i gracet- b- he it the a to mvcold

It THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER G 1909 S S PILLS UUAxu- Ladicl TRI AskrollrVnlEKlaH- or11IhU r Dlne an igiiIn Bed and Gol mft21UC boxes scaJed lIh ucoftbba v B- l Tako SSviSSSSaSSSSi lruz1rIat AkforellloClrYSTEJUJ M- MVCOLD r = I r SNAVS = to dome along are likely How now most tune for them in prepsrd are you the way of fI HEAT AND M WEIGHT UN1jfRWEAR- Whe1 colder weather should dress ac For fifty cents dollar per garment and cf some unusually wend warm values in bal g an and fleecelined and b Ien ergarm- enNDARD ts fo- rTHINGCO Ii I S l > files BJ dg Pensacola Fla Jzn ted Hides I M flight by The I 1 fessman Leather Company I 78 5th AveNew York City Write for our circular showing the kinds and sizes hides wanted DIRECTORY L Hours 10 a TU to 12 and 3 to 5 pmP- hone 696 Genlto Urinary Diseases a Spe- cialty ¬ I DR J B TILLER DENTIST 310 Blount Building Office Phone SO Residence Phone 41 DR HUTCHINSON Will be out of the city until October first DR J C BALDWIN DENTIST 3001 American National Bank Building Office Phone 37 Residence 753 DR L H D PIERCE Room 30002 Building Phone 663 Practice limited to diseases of Eye Ear Nose and Throat Hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m Miss A CarlenNaturopath Massage a epeclalty Suite 338330 Brent Building Phone 333 T G YATES M D Optician 410 Blount Building Twenty years experience as an Eye Specialist Examination free KODAKERS- Try the celebrated French film for sale by COTTRELL and get better results than you have ever gotten before All ages kept In stock 1rSOUTIIERN BRICK CO Manufacturer of BUILDING AND FIRE BRICK Office 412 Thiesen Building Phone 1t59 Pansacola a la GEO T MORGAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1CO- OTelephone 354 I REAL ESTATE INSURANCE O WEN CLARCO- MPANY K Room 904 Phone 979 SECRET SOCIETIES HEADQUARTERS CAMP WARD NO C V There will be a meeting of Camp Ward- at their Bivouac Tuesday October 5 at S oclock J Mason facarrltt D B Reed Adjutant Commander Junior Order United American Mechanics Mallory Council Order of United American Mechanics meets every first and third Friday nights at oclock at K of P hall West Garden etieet Visltlnj members Invited F C JL L POIDKVANT Councilor Secretary Pensacola Loagc No 4 I 0 O F Pensacola Lodge No4 L O O p meet every Thursday night at 730 t their hall corner and Belmont streets Visitors cordially nvit P 1C NIELSEN G LAMBRECHT If G Secretary VOLUNTEER VETERAN FIREMEN Volunteer Veteran FlremeaB Associa- tions ¬ thefts at Knights of Columous Hall the first Friday In ea a month at 800 p m J N ANDREWS DAN MURPHY President SacreUsy i I GRACET- he eafr grace of the lines- in MEYIRS SHOES ap- peals ¬ to vomen who are crit- ical ¬ in the selection oi FOOT AR You owe it to yourelf to become ac quaintedwith our shoes We will eased to send you out sonf styles if you will write oj phone 693 FALl STYLES ABUN- DANTLY ¬ IN i MEY1R SHOE CO 7eet Finishers For Folks 10 South Palafox i < = T i TERSELY TOLD b = = 50 REWARD- The Jour i lav 500 reward for evidence ufficlent to convict any boy or persoi found stealing sub ¬ scribers papa after delivery of same by carrier- A Dupree 4 iew Orleans broth- er ¬ of Mrs M 4 Roch is in the city on a visit ofLbout a week or ten days J W Barr i Troy Ala is among the business sltors to the city to register at thc lerchants Frank F Bier of Dalton Ga la- arrong the bsiness visitors in tho city l Among theTrivals at Fort Barran ¬ cas recently Lieut Galloghy who conies from Lieut D > Holland of the artil- lery ¬ corps as arrived at Fort Bar rani as wh a he has been assigned to duty reliving Lieut Sanford who r has been tiered to a northern post Manager1 Alba H Warren of the Pensacola Electric Company wit leave witIn a few days for Boston and other > olnts in the east and north on a contained business and pleasure visit of i months duration Tone Moser employed on the dredge the Southern Dredging Com pany leclares that he has no con nectioi in any way in the alleged theft cf a cow and that J J Johnson- the man under arrest for the crime- Is innocent of the charge made against him 5 or 6 doses of 666 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c- BROS NOW WITH COLLIN John Collins the wellknown ton- sorial artist Is now in our employ customers ¬ childrens hair cutting COLLINS BROS 204 So Palafox St Phone 1473 oct3lw There Is no game law aeralnst any ¬ one hunting for Planks Chill Tonic It is guaranteed to cure malarial chills and fever Ask