i. 44 - hoohoo.org 1908.pdf · inhilanft-(northern i)tstrtct).-george maas, 22d t, and klonen lt....

t OPPICYCRS OP ORDER. THE SUPREME NINE, SNARK 0E THE UNIVERSE-John S, sonner, Tuas. SENIOR 1400-I-$00-John L Alcock Maryland. Ju N 10H HOO- HOO-Wallace W. Everett CalIfornia. OOJUM-W. A. Haaiey Canada. SCRIVENOTER-J. H, Baird, Tannàuee, JABBERWOCK-J. S. Hamilton Oregon. Cu STOCATIAN-J. H. Kennedy, Misnissippi.' ARCANOPER-L. E. Fuller, Illinois. GuRDON-o. I-l. Rectanus PennsyivarIa, THE HOUSE OF ANCIENTS. CHAS, H. MCCARER (Deceased). D, A, JOHNSON, ChicaQo, lii. w. E. BARNS, St, Louis, Mo. J. E, DEFEDAUGH, Chicago, III. Il. H. HEMENWAY, Colorado, Springs. Colo. A,. A, WHITE (Deceased). Ñ: A. CLADDING, Indianapolis, nd. GEORGE W. LOCK, Lake Charles La. WM. B. STILLWELL, Savannah, Ga. . A. H. WEIR (Deceased). w. H. NORRIS, Houston, Texas. ED. M. VIETMEIER, Sandusky, Ohio, C. D. ROURKE, Urbana, ill. R, D. INMAN, Portland, Ore. A. C. RAMSEY, St. Louis, Mo. THE VICEGIRENTS. A lsilizonia-( Northern l)Istrlct)-fllrliarii Ran(Ioi ph, 1t20 17th St., S.. Iliriolligliatri . AUL. A ln),,itiin-((ritrat l)Istrlct)-A, O. I laSn)II, caro VeiivIiis Lbr. Co,, Muntniiicry, Ala. %,1nl,ieiii8-(Soiithern l)istrirt)-\V, A . Siìilnan, 1%lol,lle, Al;i. AritOfllL-AlI)ert Sta'y 1370 (1 Ave,, l)onjlaa, ArIzona. Arkiinsn-(Nortliern l)IMtrlct)-.I, M. 111)sofl, Newport, Ark, A rkflns:i-(Central l)lstrict)-.J. Il . Carnileliacl. Ïblarrn liliig. I .lt- tie Rock, Ark. Arkansas-I W'eatern DlntricL)-O. l, 1!cKiìigkt,\'aiiilervoorl Ark. Arkniiazi -(SoiitIiern l)Istrll-l.oiiis Itticks. l'i ne ululi, A rk. Cnlitoroin-(Soiithern J)lntrlct)'-,J. T. ham, 4211 Grosse Bldg.,' Lo A ogeles, Cal, Cnhlt()Tllln-(NOrtIIerr, Dlotrlct)-Frecj W. Foss, 2143 Shattuck Ave,, Berkeley Cal.. Cn,uula-.(Central l5istrlct)-J. A. (tva, Ma,sunlc 'feinple, WInul- peg, Man., Canada. CanhI(ta-(Eastern Dintrtct)-Wnì. J. Maclietti, SO lirock Ave,, To- route, Ont., Canada. Cnnndn-(Veoterii Dtotrlct)-J. ' I). M()()ly, care Vancouver l,hr. Co., Vancouver lt. C. Colornlo-W. M. l)Icktiason, Lamar, Col, Cuba-1). W. until, 1'. 0. Box 182, havana, Cuba. Dhtrlct of CultIslIhln-Len L. Ilerrelt, lSlk inh st., S. E. , Wa.qti- irigtoe,l). ti. I'inrldn-(Buiittiern Dlntrtct)-L,A.liartlioluincw, 107 5, I'ark Ave., Tampa, FIa. i"lorlda-(lCstcriì District)-». A, Camptoilt, Føot of Hogan St.. Jacknoaville, Fia. Flort(In-(Western l)tstrtct)-P. li. 'loriioc, t'ensacola, Pta. Gorgia-'-(Nortkern 1)lntrlct)-llcnJ,Il. tina, ,ir , I I 14 C:iintter JlIitg. Atlanta, Ga. Georg1n.-.(Souttiwestert Dtntrict)-I). A. 1)enriìark, Vatdosta, Ga. Idaho-C. li. Channel, Twin F:tIis, Idaho, Illlnol,.-(Nortkern Dlatrlct)-E, %', Ilogle, IiOa llartford ilktg., Chtcago, Ill. Illlnois-(Soiithertì Dietrlct)-J. J,, Kleme3'cr, Elflngliani, Ill. Inhilanft-(Northern I)tstrtct).-George Maas, 22d t, and klonen lt. It. IndIanapolis, Jod lmitftna-(Souttierii fltatrlct)-Jetin I'. Steele, care it. A. Ilnoton Luniter Cornany, Terre llante, led, IosnIe-(Norttiern 1)tetrlct)-l). li. l)evtns, lo Iowa St., l)utoique. Iowa, lown-(Soathern 1)lstrtct)-Mark Annua, Muscattee, Iowa. Kntaaa-(F,astrn I)tstrtct)-li. D. Whttelde, Col urnbus, Itas. knuius»-(Wcotrn I)tstrlet)-Walti'r S, i'oisd, IVictilta. Kas, Kontucky.-(Central I)tstrlct)-i'aiii F, lllggtns, Station P, 1105 Illgti St, LouIsville, ICy. KsIltucky-(jlaatern I)tstrlcl)-l. N. Combs, Ilox III, 1,exington, Ky. Kentsacky-(Weotern D!strict)-Luke llisseli, caro Stìerrlll.Iiun. sell bhr. Co, I'aliicali, Ny. Louleinna_(Sorjttjern 1)lstrlct)-lJ. Ii. hoyt, Alexandria, La, LotIIalnhiR-t Northern Dlstrtct)-W. R. Wlteico, Shreveport, La. LOIIINIHHQ-(Eastern District)-.). P. 1)art ., 021 Baronne St., New Orleans, La, Mnriand -«John A. ilerrynaan, o'oro Canton Lhr. Co,, Balti. ¡tinte, khi. MasNnchusntt.ei-Ilnrhert A. Fulh'r. Il l)oaiac ft , Boston, 7,laai, Mextr,,-i1 C. Dlnkinv, Ctnco-de-ktayo Ne a Mexico titty. Ilextro, Mh lttgan-(Itatern l>tetrlct)-Jolan N, O'llearn, 632 I'enobscot Bldg , I)etrolt, Ilteli, M iclitgnn-1 Wentern Dtstrtct)-.loIT Il, \\'obh, 25) E,tMt Folton St tiranil I{.&ptds, Mieti, Mk litg:in- I U3iCr l'entnsalar)-'%V. A, Whitman, Marqiiette,Mich, isJlonot-a--(bonttiorn ijlstrict)-Geo, B. Webster. 1016 lumber Iac'tiange. MinneapolIs, Mlnn_ Mlsi'ol.a-(NortIjern I)lstriet)-Geo, A. Sherwood, 2 l,yceum 1111g., l)ui situ Mtnn Mlstsippi-( 'es(ern l)Itrlet)-W. J. flrincoo, G reenvills, Mise, kIlssttp''-(Soiitlicrii l)lstrtct)-'-S. N. Acree, liatttesburg, kliss. MIenhIrI--(lt.'LMtortI l)tstrlct)-T. C. Illedsue, 4G Fullerton ltidg., SL. hmm. klo, Miso,nri-(We8terfl I)tstrlct)-llurt J. \Vrlght, 1419 JI. A. Long 111g., itansas Ctt3' Mo. Moiitii,iii-IC. V, lIno., f,tlil)y, Montana, Ncbrodoi-'j. F. (fr0011', Ils First National liant Bldg., Omaha, Nev:t,1i-F. li . .Ja.sj,ar tioldflebt, iov, Nesc 'iork-'-(ICv4torII iltstrk't)-.-Charlcs F. Pinchar, 1W28 Park Ave., Sian York. N.Y. N'w York-(%Vestern 1)lstrtet)-Frank A. ¡loyer, 468 SVoodward Ave., HutTalo,N, t'. North CaroIlrslt-(CCi,lrat l)lstrict)-It, D. Godwin, Itox 005, llaletglì, N. C. North C:trolina_(le,asterIJ 1)lstrlct)-I). W. Richardson, l)over, Norili 'droIizmt-'(Weotrri I)letrict)-C. JI. lIobb, lIcous 6, l)tirunior Ttidg., Asheville, N. (i. North iliikot.a-.--Frank A. Taylor Grand Forks N. D. Ojito-(Ccntraj I)lstrtct)-P. J. lt!eilo, 1021 Sontk high St. Colins. bus, Ohio. 0k bOsnia-C %Vetern l)litrtet)-A.. lImed, Oklahoma C1t3', Otis. Oieialtoina-(Norlhea,stern District)-CharIes A. Samson, kinn- kogee, 0k io, Oklnhioinzi-(,Solitkoaotern l)istrtct)-A. J. Wetr, Hugo, ()kbi. ()r'goli-(Norl hera 1)tstetct)-F,, E. Ilbwortti, Canton, Ore, ( I r.goii- (Southern Jahstelct)-Edgar S. Hafer, Mcdford Oro, lenhIKylvetsl:L-(Northern Dlstrict)-W. 1'. lharker, St. I%iarys, l'a, I','iaiiiyio'anla.-,--(Fastern l)tstrtct)-J. lt. lIngers. 1213 Hace St.. i'kttaolelishta, l'a. 1i'iiiisyis'znnta.--(ll'eotern l)t5trict)-1, F. lialsicy, 1526 Farinera' ttank Itid g., I'lttobiirg, ia. S,,iiih (;iirollnat-,J, W. Allen, thonierS. C. Sciolti l)nkota.-T, i, hull, Bryant. M, I). Ti'nftoisci'-(Eastern l)lstrict)-lI. C. Fowier, care Case-Foss'ler I,hr, (io., Chattanooga, Tenu. 'l'eiiiIci'ic'-( M titile iNotelct) - Lewis I)oster, 1020 Stahlsnan 11Mg., Nashville 'l'cnn. - ' '. Tcnhiesoee-(*eslern l)lstrict)-J. II. Meadows, ICI RantlolIsli ilhig., lileniplils, 'Feiiii, Texns-(Ea8tern l)lstrletl-1t. M. Mords, Texarkana, Tex. Texos-INortli ere l)lstrkd)-C. C. J5raieiilsaugti, care Control Coal a Coke Ci,, ltitla.s, Tea. 'Exzii-(Soiitiserii l)tstrtcO-\Y. M . 11aug11, care Kirby 1,br, Co., lloustoei, Tex, T.xns-(Itastern lllvtsion el Southern I)istrhct)-I3. S. \Voodhieasl, care, ftI(r 13t'RhIflhl)lIt Maso M tile (ìü, ileatliliont, Tex. Tcx iii-1 \Vesterii illotrtct)-It. A . W'tiillisek , lii l'ano, Tex. J'i.xIis.(l'aIjhIan(tl & Nastern N. N.)-,l. I). Anderson, Aniarlilo, Tea. ljtnb-,1. IT. Ihardeell, 3r,h'outii 3d VeïtSt., Sait Lake City, Utah. VirgiTIin-(EL5tern I)lstrlet)- Virginia-i \'estern 1)tstrlct)-M . li. totaler Si. ¡'axil, Va. %'tiiittiìit On - I Eastern 1)iotrtct ) -lico. V. iloag, flex i 101, Siokane, \'ask. Svsiolituigton-( \'ester1s l)istrict)-IteaIi Foster, ea re iroster l,iiin- lier (o, , Taeoiti:i,W'aSli, Vcst %'irginia-'(Eastern i)ietrtct)-A. A. Rudy, EItles . W. Va. VcNt Ylrgiiiia.-(l'ctirai l)itrict)'-'kI, II. Sprtgg, Weston W. Va. Vcst 'irgiiilis.-(5'estern I)tstrtct) -O, C. Shraller, care Knnawha . \'alley Itank,Ctiarleston, W. Va. Vlscouisln-\V It, Andeeson , ial iIoiitgoniery 11Mg., 51 hiss'ntikee, \Vto. Ujilted Kiiigdcsiii ¡iiiil Cnntim'iit. of linro1)e-idW. Ilaynee, 164 Ai,ierogate St., London, England. Austr:iinsln-V. G, lhoorinan, Castlereogh St., Terry's Chambers, Sydney, N. SW, TRE JURISDICTIONS. Inriedletlon No, i - Under the Snark ( Bonner ) tue following Slates Team, Kaiis:ss, Oklabonia, New Mexico and Mexico. Juridictlon N'o, I-I.Inder tuo Senior lion-Hon (Aicock) tke fol. owing States: Marylami, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, New .Jeriscyand J)islrlct of Coluriibla. Jiiridiction No. 3-tinter lie Junior lIoo-Iieo (Everett) Ills Ì,ii- lowing States: Caillornta, Arizees, Nevada, Colorado, Wyo- ietng aiid Utah. Jeirintietlon No, 4-. Under the Bojen ( Iladiny ) the feilowing States: Easlern Canaila, New York Connecticut Maseachu- settO. Illiode Island, Vermont, New Iampskire and Matne. Jurleilietlon No, 5.-Under the Scrtnonoter (lintrd) thin foilowln States : Tennessee, Arkansas, Ketitucky, North Caroitna an South Carolina. Jurietiletion No, fi-Uniler the Jabt,trwock Hamilton ) the foI lowing Stabo Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Western Caiiada, Including W'Intlpeg. ,Jiiriilietti,ii NO, 7-Under tise Custocatian (Kennedy ) the fol. lowing St.ates: Misslsstppl, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Lnuisiana. Jurisiliction 4'o, 8-Under the A,rCatOpOr (Folter) the foiiowing States: Illinois, Mtssouri, Iowa, Minnesota, WisconSin, Ne . kraska, North Dakota and Soutk Dakota, Jiirieiiictlon N'o, 9-Under the Gurdon (Rectanus) the following States: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. 44 I. . 44 T. t: /1\\ Pt i t % l :.1 ., r 'L

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SNARK 0E THE UNIVERSE-John S, sonner, Tuas.SENIOR 1400-I-$00-John L Alcock Maryland.Ju N 10H HOO- HOO-Wallace W. Everett CalIfornia.OOJUM-W. A. Haaiey Canada.SCRIVENOTER-J. H, Baird, Tannàuee,JABBERWOCK-J. S. Hamilton Oregon.Cu STOCATIAN-J. H. Kennedy, Misnissippi.'ARCANOPER-L. E. Fuller, Illinois.

GuRDON-o. I-l. Rectanus PennsyivarIa,


CHAS, H. MCCARER (Deceased).

D, A, JOHNSON, ChicaQo, lii.w. E. BARNS, St, Louis, Mo.

J. E, DEFEDAUGH, Chicago, III.

Il. H. HEMENWAY, Colorado, Springs. Colo.A,. A, WHITE (Deceased).Ñ: A. CLADDING, Indianapolis, nd.

GEORGE W. LOCK, Lake Charles La.

WM. B. STILLWELL, Savannah, Ga.. A. H. WEIR (Deceased).

w. H. NORRIS, Houston, Texas.

ED. M. VIETMEIER, Sandusky, Ohio,C. D. ROURKE, Urbana, ill.R, D. INMAN, Portland, Ore.A. C. RAMSEY, St. Louis, Mo.

THE VICEGIRENTS.A lsilizonia-( Northern l)Istrlct)-fllrliarii Ran(Ioi ph, 1t20 17th St.,

S.. Iliriolligliatri . AUL.A ln),,itiin-((ritrat l)Istrlct)-A, O. I laSn)II, caro VeiivIiis Lbr.

Co,, Muntniiicry, Ala.%,1nl,ieiii8-(Soiithern l)istrirt)-\V, A . Siìilnan, 1%lol,lle, Al;i.AritOfllL-AlI)ert Sta'y 1370 (1 Ave,, l)onjlaa, ArIzona.Arkiinsn-(Nortliern l)IMtrlct)-.I, M. 111)sofl, Newport, Ark,A rkflns:i-(Central l)lstrict)-.J. Il . Carnileliacl. Ïblarrn liliig. I .lt-

tie Rock, Ark.Arkansas-I W'eatern DlntricL)-O. l, 1!cKiìigkt,\'aiiilervoorl Ark.Arkniiazi -(SoiitIiern l)Istrll-l.oiiis Itticks. l'i ne ululi, A rk.Cnlitoroin-(Soiithern J)lntrlct)'-,J. T. ham, 4211 Grosse Bldg.,' Lo

A ogeles, Cal,Cnhlt()Tllln-(NOrtIIerr, Dlotrlct)-Frecj W. Foss, 2143 Shattuck

Ave,, Berkeley Cal..Cn,uula-.(Central l5istrlct)-J. A. (tva, Ma,sunlc 'feinple, WInul-

peg, Man., Canada.CanhI(ta-(Eastern Dintrtct)-Wnì. J. Maclietti, SO lirock Ave,, To-

route, Ont., Canada.Cnnndn-(Veoterii Dtotrlct)-J. ' I). M()()ly, care Vancouver l,hr.

Co., Vancouver lt. C.Colornlo-W. M. l)Icktiason, Lamar, Col,Cuba-1). W. until, 1'. 0. Box 182, havana, Cuba.Dhtrlct of CultIslIhln-Len L. Ilerrelt, lSlk inh st., S. E. , Wa.qti-

irigtoe,l). ti.I'inrldn-(Buiittiern Dlntrtct)-L,A.liartlioluincw, 107 5, I'ark Ave.,

Tampa, FIa.i"lorlda-(lCstcriì District)-». A, Camptoilt, Føot of Hogan St..

Jacknoaville, Fia.Flort(In-(Western l)tstrtct)-P. li. 'loriioc, t'ensacola, Pta.Gorgia-'-(Nortkern 1)lntrlct)-llcnJ,Il. tina, ,ir , I I 14 C:iintter JlIitg.

Atlanta, Ga.Georg1n.-.(Souttiwestert Dtntrict)-I). A. 1)enriìark, Vatdosta, Ga.Idaho-C. li. Channel, Twin F:tIis, Idaho,Illlnol,.-(Nortkern Dlatrlct)-E, %', Ilogle, IiOa llartford ilktg.,

Chtcago, Ill.Illlnois-(Soiithertì Dietrlct)-J. J,, Kleme3'cr, Elflngliani, Ill.Inhilanft-(Northern I)tstrtct).-George Maas, 22d t, and klonen

lt. It. IndIanapolis, Jodlmitftna-(Souttierii fltatrlct)-Jetin I'. Steele, care it. A. Ilnoton

Luniter Cornany, Terre llante, led,IosnIe-(Norttiern 1)tetrlct)-l). li. l)evtns, lo Iowa St., l)utoique.

Iowa,lown-(Soathern 1)lstrtct)-Mark Annua, Muscattee, Iowa.Kntaaa-(F,astrn I)tstrtct)-li. D. Whttelde, Col urnbus, Itas.knuius»-(Wcotrn I)tstrlet)-Walti'r S, i'oisd, IVictilta. Kas,Kontucky.-(Central I)tstrlct)-i'aiii F, lllggtns, Station P, 1105

Illgti St, LouIsville, ICy.KsIltucky-(jlaatern I)tstrlcl)-l. N. Combs, Ilox III, 1,exington,

Ky.Kentsacky-(Weotern D!strict)-Luke llisseli, caro Stìerrlll.Iiun.

sell bhr. Co, I'aliicali, Ny.Louleinna_(Sorjttjern 1)lstrlct)-lJ. Ii. hoyt, Alexandria, La,LotIIalnhiR-t Northern Dlstrtct)-W. R. Wlteico, Shreveport, La.LOIIINIHHQ-(Eastern District)-.). P. 1)art ., 021 Baronne St., New

Orleans, La,

Mnriand -«John A. ilerrynaan, o'oro Canton Lhr. Co,, Balti.¡tinte, khi.

MasNnchusntt.ei-Ilnrhert A. Fulh'r. Il l)oaiac ft , Boston, 7,laai,Mextr,,-i1 C. Dlnkinv, Ctnco-de-ktayo Ne a Mexico titty. Ilextro,Mh lttgan-(Itatern l>tetrlct)-Jolan N, O'llearn, 632 I'enobscot

Bldg , I)etrolt, Ilteli,M iclitgnn-1 Wentern Dtstrtct)-.loIT Il, \\'obh, 25) E,tMt Folton St

tiranil I{.&ptds, Mieti,Mk litg:in- I U3iCr l'entnsalar)-'%V. A, Whitman, Marqiiette,Mich,isJlonot-a--(bonttiorn ijlstrict)-Geo, B. Webster. 1016 lumber

Iac'tiange. MinneapolIs, Mlnn_Mlsi'ol.a-(NortIjern I)lstriet)-Geo, A. Sherwood, 2 l,yceum

1111g., l)ui situ MtnnMlstsippi-( 'es(ern l)Itrlet)-W. J. flrincoo, G reenvills, Mise,kIlssttp''-(Soiitlicrii l)lstrtct)-'-S. N. Acree, liatttesburg, kliss.MIenhIrI--(lt.'LMtortI l)tstrlct)-T. C. Illedsue, 4G Fullerton ltidg.,

SL. hmm. klo,Miso,nri-(We8terfl I)tstrlct)-llurt J. \Vrlght, 1419 JI. A. Long

111g., itansas Ctt3' Mo.Moiitii,iii-IC. V, lIno., f,tlil)y, Montana,Ncbrodoi-'j. F. (fr0011', Ils First National liant Bldg., Omaha,

Nev:t,1i-F. li . .Ja.sj,ar tioldflebt, iov,Nesc 'iork-'-(ICv4torII iltstrk't)-.-Charlcs F. Pinchar, 1W28 Park Ave.,

Sian York. N.Y.N'w York-(%Vestern 1)lstrtet)-Frank A. ¡loyer, 468 SVoodward

Ave., HutTalo,N, t'.North CaroIlrslt-(CCi,lrat l)lstrict)-It, D. Godwin, Itox 005,

llaletglì, N. C.North C:trolina_(le,asterIJ 1)lstrlct)-I). W. Richardson, l)over,

Norili 'droIizmt-'(Weotrri I)letrict)-C. JI. lIobb, lIcous 6,l)tirunior Ttidg., Asheville, N. (i.

North iliikot.a-.--Frank A. Taylor Grand Forks N. D.Ojito-(Ccntraj I)lstrtct)-P. J. lt!eilo, 1021 Sontk high St. Colins.

bus, Ohio.0k bOsnia-C %Vetern l)litrtet)-A.. lImed, Oklahoma C1t3', Otis.Oieialtoina-(Norlhea,stern District)-CharIes A. Samson, kinn-

kogee, 0k io,Oklnhioinzi-(,Solitkoaotern l)istrtct)-A. J. Wetr, Hugo, ()kbi.()r'goli-(Norl hera 1)tstetct)-F,, E. Ilbwortti, Canton, Ore,( I r.goii- (Southern Jahstelct)-Edgar S. Hafer, Mcdford Oro,lenhIKylvetsl:L-(Northern Dlstrict)-W. 1'. lharker, St. I%iarys, l'a,I','iaiiiyio'anla.-,--(Fastern l)tstrtct)-J. lt. lIngers. 1213 Hace St..

i'kttaolelishta, l'a.1i'iiiisyis'znnta.--(ll'eotern l)t5trict)-1, F. lialsicy, 1526 Farinera'

ttank Itid g., I'lttobiirg, ia.S,,iiih (;iirollnat-,J, W. Allen, thonierS. C.Sciolti l)nkota.-T, i, hull, Bryant. M, I).Ti'nftoisci'-(Eastern l)lstrict)-lI. C. Fowier, care Case-Foss'ler

I,hr, (io., Chattanooga, Tenu.'l'eiiiIci'ic'-(M titile iNotelct) - Lewis I)oster, 1020 Stahlsnan 11Mg.,

Nashville 'l'cnn. - ' '.Tcnhiesoee-(*eslern l)lstrict)-J. II. Meadows, ICI RantlolIsli

ilhig., lileniplils, 'Feiiii,Texns-(Ea8tern l)lstrletl-1t. M. Mords, Texarkana, Tex.Texos-INortli ere l)lstrkd)-C. C. J5raieiilsaugti, care Control Coal

a Coke Ci,, ltitla.s, Tea.'Exzii-(Soiitiserii l)tstrtcO-\Y. M . 11aug11, care Kirby 1,br, Co.,

lloustoei, Tex,T.xns-(Itastern lllvtsion el Southern I)istrhct)-I3. S. \Voodhieasl,

care, ftI(r 13t'RhIflhl)lIt Maso M tile (ìü, ileatliliont, Tex.Tcx iii-1 \Vesterii illotrtct)-It. A . W'tiillisek , lii l'ano, Tex.J'i.xIis.(l'aIjhIan(tl & Nastern N. N.)-,l. I). Anderson, Aniarlilo,

Tea.ljtnb-,1. IT. Ihardeell, 3r,h'outii 3d VeïtSt., Sait Lake City, Utah.VirgiTIin-(EL5tern I)lstrlet)-Virginia-i \'estern 1)tstrlct)-M . li. totaler Si. ¡'axil, Va.%'tiiittiìit On - I Eastern 1)iotrtct ) -lico. V. iloag, flex i 101,

Siokane, \'ask.Svsiolituigton-( \'ester1s l)istrict)-IteaIi Foster, ea re iroster l,iiin-

lier (o, , Taeoiti:i,W'aSli,Vcst %'irginia-'(Eastern i)ietrtct)-A. A. Rudy, EItles . W. Va.VcNt Ylrgiiiia.-(l'ctirai l)itrict)'-'kI, II. Sprtgg, Weston W. Va.Vcst 'irgiiilis.-(5'estern I)tstrtct) -O, C. Shraller, care Knnawha

. \'alley Itank,Ctiarleston, W. Va.Vlscouisln-\V It, Andeeson , ial iIoiitgoniery 11Mg., 51 hiss'ntikee,

\Vto.Ujilted Kiiigdcsiii ¡iiiil Cnntim'iit. of linro1)e-idW. Ilaynee, 164

Ai,ierogate St., London, England.Austr:iinsln-V. G, lhoorinan, Castlereogh St., Terry's Chambers,

Sydney, N. SW,


Inriedletlon No, i - Under the Snark ( Bonner ) tue followingSlates Team, Kaiis:ss, Oklabonia, New Mexico and Mexico.

Juridictlon N'o, I-I.Inder tuo Senior lion-Hon (Aicock) tke fol.owing States: Marylami, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware,New .Jeriscyand J)islrlct of Coluriibla.

Jiiridiction No. 3-tinter lie Junior lIoo-Iieo (Everett) Ills Ì,ii-lowing States: Caillornta, Arizees, Nevada, Colorado, Wyo-ietng aiid Utah.

Jeirintietlon No, 4-. Under the Bojen ( Iladiny ) the feilowingStates: Easlern Canaila, New York Connecticut Maseachu-settO. Illiode Island, Vermont, New Iampskire and Matne.

Jurleilietlon No, 5.-Under the Scrtnonoter (lintrd) thin foilowlnStates : Tennessee, Arkansas, Ketitucky, North Caroitna anSouth Carolina.

Jurietiletion No, fi-Uniler the Jabt,trwock Hamilton ) the foIlowing Stabo Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana andWestern Caiiada, Including W'Intlpeg.

,Jiiriilietti,ii NO, 7-Under tise Custocatian (Kennedy ) the fol.lowing St.ates: Misslsstppl, Alabama, Georgia, Florida andLnuisiana.

Jurisiliction 4'o, 8-Under the A,rCatOpOr (Folter) the foiiowingStates: Illinois, Mtssouri, Iowa, Minnesota, WisconSin, Ne

. kraska, North Dakota and Soutk Dakota,Jiirieiiictlon N'o, 9-Under the Gurdon (Rectanus) the following

States: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.


. 44

T. t:/1\\









J. JI. BAIRD, ScrFveaoter, Editor.

rubll3hcd Monthly by the Coneatcnatd Or'Ier of lioo.I!oo, at Nashville,Tenticssec,

Entered at the Postofilce at Nashville, Tennesace, as second class matter.



Oue Year . 613 Cents.I Single Copies . Cents.

TUE JlULLEiIr s the only ofllcial niedlum of Concatenated Order oftloo4loo recognized by tue Stiprenic Nine, and all other pubilcotlons areunauthentic aoci unauthorized.

NABIIv1Lic. TCNN,, AUGUST, 1908,

A LItlilt UI 1)esoIlLtlon .

