i 1u jjleft - university of kentucky

y x w rn qa err wuRTNr SG HOOL ROOM 1U YoUR LITTLE BUSTER BROWN Is NoW AT HIs a DEsK NoT fAR AWAy fROM HIM MAY sIT ANOTHER BoY BETTER DREssED Do YoU RE MEMbER WHEN YoU WERE A CHILD AND WERE YoU EVER AsHAMED ECAUsElyOV DID Not HAVE NICE CLoTHEs WHEN YoU WENT To sCHooL it YOU CLOTHE YoUR LITTLE BUSTER BROWNS WELL THEY WILL sTUDY THEIR LEssoNs BET- TER WILL NoT BE WoRTH WHAT CLoTHEs CosT To HAVE THEM LOVE THEIR BOOKS ESPEC- IALLY WHEN YoU CAN GET A BoYs NICE sCHooL PANTs AT 5075 AND IOOB0YS NICE sCHooL sUITs AT 150 To 500 YoUTHs sCHooL sUITs LoNG PANTs AT 300 To 1000 BOYS sCHooL SHoES AT I To 2 CHILDRENs sCHooL CAPs AT 10C TO 50C CHILDRENs sCHooL sHoEs 1 To 250 WE HAVE EVERYTHING THAT LITTLE BUsTER BROWNS AND BIGGER BUSTER BRoWNs WEAR RING THEM IN AND LET Us RIG THEM oUT CHILDREN ARE WELCoME AT oUR sToRE a RESPECTFULLY Jr Hartford Republican FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 lilnols Central RallroadTlme Table North Hound Lionel Houuo- No18Pdus4Onin No121d11t101NII- INo17dne12Optn NollgdfPC4Rpn- No10lduo2NRptn SItIl1 due R2 m Fresh Oysters at City Restaurant Typewriter Carbon can be had at this office The Hartford Pressing Parlor guar antees all work Itlt Is choice fresh groceries you want go direct to US Carsons For H J Hlnzs purecidar vinegar call on U S Carson 10 years old CIty Restaurant will nave every thing good to eat during the Ftir l1Ts J C Payne St Louis Is visit Ing her sister Mts Wallace Riley 1 Ml Evory taste and every lJUrse fInds sUtsfactlon here CARSON CO New Suits Now Hat Ne Shoes and new Nockties at Carson c Cosi For SaleA practically new Mogul log wagon A A Sheffield Hartford xyI ltC Get your ice Creanlrup Coca Cola etcr during the 1air at City Restaur ant L It you are In need of a new Car 1 pet Matting or Furniture call on Car son Co- Ln l S have your skirts pressed at the HartfOrd Pressing Parlor Price most reasgnable Mrs Ella D Boone and MIss Maggie Duncan Loulsvllle are visiting their sister Mrs FL Felix Mr lc Well Fogle and Miss Wino nay Stevens Have returned to their studies at Georgetown College When YOU attend the fair next week come and let tis tit you out In a > branil now Suit Shoes and Hat t CARSON CO < Thechenpest plan to have r > loetkes cleaned and presiled Is to buyI ticket at the Hartford Pressing Parlor anlfuse it just as you want to at re ih d rates t sl f 1tore lBnqre ah anymanlar- Hanford should not go Jq oJ lng neat can get his clothes cleaned- shad Dressed SOngartly at the HartfordyyyPteA- eiirg L s > i Parlor to 1AiI IlJf l I l- I T stI- i r f I 11 < t 41 1 If It is a Wedding Suit call on Car i son Co 11yl bYi Those Steak and Fish Meals at City Restaurant are so good I City Iestaurant Is surely feeding the people and getting better alt the timeI I will pay 15c for eggs until ther notice m JAMES LYONS Come to us when you want your heaping moneys worth CARSON COI Mrs S E Elgin of Hopkthsville Is In the city visiting the family ot Rev V1rg11 Elgin Get your end lunches at City Restaurant during the Fair Every thing tlrstelassI Miss Lillie Dalrd Louisville was the guest of friends In lIalUord front Saturday until Monday I Mr Rayner Tinsley went to Lexlng- ton last Saturday where he nlatrlcula ted lu the State University I Would like to rent two furnished rooms for light house keeping Ad dress Box 375 Hartford Ky 2tt- Jerome Allen Coroner Hartford R D No I will answer phone at A IF Carters Concord anY hour ltt- 1lr Taylor Bartley wife and child of Romney Ind are the guests of Mr- atad Mrs Robert Forrester city We are paying 16c per dozenfor Eggs All other kinds of good coun try produce wanted at the highest Itr Parlor costs you 1 It Is good for three suits cleaned and pressed or tour suite pressed Dorato the wife of Mr George n- White