i excepnons to i ' b • t n rul mad h f •d i

) I I ' ' Com pulsory Assembly Friday t Comp ulsory A ssemb ly Friday BY THE STUDENTS, FOR T H E UNIVERSITY , VOLUME XXXN · WA'\HINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1930 NU MBER 21 Tallyn Names Members For Dance Figure Fifty-one Men Select ed Fancy Draa Theme Figure F or ORCHESTRA TO BE CHOSEN SOON B an d of N ote Ia Promiled F or W int er Set of Danca Plea For Discarded C loth ing Sent O ut By WelEare B urea u Singers Make 193 0- 31 Debut At Staunton A plea to Washlnato n and Lee men to save tbelr discarded cloth- Ing and awe It to the Lexlnjfton 1 Wellare Bureau is iss ued by Kn. Glee Club H olds J oint Recital Nora Lea Hinea, superintendent or public welt are. Her office Is 1n W ith Staunton V ocaliat the First Nati onal Bank Building. F riday N ig ht A letter will be sent this week u5 the fraterni tY presidents, who w111 be urged to collect the cloth- GR OUP S INGS F OR I LARGE AUDIEN CE 1ng among t he members. Mrs . Hine<J san: " No doubt many studenta wW find clothing when they leave town for the Christmas holidays that they wUl not need . Our de- partment Is taxed this wi n ter with requests for clothes, o.nd l am cer- Entire P rogram of Opening I Concert W dl- R ec eiv ed I By U.tenen P'tfty-o.ne men wUl ..... ,. ID taln many men will have apparel In a Joint reolt.al with Mrs. ' that they no longer need. It any .. ... .- ......... . ::- 1 Delta Up silon Due to a clllllle In schedule, d = lnstall e On 1 ed to remalD UftW the Christ- Satur ..J _ ay Here man hoUdaJI.. Jaut bas found he will have ..,_ve a week 1 early. W . 0 . '!Mimaa. editor of the annual . ..,. that because of Ar cades Club Be comes Fifty- thls. all plctuna anuat be taken Sixth Ch apter of That by the end of tiM week:. Fr aternity J. D. Spa rks Named B us iness Man ager Of Troubadours Jnmes Sparks, or Monroe, Ln .• v. l<'dct! Manager ot llw Troubadours last Friday night Oberst Qui ts As Mentor Of Gener al following the reslgnatlon of Hous- Hope Jinx Will Leave With ton Mlnnl cce. MlnnJece qu.::; hcd hi s po,ltlon because of Resignation Is I n H is hi s plans to lea\"e the University St tement at the end or the semester. a Members of tbe ata1f wU1 be around this week to see the thirty men who bave not yet retu rned their proofs. Tbere are also many who have not made appolDtmente and it is requested that t.bele do so at once. AnyOne wllbing t.o order pictures may eee Tbomu at the Beta bouse. PRO FESSOR ELLARD I Sparks is a member of PI Kappa i -- Alpha. a nd the int.ermediale taw HEAD GRID COACH IS TOASTMASTER Fr atern ity Presid ents Are En- tertai n ed at Banquet Sat· u rday Night ..: tass. until his election he was I FOR TWO SEASONS property ma nager. No one was elected to this paslt.Jon Tom Walker. vice-president or the mu- ;; kal comedy, has Wllbdrawn !rom tehool. His office and that of Properly Manager w!ll be rtlled by t h" Execulive Committee of Su ccessor Has Not Yet Be en Picked By Athletic Authori ties the Tl 'Oll badours at th eir next Eugene Oberst, for the last two the Fancy Dress Ball flture J&D1 th Katherine Allen. St aunton vocal- 1 uary !10 . Presi dent William Tal· men have clothing that 18 n e !st. the Washington &nd Lee 1lee .._ ___________ _ lYn announced today that t.be least respect wearable 1 urge them club made its debut for the 'ltlomas aan tbAt the anuual Is well under war. Work baa been s t.arteod to 1et much of th1a :>ut of the way b)' the holidays. Del ta U ps il on. na tional soclaJ I tn<'etlng. years hE'ad footbail coach at .frntemlty has been install ed on --a--- Washington and Lee university, t he Washington and Lee campus, M ill and t hat the most important fra- atmen w wlll not re t urn next season, be figure will be 1n four maiD to brinl It to my otllce.'· 31 season last Friday nJtbt at Excepnons to led by the friends of ---o- - Mary Baldwin college. Robin Hood. Carlton Speaks Before an audien ce which near- N Rul Mad ternJty function ever held here is I ' announced recentl y. over. The Arcades Club is now B • T After a conference w ith athletic the !lfty - sl '<th chapter of that ep-1n 0Ufttey a:Jthorities or Wasb mgton and Lee, The orchestra will be definitely J I 1y filled the y. M. c. A. auditor- I ew e e booked th.ls week. Tallyn 1a ex- H F •d At lum the club sang ten numbers national social f rate rnity. 0 the former Notre Dame s tar tack- The i ns tallati on took place In In Gym Today the following announce- pectlng a telecram announcinr ere n ay alon e. a nd four in conJunction I For SJx Men the acceptance of the contract by w it h Mr s. Allen. Solos by Mrs. the leader of one of the outstand- QDK Assembly Allen, selections by the club's the chapter house and Cllfiord M. ''My two-yenr contract to coach Swan was the Master or Ceremon- football at Washington anc. Lee lng bandl in the country, and violin t rio. and plano solos by hopes to announce th P. orchestra Bert Farber, club accompanist, thls Friday. New Manhen of Lead enh ip completed the prO(lTam. With the Junior class bavlnl 1 The concenaua of opinion of decided at the meetinc Jut Fra t ernity To Be Tapped t hose who attended the concert 'l'hUJ'tlday to ellmm11te the annual reveals tha t the entire procram class banquet, Ray Ade, Jumor at lmpra.ve Ceremony was .,..ell-received, es pec1all1 thole presldenl., is now bla num bers In which Mrs. Allen waa time to the decOJ"&tloDI for the Newcomb Carlton , preSident of assiste d by the W. and L. orsan- Junlor Prom. January le. He the Western Union Telearaph iza ti on. says : Company, will addreaa are annual A sailor's chanty, " What ShaD " A15 In former years, the color Omicron Delta Kappa assemblY We Do With A Drunken Sailor." scheme will be blue and white. which will be held on Friday a t was the most liked of the num- All men who pay their alx dollars 11 :30, according to Graham Mor- bers the club sanr alone, while class dues wm be en titled to a rison. p1esldent of th e Wr.shJng- t he negro spiritual, "I Got Sh oes," place In the flrure and a favor." ton and Lee circle of the !rater - and two Christmas carols, were The decoration commlttef' is nlty. At this assembly the t.ap- also favorably received. composed or L. L. TIIDOl'. cb'llr· Pin& of the new mtmbei'S w11l Judging by the bit of ml\n, R. Russell. H. Sherwood, J . tat e place. the program was Bert Parber's Zi mmerman, J . P. JODM, C. P. Mr. Carlton was graduated piano solo. He played " Rhapeody Youn1. F . 8 Smith, R. A. Street, from Stevens Institute In 1880 1n Bl ue." and was called back for V(. Cathey 'Uld W. White. and received his M. A. from Har- encore after encore, when he Whlle the color IJCbeme for tbe vard in 1917. He beaan his ca- played papular selection. Fancy Dress fliUre w not decld· reer u a mechanical enrlnct:: r at Mrs. Allen sana an aria from ed u yet , th'! men wW be ci:c.ed Buffalo, New York, where he Aida. alone and with the Klee in costumes to represmt tile practtced for etaht years. He was club render·.. several -lectlona. of the " merry men" Jn Sherwood dlrel&or of worka at the Pan- """ .... Porest. Led bJ Rkbard. Coeur de American Expoeition, 1189-1902. among which the Cb'Pir ectne and Lion. the procesalon wU1 proceed Since then be has been vlce-prea- Czardas. from Victor Herbert's to the far end of the rymnulum, tdent of the Bell Telephone Com- "Fencing Master,'' was best re- where the Kini'S palace will be pany, of Westlni - ceived. In these Joint numbers, Mrs. Allen was accompanied by the 1athertnt center for the re- house Electric and Manufac tur - the club's qua rtet , comPOSed of conclllatlon of the Sheriff and 1n1 Companv. and vlce-prc., ,den t R. R. Por te r. president of the or- Robin HtlOd by thr Kina. and president of the Westem 'l 1 n- ganJzatlon . J . w. Clopton. bust- The order and penonnel or th e lor. Telearaph Company. ness ma nager, E. B. Wilcox, and f iiW't! will lle: Mr. Carll'> r. 's other are E. s. Graves. Klng Rich!\rd Coeur de !.ian- many and wide. He Is A vi olin trio, comPOSed of N. W. H. Tallyn . among ot he r businesses wi th Lht E. Gresham. L. J . Roose, and E. Courtiers: Ethan Allen. 8 . L. American and Cabl e w . Robinson . accompanied the Crenshaw, W. A. Glucow. and P' . Company, the Chase Na Lional club in ··o Little One Sweet." and H. Adams. Bank. the American Rallw., y Ex- rendered a special selection . Robin Hood-J. W. Devine. Jr. press Company, the Church Life "Sonas My Mother Taught Me." Sheriff of NottinlbDm- Horace Ins unmce Company, lht> l..o,lj An - R. A. Caldwell. piccoloist, ac- Oooch, Jr. l{eles and Late Railway, the comp:mled the club In " The Gal - The "merry men." rroup- National Employment Exchange. way Piper." " Llttle John," Charles Day, cnal r- and the American aurar Rc fln - Alter the concert . the club was man : W. P. Ballard. P . W . Me- inl Company. He 111 a trustt:e or I enterta ined At a reception at the Clut!r, Jr .. M. M. WeinbeTa. N C. Columbia Unive rs ity. college. E \·e ry man had a date. Mf'Uon. W. C. SlUflf, H. J. Patter- Mr. Carlton Is not onJy a bus- and p unch was served. son. C. L. Broou. 0. J . Wllklf'.aon, lncss man. hut also a mernbea or ---o-- H. W. MAbey and B. D. Maxey. the Metropolitan Museum or An . F• 1D b t The "merry men." second of the New York ZoolQtJical SO- ma e a e fP'O UP- '' WIU Scarlet: · B . J Lam- clety, and llf the Japan Soc.lety. bert. ch&trman: B. M. Ayar s. wn- Amona his clubs Is the New York To D- Frtday bur OWen , J . W. Barpr, W . 8 . YachL Club. LX Wurzbw· 1er . Stuart Bandera, J . B. Crane. A. c . Conwey, B. E Kale)'. Omicron Delta Ka ppa, H . G. Morison and W. 0. Thomas. honor ary leadership fra lcl n l ty . C h ampions of Int ramu ral The " merry men,'' third wroup wu founded at Wllshlngt on and F hm T T R -"Allen-a-Dale," c . H. McMillan. Lee In 1914. The fratern ity bids' res en UD\1 o e- Jr .. chairman ; H w. MacKeruie, Its new members each year at the ceive Cup . Jr .. Harry Bum. Jr., E. P. Bled- ta pplf\1 ceremony held at. some Fac ul ty D ec lara Six Ath - letes Eligible for Indoor les. The examiner waJohn P. Much In t erest Is Shown By t. as expired. I shall not return Broomell. Swat hmore '99, and the F . d N F next year . My term of coaohinl Chief Ma rshall Frank W. Noxon, ra t erm ty an on- ra- nt Was hing ton and Lee hu not Syracuse ' 94. The sp eaker on th is ternjty Organi7at ions meL with much as f ar u occasslon was Fredric P. Lee. vlct.ories ar e concerned. I have Hamilton 'Hi. Elmer A .. Glen n, With lhe weighing in complet- j tx-e:n. well satisfied, however, with At a mtftinc of the executive Ru tgers '24. was the Secretary In ·d rdw. the intra mural '>oys efforts In most or the l&m• committee of tbf faculty on last char ge of the installation. nesllmg tournament w1ll get un- we have piayed in the lut two Friday afternoon. abl of Sbe The lnstaJlation room was de- der wuy tbts aftPrnoon nl five mm::. I sincerely wtsh the bop seven namet of athletel preaeated corate d with Amencan, Canadian, when the ound bout. luck in t he f uture, and hope m:r by Forrest Pletcher, head of the and Delta Upsilon flags. N ear will be run orr in thP KYm. u n- .e.tvln.g will drive away the Jinx Physical Education departmnt, fif ty men were I nstall ed as char- >rl'cedentcd :nler<'st ha:. b..:cn that has pursued the team for the were granted exceptions to tbe members of the na&ional so- •hown in lhls s port and lhC'I'I.: are 'ust six years." recent faculty ruU na as regards clety. Members or the Arcades 11ncty-rom men rntl' r'cd t<.ptc- Olierst came here from DePauw participation in activities at Wash- cl ub came fr om all over tll.C East entl n:J most of the !rntPrnltlC's, university, Greencastle, Ind .. lngton and Lee. to be prese nt. Rober t G. Br ust 1 nc n on-fratcmity vh"a·e he was line coach. Before came down from Ca rnegie Tech ; l nd l\\o il 1 dependents. Tht l35- ·omlng here. he had enJoyed an The name or Leil b WUllama, c. w . Hickman and John Pres- r..und class Is u 1 c popular record, h1a football teama for three yean an outatandial Lon Davis !r om Uni versi ty of with 1 7 t>ntrl es and thr 125 pound 1a1•ing lost o nly five ram• in five member of four WuhiDrton aqd Pensylvanla and W. L. Woodall second with 16 entries years. At Notre Dame, Oberst came down from Wooster College. rhe otlv r r!P sscs ranre f: or'!! 13 • ,• .,, a mainstay In the Rambler lty for vanil.Y buteu.D t.b1a sea- Prald en& Gaines SJ»Nkl l in the 165 to 7 In thfi' 175 group Inc from 1920 to 1923. Ala Jan: afte bavtq beeD member 'lbe formal banquet at the Rob- The Phi Kappa and In thrower. he also made an lnter- :;n the aad Whit: football ert B. Lee hotel was anoth er big hr Slgma are the on ly two national name for hlmaelf, rep- team of tbe paa ..... . Wll11aml feature of the day. Dr. F ra ncis lraamLiltlons with a full team en- th:- United States ll\ tbe wu ll'&Dted &D acepttoa to tbl p. Gaines .,. 8 one ol t he chief 'et:ed. The Betas and the A. T . 