i enii 3iuuin i topics of interest some to...

I 4 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 9 1909 he Enii 3iuuin DAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY I PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY- BY THE JOURNAL COMPANYF- RANK urv1Jw S WJuWWJrJ J WflflThWWSJt fl flJS L MAYES President and General Manager MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES- On Year 55 00 One MoLti 45 I Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Three Month 125 Weekly Edition per year51 C- O7ho tiny Pensacola Newspaper From Which a Detailed Circulation StJ omen Can Be Secured Offices Journal Building Entered as secondclas matter- at the postofflce at Pensacola c Florida under Act of congress Corner DeLuna and IntentteneZa March 3 1279 r tr w t j w Phones Ediorial Rooms 38 Business Office 1500 rflrv WnJW5 FOREIGN ADVERTISNG ROBERT MncQUOID SPECIAL REPRESENTA- TIVaf f New York 104 Tribune Building Chlccjo 148 Marquette Building P SAO A FLORIDA THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBRR 9 1009 Room For One More Line of Boats- We dont know much as yet about the steamer line from St Louis to Charleston that was outlined by a St Louis promoter at the Southern Com- mercial Congress on Tuesday but we are prepared to tell the St Louis pro- moter that be waa wisr when be put Fensacola on the list of regniT stops for his steamers He says ho is going- to Mobile Pensacola and Tampaand perhaps to other places Pensacola is pretty full of shipping now and our November port record beat to a frazzle all the figures of previous months but we still have room for a legitimate water enterprise or two in this city that has the 9 iest harbor south of Iampton Roads The development of this St Louis PensacolaCharleston line we shall watch with Interest It may eventual- ly ¬ mean the possibility of Peuscolu passengers sailing to New York with a single change to the Clyde line boats at Charleston a trip that would appeal to many Santa Rosa Bridge And Baldwin Bridge- The Escambia Santa Rosa bridge would be a good thing for the county that badtl it of the TriCounty fairs and likewise or the county that teems on a fair road to the agricul- tural ¬ school and model farm which certain of her solid citizens are trying- to bring about There Is a continually increasing community of Interest between Santa Rosa and Kscainbin that demands more adequate facilities for the peo- ple of tho two counties to travel back and forth- It wllj of course be necessary to gut the consent of the war department to tho bridging of Escainbia river which is navigable but in view of the ogical arguments that can be pre- sented ¬ in favor of the project this should not be difficult Tilt bridge a modern steel structure will it is esti- mated ¬ cost 26000 but a 3S060 bridge guaranteeing easy connection between the thrifty farming county of Santa Rosa and tho business county- of Escarabia ought to be worth that amount to both Speaking about bridges we remem ¬ ber the sensible suggestion that was made at the close of the fair by the TriCountys president Mr John 1- 3Etillmau whc said that a ferry or a bridge across Perdido rhv would in his judgment bring enough timle hero from Baldwin county one of the lichest garden corners of Alabama to pay the cost of the bridge or ferry in a very fcv years He reasoned that Baldwin peop1 hundreds of whom camp over to the fair anti were favor- ably ¬ impressed with Pen acola as a city of excellent tiading faoilHie would cone here to do their buying instead of going to Mobile if they could set into Pensaeola handily To- go to Mobile they must travel aiouwd the bay which spoils a days time where if they could cross Perdldo river with a ferry or a bridge prefer V ly the latter this city would get iuually the whole of Baldwins city 6oppers Tt is only a question of time when In order to handle tho urban trade of West Florida and the adjoining coun- ties ¬ of Alabama it w be found abso- lutely ¬ necessary to make Pensacola more easy of access We have the ruUlllvs for handling a greatly aug- mented ¬ volume of business if we can get the people front other Gulf and nearGulf counties into Pensacola with less time and bother than they must tow employ to reach us We are glad to hear some taerchaus say that this papers admonition to people to shop early early in the season and early in the day has not fallen altogether on dm ears Moot apers that aim to help Jie buyer tI I and the seller get through this annual holiday ordeal have to confess when the last shopping day of the year is out of the way that their efforts to prose- cute ¬ the early shoppir campaign- have I after all been quite barren of results In Pensacola however the early shopping slogan has commenced to take hold a little For which we happen to know Pensacola merchants- and Pensacola salespeople are devout- ly ¬ thankful Do not let the good work stop just because we have spoken of It though This is ideal shopping weather Get busy and do it I all up now i At least theres no Christmas tree trust to gobble up the available sup- ply of green branches for Dec 2o Mr Harriman died and left 149 000000 behind him Exchange You bet he left the whole of It I We will now wait for the np al- medeuse cm imtioiml resources and for what opinion if any the president has on this PinchotBalllnger fracas The third Mrs Lyman J Gage cor- nered ¬ admits at last that she was once a Floradora sextette girl We thought all the Floradora girls got well fixed a long time ago The big black cigar and the bright red carnation both looked confldent But there may not have been so much assurance in the breast of the man that paid for the two of them That complete million for the South- ern ¬ Commercial Congress building in Washington was raised ill record breaking order We have the spirit- as well as the money to put through these practical propositions for South ¬ ern enlargement and benefits Once more that couple of Wright boys are sensible Their Ohio factory- is to be moved from Dayton a crowd- ed ¬ manufacturing city to a 700acre farm where the flying machine men I can live healthfully as well as work advantageously- We are delighted to note that theres- at least one eminent educator in Bir- miitgbara who wants no Carnegie library in his He probably has heard how tho mot selfconscious man this North American continent ever grew cuts tha wages of his help to build libraries that must emblazon the name of the ilooor in big GoUlic letters 01 the facade- St I Lucie a young but smart county voted 200000 oC road bonds by a good safe majority and will have highways I that are eqUal to those laid in any section of the state St Lucie is I i already rated a rich county we know i but she will > e richer presently wkei- sh I gets but good roads fail ly in opera ¬ I lion Any eowty that goes IR for I these gains in population gains in I I business gains in money Show us a county or A city for that matter with bum roads and we wit