i e v paper-i % s gonechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016758/1920-01... · the princeton union:...

THE PRINCETON UNION: THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920f r ,MW,M, " Mtwl '^fflnfflffl^ Before the* Last Sheet of "i e V % Paper-is Gone : The ordinary box of stationery contains 24 sheets-. Before the last sheet is gone you are tired of the color, perhaps the size or the shape, and you want to make a change. Before the last sheet is gone see our stationery stock with all that is newest and best in modern tints and tones with cuts and shapes that are as individual as they, can be. Economy papers of social distinction. Use them and you will be re- marked for your smartness. C. A. Jack Drug Co. Open Sundays from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. The "Rexall" Druggists LOCAL BREVITIES. George I Staples is the only person who is authorized to collect money due this office. In every caje the party paying: money is entitled to and should insist upon receiving a printed receipt. —MRS. R. C. DUNN. Publisher. Take Notice. To Advertisers, Correspondents and Other Contributors: To insure inser- tion in the Union it is necessary that all copy be received at the office not later than Tuesday. When copy ar- rives in large quantity on Wednesday it is ofttimes necessary to omit part of it for want of time. Therefore we would thank you to send it m early in the week—the earlier the better. Bob King was m Minneapolis on land business Monday. M. M. Stroeter was up from his of- fice in Minneapolis over Sunday. .\ A farm home should be as pleasant ^ffc-and comfortable as a city home. Is ,f i ^ / y o u r s ? T. F. Scheen and his daughter, Hjoerdis, were in St. Paul the first part of the week. Highest market prices paid for hides and furs at Calvin Olson's meat mar- ket, Princeton. 52-tfc Attorney O. C. Myron was down from Milaca on business in probate court on Mond^r. Mrs. G. H. Gottwerth is visiting relatives in Minneapolis and will re- main about a week. Just try us on that cream and you will Townsend Produce Co. next can of come again. 44-tfc Gus Land on Monday accompanied his daughter, Ruth, to St. Paul, where she will engage in dressmaking. j Attorney Harris Richardson of St. j Paul was hero attending a hearing in j Judge Sanford's court on Monday. i "1 E. L. McMillan returned yesterday from Mora, where he was counsel in * M .an important lawsuit m district court. >,f Winter term at the St. Cloud Busi- r"* Tiess college has just begun. Get in now for the winter classes. Vath & Ahles. 3-lc Joe Kaliher returned to his school at St. John's college, Collegeville, on TMonday after a pleasant holiday vaca- tion at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Glade and family "have returned from a visit; in Iowa. Mr Glade says that the coal shortage "there is serious. „ Dr. J. F. Kothman, optometrist, will "be in town on Tuesday, Jan. 27. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. Office at Merchants' hotel. 2-tfc t ! Miss Mary Caley, who spent the ' "holidays at her home here, returred to 'L^lier studies at St. Catherine's college, JS^St. Paul, on Tuesday. -*J# Mrs. C. W. Williams (nee Una Fox), •^ r -who has been visiting*her father and •Asters here, returned to her home in Aberdeen, S. D., on Monday. attend Paul and purchase Shorthorns. Is an up-to-date stock farmer Louis J. P. DeRose of Pease was in, Prince- ton on business Tuesday. Attorney Evan H. Peterson was in the cities on business Tuesday. Do not sell a hide without getting our prices. Townsend Produee com- pany. 44-tfc O. Sternquist, an up-to-date Wya- nett farmer, was among our callers on Monday. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Me- diae last Thursday—a real New Year present. Ludwig Johnson of Greenbush, one of the prosperous farmers of that township, visited the Union force on Monday. A dance will be given in the M. B. A. hall, Wyanett, on Saturday even- ing, January 10. Music by Fixell's orchestra. 3_ip Follow the tracks of Wapi to" the Strand theater Sunday and Monday, January II and 12, and see "Back to God's Country." » 3_i c Michael Quigley of Foreston was in attendance at the annual meeting of the county commissioners this week in connection with his road proposition. Hiss Margaret Armitage left here on Monday to continue her studies at Fond du Lac, Wis. She will graduate in June. Her mother accompanied her as far as St. Paul on the trip. This (Thursday) evening a card par- ty will be held at St. Edward's at 8 o'clock. Lunch will be served by the Christian Mothers after the games. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A special sale will be held at Mrs. Dorff's milinery store, beginning to- morrow and lasting until stock is sold. Trimmed hats from $1.98 to $2.98, also hosiery at 35 cents and 50 cents per pair. ' 3_ic f Among our callers on Saturday were Geo. Deglman of Greenbush, E. A. Taylor of Spencer Brook and Andrew Larson of Brickton, all representative farmers of this territory and hale fel- lows well met. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. McCormic and children returned to their home at Alexandria on Monday. They were visiting Mrs. McCormic's mother, Mrs. Norah Dugan, and other relatives in Baldwin. Mrs. A. E. Hayes and daughter, Dorothy, left last Thursday for Wi- baux, Mont., for a visit of two weeks with Mr. Hayes' parents. From there they will go to San diego, Cal., for a couple of months. farm. We pay cash for eggs. Produce Co. -.* - ~ Townsend A Voice From the Tomb. 44-tfc Nearly a year ago this paper pre- A , , dieted the political rejuvenation of Am now prepared to do your house William j Bryan; decla * ed that he wiring. Henry Olson, Tel. 198. 3-2c The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. (Will Hatch next Tuesday afternoon. a call. A. J. Bjork has sold his interest in the Bjork Bros.' garage to Oscar Lund- gren of Cambridge." ^f .. " "" V Arthur M. Larson of the Braham granite and marble works is in town for a few days' stay. would be an aggressive candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidency; that he was likely to get the nomination; that he would proba- Jesse Rogers was down from Kathio ^ y * u r n o u t to ^ e * ne most available yesterday and favored the Union with man for the nomination; that his plan - --" ' o f campaign in 1920, as in 1896, would invojve the practical repudiation of the record of the administration he helped put in power four years before on pledges forgotten and promises un- redeemed, i % & k / Well, William J. is at large once more. He is preparing to make the- effort to capitalize the discontent his own party has created for its own vindication, as he did in 1896, when Cleveland and all his works were thrown overboard and the country was asked to forget and forgive alL that had happened because Mr. Bryan had changed the subject from the robber tariff to the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Keep your eye on the colonel. His lungs are as good as ever. He is as much a demagogue as ever. He is as anxious to run as ever. He needs ad- vertising worse than ever. The demo- cratic party is in the condition of a badly run down individual—m shape to take any disease that comes along. And then, besides, the great advan- tage m nominating Bryan is that he only runs for exercise* and his share of the gate receipts.—National Repub- lican. * Miss Agnes Pieters, who was home for the holidays, has returned 'to her millinery work in Minneapolis. We have fine carnations in bloom in our greenhouse, also white narcis- sus and violets. Princeton Green- house. ' 3_i p H. F. Mann of Wahkon and JaS. Warren of Onamia were here on busi- ness yesterday and favored the Union with a call. Wanted—An experienced girl for general housework in a small family. Wages no object for right kind of girl. Inquire at Union office. 3-tfc Mrs. Ed. Nelson and little son, Alan, who have been visiting the former's girlhood home at Fargo, N. D., for the past three weeks, returned home last Saturday. The sugar bowl has again been re- moved from the hotel dining rooms and the fellow who is extravagant in the use of the, sweetener is now com- pelled to economize. Miss Grace Brennan, who was home from Colerame, where she is teaching in the public schools, for the holidays, returned on Saturday. She is well pleased with her position. For Sale—A six-burner, No. 9, Majestic range, a first-class baker, in perfect condition; also cooking uten- sils of all kinds, several rugs and a sanitary couch. Mrs. H. R. Mallctte. 3-lc P. M. Abrahamson was in from his farm in Greenbush township on Tues- day. He is still on the section where he was born 50 years ago and is a very successful farmer as well as a pleasant gentleman. The West Branch creamery associa- tion will hold its annual meeting in the school house of district 7, Estes Brook, on Saturday, January 24, at 1 o'clock sharp. As business of much impor- tance will come up for consideration every member is asked to be in atten- dance. 