i a v t t malaria anefion auction g tonyx.uky.edu/dips/xt715d8ndg35/data/0376.pdfaffected lungs and...

w vM- nrTHiBQITIlBON NE VS PARIS E TUCKY FRIDAY 12 1902 o l I c A i t 8 i J t I wI j1 7 4 y r T- r l SEPT > I g 15 The Invoice Stock of Fine Dry Goods Notions o5 of the Estate c Will be Sold at Auction Commencing At 10 oclock a m and continuing from day to day until the entire stock is sold A T FORSYTH Auctioneer Auction I 1 R ER Sart11rday 6th v 1t11Pt t t IPlltfttflP1 1111Pt1f1N3111ti1ti14P11tPtfP1iN41tlFltttl 1 AnefIon TUCK 4 Sapternber y a IIIUUdA IUNIN11111Ud1111U111131N31dd111UlIlUldtllUlUlIUIUUIiCi = = = = = = Most mens kisses are so cheap that they do well to make their gifts ex- pensive DR FENNERS KIDNEY and Backache of Kidneys Bladder Urinary Also Rheumatism Back acheHeartDiseaseGravel Dropsy Female Troubles CURE Dont become discouraged There is a cure for you It necessary Dr Fonner I e has spent a Just such cases as yours All consultations A gravel lodged In bladder After of Dr Fenners Kidney and Cure I a as as a marble The medicine prevented further formations I was cured W T OAKES Orrlx Va Druggists SOc 81 Ask for Cook JT Sure Cure Circular Dr VII UO FredonlaNY Good women spend years to build up Jia a man what a b ad woman overthrows- in a day BookFree Fenner i IIrt k Y i asin Backache j t I ¬ < Women and Jewels Jewels candy flowers man that is he order of a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman that greatest of all jewels health is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to or save the money to purchase them If a woman will risk her health to a coveted gem then lot her fortify herself against the insiduous consequences of coughs colds and bronchia affections by the regular use of Dr Boschees Ger- man It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the r a lisease from the system I cure aJl but it is a certain cure for coughs olds and all bronchial You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at W T Get Greens Special Almanac L N Rates Mackniac Island and return via Pennsylvania Lines and G R I Railway at 1885 for N roundtrip Tickets sold Sept 2 6 arid 10 Limited to 80 to return Petoskey or Traverse City 1285 Dates of sale and limits same as above Cincinnati 0 and return at one fare SSVfor roundtrip Sept 14 and 15 limited to 27 Also at one and onsthird fare 815 for roundtrip Sept 15 to 27 inclusive limited to Sept 29 account Cincinnati Fall Festival Kentucky State Fair Louisville sold at 885 for roundtrip in- cluding admission to the fair Sept 20 to 27 inclusive final limit Sept 29 Lexington and return at onefare for ths roundtrip Sept 9 to 18 inclusive limited to Sept 15 account Colored Fair Ewing Ky and return at oH Hr for roundtrip Sept 11 12 and 13 lim- ited to Sept 15 account Fair Special train will leave Ewing for Paris each day lit 580 p m Washington D C and return Oct 8 4 5 6 at 1120 for round trip final limit Oct 15 with provision for ex limit to Nov 8 1902 acopuut A K encampment DesMcines Iowa return at one 18 14 final limit Sept 25 provision for extension of to Oct 15 1903 ac- count Grand Lodge I O O F Birmingham Ale and return at one fare roundtrip Sept 14 15 and 16 limited to 27 F B OARR Agt H KION T I IJ U and ot a troubles o i t jl G nd fare for roundtrip Sept 11 12 i for S make- L 1 4 tension f 41S S5 12b5 f n a ¬ ¬ ¬ PEED DODSON are agents for Hoff man Berrys Coal Buy H B Coal Best sold oseplm Brain Food Nonsense Another rediculous food fad has been brandeed by the most competent authori- ties They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another for muscles and still another for bones A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain every Yet however good your by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking doses of Greens August Flower the favorite medicine of the millions few doses aids digestion stimulates the liver to healthy action purifies the blood and makes you feel bouyant and vigor You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at W T Brooks Get Greens Special Almanac Matchmaking is left to the women because men know too much about men to be willing to take any chances j PIANO FOR SALE Mss decided to quit selling pianos has on hand a firstclass Scharf Piano that she will sell at bargain tf I DOCTORS say Consumption can be cured i wont do it Itneeds