192? Ol ympte games and talttna rule bJ t.ba oam"' *' mAIDa b1m apeaters of the ev erung . Preal- 0. s have t he most mf'n en l<'red. t hltd place. elllble t or vat'llty bubt ball com· d ent Gaines in patt. said "nch fraternity r eglstermg eleven AU.tlet ac authorities at Wubina- , · men buL neither one has o. full •on a nd Lee had no statemeM to petition t or the rematninr part of "Bringing Delta Upsilon to ten,.;, se\'Crll l men bei ng entered nnkc today regarding the c'**- tbe ftrst aeme$ter. Washing ton and Lee Is an occas- n each class The Tourist Inn . situation A committee bu Monk Mattox and Tex Tilson slon for conv-ratulatlon to the ! ra- vlnner of the touch-football lecn appai nted to coruide1 the both members of the Generals 1n temlty and the umverslty. Your •oumomrnt a nd h l>(h s<'o:ea.; to 11ntter or a c;uccessor to Coach the paat campaign on the arid.lron group comprises studen t. l<'aders jate. ha•·c n ot enlCJed a tt>am. Ober'lt . but nothinc can be' done and outstandinr candidates for a l. a number of Americas chief mt a UC:W knl)\\ a or sever al weeks. CApt. R. A. the wreetUnr team of this and counts amonr lts In- tht' Wh!c;kea s o.nd up dll'ector of athletlca. spoke were presented to the committee terested alumni many dlstlngul!h- >f studt:nts who eat at Mt <oa Man 11 .hly or Ober st and his woa k at for exceptloru to the new rullng. ed citizens. Today you ndd a l.lody ..ntrd '!>. has signed up with !our Washi ngton and Lee. The coach Mattox and given the privllegt of of young men who will enhnn(;e ncn. Sam Gt·een\";ood. a favoa1te v; 1th hill me:1. wrestltng on the team asalnst the the splendor ot your roiJ. 135 .pottnd champion of Gnham "While Gene h as n't won the Army tbla semester while Tilson " The college fra t.ei'D ity, no iormltory. vlctodes so essential to succeu longer a. mere group of All ln was completed ' or n footba ll c:oach . he hu tuu:rbt c omrades on t he local campus. has ond the conll'slants lur men more football tttD;? any FAulkner and W. M. to be a pos!Uve !actor In vt ll not h i\I'C to k£·ep do\\<n lhrh :ourh I ever known, Mr. MacDonald, likewise members of education. No boy is ever the C ur future te...ts. Each man "".mlth snld. My candid optllon Ia the football team of the sea- same . n rte.r his rratem lty. s bt'lng ullnwed thrre pound• w. have h ad and probably ..- 1encc. Col bett er. 0110 ra 1ely to1 \et· tl limit as 1 , the custom 1e\er & ht> ll h!\ve a finer man than son and candida tes tor the box- worse, his lift Is ch anged. No unl- if nc Oberst a.s football wach at lng team. were allowed an excep- verl'ltY can artord to be uruntnd- Washin gto n s.nd LPe. We hate to t!on to the rullnl makln1 them rut or the tremendous compul- The men wno nn\t \lllt-rtd ' him go. Duri ng the Ooerst elgible tor lntercolle,tate compe- Continued on pnge four t'J)l'l'llt'nt ctlass In t 1 tblt 1 I me. washlmrton and Lee baa U tlon this semes ter. :!tnt blxh v;lth he PC ex- •·tm llix garnet. tied two and loet Peel Rivers. s tar sophomore ---o-- ·rptlon or th,. M'tlior lawY•ts The 'lt>n 'n . Is a repeti tion of the swimmer and high Jumper, was Band To Play '{trnt maJority nr<' Ire'>hmen, :ootb:\11 "' ltuatlon at the university declared elglble tor the swimming mnny ol them r.., r thr rot· hlllt 11 dozen years." t eam and for Indoor track: by the (IOI!h lr Hll this yeur. uut u. ·•rf• ts WhPn nsked about his future committee. At First Game \ hb , wJ ,,,nnkllua or >Inns Oberst !laid: "I have noth- Joe Sawyers. halfback the past '110r<' ... Junll)l'S nnd senior• St:v- nQ in m ind at present, but un- !l eason on the fre.Vunan football nil han frilm other r.chool. doubledly s hall stay 1n the coach- team and candida te for the fros b B and Makes Last 11\\'t' al•o stgntll<'d their lntrn- nr vnme." basketball team , wu presented by r- uono; or corn pt• ttn g. Oberst and his family wUl leave Mr. Pletcher to the commi ttee for Before Christmas at Shaw- 1hts 11 nr' tournament t ex- Ll'xlngton within the n ext two L A v T B Pitah h university 'lssembly In the tall . soe. · · ance, · · 111 · The 1930 members w111 be Lnr ped T . M. Beller , P' . 0. Swlnlt. L. P. an exception to the ruUng but the nee Game Lht• lntcre.'lt or ruw to r three month,. The ln t ramural Freshmen de· committee decided not to act at d.•tc nd r.p•rltt>d •·ompl'ttt 011 ls ---a--- bating team ll, after havlna aone that meettng on hl.s caae since the --- ·xnectt>d In ell the cla, :;es. 't'hl Powell, Jr .. H. R. Groop lr.lld H. at the assembly Frida y. Lhrougb four hard-fought series Uttle General court season does The w ash lnaton and Lee band will b<' ntdcd by thl' nwnrdinR or Charity Drive Now Under Way 0. Wlnscon. ---o-- of debates. are down to the semi- not open until a later date than w1 U mnke one more public ap- mC'dals to the wlnne:s o! t:nch ThP "merry men ," fourth rroup Many H ave Made -"OeorJJe-a-qreen." A. c. J ones. No Appointments tlnals and flnala. Wednesday some of the other indoor seaiiOns. pearance before the Chr lstmnli elMs . nigh t the first year men of a . A. ln nearly every cue the com- holidays. Dr. Shelley has been 1'hr fllllclnllnc this yro 1 wi ll E. a nd D. u . will debate for the mlttee made the txceptlon to the r·eh ea a ·sl ng Lhc organ i?atlon for Of\ by P.lL Milchr·ll, mrmh •t of championsh ip round with Sigma ruling until the end of the tlrsL lt.s a ppearnnc<' at the os:.enlna 1 hi ll year's mrslty and c hairman : .J. C. Rub. RAymoJtd Ade. M. P . Levy, J. P. Armatronc . For Cai)'X Phot os W. A. Bowes, C. B. Vtcken, J . A. We lnbera. Jr., R 0. Morrow. A. J . Lelbowttt and G. A. Speer. Nu to be run ott on Friday nigh t. sem ester onl y. The second semea- ba<.ketball game wllh the Shaw- a rt nr. n mrmbcr or undtt- S tud e nt s Start Annual Drive -- a-- Literary Oub Banquet Friday Dr. Gaines Will Speak At Functi on of O ld at Student Orpnizatio n The Or aham -Lee Literary So- ciety, oldeat st udent oraanlf.Ation on the campus. wtll hold Its one hundr ed and cm - n unl banquet Friday nlaht In the Robert E. Lee Hotel at 7 o 'clock , J c. Armour. c hairman ot the pmwram. announced today . A num b<'r of alumni , and ron nt" r members of the Ora- ha m-Lee aoc lety w1U be pr esent. amon1 whom will be PrCJ1UI'IOr Flournoy, Professor Crenshaw , Dr HolmM, and William Dana Hoyt Jr., pae !dent ot the society. Dr Oulnes haa slanlfled his intention or bt!lna prtM>nt and will a lve a talk . T. w. DavenPVrt will oct u toastmaster for the occas- Ion . The banquet wUJ mar k the end Con tinued on paae fouJ· According to Bill Thomas. edi tor The champions will r eceive the te r grades will be a basis for e lglb- net Athletic Club. fen trd tram or 111st yenr. who will Of th1931 calyx , the work or t ak- cup n ow on display at the Cor- Ulty In tha t term and anoth er Wh lh n1.. Bl rt 1 . rell 't t all 'he bouts. "' d lh ........ ..A 1 11 1 portion or ' he school year wUl of en (' .. ue I \'e pays at. n outa Will la.'\l ninht mlr.utl! 1 n1 pictures for the an nual !! pro- ner, an e s pea....:r w · h durl the c ng b ktt ... receive a five dollar prize. course be ushered ln . ome 0 " om wd nny ume v; Ill win ;r eulna very well. There are still The question for debate is " Re- The seven names were the only ball li"ll on , the band hOJX'::. to be tlw drct ion \ tun adl'a•l:agc many who have n ot made rcservted t th is tim t nbll' to piny ut 1111 the iamea. 11 11 1 l•:t llt R Jnlnme \\lll 1101 b tlo ... . for sJ tt ln'" and QUite anu m- solved th at defeared rushing ones presen a e or ex- To r AR I Ulnt Drum uo .. 'l hould be Introduced on the ceptlons to the new nallng. It 1 11 m 1 1 0 11 -1 c·r•ulrl·d and th t•rt• 1 ill be 1 .u cx- ber ot proofsu re sll11 tmcall C'd for·. Washlnaton and Lee campus." believed. however, that u the sea- MnJor Fanncis will lend the bntld t ru P! atod '""tdrcs All proofs must be In this week, P ro resaor Bauer of lhe public son other names will tha ough Its ltlat bill rchNtrsal be- Euc·h d:l'l'l! tnnlclws \'111 1 be and those still unca 11ed !or will be IIJX'n klna depar tment says t hat need be presented by the coaches. f Ori'! the holidays some time lhla r >o ted In 'ht" Y)'m und Ill thP looked over by members of the wrelc . r. 01 11 ... r 1.1" IV>On 01 tht• dn" they Sta "' and sent In with the rest . Uw spenklna h as been excelJe nt o-- - - ,. 3 , " d ha 11 b bel t th p D E T H ld ln holdlna the b:r.nd together "I'C' ciut ::ocl . All coni l , 11 ts The " Y" room wi ll be o• "'n from an :;, rea Y t'en er an · o o h .. 1 ,..,. th tnt r ll"'alat d b t s aft er t e fool ual season, Dr. l' ho nrc II & rd for an" d v an 1:30 until 4: 00 every a. ft<'rnoon for c c -co " e e a e · I · · · M d d 1 ' " Thus far there h as been onl y n at aa taon on ay Sht'llt'Y nnnounrl' thnt. on Y men skcd to be rendy to \Hcstlc by the rest or the week In order to 1el one Judae for each debate, but , who attend at lt •a. l thrre-fouallu IIHo'clock In the aftemoon. the proofa now on hnnd rea dy nnd dutt to the compel! lion belnJ 10 The temparary Inactivity of PI or tht' 1 r hl 11r nls to be held nflrr .JOu ts will all b :,, ld In the t vm . out of the way. 1rcat and the tl'nms tx.olna so Del ta Eps il on. one of the two t he Hu·atlon \\Ill re<'l'lve ktys for Vursnv llmttlce \\Ill b t •lied T he photographer will be here wrll matched thert' will be three Journallsttr rrate rnltl es on thl' th!S btmd I\OI'k . Att• ndnnce h&.\ li ttle r.arh· C\'Cry a rt.cano:m un- for two weeka Ianter nnd . If neceh- !udll<'l aL the !Innis on F ri day Is to bo te rm inated on , lulllJ)( .' d a btl artl'l lne D ttke lrlp til .1ftt'l' the tourrnn<'llt 111 sary, until tht be&lnnlng or the There will be Dr Mot- MondRY, Dccrmber l li th , accord- but IJr Shelley nnd lhe mnna11C'ra o lul\ ·e 11le mnt.s t'l n ed ror the holldaya. No p lcturts will be to.ken fntl. Dr . Shelley, and Professor Ina to M. B. Cox. The lnltlaLion a rt ronrtdt nl thal M 6oon as lh£ nu·omunll!i, Vru llY l•tnr.tltt af ter that lime. The proofs of the I conn . which Is to tnke pl ace that nrwr- ft•stlvlllcs are In the pn!lt esslons will tw t'.tl!t ct ror 3:3o pict ures laken from now on will S. A. E. Ia b<'lna rcpreaentcd by noon will UB'1er the tollow lnl men the H• hr nt will be ut lcndl•d tls t)'l'lo<· k In tt':ld cil fOIII o c1 '' k as be ready Immediately orter school J. D. McCulley nnd J B. Slo- Into the ch.nptcr: R. L. Hall. c. WNt' om• u.t the n "'t or h, b"ll. the rustom n flu thlfi resumes af ter Chris tmas . vall: D. U by R. a Sale ond A. E. Lona. J ohn Ladd. Georae Par- yrar. Yt tr . The pictures turned out th is Jl . Price. and Slama Nu by v. v. sons. D 0 Prlct'. J w. Clopton. Thr bnud a;rr.ms to have madn Y<'&r by White are exct ptlonnlly Hnrr ls and F H n amllton. Post- W. Mulllaan, J. B Crane. J C the b st unpre ton both at hom11 &ood nnd so far thcrtt have been <' rs will tx• up thl• werk glvlna the Claak. J Sharks. an d J B Ball nd atlr.ld th.\l 11 W. and L b nd rew rc-takts. The attractive line tame and plare ror final round Accordlna to Joh n Baraer. pr.- - hn! tt·teh cd . At the Fit . of mountings d lllplnyed In the so- ---o- e;ldC'nt . there will bfo a John!l nnd V P. l. games h •re tlu clnl room are c henprr thi s year Tht.• nil too common dt'precla.- thls wef'k ror the d ctinJte formu- oru11n1zat 1111 did Y<\•11 , 1! com- For Donation To Poor of uxington Thl' nnnual Chrl st maa drive tor 1ona llon, the poor or Lexln l- un bv washington and Ll>f' ,..ent'\ Is now underway Mrs. llnnvllll campbell, who orlaln::tt· d the Idea nnd has conducted thl• c ha ritable proaram for the I st &<'Vtn yen. rs, 1J again In charge ,f t ht> collections As In th E' past the contribution <'flll trd from t-arh st udent 1a tr'n cent.s. Th is amount Is llxrd \\lth the view of rnabllna I' ry member or th e atudent body o JUHtlrlpntc rqunlly In tht one ... hrtstm.ts rund rnlsrd rxclualvcly y nncl from Wa hlnaton and Lee tudi•Uill 'I'hr hlston• of thi s ru nt! dnles ,tck tn Dl.•cr-rnbet of 10:13 when "n; , CPII\IJbr.ll, lllC'cd by Kny rhorn' and Cameron, ral!l· ft n m Jl 1unt1 to n111t hns c!gnr- ur rur the rom·tcta lht·n rmploy- ct on tllr. Natural Drldae road . ln :c that time. the montY re- hcd httl:i l>ren u <'d roa claarlt. lhtul ever before and mnny ho.vr. lion of mrn In public rrvtce Is nt 11\llon or pi •1, ro1 Monday ThP mwt11 or the llllldt•nts wne cor- been ord ered a ChrJslmaa atrt.s. once r. hnlJow and cruel. chapter h asln the put malnlalnPd lt:l'l. and It th!! abaoad - o o an tmpoa tnnt plare l oa Itself nnd 1 whH•' the mu •crnn wrr11 Vlctory does not rounL nent ly Whnt we $utter from today Is with the tnklna In or the new mr n cnt both !IIWCtalms uru.l t\('\\llllll• so much as how you play the lhr aubllt> undermlulna of t he BllrRer hopr to open up more nc- Pt'l' nrc·ounts lllUC llll' llnnd fa· cumte or \\ lwllv aame. Oene Tunnt>y 1 ethical n.s s uc h I tlvely than ever. \'Orl\bl · tt·IXJrt.s. I lit n tshchncr. b r tmttlo In and uboul u ton \11t'l JlMtll·ulnr attention ut btln ttn•u tht nrpplrd thtld· t•n of the •n my d• lllul<' rnmlllcs 11 llll' rul'al d1 lllrt This year ConllnUl'd on paac tour

