i. call to order - lacera · 2020-06-29 · the webwatcher program. anh huynh, alvina heard,...

AGENDA A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF RETIREMENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION 300 N. LAKE AVENUE, SUITE 810, PASADENA, CA 9:00 A.M., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016 The Board may take action on any item on the agenda, and agenda items may be taken out of order. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 2016 IV. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS V. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS A. For Information 1. August 2016 All Stars 2. Chief Executive Officer’s Report (Memo dated October 4, 2016) VI. PUBLIC COMMENT

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Page 1: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program





9:00 A.M., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016

The Board may take action on any item on the agenda,

and agenda items may be taken out of order.




A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 2016



A. For Information

1. August 2016 All Stars

2. Chief Executive Officer’s Report

(Memo dated October 4, 2016)


Page 2: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

October 13, 2016

Page 2


A. Presentation of Alston & Bird’s Final Report of Privacy Audit

Recommendation as submitted by Richard Bendall, Chief Audit

Executive and Steven P. Rice, Chief Counsel: That the Board:

1. Approve Alston & Bird's Final Report as Presented and Waive

Approval by the Audit Committee.

(Public Memo dated September 29, 2016)

(Privileged and Confidential Version of Memo Dated September 29, 2016

for Board members only)*

B. Recommendation as submitted by Barry W. Lew, Legislative

Affairs Officer: That the Board adopt the Legislative Policy.

(Memo dated October 3, 2016)

C. For Information Only as submitted by Barry W. Lew, Legislative

Affairs Officer, regarding an update on Assembly Bill 1853 – County

Employees Retirement Districts. (Memo dated September 26, 2016)

D. For Information Only as submitted by Beulah S. Auten, Chief

Financial Officer, regarding the Semi-Annual Interest Crediting for Reserves

as of June 30, 2016 (Audited). (Memo dated October 4, 2016)



(For information purposes only)


A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation

Initiation of Litigation (Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of

California Government Code Section 54956.9)

1. Unknown Number

Page 3: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

October 13, 2016

Page 3


B. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation

Significant Exposure to Litigation (Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision

(d) of California Government Code Section 54956.9)

1. Administrative Appeal of Michele Fiorenza

2. Administrative Appeal of Joseph Ruggiero


* A public cover memo and PowerPoint presentation are provided in support of this item.

The Board is also provided with the full auditor's report and management's response to

the report. These two documents are privileged attorney-client communications and/or

attorney work product. Under the Brown Act, Government Code Section 54957.5(a), they

are not available for distribution to the public.

Documents subject to public disclosure that relate to an agenda item for an open

session of the Board of Retirement that are distributed to members of the Board of

Retirement less than 72 hours prior to the meeting will be available for public

inspection at the time they are distributed to a majority of the Board of Retirement

Members at LACERA’s offices at 300 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 820, Pasadena, CA

91101, during normal business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through


Persons requiring an alternative format of this agenda pursuant to Section 202 of the

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may request one by calling Cynthia Guider at

(626) 564-6000, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, but no later than

48 hours prior to the time the meeting is to commence. Assistive Listening Devices are

available upon request. American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters are available

with at least three (3) business days notice before the meeting date.

Page 4: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program




9:00 A.M., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

PRESENT: Shawn R. Kehoe, Chair

Vivian H. Gray, Vice Chair (Arrived at 9:07 a.m.)

William de la Garza, Secretary

Marvin Adams

Anthony Bravo

Yves Chery

Joseph Kelly

Les Robbins

Ronald A. Okum

ABSENT: David L. Muir (Alternate Retired)

William Pryor (Alternate Member)


Gregg Rademacher, Chief Executive Officer

Robert Hill, Assistant Executive Officer

Steven P. Rice, Chief Counsel

Page 5: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 2


Barry W. Lew, Legislative Affairs Officer

Jill P. Rawal, Staff Counsel

Cassandra Smith, Director, Retiree Healthcare Division

Leilani Ignacio, Assistant Manager, Retiree Healthcare Division

John Nogales, Division Manager, Human Resources


The meeting was called to order by Chair Kehoe at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room

of Gateway Plaza.


Mr. Pryor led the Board Members and staff in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 11, 2016

Mr. Chery made a motion, Mr. de la Garza

seconded, to approve the minutes of the

regular meeting of July 14, 2016. The

motion passed unanimously.


No items were reported.

Page 6: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 3


A. For Information

1. July 2016 All Stars

Mr. Hill announced the eight winners for the month of July: Carol Quinn, Jeff

Shevlowitz, Roberta Van Nortrick, Sandy Pang, Alice Yen, Remigio Feliciano, Maureen

Tsang, and Alyce Provencio for the Employee Recognition Program and Anh Huynh for

the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz,

Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program.

2. Chief Executive Officer’s Report

(Memo dated September 6, 2016)

Mr. Rademacher provided a brief overview of his Chief Executive Officer’s Report

with a quick update on what transpired at the previous Board of Investments meeting.

(Board of Investments minutes are available to view on LACERA’s Website


Mr. Rademacher recognized Maggie Deleon, Dina Lejano, Karli Sarni, Ricardo

Salinas, Theo King, Tionna Fredericks, Samantha Garcia and Jeannine Smart for a job

well done in putting together the HR Pros Conference held in August for the plan

sponsor’s HR teams.

Mr. Rademacher provided an update regarding the Chief Investment Officer search

and encouraged Board members to forward the names of potential Chief Investment

Page 7: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 4


A. For Information

2. Chief Executive Officer’s Report (Continued)

Officer candidates to the Executive Recruiter supporting the search, Michael Kennedy

with Korn Ferry. In addition, the Board will be notified of all open recruitments in the

organization moving forward.

Mr. Rademacher shared the over allocation of interest credited to members and

participating employers based on the realized income was earned fiscal year to date,

which was calculated using preliminary financial estimates. There was an audit

adjustment that caused a reduction in the amount of realized income available to credit

interest resulting in an adjustment to member accounts. A debrief of the impact and

course of action for now and going forward regarding this incident, will be provided to

the Operations Oversight Committee.


There were no requests from the public to speak.


A. Recommendation as submitted by Joseph Kelly, Chair, Operations Oversight

Committee: That the Board approve the purchase of Fiduciary Liability

Insurance for the October 6, 2016 renewal with Hudson Insurance Company.

(Memo dated August 31, 2016)

Page 8: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 5


Mr. Beasley was present to answer questions from the Board.

Chair Kehoe made a motion, Mr. Kelly

seconded, to approve the recommendation.

The motion passed unanimously.

B. Recommendation as submitted by Les Robbins, Chair, Insurance, Benefits,

and Legislative Committee: That the Board 1) Interview the two finalist

firms, Mercer and Milliman, and select one firm to perform the audit of the

2014-2015 RDS subsidy submissions, with an option for LACERA to direct

the firm also to audit the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 RDS subsidy

submission; and 2) Direct staff to retain the selected firm for a one year

period beginning October 1, 2016 and ending November 1, 2017, with a two

year extension at the discretion of LACERA. (Memo dated August 30, 2016)

Ms. Smith and Ms. Ignacio were present to answer questions from the


Mr. Chery made a motion, Mr. Kelly

seconded, to select Mercer to perform the

audit. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Recommendation as submitted by Steven P. Rice, Chief Counsel: That the

Board 1) Adopt the revised Conflict of Interest Code; and 2) Authorize staff

to file the revised Code with the County of Los Angeles Board of

Supervisors, which is the code reviewing authority. (Memo dated August 30,


Mr. Rice was present to answer questions from the Board.

Mr. Chery made a motion, Mr. Adams

seconded, to approve the recommendation.

The motion passed unanimously.

Page 9: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 6


D. Recommendation as submitted by Gregg Rademacher, Chief

Executive Officer: That the Board 1) Approve that the Chief Investment

Officer salary range will be determined by the Board of Retirement and

Board of Investments in accordance with amendments to County Code,

Sections 6.127.030.F., 6.28.050 (Item 0776), and 6.127.040.B.7; and 2)

Direct staff to submit to the Board of Supervisors the amendments to County

Code, Sections 6.127.030.F, 6.28.050 (Item 0776), and 6.127.040.B.7.

(Memo dated September 1, 2016)

Mr. Rademacher was present to answer questions from the Board.

Chair Kehoe made a motion, Mr. de la

Garza seconded, to approve the

recommendation. The motion passed


E. Recommendation as submitted by Gregg Rademacher, Chief

Executive Officer: That the Board adopt the Policy on Joint Meetings.

(Memo dated August 31, 2016)

Mr. Rademacher was present to answer questions from the Board.

Mr. Kelly made a motion, Chair Kehoe

seconded, to approve the recommendation.

The motion passed unanimously.

F. For Information Only as submitted by Steven P. Rice, Chief Counsel,

regarding the status report on Privacy Audit.

(Memo dated September 2, 2016)

Mr. Rice was present to answer questions from the Board. This Item was

received and filed.

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September 15, 2016

Page 7


G. For Information Only as submitted by Barry W. Lew, Legislative

Affairs Officer, regarding Assembly Bill 2376 – County Employees’

Retirement. (Memo dated August 29, 2016)

Mr. Lew was present to answer questions from the Board. This Item was

received and filed.

H. For Information Only as submitted by Barry W. Lew, Legislative

Affairs Officer, regarding Assembly Bill 1853 – County Employees

Retirement Districts. (Memo dated September 2, 2016)

Mr. Lew was present to answer questions from the Board. This Item was

received and filed.

I. For Information Only as submitted by Beulah S. Auten, Chief

Financial Officer, regarding the 2017 STAR COLA Program.

(Memo dated August 30, 2016)

This Item was received and filed.


In regards to Item VII.A., the Board requested that staff provide the legal cap

regarding the fiduciary liability insurance as it relates to the Trust Fund.

In regards to Item VII.B., the Board requested a list of past RDS Audit Results

compared to the schedule of recovered monies.

In regards to Item X.A.1., the Board requested staff to look into the third party

notification system for member account support.

Lastly, the Board requested updates on progress of the labor negotiations.

Page 11: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 8


(For information purposes only)

There was nothing to report during Good of the Order.