show a consty or a city as the ca c uiay be that is making elegant progress backward in- stead ¬ of forward The bright and nappy AVnsacoHan which grows better with every mouth id out for December There are 15 pages t i s time and on ererj one of them Ma Lillard has put the Peusa ¬ cola spirit until you fan feel the boost- ing effort for a larger and most pro perous municipality ia every IIn The TriCounty fair the ports pros- perity in November the new aotT thats almost roofed and ready the I effort for waterways and the move- ment ¬ for winter racing have all re- ceived generous space while the agri- cultural ¬ possibilities of Escarabia- connty one of the garden spots of Dixie have not been left out in the old The Pensacolian contains UK sort of news we like to read written up in crisp sd convincing newspaper English the kind tbat every monthly publication dots not employ It de- serves the success which its publisher reminds us is now coir way I j G 4+o4 + OG + 0 0 < EDITOR CLEVELAND IS < 0 DONE WITH HIS BETS > < > One day last week we made G G a bot with Lonnie Hollowell < I that the amendment wouM win G- In > the flection in Alabama last 0 4 Monday The cigars go to Lon- jo 4 Hie The trifling rascal is now < 4 wearing a hat that he won from < 4 us when Bryan and Taft were 4 fo on the anxious bench Dont 4 > KN ne we want any more bets oJ 4 with Lonnie for a whlleDe < 4 Funiak Herald + o 699 Q- ff t > 4 > PRESS OF SOUTH 4 c 4400 o o Heres a prediction in I cs tan 110 yeari Massachusetts and Iowa WIll I > > Dtrmotratir states In the las Hloftion whfrc the Dtiaorrats rung < lear on the tariff the Rt ubliiai- loss was great and the Republican majorities s are growing les and less The Des Moines Tribune shows the bitter feeling in the Re I ulIicaa caaijc Ther is nothing quite so damnably disgusting as tit I shameful spectacle of alleged R > UJ- lioans furnishing campaign thunder for use of the Democratic party ii I the coming national convention Raleigh X C News and Observer I The Sugar Trus is a gigantic and irredeemable thief It has betn con- victed ¬ of rebating < nd fined li 0010 It was convicted of stealing from the United States by smuggling and lined llSfiflOO It was caught again in Ii- gantk smuggling op4 rationd and re turned 21ftOOOO to escwjio urosecu tion It stole water from New York city and returned 5 > 00f Charged with wrecking i Philadelphia oomjKM tor it Paid 2000000 to compromise the suit Its photograph should w ir every roeut gallery in the cowl try Louisville Post The French government has rais ¬ ed its ariff on cottonseed oil This is a distinct tax upon Southern farm- er who arc also taxed in a hundred other ways throueh the mischi vout schedules of our own taris ar1 th resultant animosities our national policy arouses in foreign lands Thui the cotton raisers of the South who must pay duty on everything they buy for the benefit of the North and without receiving any duty B > Ion the fruits of their cotton farms actually bear this penalty abroad because of the great burden and wrong that the tarifffed monopo- lies have iput upon them Thus we answer for the sins of our perseciv- tors Dallas News The Southland has been a borrower for many years bt the day is not far distant when the Southland vril become a money lender Promoters i will COHIP to southern banks for fi- nancial ¬ assistance A few more sea- sons and a few more crops and tbi tale will be told Already we ar about able to take our own nsn sind make our improvements Andalusn Star Could Not Be Better No one has ever made a salve oint- ment ¬ lotion or balm to compare with BuekVns Arnica Salve Its the one perfect healer of Cuts Corns Burns Bruises Sores Scalds foils Ulr rs Eczema Salt Rli ura For Sore Eys Hold Sores Chrn > ed Hands Its su- preme lnnli for Piles Only SH at all druegist THE FAMOUS CANDIES just in in large fresh ship ¬ ment This for you young folks and old Hannah Grant Phone 881 0 G 40 0 i G Q 4 + 4 0 ft 0 4 FLORIDA POLITICS AND POLITICIANS 4 eo > 0 + q- Thev 4 Start From Pcnsacola Claude LEngie has Secwn his s ond tour of the state in UU and daev for the senate starting his time at Pensacoa as he did before PensaioL ncist be considered a very gcT1 art to start from by the- ca dats Miami Metropolis Senatorship and Prohibition Alabama mans Here We Rest says an exchange But there will h > no rest ir Florida for a year to comm First uies the senatorial primary- and the prohibition eai < > aign from which Alabama is now resting will then be resumed here Oainesville Sun LEnqis and a Paper Claude LEn le feels aggrieved b > rMUf li ° ueomiJ the PoInt Gorda Hcr aLl nisrtjirtsentejl what he siiu Ant t > e lasslUiMiion of the Florid wsK rs The Ilrli quoted 1r- Eugle Ill as saving that z I o pars of diided into four 1asss th s U te are rned ntroeti anii and ftc pnd that those that dnt sujwyrt him would belong to tl > Arm claa- Xlr IEle sajs he said noihimr of tlt kind H snid that the pavia- rtrc divided into the four rbtsao- sacve ecnmtrat l but none of th- firt three cuuxl support him and the only class from which he was ex- pecting ¬ to set support was the rse palters that they would su rort him If he ould convince them that hp was right and would not support him or anyonE else unless they toul > t Sl convinced Ocala Star LEnjle is evidently trying to crawfish Ho- piadc the same remark attributed to him bv the Punta Gcrda Herald in Inverness at the depot in the pres- ence ¬ of the local editor of the Chron- icle ¬ and others and exception to the ganio ADd he mad no attempt to modIfy the assertioc Citrus County Chroniele- Now 1 heyve All Entered Senator Taliaferros formal an- nouncement ¬ of his oundidary for re ele ton roiabIv coripletfss the en- tries ¬ for the senatorial stake and from now until the polls clos tie cairpaign will he fast and furious Let op ore that it will be a eletn campaign free c n N 1I Secator Tali- 9f tI the c8- nuatl IR i i t I TOPICS OF INTEREST j TO FARMERS OF FLA I I Complaints of Fruit Shippers Secretary j C Chase of the FVir ida Shippers Protective association has addressed a ircular le ter to tht members of the association and ta the other fruit and vegetable growers of the stat advising them of a hearing of complaints made by the association on Dec Oth in Jacksonville The hearing will he before Commissioner Prouty of the Interetat couimuitien and will embrace the foiovug poi- aFirThe readjust taent of ro on Florida oraiifr and pineappljs to I prints in ferrite y north of the Ohio liver and west of the Mississippi and I Tissouri rivers in order to enable Florida citrus fruits to compete oa an I VMI basis with California itnif fruits and for Florida pineapples to I compete with Cuban pineapples Second The establishment of CA- rload I rates and carload minimums on Florida vegetables to Eastern markets- and a readjustment of rales on Fior I ida vegrables to Western markets in order to permit many of the FInis vrjrftaMeo to compete on an een- basis I with the same