i home its problems bind interests c all for i …...wash well witha wool n cloth wet kerosene let...

THE WASHINGTON TIMJES FRIDAY AUGUST 17 1906 r = > HOME ITS PROBLEMS BIND INTERESTS I r HINTS TO THE SUMMER GIRL ABOUT HER COMPLEXION I The bright MUM and thy keen winds of these HMHtmer day hve not a souvee of unalloyed joy to the fastidius mortal for the combination lias bees disastrous to the fair eom 1 xlon Tints tan and taint brown tracings that sugfreat coming freckles tot only too plainly that unl w aid i speedily sought the handsome evening gowns which are being shown will be but ag- gravations The rkin be whitened quickly for there are but a few weeks no Ma- dame Vanity speeds until she dads a wise little woman who knows many sooreta of beauty culture The little wise woman shakes her head sagely and smiles complacently as she sees her speckled victim for she knows at the very beginning the trouble was caused by carelessness But it la indeed an 111 wind that blows no wood she busies herself with the preparation for the bleaching pro- cess and lectures her patient while work is going on First of all the face Is washed with mild soap and distilled water and then it is covered with a mask of absorbent cotton fresh for the occasion and soak- ed well In peroxide of hydrogen This is to remain on the face sU least five minutes and if the skin is extremely dark even longer Very sensitive skins find it a trifle Ir- ritating so in cases of this description the mask is removed as soon as the burning sensation is experienced After the mask is removed the water massage is given with water to which- a mildly cleaning alkaline is added Then follows another application of been must the f owed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the mask saturated with a fresh sup- ply of peroxide- In a few minutes a massage with the linger tips the whitening the most clinging powder la dusted on protect the patient is dismissed with strict Instructions to cream protecting the tq with either veil or powder At least three of these treatments must be taken within four days if the com- plexion is badly tanned are of course excellent for the skin does not become at all rough if the work te properly don while the whitening will effectively remove every hint of discoloration Those who cannot seek the advice of a skilled worker comfort themselves- by applying the peroxide mixture them coat of tan seems obstinate the skin may be well scrubbed with lemon Juice and almond meal be fore using the peroxide If the bleaching process is rfttemnted at night the mask be allowed to stay on for fifteen minutes Instead of five and massage given with the following mixture Almond meal oil Wx ounces butter two ounces one ounce white wax onehalf ounce oxide of zinc sifted one ounce oil of rose ten drops The of sine should be stirred In to the almond oil until it makes a smooth and then the mixture poured into the melted wax spermaceti and cocoa butter The rose water is to be added last of all and then the cream is beaten unUl white and smooth and perfumed when cool with rose geranium With these ingredients and the neces- sary amount of perseverance the am- bitious maiden will no reason to worry about her appearance ski n- and the nht and never to venture out without cocoa oxide have a cream is given When this is finished ger- anium ¬ <> ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR THE HOMEMAKER I A childs cold and suet pudding are not usually associated and yet this dish unlikely as its sounds is an im- portant part of a bill of fare which should be arranged for the child who is a persistent cold catcher If made of equal parts of tour and bread- crumbs with the suet it is easily di- gested and during the process the farinaceous part of it la converted into sugar so that It supplies body with a large amount of fuel During the feverish stage of the cold children should be fed lightly but its prevention can often he brought about ly seeing that he gets plenty of heat producing foods Fat oil sugar and starch and potatoes are all good heat makers and buckwheat cakes if not too steadily indulged in are one of the beat fortifiers against cold If the troubles cannot be mitigated by diet try small doses of cod liver oil This will supply extra fuel and also quicken the circulation Ventilation must play the fore- most part in the winter hygiene In desperation the mother whose children are the victims of cold rushes oft to the school room to ask that the win dows be kept closed While it is well to keep him out of a direct draft It Is really his only salvation to be near enough a current of fresh air so that he will not be inhaling over and over the gases from other childrens lungs If one of the number a cold the of it are filling the air broadcast and it la only by constant freshening that the susceptible child can be kept from constant exposure Coffee service has become elaborate since it hi understood that there are cer- tain laws a to cream and sugar which are both hygienic and epicurean The uptodate housewife now has a little covered hot milk pitcher with her break- fast coffee service which resembles a little Doulton syrup jug She serves the breakfast coffee clear with sugar to such of her family a can still be trained Into ways of fashion apd hygiene which for once correspond To those who cannot she dilutes the toffee with scalding milk If cream hi instated on it must never be heated and it also Is one of the nice points that the milk should not be allowed to come to a boll To have it just right it should be put In a double holler and watched until the water surrounding it comes to a boil when it should be taken out For din- ner have the coffee made In a French coffee pot so carefully that It flavor will convert the most oldfashioned cream devotee to taking it clear The hygienic point of view is that coffee Uses for Kerosene- A boned starch it from sticking To prevail so rehlng rub the iron on a cloth saturated with kerosene Kerosene will remove ink stains and fresh paint white nothing takes out blood stains better than coal soap suds to which kerosene been added Fruit statue lampblack etc may be taken out of wash goods by first saturat- ing