The Bulletin Is indtbted to Brother Frank Spangler, oftise lrank Spangler , inatitifacturers of wooden porchcoluinins at rolclo, Ohio, 911(1 wholesale dealcrsjn yellow1)1150 and hardwood lumber, for the following well writtenaIs(1 interesting O1)servatiollO under tue abo'e heading ont

the general subject of forestry and the great calamitiesthat follow sw ft on the heels of the den nidation of forestgrowth. Brother Spatigler writes that his active connec-tiott vitln the bother biisi ness has brought huit to realize,.55 lie believes few iiien not iii the lumber business ib real-ize, the raf)i(lity i'ith wIn ich we are approaching disasterin inaiiy trts of titis cou ti try

I liis'i te vii to t country io tii exanhl)Io iltiat (li is COIititrv lois to ex-l)ect hueso earl legklalloii i broiiIit shout to reforeot cot ocer 1011(1slist regii late ttie ciii aiiil protect froiii Urea our Oi:111Il1,g ttiober,

.t)aliii alla, ii,sv a of tile Anstro.11 IItlgtrlaii ?4ouarcliy, located osi

tile eate rit liore tif tite Ail da t Ic Sea i ttcleiitly was otte tif tite rlcties tttt'oçttlCOs of tite Rttttt;ttt ltttltIre aittl a ftt,'ttrite restii-i of tite wtqtltity ans-tocrac', l)tinItt,' tite tigti of Eritjttnttr Diticietlait tie liait att ititiiens tal -ace tittr ttttt tite cttitttirv otlittsortetl a lange Itotittatlit. Tite soll waslint iii', t lic tt1ttatttt tiolso fattettest tertio tif cattle asiil goats for Lite cit3'ittaniiet .. 'tOil, ;titogetiier, its t)atttiatlatttt itere a prosienttttO aitti Itattli)'topit'. 1:tier litio laitti fett litto tite tiattils (ti lite ctttttjttenlitg. tte1tui_tllc

tif \'ettic(:, titett titi tlotttl tatti coitititercial ¡ttttt'er of tite v'orli. 'Flicgrt'.tty \'ettetlatei rtttItlt'sity ot ri;tjn'tl tite trees frusti lite litte tlitttttitaj n,lttjtt» tít ltttlltl slillis Ion t twin t ange tia\')'. Ait t nestttt Ito sol wasltod.toty. oltrittg :ttttt nit'ers ti ritti ti t aittl tttttt ii lo it tlCsol;tlitttt tttttre tireans-evett lita ti Sri a,

\Ve are ttltl litt' attettt ¡tis Lt ctililtatitttt it' lite lteaii;tIjlO are ttli fit I.Ao fan as 1tslitIe lliiy t'itt ecl t lit' rtickq ., 'ttttl stttttes itt great tttotttttlo onlitt, te.tiil deoitaltie grotitttt iii tite thin hehl attti isitenc tlte catt luttilitt- tetttai it lttg rttclto carilt sttflici etti Ita tite niotO tif .,tte oil reime tr oyen.t ,'ralte vi te, lt o titel. (ifttt t t,lotie iatttitv lo cttlit;)elieti io live for,t tear tot tite tinttittcl tif t)ttly titi e olive tree.

l)aitttntia titigitl iveit say its uhr citttttiry : ''As T ant ttttti', you soonnell t itt.' italy s ttell titi tite sttttt' rtottl lit lit0 saisie nititi fttr lite sottiereastitis. 'lIte jtpttilttes, otice ite:ttlly tittilteriti ist lucir stittititlis, ¡iretitis. inacticail3 liane, Flic ittin1 s suhl lit stttaii ito tulio ti tIgli ttrlces.'l'itere are to vitOiit-tt itttttt'ti ¡I ii ti li io tteCe000rs' lo eittitlov ¡ti I oorts oftttatesltI Its for tite ittico ¡iLttttttl n t litt lien. lra ttc %O'ettt lite sottie ctttirsefor cettttsris tutti (oily uy tite ittosl slrett'iotts exertions aitti ettontitotyt ottt-las' of tittistey itas tite tlestnttcllttn of littilter i,ei-tt ttartltiiy citiciteti uiy Uteltttrtttittct loti of sciettlilic forest r ¡ititi lite esiattiloli nicht of a syoietti ofreft,neslat kitt, Gertttatiy, A oInt a attit Sitlt ¡ilo ola nil fitrilt as aitfu I ex-atti Ities ttl teint ltap;ietloto a cou istry tilt ich pontius tite neckte.qs tiestruc-tutu of Its forestO, Illico iltere lo lief)', fetv, If any, ut-en tltlith of titefuture.

tti ttty short ilfiiltite I atti st'elttg lite offect tif till tit Is liasie. Weteed titi ash lIte gOWirittttettl fur uit attlinittinlatloti of $2ÇO,UOO WIlli which

lii ittalie ait t011 tttOit tif lite slats rl lug iltithier tif tite Jstllei1 Slals, Ilotof i tie sia ttillttg thither lo nott' Its tito itattis of i tiRi-id nato ¡tntl largo cr-lirai iotti wltose itoltiltigo ¡tri ittcatlr coil itialeti, 'lticlt sliotilil ito re

punit-d, I knoti of tItuber ltotdena 'witositetit as high as$15,000 toestlotate2f0,000 .tres_ 'fluo sill gle ait idea how niuch tise tieitartmettt vooldliane to spend io etlittato' tite uiattdiog iloiber of tite colina couttir.

MaCid, dea'r reader, go back ii i tít tite to tito somOs of Istalite, It leftlitai State a itliheotis array tif itiackotied oltinips and tioslghitly brush.A latge tart of thin boautlfttt \Vioata Montitalits of Nett' hitiglatid havelxiii rultteti by Ilse rettiorseless sao-s iii lIte greatly lunsitentitcu. Secttoitsof lIte Atittalacitiati Citalti liare i)edo cotivented listo ttowliisg toastes auo'll.

Ali are fattiliion teltlt tite osteepitlgaway of tise Atitenicait itlecu so-liesttite East vao ilepleioii of titis excel 1tll huilier. The socottil ad 50W lItotleoltttltev.s buO' ill ?tiichilgati, VlscostsItt titti itltisiesota, aitd tite fluai at-tacIt is toot' iteittg titado tipoit tIte Ibelfic Nortiiovest atti! brook of liteSoolii. 'tite last of lito pItia areas are goittg rapttlly the oattto osay thoughotice i ltiitigii t io be lttexltattstlbie.

Legititto of ticit, Iris I)' stell orgaitlicil arttiieo, aro e sigaged I si couqiten-ittg titee foresls atid tIte titilo ovilI spceihiiy cotite whteii lot onoogli vilt beleft Itt sigh a ittituntiltit reillilatsi over titeln departed glory. Tite tiestruc-huit tif t lie ii a rtiwooti fitrests, left fo r hie titoot hart to tite sitial ter lumberititeresio atid lIje sellier ovitti ittakos clearlttgs, is tiroceetlltig at a jiace soaiaruiiitg liiat cotsuhieletit aotluutrlty calliliates that lt 'svitI ho conhittato liitii-ettiy years. Ptiott a wood fatitisie! Phiett ute fata of Dahtisatla!

1.1 i titi Ssvhlzentattti, orclieti up attilit lite A tjts, hsss latighut lite woriulstillte s;tittabto leosuttiM .. Tite unit W-tus itotv lo got rid of l)'radts tuttI colati-hOu t tree utesttocrllc rehutsitllc iltat. fie cetiltirles tías juil iiefiattce to aitgnei'iiy cots] ocrons, White Fraisce atiti Iltuty hear by were desiroyiitgIliele uutresitu aiuti oo'illi thietit tite tiat lottai life atti! prosjuerliy, SIbonlo tulwits ituliuuig gusti care of lier tuataral rostitirces. Over atte titoitsatith yeíuroago otte hi055000eut a forest syoleut anti lite fiftoenthi century haul ulevolopeula scictitiilcforcstry, She Is lite best got-cruet! cootitry la tim worlui attuituii iieotu!e, thought uliuustty loor on rol litutiled iticasis, aro pentiatus lite utluistciutitetiteul asad huatilty lo hua foutu! anyuu'ltere Plie Ucauliftil ocetieny aiutiiit:igntficeuit utittutsiltuluis, titutiului Strealuts atti! satuhiriotis chintttie tIawgreat hosts of tourists every year, leaultig behInd Usciti ari aunotilit oftittitley that adulo greatly tul lite reo-entino of lite gouverziiiioiit astil liocicet-iisuli of tite l)Cttsailtry. That! tito fwirest lieeiu uteotroyeui ceutturleo tigo aslui SyrIa atto! Ilaitutalia, Switzerland ouistItI tiotu' be adesulato wasle,

'l'tiene lui not a fariner or lautti owuier iuciiu'eoti tlic ocanuiuu winos futuretunuisitenhty is itot uielueuiu!eitt Oit tile preoervatioii asid neoloratiout of titefoeets. Not city every fantiter or outil owner butt e'ery cItizen, everytoter stiotild be husierestec! iii lisis sliovelluetti, 'L'ue tI rsluen stitt slaituti 1gtill lie fanais Out! along tito walerwayo luouiil be carefully guariled attuIiitusluaituieul a sul tise lutait tluig attui repitiutliug of trees, to lake the lace oflIaise destroyed, stitittiul lie hut hoed ;i(iIc)' of co-cry lanui muster.

'l'IsIs lo a,' otitig coito try attuI utuav leant i rotti tise older tija s .. 'uil leusoitstutti lito Causeo tunIca tibe effects,

Much itiore ca su lue alil titi litio ulujecl, statistico cati lue liad Iluat are¡usluutuis!ti uig. i vitalI keep oui ouniti mg aliti milchig with tite bethel Iliat ltlitar itot lie I n val st, 'l'hai a su-ao-e co f titis setillisteti t ist ay luiow so struts glyovin lite cou utry tInI rocht Slale tu-i h I linee oit Its statutes a law etifuircitigtile iureoervatiuuut tuf eucti tituber ib sui Is lelt atid tIte refiuresitutieti uil alttutitule latido.

Brother R. 5J. C1lll'ord In Politics.

'rhe \Vest Virginia ttiisi berlilash and National Whole-saler, iii its issue of July 15, coittaisis the follo.vitlg ait-flollitCetilent of the advetit litio politics of Brother R, J.

Clifford, Vicegeretit for tite ortiierti District of West Vir-githia for the YCiti' 1905, asid oneof the best kitown Hoo-Hooiii tite State:

Mr, R. i. i:ruitit, titiS huger of tile Oiler Creek honni & Lui usher Cotti-luittyt tuf hfassibletute, 'iV. Va., lias eri teteil lite tutu tical areito as lite catI-uliulale of tite Deiiiocr;ti Ic litri, for tite itotise of i)utieg:iies (roui 'FtickerCo uit r.

1i'iille ul s'. Cii FunI is nuit t putliliclati lie is a good, souttuui butoisteso tisait,¡uttut otte ou-lits ovuli' ealuerietuce i tu lbs e lututiuer luusi tieso .. TiIr. Cli hint liashielt itt the I ustuuluer iuiusisteoo iuracllcally all lilo i i fe, uuperailssg fuir a ito ni-luir of s-ears i ii lise u-ici si it)- Of Grovetuutu, tieni i us assi! lsiaod Poutut, Nett-Itiulutlusltire, Frotsi there lie caituut to his liresetit posi tiout ¡il tttosl ¡t uiecade¡izo atti! lias sticcesofiulty titatuageul tite large uuputratlosis of lits cottivasiy,\Vlutul oua teed lit puilitics is tutore busitiego utueti w-1 t!i Ui e turacticai luiiouul-eulge tuf oo-itat is liest fuir t!te Stale, and regaritless sul party ties tIte huooiuteuiituutuhul cast titeln ballots fuir lite b-coi ittlyrests of tise Slate by olecthtigstint tiieui as I'dr, Clifford.

\Ve treuIl et his electiots lut Nuiveroiber, ¡5 tite iueoluio tutte cosi lldeiuce lusMn, Cllffuiru! ¡s oil k sutil that lue alit surco titeln best interests his tite logis.talk'e halts of West \'lrgitiia. Cleass, fur slgtilaul, asid ouitts a kiiouulodgoof tulitit his d iuulrlct leeds, attui ou-11h a getterai ksiowledge of tise tucedo oftite Stale, lie wilt hue a brititatit sitemiluerof lito Legislature, asid outewitowIll accotiipl bu soitietlil sig.

Sir, I am looking for a lIttle succor." Do I lobk like

one?"-Lou8vjifc Courier-Journal. .


All Arrangements Nearly Complete at Chicago--TentativeBusiness anti Thitertainment Progrannue-A.uditoriumHotel made Headqtiarters-Hotel Rates-Delightful BoatTrip to Michigan City-Splendid Programme for the Ladies-Encouraging Advice as to the Attendance-RailroadRates will be Aiinotinced Later . . .. . . . . . . ...

-----.--4- .-+-----------

Sei'-tiotiso-th S,

I O ti, hit . Reglst rai loti of tisi I i) rs, A titi i lori tni I io tel,2 ii, in. Osii'ian Ciolotet' I ititiai loti.s p. iii. Osit'ittn Cloister liaitq neL

I,, E. Fu i_i_tuo,

Sui1ureuiue A rctuiuuuluer, uhu litio geuuerutl silluutrvisiuut uuiitl- illarrittige siteti Is fuit tite A tu suai Mccli tug it Cltictugue.

Sei'reai toit il.

: 09 a. iIi. ifiisi iless oeooioit.

; Sit011Iling I oit t' îlii bail i es.-

Rveitlilg--i i ouu-tEoo ittiti lathes to tiiteilti ordiI ng itt i\itlllSe-

- tileiht Park. -

'111e ahoye is t ii e I eilt ali vo ilicughatilittli foi- I lie J 7 Lb ltil-il ti ai 1-bo-i loo Meeti ng co fur its I I. hilo luisit arruiigcui.ProiuiliTly I4OVCiiti In ii liltltOittitit (tilltllgltii tell i lue titinle, ittiul

i)o!uiLltiy ollo ot' ttvo ont ettiti tinicit t featii t'es iou i be zutuieti'l'Inc oueiuliig biiuuineso seosloit lit flic Autulilot-tittit I [olmI wiltit tilt rely fut-niai . 'l'ho sessloit te I t i tue i iiI ittoti itttey au!it, lt raout lo I lie si Cltlllt)i' '!'!ICOiIOI'tl itoosovel 1'' itil(1 I lietol-es iiiiieub, uni ng co nicluu!eui as I lt, i lotI!, hlltitifuitelles Mitit igztni OIly, lilt!, 't'li iii Is a ulutl!ghtfuu! sultuittuer uesoi!, viteieiiI ti cii of tuletsit ro i s lIti! ir! iuitt eu! io i- t titi viol turs A s w! Il


tue sceil, tt iiiiitthei- of ileltsItIg tititluietils trIll litChI' ntt titIsh-esot-l. -

Itlias licou i'oitiìd ltiuposs!iului ut ittitice lIe tuttiit tI t tIp oCit teitgo I n tIlDO t o hou! tite titilllal toiltiti huit! iuuii oil i tuo

ti I gut of tilt) 9th, TIll) cutiucat tlhiittlotl w!! i lue folilihut ty outlet!i t) otulor oil tite boat itilu! letijuTlI rutilent i tlltu'tl I e, i lie nigh!(uf the i il! ii, 11181 as tilts !itttlil oft eut (lotie iviivut Sop tehttllitl1 11118 fa! toit on Sii iuulity. 'l'ue sIt! f!.! tig eroi- of tint coilu-ateiiutt!oit is illitlilt aliso! ut t.o!y ilCtliuistLtY uy till, titel Ui at I Ileti! Oltiliot' (ulililOt be 1itul itily CIII O I ulay I liait I hut t) i ii,

'lite COltellO cister! ul!ilttleltt fehtl.l h tOil suiggetil cui I in I lilo

lirogtailliiio siueak fol i ile!iliiOl vuib. 'tue ituil uuitioiil I e toiur

-of tilo magiti licou t hal-Its inuit ti i! t'evtty sysi ciii of C h tragosi, i Il tue it revelation lo ceci-y iuetsuiu wito illls tiot toado thethip,

Slit-tent ilEti 9.

Ilegisitatioti of vlsiiot's, Aiiulitoiiitrn Flotel.

o : 09 a. iii. Oluenhtlg sessieTil, A.vidltorl Stilt 1-101cl.

13: 45 a. ni, Steamboat - ldXcil hItlOil, Steaitici- '1' h e o ti o r e

lt000utvelt," to Mielligan City, bu.10 a. in. (!oitliniiiitioii of FIt-si Bll.Sitteilui Sessioti Oil board

Stoittiiet- "f1tcoubiû Roosevelt,"-J 2 : 45 p. in. Arrival at Pulleiligan City.i p- in. Liiiieii cou at Coitey Isi attui Citfé, fol lowed by ivalh-

ing tuilul O t lin- ithllllSettleiltS, I ticitiulitig cxii i 1,1 hou I)y -

life-savitig crew.5 ii. tu, Relitto i)y Sieanter "ilucodoro Itootievelt,' y i a

Gary, 1ml. -

Slll'-rt;ni itEhi 10.

9 : O!) a. iii. lutai tiens SesuulOil.2 I)- m. Ladtes ai!tomohlje triu aroiiiiul hark anoi boule-

t'ai'd system.8 1). m. Musicale for lautos, Auul!toi'iutn Hotel.9 : 09 p. ni. Annual Initlalion a il -i Sessloit-on-tlie-Roof,"

ninth ftooi-, Jtuitlitoi'iunt Hotel,E. 1h, l)ss.iuuts',

Citai rotait Cstucaleuiallout Coitlisi titee'

i1t i

L?.e' I

t: -







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4.-" I


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T I t r A I I ) I 'O k I I rM JI()'j' i AP CIT I c GO \'l1 ERI A LL 11001100 MEETN C S WI Id H E II E Ll)-.Tll E HOTEL J SLoCA '1'E) ON 'I'JIE hA RON'1' ANI) A IORJ)S A MA (N!F'tC5N'j' VIE\V,


An etnsIve meeting o-f the ChIcago liso Hoo, Incind-

ing tile ininbeis1i1p of all till) impOliant (ommiltees, vas

hehl last night. All I he comb I ttces rel:ìolled the vorc

\veH III hand onU 1111)1(1 progress being ni ado toward t1ie

(IOIIlI)Iet ioii of all a1ru11gct11eiIs, Ample fu ntl to nury ou t

all li en tertalninent ilan s huye been elihet aetnully (01-

leeled or st and pledged Irom I(JSI)OflSi hie (OI1CeftI. Tu e

(uiitia1 Coininiti ec v!l I meet chilly at nno ii fioiii now on

u iii Il L lie ruceting occurs.

'Jlie Co riiiiil Lico oit Lad I e' lntertai n ¡neflt rel)orle(l thai

I li('y lltt(i becii iiccefii i i n cccli titig, l'ree of charge, ui

(UI(I)1( n ii in Je! of (tII101flOI)i 1cc to acon U1 odato the Part Y-

i i n lui I'C(t,S Of tile Chicago I lnt)cl'Incn 0\VlI aIIionoi)l]es an(1

have sho\v n a 1ea(iy il sposi licii t O (ti L i.i(Ofl Ut tue service

of i lie ht(l i es corn miti en. 'i1i coniini t tee fuillici' re»o rl 0(1

r. L, JOI(NSOi, Ji1.,

uf Corti iii i tice uit A rroiigeiile n i.

I ini, t lie tu enlie Party \V0lI i (1 proi)ai)iy be at tue Studebaker

'i'heat re, vhere 'l'ue 'I'op of I lie \Voii d Coniittiy is to

i)i(' (i II ri rig lie ,veek of Lii e iHeet,i ng. 'l'ue shol)pIug tour

i)ialllle(1 for the ladies foi Septembui' I i wi li be uoinetliliig


I liai WI Ii iecu i inri y 1i)i)ai t o I hem, I t \VI li be n toil r of

ollo of the lug (ieiialtineilt s torce, i)lOiSti)l Y tliiit of Jiusiial1

1i'iei(i & Co. 'fue iiaiiy w i I i be iiei'sonal I 31 COlI ii ilCiO(i by

t ho iieadu of the various il epiiitincii t s to be visi ted. The

iitiiic will iJe giveii uil ii iìexaiii Pied Oi)iiOlti1 Il i ty of inspect.-

itig he ial eut feu styies in 1icuugooiis and millinery.

Tue Aiul itorinin i iotei ha s been selected as ollicisi Ijeail-

ciilarlers. Tue rates of tiii liolel for the meeting were

flhiiioiiiiced by Ciiairiiian Cii rt M. 'l'icai, on tue 1-blei Coin-

milice, as foiiows:

itooì, v1 tiios t. iiit( h one i)ei'son, 2 'per day ailil il p.

liooiii, v1 tiioiit lialii, ti'o or iiiore ieioiis iii rooiii,

cadi, i;er day.


¡boni, \V I t h bai ii, one 11(0 00(1, $3 51) pci day iu d ii i

¡boni, s' i t it lint ii, t o po i sou s in iooiii, 2 iO oiuii

lilly, iti%(i ii)_ .

Rooiii, vi t ii i)atil, t ii i et' 1)4i()iIs In i coni, $ i .50 ('0(11, i)0l'

tiny, lind iip

i L \vas u ggest ed t luit rai ( ii ou hi in' sou i ed all«) froiii

ethel' 1ioteii located iiclu by lie Aiidiloriiini, asid Clinic-

1111111 'I' 101(1 annoiinceii t hat I i e o ii iii seni ro and i ase iiiii)

iiniicd t iìe ititeH of tile 13i3%'ool t , U r e n I Noii 11(1 1

r1 nJcst i r hot eis, ai i of viiic1s hO st ni cii ocio e' liii I y known

and loi) liit among inni bernen,

J;_JI;r s

--'eg'-- ---- r- --, - i - - --- - --J»h: 'Ç;- I. -


-qj -

'l'il e N ce lío i io Bic nook i,

LoctttcI iiear (lic A iidltoi 111111, .iiiil iii,iiii- _i riti if

;1 5) aliti lip iHI l.i', iiii ¿p iii iI.tii 'ciii-

iiiii,i,ort i, iii I i liii,,,, ii iiiiiui

u ii iii beriiiui

Ai i tilO L)jiSiliCsS session s of the moti ii g, t he Thai ness

sessions of tus Osii-ian CJioist er uhu the au ¡niai iiaiiiiiiet et

I he Oui cmii Cloisici, vii i occur i n t ii niions ii ai is md

(i liming rooms of tue Au d i to ri mliii . i t wi i i ho coin ven ion ,

liierefore, for liii visitois to establish Ilmemnsehes either at

(lint or at the mear by holds nanieci nuove. Itesem vat bus

iiiiouiib he 1)rOuuII)tbY made d i reeL w! 1h time hotel, t iuougbu

tuero is uuo grolLt i i lieb b bìood of t ii ere hei ng a uienrtiu of ne

couuuunoulaliu>us. Happily lue big Convention of any sort Is

scheduled to occur ut Chicago dui ing 1100 hoe veeii.

i t w I Il lie ol)seuveil I hat spi'ciai nurangeuuueuu t s have been

ronde with Lije ?illciuigaui City crew of tue lJniled Slntes






if I











(uHr M, 'I'kIAT,1ifififififb(I Iliptel Coniutitti&,e; Itleniber aIo (eiflerifil

Coni lififilteC OH Â rraIlgeIneIII.

' if5 -





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Vice Chairitail (eiflerat Cnit,jli te ait À rralìgenietltM,








of General Coiiiniittee on Arraiigenicnts.

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1f, E. Mii ,iu,ScreI,ir (eIItr.tj Cojii,t,ttt, oli


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JOREIIJ OplKUnEMjKo( (encraI Comititlee oil Arraigenieii(s.



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Life Saving Service to give an exitibitloit dull during thevittit of the patty there, Titis will be a highly interestingfeaturo to most of the visitors. The bathing beach atMichigan City Is tle finest on the laite, the bathhouse Ettoreaccommodating threc hundred perboos The return tripvil1 bring tite party in sight of Chicago after nightfaj andjermlt a viosv of the btii!nint illumination of her eigiiieniniIe of harbor front.

Titis boat trip, it' the judgntent of many, will he titemost delightful' feainro of the meeting. Nothing can be


widely announced later. Even if no nlateria1 concessionsare ntade, and it is more and fiore difficult to secure specialexcutt,ion iates since the Hepburn bili went trato effect, tise(ru) siil not be an expensive one so far as tite railroadfare i, concerned. Summer tourists' raten to Chicago willhe in Ifect in September frein most sections of the coun.try, and many of tite Hoo-Bo visitors viil prefer to availtitenìselves of these open rates titan to bother with anyfotin of certfleate ticket. Full announcement on rates

t*... .'1.




'i'1II: tAI.,i'tÂt S'I'EÄMEt tt' If EOL)Øt(E ROOStVt1T," UPON \VlilCIt TItE EXCtJ1t4tON. '_t'o MICtt1(\N C!'i'V \vti.L 1tt I'l)I,

stti,i that xvii I ove ritten lite t$itien(ii(i ni)pottlt tttelt ts attd vi I i lie macle tttd exiti i ei t i nsl,i'u elions issued for tite ben.anonttttociatfon of 11W 'itotteveli .." it is otto of the fittest eilt of ttii who eXi)ect to attettti tite tneellng.lttlnaettger s1(a1ttetI oit tite laite, whicit is tite stiiste as any- ii wiii lie observed titat in tite above no mention is madelug that it ta one of tito titti'st limiting Paincea in tite votid. of tise Osiriatt Cloister etttettaixttttont, itor eininiming of

Reports tttO being recetved by different ntemtrnrs of tite tite Sttark. Atrattgontents for titis itave not been con-coittmittoe froto nil ovet the country indicating a largo at eluded and it is not definitely determined that renditiontettiiance. Citiengo in ittipi)iiy situttleci as a conveniettt of tite iil'iy wIii he attetnpteci, In ail likelihood, however,ei y i n titni. the tam i teat lotta of be r etto i'tttoits bu si ness itt- Eh e ce totttoity xviii he given, and s'i 1h unusual solemnityteiests Iteltetrate to teatiy evei'' town attd itntniet in tite and impressivettess. If so lt viii probably occttr on thecoiltltty, nett titete ato fett' oteo itt active httsiness Ititt ttigitt: of September 11. The recent death of Coi. A. D.viio itas'e greater ot, lest; ituittess tonsotts for visiting McLeoti, Chief Priest of the Osirian Cloister, itas some-

l)ANCINO'. 1'A\'lrIo, ltA'i'lt HOUSES INt) vi iw OF' rltu bEACh vr MIChIGAN Cl'I'V.

Citicago. Il is oxitected that ittindreds of busittess men inthe lumber trade, in iloo-Hoo and ottt of it, viil take oc-casion to visit. Cisicago tittrin the veek of tite meetiitg.The meeting bids fait' ,to be n great gathering of lueniterpeople.

The foregoittg contjttitnicatioti from Chicago fully coverstle stattts of arrangettients there for the meeting. Appli.cation from the Scricenoter's otilce itas been made forreduced railrotid rateo tOE. the meeting, and these will be

--'-- . 4-r- .

\s'Itnt irtterrttltted tite plans of that body, Reports to theScrivenoter's 0111cc confirm those being received at Chicagovitii reference ,to the attendance. There will be a goodcrowd i)rosnt iteyond any doubt, and the arrangententg ourChicago bretitren itave made for ottr entertainment Insuretitat the meetiitg will be oe of tite moot thoroughly enjoyable that itas ever been held. Let every noon beginnow to make his arrangements to take in the meeting, notfailing to take along isis wife or other women folk. Itwill be att easy trip for the ladies and one the pleasure ofwitici they vill long cherish lu. memory. . . ..




According totthe newspapers, the present 'heated tetto"is likely to gt . down itt history us tite great Stay.at4toineSummer of 1908, Largo numbers of " very best people,"it is said, have 'cut out the trip to Europe and have for-saleen the seashore' and. mountain tp. To the financialStringency Is ascribed titis falling off of tise vacation move-ment. The fact that stich a ttting attracts widesitreadattention and comment oitows to what heights of prosperitywe have attained-twenty-five years ago the Americanpeople gave little thougittto tine subject of vacation, Onlya few of the wealthier classes looketi forward to having aformal Vacation at all. Now everybodyexpects sottte sortof vacation and every otte above the level of a day laborerlooks forward to at least a week of continuous outing.Surely as a nation, wo itave reached a high stattdard ofprosperity and itealtis, A recent magazine article tells us,however, that titore are ouch thiitgs as "vacation dangers."It seems that exposure to sunshitie lo one of titese allegeddangers. "Many people seem to tittttk," says the writerof the article referred to, 'that tite Iteavier the coat of tanthey wear on tabu- returtt frotte titcir vacation, the thickerare tite layers of good itealth that they have accumulated.They forget that the darkoiting of the skin caused by ounligitt is a defluite effort on tice part of nature to protectunderiylttg important organs from the destructive chemicalaction of the sun's rays. Before nature supplies titis pig.ment, which, deposited itt the skia, protects the individualfrote solar actinism, the effects ate strikingly destructive.The cuticle loses its vitality and is shed. 1f the exposureto sunlight has been coittinued for some time, all theeffects of a burn are produced."

As far back as I can remember, it always made me madto see a man walking alon with his lint in his hand, asthough his throbbing brain needed cooling. I have tried toreásoù myséif out of the belief that men who do thehead-airing act la warm weather are cranks or sissies, butto no avail-as often as I see that sigitt, my temper rises.Perhaps my prejudice Is due to ate Intoitive perception ofa vital truth! The writer just quoted goes on to say:

Matty people think Chat it lo the right thing to gowithout any covering for the head and with large portionsof the body exposed. Children aro encouraged to wanderWithout hats and the youth of the country, of both sexes,is supposed to be laying up for Itself stores o vitalitywhile exposing itself freely to the sun. It must not beforgotten, however, that in the very hot countries people

tnaiatajn their heaith by biding from tite sun entirely dur-Ing three or four hours at least In the hotteat part of theday, and Whenever they go out into ttte sun thoy carefullycover their iteads wittt tnany folds et woolen cloth. Tur-banq, after all, are the reottit of tite experience of thepeople in Eastern tropical ciimaten that they al-e ouchbetter for having their heads covered, The skull and thescalp present but very slight Obstacles to the passago ofdangerously destructive rays of sunitght. The lighter thecolor of the hair the truer is this, and very thin itairor shingled hair makes an oxposuro of the head particu-larly dangerous, There is a traaition that cutting thehair very short imOi-oves Ito growth and prvent8 baldness,a tradition tite foollsttneso of which can be soon trois thefact that it is "otreo s'ito ttltnost tiever have titesr ttts,lrcut who are also tw- vtt' l)Rld,

Despite theu3 admonitions, a great many people Willpersist ito occasionally going bareheaded in summer, Aturban is not a practtcaitlo itoad piece for up.to-date men.A, comfortable and light.weigltt straw' hat io not burden-some, however, asid att able.bodied matt ougitt to be ableto walk tite streets witit isis hat ori.

A flannel shirt is supposed to be a hygienic garmentbecause it noaices its wearer perspiro, The dripping skinis cooled by evaporatiofl and keeps tite whole interioroiled, just as people itt the tropics tang lot'ous jugs ofvatcr to cool in the blazing sun.