pro Jut t grown elsewhere ThirdThe establishment of car- load rates on mixed ears or Florida fruits and Florida vegetables that will permit the carload rate applicable on each commodity to apply to with minimums on same under ventilation and under frt rntiGn The parties to the complaint are ex- pected I to complete Their proofs and- i submit the ease at this hearing j Fvon grower buyr and shipper in i Florida is vitally int restej in this I matter and should cooperate by fai i nishin testimony on the points at is j Iue and in every obor nogU WHo The fight h injr mal byttTe Ship prs Protective aation is in the I cause common justhe and fair play Fix up the Roads and Walks Do not stmeele with stud all winter j if you have plenty of material for tusk- Ing good roads ard walks says a j writer in the Richmond Timesr patch I know a Place in the Soitn where the fields are frirlv macadam izocl with broken rorks and the farmer pulls through a miry road to his ilicve that his record will bear thi closest scrutiny But he has at least i two rood men and three good cam- paigners I to Hjeat in this race anti lie will maxe a mistake if he relies too much upon his past record to win the election He will have to be eon jstaiitly in the front to win for each 01 his cvwients is eoinar to IprI- every energy to wrest his seat from him He proved himself a good light j er in the last rac and we hope that lIe is in better trim now thin he was six years ago Gainesville Sun I Judge Reeves Was Conspicuous I Judge L J Reeves of West Flor- ida was a conspicuous figure on our streets for several days He left oa the afternoon train for point in South Florida Judge Reeves is i candidate for the office of United States senator anti wields an julio ence in his section almost equal to that wielded b Governor Bloxham throughout the stae in the early sev- enties ¬ Jiitlse Reeves fs mi immense- ly popular man in West Florida and it the race were left for a decision I of the voters of that section his- i friends would be tonfideut of tie re- sult He is a selfmade man is vets amiitious and possesses a lofty char- acter Oeala Banner i MOs DANVILLE PROOF J Jacob Schrall 132 South St Dan I silk 111 writes For over eighteen I nunths I was a sufferer from kidney and bladder trouble urins the whole time was treated Ly several do tors ant tried several different kidney jiills Seven weeks aso I com iienred taking Foleys Kidney Pills and am feeling better every day ani- j will be glad to tell anyone nterest md just what Foley s Kidney nil do fT me W A UAleinborto drue- Kis and apothecary 121 S Palafo > i street je 0 4 w 0 c > DF5 BROUGHTON AND 4 I > THE TAMPA ELKS < tc + o t 4d e o 0 4 oO- I Dr IJoushton he evin elist went out of his way in a sermon delivered It Tampa a reeent night to vilify and abnso the oder of Elks for waicn Editor Stovill of The Tribune took him to task Thereupon the doctor devoted his Sunday sermon to hurling j vile fithetp at the uews aper man i who hui ta In r The cud Pi tor on- of the most cbtritable orders on the fate of the eartii an order the mem- bers ¬ of whi h as A whole are as good men as rowpo any organization not excepting the church Dr Brow tons broad statement itat the Klks is an organization of sport drunkards and gamblers is as far from the truth as oth r istemnts for which be has been i called Iowa in the past and it is just such statements as this which lessen the influence cf men so capable of doing good the order of Elks needs BO de- Ifense at osr bands Their work for humanity is not chsrarterized bv i sounding of trumpet1 as is that of j some men wo cmil1 name but they I are doin tMs work just the same- as are al the other better class of se- cret ¬ orders and Dr Brousfhtons at tat will tot deter then from cot tinuin the wor1iGainsville Sun THE FAMOUS CANDIES Just in in large fresh ship- ment This for vou young I folks and old Hannah <S Grant Phone 881 I Grover Indicted Saw Father in Town Lucius Grover the nerro who wa indicted yesterday for the murder of a woman and who will be placed on tiial for his UTe for the offense saw t bU father yesterday SOOB after return from the court house IB the en house when by the expenditure of a little bor he could have a solid sone- oad I rhen where the roads are deep sand one kaii prneraliy find on ditcn ins on either side of the roadway tbrt there Is clay enough right at hand to make a good surface or the road But certainly have ry hard walk I round the house and do the outbuIld- ing Our Piedmont red clay will iW i ovitaMy work up into a mire in the amrard under the iampim of cattlJ i and The only way to avoid it is to macadamize the ham yard alt ovei as I did in Virginia I Farmers of Orange are Prosperous I Col Waters of the TimeoUnioa staff getting up Orange countys spo i ial edition of that rat daily re- turned ¬ from Ocoee Oakland and Win- ter Garden enthusiastic over the re- sources ¬ I of that pardon spot of the county shipments of fruits and vee i I tabJ < p from that section bein > far greater than ever dreamed of Th1 colonel says the farmers are all pros- perous ¬ have snajmificent homf some owniiR individual waterworks and I electric light plants gardens under the I latest systems of irrigation and the horse onh kept for work on thr farms I automobiles being used almost entire- ly as a means of travel handaom1- ears anti gnrages being near I 1v every residence visited Orlando I I ReporterStar How Much Pork does a Bishel of Corn Make Henry in his Feeds and Feeding gives th ° results of trials with 50 pigs at tie Illinois station which show that oar ujshel of corn made 109 pounds- of pain in weight The gains from a bushel of corn ranged from 6f to 1IS pounds This wide rane shows the possibilities for loss or profit accord lag to the feeding quality of tie hogs and thc skill of the feeder The aver- t aee pain per day per hop was 1ftl I pounds which show fairly Rood jprowtb With good hogs well han costs 7 cent a pound to make I pcrk with corn st TO cents a bushel Mot pork made on 7Occrt corn wilt I cost from S to 3 cents a pound live weight when corn alone Is fed tody of Sheriff Van Pet Grover sav his father who is in the Ity in his sons interest a soon as he reached the jail The father said that he amo ever from Orlando to b with Lucius He said his son was an obe- dient JOY but 21 Y ears of age but hail drifted to inniP i soul his Flu ma home and had heti brought t- oPeasia wila railroad workmen He said th boy hal ben iorn in Georgia Th younpor Grover smiled goodna ¬ turedly in the county jail and believes that the iiarpo ncain hint will not he provi H dniIJ from the first that he nad kilT rl tIll wonan and the cisa will I made up of circumstantial evidence cleail- vLAUNCH CAPT PAGE AGROUND- The launch rapt Page whl carry- ing ¬ men for drill to Fort Plekens went rcnmj yesterday aftfrnoon on I a reef and in filing to of the lump besan to Mfiw her wlSbtle in dis- t to F signals For about 20 minutes Ill launch Mew The tug Val > aa of I the navy yard and the launch Xearv of Barrancas reached out to help the stranded craft The Xeary reachd- hf Pane first and passed a line Tbpi the Waban assisted in s ttnR the Page off to deep water The life say ¬ lug crew came out in their boats hut I too late to he of assitanr The i Neary showtd tier speed and her reels ir this case i THE GRAND JURY- INSPECTED I JAIL- A coTimittee front the grand jury- sneut about an hour at the county jail ve > terday locking over the inati lotion with a iew of incorporating in- the presentment to be made today t some mention of the rendition of tho flm Ming t TIp sheriff invited < omo friends Into the place yesterday directly after the I grand jury committee bad teen there and se people stated thT fojnr I the T> e in as good shape as posishle taking into consideration the fact tha I the jail Is rowed quite beyond it j capacity at tbr > present time I The peculiar propei rs of Ch tic i nerlains Coueh Remedy have 1 > T- tljoron i hlv tested during r idemi s of in jeiiza and whf r it WHS tiknI- n time we have not heard of a sinl i ease of pneumonia Sold by all da era PROCEEDINGS i IN BANKRUPTCYIn- voluntary I bankruptcv pror t dinsrs were instituted in the rnitd Sttti court j sterflju tov Xew OIeaRs cof- fee I firms szainH F E Bayhss of tw- i Peasarola Tea A Coffee Co I Mr Kajliss declares he will ficht th proceedings in the court as h corn I pony is not bankrupt by siry means I H- I A Splendid Line- Of holiday gifts are now displayed a The Crystal Pharmacy I BEULAH Special to Tn r journal I Betil > h Dec Quite a change in the wvnrher this inornins with a frost- hut not enough to do any harm to i much of the s tJen- Iirs i James Snowden has returned i from MOSSY Head where she went last week TO assist her terinlaw Mrs Henry Barrioeau who is svk I on tfc trip to Quintette where the family will make their future home Mr Barrineau has disposed of hL iafprests in turpentine ct MOPHV Iftdj- femes Snowden Thomas M Tianna and Thomas Hanna Jr start i fo lakr rity SC Tburdav merr na TO spendlie Christmas holidays It tor I M VM > O home with relatives ad friends Jt If their first vit hcm in 1 test years r T Tr Tat i ILII of Mo Knj visited at the home of Mrs Damns parent3 Mr and Mrs Arthur Spare Sunday Mr and Mrs C E Snowden wer visiting at the home of Arthur Spare I Sunday evening- A J Garrett has not boon feeling well for a few days and fears ar I entertained that he may bare to po to- Day Minette soon for further treat- ment ¬ if he is strong enough to make the trip Will Shelby has been building some I good fire places for neighbors wl o will surely appreciate them since the change in the weather King Hirst RII old Confederate vet ran went to the city Monday to spend It week with relatives and friends John B Hirst was in the city on business Monday I V A Shelby has secured the agency for a fertilizer formula which he id I pushing with his usual energy I E IA Shelby has just moved inte his new and uptodate residence just I finished To illustrate what epa be don with sucar cane in this soil and bring oif comments by otaer who have done as I good or better we note S A Garrctfs t success with cane From a half arre planted in threefoot rows h mal i 1BO gallons of syrup and sold si ruth of chewing cane > iot of i ws soul in Muscosree where he t oul make two trips per day I FRESH GUNTHERS Shipment of the famous candies just received Phone 881 and we will send Han- nah ¬ Grant I Subscribe to The Journal I i I I I tt1tiL I i I I I I I 1500 The biggest and handsom- est ¬ iron bed in the county for the money I WrT I I I = I 1800 i Sleepy Hollow Rocker I genuine leather upholstered i heavy quartered oak I MARST- tQUIA I I I I 10810 S Palafox Phon = 149 fcyH i i Make Em AUI Happyb- y giving them a pair i t of shoes or slippers for Christmas And be sure you get em at The Bos- ton ¬ where- QUALITY PREVAILS Every pair just as good as good honest leather and workman ¬ ship can make em i Priced too at a reason ¬ able margin so that you- I are sure of your moneys lii worth S3oo TO 500 are the popular prices for both ladies and gentJe ¬ men and these prices- are our winne- rsBOSTON I SUOSTOR E I- I Quality Shoes for AM > = A cougbiust ltU 0 ne C 0 U 91 I L i everything amoum niuch Some 1 int amount until tbe to lung tIssues are s others itk to r dOCk dout Ayrr s Cruj Pc stop therccughw0Ch pec- toral ¬ loral f h Y3 TcJc it Iia t c il scars How Ij kAS uNo lhendont JLC rM long hue you I C D vIc NAI- s Accomplishing WordrS for Consunptives and Suffers ed C reuses KIn d r The fclowrg is one cf scores of testimonials from suffer Joels on file In the Companys office This case Is certified tot > lent Clergyman ot Nashviie Tenn whose nam will be f a P roJTl application d NASHVILLE Tenn This is to certify that about seven nortbs aijo I cot aJ90ere cold whici settled on my Ijngs my lr lung bemp the nmo4 caunlng me excruciating pain when turning my heso to tho Ir ete became incessant esprciay during the early pat of the Fit c00 gh rhdgcs set In and my weakened condition I was unable to perfoJWs1 nary household duties I was advised to try POMONA for Ccnsumption anew re at was being manufactured in Nashville and after using one Lottie t na all soneness disappeared the Hemorrhages ceased and my c11 a aln ost gone When I had taker half of the second bottie I felt n symptoms oT the ailment that had afflicted me for months rtner In al I used two bottls of Pomona and now feel iike a new My appetite and strength have been greatly Increased and I am 19 as ever i fuily believe that Pomona saved me from an early with sincere graittirte very resprctfuly MRS JENNIE STAt1 Sufferers of Tuberculosis or Consumption In any form need sufr110 longer if POMONA is taken in time Manufactured by THE HOME MEDICINE CO Nashville Tenn Write for additional information and testimonials I t THE LEWIS BEAR DRUG CO Wholesale CtrL era Pensacola l- I 5 1 BUY YOUR k I = = = = == PRESENTSH- ere a I a Saving Our stock is replete with suggestive presents for man lady boy girl and in ¬ fant at prices lower than the lowest- We I are offering this week 10 yards Black 9c Domestic 1 I Ladies wool TailorMade Suits Silk Lined all d 398 I One lot Mens Shoes on display in our Shoe De ¬ partment actually at onehalf price Come and wait I on yourself It doesnt take a salesman to sell you these Shoes at the prices f I Ladies 350 Shoes High Top Patent 1 98 Vici must go at < 0- GET I YOUR BOY A CHRISTMAS I SUIT WE HAVE THEM- By I buying a Mans Suit from- us means a cash saving to you Felt Slippers all colors h Iii s 98 cents I i When you buy from us your i- jrJ dollar does double work Come and be convinced I BrawiierRiera Company I Cor Palafox and Rom an a vI- II = iBoIoT IiiiIs SoapVVaterSfearnan- d the added feature of ex- pert ¬ help enable us to turn out a grade of laundry work o that sets the pace for all oth- ers ¬ We know how and do it I Empire LaundryW- here Linen Lasts W C MACKEY Mgr I I Phone 322 i = S

