministry In earlier lilw and when engaged In education I i jtimitu nHenrardi was nnxtoud to tHhv slat part he could Us thu pulpit the plaeojn the congregation it the llaptst was always tilled save wuon the weight of advancing vcara awl Inclemency ol the weather for bade hln present at worship Possessed of a crnioi kindly nature i > r Hhslton ran truly be sold to hart tovrd hU fellow tea n and the Borrow aud mpsthv manifested lu the com ¬ munity when he was stricken nnd I then taken IwtlflM to the unlvVr al lovo and eaten In which h wn held I rl4 f fonlcei were held over tho t rclnnlue Rt the home or nlll dtlKbler- I Tburtdar altctnoon oy Inv J B- a Jones and then the body was Inld to rest In the family lot In lluUalo came > trI The pall benrere were Active t JlV Kadii J N MfBeree Sr Garland i ISluiClf tor JC Florence Rowan Saul ley n4 W H Wearen Honorary U R cooper J t Paxton S H + ff vtuaa T D Newland Dr C Foav iIpr H H lHani and A U Carman Short Sketch of Hit Life Dr William Shelton wan In lUll 4u one of the foremost ralnlftera of v BapUtt church In the South And mt ot Jts west prowlaent educators the M at different Umesnstn Icaevyal ttlaealtoaal r t Id an ia sartor and preacher nlld Iea4er la hls denorntnatlon wai rfootnleM asa ratan of Wfr und n- aae n Dr Shelton WM born In Hmlth coun- ty I te near Lehanoa July 4- 1F tftMmg him W tear cr aloar the UOJJ of fill death He way one of A larpe family the only other aur Vtver bring isle aliter MfR Martha KM4le of KawMa City Mo Dr Hhe im tH from thlt University at t astitlllle andttitlkal ttenlol fttt- UIUOf1 tItverslty New York Uu Was i eetce1tavelr pastor of the Baj tint ensues at Clarkavllle Tenn pro V11 it the Ureek and iliUrersHvi of ° Miirlreeabcrro Temn I tnaldeat et reW1tlvJllp col owI Temt Ind pnetor Qf the opUst- J church therepresldcnt of lent Vcu iicuttce College at on Tean 1renhtnH of the University of Nash tl11e president of Ewing college K v tng 111 ptcttldcnt of tOil MII sea Unl nttty at tjOli Angela Ceiltornla prentdent ot Bweetwuter Femnle Col 4 t fega Bweotwatcr Tenn and president of Stanford FemRI Collie him lie rtllrcd from cxctlve a numl> r of years ago and has sknet madehlll 1ome In this city dnughtor Sirs J C MctJanr Dr Skelton wits marTied twice his Unit wife being MUs Virginia Camp bgf tsiece and adoptee daughtrr of Gov David Campbell ui Virginia and Bteter of Guy VIHIam Campbell of Tcve ww To thin tmloa were born children two surviving llmT J C McCHry r tbb cut And Berry C Shelton of b BeatOe WmWMtoa lie li surrtved- ty tn gwndchlMren amou them being Dr W A Skelen a leadIng kurgcoa of Kansas City Miss VIrgin- ia Hleheiion of Freeport til MM Mary lllclieson of Quoding IdAho Richard RlcWson ot Canada Robert 0 Haufloy of Parker Arizcnn and Sbtlton M SAUfl y editor of Ute In tinier Journal bf this city and Mar tarot Milton William and Elsie Sbel ion He also leaves three Teat rTRdcblldren Alter the Oeath hlil first wile to 1t7 Dr Sfeelton was married to Mrs 1 aril W flans of Went Na ll11Ie- tenn who died la 1902 leaving D- Ot rbe degrees of LI D PbL D and DC D ham conferred upon the deceased In early life by Instltutloiia Sa recognition ot Ms eljnal abtlhy and adknoxdedaed leederakfb la tILe minis ty aid e Reid Hutyifte Air Walter IJroyles of lIne Knot Ky bought the Ur James Wesley farm lost week and u to get powiee Mon Af It by January tat miC- oDttratuIatlons from hla many rrlomU In this vicinity U hereby JBX funded to our former neighbor 04 mo better half Mr and Mrs Josne Alvencn The colonel veranda Just > mplet ot at the home of Mr aad Mrs J I Mica on Main street has adder grey- ly to the boauty of their handHome tiinfI Mnt Y a MIIWlfieid of Iofx- J ent a fow days with fjlend < 1ft 1lnt week Ittg wife of Mr1 D Depp aN the j line 10pounU boy boughttbu Hurton WfT eekal ilbr per acre will get poslsosalon 1st Jan next Mr conveBlen1CII U Carpenter home Work on same will begin nt once A JU30 crown attenced tho Bale of Pr James Wesley last week spirited bidding brought out the TileI evidenced the presence ol many nag Imvers Dr Wesley and family Alll tuovo to Obarty whore ho In well and favorably Known and where ho had n large pntctlff- Tho VolunHwr Cia in the OhrU orphans homo in Ixminvllio as n llaii crurcfi Hutida school Sept ttnr week three dollars to tho wloowe nn Christmas Kilt for tho > o unlortiiuate Inmates who should have the prrynr IIi every Christian in our Cloved stito Howard Cumnltz and Dr O H Wit Hums by special attention are spend- ing this week In the lower Urtn r er valley following u couple ol bird dog AntJiHRIOIn U H Fuller HupL of Eastern Ky + steak at the Union service at thrlltl tinn church at 11 A M Everybody urged to hoar hImI A 1W nerd farm ISO crw floe Dottnm land with 6 room dwelllnK I toICOO + to church