help Doctors say j Scotts Emulsioni- s the best help But you must continue use in hot weather If you not tried it send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 40 415 Pearl Street New York Jioo all druggist A GoodThing German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in Medicine It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of sever est nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition- It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satis faction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two billion bottles Fold annually Bosbhees German Syrup was introduced- in the United States in 1868 and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will any ordinary cough Price 75c Get Greens Special Almanac W T Brooks I part food may be its nutriment is destroyed I A I OUS I Johnson I I even i Soc and I ether hay- ing have re- lieve ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ This is on box of the genuine Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day BLUE Blue Lick Water can be found on sale at C G S Vardens and at J Frank Prathers GEO T LYONS Agent 20jun4m Men call on some women to strengthen their likes and on others to strengthen their dislikes FOR thirty days I will make Royal Platino Portraits size 16x20 for 850 and 400 Now is your chance for a firstclass portrait at small cost ular price is 700 L GRINNAN July 1 1902 Many persons are never quite rever ent except when theyspeak money Makes Weak Strong- I have taken your Remioks Pepsin Blood Tonic I know it is the best Tonic ever made It will make every weak woman strong I cannot it enough writes Mrs 0 D Pickering For sale by W T Brooks ConstipationD- oes your head ache Pain back your eyes Bad taste in mouth Its vour liver Ayers Pills are liver piUs cure headache dyspepsia 25c AH druggists T ant your mouetaclio or board a bwrattf oJ brown or rich black Then uia 0 era r Outturns jg H HALL A Co HXSMM ltH LIcKFresh B Mitchells G I I ey rn l consti- pation ers P tee Women 0 for th r t i q = ¬ ¬ ¬ Save Your Hogs Why let your hogs die when you can cure them by using Laughlins Hog Cholera Cure It will also cure chicken cholera Sold by J A Wilson druggist or Laughlin Bros Paris Ky t laugtf Happiness depends so absolutely upon ourselves that it is the one thin we can never be sure of I t Good Advice The most miserable beings in the world are those from Dyspep- sia and Liver Complaint More than 75 per cent of people in the United Stales are affliotHd these two and their effects such as Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Costiveness Palpitation of the Heart Heartburn Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stom rch Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in the Mouth Com- ing up of Food after Eating Low Spir its etc Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greens Special Almanac W T Brooks PIANO BARGAIN Mrs Johnson has a Scharf Piano that she will sell at a bar gain having decided to quit the busi ness tf TONSORIAL The neatest and best equipped barber shop in Paris is that of Carl Crawford on Main street ad joing the Bourbon Bank He has five chairs and his attendants are at all times attentive and will give you good service His bathrooms are the largest and most complete in the city When you want a good shave a hair cut or bath call and see Carl and he wiirtreat you right tf To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature- is on each box 25c aprllyr dis- eases 4p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RUBEROID JBLS COME TO STAY Tested and Not Found Wanting- Has been Awarded Medals and Diplomas for Superior Qualities Over Other Roofing at the Following National Expositions Columbian Exposition 1893 4 Brussels 1897 i International Exposition Turin Exposition Omaha 1898 Paris Exposition 19OO Exposition 19O1 If you have Roofing to do this Fall in small or large quantities come and see us your orders We believe we will interesttyou this Roofing CO PARIS KENTUCKY DR R GOLDSTEIN Of Louisville Ky will be at Hotel Windsor Eriiiay- v and Saturday Sept 19 and 20 Remjfmber the only reij Qy fur weak and defective1 eyes failing vision are glasses oii spectacles To bee your eyesight is to its value If you periodical sick headaches consult DR GOLDSTEIN and get Office 9 a m to 5p m Hotel Windsor