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Page 1: I Enii 3iuuin I TOPICS OF INTEREST Some TO …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00373/0572.pdfmedeuse cm imtioiml resources and for what opinion if any the president has on this






RANKurv1Jw S WJuWWJrJ J WflflThWWSJt fl flJS

L MAYES President and General Manager


SUBSCRIPTION RATES-On Year 55 00 One MoLti 45 I

Six Months 2 50 One Week 10Three Month 125 Weekly Edition per year51 C-

O7ho tiny Pensacola Newspaper From Which a DetailedCirculation StJ omen Can Be Secured

Offices Journal Building Entered as secondclas matter-at the postofflce at Pensacola

c Florida under Act of congressCorner DeLuna and IntentteneZa March 3 1279

r tr w t j w

Phones Ediorial Rooms 38 Business Office 1500rflrv WnJW5


TIVaf f New York 104 Tribune BuildingChlccjo 148 Marquette Building


Room For One MoreLine of Boats-

We dont know much as yet aboutthe steamer line from St Louis toCharleston that was outlined by a StLouis promoter at the Southern Com-

mercial Congress on Tuesday but weare prepared to tell the St Louis pro-moter that be waa wisr when be putFensacola on the list of regniT stopsfor his steamers He says ho is going-to Mobile Pensacola and Tampaandperhaps to other places Pensacola ispretty full of shipping now and ourNovember port record beat to a frazzleall the figures of previous months butwe still have room for a legitimatewater enterprise or two in this citythat has the 9 iest harbor south ofIampton Roads

The development of this St LouisPensacolaCharleston line we shallwatch with Interest It may eventual-ly


mean the possibility of Peuscolupassengers sailing to New York witha single change to the Clyde lineboats at Charleston a trip that wouldappeal to many

Santa Rosa BridgeAnd Baldwin Bridge-

The Escambia Santa Rosa bridgewould be a good thing for the countythat badtl it of the TriCountyfairs and likewise or the county thatteems on a fair road to the agricul-


school and model farm whichcertain of her solid citizens are trying-to bring about

There Is a continually increasingcommunity of Interest between SantaRosa and Kscainbin that demandsmore adequate facilities for the peo-ple of tho two counties to travel backand forth-

It wllj of course be necessary togut the consent of the war departmentto tho bridging of Escainbia riverwhich is navigable but in view ofthe ogical arguments that can be pre-


in favor of the project thisshould not be difficult Tilt bridge amodern steel structure will it is esti-


cost 26000 but a 3S060bridge guaranteeing easy connectionbetween the thrifty farming county ofSanta Rosa and tho business county-

of Escarabia ought to be worth thatamount to both

Speaking about bridges we remem ¬

ber the sensible suggestion that wasmade at the close of the fair by theTriCountys president Mr John 1-

3Etillmau whc said that a ferry or a

bridge across Perdido rhv would inhis judgment bring enough timle herofrom Baldwin county one of thelichest garden corners of Alabama topay the cost of the bridge or ferry ina very fcv years He reasoned thatBaldwin peop1 hundreds of whomcamp over to the fair anti were favor-


impressed with Pen acola as acity of excellent tiading faoilHiewould cone here to do their buyinginstead of going to Mobile if theycould set into Pensaeola handily To-

go to Mobile they must travel aiouwd

the bay which spoils a days timewhere if they could cross Perdldoriver with a ferry or a bridge preferV ly the latter this city would getiuually the whole of Baldwins city

6oppersTt is only a question of time when

In order to handle tho urban trade ofWest Florida and the adjoining coun-



of Alabama it w be found abso-lutely


necessary to make Pensacolamore easy of access We have theruUlllvs for handling a greatly aug-


volume of business if we canget the people front other Gulf andnearGulf counties into Pensacola withless time and bother than they musttow employ to reach us

We are glad to hear some taerchaussay that this papers admonition topeople to shop early early in theseason and early in the day has notfallen altogether on dm ears Moot

apers that aim to help Jie buyer



and the seller get through this annualholiday ordeal have to confess whenthe last shopping day of the year is outof the way that their efforts to prose-


the early shoppir campaign-haveI after all been quite barren ofresults In Pensacola however theearly shopping slogan has commencedto take hold a little For which wehappen to know Pensacola merchants-and Pensacola salespeople are devout-ly


thankful Do not let the goodwork stop just because we havespoken of It though This is idealshopping weather Get busy and do it


all up nowi

At least theres no Christmas treetrust to gobble up the available sup-ply of green branches for Dec 2o

Mr Harriman died and left 149000000 behind him Exchange

You bet he left the whole of It

I We will now wait for the np al-

medeuse cm imtioiml resources and forwhat opinion if any the president hason this PinchotBalllnger fracas

The third Mrs Lyman J Gage cor-


admits at last that she wasonce a Floradora sextette girl Wethought all the Floradora girls gotwell fixed a long time ago

The big black cigar and the brightred carnation both looked confldentBut there may not have been so muchassurance in the breast of the manthat paid for the two of them

That complete million for the South-ern


Commercial Congress building inWashington was raised ill recordbreaking order We have the spirit-as well as the money to put throughthese practical propositions for South ¬

ern enlargement and benefitsOnce more that couple of Wright

boys are sensible Their Ohio factory-is to be moved from Dayton a crowd-ed


manufacturing city to a 700acrefarm where the flying machine men

I can live healthfully as well as workadvantageously-

We are delighted to note that theres-at least one eminent educator in Bir-miitgbara who wants no Carnegielibrary in his He probably has heardhow tho mot selfconscious man thisNorth American continent ever grewcuts tha wages of his help to buildlibraries that must emblazon the nameof the ilooor in big GoUlic letters 01

the facade-



Lucie a young but smart countyvoted 200000 oC road bonds by a goodsafe majority and will have highways

I that are eqUal to those laid in anysection of the state St Lucie is


i already rated a rich county we knowi but she will >e richer presently wkei-shI gets but good roads fail ly in opera ¬

I lion Any eowty that goes IR forI these gains in population gains in I

I business gains in money Show us acounty or A city for that matter withbum roads and we wit show a constyor a city as the ca c uiay be that ismaking elegant progress backward in-


of forward

The bright and nappy AVnsacoHanwhich grows better with every mouthid out for December There are 15pages t i s time and on ererj one ofthem Ma Lillard has put the Peusa ¬

cola spirit until you fan feel the boost-ing effort for a larger and most properous municipality ia every IInThe TriCounty fair the ports pros-perity in November the new aotTthats almost roofed and ready the

