i field force vietnam lessons learned 30 july 1970

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  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970




    TO: unclassified


    TO:Approved for public release, distributionunlimited

    FROM:Controlling DoD Organization: AssistantChief of Staff for Force Development[Army], Attn: FOR-OT-UT, Washington, DC20310.

    AUTHORITYAjdutant General's Office [Army] ltr dtd 2Apr 1976; Ajdutant General's Office [Army]ltr dtd 2 Apr 1976


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970



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  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970



    WASHINGTON. D.C. Ot310

    IN IMPLiY Ritem TO

    AGDA (M) (21 Jul 70) FOR OT UT 702220 30 July 1970SSUBJECT:perational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, I Field

    Force Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April, 1970 (U)

    O SE E DISTRIBUTION1. Subject report is forwarded fo r review and evaluation in accordanceSwith paragraph 4b, AR 525-15. Information of actions initiated as aresult of subject report should be forwarded to ACSFOR OT UT within 90days of receipt of covering letter.2. Information contained in this report is provided to insure appropriatebenefits in the future from lessons learned during current operatioAs andmay be adapted fo r use in developing training material.BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY:

    I Inci KENNETH G. WICKOHAMas Major General, USAThe Adjutant GeneralDISTRIBUTION:Commanding Generals

    US Continental Army Command'US Army Combat Developmentd CommandUS Army Materiel CommandCommandantsUS Army War CollegeUS Army Command and General Staff CollegeUS Army Air Defense SchoolUS Army Armor SchoolUS Army Aviation SchoolUS Army Chemical SchoolUS Army Civil Affairs SchoolUS Army Combat Surveillance SchoolUS Army Electronic Warfare SchoolUS Army Engineer School Regraded unclassified when separatedUS Army Field Artillery SchoolUS Army Infantry School from classified Inclosure.US Army Institute fo r Military Assistance


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970



    US Army Intelligence SchoolUS Army Ordnance SchoolUS Army Signal SchoolUS Army Southeastern Signal SchoolUS Army Transportation School

    Copies furnished:Office, Chief of Staff, US ArmyDeputy Chiefs of StaffChief of Research and DevelopmentAssistant Chiefs of StaffChief of EngineersThe Surgeon GeneralThe Provost Marshal GeneralOSD(SA) Assistant fo r Southeast Asia ForcesDirector, Defense Research & EngineeringOffice, Joint Chiefs of StaffCommanding Generals

    III Corps, ATTN: Director, Project MASSTERI Field Force VietnamDeputy Chief of Staff, Air Force, Plans & OperationsCommandant of the Marine CorpsUSAF Air Ground Operations SchoolThe Air University LibraryDefense Documentation CenterUSAF Project RANDCommanding Officers

    US Army Limited War LaboratoryUS Army Logistics, Doctrine Systems & Readiness AgencyUS Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development Center


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALDESPARD4UT Cr THE AW4Headquarters# I Field Force VietnamAPO San Francisco 96350

    AVIA-GCw=IT 15 M ay 1.970SUBJECT Operational Report-lsessons learned Headquarters First Field ForceVietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RGS CSFOR-65 (32)

    Aessltant Chief of Staff for Force DevelopmntDepartment of the ArmyWashington, D.C. 20310

    1.(C) ---inn -_niin_ 4vitim..a.(1) Generalt During the quarter, intelligence operations were conductedin suapport of Allied units engaged in pacification and military operations.This effort supeetdthe intelligence gained by units and allowad anoverviev of enemy activity in II Corps Tactical Zone. Major intelligenceefforts were directed towards reducing the possibility of an enemy Tot Offen-sives locating the units of the 3rd I4VA Division in BINI DIIM Province,, andin April, furnishing information to Allied units engaged in sustained combatwith the enemy in the flAK SEANG - DAN PEK - flAK TO area.(2) Batty Order of Battles(a) Disposition of NVA, VC Main Forces and VC local Forces is shown

    in Inclounre 1.(b) Changes in Order of Battle holdings during the periods

    ~,Units accepted: 2 93240 EVA Trans Cantinz 00RegtUntw.ax-nLJIDa fese 205a95th EVA Arty BA POse 160303 LIPIm.(T.IoY0) lass 250

    ZUnit Deelpatiam Otenge:2 TO MY R~gt tot2 IVA Rogt Coat ixued 9804 a 5 Baai/953 MTMegt too1 A 2 Bas/953 EVA Regt Canfnted 520FOR~0-L)I 406 MF Sapper Ba too70",20 1 WUUMSSAT 3 W~AAS;Inclosure CONFIDENTIAL " u u M

    Be W nai

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALATFA-QO-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJC: -Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First Field ForceVietnam, Period Ending 3Q April 1970, RCS CSFOR-65 (R2)

    iSW406 LF Sapper Bn Confirmed 40030 MY Bn to01-14 LI h Confirmed 285

    (3) Significant Mnemy Tactics and Teomiquess During the months ofFebruary and March, the amount of enemy attacks and their intensity waslight. Standoff attacks and mall unit ground actions wre characteristicof enemy operations. There vas a slight rise in the intensity of the at-tacks in the Southern provinces - reaching a high point about 15 March.During the same period, PH U MW Province experienced a marked increase inabductions and ilpressment of civilians, Eaemy activity throughout theU1 Corps area was dramatically increased an 31 March. Up to battalionsin units engaged friendly installations supported by greater thav nnr-ua l smounts of varied ordnance. Using intense attacks by fire and employ-ing ground elementsp the enemy attempted to overrun the Allied camps inthe DAK SING - DA K ?K area. Th e enemy also increased ground to airfire. By aid April, the enemy action in the highlands had diminished tosporadic standoff attacks of varying intensity. The remainder of theCorps area also experienced a decline in enemy initiated action as Aprilended. Th e enemy is continuing to fragment unite into smaller elementsso as to conserve his forces by presenting maller targets. The greaternumber of unite thus available can provide tactical coverage of a wider"geographicalarea.

    (4) Enemy Loans and Strengthss(a) Total enemy military losses in II Corps for February, March andApril 19708 (DOW is 35% of ZIA)

    ZI A 1010 1255 3169 5434OW 354 43 9 U.109 1902NW 91 91 93 275W0 as 42 21.5SA 541 623 626 1792W S 54 54. 112 220amtellitary 30 3 OR=$ mly*

    (b) Awq stegths at beginin and sad of the quartersIgo, 30 Aoril 1970

    MV 149965 15 3550/2 109610 99M2Mdh 50245 5,245awn'uu logo$6 9,936treatrem LIIUA" IINCL CONF IDENT IAL 42t

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALAVF.!GC...HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT, Operational Report-ossons leamed Headqaarters First Field ForceVietnam, Period Eding 30 April, 1970 RCS (SFO65 (R2)

    TOTL 55,894 52,211(i) Say Vul.nerabiities and Probable Courses of Actions

    " l (a) g ii'te:1 In KONTaM Province enaey fories aml of conducting standoffattacks against the border camps, DA K TO.TAN CAM KONT UM City, and pop-ulated areas throughout the province. Additionay, enemy forces arecapable of conducting attacks up to regimental sizs in the DIL SEANG-EBHET-DAK PEK area.2 In PIZIKU Provinoe enemy forces are capable of conducting primarilystanloff attacks against PLEZI City and FWMAF installations in the vicinityand interdioting QX .4 and QL 19.1 In PHU BO N Province the enemy is capable of conducting limited at-tacks against CHED RED and the district headquarters.A In QUANG DU C Province the enemy is capable of limited ground andstandoff attacks against CIDG camps, district headquarters and GIL NiOIA.SIn DARBIC Provinne the enemy is capable of conducting primarLlystandoff and sapper attacks against BAN ME THUOT City and RF/PP forfts inDUON HO district.j In LA M DONG Provinoe the enemy is capable of conducting attacks byfire and ground attacks against Allied installations and hamet defenses.He is also capable of disrupting movement along QL 20 by smlush, sniping,and m ng incidents. Elments prestly located In TOM DOC Province

    can reinforce enemy elements in LM DONO.I In TIN DU C Province the enemy is eapable of conducting standoffattaokc directed against the military installations in and around thecity of DALAT and military defenses of popilated areas. Ground attacks,amb& and sniping ingdents can be directed against military defensesof installations and hanlets and movement along QL 20, 11 and 21A,Action Amrov teams and other local enemy forces can attempt to disruptpaciiation mainly by abduction sad extortion. Present forces - be"reinforcedby wilt prenently located in BIR THUAN Province,A In lINE 21A Province the emy anconduct ground and stanfffattacks againet PN 9A0 Air Dae and other Allied installations adhamlet defenses. Attempted interdiceon of QL 1 and QL 11 ca be acon-pished by amush and sniping incidents.I In SiII 210AN Province the enemy Is capable of ocdueting standoffand ground attacks mainly directed against Allied installations ad alu-Itary forces defending populated areas. Interdlicton of QL 1 can be


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    iC NFIDENT IALAVFA-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Leseons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, KCS MJOfR-65 (R2)accomplished by ambush, sniping and mining incidents. The nearness of theenemy's sanctuaries gives him the advantage of conducting hit and run at-taoks, with his route of withdrawal difficult to detect.

    IQ In KMANH HO A Province the enemy can conduct standoff attacks againstAllied installations #n he CA M RANH Bay and NH A TRAiG areas with 82m mor-tars, 107= and 110= rockets. He can also 9onduct sapper attacks agaiastlightly populated areas. The enemy has a sapper/swimmer capability in CA MRANH Bay and NH A TRANG areas.11 In PHU YE Province the enemy is capable of conducting small-scaleharassing actions targeted mainly against GYN pacification efforts. Theenemy can conduct attacks by fire and sapper attacks against installationsin TUY BOA, PHU HIEP, and VUNG ED Bay areas. He can interdict Highways 1and 7B .I& In BINH D13H Province the enemy has the capability to attack the

    population centers, DS/GVN, ROKA installations and can restrict move-ment on Highways QL 1 and 19 by euploying ambuabes and mines or conductingstandoff attacks and raids against friendly convoys and installations anand adjacent to these routes. The enemy is capable of conducting sapperand terrorist activities against friendly installations along the seacoast.U The enemy can employ chemical agents, using various delivery systems,during any attack.UA The enemy can continue disruption of the GV5 nation-building effortby assessinations, kidnapping and other terrorist acts.e1 The enemy can withdrav forces to bass areas and sanctuaries for re-placements, remspply and retraining.I& The enemy is capable of entering outlying villages without oppositionor as a result of minor contact to conduct propeganda lectures, recruitpersonnel, impress oivillins as laborers/porters and to obtain provisionsand information.12 The enemy can establish limited political entities, i.e. People'sRevolutionary Cosmittees, in contested and VO coetrolled areas.J The eseay has the shility to ]pinforce with reserves located in lo.-tuaries in the CADOODIAN, JIOTWI I 0 and III 0TS border aneas. Sameenemy units vhioe are umarrently active In I T and III MTh could be expeetedto redeploy to II T, if the enemy shift has area of interest to II TZ.Sia of reserves and reinforeaments in sanctuaries Is not ]now19 The enemy is capable of mploying embinations of the above eapabil-ities.CONF IDENT IAL

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALAVFA,-GCO-IST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Iassons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RC CSFOR-65 (R2)

    (b) hemy Vulnerabilities:I Enemy supply areas are generally insecure, rendering supply cachesvulnerable to friendly search and destroy operations.& The enemy has limited logistical support and cannot conduct extendedoffensive operations, unless he is near sanctuary areas.3 He is vulnerable to superior Allied fire-power when he masses nearan objective an d during withdrawal from the same.Is Continued food shortages, sickness, an d heavy losses among the enemymay lead to lov moralep a situation that can be exploited by friendly pey-chological operations.

    reliance on impressed local civilians as a labor source is acourse of action that may alienate them from the populace.(e) Probable Courses of ActionsJI BM1 DIM Province - Enemy objectives are to disrupt amd destroythe GVN Pacification Program. To accomplish thesep the eny can be expectedto initiatesapper attacksp limited ground attacks an d attacks by fire againstRF/PF, and terrorist activity. The greatest number of attacks will ocourmainz& in the 6 coastal districts with highpointa expected as freqnently astdes amonthly.,J MI I= Province - Overall enemy activity should remain light duringthe next three months. Although the main enemy affort will consist of anti-pacifiatioan aAtivities - assaasiJatiOaa and abduction of GI offiacilspbe has the capability to wnuhmt up to company strength gruad attwckeagainst RF/P? as wall as attadke by fire an d sapper on larger targete.I EiAW BOA Province - During higlpoints the enomy may coeduct attacksby fire coupled with sapper attacks on major installations within the pro-vines. owveer, generally his effort will be diro3ted against local OWofficials ant pacification efforts* The M511 RO area is expected to bea ain target in the enemy's plans. RF/Pf units and the IM SU TrainingCenter omn be expected to receive sapper attacks and attaeks by fie.A BM RUM Province - Attacks by fire combined with ground probesar the enemy's main and most effective cousme of action. 31/fP units Indefense of the = Pacifieation Prosim probably will oontion to be theprimary targets for these attacks.