A philosophic edito:' tiecltu'cs: "No tenti cna be religiousIn summer who does ttot sweat. Satanic influences areexuded tito'ough tite pores along itit glacifying liquids.When we stop swoatittg we bottle up the flettd, as it were,and iso begins to rago witititt, driving us to desperationas he did thooe antique bt'otitren of ours ito the countryof tite Gadarettes. Next to work in. tite field or ditch, thebest way to keep ap a persitiration is to ririttk floodo ofwatct. In hot weather water botin ivithin nitti withoot isman's best tncdicarnent, though Ito titene wiser years wehave leartted to beware somewitat of tite tnattttinal ice bathso itiuch lauded at Otto timo, Tite colti tub taken to thelark's wild soitg is for many people e srtare, It sapo thestrettgtli which were botter ettipioyed in resisting the fttryof the suti."

Consider tite lilies of tite field. if there are tto lilieshandy, alty other wild flowers will do, The lilies in Paies-tine grew wild, and no doubt wore weil worth studying, for'Soiomoit Itt all itis giot'y was not at't'aye(i like otto ofthese," Wild lilies are not so conntion In titis coutttry,but any kind of flower will unfold to us muelo wisdom if wedo but heed its message, Sentimental youths and maidensof the olden time COttttttutticated tisett- heart's desire toeach other in tite "langoage of itowers"-a language frattklyartificial, however, and which tite flowers had nothing todo with forming. But the flowers do truly speak to thecareful observer and to ail titose wits take the trouble tostop and think, Concerning tue cluotering flowers, suchas red clover, daisies and other familiar specimeno, ascholar says:

«lt must not be supposed titat theoo flowers have beenarranged in such various and attractive forms simply togratify the eye of cuan when lie should come along withpower to perceive and enjoy their beauty."

Surely not. The flowers were hero before the huelanrace arrived upon the scene, The flowers began to corn.bine in groups and associate In spIkes, clusters andracemes ages before man was taken into account-theyhad reasons for combining witicli were far onore pressingthan merely to get ready to please the oye of a creature ofthe future, whose advent was still a matter of countlesscenturies ahead. It was, indeed, a matter of life and death-


tb had to ccmbIn and llse cIoer wgether, orthernFelves 1r !solaUon a1oig tb stuns ot whc

th dIt For each ne 1 them depnde for the pepettz2

toi its kind. upon th vJt of nscts on their travers,

carrf the pollen acros rrom flower w oer, cross-f1Izing the b1osom and o securing- the continuance

of r pant. That result aq most uccefstu1Iy acbiev'd

In tte case of tboe ta1k on which the b1ooms wereded most thIckIy For there the hurrying bees and

wa and moths could moat afly take tip the pollen fron

onp 1oaaom and duat lt over the next, Fb.n, too, the bnybeci 'vere more certain to aHght and tr their luck fo

some spot where a cluster o! flowera made thered rr white or yellow more consptcuo-ta than It couldbe il a thgle bIoor. The cluaterng flowers were more

to be crosa1ertilfzcd than . the oUtary ones. Theto gather fn groups helped to perpetuate the

flOWIra In which that tendency occurred--and the flowers

thus perpetuated helped to paes on the tendency to asso

clat g-roups o the principle o! cooperatIon wasamong the flowers, Some of the amaller flower-

folk Were still at a disadvantage-they were out.chone by

th( fugger and brighter rivais, and they had to crowdtogeiher no as to advertlne their presence to the rovingifl5pts. When sorne of them did thun crocd together Into

a dne head, the "tendency" to dense-headedness was

startt1 ¡u1(i contInued. Then another strange thing cameto panS-ome of the outer flowers were .et apart for thespeci1 duty and task of attracting attention, while to theinnei group was given the work of secreting the honey

whIc was the prIce raid for the servicen of the usefulInsec Some of the flowers (or portions of flowers) were

"bar1'' or 'epielers" whose duty it was to (Iraw theerowthey used the color language, as you might say.

Tha aS the way," says the authority I quoted a while

ago, In which the great family of the composite flowers

came to be-the family which Includes the daisy and thesunfh" the goidrenrod, the tansy and the chrysanthe-

mum, Grant Auen calls these the most advanced, theniost highly civilized of ail the plants. They have come to

live ja little communities, and they hawe reached thepoInt ' a divisIon of labor. Every daisy by the roadside

Is a ii1age of tiny flowers. In that village there are twonets fi workinginen, the ray.11owers which serve to invita

the of the passing Insects, and the disk-flowerswhosd office is to furnisb him with goods when he has beenattradtC"

TbC wayside daisy then embodies two of the most vitalprinc1e5 of progress, two of the laws of civilization-a95Øcation and division of iahor-.-cooperatlon and ape-

ci01Izti01LThe flowers seem to bave learned that it was not good

for hPm to dwell alone. Human beings learned this earlyin tb/it race life-they combined, for mutual protection,In tri and clans, and later on built cities and estab-liahed governments, The modern artificial attempts toestabliSh cooperative communities have always failed forthe reB0fl that those In charge of the enterprise attempted

to forP conditions before the time was ripe, and to bringaboutj an arbitrary way, the results of a tendency"that !ould have worked out satisfactorily if not presna-turely forced to a finish, lt was like pulling a rosebudapart make it burst into a full-blown rese. There Is noneed or socialistic aglthtors to be so frenzied. Therela a $retty fair momentum to a "tendency" which goesback the foundation of the daisy communities, Every

city i/ a cooperative scheme-every bunch of clusteringbloso that flourished before 'Adam, w-as a prophecyof. pdon and Paris and New York. Why rant? All

we really have to do Is to stand from under and let theanciefl: law have sway. We may not be charued with theprospct of llVIng'th fiats or apartments, or- of dining Ina "community" salon, or kitchen, according to our purse.But t world is moving fltward. The gas range willsuppiflt the good old cook stove and maybe, by and by,one nge will do the cooking for a whole neighborhood.

Dr. Wiley, head of thePure Food Commission, made anaddrc:s the other day to the Bisult Bakers' Association,in which be declared that the divorce germ flourishes Inbad bread. He exhorted the association to banish the"great destroyer of the home, dyspepsia"-by making goodbread. or crackers, or whatever the association is sup-pose to make. From the standpoint of a Southerner, all"batrs' bread" Is an abomination, We revel in the luxuryof hot biscuits-sure-enough biscuita made with buttermilkand soda and "shortened" with real lard, and served atbreakfast fresh out of a stove which is heated with coaland managed by a negro cook. With the vegetables, fordirner, we eat corn pone. There are few divorces and noanorchists in the South. And I have noticed that whenNorthern and Eastern people visit in the South, theyusually "put away" as many of our delicious, crisp biscuitsas is compatible with the etiquette of visitixg, neverthe-kss holding on to their absurd theory that- hot bread isunwhoesonìe. However, I have wandered away. Dr. Wileymade some reflections on "wifey's bread," urging that thewire edge on hubby's temper is due to poor cooking. ANew York newspaper, commenting on Dr. Wiley's speech,Inquires: "What is it that has caused this deterioratiónin bread.naaklng? Is It bridge or membership in women'sclubs? Or la it patent milling processes, alum, manufac-tured yeast and the disappearance of coal fires from thekitchens? The association of wheaten loaves with thegas ranges of Harlem flats is_not intimate."

Allowing his mind to stretch out in speculation, thesame editor asks further:

'But why should skill in bread.making be an accom-piishment expected of a wife? She no longer cards woolor makes clothes for the household. The spinning wheelbao gone from the home. Why should the bread pan andkneading board remain?"

No doubt the whole world will come to a "bakers'bread" plane in time-the "tendency" has already beenformed. We cannot hold on to our separate kitchens andour separate stoves-separate cooks are swiftly vanishing!Soon we shall have to double up and dwell in bunches,even as the daisies of the field learned to do in the dimvista of ages past.

This, as I said before, is not apleasing prospect, butthe laws of nature take no cognizance of individual pref-erences. Besides, we erring mortals have not sufficientIntelligence to know what we want. We are often sur-prised to find that the thing wo struggled to attain doesnot give us pleasure, after ali. Likewise we are sometimesastonished to discover how quickly We become adjustedto some condition that we fought against. A Westerneditor recently wrote, in pensive strain, an article on "thenew home," in which he spoke of the changes which arenow taking piace from the individual cottage to that of theapartment dwelling. He touched upon the "tact that womenhave lost their taste for housekeeping"-that they findhousekeeping "petty, futile and degrading." A few daysafter the articie was published, a "housekeeper who lovesthe work" came back at him in a letter so courteous andsensible that I ibail quote a portion of it:


The apartment house is a auccosa for a two-told reason,first because caPtsi can make a. much larger return on theamount Invested than It can in separets dweliinga, andRecond, beau5o tilo advantages in housekeeping are aug-snonted many fold by the apartoeont hosee plan.

The features si continuous bot \vater every hour ofthe twenty-four is an advantag-o so great, that, 11ko manyother modetn luveotlons and ievIcea, Wo who got accus-tened to It, wonder how we got aioiig without it before,The heating of tflo building from o centrai plant ta anotherfloat Invaivabie feature. No petty wood dealer's tyrannyto bother with; ¡oo wood ai- coal to carry up or store awayno splinters to poison or coal lumps to hinchen a woman'sbauds, and no ahea to ciean trois the stoves or to soll thefloors or carpets and to carry ost.

'F110 construction of "lifts" which run fronu the baso-nient to and above the roof, through the tiers o kitchens,not only provide for delivery of household supplies andnecessities in a much bstter niunner than by individualtradesmen, but also provide a means of carrying away tuovastc from the kitchen and table In lens time and in a moresatisfactory manner than can be done io Individual homes.They also constitute a vont up which the hot air from thekitchen stove rusho8 and whtcb is constantly replaced bycool air. This not only keeps the kitchen refreshinglycool but curries away With it ali odors from the cooking.

These advantages and pleasures ars Impossible in theindividual homo.

The Pat Mesi Snub.

Now is the time when every fat man givesAjoyous grin, delighted that he Ilves-And, in his triumph, shows the humbled worldHow all its quibs and joshings ho forgives.

For centuries the world lias giggled atThe portly tello'w, vulgarly called fat-Jeerings unlimited for ulm, and helias kept keen memory underneath his hat.

Invidious reference to a plunging whale,Or elephants-a gag long, long since stale-The fat man had to stand it-be was o'erThe butt of tun-tite mark that vould not fail

But now-'tis all reversed-like lightning flash-A fat man conquers, with a giant dash-Out of the way, you thin ones, lest he stepUpon your frames, and mash theta into hash!

When tame threw laurels on the head of Taft,With one accord tite Nation's fat men laughed,And all the humorists, abashed aad stung,Pulled dowii their signs, while ali the jumbos chatted!

When he talees Oflice, 'round the White House doorThe gleeful fats shah caper, many a score,And the dejected oblunies, overwhelmed,Shall turn away old poster theta no more!

-Chicago Journal,

Not (nbet Eulaigis.

Mooney-Faith, Oi cud (lie Ilitenln' to Tom Callahanplay Lb' polpes,

Donohue-Fer beach, Oi'd prefer a pncetul md-Judge.

Avoid suspicion: When you're walking throughYour neighbor's inelonptetch, don't tie your shoe.

A short time ago tIte Cleveland, Ohio, publie schoolschallenged the schools of the country to a "spelling match."The challenge was accepted by Pittaburg, Pa,, Erie, Pa.,and New Orleaiis, La. Out of 500 words, the Clevelandersmissed but S. Pittsburg was second, with 47 wordsmlssed New Orleans was third with 66, and Erie font-tb


with 85. One hundred words wate given to ha writtenfiorn dictation, and then a cet-tain number to be orallyspelled by fifteen children chosen frotte 1ko schools in eachcity. The biggest auditorium in tite cIt was ciowded withsix thousand present to hear tite children spell. Two girlscoveted themselves w'itht especial glory-Marie Biatton, nlittle negio guI of Cleveland, and Mae Thuraby, of Pltts.burg, They wont through the long list of dIfficult wordswithout a mistake,

As soon as the results were announced, PresidentHaserot called 14.year-old Marie Bratton to tite front of thestage, and, amid the cheers of the audience, presentedto her a gold badge, signifying that alte is tite championspeller of the best teane of theTjnited States.

Co:tuineuting upon thin incident the Cievelittid Leadersays:

"Isn't every spoiling contest a protest aimed at theneetiteos and burdeitsonis eccentricities st the English tan.guage? Does ti tiot taeli the wisdom of spoiling reform?Ought tilo most important business language of the civilizedworld to its so complicated by irrogularitles that it cannotbe used without constant danger of mistakes In tite veryrudinisuita of its form?

1f a negro girl, fourteen years of age, can Icaro to spell,a w'ltite man ittis no call to bemoan tite "burdensome eccentricities" of our language, It is indeed wonderful that any.body should leant spelling, or -anything else, in a publicschool, for the Public school is a good deal of a fraud, adelusion und a sitare. 'Fue negro girl who won tise medaldid not learn to spell at school. She said:

"I studied speluing all I could, bat believe I havelearned to spoil from reading the newspapers. There arvery Sow words in everyday use that de not appear con-tinuaiiy in timo Papers."

Bere are tite names of a few of the children in theCleveland tenui: Maucle Leatner, Hilda Moskowitu, SylviaSiclia, Trotte Langlols, Etto Epstein, Rosa Meier, Leo Gold.reich, Ida Fantana, Colette Litet, Leab Bratburd amid FredaMarkowita.

Tito names imitlicate that these children nro born of

foreigners-probably they are: the next generation of for.eign l)arentS. Yet tbey have learned to spell com'rectly,Why, thou, should there be such a crying need of "sim.piifled" spellltig? Surely there is but small basis forthis statement lit the Cleveland Leader:

'this country atud Great Britain, with tite Britishcolonies, carry a heavy burden of m1lfllclt and 'cònfuslngspelling, through their schools into business and ail othsractivities of lite.

Ile l)i,i'mmL Worry.

Ills name was liezolcinim Doolittie end he was bieemodwith a sanguine temperament. When ho proposed to AnnieWarner oho inquired what means he liad witit which to8UpJ)Ort ti wife, "Non e whatever," said the cheerful Ilezo-1(18-h, "but poverty is ua disgrace, and some day I expectto strike lt rich,"

'they were inarriemi and went to ihre with Annie'sparents "until something turned up." iiezakiait passed bythe snail jobs, iooicing for something big, but he wasaiwayH 00 hand for monis, ' '

Annie fretted becauss they were' a burden on herparents, and citided bine fer his inaction,

"i)on't worry," said lis, "It will spoil your beauty."liezeiciah lived up to his owli creed and refused to

worry, no matter hove' great the provocation. Even whenAnnie's parents turned them out he wa perfectly calm,"The Lord 'n'ui jrovidpl" he exclaimed placidly, but hiewife waSted no timo in talk. She rented a small cottage,bought some forniture de credit and took Ip washing.

"The debt on the fornitura will sosa be due," she ra.minded him one day.


o 'Never trOUII1 trouble until trouble tioubles you(tUOtCd }Iozektah.

8o h18 wlo dM plain sewing at night to lncreaoe theirocanty Income. Then n. baby woo born and Annie Wfla

unable to work. What 8h011 we do?" she cried,'Dont worry. lt wfll Injuro your health," soothed

HCZekIa)I, "I am still expecting something to turn up'Anlo'H folks helped them for a year and then she

rented a larger house ad took In boarderøTho rent wIll soon be due," she told her husband

als sh glanced anxiously at the calendar.'T1I(e no thought for the morrow," reproved I{eiekiah.

"The niorrow wIll take thought for the things of Itself,"Àrnle worked hnrdr, I-1er cares Increased as the

famIly Increased, and slue lost her beaCty, her health andher temper.

'You worry too InCh," remonstrated her husband,

't\'Iiy dent Yell tflkC a hopeful vIew of lIfe, as I do?"Hin(fl endurance has Its lImIts, and the end came et

last, Annie Oled of overwork, her parents took the childrenand the hopeful Ilezcklah 'l'as left to shift for hImself,

'The world owes me a lIving," said he, So he took toth rcnd, As he trampec out of thu vijInge, past the littlecountry cemetery, his eye sought out the unsodded graveof his wife and he sighed,

"Plie ways of providence are Inscrutable," he mur-murecj ruulgflellly. She was a good wIfe, but she wouldworry"-'Youthu Companion.

Tho Queen uf Englrtnd WOIC Cfl1S valued at $5,000,000at th state ball In ?luciclngham Palace. Sounds as If herfathor came from Pittuburg,-ChIeago Post,

It, II Couic 111101e.

Little Bo-PoepHoe lost her sheep

(It was all ancient ram);It went on the hopTo a butcher's shop.



Work on the bIg exposition which is to be held atSeatto, Wash., In 1909 Is going forward ut a satisfactoryrate. The groutids are being beautified by the art of theIandscnpe gardener, and many of the buildings are wellunder-stay. A few of the buIldings are completed. Accord-Ing to a preso dispatch to the Portland Oregonian, theCactus dahlia, a flower that blooms umore profusely aroundPuget Sound than any other section of the Pacific Coast,leas been selected as the official fiGwer of the exposition.lii n)pearnnce titis plant resembles the chrysanthemum, theblossoms being as large as that flower, and the petals curl-ing In the saine maaei'. It blooms profusely in manycolors from JulIo till the frosts of autumn'. The landscapedepartment is taking advantage of the beauty of the officialflower by providing unique beds with which to decorate thegrounds,

Two of the largest temporary buildings are finished,the Palace of Agriculture and the Palace of Manufac-tures. 'nie first ceremony held in any of the expositionbuildings was the commencement exercises of the Uni-versity of Washington, on June 11 and 17. Other buildingscompleted are Machinery Hall, Emergency Hospital andthe Fire Station, 'l'he Oregon building will be completedwithin a few weeks, while the AudItorium, a permanentstructure, has its steel work in place and the brick workfinished up to tIse second story. The Mines building isbeing enclosed asid it will not be long before the staff deco-rations will be put on. The Fine Arts palace is risingfroua its foundations and the Fisheries building has beenbegun.

The lighting system of the grounds and the decorativeillumination of the buildings is being .worked out by J.R. Thompson, electrical engineer, who designed the light-Ong effects of the Lewis and Clark llxpoitiofl. The centralfountain court and the four surrounding buildings, the agliculture, manufactures, fisheries and mines, will carry 30,000electrIc lights, outlining the main architectural 1ines in astring of fire. o colored lights will be used, as expe-nonce has showj that plain white light is by far the moreartistic. Itedand other colors Inelectrie globes will bepermitted only on the Pay Streak, the gaiety boulevard.

N'c' studies aro being worked out for the cascades, oneof tile principal features, and the geyser fountain, Sub-

arinc and spray illumination 'will be used on these deco-rative features. The fountain wili not be like other olee-trical fountains at former lairs; it will be as nearly asposible an exact reproduction of a huge geyser, with thewater colored by a new method upon which ThompsonIs n)W working. Along the bottoni of the geyser basinwill be electrical bulbe encased Inwatertight receptacles,alill one looking down will be enabled to see the fish swim-

mliig about.

l'ho drops of tilo cascades wili be treated in an entirely

fl(W way. An attempt will be nualle to utilize the primarycolors of the pristhatic scale, fly the use of a specialiyprepared varnish of different colors applied to the dropaof the cascades it is hoped to secure a unique effect.Looking at each fail one will be able to see the sprayilluminated in the different colore of the prlelnatic scale.

The Pay Streak will be a blaze of different coloredlights, each concessionaire having his own illuminationto conform with the general scheme, An approach oftotem poles, each 30 feet hIgh, dIstributed on each side ofthe avenue, will leed up to the molli gateway of the amuse-nient Btreet. The oyes of thetotems 'will blink 'with lightsand festoons of bulbs wiil be strung between them,

. The permanent brick builUings wili be outlned with

lights and the natural park PortIons of the grounds willbe illuminated 'with strings of incandescent lamps stretched

from tree to tree.Within the next month lt Is expected that the United

States Government will begin tIte erection of its main

buiidiug and the structure to hold the displays of Hawaii,Alaska, Philippines and the fisheries industry.

In the late financial stringency a clerk in one of theNew York banlcs was trying to explain to a stolid oldDutchman why the bank could not pay cash to depositorsau formerly, and was insisting that he be satisfied with

clearing house checks But the old German could notgrasp tue situatiun, and finally the President of the b-Oak

was calied upon to enlighten. the dissatisfied customer.

After a detailed explanation of the financial situation, thePresident concluded, "Now, my good osan, you understand,

don't you?" "Yes," dubiously replied the DutObman, "Itinles I understand. lt's just like din, von my baby vakesUI) In der night and cries for milk, I give her a milk-ticket."

Co,icor,,ing Mr. liobsan.

As everybody knows, Mr. Richmond Pearson Hobson is"preaching an unholy war"-pruphesying that this coon-try will soon be engaged In combat with the Japs. Re-

markable as bu statements are, some of thoe made byhis critics are still more so. For instance, the New York

Independent says:



"We had hoped that the stout shaft of Dr. J. li.: DeForest's logic might bave quenched bis madness."

How can a "shalt" queñch? It takes something wet to"queneb." You would imagiiie the tlltor ltatl quaffed

copiously nf some sort of wet goods" judging from the foilowing hytcrical allusions to Hobson:

We have liad him first prancing and dancing ovei' thecouiiti'y, ridiculous as the most bekist ot martIal heroes, but

of late as the panoplled al)Oetle of mIlitant peace, makIng anew campaign around the Chautauquas cad the Y. M. andY. W. C. A's of the land, no longei' rtngçd wIth lovelocka,but changed to a frenzIed godklii of battle, flying over oui'

I>eaceful heavens, swInging the red thunderl101ts O battle,and his head horrent with spired serpents, spItting llamoand shaking pestIlence and win'.

His head "hori'ent with spired serpents!" That Isworse thpn being "bekist." (The Independent is one ofseveral publications that has adopted sImplified spelling.)

Truly this arraignment of Hobson is so envellomed as tosuggest that it was Inspired by spite-or envy. Can lt

O be that the editor of the IndepndOnt has mist being kist?



,t [",tir (luciltiOn.

If you should die nod, later, waken: Somewhere acroos the gulfs of spoce,

To find, when your first glimpse was tallen,Maude, Alice, Geraldine and Grace,

And all the rest yoll nearly dictL for,The short, the tall, the plump, the lean,

: The ones whozo favor you have sighed forSiate you were, say, about thirteen-

If you should find them 1111 there waitingWhen yo arrived upon that shore,

And all of them rushed forward statingThat they were yours forevermore,

if you round you had to take theniAll Just as they had buon In life,

And never, never Inight forsake them-'1f each at once became your 'wife,

'Would you conclude-now please be candid-lf.stlCh a cil'cufllstaflce befell,

'Would you collclude that you had landedJa Ileaven, or 101(1 gone to hell?-Life.

Briggs-You say business is looking up?Grlggs-That's what it is. It can't look any other way;

lt's flat on Its back.

Sullivan bought a goat, for which Ile paid $5. Shol'tly

after he received a tax bill on the goat of $8. He called

on Rafferty, the assessor, and said: "Why do y tax me8 on my goat Villen I paid but $5 for him?" "Well," said

Rafferty, "I llave carefully read what tile statutes say, andIt reads: 'Whoever owns property abutting on tile street

shall be taxed $4 a front foot.' "

idr, James 1-I. Baird, Nashville, Tonn,-Kind SIi': One learnsby rending that the entire I-Ion-1100 are very milch interested inthe building of a lIonne at Gordon, Ark. Other minds have longago thought (or rather dreamed) this aleo. Tuis little dream,or story, is jotted down mot as it camo to the miad, and Is

, therefore somewhat dioconnected, unii contains many mistakesand ujiospelled words, many from lack of knowledge, otiies fromcareleooneus. KITTIE 'U, C. KNOWS.

P, 8.-lt you fInd tilia of any value you might have Hon.n. Arthur ,Johnson o back to the "Old North Henderson" barnand rewrite and arrange this (put in little book form) and sell,devoting proceeds to buildIng fund of 110mo of Hoo-1-Io0 at

-- -


Tile lorogoing letter, tc,gether with the "dream," reached

tlii. olilce some weeks ago. The letter is undated and both

noanuscri 1) and story, or 'dream," are nllonymous-thoanule slgile(l to the lettex- is, I talio It, IL "pouline do tci'ie."

as the Irishman sal(i. 'l'lie story 015115 with a iircsldo 500110'-

a "backlog' blazing in the old-fashioned fil'oplace." Themanuscript arrived at this office on a day when the ther-nlometer registered 00 in the shade, and tilo fireside sceneiiiade the weather seem warmer than ever. Stollen withblazing .backlogs in them should ho submitted to editors

along in. January-SnOW 5001105 l'0 11101 0 accelltablo in mid-

otimmer. Tile "dream" covel's 07 pages of pencil manu-

script. In my Judgment it is loot available for the purposementioned. There is one feature of the stOl'y that mightserve as a suggestion for tue furnishings of a summerhoule iii the mountains whore tilo nights aro chill-theblazing backlog i'ests upon andirons fashiolied In the veri.similitude of huge black cats with "great yellow glass

oyes." Wiieii I was a Cllild and lived in the backwoodS,

we coiled andirons "dogirone." Perhaps tiieoo unique "cat-

irons" may' commend tbenisclves to those whose taste In-

clines toward the bizarre!I am sorry hot to be able to give tile siltliol' any en

couragement, though I suppose tue matter will not be taken

greatly to heart-as sonic of the words ivere misspelled

'through carelessness," lt is safo to assume that tue author

s'as not vitally interested in the fate of tIte lnanllsCl'ipt_

Lakeland, Fia,, July 11, 1000-I have lt. Ito handy, com-lilete Cnil accurate, Glad to get it. 'rho informatIon is suchthat you cnn find out anything that should be known about aFloo-FIoo, mmii I thank you. 'Phis refers to tuo book.

Fraternally yours,SAM O. acoymas (No. 18010).

001'C Georgia Supply Co,, ilavannhtli, On

San FrnncIocO, Cul.. July 1, 1008-I have just received thel-Ioo-Hoo Bible, so hasten to acknowledge it, and at the sametime congi'atulatO you on tuo completeneMø of tue worlc. 'roget lip sudi n "work" would have put most of eu in the lunaticasylum ; however, I ilolle your Iflellt(li COfldit1011 is as strong anevei', nnd that sobo day I may have the pleaitlro of seeingyou out hole. With kindest regards, I noi,

Yours sincerely,CClL N. ANDERSON (No. 10193).

in the works of Prof, 'l'hoinns Coopel' it is said-Man.kind pay liest, (1) those vlio destroy litern, heroes andwarriors; (2) those who cheat them, statesmen, priestsand quacks; (I) those who amuse them, as singers, actors,dancers atRi novel writers. But least of all, thosu wilo ¼

speak tue truth, and instruct them.

,, \Vith oliO exception, everything l'vo luit 11101101' into

lias gone up is the air,"- '' \Viiat %vIio tue exception?''

''An lin ship.

--- -



P110 111g Wiict; Moetilig.

Below is given the official record of the splendid coilcat-eflatioll hehl at Waco, Texas, on July 4, when for two daysthe lainiberitieti and Hoo-lioo macic merry there. Oti thisoccasicil tue Tcxas lloo4-Joo formed thetiiselves into aState organization-au extetided account of which ap-pearI hi the July isuc of The Bulletin:

Sri ark, H. A. Jotiiinoii ; Seiili,r ITnnIIuo, J. II. Bai rd Jun or I(uo.IJoo,j. s. l3oItIIQr; Jiojurn, V. W, Caintrou; Scdveuoter, C 1. GIIeU; Jab-her ok1 V, E. Black ; CliRtocatlall, E. P. flu titer; A rcailoper, M. E.Cirot1iu; Giirdoti, John C. Ray,21751 JoIs Wilhiani A1íkroti, Daa'on, Tl,xaR; oWner J. W. AI(lcr(nl,2172 floyiie Keiii,Iy Ariielt, Kosse, Tex:i: alta,jt ita,iagr Mark-

Ii ni iii aRwort Ii Ccj,21753 Robert El ft)UI1{j Lee Bal Ivy, Waco, 'fexas ; Ilaflager C. J, JolijiHonA 8r,.21154 EdwIn Coweil Ca rott, OInniiIee, Okia,; aosltatit iltailager a t

Madli, 0kb., of Caroii Lubber Co , lIIij,'o, Olcia.21755 «corge A. Carter, 'Vao, 'l'oas; conjtucrjal ageut MIMMOIIrI, Kan-

sas & Texai Railway,2t7( Ocai' flraoc CoIq tilt, A stii, Texao nieiii ber of Tcxao E al -

way CorTi III OSj(,;I.21757 Colunaji Clark Cu tier, Vt, 'oru, 'rexaH ; tIcrnai, ('.ebtiard t,

%VIIHatuo ,t I'izlcl, ' ' -2173a \'lIIIain Henry Dahlia,, Waco, 'J'eaaN: aMSiOaflt 'rexio sales agout

I,ong-HoI lu ni ber Co., Xa103:Ls City. Mu.2t759 Joite Lce Dnvf, '.Vaco, 'rexis; director O%,'eIla Liltitber Co.21710 CIiti (;or1()n 1)0, sou Il lito 'I'exa tilallager )iiitto yar(1f4 R. II.

Sjieocer A Co. Dub! Iii, '1exa.JI 761 OiE 'VII lia u liellay, Vaco, 'toxaH : isiatan t olE,. ag eu t V. R.

l'ickoriig-Iiini,tr Co., Kailsaa CRy, No.217'2 Julitlo \':igro'r Ito rio, Jtoiojtoii, 'l'cxaH ; sales tutti Tiinity R vo r1iiiiibr Co.2tTq,1 Nlcholiio V jiicciit Dittlinger, N,v Itrailti feb, 'I'xao stock taller

(e1,rgo ¡'kuffer Ltim her Co.217(,4 1tlpli LeIgh l)ralce, Al vIn, '1'rxa ; elahlaCer %alley Lititiber Co.