Hannah Brcs They probably know FOREMAN OF MILL MEETS TERRIBlE END i A fatal accident occurred at the Pace mills at Pace Santa I > osa coun ¬ ty Florida Monday afternoon when Foreman O A Knauff of the planing mill was scalded by escaping strain to such an extent that he died early yesterday morning The deceased was about 45 years old rnd came to Florida only a short time ago from Biloxl Miss where his family now resides S The accident appears to have been a singular one Foreman Knaiiff it is said opened the wrong steam valve in the pipe which supplies the Iry kiln with the result that some eon uertions were blown off and he re- ceived ¬ the fatal steam burns before he could get away The injured man was Immediately supplied with a physician and a nuro and every attention possible was gEn him It was thought early in the night that he would recover hut drath came at five oclock the fol ¬ lowing morning- The remains were brought to the city yesterday afternoon and pre ¬ pared for shipment to Biloxi The wife of the deceased arrived on the afternoon tnin and will accompany the body home Deafness Cannot Be Cured- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear There Is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional Deafness is caused by an inflamed con ¬ dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube When this tube is in ¬ flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing wheu it Is en ¬ tirely closed Deafness Is the result and unless this inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its condition hearing will be destroyed for ¬ ever nine cases out of are caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an in named condition of the mucous sur ¬ faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free- F J CHENEY t CO Toledo O Sold by Druglsts 75e Take Halls Family Pills for constl natioa It will mean the formation of a valuable habit of saving and thrift for you to begin now to BE A BONDHOLDER It will improve your chance of success in life if you set out early in your career to- BE A E3ONDHOLDER It will form for you a substantial financial bathing tp BE A BONDHOLDER- It will raise you in the confidence and estimation of your business associates or your employers if you will BE A BONDHOLDER- It I will increase your confidence in yourself if you start out now to fs BE A BONDHOLDER Heretofore it has been difficult for the small saver to BE A BONDHOLDER I I I Now it is as easy as falling off a log therefore BE A BONDHOLDER t I I Our Booklet Tells How r Jcr jrw J < rrI3 = a I ono of 50 eacH secured by mortgages deposited with the First National Bank as trustee for bondholders Interest coupons cashable at First National I Bank every three months Our installment purchase plan is the best saving method ever devised THE FISHER REAL ESTATE AGENCY ft THE RENT COLLECTORS- Phone 87 206 South Palafox Street L r = 0 o MARKET REPORT hi L J = = sas3Bcaa = = PENSACOLA COTTON MARKET- The following report is furnished daily for The Journal by Marks Gayle F O B cotton merchants Pensacola Fla Good middling 1278 Strict middling 1234 Middling 12 5S Strict low middling 1238 LIVERPOOL COTTON Open Close OctoberNovember 697 595 NovemberDecember 69S 693 DecemberJanuary 693 693 NEW COTTON Open Close October 1320 1310 December 130 1314 January 1328 1312 NAVAL STORES MARKET Savannah Ga Oct 5The spirits of turpentine market opened and closed tin follows 1Yen 344c Close asked 53c Sales casks 31 Receipts casks 706 Shipments casks 06 StocKs casks 29246 The market on rosins closed Arm as fol Iowt rw 6 05 WO 6 95 N 5 85 M 55 K IIIIiriIIIIIiriIIII II5 40- I 4 0 to 485 H 4 50 G 4 30 to 4 35 F 4 25 to 4 30 E 4 15- B D 4 05 4 05 Sales barrels SoX Receipts barrels 2246 Shipments barrels 621 Stocks barrels 140572 eo eo eo eo NOTE The close of the spirits of tur ¬ pentine market is fictitious there being- no sales though 5Sc was bid WALL STREET REVIEW- By Associated Press New York Oct 5The stock market today opened Irregular and the changes as a rule were very slight Union Pacific was off 34 but Southern Pacific ruled- as much higher Large fractional gains were also made bv Erie and New York Central United States Steel and the metal group generally was off Pacific Telephone Improved a point The opening hesitation were oft aryl there was a brisk rise In which the Mor- gan ¬ storks were the leaders St Paul Baltimore and Ohio New York Central and the Briea rose 1 to 1 12 above yes- terdays ¬ Closing United States Steel Union Pacific and other