    J 3IM TMAM Province - PHRU 30 AB probably will be th eemy's targetfor attacks by fire, whil Uhe population center to the south of 1* RAWCity will continm to receive harassing standoff attacks and snipin tire,along with the inter4dition of WCe by ambushes.

    i TOM W0 Province - The swamy probably w,i continae to condactCONIFIDENTTIAL

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT 1A LAVFA--HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)standoff attacks and ground probes against the key installations in DALATand DUC TRONG Training Center, along with interdiction of the WoCs by snip-ing and ambushes.

    7 LA M DONG Province - Interdiction of the LOCs, terrorist harassmentof the villages in the pacification areas and light ground probes againstthe "1 probably will continue to be the enemy' s most probable course ofaction.I KONTM4 Province - Enemy offensive action in NW KONTUM should soongive way to standoff attacks with a probable new highpoint reached in June.However, it is estimated that no major offensive will take flaoe. Theenemy is expected to conduct attacks by fire an d harassment attacks of citiesand installations and QL 14.2PLEIKU Province - No increase in enemy activity is expected. Actionswill most likely be coucentrated along QL 19 and near PLEIKU City. These

    vwll consist primarily of sniping an d mining incidents. One more highpointof enemy aotivity can be expected prior to the end of the Winter-Spring Of-fensive.10 PHU BOB Province-The enemy is expected to continue to be relative-ly inacyive. Occasional squad sin gound probes and harea standoff at-tacks with up to 82m mortars are expected to be the mode of enemy action.The most probable targets for these attacks are BrNWBZZC, J0 0 TUG and PM UTHIn (D) HQ s an d CU RM. The enwmy is also expected to oontinne to uti-lip the northern tip of the province as a rice production area and a basearea for the 95 B Regiment.Ui QUANG DJC Provinee-U enemy is expected to conduct occasionalharassing ground and standoff attaks against the OIDG Camps, District IQand GIA NOKIA. Attacks ax expected to be conducted by platoon or smaller

    &im element& utlsIng up to 82m. acrtars and possible 57a RR . The eonmyio also expected to continue taxation and propaganda incidents along QL Uand higbhwy S betwoen BAN K9 TRUOT AND CI A IORIA.I& , MARL&C Provinooe.he eonmy is expected to continue to target theQVGPaification Program an* units operating in support of the progme.The em y Is also expected to occasionally target military installations inthe vicinity of BAN MR THUOT (3(T) City. The majority of attacks will beconducted by platow or maller sed element., although s mpmy &im4dattacks are expected. 60 , and 3-4O are the weapons thft are expectedto be used most frequently althou the enemy in the pcvineo does have thecapability of employing Min RR and 75= BR. oeaiooal EDC intardieticnon QL 14 between Awr "nd, BAN SUCH Is es eted as an propaglafd lecturesthroughwat the prolnene.(6) SIglf leant Soumrs Agencies and TeohiquesI(a) Ch in Sources, Ansole and Techiques Continud use of allavalable reporting channels, partJularly close coordination wth DistrictCONF IDENT IAL

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALAVFA-GC-HIST 15 May 197CSUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Feriod Ending 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)personnel, has enhanced the exchange of intellignece. This has in turn pro-vided a more current picture of the enemy situation and more timely dissem-ination of intellignece to the interested consumer.

    (b) G2 Collection: During the period 1 Feb 70 to 30 Apr 70 all capturedweapons and materiel wre processed and evacuated through S4/G4 channels. Duringthe period , IP W teams screened and classified 75 Ho i Chanhs, 35 innocent cilil-iansp 8 Civil defendants and 102 prisoners of war. As a result of these inter-rogations a total of 98 PIRs and 35 IRls wre produced and distributed. IPW teamstranslated a total of 205 allied reports from Vietnamese or Korean to English.(c) Detachment D, 1st MI Bn, (ARS): During the period 1 Feb 70 through 30Apr 70, Detachment D, 1st MI Bn, (ARS) iLterpreted 1025 photographic objectives(424,455 frames) and prepared 985 reports which contained 1473 new items. Thereporduction section processed 131,247 feet of paper to meet the requirements of

    290 reporduotion requests. The delivery section flew 25 6 sorties in support ofall Free World Military Forces in II CTZ, transporting 10,000 pawids of cargo.Hand Hold photographic missions continued to receive emphasis within the detach-ment's overall operations. It flew 30 Hand Held missions resulting in 3091 de-veloped prints. During the reporting period, Detachment D, lot MI Bn conductedtwo Hand Held photographic courses at Nha Trang. These courses resulted in thetraining of 13 US Army an d 9 US Air Force personnel.(d) Imagery Interpretation, 55th Military Intelligence Detachment: For theperiod 1 Feb 70 through 30 Apr 70, the Imagery Interpretation Section, 55th Nil-.itary Intelligence Detacbment received 268 in-country missions an d processed 247.In conjunction with the processing of the above-mentioned missions, this sectionaccomplished the following; in addition, of the 19 French Leave missions reaeived16 vare processed.SProductionsSThere were 33 photo interpretation reports produced and disseminatedduring the quarter. This section asumed full responsibility for the repro-duction of these reports in order to provide r-cipients with more timelyintelligecoal distribution of PI's normally averages 53 copies per report.k There were 50 Special Projects (Wicludes mosaics, trail studies, over-lays, confirmation of other reports, et:.) completed for requestors euringthe quarter.& Tere were marus missions Interpreted covering the NI Road Net,-work and border area and provdding current information on these aroan to the

    G2 Air, DASC ALPh, and the 64th Ugineer Detachment (T).I Current master plates wre maintained covering the II Corps TacticalZm e in support of the Tactical Data Overprint (map) Program acoomplished bythe 64th Raglnser Detachmnt (t).

    Thee were 13 visitors briefed durtg the quarter.CONF IDENT IAL

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALAVFA-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 3Q.; ,il 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)

    SPrepared and underwent a semi-annual Command/IG Inspection with nodiscrepanci: -oted.j Prepared for and sponsoret' (with administrative assistance from Head-quarters Section, 55th MI Det (Corps))the first ImageryJiterpretation Techni-oian Seminar held in RVN, during the period 4-5 March 70.(e) Company C (Ranger), 75tb Infantry; During the period 1 Feb 70 to25 Mar 70, Company C (Ranger), 75th Infantry remained under the operationalcontrol of Task Force South, and deployed 138 teams in BINH TUT, BINH THUANand TUYEN DUC Provinces which resulted in 49 separate enemy sightings and41 enemy filled (BC). From 26 Mar to 21 Apr 70 OPCON was shifted to the7/17 Cav, and deployed 32 teams in Western PLEIKU Province which resultedin 4 enemy sightings and 2 enemy killed (BC). On 22 Apr 70 the companymoved to AN KHE and came under OPCON 4th Inf Div for operations against

    elements of the IVA 95 B Regiment in the PLEIKU/BINH DINH/PHU BON tri-borderarea. From that date to the end of the reporting period 20 teams were de-ployed ihich resulted in 20 enemy sightings and 9 enemy killed (BC)o Throughthese contacts, significant information has been gained on elements operatingin. Military Region 6 and on elements of 95 B Regiment.

    (f) The 64th Engineer Detachment'. During the reporting period, the 64thEngineer Detachment (T) has accomplished the following tasks:1 Completed preparation of the updating of the 1:50,000 map sheet seriesdepicting tactical data information and forwarded them to the 66th EngineerCompany (TOPO) (CORPS) for overprinting. The TDO's are now classified con-fidential.& Continued to work on the II Corps deposits of construction materialsstudy based on feeder iLformation received from ingineer units located in

    the Corps area.1 Initiated work to update the I1Corps Infiltration Route Study.A A total of seventeen (17) product prodaotion requests were processedby this offices(g) Detachment 31, 5th Weather STladron: During this period the fol-

    lowing types of weather support were furnished to &Meieso and units in II CTZaI I FFORCZVs Forecasting, Weather Warnings, Staff Support, ClimatolgioalSupport, and Mobile Observation Teas.& 4th Infantry Division: Forecasting, Weather oWangs, Staff Support,Observing and Climatological Support.I AN IRZ: Observationsi Forecasts, and Weather Warnings as required.A DALAT (CAM LT Airfield)s Observations, Forecasts, and Weather Warningsas required.GONF IDENT ILL

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONFIDENT IALAVFIGC..HIST 15 May 1970SUB=ECT Operational. Repoi't,-Lesons L.buiea IHeadqaarters Fivat FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 3O.:43mil 1970, ROS 00FOR-65 (R2)

    ENDGLISH Al: Observations, Forecasts, uid Weather Warnings as required.PHUA THIET AI: Observations, Forecasts, and Weather Warnings as re-

    quired.7. ONTUM: Observations, Forecasts,, and Weather Warnings as requireduntil 01 April.I TASK FORCE SOUTH: Forecasts., Climatological Support, and Weather

    Warnings as required.2. NOTE: OL-1 5th Weather Squadron movdd from Camp Euri to CampRladcliff on 01 Mar 70.(h) G2 Air

    SDuring the r'iarter the G2 Air continued to make available oz OW-iMohawyk aircraft from the 225th Surveillance Airplane Company to the 4+th Inf-antry Div4.sion, 173d Brigade, and Task Force South. On e aircraft is furnisheddaily to the 4th Infantry Division while the others receive one aircraftevery other day. This has proven to be one of the most responsive photographicsystems available in II CTZ.& During the reporting period the 225th Surveillance Airp1az* Companycontinued to provide SLAR coverage along the border areas in accordance withthe MACV Reconnaissance requirements*I The preponderance of aerial reconnaissance and surveillance assetswere concentrated along known or suspected infiltration routes and base areas.Extensive reconnaissance and surveillance was also scheduled in areas selectedby the CO for intensified reconnaissance efforts. During the period anaverage of nine intensive reconnaissance areas were covered. These ameas werecoveredwby W4K~ohvai SLAR and Infra Red sensors and Air Force Infra Re0L andphotography. Visual reconnaissance was provided twice daily in eftlh 0-1 air-craft of Divisions, Brigade and/or province as directed by the headquarters.lk During the period I Feb through 30 Apr the OV-l Mohawks flew 139 photo,461 Infra Red and 387 SLAR targets. The Air Force Flew 1122 Infra Red andphoto targets in 1052 sorties. The results of the completed missions wierefurnished to the commanders concerned.(7) Deviations from current intelligence doctrinet None.(8) Recommendations for 1ev Techniques and Changes in Doctrine and/orOrganS.satimn None.(9) Coments and !Wpanation of Significant Changes in Variance withthe Previous Reports Nows.(10) WimathersCONFIDENT IAL 9

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONFIDENT IALIAFA-C-HIST 15 May 1970"SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 44@Al 1970, RCS CSFOR-65 (R2)(a) General - Light to moderate northeast monsoonal flow prevailed overthe CTZ during February with occasional short periods of moderate to strongflow associated with surges in northeast monsoon. During early March the

    prevailing flow became light northeast to southeast with occasional shallowsurges of cold air moving over the CTZ, bringing moderate northeasterly flow."(b) Coastal - Skies were generally fair to partly cloudy, except duringperiods of moderate to strong northeast flow when mostly cloudy skies prevailed.Patchy fog and stratus formed in coastal valleys during the early morningand usually burned off by 0900H. Rainfall usually occured in the form ofrainshowers during the night and early morning, but during surges in thenortheast monsoon light rain fell throughout the day. Isolated thunderstorms

    occurrd during the early morning and evening after 05 March. Winds weregenerally variable at 5 - 10 knots during the night. During the day north-east to east winds at 15 knots with occasional gusts 20 - 35 knots prevailed.(a) Interior - Skies were generally fair to partly cloudy. Patchy fogand stratus occurred between 0200H and 1O00H and wa s frequently extensive

    during February and March. There were a few rainshowers or thLmderstormsbetween 1400H and 2200H, with most activity occurring over the highlandsduring March and April. Hape and saoke frequently lowered the inflightvisibility to less than 5 miles. Paevailing surface windq were out of thenortheast to east at 5 - 15 knots with gusts 30 - 40 knots occuring over thenorthern highlands during surges in the northeast mcusoon. Gusts to 20 - 30knots also occurred vicinity thunwerstorms.(d ) Effects on Operations: There were 406 TAC sorties cancelled dueto veather and 706 reconnaissance targAts cancelled due to weather during

    tho period. No other effects are known.b. Onerations and Training ActIvities.(1) Plans: During the reporting period 5 OPLANS and 2 studies were

    published. In addition, the lot Quarterly Review wa s presented duringApril 70.(a) Flans:I OPLAN 105-70 was published on 6 Feb 70. The plan dealt withoffensive operation. in BINH DINH following TET.? OPLAN 106-70 was published on 9 Feb 70. The plan provides for com-mitment of Abattalion task force to pursue selectod enemy forces.2 OPLAN 186-69 wa s published on 10 Feb 70. Farther discussion of thisplan Is precluded by its classification.jA OPLAN 1-69 was published on 18 Feb 70. Its classification Dre-

    eludes further discussion.,9 OPLAN Camp Radcliff Modification was published on 31 Mar 70. ThA