aitd school A WIIj11mH J I think old Santa can got hln sleigb ready from the signs In the air nt tnto writing Home of our farmers are through tripping tobacco hut aru low spirited on account of thelow snips sad Jow prices Mines our last report some change have been made nnoung the citizens ol our commuhlty Mestrs Craig Umiph and SVasb Cookjlth thfir families have gon to J tlolt Mich John hleedwts has CPJJ1B Qklaisnes- itot the past year hay ha returned to old Kentucky1 + Mrs Sarah Austin has moved Into the Wash Cook property and Jim Heed has moved to the Craig tlauph place ireen Young hap moved Into his new home Our school taught by Mr tyrua Johnson ot Kings MiMinuin 111 close Friday v M with an entertainment to winch nil the patrons are Invited TheHt Moriah xcnool taught by MIllS Hntlleld will close Frl day P Moo with an entertainment and Xmns tree at the Christian church J II Voting of Union College Bar bourvltln is at home tvr the holidn it Mr yarn Daitla Vrco has been quite kick U Improving t Hatfleld IE sick nt this writ lagi Our community was k on heating the denth of Mrs Thehfllt thikircn to mourn n wife nnd eight children to mourn bus iota iM Mr AUx Pierce of near Greenville Tenn spent two week with hhe neph ew Squlr D tiYAdaSts T D WiHim and family have Just returned troth a vlelt to relatives nt Eubank Mrs Margaret Young IH visit In her daughter at JBurnside Walter Baugh and Will Mains have fonts 10 Somerset In n arid of em ployinent rt DOING X GOOD WORK Uov J H Pena pastor of the 11 IS church bt illnltr lid and two pon y nro visiting friends and realUvea here during tho holidays UQ has Very loccntly distributed clotWnR among thv poor and destitute fumtljoft here und In the country At forty tlfvrunt families have been nsetoted by the generosity of Mr Pence In many Instances children have been clothed from bead to toot For the ash four years ho has been aaslit Ing these families lilY lending them clothing In some inAUnces food May the Lord proiper the work of Mm who In willing to earl fob and islet others A PRTND YOU MUST READ THI JF YOU WANT THE BENEFIT s I J XV Oreer Oreenwoed Laf suf fered with a severe e lumbago The pairs were so intense I was foircc W hndermlc for r let These attAcks started with a > iln la the small t > f the 3kek Which gradually became fairly paralyzing My was attracted to Foteys Kidney Remedy and I am gln4 to say afgter ualag this wonderful niedicinel- ant I BO loagtr bothered la any way by fat old cum la aba 9 1SANTA CLAUS READY TO START Letters to Old Santa WHICH CAME IN ON HIS LAST MAIL BEFORE CHRISTMAS IIi tonvllle Ky hear Old Snnta It I an n very pta lfttl t et ltt years old in JhVvnlnl 1til I ifke to BO to SiiRIUy hllll11u plprtno bring mn n eke little It patent IfithPi shoes itd n tilL From your llttl nifnil t HIM U4 OU1i c lolER33tt r hoar 8l 1 go toOlUlI19i1 eery tinywll you plcage q n IlItw 1oard to work mv sums oat rda JlkI WKIIK N IUOK Cwb Orchard Ky Dear Old Santa Claut I nmnHttlp girl 9 you old ind 1 want you to bring me n big doll tlwl can say papa and mama and nppl 8 chocolate candles orongea Met bananas nod anything else youh to bring me Your little friend- EULAlt1Tll JILTS Crab OrchhrdjtKy IH ar Old Santa A I want you 16 bring nV ronie trice Ion 1 have a nice doll I wnnt i bed for It ana dolt buggy and tt nanas randy appleft and a nit coat nitil nice pair shoea Your little tl yoar old girl IMKT JANK tjUlFKlN i Crab Orchard Ky I Dear Santa Claus 1 am a little boyiltnrl4 old 1 want you to bring mo a wnggon and some tire crackers oranges ap pies bananas candy and nil nice things you can bring my little Utor n unit with blue eyes long yellow hair end candy apples oranges nbc n toil for my doll your little friend KlMKR AND IIKATKICK DKSNY e Crab Orciiard Ky t Dear Santa Claua oo I will wrltfc youa trUer to Ml you Ivnat 1 want far Xnis lsrastr toy hprso rind wag n I bale a largo have a large Wagoq I can ride my brother In am n boy 4 years old 1 want some Apples sandy branded fennuU nrd banaa > 1 lIotll bed fit 8 oclock and shut my eye HKtiL t will not look Your little boy KOSSBU THOMIriON Orchard Kr ICrab bring m a toy horse and wagon and a lot of candy aptil s and b > nnnaa nnd orange My mama and papa rays Santo will gring me Iota of things If 1 will be Rood boy 1 nin two yore old Your little bojrHBSTUR THOMIBON Crab Orchard l 1Cyy l Dear Old Santa Claus rnmH Mltlo boynine years old iin l PO to school every day J want you to bring WI an overcoat a little automobile a base ball and bat a fiddle Iud a whole beep of tire works My papa Ls dead and 1 am all the boy mama tag so bringtae all you ran Your little friend DAVID WITHERS BURDETTE IIt will soon be time for you to owe and see us again and lam- t Ian Bantu 1 want to tell you About fly baby sister she la