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' • Com pulsory Assembly Friday t Com p ulsory A ssemb ly Friday



Tallyn Names Members For

Dance Figure Fifty-one Men Selected

Fancy Draa Theme F igure



Band o f N ote Ia Promiled For W inter Set of


P lea For Discarded

C lothing Sent O ut

By WelEare Bureau

Singers Make 1930-31 Debut

At Staunton A plea to Washlnaton and Lee men to save tbelr discarded cloth­Ing and awe It to the Lexlnjfton 1 Wellare Bureau is issued by Kn. Glee Club H olds J oint Recital Nora Lea Hinea, superintendent or public welt are. Her office Is 1n W ith Staunton V ocaliat the First National Bank Building. Friday N ight

A letter will be sent this week u5 the fraternitY presidents, who w111 be urged to collect the cloth- G R OUP SINGS FOR I

LARGE AUDIEN CE 1ng among the members. Mrs. Hine<J san:

"No doubt many studenta wW find clothing when they leave town for the Christmas holidays that they wUl not need. Our de­partment Is t axed this winter with requests for clothes, o.nd l am cer-

Entire P rogram of Opening I Concert W dl-Received I

By U.tenen

P'tfty-o.ne men wUl .....,. ID taln many men will have apparel In a Joint reolt.al with Mrs. ' that they no longer need. It any

..... .- .......... ::-1Delta Upsilon

Due to a clllllle In schedule, d ~!!isa~~ ~ = ~~~ lnstalle On 1 ed to remalD UftW the Christ- Satur ..J_ ay Here man hoUdaJI.. Jaut bas found l~ he will have ..,_ve a week

1 early. W. 0 . '!Mimaa. editor of the annual . ..,. that because of A rcades Club Becomes Fifty-thls. all plctuna anuat be taken Sixth Ch apte r of That by the end of tiM week:.

F raternity

J. D. Sparks Named B usiness Manage r

Of Troubadours

Jnmes Sparks, or Monroe, Ln .• v. "· • l<'dct! Busine~ Manager ot llw Troubadours last Friday night

Oberst Quits As Mentor Of General T~am

following the reslgnatlon of Hous- Hope Jinx Will Leave With ton Mlnnlcce. MlnnJece relln- ~ qu.::;hcd his po,ltlon because of Resignation Is I n H is his plans to lea\"e the University St tement at the end or the semester. a Members of tbe ata1f wU1 be

around this week to see the thirty men who bave not yet returned their proofs. Tbere are also many who have not made appolDtmente and it is requested that t.bele do so at once. AnyOne wllbing t.o order pictures may eee Tbomu at the Beta bouse.

PROFESSOR ELLARD I Sparks is a member of PI Kappa i --Alpha. and the int.ermediale taw HEAD GRID COACH


F raternity Presid ents Are E n ­

tertain ed at Banquet Sat·

u rday Night

..:tass. until his election he was I FOR TWO SEASON S property manager. No one was elected to this paslt.Jon Tom Walker. vice-president or the mu­;;kal comedy, has Wllbdrawn !rom tehool. His office and that of Properly Manager w!ll be rtlled by th" Execulive Committee of

Successor Has Not Yet Been

Picked By Athletic


the Tl'Ollbadours at their next Eugene Oberst, for the last two the Fancy Dress Ball flture J&D• 1 th Katherine Allen. Staunton vocal- 1 uary !10. President William Tal· men have clothing that 18 n e !st. the Washington &nd Lee 1lee .._ ___________ _ lYn announced today that t.be least respect wearable 1 u rge them club made its debut for the 1930- ~ •

'ltlomas aan tbAt the anuual Is well under war. Work baa been st.arteod to 1et much of th1a :>ut of the way b)' the holidays. Delta Upsilon. national soclaJ I tn<'etlng. years hE'ad footbail coach at

.frntemlty has been installed on --a--- Washington and Lee university, the Washington and Lee campus, M ill and that the most important fra - atmen w wlll not return next season, be

figure will be 1n four maiD to brinl It to my otllce.'· 31 season last Friday nJtbt at Excepnons to ~TOups, led by the friends of ---o-- Mary Baldwin college.

Robin Hood. Carlton Speaks Before an audience which near- N Rul Mad ternJty function ever held here is I ' a nnounced recently. over. The Arcades Club is now B • T After a conference with athletic the !lfty-sl'<th chapter of that ep-1n 0Ufttey a:Jthorities or Wasbmgton and Lee,

The orchestra will be definitely J I 1y filled the y . M. c . A. auditor- I ew e e booked th.ls week. Tallyn 1a ex- H F •d At lum the club sang ten numbers •

national social fraternity. 0 the former Notre Dame star tack-

The installation took place In In Gym Today ~e~~de the following announce-pectlng a telecram announcinr ere n ay alon e. and four in conJunction I For SJx Men the acceptance of the contract by with Mrs. Allen. Solos by Mrs. the leader of one of the outstand- QDK Assembly Allen, selections by the club's

the chapter house and Cllfiord M . ''M y two-yenr contract to coach Swan was the Master or Ceremon- football at Washington anc. Lee

lng bandl in the country, and violin t rio. and plano solos by hopes to announce t hP. orchestra Bert Farber, club accompanist, thls Friday. New Manhen o f Leadenh ip completed the prO(lTam.

With the Junior class bavlnl


The concenaua of opinion of decided at the meetinc Jut Fraternity T o Be Tapped those who attended the concert 'l'hUJ'tlday to ellmm11te the annual • • reveals that the entire procram class banquet, Ray Ade, Jumor at lmpra.ve Ceremon y was .,..ell-received, espec1all1 thole presldenl., is now devotln!~ bla numbers In which Mrs. Allen waa time to the decOJ"&tloDI for the Newcomb Carlton, preSident of assisted by the W. and L. orsan-Junlor Prom. January le. He the Western Union Telearaph ization. says: Company, will addreaa are annual A sailor's chanty, "What ShaD

" A15 In former years, the color Omicron Delta Kappa assemblY We Do With A Drunken Sailor." scheme will be blue and white. which will be held on Friday a t was the most liked of the num­All men who pay their alx dollars 11:30, according to Graham Mor- bers the club sanr alone, while class dues wm be en titled to a rison. p1esldent of the Wr.shJng- the negro spiritua l, "I Got Shoes," place In the flrure and a favor." ton and Lee circle of the !rater- and two Christmas carols, were

The decoration commlttef' is nlty. At this assembly the t.ap- also favorably received. composed or L. L. TIIDOl'. cb'llr· Pin& of the new mtmbei'S w11l Judging by appla~.~.~e, the bit of ml\n, R. Russell. H. Sherwood, J . tate place. the program was Bert Parber's Zimmerman, J . P. JODM, C. P. Mr. Carlton was graduated piano solo. He played "Rhapeody Youn1. F . 8 Smith, R . A. Street, from Stevens Institute In 1880 1n Blue." and was called back for V(. Cathey 'Uld W. White. and received his M. A. from Har- encore after encore, when he

Whlle the color IJCbeme for tbe vard in 1917. He beaan his ca - played papular selection. Fancy Dress fliUre w not decld· reer u a mechanical enrlnct:: r at Mrs. Allen sana an aria from ed u yet, th'! men wW be ci:c.ed Buffalo, New York, where he Aida. alone and with the Klee in costumes to represmt tile d~ practtced for etaht years. He was club render·.. several -lectlona. of the "merry men" Jn Sherwood dlrel&or of worka at the Pan- """ .... Porest. Led bJ Rkbard. Coeur de American Expoeition, 1189-1902. among which the Cb'Pir ectne and Lion. the procesalon wU1 proceed Since then b e has been vlce-prea- Czardas. from Victor Herbert's to the far end of the rymnulum, tdent of the Bell Telephone Com- "Fencing Master,'' was best re­where the Kini'S palace will be pany, vlce-presid~>nt of Westlni- ceived. In these Joint numbers,

Mrs. Allen was accompanied by the 1athertnt center for the re- house Electric and Manufactur- the club's qua rtet, comPOSed of conclllatlon of the Sheriff and 1n1 Companv. and vlce-prc.,,dent R. R . Por ter. president of the or­Robin HtlOd by thr Kina. and president of the Westem 'l1n - ganJzatlon. J . w. Clopton. bust-

The order and penonnel or the lor. Telearaph Company. ness manager, E. B. Wilcox, and f iiW't! will lle: Mr. Carll'>r.'s other lntere~~3 are E. s . Graves.

Klng Rich!\rd Coeur de !.ian- many and wide. He Is cona~cted . A violin t rio, comPOSed of N. W. H. Tallyn. among other businesses with Lht E. Gresham. L. J . Roose, and E.

Courtiers: Ethan Allen. 8 . L. American Tel~graph and Cable w . Robinson . accompanied the Crenshaw, W. A. Glucow. and P'. Company, the Chase NaLional club in ··o Little One Sweet." and H . Adams. Bank. the American Rallw., y Ex- rendered a special selection.

Robin Hood-J. W. Devine. J r . press Company, the Church Life "Sonas My Mother Taugh t Me." Sheriff of NottinlbDm- Horace Insunmce Company, lht> l..o,lj An- R . A. Caldwell. piccoloist, ac-

Oooch, Jr. l{eles and S~t Late Railway, the comp:mled the club In "The Gal-The "merry men." fl~t rroup- National Employment Exchange. way Piper."

"Llttle John," Charles Day, cnalr- and the American aurar Rcfln - Alter the concert. the club was man : W. P. Ballard. P . W . Me- inl Company. He 111 a trustt:e or I entertained At a reception at the Clut!r, Jr .. M. M. WeinbeTa. N C. Columbia University. college. E \·ery man had a date. Mf'Uon. W. C. SlUflf, H. J . Patter- Mr. Carlton Is not onJy a bus- a nd punch was served. son. C. L. Broou. 0 . J . Wllklf'.aon, lncss man. hut also a mernbea or ---o--H. W. MAbey and B. D. Maxey. the Metropolitan Museum or An. F• 1 D b t

The "merry men." second of the New York ZoolQtJical SO- ma e a e fP'OUP-''WIU Scarlet:· B . J Lam- clety, and llf the Japan Soc.lety. • bert. ch&trman: B. M. Ayars. wn- Amona his clubs Is the New York To D- Frtday bur OWen, J . W. Barpr, W. 8 . YachL Club. LX Wurzbw·1er. Stuart Bandera, J . B. Crane. A. c . Conwey, B. E Kale)' . Omicron Delta Ka ppa, na~ll)nal H . G. Morison and W. 0 . Thomas. honorary leadership fralcl n lty. C hampion s of Intramu ral

The "merry men,'' third wroup wu founded at Wllshlngton and F hm T T R -"Allen-a-Dale," c . H. McMillan. Lee In 1914. The fraternity bids' res en UD\1 o e-

Jr .. chairman; H w. MacKeruie, Its new members each year at the ceive Cup .Jr .. Harry Bum. Jr., E. P. Bled- tapplf\1 ceremony held at. some

Faculty D eclara Six Ath­

letes Eligible for Indoor

les. The examiner was· John P . Much Interest Is Shown By t.as expired. I shall not return Broomell. Swathmore '99, and the F . d N F next year. My term of coaohinl Chief Ma rshall Frank W. Noxon, raterm ty an on- ra- nt Washington and Lee hu not Syracuse '94. The speaker on th is ternjty Organi7a tions meL with much ~cces!l as far u occasslon was Fredric P . Lee. vlct.ories are concerned. I have Hamilton 'Hi. Elmer A.. Glenn, With lhe weighing in complet- j tx-e:n. well satisfied, however, with

At a mtftinc of the executive Rutgers '24. was the Secretary In ·d :ve~t rdw. the intramural '>oys efforts In most or the l&m• committee of tbf faculty on last charge of the installation. nesllmg tournament w1ll get un- we have piayed in the lut two Friday afternoon. abl of Sbe The lnstaJlat ion room was de- der wuy tbts aftPrnoon nl five mm::. I sincerely wtsh the bop seven namet of athletel preaeated corated with Amencan, Canadian, ~·clock when the ftr~t ound bout. luck in the future, and hope m:r by Forrest Pletcher, head of the and Delta Upsilon flags. Near will be run orr in thP KYm . u n- .e.tvln.g will drive away the Jinx Physical Education departmnt, fifty men were Installed as char- >rl'cedentcd :nler<'st ha:. b..:cn that has pursued the team for the were granted exceptions to tbe t~r members of the na&iona l so- •hown in lhls sport and lhC'I'I.: are 'ust six years." recent faculty ruUna as regards clety. Members or the Arcades 11ncty-rom men rntl'r'cd t<.ptc- Olierst came here from DePauw participation in activities at Wash- club came from all over tll.C East entln:J most of the ! rntPrnltlC's, university, Greencastle, Ind .. lngton and Lee. to be present. Rober t G . Brust 1nc non-fratcmity organl2'~tlon. vh"a·e he was line coach. Before

came down from Carnegie Tech ; l nd l\\o il1dependents. Tht l35- ·omlng here. he had enJoyed an The name or Leilb WUllama, c. w . Hickma n and John Pres- r..und class Is u1c mo~L popular ~nvlnble record, h1a football teama

for three yean an outatandial Lon Davis !rom University of with 17 t>ntrles and thr 125 pound 1a1•ing lost only five ram• in five member of four WuhiDrton aqd Pensylvanla and W. L . Woodall ~tass I ~ second with 16 entries years. At Notre Dame, Oberst ~ ~~~=-~ ~ ~~ came down from Wooster College. rhe otlv r r!Psscs ranre f : or'!! 13 • , • .,, a mainstay In the Rambler lty for vanil.Y buteu.D t.b1a sea- Pralden& Gaines SJ»Nkl l in the 165 to 7 In thfi' 175 group Inc from 1920 to 1923. Ala Jan:

afte bavtq beeD member 'lbe formal banquet a t the Rob- The Phi Ka ppa S:gma'~> and In thrower. he also made an lnter-:;n the ~ue aad Whit: football ert B. Lee hotel was another big hr Slgma Chi'~; are the only two national name for hlmaelf, rep­team of tbe paa ...... Wll11aml feature of the day. Dr. F rancis lraamLiltlons with a full team en- ·e~·enlm~ th:- United States ll\ tbe wu ll'&Dted &D acepttoa to tbl p . Gaines .,.8 one ol the chief ' et:ed. The Betas and the A. T . 192? Olympte games and talttna rule bJ t.ba oam"'*' mAIDa b1m apeaters of the everung. Preal- 0. s have t he most mf'n en l<'red. thltd place. elllble tor vat'llty bubtball com· dent Gaines in patt. said • "nch fraternity reglstermg eleven AU.tlet ac authorities at Wubina-