A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation

Significant Exposure to Litigation (Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision

(d) of California Government Code Section 54956.9)

1. Administrative Appeal of Nell Masto

The Board met in Executive Session pursuant to Government Code Section

54956.9 in regards to the anticipated litigation of the above mentioned case. The

Board approved to deny the administrative appeal and gave additional guidance.

B. Conference with Labor Negotiators

(Government Code Section 54957.6)

1. Agency designated representatives:

Robert Hill, Assistant Executive Officer

John Nogales, Director, Human Resources

Draza Mrvichin, LACERA's Contracted Negotiator

Employee Organization: SEIU Local 721

The Board met in Executive Session pursuant to Government Code Section

54957.6 and there is nothing to report at this time.

Green Folder Information (Information distributed in each Board

Member’s Green Folder at the beginning of the meeting)

1. LACERA Legislative Report - Bills Amending CERL/PEPRA

(Dated September 14, 2016)

2. LACERA Legislative Report – Other (Dated September 14, 2016)

3. LACERA Legislative Report – Federal (Dated September 14, 2016)

Page 12: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 15, 2016

Page 9


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was

adjourned in memory of Edmund D. Edelman, former member of the Board of

Supervisors, at 11:45 a.m.



Page 13: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

October 4, 2016

TO: Each Member

Board of Retirement

Board of Investments

FROM: Gregg Rademacher

Chief Executive Officer


I am pleased to present the Chief Executive Officer’s Report that highlights a few of the

operational activities that have taken place during the past month, key business metrics to

monitor how well we are meeting our performance objectives, and an educational calendar.

LACERA's Annual Wellness and Employee Benefits Program

LACERA continued its long standing tradition for supporting wellness in the workplace by

hosting the 18th Annual Wellness and Employee Benefits Program. This year's two day event

held on September 21st and 22

nd titled "Balancing Work & Life" provided the employee an

opportunity to gather information about their health and financial benefits in advance of their

October benefit open enrollment period and encouraged wellness through a healthy work and life

balance by providing education about lifestyle and well-being changes having a positive impact

on themselves and their family.

The first day included seminars on balancing work and life, eating healthy, home buying

education, retirement options, financial information, identity protection, and preventative health

measures. The second day was the Benefits Fair which included health screenings for blood

pressure, cholesterol, glucose screening and chiropractic chair massages. The vendors in

attendance included: AFLAC, Empowerment Retirement, Colonial Life, Fiscal and LA Financial

Credit Union, and Smile Finders. This allowed employees to speak with a representative and

receive information specific to their situation. To encourage an active lifestyle, all participating

employees were entered into a free raffle for five (5) Fitbit Trackers and other items donated by

the vendors.

A new addition this year included an information fundraising table for the American Cancer

Society's 2016 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk in support of Los Angeles

County's proclamation of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Employees received

information about the walk, how to sign-up to for the walk, and make donations. Pink Ribbon

Pins and Bracelets donation premiums were available with 100% of all donations going toward

Team LACERA's fundraising goal. Employees were encouraged to walk with their family and

friends to show that no one facing breast cancer walks alone.

GR: jp

CEO report Oct 2016.doc


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Metrics YTD from July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016 Page 1



Monthly YTD Monthly YTD

Benefit Information 14 31 568 952 Mid Career 6 11 233 367 New Member 19 35 328 686 Pre-Retirement 10 17 179 358 General Information 1 1 25 25 Retiree Events 0 2 0 140 Member Service Center Daily Daily 1,405 2,727

TOTALS 50 97 2,554 5,225

Member Services Contact Center RHC Call Center Top Calls

Overall Key Performance Indicator (KPI) 96.97%

Category Goal Rating Member Services Call Center Monitoring Score 95% 95.42% 98% 1) Workshop Info/Appts. Inquiry Grade of Service (80% in 60 seconds) 80% 67% 34% 2) Benefit Payments: Gen. Inquiry/Payday Call Center Survey Score 90% 95.49% xxxxx 3) Retirement Counseling: Estimate Agent Utilization Rate 65% 67% 86%

Number of Calls 10,398 3,777 Retiree Health Care Calls Answered 9,744 3,266 1) Medical Benefits – General Inquiries Calls Abandoned 654 519 2) Turning Age 65/Part B Premium Calls-Average Speed of Answer 00:01:21 03:44 Reimbursement Number of Emails 314 178 3) Medical-New Enroll/Change/Cancel Emails-Average Response Time 05:58 :8 1 Adjusted for weekends























Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16


Benefits and Member Services

Production and Quality Summary (Rolling 6 Months)

Balance Received Quality






Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16




Outreach SurveysCall Center

Member Service Center


Note: No Member Service Center surveyswere received for June or August 2016.

Page 15: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program


Metrics YTD from July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016 Page 2

Fiscal Years 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Assets-Market Value $35.2 $40.9 $38.7 $30.5 $33.4 $39.5 $41.2 $43.7 $51.1 $51.4

Funding Ratio 90.5% 93.8% 94.5% 88.9% 83.3% 80.6% 76.8% 75.0% 79.5% 83.3%

Investment Return 13.0% 19.1% -1.4% -18.2% 11.8% 20.4% 0.3% 12.1% 16.8% 4.3%


APPLICATIONS TOTAL YTD APPEALS TOTAL YTD On Hand 498 xxxxxxx On Hand 139 xxxxxxx Received 60 102 Received 2 4

Re-opened 0 0 Administratively Closed/Rule 32 6 7 To Board – Initial 40 64 Referee Recommendation 0 0

Closed 6 12 Revised/Reconsidered for Granting 0 1 In Process 512 512 In Process 135 135

Active Members as of 9/26/16

Retired Members/Survivors as of 9/26/16

Retired Members Retirees Survivors Total

General-Plan A 233 General-Plan A 19,179 4,703 23,882 Monthly Payroll 251.89 Million General-Plan B 87 General-Plan B 685 63 748 Payroll YTD 501.47 Million General-Plan C 86 General-Plan C 423 57 480 Monthly Added 242 General-Plan D 46,581 General-Plan D 11,873 1,127 13,000 Seamless % 100.00 General-Plan E 20,652 General-Plan E 11,108 922 12,030 YTD Added 473 General-Plan G 15,657 General-Plan G 4 0 4 Seamless YTD % 100.00 Total General 83,296 Total General 43,272 6,872 50,144 Direct Deposit 95.00% Safety-Plan A 11 Safety-Plan A 5,802 1,579 7,381 Safety-Plan B 11,250 Safety-Plan B 4,335 227 4,562 Safety-Plan C 1,355 Safety-Plan C 1 0 1 Total Safety 12,616 Total Safety 10,138 1,806 11,944 TOTAL ACTIVE 95,912 TOTAL RETIRED 53,410 8,678 62,088

Health Care Program (YTD Totals) Funding Metrics as of 6/30/15 Employer Amount Member Amount Employer Normal Cost 9.28%

Medical 75,188,805 6,527,519 11.90% UAAL 8.49% Dental 6,739,428 713,172 7.50% Assumed Rate 7.50% Med Part B 8,685,999 xxxxxxxxxx Star Reserve $614 million Total Amount $90,614,232 $7,240,691 Total Assets $48.8 billion

Health Care Program Enrollments Member Contributions as of 6/30/15 Medical 47,723 Annual Additions $441.3 million Dental 48,751 % of Payroll 6.18% Med Part B 31,235 Employer Contributions as of 6/30/15 Long Term Care (LTC) 750 Annual Addition $1,495million % of Payroll 17.77%

Current Month Current MonthR o l l i n g 6 - M o . A v e r a ge R o l l i n g 6 - M o . A v e r a ge








Member Systems lacera.com


Page 16: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 26, 2016 Page 3

Date Conference

November, 2016 3-4 Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) General Partner Summit

New York, NY 8-11 SACRS

Indian Wells, CA 13-16 IFEBP (International Foundation of Employment Benefit Plans)

Annual Employee Benefits Conference Orlando, FL

December, 2016 6-7 International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) London Conference

London, England January, 2017 29-31 NCPERS (National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems)

Legislative Conference Washington D.C.

31-February 2 IMN (Information Management Network)

Annual Beneficial Owners’ Intl. Securities Finance & Collateral Mgmt. Conference Fort Lauderdale, FL

February, 2017 22-24 Pacific Pension Institute (PPI) North American Winter Roundtable

Seattle, WA 23-24 PREA (Pension Real Estate Association) Spring Conference

New York, NY 27-March 1 Council of Institutional Investors (CII) Spring Conference

Washington D.C. March, 2017 1-2 International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) Washington D.C. Event

Washington D.C. 13-15 IFEBP (International Foundation of Employment Benefit Plans)

Investments Institute Phoenix, AZ

April, 2017 25-26 IFEBP (International Foundation of Employment Benefit Plans)

Benefits Conference for Public Employees (back fr. Public Employee Benefits Update) Columbus, OH

30-May 3 World Healthcare Congress

Washington D.C.

Page 17: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

September 29, 2016

TO: Each Member, Board of Investments

Each Member, Board of Retirement FROM: Richard Bendall Chief Audit Executive

Steven P. Rice Chief Counsel FOR: October 12, 2016 | Board of Investments Meeting

October 13, 2016 | Board of Retirement Meeting SUBJECT: 2016 PRIVACY AUDIT – ALSTON & BIRD

(1) Presentation of Final Audit Report, Findings, and Conclusions (2) Recommendation to Approve Alston & Bird’s Final Report as Presented and

Waive Approval by the Audit Committee RECOMMENDATION That the Boards approve Alston & Bird’s Final Report as presented and waive approval by the Audit Committee.

LACERA’s letter agreement with Alston & Bird requires approval of the Final Report by the Audit Committee and Boards. Acceptance is a prerequisite to final payment on the $325,000 contract price. With delivery of the Final Report, Alston & Bird fully and adequately performed its agreed-upon scope of work, as explained in this memo. Staff therefore recommends that the Report be approved by the Boards. Staff further recommends that separate approval by the Audit Committee be waived as a condition of payment in that, if the Report is approved by the Boards, there is no reason to wait until the next Audit Committee meeting in December to complete the approval process.