. lIoU.qloIh, 'I'exao.l7o5 Mark " Ilauticar FarcI, Dal las, 'I'exas ; reliera I agent for 'l'exas

C. Il. & Q. Ry.2l1( Vllllas l'mutI I u Ford, Vaca, 'l'exao ; saleoivaii \V8CI) Sash &rllar Co,2fl1,1 Jalo' Short i"i,x, Graiiger, 'l'exaH; owner .3 .. S. l'ex.2fl(M Juoipli Ful la lways Cira, l)allas, l'ea ao ; aoii Iliwooteril freight

ageilt C. A E. I . l'. t:,,., Cilicaro, III.2l7') Froh Eiigi,iic halley, l!arliii, 'lexac; nianager Nash, lt()l)hIs(,Il


211741 l!ar,ey Chartilet }f;iokhcio, IVaco, 'l'axas; aooioCuih In;IlIagc.rn,veIla Liiiiilo'r Co.J1771 (eorge l'reti lielijeo, IVaco, 'l',,xao ; asolst i t re allager C. L. Jaitti-

0(01 t21772 Ilittia \Vhlaa, lliggiìibothiaiii, luco, 'texas; preahIth lliggI!1_

hoithiaiii Itrio. Co.2l77 l'iíiilp hobbs, Alice, 'fex;i.; owner !'hiihlp ljlla.21774 Joiiii Clivelatol lobehi, ClihIlrc.qo, Texao; asoistaill niatlager Cliii..

il reso si rd of %V io. Cajiieroit Co., i \aCI,, 'reais.2i71Ç Ciii rico J,hiwel lii Joli noii, Stiro, 'l'axis ; caller C. r, Johiiiooii &


2177(, \l'iiiluuo huiler Joii000ui, \Vuco, 'l'exao; uuiculuhuur of C. I,. Jolutiouti& Sui.

2l77 Arihuur hIraul fu,rul iCirk1ualrlcIi, Chuhltoii,'10x10; lunger S'iii. Ciii-1.i.1111 ,t Cii.

i77 Jiiiiui Cicero Iuauitl riiuui, luhhuerly II lii, 'I'iuxao; assistiti niatiageri). l,. Siuiuiuoui a.n7) Joua liii ruiitt Little, Cuuhuhueras Co io, 'l'exa, ; uiliiliger 1Juli Lii in -lei Co.

2huiiU JuueCarruuil McCrary, Waco, l'axis; aaoistauit niauiager Waco Sash& i)ueur Cui.2h7l Johiiu u1irviii McNalry, \Vaco, 'I'i'xas; saheoniaui \Vaco Sial &ltuuur Co.2flM Wal lar Juiaro Macp)iersuui, \V;ico, 't'u,uas ; usslsjaiil oals uliauiager

Wacui Sahu A Ï)uuor Co.21783 Chineo Rulwiui Ma rilo, Laiii1uias , ' 1'ux us ; general ilailger ihitie

Liiuuihier Co.217s4 lione Criiesi Mitchell, huy, 'l'exio; gelerai iilahiiger R, C.:lhlchiehl.21715 Nuriuuii Lafayuhle \Iiuuuru, h'.itiïviii. Texas; owiler M. L. Moore.217.14, \'hii aun i)ii glu li irgaui, iioiisiihu, 'l'exis chief cleric tui uit;iiit

goiieril freight agu'ilt M. IC. & '.1', kv.2iiS Clout Cl i hou Morrisu Roihuiiul, 't'exis ; nl:iiiager Roselutiul Lutti-

luir Cut,2171E 'I'hiouuias i'ercs Moser, Esteltinu', 'l'xii

; utaii;iger Kotohlitiut yardof Wut. Cuttierout & Cuu., lic., '.Vaeuu, Txis.

21719 Riuuhoipli George Mueller, Aiisiiii, Texàs;- inautager retail depart.- ulteutcoicasicu I,iitiibr Cuu. -

21790 Oscar 1yre,Waco, Texas; vice preshuheut attui eitorai maitager-

Kessler k Co. - - - - -

21791 Joe1uhi Iihchiehl Nash, \Vaco, ujuexas; stockholder Nauuhi.Rotjitsoit- - Co. -- - -

21792 S'ather Ertest Oaks, Texarleaua, Ark.; Issistaitt itlaitager luidex -

Luintier Co. - :

21793 ifarvey J. Oveuto, Dalias, Texas; cotti, freight ageutt Trou Moiti.tahuaky. - - -

21794 huy E. Petali, Austin, Te'cao; illaltager E. W. Powell & Soit.2i79S Oven \Vesie) l'reottahl, \Veth, 'I'exaq; assistant itaitager West

Lit suber Co,

21796 Alfred Eintuure Riche)', Sau Aultouiici, Texas; itieuiaber of finit West- Eitel Littler Co. -

21797 Jiu,iiei Aithiokobitinoit, Marhhii, Texan; assistuuit uiauagcr Nuit-Robhi.qoii Co., Waco, Peau,

2t'798 Juuuies duthii Root, Kihleen, Texan; parhiter Cainpbuhi.Root Luci.ber Co, -

21799 Juuitu MeFerrhti Sansoni, F't. Wuurtit, 'l'citi; secretary atti) salen.- uttasiIyutn t Rice Luniber Co.


21800 . rthiutr OscirScbeiidcl, San Auttouulo, 'reati ; sainstutaut Weit Etuililntbcr Co,

21801 \tax juifliut hciiuucchi, Eduly, l'exas; owner Max Stitiicchi.21802 Eulgar toils Sticht, Austin. 1enas; niauiager Mittuul Lumber Co.21803 Frank tuslur 'l'rauitschioid, Waco, 'I'exai stockhuoliher C. M. Traut.

sciiotd Co,

2i804 Lockhart Ilideut Wallace, ollihOii, Tento; geuierth malinger Wii.loss- Luther Co. -

21803 'l'hioinas l'alite Waiworthi, Ft. Worth, u1eias; utianager Southwest-erta -Plaithuig Miii Co,

2180, Albert Edwin! Weytuiotitit, IVaco. Texas; contuiercial ageut S. A.,b ,&. ii, Ry.

21807 Ritoseil - Wihluautkn, Walnut Sjuritigs, ufexan; uulaitager AtchtisoutLusutarCo. -

21h58 Ehwood IVorrahl Wright, Dalias, Tenno; asoltauut triffic dainiagentk.K.&T,Ey. - -

Couicitetiitioti No. 1479, Wade, Texasu .lttiy 4, 1908. - -

Ait Unique VonctenitÍon.

Preparing for a trip froua Iorfolk up the beatttiftil JamesRiver, four good and tried Hool-Ioo, finding that one of theirItartY, Mr. R. Il. Morris, of I'orfolk, usas not a incumbir ofthe Order, decided to hold a concatettatjomu witile the five


journeyed up time river. The Scrivenoter's office was wiredfor authority to hold this concatenatiomi, amid the followingitmterestitig account of what tonIc piaci is suit 'l'ue Bulletinby Brother J. M. Coletuami, one of Chicago's most pronmitemut)'oung luttmberuttemi, who ns'as Ireselut oui thutt occasiomi

i'erluuilus tue uiOust tuttiqute Couucateliitiouu sluice tite bi rit of Jfoo'lIoouvas hielul 'l'uiesday July 14, tut bu,aril tite Steaili liti itch " Ganolle,'' tuil titeJiutico River, j tint uufl Jatuiestuitvit Isitiul, Virghtia.

1h ss'is ' ,i couicateatioti s'tiere 1uriiiteiut' luit luia'euh nei art in hite tul-vert slug, iiuur 5i'iIS lite ttte,tulaiice i arge, but tite guioul, cl d.fanhilu,uieul lIoo-unu etutlitislisiti teto tiste just ttus salute, attuI lie oie lilttcu hititlateul st'asluroluerl' curati fur, autul giveit ill tite lluuui.ltuuo uhu'greeo, I ¿t a ittautiter thatud I i bug bu re iuteiitbereul by Ic. Il. i\lorrio, secretary of tite North Carolitial'lite ASs,udlatioui, uvluuu fiiruilohuuul (lie aiiuii.seioriit for titis occasloui, asWet i ac l hie uuuiir cita lureseitt.

'l'liur cu,uicateiiithcuii tuis first pliiuicd c'lieti E. il. l)allury, nuco tutti-agir of Valo'erhii & Nash le M fg Cu,, Cluicagiu, arriveul i ii Nuurfoilc nui ettiof tilo ittsiuc'ctloii tuuiirs to tite utilEs ouf tie coinpaoy, oie of ivhilcit lo iOcite(lat jureeli(uitit, l'tu itt (hic Jaunes Rht'er, liii f iva lucI wee'ii Norfolk attuiRhchiutiottil, lXe lau cliartervul (lie strutti ianiichi ''Gusci io,'' attil huti'ltedas lila guests R . il. Muurrls, Nturfu,i k, Va,, secretare of tile Sortit Carollnutl'i ito Associati oui; M. .1 , Cuit uiuul Is', \Vilhhiaiii, Ilias., presi durtit of lit, Asii-

Clituul riiuutbor Coiiiluauiy, of litistout utid Nite u'orie; J. Al, Coleititut uilChicago, unii S. Carsk tuldout, Norfolit, Va,, ittuutaget' for tie %'tulut'ortli &Seville Mfg. CO.0 at Nuirfuuiic, t'i.

\Vlntt tie gettiti Mr. Muurri exiurcsocul lilo uienire to juulti liou1ioo,tutul lue ciii, of tite tito or hitter Iliousaijul to attend tito lToo-lioo A ti tuai to

tie luulul iii Ch icaguu, .Selutettiiuu'r 8 to il, Jlruulhier )al be'_ xliii lo uuuto ofCiiicaguu's eittiuiisiuuhic lliuiu'iluuo, attui ciialruiiait of tite CuuuicatenitiuttiCuutit tullio, lust tiuu thii lii ivirtit tite Scrivc'iiuulcr's office fur ant torils' toliuutul tito Ci)tidt teutahioti. Po riiuissii, it teas i)rotiiihly reco eui, atid hite Citii iii itieuliatv'iy (rot b)t)' aiuti utecitteil tite utecossary itaraplte ruaila, luciudiuga tice black cat, so tite lotie cauididale scettRi ever foe Utah um eyes liadbreit luroiieriy elicited, atid that li i s first vision of Hoo-Roo muti liad notlui',at uiittunteui for act uf oroper atteuihioti.

Abuutit tiiirty.uiiuic utultiutci luc'fore (lie arrival at tie Jaitiostown teitarftito cuuilclheuiatjoui legati, atud tite cutuuildate was properl y subdued sitentito ivart ianuled uni Jattiestotun lslauiui, aittiost tu'htiuiti a ,tiuuiio'tu turns ofsuero Caiutain Judiut Situitit aiuti his iRle batidof ath'ciittai'ers lauded overtitrec hundred 'eios lehre, auid established lite first luerotanetut Etiglisit


settiettietit i it Atiuci ica. 'Jruls , iitt i', iii liistoric.ti i ,iacu', ,tuid itas l,eiisluice tite ec-euttitti ul,uy Captaiui Joli ut Stititit ,tuiciiored oulT hito shuuru's of titisiúOO.acre islanul; bitt litio uuiore es stat liii iuua'ti ciiroitii,led std another cii a1u-ter of iiistnu'y n'ritton regariliuig this lithe isi,uitd lii titelanics, it isas aitidtitresuiuie iigiit to see tito Cotittucteul ititleti secreta i y bufltutui lui iiCit atitatuser that carape hat itiuli055ible, attui leid so tightjy litai ito ititilti Itotleaj> front the itIv'r, being tui,trciictl to tilt' rittuts of t1i ,iuuite ciinriii tuis t'r,isiticli oervs-ii to tutu fort attui house of ss'orsiiip itt (Itose t'ai i itt s s> lietifiudlauts >s'e re as iiieitihfiii .us tali Virginia lui tes. W luit ttthtt it,tt e (>cciitiis porbil nd iuittoit's tliotigltto a's tie t> as ,_ooiuit.titiied io iiuot'i s> liii ut titosaliti of titj5 ill church loiter, u)OFI' a fe» feet fr,uun tite gras os of ttiatttnf tite first iehhters, autd halte tite (litai nbiigatioiis iuefntcbehiig ahhotve,i (tusee lite liglat of lloo-lfout iatuii, I-te te,iiitti that iiu> l°tuattuitt tas itt>, titar(n save luis life, sitniiiul mite seri atits utf tun Gri'at i(i.ck Prince uteetu ititecesoar)' to hielicati hun, Fate c'iiicd, ,i lit lite tase of Captaitu JeitoSnuitit, iiir t iii> ii fe sitould lue hiarcuh, aitd aller takt nig hito litai oui hg.i

(lotti titat niahit iii t> ,'.ikhittg', strttg, iii isas reio,ied aliti 'uiboteeti to lie.itoiii tite iphetidoib of litio Duo iait(i, 'l'ue liout.11iuu> eli s>'a'u mieti gi oit

-, .00,



Auiother ,trktuiiHus Clulii.iiiciitttiutit.

Iii Aulcansas where two or more are gathered to,.ctlierwho arc eligiblc to IIoo-Hoo latid, yet not iToo-Hoo, therearc itt aightway thoughts of a concatcn,utioiu, and tc tliiiilt

of a good thing iii Arkansas is usually to do it, So at Lit.tie Rock, oit July 7, the boys assetimbled for a coimeatcima-tion. Iivemu if tite tittutibei' of initiates wis bitt five it didtiot detiact fr'outi the 1tleastiies of tite occasioti. The cota-catenation wa; lteld under time vicegercilcy of Jutige J, Il.Carmichael aiuti he was .ttsistcd by lirothet J. C. McGrathiii lite tole of Juiuiior. Things iutov'ed merrily atad lively asthey always do i'heit :t inciting of tite Order is held iii thatState.



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'i'htt fuuitr tout ivito hit-iii tutti lite otte tuait su litt isis u,till.uted it tine cuuitc,ttt'ui,tthott it,ri,i tot utt'atti iattttiht ' (i,tCeiit,uu >t J.00 iglsv'r, tillliii> eshiteti ist,iutui, 't'a, F rtuuti left to right hit u 1urr ritt> , J. ul Culona .uii, S. Cii qli,iiiuiitii ; loll lu, right ti iittvei ritto. E, il , lIti Ivy, Id. J , Cuittiti is- attui R. ii. Miirriut, thu halter iueiiig (liv. i ut it itt'.

tt'ihli sudi forci' autti ettcrg) lits t, aiuti it ii,utc iieiti iuut55iiuie fuit gr.tttti¿tui Chief i'Cttit,it.iti hit tite rotitu cii to t'ti (it fuir .i feti iutiuuut'tits ,iutd

iard tite suuitutti', 'titi tittlitug frito, t lie hit ritals of tite lite heal this vats, littistituiti ita-i, belietv'ii that tite gi o,eitii ittico sit fantihiat lo lutti liii titrutetiitiiii a tau itteti isianil.- Sttaiic , S, C Cit t.it,ttiti>tit : .',vttitit ilutut lutti, ai j Ciunitiiii ; Jiitihtirifuio-lloo. M. J. Coiitttuhiy; Iiutjittuu , i. ii. 1)81155 t Scrisetttit,'r. ii. 11. i)ai_itey; Jabberuioc'lt, J. Il Coietti,in , Ctiohttt,atiati, S. C. Catsitadtiuuii; Aica.iio;uer, J. l'ti. Ciuletitait; Otirdutti, LI. J. Cuuitutiii)

21809 Robert ifetiry !tloiris, Ntirftuih, t'a.; secretary Nturtii C,urtthiut.t (>littJi isoc la tioti.

Cuiticateitatiotu No. 14(10, cii bot rol stratti laititcit (t.ucihu', oil J,ttttestots n,Va,, Jttiv 14, i')08,

Suini, J . J I. Car,iihLit,ut i , Settitir iiiuo.iiuut;, l. i, Shgttt,i u ; hut icriiuuuu iiuttu, J. C. 'lvtt.utii; liuijtttut, Id S. A>i,it'rsutii; Svrhtoittitu'r, J t), liii.ii',: J,iiulutrtt eck, C. L ittutigero; Cttsttit.0 titit, J,itttt.'t Il. 1(uiiiirosiuit; Ar-e.litiiiuuir, ii. (. i',isu>, Giuri>,, J, E A uil ii',,

aittl(t Juisepli Chini'' Cattiuli, Jr , l'i. Siiihtli, Arie.; ,uit'otti,iui f>lutttat u.0Lttitiiui't Coittiuttie, hit. Ctttti't, Mo

anti i 'l'iiuutii.>t, Jt'uft'rstiti t.ts', Luhttii' Riti_io , A i hi, ; uur,'siiiclt t t,iy oli Coin.ii_Iii_s.

2152 Luuls '' Little }itucit " Iitrt'ti.ii, Ci ti it' Risk, A rk. ; iltiul >er luit t ('rautd ittsuectttr C. Ii . J. t, 1'. R

2153 R kit,ir,I lieti ry 'L'uil , 'l'oli> t lie, A rk. ; tui.ittagcr autti it.Irt ihr Ji. &it. JI. 'i'ttii.

2i8i4 l'uil F. tVihhit'ru,tuoiuii , ululi' luid, Ark. ; ,iies iii.> tiger 'l'ue Ca)01 i Cauti pi n .

Coticatettatiu,ii No, 148m, 1.1111e Rudi, Armi.5 Jiul> 7, i90(.




jHtI, rc,ting SI)4Ion iU MansJIel(I.

The concatcuatioll at Mauslield, La. ,oti July 20, held by

Vi(-egerent W. E. Whe1es, shows that the statewidc coicatendtioll recently held in Ne Oricatis only a(1(led to the

enthusiasm for theOrdei. Thc concatcilation was a inot cl

afFair hi utah)' \vayS and a thoroughly eiijoyat)le 011e. Vice-

ger'nt \VhCICSS liad seine oldtituers aitiiIg hiiii iii the

initiatory work and vcrythiftg went fl1OOtIIl). Brother

4r - ---p..



lttt1eflciil at Iati tkIii, La. Itittle fought À pril , 1864.

George H. Ilyrnes, an cx-Vicegérci3t of tile Order, writes

iiio',t interestingly of this occasiQiI, and 8et1d8 Tue Bulletixi

½O1IC J)icture8 of secii al)Otlt Maiisfield. 'rvo of these are

reproduced. Otic shows a vkss' of tile battlefield svhcrc the

CO3fUCt ragc(l 830 fiercely II) April, 18O4. Tile oilier view

reproduced on this paRC vilI tl1akC those who have jour-

¡lCyC(l through LOt1iSialla recognioc a scene familiar to thatStato.

'file tOWtl of Mansfield is 011o of the oldest iii Iollisiaua,

.LrId t' CitiZCtlS have a reptttation for dignity ofiilien. 'i'IlCY

are prou(l of their tovn, proud of their citheiisliip fl(l proud

of the colliltry around theni, with its points of historic i.

terest, J3rotlier ilyrnes writes that the floo.lIoO boys fur-

II I ,1icc1 ni ti ch iii errilil eli t 3%'lIeIl they held their iiiectitig, Ltud

ad d \VlietI tu e i ti i tiates had all be e u blinded auid started

oli the tuiarcil yOU COUI(l hear the dignity of old Mansfieldcrack, theo break oil and roll into the ticarest ditch."

ifrotlier Ilyrules has writtell tile following accoulIt of

t li i ', COIICLtCIIStiOII


Laict leur la,illell, La.

A (;,1Iure (il 113C C()IlCateIliItkJI was tIu, fact that " bonze pIa'ed ilsIlari Iii Ili lays diiliirs. Prouiptly ii 11111111 te )tIt 9 IlK iltie kitteuis,

i' ii (SIC, luiil tiecui iluuly euullgllluied 85 ti) 1%'lit u le) il'u,ulcl have to euitluuro

i il order to g833 i liii) liSe lace of hic Great Ulack l'rliice. They 'evers.is'eitil,leil I ti 111e ru,ttuIi(ta of tite nuuuuut hold, w1ere each s'ai uslicreul Intoutter darltuies liv a blac Ic u;iak, atiti tile)' l'eg'auI their u"eirul joulruuey totu e coiucateulatlohi hail. Tu, tile IU1IL' Of a veri- sokuuuui dirge (lie proccseh,ui took isp IIi; jouiruiey through tite streets of Matislielti to tite great.1 fliittetiieuIt of liii s stahl oui hunt.

iii tite ctuticaieutalii)tt luau tite (tir liciv fast attui herbst oid iii goodlyh tiflkt. ututli tite Jttttlor teacher ei Ilooiioo pritcipies tirai of lilt

Hurry gant I ,ti3 i it tite tutui(ttt bed . After cott tttettti nag' Ott tite cxceliettce

(3f tite tin '.t' tutntti of tite %t(tttt cats, um I'nittce of llealthi, llapi,itte3s a odj,ouig Li fe -_v ittitleti iitu'itatlott to ali urtasttt to partaketh lite fragt dreaditt itii( itt)(u'r ;ittd lo uttake ttttrry wiuit lutti. '1'ite Sesasiet4stl fte.Rntqf (t'aS

a iltti tig uit Z5 le tut a tttttst ettjoyalile OCCOSlOtt,

Sttturk, '\. E. Witeiec Settior litfl,-llOO, J, M. aborc; Jttttlor Boo-¡loo, (;(rce Il. livrties; Bo,jut, N. W, %Vililautts ; Scrivettoter, C. 9V.lt;tge; J albe r(t'OCit, P. Wei i ' , Ctt st,caiiatt, il. J. sltc,1etrui; Arcatlolter, '1'.E. Stutiti i' , (; trdott, I. Il. ltavutc.

2181.9 Seh;ts t lati CoboL litirgess. Nlattulieitl, La.; Siockitol(ier DeSoto Latid..': Littttbcr Conupatty.

218id John Frattitiitt 11awtiittrtic Naitsflcid, La.; st0ckhiolier atol yardr,,rtntatl l)cSoitt La itd Lutttber Cotttpatav.

21817 13 'e" i4itorhlca(" Joititttut'i. klattlIeid La.; tockitolder Ragley.(i :'3'i iiil tttd & Cotutpatty. Piule l.a itd, 'feYSs.

21835 J 'litt ilOCil ttOttt Nuti,ors, Ma tfieIti, 14a. ; sloCitla 0ithcr DeSolo Latuti &r_ tutor Ctttttpatty. --

21819 9V i frtl A dttlitittio Nttl,oru, klitttdiieiti, La. ; siockloltier l)eSoiI...tttl & Ltttttber Cotttiatty.

21820 J 9ettjattt i t Prescbttrg. }toi)niitte, La. ; ettl)e rltltctttiettt Caltiwell-I..ogatt Lttuttbcr Cottipaity.

21321 i)n;trl,d M 4th eton Roberts. Ntii1elti, La. ; ti tberowticr.

2i8Z2 Sottuol Gtty h4antluil, Mafluuiti, La.; tiirecteur DcSoto Luttttt &I..tttber Ct,tutpatty.

21823 Ihsutu5 Jacksotu Wiillani, N;tttsiiciti, La.; aicstttatt atttl tøck-lactider Mttttfueiti ward ware Cotttpatly.

21824 htettrc Jtttte Wttouiard, Mutusileid, La,; getterai ttotager Mattciieidfiariwnre Coitipatty.

Coticatettatiott No, 1482, Mattohleld, L3', Jttiy 20, 1908.

Ii'orttt Seeuiot Titel liad Never Scott,

Citi July 11, at Washiugtoii, D. C., Vicegereilt Lee L,.

Jierrell held a concatenatioll at which 23 uterI W010 lIli-

tiated, and these 110w and vtltied recruits are froni the

Forest Service. The 'tinije of holding the concatenationhvtts selected to suit flic goverohiletit lllCfl ttid the coiucate-

Ilation proved a ver)' 4a1jÓyabiC one. Brother Arthur C.

Rittgland, ill tile role ôf'uruior, showed the Fôrest Service

i)O9'S SOIUC of the sccrc?a,boiit the forest they had uieverihnen able to ftttd on scietitiftc investigatloils. Hoo-Hoo

deals with the new loen in a kiIled if not a gcietitific way.

'l'ite concatenatioti was helti at the Rocit Spring Club.

Followitig is the unique ul,ietitl of the ' ' Session-on-tile-

Joof:Open Tank Treatlnent

By products RejectsBass-wood Slabs a la Toredo

Ilnportc ChipsLeaves of the Cucutnber

Woodcock Long Leaf StuliluigSplinters Mill Rtixi Dressing

Red Hearts Skid SauceCatuip Salad

Pecky Dote Wind ShakesCreosote Black

P u nk 3d Fitie

Sttark, LeeL. llerreii; Senior floo.lToo, Wiiiiattt 'L', Ccx; Jtttttor licuo-

iløö, A . C. ittglanti ; ilojttttt, C. S. Jttcitl ; Scrivetiotci Il. B. Fryer; Jal)-iuet'ut'ock, C-_ rit, Hotttatts Cttsttceatiau, Jolt I). Gutitrie; Arcatioper, D.T. Masott ; t;ttrtiutt. A lieti S. l'ecU.

21825 Rayniotttl Walter Aiittt, \Vacitiuigiott. D. C. ; foreS test, U. S. For-et Service.

21826 Russell Foreol Ilallitis, (tutgdaietta, N. M. ; ti, S. Forest Service.21827 Roisrt Eli Clark, \vasitiuugtccut, i). C.; forest assi.U. S. Forest Sor-


21828 Etlwtit littitler Clarke, Stck t Lake City, Utah ; lIS. Forest Service.2i829 David 'i'urtcitttil Cottklitu, hiotettuatt, Mttttt.; Ti. S. Forest Service.21830 Cuestor lloyd Coy, Eitgetle, Ore.; U. S. Forest Srrt'ice.21831 Herbert " Stiite.lop " raff, Missottia, Mottt. ; li. S. Forest Service.21832 CItanos Citatttlier 1htii Auincottda, Mctttt.; U. S. Forest Service.2i833 Loren Edward iiuttt, liericoley, Cal.; forest serdce U. S. Deltart-

elette of Agriettitttre.21834 Jttllus Frattk Ktutttittel, \V'asitiutgtott, D. C. ; U. S. F'orost Service.21835 Wllliattt Calesby Lalacte, 1.Vacitittgtott, O. C. ; li. S. Forest Service.21836 Janies Stapletott McKee, Waoltittgtott. D. C.; saietttan Leo L..

, }letreii ii lire.2i837 Louis Margtciitt, 1asititttttt, D. C.; U. S. Forrdi Service.21838 George 1Vasitittgltttt Mllhattt, Citelatt. Wash.; Ti. S. Forest Service.21839 Walter Mttrrisett Mttore, 'Vasilittgto2t, D. C.; U. S. Forsch Service.21840 Francis McLeod l'altott, ",9lauitittgtott, D. C. ; il. .9. Forest Service.21841 Albert Itaitey I'Iersott, 'V'asititigtott, D. C. ; ¡J. S. Forest Service.2i84 Earl liazeltitte Frotlulttg'ljatit, Wasititugtou', P. C.; U. S. Forest

Service.21843 Robert Lauttloti Rutgers, Watitittgtett, D. C. ; U. S. Forest Service.22844 Jttliati Sasttttatt Rolltery, Si. Atttltotty, Idut.; 13. 9. Forest Service.21845 Bonier Satittuci Sacicett, 1.Vasitittgtett, D. C. ; U. S. Forest Service.21846 C. Stocvell Smith, Wasluioigiott, D. C.; U. S. 'orcst Service.21847 Johet Victor %Vnifl, \Vasb,jutgiott, D. C.; U. S. Itoredt Service.CottcatettatktttNo. 1483, Wasltingloct, D. C., July it, l8.


(t Soittli (icorgtat (jottettteuitttiøhi.

As per atinonneettent titade iii 'Flic Bulletin, Vicegerent

D, A. Deujttilsrk held a spleildid COilCatCfltLtiOfl at\TaItlosta,

Ga., on Jelly 28, ¡iuitiatilig 19 tiet1 SlId collectitig a gootily

butich of dties at the sattle tutte. The class aS ail rigllt,

the attenelajice of old utteunbers was large. 'flIc concatena-

tioii ill short was tile tiastal Sc,atitli Georgia Hoo.lJ00 itCCC5d.

'fiere is 110 i)etter Boo-lion State thati Georgia iiltl no bet-

ter part of Georgia for Hoo-}joo matters thaui tile rCgi011

around Valdosta. 'riley get iit the big sawiaaill tilett downthere.

\Thi1e Vicegereuit Delilnarit liad charge of 3111 tile ar-

ralIgeIlletIts for tile ttieetilig ill advatice, lie 'vas tiui;tble to

be present it tile concatenatioil, Tile (lilY laefore tue fleet-

ing ivas to occur hi wife's father diesI at QuittilaJi, Ga. Itt

this elulergcllcy he was tilOst forliitiate itt being able to eit-list the services, voliitltutrily rctidercd, of I3rotIler C. H.

Ival1s, of 'I'liottiasville, Ga., exVicegeretlt of 5oltth Caro.lili;L. Brother Pv;ttis took li;tfge of the 1ceting frotta

start to finish anti itiade it a success. "sVitli characteristicmodesty lic filtert otit ail the 1)apers cotletittititig the report

of the naceting ill Brother Detiìiiark's tialile. abIti it h onlythrough a letter frottu the latter that advice is Vil The

Bulletin that the ttteeting 'w;tS really held bY Brother

1ivatis, who in turia was fortunate i11 having able assistantsin Brothers H. H. Kuhn, T. C, Skeette ariel J. P. Stetson,

with others equally good anti loyal. 'l'ue meeting was jitst

a success liS l'ian Bulletjti Is ileasecl to clir011iClC.