llonday Septf6th a tine ten pound boy Dr Augustus Riley at tending tthyslelon T It Darn rd ot the firm of IIMr and company hits roturne4 eastern cities where he went llUrchase to now good- sWantedtRellabie energbtic man to sell luberJ atink oils greases and paint In Ohio and adjacent counties Salary or commission Xours very truly l STETSON OIL OOj- level ldOhI9 des rts + r di in the neat sndrpce sedTottiy at the Hartford thQIiartford ngParror I rtl ods nf1d f f and Ydeh1ir red Te1t1 oHltt i I I r x l Mrs fettie Sanders Owensboro vislting trlends latovgn Mrs Clarence Frier Shawneetowr ill to vlsfUng relatives In town Mrs A J Cassidy Louisville arrived In town yesterday afternoon Dr J A DuCt has located at- Beaver Dam torr the practice of his profession Cap J 31 DeWeese arrived tram Eddyvllle yesterday afternoon and will remain several days Mr and Mrs Charles Rogers and children are the guests of Capt and Mrs S K Cox durlngUle fair tlr R T Collins Loulllvlllo urrly ed Wednesday evening to join his tii mlly and attend the Onlo Couuty Fair Mr and Mrs W M Fair have re turned from Louisville and Clndnllatl where they had gone to purchase rev goods Afr and Mrs L M Render Lous vllle were the guests ot heir parents Mr and Mrs W D Render several day this week Mr J Tyler DavlsLoulsvllleGenl agent for the Pacific Mutual Life In- surance Company Is In town for a few days bliss Norma Drown Centertown andI Mrs Fred Trathen Wheatcrort are the guests ot their sister Mrs Isaac Foster city Dr and Mss A S y wt C gave a nice Euchre party Tuesday evening 0I a few of their friends In honor Gleenvlllelwho Dr W R Elgin RulovllleMiss and Mr Virgil C Elgin Tucson Arizona son of Rev and burs Virgil Elgin are here to tie at the bedside of their bro- ther Mr Julian Elgin who Is I stiliI very Ill I Mr A L Carson of Louisville who with his family has been visiting rela tires near Hartford for tro past ten calliIlast IMessrs C P Keowtl Berry Tay E Thouus anti Dr A S Yewell members ot Hartford lOdge Xo G7Ei F M attended the Mu I sonic supper glen by rerl1lo lodge last Saturday night I Miss Martina Ilenuett left last Aron day for Pitts burg Texas to accept a Illosltion as teacher ht Smith Col that place Miss Bennett h- an I accomplished teactcr and will ht splendiVuddition to tutu fuculty of IIa Institution She will be greatly by her many friends In Hart ItordI acres good idil land well watered 3t acres lit good timber good dwelling and out building the same being the farm I now live on The other 6S acre hill hand with 30 acres In good timber buildings S S ACTON Ino Xnnows Ky It R 2 S14 At the mule colt show given by Black Blrklneadlast Snlurdaythere were about six entires and the con test was close causing consldeablo in- terest among the owners of flue young WilliI best mare mule and bfr Alvey Carter premium of 750 for the best horse mule We announce In this issue Esq W S Dean of Dundee for Represen- laliso In the next General Assembly Esuglro bear Is yell qunilfled for the place amt Is pofulnr In his commuu- Uy lIe has been a member of the Flscsl Court for three years and has outdo a fine recold os u guardian or- I the peoples Interests It nominated ho woulJ make II wlllnllg racE Monthly report blanks can be had by calling at the Superintendents of ice The questions In Theory and Practice for Teachers Examinations during the coning year wll be taken eCclusively trol the Reading Circle Work Let me urge the teachels to secure these books and familiarize themsalves with the contents J M DEWEESE S C S JMr groceryman InterI son Three well developed bannnas ire grown Into one and are clearly out lined on the lnnerbr curved side but on the back the line or distinction is scarcely visible and forms one eon Unous covering over a surface more than tour Inches