OVERVIEW In January 2016, following the results of a competitive bidding process, your Boards directed staff to retain Alston & Bird and their subcontractor Stroz Friedberg to perform a comprehensive audit of LACERA’s privacy practices and compliance and to provide a legal opinion on LACERA’s status and compliance obligations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

This work is now completed. Alston & Bird prepared a privileged executive summary and audit report that includes the firm's legal findings, analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. The full final report is attached for your review at Attachment A. The report includes, as

Page 18: I. CALL TO ORDER - LACERA · 2020-06-29 · the Webwatcher Program. Anh Huynh, Alvina Heard, Richard Creamer, Mary Ortiz, Diana Huang were the winners of LACERA’s RideShare Program

2016 Privacy Audit – Alston & Bird September 29, 2016

appendices, the data maps completed by Stroz Friedberg along with other supporting documents.

The report is protected by the attorney-client privilege, and therefore it is not subject to public disclosure under the Brown Act, Cal. Gov’t Code § 54957.5(a). Alston & Bird prepared an unprivileged PowerPoint slide presentation to accompany the report, which is a public document and will guide the public discussion of the report and Alston & Bird’s findings and recommendations. The slide presentation is provided in Attachment C. The presentation to the Board of Investments will focus on the portion of the report and slides discussing treatment of business critical information within the Investments Division. The presentation to the Board of Retirement will focus on the portion of the report and slides discussing HIPAA and general privacy and data security issues with LACERA’s operations. Notwithstanding the above, Alston & Bird and staff will be prepared to discuss any and all issues in the report and slides with both Boards.

With respect to HIPAA, Alston & Bird concluded that LACERA’s pension operations, including Disability Retirement, are not subject to HIPAA. Alston & Bird also concluded that Retiree Health Care operations need not be subject to HIPAA, provided certain requirements are met.

With respect to compliance with legal requirements, Alston & Bird concludes that LACERA has a culture of respecting privacy and member information and has a number of practices that are consistent with the spirit of applicable laws. Alston & Bird was also directed to consider best practices as well as legal compliance. Alston & Bird provided recommendations and advice to ensure that LACERA is in compliance with the law and best practices.

Overall, Alston & Bird made sixty-five (65) recommendations. Management has reviewed and accepted fifty-nine (59) of these recommendations. The remaining six (6) recommendations were found by management to not be applicable to LACERA’s operating environment. LACERA’s management responses to all sixty-five (65) recommendations are set forth in Attachment B. The responses are presented in matrix format and include: 1) a summary of each recommendation and its location within the report; 2) a statement as to whether management agrees or disagrees with each recommendation; and 3) management’s detailed response to each recommendation. The management responses matrix is a privileged document and not subject to public disclosure.


LACERA’s Internal Audit is responsible for including privacy practices in the annual organization-wide risk assessment as well as monitoring and periodically reporting on LACERA’s compliance with privacy policies. However, the Chief Audit Executive also currently serves as LACERA’s Privacy Officer and is responsible for the administration of the LACERA Privacy Program and Policy as well as education and training for all new and current staff on privacy requirements.

Due to this overlap in responsibilities, Internal Audit periodically contracts for a comprehensive independent audit of LACERA’s privacy policy and practices to ensure our compliance with relevant legislation and alignment with prudent industry practices.

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2016 Privacy Audit – Alston & Bird September 29, 2016

In January 2016, following the results of a competitive bidding process, your Boards directed staff to retain Alston & Bird and their subcontractor Stroz Friedberg to perform a comprehensive privacy audit.

The purpose of this audit was to have a qualified third party perform a comprehensive study of LACERA’s business operations with the following objectives:

1) To provide a definitive legal opinion on LACERA’s compliance obligations as they relate to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and recommendations for changes in privacy policies and practices as necessary to further comply with relevant privacy legislation and best practices;

2) To determine whether LACERA’s data privacy policies and practices are adequate and conform to the requirements of all applicable data protection laws and regulations as well as best practices; and

3) To evaluate LACERA’s handling of business critical information against legal requirements and best practices.

These tasks required an investigation of and test work to verify how personal data, other private information, and business critical information are handled in practice within the various business units, across divisions, and when dealing with third parties.

RESULTS During their audit, Alston & Bird completed interviews of relevant LACERA staff, shadowed employees as they worked, reviewed relevant documents, and performed extensive legal analysis. Overall, Alston & Bird found that LACERA generally conforms to the applicable laws, regulations, and best practices in the areas identified through the audit. The complete results of the work performed are attached to this memo as Attachment A. Alston & Bird also provided certain recommendations and advice related to prudent privacy practices. LACERA’s management responses to all sixty-five (65) recommendations are provided for you in Attachment B.

Please note that Attachments A and B are privileged and confidential attorney-client communications, because the audit was conducted by counsel to evaluate legal issues and provide legal advice. Attachments A and B are provided only to the Board members, but because they are privileged, should not be provided to others, and should not be the subject of detailed discussion at the Board meetings. The presentation slides provided in Attachment C are public and unprivileged information concerning Alston & Bird’s work.

Staff will monitor disposition of Alston & Bird’s recommendations and advice and will report to the Audit Committee and the Boards as appropriate.

Finally, we would like to recognize the high level of commitment, effort, and support provided by LACERA management and staff in facilitating the completion of this project.


In January 2016, the Boards approved a total fee for Alston & Bird of $350,000, including $25,000 for an earlier scoping project and $325,000 for the final audit itself. The Boards also

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2016 Privacy Audit – Alston & Bird September 29, 2016

approved $150,000 for Alston & Bird’s data mapping subcontractor Stroz Friedberg, resulting in a total approved fee for the entire project of $500,000.

On February 3, 2016, LACERA entered into a letter agreement with Alston & Bird. A copy of the agreement is attached as Attachment D. The agreement requires approval of the Final Report by the Boards and the Audit Committee as a prerequisite to final payment on the firm’s fee. Letter Agreement, pages 3-4.

Staff believes that, with delivery of the Final Report, Alston & Bird fully completed the scope of its work, which, under the letter agreement with LACERA, was to provide a report including the following elements:

1. Legal requirements for privacy and data security;

2. Legal analysis of LACERA’s status under HIPAA and the implications of such status with respect to legal requirements;

3. Best practices applicable to LACERA;

4. Actual practices engaged in by LACERA;

5. Gap analysis; and

6. Recommendations.

Letter Agreement, pages 1-2. All these issues are covered in the Final Report. Accordingly, staff recommends that the Boards approve the Report. If the Boards approve the Final Report, staff recommends that the requirement of Audit Committee approval be waived, given that the next Audit Committee meeting is not until December 2016.

With respect to Alston & Bird’s subcontractor Stroz Friedberg, staff requested at the June 2016 Board meetings that the Boards approve a $25,000 additional payment above the $150,000 price originally approved for that vendor. Stroz has withdrawn its request for additional payment, so payment to Stroz is no longer a matter of concern.

Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that the Boards approve Alston & Bird’s Final Report as presented and waive approval by the Audit Committee. Attachments:

A. Final Privacy & Data Security Legal Compliance Assessment Report by Alston & Bird (Privileged, For Board Members Only)

B. Management Responses (Privileged, For Board Members Only)

C. PowerPoint Presentation by Alston & Bird (Public Document)

D. LACERA Engagement Letter – Privacy & Data Security Audit (Public Document)

SR/DV: rb

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Final Privacy & Data Security Legal Compliance Assessment Report

Submitted by:

Dominique Shelton and Paula Stannard

October 2016

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• LACERA has a culture that values

privacy and accomplishes

substantial compliance

• Legal landscape around privacy

and data security

• Best practice recommendations

Privacy & Data Security Legal Compliance Summary of Report


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HIPAA: • Status of:

− LACERA’s Retirement Pension Operations − LACERA’s Disability Retirement Functions − Retiree Healthcare Program − LACERA’s Retiree Health Care Division

• HIPAA Recommendations/Best Practices

Privacy & Data Security Legal Compliance Summary of Report


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Privacy & Data Security Legal Compliance Summary of Report

• Best Practices vs. Laws

• General Privacy − Website

− Mobile

• General Data Security − Risk/Threat Landscape

− Policies

− Training

• Business Critical − Public Records Act

− Policies

− Training


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Alston & Bird’s Methodology

To Assess LACERA’s Policies, Procedures, and

Practices, Alston & Bird:

• Conducted 54 interviews, encompassing 76 employees, all of LACERA’s

operating areas, and selected Board Members from LACERA’s Board of

Investments and Board of Retirement

• Reviewed 336 documents germane to LACERA’s procedures and processes

• Identified 516 data points drawn from federal and state laws, enforcement

orders, and government advisories, plus additional HIPAA legal metrics and

performed a gap analysis of LACERA’s practices against these points

• Shadowed LACERA employees in all divisions in their activities to trace the

physical movement and storage of documents as well as to validate employee

reports pertaining to the storage of electronic data


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Stroz Friedberg’s Deliverables

Work Completed: • 19 final maps (including diagrams and accompanying summaries) delivered covering

all of LACERA’s operating areas

Map deliverables based upon Stroz Friedberg’s: • Interviews with approximately 60 employees across LACERA

• Analysis of Alston & Bird interview memos and materials provided by interviewees for additional details to cover as many sources as possible

• Shadowing/physical record validation covering all operating areas dealing with sensitive data, to observe physical security practices and the movement and storage of hard copy documents

• Collaborating with division managers and other LACERA personnel for input in creating detailed diagrams regarding LACERA’s data processes

• Collaborating with Alston & Bird to ensure the requisite details for their legal analysis were included and to advise them of select observations of note throughout the interview and shadowing process


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HIPAA Status & Compliance

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA regulates Covered Entities and their Business Associates:

• Health Plans, Health Care Clearinghouses, Health Care Providers.

• Entities providing services to Covered Entities involving PHI

HIPAA focuses on the functions that make an entity a Covered Entity or a Business Associate:

• Provide Health Care

• Pay for Health Care

• Provide services to/on behalf of a covered entity that involve PHI.