so cute and tweet 1 will bang her stocking right beside mine and you be sure and look good for Ills so smaU Wbat you to bring ftf a little v and a lolte d and sinter wants aliNlogum- 1II 4wlll gsodglr hiost- oting you a ferry Chrlftrais nnd a happy ney yehc Prom tour little trltnd IUBY lABE ER- N PIfBo bring ins kAis n post card a iratgea applca nut KbiTANW r JVar Santa Claus Inn n llll > IItld would be glad If you would ton f to ate nw so I ulll not l aaeh of you thlH time I i11cyto KI I Sunday school you pltmild ae a I 111 of clotnea and i rev i of l1loqtlther shone learn dont torrt lAm J ASHLOCK Ilgie ttantnA I Please brlnirVe a doll and doll buggy andUre 3cltr yenl ua H trunk to kc p41oljjrotri In You tiring these and papir wl give you plenty of capdjr X1tJ < uve LILTdIi rpd FtANLp llAUOt Dear Old Wanu tlaus I wantyLJUiV doll and u Dig dolt buggy rend rlllr xnlie- ny itttie afstcr wnntar doll and bug ry Frances want II IlOII and buggy t rom Your ItttHt frltini JOANNA UALLOU Dear Santa Claim 1 am a gocd lile girl will you come and bring me o doll a doll buggy doll dlxhe vont forget all the other little Jflrfi With lovertram your friend 1 am- MtlUOllti ilEttJN DAJLOll Hfgabnd Ky Lear Santa Clans I Art ii JULIo piri seven years aldand thought I could write and tell you hat I want for Christmas I slant n Mreai jwr of shoes stock tags 8lcpfng doll fruits anl touts Plvate do not forget mr i HOHKHTA ACTON YOUISU More land ICy Pear Santu Clau r want You to come to see me 1wept you to bring me a pistol a bnv ol caps and express wagon some fanUT nuts oranges and apples and nnt I UEllt L FKKRKL l ru rtdurel Rd Ky Dear Old Santtv Ciaus 1 a little bOY seven years ua 1 IbougM 1 would 5vrit and tell you what 1 aan for XmlSIlWan tome cnndy applftl bananas brange iiuu and a coconut and a pistol and home cups Please dont forget ran f 1 am your friend WILLIAM UKfHHAM bear Santa tJlaUa I am seven years old and 1 want you to bring me a nice doll that will so to Bleep nnd a set otdoll dish en sonic nice randy and fruits and door Huuta If you dont think I ask tor too much you can bring me a bracelet 1 will be a grandma Goocbs 1 will go to bed at seven oclock so dour Santa dont forget to none MAOOIK HOON e Atpreland Ky Dear Panta Claua I am a little girl seven years chI I always loved you dearly I would like for you to bring me n china doll a ring and a watch I will b j very thankful fpr any thing that you will bring ltt X stands for Xraaa Christmas birthday they say JIow happy all children should bo on that day Address MAnV HALUE CAHTUH Edgellew ctttago tear Santa Claus I nm a little bey five yarn nm I Jive oh IR farm one mne lUlU n kalr from town s NewSnnta I ant going to tell yon what I want you to bring mo for Xniod l want you to brine me a little red wagona hern a set of blocks a cart and oroc and a train tr6N Santa I want you to fill my stock Ing full of nuts candles and bananas I am expecting you o dont forget mC tadMrorl Im it good little boy frlfiiI D W1UTK Splendid Prices FOR TOBACCO AT SALES IN DAN ¬ VILLE WEDNESDAY Tobacco Is going up with a jump as u remit of the starting of another pool at Lexington At thq Peoples onWUlneRday hilaketR countyills Mesaibther pounds sold during the day wens followa Iloylicotmly Mlrldleburg Jesse Ovcrstreet 1C cents John KQIsalctbebet was IV cents t Brtfeai J 10iJ t thlare The entertainment to be gives promises ¬ picture ¬ u JlcHeo and Victor C Tate are the promoters Those nround nero wan OliVe emu tththe out little will be planted out next year In these parts rthalIrnllley attho mine of the PpplarHGrove vicinity Mrslarks Cooper The Snyera public school will close next Friday with an entertainment given by the pupils Music will bo liirntshed by the Scogglns family tPugbtby a dayW J fuselattle tress visited Miss Lula Roberts of JohnI I itsIUn K F Francisco is visiting his son James lu UiFolIettp Tenn thU week Joe Carter of Orntz Ky Is with his brother Dr XV F during Xmas Mr Willis Adams of Mt Vernon who tas been in the west tor several months IH with borne folks for n few wefek Xlrgll Martin and Sam Sayers spent intbeforego Mr Howe and family of Richmond spendPig ¬ sister Mrs Ed Newlana Mr Howe put IB time hunting Rev Jotin Peace and sons Lymon and Edwin ofWoneor III who era now rela lives at Rowland are expected to be tile guests of their uncle and aunt duringXmas vicinity has been very ac I but ia some better Mr ant Mrs WT ICrana have returned Trots a few days visit with relatives in Kfendon Ueo Frith of the Louisville Dental School in here for Xmas Rec Greet I llhllll preach at the Christian thurch Xraas day Mrss Pattle Pr Kins of Mt Vernon visited her grand- mother Mrs Sallie Barnes here Sun ¬ dry We have an inkling that there Will be two or three weddings how pro long