i ff b york daily -...

YORK DAILY I .Hi ff B BY UREELEY l-'ATII. OFFICE, TKIHi'NK BUILDINGS, FIVE DOLLAB9 A VciAK VOL. fll. H«. IT«. >KW.» «»'. IVIIMl 10H>IV. ><»\L*1HKK 1 fStl. WHO*.* *.». *>** ^fVV.Rl M< IN '- « ND*1 rAl ' . The THbunr HulMtna». corner «»Í IfltM ,«.1 ItaH -irrri». oi>|.««lti- the I ily Badal I»" .-, un r«i in «l>»nc* «I the .. . . Bee « ....."- ,r.. uot »..u»«4 ,,,.|.,., »a-l c'n.u- |i»r ..»« , i"."Y»nr« I leallae. ,rr Ten ""'./ .. . , V »¦ tlll> III»..-.- Ml r In.lilr t«M< ill" ¦>¦".' ' 1 ttj \\.\ IHK M l.i.M.Y TRIBI NK. < -YOKK TRIBUNE. \ < rni'.iii Hptmtu Oui ! \ U . . I it Moni "¡IM- .' W I ». »' « A ' rapara pa rc¡><>rt Heeol II «¦ i.ti- if thirty to report I MX Whig '.' reiata- M|i M M " II I «j, r laater, Derby, I. I! J*a» Kji ]fcjaÇonunitt4 «.- rtftt o! W<e 'ft'K-k in Chain *,..if. win II iftei ipaorhai bj Boa. Jacoi ««1ER, lateM.C bmI II ill Wlll.lAM M\ ¡iiiaiiiin¦ ua'.y ri'l"f>te'l. We a»;, carncat attention '»I the American Pec, ¡ nucwd. That H M a fui.damft.tel principle ol K pli »hull h-iW' h (¡'.vi tDiDi r,t el ib«;r bi refer», II ¦' \n < i»«*in.»r »r P0B( I >>r AHv.i nr Ihe ..it- i pro . It M lunduri .OUI principle. KiflMtt Th»t w- ¦ alpha, i if'- W...II IProvleo and demand thaw thaaaaae ind up- ».'-. |'jl«. M M IM aWd, That in Id p oluO ol this Coal itfM War with Mexh » ni ¦njaet aad Banoaiti . . . t.¦ tol r it" p"', . '" tini at i'l tí- .t .> mabiic. «ad the ¦mqmM - ¦¦ J aco/itntioii ni net werttor j n tu «w»/*'her iobbM m the Mane, la (»raelly m mat i ftm*,,¡ \hHi 'i lathe doty of Cuna/aai taanahe al.arceaiarj prevMoaato artoa, the araaaal Mfaf t<> ¦ »a««dy »ad honorable teranhaattoa, m, II Baeaaaary to tkairn-j. tu Hunt fciiiJ'|i». iy »uy appropi laakiwa aaiaaa , Énaiar ^ Rrtcir'd rimi the laapraaaaaaai "l our Lake« Rim» »ni Harhori loproeaot.u far elf aa4 aTotaai IK IoItpi ur»" and trade it I ur.'nt 'in" ¡-ml Imp« lii.- ¦¦ aaa ii. by in« c.'intitmi'.n properly and peculiarly en taufc-d to ihr >. »nit»* vf OmgrtÊê, andl »huuid hy Coa pm 1* ftfectuallv eaeeutud, and uu long« r In' tbecked mt pan { Ri*uir,d real *.. aathare with uD<hnkfD »tt-«. h a»w in kha peal Whl| prtaeiplee ul Proteetioa la uriirin Leb« i end iii<iu«ti>. t.y a Tarnt raWi MDrr i.iiyr h"V>rii.ip. niaklniu«. u Ui m praetJeal ahedaad ladfpcDdi'nt p.'ipu*.* auuni. ui.itnni ui ajaj mm aaa emll lu tl - lloei raaai al -bMiiluy the m.'. 11> H.i.ij ..i.,- |g , ....... niurpe i Btrea yahnaage an l pawi i 7 HitoiMii Thai .**¦ m. * with <(>,[. >i. i.-i>i> i1 u. pediai- . tba whole doctriui and prlnclpl. "ill Bahama*ean only ha knowaaad ea »rl bo ui.'u aear^wnt U'iH|j 'i"i | aid Earopaeai .'hi atteheU hafe paeeed away. A4' ;.'h' I \l hi« Noiiiiiinlli.ii> 'c ('¦ ¦.. (¡tu. w Hi k. Cbaanag. HT V'*' I'm i*, k w mm political weekly at fcj.ii.ii.wii Pelai, N J ha« bot-n l»«u«d I.y Qaa 0 ï*nr It it a lair ib". t awTOteeltotha aiiviioai-y . 1 Iti-.ii o muí Afrtrnharal laprovi aaeat, aid we hnait If with th.« pu'..)i*h*<r eecenet ¡n bleenMrpfhM Sinu.r \i Wim HfrBOKgp Ol Satur.la_\ an.uing ab'.ul lu ii'i-l.ii-k. h i. iiihman «.Ml »li-ut i.u m Be »o at VV. it II h ir«i), who«« imn i. aiiiikn..»>n haaftaf to a aaBall <.> dar Iran, hla last nut an u. in rethaa It iaahaa fraaa haw§Maad] Ai¡n prob ab) »b'.ur -i. drin. in »n inck ovrrcoM. black aack aa,BMrh phaW atlh eaal haaah aaaataBani (mnta \a iocjurit »mlu I b] Wi.ühiii Mitrh. ;i, Juitic oi ihe MaMeaf BMaa a tree i*rt!:.-r laloraaatloa cao by apadfiBf ha Mi Mu.!. »OataaM »t BaaMhaa Paurtl aVcClOtar«. ragrai t.. learn that Mr UaiuäU), ll.e lurin-r f 'till manly anil popular rail- ruad conductor ..> w. :i kii"*u to travel.-n Uitwivn hi re aad Philadelphia, .ii .^Atur.liy iHit ai. t with a very Bali Ml in.iiortune Ile »ti cxni'iihi!i|| a door ipring. ol new iii'nuiion. Mhea) the api', wire ol the »prinj bbbbbmI . ii-'.':.. BM Mi '.< k him Itrectl] In the lei ¦i i m .it t-i.tn. i* t. ^. out the î.mIi Bahaahaaai la i Mate ol pnatiur) i:ik erer ilnee. I .> Luit ''¦ - Im Carlos .<¦ Hank C u mini, di 11. »ce Kat< .*«^ ..m School!. .S II .', vVar.ln.r. Mor »«* Lt.- . ol -Ut« Til- I I!' T Kij.ier haplala ol do Utraa Hariov, ^up of do l'utu l'orna AJUaHT Ol àLtt«ID BLATM laWtCI JeR^üV .Ol. 11. J [..¦¦ MM Chile »1. Kill »llill- d ht Ml II I Maryland a ho ataiaaa them fu- v ... b lore Jadfea ll«)«< od Me 1 t M .1 Met « Ma. k at.d -p. BM u..i f -i t not Ul ¦htehthapf.edlag » . «.,- a; ?.í'ii t.. i i I with . ireea I »arh A*h Mavia*. I MOU1 l'\K\.« '!'. ¦. ! v createit term« ol ha» ,,,nt) 1 aie Hi \ ." t.»u! Jariii ;., bai a |tant l»rm !¦. .- tract of I '. he 1 ¦ laim. anj n M Cattle, »hiep f m èhalban W the e»«ro »nil.ie ha» n UriaiiK BBllllBBUd l«a>da la Cam. m I'll M y V tailor. MáCItMI CaTCBIM Wo :car;i tl'.t tlie mar- ¦Majj BMihi ra of Trai hato I Mateu»] »sr^Su, thee areaofahoai m .»¦ n eeethaa WO bárrela laaMBlrtp laya »b« took arrala; la .- and i.i »o lay», 170 -i \ih\ other feaaell In I1- the la*!' ¦ h»To bro'.Kbl :i. t^ie» varying trom M M .*«> a*"-i« I Hou Titrai ft?" Av AbTI-I r| RVtMTMR t" h* hea.i. V\ iui..«toii. Bahai .»* in.i I \ / J McKIm aereMa Mutt Ml *»#>. How! »ml JohMou. K M U»via anl AtXIMIBT AMD DSATH. A man wrhjMM Bjej | mum Edattoraaol Mm «anaaahap ¦ ivlna lor the . - 1 v*a« . « i D«*ai laMoai wnhi 'iti» a«n»ainu a o *a« lakloM ^a »»«u. MaM » r< aMMMad t" tvko BM a«-«l I. . '»ra ».ul |cv. BO herd I Ma* eautl iu. ai.d ruroalie d up.m 'afpiaii WD ft ,-liher by a n.la »t"p or by MMieMllsg ol tri ran BMapMrf Courier Ambtbi»i, Kuimi Project .A ] J»| i.. n u. j m SN.i':..-;.' Raad i"w,rd » K- »-»y irom ladlanapoua t- Mhiant. .I, r, i ».:! laMMMMM t'. nnatl (Jreal lut. reit waa naa ".aadlii- , if,,< i.mnlon wa» n Bfaaaed I!.,. t- *. s . t.. c uatrucl ¦e road through Maail ( r i-» 11 - A S.M» "taey Weet, noai ¿. r. ïo,t.-. in llar',, ¦«»aad-.t-.j r .,..:» .acaping ¦MlMMh BMM * and ao laaaj rilTBBT CMAPEI H. uni at I'aRa 111 an y***10! »be ¿re»! fu., which occurred It, CniUtitl y °» ta« i:ih of BVpwaab r, broaghl hy th" laM vT"" '"""' " " r'"'' hdfhlagoía r\roh»ahMM ¦"MM »t i'.-r%. « l«uhou'| ..I OaaMaaaMaaajBam, Tbli a 4* ,ui'é"'*^'l to r. g |o the. Aineri'-an bol tmlinve. lii-y h»ve no Chapel in tb»l ¦ABIM hood, it waa. prooably, Habop outbn«to a ^..r'- lh»l waa burned [lloalon Travtllnr jjHj'Kaütucky will obeerv# Thaakagmng ontiie ! Il '!'. Hi trill- Hum >l< alee. I * news :. -un.* f. Day. a tblil ¡-'i tulmtii. patch y eel W* a . x :ill ilttnilg Tup ! / publiai ¦ i v. ipoud .1 lii£Ai>v»»ai!riii Mkxk an Ab.mv h'' ' . ol thte city « tbe »r/i.y Irum «i ... already eel ¦y aber- ¦¦ i It .y d'i'y la M man.ty. and toat y<iur Kvc:l--nry will pit -... lireBIT ti.it city with in « o Main »ml peremptory «pare ol time, it being ' Ml .I] - -.'i depart with »<r Ikei t form « i . Ty at P-rote t*> 4t turn toar pleau .. » .. M -it it ¦ painiu i j ' .>. in the » oui y an ) mi. n. who an ,¦ || ¦..: w thai -. J-17 AN TOD ANNA ol the MR. t . - . faet th-.t | p m you de¬ in Dl il lv it« clrii iot « i i I «o nue! rap) and to ... w lin j a Bied Una«, »b nd ir .,- lot of ., . VI .... ri .iid to t. . Ni", n. »hieb Implica tbat tbe lobabtUata of Potv ated by the I B. Ira pa, wholly ¦Mil «t !'.. property i i. i nf ¡tli hi-.« !n en ntlotalix d, end1 ni aJltb Um great it tcropolo leeeee, Indi cd to met h to i lu | i la th.- w«ir Ai ; .. || f the mm Hot of i. hj lo o' bM<. Irotfl win-u 11 ike t » iry mi'I r It It front their owe eoeatryan-u or th. iroope . Btetae. Wtib r*-»< .r .i lu ibel particular |nrt line)« i"t'. f will« h di mir.il» Ibe tiiri'ii.ii r. wuriiii n BBI I tilín ol .. I . !iy lie . . in p.y. ihM'. hat iim t ling la ,.¦<>'. il i. pua m.mti! m il.in: ii t.. pre».o m II .n t.. ti .. litt «nd I niri ,»ii- 1 that 1m :. i i si ' ru aac oatefelly, laaemuek Ht I bava "t ¦. itapeaal ail tu. i. ti.j-i. t an mibl |.i m lull and r. nip i b ompUefa n.,' t w ni. oeaetaV i»!i .utin thtj big] >¦.! degree reapeetlul DO] . m..tt eervaat, l BOM If I UlLDd Co B Army civil »liI MiIiihi) Qovenor. The .-1 f to ¡oat (uniabaf intacajat iajjaawi tram Paebla,wbkfa is IrnrtlttH toi.ur lifin.lt by Hi«. Create of Uetrty. It it a fittingae tbe above com ip wdt . Ti ai la, J-tb At S n ci.,i koa tt, reata | of y«êtnr iaj tin-(H.liita ol Shu JiiRodi- I'm» muiIm Kot« tod Saale Meaaaa, oaaaaaaai i * benvy aaa aaae u^ou abe Aimrutii workt. ibe i»tti i lameaadlaa Ij bagaa t -hut. bomiit hei iroaaotn loto Ibe eeatri ol thu it> erbleb »." rod in eoaecojtteaoe, aoaaa < t i-.jury. i' i. Marlao dtii Rio, wbi'.- ttnnilny ».itti hli wife on thebaekbaleoay mi boaea, ».i« »tiuckd.td by u II h'i.iii - o i-" .s P, M Ike eaeoooedlnt m at Ike iIhah 11 ,:.\ a S9tk By r i.r .¦( Beata Aaaa » IM,,,pt a |, ik d la n i,., nt ,,i <Hnt-i Trreea, etoee ui the ¦,» » atblek a breaatworb ol i itoa at aiai anotad Koai baadrod eottoa belet hnv. ataread] waa demendod of <'¦.¦ \'elatco city To pn nripk lion ..i n... work th. Am'iicui.» iniii ike fortol BaaJoi ki'pt up ,< ii|.ii Ike »ornniiti »l.ich.b» tog etoatlj retwraedJ by tki Maalaaaa Ike akatkaraool i, m . m,il greaMdaai Iroaa bV a\aaartaaa aaaa ^r,atiy in ataaaad. At itii« Baaaaaad « aoaaaaarakki aaaabat of private etüxeai weal lo snnt» a\aaa\ wko wae at Cat n,, i,. iiiiil reejeaefM ,,l l.ltn « pire« of artillery, which bcin/ granted tOfetker wish a mnl! body of rncu for tit aaaaaeearteat Ikey quickly marched i< r tb« c,,uTnnt il SniitM K.'tN and opeaed a wi,ll dir/Ttcit tire up ,n th» baaertoaa) weeka Ufa were i" aeagraaaaal c,,i)it»-rtiH ti,m. i.ut algal *t latt ¦aaNarraajlai ari rytklag beeaase .¡ni, t I ¦ ntini nt Sunta Knta were trantferred In litPir» t,, Pal t'< t'nu,:: h Hud :t It mid that the »<íiiim tbirit' will ba lb Ike.i Beata Monica tftkooak Ike latter are Itroagty opa» », i t,, laavkMJ tb- ir mopattic atylurn it i. in. a Mtii. I., day pnitiai iraafulUU] relgaelBlka i!> No« aadtkeaeaa) bekaargbat reyeetof eeaaaMka, and ibeexplotloa of aoma gresadeeIbrowa la ir. M del Km in the n-fcr it Wb, M i leal nicht bin eludí d » :,-tti r) with which he n,¡, r.,t» t., opaa apoa .^.m io»6 Uur aoldh are oompl dnlng n rj maeb, ;,r ,1 t«y that they «re ri »,ly t Ji. ,.i ^. ,. Bot having r- anything in the »btpc ol prOTWOBaf r tume routldi r Th« pr.-nt, «t enthu.iatni tgaint! tb.« Amcri,-, - vallt tbroui(h,,ut Ihr . nui, ciy I ivM a. Oit J-mi,,-, .--auta Aunt» deptrtur" tt baa totally elaekeaed ofl rke eottoa a Ira laM algbt, and was baraed down lolka ground and vA'U bal.« ol the »im.. article were totally ooaaaaaed in tka Cearraatal Santo Doeabago, atlikoai aay oaara baaag able to aeeoaat lor Ihc modeln which tmy were l:tc,1 111-' iiitiH'jitanii ikarlaejlag ol belle whi'-h aaaoaaoed ika kna ri di irnui. w i muib a'anni i!, believiiii thHt the Ameri la aaa) were i atog ike I ¦ Ike MflM >,nirc we ,1- rl\.< the Mlowlog farra tlvc !,t repele i abat qui af to lb '..¦ i . tiRlti .lit. nut. annoiinc. « ., IVkk oi ike Lealelaaa b«t .oai.i cuipanv troin the NitK.u-.: arbliher th. > . » -, , » ., a h: ike p .t il- resort« mat * wat i)u el it il Ike Aaaorlean force wa« llroi | «¡ .-IM iki ii « ai i « a tkre gaani ¡a « ¦.. o< 11- up, n tbe htU tnpe, a \.. nt.a ^ | aa lull agi and :arl«lt w, re tike. -illat. ,«.dto tbe iplo.l.ill ol the .'»Tf * ,'«tte . ... a i. n ner ¦¦ waaeaiy aUgkilj loalded ho »..ted alm«t>lfbj acaatag la f i . ;iun',, « * id Maaaal Oarrey, a?era eeeen .. * iuw in iiy." Tka Leflalaf , i au at Ilia! lb ¦-! -: >»i« I), : a l.m parau ar I l I to fatal lh Ja apa, Ireea which we han. tabea th. ai(te in the gaberaa tt at by it a ttroog mp«tiit will be »llTeo to tbe raitin*,'! »... aatf prtvUegee, wbl I ¦ laager ed belag atieei tai ,ri m th. m l y i?n N ,r'b Atirrlcan id» H . Tbe » eV . / ",i r^p<;t with rruch indlunati, n pti-'ty. whlcti worihr ol tka ceas ol a «olJler. .: - nut. and tlualiy. bo \ - i hour ,.1 , * v t.rtt drew breath, and w n r y «o long hat taten Baek , . v ,' * attribut- t ii p Bei ; »ou that wai * sbh.^ which it «loae due to thnàr own cow anil M) and Intubor dltittiru M . di.i-riinli.at!