3.2c The big sacrifice sale at Alfred Me- hn & Co.'s store is attracting large numbers of people and Manager Berggren says he is well satisfied with results. This sale will not close until Saturday night, so you will have plen- ty of time to take advantage of the bargains offered by this reliable firm. The,Dorcas society held a business meeting at the home of Mrs. C. A. Jack yesterday afternoon and elected officers for the ensuing year as fol- lows: President, Mrs. C. A. Jack; vice president, Mrs. Isabel Carleton; secretary, Mrs. Ed. Nelson; treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Milne. About 60 members were present and delicious refresh- ments were served. town on Monday. He says that he is a great advocate of farmers' clubs and organizations that will benefit the til- lers of the soil, but he does not be- lieve in paying out money for political schemes and grafts from which the farmers get no returns. Godfrey is level headed. He does not propose to deposit his hard-earned >money in a sink hole. A r , "Me Too" Burleson. The postoffice department's admin- istration of the telephone and tele- graph systems of the country during the war has proven to be a duplica- tion of the sorry story of government operation- of the railroads during the same period, according to the final re- port upon this subject by Postmaster General Burleson. Although the gov- ernment's activities in connection with telephone and telegraph lines were not so vast as its railroad activities, the story pf the loss of millions of dollars to the government is the same. Irrefutable Evidence. "You always,have the same wait- ress in the restaurant, don't you?" said the business man. » "Always," replied his friend. "She's very careful to bring me clean food." "How do you know?" "Why today I saw her brushing the dust off my custard pie with her apron." -nfc- ;1 OPSTEAD Mrs. C. G. Haggberg and son visit- ed at the Jonas Grant home on Sun- day afternoon. Miss Ella Jaemcke returned on Sun- day from her home at Princeton and resumed her school duties on Monday. The angel of death has again visited this neighborhood, the fourth 4ime within a month, this time taking av.ay Mrs. Axel Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smith. She had been ill about five weeks Two weeks ago she was taken to a Duluth hospital, where she died at 5 o'clock Saturday after- noon. Ruth Smith, her maiden name, was married to Axel Olson in Septem- ber, 1917, and she made her home here most of the time. She leaves to mourn her death her husband and little son, Merriam Lester, aged seven weeks r her parents and five brothers, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy in this, their hour of sorrow. Andrew Kalberg has purchased C. G. Haggberg's cattle. * : + I GLENDORADO & SANTIAGO I Deborah and David Howard of VmBtf&)P**Bm FIVB MS Godfrey Johnson of Wyanett was in Snake River visited relatives here on A school of agriculture boy sold $800 worth of melons from an acre <of land last year. He kept an accu- rate reqord of all operations ,and can tell just what they cost him to grow. "Uncle" Bill King was in from Wya- That kind of bookkeeping pays on any nett on Monday and we are pleased to Fred Dugan and son were visiting relatives and friends in this part of T . AT ,. , ,, ,, , , the country during the holidays. They Louis Normandin left on Monday to returned , o n M o n d to thei / home £ tend the cattle show at South St.| MileB City> M o n t ? W f l e r e Fred ^ ^ good position with a commercial agency. , A marriage license was issued on January 2 by Clerk of Court Garrison -to George R. Anderson of Atwater land Emily Dahlstrom of Milaca". Sixteen kinds of wild animals play a |J|'-unique part in "Back to God's Coun- try," shown at the Strand theater Sun- day and Monday, January 11 and 12. Have you visited your local school this year? The teacher would like to have you do so. Better schools will re- sult in any community if all take an ^interest in them. A ^. ^ - ^ Rfcfcff -£•< ii^* r ^ ," Little Jo,e Armitage is still unable to be outdoors with his playmates in consequence of a relapse, but his friends hope he will soon be as active as ever. Joe is one of the best na- tured and true-blue American boys in the land. Do you want to see something dif- ferent in films? Then see "Back to God's country," from the story, "Wapi, the Walrus," in Good Housekeeping by James Oliver Curwood. Shown at the Strand theater on Sunday and Ttfon- day, January 11 and 12. | rtt ** SHAWyras fell mPM note that he is fully recovered from his severe illness. Mr. King is one of the old boys who once upon a time cut wheat with a sickle for the first governor of Minnesotaf He says he took the advice of Horace Greeley, who made an address a«, St. Anthony in those days, and acquired land, for which: he has never been sorry. He has proven himself to be a successful farmer and in consequence is now able to take life easy. ^ -. ^ zf>&% " %ji§ & - Taking His Own Dope. ?jg|l A physican on a liner made a great use of seawater among his patients. Whatever their trouble, a dose of the briny liquid was given them, v * "~p.