i. growth and trade growth and trade in the two …dnelson/bibs/bibgrow.pdf · i. growth and trade...

I. GROWTH AND TRADE A. Growth and Trade in the Two-Sector, Neoclassical Model 1. The Basic Properties of the Two-Sector Growth Model -H. Uzawa (1961). “On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth”. REStud; V.29-#1, pp. 40-47. -R. Solow (1961). “Note on Uzawa's Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth”. REStud; V.29-#1, pp. 48-50. -H. Uzawa (1963). “On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth, II”. REStud; V.30-#2, pp. 105- 118. -K. Inada (1963). “On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth: Comments and a Generalization”. REStud; V.30-#2, pp. 119-127. -E. Drandakis (1963). “Factor Substitution in the Two-Sector Growth Model”. REStud; V.30-#3, pp. 217-228. -K. Inada (1964). “On the Stability of Growth Equilibria in Two-Sector Models”. REStud; V.31- #2, pp. 127-142. -K. Inada (1965). “On Neo-Classical Models of Economic Growth”. REStud; V.32-#2, pp. 151- 160. -A. Takayama (1964). “On A Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth--Comparative Statics Analysis”. REStud; V.30-#?, pp. 95-104. -A. Amano (1965). “Factor Substitution in a Two-Sector Growth Model”. REStud; V.32-#?, pp. -F. Hahn (1965). “On Two-Sector Growth Models”. REStud; V.32-#4, pp. 339-346. -K. Shell (1966). “Comparative Statics for the Two-Sector Model”. Metroeconomica ; V.18-#?, pp. 117-124. -R. Sato (1969). “Stability Conditions in Two-Sector Models of Economic Growth”. JET; V.1-#?, pp. 107-117. -V. Ramaswami (1969). “On Two-Sector Neo-Classical Growth”. OEP ; V.21-#2, pp. 142-146. 2. Comparative Statics of Trade in a Two-Sector Growth Model a. Mostly Factor Accumulation -T.N. Rybczynski (1955). “Factor Endowment and Relative Commodity Prices”. Eca ; V.22-#2, pp. 336-341. -V. Ramaswami (1960). “The Effects of Accumulation on the Terms of Trade”. EJ; V.70-#?, pp. 514-518. -A. Guha (1963). “Factor and Commodity Prices in an Expanding Economy”. QJE ; V.77-#?, pp. 149-155. -K.L. Shea (1981). “A Graphical Analysis of Factor Accumulation in a Three-Sector, Three-Factor

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A. Growth and Trade in the Two-Sector, Neoclassical Model

1. The Basic Properties of the Two-Sector Growth Model

-H. Uzawa (1961). “On a Two-Sector M odel of Economic Growth”. REStud; V.29-#1, pp. 40-47.

-R. Solow (1961). “Note on Uzawa's Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth”. REStud; V.29-#1,

pp. 48-50.

-H. Uzawa (1963). “On a Two-Sector M odel of Economic Growth, II”. REStud; V.30-#2, pp. 105-


-K. Inada (1963). “On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth: Comments and a

Generalization”. REStud; V.30-#2, pp. 119-127.

-E. Drandakis (1963). “Factor Substitution in the Two-Sector Growth Model”. REStud; V.30-#3,

pp. 217-228.

-K. Inada (1964). “On the Stab ility of Growth Equilibria in Two-Sector Models”. REStud; V.31-

#2, pp. 127-142.

-K. Inada (1965). “On Neo-Classical M odels of Economic Growth”. REStud; V.32-#2, pp. 151-


-A. Takayama (1964). “On A Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth--Comparative Statics

Analysis”. REStud; V.30-#?, pp. 95-104.

-A. Amano (1965). “Factor Substitution in a T wo-Sector Growth Model”. REStud; V.32-#?, pp.

-F. Hahn (1965). “On Two-Sector Growth Models”. REStud; V.32-#4, pp. 339-346.

-K. Shell (1966). “Comparative Statics for the Two-Sector M odel”. Metroeconomica; V.18-#?, pp.


-R. Sato (1969). “Stability Conditions in Two-Sector Models of Economic Growth”. JET; V.1-#?,

pp. 107-117.

-V. Ramaswami (1969). “On Two-Sector Neo-Classical Growth”. OEP; V.21-#2, pp. 142-146.

2. Comparative Statics of Trade in a Two-Sector Grow th Model

a. Mostly Factor Accumulation

-T.N. Rybczynski (1955). “Factor Endowment and Relative Commodity Prices”. Eca; V.22-#2, pp.


-V. Ramaswami (1960). “The Effects of Accumulation on the Terms of Trade”. EJ; V.70-#?, pp.


-A. Guha (1963). “Factor and Commodity Prices in an Expanding Economy”. QJE ; V.77-#?, pp.


-K.L. Shea (1981). “A Graphical Analysis of Factor Accumulation in a Three-Sector, Three-Factor

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Model of International Trade”. EJ; V.91-#?, pp. 1020-1025.

b. Mostly Technological Change

-J. Hicks (1953). “An Inaugural Lecture”. OEP; V.2-#2, pp. 117-135.

-H.G. Johnson (1954). “Increasing Productivity, Income-Price Trends and the Trade Balance”. EJ;

V.64-#255, pp. 462-485.

-M. Kemp (1955). “Technological Change, Terms of Trade and W elfare”. EJ; V.65-#?, pp. 457-


-H.G. Johnson (1955). “Economic Expansion and International Trade”. MS; V.23-#2, pp. 95-112.

-W.M. Corden (1956). “Economic Expansion and International Trade”. OEP; V.8-#2, pp. 223-


-J. Black (1956). “Economic Expansion and International Trade: A Marshallian Approach”.

REStud; V.204-212.

-J. Bhagwati (1958). “International Trade and Economic Expansion”. AER; V.48-#5, pp. 941-953.

-H.G. Johnson (1959). “Economic Development and International Trade”. Nationalokonomisk

Tidsskrift; V.9-#5/6, pp. 253-272.

-A. Takayama (1964). “Economic Growth and International Trade”. REStud; V.30-#?, pp.

-M. Ikema (1969). “The Effect of Economic Growth on the Demand for Imports: A Simple

Diagram”. OEP; V.21-#2, pp. 66-69.

-M. Kemp and K. Shimomura (1988). “The Impossibility of Global Absolute Advantage in the

Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model”. OEP; V.40-#?, pp. 575-576.

-K. Shimomura (1991). “A Note on the Hicks-Ikema-Kemp Proposition”. Kobe Economic and

Business Review; V.36-#?, pp. 27-32.

-M. Kemp, Y.-K. Ng and K. Shimomura (1993). “The International Diffusion of the Fruits of

Technical Progress”. IER; V.34-#2, pp. 381-385.

c. Immiserizing Growth

-J. Bhagwati (1958). “Immiserizing Growth: A Geometric Note”. REStud; V.25-#3, pp. 201-205.

-H.G. Johnson (1966). “The Possibility of Income Losses from Increased Efficiency of Factor

Accumulation in the Presence of Tariffs”. EJ;

-A.H. Tan (1968). “Immiserizing Tariff-Induced Capital Accumulation and Technical Change”.

Malayan Economic Review; V.13-#2, pp. 1-7.

-T. Bertrand and F. Flatters (1971). “Tariffs, Capital Accumulation and Immiserizing Growth”.

JIE; V.1-#4, pp. 453-460.

-R. Martin (1977). “Immiserizing Growth for a Tariff-Distorted, Small Economy”. JIE; V.3-#4,

pp. 323-326.

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-J. Bhagwati (1968). “Distortions and Immiserizing Growth: A Generalization”. REStud; V.35-

#104, pp. 481-485.

-J. Bhagwati (1973). “The Theory of Immiserizing Growth: Further Applications”. in M . Connolly

and A. Swoboda, eds. International Trade and Money. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

-H.G. Johnson (1970). “A Note on Distortions and the Rate of Growth of an Open Economy”. EJ;

V.80-#320, pp. 990-992.

-M. Alam (1981). “Welfare Implications of Growth under Quotas”. EcLets; V.8-#?, pp. 177-180

-J. Cassing (1983). “A Note on Growth in the Presence of Tariffs”. JIE; V.14-#?, pp. 115-121.

-M. Anam and F. Zandi (1989). “Immiserizing Factor Growth and the Non-Equivalence of Quotas

and VERs”. IEJ; V.3-#3, pp. 23-30.

-J. Melvin (1969). “Demand Conditions and Immiserizing Growth”. AER; V.59-#4, pp. 604-606.

-J. Bhagwati (1969). “Optimal Policies and Immerisizing Growth”. AER; V.59-#5, pp. 967-970.

S.K. Bagi (1990). “A Synthesis of Theories of Immiserizing Growth”. Indian Economic Journal;

V.37-#3, pp. 12-27.

-R. Clarete and J. W halley (1994). “Immiserizing Growth and Endogenous Protection”. JDevE;

V.45-#?, pp. 121-133.

3. Simple Models of Trade and Welfare in Steady State Growth

a. The Small Open Economy

-J. Vanek (1971). “Economic Growth and International Trade in Pure Theory”. QJE ; V.85-#?, pp.


-H.G. Johnson (1971). “Trade and G rowth: A Geometric Exposition”. JIE; V.1-#?, pp. 83-102.

(Correction in V.2-#1, pp. 87-88.)

-T. Bertrand (1975). “The Gains from Trade: Steady State Solutions in an Open Economy”. QJE ;

V.89-#?, pp. 556-568.

-A. Deardorff (1973). “The Gains from Trade In and O ut of Steady State”. OEP; V.25-#?, pp. 173-


-A. Deardorff (1974). “A Geometry of International Trade”. CJE; V.7-#2, pp. 295-306.

-A. Deardorff (1974). “Trade Reversals and Growth Stability”. JIE; V.4-#?, pp. 83-90.

-A. Smith (1977). “Capital Accumulation in the Open, Two-Sector Economy”. EJ; V.87-#346, pp.


-R. Manning and J . Markusen (1991). “National Product Functions in Comparative Steady-State

Analysis”. IER; V.32-#3, pp. 613-624.

-P. Pattanaik (1974). “Trade, Distribution and Saving”. JIE; V.4-#?, pp. 77-82.

-K. Okuguchi (1977). “Trade, Savings and a Non-Traded Good”. JIE; V.?-#?, pp. 379-384.

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b. Large Economies

-R. Baldwin (1975). “International T rade and Economic Growth: A D iagramatic Analysis”. AER;

V.65-#1, pp. 187-193.

-C. Smallwood (1975). “Economic Growth and the Pure Theory of International T rade”. Scottish

Journal of Political Economy; V.22-#2, pp. 135-159.

-D.M . Bensusan-Butt (1954). “A M odel of Trade and Accumulation”. AER; V.44-#4, pp. 511-529.

-T.N. Srinivasan (1965). “Foreign Trade and Economic Development”. Metroeconomica; V.17-#? ,

pp. 83-98.

-H. Oniki and H. Uzawa (1965). “Patterns of Trade and Investment in a Dynamic Model of

International T rade”. REStud; V.32-#?, pp. 15-38.

-P. Bardhan (1965). “Equilibrium Growth in the International Economy”. QJE ; V.79-#?, pp. 455-


-P. Bardhan (1965). “Optimum Accumulation and International Trade”. REStud; V.32-#?, pp. 241-


-P. Bardhan (1966). “On Factor Accumulation and the Pattern of International Specialization”.

REStud; V.33-#?, pp. 39-44.

-K. Inada (1968). “Free Trade, Capital Accumulation and Factor Price Equalization”. EcRec;

V.44-#?, pp. 322-341.

-H. Atsumi (1971). “The Long Run Offer Function and A Dynamic Theory of International

Trade”. JIE; V.1-#3, pp. 267-299.

-M. Kemp (1970). “International Trade between Countries with Different Natural Rates of

Growth”. EcRec; V.46-#?, pp. 467-481.

-C. Khang (1971). “Equilibrium Growth in the International Economy: The Case of Unequal

Natural Rates of Growth”. IER; V.12-#2, pp. 239-249.

-C. Khang (1969). “A Dynamic Model of Trade Between Final and Intermediate Products”. JET;

V.1-#?, pp. 416-437.

-C. Khang and M . Kemp (1973). “International T rade and Investment Between Countries with

Different Natural Rates of Growth”. Metroeconomica; V.25-#3; pp. 214-228.

-H. Petith (1974). “The Pattern of Trade in a Neoclassical Growth Model with a General Savings

Function”. JIE; V.4-#4, pp. 387-393.

-A. Deardorff and J. Hanson (1978). “Accumulation and a Long-Run Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem”.

EcInq; V.16-#?, pp. 288-292.

-A. Deardorff (1990). “Trade and Capital Mobility in a World of Diverging Populations”. in D.G.

Johnson and R . Lee, eds. Population Growth and Economic Development: Issues and Evidence.

Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 561-588.

-A. Deardorff (1994). “Growth and International Investment with Diverging Populations”. OEP;

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V.46-#?, pp. 477-491.

4. Growth and International Capital Flows

-V. Ramaswami (1953). “Equilibrium Growth in an International Economy”. CJEPS; V.19-#4, pp.


-G. Borts (1964). “A Theory of Long-Run International Capital Movements”. JPE; V.72-#?, pp.


-E. Grinols and J. Bhagwati (1976). “Foriegn Capital, Savings and D ependence”. REStat; V.58-#?,

pp. 416-424. (Comment by W asow and Response, REStat (1979) V.61-#?, pp. 150-156).

B. Growth and Trade in Optimal Growth M odels

1. Optimum Growth M odels

-R. Dorfman (1969). “An Economic Interpretation of Optimal Control Theory”. AER; V.59-#5, pp.


-N. Liviatan (19??). “A Diagrammatic Exposition of Optimal Growth Theory”. AER; V.?-#?, pp.


-T. Koopmans (1965). “On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth”. in The Econom etric

Approach to Development Planning. pp. 225-287.

-H. Uzawa (1964). “Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector Model of Capital Accumulation”. REStud;

V.31-#1, pp. 1-24.

-K. Sato (1964). “Neo-classical Economic Growth and Saving: An Extension of Uzawa's Model”.

ESQ ; V.14-#?, pp. 69-75.

-T.N. Srinivasan (1964). “Optimal Savings in a Two-Sector M odel of Growth”. Etrica; V.32-#3,

pp. 358-373.

-T. Koopmans (1964). “Economic Growth at a Maximal Rate” . QJE ; V.78-#?, pp. 355-394.

-K. Shell (1967). “Optimal Programs of Capital Accumulation for an Economy in W hich there is

Exogenous Technical Change”. in K. Shell, ed . Essays on the Theory of Optimal Economic

Growth . Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 1-30.

-M. Bruno (1967). “Optimal Accumulation in Discrete Capital M odels”. in K. Shell, ed . Essays on

the Theory of Optimal Economic Growth . Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 181-218.

-M. Bruno (1969). “Fundamental Duality Relations in the Pure Theory of Capital and Growth”.

REStud; V.36-#1, pp. 39-53.

-A. Araujo and J. Schienkman (1977). “Smoothness, Comparative Dynamics and the Turnpike

Property”. Etrica; V.45-#?, pp. 601-620.

-A. Araujo and J. Schienkman (1979). “Notes on Comparative Dynamics”. in J. Green and J.

Schienkman, eds. General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade. New York: Academic Press.

-L. McKenzie (1986). “Optimal Economic Growth, Turnpike Theorems and Comparative

Dynamics”. in K. Arrow and M. Intrilligator, eds. Handbook of Mathematical Economics.

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Amsterdam: North: Holland, pp. 1281-1355.

-M. Caputo (1990). “How to Do Dynamics on the Back of an Envelope in Optimal Control

Theory”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.14-#4, pp. 655-683.

-J. LaFrance and L.D. Barnery (1991). “The Envelope Theorem in Dynamic Optimization”.

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.15-#?, pp. 355-385.

-M. Boldrin and R. Deneckere (1990). “Sources of Complex D ynamics in Two-Sector Growth

Models”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.14-#4, pp. 627-653.