Paris Ky r Time Tried I JJlt 1898- I PanAmerican before placing r I p- I 1 I nd I I relief hours J ROOFiNG I anal Flre r n A r I- E37 r r proper ap- preciate have I < > >° Trochet Colchicine Salicylate Capsules- A standard and infallible cure for and GOUT endorsed the medical authorities of Europe and America Dispensed only in spherical capsules dis solve in without irritation or disagreeable symptoms Price 1 bottle Sold by sure get the genuine WIUULAJHB MFG CO CLEVELAND OHIO Solo Props For Sale byjW T BROOKS ¬ In the secret service gossips Should be choice affairs weddings Hard to have and hard to do with The Siamese twins were so attached to each other outice j X i ¬ Diplomats have merely to manage men but women manage diplomats Many men regard life alternate round of high jinks and hygiene san W T BROOKS CLARK CO j t > Means bad air and Whether it EiS Sf comes from the low lands and t marshes of the country or the filthy sewers and drain pipes of the cities and towns its effect upon the human system is the same These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lungs and taken by the blood and the foundation of some long debilitating illness is laid Chills and fever chronic dyspepsia torpid enlarged liyer troubles jaundice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible foe Malaria Noxious gases and unhealthy matter collect in the system because the liver and kidneys fail to act and are poured into the blood current until it becomes so polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally break the skin and carbuncles boils abscesses ulcers and various eruptions of au indolent character appear depleting the system and threatening life itself The and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body and destroy the lifegiving properties of the rendering it thin and must be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to get rid of Malaria and its effects SSS does this and quickly produces an entire change in the blood reaching every organ and stimu- lating them to vigorous healthy action S S S possesses not only purifying but tonic properties and the general health improves and the appetite increases almost from the first dose There is no Mercury Potash Arsenic- or other mineral in S S S It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy Write us about your case and our physicians will gladly help you by their advice to regain your health Book on blood and skin diseases sent free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC co Atlanta ca A InvIsible to u wat ry MALARIA A4 Rea kidne throe glt germs i ¬ Vict ory for Pythians The endowment rank of the Knights- of Pythias which was in serious trouble fourteen months has cleared up all its back death claims within less than a year after the increase in rates which was put into effect last September June 1 1901 there was 559500 of un- paid death claims and only 3688 in cash on hand This was reduced stead ily until at the first of this month all the death claims due were settled up there being only 159000 outstanding- in which the proofs had not been com- plete or the claims were under investi- gation by the legal department This has surpassed the greatest ex- pectations of the advocates of the reor- ganization and increase in rates The defections because of the advance were much less than had been feared and new members are coming in rapidly there being a ret gain of over a thousand in the last quarter These members are paying an average of 42 per cent more in premiums so that the income is much increased while the liabilities are de creased by the retirement of a number of aged members who withdrew because- of the much increased cost of their in surance In addition to paying up all the back death claims the debt on the furniture account for the Lexington Hotel which 48000 at the first of last year has been wiped out entirely and there was over 48000 on hand after paying all the death claims due MILLINERY For the latest tyles of ready rtpwear Fall Hats the in the city to eeleqt from at very lowe HARRY SON THERE is no Goal like H B Coal Call at Peed Dodsons Sseplm Reminiscences of the oldest inhabt responsible for the lies some women tell about their age Biyan at High William J Bryan will be air High Bridge Sunday September 14 One tare for roundtrip vja Queen Cres cent route will