I), A . Dettultahht ; Settler ljoo'iioo, li. il. Coouub4 J ttttior lico-

lieu, 9V. D. l'coiuies; Ilt)jt(ttt, A. Ilttber; SCrlvttttoter, '.['. C .. sI(oette; Jabber

seock, 0. ,i, 'rift; Cttctscaiitttt, ii. F, iiaii Arcattoper, C. FIslt Gttr.

tls(tt, J. P. Steldout.

Dati Fraticis hired)', .1lacott, Ga. iraveiiutg (reiglui Igelt Cetitralai Ga, Ry.

2184') 1. :13. Coffee, Jlriilgeboro, Ga. ; ,t(i(eritttetlslefl t ContrIt dt 'lay kur.

uso Lticltts Latitar Dadgiterty, Notuitrie, Ga.; luarttler Dttttgiterty,Moriotutt tt Co.

2151 Aitfttur Vttitlsssttt " Evatto, jottIirio, Ga. ; superi ttl'II(icttt Cariait&'l'aylor.

218B 'rhotutpaott ° Usaiter ' iteosler,VCi(ioSla, Ga. ; secret,(rY anti tread-crer iteuttier l,uitittuar Coza1uoty.

21853 Thottutis Pith 111(0 (;ltttcy, Ensitleitt (,tt. ; bityer À icricaut C;tr ¿kl'tutltttiry Cu)tttitat(y, Si. l:.otuisu

21854 Joli t Jtttttes liards, Va idos tut, Ga. ; ctttt. freigli t ,igettt ÀliattticCuetdt kitte R. it., \Viitut i utgltuU N. C.

21855 Heut ry Jofferat)ti Jdtttittgd, 'r icJl°, Ga. ; sttiuerl ttk't(tiCttt CarIaitA 'l'ay io r.

21851) 9V i Iliad i)eutre i I Key, A tiara ta, Ctt. salestitatt E. C. Aticiuts Cotti-iu)', itttl io tta1toi5. I titI.

21851 \Viliitttii Joitttsoti Mclirltit, Ki(igu('ooti, Ga. ; assId3(tt secretaryatiti treasttrer Uttlott l'in st tcilS Sttuv .iillt.

218.98 Ju tu I tus Ooiitt I'lttctutu, 'rrii by, 'iut.; tttutttager SIorridult A Macott.

2i86) Roluerl MalesI itt Motnisuutt, d1enitrie, Gut. ; secretary cccl lreasttrerCoil tuitt lilt tibor Cotutpa ely.

21860 \Vi Iliuttut A iiuerttts Odi if, lcs etihuir, G u.; ettiseri ti tetalett t cf ttalts1ortatitt Geogi) SurlIa crut k R.

21831 9Vi limiti A ogutsttts 1utrtiee, "tilii0itt, Ga.; secretary jttti treutsttrcrW. L. Wisettkttitttr ¿k Co.

21862 Evzitus ° Miuttitrie '' JCeyttoiti., 9ioitiirle, Gut, ; socrel;urY aod trotta.tirer Eutterprise Ltt tute r Cout(i)tty.

21863 Li nsltuer ''Atiatutic Deceit " S ituitli, Valciostut, Ga. ; 1urc(itiettl Sattlit.

COI Locottiotive acuti Car Nig. Cottt1uuttty.2l&4 Oveut Scettici Ttt)'ior, Vaittosta Ga.; satt lItern re1ure(eut taure Gerrn

tuai t Ctuttt tiact', l'i ttsitti rg,i'a.21855 i)a n ivi ilevtui 'Fltouutiusstt, 'alti(,tUt, Ga.; saieattt act iiriggs Suuptiy

Cotutluatty.Na titutuulel E°i ttage W Ititeit ti rst, Miii cocci, G a. ; getterai tttaoager

Miiitsuvtt A ir l(ine kv.

Coutcuttonatlocu No. 1454, vahlosut, Ga,,Jt(iy 28, io8.

Conilog Cl18eittCI9lLt1OlIS.

The Hoo-Hoo of L.os Atugcics, Cal., in view of tile factthat not itiany of theutu will be able to attend tite Chicago

Allouai Meeting, have decidcd to hold a little attuival

ulleeting of their own-and zot SO very little either, Sep-

tclllber 9 is a State holiday iii California. It is the anni-versary of the adntission of tile Golden State into tile fed-eral union. The day is IlIade Cile of celebratioli all over theState, particularly at San Fraticisco and Los Angeles. On



this acCount anitled to the otie liltttcd at ,iitove, J, 'I'. Bate,the Vicegercuit Dt Los Angeles, lias lixetI 111)011 Se1tccttllttr9 for a big cotteatettatioll. It vjhl be stuoie tllflll at ioc.tl ,t1fair. lic lt tus it i lt Itijiiti to tul ut ke it soitactititig 1 Ike thin uleet-lug' at Chicago, ni' at New Orleuttis. or Waco. 31e Wi 19es

tllat lie has read accotituts of ali tues,.' ttlCetitlg ati(l lta.

lISCIa tttticil i Ill 1,ressed, ufuld tu at stia ile tutisitacss lits bcetivery (lull and t he ltstttbertta CII at C rath eu theist estl i ut Cal iforniut, ite hoiue to hold a good uaieetiilg att(l to t C\'jVC litter-est all ovet his (listrict-he is ritiXiotls that every lloo-Ilooresident witliiti strilcittg distancç of Los Ailgeles or u'ito

tu ay be telttpo rariiy sojoti ro i n g itt that t of tite 11101 ai

villeyar(l atteliti his uttetutilig. lIC avilI be gl.id to ite.tl frottiail those viao ecoti l)C present. Vicegereuit Butte t gcttittgotit 5OIIIC intcrestitlg alit1 attractive liteiattltc all COttlltC

fioul sybil tile naeetitig atici it i1l be snidely acted tised.

AatgtJst 29, ìlariattiia, Ark.-Viccgetctit J. is1. Gibsotu,

Newport, Ark. Mr. C, N. I-buICk, of Mari,litlua, is lit chargeof local arratig-eutietats.

Later advice frotti Brother C. N. Flouck, aviio i5 lltcllargeof local arr;tttgelltelits for tile big concatoiiatioii to occtirat Madalilla, Ark., ott Saturday, August 29, iilclìcflteS tltíttan effort will be Iliade to make tile Ineetitig a sort of joititall'air tuetwccii the two Vicegeretucies, hiavuuig bolli Vice-gercltt J. M. G'jkjsoul, of the Northern District, ad \Ticegc_rent J. l'i. Caruialcilael, of tue Cetitt.nl l)istict, cooper.tte.

Ill the Inealitil-ne, however, Vicegeretut Gihsoii is ill clt.trgeatid iii cooperatioli with Brotheu liouck lias got ottt i laIcas-ing post card attlioti 11CC Ill en t vlticli Viil be scrt lo all tuetttetuubcr.s ill the Ilortlleru half of Al kansalu. A good classis already asso red for the Illcetjitg and sil 'iuo attetatl will

itave a pleasant tutie.

Mr. M. B. Sprigg, Vicegercait of the Cetltr,LI District of\Vest Virginia, ;tt 'cVestotl, is settding out the foilowittg

tlltiqtce anrtottnceliient of a con c,tten,itiott to 0CC tir it \Veb-ster S1trings, a fatttoits health resort, Oil F'riday, Atigttst

21. Itt COtllieetiOiI willi this zuicetilag Vicegerelti SpI igglias ;tititoiultetl aL " workiuig '' COlilttlittCe collistiIIg of Lee

Garrehl, S. L. Jlcliards and J, i F'ord. Fie has got tueright sort of melt for that sort of .1 cottitnittee

\Vesttttl, SV. Vnt ., Ja y 29, F308. Dear iiruttttcr-OItr G t it Iliacic i'rhteItatlt cutiletl tttttc( la i ttttet i luis tuitjecis, actd tuuttt tut,tutuieul ttueuat to gtc (orth

atttl oult ¡ti I iitosn, eligible ocies cs'itere huts tt.ty k fcttttul , etc butg cutIo

titetti: lVit.reuts, live tut.00tc itavlttg itassoti sitit o tile t,tst .tsscstbty, ,tutdbe, itat'itth( ittuti li i4 iceutrt ofleuteci liv hile ss.tltittgu( aitd cI,tctlorhutstc cci

hitase plul(r utluscuichl ì0lhcated cultes., besceetciug tit,tt hilts tII.t) 1)e ,utiuithltvci Icc

hite folci of tite liti t,ltftli, ht hut tatet titat Itlo fuitoo'ors citi ihttett io lite littcf tlto.i uc'hltiotte rs 55i((t citaR at sutcit dt't.t) ; t terciare, icc' I t utccrcetl, iit,tt

luit tite eve of i"rinluty Alignai tsveutty-tirai, cui untreu ltccutdretl attcl cigili,til Noyai liccct.lit,o tin asseuctiule fuir iii i o cuurcoqe.

9Veicotor SIcrin go, itt Ceuutr,t'l '.\'eust VirgI ttl,t, isclg fatuceit ci lt restlttg

ulacst attuI cstre for all hiiu( ont, evett Ciclo litt,, lits), la lIte stitOsett lcl.uc

for lit ha lesti vilh.C,uuute t li actut qttettctt your feverish lichrot at tice es er li «iitg us tUrd,

tutci intuir of tite ' Feocttaicc (cf Yi,tttii.''Iirhtlg yottr ce i volt attui cuc'ceittear&s Ocr ,ttt Itleuci ilucu, lion iluocictel, It

hIce \Vetusler S;uriri go listel, s'iticlt foi lois'S hit, uiieehhclg.

li. 'r, 1. 0. '1'. G. S II. C.,M ii. Sl'lttGG V. S

Otto it Grounvills, Mitt.

Vicegeretit 'W. t. Briscoe, of the \Vestern District ofMississippi, aur101iliCes a coticatetiatioll to be held at Green-ville, Miss., oui tile itight of August 15. 11e has a cl,iss ofone dozen kittens already hued tip stud tite llleetiiig lirolul.ises to be a highlY successful anti enjoyable one. Vicege-rent Briscoc invites the nactuabert, in the State ,Itld else-where arid ail traveling members of the Order atad lumber-mori who caul attend this ulicetilIg to be 011 hand.


OrgunizcI a New Lumber C,iiitii

Brother Arch iv, of Ka,ias City, with Mr. B.F. 1)udley, of that city, lias organized the Dudlev-LooneyLumber Company to handle bug- leaf yellow vine liijiibwith a specialty of railroad and car ijiaterial. 1'lie newcompany lias offices in tue R. A. tonç building. BrotherLooney was fornaerly sales agent Tor the J. T. Ball Luni-her Company at Pollock, Lia., and at one time the Louisi-ana represeiitati.e of the Long-Bell Ltiiither Coiiipany.11e is vell known ailiolig lunibernieji througiiout the entiresouthwest, He is l)rcsident of the company. Mr. 1)iidley,secretary and treasurer of the company, is frc»ii LakcCharles, 14a., lia; been a batileer and heavily interestediii a couple of yellow 1,ine mills. 'j he new Company liasthe sales agency for two L.ouisiana tijills anti will do alarge busiiiess.

Hot; Al'tcr %Vork-No lila to Frank B. Colo.

Little l'alla, \Vatsh,, August 3, 1908-I enclose herewitha curiosity in the way of a letter. When we received thisletter we first thought the writer was a relation of Frank13. Cole. We took tue matter lip with Brother Cole and hedeiiis the iiiiptitat ion aun points to the fact that th e man isseeking work as conclusive evidence that lie is no kin touhu, C1IEJlAfjS \VOODWORICING NFG, co;

i)esii SiR-Jiit I 'voiild lilie to wrIií tu 3Oii oil biisieijs iiim.Mr,- iiS( your address to Inc aiui asti i f yni can gi ve iiork to nie,I luci haie beeji 5'&,rk icitli luis a Ioii (miche got a jot hear wilijock

(Vi'l ilock) usw. I aro good t ruiler ( iiiea,i i iig iiiruer),I ca ii (io any ililuigir uveil-i tace i,ccui vork as Innung for iiieie years-if yo iieeul tohave nuore ollo of tu ruirs tow-Jei nie to leuuuja i f you sa lit, tiieji I will

go you alice lluc;iuie - i re goiui to close dowui lii a week arc feue,111cv iiave ib orulero,

If you uueed a triuie r far iuiruuliug caps thea I wuuuuil uvork oui t1ueni,Vlllplv,ist. wuusuver Ñooui If ouu rail a luuisoliuie.


i,, s. \S'Ill you r in i I i ritti otead)' i ii at i tuis ou uuuuíierI luau e. to iuuuuuwsuliul yuuii uu'IIl ay auiyt1liig,

Ilattiesluurg, Miss,1 August 3, 19O8-Sine the ltll (huesli i t tu is ¡)art o f (lie cou uitry lii e I u niibcruui cii iuid lJoo-I-Ioo atllattiesburg liase l,eeiu extracting what culjoyuuieit theycoiiltl out ii! (lie Joe Miller Jolie Association. It is aorgatuizatioui. You will siirniise origin of the naine, JoeMiller wrote a joke 1100k away back in Queen llhztlutii'stitile. He sas cozltciiiliorflhieoiis with Shakespeare, l3eti.Joliuusoti, \VeI)ster and all the other great Oiles iii Euiglisitcla,ic;tl literature. Iverybody is eligible ulio can raise titei)lice, title! every niait lias otte cIittrjc each Itteetitig to tell ajoke that is tot a variation of otte o f Joe Miller's. If lie succeccl'i lic is given a utedal. Nobody has yet won it, andthere have liccut several titcetitugs. At (lie last meeting, a fewnights ago, one protuinetit luuuiberntaui was expelled fortrying to ltiY his tlues with a l)ewterfeit cigar check. "lieuttecting catite near iurealciutg up in a row over the propergraclitig atid inspection of the two following stories, A¡notion to tidjotirut was ruslie(l tl i'oitgli, however, and thetiling will conte ill) at tite text uiteetiitg. Otte of (lie storieswas is follows:

''As I "au (nivel Itt' through tite eeuu i try I;,st year butyli,g i utuitberI

fotiutd a farutter oI,erati ig i saw.,tti ii, attui as lie tuas luit tini lultt- nich ofa hiicess of ii li iricul io sell It iii till' for $); bitt I blu lutti tit if iItaul S4 i seuuuiti not ita'e sly tise fuir a sawmill. Receit uy t I iou occa.hut io gu Rucar iltere arah,u atid tutet ii i ti titad Iii fauuiiy uhu lite i r lioitse-hohl gouucis ott a uvagoul. ntuuuIng. i asked i, liti Il iti luau! w,Id ils ni ill, lics.uiui ito, btu t litai hue Ici I ow io witouti lic liad udiI ils (attui could not read,.iii lic 1,tit tue tutu lit ttie 1)111 of wile.''

The oilier story \va this:"A fariner ,uaS riuttitluig a farei near a certaiti saw.,tiiii autul as wonic.

i ng luis iuiuui bu' litt, linie as luid icaicd by the wititIcuu hie sauv.,ttlii. ûnc

day tite ittillittati litri lite farnier nid said, " I uinte,iaitd that youw'orkluug -t,r niett bu' tile unti wile oit iuiy utili.'' " 1'es," said lije Carnier." Ycti go to uroric lit the ittoriti ng atid kilock off at 1, aitul go to woric at iand ruht al b iii lite ercutitig."- ' Oit, yes; liare you auiy -objection.""No," bald lite utuliittiati, ' but douit you titiutit that yes could allowSoruteililtig 1er lite u;'car iotti tea r oc tite whistle ?

lirothers B andB vere reported dangerously ill frouadislocatj)ii of the lieck_-_riibbering at the only directoireskirt in Ilattieshurg.

Brother B made the request to be transferred froua theSocklcss class, as lie lias found the pair lie lost.

Tite titinutes afford notliiiigelse of aciate ititerest

Ilyiiiencal.Broier Clarence Wiiliaiti Gregory and diss Irene Nor-

ton wu-re united in marriage at the honte of the bride'sutiotltrr in Uuiion City, 'Vash., on July 27. The ceremonyWas witnessed by the relatives aliti iuuinjediate friends ofthe contracting parties. Mrs. Edith Gordon, of Spokane,was illatron of honor, and Mr. Willis Bergstroni was thegToOiilsrnaui. After an extended Westerii bridaltour Mr.and Mrs. Gregory returned to their hoiiie at Union City.Brother Gregory is the son of Dr. D. H, Gregory, of DePere,WIs, He is a graduate of the University of Wiseotisin, anda nicitiluer of tiicTacotita University and LTaiion c1i.bs. His at lireseuit engaged in business with lais uncle, J. P.Gregory, of the Skokoiiijsh Timber Company, of Tacoma,which lias a plant at Union City, atid this is beitiginanagedby Brother Gregory.

'lite Bulletin is in receipt of a(lvice freut 'rexarkajia,Texas, of (lie arrival there on July 17 of Hoo.Hoo No.15736No. 2, I-Ic weighs 12 pounds and is tialtied Jaiiies.L. Joui-son, Jr. I-le is itautted for his grandfather, liii father being'William HerbertJcllison, chief clerk to the presidetitof theNational tiliunber & Creosoting Cotuipany. While it is notstated, we opine front the elaborate itature of (lie auitiotince-lileilt that he is tIte first blessing of tite sort to couic toBrother Jellison. We ecteitci our Cotigratulatiotis, and a.hearty welcome to tite iiew arrival.

Ira P. Rowley, lloo.Hoo No. 19122, who has becit doing'lress work iii the last for (lie fortlicoitting' Àlaska.yitkoui._Pacific EXi)OsitiOti, s'ill I ChiC for Seattle, 1.Vasli,, directlyafter the suonai coitcatcua alioti in September, where lie ex-i)eCts to interest Pacific Coast itiiuiberiiien lui a project forestalulishiuig Hoo-Floo headquarters in the exposh tb rigrotittils. 'l'ue plans for tite building lie has in ittittil antthe tuost uiiiqtie known to architecture Sitice tite elephant,days " of Coney Island, a rid the appoiittitie nts are weil cal-clultiteti to itiake a hit with visiting I-loo'Hoo.


'i tiiouigbt you tutuid huit Juil tilts in Cbleigo,''', Yes ; but he beat lits way lIait on a Hying inaclilute."




Col. A. D. McLeoOE Dea(1.

4 it I'ronuluuen( ind Beloved Moniker of (lie Order-Ono of thu

!Leading Italirujaul Oflicittis of tifl, Country.

1 Ciiiciiiiiati, o., July 22-Col, A. , D, McLeod, assistant1 general freight agent of tite Cincinnati, Hainiltoui & Da)'.t

ton Railroad, of this city, died sudiletil>' late Saturdayilig"ht, atid ivas buricti titis (Wediaesday) afternoon fronhis hottie, No. 542 Hale Avenue, Avotidale. The body-wasShipped to Baltiittore,Col. MeLcod's old liouute, for inter.

i: ttieiit lii Mt. Royalcetitetery. The pall.bearers were C. L

Thoittas, R. C. Buchaitaut, Bdsv. J. Hjitgliiiioit, C. P. Moss,

ID, J. Watts andCharles I-I, King, ail proittinctit railroadliten with whom Col, McLeod ivas associated. Mr, C. L.Thoitias, tue general traffic ittanag-er of tite C. H. & D.,

- put his special can at the disposai of tite fttuierai party foi'tIte trip to Baltimore, Col. McLeoil is survived by a'daughter, Miss Ethel Mcl4eod.


, , 44,-e



! j




'l'utc JIuTie Coi,, A D. I1cT,tuon.

Col, MeLeod was boni at Giiysboroiigii, N. S., February1, 1843, and at the (inne of his tleath was president of titeTransportation Club of Cincinnati, aitti a prouutiiient inciti-ber of tite National Association of 'frutlic Officials, Coi.McLeoii first entered tite railroad business iii 1864, holdinga position front that year until 1866 in the general freightoffice of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad itt Baltinaore.From 1866 to 1880 he etigaged in mercantile business at Bal-timore and New York, but re-entered tile railroad businessDecember 1, 1880, becoming traveling freight agent forthe Cincinnati, Hatnilton & Dayton Railroad at Indianap-ohs. Front March 1, 1888, to Novinber 1, 1890, ito 'wasgenerai freight agent for the Cincinnati, Sandusky &Cleveland Railroad.. From November 1, 190, to February1, 1891, he was assistant general freight agent for theCle.reiaùd, Ciñoinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad atSaiadusky, O., in charge of the Cincinnati, Sandusky &Cleveland branchof the Big Four" system. From Feb-ruary i, to March 1, 1891, he was general agent of the

freight (lepartitteitt of tile saitie road at Satidiusley, IiiMarch, 1891 ito liecaa-tae assistsuit geneitI freight agentof the Cincinnati, Hai-iltoii & l)ayton , wiLli lieadc1iiartersiii titis city, a vosition lie held with distitigttislied abilityto tite tinte of his death.

A liostof friends auoeg tite railroad iuid tiiisines litenof Cinc lottati llave ccpressed sorrow at his tienuise auidhave Pai1 high tribute to his ni ait)' adtiiirtti)it' tr,iits ofcharacter, Tite iloril øeriuigs seuut to Col. MeLeod's lesi-(lenco hare been utittileroils sud beautiful,

Tite nuove aititottiiceieeiit will briuig' sorio totitousandsof ineitibers of tite Order, Col. vk'lieod was widely knownaiiiouug liiuuiberiuien, iii5 cotitiectioti wi tu the C. lt. & D.having brought huit in close cotitact for tit.uiy years uvithititiuber shippers. His ivas a striking a uil faittil ja i. figureat lumber association ritcetitigs, situ ito uuituu ciijoyed tuoi etIte social title of such niattifestations of olin itiodenui busi.liess life, His cliarater was a beautiful otte. 11e liadthat rarest of till courililtiations, a strong iiiteiiectiiaiitywedded to i siuuiilieity of character like that of .t child ; lieliad citittire without itedlititry atid wit vitliotit itialice, IleWitS a d eliglitful coni ¡a ii løii , and o f iii in tutore (liait o f anyother iii ait The Bulietiti itas ever knowtt cati it be truth.ftihhy said tliat ¡il i w h o kiteuv lutti loved Itiiti. 11e WaS iiitite frout t raitk of well Iuiowii freight trafic oflici,tis of titecotiiitry, titel lund a knowledge of tite iuitnicacies of tite rail-road bti,itiess that uiiade diii a forcefti I factoi' iii tu d is.clissiouts of transportatioti hurobieiius. His ,tssociatioti withlitinberiricti liroughit hiitn early itito con tact with Hoø-llooand lic becatute a iticutiberof tite Order Noveitiber 17, 1893.He \Vii5 ]3ojiiin on tite Supreitte Nine for (lie ycat 1899.1900,aiid at thç tinte of his cl calli ViL5 Chief Pi lest of the O4irianCloister. lit ail that pertiiiiied to tite Ordei lie look a cheepiuiterest auth liad a large part iii shaping its history. IIWas prescilt at itiost of (lie anuitai nuectitigs of Hoo-Ilooauch no niait extracted a keeiter cutjoyineitt fi out the socialcontact 'vítli his fellows such as (liese uuieetitigs afforded. ¡lisitottie hifc usas a beautiful otte. Ills wife died three or fouryears ago, siiuce which (hite he iius iiiade his home withhis clatig'Itter, who survives hint, None who laid tite gootifortune to kitow Col. M cLeotI bitt will leant of his deathwith a distittet scuse of itersouttil loss.

i(iiled by Stroke of LgIutnliug.

BrothcrJoitn W. Eunersoit, of Preuiticc, \Vi',,, was killedl)y a stroke of lightning' July 27. The sucrouiithing of hisdeath were liittisiialiy tragic. Mr, Biiterson and his brothers,D, \V., Jotti1 auch Norniati Etnersoui, antI his son, ILtroldEmerson, aliti Paul Enirson, tite sou of Mr. Noruuiait Eut-ersoti, wcitt on a caiiipixig trip oit tite shore of a lakg threeittihes fnouii (hie village of Eiiierson in Iron County. Theyhail constructed a tciit of tarred paper aiuti after tishiitg all(lay Oit the lake liad returited to the tetti on .tccotint of athreaten ¡iig rain. They were lying on tite tloor of tite tentwhen a bolt of lightning struck it, killing instantly Mr.Etiterson, ils soit Harold,atid Paul Etiiersout. Mr. NormaitEmmiersori tini Mr. D. IX, Eumiersomi were rendered itucoit-scious, recovering hours after tite sad accident occurred.

Mr. ,Tohimi W. Emerson uvas omie of the most prouitiuientligures in business life of Northern Wisconsin, where hewas engaged in Ilimmiberitig and the real estate business.Tite deceated wás born at Iron Ridge, Dodge County, Wis.,September2, 1859. He was married 19 years ago to MissIdaAmberCobb, and settled at Romulus, in Oneida County.About 14 years ago he r'emmioved his family to Prentice. Itwas only recently that Brother Einersomi acquired largeholdings in Iron County amid erected a large sawittill (Itere,building the towmi which bears his name.


(j. W, ArclIIbSI(I (.o, I 4143)

From Denver, Col., on July 10 carne the sa-d ntelligenceof thc death of Brother C. W. Archibald, w}.io died at St.Luke's Hospta1, that city, on July 3 as tbc result of abroken litub. At the time of hs death Brother Archibaldwas connected with the well knowii FIallack St HowardLumber Company, He was boni at rortville, N. Y., i 1865,

and becatue a nicinber of Iloolloo Februar)' 15, 1905, atPetiver, Col.

E. M. Hall (No. u3al.)

llrother E. M. Ilahi, of Coltanul)uus, Oiiio, liCd at his iiouiieit) that city i5pril 5 after aul iiluuess of about three uiiouuths'duration, J3rotiuer ¡Tau had resided in Colutui bus for seveuu-teeuu years, where lie was niot highly estcexned, Duurin

that entire period lue Was euug'agcul iii tue con tractiuug iutisi'ness, unoving to Coluuuubus frouui Subiuia, ()iuio, iii 1891.Brother flail was ii uiian geuuial auud kiuud. on C wiuo rcadiiynuade friend s uu'huo stuck to h isis tiurougliout his life, Hetu-au a uuuciuuberof ¡u nuuuubcr of fraternal organinutiouus asidlunule of wiuicli lue c.stcc'uuued suore iuighily than h is cohlulcetioTI

willi hioo-Hoo, He was 49 years of age at the luise of huisch calli, auch I cit a uvidour, oui e son , S, C. liai?, asid ad.sugiuter, Miss l)ouua I-Jail. Prcliiuuiuiary sers iccswere heldat Coluuisuiuuus, conuiuuctcul by Rev, Flarve)' Coilluruu, pastor ofM.uyllouu'cr Couigregatiouuai Ch urch, 'l'iucse Services usereusi clu;urgc of tue Wooduuueui of the IVorid, The reuuualuis lucretiuuai takcuu to Sabina, afl(l at his ohl house another fuuuueraiservice was held, tuis tiuuic by the Masouuic order, BrotherIh,uil suas coruluectc(i u'ith several Columbus couuupauuies,aiuiouug tiueuus tue .j. j, Suuydcr Luuiuher Cosuipally iuiI Coc aSpencer Couuipauuy,

(j, i. Il,trtnsari Nu, (14) ).

'l'ue hluuhietitu is iciuudiy furti isiui'i uvitis the following píi'-

ticuui,uu of tue di'atlu sonic weeks ago of l3rotberC, B. fl;us't'f1.111, No, 6471, I)eiay in thus asuuuoluuuceuuscuit serves to caliat teuutíoui agaiuu to the usi irnrtauu t usi ;uttcr o f Our uuuesuul)ersI CI)OI hug to the Scrivcuuotcr deaths of suiesrillers, It fre-(iticiutlY occurs that we couutinluc to scud suali frouuu this0111cc lo a tui e uuuiucr for sii lilly un oui lus alud a re tiicuu advisedof luís dC;itlh Every death of a nicuuiber cf tite Ordershould ivavc ztl)iuropriate notice in 'rise iltiiietiii. I4et eachiuieuuuiuer give alteiitiosi to tisis asid proini)tly advise theSci ivcuiotcr of lily death coni sig to his notice.

Lcj1iez, \tsli., July 21, soulS-C. I, liruiiiaii Iku at 1.ewlstoii. ld;tiio.al,irdi su, wli're lie hail goile In (lie l%i,c tisai ui,e cI1aiiu of CiI,iiiteu,oiil,i Il' eii'uiciil t,, iiI,ii. 15e liad h,ezi tu jor ijeauuis (or eeral uila,uuli.

ilr IIart,,ia u \V.1 ni ti 5'i'IlIs)'1v;IIiIa, lkcinii,er .10, 187i_ \\'iieijite,', Vt'ars ii lie canse ii, \ViIigii ;iiici S1)OlI alu, Iciui'i

iii '.iuiiuu C,,it i,'iiere ile resi,lel t iiiitihr of %car.s, O,, Novcsi,i)eI i, 1'514, ile sa iinrri,,1 to l,s I)&t,t,c S, SiiJ icy. Ile uvas ti thehiiiIt' I,IlMiIi1',. (nr Hellte linie :11 S'ad lIon,, \S'auli, A fier (lISi,)M?lig of

iii, IlIer('Muf lue re lie h)oIlii t a guera I 11lire a t l,opez i ii h'ebriiary, l'e,aiiih li,i,iui,l liert' uhu uk tatui Iv, hic suais galticil thi goisi uhu uf thel)ei)le, ululi np a line IiIilIi,l aiid eij'Iieii This n'spect e)f Ill ,,'lio kiieushull hie l siir-ivoh uy a un fe aiiii tus-o dillilrcii,

Dones br 1908.


HEN the clock struck twelve on the- '- night of September 9 last, dues be-

came payable for 1908. 'The Hoo-Hoo

yeiar begins and ends on. September 9Look up your receipts, a3d if you findthat youi have not paid 1908 dues,send $1,65 to the Scriveoter at once.Any forni of remittance viii do ex-

cept stamps that are stuck together. Your Individual checkwill be all right.

Tito Dog of \Var.