>:-n and correct ludgtnent. ».. d an at* »¦ |bay ceorrod, . caily attuie tiy toe eOitort ol La I'' ¦: ¡hat the com ev,r rti.pl-y-d the n, ,.t heroic twlat re ,,«.-t m ., I) unpurtia. ¦ II HI 0 i'-»» d,.n- . M i ei c> unt, ;. , pal ba neither a Ira'. a coward. on th V'in» at fell i) «a '. d Bl :-.ridluS t at .< i, tram »hik ¡in ji ,i it. latkaal i Hut s i re ei papakaa eo th. dettgaaol ia« 'menu ekollyk ..'»i, ,i h.< n III eieei eeaareol hit p-r» -ml guard. h«> ¦uiii-il a»-alntt him At an i'icaai ir Ihtt pr :¦.; ir.ey w ¦..¦ .at the ,. ex ,', .-,1 l,.,|tBM ,| nmy tie I illoWi i by tie ir c ..,,.. a- «¡tka ir, oe*HBtrj w-ia-1 ¦.. iottei tbe ai¡¡htett heotht from u I hey atir ut- I th« uofortunatu .-v r,u ,t tbe war and their wan ,t tucceta tu their riattloa apaiaal the m vadirt tobitUJL-apiiityanJuuaaliilu.net«. I.v.utouie ol them loudly d<M.-l«r«>d hlra to be a traitor, and ooa«. ,j.ueniiy lo lw unworthy holding any com.-nand in th« Meaioen army. gr-eter parí f th-te tiantact: nt trar ""¡laluran .Uta A ! lepey»ti go ».[ft h,, ... ¦¦:'¦¦ .. -L, n. proceed thither at . 1 A O ..'.-. !he I, '-fit t<: I n,p:y .>:. i tad n»ik Hj. hit Mae ,,t mir ¦ be wat wen mo a j. .* tel < a SoWai . ; ea inte Addi wat endeavoring B him I' * « i- I tl In P/Urm * whtcn we : r<i extentlrely c .pt-cj In the Arto Ins. H t :o a:,and. i. * - The following brief" oote from our V»-, MeakiaM k avea ui in do^ot -n regard to the aa teat it we a t. thlt BM . VpkA ("ai i Oeaobaf '¡r-at "T»ttfment wat created t . a nun ..... t y tb- *rr!t of aa expreaa lr',m i company ..at they ha ». I » || t-lghtee ..... H I the id A ,| true ,i not «p, rebend that rill occur to tn, 1 « «-re thla. aeetta regla We r.at i letton to I m.i' wbi't, wit :, Idietribated ia»t algal which w, wi th.- MB ' mo ,1,1,t n tl.e BBBBI HKAnuiAiTiiK- Vkba Can, ort 1 :. iiwint named n en pain t . ., let regtaaaat Maeaaebaet . aala wn cowards in tbn hour ol i cena permitted to march with thlt army. They »r<- dlaermed Mel dot* n. from t I to Brevet Ma « duty m o BBBHI I Baa Juan de I iua at may bo pat lutmed I I Who are foaaal ur.WorLby to carr; a»mi an 1 ir., a dtegraee an 1 a nuitanc" t BM army, lly order ol l',"g i;,'ti ("usblni: bV.W.H. DAVI8, A.A.D C ¡i rafa m >> ht BaaBeaat baaaaaaii a 11| ipeditloo und-r «'apt .. ... .,.t laaaaaaaaeely apoa retaraeag I Welli I a I ¦, 11., 1 on tre lit .-. pt . own -i i h ttroye tbaa I . tbn deitruc BBBad ,it I,,», oodaet w«í .le rgetta, m tha> he la i. t 10 Maine ¦< tie- at ol the WagoDI H -, ! dltpak bat Tbe <.¦ un ,,t ir ,,,;¦>¦ oi »blah 1.1, m c ,: v - it hereby i! - Hj ,,id, r of it M ileoa, Cflagai I h ah HI 't Ad; ut inf A A A Qeaoral i>ep afVetaCraa lilies I,, flay arrived at Van Cl intt Iroaa Ike Rratoa, <'ol Ja,-k llayt WeatOVW on he' w:t>iK>. c.-riipaiiy of Cap) Robert* "I hi« regiment l at Alekaaaa bad arrived at VeraCraa irom thit port I -t. Hioahip New Orleans wa» at Tampico at latl II bul culil not «...! ,,ver the bar without Imhr ,-a|o,i ban ant fron Van Cras IB am aeeiataan. Wal i" nt, ,n oi flea Laaoaad hit com r, and Ihea it id ven Inci,lent illy n she n*ir»t11 taire at Paakla He «rat at PeroM on trie ftb inai. an I wa keve ao doaht erhatevee eab iw d»y» Il 11,- b Ina of ike lath kaal ipaahi Iba eaMautva '. na making el \ rrgare to dtapeleb a tram It i ¡,. n.. re. ol all mini Tbetreaaaber leada the editor to conjecture thef lattertou Iihs m ti" a, an expedition agtloat aome Bute But hitherto IbTC tod by American arm«. Intimad o| r, I i. i, .-. ,,rt I he tame paper baa torne tpecultti in upon tbn prob able action ol BM CeOgraM at '4'or,taro but meuii nu ao fade. Am eig otkor tktoga H MaaktoM that than an Bjbo pretend tkatIke Babada ,,t tfca people ol the lateiiol have undergone a chauife since our OOCUpetlon of Ike City of MeaJjee ami um thi 1 *!.¦ dtepand V paai n ¦ any ti rmt. We have little lalth in thlt I ha (¡inn $ ./ Liberty ol the l.'thinst gives the follow |n account ol an expedition againtt the guerrillas in kuiua i.m'kdi turn tke gaaarlltoa bave, ot late t>, c one to troubles,one and dsnnii. and have gttherel in »uch a vaims In the chapparal and other placet ol am',utli 111 Hi,. vl, dally ,.! tint ty that even can tomen would not T. nt .re 111 lo supply our market, lu Coearqueaee ot Ihia stale ,| a'tair» (apt 1'rueti with n.ied volunteer», and t.'apt Armstrong with 169, v». in oat on the m ,ruing of the I.lib intt. by M <eu PaMenaa, to tseu Nm ooeaary earn rtd It ol Ifceaa Bam ling robbers, who under the gun,- oI patn Ottom, Inlett it to the detriment ol th« Mexlcatit at well at the American According to Ihn orders ol Maj (¡en I'atte ton, Cap! I't'-ett wn to proas id to thi Itytoeaonk- BBtll ha itruck the Ortaake r,n-i which he vtat to follow turning to Iba toft, Wk Armitrong wii to pi-.,, 1 to BM heb 4 hba south w.->i;j dtreatloa until beetroefctkeeaneroad which he Wat to foDovj tun,mg to the right The two detachuientt were to inarch with laBBMM until th.-y i". 1 h: 1 .: >t .. a- y th arraio-m-rit, that any pmtt Beetag ft ¦ stsbtn ut ibasvi would run ¦> rlab -uuli :d!y th.. other ».,. irn-11nankedkySaakaWéaad Mabaj 1 in t^riout piacet largt quantities ol armt and aiii'in.nitioii wh 1I1 tie eitler den: ved or carried away and nnentod to killing tu guerrlll-rul t'apt Arm .tr, aa went t Ml¦ ieiiu. wh"re there were a great uurn I,, r ot guerrillero!, but Ibey all in ad- tie || t, Mpe wilb the exceptiou ot one, who wat k..... Ban h. ,Uiid a targa lot ot armt aud ammunition with tome ol the 1 Aaaertonia Uten ofwkiekkedei Ike greater par! adcarrf 1 Ike remainder away il laaaaV nt M-dellu all nlghl, re-cr.,sied ll naily next BMrataag, an 1 marche 1 la Iba direct! ,n of the Orlttba ai He pi Bwvw bat a eh a ha wh, ti he cairn BOtonkai a number of »h 1 hors-s il Bnwdtott ) la II a .1.n ci ,1, ot the liai! and foUowtag the treckt s.. ,u arrived at a 1.,. s. which w,¡ a with gBtrrUla« The rolaaaaeri charged up-m aban with taeif utual linpeluoalty. driving ibitii away Ir. m ¦tlth much s!«u^bt"r BM lenlies w,-re c int. la BM jard luti., .int In a'ju w'.i.b were tboaa w ,rn by BM arm) and uavy ut m ,aii) v t. naakm ttokmaakaki «apt rraatt aaa inmtr n. feeterday, aad bm Bnaaai la ¦btohtbey '. wa* highly approved ol by M«j >, d ihe above Informan,,u Irom an lu . . aonm an I the |aetl ui«y M ie:n d upon. ipondence of the I'tcayune. V«aa Cat/ Oel -1 Litten from Oruatia hate a graal datJ .. - -a > b»r t ry kaaw wbethaa* M betten or awl petal ol (bet tklag m er III . tea lome i.iib to f tota,aad larluglnyoa naxf n t th.-m uaiatiA Baata Aun« who bat taken up hit line ot march tr Tuebla IktO '5 .*¦>¦: a BBBall remnant "t hi» »liny am overt ik-n M tha ro«d i.y a m- M . Bath rill' s M BM (UM n 1. ,»»!H t Mm t.pr....¦-¦: l;i::ii>J I .tut ( MM and It wm n t ctitil he wat tu y ntt.-i.uJiy BBTH that be COO-I . BM 1 1 obey the »umni'iut. .. a Mata kbM apt u pretty rood au th il') Bel ira thai .'»uta Anna relutel t -, a a : tfronlkanni EMtonatoata eptka idea v,t thi iwleg alaaae and a command as « lotti tr ai J iNp< l.it wi<ek and i am rather lucHaed I to tnink »». overtake« by tni» me» aaBaerk . o: I" wa» making track» t ¦ the ¦0 tarkf . place ot »ably tut now 11 sne»e ritp'.rl* pron tibe true.lt will not take much to Induce ti I, intell PnaktesM atm more \ : ,.h ¡ trunk it out ot hi» pew-r M h ol much harm.aucb a »tep would coutlcue to keep th» c runtry .r. otvll broii» and any me«»ure» adopted by him whether !.- pi ace or w«r wul be oppot»d II trim I othar re« , ^.,»>, pauta \ntj» Tke Mel 1 aeoato appear to bo gaining eoni fence in Paredes and pe r «p» he may be th« hr»s M 'Verthr jw th« cor* M again assume authority Fk-m \ ..kiw.Ti,,. y.|-atan i>-hr Atrevnla Capt R«t sst arrived y-ai-rdiv from "Ital hiving aalle i ..A MM seen a Die of paper* from M»rid» s h intt ...... Matae ead D. Itirolaa - .it. rtnro* U a i.D. (¡'»Vl m fn.y were rj n une M m they sought to a Ml U " * .a .¦' . a , '.».mea Altaro olnlo Baatskwa and Jo.é M. eab« deUl s «-n'Ut the a'a'.r «fuch appears iK-en .ne innM paltry att.mp . |jr wbi^h . icatan it n itorto is We ha>.' »- B » e"'>r ol the 1 .'th io»t which .p-»n of the overthrow t <tw* Menl-l by Ha'5acban I ant of au attempt to rriotlate the latter Whether tail re ten to the tame revolution we are unable to *«y Men daa o" I H«rb«cneno bad both declined oflce hut C n .. . .ted that thay ihouid aerv« We c.ioJeat thai have not materlal» enough to throw any üghtupon .heae iranaactteoa. [B. 0. Pie. Wd. ¦Well of Denla. The ;> i , .'..¦.. I .... r of the pr> vnt y.ar Ir- w »Mall a > :h ol July and ! r. ii I he d»'itiit ... ¦. .eland gM Mf.Sf) Austria I rM.ium % Mi 9Km i I W ... . J-»;ic I il kn iwn II In 1 - w the oan.ei of tboae who were :.. < s > | M«M jAf.Hj or Raw i .rU , 'UK ..-a. I Dono. iweii. urn NiAoun. \ J»mr. I M vV W - la ata, Henry. K. i 'A h \\ K a M \ k- -.d» \1 i H r. . Mary I - I .-¦rove. M u A I .'. s I Her, A 1 I' . I..In B U W I. loi n Ih " NX* n ME1 .:rk. II a i r > I'. |a: Hnudt, . 'on, l.unb, M Mayas .»»v, l'aul.i Adnnru - Cbarita (ir-ei.a. I- M -..re. " i M -on, il H " »t. Rue, . uaeu, N Davia, P \'. Alnheu« V M BM Kdv»»r,i -. W r A Krrman. K D»rd, :.»:, i, U r . Jim« <iu ir. ' S A W !.. | John T It I'- BapaaaMMaf DM readera m«y desire, to examine i'lete 'in. with a view to »»certain whether any o' iheli friends are numbered w.th ti,.- .(.-a.I i h- pMMl C*n be) aeen, on lom.'.iyat the .ointer ol /A» /Vl¿..'i< Oftic.« It ¿h>i Mm BOM itb »nd th* n»rn« ef lb1' MM !. rj in »bicb h" w»a Interred Itepul.li. oi H.iMi. \\ lad the I nrii Proclamai ieMof lUyit how Idaria| Il roceat disturb «t ¦ I that liiainl.lii our MfaM Inilia .. hAI^IIN BOU LOI <¡\ I. PaxatSwKT or Haiti / /".¦./.'¦ and ihr |rm» II »YTirv« '- I he l¡. Bj .-lly m) kOM t the I' -, a BBBMof aruhooitetmèthe n'.nh ladaaad om to «rail ttie Capita ilnce tbe MaMMMBM of tr." i»at htgteletlre aeailoD. It wa« oi the Mgheet Impurleooe that afhM my »cees- Bowat I ahoold aataa aha tret mmbbMb ofI in »iiltli.ü trie d fl.r.-ut localitir». In order to convince) myi. It ot lb" BhrhM MaaMBM M the measures I hid hi pi-! lor the Hi t.r. '»t order and prosperity ol the KepuMir tlatter myself th«t all my lellow cltljens. rnllght.sj ,) By experience BBd BftBC the indispensable necessity..! our Mjoptog BBBM ,M I 'I BM BMOOM I c-r.r rd will aid tail tlnrrrBBMnl wllh all then in. 'idatlrm our Institutions MM I hoi no ».ion-i left the c»pitai. »hen»n. «i ¦.. p tocableeooMMaeoeaad aasoog hViaMhoriMaa who were ¡nlruited wuh the maintenance ol order »nd traaqel H a. u | | An- ef pr. j.'Cte Infamoui as absurd by Iho M-ry ImpoeMbl lly "1 their rea laMfea v lied aiarm aim im taumle», arrested the progrese ol mmerce an 1 m. ii». «d that MM nous un', i. WithoM will, h * u.-v.T own » aooatry Mag dsalniM idaiilihagel Mm Miaiwof Iheo loui BMcblaatioM *nJ Hi diaeoveeleg thetr aal a" n Ml ; '. ¦!..!. rn.it.' to . s>-a re h and subdue with the «ialv- ol the law iheae paTfMM .< t i. » b»ve dared to protit ny n.y BhaaOM i^ »ttemptin. I i die trouble anJ d «...rd tbr-iuhout tlo> ¡and lliytl-ui' My pail con lu. t la BB »u to you. I hare m-.!! J el mat M atad t" n.y p-iil would n»i-r iI.jai. u,,. ,,,ih I nave mi I- i muni, our metltatloaa aad to labor without repose lor tbe h .perneas and il"- .'>< UtseAtoa of OBI r untry I lay tiens, be calm H»v.> eonrilence always Bl »r"n you b»*e treely chou n to yourw 1res rUlly »round mm »nd extend to him IOM »Id In MMTOM I the machmatl t.« I theie eneml-i f p. »re »cd publie .««uriiy ih*t our indissoluble union is the Indispensable e II foraa und ot BM nail, ml ity l.-t m unit.- our MBOBgMI »rouo.1 the saer. ti. .. of our indepeiiIm.<¦.. IIaii iBha hoaaMof tbe country been t«. loo» l»ccr»u-d by dl»r. rd »nd her progeny i llayti't.a yi u have piAi'td your tualBaaee in ¦ my wish to 'ii'ily il rely on the r. ry.-r»tion ol IBM - ',>..¦ ti w rk ot regea un.ieriak-n by oar fsAlkarsai thaprieaol rm.it. . . . -. pair. I.»in I leu- truth WhMM h foa V u »o »b >».. hearu palpitate at the very »acred n»in. I paM .'