deliver an address at the camp grounds Low Bates to Ac count GA R account of the Grand Army Re union at Washington D C the Chesa peake Ohio Ry will sell roundtrip tickets fioin Lexington Ky at 1155 and at correspondingly low rates from all points Tickets will be sold on October 3rd 4th 5th and 6th and will be good to re- turn until November 3rd if desired Extensive preparations are being made by the Government authorities in Wash ington to decorate and illuminate the Capital in the most gorgeous manner Low rate excursion tickets will be sold from Washington during the re- union to all the battlefields and Eastern cities between Norfolk and New York The C O will have two fast trains each way with finest sleeping car coach and dining room service travers- ing more historic country than any other line For full information or sleeper reser vation see any ticket agent or G W BARNEY Division Pass Agent Lexington Ky Cures Eczema Humors Pimples and Carbuncles Costs Nothing to Try- B B B Botanic Blood Balm recognized as a certain and sure cure for eczema itching skin humors scabs scales watery blisters pimples aching boneror jointsboils carbuncles prickling pain in the skin old eating sores ulces etc Botanic Bloom Balm taken internally coures the worst and most deepeeated oases by enriching purifying at d vitalizing the there- by giving a healthy blood supply to the skin Botanic Blood is the buly cure to stay cured for these awful an- noying skin troubles Heals every sore and gives the rich glow of health skin the broken down body and makes the blood red and nourish ing Especially advised for chronic old cases that doctors patent medicines and fail to cure Druggists 1 To prove B B B cures sample sent free and free and prepaid Blood Balm o G Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in letter ago 4 line r R J- a tanG are aMr Bryan On t I he B1 lds hot Atlan a led r v t was neW largest prices Bra ge Yashnton s- now td spriuge ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A NEW FOLDING for the for the vest pocKel inches loads in daylight has a fine menis- cus lens finder automatic shutter in fact has the Kodak quality all the way through- No o Folding Pocket Kodak for pictures r xa 5 Transparent Film Cartridge 12 exposures 9 Do 6 exposures jjj EASTMAN KODAK CO dealers orr mail Rochester NY ffjxa M t grists for Kodak and Brnntte Pietur- ttaug21ti2dec The improper study of mankind in man The hardest career for a is to find a husband with a career i 3 room frame cottage in East Paris cistern and lot Price i 375 Vacant lot adjoining 31x204 stable and fruit on same 260 Will trade both the above for a small farm near Paris About 2 acreSOf land house of 4 rooms 2 porches pantry smoke house coal house corn and stable Small orchard and failing water Terms Price 700 acres of Bourbon Land at a bargain and oil easy terms Call and Brick Cottage 5 Rooms Pantry Porches Lot 126x900 feet good vlity Price 3650 Let us show y8u this nice Home 0 12 acres 3 Rooms and House near Paris will sell Worth the money o 87 feet on Main street running back to High street fronting 69 feet on High 2 CPrnine Houses price 5200 How does this suit for an investment Drape Cottage Cistern 2 acres of Land n Paris at the low price of o 108 acres near Paris large tobacco barn niceHome1 Let us self you this farm v o 3 acres of Land SR om House nice good locality at the low price of 4000 o 6 of Land 4Room House with Kitchen StakJe Buggy House Wagon Shed etc the city Price 3000 8Room Roust Cellar Large Cistern Stable etc Lot 100x290 a nice Home for the low price of 2250 Let us show you this property- A nice twostory Brtclfc plenty of room lot shade and fruit at the lov price of 4000 f For Sale 246 acres of land on Lexington Pike 6 miles from acres of timber plenty of land one tobacco barn 8roon house and all necessary out build good repair and woM watered be seen to Price 115 per acre Terms y cash balance 1 2 years 6 per cent on deferred pay May run last payment Northcott REAL mATE BROKERS ABf ST pocketalmost at six dollars Makes pictures l x I r t X2 Caague n Ie at the c woman F AtB i o4 t 0 never see o Kitch u o p oo the Mays 1- 1ville to- bacco ings in le rec d i t J c- lLancaster 71 I 7 KODAK e 34 sao 1 4 H ti j cash 0 count I us Baa you i r acres just outside w F r f t- Must 4 c F s 24RfS Y < > > ¬ < < < = <