broad We have nev er seen this display of double or trIp lets In the banana before A reunion of the family J D lNlIer was held at the home 9f J W Miller near Frledaland Saturday Fl- ty children and grand children were present Mr J H Miller of Altus- Dklahpma was the guest ot honor Ab rhecned dinner wus served In the shade ot the trees and none of the good things of the season were ntiss lag from the table It was a dhy of enjoyment for both ynnnflamid ol 1nd the writet Whose oo ei was tq be thereslncerdlyhope that a other rive years will find mono fsml s tng attbe next retwlon Js I r r t- i g r In this Issue will be found the IIollcement ot Mr Daniel King auII llilrs to the position of or Ohio county and asks for that position at the hands of the Republican party at tile coming pri- mary election Mr King Is u carpen- ter by trade and Is nn honorable and Industrious citizen It nominated and elected he will take care ot the du ties of the posltlen In a satisfactory manner I1lc1nlc fanner was dangerously Injured by I being struck over to rlg ht eye with II brick thmym by Cleveland 41ngdish I er It seems that Will English a brat i Of tu defendant and Tanner were j drinking and In arowen the brick was thrwn Dr Jbrd or Llvernllore was wiled and found It necessary Sr- take several stitches In the wound At first It was thcueht tnt Ttmmner could nt recover but late Monday I rnIlng was arrested whlle attempting lJoOCr III L N train He toI brought to Hartford yesterday by arresting officer Charles Howley and lodged III jail and the examlng trial Is set tor Thursday Sept 17t Louisville Horse Show The Loulsvlllo Horse Show will be held at the First Regiment Armory In Louisville from September 28 to I October 3 the exhibitions taking place each evening Prizes aggregating 14 300 will be awardedmu king the largest amount ot prize money given outside of the show nt Madison Square Garden The greatest show stables In the coup try will compete and representations for every class will be given Reglnultl C Vanderbilt Alfred G Vanderbilt C W Watson Ey H nod ford Paul Sorg and burs Jurvis Hunt are among the large exhibitors of liar ness horses fromii distant points who will show while Lawrence Jules or Louisville will bo one of the more prominent Kentucky exhibitors of harness IImBes Kentucky of course will be to the fore in the saddle rlllg- of which there ens eleven open classes Practically all of the crack horsemen of the lIIulgrasll will compete for the rich prizes and tropulcs which have been hung up A spectacular feature this year will be the frumps and It Is expected that I IJrOIC1l11as auspices of the American Hackney Illore Society are also hwovatfons The Judges are among the most no ted experts In the country J W OgI den of New York William O Hoc lce Celler of New York and it A FallI balrnof VCstficldN Jrw111 judge tim I harness horses alultr Iallbalm will tic the blues for this roadsters George Loindon dlers and the hunters and jumpers and C L Pemuberton of Elizabeth town will judge the fivegated classes HERERT Sept SHe Wm H I3runer IIletI his regular Illlllontment Saturday undI Sunday lisa Ifalllo duller has malarial fe rI lases Mary and Verna Storms of- Headersun who have been visiting Mr Armada Stewart returned homo Mon day Mr John Duncan Owenshoro Is the guoat of lire family of J W Ford There was n party at Mr Ceo Bur i dettu Saturday night Rain Is needed very badly here far liters are busy cutting tobacco and nmllng sorghum Emmiet and Ilerbert Hnymes 1Iessrs attended church here Sunday B Chambers Is taking treat IIUllIt from Dr Coofman ut Owens boro iSchool began at Sour Wood Monday Mr WeatherColdI i School has also begun at Miller schoolhouse Miss Ella Voyles tlLCCII bhiss Baxter Miller Is ordsmI Emmett Channbliss ordsvllle IlIr