2. Optimal Growth and Trade

-H. Ryder (1967). “Optimal Accumulation and Trade in an Open Economy of Moderate Size”. in

K. Shell ed. Essays on the Theory of Optimal Economic Growth . Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 87-


-J. Stiglitz (1970). “Factor Price Equalization in a Dynamic Economy”. JPE; V.78-#3, pp. 456-


-A. Takayama (1971). “A Dynamic Analysis of the Patterns of Specialization and Factor

Accumulation”. Chapter 14 in A. Takayama, International Trade. New York: Holt, Rinehart and

Winston, pp. 403-434.

-S. Togan (1975). “The Gains from International Trade in the Context of a Growing Economy”.

JIE; V.5-#3, pp. 229-238.

-T.N. Srinivasan and J. Bhagwati (1980). “Trade and Welfare in a Steady State”. in J. Chipman

and C. Kindleberger, eds. Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments . Amsterdam:

North-Holland, pp. 341-353.

-Z. Chen (1992). “Long-run Equilibria in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model”. CJE; V.25-#4, pp.


-M. Yano (1990). “Von N eumann Facets and the Dynamic Stability of Perfect Foresight

Equilibrium Paths in Neo-Classical Trade Theory”. ZfN ; V.51-#1, pp. 27-69.

3. Optimal Policy with Capital Mobility

-T. Negishi (1965). “Foreign Investment and Long-Run National Advantage”. EcRec; V.41-#?, pp.


-A. Francis (1970). “An Alternative Treatment of Foreign Investment and Long-run National

Advantage”. EcRec; V.46-#?, pp. 255-257.

-N. van Long (1973). “On a Paradox in the Theory of Capital Movements”. EcRec; V.49-#?, pp.


-R. Manning (1975). “Attitudes to International Capital Movements in the Long Run: The Case of

Neo-Classical Savings in the Foreign Country”. EcRec; V.51-#?, pp. 242-248.

-M. Ohyama (1978). “Reconsideration of Some Paradoxes in the Theory of Optimal Foreign

Investment”. EcRec; V.54-#?, pp. 346-353.

4. Optimal Investment with International Borrowing

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-K. Hamada (1966). “Economic Growth and Long-T erm International Capital Movements”. Yale

Economic Essays; V.6-#?, pp. 49-96.

-K. Hamada (1969). “Optimal Capital Accumulation by an Economy Facing an International

Capital Market”. JPE; V.77-#?, pp. 684-697.

-P. Bardhan (1967). “Optimum Foreign Borrowing”. in K. Shell, ed. Essays on the Theory of

Optimal Econom ic Growth. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 117-128.

-M. Kemp (1968). “International T rade and Investment in the Context of Growth”. EcRec; V.?-#?,

pp. 211-223.

-J. Hanson and P. Neher (1967). “The Neoclassical Theorem Once Again: Closed and Open

Economies”. AER; V.57-#?, pp. 869-878.

-R. Bade (1972). “Optimal Growth and Foreign Borrowing with Restricted Mobility of Foreign

Capital”. IER; V.13-#3, pp. 544-552.

-J.D. Pitchford (1970). “Foreign Investment and National Advantage in a Dynamic Context”. I.

McDougall and R. Snape, eds. Studies In International Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland,

pp. 193-206.

-J.D. Pitchford (1989). “Optimum Borrowing and the Current Account when there are Fluctuations

in Income”. JIE; V.26-#?, 345-358.

-R. Manning (1972). “Optimal Taxation when Borrowing Alters the Foreign Supply Curve for

Capital”. EcRec; V.48-#?, pp. 400-410.

-J. Hanson (1974). “Optimal International Borrowing and Lending”. AER; V.64-#?, pp. 616-630.

-G. Feder and U. Regev (1975). “International Loans, Direct Foreign Investment and Optimal

Capital Accumulation”. EcRec; V.51-#?, pp. 320-325.

-J. McCabe and D. Sibley (1976). “Optimal Foreign Debt Accumulation with Export Revenue

Uncertainty”. IER; V.17-#?, pp. 675-686.

-G. Feder and R. Just (1979). “Optimal International Borrowing, Capital Allocation, and Cred it

Worthiness Control”. Kredit und Kapital; V.12-#2, pp. 207-220.

-H. Kharas (1984). “The Long-Run Creditworthiness of Developing Countries: Theory and

Practice”. QJE ; V.?-#?, pp. 415-439.

-R. Manning and K.L. Shea (1989). “Perfectly Discriminatory Policy Towards International

Capital Movements in a Dynamic World”. IER; V.30-#2, pp. 329-348.

-R. Manning and K.L. Shea (1989). “Perfect Discrimination and Long-Run National Advantage”.

ZfN ; V.49-#3, pp. 299-313.

-H. Wan (1971). “A Simultaneous Variational Model for International Capital Movements”. in J.

Bhagwati, et al., eds. Trade, Balance of Payments and G rowth. Amsterdam: North Holland, pp.


5. Grow th, Capital M obility and Stages in the Balance of Payments

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-P. Neher (1970). “International Capital Movements Along Balanced Growth Paths”. EcRec; V.46-

#?, pp. 393-401. (Comment by Fischer & Frenkel, EcRec, (1972), pp. 266-271)

-J. Frenkel (1971). “A Theory of Money, Trade and the Balance of Payments in a Model of

Accumulation”. JIE; V.1-#2, pp. 159-187.

-S. Fischer and J. Frenkel (1974). “Economic Growth and Stages of the Balance of Payments: A

Theoretical Model”. in G. H orwich and P. Samuelson, eds. Trade, Stability and Macroeconom ics.

New York: Academic Press, pp. 503-521.

-S. Fischer and J. Frenkel (1972). “Investment, the Two-Sector M odel and Trade in Debt and

Capital Goods”. JIE; V.2-#?, pp. 211-233.

-S. Fischer and J. Frenkel (1974). “Interest Rate Equalization and Patterns of Production, Trade

and Consumption in a Two-Country Growth Model”. EcRec; V.50-#?, pp. 555-580.

-Y. Onitsuka (1974). “International Capital Movements and the Patterns of Economic Growth”.

AER; V.64-#1, pp. 24-36.

-M. Bazdarich (1978). “Optimal Growth and Stages in the Balance of Payments”. JIE; V.8-#?, pp.


-H. Hori and J. Stein (1977). “International Growth with Free Trade in Equities and Goods”. IER,

V.18-#1, pp. 83-100. (Comment by de Vries (1983), V.24-#3, pp. 761-769.)

-R. Ruffin (1979). “Growth and the Long-Run Theory of Capital Movements”. AER; V.69-#5, pp.


-Y. Takagi (1981). “Aid and Debt Problems in Less Developed Countries”. OEP; V.33-#?, pp.


-M. Katz (1982). “The Cost of Borrowing, the Terms of Trade, and the Determination of External

Debt”. OEP; V.34-#?, pp. 332-345.

-R. Ruffin (1985). “Taxing International Capital Movements in a Growing World”. JIE; V.18-#?,

pp. 261-279.

-H. Siebert (1987). “Foreign Debt and Capital Accumulation”. WA; V.123-#?, pp. 618-630.

-N. van Long and H. Siebert (1989). “Optimal Foreign Borrowing: The Impact of Planning

Horizon on the Half and Full Debt Cycle”. ZfN ; V.49-#3, pp. 279-297.

-H. Siebert (1989). “The Half and Full Debt Cycle”. WA; V.125-#?, pp. 217-229.

-S. Manzocchi (1990). “Stages in the Balance of Payments: A Survey of the Neoclassical Theory”.

Economic Notes, pp. 397-416.

C. Growth and Trade in Overlapping Generations (OLG) M odels

1. Growth with OLG

-G. M cCandless with N. Wallace (1991). Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics: An OLG

Approach . Cambridge: Harvard.

a. Pure Exchange

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-P. Samuelson (1958). “An Exact Consumption-Loan Model of Interest with or without the Social

Contrivance of M oney”. JPE; V.66-#6, pp. 467-482.

-D. Cass and M. Yaari (1966). “A Re-Examination of Pure Consumption Loans M odels”. JPE;

V.74-#?, pp. 353-367.

-K. Shell (1971). “Notes on the Economics of Infinity”. JPE; V.79-#?, pp. 1002-1111.

-D. Gale (1973). “Pure Exchange Equilibrium of Dynamic Economic Models”. JET; V.6-#1, pp.


-W. Chang, M. Kemp and N.V. Long (1983). “Dynamic Properties of a Simple OLG M odel”.

OEP; V.35-#?, pp. 366-372.

-Y. Balasko and K. Shell (1980). “The OLG Model, I: The Case of Pure Exchange without

Money”. JET; V.23-#?, pp. 281-306.

-Y. Balasko, D. Cass and K. Shell (1980). “Existence of Competitive Equilibrium in a General

OLG M odel”. JET; V.23-#?, pp. 307-322.

-J. Genakopolos and H. Polemarchakis (1984). “Intertemporally Separable OLG M odels”. JET;

V.34-#?, pp. 207-215.

-T. Kehoe and D. Levine (1984). “Intertemporal Separability in OLG Models”. JET; V.34-#?, pp.


-T. Kehoe and D. Levine (1985). “Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon

Models”. Etrica; V.53-#?, pp. 433-453.

-W. Muller and M. Woodford (1988). “Determinacy of Equilibrium in Stationary Economies with

Both Finite and Infinite-Lived Consumers”. JET; V.46-#?, pp. 255-290.

-T. Kehoe, D. Levine, A. Mas-Colell and M. Woodford (1991). “Gross Substitutability in Large

Square Economies”. JET; V.54-#1, pp. 1-25.

-L. Beneviste (1986). “Pricing Optimal Distributions to Overlapping Generations: A Corollary to

Efficiency Pricing”. REStud; V.53-#?, pp. 301-306.

-K. Hendricks, K. Judd, and D. Kovenock (1980). “A Note on the core of the OLG M odel”.

EcLets; V.6-#?, pp. 95-97.

-D. Kovenock (1984). “A Second Note on the Core of the OLG Model”. EcLets; V.14-#?, pp. 101-


-S. Chae (1987). “Short-run Core Equivalence in an OLG Model”. JET; V.43-#?, pp. 170-183.

-J. Esteban and T . Millan (1990). “Competitive Equilibria and the Core of OLG Economies”. JET;

V.50-#?, pp. 155-174.

-C. Aliprantis and O. Burkinshaw (1990). “An OLG Core Equivalence Theorem”. JET; V.50-#?,

pp. 362-380.

-S. Chae and J. Esteban (1993). “Core Equivalence in an OLG M odel”. JET; V.59-#?, pp. 417-


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-J. Silvestre (2000). “Surplus Analysis for Overlapping Generations”. Journal of Economic

Dynamics And Control; V.24-#4, pp. 623-650.

b. OLG with Production

-P. Diamond (1965). “National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model”. AER; V.55-#5, pp. 1126-


-D. Cass and M. Yaari (1967). “Individual Savings, Aggregate Capital Accumulation, and

Efficient Growth”. in K . Shell, ed . Essays on the Theory of Optimal Economic Growth .

Cambridge: MIT, pp. 233-268.

-P. Samuelson (1968). “The Two-Part Golden Rule Deduced as the Asymptotic Turnpike of

Caternary M otions”. Western Econmic Journal; V.6-#2, pp. 85-93.

-P. Samuelson (1975). “The Optimum Growth Rate for Population”. IER; V.16-#3, pp. 531-538.

-A. Deardorff (1976). “The Optimum Growth Rate for Population: A comment”. IER; V.17-#2, pp.

510-515. [Response by Samuelson follows]

-O. Galor and H. Ryder (1989). “Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Equilibrium in an OLG

Model”. JET; V.49-#?, pp. 360-375.

-O. Galor (1992). “A Two-Sector OLG Model: A Global Characterization of the Dynamical

System”. Etrica; V.60-#6, pp. 1351-1386.

c. OLG a la Yaari-Blanchard-W eil

-M. Yaari (1965). “Uncertain Lifetime, Life Insurance and the Theory of the Consumer”. REStud;

V.32-#?, pp. 137-150.

-O.J. Blanchard (1984). “Current and Anticipated Deficits, Interest Rates and Economic Activity”.

EER; V.25-#?, pp. 7-27.

-O.J. B lanchard (1985). “Debt, Deficits and Finite Horizons”. JPE; V.93-#?, pp. 223-247.

-P. W eil (1988). “Overlapping Generations of Infinitely Lived Agents”. JPubE; V.38-#?, pp. 183-


-W. Buiter (1988). “Death, Birth, Productivity Growth and Debt Neutrality”. EJ; V.98-#?, pp. 279-


-A. Abel (1989). “Birth, Death and Taxes”. JPubE; V.39-#1, pp. 1-15.

-G. Calvo and M . Obstfeld (1988). “Optimal Time Consistent Fiscal Policy with Finite Lifetimes:

Analysis and Extensions”. in E. Helpman, A. Razin and E. Sadka, eds. Economic Effects of the

Government Budget. Cambridge: MIT, pp. 163-198.

-M. Kawai and L. M accini (1990). “Fiscal Policy, Anticipated Switches in Methods of Finance and

the Effects on the Economy”. IER; V.31-#?, pp. 913-934.

-C. Davidson, L. Martin and S. Matusz (1994). “Jobs and Chocolate: Samuelsonian Surpluses in

Dynamic Models of Employment”. REStud; V.61-#1, pp. 173-192.

d. OLG with Money

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-N. W allace (1980). “The OLG Model of Fiat M oney”. in J. Karaken and N. W allace, eds. Models

of Monetary Economies. Minneapolis: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, pp. 49-82.

[Comments by T obin, Schienkman, and Cass/Shell]

-B. McCallum (1983). “The Role of OLG in Models of Monetary Economics”. K. Brunner and A.

Meltzer, eds. Theory, Policy, Institutions. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 129-164.

-J.-M. Grandmont and G. Laroque (1973). “Money in the Pure Consumption Loan Model”. JET;

V.6-#?, pp. 382-395.

-M. Kemp and N.V. Long (1979). “Money, Inflation and M aximizing Behavior”. EcLets; V.2-#?,

pp. 321-326.

-D. Cass, M. Okuno and I. Zilcha (1979). “The Role of Money in Supporting the Pareto Optimality

of Competitive Equilibrium in Consumption Loan Type M odels”. JET; V.20-#1, pp. 41-80.

-M. Okuno and I. Zilcha (1980). “On the Efficiency of a Competitive Equilibrium in Infinite

Horizon Monetary Models”. REStud; V.47-#?, pp. 797-807.

-M. Okuno and I. Zilcha (1981). “A Proof of the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium in an OLG

Exchange Economy with M oney”. IER; V.22-#?, pp. 239-252.

-Y. Balasko and K. Shell (1981). “The OLG Model, II: The Case of Pure Exchange with Money”.

JET; V.24-#?, pp. 112-142.

-Y. Balasko and K . Shell (1981). “The OLG Model, III: The Case of Log-Linear U tility

Functions”. JET; V.24-#?, pp. 143-152.

-Y. Balasko and K. Shell (1986). “Lump-Sum Taxes and Transfers: Public Debt in the OLG

Model”. in W. Heller, R. Starr and D. Starrett, eds. Equilibrium Analysis. Cambridge: CUP, pp.


-M. Kemp and N.V. Long (1990). “The Relaxation of Price Controls, the General Price Level and

Welfare”. Journal of Macroeconomics; V.12-#2, pp. 221-246.

e. Chaotic Dynamics in OLG Economies

-J. Benhabib and R. Day (1982). “A Characterisation of Erratic Dynamics in the OLG M odel”.

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.4-#1, pp. 37-55.

-J. Grandmont (1985). “On Endogenous Competitive Business Cycles”. Etrica; V.53-#?, pp. 995-


-J. Grandmont (1986). “Stabilizing Competitive Business Cycles”. JET; V.40-#?, pp. 57-76.

-J. Tirole (1985). “Asset Bubbles and OLG”. Etrica; V.53-#?, pp. 1071-1100.

2. Growth and Trade with OLG

a. Growth and Trade in the Samuelson-Diamond Model

-D. Gale (1971). “General Equilibrium with Imbalance of Trade”. JIE; V.1-#2, pp. 141-158.

-J. Green (1972). “The Question of Collective Rationality in Professor Gale's Model of Trade

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Imbalance”. JIE; V.2-#1, pp. 39-55.