The "dogs of war" Is not a mere figure of speech, In

remote times dogs vere usei for war purposes. Plutarchand PlIny relato many Instaaces; i. e., of Agesilaus at thesiege of Mantitica, of Cambyses in his expedition to Egypt,of the King of the Geromantlans In regaining his throne.Aeneaus (tOi B. C.) tells of dogs that carrIed letters Intheir collars. Also the Clmbrians and Teutons kept dogs.These however, were lighting dogs, Justly dreaded by theRoman soldiers.

The Romazi military author, Vegetlus, reports that dogswore used In the fortIfied towers to make known by theirharking the approach of the enemy and to keep the garrtSons awake. .Also, during the Middle Ages, war dogs wereused for guarding camps and bulwarks. Scotch bloodShound; were mpeclally reputed for tracking escaped prlsoners. They were also used for attackIng the euemy's cavairy, mutilating the horses with the prongs and hooks oftheir oats of mali. To these coats lirepots were attached,which set the camps on fire. In the days of 0-ranson andMutton (1476 ) , the battles started with a fight of Swissdogs against iirgundian dogm, and at Murten the Burgundian dogs were dismembered by their adversaries from theAlps. lt is said that after the discovery of America wardogs slaughtered not less thasi two thousand Indians.

The employment of dogs for fighting imrposes continuedIn modorn thues, Elnieror Cbarles V. (1518-1556) receivedfrom England four thousand dogs as subsidary forcesagainst France, At Valence French and Spanish dogsjoined battle, In which the latter renmined victors. As

late as in the seventeenth century war dogs were used ascOut5 against the Turks. In 1822 an assault on the Acrop

01)0115 of Athens by the Greeko was frustrated by dogs.The French euiployed dogs in Tunis against Arabian tribes,in Mexico in 1864 tIte dogs of the Zaccateca volunteer corpsproved the most terrible adversaries of the Mexican guer.rulas, until tbey were got rid of by poison. In the lastTurko-ituoslari War (1877-1878) the Itussians employed

war dogs both in Europe and in Asia. The Austriane andHollanders alEO used trained dogs successfully to protectthemselves against being surprised by the enezny, and tofind their adversaries in the impenetrable thickets.

Today the dog is no longer employed as a lighter, He istrained to carry ammunition to the battlefied, to guard theoutposts, prevent sleirmishers from stealing at too closerange, forward letters, and finally as a samaritan In findingthe wounded after a battle.

I'&1i'iiis 5511(1 the UllCuuiJ)IOye(l

There Is no reason wily any niail in tise United Statesshould'starve, or even why any man should be Out of em-ployment, no matter what the conditions of business.

In Louisiana, fdr example, tuera are 27,000,000 acres ofland, of svhlcli only 6,000,000 are cultivated, Planters withlarge tracts stand ready to aid every man who is willingto help himself. They will sell him all the laud he needson ten years' credit, or wihi allow him to farm on shares,prouidlng biun with a house, a horse and a mule, sufficientseed to plant crops, and provide farming inipleunents.

Yet with the whole country full of sucht opportunities,large cities swarm with men - 'who complain that they can-not get work, and municipalities are at their wits' end tofind some way to help the unemployed. The farms of thenation contain the only solutión of this probieni.-UhicagOJournal

lt lias been trulgod that, lis order of tinae, dee

y remar

1Io' Wo Caiiìto WeLr Clothes.

nratioa precedes dress. AUPpeoPle who submit to great

physical suffering that thnay have themselves handS

somely tattooed, extremesf temierature are borne with

but little attept at mitjofl. Humboldt tella us tban an


Orinoco India.n, though quit°regardless of bodily comfort,

clothing on, would not 'to colnmit such a breach of


will labor fox a fortnightß purchase pigment wherewith

decorum as t go outpted.


to make himelf admired;that the same woman who

would not heitato to Ilier lint without a fragment of

is developed out'of d!ions. And when we reniember



Tue facts of aboriginal1jfO seem to indicate that dress

that even aningourselves,think nioto ai)osit tuo line-

ness of the f.bric than itsqftrmJi, and more about the cut

than the coizvenience-whP°"° see that the function is

still in great measureSubd5t0d to the appearance, we

have further reason for10rring such an origin-Herbert


'.JIicPtt heu.

A farmer living on a1ighway macli uscii h)' antonio'

blies, after patient effort,p0C0e0h1 in training a hen to

run in front the motors10d lic lown between the wheels,

allowing the body of the cl' to 1)555 over her. She would

remain nioti'Oniess and1iurently (lead in the road until


the farmer, stationedper down, would liait the mo'

far(torists and pointing back t?

the lico, collect damages to tile

amount of 2, The faimPwas rapidly growing opulent

when tilo lien, growncarelhlss through familiarity with

danger, niisjidged the 50Pof a machine and was killed,

whereupon the farmerdeind0d $25 for his trained lion,

which was reluctantly pai'The motorists are wondering

usw to get their money ha

in Sydney, Australitown of 500,000 inhabitants, one

a, aIL Sunday. Certain restaurants

call got notb.ing to eat onsui)piy food surrcptitiousil'

but the whole timp the guests

are in &langr of iieing (08te Once an Italian was in

such a rest.urant on Sii1'' when suddenly the police

entered. T11e Italian waPiiusilc(i i)) the pro-

prietor into a room WIwaitress happened to be stand-


ing In ncglie. Even tçoom the police Invaded, hut the


waitress saved tuo situat0by declaring that the young

man was her dunce. Tuo0hmn usan, by the vny, had been

married soutse tuno. Hopouglit that lie liad deceived the

policeman, bl.it, es a uuuatt'of fact, lie had got out of the

frying-pan !1to tue firefine day the waitress called

him before the courts,'ad claimed £500 for breach of

promise. Ti-ia Italian hiato pay. And then came tise

worst of all. Ills wife stud'1for a divorce, and shortly after

married ancther man.


"See here!' said the1dignant citizen, when I passed

this corner you wereiclting alms because you svere

jured expression, "the tfl'any law in this country to

prevent a inan frombis occupation, is there?"

blind. Nbw' you1ing help because your legs are

are ashparaiyzed.'

'Weil," replied themdafh looking up, with an in-

The State of Florwas so named because lt was

discovered by the Sp:ntaon Easter Sunday, which in

Spain is c1led "PascuaFlorida," from the custom of

decking the churches witflowers on that day.

\S'IIIIt.' tO L.onit 141150 ¡L l'striduli,

Edward Vil, stulle still l'riuce of \\'uics_ was acculotoflied

to talio bis morning wallt alone lut $t Jaunes' Paris. One day

lue noticed that iue was beiuug followed by two little boys, and

turned rotund to look at them. Although at first much

disconcerted, ono of thesis iduched up courage, and, taking

off ulF lii), suhl: 'Your Royal Highness, uuuy little fruad

is French, and i have just unade a bet uvithu blm that you

are the lucir to the throne of England," The Prince of

\Vaies reiuhieul, snilliuig : "Yop luave won ; but what was

your little friend's i)et?" lie bet that youuu' Royal High'

liess was a Parisian." 'Oli, ueii, theuu,' said tus Prince,

again snuiiing, lue huila also won.'

SystilIIlt is.

"Oli, isn't it groat to be 'UI) lo date'

And live in this year of grace,With a systelii antI place for everything,

Though nobody iinows the place?

We've nui luden card for each thing to do,

juuu1 for eVei)tiuihig tinder tise sun;

it, takes so bug to fili out tue cards

We sucrer get anything dusse.

\\To've iooseloaf ledgers foi' saving time-The Lord knows what they cost;

But half of stir tissue Is IuenL cools day

hunting fou' leaves tiuutt are lost.

It's sectional this asid sectiosia.l that

(\Ve'hi Soon llave sectioiiai legs)

I tiseasiit hast uulgiit that I suade a isuoni

On sectional luana utuuti eggs.

I tireasuit I lived In a sectional lieuseAnti s'ode a sectional liess,'

Astil ds'ew Thy iia in sectiohts freinA sectional soctioii boss'

Oli, isn't lt groat to be up to tiate'

Asid live iii LIds year of grace,With a systehui asid place foi' everything,

'I'hougii nobody knows the place?"

Tords I'rlu) IL Siicce$iiil IlitIi.

'l'ue foilowisig bits of wit asid wisdoni wose gleaned

frasil a conversation w i lii a sisals uvlio, stai thug out in Nosy

York City uvilhu a cal)itai of osuiy $200, built lii) a iiourlsh-

ing i)usiiiess for iuisuisehf iii tuvo yeas's, 'Ihey are respect-

fuhhy dedlcatmi Io the uinauuccesoful\Vheii tiulsugs go wrong, I ssuvor blasuie huy circtuhuistanCeß

os' hli3 stui'i'Ouihiil Ings ; I blaiuie suu}Sel L

I have 510 iufltioflce with thisit word "try," To say, "I'll

try," is equivahehst to saying, 'iii fall ' Tue tuina who has

the stntf in huhn to succeed says, "I will."

iii your business, lleves' accept the advice of asiy nian

uvhuo has stat bersi siiecesfiti in luis own.

The busier a ainsi Is, hue moie he lissds lime to do.

Yell genes'aily will fiad that tini sivan iciso "never lias a

moment li) do anything ist" is 11m fellow sello lias all the

time be tuflills lo stutild around complaining about it."

"A. penny saved its a huensly sande," if it isn't a dollar's

worth of linie and energy host.A pet extravagance is sso snore a weakness than Is a pet

economy; 015(1 oftess it is slot half so expensive in the end

Econoiiiy too often is tise spending of a dime at tendifferent times for cheahu articles, instead of paying a dol-

lar once for something reaiiy good.

To be snccessfui? Never sloubt year successi To' ac-

icnowl"dge the possii)llliY of faliure usseans' to fall.



hientUied by ills itlge.

1revouy to entering the railroad yards. an ab1o.boded'oafer ¡iced up a ørnall, gilttering object from the side-walk and, without examinhiig It very closely, pinned It tohis coat. Three nilnutes later he collided with a slowlymoving freight traIn, was hurled ngainst a Post and plehedup Insensible. The train diepateher jiotlfied by telephone,called up Patrick J)cyIe Ihn yardinaster's assistant, andsaid: "You'd betier seareli his pockets, Doyle. Find outwho he g, notify his rilends, and report to ins.' A fewmoments later the report, carne: 'There's not a line ofwriting on l}lm," said Patricic but we've Identified him bythe badge on 1)18 coat. lie's n Lady Maceabee."

The l'ower of Short Wor(1$

Think not that strength lieB In the big round word,Or that the brief and plain must needs be weak.

To whom can tuis be true viio once has heard'rho cry for help, the tongue that all men speak,

When want or woe or fear 18 in the throat,So that each word gasped out Is like a shriek

Pressed from the sore heart, or a strange wild noto,Sung by seine (ay or fiend? There i a strength

Which dies if stretched too far or spun too fine,Which has more height than breadth, more depth than

Iongth.Let l)flt thiS force of thought and specchbe mine,

And he that will may take the sleek fat phraseWhich glows and burns not, though lt gleam and shine-

Light, hut no heat-a flaoli, but not a blaze!Nor is it niere strength that the short word boasts;

lt serves of more than fight or storm to tell,'l'ho roar of waves that clash on rock-bound coasts,

'l'ho crash of tall trees when the wild winds swell,The rear of guns, tuo groans of men that die

On blood-staine(l fields. It has a voice as wellFor thera that far off on their sick beds 11e;

For them that weep, for them that mourn the dead;The joy's (iuicic stop, as well as grief's slow tread,

The sweet, 1)1010 words we learnt at first keep time,And though the theme be sad, or gay, or grand,

With each, with all, these may be made to chime,In thought, or speech, or song, in prose or rhyme.

-Dr. Alexander, Princeton Magazine.

The club women of New Jersey have been laboring forten years to save the Palisades on (ho Hudson, and at lastseo the reflard of their labors, for a public sentiment hasbeen created, and the permanent committee by New Jerseyand New York will try to hold enough of the Palisades tomake a permanent park, an interstate affair, $50,000 beingappropriated by New Jersey and $100,000 by New York.The league organized by the women's clubs of New Jerseyand the department of forestry of the federation haveworked together to raise money for a public memorial parkat the head of the cliffs, with a lookout tower to mark tilesite. The federation is to use the money raised for aproper monument and are securing plans for the lookouttower

It is said that of the Americans met In South Africasnore than 60 per cent are Westeners, mostly from thePacific Coast. There are some twenty graduates of theUniverolty of California employed in the Rand mines, andCalifornians have penetrated Into the little known landsnorth of the Transvaal.

rn15 Law o1 NaturaL Selection.

No One ever saw a bullying, brilliant, egotistical manwith a vivac-laus talkative wife. nor an intellectual]yvainwoman with a noisy husband. 11e is always her soft pedal.

Tile laU'st innovation aboard the new North GrmanLloyd mer TrOnprinzessinCceijc is a fully equipped photo-graph 1udio, which 1mo become popular with travelers. TheHilip's photographer, Who s always on hanti, can take apicture on any part of tile deck in a few minutes and de-liver Ike traveler a dozen copies in a few hours. Thephotographer nico takes tine responsibility of sending pic.tures lo the traveler's friends, and the buey tourist is re-liOVe(i of that trouble, Then, tile anxious actor or operasinger who in afraid the newspaper photographer whoboard tue stenmer with the reporters may overloòk him,nrrales with tile ship's pllotograther to take his pictureand mail coplee proml)tly to all the newspapers.

Nemphis, on the Nile, one of tine greatest capitnis oftile ancient world, is buried beneath ground whicll Is nowlImIer cultivation by tile villagers of Mitrailinch, who willllave to be transferred to other i)iOts and compensated be-fore the work of excavation can proceed very far. It Isestimated that an expenditure of about $15,000 annuallyfor fifteen yearn will be required to excavate the templesites, apart from the city. The unearthing of Memphis,Wilicll contained the finest school of Egyptian art, will beby far tine grentest archeological work of recent timés andlnust result :mn a vast addition to the world's knowledge ofancient Egyptian history and civilization. The work willsoon be begun by Professor Petrie, head of the BritishSchool of Archeology in Egypt.

. Sidestepping Both."Senator," nald his private secretary, 'here's a letter

from the editor of the Skedunk Bugle who wants to know110W YOU stand on the question of repealing the Infamoustariff on wood pulp."

"Teli him," said Senator Ptrlmmer, "that"But here's one from a paper manufacturer who writes

to ask you if you are going to allow tine senseless clamorof irresponsible newspaper men o influence you against

, the great principle of protection to home industries andcause you to vote for the repeal of that moat righteous andnecessary tarIff on wood pulp."

"Hm!" mused the eminent statesman. "William, sendthe editor's letter to tile paper manufacturer and the papel'manufacturer's letter io the editor, and explain to each,In strict confidence, that a public man who is trying toserve his country has to stand tilia sort of rot from igno.rant or prejudiced conotituents who seek to dissuade himfrom the faithful performance of his sworn duty."

The city of Paris owns 87000 trees, or one to everythirty.two in.babltants, without countIng the trees in some300 acres of parks. The horse chestnut is the commonesttree planted by the municipality; after it comes the planetree. In sorno of the more distant and secluded avenueslimes and acacias are found, but variety must not be soughtOutside the gardens and parks which belong to the state.There one may find almost every tree that may be grownin the Paris climate.

You need ant wear a stony look to be a pillar of thechurch.



At every annial meeting the discussion in the businesisessions lias developed the fact that a very large perCentSage of the members of the Order are entirely untamiliarwith the Constltùtion and By-laws. At the Oklahoma CityAnnual Meeting consideration of this fact led_to t1j adop.tina of a suggestion that hereafter the Constltutioi andBy-laws of tile Order be printed in every issue of Th'Bulletin,


ARTICLE I-Name,Section 1. 'J'h, tiain, of hijo crgalìlzatinn la tIte Cascate-

Order of I-5o.Hoo.

ARTICLE Il-object.Section 1, 'rhe object of the Order la the promotIon of the

Usaith, Jlapp1nes noci Long [,lfe of its flIflhI)Cl8.

ARTICLE Ill-Menibership.Section 1. It being the Purpoc of ti,Io Order to gather

together In fraternnl relations peorle engaged In lumber trade,memherhl» in thIs Order ali I he lImltrtl to white ranis per-eons over the ng0 of twonty 'ne YearS. of good moral clame-ter, who possess 050 or more of the following atlallllcatlons:

Flrct-'l'hey luill ho so engaged, clthor In the ownershIpor sale' of timber lnn'la, thnl)em or logo ., or the InanhIfactire orale of timber at wlìoles:ile or rotoli ne that lt shalt ho their

main or Principal onuipatlon, cenci that lt liaIl be the businesswhich io recognized In the community In which they resideas their Voeatio ..'i' iiio shah n'>t be admitted under thIsparagraph boolck eel)era, steilogmaphero, ei'rlcs, inSpectorA, 50W-yore, fiero, foremen, flor the ordinary ial)orerg of lumber enterprieso. it le the intent 00(1 rnanlng of this iectIoI thatrvery application from a per000 Who loes no.t come clearly andWIthout (luestion within the inovlsionc of the first c,arngmaphof this lItflititloma, muaI he referred by tilo Vicogero0t Snarkto tilo Snark snt Scriw'rioter with a f1111 statement of ali factabearing en the CaCe iifoi IflY action shah Ile taken thereod.

Seeorld-NewsJ)aper Ines. By tillO term being meant oniytii publiuhers, Pa-oprietore or persono rog:inr1y connected WitIlnewspapers.

Tiiird-Railmoad ¡sen. By this terra being meant only gen-orni eSecro, general :cnel rcooletnnt freight. p00000gcr and claimagents, pIrclinslng onesto ., commorcilli traveling, nlIeIting andcontracting froiurht (flot station agents). Tills means tile of-ficlals of railroads Seuo COflIC In ofltt WillI the patrona ofIlo road, It doos not mean Oflico aílstnntn, clerics, secretarIesem collectors.

Fourtil-Snw-csIll machinery men. By tills term beingflennt luroons engaged In tilo IflanlIflIcturO nr sale to ismbermanufacturers og sase-mili or planing mili machinery.

Fifth-Only mein persons os cocon strictly Within the 11ml-tations nbov macle are eligible for membership In tOes Order,end niicic poruOslo may he initiated under proper appllcatiod,Ilceynletit rf Initiation fe and leetion to membership snd ial-tinti011 IO provided by lice ritual of the Order. Moml)ershipCIcrill he limited to t9,C99 livitig inonibers in good ntandisg.

Sec. 2. Each applicant for mecnhernhip haIi folly (ill out(lie Onal Itl)plicatloe blank, 'l'bis cippileatloci must not be voted011 hotu It ccrtiflcnte ticeiroll liri 1)ren icidorOell by two mcm-lors of the Ord er In good sto nh i ng. 'l'ho application olinil belcallotpcl Oft collectively. In corco the ballot Is not Clear t sec-ond ittliot shitli Ian liad. nitti if two ni ¡clore Iclack balls be castthe hnilot nhail be htid 1)5' cectlons seth a filifll renal t. In cclsO

two blacic hahn he east tiic' cpi)I I cant 511:111 ile rejected. AnyILI)piielLst rejected lcrilI sot lie baileted Oli cigolo vitiiilì ixlicontlin of the iate of lilo rejection.

Sec. 3. If 5-uy Vicegeirlit ililcIli knowlspiy or by ClIIpltl)Ienegligence admit te tilo initiatory ceremonia of tile Order anyp01800 3(11 legalI y enti I led t(, 5:1db 1011er tice Icroviui OCIO of tillsarticie, Ile silall. IlIon 1111f proof tilorcof to tlle Snnrk andScrivelloter, be rCIllOVe(1 floTO 11110 oiilce by tile Snaric, lind, inthe eliocletion of the SIlIrellIe Nl se, if tile ViOilItioIl be fla-gIant, lie expelled fr010 tue Older ; lISCI flIlY member of tile Or-der who 011011 sigh the eertillente nfl any applicatIon heroinreferred to, if the fnct .. Otatell in noch application WitlI reference to tilo Irosent bclsicleno interacts of tico applicant Ire nottrIlli, sililii Upon due proof theroof Cilibmitteli to tile Scrlveflotor,1)5 expelied ily tiln Sujlrelne Nino. lt Silahi lin no defenon thattice meSiter wrs deceIved into sIgning tile certifIcate, Anymember endorsong certificate on 811 applicatIon for laeml)er-ship Inlet lenow nf ills OWlI Ilolwonal knowledge the truth ofthe (nein to Whicil he certifies.

Sec. 4. Wheoeeer n relnovcji or suspension shall Ile madein nccorllnnce wjtii the Ilrovioions nf this article, the Scrive-noter shall Imlflelliately bulletin tile fact to overy member oftile Order in good otanelirig.

Sec, 5. ThIs Order retaiti tile Ownerollip of overy hand-1)00k and l)llttlTOfl soIled to ito mesli)ers, mIch being furnishedonly for tilO proper and legitimate liCo of thu members In ac-eordance wIth tIlo COflstItlltiOfl, By-laws and Ritual of theOrder. Whenever any member. to whom nllch property Is fur-nlshed, ceases, either by suspension or expulsion, to be en-titled to the beeflts and privilecs of tile Order. the right Ishereby resorvedi to demand and enforce the.return of tile sameto 'the Scrivenoter,

Sec. O. The handbook nhail be inslied betwees the first ofFebruary and the first of Aprii each year and shall ba sentonly to members who have paId ducs for tile preceding year.

Sec. 7. The isitiatlon foe shah 1)0 $9.99, which, togetherWith tile Current year's dues, must aecompnny the application.

Tilo annual dICes slush be one dollar and sltty-iìve t'elita ($1 65),of avi-cicil amount sixty-sic edIts (66 CCIltS) shall le (lIOpiied Ilsan annulLi subscription to 'l'ho 13iietin.

Sec, 5. Honorary meelber-shill in tillo Order 1110V 1l grantedUpon flilpilciitiOn filed witil tloc SCrivenot(.r lIS' tile Vicegerestof the ointe within which tile applicant reoldes, pluvidt'(I, thotaLICIa ailplircltiun ehItli be enliorsCll l)y nm0 Illemilers of tue, Or-der III goud stunding; tile ilonorary flIOmi)t'lnilii) fee shall besollos, and cicnll aceomilany the nlOpilcntloIl 11511 Ill) furtilel'(ceo. liles, or lensessoceels of ally flIltItre 911011 be levied OlI

alleil Inelllilernllip. 'ri00 h000rac-y membess 5111111 lIe I eqllil od totnk till? firnt obligation Ill tile Situai, bu t 110 fu tuer illitiatllryceremonies shall be ncceonllry.

Sec. 9. Life 010lnherslllp in tilia Order ulily bc' grantedIlporu lll)PiicatiOIl by a ny 011o eliglille 1111001' lIC' Cosotitlltinu lta regoiar meeting, urloli leLYnlent of 003.33, 1111(1 III) fIb-tiler(lIlI'S (01 llnOeOOIlleIltiO Of lIlly nfl turo 51)1111 levied en Olich mcllllIer. life Ilu'Ini)ers si-iii Ice COtillOS to Il Il I glIb 111111 privilegesof tIllo-HIlo. 'i'lloy 1111011 ile required to tOile till' firot oblige-lion in t ile itiitlfli, but lii) furtiler in itiat el V Cil canonico 5l1niiI,e necesnary.

ARTICLE IV-Olficera,Sefli 11111 i. 'l'ue eie1qlee l'zeliltive 11111 eel ° (lt i It' Order 0111111

be Snntic of tile ijnivoroe, Seniol' lIra-lion , hlIli(lI' lieu-Hon. po-jIlIn Scrivelloter, ,Tabbereocic, ClIotOcil till n, A I eilnl>Ì1' il 1111 GlI!(1(111 _ 'i'ile ahoco no meli Ohiilloro 0111111 CollOtit Ill O till' SIll) I ('sIl'Nm e, 0011 ohnii flerforla OlIcil (bIlico 1111 ore ill e'l'l 11)011 1 r tuoRitual IlnIl C(lIletitlltiOII 111111 By-laWn of till' OIlier

See. 2. '!'he luilovo sallIed olileerlo d1oil loe allellIllIv el oct111by a dIjon 15' of tho vota eliot lIt tIlO lino-1 lIllo A nIllIal, byroil cali of otateu, ac hereinafter proo'illPll.

Ser. i. In C011e of tice den tic or reel gent loll ei ci n electiveexecutive olbicer tIlo SllpI,eme Nillu shall hove illIovel' to 0P11010 t a euceensor viio 0111111 Oli lilo IlIloxilil 011 tercIo call'o'cl ilystIch n vacancy.

SIre. i. 9'iiO aili)oi otive ('XCclitiVCi lIilloCI Il of tice Ordel- HilIlliconsiat eldely of Vicegerellt Sllnrice, l'ci cii hill te of tile IJIlItC1lStctteo or uimiinr political grllnd Ilivillion of In',' 0111Cl eiviliaelil'OlI n try liceviog n i lIC r loure leelnbcero iitil Ile fOltI t led tu n\'iaçgerl'!lt Sllaric, the lerticula r title of fluO Oilbl'l'l' to ill' Vice-gerent Snl ic Pillo tuo Ill 11111 of tic( forCI plc colleb e Ob 1101 I licolgro 0(1 11 violon of tIc is elfllfltlY \S'ilil'h 110 reilrl"l('lltu

Second-\VicCn IR 111(1 ill llgleeut ¿It till' lI ill CIlIO Nino licoilltoreOtcl of tile Orliel' llIcIblclfllI they may IlililOi ut two or snoreVicegecent Snntics for coy state, (iivilling tice tel I itol'y ('l1lcitholy for 011db lcllrp050.

'i'icirol-Except cts eccuy h,c Ilerel flícftor ill ovitleci, tile jIll i'4Ilictioll of VicegllI'en t Secclicco dual1 he i ilIlitell tIl tice territol Yto Vilicll ticey cero apleinte(l. lIllO1 to the l'clII(llIl't cf tice workof I niiiation (in tilo n 111(101CC of tilo Sllaric) Il 11(1 fOl ticone 11cr-ilol000 sellich Incly ic necccloary to tilo i 1(111Cl' in itill t ion or CllfldicIateo to exercise elli ttie powrlo nidi oael'lltic clii tile 1Iltic"l(If tice Snarlc of tho Universo.

1olll'tll--For tile llccri000 Ici 11X teich i 11g i il(' gi c)vtic rIf ticeOl'(I5r tito SlIplebno Nine nhali ccttctllll to tice tt'c I hIlly of Viel"gel(bIt ,S'sctrkil euclt eentigct (lIlO terri tQl'' c'I bully i1e ov i titolI ttito reciuini to nclmbor of lion-T 0(1 tIO cIl tille i t tcl cc Vic'eget'elltSoaric ; icrovillecl, ticat, lIbICO titerO itctIl I IC blinI' i Ion-1 loo wiiifill any olteic cuttcteheel tcc'rii ory, litey Illay Iltitioct tite StipI eIlteNine for the ItllpOilOtTflIillt Of t Vil'egeticn t StIllI k. 'i'icct t oilil'eIlcd vi ng cecil citnoen noci i lielticlieli 1 y legccl Il1I1IOiIltIttl'fl t. till'lIlt ti101ity (If tite first Vicegorelti. SiIcclic iccil ('I'lt'll' by I i mild -tino, 10(1 Vitic011 t fu rIbler proelOilcu i l cell Il O (liIil'ilti nOti iil'lltitan bilIco accitlircid sltctil ile culticjcc!t tI' IetiiVi'Ii(tll titl'I (lIftel , Ill,IroviIlelI III tiecti OIl 4 ol tuis atliclIe.

Fifi il-'i'ile Vicegecelil Snctcic oltctll im icililllilltl lb l'y titI'Snarli (If tito Un i Vt11'He, ity lt Itli Witil i to (1 I'IIlc'lecli lt lIli cr01,1 cecIl

lIt tice Sttpcente Nino , 'cIcli s'icitil ccl'l've CI liii till' tte'ct I Ic,o.11o'lday .CIIcce('Ii ing It ho aiticici Ictlllelt i . er Il lt Il liI'l 'IccI'c'I'Mor,t 'oh it il ice

ltltpOilctlicl, IllIleolO ronioveci for enlIaI'.íiictil-'i'lcIc StIilII'lItIi Nuca .qiccili (ctlts'p (I ill' i'I'IIcI'tl to 011111

vi CCgI'rent Snccrlc ifl,' tile Snctrll of tite I icIleel 'lI' I 1cl 4c' rl osco-1er cc ovnrrcllct of all ticccrity, ovicicdc colt tii l'O lclit'iily hOu n t' lilolIctovota 111111 jclrlcl(lieticicc. i il ic-I lIlI ciSIlt I Il III' lccl'(Iclllllclt l''II by'11011 ifliltilIctilIflib for iJce elticliccet tcf CIOIII'ltiI'?llt tinico, i citicti ionslInd clIlIlciitOloncI 110 it tony IiI1(tll 011110, 'lite 511111 I litI' Nitte,tic relctgit till' OtIfl( tgt'lIIy, 111111 ii illICO lIC, 00Cc ill I 'cIlice 011011 cIl-

tilority, 11111 l(lIi)OiIlt aIcc'it IIII('ceualr to liii tice IlItI'"lIil ccl 101111

5cc. 5. 'lice jud iciccl t ntl cttivioory (libicI'! o 11f tite Orderoitnll roicoiot 11f tice lillcto' of /IIcI'i,'lciiI, cc 11011V (tI iginlelly in-cIti tIlled rit tito nnnbIti IcleIctilIg 11f iso::, lt1 lelíllil' Ill) of tolnlnrfiflellico (cf tice llniaOI'oIc enelc fillilliC. cubic 111e 'lctI'I'l''.'Iftli lei lltiIlS tioll of itio (1111(10 I II i ill' SII IccIcille Ni nl', ill ill' givl'Il th e title11f ''l'ont Sltark, '' and tll i (e(1OlclC a Ifl(IleIlI'l tIf tile I InCISe ofAncients, It belog tice dctty (cf the Ordec to ictel"lt tu0 i'ctntfinit rk ti 11111 t ti me seilit t n ellticllclncctir. 111cc itO cc t(Iic.'fl of IC-gltl(i fran 111(1 Order 111111 t 1111 IllOgIc (If lIlt ticllc i LY u itio i Il tIlO

CC'OlIII of ticeee ilmovlcieno,Seconll-'J'ilO cit i cf ouiicor (ci titis iloely 'lilitil ill' Cit titled tile

''Sed' of tilo hocino of A Iteiecct'l .,'' th i io 11111cl' i O be h 'III icyIbclliillg Artilllr JOilrlo011, titC folcllcier Of tice 01,111 , icicl i,aelge ofrank-tile Eflti)iem of itovelatioe-lt fliUc-ilOilOteli IliltIllOnd otltr,to ice eorn ily lillo tilItti ii ho (10cc lii, ilIO(l I lIdI ti 11111ml tted co ttiogcccy f1010 1dm to tice "1-1011011 of Ancieflt'l. 'i'hbo erflilielflohrtli tilerenfter Ice worn by ticnt bnClnl)Iic of tice iloely Wilo l'ichl'olcologicaliY tllo neat living "i'ilst Snctrlr," tice title of "l'ilI'Soci' of tue lloiioo of /,ncilmnto" to IleaceIlci, witic tue ''ErfliliOtIlor Revelation,'' in pericettlity-iitO P101)1150 to Ile ever ovors ityslacceellisg Seers aco it lleriIetutl token of ote0m fol hilo thloltgltWiloill were trnnomittecl tIce secret legendo lint] traditions lIflOnWh icit tilo Ortlor is foclndod ; nicti tilero qililli ice 1101 til('r fccsh-

ioneci or %VOlfl in hoe-lion anetiler omillein of hico forno, de-nign or Import.