stocks which had been very heavy also returned to above last nights close A bear raid on United States Steel threw the market Into confusion for a time U S Steel under a flood of selling orders dropped from 9418 to 90 12 The general metal group and some of the active railroad stocks also badly Union Pacific and Republic Steel gave way two points Reading 1 12 and Chesa- peake ¬ and Ohio the St Louis South ¬ western stocks Amalgamated Copper United States Steel preferred and Amer ¬ ican Smelting 1 Supporting orders were rushed in for Steel and its rally of 2 points pulled up the list strong and the market was holding well at 11 oclock Prices wavered on the first recovery but moved upwards again more steadily New York Central rose strongly to 1 12 over last night and some other stocks ral ¬ lied to their previous high level Trading fell dull again at the high level Bonds were Irregular- U S Steel commenced to yield again after noon and lost about a point its rally Later on when the and New York showed renewed strength the Ht hardened a bit the was downwards I again at 1 oclock Chicago and Alton preferred advanced I THE COTTON MARKET New York Oct 5The cotton market opened steady a decline of 5 g7 points and after a brief rally turned easy under heavy liquidation by smaller houses through commission Liverpool very heavy through ¬ out the belt fine picking weather and failure of bull leaders to otter aggressive support Trading was v heavy and general During the middle of the morn ¬ ing the market was feverish and about 10 points lower Late in the morning the market quieted down but seemed unable to regain the early loss Struggling sales for hedge account by Southern Interests and a readiness on the part of the commission house longs to accept any advance pre ¬ vented a eharp rally But every spit brought forth heavy demand from the soldout bulls and those who have been waiting for a break in order to get into the market At noon prices showed a net decline of about 10 Spot quiet middling npinn i 1260 i i I I TO THE FARMERS Until further notice our gin will start up every Thursday We have added a firstclass grist mill to our plant and with gin and grist mill In charge of an experienced man we guarantee entire satisfaction We buy cotton cotton seed and corn JOS McVOY CO D Cantonment P13 General Merchandise Cotton Fertilizers all kinds of farm supplies middlAg gulf 1365 Cotton futures opened steady October 13 20 December 1330 January 13 26 March 1334 May 1339 August 1310 Spot clawed quiet 20 points lower mid- ¬ dling ur lands 1340 middling gulf 1365 Sales 569 bales y GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Chicago Oct Notwithstanding con- tinued ¬ liberal receipts In the Northwest the wheat market developed moderate strength early in the session today ow- ing ¬ to the buying by cash Interests Of ¬ ferings were llg it and pries eay forced- up l2o from the previous close De- cember ¬ opened a shade higher at 99 78 to 100 and advanced to 100 38 Lnrsrer receipts than had been esti ¬ mated caused moderate weakness in the corn market at the opening initial quota ¬ tions showing a loss of a shade to 14 3Sc Buying of the delivery by commission houses however soon im ¬ parted a firmer tone December which opened at 56 34 to 57c advancer to 57 14 Oats were weak because of selling of both December and May deliveries by a leading cash Interest December opened- a shade to l8l4c lower at 38 18 to 39 and sold off to 39 5SrT 34 Provisions were weak owing to a heavy market for live hogs at the open ¬ ing were unchanged to 5c lower Close WheatDec 101 May 10278 103 CornOct C914 Dec 573812 ITav 60 flS- Oati < DBC 3914 May 3478 J ParkJanuary 1S37J21840 liar IS 10 Lardoct 1226 Nov 1JS5 67 13 RlbsOct 114712 January 8660 967 1 Hay Timothy 420 clover nothing doing After Him Aunt Crabbe think It Is my duty to tell you that I have heard from several sources that Mr Brown is A very rut young man DaisyFast as be Is I shall catch him yet auntie London Fun Subscribe to The Journal 00 I MCMILLAN BROS co e Coppersmiths Gen Metal Workers 4 <I- Iy Ml A TURPENTINE STILLS 9 P O Box E2 30- 0PENSACOLA FLA 40NOi98 i 06414N 44 6644 9 a RAILS METALS SCRAP IRON r I y Y YOU ARE BETTERING YOUR LOGGINCTROAD with IF new material consult with us or if you have any old ° scrap iron or metal which you desire to dispose a c if advise with us we buy and sell outright and if Inter- ested = will have our representative call on you Metzger Brothers Mobile Ala j PHONE B206 H15 P 0 BOX 271 rL I T l I

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Page 1: I GRACET- B- he It the a to MVCOLD




LadiclTRI AskrollrVnlEKlaH-or11IhU r Dlne an

igiiIn Bed and Gol mft21UC

boxes scaJed lIh ucoftbba vB-lTako

SSviSSSSaSSSSilruz1rIat AkforellloClrYSTEJUJ





to dome alongare likely Hownowmost tune for them inprepsrdare youthe way of




Whe1colder weathershould dress acFor fifty cents

dollar per garmentand cf some unusuallywend warm values in balg an and fleecelined andb Ien ergarm-


ts fo-


files BJ dg Pensacola Fla

Jzn ted Hides

IM flight by The

I 1 fessman LeatherCompany

I 78 5th AveNew York City

Write for our circularshowing the kinds and sizes

hides wanted


Hours 10 a TU to 12 and 3 to 5pmP-

hone 696Genlto Urinary Diseases a Spe-

cialty¬ I


310 Blount BuildingOffice Phone SO Residence Phone 41

DR HUTCHINSONWill be out of the city until October


DENTIST3001 American National Bank Building

Office Phone 37 Residence 753

DR L H D PIERCERoom 30002 Building Phone

663 Practice limited to diseases of EyeEar Nose and Throat Hours 9 to 12 am 2 to 4 p m

Miss A CarlenNaturopathMassage a epeclalty Suite 338330

Brent Building Phone 333

T G YATES M DOptician

410 Blount BuildingTwenty years experience as an Eye

Specialist Examination free

KODAKERS-Try the celebrated French film for saleby COTTRELL and get better resultsthan you have ever gotten before Allages kept In stock

1rSOUTIIERN BRICK COManufacturer of

BUILDING AND FIRE BRICKOffice 412 Thiesen Building

Phone 1t59 Pansacola a la


Room 1CO-OTelephone 354





Room 904 Phone 979


C VThere will be a meeting of Camp Ward-

at their Bivouac Tuesday October 5 atS oclock J Mason facarrlttD B Reed Adjutant

CommanderJunior Order United American MechanicsMallory Council Order ofUnited American Mechanics meets everyfirst and third Friday nights atoclock at K of P hall West Gardenetieet Visltlnj members Invited


SecretaryPensacola Loagc No 4 I 0 O FPensacola Lodge No4 L O O p

meet every Thursday night at 730 ttheir hall corner and Belmontstreets Visitors cordially nvitP 1C NIELSENG LAMBRECHT If GSecretary

VOLUNTEER VETERAN FIREMENVolunteer Veteran FlremeaB Associa-


thefts at Knights of ColumousHall the first Friday In ea a monthat 800 p m





GRACET-he eafr grace of the lines-



to vomen who are crit-ical


in the selection oiFOOT AR You owe itto yourelf to become acquaintedwith our shoes Wewill eased to send youout sonf styles if you willwrite oj phone 693





7eet Finishers For Folks10 South Palafox


<= T


50 REWARD-The Jour i lav 500 reward

for evidence ufficlent to convict anyboy or persoi found stealing sub ¬

scribers papa after delivery of sameby carrier-

A Dupree 4 iew Orleans broth-er


of Mrs M 4 Roch is in the cityon a visit ofLbout a week or tendays

J W Barr i Troy Ala is amongthe business sltors to the city toregister at thc lerchants

Frank F Bier of Dalton Ga la-arrong the bsiness visitors in thocity l

Among theTrivals at Fort Barran ¬

cas recently Lieut Galloghy whoconies from

Lieut D > Holland of the artil-lery


corps as arrived at Fort Barrani as wh a he has been assignedto duty reliving Lieut Sanford who

r has been tiered to a northern postManager1 Alba H Warren of the

Pensacola Electric Company witleave witIn a few days for Bostonand other >olnts in the east and northon a contained business and pleasurevisit of i months duration

Tone Moser employed on thedredge the Southern Dredging Company leclares that he has no connectioi in any way in the allegedtheft cf a cow and that J J Johnson-the man under arrest for the crime-Is innocent of the charge made againsthim

5 or 6 doses of 666 will cure anycase of Chills and Fever Price 25c-

BROSNOW WITH COLLINJohn Collins the wellknown ton-

sorial artist Is now in our employcustomers ¬

childrens hair cuttingCOLLINS BROS

204 So Palafox St Phone 1473oct3lw

There Is no game law aeralnst any ¬one hunting for Planks Chill TonicIt is guaranteed to cure malarialchills and fever Ask Hannah BrcsThey probably know




A fatal accident occurred at thePace mills at Pace Santa I> osa coun ¬ty Florida Monday afternoon whenForeman O A Knauff of the planingmill was scalded by escaping strainto such an extent that he died earlyyesterday morning The deceasedwas about 45 years old rnd came toFlorida only a short time ago fromBiloxl Miss where his family nowresides S

The accident appears to have beena singular one Foreman Knaiiff itis said opened the wrong steam valvein the pipe which supplies the Irykiln with the result that some eonuertions were blown off and he re-ceived

¬the fatal steam burns before

he could get awayThe injured man was Immediately

supplied with a physician and a nuroand every attention possible wasgEn him It was thought early inthe night that he would recover hutdrath came at five oclock the fol ¬lowing morning-

The remains were brought to thecity yesterday afternoon and pre ¬pared for shipment to Biloxi Thewife of the deceased arrived on theafternoon tnin and will accompanythe body home

Deafness Cannot Be Cured-by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portions of the earThere Is only one way to cure deafnessand that is by constitutionalDeafness is caused by an inflamed con ¬dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is in ¬flamed you have a rumbling sound orImperfect hearing wheu it Is en¬tirely closed Deafness Is the result andunless this inflammation can be takenout and this tube restored to Itscondition hearing will be destroyed for¬ever nine cases out of are causedby Catarrh which Is nothing but an innamed condition of the mucous sur¬faces

We will give One Hundred Dollars forany case of Deafness caused by catarrhthat cannot be cured by Halls CatarrhCure Send for circulars free-F J CHENEY t CO Toledo O

Sold by Druglsts 75eTake Halls Family Pills for constlnatioa

It will mean the formation of a valuable habit of saving andthrift for you to begin now to

BE A BONDHOLDERIt will improve your chance of success in life if you set out

early in your career to-


It will form for you a substantial financial bathing tpBE A BONDHOLDER-

It will raise you in the confidence and estimation of yourbusiness associates or your employers if you will



Iwill increase your confidence in yourself if you start out now to

fs BE A BONDHOLDERHeretofore it has been difficult for the small saver to



I Now it is as easy as falling off a log therefore



Our Booklet Tells How

r Jcr jrw J < rrI3 =aIono of 50 eacH secured by mortgages deposited with the First

National Bank as trustee for bondholders Interest coupons cashable at First NationalI

Bank every three monthsOur installment purchase plan is the best saving method ever devised


Phone 87 206 South Palafox StreetL

r = 0o

MARKET REPORT hiL J= = sas3Bcaa= =

PENSACOLA COTTON MARKET-The following report is furnished daily

for The Journal by Marks Gayle F OB cotton merchants Pensacola FlaGood middling 1278Strict middling 1234Middling 12 5SStrict low middling 1238


OctoberNovember 697 595NovemberDecember 69S 693DecemberJanuary 693 693


October 1320 1310December 130 1314January 1328 1312


Savannah Ga Oct 5The spirits ofturpentine market opened and closed tinfollows1Yen 344c

Close asked 53cSales casks 31Receipts casks 706Shipments casks 06StocKs casks 29246

The market on rosins closed Arm as folIowtrw 6 05WO 6 95N 5 85M 55K IIIIiriIIIIIiriIIII II5 40-I 4 0 to 485H 4 50G 4 30 to 4 35F 4 25 to 4 30E 4 15-

BD 4 05

4 05Sales barrels SoXReceipts barrels 2246Shipments barrels 621Stocks barrels 140572eo eo eo eo

NOTE The close of the spirits of tur ¬

pentine market is fictitious there being-no sales though 5Sc was bid

WALL STREET REVIEW-By Associated Press

New York Oct 5The stock markettoday opened Irregular and the changesas a rule were very slight Union Pacificwas off 34 but Southern Pacific ruled-as much higher Large fractional gainswere also made bv Erie and New YorkCentral United States Steel and the

metal group generally was off PacificTelephone Improved a pointThe opening hesitation were oft aryl

there was a brisk rise In which the Mor-gan¬

storks were the leaders St PaulBaltimore and Ohio New York Centraland the Briea rose 1 to 1 12 above yes-terdays