the spot with kerosene then wash- ing as usual For wagon grease or tar rub well with kerosene while the grease 1 fresh then wash out in cold soft water using no soap For iron rust put on kerosene and lot the article remain covered for some time The oil loosen the rust so that it will come off Kerosene will take out new paint and is the beet thing with which to clean the wringer rollers To clean sewing machines cover all the bearings with kerosene work the machine quickly for af w minutes then rub all the oil off with a soft rag and apply machine oil where needed i remove grease fr m ware rub well with a cloth with kerosene when the dirt Is removed wash with hot soap suds Clean the bath tub the sink or mar- ble wash bowl with a cloth wet with kerosene Kerosene will remove rut on a stove Wash well with a wool n cloth wet with kerosene Let stand a day and repeat Finally rub with a woolen cloth then polish with stove polish Clean furniture with a flannel cloth on which is a little kerheene it will re j spots from dining tables if applied a soon as the spot is made Kerosene is excellent In hard- wood or stained floors Remove dust ana wipe JL nuUl at a time then rub the oil off with a flannel cloth leaning and it will repel flies and mosquitoes the also I has f I A teaspoonful of kerosene to quart keeps has spots wilt 4 move soiled Gte from light painted doors also wi lie 1 clean llit huttfad ot indo I seeds a saturated r Blare kerosene soap fur e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ with cream produces stomach aridity while the combination of cream and sugar is more Injurious- It is not generally known that the po- tato possesses great cleaning or soap clean the hands well and soft The water in which po- tatoes have been I toiled is excellent out dirt from silk pushed In the same direction a the warp of a rug not against it If you have the oldfashioned over- head chandelier lights in your house some time during the summer try to have the change made to the more ar- tistic and convenient side lights A pair near the piano the desk or book- case and over a corner seat will be found to add to the furnishing of the room and apparently increase the of a small apartment Among the minor annoyances of housekeeping i the one that however carefully plate may be cleansed before putting away In the course of a week or so it become dull and tarnished may be avoided by the following simple means After thoroughly cleans- Ing the plate and polishing it with wrap up each piece tinfoil such as is used for wrapping up chocolate tea etc then put it hi a dry cupboard- or drawer You should always add a little to the water in which stockings are rinsed after being washed The stockings should then be dried wrong side out Colored stockings will be un faded and black ones will retain their original luster Sweet milk is just a good for enamel ed shoes as for babies only it needs to be applied differently Remove all dust and dirt from the then wash the uppers thoroughly with the milk Let them stand a wth the milk on them then wipe with a soft dry cloth Shoes thus treated keep their enamel bright for a long time without needing any polish or dressing Never let a mirror be hung where suns rays fan upon It The light and heat produce a chemical disintegration of the quicksilver at the back which Injures th reflective power and makes the glass dull The nervous housewife who in- constant dread of lire may with very little trouble make an extinguisher that put out a blase if used at once All needs to do is to put three pounds salt in a gallon of water and to thiS 2 pounds of salammoatac Thin should be bottled and when is discovered it should be poured on If more were needed to insure the small of today against being set down sewing tasks it has cone In the of the oculist The study of young has brought forth the fact that the application needed to make the small fingers take little stitches i very InJurious Recipes to Beautify Hands soft large gloves three four siws too large them open spread the inside with one of the preparations then sew the seam up The simplest and the least troublesome pastes to make are the following three L Ground barley the white of an rr a teaspoonful of glycerine and 1 ounce of honey No S Homemade soft soap H lb live oil 1 gill muton tallow 1 ounce After boiling these together remove them from the before adding spirits wine 1 ambergris or other perfume amount to suit the taste ilwaVs on your not to scent too highly No 3 Refined tar 1 olive oil 1 pint Melt in a with rose water or some other This is a preparation which not spoil The for use with cosmetic gloves is more elaborate Myrrh 1 ounce 4 ounces yellow wax 2 ounces water 6 ounces Melt the wax In water bath and add the to it it is hot After beating thorn to etber add the honey and rose water until you secure a paste hich spread nicely Legfyorns Again Little hats much tilted over the brow re rapidly disappearing from the fair of gay and shady leghorns with high crowns are taking their place CASTOR I A For Infants and Children lie Kind You Have Always Bought Dears tho ignature ot Cold potaWt w used with the carpet sweeper will more effectual the sweeper Sa ute the lives wilt She of add the tire it to de- cree eyes Use leather or foUow nK rlpne there- fore N e of being oe honey rose a while Beat all up and add glycerine by tM teaspoonful heads d I I proper- ties Sweeping slime This whit- ing vine- gar shoes 4 slew slime o fan teaspoonful perfume prepara- tion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Design for summer gown or frock of silk muslin or thin silk The trimming was of narrow Valenciennes lace which formed the yoke and was used on the skirt as shown in the drawing The lace on the bodice was fagotted together the lower part of the bodice and the sleeve being tucked crosswise a group of three tucks being used each tuck about an inch and a half In width The elbow length sleeves were finished by a cuff made of bands of lace fagotted together and edged with a narrow frill It colored silk muslin or India it used for the gown a very pretty effect is gained by having the fagotting on the lace yoke done in silk to match the hock one effective