, · men buL neither one has o. full •on and Lee had no statemeM to petition tor the rematninr part of "Bringing Delta Upsilon to ten,.;, se\'Crlll men being entered nnkc today regarding the c'**-tbe ftrst aeme$ter. Washington and Lee Is an occas- n each class The Tourist Inn. n~r situation A committee bu

Monk Mattox and Tex Tilson slon for conv-ratulatlon to the !ra- vlnner of the touch-football lecn appainted to coruide1 the both members of the Generals 1n temlty and the umverslty. Your •oumomrnt and hl>(h s<'o:ea.; to 11ntter or a c;uccessor to Coach the paat campaign on the arid.lron group comprises studen t. l<'aders jate. ha•·c not enlCJed a tt>am. Ober'lt . but nothinc can be' done and outstandinr candidates for a l. a number of Americas chief mt a UC:W or·~amzatlon knl)\\ a a~ or several weeks. CApt. R . A. the wreetUnr team of this ~aon ~chools and counts amonr lts In- tht' Cat·~ Wh!c;keas o.nd n.au~ up ~mlth. dll'ector of athletlca. spoke were presented to the committee terested alumni many d lstlngul!h- >f studt:nts who eat at Mt<oa Man 11 .hly or Oberst and his woa k at for exceptloru to the new rullng. ed citizens. Today you ndd a l.lody ..ntrd '!>. has signed up with !our Washington a nd Lee. The coach Mattox and given the privllegt of of young men who will enhnn(;e ncn. lncludln~ Sam Gt·een\";ood. .vo~ a favoa1te v;1th hill me:1. wrestltng on the team asalnst the the splendor ot your roiJ. 135.pottnd champion of G:·nham "While Gene hasn't won the Army tbla semester while Tilson "The college fra t.ei'Dity, no iormltory. vlctodes so essential to succeu :r":s~~o~~'n~Y 0~h~h~o=t~teeth~ longer a. mere tsolal~d group of All wervhrn~r ln was completed 'or n footba ll c:oach . he hu tuu:rbt

comrades on the local campus. has e~l<'ruay ond the conll'slants lur men more football tttD;? any se~:~Y FAulkner and W. M. com~ to be a pos!Uve !actor In vtll not hi\I'C to k£·ep do\\<n lhrh :ourh I hav~ ever known, Mr . MacDonald, likewise members of education. No boy is ever the V<'i~thl Cur future te...ts. Each man "".mlth snld. My candid optllon Ia the football team of the ,....~, sea- same . nrte.r his rratem lty. expcr~ s bt'lng ullnwed thrre pound• w. nev~:r have had and probably

..- 1encc. Col better. 0110 ra1ely to1 \et· tl limit as 1, the custom 1e\er &ht> ll h!\ve a finer man than son and candidates tor the box- worse, h is lift Is changed. No unl- ~ lntr~rrnurnl \\Te">t~ln" if nc Oberst a.s football wach at lng team. were allowed an excep- verl'ltY can artord to be uruntnd- Washington s.nd LPe. We hate to t!on to the rullnl makln1 them rut or the tremendous compul- The men wno nn\t \lllt-rtd ' him go. During the Ooerst elgible tor lntercolle,tate compe- Continued on pnge four t'J)l'l'llt'nt .e'·~ry ctlass In t


1 stu- ~ r~ I me. washlmrton and Lee baa

Utlon this semester. :!tnt blxh v;lth he PC ex- •·tm llix garnet. tied two and loet Peel Rivers. star sophomore ---o-- ·rptlon or th,. M'tlior lawY•ts The ' lt>n'n. ThL~ Is a repetition of the

swimmer and high Jumper, was Band To Play '{trnt maJority nr<' Ire'>hmen, :ootb:\11 "'ltuatlon at the university declared elglble tor the swimming mnny ol them candldelt~:~ r..,r thr rot· hlllt 11 dozen years." team and for Indoor track: by the (IOI!h lr Hll this yeur. uut u.·•rf• ts WhPn nsked about his future committee. At First Game \ hb ,wJ ,,,nnkllua or ~oopho- >Inns Oberst !laid: "I have noth-

Joe Sawyers. halfback the past '110r<' ... Junll)l'S nnd senior• St:v- nQ in mind at presen t, but un-!leason on the fre.Vunan football nil han Jer<~ frilm other r.chool. doubledly shall stay 1n the coach-team and candida te for the frosb Band Makes Last Apn~>:arance 11\\'t' al•o stgntll<'d their lntrn- nr vnme." basketball team, wu presented by r- uono; or cornpt•ttng. Oberst and his family wUl leave Mr. Pletcher to the committee for Before Christmas at Shaw- 1hts 11 nr' tournament t ex- Ll'xlngton within the next two

L A v T B Pitah h university 'lssembly In the tall. soe. · · a nce, · · 111 · The 1930 members w111 be Lnrped T . M. Beller, P'. 0 . Swlnlt. L. P.

an exception to the ruUng but the nee Game ~llma Lht• mns~ lntcre.'lt or ruw to r three month,. The lnt ramural Freshmen de· committee decided not to act at d.•tc nd r.p•rltt>d •·ompl'ttt 011 ls ---a---

bating teamll, after havlna aone that meettng on hl.s caae since the --- ·xnectt>d In ell the cla,:;es. 't'hl Powell, Jr .. H . R. Groop lr.lld H. at the assembly Friday. Lhrougb four hard-fought series Uttle General court season does The w ashlnaton and Lee band will b<' ntdcd by thl' nwnrdinR or Charity Drive

Now Under Way 0 . Wlnscon. ---o-- of debates. are down to the semi- not open until a later date than w1U mnke one more public ap- mC'dals to the wlnne:s o! t:nch

ThP "merry men," fourth rroup Many H ave Made -"OeorJJe-a-qreen." A. c. J ones. No Appointments

tlnals and flnala . Wednesday some of the other indoor seaiiOns. pearance before the Chrlstmnli elMs. nigh t the first year men of a . A. ln nearly every cue the com- holidays. Dr. Shelley has been 1'hr fllllclnllnc this yro1 will E. and D. u . will debate for the mlttee made the txceptlon to the r·eheaa·slng Lhc organi?atlon for Of\ by P.lL Milchr·ll, mrmh •t of championship round with Sigma ruling until the end of the tlrsL lt.s a ppearnnc<' at the os:.enlna 1 hi ll year's mrslty ~;quad, and

chairman : .J. C. Rub. RAymoJtd Ade. M. P . Levy, J . P. Armatronc. For Cai)'X Photos W. A. Bowes, C. B. Vtcken, J . A. Welnbera. Jr., R 0 . Morrow. A. J . Lelbowttt and G. A. Speer.

Nu to be run ott on Friday night. semester only. The second semea- ba<.ketball game wllh the Shaw- a rt nr. n mrmbcr or th~ undtt- S tudents Start Annual Drive


Literary Oub Banquet Friday

Dr. Gaines Will Speak At Function of O ldat Student


The Oraham-Lee Literary So­ciety, oldeat student oraanlf.Ation on the campus. wtll hold Its one hundred and tw~>nty-seeond cm ­nunl banquet Friday nlaht In the Robert E. Lee Hotel at 7 o 'clock , J c. Armour. chairman ot the pmwram. announced today.

A numb<'r of notable~. alumni, and ronnt"r members of the Ora­ham-Lee aoclety w1U be present. amon1 whom will be PrCJ1UI'IOr Flournoy, Professor Crenshaw, Dr HolmM, a nd William Dana Hoyt Jr., pae !dent ot the society. Dr Oulnes haa slanlfled h is intention or bt!lna prtM>nt and will a lve a ~thort talk. T. w. DavenPVrt will oct u toastmaster for the occas­Ion .

The banquet wUJ mark the end Continued on paae fouJ·

According to Bill Thomas. editor The champions will receive the ter grades will be a basis for elglb- net Athletic Club. fentrd tram or 111st yenr. who will Of th• 1931 calyx, the work or tak- cup now on display a t the Cor- Ulty In that term and another Wh lh n1.. Bl rt 1 . rell' t t all 'he bouts.

"' d lh ........ ..A 111 1 portion or ' he school year wUl of en (' .. ue I \'e pays at. n outa Will la.'\l ninht mlr.utl! 1n1 pictures for the a nnual !! pro- ner, an e u.:~L spea....:r w · h durl ~ the c ng b ktt ~ ... receive a f ive dollar prize. course be ushered ln. ome 0 " om • wd nny ume nd\·anlng~ v; Ill win

; reulna very well. There are still The question for debate is "Re- The seven names were the only ball li"ll on, the band hOJX'::. to be tlw drct ion \ tun adl'a•l:agc many who have not made rcserva· ted t this tim t nbll' to piny ut 1111 the iamea. 11 11 1

l•:t llt R Jnlnme \\lll 1101

b tlo .... for sJttln'" and QUite anum- solved that defea red rushing ones presen a e or ex- To Moo ·~ r AR I Ulnt Drum

u o .. ~ 'lhould be Introduced on the ceptlons to the new nallng. It 111 m 1 1 0 ~ 11 - 1 c·r•ulrl·d and tht•rt• 1 ill be 1.u cx-ber ot proofsure sll11 tmcallC'd for·. Washlnaton a nd Lee campus." believed. however, that u the sea - MnJor Fanncis will lend the bntld tru P! atod '""tdrcs All proofs must be In th is week, Proresaor Bauer of lhe public son proar~s other names will tha ough Its ltlat bill rchNtrsal be- Euc·h d:l'l'l! tnnlclws \'111 1 be and those still unca11ed !or will be IIJX'nklna department says that need be presen ted by the coaches. fOri'! the holidays some time lhla r>o ted In 'ht" Y)'m und Ill thP looked over by members of the wrelc. r.

01 11 ... r 1.1" IV>On

01 tht• dn" they Sta"' and sen t In with the rest. Uw spenklna has been excelJent o--- - ,. 3 ,

" d ha 11 b belt t h p D E T H ld ln holdlna the b:r.nd together "I'C' ~><'h ciut ::ocl . All coni l , 11ts The "Y" room will be o•"'n from an :;, rea Y t'en er an · • • o o h .. 1 ,..,. th tnt r ll"'alat d b t s aft er t e fool ual season, Dr. l'ho nrc II& rd for an" d v an 1:30 until 4:00 every a.ft<'rnoon for c c -co " e e a e · I · · · M d d 1 ' "

Thus far there has been only n ataa taon o n ay Sht'llt'Y nnnounrl' thnt. on Y men skcd to be rendy to \Hcstlc by the rest or the week In order to 1el one Judae for each debate, but, who attend at lt•a. l thrre-fouallu IIH• o'clock In the aftemoon. Tl~t· the proof a now on hnnd ready nnd dutt to the compel! lion belnJ 10 The temparary Inactivity of PI or tht' 1 r hl 11r nls to be held nflrr .JOuts will all b :,, ld In the t vm . out of the way. 1rcat and the tl'nms tx.olna so Delta Epsilon. one of the two the Hu·atlon \\Ill re<'l'lve ktys for Vursnv llmttlce \\Ill b t •lied

The photographer will be here wrll matched thert' will be three Journallsttr rraternltles on thl' th!S btmd I\OI'k. Att• ndnnce h&.\ li ttle r.arh· C\'Cry a rt.cano:m un-for two weeka Ianter nnd. If neceh- !udll<'l aL the !Innis on Friday cnmpu~. Is to bo terminated on , lulllJ)(.'d a btl artl'l lne Dttke lrlp til .1ftt'l' the tourrnn<'llt 111 ord~1 sary, until tht be&lnnlng or the nl~tht. There will be Dr Mot - MondRY, Dccrmber l li th, accord- but IJr Shelley nnd lhe mnna11C'ra o lul\·e 11le mnt.s t'l n ed ror the holldaya. No plcturts will be to.ken fntl . Dr. Shelley, and Professor Ina to M. B. Cox. The lnltlaLion a rt• ronrtdt nl thal M 6oon as lh£ nu·omunll!i, Vru llY l•tnr.tltt after that lime. The proofs of the I conn . which Is to tnke place that nrwr- )'Uit,lld~ ft•stlvlllcs are In the pn!lt esslons will tw t'.tl!t ct ror 3:3o pictures laken from now on will S. A. E. Ia b<'lna rcpreaentcd by noon will UB'1er the tollowlnl men the H•hrnt ~nls will be ut lcndl•d tls t)'l'lo<·k In tt':ld cil fOIII o c1 '' k as be ready Immediately orter school J . D. McCulley nnd J B. Slo- Into the ch.nptcr : R . L. Hall. c. WNt' lht~ om• u.t the n "'t or th~ h, b"ll. the rustom n flu thlfi resumes a fter Chris tmas. vall : D. U by R. a Sale ond A. E. Lona. J ohn Ladd. Georae Par- yrar. Yt tr.

