i had reached your doorstep

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Post on 15-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 I Had Reached Your Doorstep



    The author of this poem is Ghilam Ali Allaa !GAllaa# is a famous poet of $oth

    %etur& This poem i'i%ates that reli(io is a )er& simple thi( *ut people has

    ma'e it so %ompli%ate' I this poem poet is re(ra'i( o his lu%+ that he lost the

    paper of (u i'a%e !Holl& ,ura# i -hi%h it -as met ioe' that ho- to pass a

    pious li fe i th is -orl'. he -ats to rea%h th e house of Al lah *ut he stoppe' his

    /oure& i mi'' le *e%ause he lost that paper He met so me peop le there a'

    as+e' them to sho- the -a& to house of Go'. some of them sai' the -a& is lo(

    a' full of trou*le *ut the Go' !Allah# has sai' the -a& is short a' full of

    happiess. some sai' it is storm& a' 'a(erous -a& The Go' !Allah# has sai'

    the -a& is strai(ht a' pea%eful People mis(ui'e' him a*out the -a& *ut

    Go' felt pit& o him a' (a)e him the same paper !Holl& ,ura# -hi%h he lost.

    a' -he he rea' that paper a' he sa' that he -as o the 'oorstep of the house

    of Go' Go' !Allah# is ear to us He !A00AH# is i our hearts ol& -e ha)e

    to reali1e it he is ot a-a& from pra&ers a' reli(io is ot %ompli%ate' thi(

    MESSAGE2 The Messa(e of this poem is that "Do3t *li'l& follo- the people.

    *et te r to rea' the s%ripture re)ea le' *& the Go' as it is the o l& sour%e to -orl' l&

    a' hereafter su%%ess


    I lost the s%roll of istru%tio You (a)e

    To (ui'e me to the 'oor of &our house4

    I sat i 'istress o life3s %ross5roa's

    A' as+e' the -a&farers a' the %ara)as 'estiatioTo sho- me the -a& to m& 'estiatio

    REFERE6CE2 The author of this poem is Ghilam Ali Allaa !GAllaa# is a

    famous poet of $7 th %etur& This poem i'i%ates that reli(io is a )er& simple

    thi( *ut people has ma'e it so %ompli%ate'

    CO6TE8T2 I this poem poet is re(ra'i( o his lu%+ that he lost the paper

    of (ui'a%e !Hol& ,ura# i -hi%h it -as metioe' that ho- to pass a pious life

    i this -orl'. he -at to rea%h the house of Allah *ut he stoppe' his /oure& i

    mi''le *e%ause he lost that paper He met some people there a' as+e' them to

    sho- him the -a& to the house of Go'E8P0A6ATIO62 I this poem poet is re(ra'i( o his lu%+ that he lost the paper

    of (ui'a%e !Holl& ,ura# i -hi%h it -as metioe' that ho- to pass a pious

    life i this -orl'. he -ate' rea%h the house of Allah *ut he stoppe' his /oure&

    i mi''le *e%ause he lost that paper He met some people there a' as+e' them

    to sho- the -a& to house of Go'

  • 7/23/2019 I Had Reached Your Doorstep


    Some sai' the -a& -as lo( a' tortuous4

    You ha' sai' it is short a' 'ele%ta*le

    Others opie' it -as arro-. -i'i( a'

    up hill.REFERE6CE2 The author of this poem is Ghilam Ali Allaa !GAllaa# is a

    famous poet of $oth %etur& This poem i'i%ates that reli(io is a )er& simple

    thi( *ut people has ma'e it so %ompli%ate'CO6TE8T2 I this poem poet is

    re(ra'i( o his lu%+ that he lost the paper of (ui'a%e !Holl& ,ura# i -hi%h it

    -as metioe' that ho- to pass a pious life i

    this -orl'. he -aa rea%h the house of Allah *ut he stoppe' his /oure& i

    mi''le *e%ause he lost that paper He met some people there a' as+e' them to

    sho-the -a& to house of Go'E8P0A6ATIO62 I these lies poet further sa&s

    that He met some people there a'as+e' them to sho- the -a& to house of

    (o'.some of them sai' the -a& is lo( a' full of trou*le *ut the Go' !Allah# hassai' the -a& is short a' full of happiess . some sai' it is storm& a' 'a(erous


    You ha' sai'.it is strai(ht a' ui)ersal.

    The& shoute' it is the 'ream of *i(ote'


    You ha' sai' it is the ultimate r ealit&.

    I a -orl' that is -orth *ut a momet

    The &ou %ame a' ha'e' me the %hart.

    I fou' I -as sitti( at the )er& (ate.

    6ot +o-i( I ha' rea%he' Your 'oors teps

    REFERE6CE2 The author of this poem is Ghilam Ali Allaa !GAllaa# is a

    famous poet of $oth %etur& This poem i'i%ates that reli(io is a )er& simple

    thi( *ut people has ma'e it so %ompli%ate'

    CO6TE8T2 I this poem poet is re(ra'i( o his lu%+ that he lost the paperof (ui'a%e !Holl& ,ura# i -hi%h it -as metioe' that ho- to pass a pious

    life ithis -orl'. he -aa rea%h the house of Allah *ut he stoppe' his /oure& i

    mi''le *e%ause he lost that paper He met some people there a' as+e' them to

    sho-the -a& to house of Go'

    E8P0A6ATIO62 I these lies poet sa&s The Go' !Allah# has sai' the -a& is

    strai(ht a' pea%eful people mis(ui'e him a*out the -a& *ut Go' felt pit& o

  • 7/23/2019 I Had Reached Your Doorstep


    him a'(a)e him same paper !Holl& ,ura# -hi%h he lost .a' -he he rea' that

    paper a'he sa' that he -as o the 'oorstep of the house of Go' Go' !Allah# is

    ear tous He !A00AH# is i our hearts ol& -e ha)e to reali1e it he is ot a-a&

    from pra&ers a' reli(io is ot %ompli%ate' thi(