'Fumi-lt shall be tile elllty of the Jiocteo of Ancients toact cta a Otanliiflg COleIflittOC Oil Constitution and fly-laws toIligest and consider any propooell ciiangeo in tue laws of lioo-¡loo which may seem mice, TonY origInate froiu that bolle orfreIe any other source, it heilig the privilege of every activeIneleicer of the Order to filo with tii 110119e of Ancients anyouggestions which rally seem wiac to him, it itehlg tile duty etthe Tiouse of Ancients to repart tu elIcit Assucul Concatena-




tinn any re'laIon which lt believes to be or the good of theo (I'r.

FowtIi-1IiC I-louse Øt Anclente 1iaII constitute n Ad-vlory Bo:ìid tO which the elective executive officers of tut Or-(](r may r1r any r,raI)1erfl of COntItùLfonaI poilty Uton whichticit 1)O(ly ffliaii dinagree, or ter any other reaten ShtL1I desiretue conperalinn of these WhO juive hc1(i elective eCCUtIve Po-iLiofls in tija paat, it being understOod that qtICStions HO re-feind hnIi he Settled by a joint vote cf both bodies, the rulingto stand au low until tle next Annual ConeateflatIo, when.ìil euch JOint prOcc(tIJre5 utah I)e retorred to the conctentionnnrWhied for a stiutaining approvai or vetO the deeilofl oftie Annufli Concatenation to i,econio finsi, unies Otherwisecbtpnninrd by amondmentu to the Constitution. as hereinafterr,rtti(i(h; tillS system to build up practical, initiative und ret-. (fl(hUlfl isgishi tien.

t'iftiì-it eludi he the duty of the 1:Totisc of Ancients to pro-r,LrP a ii iIreuerv tii( historien i a n d a rehaeoiogieai lore etI ioíi I loo, fl(i I t bULii abo 1)0 thfl custodIan of the copyright(;t 1110 Order, nod r.fltrtlot(d with its vare and protection freini ,ilproper o ed o niawtui iioeo

Sixth--Thu trierohjero of the I h()TIS of A neients oh all havejioier to eond let C()IÌCrL tenatioori the 001CC ílO liflY member oftií tttipreiiie Nine.

ARTICLE V-Supreme Nine.Soci iii i . i'iie 140P1rIIi( NI ne io VeStP(l vitIi fuit an thon ty

n iiiniinioier titi' affairs of tue Order in iccor(iance vIth iti tittuti . (onet ito i Ion ted Ity.ia Wo Io the i n litho i)CtVeCO t tieJ l,o i too ci n rtiiat. tinti iia ti, th rohig1 tue Scrlvenùter, 0:1 tiefi tubi report (if to doings to (tie Order at e:tehi annual rting.nti ItO triton rin muy ¡natter oliati be atibject to reviev at iieiiriii't ing.

2. 'thin Outrian ('mister nitail coitthitlte the Upper(titinber if t ten- 1-hin, unii iht '!cewnront Pnatic.s svo smuttetti uuoiu'(d (uhu year In flint cui teteity, atem ali i'- uner-nigro oft hui Su,;urrinr. Nine. ¡muy a eligible ti) uieiuiiuitIitt) ttuereio. ht'1iutl tu Oryututnt (or lie ruurunboruti ii) of tiri (2tfltstoi, tiutuiI t (unii rigiutathona, ti) trucirllie ri tu, to uuiuil lnlihuit() ry ru'u-nuohuiiuu fur tiu uui]rriuuuulrgi of its rneuuube ui: rateo urid iguuluttiuteitou i tui nut I i. tuujtihituu rit tite Cloiuitrur, miucituttliug tiu unjuositiri it uuuuli (tui n nui il tutu uts tnuiy iii ft,utnd niucisuiry; to rege.tui litt] iuuluuuge tite hhiutit of tiighiuhi ity uiy nudi %(ttt ttO tutaytu truurihut] ti tut By-hatv tint]. if ih-titeti uu]i'iututute. ti, teiltetilt .ttluun iii tui naine tunu]et vtuIeit tite (mietei nOnv ixtuts't lii (laletr eletti perfetto tite ritt 'f trn)j:iiunlutg tite timltttigstilt k tui iuitûuy ti) tulut tira reeitition lit titi t lieuse et .'\ talento.

g-.m. ii, itipreine Nine tuait a pjuoltit rugutiat t i nus for

cupi i i tug, t iii irtay imiti nutrii oteltul ritietitugut tito etti y l'o ii,-oil u ii, ruulit Itutut tir ei,uuhuul ituieting l,uuii tic lucir] uiuttiu'tnuit'' tltrof tutituli o gb's in ilì merdier at taut cute fittitidy ititurit tutu ti i i Wùuthti tutus it i in to macit tite piace of studitite, i I tug uy t ii l'itt' luwettutti ry tar h t itt to tra iii. t i ittiCO tie'tutu1 itt uvrltlttg have ti:utvtti tutu tIght tut nubi itiolice; attdsi lii ti utittuititritI l'y tti& bttaric of thin tjniv,ro, i titi the Sutlie-itOt' r to ut ittii tu ru y tuteli tteciii reciti ng, lie uttuttil lui tirilii (tutut iii (it tuui,t 'uf t li O nur hilo utetetititu ri' ) xpenouo ter Sticht nuenting.

S. t. No utuetiguuti tt;uii lie tieeui tu,' tite Sttire rute 4lner ir I l utttut thu tuttirtutatluit oeil of li vi itt Ito ruiettìtueru,

ARTICLE VI-Meetlngn.Sr,lliuti t. i iuiti.t tori t):iy tu titi tultuthi uitty tif tittu tuinthu

utuutilhi uf ti u:uI'ituitti yttur. Dut t titul. uituy tulutuli oeuutr thin tigtu-hut u tituuitii t,ttItiututt tuuittltut uit t ht' ()tutnt, tut ut litt to tui' se-tu iii ut lii i,ii' 'uf liii (tuuteu', tu ulutututit nf netileli it iiuuii tu' I li ' tiui uy t tu itui1iuuuuoe NIne, tite liruit nnuoluua it vtohetu oliatiu i,iO'tui' tuiut tutu, thun hin tuluutiu ¡tul otite aftutr It ochocit ii. nut.if ii lit iii y.

it i,'. :t. itue i'iui ri uuuiuuttuuyrstui i In t'utili utate iii good statuti-luit; hull Iii. IIi titutultu tc,r vuuting tut t ttiu ]IOut-iini) Jittu)uuiut, tttttltiti Citi' if uu1u tui tu li;uii iii' liti uieui tito itutut turriuutug thtu'utuittiluitti inCettI tutu nitrIt tInte, Situtito nuut returueu-tuuteut tuttIti i uttuitot hou tutu tut tutu unti.

bi-. 1. iuury iutituuluuur et tu Order elunuuhul uutteutu] tite meint-tut: t, i hut. i iii, (hOY If tutistillutit. tut. falituug to tie iureueitut, tut

uuuuiI tuitiva d tui t tue gutriuuuueier, i u tI ene tui ito eau] tut tite mutet-ng t letter tu'tttng hutte iieiut-iloei tit1u tisitil bleu ultiriuug thuuu

ifl4l l'aur, rur ii ut rnutot uttuii (i iuuepa lii ttttugrui itt gi n'i ng im i e trIterei-uuliuuuu in, us ttuuu t it mutti y hei it tauen usi crut every mee utuhuer tut tite)ui iti:u. Itt 'tu, t titi t noi.

.i'e. t . itt t ito tieruuutumeuil ru'iuur(l tut i-leo-i-Too 1)tiy, titetiti Ivuitulim- stutuht itou thin ti ilttuuitituCe ait (nituuseis

ti rsl-Tiiiunhuurs uireuttuui(] for t it mel tug unemnoty of ttuosewito Itave geile iteyottd lu uutteayut with tus.

Sr'uttiii--'iiiu,uie tutu') ru'uupuitmuh huy letter or telegram.'t'tuItut--'iIteu uvtuo are orneent itt person.Situ. ru. Cuittuttu tettii i iuituo are mìieettngo udii for time InitIation

of uu.uuiliirut. tu tui no t,tiuuineuuut oliati luci tranoacteth thereat, Con-utulututi t Iitti uttuttli tue heut uy ttiuu Ttcrgerent Sottili of tite statsuuiturn tir ui x uir mettre mu itutluti utts tu re retuuty tor t mtitluu.tion. munitt lie Seiritemuolut slit, it huait torwatuitul to tito \'Iiuegnren t Snarlmtiti ti itt turi ty lita eh ttigneui by the S uthuretne Nine. a u titorizingtIte tunlihlog of iutmctht tommeatetnottonum.

Sec. G. At eoncatcntutlono tito Vicegerent Snark abati np-¡tolnt uttemobermu of tito Cruet to titi the ritutti oto tiomis of tueuseuuuu'untiurs ii litt Stupuetute Nitto tette) mutai' not Ito prenemut inpet nn.

Sec. 7. t'tt(t Ptittttc of tite Ummiverse may itoh] uoncatctuotionotunewtucri tu pon tite leistutu tute of o uttit orlty tuituniumt, nt.q rutty ninoatti' uuu,'ttuitit of tite Pitiuremute Nine.

ARTICLE Vu-Numbers, O

Su'euintm I . 'riutt genitroi ntmmbteruo of tito menuiters nf timeOttici' ettaii hie tuututigtmot] by timo Scriveutoter hum tite rotation ofi.ettcuuieututtmoum tmtmrntteuo, und tut tite ortler concatenation reportsututty lie rttuit'tvutul by iii ni,

ARTICLE Vi it-Stusponnlon and Exputsion.Scetleum 1. Dues u)itttil tuo payutluie on Iioo-lloo Day for tito

year emuetting. 'l'tue Scrivumuoter oittuii Ioute os a receipt for dues

a tpeicltti card, anti mio member oimafl be admitted to any meet-Ing sr citocatenatton, after January 1, 1P08, who does not re-tent etch cc'rtiilcate 1enmiuem'o oivaii be dehlnquient for ulnpakjthus u ti tito 1100-liso Day eutcceeding that on witich dues be-COic ieitytui)IC. Wltitin thirty-three uiays after Hoo-Hoo Day,itt0 Strivenoter .shaii aemid utoticu to each ulouinqtmuunt member,tlOtifyiitg ilmo tient in timirty-tItree days tlttirumfter lie will lueeutuiiiotiuiutd, if eucim uimtruw aro not paid; and lt dites be not paiduviUthit tite titirty-titreta days, tue shaii he pitiuuc-d on the sus.penutiti iittt, atti] stich I litt stinti be pttt)iisheil to ail Vicegerents.

51e. 2. \Viiemu tite Scrivemeuter stendo out tite notices, iuerelnitroviTeui fom, ito siutuil prepiure n list of those to Whom ht ieettt at uuaelm Vigerency attui transmit the saummo te tite Vice.geu-uit Smutirk, Wimo shah adopt such moatmo to secure time col-lotitlilti tif euictm dimeo as tue may cee St. rendering huis account(rim- thu italienne incident thereto to time Scrivenoter,

9lIt. 1. Simopemiuted mnemohuero may be reinotated upon tuirtiutyu,Iroflt uit ait tutucti ditco attuI opon time approvai of the Viceg--tut uf tImo elote in which such member hiec or of tite Scrive.ni) ter if tite Order.

ye. i. it íLC merotutir of titis Order nintH violats ito Cooittjttiliuun, By.iauus or Itittutui, or engage in atty uniauetuui tir umtriuuttubte ititslneso, or In any momimmtr briog public niutume em

uiit .txt. (Cit to title Order 0m- Io nmetnberiiitip.. ito emay its suuopendeuitir putiivui only iii tite foiiowiog manner : There eiuuuii tue fliedteil 1 lIte Scriu'emuoter mt written r.tutteumiitnt of the offetmne citnrgeui.tug-toil tus' tite mnr'moluer mnaicimug luit eluuirgs . 'u muti venIte,] ondintui t t . ti titi otupportut] by euch utliltiavi to of otiuem' perooumo its tu,triti , iii'uuire to hiteteetut, togettuer tei 1h a copy of time st, mmmc. TItSitt .enoter tuttttii mile timo euriginuui tt"ui tratuousit tite c-oiutt's ItI ii. iceitset] uy retgiotered umttuii, ivi t)' , t the nmtmo olgmmtti ttt,orrt u). tuitlelt citait tin Pure telituul huy t Seri u'etmOter on ti itititt n u] itiii y -uu i.) inutile. 'rite roccutttttd eilituii iutuve tlmirty-thum'ee days ii ftet

lu' o receipt cf tite cluorgio matte itt uchictu to rnnice tunewerut, t , i cli utiunii hi' pt'oct m'ei] untier Oit 1h, tu n ti rutay coutist of tIuiei , t ,.ntett t et rit itero ti tu ereilt tuo lu I mrmseif. \Vimeum tite Sert temi oteuriuii ittuve nu'riuiur'ul Ihr' tuntitiur uit lit" ti ('utiutteui, tue t'utili trenneutl t tu etrupy uit tilt lite impero in thun cutup to ettutim mnenmtittr nf thurgol Nlute, viuuu tiitttii ulelermnhuu' lItri iuinocenco tir guuiht eiut1, - iiitfcnulrtutt, tunih iii ctts,t of convletiomm lix ouch iientiiiy n't iti,-y uuituy i]t'('ttt iirtiiuitm_

lui ettiiuì I lie ti uttttutter siunil tutu mnttitt, r, flutter, wittui tu titi' ti nurl''r,iti iireacriiit'ui. tut ttiituii eitttiti] ttutuutuenilutii tuntii euteth uuuincuv,ittt-tii lii? fiuti.

if tiny mnutmuì Iuutr ei t tui ttttuitu' ut ftiisct or nttuiiuiuuumte eima rgti germ tuttI tu utotiut'r tmteiouh u 'or, hue tutti ii Iii) tun i),ii,ct ti) titutienutiun tu

(,x yutilttinn tui' lltut Sitpm'c'nue Nine, a tt,i in tiny cone In uvltiuutu tli't di taut totty Ito tiutitum i ttitti tltto ltumreii'n of itroof ohinii 1)0 ti pOli

t i i r ctinttiitt i nui lt t i O °iio-uv tiutut hit. ut etru] in gooul faltlu in cone titeti "e ut It luit chiudi riait t fromn tu ta titre to prove tiuei fiuetn muiieged.l'i u t utot teuucmu I lie ouiquulttni restittut from time cotusirttctiumn ofIii0 tutte.

See. , W'Iiint'ver n rumeumibtir of tiito Oruier Io otuopentied tIme

tl t'rtuutit'r uthittii ,ii'utttu nui of hIm tu rutitru of uts hatutituituik nutuilitt ttitti , wiiit'iu ttittuil i) rctttlneiui by tito Scriveuuoter uiuiriuug tIteI i' m-ieul of tito tuiittii,'titti 0ml. Vtteni.ver tu nutcuntuer of iiut Orderiii extut'itiil, liii Scriu'u'ttote.r utiitiii tiutmnautcl um return of tilo hmtcnui'li,ntc ti tul tuttI u,tu tinti I f tite ott imuit tutittii not iti- retuurneui wi thinlIti mty-tiuru'e buys, lie 1uíuli itrutiteti to tue rceuuvery et etumute byituitiutti cut ituut,

ARTICLE IX-Amendnuents,

S'u'uttiuia I. 'litio ( ouuutituutiiitu nutty lue ttuumumtuieti uy a threetiti u riltut u'iitut uf tIti' reo tireoemmtt'ii nmeuum lie' moitit, rif tite Ortie r ute

iii',-iu'iiit'ui itt Au'tiitiut 'I tiutreuuf tut a muy I tout-i liii) tuutttuitui_


h. iii tite .'uiiseuice of 11m Suittm'ti fm'uum n tuuty i ioo-iioo uunnmuotIui littet elututi lic Itukemu iv tite next iutiiutu't in rutmuk who iciirescuu t, i n ('ti Sit et tcmepturti t'y Vi0tt'titiCY iii tini' posi ti,utt, tItetui timig Smirk oliati ittu tct titter tui I emette rum vii y liti oticut ''tuca ney


'lito Sert uu'uiote m tite, im litt eumuttoul i n um of tite fut titis uit titet tyctetu, ttuuti ciututi give iti)tuii uttititufuuctom'y tui tite Suuiuremnc Ninei tu tite ttuitmm iiI luit tim outoti titi iteultu t'o (d5 000) , the coot if nitulditiunul iielitg uiutfrttytutl toy litt On_ici 1tu tiittuit tuttY out nmoneyetimm h y tutm votuitli i'm's cuti ti tet'oit-tueui lii' tite Sentit tuttul Sen ior Neo-i i ut,. J Ic itaii rei'eiu'e titi tuitutiah stuiuti'y of lucen ty- live itumidreulutoiltuto ($2,tQt)), anti lue aiiotvtui tmecesuary exiuenoo for tite properiti) mutitict Of um olilce,

i. 'lIte ttcitcttttmtii et tui d iIuuu roemmucml to of tito Scrlvenotertulia ii te a mmntituity tutu t tetti uu'itluI ut n nut days of etucit approach-hug tunmiuui uy a eeuu) t-' t'tu t ttccoiin tamul eniuptutmited uy tite Soturkfuir liutut pumrptioe otid hut curtSied report tif sucht auditor simutiitiecotiti)titiy tite atutititti ri'pnmt itt tite Scriu'cnoter. Suciu nec-"st.tttt'y expeututu tutu mutti y tittiicii lii eumciu aouhiting oivath be paIduii,oti hut'oiuur u'oiiciuer.

'i. in etuoc of tIte du'uitii of a member of tue Order in goodsta nuilng luIs nuunuhiur aiuti mmmcc chau Ito t'ctnincd lu hih eflicittitutmmnerictti ilotut tuf muerntlitum'o of tito Order tuuercafter puluhisheui,liti t etirretuntieti uy liittelu liutetu. Itt ctuec of tue resignation, sue-iuuonolemu or eaptuinion 0f tu tmietititer, tuis ntttne sitali be droppedI t'etti tite reus of tite Oi'dcr.

5, It suait ito tite ditty uf tite Vicegoreot mtark, at tite closetif u,tuutti concatenation. lit remIt to tito Serivenoter $5, togetiuurtu. i i ti one yciir'O tuteo, for eticit regumiat rnetntiem' initiated, svhiciutiurtotint olutiti couer th't dites to tite next I-tee-1h00 Duty. HeCItait reutilt ninety dotiau' ($10) for eactu iuonot'ttry meinl,er,timid twcnty-titreut douars md thirty-four cemtte ($23.31) for eachlife mmtemnber obligated munder Sections S anti 9 of Article liter our Constitution. 1-le nitahi nico memit time baiammce of fundsreceived mt any comucatenatiuun whuicim itas not ticen expended intiti uueceonary extuenseu of tite concatenation, rendei'ing s. de-ta lied ruccnumnt of saine, attested by timo actimmg Scrivenotor andCu.muttoeatinmm. Omit of the fuind net apart for tito Vicegeront Snarklie nitty pay luts necessary expenses for attending such concat-citation, tinti those of smicim ether members out he may deem nue-esnitury In etuih upen for assistance In the work.

li. 'lito 0-100-theo .Annuai nitali be governed in its delibero-tiens by htohiertmt' Ruies of Order, unless otherwise provided for,


'['lie Ì'i'iicticd SitieThe ruten whone Hoe- i-i os namen aPPear in the entices beiow

are ouut of work und want cuoployntent Titis is intended as apermanont department of Tite Buiietin, tiurstugh witiclt to makethese tacto known, It Is, or ohosid mme, read by severai thousandbusinesa nuen who eumiploy labor in many Varied forutim, and itcan be. m-ruade of çireat va lite in giving practicat aimpiicatloru toHOo-H00'n centrai theme of Itetiuing eno another lt is hopedthe deprtuuient witt receive very corefut attention uscii issue,

Sdme of otur ntenibors otivertisteg in The i3oiietiq tali toadvise ra-me when they have muecuired positions so se oid d keepsrumflniflçj fer montius and roientiun, To ovoid titi5 i Imane adoptedtime ptar of running the ado au tong as titree nmotttits and thonif t llave iteard miotlming front time advertiser i wilt cat his adsttt if ¿it timo enti of the three nmontimn lie mutiti Wisites flic tocontinue it he nidot advise nue,

\\'t'''1'iti)-,t guuttut tiSi uuuttmu Ilituuiu'ti iuiut uit utuuil ii, titi slitti uiuuuvuiO utttttto iu(msli iutti t ittti'tt it yettt't ''tuo iiiniituuut iii titut tuittuti t t:u,'titiiu iii luttI ieitit

ittLt'tiui'tit)ttt, yrlluuuu' hut tttiti uu'u'itnuuss; u'tuiitiiuliu ei 11111m, ' tiit tiuitilitutt t

iuittmmttl,'tm iii etti it'u' Stile utIlI iuiueitm'ttliuutu 'tullitig IttLt,Otttt t ,..,tt tir lay iluiiu'it lii

tutti. uit li-m lii tir oil ruuremutttua sum' luuoitu'tttur. ittut Ciututu' liait ttt'ttt'ti [,ii'situes utuil tilt liii' ittultumuu'c rtf miii' ilil, \uitirtttts \Vtt.tt i'itut't','' uuum'e i. it.itttitti, Sirluettttlttr, Ntuslut'iiitu, fttmumu,

\Vut'' huit ..'h' ui_siiituuu it'itl i tuiuuuitt mitiitiluiut ittutisi, uti i yi'tute tul tuyt'tuttI muutiu's-iuttl, tutti t'uiuuuttlutti_ if gsuutl tuui,irt't'i 'tutti tuPi tttttitiitt'. littet' litutiitt t''', uro' tut perIclito lui iii' tu-i till iuuuuilui'u' luiuouutiOO tul tu mitituiri' t'uiutluiitug tutu,

lit lii tiutsit itti tuf uuiuutu;uft'r, uttilsiulit uttiiit'Si'tilttlii'i' tm' tittlu'tuui:uui, i',ussi'sshut ltiuii't, ululI y mit ituittit l')t' tut'st'ii attui iituittt° lutti' ti t'ittittii ttt'tt ittisi-tti'uts. it,..fert'ttttuti siuuiut tutu i ci tie ti stuluir, iuuimut'ol, iii u-tul tuttI citent 'lutstutte, itt uiuiiily _,\uluiru' 8M '' S. '1'. .J.,' ituntt .1. i i. il;ulrui thi'iitt'uuitli'r, Ntulu-tille, 'i'i'mi mu.

\\llt "''hhtit-i'uuitlsui tuo o;Lui'ì't't' iii' iuiti'utttiut tutu t'i mugit' tir tltuuuliit'

multi. i i mmcc kitt ii i'uturs' u%io.miu'uti'i', U t'urs uts suuttvu' m. tutu 2 l':ito tuo tir''-tuituti t tttns utititu ti i,ui'i'hittttit'tti u I ruttultitlstuituti. i ititi' iit't'uu uhu liti' t'tuutuptitui'

h tutti tow' uuliii luir tuuuir yeats, luttI uttittl lit t'il fut m'i litt Mulli u tritt'Ariutuuttet tir itlittliltu. .1_l tt1u'tt'ttL't'5_ Atiuir t'so'' t ', j, ii,'' tttt' t. ii -

ittulril, S m'iit'tuuuii'r, Ntttiitiiiii'_ i'i'uitt,

\l',\ r»; 'i'i'i)-i'tttltiituu uts touuttitiuu'tupu'r tutti hut iti'uietu'tul tiliit'i' tuiiiutitltt't'lt-i ritt' i-C'tuttO Inuit luth' etuituh tuf ttrs, \tiuitt'SS Nui, ttT,t, u'tttuu i. ii , ittui

itt't'iti'tt() i ut', NtusiuulIle, 'iu'uutt_

\\,,t ';-i'iii)-- l'uuillt'ui ut lt tu s'tutti, ytuuuil ituuutio'rt'''uuu','m'uu tutti titi till

tiittut tutu htttiitttuui't'i')OhiuiiY lui-iiI iuislll,uuu tiM oiuljilmug 'liaIt, lutait , ttutii''uuutuuu, toto i tituttit iiui1tttelttli'tttli't) i, t Oit uuuuuiuuigi.r uit tt'tut i i tuirui, ,liti eittuilii--ii'uut tut ti t iit'nititetiit'tti t lutti e tutti t'lt'tt'tt yi'utro' u'u ti'ili-mmu',' tutti diii iii t'tttolu0iit 11g, u't'ii'tctui'itt iii 1i'utuìt (et tugi' uhu lutuui tutti l', 2tiitiru',t$'' II , i i. .l

t'turi' I, i-j _ iltulrui, li'riu,'uuitiir_ Ntusiuilliuu, 'l'tutti,

\v,t-,i'iti)-ihtusimiuimu tul imuill lii' Vuitititt tuait :tui tfl,'' ,i m'ti iii tigi', iiloiuiuug tuli'tui'ut tutu t utittittu luulutlit'i' ituts'Iiiu'tt iieriuuitut'uil iii't'tiiitui liti, multi. hOtus railutu;uui its t'li, i"uuuuuilitur till lu oli'uuigr;iilul tutu so -- ,t, il,'' uit' i ii.itttlrui, Kn.u'iuttuui,ltut', Ntittiiu iii, ittuttu,


\,l «'i'iiil-Vc tire iii uuu'u-,l ii ti ,'tutuii, iuulit't' luitumutt titOli litt l,iti'titaui r

tu tii'tu lui ,t ttui'luum'y, uutui' t'tilitu t lit titMtu tul lit't'i'imug iii imu;u,,itluutul: ''utitititti ii)sltiiitt luu titI utiutut. tlimri'oo tu, i. iiiiitttutti, tu, lati, ittil' 1)111

ituttut ifgi_t ltutu'ii,,,l'uum'iuliti'roriili', Out,

\l',t ',''i't':it.-.i'ttutiiiuiti iii luxit'iu till lt outuutut utiuiilu't-:u itt itt' tiitiuh',ttii' titidrt'ltuil Itu imtlo'r iuuuelmutts uts itlil-it 'lurk ,Auuut', u'uro uil' tigt tuttI mu t,

sii t'ti yi' tir o' u'Xit'tli'uti'tt ttillu um lari' tt'iuttlitotlt' litittit& i- i'utiuiltuultl lut sut t'muti

uililu'ru'uit ult'itutriiuui'tiIM tutu otuuiut' lrttt'tit'ttl i'\lu'ilittt,-,u lut iilutu'l utuuuiultt :t't

lutter, \\uiuuiii iiltit ti, iuu,'utit' I ti uiu'Xli'ii lit ii'uumuu lite i; ,ttuilutli l:itiuuutuilti' utlI lt

t uit uuIujtt.t iii titi thug tut liii' i'tutu'l tus stiiu,siuitiut, Atiul i-iso '' 'l'tuttofl,'' i'utri' ,iii, itutit'tt , St,miteuttuiur, Nttsli' i li',

lIt 't'i'iiii -h'tuoiiiuutu Itt guuut'I ittill eiuttily, slitti,, mzuttilui tttetl utttut'iuiuut'rysuili'stuittui, i\iui i'xiuu'rlt'uti'u'uI i ut lito' ilttt'u', tuttI liutiulet u iii' ir:ttli'litiiit' .'tuuit ii,luit huirmitolu rt'fi'rt'tut't'o tus ii ilullllt' um i'iutum'uiu'l''r. ,\iltlti'ti '' IL ii, ti.'Ort, I, I I. ilutirul, Su'tltu'tttulu'm, Nut'ittliit', 't'tutti,

ivi_'ii';mt-t tilu'uuiit'tutliuu'r uuiiit ilutitul 2 o'u' , xit'tiiiti''utlli tui't'u'iuttu uttisil ititi lut tttt' tituut uhu tu tutti. i tutu ','ii ours ut' t , Ctttt iu' ut,r,,ut,uut,u,

tus tu um i s' i'iutirtut'it't', rItt,, li tiitutlti'ui, \iltitt'ts '' i, iti, i', S.'' 'titi' i ti.iluuiiii, iStrltt'iuiilt'r, Nttiuitt'litun, 'i't'tuuu,

\\u, r'h'i'iiii iuuisiliuttu titi uiitt'iti'i' itti'i'lutuuultt 'um' luu'titl tutuiu'luluuitl it' tilii'ttI-i'itt sii tiitttt multi, ittit, iituut uliu'ul'utt'i' luutlit lui tttttitti i ti tutti tuilituuul u' tilt,,tiui iuttt i-m'it'ui tuttui ttuit tuitttlui mu tiuuuit, huir too'' 01 u'u'iuuitul it,''i' iii' i. ltit;ilril, Sturlut'tt,ulu'r, N:uMltililt'_ 'i'uuuiu,

IV.,. N'liti) -i'tisiIliiuu tu imitit ututi'r , ti'itltuituiil uutuuuu;u gt'r itrotuli's igi'uii tim'eiiiuui si',u' stitutmilll, uur it, tue ' t'ittiugi' tui utltuuiu'utuultt u tilu'i' lui lui' lit'ilt'ui ittiutituiti ui,'lutuliit' tut''. uhu ut tutu tif ituiuull'; uiui'r tu, ours' 'u Ir i'tti't'tutuutiutrut ttuttiutt tutti st'itluuii t uttutlit'iu tutti ti lluuuuuttueiui uuliit'i' utili uttul titi , i

liuutuiilii', -jute. 'tutu ruuriulsiu u'efu'u'i'uui''' i Ituit titi' 'll i ', \uuu tuttit tug-mug u ut tuttli'stule Iutuoiuuu'ss, t im il tutu t'iltttltt'ii'itt tuttii ut:) mtl tututtit etiti us, tu-

tirios ' iuuuulsitumutt,'' t'turi' i, I i _iltuirui, St'tlit'tuuult'r, Nttt'uittilii', 'l'tutti.

t\'\_ N'fitil-'-i'uoiiluitt tute utuuiieeluutu'tutli'ttt tir Ituru' u tutu ti u tiret''' u'llutiu'

i tut' mut tujut, i haue ululI tttuut iuutrttiu'ti uuuttuttu ith lIti' lutti-il muiiiiit iii littt sutiut it;litteit imuti Oit 3'u'ttrs' exiutrlemuu.t_ iii, uttil tirluili sutil -uumu hitutuillit luuiiuuu' 'u''it'eIiy, mtiuul tiittnuuutglti'l' uutuum,-u'sl;uuuim i litt uuuttututltu,'I tut',- tutti gttttlitut (il i

iuutr, j.ui,irese '' Suuitturliutiutuult-mut,'' i', i i, littet Cli, itikt (lututlu'u, tui,

\v\,, N'i'iii)'--iiy utniuiut'iemm-u'ti iutttiiui'rttiutut, ituusiiluuti tuo ti'iutil yturul tutu

gr tir trtuu'u'iimug suticsuuututu. h (tiu't li;tti ttuui;uie utahtutnli,mmu'u' lui utili tutu it'll it's.t,,iumu lutrimlolt tust iii rtututei'tiu-muu tttiti utIli tIsi, tiler 3'uumm iii risultI i'iuupluuyutt'_Aiim '22 s'eticO tul tti,'it. simugtu tutti eitler, Auiulersuu -' h. il, 0,'' t'tu ri' i . ii,httmirui, Sutriueutuuict', Ntusits ii i u', 'i'rmimu.