ciiurch hero Sunday bhrs May Sublett I3runer Miss Chapi- Pell und Mr Roy Rice of ChambersI attended church here Sunday BARRETTS FERRYI Sept SFarmers are very busy cut injuring Mr Tom Dasham while cutting tim- ber happened to a very serious ned dent getting three of his toes cut oft Dr Lawless ot Narrows dress eel tho wound and he Is getting along as well as could be expected Mrs Columbia Ailen who bas been visiting rrlends near Sulpllllr Springs returned Jime recently Mr Armon Phillips of SherldaliArk Is vlsittfg his uncle Mr I still PetIe ty Ir Charlie Dldcklock and aridly have move to Sheridan Ark MrlIu Wedding spent they day at Sulp11ur Springs Sunda- yMrEstlll Blacklock arid wife spout y J 11 iJt 181 I = m Latest of the Late NEWEST OF THE NEW I If it is new and uptodate you will it at Barnard Cos No has Ifind or usedtobes here Keep in touch with our latest arrivals in i Belts Neckwear and the many littler frills which are the essence of good taste therefore the essence of good dressingNew Arrivals Our Millinery will be the best L JJleft wish to sell you Our Childrens readytowear Hats for fall will be ofsurpassing style and extremely low prices Hats for school wear especially featured For Men the Dutchess line of Trousers has arrived Ten cents a j Button p100a rip Splendid Come in BARNARD col a rtford yr 1- II ill DiIDI i- U Wq94 0 47WAA +VgrOVrOW UOVACr 4 4 When you Cope to All 4 The Ohio County Fair Pephllps you will want tu buy 100 worth of sugar q or 100 worth of coffee It can of lard or a barrel of bJ 11 flour You play come for tIlls more than any other t tiling We all like tu buy where we can get the O- ftl bJ special C bt 4 pare our prices with our competitor < uality con y fi sitlered and when you have done this we know os6D will be delighted by having fount the best place it C a knowingr p less money than anyone else Dont forget the tt- C 4 place bt- C b- ti JAMES LYONS Hartford Iy tt t i > tcc r rvv aYaa w Saturday and Sunday with their uncle Mr James Harrison oCNarrowsI Miss Ida Day ot fronds and relatives at this place Friends are expecting ofr J f Pet- ty at home lie Is at Hot Springs Ark for his health Mr Rowe Harrison Is very liilat this writing BEAVER DAM Sept DRev Virgil Elgin filled his regular appointment hero Sunday morning and night West Kentucky heminary opened Monday morning Sept 7 with a full I1ttendrncI there being a good Himntb- eof outside pupils the teachers lro follows C C Justls Principal asI MilII Fielden Primary Mrs A R Creoi Music Miss Lillian hr left Sunday after noon for fowling Green where site will attend the Southfrn Normal the coming school year She was aecom- panlet bY her sister Miss May who returned home Tuesday evening Dries Isabel Dean has returned to Owensboro after a weeks visit to her parents hero Mr harry Monroe Is In the market Y J at Louisville this week Mrs S D Vun Iieler Central City spent Friday Saturday and Sunday with friends In town 1lr S B Van Meter spent Sunday In town Mrs C P Austin entertained tern Jades Flinch Club at her house ate Second Street Friday afternoon TJw out of town guests were MrsSli Can Meter Central City Mrs J O McKea Hey Taylor Mimics Mrs Z W OrN fin and Mrs honker iVllllams Hart ford Mrs B F Elbln of Hartford S spending a few days with her duuh ter Mrs Jno n Barnes Mr D L Miller and wife spent Sirs day and Monday with relatives In nwc- nsboro The trustees of Ilse school are hailiqr the schoolhouse lot graded and a ro- creta walk put in which when corn pletedwill add materially to the louits- of the ground Time Peoples Bank of this place st hank organized September last 1f- iby W A Hone liquidated its bum ness on August 31 and turned U aver to the Beaver Dann Deposit Dank The reason given was close compeur ton and hard tines In the memos lIne n