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Post on 10-Mar-2018




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Page 1: I A v t t MALARIA AnefIon Auction g tonyx.uky.edu/dips/xt715d8ndg35/data/0376.pdfaffected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the r a lisease from ... brown or rich black Then uia

w vM-



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7 4






I g15

The Invoice Stock of FineDry Goods Notions o5

of the EstatecWill be Sold at Auction Commencing

At 10 oclock a m and continuing from day to day until the entire stock issold A T FORSYTH Auctioneer

Auction I


R ERSart11rday 6th

v 1t11Pt t t IPlltfttflP1 1111Pt1f1N3111ti1ti14P11tPtfP1iN41tlFltttl

1 AnefIon

TUCK4 Sapternber


IIIUUdA IUNIN11111Ud1111U111131N31dd111UlIlUldtllUlUlIUIUUIiCi



Most mens kisses are so cheap thatthey do well to make their gifts ex-




Backacheof Kidneys

Bladder UrinaryAlso Rheumatism Back

acheHeartDiseaseGravelDropsy Female Troubles

CUREDont become discouraged There is a

cure for you It necessary Dr FonnerI e has spent a Just suchcases as yours All consultations

A gravel lodged In bladder Afterof Dr Fenners Kidney

and Cure I a asas a marble The medicine prevented

further formations I was curedW T OAKES Orrlx Va

Druggists SOc 81 Ask for CookJT Sure Cure Circular Dr

VII UO FredonlaNY

Good women spend years to build upJia a man what a b ad woman overthrows-in a day













Women and JewelsJewels candy flowers man that is

he order of a womans preferencesJewels form a magnet of mighty powerto the average woman thatgreatest of all jewels health is oftenruined in the strenuous efforts toor save the money to purchase them Ifa woman will risk her health to acoveted gem then lot her fortify herselfagainst the insiduous consequences ofcoughs colds and bronchia affectionsby the regular use of Dr Boschees Ger-man It will promptly arrestconsumption in its early stages

affected lungs and bronchialtubes and drive the r a lisease fromthe system I cure aJl but itis a certain cure for coughs olds andall bronchial You can get DrG G Greens reliable remedies at WT Get Greens SpecialAlmanac

L N RatesMackniac Island and return via

Pennsylvania Lines and G R IRailway at 1885 for

N roundtripTickets sold Sept 2 6 arid 10 Limitedto 80 to return

Petoskey or Traverse City 1285Dates of sale and limits same as above

Cincinnati 0 and return at one fareSSVfor roundtrip Sept 14 and 15limited to 27 Also at one andonsthird fare 815 for roundtripSept 15 to 27 inclusive limited to Sept29 account Cincinnati Fall Festival

Kentucky State Fair Louisvillesold at 885 for roundtrip in-

cluding admission to the fair Sept 20to 27 inclusive final limit Sept 29

Lexington and return at onefare forths roundtrip Sept 9 to 18 inclusivelimited to Sept 15 account ColoredFair

Ewing Ky and return at oH Hrfor roundtrip Sept 11 12 and 13 lim-ited to Sept 15 account FairSpecial train will leave Ewing for Pariseach day lit 580 p m

Washington D C and return Oct8 4 5 6 at 1120 for round trip finallimit Oct 15 with provision for ex

limit to Nov 8 1902 acopuutA K encampment

DesMcines Iowa return at one

18 14 final limit Sept 25 provision forextension of to Oct 15 1903 ac-count Grand Lodge I O O F

Birmingham Ale and return at onefare roundtrip Sept 14 15and 16 limited to 27






ot a







ndfare for roundtrip Sept 11 12






tension f

41S S5








PEED DODSON are agents for Hoffman Berrys Coal Buy H BCoal Best sold oseplm

Brain Food Nonsense

Another rediculous food fad has beenbrandeed by the most competent authori-ties They have dispelled the sillynotion that one kind of food is neededfor brain another for muscles andstill another for bones A correct dietwill not only nourish a particular partof the body but it will sustain every