¦. miry.each a't.'i haafag r.-i.nt,- to tu,- I hi. oi me .-tat- .'Utn af BM BSporiaaM rapaaf v»-th hun th^se words which o'Jahl tor ever to aasure BM I'lbrully ubMc Lite ll) ii». ity in.- Independence' Bg 'hi niillutlon diven »t :he MaMooal PahMS MOaeMlaaa.fJM i'"th ot - >i -it Mm i. rt) tourth yaar dtheBMhapoaMaaoa _ BOULO a I ihï Im-ian CoVMTMI The atea'.. I'eter» who h m rtea 1 tr...: . -. i » .> i .rt I. .A>i'iiWorlh»lxt»'en ra»n and tbe car^.e-i oi '.' '.! j . .. .. ... .:n« . \ em. no me new. ll inUT-it I n- Indians ».-. np'.n-i.ied 01 Bg . irt aod lr-.-.ut»rlei ar.. very ¡ow »nd '-. Mr .¦"»ipy. «In ha» h»en in the In lian cuntrj heal w *t- ri ihu ui.j" «nd !'. .tt. OM « pxaaerger >r. »- Mara tnat bMoObM ¦ I aU-'d to exiat V tW.ei, In. , . «, : -. raaar ire mid In h.iH -a > ,..-.' I . . their nu.ii'-.-- \ groat . * «. m .( Mm Otapi «rd l'i»ite. wnieh n%s pa'eb''i in.- BM arh I u^ the itrxems . Maaada e. n L>uro¡ MmoaoMry pfaaroaM a ¦. -.u »ipect Thaaaar .. .:u .ng the Sail PaaMB aad * » great m»ny bad died i MaM h. payluai tbe ,Q nuuieit. the laaAaaaaaal trthsw c«u«ed » gexi de«i i diiitliiUc'i-n »m II ern '.ut tb>-v runi i. 4 ^l I. .ul» R- CaiALi- il Kstn ' .»DiRMRnia -Onr readeri wi.i nut b » in- BMrMtaad to b«v ibai the va tant Col to' M-xic^ii lahahMaMi of tbe Kloi.ru Apt lue dread o.'unarmed A'OencaD tr»l-ri r.a» . Al' i » v-¡y lui ihe inurai.ee us: M . -. »asta I M -. »t partis foert-fOea H » .*.*! . ohal -tw. n.j r..-e . glvei ainp.- i . ¡!- n.i - taina rat.-, and as h ii uiu» iy privy BJ tbe cirtuin»Uoce» of any lar|e i »a.d t dr i- i i'iaii . Ham H you wua b> a* h.m u, » i-uilnii. »d lr.-ie Ai grs*t you a i-ndeivou- * .«t met t hira uDarrn-d Un »ar Is open . tur bis services and he finds I :s BM ua¿.t in pOM B . i .... s Her Bai \ * Mm i flroa loat Ma a .to nd tbe dedication ol lioll ling was cr iwj-o -a e.piui sermon w»s waa m the li raeao- .. prie.i quiet iy remarked that h»vmg learood tn«r the belldlog waa unpaid f.r by the r..cgre'. 1 n t in c r. aeteoce dedicale .:. bd I Wld D d «ire Irum them t) <»od wBal waa n Utn-irs to reader Woen toe C'Durch legally be loeged to tb-m. be Would wllh pleasure be the medium of pieeeouag it to Heaven An example this, not unworthy cl being t .llowed ay Protestants. Boston Transcript Thi L«tï Fatai Rulr.¦»: A »m .We . Bel faets r-lative m the (a-al - .t and . ». .. -. -.d that r Mr M II -. .,- .- | MM -t ¦;. Mr H I- King . | Mi . Be*/t!»a »niH- Ih «epeoe the » Mi . . t rley. waa n a'-. . A ta Mr J -ebu» . aro, h»d both .. , Tt y | we Mr Keyr- Mr I'MaateI at Balda . . .. | Mr K > ¡o ot Budwtnsvilie. were also in . I the I . nt eve that! i ;n the river »ud Ih.) ahutm-nt» were gg teet -, A | gg I», t. The wn * twos between , - tooe wee railroad I gtoe with .ridge a few day* praaioMtotba It M Mated that b y un¿ m»a art < . hetrd « A A A . ' Be itatei thit a swayed side way I -.way P M. Ethtoa .-.h kj , BM ¡1 »I. "it 11 'cl ""k with a I . » r smashed, and several I . u ron another hrok*n la eta scattered « rl ls-re was .1 but BO I've» w. re :,it. and but » b-« IWMMM h »rn. w '.;...;. , t The col Mltoa ih . aide af Baal , A- Hy rr r iht BMI MMOBMOBhad . . nr«d- tr. m to I »at M- la retrograde .. ' at the ia!.> "I Mlai an I Ol tile tr»in the runaway cars would ..«aster ll leeen that the I trail ,;.'....¦ talcing on board a larga rho bad n attaodllag 11 g I. aad thai ... »gainai Mengen I r no. h atoo ti ato ' him th. He bad .' -i « it ly on . -' 1'ieuht w, re the p*n- n^en ol the .r their pr-» ervatíoi letting, and afl-r re- I for oto kind Int-.rp'«itlon ou their ie-li. ««..-.! I VOteaf MMoI MB »nd raised lundi »uiîi-ient to purchase a -mx >i:<h pliehai worth »bout*-' . m. lit-. ol their gratitude NMBBM ol this disaaler, «. far aa we csu learn. mm Mm rtotaMoa atha part 'i khaaooda tor .t too Iran ol th a h Ml Path»* « 1 tiered M l'i. Ii.Iaht tralu as Well the pan. -iiget I am. It BM BM was a tew minutes behind Its Urn- MMMaO i oiidm-tor. Ihlahtol Kb th« next Itat'on 111 aea» n aii 1 thus save a deb Hiloii ot some I., luiuul-a. ventar, d il where he .ijüht il d to have g OM M I produced the Col natoa the r> rolM »iiteb Mi "uh ioB»otoMly diaaatroua .n gl '. h ii ¦ i", n tatai to many p«n> Bg n asBOOg the HO wh o' -i u Mato Boetoi 1 rat 11 t > Mi lg in Km iDI I" kOO .About a year ago a it»b iie-nt appealed m ».¦. ournals that a bed ..I coal liai be I Valley Fall». and iha'. pu paral! um .< Mlatog M bad i. 'ii in] »i- a betone i were tu lo- erasnnl loaalt to a .mstortohlBg will ami . iilrv A d-pill ot BhnatOM lomliei a' d twenty feet li'i la'en Bttaf it tea hundred tone oi coal h-.\.- ¡..en («».-u out. i'hi» coal h«i !).-,.u submitted to land to prove that Its ami :n»t Mm lutur-' opona aa of Mi oeapMy B a ciowrie,) wllh complet., m- ¦..-»» i'ro'.-i« -r k an osjset MtoOtak men BBM examined tiie . M -t .!¦' thai It BOaaaaaM all the r. iisltea for coal ef the hrat 'I'lxllty. It la not « h». 1 nor a., clean to handi- »a mut kiuda ef coal, but MM pHMfoOMB refer r> | to expreaa their opinion that then- detect» will dis appeal when a greater depth is reached »ill that coal every way excellent will bo I ne mm» is »bout six miles frum I'rovi lence two boot l'«wtu.:ket and u C BM .pi-i.tiy I 4 more thau t*,, mil. » I r.rn 1 le wal- r I ie Proelsh BM and W r sllriMd runs within thirty ml. t l| and la sur by thriving manuUcturliig vi lag . I ti n la «¡I tn»t BOOM be dM 1 i. .. n tod* Mf OM that Mm bad is af limited in Mm eeau <ry. Mm apenMeM thu» i»r, juatity mat tin-suppiy of eo«l to laeabaasMbla. [Paw; ). ». t Chronicle v, Mir Wi-l lOOIMI »Va father r a t-mi Irom » nle.nl th-i JhwM Jkf } v v t no áw N slabs that It has heard on Ma thorny derived fruoi latter» broeght by Un peehol tba: orden bare beao rooatved froaa »MCJureraaaal by the I'a. ..bii \ n.or ..I .-1 hoina» «i .1 r'ant» C'UZ to pro Bare Mm praprh t m to M m »waa I o Mm toBBMdioto einaij. ipaii.ni .1 their . «v. i and u ii tar tt.- ' oldest! y a.'. a, that Baottor OgMeri na»e t.u tractuated to in- Dorara n . Mm i roa h i«leads Mr Charlea MeLeod the tola feeerons. of I'rint il«d BwduO UM -Mil August. Ht I.IS resld-nce near >\ tostoor, after » »hot FK..M MjoJaIIII ti| Rathtirgt, Capt. l'»tter.on wbaah toaiMto JaoohroM ths nuit Bltor Use ll - »hip Columbia arrived h. re yesterday aga no m-ws M 0 Pto MM Dlitrl Of Old) WAhhluR. Col Uavnl Pol s.-rn. a . bot IBM S»tiou. died at hi» rei .Hh ul' Ihn Arxaitai In- ttUiAjmcer »ay» that In ' »oin in.- i ban it Nal nt of the a .' rrton I, a sjl lim.-s C .' o.o-ii r,i .rv poSIll n tnat a NtiMa tbe I | ,.;law Nation BOf hi- roiiiiir)iii. .. r eh .-taw warrioraagaaaat thoCrtx War. where hi« bra the ailed -:«:.-. reo leu d bin « team M r ii ... .-. . lend, r Hi wa.tn. ... la l the ..... bet people g U i'.o 11 ll i-1 .- ¡on .i lie Annual Coo ilaptut d-ii nioi..i n La «U"!« -buielli prieaaald M vVsMoeasJaj a-, I l'burs.1»y. S iitr.eluciory t by Ke r. I a , »u M delator Mi li.-asurei i r. I iJI-e, I |h eai real year .. » of wbtehtU I. » «i.: i. \| .. - I l-, ll.pl»! Mai« M an t" 1 the Miaae.nary «g»nt 1'h-re «r .-. M-machui-it« -: t.wni m wbi-h there are Bapttol abarel . which there ar- M whole oum'*-i ol the de- ir,- .-lal- ll Cy ii PraM 'I Mar>lai|.i baa appnintetl the . a 'ay I I mnli«i¦. m. in tiiat Noriri-;>. rilKF.N'il.(l(.l-io AMI PI ril.i>>HKK-A. MIHi.hK«. Jk UKI.I.». ( lle.ion Hull, I'll >lte«iuu~.|. N. 1. UK Vl-'lhi»" -AMIO.N-. m- jyJl tf (Vite BROADWAY. W£W VURK Jtjk tV J. U. Wheeler, Oumni aatooai of Uteda loi .N-- V rhandl Ttu.-j.any Hail ry \V mer.( ure Inatnation, »" Bond-at and Sy^a a«'. LAJn« li.acd .Un sHi;\V »cd ROOK, tha formar »u in )r oi - ¦« Manual, i «. i Bstttei of the are Jeoraal, and >-ia haviug been w.m Pneas- a i i u ibaea. Ci*' Or. < brl.iir» «.alvunie Km««, lielt«. Braceleta und Huons-tic Fluid, vraaaars »re re- -i t .-. lanuina, is at tV Broadwar --wr--i i iha-sl I M a*fl In ail icy oi (.tir.aUe . g»lv»c. *e ll ll and lue.r sraai ¦;».» bnty has caused them to beroanbtrfsibrd by needy persons who otf'i vpuiioas »-.-' > ,. against which the pu' ... . snare in .".- « a tn-ed to sell I>| - aale and exc.-s.fr way _ .... ¦¦ tV tfoorhr-Hd'a l.riidnnie.l <liicneli. »In- cbisM-w. Mae new and I is ml ihe |»aaial iiaasaaadalioa of in» anadie« i ' un accuaot .commend»«: .-. '...- n -¦.-..¦ ::.-»:.-¦ A --i-^-.-v. A": » of the kind w- -. placed to th» putihe In ai. ul char»ct«r. the incce« At TiaehnetiiC companied by amanoa with ' . "»« cantad Maautaetaxad aad aold wboi.r*.. aad rsiaii. b; »uji U M.niHMF All »" «"»" " ' I KU\ ol th« nnt r»«rpa<«*biltty ^.»¦T^ê te obta.n a .¿..u»i...n »» «.mpaaivo to an aiderly .»dy. r lady and sect.«man Is per?.- »a*. Bad wnuld tax- chari» of the hoosa-kseping »rr»ng«m*nu of a íuaúj «ase sdAxsaa 0 A »ox f oet Oftae o.» 9f HI im INKS. Wut süffek riîOM pain? "THI. 1 '! RAJ BRIM wbn menk.n- wnt to endure pain, i UM M remedy ekadtoaabt] .... s - i «».ere. 1 gava me IV' . I Ma anv ether Ointment I M a U . f< v CtUl'NCY « IVRg Read -¦¦'¦ from T See- v. km Ce. M. T dated -.hut a . . . renal 0 , « ., , , I .... ... .king a .,. He ci . .. ruf i mm . A -. . ¦ SJounil. lAieiullv aad ..,,-»' »aiaiant. r 11 K THEM. I . * . j am« written thereon in black ink S. 1 - a latoi REMEDY FOR TUE PILES. "a,, teai I . fVIA. . » ... I'lltuni'««' t . ., ,, f,;,, ,H,\ «u an av De«c tr«. a. \\ kk BBU » a* afflicted v. ;!h it hat »a» ca ad ll have toid rue that n.y liver »a» «tfectrd. »i l i -:i a pe " »hmt vie a vita to Maas ... ¦ i»vir,j than | -. lappil] . 10 the a il bet with man] a la a ed me, ami 1 * ifevof.oi in. der an) »-it lee I ci ... hi- N.i vMiS PERcIt ti. ¦' loath M A failing of tht tourij. weaatS, V rw rnmiif, parti . t laaai /oili'i, uli,.a oiki ano h ta: i - e n 111 I him, Kill', «at tt is an intern- .urea by it« a. tiuii un the bowelt and blood. I lie rataaad st«t« of which is the cause ot th« above named diseases r i .in at er y eity, t, * u and »j ¡age »he;,, pi I'phani I Vegetal .ary has been iattod - ettecta hate been ti it« rriaiaphee ever cases wh nable -..-¦. f Cap) 1. tt beat - ».aad Heather of Ike Mea tid hate tiled, i i ltd«I aleju' tkm weeks i. a - i. . I think it dua i lo piuuii and ui)aeli ro make this ttet* 0 M M I.KAN i the agenta In Colembna, Oa \ M-.«'i «VlBTBB t |f0r the laat IA year» I hater,, en afflicted with that uiott ri.itietanig liaea-e a Bleeding Piteo,' and have had recourse t m-v many medíame*, without obiaiinng relief, until 1 obtained ixeeof pbam'i file Ctocteary (ram you, which have a,, tar relieved ate that I take gieat pleasure mending phOjB « Pile Klec'uary" to all who are afflict¬ ed with Pile», a »afe and auie remedy K I' HILL, «keeper Hank of Clumbu». '- 'l K. 'I lie .| M - ¦ i I hate oeeo benehred by the a- ol lir t'pl.a . . v im rh» I I waai y iro > . ina, lor touie time unable iaa* U ail. During Ik < which are a Baa eei . them all a fail i tieuel.i and painful at . i.eard ol and «ei,i i.r Ur Vpnain . i tbaa a week I waa I y the use ration of Or. Up ham. an,I '**- .'I H HIN- M l'-l Mi Mereb it Mi iaI , le aad felt thanks fer thi I hate etyeiienuod hy the uae nt your truly v«.u«hl« I' I have been a pert,-, t martyr, to lue (needing pu-a lor Ma ye»ta past, so much SO, th It .,' ot Hie re i ig in», uiy eyes also became «Bected. ai I waa a imer» to ruytelf, and was .. up my > an llouae aouie »'«k I nave triad i h bad the beai «ds i.c the phyaiciantol Hotten aad th »plac- Bl <.¦'¦ I uiouey and twite »ul,;. »urgical peratloa I bad ¦rfeetli IlleUdt »MIUOUi-ll M'l, tl«,I ¦ed ai.,1 . Aiid I a.aiie yuu wli-ii I through 1 lui. ¦ i now la pir .1 my tbaat i m .u « conduit a nu with gr,»i i- . t'.l t.l. LIIAKLTOM it Mistas. Post a . viure rh il « . I . >oi.d endurance and cani. . Uavtag ken »o long and «oreiy atficted I aiu induced ra» yuu. thai ikaewa ou. ¦ friends and u- I aa 1 had in other reapax I Mttnate ,< t a : bown. and lo pur:'y the h ooal.thus rerr., a i;'--.i| cure meet It IS needle»* to add thai. | luary uf jou I man] of oui beat pk much mine particular uii.iuia'.iou tbaa 1 u JUSIlt A HfcAMAN ti at mriuain.»ta,. ¦. A g»ot..:in»!i. eaa uan.e can be »een at my ortie«, can- a ago and obtained a boa ol ¦. called lógala aiio'iiei p.