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JrHartford Republican


lilnols Central RallroadTlmeTable

North Hound Lionel Houuo-No18Pdus4Onin No121d11t101NII-INo17dne12Optn NollgdfPC4Rpn-No10lduo2NRptn SItIl1 due R2 m

Fresh Oysters at City RestaurantTypewriter Carbon can be had at

this officeThe Hartford Pressing Parlor guar

antees all work

Itlt Is choice fresh groceries you

want go direct to US CarsonsFor H J Hlnzs purecidar vinegar

call on U S Carson 10 years old

CIty Restaurant will nave every

thing good to eat during the Ftirl1Ts J C Payne St Louis Is visit

Ing her sister Mts Wallace Riley

1Ml Evory taste and every lJUrse fIndssUtsfactlon here CARSON CO

New Suits Now Hat Ne Shoes

and new Nockties at Carson c CosiFor SaleA practically new Mogul

logwagon A A Sheffield HartfordxyI ltC

Get your ice Creanlrup Coca Cola

etcr during the 1air at City Restaurant L

It you are In need of a new Car1 pet Matting or Furniture call on Car

son Co-

Ln l S have your skirts pressed atthe HartfOrd Pressing Parlor Price

most reasgnable

Mrs Ella D Boone and MIss Maggie

Duncan Loulsvllle are visiting theirsister Mrs F L Felix

Mr lc Well Fogle and Miss Winonay Stevens Have returned to theirstudies at Georgetown College

When YOU attend the fair next weekcome and let tis tit you out In a

> branil now Suit Shoes and Hat


< Thechenpest plan to have r

> loetkes cleaned and presiled Is to buyIticket at the Hartford Pressing Parloranlfuse it just as you want to at re

ih d rates t sl f1tore lBnqre ah anymanlar-

Hanford should not go JqoJ lng neatcan get his clothes cleaned-

shad Dressed SOngartly at the HartfordyyyPteA-


L s>

i Parlor to 1AiI IlJfl I


T stI-i rf I

11< t 41


If It is a Wedding Suit call on Car i

son Co

11yl bYi Those Steak and FishMeals at City Restaurant are so good I

City Iestaurant Is surely feeding thepeople and getting better alt the

timeII will pay 15c for eggs until

ther noticem JAMES LYONS

Come to us when you want yourheaping moneys worth

CARSON COIMrs S E Elgin of Hopkthsville Is

In the city visiting the family ot RevV1rg11 Elgin

Get your end lunches at City

Restaurant during the Fair Everything tlrstelassIMiss Lillie Dalrd Louisville wasthe guest of friends In lIalUord frontSaturday until Monday


Mr Rayner Tinsley went to Lexlng-

ton last Saturday where he nlatrlculated lu the State University


Would like to rent two furnishedrooms for light house keeping Ad

dress Box 375 Hartford Ky 2tt-

Jerome Allen Coroner Hartford RD No I will answer phone at A

IF Carters Concord anY hour ltt-

1lr Taylor Bartley wife and childof Romney Ind are the guests of Mr-

atad Mrs Robert Forrester city

We are paying 16c per dozenforEggs All other kinds of good country produce wanted at the highestItrParlor costs you 1 It Is good forthree suits cleaned and pressed or toursuite pressed

Dorato the wife of Mr George n-

White llonday Septf6th a tine tenpound boy Dr Augustus Riley attending tthyslelon