Messrs Alien arid James llarnett of the Quail section and ny ron Owens who are tuo ntoJ of Ucorse town college are at home during va cation Loznn McCall obobns been tele graphing let trick at Lebanon Junc- tion ¬ was bore with his parents Satur ¬ day and Sunday He will likely be transferred to Boston as first trick operator in a few days XVflliam Iaraloy who committed suicide at London Saturday evening was well thought of In this section of the coun- try ¬ his ability ns traveling salesman wns scarcely excelled Mi James lard general mnnoger of the ML Vernon telephone exchange dart secretary or tho Bastln telephone It pony Inffjma us that he wilt loon have installed and in working order n new switchboard which will he quite nn improvement over tho ono now In UM All telephone nuru lers will be changed A new tutu ¬ tory published and other improve ¬ ments redo will make the set Ice of the very best However there Is riot much complaint against tht present order of thing for undoubt- edly our old friend Jim ia n genius especially when it cornea to electri city and knows how to keep things In the proper condition Klso U an in ¬ enter along thrtt line of no small lore MARVELOUSDICjVEftl IS nark the wonderful progress1 Of the ago Air flights OH heavy raarhiaes Ielegrama without wires terrible war iuventiona to kill men and that won er of VenderaDr Ktnga Wow dls every to save life when threaten ¬ ed by coughs colds la grippe asth > xia group bronchitis hemorrhages tiny fever and whooping or lung trouble For all bronchial affections it has no equal It relieves instantly UB the surest cure James M Black of Asheville N C R n No i writes It cured him of aa obstinate congn alter all other remedies Titled see and 91 A trial bottle tree Omrau ted by Peanys Drug Store ITO PUT TOBACCO AT UVIHG PRlcL5 I r IStSJARTED i WITH ENTHUSIASM i Clarence irate returned froIa Lex I ington WedadMa l where he atteHrf i oa the meeting of tobacco growers i UI fenaerpoolen it promises to stfefep the Hurley dig I htcl1trto the effect ot itsfalluee In the lower intht foiHHt tliewLedaton cents a pqund when it learned UMV certalago beyclime The tobacco growers at the meetiac totake representativesiron plan of action however which WW meettog JerI LeiIngtoa ¬ ing movement will formally launched Rppobtaod plan wns as follows Your committee appointed to > thoWhIte ties in Kentucky Ohio Indiana Mls DDddo ¬ pectfully report as follows poolJag contract cut our 1912 crop that oil counties In theBurtfey district art Lexington bringabout strengtheningfile the addition of the 1911 pool any oth- er tSecond ration and home rule > ThIrdWe Jfavor fr rdtlgpndble per cent contract 4I orgaBmUon with similar tobacco organlzatlons FifthWe recommend that June W 1 Gayle Judge B F lllll and M H man he appointed n committee to take up the question of orgaaizatloa raid orplaUons January fith 1911 v 1> F Hill Chairman Henry county H M Do worth Fayette + C K Tate Lincoln u < f P Of Minor Owen U < F rmai Carroll h d Olll Mercer rtune W Gayle Owen James H Portgrove Franklin That Lincoln county will be + sol Idly fn line behind the movement for tao new ppolneems evident from the tone ot expressions beard from various to + bacco growers on tae streets this week when news of the movement leached here It is confidently be ¬ lieved that the strongest pool m to- bacco ever perfected will reJUll from this movement and the p c the weed be forced to a flgulthal will jive n grower a fair return for fete labor Mr Tate who represented Wa ¬ com this week urges every farmer in Lincoln not to forget to atten ue mafia meeting of Lincoln county grow ers which will be he d11rn on Satur ¬ = dry Dec 81 Gttd hewn For Growers > REMI ¬ GIN BUYING TOBACCO AGAIN + Heres good news for the tohacf co growers ot Lincoln county who have been unnble to sell theIr tobac co and many of whom have beesft tr TvundorinR whfrp their 11r 8 is nioney was coming from XV P 1lnJ f tale local buyer for the LtJullI Tobacco Warehouse Company an ¬ t nounced tdthe1 J on Wedavsday tbnC he will begin buying at his warn hous here Immediately alter Christ ¬ has recei rdsery ergs from hit 1to trucks and hogsheads > fed Win to handle n largo amount ot the prevU ietVltOOllng In ton tats wee lam both by the old pool rs and the Independent A SIMS fE GUARD FOR MOTHERS Mrs D Ullkson 326 Ingles Are Youngatown Ohio gained wisdom by nxpcjrieacc My little girl had a sett vore cold and coughed almost eon tlwuousty My slater recommended Fploys Honey andjiUrlhe first dote 1 gave her relieved the laflaa nation in her throat jnd after utiafT only one bottle her throat and luaga were entirely tree from Inflammation Since than 1 always keep a bottle ot Foleya honey and Tar la thp aewr Accept no stibetltutes Sold by San fare tad TaH r