~ One day the doctor fell overboard. A great bustle consequently ensued on board, in the midst of which the cap- tain came up and inquired the cause. "Oh, it's nothing, sir," answered a tar, "only the doctor has fallen into i son. his own medicine chest." Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Olson and family, who have been spending the holidays at T. Knutson's, left for Minneapolis on Monday, where they will reside un- til spring. Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Aleckson of Minneapolis, who have been visiting at A. Aleckson's, returned home last Friday. They were accompanied by their nieces, Misses Arvilla and Belle Aleckson, who will visit them a few days. Christ Knutson spent the New Year in the cities. Rev. Johnson of Fergus Falls held services at T. Jensen's this week. Mrs. John Torgerson fell and brote her arm one day last week. Her friends will be pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely in spite of her advanced age. Jens and Edwin Hildahl of Canada arc visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Knute Gunderson. Theyx>wn homesteads near Calgary and report a good crop last year. A number of ladies pleasantly sur- prised Mrs. C. Jensen on Tuesday af- ternoon. Luncheon was^ served and a pleasant afternoon spent. Mrs. Jen- sen was given many presents in token of the day. The same day a large number of Glendorado and Greenbush ladies surprised Mrs. Knute Kittilson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kittil- A lunch was served and. Mrs. j Kittilson was given many beautiful. f#& tMimmiuMM«MitMvmsmsMMsmmmBm Strand Theater - I! m Program Beginning Sunday, Jan. 11 Sunday and Monday—"Back to God's Country" Adapted from the story of "Wapi, the Walrus," in "Good Housekeeping" by James Oliver Curwood. Winter scenes and Wapi's great fight for Dolores' life, actually photographed away up in the Arctic Circle. 16 varieties of wild animals. a m H Nell Shipman and Wheeler Oakman />?"Back to God's Country" *J Never a Film Like This Story of Dolores,.the swimming girl of the Canadian wilds, whose love of animals makes them her friends and protectors. Matinee, children 15c; war tax 2c; adults, 25c; war tax 3e. Evening, children, 20c; war tax 2c; adults, 30c; war tax 3c. Monday night two shows. Tuesday—"Perils of Thunder Mountains" Episodes 10 and 11; oue reel comedy. Matinee, 5e and 10c; war tax extra. Evening, 10c and 15c; war tax extra. Wednesday and Thursday- W A Yankee Princess" Featuring Bessie Love as a little Irish girl; one reel Fox News Mat- inee, 5c and 10c: war tax extra. Evening, 10c and 15c; war tax extra. Friday and Saturday— f< The Ghost House" Starring Jack Pickford with Louise Huff; one reel Fox News Mati- nee 5c and 10c; war tax extra. Evening, 10c and 15;c war tax exira | Coming--"Checkers" m | A Wm. Fox special production of thoroughbreds and high life inter- gj mingled with a basic drama of the human emotions. m H _ SI m If You Want The Best go to A. C. SMITH'S MEAT MARKET Prime Meats of Every Variety, Poultry, Fish, Etc. Highest Market Prices Paid for Cattle and Hogs :-: ;-: Princeton Main Street, MAKES WALKING EASY Jung's Arch Brace 1 .Relieves tHat tired feeling. Sold on its merits and is guaranteed to ,, / "please or money refunded. •'*-..'• $1.00 a pair i •ij*f St •a- v*. #k- Princeton Orug Company presents.f\Mrs. Kittilson is a Mrar bride and only recently came from France with her husband, Knute Kit- tilson, who served in the army. Miss Alma Odcgard is clerking at the Oedgard & Perman store in San- tiago. The rabbits are hard on the young fruit trees this winteu. Better protect them some way, ^ ^ a ^^^4||*|1 *||Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carls6n of&%*il TVfaywood, twin boys. Mrs. Carlsonip||! * ~ was formerly Miss Effie Swan of this"^ vicinityr sgfe^ - C. Jensen and son, Andrew,^ are busy 1 hauling gravel for a large barn they will erect on #ie Mooy farm, which ha purchased for Wsson, Andrew. ,. . #^i fw "LT" ^5>i fit