    IlPn Addressos reconfiguration of the present iritallation.C &F IDENT IA L 10

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    CONF IDENT IALAVFA-OC-kI58? 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons learned Headquarters First Field

    Force Vietnamv Period Ending 30 April 1970, RO S CSFOR-65 (R2)(b) Studies:I A study concerning a recommended redisposition of territorial forcesin BINH DINH was completed on 7 March. The study concluded that the pro-posed redistribution would provide for greater population security,I A study concerning implementation of the Area Security Concept inthe mubsector ws oompleted on 20 Apr 70. The study proposed a systemwhich organised the consolidation zone and assigned specific missions Uareas of responsibility to each security element in the subsector,(a) Quarterly Summary: The First Quarterly Summary on the attain-ment of goals in the II CT Z Combined Campaign Plan and the activities ofunits was submitted to MACV on 15 Apr 70.(d) Quarterly Revlews The First Combined Quarterly Re~iew wa sheld at I FFOROEV Headquarters on 28 Apr 70. Majcr areas of interestreviewed at the conference included ARVNW ROK and US oprationso intelligenoesad the status of paoificationp and the implementation of +theArea SecurityConcept in the 22d and 23d DTA. Attendees included COMUSAOG 0hairman JOS,and 00, ROM'V.(2) Sitary of Ground Operationes (Febp Marp Apr)(a) Major Operations, (see Incl 2) During the report periods thenuaber of allied units in 11 OT Z was roduced on 20 March 70 when the 3XBrigade, 4th Infantry Division stood deo= frm 6rbat operations and preparedfor rodepomeate DI NKIN TUAN sad portions of PMYU Frovinosesontinge ti receive Inoreased support 1n the intensified pacification pro-m The objeotives of rm.Whld Forces operations continues to be thestruetion of the aesny ULU for-e un i t, eloplation *f V01/guerrillatorces and the proteaoia of the population.1 -b M&A8aroh the VietnamouatI m prarsm vaa furthered mhen the 47th

    4XVTegiment deployed to FLEIKW Frovinwa from PHU YEN Provsco-to fill the"id oause by the stand down of d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division sad therelooatio, of the remaiig elements of the 4th Division to BDIH DINE Pro-visnee, 24h STS assuaed responsibility for the entire Highlands on 15April 70. Provisions remais in effeot to provide US o,bat support asreavgreds

    2 Operations lot Bdoe 4th fluiv coduaoted operation WADIII ST Ain I DWProvisoe against @lemets of the 3d ITA Divisions Wh eper-tieon began on 30 Janmary "d terminated on 11 Marh with results of 9triendl killed and 15 "64ded with 73 ensmy killd, IS detained, A3 mallms an 2 crew served *opOns oa p e.'Id, 2d Med# 4th I Div ocombatedoperation PUT SN In Base Ar&ea 226 against the Ifth NAI Regiment, Thisoperation began on 30 January and terminated on 11 M t with rsmalts of 11friendly killed and 46 wonded with 57 oneam killed# 10 detand, 16 mall- w and 2 orew served weapoM eaptuwIde On 30 Januaryp 3d 3d initiatedoperation W= D5UC In Pl11K Province. This operation terminated on 17CONFIDENT IAL -

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    Q..4 . d

    CONFIDENT IALAVF"-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJTCt Operotional Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RGS GSFOR-65 (R2)Maroh with results of 1 friendly killed and 20 wounded with 13 enemy kind,8 small arms and 2 crew served weapons captured. Operation WAINE WIND wasinitiated by the le t Bde, 4th Inf Div on 22 April 1970 against elementt ofthe 95 B Regiment in DINH DINEH PHU BON and PLEIKU Province. Results as of30 April were 9 friendly killed and 22 wounded with 19 enemy killed, 11 smallarm& and 2 crew served weapons captured. Operations EARHART WHITE# PARESSILVER, BAIRD SILVER and XCHLBRER BLACK were conduoted during the re-porting period under 4th Division oontrol. Highway 19 security operationPARKS SILVER was initiated on 1 Maroh with 1/10 Cav to provide road securitybetwen PLEIKU and ta e ROX boundary in BINE DINH. Results for the reportingperiod are 1 friendly killed and 21 wounded with 19 enemy killed# 7 mallanrm and 7 crew served weapons captured. The 4th Div initiated combat oper-ation EARHART WHITE against elements of the 3d NVA Division on 11 March in NWBINH DINH Province. This operation terminated on 18 March with results of 14friendly wounded with 31 enemy killed and ll mall a&ms captmurd. OperationEICHENLBRG BLAD was initiated on 24 March by the 4th Division in Bae Area226 against the 18th NVA Regiment. Results for the ppriod ar 11 friendlykilled and 64 wounded vith 106 enemy killed, 89 =all arse an d 4 crew servedwsapons captured. On 24 April the 4th Div initiated operation BAIRD SILVJRin PLRIKU and KONTUM Provinoes with th" 2d Bn# 8th Int (1). This operationwa s initiated to relieve ARVN forces fpr deploymnt to the DAK SUNG BattleArea. The 173d Airborne Brigade ha s continued OBT/PAC Operation WASHINGTONGR throughout the reporting period. The 3-506th Abn Wt left the 173don 22 April and beom OPOON to 4th Div for participation in operation WAI|NWIND. TY Talon (0 Co, )-503d (+) was deployed to PHU I= Province on 11March to itabilim the population and improve the RY/P7. TI Talon rejoinedits parent unit on 21 April 1970. Results of operation WASHINGTON GUM aof 30 April were 14 4 friendly killed and 1463 wounded with 1097 enmy killod,4117 etained, 40 nall arms and 26 crew served wapons oaptured. TUsk ForSouth has conducted maerous operations against the looal/main force enemyalong Highway 1 and the populated areas in BINH THUAN Province. Results forthe reporting period have been 13 friendly killed and 93 wounded with 217enemy killed, 51 small &ms and 69 crew served weapons captured.

    I -0K Operationos During the reporting period the RO E Forces conducted2 major operationos initiated one other and deployed their units into thefield on numerous occations for short duration operations aimed at supportingthe overall cmpaign goals. On 12 February, Capitol ROK Infantry Divisionstarted combat operation VOL KA S in Bae Area 226 in BINH DINH Provinceagainst elaments of the 18th NVA Regiment. This operation teminated oan 4March with results nf 13 friendly killed and 34 woundeds with 330 onem killed,194 mull me and 28 orew served wapons cAptured. Cm 9 March, 9th ROl n-.fentry Division initiated (CDT) operation BA K MA 11 in AM RDA and IITHUAN Provinces against local VC/VCZ. This operation terminated on 16 Marchwith results of 3 friendly killed and 27 woundod, with 163 enemy killed, 54detained, 84 all ams ad 21 crew served wapons oapted. On 22 April,the 26th an d Cay Regiments of the CRUD Initiated (CDT) ope ration DOE SMUR7041 in PM 15 Provinee and an 28 April wire joined by the 20th an d 2MtRegimnts of the MRID. Results as of 20 April were 4 friendly killed and10 4usdd, with 112 enemy killed, 72 mall ams and 11 crew served weaposcp O Ied.CONHI IDENT I AL


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    CONF IDENT IALAVFi-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period &nding 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)

    4 ARYN Operations: ARVN forces significantly increased their numberof o~mbat operations during the reporting period, at the same time accom-plishing their pacification mission utilizing short term operations on thefringes of the populated. areas. Operations in KONTUM Province receivedincreased support in April as the enemy throughout April continued to putpressure on the DAX SEANG CIDG Camp. Units under the control of the 24thSTZ have been the four battalions of the 42d Regiment, three battalionsfrom 47th and two from the 45th Regiments, three Mobile Strike Force bat-talions, 2 Armored Cay units and the three battalions of the 2d RanerGroup. Results of the D.Z SEANG Battle (named TA T THANG 18 by ARVN) asof 30 April were 216 friendly killed, 1281 wounded and 128 missin, with1697 enemy killed, 4 prisoners, 98 small arms and 27 crew served waponscaptured. On 11 March, the l1th Rangers and 4th Bn 53d Inf initiated CBToperation TUW DUC 17 in TUM DUC Province south of DALAT. This operationterminated on )0 March with results of 11 friendly killed and 17 rounded, with71 enemy killed, 9 mall arms and 4 crew dirved weapons captured. Through-out the reporting period, the 40th and 41st ARVN Regiments (-) have conductedpacification support operations DM4 AN 40 and DAN AN 41 in northern BINH DINHProvince.

    (b) HIGHLANDS PROVINCES (FEBRUARY)I. AR VN Operations: At ZA1587L7 on 121145H 28 km NNW of PLEIKU, 2d Co.3d rav and 404th Scout Go established contact with an unknown sime enemyfores employing B-40 rockets and small vrms fire. Results: Frd - 2 ARVI KIA,5 ARVN WIA; In - 16 KIA, 3 CS, 1 AN-PRO-25 radio and documents captured. On141607H Feb 70 at ZA130734. 30 km J1W of PLEIKU$ 403 Scout Co found 10 enemybodies and detained 2 V08.I RF/PF Operations: On 010125 at BQ108062 18 km NNE of BUO HO , 116PF platoon received B-40 rockets and sall arms fire from an enemy platoon.Results: Frd- 6 PFKIA, 7 WIA (2 PF9 4 Civ, 1 PSDF), 1 PFMIA; fn- 3 [IA,2 SA captured.

    f m CIDO Operations: On 2U1X Feb 70 19 km West of DAK TO , BEN HE T CSF1 graves containing 11 bodies.

    k Other Operationst On 121900H Feb 70 28 ks NNW of BUON HO, 2 enemyplatoons abducted 100 civilians from BON B33ENG Village. At 252230 atAQ950137, 20 km I1N of BAN ME THUOT# TRUNO SO N Team 012 in 30ON GIAM Hamletwe engaged by 12 enemy employing SA/AW fire, B-40 rocket end unk typ mortarfir. Results; Friendly - 6 KIA (2 Civ, 4 PSDF), 45 WI A (42 Civ, 3 aD), 5SA K1AI EN - unk.BeNH DINH PROVINCE (flhftuAR!)

    1 US Opertioaes On 150357H Feb 70 20 km IWof AN l, let Bqa, 12thlnf at LZ WARRIOR received B-40 rocket fire and a sapper attack. 2x.05mHowiturs were moderately damaged by satchel charges. 2 enemy won killedinside the perimeter. Results: r- 9 US WIA,: Sway -2 [IA# 1 0602hobeom 10, 1 satchel charge captured. On 231315H Feb 70 at M54706, 30 km


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    CuL NF IDE NT I ,LLVFA-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RCS CSFOR-65 (R2)NNW of AN KHE, D Co, 1s t Bn, 12th Inf found a cache. Results: Frd - neg; En -166 rds 8Z= mortar, 26 rds 122=m rkt, 800 rds .50 cal ammo, 51 rds RPG, 4 ATmines, 24,300 rds SAA, .4000 blasting caps, 250, lbs TNT,5500 ft det cord CIA.On 241045 Feb 70, 25 km MNE of NA KHE, D Co , 1st Bn , 12th Inf found a cachecontaining 2 radios, 50,400 rds AK ammo, 30,300 rds mauser ammo, 134 rds B-41"rkt, 11,3000 blasting caps, 31 rds 75mm RR, 17 rds 57mm RR, 224 rds 82mm mortar,500 jlb sticks TNI, 24 rds 60mm mortar, 1500 ft dot cord. On 251800 at CR015809,7 km NE of PHU MY, Ha%& team 123, A Co , lst Bn , 503 Abn Inf, engaged an unknownsize enemy force. Results: Friendly - negative; Enemy - 7 KIA, 1 SA CIA.