-D. Gale (1974). “The Trade Imbalance Story”. JIE; V.4-#?, pp. 119-137.

-M. Kemp (1973). “Trade Gains in a Pure Consumption-Loan Model”. Australian Econom ic

Papers; V.12-#?, pp. 124-126.

-J. Karaken and N . Wallace (1977). “Portfolio Autarky: A W elfare Analysis”. JIE; V.7-#?, pp. 19-


-J. Fried (1980). “The Intergenerational Distribution of the Gains from Technical Change and from

International T rade”. CJE; V.13-#1, pp. 65-81.

-B. Bental (1985). “Is Capital Mobility Always Desirable? A Welfare Analysis of Portfolio

Autarky in a Growing Economy”. IER; V.26-#1, pp. 203-212.

-O. Galor (1994). “Tariffs, Income Distribution and W elfare in a Small OLG Economy”. IER;

V.35-#1, pp. 173-192.

-P. Serra (1991). “Short-run and Long-run W elfare Implications of Free Trade”. CJE; V.24-#1, pp.


-E. Cremers (1997). “Capital Markets and Dimension in Neoclassical M odels of Growth with

Trade”. JIE; V.43-#1/2, pp. 155-172.

-W. Buiter (1981). “Time Preference and International Lending and Borrowing in an OLG

Model”. JPE; V.89-#?, pp. 769-797.

-R. Dornbusch (1985). “Intergenerational and International T rade”. JIE; V.18-#?, pp. 123-139.

-T. Persson (1985). “Deficits and Intergenerational W elfare in Open Economies”. JIE; V.19-#1/2,

pp. 67-84.

-T. Persson and L. Svensson (1985). “Current Account Dynamics and Terms of Trade: Harberger-

Laursen-Metzler Two Generations Later”. JPE; V.93-#1, pp. 43-65.

-A. Sibert (1985). “Capital Accumulation and Foreign Investment Taxation”. REStud; V.52-#?, pp.


-H. Zee (1987). “Government Debt, Capital Accumulation, and the Terms of Trade in a Model of

Interdependent Economies”. EcInq; V.25-#?, pp. 599-18.

-J. Fried and P . Howitt (1988). “Fiscal Deficits, International Trade and W elfare”. JIE; V.24-#1,

pp. 1-22.

-K. M atsuyama (1988). “Terms of Trade, Factor Intensities and the Current Account in a Life

Cycle Model”. REStud; V.55-#?, pp. 247-262.

-M. Obstfeld (1989). “Fiscal Deficits and Relative Prices in a Growing W orld Economy”. JME;

V.23-#3, pp. 461-484.

-E. Fisher (1990). “Sustainable B alance of Trade Deficits”. JME; V.25-#?, pp. 411-430.

-E. Fisher (1995). “A New W ay of Thinking About the Current Account”. IER; V.36-#3, pp. 555-


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-E. Fisher (1995). “Growth, Trade, and International Transfers”. JIE; V.39-#1/2, pp. 143-158.

-M. Finn (1990). “On Savings and Investment Dynamics in a Small Open Economy”. JIE; V.29-

#1/2, pp. 1-21.

-A. Sibert (1990). “Taxing Capital in a Large , Open Economy”. JPubE; V.41-#?, pp. 297-317.

-T. Ihori (forthcoming). Capital Income Taxation in a World Economy: A Territorial System

versus a Residence System”. EJ;

-R. Batina and T. Ihori (1991). “International Spillover Effects of Consumption Taxation”. JJIE;

V.5-#4, pp. 404-420.

-A. Mourmouras (1991). “Infant Governments and the Fiscal Role of Tariffs, Inflation, and

Requirements”. JIE; V.31

-M. Kohn and N. Marion (1992). “The Implications of Knowledge-based Growth for the

Optimality of Open Capital Markets” . CJE; V.25-#4, pp. 865-883.

-T.N. Binh (1985). “A Neo-Ricardian Trade Model with OLG”. EcRec; V.?-#?, pp. 707-718

-J. Eaton (1987). “A Dynamic Specific-Factors M odel of Trade”. REStud; V.54-#?, pp. 325-338.

-J. Eaton (1988). “Foreign Owned Land”. AER; V.87-#1, pp. 76-88.

-O. Galor (1986). “Time Preference and International Labor M igration”. JET; V.38-#?, pp. 1-20.

-O. Galor (1988). “The Long-Run Implications of Hicks-neutral Technical Progress”. IER; V.29-

#?, pp. 177-183.

-K. Matsuyama (1991). “Immiserizing Growth in Diamond's OLG M odel: A Geometrical

Exposition”. IER; V.32-#1, pp. 251-262.

-W. Buiter and K. Kletzer (1991). “Persistent Differences in National Productivity Growth Rates

with a Common Technology and Free Capital Mobility: The Roles of Private Thrift, Public Debt

Capital Taxation, and Policy Toward Human Capital Formation”. JJIE; V.5-#4, pp. 325-353.

-R. Fischer (1992). “Income Distriubtion in the Dynamic Two-Factor Trade M odel”. Eca; V.59-

#?, pp. 221-233.

-H. Dellas and O. Galor (1992). “Growth via External Public Debt and Capital Controls”. IER;

V.33-#2, pp. 269-281.

-R. Ruffin and Y.D. Yoon (1993). “International Capital Movements in the Solow and OLG

Models”. RIE ; V.1-#2, pp. 123-135.

-O. Galor and S. Lin (1997). “Dynamic Foundations for the Factor Endowment Model of

International T rade”. in B. Jensen and K.-y. W ong, eds. Dynamics, Economic Growth and

International Trade. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 151-168.

-A. Mountford (1998). “Trade, Convergence and Overtaking”. JIE; V.46-#1, pp. 167-182.

b. Growth and Trade in the Yaari-Blanchard-Weil Model

-W. Buiter (1987). “Fiscal Policy in Open, Interdependent Economies”. in A. Razin and E. Sadka,

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eds. Economic Policy in Theory and Practice. London: Macmillan.

-W. Buiter (1988). “Structural and Stabilization Aspects of Fiscal and Financial Policy in the

Dependent Economy”. OEP; V.40-#?, pp. 220-245.

-J. Frenkel and A. Razin (1986). “Fiscal Policies in the World Economy”. JPE; V.94-#3/pt.1, pp.


-E. Helpman and A. Razin (1987). “Exchange Rate Management: Intertemporal Tradeoffs”. AER;

V.77-#1, pp. 107-123.

-J. Frenkel and A. Razin (1987). “OLG and the Dynamic Effects of Fiscal Policies”. Part V in

Fiscal Policies and the World Economy. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 285-399.

-P. Kouri (1986). “Trade, Capital Flows and the Dynamics of the Real Exchange Rate”. in G.

Calvo, et al. eds. Debt, Stabilization and Development. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 324-343.

-K. M atsuyama (1987). “Current Account Dynamics in a Finite Horizon Model”. JIE; V.23-#3/4,

pp. 299-313.

-S. van W ijnbergen (1988). “Inflation, Balance of Payments Crises and Public Sector Deficits”. in

E. Helpman, et al., eds. Economic Effects of the Government Budget. Cambridge: MIT, pp. 287-


-A. Giovannini (1988). “The Real Exchange Rate, The Capital Stock and Fiscal Policy”. EER;

V.32-#?, pp. 1747-1767.

-A. Giovannini and J.W. Park (1992). “Capital Controls and International Trade Finance”. JIE;

V.33-#3/4, pp. 285-304.

-J. Eaton (1989). “Monopoly W ealth and International Debt”. IER; V.30-#1, pp. 33-48.

-C. Engel and K. Kletzer (1990). “Tariffs and Saving in a Model with New Generations”. JIE;

V.28-#1/2, pp. 71-91.

-F. van der Ploeg (1991). “Money and Capital in Interdependent Economies with Overlapping

Generations”. Eca; V.58-#230, pp. 233-256.

-G. Algoskoufis and F. van der Ploeg (1991). “On Budgetary Policies, Growth and External

Deficits in an Interdependent W orld”. JJIE; V.5-#4, pp. 305-324.

-K. M atsuyama (1992). “A Simple M odel of Sectoral Adjustment”. REStud; V.59-#?, pp. 375-388.

-A.L. Bovenberg (1992). “Residence- and Source-based Taxation of Capital Income in an OLG

Model”. ZfN ; V.56-#3, pp. 267-295.

-A.L. Bovenberg (1993). “Investment-Promoting Policies in Open Economies: The Importance of

Intergenerational and International Distributional Effects”. JPubE; V.51-#1, pp. 3-54.

-B. Daniel (1993). “Uncertainty and the Timing of Taxes”. JIE; V.34-#1/2, pp. 95-114.

-D. Park (1994). “Foreign Exchange Liberalization and the Viab ility of a Fixed Exchange Rate

Regime”. JIE; V.36-#1/2, pp. 99-116.

c. Exchange Rates and the BoP with OLG

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-J. Karaken and N . Wallace (1981). “On the Indeterminacy of Equilibrium Exchange Rates”. QJE ;

V.46-#?, pp. 207-222.

-H. Lapan and W . Enders (1980). “Random Disturbances and the Choice of Exchange Rate

Regimes in an Intergenerational M odel”. JIE; V.10-#?, pp. 263-283.

-J. Aizenman (1981). “The Use of Balance of Payments as a Shock Absorber in Fixed Rate and

Managed Float Systems”. JIE; V.11-#?, pp. 479-486.

-W. Enders and H. Lapan (1981). “The Exchange Regime, Resource Allocation, and Uncertainty”.

SEJ; V.48-#?, pp. 924-940.

-H. Lapan and W . Enders (1983). “Rational Expectations, Endogenous Currency Substitution, and

Exchange Rate Determination”. QJE ; V.?-#?, pp. 427-439.

-W. Enders and H. Lapan (1983). “On the Relationship Between the Exchange Regime and the

Portfolio Rules of Optimizing Agents”. JIE; V.15-#?, pp. 199-224.

-E. Fisher (1990). “Sustainable B alance of Trade Deficits”. JME; V.25-#?, pp. 411-430.

-E. Fisher (1995). “A New W ay of Thinking About the Current Account”. IER; V.36-#?, pp.

-E. Fisher (1996). “On Exchange Rates and Efficiency”. Economic Theory; v.7-#?, pp. 267-281.

D. Capital Theoretic/Neo-Ricardian Models of Growth and Trade

-A. Smith (1976). “Trade, Growth and Consumption in Alternative Models of Capital

Accumulation”. JIE; V.6-#?, pp. 371-384.

-A. Dixit (1981). “The Export of Capital Theory”. JIE, V.11-#?, pp. 279-294.

-A. Smith (1984). “Capital Theory and Trade Theory”. in R. Jones and P. Kenen, ed. Handbook of

International Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 289-324.

1. The Structure of Neo-Ricardian M odels

-L. Mainwaring (1984). Value and D istribution in Capitalist Econom ies: An Introduction to

Sraffian Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

-P. Sraffa (1960). Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

-P. Garegnani (1970). “Heterogeneous Capital, The Production Function and the Theory of

Distribution”. REStud; V.37-#3, pp. 407-436.

-J. Metcalfe and I. Steedman (1972). “Reswitching and P rimary Input Use”. EJ; V.82-#?, pp. 140-


-L. Pasinetti (1974). Growth and Income Distribution. Cambridge: Cambrige University Press.

-L. Pasinetti (1981). Structural Change and Economic Growth. Cambridge: Cambridge U niversity


-W. Darity (1981). “The Simple Analytics of Neo-Ricardian G rowth and D istribution”. AER;

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V.71-#5, pp. 978-993.

-J. Blatt (1984). Dynamic Economic Systems: A Post-Keynesian Approach. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

-A. Dixit (1977). “The Accumulation of Capital Theory”. OEP; V.29-#1, pp. 1-29.

2. International Trade in Neo-Ricardian M odels

-I. Steedman and J . Metcalfe (1973). “'On Foreign T rade '”. Econom ia Internazionale; reprinted in

I. Steedman, ed. Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory . New York: St. Martins, pp. 99-109.

-L. Mainwaring (1974). “A Neo-Ricardian Analysis of International Trade”. KYKLOS; V.27-#?,

pp. 537-553.

-J. Metcalfe and I. Steedman (1974). “A Note on the Gain From Trade”. EcRec; V.50-#?, pp. 581-


-P. Samuelson (1975). “Trade Pattern Reversals in Time-Phased Ricardian Systems”. JIE; V.5-#?,

pp. 309-363.

-P. Samuelson (1978). “Free Trade's Intertemporal Pareto-Optimality”. JIE; V.8-#?, pp. 147-149.

-M.A.M. Smith (1979). “Intertemporal Gains from Trade”. JIE; V.9-#?, pp. 239-248.

-L. Mainwaring (1979). “On the Transition from Autarky to Trade”. in I. Steedman, ed.

Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory . New York: St. Martins, pp. 131-141.

-I. Steedman (1979). “The von Neumann Analysis and the Small Open Economy”. in I. Steedman,

ed. Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory . New York: St. Martins, pp. 142-158.

-S. Parinello (1979). “Distribution, Growth and International Trade”. in I. Steedman, ed.

Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory . New York: St. Martins, pp. 159-187.

-J. Metcalfe and I. Steedman (1979). “Growth and Distribution in an Open Economy”. in I.

Steedman, ed. Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory . New York: St. Martins, pp. 201-227.

-K. Acheson (1970). “The Aggregation of Heterogeneous Capital Goods and Various Trade

Theorems”. JPE; V.78-#2, pp. 565-571.

-J. Metcalfe and I. Steedman (1972). “Heterogeneous Capital and the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson

Theory of Trade”. in J. Parkin and A. Nobay, eds. Essays in Modern Economics. London:

Longman, pp. 50-60.

-M. Kemp (1973). “Heterogeneous Capital Goods and Long-Run Stolper-Samuelson Theorems”.

Australian Economic Papers; V.12-#?, pp. 253-260.

-I. Steedman and J. Metcalfe (1973). “The Non-Substitution Theorem and International Trade

Theory”. Australian Economic Papers; V.12-#?, pp. 267-269.

-I. Steedman and J. Metcalfe (1977). “Reswitching, Primary Inputs and the HOS Theory of

Trade”. JIE; V.7-#?, pp. 201-208.

-L. Mainwaring (1976). “Relative Prices and “Factor Price” Equalization in a Heterogeneous

Capital Goods Model”. Australian Economic Papers; V.12-#?, pp. 109-118.

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-E. Burmeister (1978). “An Interest Rate and Factor Price Equalization Theorem with Non-Traded

Commodities”. JIE; V.8-#?, pp. 1-9.

-L. Mainwaring (1978). “The Interest Rate Equalization Theorem with Non-Traded Goods”. JIE;

V.8-#?, pp. 11-19.

-P. Samuelson (1978). “Interest Rate Equalization and Non-Equalization by Trade in Leontief-

Sraffa M odels”. JIE; V.8-#?, pp. 21-27.

-W. Ethier (1979). “The Theorems of International Trade in T ime-Phased Economies”. JIE; V.9-

#?, pp. 225-238. (Comment by M etcalfe and Steedman, and Response. JIE, V.11-#?, pp. 267-277)

-I. Steedman (1979). Trade Amongst Growing Economies. Cambridge: Cambridge U niversity


3. International Trade in Vintage Capita l Models

-R. Solow, J. Tobin, C.v. Weizsacker, and M. Yaari (1966). “Neoclassical Growth with Fixed

Factor Proportions”. REStud; V.33-#94, pp. 79-115.

-C. Bliss (1968). “On Putty-Clay”. REStud; V.35-#102, pp. 105-132.

-J. Benhabib and A. Rustichini (1993). “A Vintage Capital Model of Investment and Growth:

Theory and Evidence”. in R . Becker, M . Boldrin, R. Jones and W. Thomson, eds. General

Equilibrium, Growth, and Trade II. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 248-301.

-P. Bardhan (1966). “International T rade Theory in a Vintage Capital M odel”. Etrica; V.34-#4,

pp. 756-767.

-H. Petith (1972). “Vintage Capital, Joint Production and the Theory of International Trade”. IER;

V.13-#1, pp. 148-159.

-A. Smith (1974). “International T rade in Second-Hand Machines”. JDevE; V.?-#?, pp. 267-278.