gown seen very much this same style being of pale blue silk mule with the Mechlin lace bands forming the yoke fagotted together with embroidery silk to match i I In silk A ITW NURSERY NOTES I Nurses and children Nurses should be given a fairly bend with children under their charge There Is nothing so bad for a child a to know that he has only to apply to his mother to be let oft any UtUe penance nurse stay have imposed for a nursery misdeed Of course It Is necessary to have a woman who can be trusted to thoroughly under- stand the child Wet your children feet get wet or even damp have shoes and stockings at changed for It most necessary that their feet be kept dry and warm It is useless to cover the body warmly if the extremities be left cold and damp Sandal or Shoes Parent differ in their views of sandal wearing While some mothers are loud In their praise of the sandal and hygienic value other declare that sandal the feet to spread and is tijere a disadvantage Some governesses free FeetIf la Its w lore once en- courages ¬ ¬ Flatferv in Venice- In Venice says the Ladles Realm the women of the lower classes accept trib utes to their beauty from perfect strang- er a a matter of course It i con- sidered not only proper but polite to compliment a passing maiden on the charm of her beautiful eyes or complex- ion If one treads on the skirt of a pretty woman one has only to say Par don beautiful jdrl to receive the meet darling smile and bow in return for the awkwardness Ar cafes frequented by the people t is the custom for waiters- to say when placing a chair for one of the women Take this seat beautiful blonde or Sit here lovely brunette as the case may be L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ second view and have entreated mothers of their pupils to put their children Into boots again and discard sandals because of the difficulty the children experience on dancingdais days In getting into their shoes and wearing with any degree of com- fort Thumb Sucking Among the early bad habits In children is that of sucking the thumb or singers If this is allowed to go unchecked for any length of time it will result in nail becom- ing soft and possibly in a weakened larger joint while the flesh will lose It firmness and become flabby Not only this but persistent thumbsucking is likely to be responsible for a malformed roof to the mouth or upper teeth and to spoil the shape of the top Up Fresh Air The constructive value of fresh air for children can never be too much Insisted upon but in some cases where this rule is carried out with praiseworthy thoroughness the children are apt to suffer from insufficient cloth- ing The exposure to the coUi air must be compensated by the Increased protec- tion of warm clothes eloped t this ¬ > ¬ Tomato Omelet Scald and skin three tomatoes melt a small piece of butter in a saucepan to which add a teaspoonful of chopped on ion and another of chopped parsley reason with pepper and salt put in the tomatoes and let them remain in the butter for two minutes Turn out the mixture and set it aside until quite MOl Beat up three whole eggs and mix in the cold Place a lump of butter about the vise of a walnut In a frying pan and when It dissolves pour in the mixture leave it over the fire until the edge are firm and then hold the pan in front of the until it rises to the top It should be served at once tomatoes lire ¬ NO CURRENCY THEN WRITE OUT AjCffECK A paid check is your monthly statement is your cashier you know when you spent it and who got it It means system habit and good business Any individual man or woman clerk mechanic or far mer should use a checking account When will you see us about it Home Savings Bank Seventh Ave N W Branches 7thand H StsN 436 7th St S W Deposits more than a million and a half I I receipta i E Ifb y T ¬ BHBIC5 SHOULD NOT BC KIS5CD I never a baby In the mouth It is criminal says a woman physician In one of womens hospitals in the city I know of no more injurious thing than the of a babys mouth she declares For from experience I know that many diseases are transmit ted to little ones by their parents or others touching their lip VA guard her infants jut as dlosely from as from measles whooping cough etc for though grown persons do not as a rule have any of the to which dren ar susceptible and so do not them to the little ones such as they frequently have are chronic and for that reason worse if contracted through the breath by young babies I had one case where a newly born child died as the result of a kiss It was but a few days old when a nurse caring for the mother kissed It on the and the next day she scarlet fever- I took every precaution to prevent the little one coming down with the same disease but to no purpose for It had a mats evere attack and died in lose than a week from the time its lips were kissed I always advise mothers against allowing little to be Kissed on the lips even by their and minediat family A babys mouth should not be kissed I contend and if this rule were strictly followed there would be fewer crobe could not then be to thEm I warn against kind of a carets on the face beats or bands In fact I believe that young children should be shown all possible tenderness but not kissed and They do not understand U and frequently I have seen them made most uncomfortable by being close in a mothers arms and half smothered by kisses on the lips Grown persons often do not realize how bard are pressing the little bodies in their arms until the in- fants cry out in pain and then they frighten the youngsters by suddenly them all over the face in an effort to show how sorry they are be auiie the little one cried I wish I could make mothers fathers and nurses i that they can best show their i love for a young baby by touching It as t little as possible t II the kissing kissing Ida ones I transmitted realize ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Credit for All Washington Last Call 4 For Clearance Sale Prices Still a bie assortment for vou to choose from with many ex- cellent patterns and beautiful color effects There is only a very short time left to profit by the extraordinary reductions for this sale will positively end this week It is