    2 10 K Operations: On 131530 Feb 70, 30 km NE of AN KHE, lot Co , 1st B.2, IstROK Regt engaped the enemy, kil.ed 8 and captured 5 small arms. On 11.1140 :eb 70,at BR725619, 32 km NE of AN KEE, le t Co 1st Bn, 1st ROK Regt engagedthe enafy, kil-1Uag 7 and capturing 4 small arms and a FRC-25 radio. No frd casualties. OL,15103 Feb 70, 29 km NE of AN KHE, 4th, 10th and 12th Co , 26th ROK Regt engage,'the enemy. Results: Frd - 1 ROK KIA, 1 ROK WIA; En - 8 KIA, 10 SA , 4 CS, 21 lbTNT, 76 rds B-40 rkt, 9 rds 60mm mortar CIA. On 151200 Feb 70 31 km I. E of AlKE, Recon Co , Cay ROK Regt engaged the enemy, killing 7 and capturing 2 smallarms. On 1611;0 Feb 70, 20 km ENE of AN KHE, 12th Go , Cav ROK Regt engaged theenemy, ILA96, and captured 2 small arms. On 170910-17152 Fe b 70, 28 m ENE ofAN KHE, Recon Co , 3d, 4th, 9th, 12th Co's, 26th RO E Regt engaged the enemy. Re-sults: Frd - 1 RO E WIA; En - 14 KIA, 8 SA, and 10 rds of B-40 rkt CIA, On201355-202250 Feb 70, 27 km NE of AN KH E in BINH KE E Dist, Captiol ROK Inf Div (-)CRID (-) in Base Area 226 engaged the 4nemy in 14 different contacts. Results:Frd - 1 ROe KIA, 1 ROK WIA; En - A KIAv 9 SA , 1 CS CIA. On 211520-211715 Feb, 14km west of PHU MY in PH U CA T Dist, CRID (-) engaged tne enemy in 4 contacts. Re-sults: Frd - neg; En - .1 KIA, 5 SA CIA. On 220820-221440 Feb 70, RO E Cav Regtelement engaged the enemy '2 m NE ot A-Z 1IE. Resal1o, Frd - 4 RO E WIA; En - 13KIA. 10 SA. 650 kc rice CIA. On 241615 Feb 7C 32 k EE of AN KIl, GRID (-) en-ed the enemy. Results: Frd-neg; En - 7 KIA, 4 SA CIA. On 270815-271550 vic967, 31 km NE of. AN KIIE, a ROK Special Forees Team Md elements of 1st ROK Regtengaged the enetmv in 3 contacts. Results: Frd - neg; En - 9 KIA, 4 SA CIA. On281205 vicinity BR705565, 23 km MLE of AN KHE; GRID (-) engaged the enemy in 2contacts. Aesults: Frd - neg; Mn - 6 KIA, 1 CS , 1 SA CIA.

    . ARVN Operatione: On 0207") at BR 854596,10 km SW of PHU M Y, Intelligenceplatoon, 3d Bn, /lst Rogt engaged a unlmno-m size enemy force. Results: Frd - neg;En - 10 KIA, 6 SA CIA. On 14142/ Feb at CRo56755, 18 km 17E f PHU MY, 2d Co, 1stBn , 41st Regt engaged an unk alze enemy force. Restults; Frd - negi En - 7 KIA,3 SA CIA.

    ,j R/PF? Operations: On 040330 at BS890075 12 k north of BONG SON, 27thPF platoon was engaged by an enemy rmpany. Results: Frd - 1 PF KMs, 2 PFWAU; En - 5 KIA, 1 CS , 3 DA CIA. On 161730 at 20 lM NW of QUT NHON, 8)4, 86thPF ILATOON and HAT Team 2-49 engaged an enemy force. Results: Frd - neg;1h - 7 KIA, 3 SA CIA. On 262330 at BR343094, 20 I 'W of WII NI'ON, 640 RFOF we engaged by an enemy force. lesults: Frd - 8 RF KIA, 2 PF WIA, 7 SAlost; En - unknowm. On 270930 at BR86)6. 22 west of QU I NHON, 223 RFCo engaged an enemy force. Resuit.t: Frd - 3 R- ViA; En - 8 EKIA 1 PW, 5


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    CONF IDENT IALAVFX-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First Field ForceVietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (N)SA , 1 CS CIA.

    ! Other Operations: On 011228 at via BR553986 30 km West of BONG SU110A Troop, 7th Bn, 17th Air Car Sqdn engaged an unknown number of enumy withOunships. Results: Frd - neg; En - 7KIA, iDET. On 020635 at BR915416, PH UCA T Airbase received U rounds 122 rkt. Results: Frd - 1 US KIA, 19 US WIA;En - 1 KIA, 1 PW . On 270200 at BR393445, 10 km "at of A N [ E M , 36 enemy en-tered HA VAX and BONG BAY Villages and abducted 37 civilians. Results: Frd -37 Civ MIA; En - unk

    (d) COASTAL PROVINCS (FERUARY)I RF/PF Operations: On 010220 at BQ808420,I km aorth of SO N HOA, 98 PFplatoon wa s engaged by 2 enemy platoons employing small arms fire, B-40 rktand 60mSmortar. Results: Frd - 11 [IA (9 PF9 2 civ), 15 WIA (6 Pr, 9 civ),7 SA MIA; En - 5 [IA. On 010145 at BN775810, 4 km NW of PHAN RANG, an enemycompany attacked the 69th PF Platoon outpost in LA C0 1 Hamlet. 115 PF Companyreacted. The RF Company received 12 rds of 82m mortar. Results% Frd - 3RF KIA, 12 RF WIA, 5 SA MIA; En - unk. On 052000 at 16 km ESE of DONG XUAN,an element of 587 RF Co in DIE DI D Hamlet was engaged by an enemy squad.Results: Frd - 2 civ KIAj, i0ev , 1 RF wunded; En - unk.j Other Operations: On 011600 at ZT240090,13 km west of PHAN THIET,39 civilian mood cutters vere abducted by the enemy. Aesultas Frd - 39civilians MIA; En - unk. On 140538, 10 km ES E of DONG XUAN, the enemy entered

    AN THO Himlet and abducted 18 PSDF. Results: Frd - 18 PSDF MIA; En - unk.On 152100, 10 km SW of TU T BOA, an enemy platoon entered PHONG RID, VINPHOU and MY HOA Hamlets ad abducted 36 ciVilans. Results: Frd - 36 civ MIA;Ae - unk. On 232300, 14 km SE of DONG XUAN9 an enemy platoon entered CHIDUG an d CIN CU Healets an d abducted 19 PSDF an d 2 civ. Results: Frd - 21MIA (19 PSDF, 2 civ), ea - neg. On 272300 at CQ097416, 10 km N'W of TU I OAj,23 civilians were abducted from PHANG NID Village by an enmy force. Results:frd - 23 civ MIAi En - unk.

    ()SOUTHERN PlCNINCE (FBRtUARI)US Operations: On 020230 at AhN74U2, 10 ka NV of PHAN T 3d Pla.-toon, B Co , let Bn, 50th Int (M) ired on a suspected wmay location with=All arms and artillery. Resultes Frd - neg Ien - 7 IAs, 3 SA and doenmatsCIA. On 101515 at AN75M1i, 33 km NNW of PHU1 THlI, TM22 , Cog 75th Rangersengaged an enemy platoon. Results: Frd - neg; S - 8 ZIA. On 30S48 at 40km S of lAO 1D0, Tz 32g 0 Co , 75th Rangers ensaged an emy platoon. Results:Frd- 1 US KtAS ft. 5 IAj I mL am oapm d. On 251Ma0 8 N ofPFUN THINT, A Troop, 12th Bn, lo t Car Sq * found 9 Re bodiess Wraves. On281240 at 3066256, 24 k SW of SONG MAO, 3d Platoo Troop 2d Bn, let Cavsqdn found 8 enemy bodies In graes.

    I ARVN Operations: On 250945at 27 kamirth of DI LIApa 53Regt R PTa engaged the enemy. Results: Frd - neg; Re - 15 [TA, 2 SA CIA.SRF/1F Operationse On 012250 at AP958Uk 25 km SW of DALAT, 57th PF


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    CONF IDENT IALAVFA-OC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Imarned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period ,Iing 0 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)platoon defending NOOL SON Hamlet was engaged by 2 enemy companies. At020900, 266 RF Company received an unknoun nmber of 60im/82 mortars. At021200, 266 RF Company received 18 rounds of 82 mortar. Results: rd - 2RF KIk, i1i WIA (6 PF, 1 RF12 Civ, 2 PSDF), 1 RFMIA; En-unk. On 032100 atAN803086, 2 k SW of PHAN THIET, 945 RF Company engaged 2 nemy platoons.Results: Frd- 1 RF IIAV 2 RF WIA; En- 10 KIAp 1 SA CIA. On 00Ol00 atAN838123, 3 km north of PHN THIET, 693 RF Company we engaged by 3 enemyplatoons employing B-40 rkt and 12 rds of 60.i mortar. Results: Frd - 6.IA (2 PF, 4 civ), 6 WIA (5 PF, 1 civ), 5 MIA (1 PHU, 1 PSDF, 3 oiv), 3 SAXlAZn - unk. On 281200 at BP164147, 7 km SW of DAIATp 302 RF Companyengaged an enemy company. Remalts: Frd - neg En - 10 KIAI 3 SA, 1 SA CIA.

    ,& Other operations: On 181833 at DALAT City, DALAT Speolal Sector, 2TNT charges were placed on the theater located in the NO C LIA Hotel. Results:8 Civ KIA, 35 Civ WIA, 2 US WIAI En - unk.(f) HIGRIANDS, PROVINCES (MARCH)I US Operations: At 06010O at AR304473,4 km SW of PLMIU, Camp HOLWWAYreceived 15 rds 82m mortar. Rounds Impacted in 52nd Combat Avlation Bat-

    talion area, one direct hit on a hanger. A Popular Force platoon conducteda sweep of the area. Results: li - 1 US YdA, 10 US WiftA, 4 U24lightdamage, 1 UH-10 moderate damage, I UH-iC destroyed, 2 UHlC moderate damage;Sa - 1 KIA, 2ds 82m ortar CIA.

    I ail Operations: T 201530 at Z9040600,23 he SE of DC O UP, the 45Recon Co engaged an unknown sin enemy force. Results: Frd - negi In - 7ZIZ, 6 SA CA. On 211315 at A57881529 22 km N of KNW#4, /06 Scout Co engagedan enemy squad. Results: Frd - neg; an - 6KIA# 2 SA and Doo's CIA. On271535H May 70, 15 km MM of WON H0, eooon plat/3/45 oqngaed an enemy platoon.Resulte: Frd - neg; 1h 6 KIA 1 SAapturd.

    1 RF/PF Operations: On 110345 at Z3130052,22 ka NW )O , the 6th Fplatoon in TR I DA O Hamlet reo'd 10-15 rds 82 mortar followd by a groundattack. Results: Frd - AP KIA, 8 VI A (3 PF, 5Civ), 2MA (1 CV, ),2 SA, 1 S, lPRC-25 lost; In -unk. On 1510140at ZAI1823 28,heNM ofP11IKU, a* a ton tmok fr the 235th RI Co detonated an un k type aim. Ro-states: M -19 RWIA WO) ; - Mg.

    & Other Operationst On 080750 at M4940800, A In NI of DUC LPAP om UZ-2io l 5kACorashed. Restlts: M - 9 Mlled (4US, 5ARVX)# I ARVinju idlAnme g. On 121055 at 01S63, 3U ks I of BUOIO, PAC reports 6 lA *oa-firmed.(g) BM DIVE MPR0V3 (MAWC)L US Opeations: On 28140 Mar 70 at 822244,35 a INVW of N S01,

    aik Toem 231# 0/2-50O3 found 6 enemy bodies.aj R0I Operations: On 0111O50 at 5763723 m et of M1 1, X In, IstWK Regiment ensgaged the enemy. Results: Yrd - nesg; f - 6 IlA# 2 UA OIA.CONFIDENTIAL 16

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    CONF IDENT IA LAVFA.-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period nding 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)On 011700 at BR7666 12 km wst of PHU MY, CRID (-) engaged the enemy in 4contacts. Results: Frd - 2 ROK WIA; En - 6 KIA9 3 SA CIA. On 012210 vicinityBR8364,8 k WW of PHU MY, CRID (-) engaged the enemy in 6 contacts. Results:Frd - neg; En - 9 LIA, 7 SA CIA. On 020930 vicinity BR6951,23 km ENE of AN1HE, CRID (-) engaged the enemy in 8 contacts. Results: Frd - 1 RON LIA,2 RO E WIA; En - 43 LIA, 16 SA , 2 CS 1 ANPRC-10 radio CIA. On 021540 vicinityBR7560 32 km ENE of AN H, CRID (-) engaged the enemy in 5 contacts. Results:Frd - f ROT FKA; En - 13 LIA, 6 SA CIA. On 031030 at BR689498 22 km ENE ofAN KHE, CRID (-j engaged the enemy. Results: Frd - 1 RO E WIA; En - 14 [IA,5 SA CIA. On 342000 at BR647454, 18 km E of AN KHE in BINH KH E Dist, 2dplatoon, lst Co,3d RON Car engaged an enemy force. Results: Frd - neg; ]b -7 [IA, 2 SA CIA.