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Page 1: i e V Paper-i % s Gonechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016758/1920-01... · THE PRINCETON UNION: THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920fr ,MW,M,"Mtwl'^fflnfflffl^ Before the* Last Sheet of


, M W , M ,"M t w l '^ f f lnf f l f f l^

Before the* Last Sheet of "i e V %

Paper-is Gone :

The ordinary box of stationery contains 24 sheets-. Before the last sheet is gone you are tired of the color, perhaps the size or the shape, and you want to make a change. Before the last sheet is gone see our stationery stock with all that is newest and best in modern tints and tones with cuts and shapes that are as individual as they, can be. Economy papers of social distinction. Use them and you will be re­marked for your smartness.

C. A. Jack Drug Co. Open Sundays from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.

The "Rexall" D r u g g i s t s


George I Staples is the only person who is authorized to collect money due this office. In every caje the party paying: money is entitled to and should insist upon receiving a printed receipt. —MRS. R. C. DUNN. Publisher.

Take Notice. To Advertisers, Correspondents and

Other Contributors: To insure inser­tion in the Union it is necessary that all copy be received a t the office not later than Tuesday. When copy ar­rives in large quantity on Wednesday it is ofttimes necessary to omit part of it for want of time. Therefore we would thank you to send it m early in the week—the earlier the better.

Bob King was m Minneapolis on land business Monday.

M. M. Stroeter was up from his of­fice in Minneapolis over Sunday.

. \ A farm home should be as pleasant ^ffc-and comfortable as a city home. Is

,f i ^ / y o u r s ?

T. F. Scheen and his daughter, Hjoerdis, were in St. Paul the first part of the week.

Highest market prices paid for hides and furs at Calvin Olson's meat mar­ket, Princeton. 52-tfc

Attorney O. C. Myron was down from Milaca on business in probate court on Mond^r.

Mrs. G. H. Gottwerth is visiting relatives in Minneapolis and will re­main about a week.

Just try us on that cream and you will Townsend Produce Co.

next can of come again.


Gus Land on Monday accompanied his daughter, Ruth, to St. Paul, where she will engage in dressmaking.

j Attorney Harris Richardson of St. j Paul was hero attending a hearing in j Judge Sanford's court on Monday. i •

"1 E. L. McMillan returned yesterday from Mora, where he was counsel in

* M .an important lawsuit m district court.

>,f Winter term at the St. Cloud Busi-r"* Tiess college has just begun. Get in

now for the winter classes. Vath & Ahles. 3-lc

Joe Kaliher returned to his school a t St. John's college, Collegeville, on TMonday after a pleasant holiday vaca­tion at home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Glade and family "have returned from a visit; in Iowa. Mr Glade says that the coal shortage "there is serious.

„ Dr. J . F . Kothman, optometrist, will "be in town on Tuesday, Jan. 27. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. Office a t Merchants' hotel. 2-tfc

t ! Miss Mary Caley, who spent the ' "holidays a t her home here, returred to

'L^ l i e r studies at St. Catherine's college, J S ^ S t . Paul, on Tuesday.

- * J # Mrs. C. W. Williams (nee Una Fox), • ^ r -who has been visiting*her father and

•Asters here, returned to her home in Aberdeen, S. D., on Monday.

attend Paul and purchase Shorthorns. Is an up-to-date stock farmer


J. P. DeRose of Pease was in, Prince­ton on business Tuesday.

Attorney Evan H. Peterson was in the cities on business Tuesday.

Do not sell a hide without getting our prices. Townsend Produee com­pany. 44-tfc

O. Sternquist, an up-to-date Wya-nett farmer, was among our callers on Monday.

A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Me­diae last Thursday—a real New Year present.

Ludwig Johnson of Greenbush, one of the prosperous farmers of that township, visited the Union force on Monday.

A dance will be given in the M. B. A. hall, Wyanett, on Saturday even­ing, January 10. Music by Fixell's orchestra. 3_ip

Follow the tracks of Wapi to" the Strand theater Sunday and Monday, January I I and 12, and see "Back to God's Country." » 3_ic

Michael Quigley of Foreston was in attendance at the annual meeting of the county commissioners this week in connection with his road proposition.

Hiss Margaret Armitage left here on Monday to continue her studies a t Fond du Lac, Wis. She will graduate in June. Her mother accompanied her as far as St. Paul on the trip.