¬Closing United States SteelUnion Pacific and other stocks which hadbeen very heavy also returned to abovelast nights close

A bear raid on United States Steelthrew the market Into confusion for atime U S Steel under a flood of sellingorders dropped from 9418 to 90 12 Thegeneral metal group and some of theactive railroad stocks also badlyUnion Pacific and Republic Steel gaveway two points Reading 1 12 and Chesa-peake

¬and Ohio the St Louis South ¬

western stocks Amalgamated CopperUnited States Steel preferred and Amer ¬ican Smelting 1 Supporting orders wererushed in for Steel and itsrally of 2 points pulled up the list strongand the market was holding well at 11oclock

Prices wavered on the first recoverybut moved upwards again more steadilyNew York Central rose strongly to 1 12over last night and some other stocks ral ¬lied to their previous high level Tradingfell dull again at the high level Bondswere Irregular-

U S Steel commenced to yield againafter noon and lost about a point itsrally Later on when the and NewYork showed renewed strength the Hthardened a bit the was downwards I

again at 1 oclock Chicago and Altonpreferred advanced I

THE COTTON MARKETNew York Oct 5The cotton marketopened steady a decline of 5 g7 pointsand after a brief rally turned easy underheavy liquidation by smallerhouses through commission

Liverpool very heavy through ¬out the belt fine picking weather andfailure of bull leaders to otter aggressivesupport Trading was v heavy andgeneral During the middle of the morn ¬ing the market was feverish and about10 points lowerLate in the morning the market quieted

down but seemed unable to regain theearly loss Struggling sales for hedgeaccount by Southern Interests and areadiness on the part of the commissionhouse longs to accept any advance pre ¬vented a eharp rally But every spitbrought forth heavy demand from thesoldout bulls and those who have beenwaiting for a break in order to get intothe market At noon prices showed a netdecline of about 10

Spot quiet middling npinn i 1260i




TO THE FARMERSUntil further notice our gin will start up every Thursday We haveadded a firstclass grist mill to our plant and with gin and grist mill Incharge of an experienced man we guarantee entire satisfaction We buycotton cotton seed and corn


Cantonment P13General Merchandise Cotton Fertilizers all kinds of farm supplies

middlAg gulf 1365Cotton futures opened steady October

13 20 December 1330 January 13 26March 1334 May 1339 August 1310

Spot clawed quiet 20 points lower mid- ¬

dling ur lands 1340 middling gulf 1365Sales 569 bales


Chicago Oct Notwithstanding con-tinued


liberal receipts In the Northwestthe wheat market developed moderatestrength early in the session today ow-ing


to the buying by cash Interests Of¬

ferings were llg it and pries eay forced-up l2o from the previous close De-cember


opened a shade higher at 99 78to 100 and advanced to 100 38

Lnrsrer receipts than had been esti ¬

mated caused moderate weakness in the

corn market at the opening initial quota ¬tions showing a loss of a shade to 143Sc Buying of the delivery bycommission houses however soon im ¬parted a firmer tone December whichopened at 56 34 to 57c advancer to57 14Oats were weak because of selling ofboth December and May deliveries by aleading cash Interest December opened-a shade to l8l4c lower at 38 18 to 39and sold off to 39 5SrT 34Provisions were weak owing to a heavymarket for live hogs at the open ¬ing were unchanged to 5c lowerClose WheatDec 101 May 10278103CornOct C914 Dec 573812ITav 60 flS-Oati


DBC 3914 May 3478


ParkJanuary 1S37J21840 liarIS 10Lardoct 1226 Nov 1JS5 67 13RlbsOct 114712 January 8660967 1

Hay Timothy 420 clover nothingdoing

After HimAunt Crabbe think It Is my duty

to tell you that I have heard fromseveral sources that Mr Brown is Avery rut young man

DaisyFast as be Is I shall catchhim yet auntie London Fun

Subscribe to The Journal

00I MCMILLAN BROS coe Coppersmiths Gen Metal Workers 4






40NOi98 i 06414N 44 6644 9


YOU ARE BETTERING YOUR LOGGINCTROAD withIFnew material consult with us or if you have any old° scrap iron or metal which you desire to disposea c if advise with us we buy and sell outright and if Inter-

ested= will have our representative call on you

Metzger Brothers Mobile Alaj PHONE B206 H15 P 0 BOX 271rL

I T lI