Yet however good your

by indigestion or dyspepsia You mustprepare for their appearance or preventtheir coming by taking doses ofGreens August Flower the favoritemedicine of the millionsfew doses aids digestion stimulates theliver to healthy action purifies the bloodand makes you feel bouyant and vigor

You can get Dr G G Greensreliable remedies at W T BrooksGet Greens Special Almanac

Matchmaking is left to the womenbecause men know too much about mento be willing to take any chances j

PIANO FOR SALE Mssdecided to quit selling pianos has

on hand a firstclass Scharf Piano thatshe will sell at bargain tf

I DOCTORSsay Consumption can be cured

i wont do it Itneedshelp Doctors say

j Scotts Emulsioni-s the best help But you mustcontinue use in hotweatherIf you not tried it send for free sample

SCOTT BOWNE Chemists40 415 Pearl Street New York

Jioo all druggist

A GoodThingGerman Syrup is the special prescrip

tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged tobe one of the most fortunate discoveriesin Medicine It quickly cures CoughsColds and all Lung troubles of severest nature removing as it does thecause of the affection and leaving theparts in a strong and healthy condition-It is not an experimental medicine buthas stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidlyincreasing sale every season confirmsTwo billion bottles Fold annuallyBosbhees German Syrup was introduced-in the United States in 1868 and is nowsold in every town and village in thecivilized world Three doses will

any ordinary cough Price 75cGet Greens Special Almanac W TBrooks


partfood may be its nutriment is destroyed









Soc and













This is on box of the genuineLaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets

the remedy that cures a cold in one day

BLUE Blue Lick Watercan be found on sale at CG S Vardens and at J FrankPrathers GEO T LYONS Agent


Men call on some women to strengthentheir likes and on others to strengthentheir dislikes

FOR thirty days I will make RoyalPlatino Portraits size 16x20 for 850and 400 Now is your chance for afirstclass portrait at small costular price is 700 L GRINNAN

July 1 1902

Many persons are never quite reverent except when theyspeak money

Makes Weak Strong-I have taken your Remioks Pepsin

Blood Tonic I know it is the best Tonicever made It will make every weakwoman strong I cannot itenough writes Mrs 0 D Pickering

For sale by W T Brooks

ConstipationD-oes your head ache Painback your eyes Badtaste in mouth Itsvour liver Ayers Pills areliver piUs cure

headache dyspepsia25c AH druggists

T ant your mouetaclio or board a bwrattf oJbrown or rich black Then uia

0 era r Outturns jg H HALL A Co HXSMM ltH

LIcKFreshB Mitchells




ey rn






for th


t i q





Save Your Hogs

Why let your hogs die when you cancure them by using Laughlins HogCholera Cure

It will also cure chicken choleraSold by J A Wilson druggist or

Laughlin Bros Paris Ky t laugtf

Happiness depends so absolutely uponourselves that it is the one thin we cannever be sure of



Good Advice

The most miserable beings in theworld are those from Dyspep-sia and Liver Complaint More than 75per cent of people in the UnitedStales are affliotHd these two

and their effects such as SourStomach Sick Headache HabitualCostiveness Palpitation of the HeartHeartburn Gnawing andBurning Pains at the Pit of the Stomrch Yellow Skin Coated Tongue andDisagreeable Taste in the Mouth Com-ing up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to your Druggist and get abottle of August Flower for 75 centsTwo doses will relieve you Try itGet Greens Special Almanac W TBrooks

PIANO BARGAIN Mrs Johnson has aScharf Piano that she will sell at a bargain having decided to quit the business tf

TONSORIAL The neatest and bestequipped barber shop in Paris is thatof Carl Crawford on Main street adjoing the Bourbon Bank He has fivechairs and his attendants are at alltimes attentive and will give you goodservice His bathrooms are the largestand most complete in the city Whenyou want a good shave a hair cut orbath call and see Carl and he wiirtreatyou right tf

To Cure a Cold in One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund the money if itfails to cure E W Groves signature-is on each box 25c aprllyr