• Exceptions include:

− Enrollment services/enrollment assistance provided for/on behalf of individuals

− Sponsors of Group Health Plans


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HIPAA’s Application to:

• LACERA’s Retirement Pension Operations

− HIPAA Does Not Apply

• LACERA’s Disability Retirement Function (Disability Retirement Services, Disability Litigation Division, and Disability Counsel)

− HIPAA Does Not Apply

• County Retiree Healthcare Program

− HIPAA Applies, but Does Not Affect LACERA

• LACERA’s Retiree Health Care Division

− HIPAA Does Not Apply, because LACERA Can Comply with the Plan Sponsor Exception

• Why is LACERA’s Status Under HIPAA Important?

HIPAA Status & Compliance


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Recommendations/Best Practices: • Plan Sponsor Exception

− Appropriate RHC Plan Documents

− Certification of Amendment and Agreement to Comply

− Review and Update RHC Contracts

HIPAA Status & Compliance


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HIPAA Status & Compliance

Additional Recommendations/Best Practices:

• Group Health Plan − Notice of Privacy Practices

− Privacy Rule Administrative Provisions

− Security Rule

• HIPAA Rules Policies and Procedures

• Documentation of Information Security Decisions

• Personal Representatives


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HIPAA Status & Compliance


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General Privacy & Data Security

Best Practices & Reasonable Security:

• Security Risk Assessment (SRA)

• Written Information Security Program (WISP)

• Written Policies

• Monitoring and Training


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General Privacy – In Depth

Best Practices/Considerations: • Website

• Member Calls


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SSN Recommendation: Employee ID Numbers or Other Unique Identifier

General Data Security – In Depth


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Other Best Practices

General Data Security – In Depth

• Chief Privacy Officer

• Chief Information Security Officer

• Update Data Maps

• Incidents and Breaches

− Data Breach Response Plans (Non-Technical vs. Technical)

− Post-Incident Response (Lessons Learned Process and


• Vendor Contracts & Management

• Role of the Legal Division

• Policy Updates and Staff Policy


• Physical Security (Overall, Specific Divisions, Clean

Desk Policy)

• Monitoring

• Training

• Cyber Security Insurance


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General Privacy & Data Security



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Business Critical Information - Investments

Best Practices/Considerations:

• Alston & Bird found good practices already in place in

LACERA’s Investment Office

• Additional Considerations


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Best Practices: • Written Procedures for Complying with Public Records Requests

• Definition of “Business Critical Information” to LACERA

• Written Policies re: Confidentiality and Security

• Confidentiality Agreements with Service Providers and Investment Managers

• Accessibility

− Electronic records

− Physical records

• Training

• Closed Board Sessions

• Monitoring and Updating Policies

Business Critical Information - Investments


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Business Critical Information - Investments


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Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to LACERA!


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Dominique Shelton

Phone: 213-576-1170

Fax: 213-576-2869

Email: [email protected]

Paula Stannard

Phone: 202-239-3626

Fax: 202-654-4816

Email: [email protected]


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Alston & Bird Work Plan and Budget Model for LACERA*Total Fees

Shelton MacKay Gorsen Stannard Singleton Chemerinsky Caplan Alston Gage Includes 15% Discount off of 2015 Rates

Partner Partner Partner Counsel Counsel Associate Associate Associate Associate

Phase No. Matter Name/Number Description Team Members


Phase 1: Factual Assessment ofLACERA - IncludingComprehensive Review of allLACERA Privacy Policies andPractices Throughout theOrganization

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, David Caplan,Kim Chemerinsky, BlakeMacKay, Leah Singleton,Malachi Alston, MeredithGage


1A.         Phase 1A: General PrivacyDominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, David Caplan,Kim Chemerinsky


a.        Close review of meeting notes from scoping exercise to create PIIchecklist; and map collective answers to Privacy InterviewQuestionnaire and Data Security Questionnaire.

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard

11 5 5 12,117$

b.       Review of policies and procedures documents provided fromscoping exercise.

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard 25 10 22,546$


High level review of vendor contracts for privacy & security policiesand practices for vendors handling personal information. [Assumeshigh level review of reasonably representative vendor contracts,including at least the 12 agreements supplied in the scopingexercise].

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, David Caplan,Kim Chemerinsky

5 5 5 10 12,580$


Review of LACERA's July 2015 vendor audit to verify LACERA'sthird-party service provider privacy compliance and monitoring(including selected interview of selected direct vendors andsubcontractors responsible for interacting with physicians andmedical information such as Team Legal).

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard

5 5 6,460$

e.        Review of staff member training regarding privacy & data security.Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard 7 7 9,044$


Review of network map and review of any written incidentresponse plan or in lieu of same, oral review with senior ITemployee managers of IT's incident response plan procedures torespond to A+B Data Security Questionnaire nos. 36-51, 53-55, 58,60-89, 97-100.

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, KimChemerinsky

10 5 10 14,684$

g,Website review for (Lacera.com); LACERA.com and HR prowebsite to identify compliance with California's Online PrivacyProtection Act (Cal-OPPA)

Dominique Shelton andDavid Caplan

5 10 6,821$

h.Follow up interviews as necessary concluding review of documentsand data map

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, David Caplan

5 5 10 10,073$

i.Review of data map prepared by recommended third party forensicinvestigator.

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard

14 5 12,236$

Work Breakdown (Hours)Totals Includes 15% Discount off of 2015 Rates

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Alston & Bird Work Plan and Budget Model for LACERA*Total Fees

Shelton MacKay Gorsen Stannard Singleton Chemerinsky Caplan Alston Gage Includes 15% Discount off of 2015 Rates

Partner Partner Partner Counsel Counsel Associate Associate Associate Associate

Phase No. Matter Name/Number Description Team Members

Work Breakdown (Hours)Totals Includes 15% Discount off of 2015 Rates

1B.        Phase 1B: HIPAA FactualAssessment Phase

Paula Stannard,Dominique Shelton 31,212$


With respect to the relationship between LACERA and (1) LACounty/LA County Pension Trust Fund, (2) Local 1014, and/or (3)any other governmental entity/governmental employees union forwhich LACERA provides retiree health insurance related services:Review documents relating to the relationship between LACERAand the governmental entity/union and to the services to be providedby LACERA to/for/on behalf of the entity/union, including, e.g., the1937 Act, documents regarding the formation of the LA CountyPension Fund, documents regarding the creation of LACERA, LACounty Board resolutions regarding retiree health insurance, andcontracts between LA County/Pension Fund and LACERAregarding services to be provided by LACERA concerning retireehealth insurance, and any contracts with Local 1014 and any othergovernmental entity/union on the retiree health insurance relatedservices provided by LACERA. (In addition to/to the extent thatsuch review is not encompassed in Phase 1A.)

Paula Stannard

10 6,503$


Interview appropriate LACERA staff concerning such relationshipsand LACERA’s HIPAA status. E.g., Bernie Buenaflor, ChristineRoseland [drafted LACERA’s internal memo concerning HIPAA’sapplicability to LACERA].

Paula Stannard

5 3,251$

c.Follow up interviews as necessary concerning services provided to(or on behalf of) LA County/Pension Fund (or such other entities)with respect to retiree health insurance coverage.

Paula Stannard

5 3,251$


Review LACERA’s privacy, information security, and breachnotification policies for compliance with the HIPAA Privacy,Security, and Breach Notification Rules. (In addition to/to theextent that such review is not encompassed in Phase 1A.)

Paula Stannard

10 6,503$

e.       Review of existing LACERA notices and forms(authorization/consent) for compliance with HIPAA and theCalifornia Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA).

Paula Stannard8 5,202$


Review of LACERA training materials with respect to privacy,information security, and security incident/breach issues forcompliance with HIPAA. (In addition to/to the extent that suchreview is not encompassed in Phase 1A.)

Paula Stannard

10 6,503$

1C. Phase 1C: Business CriticalBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Malachi Alston,Meredith Gage 37,774$

a. 7 Interviews at 1.5 hours eachBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Meredith Gage

6 5 11 9,091$

b.        Request for DocumentsBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Malachi Alston,Meredith Gage 2 2 2 8 5,712$

c. Review DocumentsBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Malachi Alston,Meredith Gage 10 10 5 20 19,805$

d.        Surveys/Questionnaires to Vendors and OthersBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Malachi Alston,Meredith Gage 1 1 1 5 3,166$

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Alston & Bird Work Plan and Budget Model for LACERA*Total Fees

Shelton MacKay Gorsen Stannard Singleton Chemerinsky Caplan Alston Gage Includes 15% Discount off of 2015 Rates

Partner Partner Partner Counsel Counsel Associate Associate Associate Associate

Phase No. Matter Name/Number Description Team Members

Work Breakdown (Hours)Totals Includes 15% Discount off of 2015 Rates

2.         Phase 2: Analysis PhaseDominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, David Caplan,Kim Chemerinsky


2A.Phase 2A: General PrivacyAnalysis

Dominique Shelton andPaula Stannard 52,730$

a.        Analysis of data gathered and reviewed as part of the Fact GatheringPhase 1 and development of recommendations associated withsame.

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, David Caplan,Kim Chemerinsky

25 25 13 9 41,999$

b.       Legal research on CERL privacy requirements; and update of Alston& Bird Privacy & Cyber Best Practices Check list.

Dominique Shelton, KimChemerinsky 5 15 10,731$

3.        Phase 3: Preparation ofDeliverables

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, KimChemerinsky, DavidCaplan 94,393$

3A.Phase 3A: General Privacy andHealth Drafting of Report

Dominique Shelton andPaula Stannard 74,588$

a.         Prepare Preliminary legal assessment report.

Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, KimChemerinsky, DavidCaplan 38 30 4 3 46,984$

b.        Periodic updates presented to the Project Coordinator and staff.Dominique Shelton andPaula Stannard 10 10 12,920$

c.        Prepare Final Legal Assessment Report.Dominique Shelton, PaulaStannard, KimChemerinsky 10 5 10 14,684$

3B. Phase 3B: Business CriticalBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Malachi Alston,Meredith Gage 19,805$

a. Write Audit ReportBlake MacKay, LeahSingleton, Malachi Alston,Meredith Gage 10 10 5 20 19,805$


*Budget subject to confirmation of actual number of policies to be reviewed and scope of retention.