This (Thursday) evening a card par­ty will be held at St. Edward's a t 8 o'clock. Lunch will be served by the Christian Mothers after the games. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

A special sale will be held at Mrs. Dorff's milinery store, beginning to­morrow and lasting until stock is sold. Trimmed hats from $1.98 to $2.98, also hosiery at 35 cents and 50 cents per pair. ' 3_ic

f Among our callers on Saturday were

Geo. Deglman of Greenbush, E. A. Taylor of Spencer Brook and Andrew Larson of Brickton, all representative farmers of this territory and hale fel­lows well met.

Mr. and Mrs. O. S. McCormic and children returned to their home a t Alexandria on Monday. They were visiting Mrs. McCormic's mother, Mrs. Norah Dugan, and other relatives in Baldwin.

Mrs. A. E. Hayes and daughter, Dorothy, left last Thursday for Wi­baux, Mont., for a visit of two weeks with Mr. Hayes' parents. From there they will go to San diego, Cal., for a couple of months.


We pay cash for eggs. Produce Co.

-.* - ~

Townsend A Voice From the Tomb. 44-tfc Nearly a year ago this paper pre-

A , , dieted the political rejuvenation of Am now prepared to do your house W i l l i a m j B r y a n ; d e c l a * e d t h a t h e wiring. Henry Olson, Tel. 198. 3-2c

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. (Will Hatch next Tuesday afternoon.

a call.

A. J . Bjork has sold his interest in the Bjork Bros.' garage to Oscar Lund-gren of Cambridge." „ ^f

.— . " "" V Arthur M. Larson of the Braham

granite and marble works is in town for a few days' stay.

would be an aggressive candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidency; that he was likely to get the nomination; that he would proba-

Jesse Rogers was down from Kathio ^ y * u r n o u t t o ^ e * n e m o s t available yesterday and favored the Union with m a n f o r t h e nomination; that his plan - - - " ' o f campaign in 1920, as in 1896, would

invojve the practical repudiation of the record of the administration he helped put in power four years before on pledges forgotten and promises un­redeemed, i %&k /

Well, William J. is a t large once more. He is preparing to make the-effort to capitalize the discontent his own party has created for its own vindication, as he did in 1896, when Cleveland and all his works were thrown overboard and the country was asked to forget and forgive alL that had happened because Mr. Bryan had changed the subject from the robber tariff to the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1.

Keep your eye on the colonel. His lungs are as good as ever. He is as much a demagogue as ever. He is as anxious to run as ever. He needs ad­vertising worse than ever. The demo­cratic party is in the condition of a badly run down individual—m shape to take any disease that comes along. And then, besides, the great advan­tage m nominating Bryan is that he only runs for exercise* and his share of the gate receipts.—National Repub­lican. *

Miss Agnes Pieters, who was home for the holidays, has returned 'to her millinery work in Minneapolis.

We have fine carnations in bloom in our greenhouse, also white narcis­sus and violets. Princeton Green­house. ' 3_ip

H. F . Mann of Wahkon and JaS. Warren of Onamia were here on busi­ness yesterday and favored the Union with a call.

Wanted—An experienced girl for general housework in a small family. Wages no object for right kind of girl. Inquire at Union office. 3-tfc

Mrs. Ed. Nelson and little son, Alan, who have been visiting the former's girlhood home a t Fargo, N. D., for the past three weeks, returned home last Saturday.

The sugar bowl has again been re­moved from the hotel dining rooms and the fellow who is extravagant in the use of the, sweetener is now com­pelled to economize.

Miss Grace Brennan, who was home from Colerame, where she is teaching in the public schools, for the holidays, returned on Saturday. She is well pleased with her position.

For Sale—A six-burner, No. 9, Majestic range, a first-class baker, in perfect condition; also cooking uten­sils of all kinds, several rugs and a sanitary couch. Mrs. H. R. Mallctte.


P. M. Abrahamson was in from his farm in Greenbush township on Tues­day. He is still on the section where he was born 50 years ago and is a very successful farmer as well as a pleasant gentleman.

The West Branch creamery associa­tion will hold its annual meeting in the school house of district 7, Estes Brook, on Saturday, January 24, a t 1 o'clock sharp. As business of much impor­tance will come up for consideration every member is asked to be in atten­dance. 3.2c

The big sacrifice sale at Alfred Me-hn & Co.'s store is attracting large numbers of people and Manager Berggren says he is well satisfied with results. This sale will not close until Saturday night, so you will have plen­ty of time to take advantage of the bargains offered by this reliable firm.