The pictures turned out this Jl . Price. and Slama Nu by v. v. sons. D 0 Prlct'. J w. Clopton. Thr bnud a;rr.ms to have madn Y<'&r by White are exctptlonnlly Hnrrls and F H n amllton. Post- W. Mulllaan, J . B Crane. J C the b st unpre ton both at hom11 &ood nnd so far thcrtt have been <'rs will tx• up thl• werk glvlna the Claak. J Sharks. and J B Ball nd atlr.ld th.\l 11 W. and L b nd rew rc-takts. The attractive line tame and plare ror final round Accordlna to John Baraer. pr.-- hn! t·v~r tt·tehcd . At the Fit . of mountings d lllplnyed In the so- ---o- e;ldC'nt. there will bfo a meelln~C John!l nnd V P. l. games h •re tlu clnl room are chenprr this year Tht.• nil too common dt'precla.- thls wef'k ror the dctinJte formu- oru11n1zat 1111 did Y<\•11 , 1! com-

For Donation To Poor

of uxington

Thl' nnnual Chrlstmaa drive tor 1onallon, ~0 t he poor or Lexlnl­un bv washington and Ll>f' ~tlu-

,..ent'\ Is now underway Mrs. llnnvllll campbell, who orlaln::tt· d the Idea nnd has conducted

thl• charitable proaram for the I st &<'Vtn yen.rs, 1J again In charge ,f t ht> collections

As In th E' past the contribution <'flll trd from t-arh student 1a

tr'n cent.s. This ~>mall amount Is llxrd \\lth the view of rnabllna I' ry member or the atudent body o JUHtlrlpntc rqunlly In tht one

... hrtstm.ts rund rnlsrd rxclualvcly y nncl from Wa hlnaton and Lee tudi•Uill 'I'hr hlston• of this runt! dnles

,tck tn Dl.•cr-rnbet of 10:13 when "n;, CPII\IJbr.ll, lllC'cd by Kny rhorn' and ~Idle Cameron, ral!l· ft n m Jl 1unt1 to n111t hns c!gnr­ur rur the rom·tcta lht·n rmploy­ct on tllr. Natural Drldae road. ln:c that time. the montY re­hcd httl:i l>ren u <'d roa claarlt.•

lhtul ever before and mnny ho.vr. lion of mrn In public rrvtce Is nt 11\llon or pi •1, ro1 Monday ThP mwt11 or the llllldt•nts wne cor-been ordered a ChrJslmaa atrt.s. once r.hnlJow and cruel. chapter hasln the put malnlalnPd lt:l'l. and It th!! ~11111 abaoad

- o o an tmpoa tnnt plare loa Itself nnd 1 whH•' the mu •crnn wrr11 1111 ~-Vlctory does not rounL nent•ly Whnt we $utter from today Is with the tnklna In or the new mrn cnt both !IIWCtalms uru.l t\('\\llllll•

so much as how you play the lhr aubllt> undermlulna of t he BllrRer hopr to open up more nc- Pt'l' nrc·ounts lllUC ll ll' llnnd fa· cumte or \\ lwllv aame. Oene Tunnt>y 1 ethical ~nal' n.s such I tlvely than ever. \'Orl\bl · tt·IXJrt.s. I lit n tshchncr.

b r tmttlo In and uboul ~x­u ton \11t'l JlMtll·ulnr attention

ut bt ln ttn•u tht nrpplrd thtld· t•n of the •n my d• lllul<' rnmlllcs 11 llll' rul'al d1 lllrt • This year

ConllnUl'd on paac tour


fall who saw it tl~ a really good amateur musical ~ lthow.


The work of the T rvuWdours on Joum~y·s End abo dcbt'n"t' credit. All of the difficulties that go with the aana(eur production of such a

Mtm'Mr ls~t'~o~~~~a~• ~~~ ; .. u.;~a:.·o~; ~~':n:! V l r~elcla ,ht•\\ "t•re virtually completely surmounted. T hat OF'l'IC£ AT DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM i~ liVer nO\\ and all t:fforl is being directed toward

F:ntntd at lh~ IAxlniiiOn. Va.. 1'06\0ftke u ~«Ond ...... I ' . 'r I ' t . f I . I h . mall mllll('t, Publa.b.-u ev~r)' TUl'Wday And Friduy of the a success u pr~ en au on 0 I lC lllU!>ICa s 0 \\ .

~o~~!:~~n~~r Edltor-ln·Cblfr. 412 : nua'ne&a Man t.~rer. s~s: \ \'c are sure that those in charge will appreci-Edltorlal Roome. t04S and u?- ate all the help they can get. As we understan John w Barger 31A •• EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I' . I " f · • OER at. no <lefinate p nns have been made. l here ore Harry Bum. 31 A -· BUSINESS MANA ariy suggestions or submittctl manuscript will be

EDITORIAL STAFF entirely apropos. ADVISORY no \RD :\ good mu'>ical how can ad vertise the school

G. p Aah.,Mth 'SIMA ; 0 J . W•ll<~noun. 'IlL; J ll Crane. · J ood \\" J ' '31 A; W. '0. Thoma~. 'SIC; A. J . l.Aibowit&, 'II A. JU"l a!. lllUC I a-. g sports team. It \ every·

ASSISTANT hDI'l'OitS . J. one t rying to help to make the show good, Wash-D G Prlr,. '12A T. P. Dou11hb. 82C , , · · · MA!'IACING eotTott angton and 1 .ee w11l have become even better

c. ~;. All~n. Jr .. 'UA kmJ\\ n than it already is. ASSISTANT MANAGING l.OITORS

R. A. Lama•. 'UA W. C. Ed wr.rda, '820 . £. M. Nur~va., 'a&A J . S. Snyd~r. Jr., '33A J . M. Dean, 'UA D. M. f'ri<t'. ·a2c J . w. Clo11on, ·s~A

W Yr . Uawklns. Jr .. '3SA Unlvenitl! Editor

Newa EdllQr S110rt1 F..clltor

A•oocia~.e Sr·oru Editor Cop)! Editor


J . A. Cullo;•, '38A ; L . M. L<•c, '83A; f'. II. C~nnln11ham . '82A: J . C Armour, 'S2A. lt. T •• Etlwar,l,". 8SA: J. 0 .

Co~!"nlutver, '33A ; J . A Colli"'"· 31 A : T. W. Mwri' 'UA: t;. Jl. Wlleu,., 'SIA;

'o C. Thumpwn. ·~aA


Dr. Etitn, W, C Suvw. John De' in w, tolu1too Lll'•y, Prof . Ccan STAFF

J ohn Ladd Jaek Mark.t A lt~n W llfford T. M. Ourtl9 D. M. Jacklon U. M. Handv r.~r<re Pa,.,m A. B. Ortn~r C. J . Bldd l•

Ad•ut.l•ln11 Aul•~.&nl ,\ dvertflln il Auluant Subter ipllon M ft iUIIttT !luboe ription Mana~rnr Rubserlpllon Mana~rer


Clreulallon Mana.rer Circulation lthnager

Collto:tlon )llllllqer Coll«tlon Manaen

J . G. Hamilton, Geor~r• blcCiure, W. U. Mayee, S. R. Stevena. PRESILM AN ST>~.n

F. c. Oryanl, ~ Krll~y. Oavill Barlow. Ed ~hmldt, Jt.mn lleCully, K. R. Cole, W. A. t'airlle, W A. N&OOra, Trooper Shaw, 11. 0 . f'orayth, W. R. Douelu, L D. HtU, R. C. Me· Cardw~I L



On IJehalf or the student body the Ring- tum Pin wi!.hcs to congratulate and welcome the Delta Upsilon f ratcrnity tu the \V ashington and Lee campus. We congratulate the Arcades Club, which is no more. on bringing to the campus one of the hest national social f ratcrnitic in the tuunt ry.

The installat iun of the diUptcr Saturday brouMhl the total of national sueial f raternitie:> on the campus to twenty. \Ve an· sure that every one of the other nineteen wishes all the success in the world to the new chapter of Delta Upsilon.

- - --o----There is nnthing in the world that reminds us

so 111uch of a country store as the Co-Op.

\\' e wonder i £ it ic;n't about time to be plant· ing some new trees on the campus to take the places of some of the veterans who are slowly dying.

Honor clubs have ..,tarte<l in1uating. The init- . . --- . · · 1 k IT 1 · 1 or wha' tc J1ats :\11 Amcncan football teams are l.x!mg p1cked 1ates wal ta -c o t lclr ret , g reen, , . .

. . . f . k . ... padclling and now. llow we long for the good old all-Amen-pay the mauauon ee. t.J e ·' go<JU · 1 1, ..• 1

· h C 1 . can team m t le 1ue taurus. sink back ,, ith the re t or us unul t e a ) x comes I out with their liltts of acuvHie<;. Then again we will , , . . --.- . . . he able to t(•ll that th('y arc big nwn o~ the campus.] ll~e Un1ven •. 1ty o f Kansas IS grvmg a short

just what honor clubs mean 0 11 tlus campu we course for fin .. men for those students who are can't quite understand. \\' i.' arc "!!Caking in parti- willing to begin at the bottom of the ladder ami cular uf :,ophomorc honoraric!t. It is 'irtually im- work up. possible for a man to ue recognit.ed as a camp~s J~ader in one , car and a numth here. And 1 f omc uf them -did attain thl'>. ,,~,. ar{' -.ur<· that

thirty-six men didn't do it. Many arc l >e~inning to realize that these honor

societies cion ' t mean much ami sophomores are among them. \\'e know of se,cral who have kip­ped to class and imitated chickens in front of Washington college for the la'it six weeks who have really not wantt.'f l w. But they ha\e heen offen.'tl the hid and they f et'l that they must take it. It 1 a campus tradition anti to "uump" one of tl )(' c cluhs would be a "~hine."

Politics ha,·c al:.o hecflmc C\ 1 lent in the hon­orary f raternit iel>. . \ nd politic an a club that is suppo eel t() houor men i or the1 r attainments in their \a nou" da~-.~. . ., j., tht· IIIO't odiou-. thing we can tlunk uf. \\ c kno\\ o r "'l'\I.'J,ll good men \\hu have dc:.cn t d tu make clas~ htmoraries and have been hlackhalle<l because o i poli1ical reasuus, or maybe Jll ' t fur .,pile.

\\'hat we arc drl\'lng at is tlu..,. 1 r a man ha accompli :>hcd l>Omcthing (Ill the cnmpu:. and de­serves to he it'\ an honorary r rateruity and is brought up w be con.,iderl'CI, lw should not be balled lx:cau..,c one man in the dub dOCltn' l like him or thinkll that he may ht• hurting his own )OCial f ratcrnit} hy l,tl.iug him in. Our &tand is " llonur \\ lll.'rc honor 1., clue, l'l..'~.lr<Jless of political or per,onal reason:, "

-----o ----- -CAMPUS PATHS

\ ' ictory docs not count nearly so much as how you play the game says Cene Tunney. His next origin in! thought will probably be, "Never count your chickens bdore they are hatched."

~l o't of what I learned at school is now found to be inaccurate or wholly false-Joseph Herges­heimer. And we were just ready to apply for a degree !

The Columaniac COI. U M.'\NIA :

. \ yotm~ r<'J'IOrter, as igned to cover an import­ant '' eddin"' ctrtmony, came back to the office an hour after hi!> paper went to press and casuall) •mad ltl the cd1tur : "There's nothing in that wed­dingo assiJ.,rrlnaent to get excitci about. lioss. There wa-.,u't any \\cdding after all. You see the bride eloped with the chauffeur, and . .. "

• • • • • J u!it the Jo:,ulntion

your history) : l\ludflats Kickapoo J nd1a1ts Co, erl'll \Vagonc; titodyanb World's Fair Scars Roebuck Kmg George

of Chicago ( lf you know

\\ e arc m thruc., ot mtnt.ll ~~~~~uhh. The cause 1'ht C..:ub




I:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: :t CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP t :j; OOOKENDS, LAMPS, S~IOKERS +

.;..._--------------------------: :!: SPECIAL URN SIIAPE SMOKERS. LARGE SIZ£. $5.95 t Letters to the Editor

Advice Is never urcepted when .,arls of Ute plan to C'xcllallgf' st.u­not. asked tor and sl'ldom accepted 1ent pilots bPtwct·n this country when asked for. YeL with your 1nd Europe. You hnvc PfObnbly

+ IMPORTED POTERY . (llf'TS t t R . S. ANDERSON & COMPANY ~ t+•!•++•Jo.,.++++++++·:·+++++<-+++++++++.,.+oG-++oC·+++++++++++·:-

teard something or this Indirect-pennlselon I am wnllng to you n y through the pres.<~ but as the ++++++4++++++•)++++++'t+oCo+++++++++++++++++++++...,.+ few thoughts which may be or lime Is Rhort I am going Lo rive + + benefit to one or more who read tll hi h 111 t ... + this m"ssage. I have for many "OU an ou ne w c w pu . you .j. Meet Your Friends at + " n possession of the run lnforma- ..:. + years been trying In every way tmn. ~ : that is known to me to study and As it is tha inLcnLton to conr!ne : : understand human natw·e. As out· representat ion solely Lc col- ·:- L p I c + yet. I believe I know no more now lege men. we are de~ trous of +: • gt t than I did ln. the beginning. Man enn on 00 0 :;: Is a peculiar and wonderful com- learnlnl{ from you. ns soon as pes- •

··ible. the number or those nt t : blnatlon. Something very much washington and Lc,. Umverslty + :!' like the electricity or the air. wl;\0 Will want to .loin us. This is + ; When I think I know something 1ecessnry so that. the quota al- ; ++ of it I realize I know notblng. • loLled to ~our mstltu tlon may be + Equipment UnexceUed +

The real question I want to ask adjusted accordingly. + 1' advice on Is: "How would YOU we are ad\1sed that accomoda-


:f ....... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..l like to be a Hundred Point Man?" lions and training have been ar- - - 1 - -I would. but am not. A short time tonged for only sixty student pll-ago I wrote to a friend of mine in ots-:.slx cln.ss~'s of ten. AU beyond one of our large clUes aa to the this quota will or ncce~ttt hnve :+++-o>.,.,....++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•U++++++ responslblllty or a certain person. ( Th b k th , H to be cnrrled over until t.he !lr.l\· ++

e anRwcr came ac us: . e :on or l032 when their nppllca - + w I d & G II Is a Hundred Point Man." I read ~ilodnersat.~lvoinll. receive the first con- I :::.. a y an 0 r r e lhe letter then put It on my desk ~ ~

where I could see lt. That night The training wall start July 1st + I dreamed of it.. md end between AuKust 20th and ;: DRUG COMPANY

.lOth. T ht' so.lllng date hn.s bePn t Hltndrf'd Point Mrn nre n•ot. so +~ plentiful. A Hundr·cd Point Mnn liet nt June 24th llnd everybody ~ SCHAEFFER LlFETIME PENS is' one who Is trUl' lo every trust. will IX' L:\ck In America bcfor<' ++ who ktePII his word. who Is loyal upp' nnt'"'n•· lOth

~ "" "'"• · + Swan Eternal Pens and .College Stationery ~~~~~~f~~~~~~fts ~:: ~~~ The Me>rane-Saulnler School of I :t

Aviation. which has been In opera- :;: .Norris & N uunally Candies for slights, who Is polite to stran- tlon since 1912, will provide lhe : i q-ers without belnf( fresh , who 18 tnstrudlon and training. It Is ·~ wUllna to learn. who Is cautious. localtd about fifteen minutes from +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hundred Point. Men may vary Pruis by f.'lectric tratn on U1e line much 1n abUlty but this is true versnllh.•·,-P:\ris. they are safe men to deal with. The equipment used nre mono- I EIOtl.stlcal chaps who are suffer- planes of the latest type which lng from !alty enlargement of the have been specifically designed - - want the best seats In the and constructed for this purpose. SYD&&OI\1e. They demand bou- The Instructors are carefully queta and compllments and jn ;licked men of long flying expcr­order to see what the papers wlU Jence who have been specially say next mom1ng, they sometimes t.ralned in teaching others to fly. obli&1ngl.Y commit &uiclde. The The rroup will live in newly !IOtist almoet without excep- construcLcd modern banacks tton Ia one who hB.s been made ex- , which arc comfortable and airy. empt from work. He has been There wut also be a separate mesa l petted, waited upon, coddled, cared haJJ and these bUildings are tor, lauehed at and chuckled to. grouped around an old French The antlque Idea that the child farm house which has been com-must work for his parents until pletely renovated and ·will be avail-

We have the Coat of Anna for all Washington and Lee fra·

lernltlcs. lncludlng the new D:alta Up&llon.