    . RF/PF Operations: O n 040030 at BR935456.2 ka S of PHU CAT, PSDF atLIE HUM Hamlet and 55 PF platoon ws engaged by 30 enemy. Results: Frd -6 [IA (5 PSDF, 1 PF), 6 PSDF VIA; En - 3 KIA. On 191930 at B"947804, 14 kaNE of PHU MY, 289 PF, 317 RF, and element of B Cos lot Bn, 503d Abn engagedan - enemy force. Results: Frd - neg; En - 6 [IA, I SA CIA. On 260900 Mar70, at BR798923,8 ka met of BONG SON, the 945 an d 972 RF Co engaged an enemycompany. Results: Frd - RF KIA 2 RF WIA. In 6 A 2SA, 2 adios CIA.On 271250H Mar 70 , 15 km north of BONG SON, an element of 3/4/40 engaged 10enemy in 2' sporadic contacts. Results: Frd - 1 AWN KIA, 1 ARN IA; En -8 XIA, 4 SA CIA. On 2712501 Mar 70, 19 km *orth of BONG SON 109% 182, 163and 184 RE Co engaged the enemy. Frd casualties due to a BT tripped Whilesweeping area. Resulteg Frd - 3 RF KIA 1 RFW IA; 2 SA lost; En - 8 IA,4 SA CIA. On 271800 Mar 70, 8 km WS W of BONG SON 913 RD Co, ,,hile searc,.n.;area of air strikes found 16 enemy bodies KBA. On 271845H Mar 70, 12 km N1idQU I NHON, 284 PF platoon and MAT Ta 244 were surrounded by an enesm company.3 IF Co's reacted and supported. Results: Frd - 4 KIL (2 US , 2 PF), 11 WIA(10 Py' 1 US), 5 SA lost; En - unk. On 280930H Mar 709 at CRO68341, 12 kmNNW of QUI NEON in TU PHUOC Dist9 938 RF Co engaged 5 enemy killing all 5and capturing 2 mall arms. Neg frUndly casualties. On 300815 Mar 70 at5728367, 28 km IE of AN KHE in 31 BE Diet, 278 P1 plat was engaged byan enemy platoons 540 RF Co reacted v/neg contact. Results: Frd - 4 [IA(2 PF, 2 Civ), 7 VIA (3 Pyt 4 Civ); In unk,

    j Other Operationss On 170650 at LR09960 4 km ENE of 0NG SON, a civi-lien lembretta hit a mine on highway 514. Results: Tid - 6 Civ XUA, 5 CivWIA; gn unk. On 261910 Ma r 70, at BR3585389 15 k NW` of AN [K in AN TUCDiet, A/7-17 gunshipe engaged 2 eamy aqdsg killing 6 sneam.(h) COASTAL PROVINCE (MARCH)I ROX Operations: On 031045H vicinity BQ7326# 40 im SW of" NHA TRANO,9th RON Div in UAK A II engaged the enemy. Results: Frd - negI - 8LIA, 4 SA CIA. On 061210 at BP747297j, 26 m SW of NHA TRANG, WRID elamntsengaged the enemy. Results: Fed - neg; ]h - 8 IA, 5 SA, 2C CIA. On

    061969 at BP7328,40 km SW of NA TRANO, WHRID in BALK MA II eagaged the enemy.Resultst Frd- ng Ea - 6 KIA, 4SA, 5 CS, 800 kg rio., 141 rd SA CIA.On 070930 -t B17130, 40 km SW of HiHRANG, the WHITE HOW RON INFAMYDIVISION in operation BAEK MA II engaged the enemy in 3 contLots. Results,Frd- 2 ROKKIA; En- 10 KIA, 2 CS,15 d B-4 rkt 15HOG CIA. On 071240 atCO F IDEII IAL 1

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    CONFIDENT IALAVFA-GC-&IST 15 May 1970SUBJECTs Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970,, RCS MFR-65 (R2)BPT7003W 40 km 6W of NLA TRANG, WHIRD in BAEK MA I1 engaged the enemy in7 contacts. Results: Frd - 2 RO K WIA;Rn - 14 KIA, 8 small arms and 20 HGCIA. On 080640 at BPF00300, 40 km WSW of KHA TRANG, the UHIRD in operationBASK MA II engaged the enemy in 12 contacts. Results: Frd - neg; En - 24[IA, 1 PW, 9 SA CIA. On 13154O at BP 68300, 42 km SW of NH A TRAuG, th eVIR4 in BASK M1 II, enga id ths eanaz, in, 9 contacts. Rssultus Frd - nag;]h - 8KA, 2 PW, 3 SA CIA,, 6 DT , 600 klos rie and 80 rds 40ma CIA. On14MOO via BP6427, 62 kI KNW of PHAN RANG, in BU U SO Diet, WHIR ii BAEl MAII, enged the a.say in 6 =ntacts. Results: frd - 1 3O K [IA; &. - 22 ILI,9 SA and Does CIA. n 41200 at vio of BP650280, 52 kNW ef PHA RANG inBUU SO N Dist, the 9th RO K Div in BAEL MA II engaged the enemy in 6 contauts.Resultas Frd- neg; In- 6LIA, 4SA CIA.

    j hRVi ordtoti: Oa 070250 at CQ066435 13km 16W of TULY HOA, the lbtCo, 4th Br 47th ARVN Inf in night ambush location engaged an enemy platoon.Results& Yrd - 1 ARVN A;Rn- 06 KIA9 4 SA CIA, 1 VC S Detained.

    I /F/F?Opdratisn: On 100100 at CQ145566 !0km NNW of TU Y HOA, the 152RF Co was engaged by an enemy force. Results: Frd - 9 RF KIA, 8 RF WIA,1 KF VA; En - 1 11AI A CIA. On 100130 at 0Q128765, 16 km EsE of DONG XUAN,151 EF Co vas engaged by an enemy platoon. Results: Yrd - 18 HY KIA, 22PF WIA, 2 PF MfA 17 SA and 1 CS lost; Bn - 4KIA, I SA CIA. Oa172020 at Bf,94853O, 8 ku wet of NdA TRANG 930 RF company engaged an estimatedenemy platoon. Break 2(4Mg Reiultvt Frd - neg In - 6 KIA, 6 SA end D'sCIA.

    j Othbr" Ofratic,4d On 032350 at BP993553 6 km WNW NHA TRANG, 3 enemythrew d hand grenade and I satchel charge into a restaurant in VP[ TLANm'r-let. Ra.Iltss Frd - 3 Civ [IA. 11 WIA; En - unk. On 171730 at BQ915766,5 km 6 of DO4NG XUAN, 12 Civ children wre reported missing to the 54th RFCompauy. Resultas Frd - 12 Civ MIA; gn - neg.(1) SOUTHERN IftOMMC (MARCH)I &AVh Oieratlonas On 0800:5 at AN818806 vicinity DI INJE, 4/53 ARVN

    base otap received unknowm number of 60 portar rde and a sapper attack.Reaults: Prd - 6KIA (4 ARVK0 1 VFF 1 CIv)o 3 ARVV WlA, 5 mall amj 1PRC-25 lost; t. - unk. On 151620 at Bfl?'fl7, 8 ka SSW of DALAT, the 11thRawter engagud an enemy oaepany. Ird - 6 ARVY WIAj ft - 7 Uk. On 161325at BP184125, 10 ka SSW of DALAT# 11th Ranger Bu engaged an eneay forae ina bunker oomj4ez. Results: Frd - 3 ARVN iAI; Sn - 10 KIA9 2 SA , 8 rd 82zortar, 4 rd 60m mortar, 1 B-40 Akt and 3 CS CIA.

    I j ,/F? Operations: On 030735 at BPO06464 32 km NW of DALAT the 307RY Compauy and 7th PP plat at DAL.T Hamlet wer enSaped by a eamy company.esavlts, hrd - 7 [IA (4 P , 3 Civ), U WIA (2 PP. 8 Civ, I PSDF), 35 Civ KIA,10 SA MIA; En - uank. On 050207 at RP37390, In DO N DOONO, an enemy companyand a apper element attacked the District Moadqarters. Th e enemy eaplo6an estimated 125 rds of mind Um mortar and 1-40 rkt#, fire and S/AW fire.39 FF, 66 17, PR U and US MACV Term 26 defended. Resultas lld - 8 KIA (1 08,5P, I ),,DF9 1 Civ), 18 WI A (1 USM10 PFP, 2PSDF, 4 Civ, I 1P); n - 3 lUA,

    COI1F I DE NT I L8

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    CONF IDENT IALAVFA-GC-HIST 15 May 19)10SUBJECT: Operatiunal i~port-essons Learned Headqiartera First FielaForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)1 CS , I SA CIA. On 060300 at BP232099,10 km SW of DALAT in DUG TRONG via-trict, L53 RF Company received an unknown number of rds of tun uikmown typemortar and small armo fire from an enemy company. 1tesultas: rd - 7 ttF KIA,12 RF WIA; EL - I small arm CIA. On 160330 at AN$55166, 8 km NE of 1FHAN THIET,235 BY Company and RD Team 30 received 50 rds 60am/82mm wi a B-40 rkt. Rosults:Frdd- RD KIA, 2 CivKIAO 1 WI A (9 RD , 2 RF); En - i1 IA, I SA CIA. On1720"'0 at AP947.165 27 km WSW uf DALAT, the 57 Pi platoon and the 266 AU Coengaged an enemy platoon. Results: Frd - 1 11 F VIA; En - 6 KIA, 2 SA CiA.

    , Other Operations: On 121100 at BY062116, 17 km SW of DALAT, &i obser--vation aircraft fAtm B Co, 7/17th received SA firb. RIealtss Frd - neg; Ra -"7 KIA (by G/S). un 180800 at BP1SI2, 8 km SZW of DALAT, the llth Rwgera Bafound 3 whip antennas, 1 speaker , 2 boxes medical supplios, 500 kg plastic,3 bags NV A uLiformd, 5000 blasting caps, 70 sticks TNT and 120 aiues (unk t )and .0 bodies in 2 mass graves.(J) RIGULAD PiOvINL (APML)I US Operationes On 0509/0 at MU.66516, 25 xm Mh of IL&KiJ, 704 Mclunt

    -a (U S and C/i-10) roc B-40 and SA fir* while traveling on QL-19. At 1240,D/1-,1 engaged an enemy force in buakers. Reultao Frd - 1 US WIA; & -11 IA, 6 SA, 6 CS CIA. On 2'71700 at BR0713279, 9 km wt FSB CASTCH, a 281AU C UR-iB roe heavn ground fire and crashed. A D/-12 Xlaewnt moved Laedto thb locatiQ& ad a contact with 10-12 eaudq and excuauspd SA fire. ResultsaPz d - 8 US ILIA (5 fr 4th Div, 3 A/C crev), 1 US WIAj En - 3 KIA, I SA , 1 CSCIA.

    & LR:k Operatlns: Ou 01UW0 at GI 4 km Z6 a KiI, 1/14ACAV wa eangagd by I eaues aampanz. Rewult.. ?rd -- I AR M 0IA, 11 WIA(10 ALRN, 1 US)j In - 6 LIA, 4 SA CIA. Ou 0311)5 a. 1U914292, 2 1a *st JtGIA NOIGA, 1/3/45 eigaged an enemy wwo~nmy. Resulta Frd 6 ARVN LIA, 12ARN WIA, 2 SA lost; In - unk. On 04600 at, M9OM4, 4 km south or" DA R SIAGkelmat of 22 AR Ranaer endqed unbkow mabr esm-. abutai Prd -- 3VI A (2 US, 1 MEV); In 23 [IA, 2 SA CIA. On !'.415 at YB8V325, 6 km eout~hof DA N SMGi, 23d Raners engaged unknowan nuumr erawy. Th e "Battalion Go&-sender of tka 23d Rangers and Deputy Battallon AMisor wore killed. 2e4Ragers are aoving to 2eintoro.. Total oamalties for 2d Lnger Grump sincebegbolag of present operation: MG - 7 1IA (6 ARVN. I us), 34 WI A (30 ARV,4U8);hIn- 40KIA (2by TA). On061930 -47062b at IMUf7322o 8abvoutL ofDA R SIANG in DAI SUT Dist, an unknowm aim *easxy force engaged the 23d Banier#.Beginning at 1945 they roe 280 rds aized 60/Um mortar and 81.0 rkt, At 2130theyoo a bayoet assault, 070215 reo an unknowm amber of 12 a rkt,070500 roe an uanke ammber of mortar rds. Raulta, - 2 ARVI LIA, 16LAIN VIA; k - 12 1 fIA, 2 SA. On 071215 at 13M9320, 8 km S of DA I SLANG,snWea PSayPS Teom called to an element of 23agra to MiL3 BOA. Twentyiu-ates later &eAy said they am wouade. 23 Rngre dispatched a reon elam*Leh 1med drew ftie., bps reacted imned and killed 10. 6 *V)M at17IM51540 2/42 engapd 2 In platoons. Results trG - neg; Rn - 12 Ilk.On 091305 at n39131333, 7 ka SSW *I OA K M ?S B ?AMI moe 6 rds 12;& rkt.e-lotata Yr - 16 AR 1 WU; o -unk. On 1o2015 at 2A232454, 5 ka SW of?IZIV MQ of 4?Regt CP too30 rd s 107mrMt fividtu ' rd - 3KIA, 9 WIL