The,Dorcas society held a business meeting at the home of Mrs. C. A. Jack yesterday afternoon and elected officers for the ensuing year as fol­lows: President, Mrs. C. A. Jack; vice president, Mrs. Isabel Carleton; secretary, Mrs. Ed. Nelson; treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Milne. About 60 members were present and delicious refresh­ments were served.

town on Monday. He says that he is a great advocate of farmers ' clubs and organizations that will benefit the til­lers of the soil, but he does not be­lieve in paying out money for political schemes and grafts from which the farmers get no returns. Godfrey is level headed. He does not propose to deposit his hard-earned >money in a sink hole. A r

, "Me Too" Burleson. The postoffice department's admin­

istration of the telephone and tele­graph systems of the country during the war has proven to be a duplica­tion of the sorry story of government operation- of the railroads during the same period, according to the final re­port upon this subject by Postmaster General Burleson. Although the gov­ernment's activities in connection with telephone and telegraph lines were not so vast as its railroad activities, the story pf the loss of millions of dollars to the government is the same.

Irrefutable Evidence. "You always,have the same wait­

ress in the restaurant, don't you?" said the business man. »

"Always," replied his friend. "She's very careful to bring me clean food."

"How do you know?" "Why today I saw her brushing the

dust off my custard pie with her apron."

-nfc-;1 OPSTEAD

Mrs. C. G. Haggberg and son visit­ed at the Jonas Grant home on Sun­day afternoon.

Miss Ella Jaemcke returned on Sun­day from her home at Princeton and resumed her school duties on Monday.

The angel of death has again visited this neighborhood, the fourth 4ime within a month, this time taking av.ay Mrs. Axel Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smith. She had been ill about five weeks Two weeks ago she was taken to a Duluth hospital, where she died at 5 o'clock Saturday after­noon. Ruth Smith, her maiden name, was married to Axel Olson in Septem­ber, 1917, and she made her home here most of the time. She leaves to mourn her death her husband and little son, Merriam Lester, aged seven weeks r her parents and five brothers, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy in this, their hour of sorrow.

Andrew Kalberg has purchased C. G. Haggberg's cattle. * : + I GLENDORADO & SANTIAGO I

Deborah and David Howard of

VmBtf&)P**Bm FIVB M S

Godfrey Johnson of Wyanett was in Snake River visited relatives here on

A school of agriculture boy sold $800 worth of melons from an acre <of land last year. He kept an accu­rate reqord of all operations ,and can tell just what they cost him to grow. "Uncle" Bill King was in from Wya-That kind of bookkeeping pays on any nett on Monday and we are pleased to

Fred Dugan and son were visiting relatives and friends in this par t of

T . AT ,. , ,, , , , , t h e country during the holidays. They Louis Normandin left on Monday to r e t u r n e d , o n M o n d t o t h e i / h o m e £ tend the cattle show at South S t . | M i l e B C i t y > M o n t ? W f l e r e F r e d ^ ^

good position with a commercial agency.

, A marriage license was issued on January 2 by Clerk of Court Garrison -to George R. Anderson of Atwater land Emily Dahlstrom of Milaca".

Sixteen kinds of wild animals play a |J|'-unique part in "Back to God's Coun­

t ry ," shown a t the Strand theater Sun­day and Monday, January 11 and 12.

Have you visited your local school this year? The teacher would like to have you do so. Better schools will re­sult in any community if all take an

^interest in them. A ^. ^ - ^

Rfcfcff -£•< i i ^ * r ^

," Little Jo,e Armitage is still unable to be outdoors with his playmates in consequence of a relapse, but his friends hope he will soon be as active as ever. Joe is one of the best na-tured and true-blue American boys in the land.

Do you want to see something dif­ferent in films? Then see "Back to God's country," from the story, "Wapi, the Walrus," in Good Housekeeping by James Oliver Curwood. Shown at the Strand theater on Sunday and Ttfon-day, January 11 and 12. |

r t t ** SHAWyras fell mPM

note that he is fully recovered from his severe illness. Mr. King is one of the old boys who once upon a time cut wheat with a sickle for the first governor of Minnesotaf He says he took the advice of Horace Greeley, who made an address a«, St. Anthony in those days, and acquired land, for which: he has never been sorry. He has proven himself to be a successful farmer and in consequence is now able to take life easy. „ ^ -. ̂ zf>&%

" %ji§ & - Taking His Own Dope. ? j g | l A physican on a liner made a great

use of seawater among his patients. Whatever their trouble, a dose of the briny liquid was given them, v * "~p.~

One day the doctor fell overboard. A great bustle consequently ensued on board, in the midst of which the cap­tain came up and inquired the cause.