-:- -1 bun tliat be had re- a same reaaedy to sti >r eight peraoea.ALL ired It t»a« « id. i was »ottering ¦¦ atag aeata icon . M t.ed iu out. »he wet informed an operat.on her to- so.d wnu.eaaia and retail By WVATT i. UTCHAJI, Upaem, tttBowery.N V. «ud by Drug,, at» generally throughout the l.'a.ted Statea and Can¬ ada«. Price bl a box ¦ Trie genuine fcleeuary has the wr-.tien signa¬ tura thus. >cy A I'pham. M D The hand is «.to c.ne with a oen aa3l irr.eod' i»tp NKW.YOHH AND EHIK It.tll.KOAO CO.- Tha»tocsho.<i<rtot' :ha New-Vork aoe tne JUiiroad Company are lifted vn ;nat»loier.. -»re on all »here« on which the payment» heiet. ' teaeeedAfty rtv« d^i.ar».-t required , of Hi» torn, an, 1 VA a.. at. 00 or before ehe «eteiiteen'.n I7thi day of Novemlesr nest By oruer ol tue B. aid ol the L»"««^'» ol»t.N17 t .' « letaxy '.-. ty Hall, Park. Ts\|a. 1-17. pvaa tkattkeTn ». - pre-"' T»» . I and thai f am ;..»» *". charged on them January tarear- 'ion on the a- , . .ataretl at the » a- r .-oparty be bad by app.ying at ihia or! il.N., -' '-1»'_Krceitertf Tat.» TIIO»ll'«AO>"a KKKVtll VI TKl'et.t. .,» J K P.» im K--. BreeJlj approved of by the 'i . who i.e thrui, rh« pretaur» 'an b- graduated from one to fifty | '..'.. rupture without a 'ach pad, wn.ch doet aa eaach ia;a- ;y to tba »pin«, caattag weaanese «nd pain ia the back . lea, «..d ottao perinaaant spinal disc«««. Six day! trial given, aad if not arieci.y «atitfactory. rant» re¬ turned Ala... the a»o*t appro-.ad >hoo.4er Branca and Bandage« ml Utptf WANTS. WtNTKD Al«««, t.va yawag snea to go South or vv, ..! to aet m g»at» lut ta« tai« or m«aid »operar a, on«.Aval oaer and abeva their aapeat.ee will ha Ir.toredti ¡hem in writing with »a c pfxirtac r> ,,(' clearing * at «r y««i Soto« m«e now la oar eaDpniy etui aw ieekl ataba >e-g * par year, «lee,r of «Jl eatwnae» i in wtU havehi» JiMrct «twill be a«cee«ary foe them lo hav« at aaat from B^> to ka». lo obtsua a good tt lia« oat. App.J at FRENCH « Pehliehiu* Hail, .'ïj K vjaal «p »ta-r», tío« of the F.ag of oar Lalaa All a»t be poetpaid._a If \V'A>TKD.- A voaag .ad», experienced ia teachin, v V ai.it -..mpeieot to instruct ia Latin, french, Drawing Mi -it . - higher branchée of English > do « , j ira «oro* Brat <..* F*a>a.« H r privat« , y or BrtaAlya. tfeii» i ira Teacher.' has JW Pan Oflxe ,x(, - » w L'ANTKD By a i.ape rah.« y, irg w tnanasttuotloaiB "a - ate tarin.y ¡» » h.-atrele washer end She i* in ». vet. and »:.< be b' . ty refereacecaaheglvea Inamia Mark »p.e.» F.ighih »t al Jl' Tat" %NTED , - ... VV g* , .*» . ... .»u.i.t »nd can give . rod Ptoen Ball «i at Mu,b»i,,,i aecoad rl.Ni* _ ni ír It (Mill i t It« ft , , very vv - ased woman a* ¦» A » ,1 aa.itt ta the wash.ng and n ealefr* in her a*- p:«<-e ttone call »t TtBtaakeaaaao at «V tM'ED k situa a BlkDSALL¡d ag«»c» i.-î, t ,,'iu.ail gardener and ct *- I,iiia a » Oeraaea yeeag u m el koaaea a . re* Kram and one astioanberniaid. »I. . . II a»..all _ r. \\ kN'TKD I artner in the Sa»- a ce «a vv A ; art of ihe city A young use. :s. »coua nted wirb ,-ir» trade *;,i hating gtvtttod n an eb-aa'- Addretv» Old Stand.' ¦ rSoe \ A *. *t> T K H , . -. - "" . a-.t .at S a Ar.».; ,11««« B*«l faraaiiieaa ka »ven Appiv at ¿m Walker *t. near Foi- . WANTED Ht » r..p. table Amentar, gir!. s nona» aeamstieas *r chambermaid City te-'ereuee , -en if re piied. PI««»« m , i ia a: «M Bowaty. «».or i n .N. ' WANTED -:*.ination* by two >*e|ta<ubiê~ , . . . t . m u Dare* »r.l ;. ... chetnbei . s r. n, a t ..... \A \NTI- II V a .. , "v gam . i a. a, wmg and lake . i family, bv a youeg », aaaa - A ..:-.'». " m «peek Kienen end Keg -t*e inijair* al «At Binad _ni St« WINTI.I» t, J .mherwerk. waaking and . , »work » . a fi a waaan »,th good ratoraan tpply «ill _.. A\ kfsTBO Hv » . lag lady .jueótied to nitir'i.' In tv ... aaeh el the Ratgdwh laageage a Htaeeieam m aru g«utlein«n » Ian > A, l h'.a..t Hrnedw»t ANTED V »tearlaa by . Ûe*maa yiuag man m . a . lay Bead piare A,«o hi« « -t- a, .- and »e»n.»tiea» .i for Hanj!«imeid Wi , ,i»» Pleas« in pair« at l.?4 Broadway AA'tNTtil» An a. t.v» and »tperleuce-i . . " >'< .",,¦, ,, ¦. « i«i eriog Mtahiitliinent iu Be ».Itaay I J 9. Tt .'ine iih. » ui .'i L\HOI(EH> WANTED«, tew »te.dy ... ... i r! gliak a, aetemod lo work In apowda il C«J ige» h, apply I i I' oiBc«, iw* PtHTNEK WANTED. A yëejag u.a.. »... *. le « U I »ho. ail .'oui. end 111'III« - -'..,. talfwitbi nieeaalreadyeataadiaked tametoi lattia or nitnuf», "i huameaa Keinen, given a t Iraea 'V , rrikaiae nKI.-M.iltkt.lt W ANTKD- At üitTNewYerk I, M at »>e, i* »id lln ,. ib a - -, ui,., indantaad« dreaa I B aewing Apply at the tnaritut AMkl.K TKAt IIEK »anted to take ,l,«r«. of in »it aepertmeat of a .< i o ¡a thu Mn municailiine aldieaaed to I' at the ofh>» of Th« Trlb.nie. . | 'eriii», which mu»r be low,) espertante, Ac with referí ¦. place 4 latarvtoai and ie»' Bean, will '"at rend-,! IB a-nillK AND l.tKIII.WII I. WANTED Wait a^ed tbeaeare and gcajd will tifa thriving art « one bu»inea». retail or wholesale, in Rrvedwey m oih«f . all* ? «tn,ii Tin» woald be an eaoelleat «lip»" 11 r any peisi.n «iihiiii to ret «nd having l«a«« in aal A favorable prupo»al loin a p, culou» ,,r rum» BOBOtry t am woe I beeqaallj aatevñiaed Duecr S',re *| thl»iO» ol' «f w% I.O\KI)lN(.. IODOIMOM i dgtaga »t the Re«k«>an atona M »lleekiiian .' hy rhe night M tttek A »hule* ol over . ich tm ,l«»iil i.ra» annot be am , .. > it -g,« tuDui» ¿i c#ut» Ot het room* IÎ4 e e.:t» ¦_ V' 11 - . OARDRRM HAMKf) I' .. ¡rl with i..- ire | BOM "I Ikan M 'he n,at re * rery exertioe m«,le to the ee agreeable huosa tea Bad II Mil Beat a leleience given And te pined 15 |><IAI<|)|M. Agaaüetaaa sud his wife. al«o «»tagle It gantlomea, cea M aet Baaaedated with lull bnanl ,,r kraakfatl Bad in in a genteel private faimiv. wl.eie riieie are no other boarder« P:*ase 'iiquii* at 814 Oreenw,. h it . ¦ aktagdn ».(Hare agí ka« I » \ It III NI. Having taken the large and cum..all I) ii» bean NM D.iane »t »hi »id« of Hudami niinoaite Ii me Talk Tbe leeetleo nu pleasant and haaltny a* any >o thi» citv The liouse has been newly luted up a* a oatd ng houaa foi »ingle geutlernen Uentleiuen withing pleasant rooms, will And them very eligible and convenient to downtown husiuee» Charge* I i a1, ai kl 'xi and A4 per weak Transom hoard«n Vi een!» per dsv ihn Duanest. _ _ aU ,m- BotKDIMa Two ikrnatoglo matliema an ha a i. ¦BBOMted wrh bsardta a reapectable private fam t. »here they »nay hud all the comforts of a home The o is pleasant and ,-onvenient to adage roule l',e»a« » rat «el Lodl .v .t _nl a* Btli It ft three gentlemen ran be aceituno- sd with good room» and breakfast and tea. or a a ml. ,,ii application at ntt Hi tt Bear Henry »t South II rook I) n. o»'gtMeTu* KOO.il«! TO LET Two torettked rooanato .»t nTsíñ g a » atlemee, »nh or without break last and 'e» \i I y .;.'h,i ton «t we' of BioadwAy nl if' SCHOOLS. ~ri.ADME»IINAKY -MALP 11a, ii-ii i|, Heaves, id, I. i ou a kram ." unie» from New York Thu MII'«aTEAD«aE»IIN tKY MALF. BOARI>l!«I(l lit n >1. Hemp*. 1. I. ou a bran, 1, ol tbe I. I institution i* ti.e most desirabi« loretioi.» tor a ¿ a, bool in th« country It it auttn lenily retired .- village, ha» large piaygroundaJuted up with gym Beetle*! has a good library, Baa cheun, al »pparatua «'irti cienl lor nrdiiiaiy espenmennog , aim a «ineudid cahiaet .t.ir.erala It ia web »upplied with efficient lOW !.. ,. Thi »clean aid the huaaa. which are under th« eaine ,,, i. very »yaiematioaHy Thenuuiherol peel « usually langes from Ji to Ü, coaatitating a school uaithei .o lart« to McoaM inwieldv, nor »o »mall a* to pieteui ataatemalic management Tin«« teacher* are amployed . hei.de a in ni' tea.her Th* branch«» taught, m add.lion to the common Kngliah hrancboe, «r« N atiidenn tor th* counting home, fei -aa geneiaily. or for college, pauent» «vlah r .Aiigi.age, higher brauch«» of uiaihemai., a it), natural phili.eophy, he P«rent« wishing to a ouard.ng school tor ti.a.r »mi at« isapectluily «o- - . ne »till farther rhe inducement« the Hemp Í4 iiiinsiy ottera lot the.r patronage Tliej » i. .! alara, cnia.nn.g «ji aeeeamry Informe. :. to the »choo!, at Mr Lockwood . beafc. .- - BreedWM at Mr Kavnor» leeikitoie N B. » , in» atme a I Cedar M Tl.e !'. .ni et a Br edway H< Will a,: 'ii any ger.tl«m«n. ieatmg hi» «ddre*», who may wuh NAl liA.N.KL 1)1 MM, A M fnncipaL -.'.I _ I PERTH tHHOY HKMINAKY.- PeremThavini orre..i iiab.U. loi whom th«y would «.-< ur« a lege or bum ee». are tr.j - «tie: the ui«ni« of thu laetltebee The W.i t.i se»«.on win couioieat« ou W«du««d«y, TI i tien with tettim"niais, may b* bad at Oe.d'a book ick ti.unr, Chapel, or uf the Principal« Peg Uty a the Coftege of New l»r..v, Prinewtoe Re* Deem Meat*«. DO lt«v Sicboi«« Murray, Uli K. gar/«tl,ro»n R,a»w«i. L toit, P«t«r»oi. Ke- la» tS klexeadai UH Kev Charles Stua. t Rev liuiir«a I) inber, Kev (jorniun Í) Abboii. Rev Jacob Abuott. A. H '¦r-uioie h.a| i», H -a«it«rl«e, Uta. Kea**ariaer Haver,«. han Ka,| N«w York. R«v John McOowell [ill Rooart b Potter, fhiiadelph.a. VVm B. Wh.tei.«»d, Y.ta Suffolk Va rfllhnivl Dana, Ktq Boaton ( harlet rd K*i few Orean» oit ïweod' LI...ON- OE THE EKEM II I.ANI.I AUK. a A I., ai Kl K ha« the honor to lalorm th« public .hat he will receive propoaal» that may be iddreaaed to giving kreuch Lessons, either to ladividaait, in -. ol in Academic»! I flat,tula» Havins been mouected 2t> year» with French i,,or*»iia»n, and hating reaided 13 yaarl in Mew York, where be le hoi orah'y ki.own hy h.» c.uotrymen, M Le«ueur, la de¬ voting Buntelf M the teething of the French Language, otter» every guaranty, both regard» caea'ulity and oio- \i he a P»rialan by birth, hi» pupil» will r«qair«, ur.der li.» tuitio i. the greeted parity lu eronanciaitoa, «n which too often neglected ¡a tbe leeching 4 the Fren h Language Appiy p«r»onu,i> (from rf to 11 o tiock A M ) Of by let¬ ter, to M Laeeeaj H Corüaud »t .nre»_Proí P 0 Berten, Pierrepoet*». Brook- lyri.MuMtl Hainet, (Youaa L*d¡e»f boarding ,v,.,'.| T»-iitieih »t N Y Mi «nd Madam* J Coutan iFreach I Ladiee-Boarding «Jah-»li^Ora^»wat N Y:A Chardoo. Eavi «nd C t B*>chel K«n. ltd HastoOu et Mi 3 «... aorn« t>| .edPrtneeat fcVg._»10 ¿-..a L'KEICH I.ANttEAtlR-Manaeeafs (Jräl »yatem- 1* \io;s/n« DLKA.NÜ. daughtar of ine late Jeava Wan.».. ioforrnt .adiee and gentlemen that she is aow organ.ting bag ci«*«e« for the taataak Aa »vaeiaaeiemfor m »il« a -u ooinmence« ou Mondey, Rov 1. Reautneae N weikei »( oZ) »n.stp^_ MAkWH'tt ( l.AíclICAL *ed Oartuaretal AeeeV my. it/7 ({«my it Brook.yu, will 6a» reopened oa Monday AuguM X, lor th* ioatr action of youag gent.euiae In every branch uf education n»c»»»arv lo A< thee« *o «otar a college or counting hou»« Taras* from #10 la Bit per ¦eerta* ?..«.-» conlafalngrafereeee en») 'her par ticuiar» apply at the ottce ef this paper er el 10 Wtlitiw- It BrookJyn:_a«J4 tf MÜI NT PBOSPKCT BfJAltDIRO SCHOOL «tir »i ,'irarirto, a > THE WINTER ¦»Er*,«tl«N of ibu lexituaea will i, menee on the tirat Monday in November Term*. including all eapeus*», from k*) to wet per e,a*rt*r .IMe- T l\ARKtN MOLT. PrinatpeJ. DAiVCIJta. a o ,|,ii. 1,1.111 tic Bro, ii.-il o'er Broadway .The /A. claaeee tor th* eaaaing limn will commence oa T*e«d«y. Oct » A 1) deeming :t «anoeaeaarj to «nier lato a detallad of the advenían«** of hi* eehool, or of hie oat tlotraat twice a tuooth, aeaAnad entirely to the paella. Private leaton» at any rime aot occupied by tbeciaesa», la wa.g -g th* Polka, fledowaor any of me aew aaaeee stoaaaBBto* or famUiea atiaal»! .Mtniara VBW Dl Tt H HKHRiateft. I"i k«ee e«e«w..» 1 v Dutch Herring«, for aato bv al OAJMlaXR A TOvTaTrO, Ht Cbatbaaa «