a chance for you to carpet rooms at a big saving in price which you should not miss Deliveries can be made when wish and easy terms of pay- ment may be arranged without extra cost PETER GROGAN 817819821823 Seventh Street Between Ii and I Streets r C s- At l em ooeesoeo ± > ¬ ¬ Picnic Drink For those whose digestion is too dell Lte to stand the cold drinks incident o a picnic the following beverage is by a wellknown stomach The ingredients are egg hot hot water butter and seasoning he egg wellbeaten te stirred into a up of hot milk hot water butter to and salt are added ill Ingredients are put into a dark bottle as this retains the heat Better than a light colored one and the ittle is wrapped up well Into cotton protected It 1 said to hot for two or three hours Summer EggnogT- ake one Urge teaspoonful of pow- ered sugar one fresh egg onehair glass of brandy the same of Santa ru rum and a little shaved Lee Fill glass with rich milk and shake to eth r the ingredients until they are mixed Extract the and rate a little nutmeg on top of the glass IpeetaJ18t the keep wine hnroug ily ice Open Tomorrow Till 9 P M 420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St Another Sale of Muslin UnderwearHund- reds of pieces of fresh Undermuslins are offered at prices that must commend them to the most careful are the most desirable kinds I LANSBURGtI BRO I I I buyersstyles Corse Corers Made of excellent quality cam- bric tight fitting high and V neck neatly trimmed with fine tuck embroidery insertion or neat edging of fine embroidery Sizes 3446 Actual value 39c 25c Womens Drawers Made of excellent quality long cloth cambric and muslin all sizes but not in every style full umbrella ruffles daintily finished with fine tucks hemstitched lace trimmed or neat edging of fine embroidery Size 2330 Actual value 75c Special 49cT- he Best Corsets- On the market for wear While not the most expensive they are the best because they nt com- fortably and thats what women are after these hot days Comfortable Summer Corsets Made of batiste very good quality low bust short hips garters every corset stamped Kant A rj Rut regular 75c value a Special M RustProof Girdles Made of garters at tacked Special rvr- Lansuurgh Special Corset Made of coutil low bust OAT nip hip garters attached regular 150 value Special w I t I f I ent c c I Spe- cial I ¬ ¬ < Corset Covers Made of splendid quality long cloth and cambric round neck daintily trimmed with double rows of fine lace beading and rib- bon deep lace edge full blouse Sizes 3444 Actual value 75c Special 49c Womens Long Kimonos Odds and ends that have been selling for and 168 all sizes but not in every style made of excellent quality lawn in dainty shade of light blue white and neat figures of black and white yoke tight and loose back daintily trimmed Sizes 3646 Special 75c American Lady Corsets Made of batiste hbrh and low bust short medium Q t f Womens Gingham Petticoats- And Madras cut full width finish ed with full umbrella and ruffles full foundation lengths 40 41 Actual AM value 73c Special For the Toilet 25c Lyons Tooth Powder can He SOc Genuine Bristle Hair Brushes Soc lIb box 2frMuIe Borax 12c Packers Tar Soap J- Goc Malvina Cream c lee Violet Witch Hase Surgeons and Physicians Soap 5a Park A Tilford Pompeiian Cream 85c Hoyts German Cologne c M A L Florida Water 45c Pears Unscented Soap lOc I I I I 148 from to P Rums hip garters attached 5100 cir- cular t cake ¬ ¬ Our lens Furnishing DepartmentI- s just now full of extraordinary attractions to those men who like to be well dressed and comfortable at that yet who do not care to pay extravagant prices 100 and 150 Fancy Negligee Shirts 79c 75c Fancy Negligee Shirts 55C 59c Fancy Negligee Shirts 39C 50c Otis Colonial and Lawrence Mills Balbriggan Underwear 3 9 C 75c Sea Island Cotton Underwear 9c Soc Jean and Nainsook Drawers 39c 50c White Lisle Athletic 25c 50c White Lisle Undershirts long skives 35c 25c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 19c 50c Silk Cravats 25c 35c Black and Tan Lisle Thread Half Hose 23c 19c Cotton Half Hose plain tan Wick and ray I5c 2 pair for 25c I5c Black Half Hose with neat figures i to 10 9c 25c Fancy Half Hose all sizes 19c 19c Washable FourinHands JOc 25c Summer Suspenders IQC Shirts I p in to to 1 I DO JUST AS I ADVERTISE Any teeth others make for CO AA price is orJy JUU Any teeth others make CTfifl to 10 my price is only JUU Any teeth other make for H2 S 7 my price Is only DJ German Porcelain Flllinc flM Porcelain Crown HM 22k Gold Crown ROO Slv r Amalgam Fillings Me DE OASLBTOK VATJXA3C 1012 V Street XW Phone 2056 5 ft Porcelain Lined Tub LOW Down Closet Oak Wood Work Porcelain Lined C A Q 7 r Lavatory J- FREENickel Towel Rack with Water Neater for Boiler U- BUtlled best make We a saving of from M pr cent on any plumbing or fixture or material Estimates vltiiuuc Phone liain 11 1 DARNALL JONES 921 N Y Ave N KEF rP YOU HATE It yon are Nervous If you have Neuralgia If you are feeling bad TAKE KBT XOTXTXOr SZTTEB Price lOc and S6o bottle EVANS Toilet Jaleom 2 owd r The specific for chafing pri kly heat sunburn sore and tender- feet Price lb cans lOc 1 io cans 25c HENRY EVANS 92224 F St N W EXCELLENT COFFEE- The best morning appetiser is cup of our Congres sional Coffee rt ff fr unequaled at the price J J Great Atlantic Paeiffs Tea Ct Main Store PRINTING i- t THAT ATTRACTS j Phone at 1883- j GLOBE PRINTING CO- T liiulers Engfravtrjl knirj T Burn Coke When Cookinga- nd youll be gratified at the obtained It is not only the cheapest but the best fuel to use in the kitchen range Well supply you Coke 26 Bush Coke delivered 156 Bush Cok delivered 1370 M Bush Large Coke delivered 630 35 Bush Crushed Coke JlOfl 0 Bush Crushed Coke deliv JUt 60 Bush Crushed Coke deliv Jo 60 Washington Gaslight Ca 413 JOtli St N VV EXPERT WATCE Watch Crystals lOc ALL WORK GUARANTEED A EARN 836 P St XW The One Solution The Servant Times Want Ads WANT ADS BRING RESULTS 5 for J Complete Bath Room 1 1G t cost UADAOU a COr 7tk a4 BX w 1 it- t f I UUl E Streets x w- IT I S 40 Large deli 75c Main Spngs 75c C I To TIMES ti tl Bunn sty Mains R J I S out- Gas i guarantee heart e A a abso- lutely ana re- sults EEPAIB I Problem ¬ <

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Page 1: I HOME ITS PROBLEMS BIND INTERESTS C All For I …...Wash well witha wool n cloth wet kerosene Let stand a day and repeat Finally rub with a woolen cloth then polish with stove polish






ABOUT HER COMPLEXIONIThe bright MUM and thy keen

winds of these HMHtmer day hve nota souvee of unalloyed joy to the

fastidius mortal for the combinationlias bees disastrous to the fair eom

1 xlonTints tan and taint brown tracings

that sugfreat coming freckles tot onlytoo plainly that unl w aid i speedilysought the handsome evening gownswhich are being shown will be but ag-gravations

The rkin be whitened quicklyfor there are but a few weeks no Ma-

dame Vanity speeds until she dads awise little woman who knows manysooreta of beauty culture

The little wise woman shakes herhead sagely and smiles complacentlyas she sees her speckled victim for sheknows at the very beginning the troublewas caused by carelessness

But it la indeed an 111 wind thatblows no wood she busies herself withthe preparation for the bleaching pro-cess and lectures her patient whilework is going on

First of all the face Is washed withmild soap and distilled water and thenit is covered with a mask of absorbentcotton fresh for the occasion and soak-ed well In peroxide of hydrogen

This is to remain on the facesU least five minutes and if the skin isextremely dark even longer

Very sensitive skins find it a trifle Ir-

ritating so in cases of this descriptionthe mask is removed as soon as theburning sensation is experienced

After the mask is removed the watermassage is given with water to which-a mildly cleaning alkaline is added

Then follows another application of




f owed






the mask saturated with a fresh sup-

ply of peroxide-In a few minutes a massage

with the linger tips the whiteningthe most clinging

powder la dusted on protectthe patient is dismissed with strict

Instructions to cream

protecting the tq with either veil orpowder

At least three of these treatments mustbe taken within four days if the com-plexion is badly tanned

are of course excellentfor the skin does not become at all roughif the work te properly don while thewhitening will effectively removeevery hint of discoloration

Those who cannot seek the advice of askilled worker comfort themselves-by applying the peroxide mixture them

coat of tan seemsobstinate the skin may be well scrubbedwith lemon Juice and almond meal before using the peroxide

If the bleaching process is rfttemntedat night the mask be allowed tostay on for fifteen minutes Instead of fiveand massage given with the followingmixture

Almond meal oil Wx ouncesbutter two ounces oneounce white wax onehalf ounce oxideof zinc sifted one ounce oil of rose

ten dropsThe of sine should be stirred In

to the almond oil until it makes a smoothand then the mixture poured into

the melted wax spermaceti and cocoabutter

The rose water is to be added last of alland then the cream is beaten unUl whiteand smooth and perfumed when coolwith rose geranium

With these ingredients and the neces-sary amount of perseverance the am-bitious maiden will no reason toworry about her appearance

ski n-

and thenht and never to venture out without




acream is given

When this is finished










FOR THE HOMEMAKERIA childs cold and suet pudding are

not usually associated and yet thisdish unlikely as its sounds is an im-

portant part of a bill of fare whichshould be arranged for the child whois a persistent cold catcher If madeof equal parts of tour and bread-

crumbs with the suet it is easily di-

gested and during the process thefarinaceous part of it la converted intosugar so that It supplies body witha large amount of fuel

During the feverish stage of the coldchildren should be fed lightly but itsprevention can often he brought aboutly seeing that he gets plenty of heatproducing foods Fat oil sugar andstarch and potatoes are all good heatmakers and buckwheat cakes if nottoo steadily indulged in are one ofthe beat fortifiers against cold

If the troubles cannot be mitigatedby diet try small doses of cod liveroil This will supply extra fuel andalso quicken the circulation

Ventilation must play the fore-most part in the winter hygiene Indesperation the mother whose childrenare the victims of cold rushes oft tothe school room to ask that the windows be kept closed While it is wellto keep him out of a direct draft It Isreally his only salvation to be nearenough a current of fresh air so that hewill not be inhaling over and over thegases from other childrens lungs Ifone of the number a cold the

of it are filling the air broadcastand it la only by constant fresheningthat the susceptible child can be keptfrom constant exposure

Coffee service has become elaboratesince it hi understood that there are cer-

tain laws a to cream and sugar whichare both hygienic and epicurean Theuptodate housewife now has a littlecovered hot milk pitcher with her break-fast coffee service which resembles alittle Doulton syrup jug She servesthe breakfast coffee clear with sugarto such of her family a can still betrained Into ways of fashion apd hygiene

which for once correspond To thosewho cannot she dilutes the toffee withscalding milk If cream hi instated on itmust never be heated and it also Is oneof the nice points that the milk shouldnot be allowed to come to a boll Tohave it just right it should be put Ina double holler and watched until thewater surrounding it comes to a boilwhen it should be taken out For din-

ner have the coffee made In a Frenchcoffee pot so carefully that It flavorwill convert the most oldfashionedcream devotee to taking it clear Thehygienic point of view is that coffee

Uses for Kerosene-

A boned starch it from stickingTo prevail so rehlng rub the iron on a

cloth saturated with keroseneKerosene will remove ink stains and

fresh paint white nothing takes outblood stains better than coal soap sudsto which kerosene been added

Fruit statue lampblack etc may betaken out of wash goods by first saturat-ing the spot with kerosene then wash-ing as usual