"Oh, it's nothing, sir," answered a tar, "only the doctor has fallen into i son. his own medicine chest."

Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Olson and family,

who have been spending the holidays at T. Knutson's, left for Minneapolis on Monday, where they will reside un­til spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Aleckson of Minneapolis, who have been visiting a t A. Aleckson's, returned home last Friday. They were accompanied by their nieces, Misses Arvilla and Belle Aleckson, who will visit them a few days.

Christ Knutson spent the New Year in the cities.

Rev. Johnson of Fergus Falls held services at T. Jensen's this week.

Mrs. John Torgerson fell and brote her arm one day last week. Her friends will be pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely in spite of her advanced age.

Jens and Edwin Hildahl of Canada arc visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Knute Gunderson. Theyx>wn homesteads near Calgary and report a good crop last year.

A number of ladies pleasantly sur­prised Mrs. C. Jensen on Tuesday af­ternoon. Luncheon was^ served and a pleasant afternoon spent. Mrs. Jen­sen was given many presents in token of the day. The same day a large number of Glendorado and Greenbush ladies surprised Mrs. Knute Kittilson a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kittil-

A lunch was served and. Mrs. j Kittilson was given many beautiful.



Strand Theater - I!


Program Beginning Sunday, Jan. 11

Sunday and Monday—"Back to God's Country" Adapted from the story of "Wapi, the Walrus," in "Good Housekeeping" by James Oliver Curwood. Winter scenes and Wapi's great fight for Dolores' life, actually photographed away up in the Arctic Circle. 16 varieties of wild animals.




Nell Shipman and Wheeler Oakman />?"Back to God's Country" *J

Never a Film Like This Story of Dolores,.the swimming girl of the Canadian wilds, whose love of animals makes them her friends and protectors. Matinee, children 15c; war tax 2c; adults, 25c; war tax 3e. Evening, children, 20c; war tax 2c; adults, 30c; war tax 3c. Monday night two shows.

Tuesday—"Perils of Thunder Mountains" Episodes 10 and 11; oue reel comedy. Matinee, 5e and 10c; war tax extra. Evening, 10c and 15c; war tax extra.

Wednesday and Thursday- WA Yankee Princess" Featuring Bessie Love as a little Irish girl; one reel Fox News Mat­inee, 5c and 10c: war tax extra. Evening, 10c and 15c; war tax extra.

Friday and Saturday—f<The Ghost House" Starring Jack Pickford with Louise Huff; one reel Fox News Mati­nee 5c and 10c; war tax extra. Evening, 10c and 15;c war tax exira

| Coming--"Checkers" m | A Wm. Fox special production of thoroughbreds and high life inter-gj mingled with a basic drama of the human emotions. m H _



If You Want The Best go to

A. C. SMITH'S MEAT MARKET Prime Meats of Every Variety, Poultry, Fish, Etc.

Highest Market Prices Paid for Cattle and Hogs

:-: ;-: Princeton Main Street,


1 .Relieves tHat tired feeling. Sold on its merits and is guaranteed to ,,

/ "please or money refunded.

•'*-..'• $1.00 a pair i •ij*f St

•a- v*.

#k- Princeton Orug Company

presents.f\Mrs. Kittilson is a Mrar bride and only recently came from France with her husband, Knute Kit­tilson, who served in the army.

Miss Alma Odcgard is clerking at the Oedgard & Perman store in San­tiago.

The rabbits are hard on the young fruit trees this winteu. Better protect

them some w a y , ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ 4 | | * | 1 *||Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carls6n o f & % * i l TVfaywood, twin boys. Mrs. C a r l s o n i p | | ! * ~ was formerly Miss Effie Swan of t h i s " ^ vicinityr s g f e ^ -

C. Jensen and son, Andrew,^ are busy1

hauling gravel for a large barn they will erect on #ie Mooy farm, which ha purchased for Wsson, Andrew. ,. .

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