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Page 1: I ff B YORK DAILY - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1847-11-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · privateetüxeai weal lo snnt» a\aaa\wkowaeatCat n,, i,. iiiiil



VOL. fll. H«. IT«. >KW.» «»'. IVIIMl 10H>IV. ><»\L*1HKK 1 fStl. WHO*.* *.». *>**

^fVV.Rl M< IN '- « ND*1 rAl '

. The THbunr HulMtna». corner «»Í IfltM,«.1 ItaH -irrri». oi>|.««lti- the I ily Badal

I»" .-, un r«i in «l>»nc* «I the



. Bee « ....."-

,r.. u« uot »..u»«4

,,,.|.,., »a-l c'n.u-|i»r ..»« ,

i"."Y»nr« I leallae.,rr Ten ""'./

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»¦ tlll> III»..-.- Ml

rIn.lilr t«M< ill" ¦>¦".''


ttj \\.\ IHK M l.i.M.Y TRIBI NK.


-YOKK TRIBUNE.\ < rni'.iii Hptmtu Oui !

\ U. . I it Moni

"¡IM- .' WI

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' raparapa rc¡><>rt Heeol II«¦ i.ti-

if thirty to report I

MX Whig '.'


M|iMM " II I«j, r laater, Derby, I. I!

J*a» Kji

]fcjaÇonunitt4 «.-

rtftt o! W<e 'ft'K-k in Chain*,..if. win II iftei ipaorhai bj Boa. Jacoi««1ER, lateM.C bmI II ill Wlll.lAM M\

¡iiiaiiiin¦ ua'.y ri'l"f>te'l. We a»;,carncat attention '»I the American

Pec,¡ nucwd. That H M a fui.damft.tel principle ol K

pli »hull h-iW' h (¡'.vi tDiDi r,t

el ib«;r bi refer», II ¦' \n <

i»«*in.»r »r P0B( I >>r AHv.i nr Ihe ..it- i pro.

ItM lunduri .OUI principle.KiflMtt Th»t w- ¦

alpha, i if'- W...II IProvleo and demand thaw thaaaaaeind up-

».'-. |'jl«. M M IMaWd, That in Id p oluO ol this Coal

itfM War with Mexh » ni ¦njaet aad Banoaiti. . .t.¦

tol r it" p"', . '" tini at i'l tí- .t .>

mabiic. «ad the ¦mqmM - ¦¦ J aco/itntioii ni net werttorjn tu «w»/*'her iobbMm the Mane, la (»raelly m mat

i ftm*,,¡ \hHi 'i lathe doty of Cuna/aai taanaheal.arceaiarj prevMoaato artoa, the araaaal Mfaf t<> ¦

»a««dy »ad honorable teranhaattoa, m, II Baeaaaary totkairn-j. tu Hunt fciiiJ'|i». iy »uy appropi laakiwa aaiaaa

, Énaiar^ Rrtcir'd rimi the laapraaaaaaai "l our Lake«

Rim» »ni Harhori loproeaot.u farelf aa4 aTotaaiIK IoItpi ur»" and trade it I ur.'nt 'in" ¡-ml Imp« lii.- ¦¦

aaa ii. by in« c.'intitmi'.n properly and peculiarly entaufc-d to ihr >. »nit»* vf OmgrtÊê, andl »huuid hy Coapm 1* ftfectuallv eaeeutud, and uu long« r In' tbeckedmt pan{ Ri*uir,d real *.. aathare with uD<hnkfD »tt-«. h

a»w in kha peal Whl| prtaeiplee ul Proteetioa lauriirin Leb« i end iii<iu«ti>. t.y a Tarnt raWiMDrr i.iiyrh"V>rii.ip. niaklniu«. u Ui m praetJealahedaad ladfpcDdi'nt p.'ipu*.* auuni. ui.itnni ui

ajaj mm aaa emll lu tl - lloei raaai al-bMiiluy the m.'. 11> H.i.ij ..i.,- |g , ....... niurpe

i Btrea yahnaage an l pawi i7 HitoiMii Thai .**¦ m. * with <(>,[. >i. i.-i>i> i1


pediai- . tba whole doctriui and prlnclpl. "illBahama*ean only ha knowaaad ea »rl bo ui.'uaear^wnt U'iH|j 'i"i | aid Earopaeai .'hi

atteheU hafe paeeed away.A4' ;.'h' I

\l hi« Noiiiiiinlli.ii>'c ('¦ ¦.. (¡tu. w Hi k. Cbaanag.

HT V'*' I'm i*, k u» w mm political weekly atfcj.ii.ii.wii Pelai, N J ha« bot-n l»«u«d I.y Qaa 0ï*nr It it a lair ib". t awTOteeltotha aiiviioai-y . 1

Iti-.ii o muí Afrtrnharal laprovi aaeat, aid we hnaitIf with th.« pu'..)i*h*<r eecenet ¡n bleenMrpfhMSinu.r \i Wim HfrBOKgp Ol Satur.la_\

an.uing ab'.ul lu ii'i-l.ii-k. h i. iiihman «.Ml »li-ut i.u m

Be »o J» at VV. it II h ir«i), who«« imn i.

aiiiikn..»>n haaftaf to a aaBall <.> dar Iran, hla last nutan u. in rethaa It iaahaa fraaa haw§Maad] Ai¡n probab) »b'.ur -i. drin. in »n inck ovrrcoM. black aack

aa,BMrh phaW atlh eaal haaah aaaataBani (mnta\a iocjurit »mlu I b] Wi.ühiii Mitrh. ;i, Juitic

oi iheMaMeaf BMaa a tree i*rt!:.-r laloraaatloa caoby apadfiBf ha Mi Mu.!. »OataaM »t BaaMhaa

Paurtl aVcClOtar«.W« ragrai t.. learn thatMr UaiuäU), ll.e lurin-r f 'till manly anil popular rail-ruad conductor ..> w. :i kii"*u to travel.-n Uitwivn hi re

aad Philadelphia, .ii .^Atur.liy iHit ai. t with a very BaliMl in.iiortune Ile »ti cxni'iihi!i|| a door ipring. ol newiii'nuiion. Mhea) the api', wire ol the »prinj bbbbbmI

. ii-'.':.. BM Mi '.< k him Itrectl] In the lei¦i i m .it t-i.tn. i* t. ^. .¦ out the î.mIi Bahaahaaaila i Mate ol pnatiur) i:ik erer ilnee.

I .> Luit ''¦ - Im Carlos.<¦ Hank C u mini, di 11. »ce Kat<

.*«^ ..m School!. .S II .', vVar.ln.r. Mor»«* Lt.- . ol -Ut« Til- I I!' T

Kij.ier haplala ol do Utraa Hariov, ^up of dol'utu l'orna

AJUaHT Ol àLtt«ID BLATM laWtCI JeR^üV.Ol. 11. J [..¦¦MMChile »1. Kill »llill- d ht Ml II

I Maryland a ho ataiaaa them a« fu-v ... b lore Jadfea ll«)«< od Me

1 t M .1Met «

Ma. k at.d -p.BM u..i f -i

t not Ul

¦htehthapf.edlag » . «.,- a;?.í'ii t.. i i I with . ireea

I »arh A*h Mavia*.I MOU1 l'\K\.« '!'. ¦. ! v createit term« ol

ha» ,,,nt) 1 aie Hi \ ." t.»u! Jariii ;.,bai a |tant l»rm >«

!¦..- tract of I'. he

1 ¦ laim. anj n M Cattle, »hiepf m èhalban W

the e»«ro »nil.ie ha» n

UriaiiK BBllllBBUd l«a>da la Cam.m I'll M y V tailor.

MáCItMI CaTCBIM Wo :car;i tl'.t tlie mar-¦Majj BMihi ra of Trai hato I Mateu»]»sr^Su, thee areaofahoai

m .»¦ n eeethaa WO bárrela laaMBlrtplaya »b« took arrala; la

.- and i.i »o lay», 170 -i

\ih\ other feaaell In I1- the la*!'¦ h»To bro'.Kbl :i. t^ie» varying trom M M .*«>

a*"-i«I Hou Titraift?" Av AbTI-I r| RVtMTMR i« t" h*

hea.i. V\ iui..«toii. Bahai.»* in.i

I\ / J McKIm aereMa Mutt Ml

*»#>. How!»ml JohMou. K M U»via anl

AtXIMIBT AMD DSATH. A man wrhjMM Bjej |mum Edattoraaol Mm «anaaahap

¦ ivlna lor the . - 1 v*a«. « i D«*ai laMoai wnhi 'iti»

a«n»ainu a o *a« lakloM^a »»«u. MaM » r< aMMMad t" tvko BM a«-«l I. .

'»ra ».ul |cv. BO herd I Ma* eautl iu. ai.d ruroalie d up.m'afpiaii WD ft ,-liher by a n.la »t"p or byMMieMllsg ol tri ran BMapMrf Courier

Ambtbi»i, Kuimi Project .A ]J»| a« i.. n u. j m SN.i':..-;.' Raad

i"w,rd » K- »-»y irom ladlanapoua t-Mhiant. .I, r, i ».:! laMMMMM t'.

nnatl (Jreal lut. reit waa naa".aadlii- , if,,< i.mnlon wa» nBfaaaed I!.,. t-

*. s . t.. c uatrucl¦e road through Maail (

r i-» 11 - A

S.M» "taey Weet, noai ¿. r. ïo,t.-. in llar',,¦«»aad-.t-.j r .,..:» .acaping¦MlMMh BMM * and ao laaaj

rilTBBT CMAPEI H. uni at I'aRa 111 an

y***10! »be ¿re»! fu., which occurred It, CniUtitly °» ta« i:ih of BVpwaab r, broaghl hy th" laMvT"" '"""' " " r'"'' hdfhlagoía r\roh»ahMM¦"MM »t i'.-r%. « l«uhou'| ..I OaaMaaaMaaajBam, Tblia 4* ,ui'é"'*^'l to r. g |o the. Aineri'-an

bol w« tmlinve. lii-y h»ve no Chapel in tb»l¦ABIMhood, it waa. prooably, Habop r» outbn«to a^..r'- lh»l waa burned [lloalon Travtllnr

jjHj'Kaütucky will obeerv# Thaakagmng ontiie

! Il '!'. Hi trill- Hum >l< alee.I


news :. -un.* f. Day.a tblil ¡-'i tulmtii.patch yeel W* a . x :ill ilttnilg a«

Tup ! / publiai ¦

iv. ipoud


lii£Ai>v»»ai!riii Mkxk an Ab.mvh'' '. ol thte city « tbe »r/i.y

Irum «i ... already eel¦y aber-

¦¦ i It .y d'i'y la Mman.ty. and

toat y<iur Kvc:l--nry will pit -... lireBIT ti.it city within « o Main »ml peremptory «pare ol time, it being

' Ml .I] - -.'i depart with»<r Ikei t form «i

.Ty at P-rote t*>4t turn toar pleau .. »

.. M

-it it ¦ painiui j

' .>. in the » oui y an

)mi. n. who an,¦||¦..: w thai


J-17 ANTOD ANNAol the

MR. t .


. faet th-.t |p m .¦ you de¬

in Dl il lvit« clrii iot « i i I «o nue!

rap) and to...

w lin j a Bied Una«, »b nd ir .,- lot of.,

. VI .... ri .iid to t. . Ni", n.

»hieb Implica tbat tbe lobabtUata of Potvated by the I B. Ira pa, wholly

¦Mil «t !'.. propertyi i. *¦ i nf ¡tli hi-.« !n en ntlotalix d, end1

ni aJltb Um great it tcropolo leeeee, Indi cd to met h toi lu | i la th.-

w«ir Ai ; I« .. || fthe mmHot of i. hj lo o' bM<. Irotfl win-u 11 ike t »

iry mi'Ir It It front their owe eoeatryan-u

or th. iroope . Btetae.Wtib r*-»< .r .i lu ibel particular |nrt

line)« i"t'. f will« h di mir.il» Ibe tiiri'ii.ii r. wuriiii n

BBI I tilín ol .. t» I . !iy lie. . in !¦ p.y. ihM'.

hat iimt ling la ,.¦<>'. .» il i. puam.mti! m il.in: ii t.. pre».o m II .n t.. ti .. litt «nd I niri

,»ii- 1 that 1m :. i i si ' ru aacoatefelly, laaemuek Ht I bava "t ¦. itapeaal ail tu.i. ti.j-i. t an mibl |.i m lull and r. nip i b ompUefan.,' tw ni. oeaetaV i»!i .utin thtj big] >¦.! degree reapeetlul

DO] . m..tt

eervaat, l BOM If I UlLDd Co B Armycivil »liI MiIiihi) Qovenor.

The .-1 f to ¡oat (uniabaf intacajatiajjaawi tram Paebla,wbkfa is IrnrtlttH toi.urlifin.lt by Hi«. Create of Uetrty. It it a fittingae

tbe above com ip wdt t» .

Ti ai la, J-tb At S n ci.,i koa tt, reata | of y«êtnriaj tin-(H.liita ol Shu JiiRodi- I'm» muiIm Kot« todSaale Meaaaa, oaaaaaaai i * benvy aaa aaae u^ou abeAimrutii workt. ibe i»tti i lameaadlaa Ij bagaa t

-hut. bomiit hei iroaaotn loto Ibe eeatriol thu it> erbleb »." rod in eoaecojtteaoe, aoaaa < t

i-.jury.i' i. Marlao dtii Rio, wbi'.- ttnnilny ».itti hli wife on

thebaekbaleoay mi boaea, ».i« »tiuckd.td by u

II h'i.iii - o i-" .s P, M Ike eaeoooedlntm at Ike iIhah 11

,:.\a S9tk By r i.r .¦( Beata Aaaa »

IM,,,pt a |, ik d la n i,., nt ,,i <Hnt-i

Trreea, etoee ui the ¦,» » atblek a breaatworb oli itoa at aiai anotad Koai baadrod eottoa belethnv. ataread] waa demendod of <'¦.¦ \'elatco

city To pn nripk lion..i n... work th. Am'iicui.» iniii ike fortol BaaJoiki'pt up ,< ii|.ii Ike »ornniiti »l.ich.b»tog etoatlj retwraedJ by tki Maalaaaa Ike akatkaraooli, m . m,il greaMdaai Iroaa bV a\aaartaaa aaaa ^r,atiy inataaaad. At itii« Baaaaaad « aoaaaaarakki aaaabat ofprivate etüxeai weal lo snnt» a\aaa\ wko wae at Catn,, i,. iiiiil reejeaefM ,,l l.ltn « pire« of artillery, whichbcin/ granted tOfetker wish a mnl! body of rncu for titaaaaaeearteat Ikey quickly marched i< r tb« c,,uTnnt ilSniitM K.'tN and opeaed a wi,ll dir/Ttcit tire up ,n th»baaertoaa) weeka Ufa were i" aeagraaaaal c,,i)it»-rtiHti,m. i.ut algal *t latt ¦aaNarraajlai ari rytklag beeaase.¡ni, t

I ¦ ntini nt Sunta Knta were trantferred In litPir» t,,Pal t'< t'nu,:: h Hud :t It mid that the »<íiiim tbirit' will ba

lb Ike.i Beata Monica tftkooak Ike latter areItroagty opa» », i t,, laavkMJ tb- ir mopattic atylurn

it i. in. a Mtii. I., day pnitiai iraafulUU] relgaelBlkai!> No« aadtkeaeaa) bekaargbat reyeetof eeaaaMka,

and ibeexplotloa of aoma gresadeeIbrowa la ir.

M del Km in the n-fcr it Wb, Mi leal nicht bin eludí d » :,-tti r) with which he

n,¡, r.,t» t., opaa apoa .^.m io»6Uur aoldh r» are oompl dnlng n rj maeb, ;,r ,1 t«y that

they «re ri »,ly t Ji. ,.i ^. ,. Bot having r-

anything in the »btpc ol prOTWOBaf r tume routldi r

Th« pr.-nt, «t enthu.iatni tgaint! tb.« Amcri,-, -

vallt tbroui(h,,ut Ihr . nui, ciyI ivM a. Oit J-mi,,-, .--auta Aunt» deptrtur" tt

baa totally elaekeaed ofl rke eottoaa Ira laM algbt, and was

baraed down lolka ground and vA'U bal.« ol the »im..

article were totally ooaaaaaed in tka Cearraatal SantoDoeabago, atlikoai aay oaara baaag able to aeeoaat lorIhc modeln which tmy were l:tc,1 111-' iiitiH'jitanii

ikarlaejlag ol belle whi'-h aaaoaaoed ika kna ri

di irnui. w i muib a'anni i!, believiiii thHt the Amerila aaa) were i atog ike

I ¦ Ike MflM >,nirc we ,1- rl\.< the Mlowlog farra

tlvc !,t repele i abat qui af to lb '..¦ i. tiRlti.lit. nut. annoiinc. «

., IVkk oi ike Lealelaaa b«t.oai.i cuipanv troin the NitK.u-.:

arbliher th. > .»-, , »

., a h: ike p .t il- resort« mat *

wati)u el it il Ike Aaaorleanforce wa« llroi |

«¡ .-IM iki ii «

ai i « a tkre gaani ¡a « ¦.. o< 11-

up, n tbe htU tnpe, a\.. nt.a ^ | aa lull

agi and :arl«lt w, re tike.

-illat.,«.dto tbe iplo.l.ill ol the .'»Tf * ,'«tte .

... a i. n ner ¦¦

waaeaiy aUgkilj loalded a» ho »..ted alm«t>lfbj acaatagla f i . ;iun',, « * id

Maaaal Oarrey, a?era eeeen .. * iuw iniiy."

Tka Leflalaf , i auat Ilia! lb ¦-!