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Page 1: I 1- r jI IC tr I HE INTE HiH ROR JOURNALnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3px13x/data/0903.pdftarot Milton William and Elsie Sbel ion He also leaves three Teat rTRdcblldren Alter the Oeath hlil





< t1l k oa tY it l itjI 4 t t

6M rr >J 4 8wiumJ HiHr >




t trI







tUods lager touched him niwl he

At Uu twilight hoar t the clone eta tUfrloua winter1 ley jwwefully aaft4 the soul of Dr Williamfchtlton left its mortal aWdIsr placeIo Wednesday the Z1M and was

l wita Ow tloslS ot me reaeetefa1 And tile unit to that laadwhich is fairer than dy-

N more beautiful death canliopW for than that by which hl1gnat good man of Oo i crossedtho dark jlver to rccelre the trowajwhich hns awaited him BO tong andwikh those who know him and thelife that he wlknow has bees adornca by the Son of God himself withtko brightest Jewels ot Hla kingdom

Just lien days After h > had beenstricken with the apoplectic stroketie lln eml fills iplcndld physiquenun tremendous vttalttyremarkablindeed for a maa tfG yCarafortlnm lod his towed ones to hope thath+ jralpht overcome the fearful attackJUt tired nature waa unable to resliond and he sank gradually and quietI 1 unto tho Tid-

Prolwlily no mrm who ttaa died Inf tiuntonl was more universally repeeled and bclovil than I>r HhltSnfor iltltfon cynrn hu had rondo hTs

I tome In thus community coming4 tit tlmt Limo to takt the pft beI

I oIth4ofd KUufoid Funate CFor ilvn years he held that1utd livn hn retired to the wall earned

> tr which hli yenta of labor enI titled him Since then hQrbad madei ma bone with hls dandil1 and her

tt husband Mr nnd Mrs J MeClaryJ At tie Bf8 of 17 Ur bifiton pro

lashed his lord end few hrvu worelaltaftliy served llltn or given moreol their live deration and JnborMe worked In the ministry In earlierlilw and when engaged In education

Ii jtimitu nHenrardi was nnxtoud to

tHhv slat part he could Us thu pulpitthe plaeojn the congregation it thellaptst was always tilled savewuon the weight of advancing vcaraawl Inclemency ol the weather forbade hln present at worship

Possessed of a crnioi kindly naturei >r Hhslton ran truly be sold to harttovrd hU fellow tea n and the Borrow

aud mpsthv manifested lu the com ¬

munity when he was stricken nndI then taken IwtlflM to the unlvVr al

lovo and eaten In which h wn heldI rl4 f fonlcei were held over tho

t rclnnlue Rt the home or nlll dtlKbler-I Tburtdar altctnoon oy Inv J B-

a Jones and then the body was Inld to

rest In the family lot In lluUalo came >

trIThe pall benrere were Active

t JlV Kadii J N MfBeree Sr Garlandi ISluiClf tor J C Florence Rowan Saul

ley n4 W H Wearen HonoraryU R cooper J t Paxton S H

+ ff vtuaa T D Newland Dr C FoaviIpr H H lHani and A U CarmanShort Sketch of Hit Life

Dr William Shelton wan In lUll

4u one of the foremost ralnlftera of

v BapUtt church In the South And

mt ot Jts west prowlaent educatorsthe M at different UmesnstnIcaevyal ttlaealtoaalr

t Id an ia sartor and preachernlld Iea4er la hls denorntnatlon wairfootnleM asa ratan of Wfr und n-

aae nDr Shelton WM born In Hmlth coun-

tyI te near Lehanoa July 4-

1F tftMmg him W tear cr aloarthe UOJJ of fill death He way one

of A larpe family the only other aur

Vtver bring isle aliter MfR MarthaKM4le of KawMa City Mo Dr Hhe

im tH from thlt University att astitlllle andttitlkal ttenlol fttt-

UIUOf1 tItverslty New York Uu

Wasi eetce1tavelr pastor of the Baj

tint ensues at Clarkavllle Tenn proV11 it theUreek and

iliUrersHvi of ° Miirlreeabcrro TemnI

tnaldeat et reW1tlvJllp col

owI Temt Ind pnetor Qf the opUst-

Jchurch therepresldcnt of lent Vcu

iicuttce College at on Tean1renhtnH of the University of Nash

tl11e president of Ewing college K v

tng 111 ptcttldcnt of tOil MII sea Unlnttty at tjOli Angela Ceiltornla

prentdent ot Bweetwuter Femnle Col4t fega Bweotwatcr Tenn and president

of Stanford FemRI Collie him liertllrcd from cxctlve a numl>r ofyears ago and has sknet madehlll1ome In this city dnughtor

Sirs J C MctJanrDr Skelton wits marTied twice his

Unit wife being MUs Virginia Campbgf tsiece and adoptee daughtrr of

Gov David Campbell ui Virginia andBteter of Guy VIHIam Campbell of

Tcveww To thin tmloa were bornchildren two surviving

llmT J C McCHry r tbbcut And Berry C Shelton of

b BeatOe WmWMtoa lie li surrtved-ty tn gwndchlMren amou them

being Dr W A Skelen a leadIngkurgcoa of Kansas City Miss VIrgin-

ia Hleheiion of Freeport til MMMary lllclieson of Quoding IdAho

Richard RlcWson ot Canada Robert

0 Haufloy of Parker Arizcnn andSbtlton M SAUfl y editor of Ute Intinier Journal bf this city and Mar

tarot Milton William and Elsie Sbel

ion He also leaves threeTeat rTRdcblldrenAlter the Oeath hlil first wile to

1t7 Dr Sfeelton was married to Mrs1 aril W flans of Went Na ll11Ie-

tenn who died la 1902 leaving D-

Otrbe degrees of LI D PbL

D and DC D ham conferred upon thedeceased In early life by InstltutloiiaSa recognition ot Ms eljnal abtlhy andadknoxdedaed leederakfb la tILe minis

ty aid e Reid


Air Walter IJroyles of lIne KnotKy bought the Ur James Wesleyfarm lost week and u to get powieeMon Af It by January tat miC-

oDttratuIatlons from hla manyrrlomU In this vicinity U hereby JBX

funded to our former neighbor 04mo better half Mr and Mrs JosneAlvencn

The colonel veranda Just > mpletot at the home of Mr aad Mrs J IMica on Main street has adder grey-ly to the boauty of their handHome

tiinfI Mnt Y a MIIWlfieid of Iofx-J ent a fow days with fjlend <1ft 1lnt week

Ittg wife of Mr1 D DeppaN the j line 10pounU boyboughttbuHurton WfT eekal ilbr per acrewill get poslsosalon 1st Jan next Mr

conveBlen1CIIU Carpenter home Work on samewill begin nt once

A JU30 crown attenced tho Bale ofPr James Wesley last weekspirited bidding brought out the TileIevidenced the presence ol manynag Imvers Dr Wesley and familyAlll tuovo to Obarty whore ho In welland favorably Known and where hohad n large pntctlff-