-G. Gabisch (1975). “A Vintage Capital M odel of International Trade: The Case of Trade with

Second-Hand Machines”. JIE; V.5-#4, pp. 365-383.

-A. Smith (1976). “International T rade in Vinatge Models”. REStud; V.43-#1, pp. 99-113.

-H. Petith (1976). “The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, the Rybczynski Theorem, and the Pattern of

Trade in Neoclassical and Vintage Capital T rade and G rowth Models”. IER; V.17-#1, pp. 57-75.

-R. Bond (1983). “Trade in Used Equipment with Heterogeneous Firms”. JPE, V.91-#4, pp. 688-


-J.C. Kim (1989). “Trade in Used Goods and Durability Choice” . IEJ; V.3-#3, pp. 53-63.

4. International Trade in Neo-Austrian M odels

-J. Hicks (1973). Capital and Time: A Neo-Austrian Theory . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

-E. Burmeister (1974). “Synthesizing the neo-Austrian and Alternative Approaches to Capital

Theory: A Survey”. JEL; V.12-#?, pp. 413-456.

-R. Brecher and I. Parker (1977). “Time Structure of Production and the Theory of International

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Trade”. JIE; V.7-#?, pp. 385-402.

-R. Findlay (1978). “An 'Austrian' Model of International Trade and Interest Rate Equalization”.

JPE; V.86-#6, pp. 989-1007.

-A. Schweinberger (1984). “The Austrian Concept of Capital and the Pure Theory of International

Trade”. in A. Ingham and A. Ulph, eds. Demand, Equilibrium and Trade. New York: St. Martins,

pp. 77-91.

-L. Young and J. Romero (1990). “International Investment and the Positive Theory of

International T rade”. JIE; V.29-#3/4, pp. 333-349.

-A. Dixit and G . Grossman (1982). “Trade and Protection with M ultistage Production”. REStud;

V.49-#?, pp. 583-594.

-K. Sanyal (1983). “Vertical Specialization in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Stages of

Production”. Eca; V.50-#1, pp. 70-78.

-A. Sarkar (1985). “A M odel of Trade in Intermediate Goods”. JIE; V.19-#?, pp. 85-98.

-S. Marjit (1987). “Trade in Intermediates and the Colonial Pattern of Trade”. Eca; V.54-#?, pp.


-S. Marjit (1988). “Tariff, Technical P rogress and Trade with Vertical Specialization”. KES; V.25-

#1, pp. 51-57.

E. “Endogenous” Growth and Trade

1. Surveys/Overviews

-P. Romer (1989). “Capital Accumulation and the Theory of Long-Run Growth”. in R. Barro, ed.

Modern Business Cycle Theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 51-127.

-E. Helpman (1992). “Endogenous Macroeconomic Growth T heory”. EER; V.36-#?, pp. 237-267.

-P. Hammond and A. Rodríguez-Clare (1993). “On Endogenizing Long-Run Growth”. In T.

Andersen and K .O. M oene, eds. Endogenous Growth. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-35.

-N.V. Long and K.-y. W ong (1997). “Endogeous Growth and International T rade: A Survey”. in

B. Jensen and K .-y. Wong, eds. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade. Ann

Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 11-74.

2. Growth and Trade with Learning-by-Doing

a. Growth with Learning by Doing

-N. Kaldor (1957). “A Model of Economic Growth”. EJ; V.68-#?, pp. 591-624.

-K. Arrow (1962). “The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing”. REStud; V.29-#?, pp. 155-


-D. Levhari (1966). “Further Implications of Learning by Doing”. REStud; V.33-#?, pp. 31-38.

-D. Levhari (1966). “Extensions of Arrow's 'Learning by Doing'”. REStud; V.33-#?, pp. 117-133.

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-J. Black (1969). “Learning by Doing and Optimum Savings”. CJE; V.2-#4, pp. 604-612.

-A. d'Autume and P. Michel (1993). “Endogenous Growth in Arrow's Learning by Doing Model”.

EER; V.37-#?, pp. 1175-1184

-S. Rosen (1972). “Learning by Experience as Jo int Production”. QJE ; V.86-#?, pp. 366-382.

-A.M. Spence (1981). “The Learning Curve and Competition”. Bell Journal of Economics; V.12-

#?, pp. 49-70.

-P. Ghemawat and A.M. Spence (1985). “Learning Curve Spillovers and Market Performance”.

QJE ; V.100-#?, pp. 839-852.

-D. Fudenberg and J. Tirole (1983). “Learning-by-doing and Market Performance”. Rand Journal

of Economics; V.14-#?, pp. 522-530.

-W.W. Chen (198?). “The Effect of Learning on Market Structure”. Rand Journal of Economics;

V.?-#?, pp. 196-201.

-N. Stokey (1986). “The Dynamics of Industrywide Learning”. Equilibrium Analysis. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, pp. 81-104.

-N. Stokey (1988). “Learning by Doing and the Introduction of New Goods”. JPE; V.96-#?, pp.


-J. Schmitz (1989). “Imitation, Entrepreneurship and Long-Run Growth”. JPE; V.97-#3, pp. 721-


-M. King and M . Robson (1993). “A Dynamic Model of Investment and Endogenous Growth”. In

T. Andersen and K.O. M oene, eds. Endogenous Growth. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 55-76.

-S. Parente (1994). “Technology Adoption, Learning-by-Doing and Growth”. JET; V.63-#?, pp.


-D. Mookherjee and D. Ray (1991). “Collusive Market Structure under Learning-by-Doing and

Increasing Returns”. REStud; V.58-#?, pp. 993-1009.

b. International Trade and Growth with Learning by Doing

-H. Ryder (1969). “Optimal Accumulation in a Listian Model”. in H.W. Kuhn and G.P. Szego,

Mathem atical Systems Theory and Economomics--II. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 457-479.

-E. Sheshinski (1967). “Optimal Accumulation with Learning by Doing”. in K. Shell, Essays on

the Theory of Optimal Economic Growth. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 31-52.

-P.K. Bardhan (1971). “On Optimum Subsidy to a Learning Industry: An Aspect fo the Theory of

Infant-Industry Protection”. IER. V.12-#1, pp. 54-70.

-S. Clemhout and H.Y. W an (1970). “Learning-by-Doing and Infant Industry Protection”. REStud,

V.37-#?, pp. 33-56.

-M. Teubal (1973). “Comparative Advantage and Technological Change: The Learning by Doing

Case”. JIE, V.3-#?, pp. 161-178.

-G. Feder and A. Schmitz (1976). “Learning by Doing and Infant Industry Protection: A Partial

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Equilibrium Approach”. REStud. V.43-#1, pp. 175-178.

-P. Krugman (1987). “The Narrow M oving Band, The Dutch Disease, and the Competitive

Consequences of Mrs. Thatcher: Notes on Trade in the Presence of Dynamic Scale Economies”.

JDevEc; V.27-#?, pp. 41-55.

-P. Succar (1987). “The Need for Industrial Policy in LDC's: A Restatement of the Infant Industry

Argument”. IER, V.28-#2, pp. 521-534.

-H.P. Bowen (1988). “Protection and W elfare in the Presence of Dynamic Learning”. WA, V.124-

#4, pp. 607-621.

-P. Dasgupta and J. Stiglitz (1988). “Learning-by-Doing, Market Structure, and Industrial and

Trade Policies”. OEP; V.40-#?, pp. 246-268.

-M. Boldrin and J. Schienkman (1988). “Learning-by-Doing, International Trade and Growth”. in

P. Anderson, K . Arrow and D. Pines, eds. The Economy as an Evolving Complex System.

Redwood City: Addison-W esley; pp .

-M. Lau and H. Wan (1989). “Optimal Output M ix, Static Comparative Advantage and D ynamic

Comparative Advantage”. ms: Cornell University.

-A. Young (1991). “Learning by Doing and the Dynamic Effects of International Trade”. QJE ;

V.105-#2, pp. 369-405.

-J. Ishikawa (1992). “Learning by Doing, Changes in Industrial Structure and Trade Patterns, and

Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy”. JIE, V.33-#3/4, pp. 221-244.

-V. Dehejia (1993). “Optimal Endogenous Growth in a Two-Sector Model with Learning-by-

Doing and Spillovers”. JEI; V.8-#1, pp. 100-115.

-J. Feeney (1994). “International Market Interdependence and Learning-by-Doing in a Risky

World”. WA; V.130-#1, pp. 101-117.

-Y.-C. Chuang (1998). “Learning by Doing, the Technology Gap, and Growth”. IER; V.39-#3, pp.


3. Human Capital, Growth and Trade

a. Knowledge, Human Capital and Grow th

(1) Mainly Theoretical: Optimal Growth with Human Capital

-H. Uzawa (1965). “Optimal Technical Change in an Aggregative Model of Economic Growth”.

IER; V.6-#?, pp. 18-31.

-J. Aarrestad (1975). “Optimal Allocation of Labor to the Educational Sector”. SwedJE ; V.77-#?,

pp. 303-318.

-P.N.V. Tu (1970). “A Multisectoral Model of Economic and Educational Planning”.

Metroeconomica; V.32-#?, pp. 207-226.

-A. Razin (1972). “Investment in Human Capital and Economic Growth”. Metroeconomica; V.34-

#?, pp. 101-115.

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-A. Razin (1972). “Optimum Investment in Human Capital”. REStud; V.39-#?, pp. 455-460.

-S.C. Hu (1976). “Education and Economic Growth”. REStud; V.43-#?, pp. 509-519.

-R. Manning (1975). “Optimal Aggregative Development of a Skilled W orkforce”. QJE ; V.89-#?,

pp. 504-511.

-R. Manning (1976). “Issues in Optimal Educational Policy in the Context of Balanced Growth”.

JET; V.13-#?, pp. 380-395.

-R. Manning (1978). “Optimal Wage Differentials in Balanced Growth in an Aggregative Model

of Education with Higher Degrees”. Australian Economic Papers; V.17-#?, pp. 81-90.

-R. Manning (1979). “Two Theorems Concerning Optimal Educational Policy in Balanced

Growth”. JET; V.21-#?, pp. 465-472

-R. Findlay and C. Rodriguez (1981). “A Model of Economic Growth with Investment in Human

Capital”. in M. Khan and I. Sirageldin, eds. Research in Human Capital and Development, V.II.

Greenwich: JAI Press, pp.

-T. Chaudhuri and M.A. Khan (1984). “Educated Unemployed, Educational Subsidies and

Growth”. Pakistan Development Review; V.23-#?, pp. 395-409.

-M. Upadhyay (1994). “Accumulation of Human Capital in LDCs in the Presence of

Unemployment”. Eca, V.61-#243, pp. 355-378.

(2) Mostly Theoretical: Endogenous Growth with Human Capital

-P. Romer (1986). “Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth”. JPE; V.94-#5, pp. 1002-1037.

(Comment, V.99-#2, pp. 429-435).

-P. Romer (1987). “Crazy Explanations for the Productivity Slowdown”. NBER Macroeconomics

Annual--1987. Cambridge: MIT, pp. 163-201.

-R. Lucas (1988). “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”. Journal of Monetary

Economics; V.22-#1, pp. 3-42.

-R. Lucas (1990). “Supply Side Economics: An Analytical Review” OEP; V.42-#?, pp. 293-316.

-R. Lucas (1993). “Making a Miracle”. Etrica; V.61-#2, pp. 251-272.

-E. Prescott and J. Boyd (1987). “Dynamic Coalitions, Growth and the Firm”. in E. Prescott and N.

Wallace, eds. Contractual Arrangements for Intertemporal Trade. Minneapolis: University of

Minnesota Press, pp. 146-160.

-P. Romer (1990). “Human Capital and Growth: Theory and Evidence”. Carnegie-Rochester

Series on Public Policy; #32, pp. 251-286.

-C. Azariadis and A. Drazen (1990). “Threshold Externalities in Economic Development”. QJE ;

V.105-#?, pp. 501-526.

-L. Jones and R. Manuelli (1990). “A Convex Model of Equilibrium Growth: Theory and Policy

Implications”. JPE; V.98-#5, pp. 1008-1038.

-L. Jones and R. Manuelli (1992). “Finite Lifetimes and Growth”. JET; V.58-#2, pp. 171-197.

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-M. Ohyama (1991). “Human Capital and Endogenous Economic Growth”. Keio Econom ic

Studies; V.28-#?, pp. 1-14.

-X. Yang and J. Borland (1991). “A M icroeconomic Mechanism for Economic Growth”. JPE;

V.99-#?, 460-482.

-R. Tamura (1991). “Income Convergence in an Endogenous Growth Model”. JPE; V.99-#3, pp.


-R. Tamura (1992). “Efficient Equilibrium Convergence: Heterogeneity and Growth”. JET; V.58-

#2, pp. 355-376.

-V. Chari and H. Hoppenhayn (1991). “Vintage Human Capital, Growth and the Difference of

New Technology”. JPE; V.99-#?, pp. 1142-1165.

-T. Suzuki (1996). “Intertemporal General Equilibrium with External Increasing Returns”. JET;

V.69-#?, pp. 117-133.

-B. Jovanovic and Y. Nyarko (1995). “The Transfer of Human Capital”. JEDC; V.19-#?, pp.


-C. Chamley (1992). “Externalities and Dynamics in Models of Learning or Doing”. IER; V.34-#4,

pp. 583-609.

-J. Caballé and M. Santos (1993). “On Endogenous Growth with Physical and Human Capital”.

JPE; V.101-#6, pp. 1042-1067.

-C. Mulligan and X. Sala-i-Martin (1993). “Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of

Endogenous Growth”. QJE ; V.108-#?, pp. 739-773.

-D. Xie (1994). “Divergence in Economic Performance: Transitional Dynamics with Multiple

Equilibria”. JET; V.63-#1, pp. 97-112.

-J. Benhabib and R. Perli (1994). “Uniqueness and Indeterminacy: On the Dynamics of

Endogenous Growth”. JET; V.63-#1, pp. 113-142.

-M. Faig (1995). “A Simple Economy with Human Capital: Trnasitional Dynamics, Technology

Shocks, and Fiscal Policies”. Journal of Macroeconomics; V.17-#3, pp. 421-446.

-T. Eicher (1996). Interaction between Endogenous Human Capital and Technological Change”.

REStud; V.63-#?, pp. 127-144.

-E. Bond, P. W ang and C. Yip (1996). “A General Two-Sector M odel of Endogenous Growth with

Human and Physical Capital: Balanced Growth and T ransitional Dynamics”. JET; V.68-#?, pp.


-E. Bond and K. Trask (1997). “Trade and Growth with Endogenous Human and Physical Capital

Accumulation”. in B . Jensen and K.-y. W ong, eds. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International

Trade. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 211-240.

-A. Ladrón, S. Ortigueira and M. Santos (1997). “Equilibrium Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of

Endogenous Growth”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.21-#1, pp. 115-143.

-S. Ortigueira and M . Santos (1997). “On the Speed of Convergence in Enodgenous Growth

Models”. AER; V.87-#3, pp. 383-399.

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-T. Aronsson and K.-G. Löfgren (1996). “Social Accounting and Welfare Measurement in a

Growth Model with Human Capital”. ScanJE; V.98-#2, pp. 185-201.

-D. Laing, T. Palivos and P. W ang (1995). “Learning, M atching and G rowth”. REStud; V.62-#1,

pp. 115-129.

-M. Goodfriend and J. M cDermott (1995). “Early Development”. AER; V.85-#1, pp. 116-133.

-M. Funke and H. Strulik (2000). “On Endogenous Growth with Physical Capital, Human Capital

and Product Variety”. European Economic Review; V.44-#3, pp. 491-515.

-C. Chamley (1992). “The Last Shall be First: Efficient Constraints on Foreign Borrowing in a

Model of Endogenous Growth”. JET; V.58-#2, pp. 335-354.

-D. Cohen (1992). “Growth, Productivity, and Access to W orld Financial Markets” . JJIE; V.6-#4,

pp. 365-382.

-G. Grossman and N. Yanagawa (1993). “Asset Bubbles and Endogenous Growth”. JMonE ; V.21-

#1, pp. 3-19.