Tested and Not Found Wanting-

Has been Awarded Medals and Diplomas for Superior Qualities OverOther Roofing at the Following National Expositions

Columbian Exposition 1893 4

Brussels 1897i International Exposition Turin

Exposition Omaha 1898Paris Exposition 19OO

Exposition 19O1If you have Roofing to do this Fall in small or large quantities come

and see us your orders We believe we will interesttyouthis Roofing



Of Louisville Ky will be at Hotel Windsor Eriiiay-v and Saturday Sept 19 and 20

Remjfmber the only reij Qy fur weak and defective1 eyes failingvision are glasses oii spectacles To bee your eyesight is to

its value If you periodical sick headaches consult DRGOLDSTEIN and get Office 9 a m to 5p m HotelWindsor Paris Ky


Time Tried




before placing






IIrelief hours



Ianal Flre

r n




E37 r r

proper ap-preciate have


< >

> °

Trochet Colchicine Salicylate Capsules-A standard and infallible cure for and GOUTendorsed the medical authorities of Europe andAmerica Dispensed only in spherical capsules dissolve in without irritation ordisagreeable symptoms Price 1 bottle Sold by

sure get the genuineWIUULAJHB MFG CO CLEVELAND OHIO Solo Props

For Sale byjW T BROOKS


In the secret service gossipsShould be choice affairs weddingsHard to have and hard to do with

The Siamese twins were so attachedto each other






Diplomats have merely to managemen but women manage diplomats

Many men regard life alternateround of high jinks and hygiene





Means bad air and Whether it EiS Sfcomes from the low lands and t

marshes of the country or the filthy sewers and drain pipes of the citiesand towns its effect upon the human system is the same

These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lungs and takenby the blood and the foundation of some long debilitating illness is laidChills and fever chronic dyspepsia torpid enlarged liyertroubles jaundice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible foeMalaria Noxious gases and unhealthy matter collect in the system becausethe liver and kidneys fail to act and are poured into the blood current untilit becomes so polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally breakthe skin and carbuncles boils abscesses ulcers and various eruptions of auindolent character appear depleting the system and threatening life itself

The and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body and destroythe lifegiving properties of the rendering it thin and mustbe overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope toget rid of Malaria and its effects

S S S does this and quickly produces an entirechange in the blood reaching every organ and stimu-lating them to vigorous healthy action S S Spossesses not only purifying but tonic propertiesand the general health improves and the appetite

increases almost from the first dose There is no Mercury Potash Arsenic-or other mineral in S S S It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy

Write us about your case and our physicians will gladly help you bytheir advice to regain your health Book on blood and skin diseases sentfree THE SWIFT SPECIFIC co Atlanta ca




wat ry




throe glt




Vict ory for Pythians

The endowment rank of the Knights-of Pythias which was in serious troublefourteen months has cleared up allits back death claims within less than ayear after the increase in rates whichwas put into effect last SeptemberJune 1 1901 there was 559500 of un-

paid death claims and only 3688 incash on hand This was reduced steadily until at the first of this month allthe death claims due were settled upthere being only 159000 outstanding-in which the proofs had not been com-

plete or the claims were under investi-gation by the legal department

This has surpassed the greatest ex-

pectations of the advocates of the reor-ganization and increase in rates Thedefections because of the advance weremuch less than had been feared andnew members are coming in rapidlythere being a ret gain of over a thousandin the last quarter These members arepaying an average of 42 per cent morein premiums so that the income is muchincreased while the liabilities are decreased by the retirement of a numberof aged members who withdrew because-of the much increased cost of their insurance In addition to paying up allthe back death claims the debt on thefurniture account for the LexingtonHotel which 48000 at the first oflast year has been wiped out entirelyand there was over 48000 on handafter paying all the death claims due

MILLINERY For the latest tyles ofready rtpwear Fall Hats the

in the city to eeleqt fromat very lowe

HARRY SONTHERE is no Goal like H B Coal

Call at Peed Dodsons Sseplm

Reminiscences of the oldest inhabtresponsible for the lies some

women tell about their age

Biyan at HighWilliam J Bryan will be air High

Bridge Sunday September 14 Onetare for roundtrip vja Queen Crescent route will deliver anaddress at the camp grounds