Le.Daa1oa, VirrtDia

the day he was twenty-one was a able as a club house. Thus the deal better for the youth than to students will always be available ·++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•++++++++++++++ let b1m ret Into his head that h is tor tlylng and also live In constant : : parents must work for him, as is contact. with aviation and other + + the case at th1a day and time with pilots. which m the opinion of : many. The Hundred Point Man many old tlmers. Is as Important : looks after Just one. and that ts as the flying Itself. i t he man under his own bat. He There will be French classes. does not spend money until be bolh convers'\tional and ad\·anced + earns It, who knows that some- for those who wish to avaU them- 1+ ~hlna 18 never given for nothing. selves of this splendid oppertunl.ty I When he doa not know what to to Improve theil\ knowledge of the say he says no&hing. Bear In mind language and customs. t.bia tact, be wbo attempts to aet We have arran•ed for vlalts to socnethlnt far nothina renerall7 famous avlaUon centers. airplane pays somethinl for nothing. You factories. motor factories, and can send a boy to colle,e but you other places of interest. Also var- : cannot make him think. lous dinners and recepUons where j+

Rockbridge National Bank C..:OL~TY'S LARGEST BANK

Paul M. Penick, President.

John L. Campbell, Trust Officer

S. M. Dunlap, Vice-President.

A. P. Wade, Cashic-r.

There are tbne habits which they wiU meet many people who : with but one condition added wiU have made aviation history- + cpve you everytb lnr In the world amoni them well kno\\'ll vllots. 1 :.,.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++• worth having: The League Itself will give n rare- _

The Work Habit. well dinner at I ts club house in I r----------....;..---------------1 The Health Habit. the BoiS de Bouloane. The Study Habit. All membf>rs of our group will Il you are a man and have these be furnished with KUest cards to

habits and also have the love of n the Llgue Internallonnle des Avla­woman who has these same hAbits teurs which will enti tle them to all you are In Paradise now and here. 1 the !nclll tlcs or the organization and so Is 8he. as well as to special discounts In

Would It not be worth strlvlna many of tl\1' stores and reatau-tor to have a coUese president say rnnts of Pari!!. of you over bl8 own &!mature : In closlni I wish lo call your "He 18 a Hundred Point Man" In attenllon to the necessity of quick ~verythlna he undertakes. I at- !lCllon on your pan ns our quota tended t.he school of hard knocks may be completed at. any time. and know. AwalllnliJ the pleasure of an

H . v. D. enrty acknowledi emcnt. 1 am Very t ruly yours.

December 6, 1930. Lclllnd L. I'..ounds P .S : The cost wlll be under S1 .000 President

Underrraduate Association for and will lnc)udc el'erylhllllr With the except1on or 11rntultJes nnd

Student Actlvllles purely peroonal 1lcms. Detailed Lexl~ton. Vn. t.chedules o: the curriculum and Dear Sir : activities will be mailed to you a.s

We have Just received contir- soon as you let us know how many matlon from our headquarters In arc needed . L. L. R.

- -••••••••••••••• lnts In t

J. Ed. Deaver· & Sons We Have About 35 Suits---­

Fashion Park $40.00 to 47.50. Want to Sell at $25.00 Cash. See· them

Maia Streel

Opp. Co.rt Houe LEXINCTON, VA. PlaoM

25 1.., tl u : Shall \\e ad\'llCate mure walks on the AI Capoue campu.,, ur ~hall \\ e a..,k that llw ' tudcnts . tay off A ~rent town I

po a m u e. 1

DtemporarieS Lois Moran~rt'tty brunette mo-b tlon picture star. has exprCII&ed

ut tOo many people have got •••••••+++++++ .. her lnten llon or resumin!J her 1 L---------------~---------..1 the gra.-. ? \' Ull Cilll 'l'C th,ll tlwrc i'\ room fOr \\ ind o f it.

r Two students at OhJo Stale de-aq,rumelll nn IJ<rth wlc-. uf the lfliC'>llon. In act • • • • • Jlred to call a taxi. Instead of there l'i so lnuch ro11111 that we •lun't l.nuw what \\'ould you <;ay ( and it really doesn't make calllna Main 1313, however, they to ay ahuut it. an) di fTcrencc) that liquor at a fratemity hou'!r called Main 3131, which Incident-

ly Is the headquarters of the city Hut tlw rach art• that at lt·:ht t \\ o path!i nrc he· on a Snumln' uight wa., on the 'erge o f ha'tt) Clre departmenL. After waltlna

111g worn on thr carnp11 .., c lm j, from ~cwcomh con.,tll llJltson? ... or )OU can ju-.t skip that ~vera! mlnutes, no taxi appeared, Jlall tu tlw l'nl\ 11 ,11~ gale\\ :l\ 'rlw uthcr i:. quc., taon nud cmmt up to H' ll in Aral11c. .. land they dJJCoverfd their mt.Stake

• • • • • 1nd called the right number. The rrona tlu.• hack n£ \\.t..,Jun~tlln l'ulkg<· tu Reid taxi and fire truck arrived slmul-l lall. Ju 1 luuk at uthtr "' tlwm onct• :mel \'1111 \\ l'll, I won't ha\e to worry ahout how to pro taneouaJy, and the ~wo studenll, can t'l' tur .)UUr,t•lf that it i" .1l11111"l tno latt• fur lllllllllt ",\n::t<ks'' any mo re. No 111<>rc embar-~ after due COivs!MraUon, chOOC' the

I I. I I . ' A k I taxi. J lt.•rpicidc. ril"''illlent C ('CH 11\g' W WI lt'r II II r· ·;l-( CCS, Or . __ _

'J'huw "hu ha\e .litll'tl in makin1: th&.• palh 111:\\ l\r kadt·"· 1 Ja j..e the IWW orw. d'u ? Ohio State has lnaururat.ed a argue that it i too fur uut uf thdr \\ CI.)' hi g;J • • • • • new course In table walllnK. around lly tilt' walk 111 .,1•1 111 tht 11,\lc, or 1 r the)


'l'ht.• C"Jptalll alwa. ys -. tick& t.o lu~ sl11 p. O ne o f l'wenty-nine men have reKiatered "' " 1 1 !or it, and UI>Ofl completlna lt

arc goin~ the 11tlacr ''·1)', t11 ~cwcomh. 'L'husc the hoy~ was qn 11" way ~0 •.urope ti!IS ununcr, , ucceufuUy will be siven Jobs \\ hu lt.~H' not nitle<l 11\:t\ arl:lll' th.at nnutht r \\alk \diCn tht• o,Jup ht'gan tu Jnl. ... Ueang a IJrav(• about t.own waltlna for b'\nquets ur t·H'n till' path "ill r;1j 11 tlw .aJIIlt.'arann· or the: hoy. he :tuck n~ht wll h the: captain and the !>tC:.un-f 3nd lodal's _ c:unpu-.. I rr- un11l tlw \\:l\I.'S wa.,hetl the liar away . . .


Freddie ~anaton . Alab:lma'a 'l'ht'l'l.' i~ little w lit• rl111w ,1hout it a~" c ,,111 ~tt·t.· . • • • • • r lant All· American tttclde. doea

~ltlsclll"h \\'" 1t11 think 11 \\ uulrl J,c ., mlahlt suh· l haH'Il 't I ward a crnck uhoul n miniature golf not confine h1a activities to be Ins n !'> ' ' f • . ;me of lhe country'a 1reates~ toot-ju:t for ll cniur the i • cuur l' ur y(·r, an yer' · · · -.o J 11 have to tel l ball players. Be hu made the

• .thout the nmn (You can top nght here 1f you scholastic honor roll eve.r r.mcc () I want tn) iu thr clclicntc'i t.• n store wath an aspi rin his entrance Into coneac. Ue has THE MUSICAL SHOW II 1 • · · If . £ s . fi t.so been accused or belni t.blo tn 1 t•t p a) 1111: 11\llll:ltUre go on a Jllt.'Ce o .. WIS& to play the .axaphone.

'l'he 'J'ruuh.ulour l1.1\l aln.1tl) t.Jrtcd \\urk on their !i!'rllll:' 11111 u tl h•m. I i prq~:trutiun llltalh nn} thin •, a111l \n' .m• ''Ill' il 1hw . tht• play \\Ill be a Ul.:lt' .

i\1 0 ll prl'\"t~kllt lllt"':lll oUI) tiring. tilt' VI. I)' \\ill Jx.• a IKCt.' :. , 1.,1 I ~ ~~~~· hm\', \\ Jrid1 \\:I :IIIIOIIK

thl· fit t uf llll I iud htn•, \\U CUll itltll'd IJy

clrn·~t· . . . (" ith the name of the stor • tlu~ makt•:-. .:1w.}(l n•l\erti~ing.)

• • • • • 1\ culcl in thl· lttad, o.nd I'm o;u huarsc 1 could

pull a wag1111 • • there lliU'tt he ~1met hiug \\ rona; nwntholly .. •

'J'Ill~ MA~ JAC.

BIU Head. third etrlnr half­back at. Or eaon Sta te, holds I aomelhlna like 1.\ rl.\pld -flre scor­lni rrcord. ln lht' go.me wllh Pa­cific Unlvcr lty he cr055t'd tht' aoal line l our Umo In ten mln­ute; • acortne a t.otal of ~wenty­foul' points an avcraae or two

quest of h l&l'er educlltlon by en-tering Columbia U.llvcrsl'y next +++++++++++++++++++++++++++•••••••••••••••••••••

~~~r.beln:~~~na:Jr~~n'ra.C::t~:~ ~ M c R u M ' s of what Is expected to be the

~~~~sl f1 e• hman cllw tn his-~ c Lehlah ho.s r~>cenlly withdrawn

lls lone athl!'tlc ~rholnrshlp In an j eftort to remove the last blenllah on an otherw~ prr{P~'tiY pure Th s d H 1\lh!etlc reputation The Park· + e tu ent angout hurat scholnrshlp \\U' fo.rurrl.v. • nwa1ded t ach yc-nr to the ot•adent :

Excellent Fountain Service

tlh lcll~ ub Jdloa whu' oc1·cr

who was ouL~tnndlna ln both 11th- i 1f't,c and ~1lolatlv pur u1U.. Rnd now ' hat It ha-; beot droppt;~. l..l' - • hl&h Is In a po. Ilion to be addt'd + to a list of only twenty-claht.~ American rollPi · which mab; no

Putron~l;-:;;;:u.t,('rt 1n the .: All Leading Magazines and Newspapers Rma-turn Phi.





Room" for Partnt , \'llltiq Gir l and Chaperonee

- -----------------------------· •

Prescription Service Drugs and Sundries

McCRUM'S ...


{ ,



1 ------ r - - - - - -

11930 Gridiron Va. Tech Seniors Tilson To Be Eight Games on Frosh Card

Fi"t Six Cage Encountets to I be Played at

H o m e

The Freshmen basketball sched­ule for 1930-31 is made up of 8 gnmes. The first six e,ngage­ments will pe played at home while the last two are away.

The season will open January 19, when Coach Cy Young's Baby Generals meet Fishburne Military School in a home game. This game and one with Central High, February 7, will bring two new opponents to face the Fresh­men. There will also be two games with Virginia and V. P. I.

The tentative schedule: Jan. 19- F . M . s., here. Jan. 24-Virginla., here. Peb. 3- WUllam and Mary, here. Feb. 7---Central High, here. Feb. 11-S. M . A ., here. Feb. 14--V. P I., here Feb. 18-Virglnia, Charlottes­

ville. Feb. 21- V. P. I ., Blacksburg.


Matmen Start Bouts M.onday

Entrie5 Closed Friday Night

For Intramural W reading T ournament

Entries for the intramural wrestling tournament closed Fri­day night at six o'clock. The ftrat match was held on Monday at 4 p. m. on the wresUtna mats UPStairs in the gym.

All students in the university, including freshmen and trans­fers. are eligible, with the excep­tion of members of the present squad and men who ba.ve won monograms in wrestling. A fee ot twenty-five cents per man must accompany each entry.

Each con testant will be noti­fied of the weighing-In time and the time of his match. There are seven classes. 118, 128, 135, 145. 155, 166, and 175 pounds, and heavyweight.

Official intercollegiate wrest­ling rules will be followed except that bouta will be eight minutes. The offlcta.l for each contest wUl be selected by the intra-mural board.


Local Dealer Gives Ties to Grid Team

For a period extending over a number of years, Mr. E. L. tNed) Graham. of Graham & Father, has been accustomed to present­ing one tie to each member of the football team whenever they tri­umphed over Virginia In the an­nual classic. Although Virginia came out ahead this year, Mr. Graham ln!ormed the team at the recent banquet alven in their honor that he would nevertheless present a tie to each member

I that played. Afterwards. Mr. Graham, who

ls a staunch supporter of com­paratively everything connected with Washington and Lee, stated that he had departed from his usual custom because in hls opin­Ion W. and L. had won the game. In no uncertain terms he remarked that "W. and L. out­played Virldnla by far. Frankly, 1 thlnk they stole the 1ame from the boys--a~ear plracy."

Practically aU those so privil­eged have taken advantage of the tie otrel', and the donor humorous­ly remarked that winter styles of neckwear on the campus will be greatly varied-at leaat amon1 the members of the .football tam.

--o--Nrw York- The world-wide in-

Season Goes Host to Rivt;-l~ on Eligible Again I t H. I Than ks g r vr ng n 0 lStory Monk Mattox: Will Compete

The Keydeis of v . M. I . have Tickets On Sale f~r ' ' Miilst re l

Flashes." Performances December 11 and 12 Notre Dame Defeats Trojans

To J ustify C laim For Na­

tional Championship



good reasons for looking back on I n T h e Army Meet the Thanksgiving holidn~is as a Onl Lime merrily bu~ proflt.n.bly spr>nt. y 1 l

Thursday, Frlduy and Satur- --- Tile Lexington Kiwanis Club lay were three of t he busiest Tex Tilson, • Southern Confer- wUI present "M.lnsttel Flashes'' at I lays of the year, so fa r as en- ence 175-pound champion last the HJgh SChool Auditorium on terta!nmcnt and merry-making year, will be eligible to compete the evenings or December 11 and are concerned. again this year for the Generals 12. 'l'hls show, directed by Em­

The wt!rc Col'ps went to Roa,n- according to an announcement by mett R. Lane or the John B . Rog­lke ThnnksJ~Ivtng Day to watch the faculty commlttee in charge e1'S Producing Oompany of Ohio, the game with v. P . I. The Fly- of thls. Monk Mattox, 165 pounds, has a cast o! a hundred and fifty

Alabama Named Ruler In ,ng Squadron lost the game. but will be eligible for the Army meet people, and ts without a doubt 1t wns lhCllr first defeat on Maher only. one of the most elaborate pro- 1 DOBBS HATS

Southern Conference With Field in five years. The Cadets This announcement will be a ductlons the company has 'Jn its I Nine Victories had other things to be thankful big help to the varsity wrestling list. F 0 R M E N

With the crumbling of the Tro­jan wall of Southern California under the relenlless battering of the Notre Dame fighting machine, football, except fol' n few post­season skirmishes, gave up the ghost last Saturday and became a matter of history, as far as 1930 was concernf'<i.