TOTAL Budget for All Matters

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Documents not attached are exempt from

disclosure under the California Public Records Act and other legal authority.

For further information, contact: LACERA

Attention: Public Records Act Requests 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 620

Pasadena, CA 91101

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October 3, 2016 TO: Each Member Board of Investments Board of Retirement

FROM: Barry W. Lew Legislative Affairs Officer FOR: October 12, 2016 Board of Investments Meeting October 13, 2016 Board of Retirement Meeting SUBJECT: LACERA Legislative Policy

RECOMMENDATION That the Board of Investments and Board of Retirement adopt the Legislative Policy.


At the Board of Investments meeting on July 13, 2016 and the Board of Retirement meeting on July 14, 2016, your Boards approved the work plan outlined by staff to redevelop the currently separate legislative policies into a single-source joint policy document. The work plan included a review of the draft policy by your Boards in order to propose revisions. The Board of Retirement reviewed and commented on the draft policy at its meeting on August 11, 2016, and the Board of Investments reviewed and commented on the draft policy at its meeting on September 14, 2016. On September 21, 2016, staff also sent a copy of the draft policy to the Intergovernmental and External Relations (IGER) Branch of the Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office for comments. IGER staff reviewed the draft policy and noted that there were no conflicts with the legislative policies approved by the Board of Supervisors. The following is a summary of the changes suggested by each Board. Board of Retirement

Page 13: Indicate when the Board may take a position on a ballot measure. Page 15: Include an overview of the legislative process by which a bill becomes law.

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LACERA Legislative Policy Board of Investments Board of Retirement October 3, 2016 Page 2

Board of Investments Page 6: Revise bullet point regarding supporting proposals that promote transparent financial reporting by deleting the reference to generally accepted accounting principles. Page 14: Monthly status report should cover all bills on which the Boards have taken a position, not just bills that are being supported or opposed. Page 14: Provide for a year-end report by staff at the end of each legislative session regarding bills on which the Boards had taken a position and their final disposition.

These changes to the draft policy are highlighted in the redlined copy under Attachment B along with other minor edits. The final copy incorporating the changes is in Attachment A. IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARDS adopt the Legislative Policy.

Reviewed and Approved:

______________________________ Steven P. Rice, Chief Counsel

Attachments 2016. Legislative Policy.BOI.BOR.100316

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Restated Board of Retirement: and Approved: Board of Investments:

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Page 2

Table of Contents

Statement of Mission and Purpose ........................................................................................ 3

Legislative Policy Standards ................................................................................................... 5

Definitions of Board Positions ................................................................................................ 8

Legislative Analysis Memorandum Format ........................................................................... 10

Action between Board Meetings .......................................................................................... 12

Ballot Measures .................................................................................................................. 13

Status Reports ..................................................................................................................... 14

Legislative Process ............................................................................................................... 15

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Page 3

Statement of Mission and Purpose The Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) was established under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) and administers retirement benefits provided by CERL and the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA). LACERA is governed by the Board of Retirement and the Board of Investments. The Boards have plenary authority and fiduciary responsibility for the system as provided by Section 17 of Article XVI of the California Constitution and in CERL. The Boards have the sole and exclusive fiduciary responsibility to administer the system in a manner that will assure prompt delivery of benefits and related services to its members and beneficiaries. The existence of LACERA and the fiduciary responsibility of its governing Boards are embodied in the organizational mission to produce, protect, and provide the promised benefits. Each element of our mission informs the foundation of this Legislative Policy:

Produce the highest quality of service for our members and sponsors.

Protect the promised benefits through prudent investment and conservation of plan assets.

Provide the promised benefits.

LACERA’s retirement plan benefits are provided by CERL, PEPRA, and other provisions under the California Government Code. As a tax-qualified defined benefit plan, LACERA is also subject to federal law under the Internal Revenue Code. The value to our members of the benefits administered by LACERA may also be affected by other provisions of state and federal law. Changes to provisions that affect LACERA are achieved through the state and federal legislative process and through forms of direct democracy by California voters, which include ballot initiatives and referenda. It is also intended that this policy cover state and federal rulemaking, although such action takes place within the Executive branch of government rather than the Legislative. These various proposals, whether submitted through the state or federal legislative process or through rulemaking, may enhance or detract from LACERA’s administrative capability and mission; they may also further or infringe upon the Boards’ fiduciary responsibilities, member rights and benefits, or LACERA’s mission. As such, the Boards will proactively monitor such proposals and voice its position regarding proposals as described in this policy. LACERA may identify issues that it determines to pursue through sponsorship of legislative proposals. The scope of such issues may vary in applicability to LACERA only or also to other public retirement systems. The diversity of public retirement plans within California implies a diversity of issues that may overlap with or have impact upon other public retirement systems. Consequently, the Boards may directly sponsor

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legislation or they may co-sponsor legislation with other public retirement systems, through the State Association of County Retirement Systems, or with other parties that may have an alignment of interest with LACERA with respect to an issue or proposal. The purpose of this Legislative Policy is to:

Establish legislative policy standards to guide staff in making recommendations regarding legislative proposals to the Boards.

Define the range of positions that the Boards may take with respect to legislative proposals.

Establish a standard memorandum format to provide legislative analysis and recommendations to the Boards.

Define circumstances in which the Board may need to communicate a position regarding a legislative proposal before the proposal is considered at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Establish guidelines for staff and Board actions related to ballot measures.

Provide for status reports of LACERA’s legislative advocacy efforts.

The overall goal of this policy is to provide the Boards with flexibility to pursue legislative action on any and all issues that the Boards may view as affecting LACERA’s mission. This policy shall be reviewed by the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments biannually at the end of each two-year legislative session and may be amended by action of both Boards at any time.

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Legislative Policy Standards

The legislative policy standards are categorized for the Board of Retirement, the Board of Investments, and both Boards. Legislative action items of interest to the Board of Retirement are first brought before the Board of Retirement’s Insurance, Benefits and Legislative Committee for consideration before being recommended to the Board of Retirement. However, items may go directly to the Board of Retirement for consideration with the agreement of both the Chair of the Board of Retirement and the Chair of the Insurance, Benefits and Legislative Committee. Legislative action items of interest to the Board of Investments are brought directly to the Board of Investments. Legislative action items of interest to both the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments are brought separately to both Boards. However, such items to be considered by the Board of Retirement will first be considered by the Board of Retirement’s Insurance, Benefits, and Legislative Committee before being recommended to the Board of Retirement. The legislative policy standards conceptually relate to LACERA’s mission to produce, protect, and provide the promised benefits; the legislative policy standards also embody the themes of quality of service, prudent investment, conservation of plan assets, and prompt delivery of benefits and services within each element of LACERA’s mission. Legislative proposals or rulemaking that are enacted into law ultimately require implementation by LACERA. The approach staff will take in formulating positions and recommendations is to foster collaboration with divisions within LACERA and resources outside of LACERA, including other public pension systems, LACERA’s legislative advocate, and others whose interests align with LACERA’s or who may have relevant information, to fully assess the impact of proposals. Although the legislative policy standards are intended to guide staff in formulating positions and recommendations to the Boards on legislative proposals or rulemaking, the Boards may in their discretion adopt any position on specific proposals. This policy is not intended to limit the flexibility of the Boards to take a position or other action on any legislative matter or rulemaking that may impact LACERA or its stakeholders, whether or not the specific subject matter is listed in this policy. Board of Retirement

Support proposals that provide the Board of Retirement with increased flexibility in its administration of retirement plans and operations or enable more efficient and effective service to members and stakeholders.

Support proposals that correct structural deficiencies in plan design.

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Support proposals that provide clarification, technical updates, or conforming changes to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, or other applicable provisions under California law related to public retirement systems.

Support proposals that protect vested benefits or have a positive impact upon LACERA’s members.

Support proposals that seek to prevent fraud in connection with retirement benefits and applications.

Oppose proposals that infringe on the Board of Retirement’s plenary authority or fiduciary responsibility.

Oppose proposals that deprive members of vested benefits.

Oppose proposals that mandate the release of confidential information of members and beneficiaries.

Oppose proposals that jeopardize the tax-exempt status of LACERA’s qualified retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code and the California Revenue and Taxation Code or the deferred treatment of income tax on employer and employee contributions and related earnings.

Oppose proposals that create unreasonable costs or complexity in the administration of retirement benefits.

Oppose proposals that are contrary to or interfere with the Board of Retirement’s adopted policies or decisions.

Board of Investments

Support proposals that give increased flexibility to the Board of Investments in its investment policy and administration.

Support proposals that preserve the assets and minimize the liabilities of trust funds administered by LACERA.

Support proposals that are consistent with the Board of Investments’ Corporate Governance Principles.

Support proposals that are consistent with the Board of Investments’ Statement of Investment Beliefs.

Support proposals that promote transparent financial reporting.

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Oppose proposals that infringe on the Board of Investments’ authority over the actuarial valuation process.

Oppose proposals that infringe on the Board of Investments’ plenary authority or fiduciary responsibility, including but not limited to investment mandates or restrictions.

Oppose proposals that create unreasonable costs or complexity in the administration of investments.

Oppose proposals that are contrary to or interfere with the Board of Investment’s adopted policies or decisions.

Board of Retirement & Board of Investments

Support proposals that harmonize the powers and functions of the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments but do not encroach on each Board’s respective separate jurisdiction.

Support proposals that enhance board member education and ethics.

Address proposals related to the administrative budget.

Address proposals related to the appointment of personnel.

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Definitions of Board Positions SPONSOR OR CO-SPONSOR

Indicates that the proposal was initiated by the Board or that the proposal was

initiated by one or more organizations with which LACERA shares sponsorship.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to achieve

passage of the proposal.


Indicates that the Board believes the proposal should become law.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to achieve

passage of the proposal.


Indicates that the Board conditionally supports the proposal in becoming law and

that amendments are necessary to facilitate implementation and administration.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate

the Board’s position and incorporate amendments into the proposal.


Indicates that the proposal affects LACERA and its stakeholders, but the Board

neither supports nor opposes it.

Does not require engagement with LACERA’s legislative advocate to achieve

passage or defeat of the proposal.