T It Darn rd ot the firm ofIIMr and company hits roturne4

eastern cities where he went



now good-

sWantedtRellabie energbtic man tosell luberJ atink oils greases and paintIn Ohio and adjacent counties Salaryor commission Xours very truly


level ldOhI9des rts + r di in the neat

sndrpce sedTottiy at the HartfordthQIiartford ngParror I

rtlods nf1d ff and Ydeh1ir red Te1t1oHltti I I

r xl

Mrs fettie Sanders Owensborovislting trlends latovgn

Mrs Clarence Frier Shawneetowrill to vlsfUng relatives In town

Mrs A J Cassidy Louisvillearrived In town yesterday afternoon

Dr J A DuCt has located at-

Beaver Dam torr the practice of his

professionCap J 31 DeWeese arrived tram

Eddyvllle yesterday afternoon andwill remain several days

Mr and Mrs Charles Rogers andchildren are the guests of Capt andMrs S K Cox durlngUle fair

tlr R T Collins Loulllvlllo urrlyed Wednesday evening to join his tiimlly and attend the Onlo CouutyFair

Mr and Mrs W M Fair have returned from Louisville and Clndnllatlwhere they had gone to purchase revgoods

Afr and Mrs L M Render Lousvllle were the guests ot heir parentsMr and Mrs W D Render several daythis week

Mr J Tyler DavlsLoulsvllleGenlagent for the Pacific Mutual Life In-

surance Company Is In town for afew days

bliss Norma Drown Centertown andIMrs Fred Trathen Wheatcrortare the guests ot their sister MrsIsaac Foster city

Dr and Mss A S y wt C gave anice Euchre party Tuesday evening 0Ia few of their friends In honor

GleenvlllelwhoDr W R Elgin RulovllleMiss and

Mr Virgil C Elgin Tucson Arizonason of Rev and burs Virgil Elgin arehere to tie at the bedside of their bro-

ther Mr Julian Elgin who IsI stiliIvery Ill

I Mr A L Carson of Louisville whowith his family has been visiting relatires near Hartford for tro past ten

calliIlastIMessrs C P Keowtl Berry Tay

E Thouus anti Dr A SYewell members ot Hartford lOdge

Xo G7Ei F M attended the MuI

sonic supper glen by rerl1lo lodgelast Saturday night

I Miss Martina Ilenuett left last Aronday for Pittsburg Texas to accept a

Illosltion as teacher ht Smith Col

that place Miss Bennett h-

anI accomplished teactcr and will htsplendiVuddition to tutu fuculty of

IIa Institution She will be greatlyby her many friends In HartItordIacres good idil land well watered 3t

acres lit good timber good dwellingand out building the same being thefarm I now live on The other 6S acrehill hand with 30 acres In good timber

buildings S S ACTONInoXnnows Ky It R 2 S14

At the mule colt show given by

Black Blrklneadlast Snlurdaytherewere about six entires and the contest was close causing consldeablo in-

terest among the owners of flue youngWilliIbest mare mule and bfr Alvey Carterpremium of 750 for the best horsemule

We announce In this issue EsqW S Dean of Dundee for Represen-

laliso In the next General AssemblyEsuglro bear Is yell qunilfled for theplace amt Is pofulnr In his commuu-

Uy lIe has been a member of theFlscsl Court for three years and hasoutdo a fine recold os u guardian or-

I the peoples Interests It nominatedho woulJ make II wlllnllg racE

Monthly report blanks can be hadby calling at the Superintendents ofice The questions In Theory and

Practice for Teachers Examinationsduring the coning year wll be takeneCclusively trol the Reading CircleWork Let me urge the teachels tosecure these books and familiarizethemsalves with the contents

J M DEWEESE S C SJMr groceryman

InterIson Three well developed bannnas

ire grown Into one and are clearly outlined on the lnnerbr curved side buton the back the line or distinction isscarcely visible and forms one eon