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    CONF IDENT IALAVFA-GC-hIST m ay 9,1OSUBJECT" Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1 9 7 0 , RCS CSFOR465 (R2)(8 ARVN, 1 US); En - unk. 0- 130015 at AR775535, 8 km NNW of PIEIKU, 2d RngrGP CP rec enemy incoming and a ground attack from an enemy company. Results:Frd - 10 Civ KIA, 6 W IA (2 ARVNt, 4 Civ); En - 2 KIA. On 131115 at YB908418,2 ku fiE of DA K SEANG, 1/42 was engaged by an enemy force. Results: Frd - 16WIA; En - 25 &IA, 5 SA, 2 CS CIA. On 150335 at YB907414, 1 km NE of DA K SEANG,1/42 rec heavy incoming followed by a ground attack. Results. Frd - 1 ARVNWIA; En - 35 KIA, 5 SA, 22 satchel charges CIA. On 151645 at YB903416, 1 kmN of DA K SEANG, 1/42 wa s engaged by the enemy. Results: ?rd - 14 ARVN WIA;En - unk. On 161800 at YB897418 , 2 km NW of DAK SEANG Camp, elem 1/42 recSA, B-40 rkt, and unk type mortar fire. Results: Frd - 2 ARVN KIA, 8 ARVNWIA; En - 15 [IA. On 170810 at YB905426, 2 km N of DAK SEANG Camp, 3/42 recSA and B-40 rk t fire from an enemy force. Results: Frd - 4 ARVN KIA, 19ARVN WIA; En - unk. On 191430,4 km BE of DA K SEANG, the 3/42 received anattack by fire. Results: Frd - 1 ARVi KIA, 20 ARVN WIA; En - 24 KIA, 4 SA.On 200205 at YB899,415 1 km N of DA K SEANG, 1/42 wa s engaged by an enemyforce. Results: Frd - 2 ARVN KIA, 12 ARVN WIA; En - 7 KIA9 2 SA 1 CS CIA.On 201630 at YB890403, 1 km Wof DA K SEANG9 4/42 roe an attack by fire.Results: Frd - 14 ARVN IZA; En - unk. On 211630 at YB900430, 3 km N of DA [SEANG, 3/42 roe a stand-off and ground attack from an enemy force. Results:Frd- 5 ARVN KIA, 38 W IA (34 ARVN, 4US); En - 37 [IA, 1 SU. On 250935 atYU234887, 15 km SSW of BA N ME THUOT, Recon/23 ARVN Div engaged an enemy cm-pany. Results: Frd - 4 ARVN UIA; En - 10 KIA. On 27024, at YB8944/3, 2-42Inf received a heavy ground attack. Results: Frd - 19 WIA; En - unk. On282400, II Corps reported that since 01 April, Operation TAT THMG 18 hasa total of 97 AF & missing in action. (1/42-42 MIA, 3/42 - 49 lIA, 4/42 - 5MIA* 22d Rngrs - 1 MIA). On 290905, at YB903427' 2-45 Inf wa s engaged by anenemy force. Results: Frd - 1 KIA, 20 WIA; En - 25 KIA. On 301700, atYB899420 4-45 Inf engaged an enemy force. Results: Frd - 6 KIA, 18 WIA;En,- 30 KIA.

    IRF/PF Operations: On 010050 Ap r at NU9352759in GIA NGHIA City, enemyforce engaged NP and PF units with sporadic SA and mortar fire. TMbMaiket -place.i e 50% destroyed and burning. Results: Frd - 26 [IA (2 ARYN,13 PF, 6 NP, 1 RU, 4 Civ), 27 W IA (15 PF, 3 NP9 9 Civ)i En - 30 KIA, 7 SA,4 CS CIA. On 010100 at ZA199569, 12 km NW of PLEIKU 958 RF Co rec SA, B-40and mortar fire from an enemy force. Sporadic contact fo r six hours. Results:Frd - 7 KIA (5 RI, 2 Civ), 8 RF VIA; En - urn. On 010115 at 38067542, 30 kENE of PLEIKU, 30 PF plat roe 30 rds unk typ mortar. Results: Frd - 12 PPEA, PFMIA; En- unk. O n 010215 at SQ044218l 8 aS of BUE HO, 891 FGo was engaged by enemy companies with B-43 rktv 82= and 60= mortar.Results: Frd - 3 RF KIA, 23 RF WIA9 1 A lost; En- unk. On 190515 atYU903393, 12 km NNW of GIA NGHIA, 6th PF plat was engaged by an enemy companyin NGHIA XUEN Hamlet. Results: Frd - 3 Civ KIA9 6 WIA (2 PSDF, 4 Civ)l En -15 KIA. On 252230, at ZB172050, the 261 RF received SA and B-40 fire tramthe enemy. Results: Frd - 4 KIA, 10 WIA, 6 SA lost; En - 19 KIA, 3 SA, 3 CScaptured. On 291710 at AQ853303, the 194 RF vas engaged by an enemy squad.Results: Frd - 1 KIAU3 WIA; En - 3 KIA and 1 SA captured.

    A CIDG Operationst On 010930 at AR7818r7, in XONTM" City, CC C Hq roe45 rds unk typmortar ftre. Results: Frd - lq CIDG WIA; n - unk. On 01-1240 reference DAK SWAG CIDO Camp; as of 2200 hours, the camp contimaes toCONF IDENT IA L 20

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    CONF IDENT IALAVA-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SSJCTs Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RO S CSFOR-65 (R2)rec sporadic 75mm RR and. 82rm mortar fire. 22 Sorties of TAC Air have beenflown in support of the camp. At 1750P the CIDG company from Plateau GIcompleted CA. Shadow has been on station since 1830 and will remainthrughutthe zight. Contact continues. Resultas Frd , hA (7 ID G 91 1) ,'IA (4 US , 4 CIDG, 1 VNSF, 7Civ), En - 5 KIAp 1 CS destroyed.On 020715 !raference DAR SEANG CIL lamp as of 2000 hours the camp continuesto receivie beavy mortarO, B-40D rkt, automatic weapon and SA fire. At 1645hours the amp received a round attack from the West and fire from all dir-ectionn. At 1700 hours the enemy was in the perimeter area wire. This at-tack was repulsed by TAO Air Iidich has flown 41 sorties thms fV today.Shapdw has beenOedstation since 1930, and will remain throughodt the night.Hosultas Frd -11KIA9 (CIDG),9 32 VIA (6 US9 6 VNSFj' 20OCID(QD 1CI.DGMIA;Bn- 5 1 2 CS IA.On 04U30 at YB909377 9 3 km S of DAK SEANG, 1MSFstarted to mov out of LZ and came under heavy ground attack, ResultA: Frd1 Aust KIA, 4 CIDG WIA9 1 US WIA, 1 Aust WIA; En - 15 KIA9 1 SA 9 1 CS CIA.On 042330# reference DAK SEANG CIDG Cap, as of 0423309 the following waponshave been dostroyed within the camp: IXl@S9r Howitzer, 2x106mm RR, lximmmortar and ;2K50 Cal machine guns, The fllooing additional casualties havebeen report,9 Frd - 3 CIDG [IA9 12 WIA (1 US. 11 CIDG); En - 31 KIA9 3 CSdestroyed. On 0607150 at Y9)5390s 1 km S of DAK SEAMG 9 1 MS F in nightlocation was engaged by an enamy force. Results: Frd - 3 MS F WIA; En - 9KIA, 6 SA , 1 CS CIA. On 0610L5. at YB895407, I km N of DAK SUNG CIDG Camp,an enemy platoon engaged 1 MS F with SA and B-40 ik t fire, Results: Frd - IIMSF KIA, 3 MS1 WIA; En - 8 KIA. On 071205, at !B893393, 1 km SSW of DAK SEANG,lst and 4th MS F elements roe an unk number of 60m and 82Z= mortar rds. Re-malts: Frd - 22 WIA (1 US9 ). AUS, 20 MSF); En - neg. On 100800 at IB397397 91 km S of DAK SLANG, 1 and 4 MS F engaged an NVA Company. Results" rd - 2[IA (1 NSF9 1 MSF), 9 WIA (:3S, 6 MSF), 1 MSF MIA; En - U.KIAv 2 SA CIA.On 120210g at YB9546859 DAK ?EK CIDG Camp roe a heavy mortar and rocketbarrage followed by a sapper attack. The US TOG and commo bunker wre des-tropsd. As of 0900, the enemy ha d set fire to 5 hamlets in the surroundingarea. The camp continues receiving B40 and mortair fire. As of 1430,' theenemy has control of one section of the camp (Hill 203). TAG Air is supportingImed upon request. US personnel operatiA out of LLDB TOO (VN). The Tom-hour, mipply bldg and s.r shad are e royed. 5 vehicles destroyed. He-sultes Frd - 30 IDG KIA# A.RF KIA, 8 US WIA -En - 60 KIAP 3 SA 9 2 CS. On151430, at !B949683, DAK PEI. amp roe 104 rds 122= rkt, 15 rds 57mm RR anda ground probe from the NW . Results- Pre, ~ 3 CS ? KIA9 14 W'EA (I S, 13 OSF);In - nk. On 121500 at. M98407, via DAK SFANG Cop, l and 4 MSF ar'oe.unkbez 60=. an d Us a mortar rda. Reuultst lrd - 2 SF KIA, 15 MS F WIA, Inunk. On122300, at YlK4682. DA PE K CIDG Camp roe 30 rda 8 CS2 50 rds82M 8 and 10 rds 122m rit. Four ground probes ver6 attempted by an .ncmyplatoon. CSF, USD1, and 111SF forces attempted to take Rill 203. 3hemy HRfire &ova thm baok. Another assault will be attempted. The USASF andMS Hills have reasive*,a 'Large volume of 82= mortar fire. ociviliansuho escaped from AIM 201 are being treated and interrogated by USM, TA CAire 0/3 and CST organio wapons are in continuous support. All friendlypositions continue to receive SA fir,. Results Frd - urkj In - 12 4 ZIA.on 1w1u1* at n3 94.96si, via DAK MK, let MST overran enemy ms~ition on Rill203. Resultes Prd - 3Cj, KIAV 29 WI A (23 )SFo Civp 1 U#)? Eft -29UIA94 SA, 4 05 CIA.CONFIDENTIAL 21

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    CONF IDENT IALAYFA-aC4If 15 may 70SIBJKTr Operational RpOrt-leasms Learned Headquarters First FieldPonce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970p RCS CSFn 65 (R2)