(3) Mostly Empirical

-G. Psacharopoulos (1984). “The Contribution of Education to Economic Growth”. in J. Kendrick,

ed. International Comparisons of Productivity and Causes of the Economic Slowdown. pp. 335-


-G. Psacharopoulos and A. Arriagada (1986). “The Educational Composition of the Labor Force:

An International Comparison”. International Labor Review; V.125-#5, pp. 561-574.

-R. Barro and J .W. Lee (1993). “International Comparisons of Educational Attainment”. JMonE ;

V.32-#3, pp. 363-394.

-J. Benhabib and M. Spiegel (1992). “The Role of Human Capital and Political Instability in

Economic Development”. Rivista di Political Economica; V.11-#?, pp. 55-94.

-J. Benhabib and M. Spiegel (1994). “The Role of human Capital in Economic Development:

Evidence from Aggregate Cross-Country Data”. JMonE V.34-#?, pp. 143-173.

-N. Vikram, E. Swanson and A. Dubey (1995). “A New Data Base on Human Capital Stock:

Sources, M ethodology, and Results”. JDevE; V.46-#2, pp. 279-401.

-N. Gemmel (1996). “Evaluating the Impacts of Human Capital Stocks and Accumulation on

Economic Growth: Some New Evidence”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; V.58-#1,

pp. 9-28.

-R. Barro and J.W. Lee (1996). “International Measures of Schooling Years and Schooling

Quality”. AER; V.86-#2, pp. 218-223.

-M. Bils and P. Klenow (2000). “Does Schooling Cause Growth?”. AER; V.90-#5, pp. 1160-1183.

b. Endogenous Grow th and Government Policy

(1) Theory

(a) Fiscal Policy

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-R. Barro (1990). “Government Spending in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth”. JPE; V.98-

#5/2, pp. s103-s125.

-R. Barro and X . Sala-i-Martin (1992). “Public Finance in M odels of Economic Growth”. REStud;

V.59-#?, pp. 645-661.

-J. Lee (1992). “Optimal Size and Composition of Government Spending”. JJIE; V.6-#4, pp. 423-


-M. Devereux and D. Love (1995). “The Dynamic Effects of Government Spending Policies in a

Two-Sector Endogenous Growth Model”. JMCB; V.27-#?, pp. 232-256.

-M. Faig (1995). “A Simple Economy with Human Capital: Transitional Dynamics, Technology

Shocks and Fiscal Policies”. Journal of Macroeconomics; V.17-#?, pp. 421-446.

(b) Public Capital

-G. Glomm and B . Ravikumar (1992). “Public versus Private Investment in Human Capital”. JPE;

V.100-#4, pp. 818-834.

-K. Futagami, Y. Morita and A. Shibata (1993). “Dynamic Analysis of an Endogenous Growth

Model with Public Capital”. In T. Andersen and K .O. M oene, eds. Endogenous Growth. Oxford:

Blackwell, pp. 217-235.

-G. Glomm and B . Ravikumar (1994). “Public Investment in Infrastructure in a Simple Growth

Model”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.18-#?, pp. 1173-1187.

-S. Turnovsky (1997). “Fiscal Policy in a Growing Economy with Public Capital”. Journal of

Macroeconomic Dynamics; V.

-S. Turnovsky (1997). “Public and Private Capital in an Endogenously Growing Economy”. in B.

Jensen and K.-y. W ong, eds. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade. Ann Arbor:

University of Michigan Press, pp. 171-210.

(c) Schooling/Human Capital Policy

-R. Bénabou (1993). “Workings of a City: Location, Education, and Production”. QJE ; V.108-#3,

pp. 619-652.

-R. Bénabou (1994). “Human Capital, Inequality, and Growth: A Local Perspective”. EER; V.38-

#?, pp. 817-826.

-R. Bénabou (1996). “Heterogeneity, Stratification and Growth: Macroeconomic Implications of

Community Structure and School Finance”. AER; V.86-#3, pp. 584-609.

-R. Bénabou (1996). “Equity and Efficiency in Human Capital Investment: The Local

Connection”. REStud; V.63-#2, pp. 237-264.

-Z. Eckstein and I. Zilcha (1994). “The Effects of Compulsory Schooling on Growth, Income

Distribution and W elfare”. JPubE; V.54-#?, pp. 339-359.

(d) Taxation and Endogenous Growth

-S. Rebelo (1991). “Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth”. JPE; V.99-#3, pp. 500-

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-R. King and S. Rebelo (1990). “Public Policy and Economic Growth: Developing Neoclassical

Implications”. JPE; V.98-#5/2, pp. s126-s150.

-P. Trostel (1993). “The Effect of Taxation on Human Capital”. JPE; V.101-#2, pp. 327-350.

-L. Jones, R. Manuelli and P. Rossi (1993). “Optimal Taxation in Models of Endogenous Growth”.

JPE; V.101-#3, pp. 485-517.

-P. Pecorino (1993). “Tax Structure and Growth in a Model with Human Capital”. JPubE; V52-#?,

pp. 251-271.

-P. Pecorino (1994). “The Growth Effects of Tax Reform”. OEP; V.46-#?, pp. 492-501.

-M. Devereux and D. Love (1994). “The Effects of Factor Taxation in a Two-Sector Model of

Endogenous Growth”. CJE; V.27-#3, pp. 509-

-K. Mino (1996). “Analysis of a Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Capital Income

Taxation”. IER; V.37-#1, pp. 227-251.

-G. Tullio (1989). “Smith and Ricardo on the Long-run Effects of the Growth of Government

Expenditure, Taxation, and Debt: Is Their Theory Relevant Today?”. History of Political

Economy; V.21-#4, pp. 723-36.

(2) Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Government Spending on Growth

-R. Rubinson (1977). “Dependency, Government Revenue, and Economic Growth, 1955-1970".

Studies in Comparative International Development; V.12-#?, pp. 1-22.

-D. Landau (1983). “Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Study”.

SEJ; V.49-#?, pp. 783-792.

-D. Landau (1986). “Government and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries: An

Emprical Study for 1960-1980". EDCC; V.35-#1, pp. 35-75.

-R. Ram (1986). “Government Size and Economic Growth: A New Framework and Some

Evidence from Cross-section and T ime-series Data”. AER; V.76-#1, pp. 191-203. [comments by

Carr, Rao, and response, 1989, V.79-#1, pp. 267-284]

-R. Ram (1986). Causality Between Inocme and Government Expenditure: A Broad International

Perspective”. Public Finance/Finance Publique; V.41-#3, pp. 393-413.

E. Bairam (1988). “Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: Reflections on Professor

Ram's Approach, a New Framework and Some Evidence from New Zealand Time-Series Data”.

Keio Economic Studies; V.25-#1, pp. 59-66.

-P. Nagarajan and A. Spears (1989). “‘No Causality’ between Government Expenditure and

Economic Growth: A Comment”. Public Finance; V.44-#1, pp. 134-38.

-R. Ram (1989). “Wagner's Hypothesis and Tests of Granger-Causality: Reply”. Public Finance;

V.44-#1, pp. 139-49.

-R. Ram (1987). “Wagner’s Hypothesis in Time Series and Cross-section Perspectives: Evidence

from ‘Real’ Data for 115 Countries”. REStat; V.69-#2, pp. 194-204.

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-R. Ram (1988). “A Multicountry Perspective on Causality between Government Revenue and

Government Expenditure”. Public Finance; V.43-#2, pp. 261-70.

-R. Ram (1988). “Additional Evidence on Causality between Government Revenue and

Government Expenditure”. SEJ; V.54-#3, pp. 763-69.

-B. Singh and B. Sahni (1986). “Patterns and Directions of Causality between Government

Expenditure and National Income in the United States”. Journal of Quantitative Economics; V.2-

#?, pp. 291-308.

-O. Zinam (1991). “Wagner's Law, Optimal Size of Government, and Convergence Hypothesis”.

Atlantic Economic Journal; V.19-#1, pp. 91.

-R. Barro (1991). “A Cross-Country Study of Growth, Saving and G overnment”. in B.D. Bernheim

and J. Shoven, eds. National Saving and Economic Performance. Chicago: University of Chicago

Press/NBER, pp. 271-301.

-W. Easterly and S. Rebelo (1993). “Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: An Empirical

Investigation”. JmonE; V.32-#3, pp. 417-458.

-S. Dowrick (1996). “Estimating the Impact of Government Consumption on Growth: Growth

Accounting and Endogenous Growth Models”. Empirical Economics; V.21-#1, pp. 163-186.

-S. Ahsan, A. Kwan, and B. Sahni (1996). “Cointegration and Wagner's Hypothesis: Time Series

Evidence for Canada”. Applied Economics; V.28-#8, pp. 1055-58.

-R. Ram (1996). “Productivity of Public and Private Investment in Developing Countries: A

Broad International Perspective”. World Development; V.24-#8, pp. 1373-78.

-M. Khan and M. Kumar (1997). “Public and Private Investment and the Growth Process in

Developing Countries”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; V.59-#1, pp. 69-88.

c. Money, Inflation and Growth with Human Capital

-M. Marquis and K. Reffett (1991). “Real Interest Rates and Endogenous Growth in a Monetary

Economy”. EcLets; V.37-#?, pp. 105-109.

-P. Wang and C. Yip (1992). “Examining the Long-run Effect of Money on Economic Growth”.

JMacro ; V.14-#2, pp. 359-369.

-P. Pecorino (1995). “Inflation, Human Capital Accumulation and Long-Run Growth”. JMacro ;

V.17-#3, pp. 533-542.

-J. De Gregorio (1992). “The Effects of Inflation on Economic Growth: Lessons from Latin

America”. EER; V.36-#?, pp. 417-425.

-J. De Gregorio (1993). “Inflation, T axation, and Long-run Growth”. JMonE ; V.31-#3, pp. 271-


-P. Gomme (1993). “Money ang Growth Revisited: Measuring the Costs of Inflation in an

Endogenous Growth Model”. JMonE ; V.32-#1, pp. 51-77.

-P. Ireland (1994). “Money and G rowth: An Alternative Approach”. AER; V.84-#1, pp. 47-65.

-L. Jones and R. Manuelli (1995). “Growth and the Effects of Inflation”. JMonE ; V.19-#?, pp.

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-G. Ottaviano (1999). “Integration, geography and the burden of history”. RSUE; V.29-#2, pp.


-D. Puga (1999). “The rise and fall of regional inequalities”. EER; V.43-#2, pp. 303-334.

-R. Faini (1999). “Trade unions and regional development”. EER; V.43-#2, pp. 457-474.

-S. Magrini (1999). “”The evolution of income disparities among the regions of the European

Union”. RSUE; V.29-#2, pp. 257-281.

-D. Backus, P. Kehoe and T. Kehoe (1992). “In Search of Scale Effects in Trade and Growth”.

JET; V.58-#?, pp. 377-409.

-J. Fagerberg (1994). “Technology and International Differences in Growth Rates”. JEL; V.32-#3,

pp. 1147-1175.

d. Externalities and Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity

-Y. Kanemoto (1987). “Externalities in Space”. in T . Miyao and Y. Kanemoto, eds. Urban

Dynamics and Urban Externalities; London: Harwood.

-M. Fujita (1990). “Spatial Interactions and Agglomeration in Urban Economics”. in M. Chatterji

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-M. Fujita and J.-F. Thisse (1996). “Economics of Agglomeration”. Journal of the Japanese and

International Economies; V.10-#4, pp. 339-378.

-M. Fujita, P . Krugman, and A. Venables (1999). The Spatial Economy. Cambridge: MIT Press.

-J.P. Neary (2000). “On Hype and Hyperbolas: Introducing the New Economic Geography”

Journal of Economic Literature; V.39-#2, pp. 536-561.

-D. Starrett (1978). “Market Allocation of Location Choice in a M odel with Free Mobility”. JET;

V.17-#?, pp. 421-436.

-P. Hobson (1987). “Optimum Product Variety in Urban Areas”. JUrbanE; V.22-#?, pp. 190-197.

-H. Abdel-Rahman (1988). “Product Differentiation, Monopolistic Competition and City Size”.

RSUE; V.18-#1, pp. 69-86.

-M. Fujita (1988). “A Monopolistic Competition Model of Spatial Agglomeration: Differentiated

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Product Approach”. RSUE; V.18-#1, pp. 87-124.

-F.L. Rivera-Batiz (1988). “Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and Agglomeration

Economies in Consumption and P roduction”. RSUE; V.18-#1, pp. 125-153.

-H. Abdel-Rahman and M. Fujita (1990). “Product Variety, Marshallian Externalities and City

Sizes”. Journal of Regional Science; V.30-#?, pp. 165-183.

-P. David and J. Rosenbloom (1990). “Marshallian Factor Market Externalities and the Dynamics

of Industrial Location”. JUrbanE; V.28-#?, pp. 349-370.

-B. Arthur (1990). “‘Silicon Valley’ Locational Clusters: When Do Increasing Returns Imply

Monopoly?”. MathSocSci; V.19-#?, pp. 235-251.

-J. Rauch (1989). “Increasing Returns to Scale and the Pattern of T rade”. JIE; V.26-#?, pp. 359-


-P. Krugman (1991). “Increasing Returns and Economic Geography”. JPE; V.99-#3, pp. 483-499.

-P. Krugman (1991). “History and Industry Location: The Case of the US Manufacturing Belt”.

AER; V.81-#2, pp. 80-83.

-P. Krugman (1991). Geography and Trade. Cambridge: MIT.

-P. Krugman (1993). “On the Number and Location of Cities”. EER; V.37-#?, pp. 293-298.

-P. Krugman (1993). “First Nature, Second Nature, and M etropolitan Location”. Journal of

Regional Science; V.33-#2, pp. 129-144.

-P. Krugman (1993). “On the Relationship between Trade Theory and Location T heory”. RIE ;

V.1-#2, pp. 110-122.

-P. Krugman (1995). “Innovation and Agglomeration: Two Parables Suggested by City-Size

Distribtuions”. Japan and the World Economy; V.7-#4, pp. 371-390.

-P. Krugman (1996). “Confronting the M ystery of Urban Hierarchy”. Journal of the Japanese and

International Economies; V.10-#4, pp. 399-418.

-J. Rauch (1993). “Does History Matter Only When it Matters Little? The Case of City-Industry

Location”. QJE ; V.?-#?, pp. 843-867.

-J. Rauch (1993). “Productivity Gains from Geographic Concentration of Human Capital:

Evidence from the Cities” . Journal of Urban Economics; V.34-#3, pp. 380-400.

-J. Rauch (1995). “Bureaucracy, Infrastructure, and Economic Growth: Evidence from U.S. Cities

During the P rogressive Era”. AER; V.85-#4, pp. 968-979.

-M. Fujita (1993). “Monopolistic Competition and Urban Systems”. EER; V.37-#?, pp. 308-315.

-M. Fujita (1995). “When is the Economy Monocentric?: von Thünen and Chamberlin Unified”.

RSUE; V.25-#?, pp. 505-528.

-M. Fujita (1996). “The Role of Ports in the Making of Major Cities: Self-Agglomeration and

Hub-Effect”. JDevE; V.49-#1, pp. 93-120.

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-J.-F. Thisse (1993). “Oligopoly and the Polarization of Space”. EER; V.37-#?, pp. 299-307.

-E. Glaeser, H . Kallal, J. Scheinkman and A. Shleifer (1992). “Growth in Cities”. JPE; V.100-#6,

pp. 1126-1152.

-A. Ades and E. Glaeser (1995). “Trade and Circuses: Explaining Urban Giants”. QJE ; V.110-#1,

pp. 195-227.

-P. Krugman and R. Elizondo (1996). “Trade Policy and The Third W orld Metropolis”. JDevE;

V.49-#1, pp. 137-150.

-D. Puga (1998). “Urbanization Pattersn: European versus Less Developed Countries”. Journal of

Regional Science; V.38-#2, pp. 231-252.

-Gustavsson, Rasha (1999). “Explaining the Phenomenon of Third W orld Urban Giants: The

Effects o f Trade Costs”. Journal of Economic Integration; V.14-#4, pp. 625-650.

-M. Fujita, P. Krugman, and T. Mori (1999). “On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems”.

EER; V.43-#2, pp. 209-251.

-R. Baldwin (1999). “Agglomeration and endogenous capital”. EER; V.43-#2, pp. 253-280.