I effort for waterways and the move-ment


for winter racing have all re-ceived generous space while the agri-cultural


possibilities of Escarabia-connty one of the garden spots ofDixie have not been left out in theold The Pensacolian contains UK

sort of news we like to read writtenup in crisp sd convincing newspaperEnglish the kind tbat every monthlypublication dots not employ It de-serves the success which its publisherreminds us is now coir way I



<> One day last week we made GG a bot with Lonnie Hollowell <

I that the amendment wouM win G-

In> the flection in Alabama last 04 Monday The cigars go to Lon-jo

4Hie The trifling rascal is now <

4 wearing a hat that he won from <

4 us when Bryan and Taft were 4fo on the anxious bench Dont 4> KN ne we want any more bets oJ

4 with Lonnie for a whlleDe <

4 Funiak Herald +o

699 Q-

ff t > 4 >

PRESS OF SOUTH4 c4400 o o

Heres a prediction in Ics tan110 yeari Massachusetts and Iowa WIllI

> > Dtrmotratir states In the lasHloftion whfrc the Dtiaorrats rung<lear on the tariff the Rt ubliiai-loss was great and the Republicanmajorities s are growing les and less

The Des Moines Tribuneshows the bitter feeling in the Re

I ulIicaa caaijc Ther is nothingquite so damnably disgusting as tit

I shameful spectacle of alleged R >UJ-lioans furnishing campaign thunderfor use of the Democratic party ii

I the coming national conventionRaleigh X C News and Observer

I The Sugar Trus is a gigantic andirredeemable thief It has betn con-victed


of rebating <nd fined li 0010It was convicted of stealing from theUnited States by smuggling and linedllSfiflOO It was caught again in Ii-gantk smuggling op4 rationd and returned 21ftOOOO to escwjio urosecution It stole water from New Yorkcity and returned 5 > 00f Chargedwith wrecking i Philadelphia oomjKMtor it Paid 2000000 to compromisethe suit Its photograph should w irevery roeut gallery in the cowltry Louisville Post

The French government has rais ¬

ed its ariff on cottonseed oil Thisis a distinct tax upon Southern farm-er who arc also taxed in a hundredother ways throueh the mischivoutschedules of our own taris ar1 thresultant animosities our nationalpolicy arouses in foreign lands Thuithe cotton raisers of the South whomust pay duty on everything theybuy for the benefit of the North and

without receiving any duty B>Ion the fruits of their cotton farms

actually bear this penaltyabroad because of the great burdenand wrong that the tarifffed monopo-lies have iput upon them Thus weanswer for the sins of our perseciv-tors Dallas News

The Southland has been a borrowerfor many years bt the day is notfar distant when the Southland vrilbecome a money lender Promoters

i will COHIP to southern banks for fi-


assistance A few more sea-sons and a few more crops and tbitale will be told Already we arabout able to take our own nsn sindmake our improvements AndalusnStar

Could Not Be BetterNo one has ever made a salve oint-


lotion or balm to compare withBuekVns Arnica Salve Its the oneperfect healer of Cuts Corns BurnsBruises Sores Scalds foils Ulr rsEczema Salt Rli ura For Sore EysHold Sores Chrn >ed Hands Its su-preme lnnli for Piles Only SHat all druegist

THE FAMOUS CANDIESjust in in large fresh ship ¬

ment This for you youngfolks and old HannahGrant Phone 8810 G 40 0 i G Q 4 + 4 0ft 04 FLORIDA POLITICS


eo > 0 + q-



Start From PcnsacolaClaude LEngie has Secwn his s

ond tour of the state in UU anddaev for the senate starting histime at Pensacoa as he did beforePensaioL ncist be considered a verygcT1 art to start from by the-ca dats Miami Metropolis

Senatorship and ProhibitionAlabama mans Here We Rest

says an exchange But there will h >

no rest ir Florida for a year to commFirst uies the senatorial primary-and the prohibition eai< >aign fromwhich Alabama is now resting willthen be resumed here OainesvilleSunLEnqis and a Paper

Claude LEn le feels aggrieved b >

rMUf li ° ueomiJ the PoInt Gorda HcraLl nisrtjirtsentejl what he siiuAnt t >e lasslUiMiion of the Florid

wsK rs The Ilrli quoted 1r-

EugleIll as saving that z I o pars ofdiided into four 1asssth sU te are

rned ntroeti anii and ftcpnd that those that dnt sujwyrthim would belong to tl> Arm claa-Xlr IEle sajs he said noihimr oftlt kind H snid that the pavia-rtrc divided into the four rbtsao-

sacve ecnmtrat l but none of th-

firt three cuuxl support him and theonly class from which he was ex-


to set support was the rsepalters that they would su rort himIf he ould convince them that hp wasright and would not support him oranyonE else unless they toul > t Slconvinced Ocala Star LEnjle isevidently trying to crawfish Ho-

piadc the same remark attributed tohim bv the Punta Gcrda Herald inInverness at the depot in the pres-ence


of the local editor of the Chron-icle


and others and exception to theganio ADd he mad no attempt tomodIfy the assertioc Citrus CountyChroniele-

Now 1 heyve All EnteredSenator Taliaferros formal an-


of his oundidary for reeleton roiabIv coripletfss the en-


for the senatorial stake andfrom now until the polls clos tiecairpaign will he fast and furiousLet op ore that it will be a eletncampaign free c n N 1ISecator Tali-9f

tIthe c8-nuatlIR i i




Complaints of Fruit ShippersSecretary j C Chase of the FVir

ida Shippers Protective associationhas addressed a ircular le ter to thtmembers of the association and ta theother fruit and vegetable growers ofthe stat advising them of a hearingof complaints made by the associationon Dec Oth in Jacksonville Thehearing will he before CommissionerProuty of the Interetat couimuitienand will embrace the foiovug poi-

aFirThe readjust taent of roon Florida oraiifr and pineappljs toI prints in ferrite y north of the Ohioliver and west of the Mississippi and

I Tissouri rivers in order to enableFlorida citrus fruits to compete oa an

I VMI basis with California itniffruits and for Florida pineapples to

I compete with Cuban pineapplesSecond The establishment of CA-

rloadI rates and carload minimums onFlorida vegetables to Eastern markets-and a readjustment of rales on Fior

I ida vegrables to Western markets inorder to permit many of the FInisvrjrftaMeo to compete on an een-basisI with the same pro Jut t grownelsewhere

ThirdThe establishment of car-load rates on mixed ears or Floridafruits and Florida vegetables that willpermit the carload rate applicable oneach commodity to apply to withminimums on same under ventilationand under frt rntiGn