The Ramblct-s from south Bend. Indiana, with ten straight victor­ies tmder their belt can justly claim the Nntlonal championship. Along with the undisputed righ t to thnt honor goes the pcl'ml'ment possession of the Rissman Na­tional Intercollegiate trophy which must be won three times within ten years to truure definite pos­;;ession. Notre Dame won the first leg in 1924, repeated in 1929. and topped the list aga.ln thls year.

In Southern Con!erenC<l ctr­::les, Alabama is ruler of all she 3urveys. Nine victories ' over a series of tough opponents :;:lves them an unsmtrched record. Tu­lane ln second place was also un­:lefeate<l. but Alabama played two more conference games. Game 1·esults a lso prove that Tulane's ;,pponents were of much lower ~lbre than those played by the :rimson Tide. This makes the lourth time In eight years that .\labama has captured the Dixie &itle.

The Southwestern Confer-~nce. with Its wide open spaces. ~ound the lone-star entry, Texas unlv~rslty , galloping into first place, with Baylor close on its .1eels. A record of four wins and >ne loss as against Baylor's three mos. one loss, and one tie tells lhe story.

"Big Ten" teams, after fl. sea­son of upsets and runaway games, nave finally decided that to Northwestern with its five straight !onference wins gees the crown >f champion Wisconsin with one 'iefeat. and that at the hands of ~he conference king, must con­.;ole itself with a second place rating.


In the Rocky Mountaln area. Utah leads the pack with an un­:leteated team.

Washington State's powerful \ggrcgatlon taking matters into heir own hands. proceeded to .we(:p aside nine opponent.:. with .he result that the Puclflc coast Gonterence ti tle now rests se­:enely on that school's campus 1t Pullman, Washington.

Rivalry of Army against Navy. .1.lways a game of brilliant oUense 1nd stubborn re;lstance. wll! .1galn be renewed this Satu1·day 1fter a three-year lay-orr due to !llgiblllty differences between the ~wo 1lnsLltut1ons. Whlle the con­... est has been arranged for char­.table put·poses, officials behind ,he scenes see in this game a )()SIIIbiUty or onct' more <'emcnt ­ng relations between the two .chools. Army, with Its forml­Jable season's record had been an :>VCl'Whehnlng choice to swnmp the Navy, but with thP Mldsblpnacn's Jurprlse victory over Penn last 3aturday, tht> affair proruls<!s to Je a real blttlle wilh the r~sult a loss-up at thls time.

for, however, and the loss was in- squad thls year as both men are The opening scP.1e shows the cldental. There always remain good wrestlers and are depended stage set in silver and black drap­the crowds, the glamor, the free- upon to score many points for the ery, illuminated by enormo dom. and exuberance that go team. electrically m pillars of whlte. in with such o. trip and holiday. Wofford, due to Tilson's belni which colored lights play. Hung

The First Class men were en- :1ble to wre8 ttc. will try out in the f1·om the ceiling Is a. large g!Ob­tertaineO the same evening as heavyweight divWon against Mit- Ul!U' chandet!rr made entirely of :JUests of Lhe Senior Class of V. ::hell, and DeVan will try out in thousands of small looklnf> glass­P. I., 1n Roanoke, and the game the 175-pound section with Ttl- es. The costumE's are of br1Jliant was forgotten in the friendly son. l'he only other change wtll satlu. fashioned after the Canad­spirlL of the get-together between be by Palmer who will wrestle at ~an Mounted Pollee ur.Jforms. the two classes. A banquet and 145 for a few week8. returning to There are also numerous girl enLortnlnment finished the day the 135 diYlslon later in the sea- 1 choruses which are featureC: dur-tor the Keydets. son. ing the second part of the show.

The feature or the holidays, Since Its designation as a ma- Tickets are now on SKle by \Vhlch makes Thanksgiving week Jor sport early 1ut fall, wrestlini members of thE' Kiwn.nls Club and one of the most important oc- has gone forward rapidly in ih~ cast. Rt>fierved seaLs were :aslons of the year. started Frt- washington and Lee. Last year, placed on sale at McCrum's on day night with the Thanltsgtvlng the first as a major sport, the Monuay, D~ember 8. General iances at Ninety-Four Hall. This varsity and t resbmiUl teams both c.drnlssion is fifty cents, and re­Hop Is a1mually anticipated by won every meet acheduled, the served seet3 are seventy-flvr. the Second Year men, when they val'sity taklni six meets and the ---<>--receive the V. M. I. class ring at- Little Generala four. The squads Nothing hypnotises a woman ter marchlng In the Ring Figure. have doubled each year as has more speedily than noble senti­This Is the crowning privilege of the attendance at home meets, ments from the mouth of a man. the class of 'Thirty-two.' thus showing a greatly Increased 1- WilUam Lyon Phelps.

A noticeable feature of hats made by the famous Cavanagh Edge Process is the luxurious ease of fit that distin­guishes them from any o thers. The Dobbs Ketzilworlh has the permanence of style, the air of d istinction and the long wear that mark Dobbs Cavanagh Edge hats. The Ketlilworth is unusual



Cadet E. M. Pulliam, president nterest all over the school. Prob- r-~------------. )f Cotillion Club, stated that ably the most noticeable interest THE ;-----.-------3econd Class men looked forward ~hown Is In the intramural tour- M O DEL BARBER SHOP STUDENTS · I to the l'lght to wear the seal and nament. Last year there were ·:~ng of v. M. I . "1'Jle class rings :>nly forty conte.stants entered Opposite Rookbrldre Meets Your Friends at t he Sub-

•- National Bank Kitch ue p1·esenwd a t the Thirty-two while this year the record num- way en.

Page Meat Market Nelson Street

Phone 126--426 Hop. and the Ring Figure ia the oer of ninety-!ive men ba.ve r(!J- HUGH A. WILLIAMS FOR GOOD EATS r t f th d It


the Thanksgiving Hop an 1m- The strength of this year's =- -- -- _____ _ ______ .:...._ __ ----------ea. ure o e ance. makes Istered. ~ ·--;;::=====:::;;;;;;;::::;:;;;;

;>ortant part of our year," he team will not be deflnitely known ++++++++++<·++·Jo·lo·:•·: .. l-++·)~+·!·+++++++++++++ .... +++++++~ 3aid. until after the first meet which , • 0 ; AUTHOR

Similar to the Washington and will be held here saturdaY niaht I ry ur--- : . . . IZED DEALERS FOR Lee dance program for the holt- t\t 7:30 o'clock aaalnat the strong + Rad1ola£ MaJt!Stics Philcoa Atwater Keats days, the1·e was an Informal dan· Richmond Y. M. c. A. acgrega- Special to ~ QU sant Saturday afternoon. and the ~Ion. Tryouts ~or thla meet are ' ISENBERR Y & CO., Inc. ~Ina! Hop Saturday night. Johnny now going on and will be an- Students WHOLESALE GROCERS ...J Ramp's Kentucky Serenaders sup- nounced Friday. ++++++.a." ...... + )lled the music, and "The cadet" ' . .........., ++·l-++++-t•++•:O+++++>Co++++++++++++++++ as this to say about the success Immediately foUOwlnt the Rich- ROCKBRIDGE

of v. M. I .'s holiday bops: "Sat- mond mee,, tryouta for the Army urday night's hop formed a fit- Lrlp on January 10 will take t!ng crowning glory to the week- place. The team will leav& here STEAM :md's hilarity. More than ever on the evening of J anuary 8 for does barracks' opinion declare West Point. The men who will these dances the best ever. Un- be selected to take thil trip wlll J LAUNDRY ne lmown before the Chrl8tmaa doubtedly the beauty of the calic holidays and will be called back generale surpassed that of any ;>ercelved hereabout at any recent to school for practice on New date ; it is well nigh impossible Year's Day, January 1. according to imagine a more perfect army to an announcement mad!! yes-of honles than that which has terday by Coach Mathia. I

Inc. Phone 185

races scratched in the melee. 1 ~;;;;;;::==:;:::.;:::;;;;:;:;;;::-:=-:=

R. L. HESS AND BRO. 221 S. l\IAL'J S'r. . J E\''lELERS

Remington Portable Typewriters W. and L. Colors on Case


:•••+•+•+++++++++..:•·:··l-+"·++·:·+•..-++++++++++++++•+4+1+1 ... + + + : 4 +

Tolley's Toggery Just quit Institute porta.la; to quote one of Johnny Hamp's world traveled Serenaders, it sur­passed any contingent of ferni­nJne love.llness which hi had nt­nessed In any clime or counk-,."

Sophomores succeeded in duck- ~ lnrr a few of the frosh co-eds under Lhe showers.

A s -rYLE Tl P i For Griffon & Braeburn Fine Clothes, Suits, Top Coats and Overcoats


The first policeman on the scene mistook lipstick, smeared on the faces of the freshman girls, as

Police CaUed Upon


blood marks, and sent in a general

T 8 ak ala.rm. The cops soon separated

o re up Co-ed the combatants. and no ont was Battle With Frosh serJoualy hurt In the conftlet.

The unaubdued frolh co-eds I marched though downtown streets

Delaware. <Ohiol pollee were In snake dance formation, shout­: alled upon recenUy to dlsperse a ing to the world that they would class fighL between 400 freshmen not wear the prescribed freshman and sophomore women on the headgear. ::ampus of Ohio Wesleyan Univer-sity.

Freshmen girls for several days had refused to appear in their freshmen berets. Then one even­Ing the sophomores orrranlzed and swooped down on the freshman cottages.

The freshmen likewise were soon I Ol'ganlzed and a hot battle ensued. Halr was pulled. dresses torn and I



First Class Service in a

Sanitary Way

Located in


lolld color s <Neater and

hose Is Sportswear'~

S~~~artest Style •••


i + + + + :t + + + : + • :

\\':\I.K-0\ I·:R .' liOE: .. \RROW S IIlRTS AND ~'OLL1\I~S. ~OUI ~LT SHORTS AND PA­

J .\ :\1.\ S. HEl~C I I \TS in the UN I­\ ' J:f{SIT\' :\1.\NNER .


'I'R \ \ 'EI.O ~\\' E.\TER~ AND GOLF HOSE \\'A S111 ~CTOX and LEE liE~ Ni\NT S AND


SL'l'r~ .\XD 'l'OP l'O.\'I'S :\l ADE TO MEAS URE

+ + + + + + i $25.00 up t CO~! E '1'0 SEE US

i I ll \\' . ~clson Street Phone 164

i ............ ,.+,..?O:•++Co•h ·=-··-=-·Jo++++·:·••+" ............ ..

+ .. ++++O:•+•Jo++~ ·=··H••:··!-+·:•..;.,;..:•9•:•.,..+++++++++++++++++ .... ++ : i

terest which Is now beini evoked -==========~= by the twentieth centenary ot :-


LexiDrton, Vlrrlnla Registered ::>ptometrlst

Gradu~>te Optician

RIDE i Do Not Delay

Viran·s birth. aceordinl to Presi­dent Geor1e Norlin, of the Uni­versity or Colorado, " ls In itself a t.e.sttmony that no poet has had so finn a hold for so long a time upon the minds and hearts of cul­tivated men."

Doctor Norlin makes this state-men~ In an article, "Twenty Cen­lurlels of Virgtl," ln the October Issue of The Bookman.

President Norlin arrees with Voltaire that it Homer was tbe creator of VirgU, aa many educa­tors comment, then. surely, Virrtl was Homer's areateat_~asterplece.

Ideal Barber Shop Next Door to Music Shop

''SLIM and MARKS''

Peoples National Bank

A "Roll of li onor" Bank




and COLD DIUNXS I Free Dellnry

129 8. Main s,. Phone zoo:_ I

- --- - ----) IYD8 UA.RDWARE , ~o.


I Cutlery---Razor•

1865 1807 EstabUshed Incorporated

Wide World

Gift Shop Next Door to 011tt.:h Inn

V ictor, Brwuwick,

S tewart, W amer



The Place to Enjoy

A Good Meal 1

Robert E. Lee Coffee Shop


,.H. IUS "There's a

Blue & Gray Going Your Way"

l'aret ) rom Lexi.Ddoa Whit. 811lphlr t Ut IAwlllllarl' Ut Charln lon u~

H11n1ln1 111n 1.25 Clndnnall •••• f.Ad nrton, lt.75 Colu•~u• t .ll O.lroll ..... Whulllll' l t .U I' I noluu ah JUO

ttr• Otr 0 11 Jloun4 Trl, Tldttl-.

Le:dn1ton Terminal

MeOrumJ Drur Store

: -+ : : Let Us book your orders now for

If you want to wear whM's : amart, and still have a com- + W hitn1 ' C d ~ Th ks · · fortable. rugged g olfoutfic I an s an y or an g tvtng i ••• the Solidset is what you and Christtnas. i need.

The Solidsetisa solid <:olor, ~ i s lightly brus hed 1ct o f ! We Pack and Sltip on Day You Specify +

i~~ti~i~f.:::~ i .Rice's Drug Store I i "The Friendly Store" •

Graham & Father .h··~··~~·:··><·M•••·:·•••••••••••••••,.••••J THE

GREAT ATLANTIC & ACIFIC Cigarettes by Cartons and Tins

Can1cls Chesterfields, Old GolJ \ Lucl y trikes

TEA co.

$1.19 per carton 29c. for flat SO's


Library Adds New Volutnes

To Collection

Delta U psilon Installed on Saturday Here

clus Desha. Clark.

and John Craig of not tnking ln over one new

Books On History, P oetry,

Travel and Fiction Are

Through the cowtesy of John Devine. White's s tudio made pic­tures of the lnstallntlon officers and the Initiates after the formal banquet Snlurdny night.

Continued from page one

Those men who were taken Into Delta Upsilon and who were un­able to be In Lexington were Sam­

slons exerted within the academic uel A. Bloch; T . M. Wade, John commun1Ues by the fraternities. W. Bowyer, a Ph.D. from Harvard

Represented "Jt Is n hopeful sign that the a nd now on the faculty of Sou--- great fraternities, through their them Methodist University; Geo.