-P. Martin and G. Ottaviano (1999). “Growing locations: Industry location in a model of

endogenous growth”. EER; V.43-#2, pp. 281-302.

-A. Venables (1999). “Economic Policy and the Manufacturing Base: Hysteresis in Location”. in

R. Baldwin and J. Francois, eds. Dynam ic Issues in Applied Commercial Policy Analysis .

Cambridge: CU P, pp. 177-195. [comment by J .P. Neary, pp. 196-201.]

-M. Feldman and D. Audretsch (1999). “Innovation in cities: Science-based diversity,

specialization and localized competition”. EER; V.43-#2, pp. 409-429.

-M. Beardsell and V. Henderson (1999). “Spatial evolution of the computer industry in the USA”.

EER; V.43-#2, pp. 431-456.

-D. Davis and D. Weinstein (1999). “Economic Geography and Regional Production Structure: An

Empirical Investigation”. EER; V.43-#2, pp. 379-407.

5. Empirical Analysis of Growth and Convergence

a. Empirical Evaluation of G row th M odels

(1) Correlates of Growth/Regression Studies

-R. Summers and A. Heston (1991). “The Penn World Table (Mark 5): An Expanded Set of

International Comparisons, 1950-1988" . QJE ; V.106-#2, pp. 327-368.

-S. Fischer (1991). “Growth, Macroeconomics and Development”. NBER Macroeconomics

Annual--1991. Cambridge: MIT Press/NBER, pp. 329-364.

-R. Levine and D. Renelt (1992). “A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions”.

AER; V.82-#4, pp. 942-963.

-X. Sala-i-Martin (1997). “I Just Ran Two M illion Regressions”. AER; V.87-#2, pp. 178-183.

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-J. Brander (1992). “Comparative Economic Growth: Evidence and Interpretation”. CJE; V.25-#4,

pp. 792-818.

-W. Easterly (1993). “How Much Do Distortions Affect Growth?”. JMonE ; V.32-#2, pp. 187-212.

-W. Easterly, M. Kremer, L. Pritchett, and L. Summers (1993). “Country Growth Performance and

Temporary Shocks”. JMonE ; V.32-#3, pp. 459-483.

-S. Fischer (1993). “The Role of Macroeconomic Factors in Growth”. JMonE ; V.32-#3, p. 485-


-D. Quah (1993). “Empirical Cross-Section Dynamics in Economic Growth”. EER; V.37-#2/3, pp.


-S. Sala-i-Martin (1994). “Cross-Sectional Regressions and the Empirics of Economic Growth”.

EER; V.38-#3/4, pp. 739-747.

-J. Andrés, R. Doménech, and C. Molinas (1996). “Macroeconomic Performance and Convergence

in OECD Countries”. EER; V.40-#?, pp. 1683-1704.

-S. Parente and E. Prescott (1993). “Changes in the Wealth of Nations”. FRBM Quarterly Review;

spring, pp. 3-16.

-J. Schmitz (1993). “Early Progress on the ‘Problem of Economic Development’”. FRBM

Quarterly Review; spring, pp. 17-35.

-J. Fagerberg (1994). “Technology and International Differences in Growth Rates”. JEL; V.32-#3,

pp. 1147-1175.

-R. Barro and J .-W. Lee (1994). “Losers and Winners in Economic Growth”. Proceedings of the

World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1993. Washington, DC: W orld Bank,

pp. 267-297. [comment by N. Stokey follows, pp. 47-57]

-J. Sachs and A. W arner (1997). “Fundamental Sources of Long-Run Growth”. AER; V.87-#2, pp.


-P. Klenow and A. Rodriguez-Clare (1997). “The Neoclassical Revival in Growth Economics: Has

It Gone Too Far?”. NBER Macroeconomics Annual–1997. Cambridge:MIT Press, pp. 73-103

-R. Hall and C. Jones (1996). “The Productivity of Nations”. NBER Working Paper, #5812.

-R. Hall and C. Jones (1999). “Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output Per

Worker Than Others”. QJE ,

-J. Temple and P . Johnson (1998). “Social Capability and Economic Growth”. QJE ; V.?-#?, pp.


-J. Temple (1998). “Equipment Investment and the Solow Model”. OEP; V.50-#1, pp.39-62.

-P. Vanhoudt (1998). “A Fallacy in Causality Research on Growth and Capital Accumulation”.

EcLets; V.60-#?, pp. 77-81.

-J. Gallup, J. Sachs and A. Mellinger (1999). “Geography and Economic Development”. Annual

World Bank Conference on Development Economics, pp. 127-178. [also International Regional

Science Review; V.22-#2, pp. 179-232]

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-S. Radelet, J . Sachs, and J .-W. Lee (2001). “The Determinants and Prospects of Economic

Growth in Asia”. International Economic Journal; V.15-#3, pp. 1-29.

-C. Bean (1990). “Endogenous Growth and the Procyclical Behavior of Productivity”. EER; V.34-

#?, pp. 355-363.

(2) Total Factor Productivity Growth

(a) TFP Growth Accounting Methodology

-J. Greenwood and B. Jovanovic (1998). “Accounting for Growth”. In E. Dean, M. Harper and C.

Hulten, eds. New Directions in Productivity Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago

Press/NBER, 179-222.

-W.E. Diewert and A. Nakamura (1998). “A Survey of Empirical Methods of Productivity

Measurement”. ms: UBC.

-R. Solow (1957). “Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function”. REStat; V.39-#?,

pp. 312-320.

-R. Solow (1959). “Investment and Technological Progress”. in K. Arrow, S. Karlin, and P.

Suppes, eds. Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences. Stanford: Stanford University Press,

pp. 89-104.

-D. Jorgenson and Z. Griliches (1967). “The Explanation of Productivity Change”. REStud; V.34-

#?, pp. 249-280.

-W.E. Diewert (1976). “Exact and Superlative Index Numbers”. Journal of Econometrics; V.4-#?,

pp. 115-145.

-D. Caves, L. Christensen and W .E. Diewert (1982). “Multilateral Comparisons of Output, Input,

and Productivity Using Superlative Index Numbers”. EJ; V.92-#1, pp. 73-86.

-D. Caves, L. Christensen and W.E. Diewert (1982). “The Economic Theory of Index Numbers

and the Measurement of Input, Output, and Productivity”. Etrica; V.50-#6, pp. 1393-1414.

-W.E. Diewert (1983). “The Theory of the Output Price Index and the Measurement of Real

Output Change”. in Price Level Measurement. Toronto: Statistics Canada, pp. 1049-1113.

-B. Hall (1993). “Has the Rate of Return Declined”. BPEA, Microeconomics, pp.

-W.E. Diewert and C. Morrison (1986). “Adjusting Output and Productivity Indexes for Changes

in the Terms of Trade”. EJ; V.96-#?, pp. 659-679.

-W.E. Diewert and C. Morrison (1988). “Export Supply and Import Demand Functions: A

Production Theory Approach”. in R. Feenstra, ed. Empirical Methods in International Trade.

Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 207-222.

-C. Morrison and W. E. Diewert (1990). “Productivity Growth and Changes in the Terms of Trade

in Japan and the US”. Productivity Growth in Japan and the US. Chicago: University of Chicago

Press/NBER, pp. 201-227.

-A. Cas, W.E. Diewert and L. Ostensoe (1988). “Productivity Growth and Changes in the Terms of

Trade in Canada”. in R. Feenstra , ed. Empirical Methods in International Trade. Cambridge: MIT

Press, pp. 279-294.

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-U. Kohli (1990). “Growth Accounting in the Open Economy: Parametric and Nonparametric

Estimates”. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement; V.16-#3, pp. 125-136.

-U. Kohli (1993). “GNP Growth Accounting in the Open Economy: Parametric and

Nonparametric Estimates for Switzerland”. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft und

Statistik/Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics; V.129-#4, pp. 601-615.

-K. Fox and U. Kohli (1998). “GDP Growth, Terms-of-Trade Effects, and Total Factor

Productivity”. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development; V.7-#1, pp. 87-110.

-G. W an (1995). “Technical Change in Chinese State Industry: A New Approach”. Journal of

Comparative Economics; V.21-#3, pp. 308-325. [Comment by Felipe and M cCombie, and

Response, JCE, 1999, V.27-#2, pp . 355-366.]

-G. W an (1996). “Measuring Input Substitution and Output Expansion Effects: A Nonparametric

Approach with Application”. Empirical Economics, V.21-#3, pp. 361-380.

-E. Prescott (1998). “Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity”. IER; V.39-#3, pp. 525-551.

-C.-T. Hsieh (1998). “Measuring Biased Technological Change”. Woodrow Wilson School

Discussion Papers in Economics, # 198.

-R. Barro (1999). “Notes on G rowth Accounting”. Journal of Economic Growth ; V.4-#2, pp. 119-


-C.-T. Hsieh (1998). “Comment on Barro”. ms: Princeton University.

-A. Young (1998). “Paasche vs. Laspeyres: The Elasticity of Substitution and Bias in Measures of

TFP Growth”. NBER Working Paper, #6663.

(b) Applications

-D. Holtz-Eakin (1993). “Solow and the States: Capital Accumulation, Productivity and Economic

Growth”. National Tax Journal; V.46-#?, pp. 425-439.

-A. Young (1992). “A Tale of Two Cities: Factor Accumulation and Technical Change in Hong

Kong and Singapore”. NBER Macroeconomics Annual--1992. Cambridge: MIT Press/NBER, pp.


-A. Young (1995). “The Tyranny of Numbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East

Asian Experience”. QJE ; V.110-#3, pp. 641-680.

-J.-I. Kim and L. Lau (1994). “The Sources of Economic Growth of the East Asian Newly

Industrialized Countries”. JJIE; V.8-#?, pp. 235-271.

-S. Collins and B. Bosworth (1996). “Economic Growth in East Asia: Accumulation or

Assimilation”. BPEA; #2, pp. 735-191.

-D. Rodrik (1997). “TFPG Controversies, Institutions, and Economic Performance in East Asia”.

NBER Working Paper, #5914.

-C.-T. Hsieh (1999). “Productivity Growth and Factor Prices in East Asia”. AER; V.89-#2, pp.


-C.-T. Hsieh (1998). “What Explains the Industrial Revolution in East Asia? Evidence from

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Factor Markets” . AER, forth. [also Woodrow Wilson School Discussion Papers in Economics,


-A. Young (1998). “Alternative Estimates of Productivity Growth in the NICs: A Comment on the

Findings of Chang-Tai Hsieh”. NBER Working Paper; # 6657.

-U. Kohli (1997). “Accounting for Recent Economic Growth in Southeast Asia”. Review of

Development Economics; V.1-#3, pp. 245-256.

-U. Kohli and A. Werner (1998). “Accounting for South Korean GD P Growth: Index-Number and

Econometric Estimates” . Pacific Economic Review; V.3-#2, pp. 133-152.

-J. Felipe (1999). “Total Factor Productivity Growth in East Asia: A Critical Survey”. Journal of

Development Studies; V.35-#4, pp. 1-41.

-J. Felipe and J. McCombie (2001). “Biased Technical Change, Growth Accounting, and the

Conundrum of the East Asian Miracle”. Journal of Comparative Economics; V.29-#3, pp. 542-


-C. Jones (2002). “Sources of U.S. Economic Growth in a World of Ideas”. AER; V.92-#1, pp.


(3) Production-Frontier Methods

-R. Färe, S. Grosskopf, M. Norris and Z. Zhang (1994). “Productivity Growth, Technical Progress,

and Efficiency Change in Industrialized Countries”. AER; V.84-#1, pp. 66-83.

-R. Chambers, R. Färe and S. Grosskopf (1996). “Productivity Growth in APEC Countries”.

Pacific Economic Review, V.1-#3, pp. 181-190.

-R. Färe and S. Grosskopf (1997). “Efficiency and Productivity in Rich and Poor Countries”. in B.

Jensen and K.-y. W ong, eds. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade. Ann Arbor:

University of Michigan Press, pp. 243-263.

-Hultberg, Patrick, M. Ishaq Nadiri, and Robin Sickles (1999). “An International Comparison of

Technology Adoption and Efficiency: A Dynamic Panel M odel”. Annales d'Economie et de

Statistique; #55/56, pp. 449-474.

-G. Koop , J. Osiewalski, and M.F.J. Steel (1999). “The Components of Output Growth: A

Stochastic Frontier Analysis”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; V.61-#4, pp. 455-487.

-G. Koop, J. Osiewalski, and M.F.J. Steel (2000). “Modeling the Sources of Output Growth in a

Panel of Countries”. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics; V.18-#3, pp. 284-299.

-J. Krüger, U. Cantner, and H. Hanusch (2000). “Total Factor Productivity, the East Asian

Miracle, and the W orld Production Frontier” . WA; V.136-#1, pp. 111-136.

-B. Skoora (2000). “Measuring Market Distortion: International Comparisons, Policy and

Competitiveness”. Applied Economics; V.32-#?, pp. 253-264.

-J. Maudos, J.M. Pastor, and L. Serrano (2000). “Convergence in OECD Countries: Technical

Change, Efficiency and Productivity”. Applied Economics; V.32-#?, pp. 757-765.

b. On Convergence

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(1) Overviews/Surveys

-A. de la Fuente (1997). “The Empirics of Growth and Convergence: A Selective Review”.

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; V.21-#1, pp. 23-73.

-L. Pritchett (1997). “Divergence, Big Time”. Journal of Economic Perspectives; V.11-#3, pp. 3-


-C. Jones (1997). “On the Evolution of the W orld Income Distribution”. Journal of Economic

Perspectives; V.11-#3, pp. 19-36.

-G. Bertola (1999). “Convergence: An Overview”. in R. Baldwin, D. Cohen, A. Sapir, and A.

Venables, eds. Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy. Cambridge:

CUP/CEPR, pp. 275-295.

-S. Durlauf and D. Quah (1999). “The New Empirics of Economic Growth”. J . Taylor and M.

Woodford, eds. Handbook of Macroeconomics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 231-304.

-D. Quah (2001). “Cross-Country Growth Comparison: Theory to Empirics”. In J. Dreze, ed.

Advances in Macroeconomic Theory, Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of the

International Economic Association. New York: Macmillan, pp.

(2) Historical Discussions of the Convergence Hypothesis

-A. Gerschenkron (1952). “Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective”. in B. Hoselitz, ed.

The Progress of Underdeveloped Areas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 3-29.

-R. Easterlin (1981). “Why Isn't the Whole World Developed?” Journal of Economic History;

V.41-#1, pp. 1-20.

-I. Kravis and R. Lipsey (1984). “The Diffusion of Economic Growth in the W orld Economy,

1950-1980" . in J. Kendrick, ed. International Comparisons of Productivity and Causes of the

Slowdown. Cambridge: Ballinger.

-A. Maddison (1987). “Growth and Slowdown in Advanced Capitalist Economies”. JEL; V25-#?,

pp. 649-698.

-A. Maddison (1989). The World Economy in the 20th Century . Paris: OECD.

-A. Maddison (1991). Dynamic Forces in Capitalist Development. New York: Oxford University


-A. Maddison (1995). Monitoring the World Economy. Paris: OECD.

-M. Abramovitz (1989). Thinking About Economic Growth. Cambridge: CUP.

-D. M owery and N. Rosenberg (1989). Technology and the Pursuit of Economic Growth .

Cambridge: CUP.

-D. Landes (1990). “Why are W e So Rich and They So Poor”. AER; V.80-#2, pp. 1-13.

(3) Tests of International Convergence

(a) Cross-Section Tests

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i) Baumol-Abramovitz Convergence Tests

-W. Baumol (1986). “Productivity Growth, Convergence and W elfare: W hat the Long-run Data

Show”. AER; V.76-#5, pp. 1072-1085. (Comment by B. deLong (1988), V.78-#5, pp. 1138-1154;

Response by Baumol and W olff, pp. 1155-1159).

-M. Abramovitz (1986). “Catching Up, Forging Ahead and Falling Behind”. Journal of Economic

History; V.46-#2, pp. 385-406.

-M. Abramovitz (1990). “The Catch-up Factor in Postwar Economic Growth”. EcInq; V.28-#1, pp.


-D. Dollar and E. Wolff (1988). “Convergence of Industry Labor Productivity among Advanced

Economies”. REStat; V.70-#, pp. 549-558.

