i am the door

“I am the Door…” JOHN 10:9

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“I am the Door…”JOHN 10:9

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The Third “I Am” statement•This is a powerful allegorical sermon that grew out of the confrontation with the Pharisees throughout chapter nine.•a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another, or a symbolical narrative

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The Third “I Am” statement•After the blind man’s excommunication, Jesus changed the image to shepherd and sheep. Why?•To the Jewish mind, a “shepherd” was any kind of leader, spiritual or political•People looked on Kings and prophets as shepherds.• Israel was privileged to be the “flock” of the Lord, (Ps 100:3, Jer 23, Eze 34, Zech 11)

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The Third “I Am” statement•So Jesus opened this sermon with an illustration everyone would understand•This may be one of the most complex chapters of John’s gospel•So we’ll break it down with a series of messages titled after the three declarations He makes about Himself in chapter 10

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“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 A stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.”

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6 “ This figure of speech Jesus spoke to them, but they did not understand what those things were which He had been saying to them. 7 So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. 9 I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:1-10, NASB

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The Thief and the Robber…•Vv 1-6, the familiar illustration•A Sheepfold, very common regionally, a rock enclosure, with an opening for the doorway

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The Thief and the Robber…•Strewn about and used by anyone, not uncommon for several flocks to stay in one together at night•The shepherd would guard his and other flocks at night by lying across the opening

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The Thief and the Robber…• In the morning, shepherds would come, call their sheep assembling their flocks•They know their masters’ voices•True shepherds come in through the door, the porter recognizes them

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The Thief and the Robber…•Thieves could never enter through the door, so they must enter climbing the wall or by some other deception•Even if they got in, the sheep wouldn’t follow– they follow only the voice of their shepherd•False shepherds can never lead; they can only steal them away

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The Thief and the Robber…• It’s clear they didn’t understand•Parable, means “dark saying, a proverb”– this one is not like the others in the gospels• It responds to the beggar’s excommunication in chapter 9•False Shepherds did not care for him, they mistreated him• Jesus came and found him!

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Side note…• It’s unfortunate that this parable is often used to teach the wrong thing•Sheep fold is Heaven, those trying to get in by any way except Jesus destined for failure•While true (Acts 4:12), it is NOT based on this verse• Jesus makes it very clear: the fold is Israel and the other sheep are the Gentiles

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The True Shepherd will love all…• Jesus came to the nation of Israel the appointed way according the promise of the Scriptures•Every true shepherd must be called of and sent by God• If he truly speaks the Word, the sheep will hear his voice and fearlessly follow him•The true shepherd will love the sheep and care for them

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I am the door…•Since the did not understand the symbolism, He followed illustration with application•Vv 7-10, twice he says this•He is the door of the sheep fold•Not just entry– He makes it possible for them to leave the fold (Judaism) and enter HIS flock•Pharisees threw the beggar out, Jesus took him into God’s true fold!

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I am the door…•But He doesn’t stop with “out”– He also leads them “in”•They become “one flock” (not fold), Jews and Gentiles together (church)•He is the Door of Salvation– those who believe enter His flock and fold and have the privilege of coming and going, finding pasture•When you remember the shepherd is the actual door, the image becomes very real

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I am the door…• Jesus leads the lost from Bondage to Freedom; Salvation•The Greek word here is so-zo (sode-zo), delivered safe and sound• Jesus’ condemnation primarily for the Pharisees, not all the past prophets ministers before Him•The statement “…are thieves and robbers…” (not were) shows he had the present leaders in mind

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I am the door…•The beggar was a good example of what you get when God’s chosen man is NOT the leader•Clear here that the religious rulers of Israel only cared to provide and pro- tect themselves. The Pharisees were;•Covetous (Luke 16:14)•Took advantage of poor widows (Mark 12:40)•Turned the Temple into Den of Thieves (Mat 21:13)•Plotted to kill Jesus to keep power (John 11:49-53)

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The True Shepherd•Came to save the sheep, false shepherds came to take advantage and exploit them•Behind them is the “Thief”, v10•Reference to Satan– wants to steal, slaughter, destroy– later we’ll see they are safe in the hands of the shepherd and the Father, vv 27-29•So, herein lies our Take-home for today

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In Closing…•The emphasis today was on the door, next week it will ne on the Shepherd and the 2nd declaration he made here•When you go through the “door” you receive life and are saved!•As you go “in and out” you enjoy abundant life in the Lord’s rich pastures (not just in eternity)•His Sheep enjoy fullness and freedom, now!