>»i« I), : a l.m

parau ar I l I to fatal lh

Ja apa, Ireea which we han. tabea th.ai(te in the gaberaa

tt at by it a ttroog mp«tiit will be »llTeo to tbe raitin*,'!»...aatf prtvUegee, wbl I ¦ laager ed belag atieeitai ,ri m th. m l y i?n N ,r'b Atirrlcan id» H .

Tbe » eV . / ",i r^p<;t with rruch indlunati, n

pti-'ty. whlcti

worihr ol tka ceas ol a «olJler..:

- nut. and tlualiy. bo\ - i

hour ,.1 ,* v t.rtt drew

breath, and w n r y «o long hat taten Baek, . v ,' * .« attribut- t

ii p Bei ; »ou that wai .» * sbh.^which it «loae due to thnàr own cow anil M) and IntubordltittiruM . di.i-riinli.at!>:-n and correct ludgtnent.

».. d an at* »¦ |bay ceorrod, .

caily attuie u» tiy toe eOitort ol La I'' ¦: ¡hat the com

ev,r rti.pl-y-d the n, ,.t heroic twlatre ,,«.-t m

., I) unpurtia. ¦

II HI 0 i'-»» d,.n- .

M i ei

c> unt, ;. , pal ba neither a Ira'.a coward.

on th V'in» at

fell i) «a '. d Bl :-.ridluS t at .<

i, tram »hik ¡in ji ,i it. latkaali Hut s i re ei

papakaa eo th. dettgaaol ia« 'menuekollyk ..'»i, ,i h.< n

III eieei eeaareol hit p-r» -ml guard. h«>¦uiii-il a»-alntt him At an i'icaai ir Ihtt pr

:¦.; ir.ey w ¦..¦

.at the

,.ex ,', .-,1 l,.,|tBM,|

nmy tie I illoWi i by tie ir c ..,,.. a-

«¡tka ir, oe*HBtrj w-ia-1 ¦.. iottei tbe ai¡¡htettheotht from u

I hey atir ut- I th« uofortunatu .-v r,u ,t tbe war

and their wan ,t tucceta tu their riattloa apaiaal the m

vadirt tobitUJL-apiiityanJuuaaliilu.net«. I.v.utouieol them loudly d<M.-l«r«>d hlra to be a traitor, and ooa«.

,j.ueniiy lo lw unworthy oí holding any com.-nand in th«

Meaioen army.

gr-eter parí f th-te tiantact: nt trar""¡laluran

.Uta A ! lepey»ti go ».[ft h,,... ¦¦:'¦¦ .. -L, n.

proceed thither at. 1 A O ..'.-. !he I,

'-fit t<: I n,p:y .>:.

i tad n»ik Hj. hit Mae ,,t mir¦ be wat wen

mo aj.


tel <

a SoWai


; ea inte Addi wat endeavoringB him

I' * '¦ « i- I tl In P/Urm *

whtcn we : r<i extentlrely c .pt-cj In the Arto Ins. Ht :o a:,and. i.

* -

The following brief" oote from our V»-,MeakiaM k avea ui in do^ot -n regard to the aa

teat it we a t. thltBM .

VpkA ("ai i Oeaobaf'¡r-at "T»ttfment wat created t . a nun


t y tb- *rr!t of aa expreaa lr',m i company..at they ha

». I » || t-lghtee.....

H I the id

A ,| true ,inot «p, rebend that rill occur to tn,

1 « «-re thla.

aeetta reglaWe r.at i letton to I

m.i' wbi't, wit :, Idietribated ia»t algal which w,wi th.- MB ' mo ,1,1,t n tl.e BBBBIHKAnuiAiTiiK- Vkba Can, ort 1

:. iiwint named n en

pain t . ., let regtaaaat Maeaaebaet. aala wn

cowards in tbn hour ol icena permitted to march with thltarmy. They »r<- dlaermed Mel dot* n. from t

I to Brevet Ma «

duty m o BBBHI I Baa Juan de I iua at may bo patlutmed I I Who are foaaal ur.WorLby to carr;a»mi an 1 ir., a dtegraee an 1 a nuitanc" t BM army,

lly order ol l',"g i;,'ti ("usblni:bV.W.H. DAVI8, A.A.D C

¡i rafa m >> ht BaaBeaat baaaaaaii

a 11| ipeditloo und-r «'apt.. ...

.,.t laaaaaaaaeely apoa retaraeag IWelliI a I ¦, 11.,

1 on trelit .-. pt

. own -i i

h ttroye tbaaI . tbn deitruc

BBBad,it I,,», oodaet w«í .¦ .le rgetta, m

tha> he la i. t 10 Maine ¦< tie- at ol the WagoDI H-, ! dltpak batTbe <.¦ un ,,t ir ,,,;¦>¦ oi »blah 1.1, m c ,: v -

it hereby i! -

Hj ,,id, r of it M ileoa,Cflagai I h ah HI 't Ad; ut inf

A A A Qeaoral i>ep afVetaCraalilies I,, flay arrived at Van Cl

intt Iroaa Ike Rratoa, <'ol Ja,-k llayt WeatOVW on he'w:t>iK>. c.-riipaiiy of Cap) Robert* "I hi« regiment

l at Alekaaaa bad arrived at VeraCraa irom thit portI -t. Hioahip New Orleans wa» at Tampico at latl

II bul culil not «...! ,,ver the bar without Imhr,-a|o,i ban ant fron Van Cras IB am

aeeiataan.Wal i" nt, ,n oi flea Laaoaad hit com

r, and Ihea it id ven Inci,lent illy n she n*ir»t11taire at Paakla He «rat at PeroM on trie ftb inai. an Iwa keve ao doaht erhatevee eab iw d»y»

Il11,- b Ina of ike lath kaal ipaahi Iba eaMautva

'. na making el \ rrgare to dtapeleb a tram Iti ¡,. n.. re. ol all mini

Tbetreaaaber leada the editor to conjecture theflattertou Iihs m ti" a, an expedition agtloat aome ButeBut hitherto IbTC tod by American arm«. Intimad o| r, I

i. i, .-. ,,rtI he tame paper baa torne tpecultti in upon tbn prob

able action ol BM CeOgraM at '4'or,taro but meuii nu

ao fade. Am eig otkor tktoga H MaaktoM thatthananBjbo pretend tkatIke Babada ,,t tfca people ol the

lateiiol have undergone a chauife since our OOCUpetlonof Ike City of MeaJjee ami um thi 1 *!.¦ dtepand Vpaai n ¦ any ti rmt. We have little lalth in thlt

I ha (¡inn $ ./ Liberty ol the l.'thinst gives the follow|n account ol an expedition againtt the guerrillas

in kuiua i.m'kdi turn tke gaaarlltoa bave, ot latet>, c one to troubles,one and dsnnii. and have gttherelin »uch a vaims In the chapparal and other placet olam',utli 111 Hi,. vl,dally ,.! tint ty that even tícan tomen would not T. nt .re 111 lo supply our market,lu Coearqueaee ot Ihia stale ,| a'tair» (apt 1'rueti with

n.ied volunteer», and t.'apt Armstrong with 169,v». in oat on the m ,ruing of the I.lib intt. byM <eu PaMenaa, to tseu Nm ooeaary earn rtd It olIfceaa Bam ling robbers, who under the gun,- oI patnOttom, Inlett it to the detriment ol th« Mexlcatit at wellat the AmericanAccording to Ihn orders ol Maj (¡en I'atte ton, Cap!

I't'-ett wn to proas id tothi Itytoeaonk-BBtll ha itruck the Ortaake r,n-i

which he vtat to follow turning to Iba toft, WkArmitrong wii to pi-.,, 1 to BM heb 4 hbasouth w.->i;j dtreatloa until beetroefctkeeaneroadwhich he Wat to foDovj tun,mg to the right The two

detachuientt were to inarch with laBBMM until th.-yi". 1 h: 1 .: >t .. a- y th arraio-m-rit, that anypmtt Beetag ft ¦ stsbtn ut ibasvi would run ¦> rlab

-uuli :d!y th.. other».,. irn-11nankedkySaakaWéaad Mabaj

1 in t^riout piacet largt quantities ol armt andaiii'in.nitioii wh 1I1 tie eitler den: ved or carried awayand nnentod to killing tu guerrlll-rul t'apt Arm.tr, aa went t Ml¦ ieiiu. wh"re there were a great uurn

I,, r ot guerrillero!, but Ibey all in ad- tie || t, Mpe wilbthe exceptiou ot one, who wat k..... Ban h. ,Uiid a

targa lot ot armt aud ammunition with tome ol the1 Aaaertonia Uten ofwkiekkedei

Ike greater par! adcarrf 1 Ike remainder awayil laaaaV nt M-dellu all nlghl, re-cr.,sied ll

naily next BMrataag, an 1 marche 1 la Iba direct! ,n of theOrlttba ai He pi Bwvw bat a eh a ha

wh, ti he cairn BOtonkaia number of »h 1 hors-s il Bnwdtott ) laII a .1.n ci ,1, ot the liai! and foUowtag the treckt s.. ,u

arrived at a 1.,. s. which w,¡ a

with gBtrrUla« The rolaaaaeri charged up-m abanwith taeif utual linpeluoalty. driving ibitii away Ir. m

¦tlth much s!«u^bt"r BM lenlies w,-re

c int. la BM jardluti., .int In a'ju

w'.i.b were tboaa w ,rn by BM arm) and uavyut m ,aii) v t. naakm

ttokmaakaki «apt rraatt aaa inmtr n.

feeterday, aad bm Bnaaai la ¦btohtbey'. wa* highly approved ol by M«j

>, d ihe above Informan,,u Irom an lu

. . aonm an I the |aetl ui«y M ie:n d upon.ipondence of the I'tcayune.

V«aa Cat/ Oel -1

Litten from Oruatia hate a graal datJ.. - -a > b»r t

ry kaaw wbethaa* M betten or awl petalol (bet tklagm er III

. tea lome i.iib to f

tota,aad larluglnyoa naxf n t th.-muaiatiA

Baata Aun« who bat taken up hit line ot march tr

Tuebla IktO '5 .*¦>¦: a BBBall remnant "t hi»

»liny am overt ik-n M tha ro«d i.y a m- M .

Bath rill' s M BM (UMn 1. ,»»!H t Mm t.pr....¦-¦: l;i::ii>J I

.tut ( MM and It wm n t ctitil he wat tu yntt.-i.uJiy BBTH that be COO-I

. BM 1 1 obey the »umni'iut... a Mata kbM apt u pretty rood au

th il') Bel ira thai .'»uta Anna relutel t

-, a a :

tfronlkanni EMtonatoataeptka idea v,t thi iwleg alaaae and

a command as «

lotti i» tr ai J iNp< l.it wi<ek and i am rather lucHaed Ito tnink »». overtake« by tni» me»

aaBaerk . o: I" wa» making track» t ¦ the¦0 tarkf . place ot »ably tut now 11 sne»e

ritp'.rl* pron tibe true.lt will not take much to Induceti I, intell PnaktesM atm more

\ : ,.h ¡ trunk it out ot hi» pew-r M h ol muchharm.aucb a »tep would coutlcue to keep th» c runtry .r.

otvll broii» and any me«»ure» adopted by him whether!.- pi ace or w«r wul be oppot»d II trim I othar re«

, ^.,»>, pauta \ntj» Tke Mel 1

aeoato appear to bo gaining eoni fence in Paredes andpe r «p» he may be th« hr»s M 'Verthr jw th« cor*

M again assume authority

Fk-m \ ..kiw.Ti,,. y.|-atan i>-hr AtrevnlaCapt R«t sst arrived y-ai-rdiv from "Ital hiving aallei

..A MM seen a Die of paper* from M»rid»s h intt


Matae ead D. Itirolaa- .it. rtnro*

U a i.D. (¡'»Vl mfn.y were rj n une M m they sought to

a Ml U " *

.a.¦' . a , '.».mea Altaro J«

olnlo Baatskwa and Jo.é M.eab« deUl s «-n'Ut the a'a'.r «fuch appearsiK-en .ne ,» innM paltry att.mp . |jr wbi^h . icatan it

n itorto is

We ha>.' »- B » e"'>r ol the 1 .'th io»t which .p-»nof the overthrow t <tw* Menl-l by Ha'5acban I ant

of au attempt to rriotlate the latter Whether tail re

ten to the tame revolution we are unable to *«y Men

daa o" I H«rb«cneno bad both declined oflce hut C n

.. . .ted that thay ihouid aerv« We c.ioJeat thai

w» have not materlal» enough to throw any üghtupon.heae iranaactteoa. [B. 0. Pie. Wd.

¦Well of Denla.The ;> i ,


I.... r of thepr> vnt y.ar Ir-

w»Mall a > :h ol July and!r. ii I he d»'itiit

... a« ¦.

.eland gM Mf.Sf)

Austria I rM.ium%

Mi 9Km iM« :» I W ... . J-»;ic

I il kn iwn II In1 -

w the oan.ei of tboae who were :.. <

s > | M«M jAf.Hj or Raw i.rU , 'UK


I Dono.

iweii.urn NiAoun.

\J»mr. I

M vV W



Henry.K. i

'A h \\

K a M

\ k- -.d»

(¦ \1 i

H r. .

Mary I-

I .-¦rove.

M uA

I .'.s

I Her,A 1 I'


I..In B U



loi n Ih "

NX* n ME1.:rk.

II a i r >I'. |a: Hnudt,

. 'on,


M Mayas.»»v,


Adnnru -

Cbarita (ir-ei.a.

I- M -..re.

" i M -on,il H





Davia,P \'.

Alnheu« V M BMKdv»»r,i -.

W r A Krrman.

K D»rd,:.»:,

i, U r .

Jim« <iu ir. ' S A

W !.. |John T It

I'- BapaaaMMaf DM readera m«y desire, to examinei'lete 'in. with a view to »»certain whether any

o' iheli friends are numbered w.th ti,.- .(.-a.I i h- pMMlC*n be) aeen, on lom.'.iyat the .ointer ol /A» /Vl¿..'i<Oftic.« It ¿h>i Mm BOM itb »ndth* n»rn« ef lb1' MM !. rj in »bicb h" w»a Interred

Itepul.li. oi H.iMi.\\ lad the I nrii Proclamai

ieMof lUyit how Idaria| Il roceat disturb «t ¦ Ithat liiainl.lii our MfaM Inilia ..

hAI^IIN BOULOI <¡\ I. PaxatSwKT or Haiti/ /".¦./.'¦ and ihr |rm»

II »YTirv« '- I he l¡. Bj .-lly m) kOM t the I' -, a

BBBMof aruhooitetmèthe n'.nh ladaaad om to «railttie Capita ilnce tbe MaMMMBM of tr." i»at htgteletlreaeailoD.

It wa« oi the Mgheet Impurleooe that afhM my »cees-Bowat I ahoold aataaaha tretmmbbMbofI

in »iiltli.ü trie d fl.r.-ut localitir». In order to convince)

myi. It ot lb" BhrhM MaaMBM M the measures I hidhi pi-! lor the Hi t.r. '»t order and prosperity ol theKepuMir

tlatter myself th«t all my lellow cltljens. rnllght.sj ,)

By experience BBd BftBC the indispensablenecessity..! our Mjoptog BBBM,M I 'I BM BMOOM Ic-r.r rd will aid tail tlnrrrBBMnl wllh all thenin. u« 'idatlrm our InstitutionsMM I hoi no ».ion-i left the c»pitai. »hen»n. «i ¦..

ptocableeooMMaeoeaad aasoog hViaMhoriMaa who were

¡nlruited wuh the maintenance ol order »nd traaqelH a. u | | An- ef pr. j.'Cte Infamoui as absurd byIho M-ry ImpoeMbl lly "1 their rea laMfea v lied aiarmaim im taumle», arrested the progrese ol .¦ mmercean 1 m. ii». «d that MM nous un', i. WithoM will, h *

u.-v.T own » aooatryMag dsalniM idaiilihagel Mm MiaiwofIheo

loui BMcblaatioM *nJ Hi diaeoveeleg thetr aala" n Ml ; '. ¦!..!. rn.it.' to . s>-a re h and subduewith the «ialv- ol the law iheae paTfMM .< t i. »

b»ve dared to protit ny n.y BhaaOM i^ »ttemptin. I i

die trouble anJ d «...rd tbr-iuhout tlo> ¡andlliytl-ui' My pail con lu. t la BB »u to you. I hare

m-.!! J el mat M atad t" n.y p-iilwould n»i-r iI.jai. u,,. ,,,ih I nave mi I- i muni,

our metltatloaa aad to labor without repose lor tbeh .perneas and il"- .'>< UtseAtoa of OBI r untry

Ilaytiens, be calm H»v.> eonrilence alwaysBl »r"n you b»*e treely chou n to yourw 1res rUlly

»round mm »nd extend to him IOM »Id In MMTOM Ithe machmatl t.« I theie eneml-i f p. »re »cd publie.««uriiy ih*t our indissoluble union is theIndispensable e II foraa und ot BM nail, mlity l.-t m unit.- our MBOBgMI »rouo.1 the saer. ti. ..

of our indepeiiIm.<¦.. IIaii iBha hoaaMof tbe countrybeen t«. loo» l»ccr»u-d by dl»r. rd »nd her progeny i

llayti't.a yi u have piAi'td your tualBaaee in ¦1» my wish to 'ii'ily il rely on the r. ry.-r»tion ol

IBM - ',>..¦ ti w rk ot regeaun.ieriak-n by oar fsAlkarsai thaprieaol rm.it.