    SOther Ope~ationot (APPIL) On 010300 at AR890294v 19ka MR K of PleMa,2 nevW ,,omparies entered PLEI PAM I il and captured 31 IndiTidals.oReumltat ftd - 31 R (6 CTM, 5 FPP 20 CIv) .7 SA loats En - nk On 010420at M-006492, 17 Im I of.PLEIpXthe enemW fired 20 rds 82rm mortar into PLEILUT RAW Vilage. 21 PST)? are miasing. Resultss ?rd - 21 PSDF PIAk, 5 U'laot; fa - ywg. On 050700 vl-a DA N 9EAJ CIDG Camp FAC cInflirme 51 gneawr KAby TA C Air. On 060600 r-eference 2d Rngr Gp contacts vic DA K SEAYK C ,ppthefollowing ndditional oasuAlete r".portedo Frd - 29 KTA (29 ARVN)9, 125 WIA(121 ARVN, 4 US); Do - 19 5 UA, 2 CS, 8 ISAP 53 HN4 38 rda B-40 rktq 11 rda82m mortar CIA. On 0600.0 .. X,C SRAZ, Comq LFAC confirms 16 2 KIA9 by TACAir. On 061030, at TB890405, at DAN SAING C1D, Camp,. CSF elem foumd 13 EnemyNIA 6 SA , 3HG, 2 D-40 rkt, I radio antenna and battery at the NW corner of thecamp (outside wire). On 070700 at YP 895401, in support of UAK SBANG Camp, FACoonfirmas 67 Enemy KIAN On 071100 at AR7799659 5 km M of VA N ME THOUT, a onpfrom BAN KI THOUT 8uh-$ootor headquarters hit a mine. Results& Frd - 6 KI A(5 ARN, 1 Civ), 1 jeep destrcyed& W, - negb On 090700 at YB 8954069 vi DLAKSEUM Camp , PA C nonfirms 39 KIA 7by ir). On 100700 9 at Th 898406,o -io DA KS.AYG CIDr Camp, FP A confirmed 44 -. KIA. by AirA On 11070Q, at TB89 06, vioDA K SFFA CI1 Camp, PA C oonfirmed 35 En K[A (by Air). On 120300, at TB9466819Vto DA K PEK, cappere attacked 6 hamlets in the DAK PEU area. Recultet Frd -5 Civ K[A, 10 Civ WIAt; S - 6KrA6 On 151000 at YB8954439 5 km TI of DA K SUNA3 Plicks rec heavy AA fire4 2 raturned to FSB TANGO with 1 ARVN KIA 9 4 WIA(0 , I APiYN) One crashed and is being eecured by 3/42. At 1300, a UH-liatteaptimng to er*raet the people from the downed, hAlicopter rea heavy AL fireresulting in 1 USA9 ca bhoedKIAr nd 1 US orew. WIAo At 15309 a CH-53("Ja1l7 Gmss Giant") ws. shat.down while trylmg to extraot the domed holioopterresulting in I USAF [IA, 3 USAP WVI A Remsltea Fd - 3 KIA (1 SAs, 1 ARVN),8 WZIA. (3 MSAY, 4 USA, I AiM)$ Ex - =mk- On 171845 at zBo6322ag 6 km S of DA KTO, TA N CARE City reo 40 rda of mdord 82mm mxrtax an d 122mm rkt e The ARVN ammedump in TA X CANM also zoo 6 rds 122mm rk t destrq!ing the ammo dump damaging1%15 howitzer and daimming lzO13-58 (LOH)- Resuteta Frd -30 WIA (29 ARYN91 US), 12000 rdn Arty ammo deat, 2 ea *2,T JT vehieles destroycd En - unkoOn 2)915, at YU957264, 3 In SE of GIA NGU>Tk. am unk size omW fa.oe angaedthe TRUB SO N Cafte in KFID( CA N Hamlse, with mortar and B-40 rk t fire . Re sults xird - 6 ARXI KUA; i WU (8ARVII, 2 7?,. 1 US)s FA - 9 KIA, 1 SA CIA. On 201200at TI 901414 vie DA K ESM, FA C donfirus 36 Enemy KBAo On 231500, at 13819428,-F A confirmed 30 mtmr killed by Air. 09 280700D at YB900440, PA C eoefiTeed 23eneW 'killed by dir.

    (k) BDW DIR 1WPEO1C8 (APR.L)I US Operationst On 012130s,at B888009 5 km I of BONG SON, LZ ENGXIBBceo6-8 r4a 1bm ortar,. Remltes F -- 11 Ua WIL, 6 UEol lgt6t d- Ino - nnk. Om 041215% at CR303778, 15 km SO of PH U (Y, awk Team 13 2 C/1-503engsmed an d killed 5 enamy. 10 minutes later they roe heavy SA and AU fire.II.. 1-503 were inserted to zoremooe. Resultes ?r d -negs Sm - 6 KIAO 2WIl, 5 SA, Doo's CIA. On 121700, at BR831693, 10 km WN W of PHlU WY, HawkTeem 2V0/2-50) me sogod by 2 eamy platoaa.a Results, Fld -o,neg In11 K[A, 7 8A, 2 CS CIA-. C 161130, at 33843737? 10 km NW of PHU KY, HawkTeas 511/3-Y*6 Emnuged the neney in bunkAr complezi. Pound 30 fight'is poesttione20 hmkes, ant 1 aie station. ResudtoI Prd - negl Ln -- 7 KUAP 1 r'#TA, 0I2201001, %t B86113 in TA M qUAN Diet., Hawk Teom 442/4-5O), mrlniCONI iDENT IAL

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    CONF 10EN TI1 ALAVFA1C-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECTY Operational Report-Lssons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RO S 0SIOR-65 (R2)a night demon tration of sniper firing observed and engaged 15 enemy. Results:,rd -,nag; En -8 LIA, 5 SA CIA. On 221820, at BR803647, 10 km W of PHUt M14Hawk Team 320 and CP-B/3-503 ree 15 - 20 rds of 82ms mortar. Results, Frd -15 us Wu, En . - unkA..

    ?, ARVN Operations: On 010100, at 13R365624, 5 )m SSW ofPHUJ MY., 3/4.1 wasangaged by 2 ahemy battalions esploying SA, mortar, ad B-40 rk t fire. Results:Frd- 6 ARVN KIAP 25 ARVN WIA; En - 34 KIA, 8 SAq 2 CS CTA. On 051100,tBU8526419, 5 krA SW of PHU MY, 1/3/41 engaged 3 enemy compmnies. Results: Frd - IKIA, 17 W IA (15 ARVN, 2 US), 1 ARVN MIA; En - 25 KIA, 1 SA, 1 CS CIA. On060545, at BR8965, 3 km SW of P1U MY,, 2/41 (-), 3/40, A/Al, 3/41, and 3/14 Ca,engaged 2 NVA Battalions. Results. Frd - 3 ARVN KIA, 16 W IA (15 ARVN, I US);En - 80 KIA, 2 PW 2 SA, 4 CS CIA. On 081745, at CRO22685, 12 km E of PHU MY!V1/41 moeing to LZ was engaged by an enemy platoon with B-40 rkt and AW fire.Results: Frd - 13 ARVN KIA., 4 ARVN WIA, 9 SA , 2 FRC-25 lostv 2 2j ton trucksdestroyed,, 1-k ton truck damaged; En - neg: On 181100, at BR870733, 7 km"NNW of PHU MY , elem 3/40 rec SA fire from the enemy. Results: Frd - I ARVNKIA9 I ARVN WIA; En - 7 KIA9 2 CS . Doc~s referring to 9Qth SAP Bn aIA. On181500, at, BR866735, 5 km NW of PHU M1 , 3/40 was engaged by an enemy force.Results, Frd - 3 ARVN KIA, 8 ARVN WIA; En - 9 KEIA On 230820, at BR863729,7 km NW efPH4 MY, 1/40 engaged an enemy company in fortified positinngo Re-.masuts Frd- 5 ARVN KIA, 4 ARVN WI; En - unk.

    .- RF/PF Operations: On 010100v at B1897128, 18 km NN E of BONG SON,267-RF Co was engaged by an enemy platoon. Results. Frd - I RF KUA, 2 RF WIA;En - 18 KIA, I PW, 7 SA, I CS CIA. On 010130, at BS896087, 13 ka MR of BO N GSO N 163 RF Corro 8 rda 6mmmortar. Results: Frd- 13 VI A (3 RFp 3 RDv 7Civi, 1 SA lost; En - unk. On 010300, at BR818883, 9 km SSW of BONG SON,MACV Team 42 at LZ ORANGE rec 30 rds 82mm mortar. Results: Frd.3 KIA (1 US,2 RF), 8 RF WIA: En - 2 KIA. On 030300, at CRO17386, 16 km NW of QU I NHON,407/106 PF platoons in night location were engaged by an enemy platoon em-ploying SA and B-40 rkt fire. Results: Frd -- PF KIA, 1 Py VIA, 5 SA lost;&En- 1KIA, 1 SA CIA. On 091300, at BR868418. 8 ka E of AN KHE, 182 PF platand 883 RE Co engaged the enemy in ave complex, Results: Frd - 1 R? VIA;,En - 8 KUA, 4 DET, 3 $A CIA. On 112110, at CR041246, 6 km Wof QU I NEON,178 PF ambushed I enemy platoons. Resultas Frd r ne0; En - 6 KIA. On 140715nat 3527884, 8 kM SS W of BOUNG SON, 981 RF Co was eng&ged by an enemy platoon.Results: Frd- 8 RF IIA 2 RF WIA, I SA lost; En- 8 KIA. I PUW 2 SA . I CS CIA.On 141840, at BR961666, 5 km ESE of PHU MY 38 PF plat was engaged by an enemycompany. Results: Frd - 11 SU (7 F9 4 Civ)D 8 VIA (5 PF, 3 (iv), 9 SAlost; So - unk. On 150230, at B6146016, 9 km NE of BON, SON, an enemy platoonengaged RD Team 65, 181 1.F Co iWd 22 PF plat in THANH XUAN Hamlet. Results:Frd - 3 [IA O RY , 2 Civ), 11 VIA (1 RF` 1 PF p 2 RDv 7 Civ); En - unk. On150600s, at M55465, 38 ka 3 of AN KHE, 183 RI Co engaged W2/7/18 NVA Regtvio THUAN KANE Hamlet. 49 RD Co , 111 and 118 FF plats reacted iwedo enderigedahe enemy in he day long contact. 1 enemy KIA believed to be 42/7/1800. Reaultos, - 5 KIA (l FF4RF), (6rF1 RF);b.16KIA.,7 SA , Doc's CIA. On 2906309 at 8R975364t the 280th PF? 185th and 233d RFCompanies and MAT 21 were engaged by an enemy company. Results; Frd - 3FIA (2 PTO,1 RF), 5 VIA (2 1? 3Ri) 1SA lost, ft - 8KlAr I. W, 33SA,CONF IrPENTI AL 23

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    CONF IDENTI A LAVFA-GC-UIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First FieldForce Vietnamp Period Ending 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)

    & Other Operations: On 041230 at BR853097t, 25 km WW of QU I UHON, onarmored train hit a mine on the track. 50 foot of track destroyed. ReaultasFrd - 8 KIA (5 ARVN, 3 Civ); En - nag. On 090005, at BS895088, 13 km N ofBONG SON, 20 enemy entered MY.LOG Hamlet and engaged friendly forces. PSDFand alem 163 RF engaged the enemy at the Hamlet edge. Results: Frd - 6 KIA(1 F, 2 PSDF, 3 Civ), 2 WIA (1 PF, 1 Civ), 1 PF MIA, 2 SA lost, 3 SA destr9yedSEn- 3 KIAr I SA , 1 CS CIA. On 190900, at ER895625, 4 km S of PHU MY9 theenemy threw HGta into DIA THANH Hamlet. Resultus Frd - 7 Civ KIA, 48 WIA(2 PF, 46 Civ); En - unk. On 261600, at BR875574, a civilian lambretta on QL Ihit a mine resulting in 3 Civ killed and 4 RF killed. On 271000, at CR038300,a booby-trap went off in the mepting hall of NIEU-NAM Hamlet. Results: Frd -8 Civ KIA,18 Civ WIA; En - unk.

    (1) COASTAL PROVINCES ( APRIL)US Operations: On 010001 at CQ429494, 6 km WNW of TUY HOA, Hawk Team332/C/3-503 and 112 RF Co were engaged by an enemy foree. Results: Frd -7 KIA (5 US , 2 RF), 6 WIA (2 UV: 4 RF); En 1 KIA. On 280345, at M224238,CP of 3-506 Abn Inf received 10 rounds un k type mortar. Results: Frd - 1 KIA,12 WIA; En - unk.