Indicates that the Board does not believe the proposal should become law.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate

the Board’s position and to defeat the proposal.


Indicates that the Board conditionally opposes the proposal in becoming law and

that amendments are necessary to remove the Board’s opposition.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate

the Board’s position and to incorporate amendments into the proposal.

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Indicates that the proposal does not affect LACERA and its stakeholders but

would be enacted under a law that covers LACERA such as CERL or PEPRA.

Indicates that proposal will be resubmitted to the Board for consideration if

amendments cause the proposal to affect LACERA and its stakeholders.

Once the Board has acted, these positions will typically be communicated by means of a letter from the Chief Executive Officer to the appropriate legislative officers. Staff coordinates with LACERA’s legislative advocate in preparing this letter and developing a communication and distribution strategy for the letter, which may include verbal communications by the legislative advocate with relevant legislators and/or legislative staff. In the rulemaking context, LACERA’s positions will typically be communicated to the enacting state or federal agency by means of a comment letter where the agency has provided an opportunity for public comment on a proposed rule before it is finalized and becomes effective.

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Legislative Analysis Memorandum Format The following is an outline of the format of the legislative analysis memorandum provided by staff. In general, the memorandum will follow this format but may be modified for specific cases.

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Date TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Bill Number Author: Sponsor: Introduced: Amended: Status: Board Position: Committee Recommendation: Staff Recommendation: [If the memo addresses rulemaking, the Subject section will provide similar relevant information.]

RECOMMENDATION [This section states staff’s or the Committee’s recommendation to the Board.]

LEGISLATIVE POLICY STANDARD [This section discusses the application of LACERA’s legislative policy standards to the proposal and the justification for the recommendation to the Board.]

SUMMARY [This section describes the provisions of the proposal and the key additions or updates the proposal makes to existing law.]

ANALYSIS [This section provides an analysis of the effects and implications of the proposal on LACERA.]

IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD [This section restates staff’s or the Committee’s recommendation and summary or concluding comments.]

Attachments Attachment 1—Board Positions Adopted On Related Legislation [This attachment states the positions the Board has previously taken on the subject matter of the bill.]

Attachment 2—Support And Opposition [This attachment identifies those entities that have already taken a position on the bill.]

Bill Text

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Action between Board Meetings The Board of Retirement generally meets twice a month, including a disability meeting on the first Wednesday and an administrative meeting on the Thursday following the second Wednesday; the Board of Investments meets once a month on the second Wednesday. The meeting schedules of the Boards do not necessarily accord with the hearing schedules and deadlines of the Legislature. The policy will provide direction for staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate a position on amendments to a bill before formal consideration by the Board of Retirement or Board of Investments if all the following conditions are met:

1. The Board had adopted a Support, Support If Amended, Oppose, or Oppose Unless Amended position on the bill before it was amended.

2. Substantive amendments that may justify a change in the Board’s position to other than Neutral or Watch have occurred in the bill after the Board adopted a position and before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

3. Consideration of the amended bill by a legislative committee or by the Assembly or Senate floor will occur before the amended bill can be considered at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Staff will take the following actions:

1. Prepare a legislative analysis of the amended bill for use in consultation.

2. Consult with the Chief Counsel, Chief Executive Officer, and legislative advocate for input regarding the amended bill to determine if the new position should be communicated to the Legislature.

3. If the new position should be communicated to the Legislature, consult with the Chair (or if not available, the Vice Chair) of the Board that has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the amended bill and obtain approval that the new position be communicated.

4. At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, present a report to the Board regarding the position communicated in Step 3 and a summary of actions taken.

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Ballot Measures California law provides for citizens to use ballot measures to initiate a state statute or a constitutional amendment or to repeal legislation through a veto referendum. The California State Legislature may also use ballot measures to offer legislatively referred state statutes or constitutional amendments. In general, a government agency may not spend public funds for a partisan campaign advocating the passage or defeat of a ballot measure. It is, however, permissible for a government agency to engage in informational activities. What distinguishes informational activities from campaign activities depends on the style, tenor, and timing of the activity. From time to time, ballot measures may be offered that are related to public retirement plans. The following guidelines are intended to provide guidance on actions that may be taken with respect to ballot measures on public retirement plans:

Providing informational staff reports and analysis on the ballot measure’s effect in a meeting open to the public.

Providing a recommendation for the Board to take a position on the ballot measure in a meeting open to the public where all perspectives can be shared. (The Board may or may not take a position on any ballot measure. The Board may take a position when it determines it is necessary to publicly express its opinion for or against a matter on which it feels strongly with respect to its impact on LACERA.)

Providing the Board’s position and views on the ballot measure’s merits and effects to interested stakeholders and organizations.

Responding to inquiries from stakeholders and the public regarding the Board’s position and views on the ballot measure.

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) was created by the Political Reform Act and requires government agencies to report expenses used to advocate or unambiguously urge the passage or defeat of a measure in an election. The FPPC also prohibits government agencies from paying for communication materials that advocate or unambiguously urge the passage or defeat of a measure in an election. LACERA must be cautious in not engaging in activities that can be characterized as campaign activities, which are prohibited and would be subject to campaign expenditure reporting requirements. Therefore, all activities related to ballot measures are subject to review by Chief Counsel.

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Status Reports For bills on which the Boards have taken a position, staff will provide a monthly status report listing each bill, its current status in the legislative process, and copies of communications used for lobbying the Legislature. The status report will be included in the green folders provided to the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments before regularly scheduled board meetings. At the end of each legislative session, staff will provide a year-end report of all the bills on which the Boards had taken a position and their final disposition.

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Legislative Process The following pages include an outline1 and a flowchart2 of the California legislative process through which a bill becomes law. In general, bills in the federal legislative process move through similar stages.

1 Overview of Legislative Process – Official California Legislative Information (http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/bil2lawx.html). 2 The Life Cycle of Legislation: From Idea into Law. California Legislature: Assembly Rules Committee.

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The process of government by which bills are considered and laws enacted is commonly referred to as theLegislative Process. The California State Legislature is made up of two houses: the Senate and the Assembly.There are 40 Senators and 80 Assembly Members representing the people of the State of California. TheLegislature has a legislative calendar containing important dates of activities during its two-year session.


All legislation begins as an idea or concept. Ideas and concepts can come from a variety of sources. Theprocess begins when a Senator or Assembly Member decides to author a bill.

The Author

A Legislator sends the idea for the bill to the Legislative Counsel where it is drafted into the actual bill. Thedraft of the bill is returned to the Legislator for introduction. If the author is a Senator, the bill is introduced inthe Senate. If the author is an Assembly Member, the bill is introduced in the Assembly.

First Reading/Introduction

A bill is introduced or read the first time when the bill number, the name of the author, and the descriptivetitle of the bill is read on the floor of the house. The bill is then sent to the Office of State Printing. No billmay be acted upon until 30 days has passed from the date of its introduction.

Committee Hearings

The bill then goes to the Rules Committee of the house of origin where it is assigned to the appropriate policycommittee for its first hearing. Bills are assigned to policy committees according to subject area of the bill.For example, a Senate bill dealing with health care facilities would first be assigned to the Senate Health andHuman Services Committee for policy review. Bills that require the expenditure of funds must also be heardin the fiscal committees: Senate Appropriations or Assembly Appropriations. Each house has a number ofpolicy committees and a fiscal committee. Each committee is made up of a specified number of Senators orAssembly Members.

During the committee hearing the author presents the bill to the committee and testimony can be heard insupport of or opposition to the bill. The committee then votes by passing the bill, passing the bill as amended,or defeating the bill. Bills can be amended several times. Letters of support or opposition are important andshould be mailed to the author and committee members before the bill is scheduled to be heard in committee.It takes a majority vote of the full committee membership for a bill to be passed by the committee.

Each house maintains a schedule of legislative committee hearings. Prior to a bill's hearing, a bill analysis isprepared that explains current law, what the bill is intended to do, and some background information.Typically the analysis also lists organizations that support or oppose the bill.

Second and Third Reading

Bills passed by committees are read a second time on the floor in the house of origin and then assigned tothird reading. Bill analyses are also prepared prior to third reading. When a bill is read the third time it isexplained by the author, discussed by the Members and voted on by a roll call vote. Bills that require anappropriation or that take effect immediately, generally require 27 votes in the Senate and 54 votes in theAssembly to be passed. Other bills generally require 21 votes in the Senate and 41 votes in the Assembly. If a

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bill is defeated, the Member may seek reconsideration and another vote.

Repeat Process in other House

Once the bill has been approved by the house of origin it proceeds to the other house where the procedure isrepeated.

Resolution of Differences

If a bill is amended in the second house, it must go back to the house of origin for concurrence, which isagreement on the amendments. If agreement cannot be reached, the bill is referred to a two house conferencecommittee to resolve differences. Three members of the committee are from the Senate and three are from theAssembly. If a compromise is reached, the bill is returned to both houses for a vote.


If both houses approve a bill, it then goes to the Governor. The Governor has three choices. The Governorcan sign the bill into law, allow it to become law without his or her signature, or veto it. A governor's veto canbe overridden by a two thirds vote in both houses. Most bills go into effect on the first day of January of thenext year. Urgency measures take effect immediately after they are signed or allowed to become law withoutsignature.

California Law

Bills that are passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor are assigned a chapter number by theSecretary of State. These Chaptered Bills (also referred to as Statutes of the year they were enacted) thenbecome part of the California Codes. The California Codes are a comprehensive collection of laws groupedby subject matter.

The California Constitution sets forth the fundamental laws by which the State of California is governed. Allamendments to the Constitution come about as a result of constitutional amendments presented to the peoplefor their approval.

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Bill may not be heard by committee until 31st day after


COMMITTEE HEARING:Policy or Appropriations












COMMITTEE HEARING:Policy or Appropriations














Bill may not be heard by committee until 31st day after


COMMITTEE HEARING:Policy or Appropriations









Although the procedure can become complicated, this chart shows the essential steps for passage of a bill.

Typical committee actions are used to simplify charting the course of legislation.

Some bills require hearings by more than one committee, in which case a committee may re–refer the bill to another committee. For example, bills with monetary implications must be re–referred to the proper fiscal committee in each House before they are sent to the second reading file and final action.

A bill may be amended at various times as it moves through the Houses. The bill must be reprinted each time an amendment is adopted by either house. All bill actions are printed in the DAILY FILES, JOURNALS and HISTORIES.

If a bill is amended in the opposite House, it is returned to the House of Origin for concurrence in amendments. If House of Origin does not concur, a Conference Committee Report must then be adopted by each House before the bill can be sent to the Governor.



















es, C















COMMITTEE HEARING:Policy or Appropriations









RETURN TO ASSEMBLY FLOORConcurrence in Senate Amendments



3 SenateMembers






*Follow sameprocedures

as in theAssembly

RETURN TO SENATE FLOORConcurrence in Assembly Amendments

LEGISLATUREHAS 60 DAYS(not includingjoint recesses)TO OVERRIDE




Bill becomes law January 1st of the following year unless it contains an urgency clause (takes effect immediately) or specifies its own effective date.


























** Assembly policy committeewill do Governor's Veto analysis












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Restated Board of Retirement: and Approved: Board of Investments:

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Page 2

Table of Contents

Statement of Mission and Purpose ........................................................................................ 3

Legislative Policy Standards ................................................................................................... 5

Definitions of Board Positions ................................................................................................ 8

Legislative Analysis Memorandum Format ........................................................................... 10

Action between Board Meetings .......................................................................................... 12

Ballot Measures .................................................................................................................. 13

Status Reports ..................................................................................................................... 14

Legislative Process ............................................................................................................... 15

Statement of Mission and Purpose ........................................................................................ 3

Legislative Policy Standards ................................................................................................... 5

Definitions of Board Positions ................................................................................................ 8

Legislative Analysis Memorandum Format ........................................................................... 10

Action between Board Meetings .......................................................................................... 12

Ballot Measures .................................................................................................................. 13

Status Reports ..................................................................................................................... 14

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Page 3

Statement of Mission and Purpose The Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) was established under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) and administers retirement benefits provided by CERL and the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA). LACERA is governed by the Board of Retirement and the Board of Investments. The Boards have plenary authority and fiduciary responsibility for the system as provided by Section 17 of Article XVI of the California Constitution and in CERL. The Boards have the sole and exclusive fiduciary responsibility to administer the system in a manner that will assure prompt delivery of benefits and related services to its members and beneficiaries. The existence of LACERA and the fiduciary responsibility of its governing Boards are embodied in the organizational mission to produce, protect, and provide the promised benefits. Each element of our mission informs the foundation of this Legislative Policy:

Produce the highest quality of service for our members and sponsors.

Protect the promised benefits through prudent investment and conservation of plan assets.

Provide the promised benefits.

LACERA’s retirement plan benefits are provided by CERL, PEPRA, and other provisions under the California Government Code. As a tax-qualified defined benefit plan, LACERA is also subject to federal law under the Internal Revenue Code. The value to our members of the benefits administered by LACERA may also be affected by other provisions of state and federal law. Changes to provisions that affect LACERA are achieved through the state and federal legislative process and through forms of direct democracy by California voters, which include ballot initiatives and referenda. It is also intended that this policy cover state and federal rulemaking, although such action takes place within the Executive branch of government rather than the Legislative. These various proposals, whether submitted through the state or federal legislative process or through rulemaking, may enhance or detract from LACERA’s administrative capability and mission; they may also further or infringe upon the Boards’ fiduciary responsibilities, member rights and benefits, or LACERA’s mission. As such, the Boards will proactively monitor such proposals and voice its position regarding proposals as described in this policy. LACERA may identify issues that it determines to pursue through sponsorship of legislative proposals. The scope of such issues may vary in applicability to LACERA only or also to other public retirement systems. The diversity of public retirement plans within California implies a diversity of issues that may overlap with or have impact upon

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Page 4

other public retirement systems. Consequently, the Boards may directly sponsor legislation or they may co-sponsor legislation with other public retirement systems, through the State Association of County Retirement Systems, or with other parties that may have an alignment of interest with LACERA with respect to an issue or proposal. The purpose of this Legislative Policy is to:

Establish legislative policy standards to guide staff in making recommendations regarding legislative proposals to the Boards.

Define the range of positions that the Boards may take with respect to legislative proposals.

Establish a standard memorandum format to provide legislative analysis and recommendations to the Boards.

Define circumstances in which the Board may need to communicate a position regarding a legislative proposal before the proposal is considered at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Establish guidelines for staff and Board actions related to ballot measures.

Provide for status reports of LACERA’s legislative advocacy efforts.

The overall goal of this policy is to provide the Boards with flexibility to pursue legislative action on any and all issues that the Boards may view as affecting LACERA’s mission. This policy shall be reviewed by the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments biannually at the end of each two-year legislative session and may be amended by action of both Boards at any time.

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Page 5

Legislative Policy Standards

The legislative policy standards are categorized for the Board of Retirement, the Board of Investments, and both Boards. Legislative action items of interest to the Board of Retirement are first brought before the Board of Retirement’s Insurance, Benefits and Legislative Committee for consideration before being recommended to the Board of Retirement. However, items may go directly to the Board of Retirement for consideration with the agreement of both the Chair of the Board of Retirement and the Chair of the Insurance, Benefits and Legislative Committee. Legislative action items of interest to the Board of Investments are brought directly to the Board of Investments. Legislative action items of interest to both the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments are brought separately to both Boards. However, such items to be considered by the Board of Retirement will first be considered by the Board of Retirement’s Insurance, Benefits, and Legislative Committee before being recommended to the Board of Retirement. The legislative policy standards conceptually relate to LACERA’s mission to produce, protect, and provide the promised benefits; the legislative policy standards also embody the themes of quality of service, prudent investment, conservation of plan assets, and prompt delivery of benefits and services within each element of LACERA’s mission. Legislative proposals or rulemaking that are enacted into law ultimately require implementation by LACERA. The approach staff will take in formulating positions and recommendations is to foster collaboration with divisions within LACERA and resources outside of LACERA, including other public pension systems, LACERA’s legislative advocate, and others whose interests align with LACERA’s or who may have relevant information, to fully assess the impact of proposals. Although the legislative policy standards are intended to guide staff in formulating positions and recommendations to the Boards on legislative proposals or rulemaking, the Boards may in their discretion adopt any position on specific proposals. This policy is not intended to limit the flexibility of the Boards to take a position or other action on any legislative matter or rulemaking that may impact LACERA or its stakeholders, whether or not the specific subject matter is listed in this policy. Board of Retirement

Support proposals that provide the Board of Retirement with increased flexibility in its administration of retirement plans and operations or enable more efficient and effective service to members and stakeholders.

Support proposals that correct structural deficiencies in plan design.

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Page 6

Support proposals that provide clarification, technical updates, or conforming changes to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, or other applicable provisions under California law related to public retirement systems.

Support proposals that protect vested benefits or have a positive impact upon LACERA’s members.

Support proposals that seek to prevent fraud in connection with retirement benefits and applications.

Oppose proposals that infringe on the Board of Retirement’s plenary authority or fiduciary responsibility.

Oppose proposals that deprive members of vested benefits.

Oppose proposals that mandate the release of confidential information of members and beneficiaries.

Oppose proposals that jeopardize the tax-exempt status of LACERA’s qualified retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code and the California Revenue and Taxation Code or the deferred treatment of income tax on employer and employee contributions and related earnings.

Oppose proposals that create unreasonable costs or complexity in the administration of retirement benefits.

Oppose proposals that are contrary to or interfere with the Board of Retirement’s adopted policies or decisions.

Board of Investments

Support proposals that give increased flexibility to the Board of Investments in its investment policy and administration.

Support proposals that preserve the assets and minimize the liabilities of trust funds administered by LACERA.

Support proposals that are consistent with the Board of Investments’ Corporate Governance Principles.

Support proposals that are consistent with the Board of Investments’ Statement of Investment Beliefs.

Support proposals that promote transparent financial reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

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Page 7

Oppose proposals that infringe on the Board of Investments’ authority over the actuarial valuation process.

Oppose proposals that infringe on the Board of Investments’ plenary authority or fiduciary responsibility, including but not limited to investment mandates or restrictions.

Oppose proposals that create unreasonable costs or complexity in the administration of investments.

Oppose proposals that are contrary to or interfere with the Board of Investment’s adopted policies or decisions.

Board of Retirement & Board of Investments

Support proposals that harmonize the powers and functions of the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments but do not encroach on each Board’s respective separate jurisdiction.

Support proposals that enhance board member education and ethics.

Address proposals related to the administrative budget.

Address proposals related to the appointment of personnel.

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Page 8

Definitions of Board Positions SPONSOR OR CO-SPONSOR

Indicates that the proposal was initiated by the Board or that the proposal was

initiated by one or more organizations with which LACERA shares sponsorship.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to achieve

passage of the proposal.


Indicates that the Board believes the proposal should become law.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to achieve

passage of the proposal.


Indicates that the Board conditionally supports the proposal in becoming law and

that amendments are necessary to facilitate implementation and administration.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate

the Board’s position and incorporate amendments into the proposal.


Indicates that the proposal affects LACERA and its stakeholders, but the Board

neither supports nor opposes it.

Does not require engagement with LACERA’s legislative advocate to achieve

passage or defeat of the proposal.


Indicates that the Board does not believe the proposal should become law.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate

the Board’s position and to defeat the proposal.


Indicates that the Board conditionally opposes the proposal in becoming law and

that amendments are necessary to remove the Board’s opposition.

Authorizes staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate

the Board’s position and to incorporate amendments into the proposal.

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Page 9


Indicates that the proposal does not affect LACERA and its stakeholders but

would be enacted under a law that covers LACERA such as CERL or PEPRA.

Indicates that proposal will be resubmitted to the Board for consideration if

amendments cause the proposal to affect LACERA and its stakeholders.

Once the Board has acted, these positions will typically be communicated by means of a letter from the Chief Executive Officer to the appropriate legislative officers. Staff coordinates with LACERA’s legislative advocate in preparing this letter and developing a communication and distribution strategy for the letter, which may include verbal communications by the legislative advocate with relevant legislators and/or legislative staff. In the rulemaking context, LACERA’s positions will typically be communicated to the enacting state or federal agency by means of a comment letter where the agency has provided an opportunity for public comment on a proposed rule before it is finalized and becomes effective.

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Page 10

Legislative Analysis Memorandum Format The following is an outline of the format of the legislative analysis memorandum provided by staff. In general, the memorandum will follow this format but may be modified for specific cases.

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Page 11

Date TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Bill Number Author: Sponsor: Introduced: Amended: Status: Board Position: Committee Recommendation: Staff Recommendation: [If the memo addresses rulemaking, the Subject section will provide similar relevant information.]

RECOMMENDATION [This section states staff’s or the Committee’s recommendation to the Board.]

LEGISLATIVE POLICY STANDARD [This section discusses the application of LACERA’s legislative policy standards to the proposal and the justification for the recommendation to the Board.]

SUMMARY [This section describes the provisions of the proposal and the key additions or updates the proposal makes to existing law.]

ANALYSIS [This section provides an analysis of the effects and implications of the proposal on LACERA.]

IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD [This section restates staff’s or the Committee’s recommendation and summary or concluding comments.]

Attachments Attachment 1—Board Positions Adopted On Related Legislation [This attachment states the positions the Board has previously taken on the subject matter of the bill.]

Attachment 2—Support And Opposition [This attachment identifies those entities that have already taken a position on the bill.]

Bill Text

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Page 12

Action between Board Meetings The Board of Retirement generally meets twice a month, including a disability meeting on the first Wednesday and an administrative meeting on the Thursday following the second Wednesday; the Board of Investments meets once a month on the second Wednesday. The meeting schedules of the Boards do not necessarily accord with the hearing schedules and deadlines of the Legislature. The policy will provide direction for staff to engage with LACERA’s legislative advocate to communicate a position on amendments to a bill before formal consideration by the Board of Retirement or Board of Investments if all the following conditions are met:

1. The Board had adopted a Support, Support If Amended, Oppose, or Oppose Unless Amended position on the bill before it was amended.

2. Substantive amendments that may justify a change in the Board’s position to other than Neutral or Watch have occurred in the bill after the Board adopted a position and before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

3. Consideration of the amended bill by a legislative committee or by the Assembly or Senate floor will occur before the amended bill can be considered at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Staff will take the following actions:

1. Prepare a legislative analysis of the amended bill for use in consultation.

2. Consult with the Chief Counsel, Chief Executive Officer, and legislative advocate for input regarding the amended bill to determine if the new position should be communicated to the Legislature.

3. If the new position should be communicated to the Legislature, consult with the Chair (or if not available, the Vice Chair) of the Board that has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the amended bill and obtain approval that the new position be communicated.

4. At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, present a report to the Board regarding the position communicated in Step 3 and a summary of actions taken.

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Page 13

Ballot Measures California law provides for citizens to use ballot measures to initiate a state statute or a constitutional amendment or to repeal legislation through a veto referendum. The California State Legislature may also use ballot measures to offer legislatively referred state statutes or constitutional amendments. In general, a government agency may not spend public funds for a partisan campaign advocating the passage or defeat of a ballot measure. It is, however, permissible for a government agency to engage in informational activities. What distinguishes informational activities from campaign activities depends on the style, tenor, and timing of the activity. From time to time, ballot measures may be offered that are related to public retirement plans. The following guidelines are intended to provide guidance on actions that may be taken with respect to ballot measures on public retirement plans:

Providing informational staff reports and analysis on the ballot measure’s effect in a meeting open to the public.

Providing a recommendation for the Board to take a position on the ballot measure in a meeting open to the public where all perspectives can be shared. (The Board may or may not take a position on any ballot measure. The Board may take a position when it determines it is necessary to publicly express its opinion for or against a matter on which it feels strongly with respect to its impact on LACERA.)

Providing the Board’s position and views on the ballot measure’s merits and effects to interested stakeholders and organizations.

Responding to inquiries from stakeholders and the public regarding the Board’s position and views on the ballot measure.

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) was created by the Political Reform Act and requires government agencies to report expenses used to advocate or unambiguously urge the passage or defeat of a measure in an election. The FPPC also prohibits government agencies from paying for communication materials that advocate or unambiguously urge the passage or defeat of a measure in an election. LACERA must be cautious in not engaging in activities that can be characterized as campaign activities, which are prohibited and would be subject to campaign expenditure reporting requirements. Therefore, all activities related to ballot measures are subject to review by Chief Counsel.

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Status Reports For bills that the Boards are actively supporting or opposingon which the Boards have taken a position, staff will provide a monthly status report listing each bill, its current status in the legislative process, and copies of communications used for lobbying the Legislature. The status report will be included in the green folders provided to the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments before regularly scheduled board meetings. Staff will provide the current status of all monitored legislation on a monthly basis in legislative charts that are included in the green folders provided to the Board of Retirement and Board of Investments before each regularly scheduled board meeting.At the end of each legislative session, staff will provide a year-end report of all the bills on which the Boards had taken a position and their final disposition.

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Page 15

Legislative Process The following pages include an outline1 and a flowchart2 of the California legislative process through which a bill becomes law. In general, bills in the federal legislative process move through similar stages.

1 Overview of Legislative Process – Official California Legislative Information (http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/bil2lawx.html). 2 The Life Cycle of Legislation: From Idea into Law. California Legislature: Assembly Rules Committee.

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September 26, 2016

FOR INFORMATION ONLY TO: Each Member Board of Investments Board of Retirement

FROM: Barry W. Lew Legislative Affairs Officer

FOR: October 12, 2016 Board of Investments Meeting

October 13, 2016 Board of Retirement Meeting SUBJECT: Update on Assembly Bill 1853 – County Employees Retirement

Districts AB 1853 would provide the retirement board of any retirement system operating under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 with the ability, subject to certain procedures, to adopt a resolution to become a district, which would enable the employees of the retirement system, who are currently employed by the county, to be directly employed by the retirement system. The Board of Investments adopted a “Watch” position on AB 1853 on July 13, 2016, and the Board of Retirement adopted an “Oppose” position on AB 1853 on July 14, 2016. On September 23, 2016, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed AB 1853. Attached is his veto message, which states that the bill was too far-reaching and that a collaborative approach between a county and its retirement system better serves the public interest.

Reviewed and Approved:

______________________________ Steven P. Rice, Chief Counsel

Attachment 2016 Leg.AB 1853.BOI.BOR.Info Only.092616

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October 4, 2016 TO: Each Member,

Board of Investments FROM: Beulah S. Auten, CPA, CGFM, CGMA

Chief Financial Officer FOR: October 12, 2016 – Board of Investments Meeting SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Interest Crediting for Reserves as of June 30, 2016 (Audited) Pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law Section 31591, regular interest shall be credited semi-annually on June 30 and December 31 to all contributions in the retirement fund, which have been on deposit six months immediately prior to such date at an interest rate of 2.5% per annum, until otherwise determined by your Board. The semi-annual interest crediting rate applicable for June 30, 2016 was 3.75% (i.e., 7.50% annual rate). You may recall that in October 2011, your Board approved to reduce the assumed actuarial earnings rate over a three-year period from 7.75% to 7.50%. The existing rate of 7.50% was implemented with your Board’s adoption of the June 30, 2013 actuarial valuation. To provide ample time for both the plan sponsor and LACERA to prepare for the rate change implementation, the existing 7.50% rate became effective July 1, 2014, which was also when the corresponding employee contribution rates as recommended in the June 30, 2013 valuation report, took effect. Going forward, this annual rate of 7.50% remains in effect unless your Board adopts a different rate. The Retirement Benefit Funding Policy stipulates that interest credits for Reserve accounts are allocated in the same priority order as the allocation of actuarial assets. Such interest credits are granted based on Realized Earnings for the period. The allocation of Realized Earnings is performed twice each year on June 30 and December 31. As of June 30, 2016, all available Realized Earnings, which were less than the required interest credit rate of 3.75%, were applied to the Member Reserves. Thus, there were no additional earnings available to apply to other priorities. Also, there was no Advanced Employer Contributions Reserve balance for the fiscal year 2015-2016. The table below depicts the actual interest credit allocations for the six-month period ended June 30, 2016.

Priority Order Reserve Account Interest Rate Applied

1 Member 3.58%

2 Advanced Employer Contributions N/A

3 Employer 0.00%

At their respective meetings last month, LACERA’s Chief Executive Officer provided both Boards a preview of unanticipated changes to the unaudited versus the audited interest crediting rates applied to the Reserve accounts. Specifically, the reduction of the interest crediting rate allocated to the Member Reserves from the initial estimate of 3.75% (unaudited) to 3.58% based on audited financial results. There was a similar change in the interest crediting rate allocated to the Employer Reserves from the initial estimate of 0.24% (unaudited) to a 0.00% audited rate. LACERA’s external auditor has been

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Semi-Annual Interest Crediting for Reserves as of June 30, 2016 (Audited) October 4, 2016 Page 2 apprised of this situation and determined there is no material impact to the June 30, 2016 financial statements. Staff will be briefing the Board of Retirement’s Operations Oversight Committee at its next meeting regarding the impact to members’ accounts. Additionally, staff will be performing a root cause analysis of this event and determine the best way to mitigate risks in the future. REVIEWED AND APPROVED: ______________________________ GREGG RADEMACHER Chief Executive Officer Interest Credit Rate Jun 2016 (audited)_final.doc GR:BSA:tg

c: Board of Retirement, LACERA Sachi A. Hamai, CEO, Los Angeles County

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Documents not attached are exempt from

disclosure under the California Public Records Act and other legal authority.

For further information, contact: LACERA

Attention: Public Records Act Requests 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 620

Pasadena, CA 91101

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Documents not attached are exempt from

disclosure under the California Public Records Act and other legal authority.

For further information, contact: LACERA

Attention: Public Records Act Requests 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 620

Pasadena, CA 91101

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Documents not attached are exempt from

disclosure under the California Public Records Act and other legal authority.

For further information, contact: LACERA

Attention: Public Records Act Requests 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 620

Pasadena, CA 91101