Unous covering over a surface morethan tour Inches broad We have nev

er seen this display of double or trIp

lets In the banana before

A reunion of the family J D

lNlIer was held at the home 9f J WMiller near Frledaland Saturday Fl-ty children and grand children werepresent Mr J H Miller of Altus-

Dklahpma was the guest ot honor

Ab rhecned dinner wus served In theshade ot the trees and none of thegood things of the season were ntisslag from the table It was a dhy ofenjoyment for both ynnnflamid ol1ndthe writet Whose oo ei was

tq be thereslncerdlyhope that a otherrive years will find mono fsml s

tng attbe next retwlon Js


rr t-

i g r

In this Issue will be found theIIollcement ot Mr Daniel King auIIllilrs to the position of

or Ohio county and asksfor that position at the hands of theRepublican party at tile coming pri-mary election Mr King Is u carpen-ter by trade and Is nn honorable andIndustrious citizen It nominated andelected he will take care ot the duties of the posltlen In a satisfactorymanner

I1lc1nlcfanner was dangerously Injured by I

being struck over to rlg ht eye withII brick thmym by Cleveland 41ngdish I

erIt seems that Will English a brat i

Of tu defendant and Tanner were j

drinking and In arowen the brickwas thrwn Dr Jbrd or Llvernllorewas wiled and found It necessary Sr-

take several stitches In the woundAt first It was thcueht tnt Ttmmner

could nt recover but late Monday I

rnIlngwas arrested whlle attemptinglJoOCr III L N train He toIbrought to Hartford yesterday byarresting officer Charles Howley andlodged III jail and the examlng trialIs set tor Thursday Sept 17t

Louisville Horse ShowThe Loulsvlllo Horse Show will be

held at the First Regiment ArmoryIn Louisville from September 28 to I

October 3 the exhibitions taking placeeach evening Prizes aggregating 14

300 will be awardedmu king the largestamount ot prize money given outside ofthe show nt Madison Square GardenThe greatest show stables In the couptry will compete and representationsfor every class will be given

Reglnultl C Vanderbilt Alfred G

Vanderbilt C W Watson Ey H nodford Paul Sorg and burs Jurvis Huntare among the large exhibitors of liarness horses fromii distant points whowill show while Lawrence Jules or

Louisville will bo one of the moreprominent Kentucky exhibitors of

harness IImBes Kentucky of coursewill be to the fore in the saddle rlllg-

of which there ens eleven open classesPractically all of the crack horsemenof the lIIulgrasll will compete for therich prizes and tropulcs which havebeen hung up

A spectacular feature this year willbe the frumps and It Is expected that


IJrOIC1l11asauspices of the American Hackney

Illore Society are also hwovatfonsThe Judges are among the most no

ted experts In the country J W OgIden of New York William O Hoc lce

Celler of New York and it A FallIbalrnof VCstficldN Jrw111 judge tim

Iharness horses alultr Iallbalm willtic the blues for this roadsters George

Loindondlers and the hunters and jumpersand C L Pemuberton of Elizabethtown will judge the fivegated classes

HERERTSept SHe Wm H I3runer IIletI

his regular Illlllontment Saturday undISunday

lisa Ifalllo duller has malarial fe

rI lases Mary and Verna Storms of-

Headersun who have been visiting MrArmada Stewart returned homo Monday

Mr John Duncan Owenshoro Is theguoat of lire family of J W Ford

There was n party at Mr Ceo Buri dettu Saturday night

Rain Is needed very badly here farliters are busy cutting tobacco andnmllng sorghum

Emmiet and Ilerbert Hnymes

1Iessrs attended church here SundayB Chambers Is taking treat

IIUllIt from Dr Coofman ut Owensboro

iSchool began at Sour Wood MondayMr WeatherColdI

i School has also begun at Millerschoolhouse Miss Ella Voyles tlLCCII

bhiss Baxter Miller IsordsmIEmmett Channbliss ordsvllleIlIr ciiurch hero Sundaybhrs May Sublett I3runer Miss Chapi-