-W. Baumol, S. Blackman, and E. W olff (1989). Productivity and American Leadership: The

Long View. Cambridge: MIT Press. [esp. Chapter 5]

-S. Dowrick and D.T. Nguyen (1989). “OECD Comparative Economic Growth 1950-1985: Catch-

Up and Convergence”. AER; V.79-#5, pp. 1010-1030.

-S. Dowrick (1989). “Sectoral Change, Catching Up and Slowing Down: OECD Post-war

Growth”. EcLets; V31-#4, pp. 331-335.

-S. Dowrick and N. Gemmel (1991). “Industrialisation, Catching-up and Economic Growth: A

Comparative Study of the World’s Capitalist Countries”. EJ; V.101-#?, pp. 263-275.

-S. Dowrick (1992). “Technological Catch Up and D iverging Incomes: Patterns of Economic

Growth, 1960-1988". EJ; V.102-#412, pp. 600-610.

-E. W olff (1991). “Capital Formation and Productivity Convergence Over the Long Term”. AER;

V.81-#3, pp. 565-579.

-L. Soete and B. Verspagen (1993). “Technology and Growth: the Complex Dynamics of Catching

Up, Falling Behind and T aking O ver”. In A. Szirmai, B . Van Ark and D. Pilat, eds. Explaining

Economic Growth: Essay in Honor of Angus Madison. Amsterdam: North Holland.

-D. Dollar and E. Wolff (1993). Competitiveness, Convergence and International Specialization.

Cambridge: M IT Press.

-W. Baumol, R. Nelson, and E . Wolff, eds. (1994). Convergence of Productivity: Cross-National

Studies and Historical Evidence. New York: Oxford University Press.

ii) Econometrics of Convergence and Endogenous Growth

-R. Kormendi and P. M eguire (1985). “Macroeconomic Determinants of Growth: A Cross-

Country Study”. JME; V.16-#?, pp. 141-163.

-K. Grier and G. Tullock (1989). “An Empirical Analysis of Cross-National Economic Growth,

1951-1980”. JME; V.24-#?, pp. 259-276.

-R. Barro (1991). “Economic Growth in A Cross-Section of Countries”. QJE ; V.106-#2, pp. 407-


-Mankiw, N.G., D. Romer and D. W eil (1992). “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic

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Growth”. QJE ; V.107-#2, pp. 407-437.

-J. Temple (1998). “Robustness tests of the augmented Solow model”. Journal of Applied

Econometrics; V.13-#4, pp. 361-375.

-M. Friedman (1994). “Do Old Fallacies Ever Die?”. JEL; V.30-#4, pp. 2129-2132.

-D. Quah (1993). “Galton’s Fallacy and Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis”. In T. Andersen

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-S. Dowrick and J. Quiggin (1997). “True Measures of GDP and Convergence”. AER; V.87-#1,

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-M. Bianchi (1997). “Testing for Convergence: Evidence from Non-Parametric Multimodality

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-R. Paap and H . van Dijk (1998). “Distribution and M obility of Wealth of Nations”. EER; V.42-

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-J.D. Hamilton and J. Monteagudo (1998). “The Augmented Solow Model and the Productivity

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(b) T ime-Series and Panel Data Tests

i) Univariate Time Series Methods

-A. Bernard and S. Durlauf (1995). “Convergence in International Output”. Journal of Applied

Econometrics; V.10-#?, pp. 97-108.

-A. Bernard and S. Durlauf (1996). “Interpreting Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis”. Journal

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-M. Knight, N. Loyaza, and D. Villanueva (1993). “Testing the Neoclassical Theory of Economic

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-N. Islam (1995). “Growth Empirics: A Panel Data Approach”. QJE ; V.110-#4, pp. 1127-1170.

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-A. Bernard and C. Jones (1996). “Comparing Apples to Oranges: Productivity Convergence and

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-P. Evans and G. Karras (1996). “Convergence Revisited”. JMonE ; V.37-#?, pp. 249-265.

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-M. Lee, R. Longmire, L. Matyas, and M. Harris (1998). “Growth Convergence: Some Panel Data

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-P. Evans (1998). “Using Panel Data to Evaluate Growth Theories”. IER; V.39-#2, pp. 295-306.

-A. Taylor (1999). “Sources of Convergence in the Late Nineteenth Century”. European Econom ic

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-G. M addala and S. Wu (2000). “Cross-Country Growth Regressions: Problems of Heterogeneity,

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(4) Trade, Factor Mobility and Convergence in Open Economies

-J. Helliwel and A. Chung (1991). “Macroeconomic Convergence: International Transmission of

Growth and Technical Progress”. in P. Hooper and J.D. Richardson, ed. International Economic

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-F. Rassekh (1992). “The Role of International Trade in the Convergence of per capita GDP in the

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-D. Ben-David (1993). “Equalizing Exchange: Trade Liberalization and Income Convergence”.

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-D. Ben-David (1994). “Income Disparity among Countries and the Effects of Freer Trade”. in L.

Pasinetti and R. Solow, eds. Economic Growth and the Structure of Long-run Development.

London: M acmillan.

-D. Ben-David (1996). “Trade and Convergence among Countries”. JIE; V.40-#3/4, pp. 279-298.

-G. Rossini and M. Burattoni (1996). “Trade and Convergence between Rich and D eveloping

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-D. Ben-David and A. Bohara (1997). “Evidence on the Contribution of Trade Reform Towards

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D. Ben-David and M . Loewy (1998). “Free Trade, Growth, and Convergence”. Journal of

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-M. Slaughter (1997). “Per Capita Income Convergence and the Role of International Trade”.

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-M. Slaughter (2001). “International Trade and Per Capita Income Convergence: A D ifference-in-

differences Approach”. JIE; V.55-#1, pp. 203-228. [comment by Ben-David follows, pp. 229-

234 .]

-PR Lane (2001). “International T rade and Economic Convergence: The Cred it Channel”. OEP;

V.53-#2, pp. 221-240.

-R. Barro, N.G. Mankiw and X. Sala-i-Martin (1995). “Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of

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-D. Quah (1996). “Convergence Empirics Across Economies with (some) Capital Mobility”.

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-E. Borensztein, J. De Gregorio, and J.-W. Lee (1998). “How Does Foreign Direct Investment

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-J. Williamson (1995). “The Evolution of Global Labor Markets since 1830: Background Evidence

and Hypotheses”. Explorations in Economic History; V.32-#2, pp. 141-196.

-J. Williamson (1996). “Globalization, Convergence, and History”. Journal of Economic History;

V.56-#?, pp. 277-306.

-P. Cashin and N. Loayza (1995). “Paradise Lost? Growth, Convergence and M igration in the

South Pacific”. IMFSP ; V.42-#3, pp. 608-641.

-A. Taylor (1996). “Growth and Convergence in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Role of Openness,

Trade and M igration”. in P.J . Lloyd and L. Smith, eds. International Trade and Migration in the

APEC Region. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-194.

(5) Tests of Convergence on Regional Data

-R. Barro and X . Sala-i-Martin (1991). “Convergence Across States and Regions”. BPEA; #1, pp.


-R. Barro and X . Sala-i-Martin (1992). “Convergence”. JPE; V.100-#2, pp. 233-251.

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-R. Barro and X. Sala-i-Martin (1992). “Regional Growth and Migration: A Japan-US

Comparison”. JJIE; V.6-#4, pp. 312-346.

-G. Carlino and L. Mills (1993). “Are US Regional Incomes Converging?”. JMonE ; V.32-#2, pp.


-M. Loewy and D. Papell (1996). “Are US Regional Incomes Converging? Some Further

Evidence”. JmonE; V.38-#?, pp. 587-598. [response by Carlino and Mills follows]

-G. Carlino and L. Mills (1996). “Testing Neoclassical Convergence in Regional Incomes and

Earnings”. RSUE; V.26-#?, pp. 565-590.

-J. Bishop, J. Formby and P. Thistle (1994). “Convergence and Distribution of Regional Income

Distributions and Welfare”. REStat; V.76-#?, pp. 228-235.

-E. Glaeser, J. Scheinkman, and A. Shleifer (1995). “Economic Growth in a Cross Section of

Cities”. JMonE ; V.36-#1, pp. 117-143.

-P. Evans and G. Karras (1996). “Do Economies Converge?: Evidence from a Panel of US States”.

REStat; V.78-#?, pp. 384-388.

-A. Bernard and C. Jones (1996). “Productivity and Convergence Across U.S. States and

Industries”. Empirical Economics; V.21-#1, pp. 113-135.

-S. Kim (1998). “Economic Integration and Convergence: U.S. Regions, 1840-1987". Journal of

Economic History; V.58-#3, pp. 659-683. [Comment by S. LaCroix and Response, (1999), V.59-

#3, pp. 773-786.]

-D. Quah (1996). “Aggregate and Regional Disaggregate Fluctuations”. Empirical Economics;

V.21-#1, pp. 137-159.

-D. Quah (1996). “Regional Convergence Clusters Across Europe”. EER; V.40-#3-5, pp. 951-958.

-X. Sala-i-Martin (1996). “Regional Cohesion: Evidence and Theories of Regional Growth and

Convergence”. EER; V.40-#?, pp. 1325-1352.

-L. Mauro and E. Podrecca (1994). “The Case of Italian Regions: Convergence or Dualism?”.

Economic Notes; V.24-#3, pp. 447-472.

-D. Neven and C . Gouyette (1995). “Regional Convergence in the European Community”. JCMS;

V.33-#?, pp. 47-65.

-J. Fagerberg and B. Verspagen (1996). “Heading for Divergence? Regional Growth in Europe

Reconsidered”. JCMS; V.34-#3, pp. 431-448.

-S. Magrini (1999). “The Evolution of Income Disparities among the Regions of the European

Union”. RSUE; V.29-#?, pp. 257-281.


A. Models of North-South Trade and Growth

-R. Findlay (1984). “Growth and Development in Trade Models”. in R. Jones and P . Kenen, eds.

Handbook of International Economics, V.1. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp.185-236.

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-J.A. Ocampo (1986). “New Developments in Trade Theory and LDCs”. JDevE; V.22-#?, pp. 129-


1. Simple Models of Trade and Growth

-J. Black (1970). “Trade and the Natural Rate of Growth”. OEP; V.22-#?, pp. 13-23.

-W.M. Corden (1971). “The Effects of Trade on the Rate of Growth”. in J. Bhagwati, et al. eds.

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2. Dynamics of the Open, Dual Economy

a. The Lewis Model

-W.A. Lewis (1954). “Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor”. MS; V.21-#2,

pp. 139-191.

-W.A. Lewis (1971). “Reflections on Unlimited Labor”. in L. diMarco, ed. International

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-A. Sen (1966). “Peasants and Dualism W ith or W ithout Surplus Labor”. JPE; V.74-#?, pp. 425-


-J. Hornby (1968). “Investment and Trade in the Dual Economy”. EJ; V.78-#309, pp. 96-107.

-A. Dixit (1969). “Marketable Surplus and Dual Development”. JET; V.1-#?, pp. 203-219.

-P. Bardhan (1971). “Optimum Trade and Development Policy in a Dual Economy”. in J.

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-R. Find lay (1982). “Protection and G rowth in a Dual Economy”. in M. Gersovitz, ed. The Theory

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-J. McIntosh (1975). “Growth and Dualism in Less Developed Countries”. REStud; V.42-#?, pp.


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V.24-#?, pp. 141-152.

-S.K. Das (1989). “Labour Surplus Economies and the Theory of International Trade”. KES; V.26-

#4, pp. 53-64.

-A. Bolbol and L. Young (1992). “Development wih Limited and Unlimited Supplies of Capital”.

MS; V.50-#3, pp. 307-316.

b. The Kaldor Model

-N. Kaldor (1975). “What is W rong with Economic Theory”. QJE ; V.

-N. Kaldor (1976). “Inflation and Recession in the World Economy”. EJ; V.86-

-N. Kaldor (1979). “Equilibrium Theory and Growth Theory” in M. Boskin, ed. Economic and

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Causation in the Theory of International Trade and G rowth”. Économie Apliquée; V.4-#?, pp.

-A.P. Thirlwall (1983). “Foreign Trade Elasticities in Centre-Periphery Models of Growth and

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-F. Targetti (1985). “Growth and Terms of Trade: A Kaldorian Two-Sector Model”.


-A.P. Thirlwall (1986). “A General Model of Growth and Development on Kaldorian Lines”.

OEP; V.38-#?, pp. 199-219.

-H. Molana and D. Vines (1989). “North-South Growth and Terms of Trade: A Model on

Kaldorian Lines”. EJ; V.99-#?, pp. 443-453.

-A.K. Dutt (1992). “A Kaldorian Model of Growth and Development Revisited: A Comment on

Thirlwall”. OEP; V.44-#?, pp. 156-168. [Response by Thirlwall follows]

-A. Dixit (1984). “Growth and Terms of Trade under Imperfect Competition”. in H. Kierzkowski,

ed. Monopolistic Competition and International Trade. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 109-


-P. Conway and W. Darity (1991). “Growth and Trade with Asymmetric Returns: A Model for

Nicholas Kaldor”. SEJ; V.57-#3, pp. 745-759.

-W. Chang and D. Smyth (1971). “The Existence and Persistence of Cycles in a Nonlinear Model:

Kaldor 's 1940 Model Reexamined”. REStud; V.38-#?, pp. 37-44.

3. Marxist and Neo-Marxist Models of North-South Trade

-P. Baran (1957). The Political Economy of Growth. New York: Monthly Review.

-A.G. Frank (1966). “The Development of Underdevelopment”. Monthly Review, V.18-#4, pp. 17-


-A. Emmanuel (1972). Unequal Exchange: A Study of the Imperialism of Trade. New York:

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-S. Amin (1974). Accumulation on a World Scale: A Critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment.

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-S. Amin (1977). Imperialism and Unequal Development. New York: Monthly Review.

-G. Arrighi (1978). The Geometry of Imperialism. London: New Left Books.

-A. Shaikh (1979). “Foreign Trade and the Law of Value”. Science and Society; V.43-#3, pp. 281-

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-A. Shaikh (1980). “The Laws of International Exchange”. in E . Nell, ed . Growth, Profits and

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-J. Roemer (1983). “Unequal Exchange, Labor M igration, and International Capital Flows: A

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-D. Evans (1975). “Unequal Exchange and Economic Policies: Some Implications of the Neo-

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-L. Mainwaring (1980). “International T rade and the Transfer of Labour Values”. Journal of

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-P. Samuelson (1976). “The Illogic of the Neo-Marxian Doctrine of Unequal Exchange”. in D.

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-A. DeJanvry and F. Kramer (1979). “The Limits of Unequal Exchange”. Review of Radical

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-B. Gibson (1980). “Unequal Exchange: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Findings”. Review of

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-P. Krugman (1981). “Trade, Accumulation and Uneven Development”. JDevE; V.8-#?, pp. 149-


-D. Evans (1984). “A Critical Assessment of Some Neo-M arxian Trade Theories”. Journal of

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-A.K. Dutt (1986). “Vertical Trading and Uneven Development”. JDevE; V.20-#?, pp. 339-359.

-A.K. Dutt (1988). “Monopoly Power and Uneven Development: Baran Revisited”. Journal of

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4. Structuralist Models of North-South Trade and Growth

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-F. Lysy (1985). “Graciela Chichilnisky's M odel of North-South Trade”. JDevE; V.18-#?, pp. 503-


-H. M ahran and S . Lahiri (1990). “Elasticity of Substitution and the Perverse Export Supply

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-M.A. Khan (1984). “International T rade and Foreign Investment: A Model with Asymmetric

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-T.D. Chaudhuri and M .A. Khan (1984). “Sector-Specific Capital, Interconnectedness in

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-A. Burgstaller and N. Saveedra-Rivano (1984). “Capital Mobility and Growth in a North-South

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-A. Burgstaller (1985). “North-South Trade and Capital Flows in a Ricardian Model of Capital

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-A. Burgstaller (1987). “Europe's Industrialization and Colonial Underdevelopment in the Light of

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B. Empirical Research on the Trade-Growth Link

1. Patterns of Trade

-S. Hirsch (1974). “Hypotheses Regarding Trade between Developing and Industrial Countries”. in

H. Giersch, ed. The International Division of Labor: Problems and Prospects. Tubingen: J.C.B

Mohr, pp. 65-82.