. ..-. pair. I.»in I leu-

truth WhMM h foa V u »o »b >».. hearu palpitateat the very »acred n»in. I paM .'¦. miry.eacha't.'i haafag r.-i.nt,- to tu,- I hi. oi me .-tat-

.'Utn af BM BSporiaaM rapaaf v»-th hun th^se wordswhich o'Jahl tor ever to aasure BM I'lbrully


Lite ll)ii». ity

in.- Independence'Bg 'hi niillutlon

diven »t :he MaMooal PahMS MOaeMlaaa.fJM i'"th ot- >i -it Mm i. rt) tourth yaar dtheBMhapoaMaaoa


I ihï Im-ian CoVMTMI The atea'..I'eter» who h m rtea 1 tr...: . -.

i » .> i .rt I. .A>i'iiWorlh»lxt»'en ra»n andtbe car^.e-i oi '.' '.! j . .. .. ... .:n«

. \ em. no menew. ll

inUT-it I n- Indians ».-. np'.n-i.ied 01 Bg. irt aod lr-.-.ut»rlei ar.. very ¡ow »nd '-.

Mr .¦"»ipy. «In ha» h»en in the In lian cuntrjheal w *t- ri ihu ui.j" «nd !'. .tt. OM « pxaaerger >r.

»- Mara tnat bMoObM ¦

I aU-'d to exiat V tW.ei, In. , .

«, : -. raaar iremid In h.iH -a >

,..-.' I . . their nu.ii'-.--\ groat . * «.

m .( Mm Otapi «rd l'i»ite. wnieh n%s

pa'eb''i in.- BM arh I u^ the itrxems. Maaada e. n L>uro¡

MmoaoMry pfaaroaM a ¦. -.u »ipect Thaaaar.. .:u .ng the Sail

PaaMB aad * » great m»ny baddied i MaM h. payluai tbe ,Q

nuuieit. the laaAaaaaaal trthsw c«u«ed » gexi de«i i

diiitliiUc'i-n »m nç II ern '.ut tb>-v runi i. 4^l I. .ul» R-

CaiALi- il Kstn ' .»DiRMRnia -Onr readeriwi.i nut b » in- BMrMtaad to b«v ibai the va tant Col

to' M-xic^ii lahahMaMi of tbeKloi.ru Apt lue dread o.'unarmed A'OencaDtr»l-ri r.a» . Al' i » v-¡y lui ihe inurai.ee us:

M . -.

»asta I M -. »t partisfoert-fOea H » .*.*! . ohal

-tw. n.j r..-e . glvei ainp.-i . ¡!- n.i

- taina rat.-, and as

h ii uiu» iy privy BJ tbe cirtuin»Uoce» of any lar|ei »a.d t dr i- i i'iaii .

Ham H you wua b> a* h.m u, » i-uilnii. »d lr.-ieAi grs*t you a i-ndeivou- *

.«t met t hira uDarrn-d Un »ar Is open .

tur bis services and he finds I :s BM ua¿.t in pOM B

. i .... s

Her Bai \ * Mm i flroa loat Maa .to nd tbe dedication ol . »

lioll ling was cr iwj-o -a e.piui sermon w»swaa m the li raeao-

.. prie.i quietiy remarked that h»vmg learood tn«r the belldlog waa

unpaid f.r by the r..cgre'. 1 n t in c r.

aeteoce dedicale .:. bd I Wld D d «ire Irum them t)<»od wBal waa n Utn-irs to reader Woen toe C'Durchlegally be loeged to tb-m. be Would wllh pleasure bethe medium of pieeeouag it to Heaven An examplethis, not unworthy cl being t .llowed ay Protestants.

Boston Transcript

Thi L«tï Fatai Rulr.¦»: A »m .We. Bel faets r-lative m the (a-al

- .t and. ». .. -. -.d that

r MrM II -. .,- .- | MM -t ¦;. Mr H I- King

. | Mi. Be*/t!»a »niH- Ih «epeoe

the » Mi. .

t rley. waa n a'-.



.¦ ta Mr J -ebu». aro, h»d both .. , Tt y

| we Mr Keyr-Mr

I'MaateI at Balda. . .. | Mr K

> ¡o ot Budwtnsvilie. were also in.

I the I . nt eve

that! i ;n the river

»ud Ih.) ahutm-nt» were gg teet-, A | gg

I», t. The wn *

twos between ,

- tooe wee railroad I gtoe with.ridge a few day* praaioMtotba

ItM Mated that b y un¿ m»a art< . hetrd

« A A A

. ' Be itatei thita swayed sideway I -.way

P M.Ethtoa .-.h

kj ,

BM ¡1»I. "it 11 'cl ""k with a


. » r smashed, and several I. u ron another hrok*n la

eta scattered « rl ls-re was<« .1 but BO

I've» w. re :,it. and but » b-« IWMMMh »rn. w '.;...;. , t The col

Mltoa ih . aide af Baal, A-

Hy rrr iht BMI MMOBMOBhad. . nr«d- tr. m

to I »at M- la retrograde..

' at the ia!.> "I Mlai anI Ol tile

tr»in the runaway cars would..«aster ll leeen that the

I trail ,;.'....¦

talcing on board a largarho bad n attaodllag

11 g I. aad thai


»gainai MengenI r no. h atoo ti ato '

him th. He bad.' -i « it ly on

. -' 1'ieuht

w, re the p*n- n^en ol the.¦ .r their pr-»

ervatíoi letting, and afl-r re-

I for oto kind Int-.rp'«itlon ou theirie-li. ««..-.! I VOteaf MMoI MB »nd raisedlundi »uiîi-ient to purchase a -mx >i:<h pliehai worth

»bout*-' . m. lit-. ol theirgratitude

NMBBM ol this disaaler, «. far aa we csu learn.mm Mm rtotaMoa atha part 'i khaaooda tor .t too

Iran ol th a h Ml Path»* « 1 tiered Ml'i. Ii.Iaht tralu as Well .» the pan. -iiget I am. It BM BMwas a tew minutes behind Its Urn- MMMaO i oiidm-tor.Ihlahtol Kb th« next Itat'on 111 aea» n aii 1

thus save a deb Hiloii ot some I., luiuul-a. ventar, d ilwhere he .ijüht il d to have g OM M I produced the Colnatoa the r> rolM »iiteb Mi "uh ioB»otoMly diaaatroua.n gl '. h ii ¦ i", n tatai to many p«n> Bg n asBOOg the HOwh o' -i u Mato Boetoi 1 rat 11 t

> Mi lg in Km iDI I" kOO .About a yearago a it»b iie-nt appealed m ».¦. ournalsthat a bed ..I coal liai be I Valley Fall».and iha'. pu paral!um .< Mlatog M bad

i. 'ii in] »i- a betonei were

tu lo- erasnnlloaalt to a .mstortohlBg

will ami .

iilrv A d-pill ot BhnatOM lomliei a' d twenty feetli'i la'en Bttaf it tea hundred tone oi coalh-.\.- ¡..en («».-u out. i'hi» coal h«i !).-,.u submitted to

land to prove that Itsami :n»t Mm lutur-' opona aa of Mi oeapMy

B a ciowrie,) wllh complet., m- ¦..-»» i'ro'.-i« -r

k an osjset MtoOtak men BBM examined tiie. M -t .!¦' thai It BOaaaaaM all the r. iisltea for coal

ef the hrat 'I'lxllty. It la not « h». 1 nor a., clean to

handi- »a mut kiuda ef coal, but MM pHMfoOMB referr> | to expreaa their opinion that then- detect» will dis

appeal when a greater depth is reached »ill that coalevery way excellent will bo

I ne mm» is »bout six miles frum I'rovi lence twoboot l'«wtu.:ket and u C BM .pi-i.tiy I 4 more thaut*,, mil. » I r.rn 1 le wal- r I ie Proelsh BM and W r

sllriMd runs within thirty ml. t l| and la sur

by thriving manuUcturliig vi lag . Iti n la «¡I tn»t BOOM be dM

1 i. .. n tod* Mf OM that Mm bad is af limitedin Mm eeau <ry. Mm apenMeM thu» i»r, juatitymat tin-suppiy of eo«l to laeabaasMbla.

[Paw; ). ». t Chronicle

v, Mir Wi-l lOOIMI »Va father r

a t-mi Irom » nle.nl th-i JhwM Jkf } v

v t

no áw N slabs that It has heard on Mathorny derived fruoi latter» broeght by Un peehol tba:orden bare beao rooatved froaa »MCJureraaaal by theI'a. ..bii \ n.or ..I .-1 hoina» «i .1 r'ant» C'UZ to proBare Mm praprh t m to M m »waa '« I o Mm toBBMdiotoeinaij. ipaii.ni .1 their . «v. i and u ii tar tt.- ' oldest!ya.'. a, that Baottor OgMeri na»e t.u tractuated to

in- Dorara n . Mm i roa h i«leadsMr Charlea MeLeod the tola feeerons. of I'rint

il«d BwduO UM -Mil August. Ht I.IS resld-nce near

>\ tostoor, after » »hot

FK..M MjoJaIIII ti| Rathtirgt, Capt.l'»tter.on wbaah toaiMto JaoohroM ths nuitBltor Use ll - »hip Columbia arrived h. re yesterday

aga no m-ws M 0 Pto MMDlitrl Of I» Old) WAhhluR.Col Uavnl Pol

s.-rn. a . bot IBM S»tiou.died at hi» rei .Hh ul' Ihn Arxaitai In-ttUiAjmcer »ay» that In ' »oin in.-

i ban it Nalnt of the a .' rrton I,

a sjl lim.-s C .' o.o-ii r,i

.rv poSIll n tnat a NtiMa tbe I | ,.;law NationBOf hi-

roiiiiir)iii. .. r

eh .-taw warrioraagaaaat thoCrtxWar. where hi« bra the ailed-:«:.-. reo leu d bin « team M

r ii ....-. . lend, r

Hi wa.tn.... la l the.....

bet peopleg U i'.o

11 ll i-1 .- ¡on .i lie Annual Cooilaptut d-ii nioi..i n La «U"!« -buielli

prieaaald M vVsMoeasJaj a-, I l'burs.1»y.S iitr.eluciory t

by Ke r. Ia , »u M delator Mi li.-asurei i r.

I iJI-e, I |heai real year .. » of wbtehtU

I. » «i.: i. \| .. -

I l-, ll.pl»! Mai« M an t" 1

the Miaae.nary «g»nt 1'h-re «r .-. M-machui-it« -:

t.wni m wbi-h there are Bapttol abarel .

which there ar- M whole oum'*-i ol the de-ir,- .-lal- ll

Cy ii PraM 'I Mar>lai|.i baa appnintetl the. a 'ay I I mnli«i¦. m. in tiiat

Noriri-;>.rilKF.N'il.(l(.l-io AMI PI ril.i>>HKK-A.

MIHi.hK«. Jk UKI.I.».( lle.ion Hull, I'll >lte«iuu~.|. N. 1.

UK Vl-'lhi»" -AMIO.N-.m- jyJl tf

(Vite BROADWAY. W£W VURK JtjktV J. U. Wheeler, Oumni aatooai of Uteda loi

.N-- V rhandl Ttu.-j.any Hail

ry \V mer.( ure Inatnation, »" Bond-at and Sy^aa«'. LAJn« li.acd .Un sHi;\V »cd ROOK, tha formar »u

in )r oi - ¦« Manual, i «. i Bstttei of theare Jeoraal, and >-ia haviug been w.m Pneas-

a i i u ibaea.Ci*' Or. < brl.iir» «.alvunie Km««, lielt«.

Braceleta und Huons-tic Fluid, vraaaars »re re--i t

.-. lanuina, is at tVBroadwar --wr--i i iha-sl I M a*fl In ail

icy oi (.tir.aUe .

g»lv»c. *e ll ll and lue.r sraai ¦;».»

bnty has caused them to beroanbtrfsibrd by needy personswho otf'i vpuiioas »-.-' > ,. against whichthe pu' ... .

snare in .".- « a tn-ed to sell I>|- aale and exc.-s.fr

way _

.... ¦¦

tV tfoorhr-Hd'a l.riidnnie.l <liicneli. »In-cbisM-w. Mae new and Iis ml ihe |»aaial iiaasaaadalioa of in» anadie«i ' un accuaot

.commend»«: .-.

'...- n -¦.-..¦ ::.-»:.-¦ A --i-^-.-v. A": » of the

kind w- -. placed to th» putihe In ai.

ul char»ct«r. the incce« AtTiaehnetiiC

companied by amanoa with ' . "»«

cantad Maautaetaxad aad aold wboi.r*.. aad rsiaii. b;»uji U M.niHMF All »" «"»" " '

I KU\ ol th« nnt r»«rpa<«*biltty ^.»¦T^ê te obta.n a

.¿..u»i...n »» «.mpaaivo to an aiderly .»dy. r lady andsect.«man Is per?.- »a*. Bad wnuld tax-

chari» of the hoosa-kseping »rr»ng«m*nu of a íuaúj«ase sdAxsaa 0 A »ox T« f oet Oftae o.» 9f

HI im INKS.Wut süffek riîOM pain?

"THI. 1 '! RAJ BRIM wbn menk.n- wnt*¦ to endure pain, i UMM remedy

ekadtoaabt] .... s

- i

«».ere. 1gava me

IV' .

I Ma anvether Ointment I M a

U. f< v


Read -¦¦'¦ from T See-v.km Ce. M. T dated

-.huta . . . renal 0

, « ., , ,

I .... ...

.king a

.,. He ci

. .. rufi


. A -.



SJounil. lAieiullv aad ..,,-»' »aiaiant.r 11 K


* . j

am« written thereon in black inkS. 1 - a latoi


I . fVIA. .

» ... I'lltuni'««' t. ., ,, f,;,, ,H,\ «u

an av

De«c tr«.a.

\\ kkBBU » a* afflicted v. ;!h it hat »a» ca ad ll

have toid rue that n.y liver »a» «tfectrd. »i li -:i a pe

" »hmtvie a vita to Maas

... ¦ i»vir,j than| -.

lappil]. 10 the

a il bet with man]

ala a ed me,

ami 1 * ifevof.oi in.

der an) »-it lee I ci ...

hi- N.i vMiS PERcIt ti. ¦' loath MA

failing of tht tourij. weaatS, V rw rnmiif, parti .

t laaai

/oili'i, uli,.aoiki ano h ta: i


e n 111 I

him, Kill', «at tt is an intern- .urea byit« a. tiuii un the bowelt and blood. I lie rataaad st«t« ofwhich is the cause ot th« above named diseases

r i .in at er y eity, t, * u and »j ¡age »he;,, pi I'phani I

Vegetal .ary has been iattod- ettecta hate been ti

it« rriaiapheeever cases wh nable

-..-¦. f Cap) 1. tt beat - ».aadHeather of Ike Mea

tid hatetiled, i

i ltd«I

aleju' tkm weeksi. a - i. .

I think it duai lo piuuii and ui)aeli ro make this ttet*

0 M M I.KANi the agenta In Colembna, Oa


M-.«'i «VlBTBB t |f0r the laat IA year»I hater,, en afflicted with that uiott ri.itietanig liaea-e

a Bleeding Piteo,' and have had recourse t m-v

many medíame*, without obiaiinng relief, until 1 obtainedixeeof pbam'i file Ctocteary (ram you, which have

a,, tar relieved ate that I take gieat pleasuremending phOjB « Pile Klec'uary" to all who are afflict¬ed with Pile», a« a »afe and auie remedy K I' HILL,

«keeper Hank of Clumbu».'- 'l K. 'I lie .|M - ¦ i I hate oeeo

benehred by the a- ol lir t'pl.a . . v im rh»I I waai y iro

> . ina, lor touie

time unable iaa* U ail. During Ik< which are a

Baa eei . them all a fail i

tieuel.i and painful at

. i.eard ol and «ei,i i.r Ur Vpnain .

i tbaa a week I waa Iy the use

ration of Or. Upham. an,I '**-

.'I H HIN- M l'-l ,¦

Mi Mereb itMi iaI , .¦ le aad

felt thanks fer thi n« I hate etyeiienuodhy the uae nt your truly v«.u«hl« I' I havebeen a pert,-, t martyr, to lue (needing pu-a lor Ma ye»tapast, so much SO, th It

.,' ot Hie

re i ig in», uiy eyes also became «Bected. aiI waa a imer» to ruytelf, and was .. up my

> an llouae aouie »'«k

I nave triad i h bad the beai «ds i.c thephyaiciantol Hotten aad th »plac- Bl <.¦'¦ I

uiouey and twite »ul,;. »urgical peratloa I bad¦rfeetli

IlleUdt »MIUOUi-ll M'l, tl«,I¦ed ai.,1

. Aiid I a.aiie yuu wli-ii I

through 1 lui. ¦ i

now lapir .1 my tbaati m .u « conduit

a nuwith gr,»i i-

. t'.l t.l. LIIAKLTOM


Mistas. Post a. viure rh il «


I. >oi.d endurance and cani.


Uavtag ken »o long and «oreiy atficted I aiu inducedra» yuu.thai ikaewa ou. ¦

friends and u- I

aa 1had in other reapax I Mttnate,< t a :

bown. and lo pur:'y the h ooal.thus rerr.,a i;'--.i| cure meet

It IS needle»* to add thai. |luary uf jou I man] of oui beat pk

much mine particular uii.iuia'.iou tbaa 1 uJUSIlt A HfcAMAN

ti at mriuain.»ta,. ¦.