\Vd.,N'i'hii)-iiy iuluuticr i'iuruuiui;uuu iuutsiiiuumu its' tim t u' i. luit iirol-uuiuustu

iuimmmuitutt mutiit mum;uuu tumuil ctuuu gis-e \ i ru'tuurt'tut'uts.- Nut. 01 \\'euutis 'ic uttul. om'tutluuriimm. Auiuircso ' hittuuct iet,ruumuutttt,'' t'turi i. ii. iltul rh, Mi'ritt'uutulur, Ntusiu-u'mime, 'Ieuumu,

\v\: I' ''t' Iti)-J'oshtit)um i, (uuhituti oiutmmiugrtupiii'r, i tiuutucrilur tuttul t'turni'-otuutmuuiu'ait. 'l'ettI )'itttl' exiucriemuce, mttumuuliittr uhu iii u,flice t'lutti. Atitlru'suu

litt rn uugitumu,'' 25 IV, buh Si,,, Neue Yunit, N, Y.

\\'A N'I'itil-A iuuusit uhu iii titi, luimtuiuu'r tut usltti"" tutu ti'ltt't,', iii tut .ttt'u'),ttiutitiiiy uu'lui'rut tirtulutO,.unti uumiiltuCuti'tutt 'tutuitt ii,ii'i it,tti u,u'i 'rut ut ut t

u's 1uitu'ituuuuuu' lut ltu,i ii u'uul;ui t tituti miulli uit'iu;urluuittuuts titi tuiui um liti,, Mltu'ti,i' tututtttuuiliie t tutti u'tttttmiuie uil luittititig ti't tttS iii i'i,ui,t, itt lgluiut hug iutttui,', imttiutui,itim u, 'uuuullimumg, ttu'_ Atlultt'SS '' ll. t, ._'' i';tut' 1 ii ii,titti, Si'ulut'-

tuiler, Ntutiit'li lit 'i'ctitt,o

\\'t N'i'ith)-'-t'uusiIloum it'll It u'uim;tmtmit, t'muu'rgtt te tutti l,mii0tt'Sitt' lit mut, iu,utu'l-limug ititutitut', iuuuiuiciuuu'ilts, tutto,,'imitI tt'ittiltitlh ht', iutuuiiuuuiui', il t , ,i" uui,tuitt-

gem' itt itittuttuti' uiuuiuuurimuuuttml Ut' tuutsi,Sltiitt uuitutttugii' ti ,'uullrt' liuulmui'oo iitiu t'tettI htuuum' ro' tuxtictiutimec iii littt lututiluim' liutsmmmu's l'uit i\ u' 'him titi t' t',I ut tuitlillO', stuluriutty, uit-. 4tumumrutso Ni,, 11051, u-tutu' t hi, il;uirui, hit let u'muuuiu'm

N;tsitt'lilut, 'i'cttti

\VtN'i'iti)--'1'uu Itiltet' titi tuutmituigcutuetul ti i mu tulit't t ttmii , riet' lu,, ,uliuutuum 'fiuctis tutti ti y;urum ti mmit'uiltitit sI/c, lItio \'t'liii t'tutti ittrui luir u'jgiuht'u'ui

muuuuuuliuo muti lii tu tutti- tt'''utictu tufo, us'lit'tt O'turtl tutus stulut titi Iii u.ouuuiut'lit g t tuttiI_tutti ritter lui iuuu'uuuer etititiuii'i'nit ttttti it, tu uutuutuluu r tir tuiS liuto mu u tim, i moiti lut'i'i'Xttï, jttti i'tutti ii'lttimt. imiti u'euittliitt, '2$ o'i'tu u-s uuiii, tutu ri, il ,uuiil tif tuttititulillo. A uit huile utg huir iuttniuuuutut'uiey tul u'iuututec-t hut tutti hill luit' -ituttut t'e

tut iurotuiuutitttt Aultitesti '' IV_ ot'' itttt(' ,t, ii, I buliti, lit miii'tttuict, i5u',tituiilt','I't'uttu,

\V,tN'i'Itim '-l'iut tut ietuuuti' liuttt ti u'uuuuttg ttt;uiu euh iu't'ititlu'ti mutti uultig luiruum't'strO'' mum u'lgiuit'u'ui muuuiuulito' uit'tui'iIt';ii ttXiium'lu'iui it lit llumulit'i , 'im lu iii iutm

mlii' i'ttu'iliut (Ottusi, Is iii-tuim',tuts iii ou'u'uut'itug ti ltiutilllutuu uuillu u Iiuuiluu'u ut ii'ii titi ittulit i-tiuuult:tuil' ui'itutt'u' lluiuii' lo iitmiitm'l tuiuilO' fuir utili ,tuii't'imtu'iut li muuu'rlli il

tiltireos '' hi. It',,'' 'ucrut t. ii, iiuuirtl, Muurlutmmuuiu'r, S,tului hic, 'i'u'mm mm

\\',\ N'iiii)'- i'tiiii ltutt ttq sit'uuiugu'tuiiui'r cumum littttl,iiui'itt'u , t i i s'i' it,ttit Iiru'tt yit:tt'M' iuttiti'rli'uuut)' ut i iii' iittutltt't' iuuuluui'.'t ,, Nut i it hi'u,'tui'i' .t,uiiiuu'""

mu, i,, i),,'' tttrt 1, Ii, lt;tliti, Suurit'u'ttuuteu', Nttt-ituullli', 'I 'tutu

\\'Aui''i'i'Ii'-i'tiiiliituu tutu luuituul stuuu''i'i' im' futui'itutuut iii ,t uuulli

yultuiut' utuiui'eii'utiutu itt otuiuuglt' uttiti tiiitiluiii t'uil muuille, lutti i'ii i' iitti),i t'itt -'tutti, ttitit'i'SM '' ,i, mt:. s ','' ur ,i, ii. iluilu'ii, it'tltt'ttoit'r, N,ueiuut'iiii', 'mum

\v\N'Fl:ti ''\uiuu tu, timuttit' luttI ut o'tutC tumutti ii,it'itilt lt,ttl ',it ii',titi' t'',-t,i,ti,itt u'it:tti llittitiiu'ttiit'm_ 'tust turu'uuittulttitl , liti- titi' i'lt'u i, iltutl,l,uhi'hiisu , N

itiuttittltt't' ttitii i'uit't't'ttiutuiu,it'lt('t' tittrit till lu tutryttuti iu'llei , ill,' uuulil', i mu biutit mtiit'iuit'i'ut utusilliuti uu'Ititmut t'iittttt'tt tui itrttiuuttiituu is t tuitlul ittlil t .e', '' is I Ot

'tier ,t_ ii, iltuitti, iii'tli'i'muitl teNttsiii'iiii','i'ttuuti,

\\',t s-m't:tt- -i'tillituum uy ,'uuutrgt'iltt o'titttult I )u;ttt lit lite iiiuuuliu'u liit',i upeS t',,uutit'otuttutt itt .auitilit,'rii uiuutt iti.,tít'u'et'ii, hut Lilt ',tht,uiult' itt t'li lug il t .il 'luu',u'lt'tlutuil tuturhi iii uhu','. i2uuuu tIttutu' t-t u'u,'tiu' tili,tl° ,i', lii t lullit) utmiui t'lui u-tti'ti't, tutu i'',iuu'm'luutut'u' iii litt' l'tusiuui'ss, _,utiut 2 i,'uuue uuh ,tgu' tlulut'

il rluuuuui;ue,'' ,u;urtt 1, i h iluuiu'ti, Hctlti'ttutli'i', N uu',iui lilt', 't

o \\' ''m'iiiu-- tut lutummu'st, ittittilltubt hill tttttt I tu ltii,t' tutti' till liii,' i '"I uttutuui:tuiuul,'ut liii' iuttt,ittt'ttt, iiiti'tillutj,' tu gutuiti uiu tui tl,tli' tu utIli tituit tuitititi t

luttluii'to, Suttuili 'ululi tul 'u'uiitii't'il, l'itt uuiuuuutu tu'uuit'tii tutti' imuutiitu lt ittm

'ttilltui, 'l'ti titi' rlitl mmuutim h auti lui liusltititi tut fitu' t'si i tul ituui,tl

Oil u1tut'tulltuuitt i'iti'i'utuil i' uiui truuliihuuiit ttluOs','i'ui'ui i 1, llttii, iI i mitt, iii

il_t Ni'Iit -'t'ittilliuti iii' tuutultiry ulituhisututi mi uiit'i cult k uhu A,liitt'',',-, i,. tut, ii.'' 'art' i, ii , iittirui, tiu'riu'i'tuiubu'm', 4ttouliti,li', 'i

lIlt N'l'iti)--iitulu'ottittuu lii utu'hi stusit utuuti uit uuir'i lui (','tiltttl ilhiuuu tb i litt'utltu' liuto tutiti Otuitlu' 'x ttu'rii'utit', Iltutut tu iueim't- u'ttuitltusu'il, louis' uhu g lut I ii,'tt'rriluum't, agit, tttuii ti,'t itury l'xiiu't'iitti, tlstu fuuuuiloli 'itt u titi' \,liiui'c,'' illlu,uu(5,'' ,'uurtt ,l, ii, tiutlrti, ,Mt'iitt'tu'il'tr, Nui itiuuiliu', i

It'll N'i'i'ii i'uttiliuui titi ut lututtliu'u' ottusi mututu itllit tutmuu' t'itt ut'll,tltlu'liruui, but' iluuu t'ttutitutl usi tilt's. Atuu fuumtuili;ur villu i'iilut'u .ituuIltu't ut tui \Vt'utu'uitiMl tututtluttlo, tutti i'uurutisli hut lututii ti nur-tu u ittiului u '' ii \\ ,'' i

,i, ii. iittiiui, Ot'rlm'u'uutuiutu', Ntisitu'iile, 'i ''tutu,

Ott N'miti) i'iitii itutt tus lutti',', iuusiii't'lu) t- itt 'iuuii''tuututut fuit uuimui' guiiu;trtlli',uuuii iuuuuuhuutr tuummup;tmuy_ IIi itutil I i'.'u'ilt' ui',tu't t'\it,'u itiuu'u' itt liii','u'uti'ruui iuuttulut't' lutiïlmtt_'tutt, ttiiutruulluug Itu tutu t lti'tiu litiututi',, uil'uutu m I i(i'tt-iuuu'Iiy tutti 'i'u'tumuu'iOt't'. (uttt glu' tl ti'ii'ui'tit'i'it ,t't lii ,ul,lill u tuttI 'hut, lutttitlruuso '' i:. s, ii ,,'' it t' ,i. ii. iluulrii_ iu'riuu'muiutu'u, ìu',uoiui liii', 'i t'tu mm

\l',t N'i'iii)-'i'uuïitiuuui iu'itiu sititte guituti luit iuiut'i i'iuuttit,itu%' hi,ii i' iu,til u'',

'riuttiult tus siulitiultug tutu ru'luuli iuutuulier ':t m'ti iiutcuutuitu, lieu, lu iii 'nit, -rit'uut't' itt luuiultig uIt tumutulitlt.S tutuiti itlutitt. i lutti' uutiuliu'tl tui ;tuu'itl 't'le h.

it''i' tutu uiu'uuutgittsiuiuitt tu itul i'ttti iuu'iit hunt ittil Iinuuiitu tuttI,' titus ii,1 f,iuiuui t'itir iuuuuui m'uie'luits, Atti tti )'i'ttttt tui tugi'; tttt t'igtt t'utili' tututuui,i'i , iulii t tutu iuu,luu'f

I rititto, ittiti cli'' giutuui tu'httei'tut't' tus l,t ululi] ,s ,tuiii i'litul,ut lu i i',i mu

ittisiliiiti uit ttttiut. ,\titt u'i'ss '' i', ii, It,'' i'uiuit .1 ti ilutittl, ht't iii'uuuut'u , N,i'iuu-

uliie, 'i'i'ttit,

\s,i\ ''m'i':iu---i',uolimtutu tus luuiutil stuc liit'r, i lutti' lii 'tu tu litt t'uil i tu tutu',(tl'ttrt',so ('uttiiltttliO', ituii'guitm (tilO', itt ,,'tutti u't'f,m' It, iiu,il ',tu, 'tu, , um tit'l gttuiuit't'lcru'uuuut's, t iittitl ti t,tttitii siltutuliitui rllutuuuus','_ tuuti'ituti'i'ti tui tutti mi

tultli'eos t'tltt, tutu' i I I. ituititi, Su'rii'cuututer, Nutolitiili , 'i

\t',\ N'i'i'il-i'iusilttutu is iut,rilii'iuittl lttiuitt,'r ituo;ui'u'litu huh gi ''iiiit'iut't'i', i't'i'lt'r 'i'euuiiu'ssi'tt, ,t-i u'u'fu'u'i'iui' -ut ilililut'','u '' h itiu,I j it, Ni,isi:uuu,'' 'tut' ,t, hi. iittit'ui, ,M,um'iu'u'uutult't', Nti'ilui' i t ii', 'i

\\'A N'i'iti)-i'tusil.iuuuu t'i tuuuuuuutt'''r uuh i ouui:tli t'luI uuuu,i lii Nt'i,u ,i'tl,,t um

luitiuut'uilutli' i'ii'ltuiit', i luisit tititi ti ours' t'a juu'tli'ltt't' tut i iii' Iuuuoimt 'io, tutti

miutl'ui mtttitti ti u,tuuuutigu-u- futu' ;uituttist ti Ou', titel mi'it'u t'imite ttlulut'',','' ìiuituttgi't','' ,uturc i, I I . hituiril, ,Mtuu'is'u'mittlutr, '4;t'iluuillt', 'hi'tttu

Itt N''i'iti)'-i'uiilt,tiuti lui Ilutu ittuuiititt' iititiitui'o'i i tut ti t iuiutiuuigit it'iiuutuiuiitut luiuutli,'rtttttmu ttt,il Ii;uu'tu liti' tululllty ii, iu;tuu t ii' iii'' liut'iltut''t'i futtuu, miuuuuiu tuiuuituritu'i , tititi l,'iu'e It i m-u'f''rt'tui't'. i uu':tt gt'uui')';ui uuuuiuittgi'i 'uf ti giuuel tuulii tutfutur '',ts, tttuti tutti iu'iiiiuug lue lIsse 'utibt it, suit' utiuu'i iii u i t'_tut gil mi'-stub tir tu,d, i ti'tuiilit ;m,tc't'til.,'t tuilutuut' iutisut,ltuul luit u,' lumi' l'i tu i ii,uuiu ei hum

intuit huit. h (utili iui'ovut iii)' ittitii uu'ltt'itt gt t'itt tu lu lii Àiluitt'',, '' i, i,''t'turi' t. i i. ilutii'ui, thOrl v,tuuutlu'r, Nttsltt'iiit', 'l'ti iii

\V\N't'iii)-litt'iIututl' i'uiluttg tuttuui uil iutittiuti'M't ,uitilll i', tutti itm luid t ii'i,tut.tt' ,'xiituriu'mutuit tus Olin] (iirt'tiitttt tututi ittiuti tu-r Iutoluet'ltit , ui',uuuls u ittli huttitulo,, littiutlieti tutti if uil utuuthtututttiilt'M, u,mu(i 'tui gist' lit,' lutti luiuut,'uiuh;ui hutte fruitti u 'uts utmit. tutti u;uït i'utumtliì't-t' ttl,iu,'s '' s ,'' t',imu' i Itilutirii, Seu'leittiuuter, N:tslut'lili', 'i 'miii.

\\'AN']'itl)-i'uisitluuti itO' tttt i-i lu;uuuil, ti t'ritltir tutti g,tmtg Ilium' i' iti't ii'ttiut'ui iii tuuiilIt tuitti Siutmtlu, Utttt luit'tthutii Itutsi. m'uuhu'uituut'i''u, 01m u t 'ii i itul siuiieu

iuuitt ;iuuctit tttuoii0iultu tut, uttic'c, AuluiritOo ''i,. (. _ W','' tutti i i I 11th'ut, Sum leu'-muuuhitr, Ntuoluvhite, 'l'itt mi,

\VAN'i'iti)-'-h'tuiltltumt tu'ilit stimuuuu gttutti utuutii't'rut tiO iittti't uf tiuutllui'i muI ittttiu't ihiut mmm:triuu't tutuui tite uuutttuuif;ictulrt'i 'i Aduit ''iM '' .1.,'' 'ulme

i, ii. ii;uird, Su'rieemuututr, Nuisits'Iilut, 'fetuti.



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I liare yot t o 8e0fl laity, oI,t or Young, whoflOt iVlLIlt OnO ut LtllO(, I)IOØ ho uiululite olio

ORW t, '1i) lia\u tIiioe jilii In tlii llnhiiI.M offlr113 %'.iliioru -nuit n gui)iI lion-itou knowsno oilier u(,rt-_ IM thu liest 1oltiitu ailvurtlon.liipiit for thü orilur. Evury Jluo--flm oughtto lilly 4)110 of tl,tuu l)ln, have hIs nuiuliur en-

.griio'l iii It, ic nd give It to H()liii gooil Woman.Price I.CU l)'( riglotereil mnntl-$l.Wti, flat, lt

t. (i. li _ Nriulivlll Li)050n up, boys,iimiii gino tli 'oiiieIi a chance,

- _____________h ;

flIEøOo.HOO WATCH CHARM.. - 'rl. lit.0. i teulgil beliig iillkt. on 1)1)111 olden, It inh feier h:tng

. 'wrotig stil . (,UI,'' 'rijo 'dgu',' zLr, uiiiuutli, ivIllefi lo aIio g gr,'iitTHE SOIJ'JENIR SF0 ON. itIs'oritago _ W,' ')rieo iit,i i most twiiutiIiil

'l'li', itit gino ,IIt:i lOI IL (I 030f Ito ti,'nhlt) n,l artistic i'logii oI i t,I,lii i,,ti i,, I,t'uiIug I ti,' llO,,-ll,U) ,ii(I,l('Iii, ii (4 n,Ii,riird ivitti ohio

( Ii till 'u_ (((('hi (IM IOO iii thu mumiiIi,'o iii tile South, .i,aiiiehi',l in liii(,lt Il II h' r '' h,r,,vii,ohI bi gri.1'll hi'av,'u. 'l'ho (s'llrkumlIltlshlbhl fo tuoti,gl,' i .illtlhht y. It, lu Tir' i'tl('l1 i ihtiitr, (lit i bl:lllli-llLIutl'd, lull('Il (Ill' Ii '1. 'i'tii ulo(lIl ttoi'lf In Oterltllg glU, 'lhelm nill'Uhll ttOlh ht loel''illTjt. ohivur, biel (VIttI gliht. 'l'o iti hllh('IltO 01111 l,(lrI((lMeo lt iii ILg((ill Mh()illl, 'l'ho lll' IM iltIllUt right, I 111111k, ronololerhllg sehnt yougiL

filE 1100.1100 BROOCHES.

lit Li 1,1111(10 tIl t(,llIW Lrttoh lu' iziul t,,':iuhIhlil, tlIt'lo nro nil ' lucky''1)1(1", i1,l I gllUlliltl'l' tti,'iui (i t,rhuig ollcc,'su t,l tlii, lIrliulsir 111111111,11,,' h, , (u null ',,lIle Irl(l, lr,,vIli'd lic olulico for hic, righit thing, noiiIM (i uhu g t( I,,rh.

'dit' M 111011' ' luir '' t,i'i,i,eli I s rl'e(lnhlneIlIll',t (IS Il l,r,.ML'uitt( ft t,ral,-

beotgui, t,, vhii'li uso thought there iuittl((( ill 1(1(00 itlhO011JeCtl(lul_ it liad, lioulover,(('((IO ollar1, pollito, iii,! lUiflerout kickstil,gilo to rocli (IO trouim rnIlrrte(i tirlItliersschi,, outil th, domi 'ocratcluu,l the bnluy'olego ill uiji '' Tillo Wiltell cluti-mu lo lIer-tl'('ti3 iIIlrtflilsJi, Ils (yell no s'ery tuellulti tub,i(('Ml(hl'o b . i ii nhiuiri)iirinteI- NulggC(it-ill' ('f E'pt, lic llIrtilIlhlco of I101)'IilW).,lllilt pLrt of tuo tle,,igii which i(,((ko 11koiii,' tllil Of n gati( or ituor rcllrcsl'ntu tito'I'r',ilyIon _ '' 'l'ho Probtyloul uuao tito iroat

gII((V(Iy &,relItol t O trollt ut timo telulille itthiirls it %SIlO liilotivc I ii Proportion ari,!thu In sen ipttrlli tii'nhgu toil inoscribitiouio,lii stILlte It outil like tilo l'ylouu of tuo terri-

froto s-liich il took its junino. itnorvedi lt'iti liti rt'li gIri. it (:liri,'H uuUil il i 00000Ml (,ii (If tollii uvortit tutti 1IrICli I';IEI-,uluu, o IL icluitl of illtrotiuctituut tu tino tt'mnplo,i't t jitim loll',1 t' itIub,rio ti.'r ii'Ithi tut' ilt'ii tllitt Y''iI are iihp,,Ut liii tit,o(i aiiil !ioyonii it (rilo sacreti ground, Fromil I lillo -i. , iii thliiigis li,ioiil 'i',' I, to ltt' viti t,' lit,, ,' lb io gl't. 'l'ho lii'ittii to ortal, oui nec"umui uf tus l, itinli, tilt, t('mnitio In all lis glory

'n,ui ir uNI: I,iiui o'io itcitit, ,ihli t rho ti, rttitrrluig'olT tIto etto- (rUt (Coil. LeiL,tirt, frutti it (ial hic, titcr&'ti 1103', itorilert,d on eiteit ottomit ti'ii i ,,itii,'it,ri( t,! il,ii''li,,tt. 1'iliU lIt)i!Siuh4iIOE l'i N Iii lito lumehii,'iit tir hite reeunui,t,rtt ouj,iiyutx_ (tillo mt year, toloetu tIto c'(trhii In its cIrcuit

iiroitit(I ttio soli It.mi1 rtiieitu-d t ertmmiuu p. ilmit iti lito ttmit1ttle, titi, rays utItt tu I o. trill titi ib,'rred t lImit tItIs lt',rs,'uii,,t, tu itot t Ito 'hl-(mtuittituteil till' rising suit, cuLt j ci iter000 hlir deuert, sliotie tttrougit tito greitt Prt-i,imt,t, 'tui t'li lilt it i',,ititlillit '' lthuIt t' utuhl tour, hut io lIti utt-trt'tlitto 1,Villtt (1,001 tlt,t ut%','(ilic of Hi(llhuiX lutto mmmiii tItOli tiurtiuglt thu (emplIt'ti t,,,' itt , rn uy it rttttuthli(i it,triit,, It-tu, tit('ri'lilre, OYIttttt,iil1(btttt' opt't'tly utIlill it ltgltii'iI illt t lti'ilhitt'O t'! hlt IlittOt J-I,iii' uttti gtittr'retl on thu gIitltdr' huit ito til' t itt' (Itr(it;tOI''O ttritriit,'ut ,iroititt's ., 'Iito Oi!SCliN'I' ilirIO o! the u;ter(,l hiitli-mtuiti tut, Jg3'jutiun Ilt'ut' yl'itr tinti hegtutm 1'ito

l'i N t i lutlett'ft'l li,r i,r'otmtlttI,mi Itt il romttitmtium IttiLI,ll'li, itutil lOuP lie osi II! tile tk'iligut i s illlt,ht u, Ill it corttlnuitttu i,ur,ir'r of tito 14)105, i4'uui't,llhlt'ltl ut tIte reMuIrri'rtl,,n - t te It)tu rs sill'iiiI ituttl awakeuts. TItoitt,t ttliiiliithi'll it' it Mjlt't'ltt itlltUt thu rttl,ori-'titt, imteomou(itiit 111(0ml hint lhgyiti litmtHl)t'ii('VIMI t tal theIr ohtlrituW't)UIii rpturtr to truth tttterit iertgtlty

uiit,otiili- t'itamtgi's tit liii tlrt,iioi ttrh _oiiii u,uttrt':tly ttutt iti'r i,tuo ito (lilIum etuouvltero Oui (lint (lti tt'ouitl imulishilt their oi,I llo,Iies-iteitt'Qtot iii,,- Willi' (Itriltitit, Tite «J i,i)\'lll-LlìA 1° i'l-N i,, fur wt,l,ittera t(ltlliiutuleti, lYou duni Itave lo routieritber Ill thin, it YU buy tito charttt,

ti liii , li i limiti, truc tri, i ryimtg to tilirry y,,imumg gtrlii. li io nh(u,tlulCi3' l_tu ought to, t

i rr,'hMti i ,ii'-''mL i ititiW tb iti'aut- tiili it j,,%' t,irtt'cr,'' Tilt' cit'vt'r'it'iitlt,tM t it,, rtilr,tf iiotmtllti iUoi,l, ,t'It it iii' i'itu'r u'uimiumiei.-,t lit tite muilburni Now', (lien, none of luis IiOl('ilttO Jes'ehr' u'i ito soiti to ottter tintaC litt 'r trtttt, A uy tue it liti,o ttn 'ittiitl mtt:tkt trt ilptr,t1irhitto ItIliititers Ut gøtt1 raiítmiiiiuig, 11111 ,ihi' for tutu, Tltc-re Is n umilI lui It lui,rt'ttt (ruhr it mirto lo ulM tt11i_ 'l'li,' tli,rot'olttto liii miligilt l,r'ou'i et. 110' iitarturfitcturer. hoi uittmte lit ilti,)-lI,,o it to itouttlied flor tito neetimmt-

itillliitttttmt (f ttmtr lflemitiii't'O ttnii litti gt't'li u-it tilo Ortler. Noutit (of It ui'itt Itot,'t't it t' :ti it itrio' tit ii t,,It, 'M mwiii lier imtllttv, its It ''uiii carry (villi ((111(1 tVttti(tUt tIto Ijsir' ,tututtll('r. Atltjreou nil ortiern to J. iL 1IAIIID,lu, ,i tlt'iijitl Ilium it, '' tcitibi iLu'iiy,'' - itcritertolt,r, Nmtuhvlihi', Turin,

X,.-,-- - - -fl = -r



Important Notice!

Lues for the Hoo'Hoo year ending Sepi

tember 9, 1908, became payable at one'ninth

of one minute past midnight on September

9th last. re 'you paid up for the year Sepa

9, 1908 ? Are you sure? IT you are

not, 'you h ad better s en d $1.65. Every

man 'who pays up without waiting to be sent

one iiotice will help that much to offset the

expense caused the Order by the man who

waits until he is sent three notices. fo which

class do you belong? lire you an "early bird"

sort tf man, or are you an "eleventh hour"man?

The annual clues were changed at the Oklai

homa eity lLnnual Meeting from 99 cents to

o$1.65 per year, the increase-66 cents-being to


annual subscription to The Bulletin.