Tho VolunHwr Cia in the OhrUorphans homo in Ixminvllio as nllaii crurcfi Hutida school Sept ttnrweek three dollars to tho wloowe nnChristmas Kilt for tho > o unlortiiuateInmates who should have the prrynrIIi every Christian in our Clovedstito

Howard Cumnltz and Dr O H WitHums by special attention are spend-ing this week In the lower Urtnr er valley following u couple ol

bird dog

AntJiHRIOInU H Fuller HupL of Eastern Ky +

steak at the Union service at thrlltltinn church at 11 A MEverybody urged to hoar hImI

A 1W nerd farm ISO crw floeDottnm land with 6 room dwelllnK ItoICOO+ to church aitd school A


I think old Santa can got hln sleigbready from the signs In the air nttnto writing

Home of our farmers are throughtripping tobacco hut aru low spiritedon account of thelow snips sad Jowprices

Mines our last report some changehave been made nnoung the citizensol our commuhlty Mestrs CraigUmiph and SVasb Cookjlth thfirfamilies have gon to J tlolt MichJohn hleedwts has CPJJ1B Qklaisnes-itot the past year hay hareturned to old Kentucky1 +

Mrs Sarah Austin has moved Intothe Wash Cook property and JimHeed has moved to the Craig tlauphplace

ireen Young hap moved Into hisnew home

Our school taught by Mr tyruaJohnson ot Kings MiMinuin 111 closeFriday v M with an entertainmentto winch nil the patrons are Invited

TheHt Moriah xcnool taught byMIllS Hntlleld will close Frlday P Moo with an entertainment andXmns tree at the Christian church

J II Voting of Union College Barbourvltln is at home tvr the holidn it

Mr yarn Daitla Vrco has been quitekick U Improving

t Hatfleld IE sick nt this writlagiOur community wask on heating the denth of MrsThehflltthikircn to mourn

n wife nnd eight children to mournbus iota iM

Mr AUx Pierce of near GreenvilleTenn spent two week with hhe nephew Squlr D tiYAdaStsT D WiHim and family have Just

returned troth a vlelt to relatives ntEubank

Mrs Margaret Young IH visit In herdaughter at JBurnside

Walter Baugh and Will Mains havefonts 10 Somerset In n arid of employinent


Uov J H Pena pastor of the 11IS church bt illnltr lid and two pon y

nro visiting friends and realUvea hereduring tho holidays UQ has Veryloccntly distributed clotWnR amongthv poor and destitute fumtljoft hereund In the country At fortytlfvrunt families have been nsetotedby the generosity of Mr Pence Inmany Instances children have beenclothed from bead to toot For theash four years ho has been aaslit

Ing these families lilY lending themclothing In some inAUnces food

May the Lord proiper the work ofMm who In willing to earl fob and

islet others A PRTND



J XV Oreer Oreenwoed Laf suffered with a severe e lumbagoThe pairs were so intense I was

foircc W hndermlc forr let These attAcks started with a> iln la the small t>f the 3kek Which

gradually became fairly paralyzingMy was attracted to FoteysKidney Remedy and I am gln4 to sayafgter ualag this wonderful niedicinel-

antI BO loagtr bothered la any wayby fat old cum la aba 9



IIi tonvllle Kyhear Old Snnta

It I an n very pta lfttl tet ltt years old in JhVvnlnl 1til I

ifke to BO to SiiRIUy hllll11uplprtno bring mn n eke little It

patent IfithPi shoes itd n tilL Fromyour llttl nifnil

t HIM U4 OU1i

c lolER33ttr hoar 8l1 go toOlUlI19i1 eery tinywllyou plcage q n IlItw1oard to work mv sums oat rdaJlkIWKIIK N IUOK

Cwb Orchard KyDear Old Santa Claut

I nmnHttlp girl 9 you oldind 1 want you to bring me n big dolltlwl can say papa and mama andnppl 8 chocolate candles orongea Metbananas nod anything else youhto bring me Your little friend-


Crab OrchhrdjtKyIH ar Old Santa A

I want you 16 bring nV ronietrice Ion 1 have a nice doll I wnnti bed for It ana dolt buggy andtt nanas randy appleft and a nitcoat nitil nice pair shoea Your littletl yoar old girl


i Crab Orchard KyI Dear Santa Claus

1 am a little boyiltnrl4 old1 want you to bring mo a wnggonand some tire crackers oranges appies bananas candy and nil nicethings you can bring my little Utorn unit with blue eyes long yellowhair end candy apples oranges nbcn toil for my doll your little friend