-G. Helleiner (1976). “Industry Characteristics and the Competitiveness of Manufactures from

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-C. Hamilton and M. Kreinin (1980). “The Structural Pattern of LDCs' Trade in Manufactures with

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-A. Amsden (1980). “The Industry Characteristics of Intra-Third World Trade in Manufactures”.

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-O. Havrylyshyn and M. Wolf (1983). “Recent Trends in Trade Among Developing Countries”.

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-O. Havrylyshyn (1985). “The Direction of Developing Country Trade: Empirical Evidence of

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-D. Greenaway and C. Milner (1990). “South-South Trade: Theory, Evidence, and Policy”.

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-M. Syrquin and S. Urata (1986). “Sources of Change in the Factor Intensity of Trade”. JDevE;

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2. Terms of Trade and Growth

a. Long-run T rends in Terms-of-Trade and the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis

-R. Baldwin (1955). “Secular Movements in the Terms of Trade”. AER; V.45-#2, pp. 259-269.

-D. Sapsford (1988). “The Debate Over Trends in the Terms of Trade”. in D. Greenaway, ed.

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-J. Spraos (1980). “The Stastical Debate on the Net Barter Terms of Trade between Primary

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-D. Sapsford (1985). “The Prebisch-Singer Terms of Trade Hypothesis: Some New Evidence”.

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-P. Sarkar (1986). “The Singer-Prebisch Hypothesis: A Statistical Evaluation”. Cambridge Journal

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-D. Evans (1987). “The Long-run Determinants of the Terms of Trade and Some Recent

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-E. Grilli and M.C. Yang (1988). “Primary Commodity Prices, Manufactured Goods Prices and the

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-J. Cuddington and C. Urzua (1989). “Trends and Cycles in the Net Barter Terms of Trade: A

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-J. von Hagen (1989). “Relative Commodity Prices and Cointegration”. Journal of Business and

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-D. Sapsford (1990). “Primary Commodity Prices and the T erms of Trade”. Economic Record;

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-D. Diakosavvas and P. Scandizzo (1991). “Trends in the Terms of Trade of Primary

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-R. Helg (1991). “A Note on the Stationarity of the Primary Commodities Relative Price Index”.

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-A. Powell (1991). “Commodity and Developing Country Terms of Trade: What Does the Long

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-P. Ardeni and B. Wright (1992). “The Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis: A Reappraisal Independent of

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-J. Cuddington (1992). “Long-run Trends in 26 Primary Commodity Prices: A Disaggregated

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-M. Bleaney (1993). “Manufactured Exports of Developing Countries and Their Terms of Trade

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-M. Bleaney amd D . Greenaway (1993). “Long-Run Trends in the Relative Price of Primary

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-H. Bloch and D. Sapsford (1996). “Trend in the International Terms of Trade between Primary

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-P.-C. Athukorala (1995). “Terms of Trade for Manufactured Exports from Developing

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-M. Lucke (1993). “Developing Countries' Terms of Trade in Manufactures, 1967-87: A Note”.

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b. Terms-of-Trade, Export Volatility and Growth

-A. Macbean and D. Nguyen (1988). “Export Instability and Growth Performance”. in D.

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-J.A. Ocampo (1993). “Terms of Trade and Center-Periphery Relations”. in O. Sunkel, ed.

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205 .

3. Trade and Growth

a. Is Trade an “Engine” or a “Handmaiden” of Growth?

(1) Vent-for-Surplus and 19th Century Export-Led Growth

(a) The Vent-for-Surplus (or Staples) Theory

-D. North (1955). “Location T heory and Regional Economic Growth”. JPE; V.62-#3, pp. 243-258.

-R. Baldwin (1956). “Patterns of Development in Newly Settled Regions”. MS; V.24-#?, pp. 161-


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Trade. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 38-54.

(b) US

-D. North (1956). “International Capital Flows and the Development of the American West”.

Journal of Economic History; V.16-#4, pp. 493-505.

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-D. North (1958). “Ocean Freight Rates and Economic Development, 1750-1913" . Journal of

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-C. Goldin and F. Lewis (1980). “The Role of Exports in American Economic Growth during the

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-J. Williamson (1980). “Greasing the Wheels of Sputtering Export Engines: Midwestern Grains

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-C.K. Harley (1978). “Western Settlement and the Price of W heat, 1872-1913". Journal of

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-C.K. Harley (1980). “Transportation, the World Wheat Trade, and the Kuznets Cycle, 1850-

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-C.K. Harley (1982). “Oligopoly Agreement and the Timing of American Railroad Construction”.

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-C.K. Harley (1986). “Late Nineteenth Century Transportation, Trade and Settlement”. in W.

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Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 593-617.

-G. W right (1990). “The Origins of American Industrial Success, 1879-1940" . AER; V.80-#4, pp.


(c) Canada

-G. Bertram (1963). “Economic Growth in Canadian Industry, 1870-1915: The Staple Model and

the Take-Off Hypothesis”. CJEPS; V.29-#?, pp. 159-184.

-E. Chambers and D. Gordon (1966). “Primary Products and Economic Growth: An Empirical

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-R. Caves (1971). “Export-Led Growth and the New Economic History”. in J. Bhagwati, et al. eds.

Trade, Balance of Payments, and G rowth. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp.

-G. Bertram (1973). “The Relevance of the W heat Boom in Canadian Economic Growth”. CJE;

V.6-#?, pp. 545-566.

-D. Grant (1974). “The Staple Theory and Its Empirical Measurement”. JPE; V.82-#6, pp.

-F. Lewis (1975). “The Canadian W heat Boom and per cap ita Income: New Estimates” . JPE;

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-R. Ankli (1980). “The Growth of the Canadian Economy, 1896-1920". Explorations in Economic

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-T. Dick (1980). “Canadian Wheat Production and T rade 1896-1930" . Explorations in Economic

History; V.17-#3, pp. 275-302.

(d) Other

-M.B. M cAlpin (1980). “The Impact of T rade on Agricultural Development: Bombay Presidency,

1855-1920" . Explorations in Economic History; V.17-#1, pp. 26-47.

-M. Olson and C. Harris (1959). “Free Trade in ‘Corn’: A Statistical Study of the Prices and

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-M. Olson (1974). “The United Kingdom and the World Market in Wheat and Other Primary

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-F. Crouzet (1980). “Toward an Export Economy: British Exports during the Industrial

Revolution”. Explorations in Economic History; V.17-#1, pp. 48-93.

-D. McCloskey (1980). “Magnanimous Albion: Free Trade and British National Income, 1841-

1881". Explorations in Economic History; V.17-#3, pp. 303-320.

(2) Export-Led Growth in the 20th Century

(a) Modern Theory of Export-Led Growth

-R. Nurkse (1961). Equilibrium Growth in the World Economy. Cambridge: Harvard University


-D. Keesing (1967). “Outward Looking Policies and Economic Development”. EJ; V.77-#306, pp.


-C. Diaz-Alejandro (1975). “Trade Policies and Economic Development”. in R. Stern, ed.

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-J. Bhagwati and T.N. Srinivasan (1978). “Trade Policy and Development”. in R. Dornbusch and

J. Frenkel, eds. International Economic Policy: Theory and Evidence. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins,

pp. 1-38.

-P. Streeten (1982). “A Cool Look at 'Outward-Looking' Strategies for Development”. World

Economy; V.5-#2, pp. 159-169.

-B. Balassa (1983). “Outward vs. Inward Orientation Once Again”. World Economy; V.6-#2, pp.


-H. Singer (1988). “The World Development Report, 1987 on the Blessings of 'Outward

Orientation': A N ecessary Correction”. Journal of Development Studies; V.24-#2, pp. 232-236.

-J. Bhagwati (1988). “Export-Promoting Trade Strategy: Issues and Evidence”. WBER; V.3-#1, pp.


-A. Krueger (1988). “The Relationship between Trade, Employment, and Development”. in G.

Ranis and T .P. Schultz, eds. The State of Development Economics. New York: Blackwell, pp. 357-


-D. Evans (1989). Comparative Advantage and Growth: Trade and Development in Theory and

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-J. Riedel (1990). “The State of the Debate on Trade and Industrialisation in Developing

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-C. Colclough (1991). “Structuralism versus Neo-liberalism: An Introduction”. in C. Colclough

and J. Manor, eds. States or Markets: Neo-liberalism and the Development Policy Debate. Oxford:

OUP/IDS, pp. 1-25.

-D. Evans (1991). “Visible and Invisible Hands in Trade Policy Reform”. in C. Colclough and J.

Manor, eds. States or Markets: Neo-liberalism and the Development Policy Debate. Oxford:

OUP/IDS, pp. 48-77.

-P. Collier and J.W. Gunning (1994). “Trade and Development: Protection, Shocks and

Liberalization”. in D. Greenaway and L.A. W inters, eds. Surveys in International Trade. Oxford:

Blackwell, pp. 206-233.

(b) Post-W ar European Export Performance and G rowth

-W. Beckerman (1962). “Projecting Europe’s Growth”. EJ; V.72-#?, pp. 912-925.

-B. Balassa (1963). “Some Observations on Mr. Beckerman’s ‘Export-Propelled’ Growth Model”.

EJ; V.73-#?, pp. 781-785. [Response by Beckerman, pp. 785-787; V.74: 240-242; V.75: 738-742]

-W. Beckerman (1966). “The Determinants of Economic Growth”. in P. Henderson, ed. Econom ic

Growth in Britain . London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, pp. 55-83.

-J. Cornwall (1968). “Postwar Growth in Western Europe: A Re-Evaluation”. REStat; V.50-#?, pp.


-R. Caves (1970). “Export-Led Growth: The Post-War Industrial Setting”. in W. Eltis, M.F.G.

Scott and J. Wolfe, eds. Induction, Growth and Trade. Oxford: OUP, pp. 234-254.

-R. Lubitz (1973). “Export-Led Growth in the Industrial Economies”. KYKLOS; V.26-#?, pp. 307-


(c) On LDC’s Export Performance and G rowth

-I. Kravis (1970). “Trade as a Handmaiden of Growth: Similarities Between the Nineteenth and

Twentieth Centuries”, EJ, V.80-#320, pp. 850-873.

-I. Kravis (1970). “External Demand and Internal Supply Factors in LDC Export Performance”.

Banca del Lavoro Quarterly Review; #93, pp.

-N. Crafts (1973). “Trade as a Handmaiden of Growth: An Alternative View”. EJ; V.83-#?, pp.


-W.A. Lewis (1980). “The Slowing Down of the Engine of Growth”. AER; V.70-#4, pp. 555-564.

-H. Hughes and J. Waelbroeck (1981). “Can Developing Country Exports Keep Growing in the

1980's?” World Economy; V.4-#2, pp. 127-149.

-O. Havrylyshyn and J. Riedel (1982). “Is There Cause for Export Optimism? An Inquiry into the

Existence of a Second Generation of Successful Exporters”. WA; V.118-#4, pp. 650-662.

-J. Riedel (1984). “Trade as an Engine of Growth, Revisited”. EJ; V.94-#?, pp. 56-73.

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-S. Gutiérrez de Piñeres and M. Ferrantino (1997). “Export Diversification and Structural

Dynamics in the Growth Process”. JDevE; V.52-#?, pp. 375-391.

b. Cross-Section Analysis

(1) B ivariate regression analysis

-K. Deutsch, C. Bliss and A. Eckstein (1962). “Population, Sovereignty, and the Share of Foreign

Trade”. EDCC; V.10-#?, pp. 353-366.

-R. Emery (1967). “The Relation of Exports and Economic Growth”. KYKLOS; V.20-#?, pp. 470-


-A. Severn (1968). “Exports and Economic Growth: Comment”. KYKLOS; V.21-#3, pp. 546-548.

-R. Syron and B. Walsh (1968). “The Relations of Exports and Economic Growth: A Note”.

KYKLOS; V.21-#3, pp. 541-545.

-M. Michaely (1977). “Exports and Growth: An Empirical Investigation”. JDevE; V.4-#1, pp. 49-


-P. Heller and R. Porter (1978). “Exports and Growth: An Empirical Reinvestigation”. JDevE;

V.5-#2, 191-193.

-J. Poon (1994). “Effects of World Demand and Competitiveness on Exports and Economic

Growth”. Growth and Change; V.25-#?, pp. 3-24.

-R. Sundrum (1994). “Exports and Economic Growth”. in G . Meier, ed . From Classical

Economics to Development Economics. New York: St. Martins, pp. 104-120.

-J. Frankel and D. Romer (1999). “Does Trade Cause Growth”. AER; V.89-#3, pp. 379-399.

(2) One-Sector Production Function Analysis

-C. Michalopoulos and K. Jay (1973). “Growth of Exports and Income in the Developing World:

A Neoclassical View”. USAID Discussion Paper, #28.

-B. Balassa (1978). “Exports and Economic Growth: Further Evidence”. JDevE; V.5-#2, pp. 181-


-W. Tyler (1981). “Growth and Export Expansion in Developing Countries”. JDevE; V.9-#3, pp.


-R. Ram (1985). “Exports and Economic Growth: Some Additional Evidence”. EDCC; V.33-#2,

pp. 415-425.

-D. M oschos (1989). “Export Expansion, Growth and Level of Economic Development”. JDevE;

V.30-#1, pp. 93-102.

-A. Fosu (1990). “Exports and Economic Growth: The African Case”. World Development; V.18-

#6, pp. 831-835.

(3) Two-Sector Production Function Analysis

-G. Feder (1982). “On Exports and Economic Growth”. JDevE; V.12-#?, pp. 59-73.

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-R. Kavoussi (1984). “Export Expansion and Economic Growth: Further Empirical Evidence”.

JDevE; V.14-#1/2, pp. 241-250.

-H. Esfahani (1991). “Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in Semi-Industrialized Economies”.

JDevE; V.35-#1, pp. 93-116.

-E.J. Sheehey (1991). “Exports and Growth: A Flawed Framework”. JDevtStud; V.27-#1, pp. 111-


c. Time Series Analysis

-K. Deutsch and A. Eckstein (1961). “National Industrialization and the Decline of the

International Economic Sector, 1890-1957" . World Politics; V.13-#2, pp. 267-299.

-R. Cooper (1964). “Growth and Trade: Some Long-term T rends”. Journal of Economic History;

V.24-#?, pp. 609-628.

-S. Kuznets (1967). “Quantitative Aspects of the Economic Growth of Nations, X: Level and

Structure of Foreign Trade: Long Term Trends”. EDCC; V.15-#2, part II, pp. 1-140.

(1) LDCs

(a) Traditional Time Series Analysis

-A. Maizels (1968). Exports and Economic Growth of Developing Countries. Cambridge: CUP.

-O. Fajana (1979). “Trade and Growth: The Nigerian Experience”. World Development; V.7-#?,

pp. 1-13.

-J. Love (1984). “External Market Conditions, Competitiveness, Diversification and LDC

Exports”. JDevE; V.16-#?, pp. 279-291.

-R. Ram (1987). “Exports and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from Time-

Series and Cross-Section Data”. EDCC; V.36-#1, pp. 51-72.

-A. Levin and L. Raut (1997). “Complementarities between Exports and Human Capital in

Economic Growth: Evidence from the Semi-industrialized Countries”. EDCC; V.46-#1, pp. 155-


(b) Causality Testing

-W.S. Jung and P.J. Marshall (1985). “Exports, Growth and Causality in Developing Countries”.

JDevE; V.18-#2, pp. 1-12.

-P. Chow (1987). “Causality Between Exports, Growth and Industrial Development: Empirical

Evidence from the NICs”. JDevE; V.26-#1, pp. 55-63. [comment by P. Sephton and response,

1989, V.31-#2, pp. pp. 413-417.

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(c) Unit Roots, Cointegration, and Causality

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(2) Industrial Countries

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c. Government Intervention, Trade and the East Asian Miracle

(1) General Analysis

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-G. Ranis (1985). “Can the East Asian Model of Development be Generalized?”. World

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-L. Lau (1990). Models of Development: A Comparative Study of Econom ic Growth in South

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