For wagon grease or tar rubwell with kerosene while the grease 1

fresh then wash out in cold soft waterusing no soap

For iron rust put on kerosene and lotthe article remain covered for some timeThe oil loosen the rust so that itwill come off

Kerosene will take out new paint andis the beet thing with which to cleanthe wringer rollers

To clean sewing machines cover allthe bearings with kerosene work themachine quickly for a f w minutes thenrub all the oil off with a soft rag andapply machine oil where needed

i remove grease fr m warerub well with a cloth withkerosene when the dirt Is removed washwith hot soap suds

Clean the bath tub the sink or mar-ble wash bowl with a cloth wet withkerosene

Kerosene will remove rut on a stoveWash well with a wool n cloth wet withkerosene Let stand a day and repeatFinally rub with a woolen cloth thenpolish with stove polish

Clean furniture with a flannel cloth onwhich is a little kerheene it will re j

spots from diningtables if applied a soon as the spot ismade

Kerosene is excellent In hard-wood or stained floors Remove dust anawipe JL nuUl at a time then rubthe oil off with a flannel cloth

leaning and it will repel fliesand mosquitoes







A teaspoonful of kerosene to quartkeeps





move soiled Gte from light painteddoors also wi lie


llit huttfad otindo I




r Blare

kerosene soap fure








with cream produces stomach ariditywhile the combination of cream andsugar is more Injurious-

It is not generally known that the po-tato possesses great cleaning

or soap clean the hands well andsoft The water in which po-

tatoes have been I toiled is excellentout dirt from silk

pushed In the same direction a thewarp of a rug not against it

If you have the oldfashioned over-head chandelier lights in your housesome time during the summer try tohave the change made to the more ar-tistic and convenient side lights Apair near the piano the desk or book-case and over a corner seat will befound to add to the furnishing of theroom and apparently increase theof a small apartment

Among the minor annoyances ofhousekeeping i the one that howevercarefully plate may be cleansed beforeputting away In the course of a weekor so it become dull and tarnishedmay be avoided by the followingsimple means After thoroughly cleans-Ing the plate and polishing it with

wrap up each piece tinfoil suchas is used for wrapping up chocolatetea etc then put it hi a dry cupboard-or drawer

You should always add a littleto the water in which stockings

are rinsed after being washed Thestockings should then be dried wrongside out Colored stockings will be unfaded and black ones will retain theiroriginal luster

Sweet milk is just a good for enameled shoes as for babies only it needsto be applied differently Remove alldust and dirt from the then washthe uppers thoroughly with the milkLet them stand a wth the milkon them then wipe with a soft drycloth Shoes thus treated keep theirenamel bright for a long time withoutneeding any polish or dressing

Never let a mirror be hung wheresuns rays fan upon It The light andheat produce a chemical disintegrationof the quicksilver at the back whichInjures th reflective power and makesthe glass dull

The nervous housewife who in-constant dread of lire may with verylittle trouble make an extinguisher that

put out a blase if used at once Allneeds to do is to put three pounds

salt in a gallon of water and to thiS2 pounds of salammoatac Thin

should be bottled and whenis discovered it should be poured on

If more were needed to insure thesmall of today against being set down

sewing tasks it has cone In theof the oculist The study of younghas brought forth the fact that the

application needed to make thesmall fingers take little stitches i veryInJurious

Recipes to Beautify Hands

soft large gloves threefour siws too large them open

spread the inside with one of thepreparations then sew the

seam up The simplest andthe least troublesome pastes to

make are the following threeL Ground barley the white of an

rr a teaspoonful of glycerine and 1

ounce of honeyNo S Homemade soft soap H lb

live oil 1 gill muton tallow 1 ounceAfter boiling these together removethem from the before adding spirits

wine 1 ambergris or otherperfume amount to suit the tasteilwaVs on your not to scent

too highlyNo 3 Refined tar 1

olive oil 1 pint Melt in awith rose water or some other

This is a preparation whichnot spoil Thefor use with cosmetic gloves is

more elaborate Myrrh 1 ounce4 ounces yellow wax 2 ounces

water 6 ounces Melt the wax Inwater bath and add the to it

it is hot After beating thorn toetber add the honey and rose water

until you secure a pastehich spread nicely

Legfyorns AgainLittle hats much tilted over the browre rapidly disappearing from the fair

of gay and shadyleghorns with high crowns are takingtheir place

CASTOR I AFor Infants and Children

lie Kind You Have Always Bought

Dears thoignature ot

Cold potaWt w used

with the carpet sweeper willmore effectual the sweeper Sa




wiltSheofadd thetireit

to de-creeeyes

Use leatheror

foUow nKrlpne there-fore






Beat all up and add glycerine by tMteaspoonful






















Design for summer gown or frock of silk muslin or thin silk The trimmingwas of narrow Valenciennes lace which formed the yoke and was used on theskirt as shown in the drawing The lace on the bodice was fagotted togetherthe lower part of the bodice and the sleeve being tucked crosswise a group ofthree tucks being used each tuck about an inch and a half In width The elbowlength sleeves were finished by a cuff made of bands of lace fagotted togetherand edged with a narrow frill

It colored silk muslin or India it used for the gown a very pretty effectis gained by having the fagotting on the lace yoke done in silk to match thehock one effective gown seen very much this same style being of pale bluesilk mule with the Mechlin lace bands forming the yoke fagotted togetherwith embroidery silk to match