The parties to the complaint are ex-pectedI to complete Their proofs and-

i submit the ease at this hearingj Fvon grower buyr and shipper ini Florida is vitally int restej in thisI matter and should cooperate by faii nishin testimony on the points at isj Iue and in every obor nogU WHoThe fight h injr mal byttTe Shipprs Protective aation is in the

Icause common justhe and fair playFix up the Roads and Walks

Do not stmeele with stud all winterj if you have plenty of material for tusk-Ing good roads ard walks says a

j writer in the Richmond Timesrpatch I know a Place in the Soitnwhere the fields are frirlv macadamizocl with broken rorks and the farmerpulls through a miry road to his

ilicve that his record will bear thiclosest scrutiny But he has at least

i two rood men and three good cam-paignersI to Hjeat in this race anti

lie will maxe a mistake if he reliestoo much upon his past record to win

the election He will have to be eonjstaiitly in the front to win for each01 his cvwients is eoinar to IprI-every energy to wrest his seat fromhim He proved himself a good light

j er in the last rac and we hope thatlIe is in better trim now thin he wassix years ago Gainesville Sun


Judge Reeves Was ConspicuousI Judge L J Reeves of West Flor-ida was a conspicuous figure on ourstreets for several days He left oathe afternoon train for point inSouth Florida Judge Reeves is icandidate for the office of UnitedStates senator anti wields an julioence in his section almost equal tothat wielded b Governor Bloxhamthroughout the stae in the early sev-enties


Jiitlse Reeves fs mi immense-ly popular man in West Florida andit the race were left for a decision

I of the voters of that section his-i friends would be tonfideut of tie re-sult He is a selfmade man is vetsamiitious and possesses a lofty char-acter Oeala Banner

i MOs DANVILLE PROOFJ Jacob Schrall 132 South St DanI silk 111 writes For over eighteenI nunths I was a sufferer from kidneyand bladder trouble urins thewhole time was treated Ly severaldo tors ant tried several differentkidney jiills Seven weeks aso I comiienred taking Foleys Kidney Pillsand am feeling better every day ani-

j will be glad to tell anyone nterestmd just what Foley s Kidney nil dofT me W A UAleinborto drue-Kis and apothecary 121 S Palafo >

i streetje 0 4 w 0



tc +o t 4d e o 0 4 oO-

I Dr IJoushton he evin elist wentout of his way in a sermon deliveredIt Tampa a reeent night to vilifyand abnso the oder of Elks for waicnEditor Stovill of The Tribune tookhim to task Thereupon the doctordevoted his Sunday sermon to hurling

j vile fithetp at the uews aper mani who hui taIn r The cud Pi tor on-

of the most cbtritable orders on thefate of the eartii an order the mem-bers


of whi h as A whole are as goodmen as rowpo any organization notexcepting the church

Dr Brow tons broad statementitat the Klks is an organization ofsport drunkards and gamblers

is as far from the truth as oth ristemnts for which be has been

i called Iowa in the past and it is justsuch statements as this which lessenthe influence cf men so capable ofdoing good

the order of Elks needs BO de-Ifense at osr bands Their work forhumanity is not chsrarterized bv

i sounding of trumpet1 as is that ofj some men wo cmil1 name but theyI are doin tMs work just the same-as are al the other better class of se-


orders and Dr Brousfhtons attat will tot deter then from cottinuin the wor1iGainsville Sun

THE FAMOUS CANDIESJust in in large fresh ship-ment This for vou young

I folks and old Hannah <S

Grant Phone 881I

Grover IndictedSaw Father in Town

Lucius Grover the nerro who waindicted yesterday for the murder ofa woman and who will be placed ontiial for his UTe for the offense saw

t bU father yesterday SOOB after returnfrom the court house IB the en

house when by the expenditure of alittle bor he could have a solid sone-oad

I rhen where the roads are deepsand one kaii prneraliy find on ditcnins on either side of the roadway tbrtthere Is clay enough right at hand tomake a good surface or the road

But certainly have ry hard walk I

round the house and do the outbuIld-ing Our Piedmont red clay will iW i

ovitaMy work up into a mire in theamrard under the iampim of cattlJ i

and The only way to avoid it is tomacadamize the ham yard alt oveias I did in Virginia I

Farmers of Orange are Prosperous I

Col Waters of the TimeoUnioastaff getting up Orange countys spo i

ial edition of that rat daily re-


from Ocoee Oakland and Win-

ter Garden enthusiastic over the re-


I of that pardon spot of thecounty shipments of fruits and vee i

I tabJ < p from that section bein > fargreater than ever dreamed of Th1colonel says the farmers are all pros-perous


have snajmificent homf someowniiR individual waterworks and

I electric light plants gardens under theI latest systems of irrigation and thehorse onh kept for work on thr farms


automobiles being used almost entire-ly as a means of travel handaom1-ears anti gnrages being near

I 1v every residence visited OrlandoI

I ReporterStarHow Much Pork does a Bishel of

Corn MakeHenry in his Feeds and Feeding

gives th ° results of trials with 50 pigsat tie Illinois station which show thatoar ujshel of corn made 109 pounds-of pain in weight The gains from abushel of corn ranged from 6f to 1ISpounds This wide rane shows thepossibilities for loss or profit accordlag to the feeding quality of tie hogsand thc skill of the feeder The aver-

t aee pain per day per hop was 1ftlI pounds which show fairly Roodjprowtb With good hogs well han

costs 7 cent a pound to makeI pcrk with corn st TO cents a bushelMot pork made on 7Occrt corn wilt

I cost from S to 3 cents a pound liveweight when corn alone Is fed

tody of Sheriff Van Pet Grover savhis father who is in the Ity in hissons interest a soon as he reachedthe jail The father said that heamo ever from Orlando to b with

Lucius He said his son was an obe-dient JOY but 21 Y ears of age but haildrifted to inniP i soul hisFlu ma home and had heti brought t-oPeasia wila railroad workmen Hesaid th boy hal ben iorn in GeorgiaTh younpor Grover smiled goodna ¬

turedly in the county jail and believesthat the iiarpo ncain hint will nothe provi H dniIJ from the firstthat he nad kilT rl tIll wonan and thecisa will I made up of circumstantialevidence cleail-


The launch rapt Page whl carry-ing


men for drill to Fort Plekenswent rcnmj yesterday aftfrnoon on

I a reef and in filing to of thelump besan to Mfiw her wlSbtle in dis-

t toF signals For about 20 minutesIll launch Mew The tug Val > aa ofI the navy yard and the launch Xearvof Barrancas reached out to help thestranded craft The Xeary reachd-hf Pane first and passed a line Tbpi

the Waban assisted in s ttnR thePage off to deep water The life say ¬

lug crew came out in their boats hutI too late to he of assitanr Thei Neary showtd tier speed and her

reels ir this casei



A coTimittee front the grand jury-sneut about an hour at the countyjail ve > terday locking over the inatilotion with a iew of incorporating in-the presentment to be made today

t some mention of the rendition of thoflm Mingt TIp sheriff invited < omo friends Intothe place yesterday directly after the