Pell und Mr Roy Rice ofChambersI

attended church here Sunday

BARRETTS FERRYISept SFarmers are very busy cut

injuringMr Tom Dasham while cutting tim-

ber happened to a very serious ned

dent getting three of his toes cutoft Dr Lawless ot Narrows dresseel tho wound and he Is getting alongas well as could be expected

Mrs Columbia Ailen who bas beenvisiting rrlends near Sulpllllr Springsreturned Jime recently

Mr Armon Phillips of SherldaliArkIs vlsittfg his uncle Mr I still PetIety

Ir Charlie Dldcklock and aridlyhave move to Sheridan Ark

MrlIu Wedding spent they dayat Sulp11ur Springs Sunda-

yMrEstlll Blacklock arid wife spout


11 iJt 181 I =m

Latest of the LateNEWEST OF THE NEW I

If it is new and uptodate you willit at Barnard Cos No hasIfind

or usedtobes here Keepin touch with our latest arrivals in i

Belts Neckwear and the many littlerfrills which are the essence of goodtaste therefore the essence of good


Our Millinery will be the best LJJleftwish to sell you Our Childrensreadytowear Hats for fall will beofsurpassing style and extremelylow prices Hats for school wearespecially featured

For Men the Dutchess line ofTrousers has arrived Ten cents a


Button p100a rip SplendidCome in

BARNARD colartford yr




DiIDI i-

U Wq94 0 47WAA +VgrOVrOW UOVACr



When you Cope toAll

4 The Ohio County FairPephllps you will want tu buy 100 worth of sugar

q or 100 worth of coffee It can of lard or a barrel of bJ11 flour You play come for tIlls more than any othert tiling We all like tu buy where we can get the O-ftl bJspecialC bt

4 pare our prices with our competitor < uality con y

fi sitlered and when you have done this we know os6Dwill be delighted by having fount the best place it

C aknowingr pless money than anyone else Dont forget the tt-

C 4 place bt-C b-

ti JAMES LYONS Hartford Iy ttt i >

tcc r rvv aYaa w

Saturday and Sunday with their uncleMr James Harrison oCNarrowsI

Miss Ida Day otfronds and relatives at this place

Friends are expecting ofr J f Pet-

ty at home lie Is at Hot SpringsArk for his health

Mr Rowe Harrison Is very liilatthis writing

BEAVER DAMSept DRev Virgil Elgin filled his

regular appointment hero Sundaymorning and night

West Kentucky heminary openedMonday morning Sept 7 with a fullI1ttendrncI there being a good Himntb-

eof outside pupils the teachers lrofollows C C Justls Principal asI

MilIIFielden Primary Mrs A R CreoiMusic

Miss Lillian hr left Sunday afternoon for fowling Green where sitewill attend the Southfrn Normal thecoming school year She was aecom-

panlet bY her sister Miss May whoreturned home Tuesday evening

Dries Isabel Dean has returned toOwensboro after a weeks visit to herparents hero

Mr harry Monroe Is In the market


Jat Louisville this week

Mrs S D Vun Iieler Central Cityspent Friday Saturday and Sundaywith friends In town

1lr S B Van Meter spent SundayIn town

Mrs C P Austin entertained tern

Jades Flinch Club at her house ateSecond Street Friday afternoon TJwout of town guests were MrsSli CanMeter Central City Mrs J O McKeaHey Taylor Mimics Mrs Z W OrNfin and Mrs honker iVllllams Hartford

Mrs B F Elbln of Hartford Sspending a few days with her duuhter Mrs Jno n Barnes

Mr D L Miller and wife spent Sirsday and Monday with relatives In nwc-

nsboroThe trustees of Ilse school are hailiqr

the schoolhouse lot graded and a ro-

creta walk put in which when cornpletedwill add materially to the louits-

of the groundTime Peoples Bank of this place st

hank organized September last 1f-

iby W A Hone liquidated its bum

ness on August 31 and turned U averto the Beaver Dann Deposit DankThe reason given was close compeurton and hard tines In the memoslIne