Nurses and children Nurses should begiven a fairly bend with childrenunder their charge There Is nothing sobad for a child a to know that he hasonly to apply to his mother to be letoft any UtUe penance nurse stay haveimposed for a nursery misdeed Ofcourse It Is necessary to have a womanwho can be trusted to thoroughly under-stand the child

Wet your children feet getwet or even damp have shoes andstockings at changed for Itmost necessary that their feet be keptdry and warm It is useless to coverthe body warmly if the extremities beleft cold and damp

Sandal or Shoes Parent differ intheir views of sandal wearing Whilesome mothers are loud In their praiseof the sandal and hygienic valueother declare that sandal

the feet to spread and is tijerea disadvantage Some governesses









Flatferv in Venice-

In Venice says the Ladles Realm thewomen of the lower classes accept tributes to their beauty from perfect strang-er a a matter of course It i con-

sidered not only proper but polite tocompliment a passing maiden on thecharm of her beautiful eyes or complex-ion If one treads on the skirt of apretty woman one has only to say Pardon beautiful jdrl to receive the meetdarling smile and bow in return for theawkwardness Ar cafes frequented bythe people t is the custom for waiters-to say when placing a chair for one ofthe women Take this seat beautifulblonde or Sit here lovely brunetteas the case may be







second view and have entreatedmothers of their pupils to put theirchildren Into boots again and discardsandals because of the difficulty thechildren experience on dancingdaisdays In getting into their shoes andwearing with any degree of com-fort

Thumb Sucking Among the early badhabits In children is that ofsucking the thumb or singers If this isallowed to go unchecked for any lengthof time it will result in nail becom-ing soft and possibly in a weakenedlarger joint while the flesh will lose Itfirmness and become flabby Not onlythis but persistent thumbsucking islikely to be responsible for a malformedroof to the mouth or upper teeth andto spoil the shape of the top Up

Fresh Air The constructive value offresh air for children can never be toomuch Insisted upon but in some caseswhere this rule is carried out withpraiseworthy thoroughness the childrenare apt to suffer from insufficient cloth-ing The exposure to the coUi air mustbe compensated by the Increased protec-tion of warm clothes







Tomato Omelet

Scald and skin three tomatoes melt asmall piece of butter in a saucepan towhich add a teaspoonful of chopped onion and another of chopped parsleyreason with pepper and salt put in thetomatoes and let them remain in thebutter for two minutes Turn out themixture and set it aside until quiteMOl Beat up three whole eggs and mixin the cold Place a lump ofbutter about the vise of a walnut Ina frying pan and when It dissolvespour in the mixture leave it over thefire until the edge are firm and thenhold the pan in front of the untilit rises to the top It should be servedat once






A paid check is yourmonthly statement is your cashieryou know when you spent it and whogot it It means system habit andgood business Any individual manor woman clerk mechanic or farmer should use a checking account

When will you see us about it

Home Savings BankSeventh Ave N W

Branches7thand H StsN 436 7th St S W

Deposits more than a million and a half











I never a baby In the mouth Itis criminal says a woman physician Inone of womens hospitals in the city

I know of no more injurious thingthan the of a babys mouthshe declares For from experience Iknow that many diseases are transmitted to little ones by their parents orothers touching their lip

VA guard her infantsjut as dlosely from as frommeasles whooping cough etc forthough grown persons do not as a rulehave any of the to whichdren ar susceptible and so do notthem to the little ones such as theyfrequently have are chronic and for thatreason worse if contracted throughthe breath by young babies I had onecase where a newly born child died asthe result of a kiss It was but a fewdays old when a nurse caring for themother kissed It on the and thenext day she scarlet fever-I took every precaution to prevent thelittle one coming down with thesame disease but to no purpose for Ithad a mats evere attack and died inlose than a week from the time its lipswere kissed

I always advise mothers againstallowing little to be Kissedon the lips even by their andminediat family A babys mouthshould not be kissed I contend andif this rule were strictly followed therewould be fewercrobe could not then be tothEm I warn against kind of acarets on the face beats or bands Infact I believe that young children shouldbe shown all possible tenderness butnot kissed and They do notunderstand U and frequently I haveseen them made most uncomfortable bybeing close in a mothersarms and half smothered by kisses onthe lips Grown persons often do notrealize how bard are pressing thelittle bodies in their arms until the in-

fants cry out in pain and then theyfrighten the youngsters by suddenly

them all over the face in aneffort to show how sorry they are beauiie the little one cried I wish I

could make mothers fathers and nurses ithat they can best show their i

love for a young baby by touching It as tlittle as possible t














Credit for All Washington

Last Call 4ForClearance

Sale PricesStill a bie assortment for vou to choose from with many ex-

cellent patterns and beautiful color effects There is only a veryshort time left to profit by the extraordinary reductions for thissale will positively end this week It is a chance for you to carpet

rooms at a big saving in price which you should not missDeliveries can be made when wish and easy terms of pay-ment may be arranged without extra cost

PETER GROGAN817819821823 Seventh Street Between Ii and I Streets


C s-




ooeesoeo± >



Picnic Drink

For those whose digestion is too dellLte to stand the cold drinks incident

o a picnic the following beverage isby a wellknown stomach

The ingredients are egg hothot water butter and seasoning

he egg wellbeaten te stirred into aup of hot milk hot water butter to

and salt are addedill Ingredients are put into a dark

bottle as this retains the heatBetter than a light colored one and theittle is wrapped up well Into cotton

protected It 1 said tohot for two or three hours

Summer EggnogT-

ake one Urge teaspoonful of pow-

ered sugar one fresh egg onehairglass of brandy the same of Santa

ru rum and a little shaved Lee Fillglass with rich milk and shake to

eth r the ingredients until they aremixed Extract the and

rate a little nutmeg on top of the glass





hnroug ily ice

Open Tomorrow Till 9 P M

420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St

Another Sale of

Muslin UnderwearHund-reds of pieces of fresh Undermuslins are offered at prices

that must commend them to the most careful arethe most desirable kinds





Corse CorersMade of excellent quality cam-

bric tight fitting high and Vneck neatly trimmed with finetuck embroidery insertion or neatedging of fine embroidery Sizes