Crab Orciiard Ky tDear Santa Claua oo

I will wrltfc youa trUer to Mlyou Ivnat 1 want far Xnis lsrastrtoy hprso rind wag n I bale a largohave a large Wagoq I can ride mybrother In am n boy 4 years old1 want some Apples sandy brandedfennuU nrd banaa > 1 lIotllbed fit 8 oclock and shut my eyeHKtiL t will not look Your little boy


Orchard KrICrab bring m a toyhorse and wagon and a lot of candyaptil s and b >nnnaa nnd orange Mymama and papa rays Santo will gringme Iota of things If 1 will be Roodboy 1 nin two yore old Your littlebojrHBSTUR THOMIBON

Crab Orchard l 1Cyy

l Dear Old Santa ClausrnmH Mltlo boynine years old

iin l PO to school every day J wantyou to bring WI an overcoat a littleautomobile a base ball and bat afiddle Iud a whole beep of tire worksMy papa Ls dead and 1 am all theboy mama tag so bringtae all youran Your little friend


IIt will soon be time for you toowe and see us again and lam-t Ian Bantu 1 want to tell you Aboutfly baby sister she la so cute andtweet 1 will bang her stocking rightbeside mine and you be sure andlook good for Ills so smaU Wbatyou to bring ftf a little v and alolted and sinter wants aliNlogum-1II 4wlll gsodglr hiost-oting you a ferry Chrlftrais nnd ahappy ney yehc Prom tour littletrltnd


PIfBo bring inskAis n post card airatgea applca nut


JVar Santa ClausInn n llll > IItld would be

glad If you would ton f to ate nwso I ulll not l aaeh of you thlHtime I i11cyto KI I Sunday schoolyou pltmild ae a I 111 of clotneaand i rev i of l1loqtlther shone

learn dont torrtlAm J ASHLOCK

Ilgie ttantnAI Please brlnirVe a doll anddoll buggy andUre 3cltr yenl ua H

trunk to kc p41oljjrotri In Youtiring these and papir wl give youplenty of capdjr X1tJ <uve

LILTdIi rpd FtANLp llAUOt

Dear Old Wanu tlausI wantyLJUiV doll and u Dig

dolt buggy rend rlllr xnlie-ny itttie afstcr wnntar doll and bugry Frances want II IlOII and buggyt rom Your ItttHt frltini


Dear Santa Claim1 am a gocd lile girl will you

come and bring me o doll a dollbuggy doll dlxhe vont forget allthe other little Jflrfi With lovertramyour friend 1 am-

MtlUOllti ilEttJN DAJLOll

Hfgabnd KyLear Santa Clans

I Art ii JULIo piri seven yearsaldand thought I could write andtell you hat I want for ChristmasI slant n Mreai jwr of shoes stocktags 8lcpfng doll fruits anltouts Plvate do not forget mri HOHKHTA ACTON YOUISU

More land ICyPear Santu Clau r

want You to come to see me1wept you to bring me a pistol abnv ol caps and express wagon somefanUT nuts oranges and apples andnntI UEllt L FKKRKL

lru rtdurel Rd Ky

Dear Old Santtv Ciaus1 a little bOY seven years

ua 1 IbougM 1 would 5vrit and tellyou what 1 aan for XmlSIlWantome cnndy applftl bananas brangeiiuu and a coconut and a pistol andhome cups Please dont forget ran

f1 am your friend


bear Santa tJlaUaI am seven years old and 1

want you to bring me a nice doll thatwill so to Bleep nnd a set otdoll dishen sonic nice randy and fruits anddoor Huuta If you dont think I asktor too much you can bring me abracelet 1 will be a grandma Goocbs1 will go to bed at seven oclock sodour Santa dont forget to none


Atpreland KyDear Panta Claua

I am a little girl seven yearschI I always loved you dearly Iwould like for you to bring me nchina doll a ring and a watch I willb j very thankful fpr any thing thatyou will bring ltt X stands forXraaa Christmas birthday they sayJIow happy all children should bo onthat day Address


Edgellew ctttagotear Santa Claus

I nm a little bey five yarn nmI Jive oh IR farm one mne lUlU n kalrfrom town s NewSnnta I ant going totell yon what I want you to bringmo for Xniod l want you to brineme a little red wagona hern a set ofblocks a cart and oroc and a traintr6N Santa I want you to fill my stockIng full of nuts candles and bananasI am expecting you o dont forget mC

tadMrorl Im it good little boy

frlfiiI D W1UTK

Splendid Prices



Tobacco Is going up with a jump asu remit of the starting of anotherpool at Lexington At thq Peoples

onWUlneRdayhilaketRcountyillsMesaibtherpounds sold during the day wensfollowa

IloylicotmlyMlrldleburgJesse Ovcrstreet 1C cents John

KQIsalctbebetwas IV cents


BrtfeaiJ10iJ tthlareThe entertainment to be givespromises ¬picture ¬

u JlcHeo and Victor C Tate are thepromotersThose nround nero wan OliVe emutththeout little will be planted out nextyear In these partsrthalIrnllleyatthomine of the PpplarHGrove vicinityMrslarksCooperThe Snyera public school will close

next Friday with an entertainmentgiven by the pupils Music will boliirntshed by the Scogglns familytPugbtbya dayW Jfuselattletress visited Miss Lula Roberts ofJohnIIitsIUnK F Francisco is visiting his sonJames lu UiFolIettp Tenn thU weekJoe Carter of Orntz Ky Is with hisbrother Dr XV F during Xmas MrWillis Adams of Mt Vernon who tasbeen in the west tor several monthsIH with borne folks for n few wefekXlrgll Martin and Sam Sayers spentintbeforego