Low Bates to Account G A R

account of the Grand Army Reunion at Washington D C the Chesapeake Ohio Ry will sell roundtriptickets fioin Lexington Ky at 1155and at correspondingly low rates fromall points

Tickets will be sold on October 3rd4th 5th and 6th and will be good to re-

turn until November 3rd if desiredExtensive preparations are being made

by the Government authorities in Washington to decorate and illuminate theCapital in the most gorgeous manner

Low rate excursion tickets will besold from Washington during the re-

union to all the battlefields and Easterncities between Norfolk and New York

The C O will have two fast trainseach way with finest sleeping carcoach and dining room service travers-ing more historic country than anyother line

For full information or sleeper reservation see any ticket agent or

G W BARNEYDivision Pass Agent

Lexington Ky

Cures Eczema HumorsPimples and Carbuncles

Costs Nothing to Try-B B B Botanic Blood Balm

recognized as a certain and surecure for eczema itching skin humorsscabs scales watery blisters pimplesaching boneror jointsboils carbunclesprickling pain in the skin old eatingsores ulces etc Botanic Bloom Balmtaken internally coures the worst andmost deepeeated oases by enrichingpurifying at d vitalizing the there-by giving a healthy blood supply to theskin Botanic Blood is the bulycure to stay cured for these awful an-noying skin troubles Heals every soreand gives the rich glow of healthskin the broken down bodyand makes the blood red and nourishing Especially advised for chronic oldcases that doctors patent medicines and

fail to cure Druggists 1To prove B B B cures sample sentfree and free and prepaidBlood Balm o G Describetrouble and free medical advice sent in






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aMr Bryan



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for the for the vest pocKel

inches loads in daylight has a fine menis-cus lens finder automatic shutterin fact has the Kodak quality all the waythrough-No o Folding Pocket Kodak for pictures r x a

5 Transparent Film Cartridge 12 exposures9

Do 6 exposures jjj

EASTMAN KODAK COdealers orr mail Rochester N Y

ffjxaM t grists for Kodak and Brnntte Pietur-


The improper study of mankind inman

The hardest career for a is tofind a husband with a career


3 room frame cottage in East Pariscistern and lot Price

i 375 Vacant lot adjoining 31x204stable and fruit on same 260Will trade both the above for a smallfarm near Paris

About 2 acreSOf land house of 4 rooms2 porches pantry smoke house coalhouse corn and stable Smallorchard and failing water Terms

Price 700

acres of Bourbon Land at abargain and oil easy terms Call and

Brick Cottage 5 Rooms PantryPorches Lot 126x900 feet good vlityPrice 3650 Let us show y8u this niceHome

012 acres 3 Rooms and House

near Paris will sell Worth the moneyo

87 feet on Main street running back toHigh street fronting 69 feet on High 2CPrnine Houses price 5200 How does

this suit for an investment

Drape Cottage Cistern 2 acres of Landn Paris at the low price of

o108 acres near Paris large tobacco

barn niceHome1 Let us self you thisfarm v


3 acres of Land SR om House nicegood locality at the low price of 4000

o6 of Land 4Room House with

Kitchen StakJe Buggy House WagonShed etc the city Price


8Room Roust Cellar Large CisternStable etc Lot 100x290 a nice Homefor the low price of 2250 Let us showyou this property-

A nice twostory Brtclfc plenty of roomlot shade and fruit at the lov

price of 4000

fFor Sale 246 acres of land onLexington Pike 6 miles from

acres of timber plenty ofland one tobacco barn 8roon

house and all necessary out buildgood repair and woM watered

be seen to Price115 per acre Terms y cash balance 1

2 years 6 per cent on deferred payMay run last payment




pocketalmostat six dollars Makes pictures l x


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Caague n Ie at the



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