Igrand jury committee bad teen thereand se people stated thT fojnr

I the T> e in as good shape as posishletaking into consideration the fact tha

I the jail Is rowed quite beyond itj capacity at tbr> present timeI The peculiar propei rs of Ch tici nerlains Coueh Remedy have 1 > T-

tljoroni hlv tested during r idemi sof in jeiiza and whf r it WHS tiknI-n time we have not heard of a sinl

i ease of pneumonia Sold by all daera



bankruptcv pror t dinsrswere instituted in the rnitd Sttticourt j sterflju tov Xew OIeaRs cof-feeI firms szainH F E Bayhss of tw-

i Peasarola Tea A Coffee CoI Mr Kajliss declares he will ficht thproceedings in the court as h corn

I pony is not bankrupt by siry meansI


I A Splendid Line-Of holiday gifts are now displayed aThe Crystal Pharmacy

I BEULAHSpecial to Tn r journalI Betil > h Dec Quite a change in

the wvnrher this inornins with a frost-hut not enough to do any harm to

i much of the s tJen-Iirsi James Snowden has returned

i from MOSSY Head where she wentlast week TO assist her terinlawMrs Henry Barrioeau who is svk

I on tfc trip to Quintette where thefamily will make their future home

Mr Barrineau has disposed of hLiafprests in turpentine ct MOPHV Iftdj-

femes Snowden Thomas M Tiannaand Thomas Hanna Jr start i folakr rity S C Tburdav merr na TO

spendlie Christmas holidays It torI

M VM>O home with relatives adfriends Jt If their first vit hcm in

1 test yearsr T Tr Tat i ILII of Mo

Knj visited at the home of MrsDamns parent3 Mr and Mrs ArthurSpare Sunday

Mr and Mrs C E Snowden wervisiting at the home of Arthur Spare I

Sunday evening-A J Garrett has not boon feeling

well for a few days and fears ar I

entertained that he may bare to po to-

Day Minette soon for further treat-ment


if he is strong enough to makethe trip

Will Shelby has been building some I

good fire places for neighbors wl o

will surely appreciate them since thechange in the weather

King Hirst RII old Confederate vetran went to the city Monday tospend It week with relatives andfriends

John B Hirst was in the city onbusiness Monday

IV A Shelby has secured the agency

for a fertilizer formula which he id I

pushing with his usual energyI

E IA Shelby has just moved intehis new and uptodate residence just I

finishedTo illustrate what epa be don with

sucar cane in this soil and bring oifcomments by otaer who have done as I

good or better we note S A Garrctfs tsuccess with cane From a half arreplanted in threefoot rows h mal i

1BO gallons of syrup and sold siruth of chewing cane > iot of i ws

soul in Muscosree where he t oulmake two trips per day


FRESH GUNTHERSShipment of the famous

candies just received Phone881 and we will send Han-nah


Grant I

Subscribe to The Journal





tt1tiL Ii






1500The biggest and handsom-


iron bed in the county forthe money






1800 i

Sleepy Hollow RockerI genuine leather upholsteredi heavy quartered oak







10810 S Palafox Phon = 149

fcyH i


Make Em AUIHappyb-

y giving them a pairi

tof shoes or slippers forChristmas And be sureyou get em at The Bos-ton



QUALITY PREVAILSEvery pair just as

good as good honestleather and workman ¬

ship can make em iPriced too at a reason ¬

able margin so that you-I are sure of your moneys lii

worthS3oo TO 500

are the popular prices forboth ladies and gentJe ¬

men and these prices-are our winne-




Quality Shoes for AM


=A cougbiust ltU0ne C0U91I

Li everything

amoum niuchSome



until tbeto

lung tIssues are s othersitk to r dOCk dout Ayrr s Cruj Pc stop therccughw0Ch pec-


loral f h Y3 TcJc it Iia t c il scars HowIj kAS uNo lhendont JLC rM long hue you


C D vIc NAI-s Accomplishing WordrS for Consunptives and Suffers edC reuses KIndr

The fclowrg is one cf scores of testimonials from sufferJoels on file In the Companys office This case Is certified tot >

lent Clergyman ot Nashviie Tenn whose nam will be f a ProJTlapplication d

NASHVILLE TennThis is to certify that about seven nortbs aijo I cot aJ90erecold whici settled on my Ijngs my lr lung bemp the nmo4

caunlng me excruciating pain when turning my heso to tho Ir etebecame incessant esprciay during the early pat of the Fit c00 ghrhdgcs set In and my weakened condition I was unable to perfoJWs1nary household duties

I was advised to try POMONA for Ccnsumption anew re atwas being manufactured in Nashville and after using one Lottie tna all soneness disappeared the Hemorrhages ceased and my c11 aaln ost gone When I had taker half of the second bottie I felt nsymptoms oT the ailment that had afflicted me for months rtner

In al I used two bottls of Pomona and now feel iike a newMy appetite and strength have been greatly Increased and I am 19as ever

i fuily believe that Pomona saved me from an earlywith sincere graittirte very resprctfuly MRS JENNIE STAt1

Sufferers of Tuberculosis or Consumption In any form need sufr110longer if POMONA is taken in time

Manufactured by THE HOME MEDICINE CO Nashville TennWrite for additional information and testimonials It THE LEWIS BEAR DRUG CO Wholesale CtrL era Pensacola l-




I == = = ==

PRESENTSH-ere aI a Saving

Our stock is replete with suggestivepresents for man lady boy girl and in ¬

fant at prices lower than the lowest-



are offering this week 10 yards Black 9cDomestic 1

I Ladieswool

TailorMade Suits Silk Lined all d 398I One lot Mens Shoes on display in our Shoe De¬

partment actually at onehalf price Come and waitI on yourself It doesnt take a salesman to sell you

these Shoes at the prices fI Ladies 350 Shoes High Top Patent 1 98Vici must go at < 0-






buying a Mans Suit from-

us means a cash saving to you

Felt Slippers all colors h Iiis

98 centsI iWhen you buy from us your i-jrJ

dollar does double work Come and

be convincedI

BrawiierRiera Company I

Cor Palafox and Rom an avI-

II = iBoIoT IiiiIs


d the added feature of ex-


help enable us to turnout a grade of laundry work

o that sets the pace for all oth-


We know how and doit

I Empire LaundryW-here Linen Lasts



Phone 322

i= S