Mr Howe and family of RichmondspendPig ¬

sister Mrs Ed Newlana Mr Howeput IB time hunting Rev JotinPeace and sons Lymon and EdwinofWoneor III who era now relalives at Rowland are expected to betile guests of their uncle and auntduringXmasvicinity has been very ac I but iasome better Mr ant Mrs WTICrana have returned Trots a fewdays visit with relatives in KfendonUeo Frith of the Louisville DentalSchool in here for Xmas Rec GreetI llhllll preach at the Christianthurch Xraas day Mrss Pattle PrKins of Mt Vernon visited her grand-mother Mrs Sallie Barnes here Sun ¬

dry We have an inkling that thereWill be two or three weddings howpro long Messrs Alien arid Jamesllarnett of the Quail section and nyron Owens who are tuo ntoJ of Ucorsetown college are at home during vacation

Loznn McCall obobns been telegraphing let trick at Lebanon Junc-tion


was bore with his parents Satur ¬

day and Sunday He will likely betransferred to Boston as first trickoperator in a few days XVflliamIaraloy who committed suicide atLondon Saturday evening was wellthought of In this section of the coun-try


his ability ns traveling salesmanwns scarcely excelled

Mi James lard general mnnogerof the ML Vernon telephone exchangedart secretary or tho Bastln telephoneIt pony Inffjma us that he wilt

loon have installed and in workingorder n new switchboard which willhe quite nn improvement over thoono now In UM All telephone nuru

lers will be changed A new tutu ¬

tory published and other improve ¬

ments redo will make the setIce of the very best However there

Is riot much complaint against thtpresent order of thing for undoubt-edly our old friend Jim ia n geniusespecially when it cornea to electricity and knows how to keep things Inthe proper condition Klso U an in ¬

enter along thrtt line of no smalllore


nark the wonderful progress1 Of theago Air flights OH heavy raarhiaesIelegrama without wires terrible wariuventiona to kill men and that woner of VenderaDr Ktnga Wow dlsevery to save life when threaten ¬

ed by coughs colds la grippe asth >

xia group bronchitis hemorrhagestiny fever and whooping or lungtrouble For all bronchial affectionsit has no equal It relieves instantlyUB the surest cure James M Blackof Asheville N C R n No i writesIt cured him of aa obstinate congnalter all other remedies Titled seeand 91 A trial bottle tree Omrauted by Peanys Drug Store





Clarence irate returned froIa LexI

ington WedadMa l where he atteHrf ioa the meeting of tobacco growers iUIfenaerpoolenit promises to stfefep the Hurley dig


htcl1trtothe effect ot itsfalluee In the lowerinthtfoiHHttliewLedatoncents a pqund when it learned UMVcertalagobeyclimeThe tobacco growers at the meetiactotakerepresentativesironplan of action however which WWmeettogJerILeiIngtoa ¬

ing movement will formally launchedRppobtaodplan wns as followsYour committee appointed to >thoWhIteties in Kentucky Ohio Indiana MlsDDddo¬

pectfully report as followspoolJagcontract cut our 1912 crop thatoil counties In theBurtfey district artLexingtonbringaboutstrengtheningfilethe addition of the 1911 pool any oth-er tSecondration and home rule >

ThIrdWe Jfavor fr rdtlgpndble percent contract 4IorgaBmUonwith similar tobacco organlzatlons

FifthWe recommend that June W 1

Gayle Judge B F lllll and M Hman he appointed n committee to takeup the question of orgaaizatloa raidorplaUonsJanuary fith 1911 v

1> F Hill Chairman Henry countyH M Do worth Fayette +

C K Tate Lincoln u< fP Of Minor OwenU <F rmai Carrollh d Olll Mercer

rtune W Gayle OwenJames H Portgrove FranklinThat Lincoln county will be+ sol Idly

fn line behind the movement for taonew ppolneems evident from the toneot expressions beard from various to +

bacco growers on tae streets thisweek when news of the movementleached here It is confidently be¬

lieved that the strongest pool m to-bacco ever perfected will reJUll fromthis movement and the p c theweed be forced to a flgulthal willjive n grower a fair return for fete

labor Mr Tate who represented Wa ¬

com this week urges every farmerin Lincoln not to forget to atten uemafia meeting of Lincoln county growers which will be he d11rn on Satur ¬ =dry Dec 81

Gttd hewn For Growers>REMI ¬


Heres good news for the tohacfco growers ot Lincoln county whohave been unnble to sell theIr tobacco and many of whom have beesft tr

TvundorinR whfrp their 11r 8 isnioney was coming from XV P 1lnJ f

tale local buyer for the LtJullITobacco Warehouse Company an¬


nounced tdthe1 J on WedavsdaytbnC he will begin buying at his warnhous here Immediately alter Christ ¬

has recei rdsery ergs from hit1totrucks and hogsheads >

fed Win to handle n largo amount ottheprevUietVltOOllngIn ton tats weelam both by the old pool rs and theIndependent


Mrs D Ullkson 326 Ingles AreYoungatown Ohio gained wisdom by

nxpcjrieacc My little girl had a sett

vore cold and coughed almost eontlwuousty My slater recommendedFploys Honey andjiUrlhe firstdote 1 gave her relieved the laflaanation in her throat jnd after utiafTonly one bottle her throat and luagawere entirely tree from InflammationSince than 1 always keep a bottle otFoleya honey and Tar la thp aewrAccept no stibetltutes Sold by Sanfare tad TaH r