The w ashington, and Lee cnr- 1 official policies. and through t~eh· Edwl\rd Ha n·ls who has had un­uegie Library hn!i numbers of fas - "Ollecllve sentiment and lnsp1m- usual success as a playwright and clnating new books on Its shelves. tion have joined the local admin- writer in New York. At present History, poetry, travel, novels. all llstralions In an effort to ma ke the he Is writing many scripts for are representrd In lhe newe;t ad- life of lht' Individual chap ter not radio presentation and is in diLions. only pleasant but sttmulaUng, not charg~ or the Homemakers broad-

chapter a year and to also pro­~n·ess southward.

---o-Mosby G . Perrow, of Lynch­

burg, wns selected to lead the In­terfraternity ball, annual first night feature of Finals week in June. at a meeting of the lnter­(ratemlty Cow1oU on last Friday night.

Penow Is a freshman in the law school, a member of the Kap­pa Sigma social .fraternity, the White Friars, Cot.I!Jion Club, and a member or the executive com­mittee

Claudy's Gift Shop

Opposite R. E. Lee Hotel

See Our Attractive Xmas

One of the most unusual and only rich in fellowship but inspll·- .cast. In addition to this be is unique books wriltt>n ir. some mg for life's pw·poscs. To this lect.urJng at leading eastern months is the Literary Guild >nd we pledge our strongest co- schools on radio writing. Harris book for December, "N. by E .. " operation. believing that the !ra- got his M. A. at Harvard. Other by Rockwell Kent. with illustra- tcrnily realizes Its finest destiny men were E. H. Howard, who was tlons by Rockwell K.enl. "N. by when it is able LO turn its enor- a member of the faculty here last E." is the story of Rockwell Kent's nous Influence toward strength- year and who is now at Columbia voyage to Greenland ln a thirty- •nlng Lhe honor and fortifying taking his Ph.D.; W. w. Morgan . three-foot boat. and o! the crown- the hopes of each member." now at Yerkes Observatory of the tng experience or his life. bhlp- Charles Irving Lewis. president University of Chicago: H. L. wreck on a Greenland rock, and Jf the active chapter paid tribute Scott. now getting a Ph.D. at Har-of his subsequent wanderings and to the work done for the club by va1·d; and W. L. Simmons. who. Gifts paintings and loves tn o1 een- Roscoe E. Ellard: after getting his degree at Har- ~;;;;;;;:~~::::::=====:::::::::! land. "For the last five years at the vard is now an English prof~ssor =

M.S. McCOY GROCERY & MEAT MARKET Fruits and Veaetables - - Qual-


Along the same lin es of expel·- ,\laUonal conven tion Mr. Ellard at Ohio Wesleyan University. iences in the !roze11 fastness or l1ns been our reprrsenlatlve. He Scores or congratulatory tele­the poles is Rear-Admiral Rich- :>~·oughL us rrom a place where we grams were received by the club nrd E. Byrd's own story or his were not considered on the con- from all over the United States Antartlc adventure. Profu!iely ll· venlion floor to the place where and from many far-flung parts lustrated with superb photognphs we went. through. Be will eve~ of the world. Arthur M. Hyde. and maps. Admiral Byrd's record- be our 111SPil'tLllon nnd our ld~al. former governor of Missouri and ing of his greatest nchlerement In regard'> to the instaJlat.lon, now secretary o! agriculture sent In '·Little America" 1s a virile President Lewis said : "My first his congratulations and regretted narrative. thought is lh~. t we are proud to be that he had to be absent. Also

ity Fresh Meats




ContinuiJlg the same theme of lccepted by Delta Upsilon. We the son or Redfield Proctor for­exploration and daring. Hat•ry .vill forget the pl\st in the zeal for mer governor of Vermont ' and Ouggenhlem relates thrilling ad- .he future. I want to promise United States senator and many ventures among lhe clouds in IOU all the bt'sL that we have." other prominent men.' "The Seven Skies." This mu- EUard Is Toastmaster Delta Upsilon, since its found-nlficient benefactcr of a\'iatlon Mr. Ella rd, the toastmaster, lng In 1834. has had a restricted has further boosLed Its cause in ·aid that his impression nlter growth and Its coming Into W. & his latest treatise on the subject. traveling around 1000 miles since L . is a continuation ol its policy

Ad\enture. achievement. and Wednesday was lbat he washome. history of our modern Pra, ~!·e in- 3nck at washington and Lee terestlngly combined by .Jinrk where he ,tad taught for five w 8 Sullivan in his recenUy pnu:1~hed year!>. He said he had ne\'cr ..een amer ros. third volume of ·•our Times-Pre- l more 100 per cent D. U. s!lua­War America." Lion where D. U. was not in than

The call nf wanderlust e\·e-n in- at W. and L. knew of no other vades poetry. John Masefield's 1J'OUP. he c;tated. that I would new book "The Wanderer of Llv- ather see my fraternity pin. It erpool" Is a hardy, vigorou~> uar- .s your collece friends that steady ratlve of the se!\, with somdblng { OU, and on your victory con­of a Homeric ring. The story of Jl'atulate you. he added. the Wanderer ls a latter-day Frank W. Noxon started with a saga, that one reads with stir- :nLhe1· in!ormal talk. "I was rlng of the blood. rreatly shocked'' he asserted "at

Tues.-Wed., Dee. 9-10 WINNIE LIGHTNER

"The Life of the Party"

Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 11 - l Z D. W. GRIFFITH'S

"Abraham Lincoln" With


The current novelist canies on :he youth of Washington and the spirit of investigation. but in Lee·s presldenl. I didn' t know a much more restricted &ctUng. that they picked them so g·reen." The Idea or the cosmop'ltltnn The spt>nk •r tl1en went into bts complexity rncompassed m a 01 mal bpeech . 1n it he traced famous hostelry intrigues Al nold .he friendship of Massachusetts Bfnnett. Once he published a 1nd VIrginia. How they had novel concernlnll It - ''urand .vorked together In the American Babylon Hotel." Now, aft<·• pub- Revolution. How tbey had finally llshing success after succ.·ss. he ,pllt in the nineteenth century. retun1s Lo hi!! inter~stlng sub.1P.ct . And now the adding of another Bfnnet loves to Investigate what Old DomlnJon chapter to a tra­is going on In every corrldCir. desk ernlty that. was rounded In Mass­and mind-he rev<'ls In revealing achusetts symbollzes the fine FRIDAY NlTE LATE SHOW his investigations In "Imperlr..J Pa- ;ph·it Lhat Is now between the Geo. O'Brien !Ace." t.wo slates.

---o-- ··Northernei'S who live In Wash-Charity Drive Is lngton fall under the spell of VIr-

"Last of the Duanes"

JACKSON'S Gus G. Jackson. Prop.

The Barber Shop With a Conscience

Opposite New Theatre Nelaon Street


COAL and WOOD Phone 23 or 177



B.lqa out &oW. & L. Stadenb

"The LJtUe Dral"'

on Corner Next &o B. M. W. 0.

OUJlTAIN MTERIALS Blankets, Towell

Table Llnena Bed Linens. Etc.



For Breads and Cake• Phone 133

linin. I wanted some of the fine The Serial that Ran Roxy Now Under Way men I saw come from the south Theatre LEXINGTON FILLING

to wear the D. U. badge," he add- "Jb J d• STATION Continued from page one ~d in explanation or his work ln e D liDS South Main s~

the exact beneftclnt· ies hav<· not ~ettlng a chapter established at Are Co • " See tb c tala Abo t Gaa. been named. but wlll be n.nnounc- virglnla in 1920. IDIDg e ap a f'd at a later dale. Fredric P. Lee. who spoke in MAKE WHOOPEE! Before LeariQ Towa

After the collection by Mrs. ;>lace of Thomas C. Miller. told I Campbell th,. fund Is turned over he llst!'nt>rs wha t. D. U. expected +++++++++++++++•+++++++·:·+++++++++++•++++++++++++.t to Branch ''B" or Lhe r.ee Mcmor- >f its men. ··D. U. expects you : + !:~:~~~sa~~~~~~~ ~:r~~t~~; ;.~ ~e ~u~~u;:a~~e:urtc:m~f:~~!b~l:. i HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM : disbursement.. Lee congratulated Delta UPSilon + :

Men from each fraterni ty, the not only In the fact that It has : i dining hall. and the dormitories lhe former AJ'cades club as a + LEXINGTO~. VIR.GINIA have been appointed by Mrs. !hapler. but.. also that It was com- * + Campbell to collect the donations nit lnlo as fine an Institution as + Th F • D : from their rrspecllve groups. She Washington and Lee. and was + urs n ec 11-12 + expressed confldencc that. th ~o re- 1avlng so many other notable t •• ., • ; sponse woulrt tw um.nlmou:;, ts it rrat,ernlllcs as Its neighbors. Two + + I always has baen In U1t' pall~. things are necessary for a success- 1 i :

The men appolntt'd to a&.Ial are rut chapter he stated . One is that i ; as follows: Lllwlon Calhoun. K . A.: the group has leaders, and Lhe I ~ Chan Gordan, Beta: Charlie Day, .)ther that lhe men In the organ- + OH BOY! Sigma Chi : Blll Tallyn, Lambda 'zaUon follows the leaders. The i Chi Alpha; Stuart Sander:,, Dt>ll.a organization musL have preceptlon Upsilon : Elhan Allen. Alpha Chi ~o understand the fallln1s or one + ; Rho : Grahnm Monlson. Phi 11an or 1mothcr. Above all the + + Onm: Ed die Ornvrs, Della Tau •haplt>r must have the loyal ef- : JOY! t Delta . R()SS Malone, Sli'ml\ Nu : rorL of everyone in the chapter. ~ Tows:md Belst>r, Phi [){lltn Tilt.IA; Gooch Welcomes D. U. t Ell Flnklesteln, Zeta Bt'ta Ta u : Pre~ldent Gooch. of Phi Kappa fUN :I Morton Le''Y. Phi Epsllon PI: Psi. the oldest chapter on the +I J ohnny Faullmer. Alpho. rau I ·nmpw;. welcomed the newest i Omega; F1·ank McCiurf' S!l;ma ~hapler of the Oldest frat.ernlt,.y Phi Phi Epsilon- Bob Chapin, P I I on the campus. i 1

Kappa Phi: 0 . J . Wllklnsu•l, Phi The> presidents of all the other + MUSIC Kappa Psi: John Devine. Slama , rulemllles on Lhe campus were f I Alpha EpsUon · Wllbm o'' l'n, Phi wests of the D<>lta Upsilon chap- i+ Kappa Sigma , Brn Ayal's. Tourist .er IL~ the banquet. Also proml-Inn ; L<'lgh Wlll tam!l, D<'llnl'ry, trnt mt>mbrrs of lhe faculty wert' t GALORE! : Tex Tll~n . Ornmun norm , Drn- nae.sls ln nll wl' ll over one hun- I: + con Armour, Lo'<"l Donn lred otlendrd the n flalr. Under- i +

--~; •l'aduntt•!l !rom lhe chapters at "' Literary C lub Will the Unln'r·st ly of Virginia, Johns t t

Hopkins. nnd Crom the petition-+~ + Hold Banquet Friday tnJ! chnuter nt North Cal'ollna I+ Th L . . Cl b

ConUnued rrom pa(Ce OUt' ,y('~r1a~1S:n~;~(l~:,"·a luncheon was i e extngton Kt wanis u of acUviLics until nfll•r lhC' holl- held ol thr hott·l. During t he + drys. Armour· whc, 1 vl<'l'·l-res- ltuwhcon th(' nt>w D. U. pledae * Presenu their Annual how :

ldent of thr !!O<'It•ty, stntrd tll.nl pins 'Ml'e put on lhe new men of + ''M 1 Fl h '' ; the tnosl Sl!inltlcnnt lnno\'n.Uon the fmtrrnlly The room was + • t + lntrodU('('d Into thn ()liJIUil/.l\llon dN'Orllttd In thf' blue and gold or I ms re as es + durin& the current .r~~. .. lon was Delta Upstlon und with tht> n aaa ~ tht~ substitution In debatrs of n of lhe lnll'IIU\llonnl frnLernlty. syatt!m of tro:. -rxnmlnntlon ltt the American and lhe Canadla.n. A John B. RO¥Crs Pt·oducllon lieu or the usunl r<'buttal. Thom- ReC'rpUon ll t ld l MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES! + ns DtnrnporL. who l!rRt ptt .•nted From tour to six a reception + GORGEOUS SETTINGS! : the lnno\'aUon to lhl' fie>ciPty, wns held by the new chapter for l l claims thal It was OliPinnl(•d at thl' fncully. it'U<'SlS, and members : DAZZLING EL.EC'fRIOAL EF.F£(,'T8! + Or<'son Stat<' nnd 1!1 now ')tllna uf lht> &lud<'nt body Men f1 0m + OVER 1!10 PEOPLE JN TilE OASTI + usrd on the PucU!f Con"'t wtth rt ll of lh<' rmternllles wetc on + ~ mnrked suctc':;.'l. Wu ihlnat<m 1\nd hnnd to ronjjlnl.tulnlt> the mem- ~ Nol h lnq Like It Eve•· Bcfo1·e A~tempted in n.n Amateur Lee hnll lhP dl~tltlttlon of bf!lng bt•rs of lht' twtnllcth nnUonol + Production thC' lll'!ll untvcrlllty b •low thr. Mn - chuplN' on the rampu3. Wivps or i : I'Oit·Dixon ll•1r to <'lllllloy L:,r t>Y - the drlr.gutell were also presen t. + SECURE YOUR TICKET NOW +



' •



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SMITH The Car t o Run Around ID · Main trm of cro.i~·PX'Imlnullon. Urn- TM rt'<'NVlllll line fm the rerep- + FI'Om Mrmbera of Kiwanl~ Club or Tho!le In Cnat + cni)OrL Pl~lctrd thl\l lhe llt'W tl()ll WtUI Mr. U'W\!1, Dr. t\nd Ml"l\, + PRIOI:' : syrrtem would tu limn aupplunt Oaln!'S, Mr. Swnn , Mr. Noxon. ~ ' t 1 DRY CLEANI'G W'KS Rockbridge Motor I the u:.e or robutt.ul In m~L • .ml- Culontl l•'redrlc M. Cro1!.'-ctt. Pro- + GMtral Adml slon, 50e. Reserved Sub, 75c. : Vt'181ly .U)d coue,e ciebatrs. I fCilliOI' l!:lJard, Dr. IUld Mra. Lu- I 't+++++++++++•H++++++++++++++++++<·•••+++++++++++++ I Phone' 14 l

Company Quality and Service