A g»ot..:in»!i. t» eaa uan.e can be »een at my ortie«, can-a ago and obtained a boa ol


called lógala aiio'iiei p.-:--1 bun tliat be had re-

a same reaaedy to sti >r eight peraoea.ALLired It t»a«

« id. i was »ottering¦¦ atag aeata icon


M t.ediu out. »he wet informedan operat.onher to-so.d wnu.eaaia and retail By WVATT i. UTCHAJI,

Upaem, tttBowery.N V. «ud byDrug,, at» generally throughout the l.'a.ted Statea and Can¬ada«. Price bl a box

¦ Trie genuine fcleeuary has the wr-.tien signa¬tura thus. >cy A I'pham. M D The hand is «.to c.ne

with a oen aa3l irr.eod' i»tp

NKW.YOHH AND EHIK It.tll.KOAO CO.-Tha»tocsho.<i<rtot' :ha New-Vork aoe tne JUiiroad

Company are lifted vn ;nat»loier..-»re on all »here« on which the payment»

heiet. ' teaeeedAfty rtv« d^i.ar».-t required, of Hi» torn, an, 1 VA a.. at. 00 or

before ehe «eteiiteen'.n I7thi day of Novemlesr nest

By oruer ol tue B. aid ol the L»"««^'»ol»t.N17 t .'« letaxy

'.-. ty Hall, Park.

Ts\|a. 1-17. pvaa tkattkeTn». - pre-"' T»» . I

and thai f am ;..»» *". charged on themJanuary

tarear- 'ion on the a- , . .ataretl

at the »a- r


be bad by app.ying at ihia or! il.N.,-' '-1»'_Krceitertf Tat.»

TIIO»ll'«AO>"a KKKVtll VI TKl'et.t..,» J K P.» im K--.

BreeJlj approved of by the'i . who i.e thrui, a» rh« pretaur»'an b- graduated from one to fifty |

'..'.. rupture without a 'ach pad, wn.ch doet aa eaach ia;a-;y to tba »pin«, caattag weaanese «nd pain ia the back

. lea, «..d ottao perinaaant spinal disc«««. Six day!trial given, aad if not arieci.y «atitfactory. rant» re¬turned Ala... the a»o*t appro-.ad >hoo.4er Branca andBandage« ml Utptf

WANTS.WtNTKD Al«««, t.va yawag snea to go South or

vv, ..! to aet m g»at» lut ta« tai« or m«aid »operara, on«.Aval oaer and abeva their aapeat.ee will ha

Ir.toredti ¡hem in writing with »a c pfxirtac r> ,,(' clearing* at «r y««i Soto« m«e now la oar eaDpniy etui awieekl ataba >e-g * par year, «lee,r of «Jl eatwnae»i in wtU havehi» JiMrct «twill be a«cee«ary foethem lo hav« at aaat from B^> to ka». lo obtsua a good ttlia« oat. App.J at FRENCH « Pehliehiu* Hail, .'ïjK vjaal «p »ta-r», tío« of the F.ag of oar Lalaa All

a»t be poetpaid._a If

\V'A>TKD.- A voaag .ad», experienced ia teachin,v V ai.it -..mpeieot to instruct ia Latin, french, DrawingMi -it . - higher branchée of English > do «

, j ira «oro* Brat <..* F*a>a.« Hr privat« , y or BrtaAlya. tfeii»

i ira Teacher.' has JW Pan Oflxe,x(, -



L'ANTKD By a i.ape rah.« y, irg w tnanasttuotloaiB"a - ate tarin.y ¡» » h.-atrele washer end

She i* in h« ». vet. and »:.< be b' .

ty refereacecaaheglvea InamiaMark »p.e.» F.ighih »t al Jl'

Tat" %NTED , - ...

VV g* , .*» . ... .»u.i.t »nd can give.

rod Ptoen Ball «i at Mu,b»i,,,i aecoad rl.Ni*_

ni írIt (Mill i t It« ft , , very

vv - ased woman a* ¦» A » ,1 aa.ittta the wash.ng and n ealefr*

in her a*- p:«<-e ttone call »t TtBtaakeaaaaoat «V

tM'ED k situa a BlkDSALL¡d ag«»c» i.-î,t ,,'iu.ail gardener and ct *- I,iiia a

» Oeraaea yeeag u m el koaaea a

. re* Kram and one astioanberniaid. »I.. . II a»..all



\\ kN'TKD I artner in the Sa»- a ce «a

vv A ; art of ihe city A young use.:s. »coua nted wirb ,-ir» trade *;,i hating

gtvtttod n an eb-aa'- Addretv» Old Stand.'¦ rSoe

\ A *. *t> T K I» H , . -. -

"" . a-.t .at S a Ar.».; ,11««« B*«l r»faraaiiieaa ka »ven Appiv at ¿m Walker *t. near Foi-.

WANTED Ht » r..p. table Amentar, gir!. s

nona» aeamstieas *r chambermaid City te-'ereuee, -en if re piied. PI««»« m , i ia a: «M Bowaty. «».or i

n .N. '

WANTED -:*.ination* by two >*e|ta<ubiê~ , . .

. t . m u Dare* »r.l ;. ...

chetnbei . s r. n, at .....

\A \NTI- II V a .. ,

"v gam . i a. a, wmg and lake. i family, bv a youeg », aaaa

- A ..:-.'».

" m «peek Kienen end Keg-t*e inijair* al «At Binad

_ni St«

WINTI.I» t, J .mherwerk. waakingand . , »work » . a fi

a waaan »,th good ratoraan tpply «ill_..

A\ kfsTBO Hv » . lag lady .jueótied to nitir'i.' Intv ... aaeh el the Ratgdwh laageage a Htaeeieam

.» m aru u» g«utlein«n » Ian > A,l h'.a..t Hrnedw»t

ANTED V »tearlaa by . Ûe*maa yiuag man m .a . lay Bead piare A,«o k» hi« « -t-

a, .- and »e»n.»tiea» .i for Hanj!«imeid Wi ,

,i»» Pleas« in pair« at l.?4 BroadwayAA'tNTtil» An a. t.v» and »tperleuce-i . .

" >'< .",,¦, ,, ¦. « i«i eriog Mtahiitliinent iu Be ».ItaayI J 9. Tt .'ine iih. » ui .'i

L\HOI(EH> WANTED«, tew »te.dy ... ...i r! gliak a, aetemod lo work In apowda

il C«J t« ige» h, applyI i I' oiBc«, iw*

PtHTNEK WANTED. A yëejag u.a.. »... *.le« U I »ho. ail .'oui. end 111'III«

- -'..,.talfwitbi nieeaalreadyeataadiaked tametoilattia or nitnuf», "i n» huameaa Keinen, e«

given a t Iraea 'V , rrikaiae

nKI.-M.iltkt.lt W ANTKD- At üitTNewYerkI, M at »>e, i* »id lln ,.

ib a - -, ui,., indantaad« dreaaI B aewing Apply at the tnaritut

AMkl.K TKAt IIEK i» »anted to take ,l,«r«. ofin»it aepertmeat of a .< i o ¡a thu Mn

municailiine aldieaaed to I' at the ofh>» of Th« Trlb.nie.. | 'eriii», which mu»r be low,) espertante, Ac with

referí ¦. place 4 latarvtoai and ie»' Bean, will '"atrend-,! IBa-nillK AND l.tKIII.WII I. WANTED Waita^ed tbeaeare and gcajd will tifa thriving art « one

bu»inea». retail or wholesale, in Rrvedwey m oih«f . all*

? «tn,ii Tin» woald be an eaoelleat «lip»" 11r any peisi.n «iihiiii to ret i« «nd having l«a«« in aal

A favorable prupo»al loin a p, culou» ,,r rum» BOBOtryt am woe I beeqaallj aatevñiaed Duecr S',re *|thl»iO» ol' «f


I.O\KI)lN(..IODOIMOM i dgtaga »t the Re«k«>an atona M

»lleekiiian .' hy rhe night M tttek A »hule* ol over. ich tm ,l«»iil i.ra» annot be am

, .. > it -g,« tuDui» ¿i c#ut» Ot het room* IÎ4 e e.:t»

¦_ V' 11 - .

OARDRRM HAMKf) I' .. ¡rl with i..- ire| BOM "I Ikan M 'he n,at re

* rery exertioe m«,le tothe ee agreeable huosa tea Bad II Mil Beat

a leleience given And te pined


|><IAI<|)|M. Agaaüetaaa sud his wife. al«o «»tagleIt gantlomea, ceaM aet Baaaedated with lull bnanl ,,r

kraakfatl Bad in in a genteel private faimiv. wl.eie riieieare no other boarder« P:*ase 'iiquii* at 814 Oreenw,. h it

. ¦ aktagdn ».(Hare agí ka«I » I» \ It III NI. Having taken the large and cum..allI) ii» bean NM D.iane »t »hi »id« of Hudami niinoaiteIi me Talk Tbe leeetleo nu pleasant and haaltny a*

any >o thi» citv The liouse has been newly luted up a* a'¦oatd ng houaa foi »ingle geutlernen Uentleiuen

withing pleasant rooms, will And them very eligible andconvenient to downtown husiuee» Charge* I i a1, aikl 'xi and A4 per weak Transom hoard«n Vi een!» perdsv ihn Duanest.

_ _aU ,m-

BotKDIMa Two oí ikrnatoglo matliema an haa i. ¦BBOMted wrh bsardta a reapectable private fam

t. »here they »nay hud all the comforts of a home Theo is pleasant and ,-onvenient to adage roule l',e»a«

» rat «el Lodl .v .t _nl a*

Btli It ft T» three gentlemen ran be aceituno-sd with good room» and breakfast and tea. or a

aml. ,,ii application at ntt Hi ttBear Henry »t South II rook I) n. o»'gtMeTu*

KOO.il«! TO LET Two torettked rooanato .»t nTsíñg a » atlemee, »nh or without break last and 'e» \i

I y .;.'h,i ton «t we' of BioadwAy nl if'


11a, ii-ii i|, Heaves, id, I. i ou a kram." unie» from New York Thu

MII'«aTEAD«aE»IIN tKY MALF. BOARI>l!«I(llit n >1. Hemp*. 1. I. ou a bran, 1, ol tbe I. I

institution i*ti.e most desirabi« loretioi.» tor a

¿ a, bool in th« country It it auttn lenily retired.- village, ha» large piaygroundaJuted up with gym

Beetle*! has a good library, Baa cheun, al »pparatua «'irticienl lor nrdiiiaiy espenmennog , aim a «ineudid cahiaet

.t.ir.erala It ia web »upplied with efficient lOW !.. ,.

Thi »clean aid the huaaa. which are under th« eaine ,,, i.

very »yaiematioaHy Thenuuiherol peel «

usually langes from Ji to Ü, coaatitating a school uaithei.o lart« a» to McoaM inwieldv, nor »o »mall a* to pieteuiataatemalic management Tin«« teacher* are amployed

. hei.de a in ni' tea.her Th* branch«»taught, m add.lion to the common Kngliah hrancboe, «r«

N atiidenn tor th* counting home, fei-aa geneiaily. or for college, a» pauent» «vlah

r .Aiigi.age, higher brauch«» of uiaihemai., a

it), natural phili.eophy, he P«rent« wishing to

a ouard.ng school tor ti.a.r »mi at« isapectluily «o-- . ne »till farther rhe inducement« the Hemp

Í4 iiiinsiy ottera lot the.r patronage Tliej » i. .!alara, cnia.nn.g «ji aeeeamry Informe.

:. to the »choo!, at Mr Lockwood . beafc..- - BreedWM at Mr Kavnor» leeikitoie N B. »

, in» atme a I Cedar M Tl.e !'..ni et a Br edway H< Will

a,: 'ii any ger.tl«m«n. ieatmg hi» «ddre*», who may wuhNAl liA.N.KL 1)1 MM, A M fnncipaL


IPERTH tHHOY HKMINAKY.- PeremThaviniorre..i iiab.U. loi whom th«y would «.-< ur« a

lege or bum ee». are tr.j- «tie: the ui«ni« of thu laetltebee

The W.i t.i se»«.on win couioieat« ou W«du««d«y,TI

i tien with tettim"niais, may b* bad at Oe.d'a bookick ti.unr, Chapel, or uf the Principal«

Peg Uty a the Coftege of New l»r..v,Prinewtoe Re* Deem Meat*«. DO lt«v Sicboi«« Murray,Uli K. gar/«tl,ro»n R,a»w«i. L toit, P«t«r»oi. Ke- la»tS klexeadai UH Kev Charles Stua. t Rev liuiir«aI) inber, Kev (jorniun Í) Abboii. Rev Jacob Abuott. A. H'¦r-uioie h.a| i», H -a«it«rl«e, Uta. Kea**ariaer Haver,«.

han Ka,| N«w York. R«v John McOowell[ill Rooart b Potter, fhiiadelph.a. VVm B. Wh.tei.«»d,Y.ta Suffolk Va rfllhnivl Dana, Ktq Boaton ( harlet

rd K*i few Orean» oit ïweod'

LI...ON- OE THE EKEM II I.ANI.I AUK.a A I., ai Kl K ha« the honor to lalorm th« public

.hat he will receive propoaal» that may be iddreaaed to

giving kreuch Lessons, either to ladividaait, in-. ol in Academic»! I flat,tula»

Havins been mouected 2t> year» with French i,,or*»iia»n,and hating reaided 13 yaarl in Mew York, where be le

hoi orah'y ki.own hy h.» c.uotrymen, M Le«ueur, la de¬voting Buntelf M the teething of the French Language,otter» every guaranty, both a« regard» caea'ulity and oio-

\i he ,» a P»rialan by birth, hi» pupil» will r«qair«,ur.der li.» tuitio i. the greeted parity lu eronanciaitoa, «n

which i» too often neglected ¡a tbe

leeching 4 the Fren h LanguageAppiy p«r»onu,i> (from rf to 11 o tiock A M ) Of by let¬

ter, to M Laeeeaj H Corüaud »t

.nre»_Proí P 0 Berten, *» Pierrepoet*». Brook-lyri.MuMtl Hainet, (Youaa L*d¡e»f boarding ,v,.,'.|T»-iitieih »t N Y Mi «nd Madam* J Coutan iFreachI Ladiee-Boarding «Jah-»li^Ora^»wat N Y:AChardoo. Eavi «nd C t B*>chel K«n. ltd HastoOu et Mi3 «... aorn« t>| .edPrtneeat fcVg._»10 ¿-..a

L'KEICH I.ANttEAtlR-Manaeeafs (Jräl »yatem-1* \io;s/n« DLKA.NÜ. daughtar of ine late Jeava Wan.»..ioforrnt .adiee and gentlemen that she is aow organ.tingbag ci«*«e« for the taataak Aa »vaeiaaeiemfor m »il« a -u

ooinmence« ou Mondey, Rov 1. Reautneae N weikei »(oZ) »n.stp^_

MAkWH'tt ( l.AíclICAL *ed Oartuaretal AeeeVmy. it/7 ({«my it Brook.yu, will 6a» reopened oa

Monday AuguM X, lor th* ioatr action of youag gent.euiaeIn every branch uf education n»c»»»arv lo A< thee« *o «otara college or counting hou»« Taras* from #10 la Bit per¦eerta* ?..«.-» conlafalngrafereeee en») 'her particuiar» apply at the ottce ef this paper er el 10 Wtlitiw-It BrookJyn:_a«J4 tf

MÜI NT PBOSPKCT BfJAltDIRO SCHOOL«tir »i ,'irarirto, a >

THE WINTER ¦»Er*,«tl«N of ibu lexituaea willi, menee on the tirat Monday in November Term*.

including all eapeus*», from k*) to wet per e,a*rt*r.IMe- T l\ARKtN MOLT. PrinatpeJ.

DAiVCIJta.a o ,|,ii. 1,1.111 tic Bro, ii.-il o'er Broadway .The/A. claaeee tor th* eaaaing limn will commence oa

T*e«d«y. Oct »A 1) deeming :t «anoeaeaarj to «nier lato a detallad

of the advenían«** of hi* eehool, or of hie oat

tlotraat twice a tuooth, aeaAnad entirely to the paella.Private leaton» at any rime aot occupied by tbeciaesa»,

la wa.g -g th* Polka, fledowaor any of me aew aaaeee

stoaaaBBto* or famUiea atiaal»! .Mtniara

VBW Dl Tt H HKHRiateft. I"i k«ee e«e«w..»1 v Dutch Herring«, for aato bv

alOAJMlaXR A TOvTaTrO, Ht Cbatbaaa «