3446 Actual value 39c

25cWomens Drawers

Made of excellent quality longcloth cambric and muslin allsizes but not in every style fullumbrella ruffles daintily finishedwith fine tucks hemstitched lacetrimmed or neat edging of fineembroidery Size 2330 Actualvalue 75c Special


he Best Corsets-

On the market for wearWhile not the most expensive theyare the best because they nt com-fortably and thats what womenare after these hot days

Comfortable Summer CorsetsMade of batiste very good quality

low bust short hips gartersevery corset stamped Kant A rjRut regular 75c value aSpecial M

RustProof Girdles

Made of garters attacked Special rvr-

Lansuurgh Special CorsetMade of coutil low bust OATnip hip garters attached

regular 150 value Special w

I tI













Corset CoversMade of splendid quality long

cloth and cambric round neckdaintily trimmed with doublerows of fine lace beading and rib-

bon deep lace edge full blouseSizes 3444 Actual value 75cSpecial

49cWomens Long Kimonos

Odds and ends that have beenselling for and 168 allsizes but not in every stylemade of excellent quality lawn indainty shade of light blue whiteand neat figures of black andwhite yoke tight andloose back daintily trimmedSizes 3646 Special

75cAmerican Lady Corsets

Made of batiste hbrh and low bustshort medium Q t f

Womens Gingham Petticoats-And Madras cut full width finish

ed with full umbrella andruffles full foundation

lengths 40 41 Actual AMvalue 73c Special

For the Toilet25c Lyons Tooth Powder can HeSOc Genuine Bristle Hair Brushes SoclIb box 2frMuIe Borax 12cPackers Tar Soap J-

Goc Malvina Cream clee Violet Witch HaseSurgeons and Physicians Soap 5aPark A TilfordPompeiian Cream 85cHoyts German Cologne cM A L Florida Water 45cPears Unscented Soap lOc






from to



hip garters attached5100

cir-cular t




Our lens Furnishing DepartmentI-s just now full of extraordinary attractions to those men who like tobe well dressed and comfortable at that yet who do not care to payextravagant prices

100 and 150 Fancy Negligee Shirts 79c75c Fancy Negligee Shirts 55C59c Fancy Negligee Shirts 39C50c Otis Colonial and Lawrence Mills Balbriggan Underwear 3 9C75c Sea Island Cotton Underwear 9cSoc Jean and Nainsook Drawers 39c50c White Lisle Athletic 25c50c White Lisle Undershirts long skives 35c25c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 19c50c Silk Cravats 25c35c Black and Tan Lisle Thread Half Hose 23c19c Cotton Half Hose plain tan Wick and ray I5c 2

pair for 25cI5c Black Half Hose with neat figures i to 10 9c25c Fancy Half Hose all sizes 19c19c Washable FourinHands JOc25c Summer Suspenders IQC








Any teeth others make for CO A Aprice is orJy JUU

Any teeth others makeCTfifl to 10 my price is only JUU

Any teeth other make for H2 S 7my price Is only DJGerman Porcelain Flllinc flM Porcelain

Crown HM 22k Gold Crown ROO Slv rAmalgam Fillings Me

DE OASLBTOK VATJXA3C1012 V Street X W Phone 2056

5 ft Porcelain Lined Tub LOWDown Closet Oak Wood WorkPorcelain Lined C A Q 7 rLavatory J-FREENickel Towel Rack with

Water Neater for Boiler U-BUtlled best make

We a saving of fromM pr cent on any plumbing orfixture or materialEstimates vltiiuuc Phone liain 11 1


KEFrP YOU HATEIt yon are NervousIf you have NeuralgiaIf you are feeling badTAKE KBT XOTXTXOr SZTTEBPrice lOc and S6o bottleEVANS Toilet Jaleom 2 owd rThe specific for chafing pri klyheat sunburn sore and tender-feet Price lb cans lOc 1 iocans 25c



The best morning appetiser iscup of our Congressional Coffee rt ff frunequaled atthe price J JGreat Atlantic Paeiffs Tea Ct

Main Store


t THAT ATTRACTS jPhone at 1883-


T liiulers Engfravtrjl knirj T

Burn CokeWhen Cookinga-nd youll be gratified at the

obtained It is not only thecheapest but the best fuel to usein the kitchen range Well supplyyou Coke26 Bush Coke delivered 156

Bush Cok delivered 1370M Bush Large Coke delivered 63035 Bush Crushed Coke JlOfl0 Bush Crushed Coke deliv JUt

60 Bush Crushed Coke deliv Jo 60

Washington Gaslight Ca

413 JOtli St N VV

EXPERT WATCEWatch Crystals lOc


The One SolutionThe Servant

Times Want Ads






Complete Bath Room


1G t



aCOr 7tk a4 B X w

1 it-



I UUl E Streets x w-



S40 Large


75c Main Spngs 75c C



ti tl Bunn

