    2 ROL Operations: On 040905 at CR057088, 2 km NN of DONG XUAN, 6//;6engaged the enemy. Results: Frd - nej; Sn 6 IA , 3 SA CIA. OnzV121730, at0Q042736t 10 km SE of DONG XUAND Recon/26 ROL during an ambush opn re~ported8 Enemy KIU. On 121930, at BQ9337949 2 km E of DONG XUAN., 3/1/26 ROK engagedthe enemy. Results: Frd - neg; En - 7 KIA.9 4 SA CIA. On 240800, aX BQ7073,in PH U TUC Dist, the 26 ROK.Regt an d Cay ROK Regt during operation DOK SURI70-1 engaged the enemy. Results: Frd 1 ROE WA; En - 14 KJAv 7 SA, 1 CS(12.7 AL W.4 barrel), 1 PRC-10 captured. On 261600, at BQ760720), JTRID (-)in DOE SURM 70-1 engaged the enemy in 3 contacts. Results: Frd - I KIA; En -7 K1A 1O SA and 5 CS captured. On 281230,, at BQ8O0600, CRID (-) engagedthe e=y in 7 contacts. Results- Frd -, neg, En - 21 KIA, 13 SA and 2 CScaptured. On 290700 and 291405 at BQ820520, ROK forces engaged the enemy. Re -maltst Frd - neg; En - 20 KIA, 13 SA and 68 HG captured. On 300700y at BQ-t205O0 CRID (-) engaged tbpe enemy. Remults: Frd 1 WIA; En - 10 KIA9 6SA captured.

    i. RI/F Opentionst On 010200 at CQ201350, 12 km SSE of TUY BOA, 279R Co was engaged by an enemy company employing mortar, B-40 rkt and SAfire. Results: On-~,IAE-KSS ,CCA 0n)2 130fir.wutesTr - I Av WIAI In 8 KIL 5 SA, 2 05 CUA.On01pat BP883529t 14 ke Wof NIA TRANG, 17th PF plat and 931 RI CO engaod anenemy ompany. Resolts: rd - 6 VIA (3 Ao3 P); Et .- 6 KIA, 2 SA, 1 SCIA. On 050020, at 3N68685, ltkm NW of PIHU RANG, the enemy entered TR OBON Hamlet and engaged the friendly forcer. Reoults: Mid -6 KU (5 Up,1 IF)s, 5 WI (4R, I1 PSD); In Dnk.n060105p at 31929554 12kim ofNRA TRANO, 3, 99, and 1f.r F plat#eII f LI EN Hamleteo 31 ide u1k typemortA and B-40 rkt fire. Result.s Frd O3iv IUA, 15 Clv VIA; En n-KIA. on 070140, at rQ93572)t 8 kk SS*dt DONO JUAN, 550 RI Co i.e uk numberof mortar rde and ground k.ok Ret10gt d - 13 RI P KI A 6 1F VIA, 5 R.MIL, 23 SA lost; En a unk. On 1002302 at BN703685, 18 km SW of PHAN1 RAiNG:177 R? Co wea engaged by an enemy company in HIED THID Hamlet with B-A0 rkt,CONFIDENTI AL 24

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    CONFIDENT IALAVFA-GC-HIST 15 May 1970SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First Field

    Force Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)20 rdg 82=mor'tar andi SA firs Results: Prd - 3 I~k 33 WIA (6 Civ, 22 Ri,5 PF); En - 4 KIA9 I SA CIA, On 31U600, at CQo66i53, 12 km ESE of W NG ZJAN,63 PF 1at engaged an enemy squad. Results. Frd - 2 PF KIA., 5 PF WIA; En -4 KIAk 2 PW9 4 SA CIA. O9 121345, at CQ02?700, 2U km SE of DONG X1AN, 130RF and 60 PF plat detonated a mine while returning from an operation. Civ-ilians were in the area. Results: Frd - 3 KIA (2 RF 1 Civ) 13 WIA (7 RFI2 PFP 4 Civ); En - neg. On 161840 at BQ510650 9 30 km ENE of CHRO RZO, 740 RICo engaged an enemy company. Results.: Frd 1 RF WIA; En - 17 XIA, 3 SA CIA.On 162215, at BN713788, 10 km W of PRAN RANG, 74 PF plat in NHU NHOC Hamletws engaged by an enemy company. Results: Frd - 21 VIA (13 Civp 5 PT, 3 RF);En - 8 [IA. On 290645, at CP015794, the 57 FF engaged an enemy squad. Enemyvithdrev leaving mines along route , friendly unit detonated several mines.Results: Frd - 2 KIA, 10 WIA; En - unk. On 301745, at BQ515705, the 770 RiCompany engaged an enemy platoon. Results: Frd - neg- En - 10 KIA, 9 SAO28 HG and 6 boxes of MG ammo captured.

    ., Other Operations: On 031000 at BQ945790, 2 km Wof DONG XUAN, an enemysquad entered XUAN LONG Village and abducted 12 Civilians. On 0.21000 atBQ0326009 30 km SW of CHEO RE I9 1 enemy squad entered BUON DRI Hamlet andabducted 12 Civilians. On 060730, at CR0307679 7 km ES E of DONG ZOAN, 12 PSDFwre abducted from XUAN SO N Hamlet. On 072300, at CQ080418, 10 km WSW of TayHOA, an. enemy squad abducted 19 Civilians from THANH IORIEA. On 151200, atBN830651, 15 km S of PHAN RANG, FA C confirmed 10 enemy [IA.() SOUTHERN PROVINCE (APRIL)1 US Operations: On 010300 at BN264,3 in SONG MA O CityO the 2-1 Cavcompound rec mortar and rkt fire. Results: Frd -- 2 US [IA9 13 US WIA; 1h -5 KIA, I SA CIA. On 011410, at BN614476 , ? km NNE of SONG M A O . 3/A/2-1Ca wes engaged by the enemy. 1 AP C destroyed, 1*i-48 tank light damage.Results: Frd - i. US WIA; En - 17 KIA, 1 SA CIA. On 231745. at BN200285,17 kim SSW of SONG MAO, 3/A/2-1 Cay found 8 graves approx 1 wk old and 12graves approx 10 wks old. Results: Frd --o& g En - 20 KIA.2 ARVN Operations: On 010040 at BN275545, vic SONG MAO., the 44 Regt HQreceived 100 .ds 82= mortar. Ammo dump destroy.'. fuel dump 50% destroyed.On 010200, at BP250235, in DALAT City, DALAT Special Sector, the 23 d ARVNDivision Fay School ro c roost and SA fire. Results; Tr c - 37 KIA (27 ARYN,10 civ), 83 WIA (65 ARVNg 13 PF, 1 RF,, 4 Civ)., 2 FF MIA; En , 2 [IA, 2 SA CIA.On 0=030, at BN2613 in SONG MAO City. 2-1 Cav and 44 AR YN Megt (-) engagedthe enemy. In the day long contact, the following asualities resulted:Ird-8 ZIA (2US, 2 ARV. 'Civ), j9 WIA (34US 5 ARVN)i In- 151[IAP 14PW, 26 SA, 7 CS CIA., RF/PF Operations: On 110315 at ZT26C??3 11 km %Wof DI LINH9, 22UO received unk romber of B-40 rkts. At 03JO they rec a ground attack by anenemy platoon. The outj st wa s approx 90% destro~yd. Beralts: FIrd - 13 [IA,(10 RI, 5 CIv), 49 WI (15 Rp 34 Gi#) 8 HIA (3 RFp 5 Civ). 15 SA lost5 In -3 KIA, 3 SA CIA. On 112300, at 01880140., 10 km PE of*PHA 1111R!, 784 R1, 2-31

    R Gp and MAT N were enjged by the enemy. Results! Ird - 9VIA (6 R1 , 31 )9 NA - S KlAg 2 PW VIA, CS CIA. On 16016, atDPO24031 25 k, SW ofDiuAt, 215 RI and 42 F? were engaged b1 5a n enemy rca employing m=7-tr,CONF IDENT IAL

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    CONFIDENTI ALAVFA-GC,-aBLT 1,, May 1970SUBJECt: Operational Report-Iossons Loearned Heafiqaurters First FieddForce Vietnam, Period &nding 30 April W9O~, RC S CSFOR-65 (R.2)B-40 rkt, and SA fire. Results: Frd..-8KIA (5 PF,,3RF); En- ufk. On180845, at BP338087, 18 km SE of DALAT, 302 RE Co engaged an enemy platoon.Results: Frd -neg;In -7KIA 2 SA 1 CS CIA.

    j Other Operations: On O1C100 at AN845085, 4 km NE of PHAN THu?,v 2enemy squads enteredHUNG LONG Hamlet and assassinated 5 and wounded U1 civ-ilians. On 120500, at BP211219, via DALAT in DAL&T Special Sector, a Civpoliceman's house was destroyed by an un k type explosive. fier~ta: Frd - 6Ci v K4.Av 2 Civ WIA; En - neg. On 14.1120, at BP2l52O6., in DALAT City, an unknumber of enemy detw"t plastic explosive at the 1'ea1 entrance of DALATCity Hall. Results: Frd - 1 Civ KIA9 16 Civ WIA; EL - 2 DST.(3) Organization. Training and Security Actiyi~ties.(a) All units that were assigned, att~ached or under the operationalcontrol of this headquarters as of 30 April are li~sted at Inci 3.(b) The command relationship between II Corps,, ROKFV-FC, and I FFBCEV

    is at Inal 4.(e) Phase 3 rederiloyment arfected the following units in II CTZ:

    SAUSS I FFOROEVHQ I FYRCEY Reduced 43 spacesMW9 I FFORCEV Artillery Reduced 19 spaces297th TC Go (CAR) Reduced 1.0 spaces

    Uh PSYOPS Bn Redu...d 30 spaces313th Sig Bn (MR) Reduced 4 spaces41st CA Co Inactivated3d Bn, 6th Artillery (lO5SP) Redeployed2. 4th Infantry DivisionHHCt 3d Bde, 4th Inf Redeployed

    lot En, 69th Armor Redeployedlot Bn, 35th Inf Redsployedlit Bnp 8th Inf Redeployed2d Bn, 9th Artillery Redeployed4th AG Cospay Reduced 132 spaces4,th CM Bn (S&T) Reduced 80 spaces704th CS Bn (JMaint) Reduced 103 spaces4th Engr Battalion Reduced 202 spaces4th Medical Battalion Re-duced 80 spaces4th MP Company Reduced 30 spa~es124th Sig Battalion Reducel 36 spaome

    (d) Training. Assigned and attachsd units.. leiss artillery grou.ps andbattalions are inspected semniannual.ly by a represent~ative of the 0.3 OTISDivision, vho is a memaber of the Inspeotor a neral-4 Teame Atotal of fourunits won inspected during the quarter and aU. won~ rated SATISFACTORY.CONF IDEN'T IAL 26

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    CONF IDENTIA LAVFk-OC-HuST 15 May 1970SUBJECT. Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquirters First FieldFcr AVietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970?, RC S CSFOR-65 (R2)

    (e) Research and Development (R&D) Activities. Requestsfor informationon R&D items for USARV and ACTIV are m=nitozied by this headquarters. Duringthis quarter there were no requests for ENSURE (Expediting ~nStandardUrgent Requirements for Equpmirent) items submitted by this headquarters., orits assigned, attached, and OPOON units.(M) Doctrine. The monthly publication of "Tactical Notes" continuesto be an effective means of providing subordinate units with new ideas andlessons learned regarding operations and intelligence matters. "TacticalNotes'l was published and distributed in February, March2 and April.(g) ARVN Modernization. The modernization program continues to progress

    well and has significantly increased the combat effectiveness of ARVN Re-gular Forces. The program is enabling the ARVN to assuman ever-increasingcombat rtle in the war, in consonance rith the current concept of "Viet-namization" of the war effort.(h) Security. During the reporting period the security branah continuedto exercise staff supervision for highway, railroadv pipeline and instal-

    lation security. The following activities were accomplished during thequartersI Semiannual security inspections were conducted at seven criti.2aland key installations. The installations inspected were QU I NHONp NHATRANG; PLZIKU, PHU CAT2 TUY HOA, PHA RXNG and PRILNILANG BIAN. Thedefensive postures of these installations ranged f&a& exellent to sat-isfactory.& The branch continued to provide representation for the I FFORCEV/CORDS Command Inspection Team. The security portimn of the inspection isdesigned to evaluate the overil operational capability and defensiveposture of Province and District Advisory Teams. During the quarter DARLAC,KHN HO A and TUUN DU C Advisory Teams ware inspe,:ted. Overall, theteams were found to be performing their mission In a satie.factory manner.I The branch continued to review plans and monitor progress to upgradethe defensive posture of critical bridges within the II CTZ..4 During the quarter continued emphasis was plared on reducing theamount cf PO L p,4uwts lost to enemy activity and pilferage from the II CT Zpipelines., During the reporting period an ag:essive OPSEC program wa simplemented to include publishing bulletins, posters and an informationdocument distributed to al l Fw World Military For.es and GVN. Monthlyimeetings wer held for the purpose of disecusiq ways to improve the program.Members of the OPSEC teea attended briefings conducted by MAOV and USARPAC.Numerous messages ware dispatched to insure unite were informed of OPSICprocedures and policies for denial of enemy foreknowldge and forewarning.The OPSIC team oonducted surtveys/vitits of rsine major o.-"ganiattone duringthe report period and noted considerable lmp*vemnt in OPSWC procedures.CONF IDENT IAL 27

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 30 July 1970


    GONF IUENTIALAVFA-GC-HIST 15 M ay 1970SUBJECTs Operational Report-Lessons Learned Headquarters First PieldForce Vietnam, Period Ending 30 April 1970, RCS CSFOB45 (R2)

    (4) hmu(a) Herbicide operations during the reporting period have included bothcrop destruction and defoliation missions, with delivery by UC-123 heli-copter and ground-based spray systems. A sign.fi :ant cut-baAk in UC-123missions, due to a decrease in funds, began in April and is reflected as a37 per cent decrease in sorties from the previous quarter. This trend isexpected to continue.j Th e results of US Air Force UC-123 missions are as follows:


    HANH BOA 0 0 0XONTUI4 Ila 14,'1-.40 0LAM DONG 0 0 0NINH THAN 3 0 360PHU BON 5 0 360PH U VW 10 360 626PLEIKU 39 4,680 0QUANG DUC 6 0 720TUYEN DUJC a

    TOTAL 193 1916) 395062 Units in II CTZ are continuing to use ,.,1i and CH-47 helicopters andtruck-based power spray apparatus to spray mall areas not conducive tospray by UC-123 aircraft. The results of these spray operations are asfollows: