i i- i yo qj- · baling toe tumble t th pajama i palma t tin the al i i lit r n mail i i isivtiiis...

WEDNESDAY MAT 4 ilji Partly cloudy tOday and to light variable winds VOL LXXINO 1M7 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY MAY 4t I9040ow M rttt KMIM p PRICE TWO CENTS 1j 1 Qj- J t Yo J I t I a bll ill and lIbll1aInv Aucnll r Jc I I4 r r LW Pv r1177TW7 I t i- I t L = = SEA WEDDING AND SHIPWREC- T1IKM Tin iirldiRriioiii Ha HIP Tint Slalf In unity VOIIIIB Wlrtow Ilie Ship trc l latrr No Pa- riiRrr llcrr on Annllirr VrMd The Steamship Com jMiivV itiiiiiiprCiiy of Washington In yon- inriliy from Iiiimiim had on board Bevera who woro on tho Pnclflo M cixiiiicr Cdloii when Him wns wreckod ofl- iho riBiM nf Salvador last month Tin Cdlon lilt ii rotf five miles out from AIIIIIIIU on tin1 morning of April II HIT inMiom WUH ladly Hhattured and nlu- wii iKiiihNl just in tlmo to wive all aboard sin viiH broken In by tho surf Some of IMIHSOIIKCW continued to livo in tin lintcli sictloiiH and HoURhtshelUi- n Aciijuilii until tlm Hloamshlp company Mnt unoilirr Imjit t thorn nwny- Itivoijil ilio Inooiivonitmco to which tie wo iniiijoited none of the nhipwrorkiH one iiiiMd lily tin worse for tho pxperlP- IIM1 Tli iltliiis it WHS said luuullK- Hi1 wliin the Colon hit the reef in Hivli altlioiiuh thero wa nino inciiiiiieiit sixty pawen i il did nut thrwiton to sorioul- uviiiiM iluy wtro in Ignorance ol- MIC Ixtenl o1 daninKo to the ship Vi nmltcr of fuel I he Colons passoiv err had fomollilni to liH Intore iin i In hipwn ok and tlu y it Wlnii- ihcv told ihiifly uonveniH First i I WiUon or the Colon and Mrs Vni Krna Schmld of liidrid Spain und siii IranilHco Cal Mm Schmid Mrs now tirrt wiw murrkil In heron shlpbourc- v lion the Colon was futirloun dayH out front KniniMKo Ho murriud her as u rusull- of n of caiU witlioiit tiie know iiluv cipUiin iiaiiio 1 Irvine None of the Colonn pas uigerrt accusef tin rnptnln of being lauklnR in i it In was they say angry whci at I oclock In the morning ho hoard tint IIP of dm murriugu Thut was tlm moniini of thu honeymoon and the cup lain did things tho pusHnngcrA ay wlilel lit wouldnt want duno If ho had been ii- ihc first matnit Itcotn or for that mutter in tlin boot of Hibhop R V Hllley who lnrforiued the marriage coremoiiy Mrs Sohmld boarded the Colon ut San 1ruiKlica March 21 Slit WH HO the piLuHmgerr said th widow of H professoi- nf Httlptiiro in tlm Mark Hopkins Inotltud- nf Art in San KrancUco Her luislianil tile piisscngers heard had two yeari- UK Sohiuid WOH 22 yearn old a blond nnd good looking Moot of the tacit on bourd began taking notice noon tint nnclior was weighed First look notice too Somebody Introduced liini to Mix Schmid That was after the war several days out from San Fran Mrs Kchmiil know how to play urd KI also did the first mate They Played togother OH opponents- ifho Dilley Bialmp of God airUtlau in tlm Barbados Islands who told tilt story of the courtship und mar when he landed yesterday didnt exactly what the game wax but hi- WHS sure it wan played with cards Anyway the young widow proved to IK superior to the first mate at und beal him badly First Mate Wilson m of spirit He in according to the HiHho- pan athlete and cant stand dcfutu Mrs Ktfrida ixrceived that the defeat humiliated That was on April 7 according t Dishop who got it straight from tin first mate und Mrs Schmid- On the next day Mrs Schmid went U i irst Mate Wllnon and told him how ttorrj she was at him The apology Ii- ilw opinion touched Wilaoni- lieart His love developed and was re turned in kind On tho morning of the 9tl- WlUmi nsked the Bishop If he could keep a Peoret The lllehop thought ho could and i llrst mate him hu wanted him tr- tf thn knot Tluil cvoniiiR early but when It was m ilark they couldnt bo seen the Bishop lirlil a rfhearKil of the ceremony on the deck behind the smokestack Storekeeper Harry O Stovpus of tint crew had ICfii Int in on the deal and wait best man ami Mi Iltltii Olofson of 7 Kant Thirty tii l Rtroet New York one of the pa nen- Kln vas bridesmaid They also re Imnrsed behind the Bmokestack HO the liiiliop says Tlie woddlng ceremony was performed Ut r in cveninj in the saloon when pretty nearly everybody else had gonu to l il Then thn nows was broken to tim pusAeiiRors Renorally who out ol Ud and began to bration according to Binhr lasted ovHr Sunday Capt Irvine however didnt hear about the wedding until 4 oclock in the morning then he summoned his Unit mate from the cabin mot rudely and also requested n Interview with the Bishop while the HMiop was still In hue He demanded that nhow hU- sutliority The Bishop did and then lilnfiH settled down until tho hum when llio wreck occurred and Wilson wns aunt itiotied hack to Still Francisco with the nt of thn crew to explain tin urcldont IIi wife went with him Site was bound lor Germany where alto met him She had tat fullen heir to a largo amount of property there Bishop Dilley thought that Mr IIton and his wife would probably Win tho money later Among the passmigerH on the City of lilngton MTO S Mlnskichl and F Nakiiran eomiulH ionerH wnt out by tim J P nes Cinvernmcnt to study labor nnd- nauntrUI conditions In this country They nave been on the iHthmus four v tlgatlng thin conditions there for limo of Japanese labor on time They Bay that they found leu of their countrymen then and M far us they could learn they stood cllmnto and other conditions well Ul T thought that Jnpnnctfo labor could fatiul liy tills Ciovornmen- thlnl Illmielr lleituspKon l n llppulillrin- nusAioiiH May 1 John Weaver n term DemotTat of committed Mlvulo today U cauMi hIM sail voted for candiilalt for Mayor of rity river wiis 7 and vs loostpd i Ini his family hnd lwi tho Mralfiht n ciinii lilnt cnrfil by Holin- iwrir i ri n ill 4t- i I Irntr Inr nr r ill tnt swnr Mau Jane drl t If1 1 mi 1IW and II all Ole purl I I I wo II ant mOIl lat t gal ali i die aCer l Ion I ill proud baling toe tumble t th pajama I Palma t tIn the al I i lit r n mail I I isivtiiis 1111 lost I t lILt hUt Hal I rouI I Ill f sot it t alt t i iu nil t Ito t Iii U I I Sg rid i kIt FIt flU tf Salt 1041i gal hint ry try flit Ill Mrs lieu cards him lie lit I lie tad Over anal lam th to atlviintngn iii building of L I fi itch ire cited tort I A < > > ¬ > < < < < > FIMN THK MtUlV OSTHiCII Junk nf All lilniu nrmovnl Prom ll- Nlaiimcti of John Ka rl John FUBJIO hunuin chain swjillower wan oporatfd on yesterday nt time Oerma- Honpllal Fusl who bc u u niUHeum freak for uomo time 21 years old anti lives at 211 Vorot ntreo Two yearn ago be WHH operated on In 8 Hospital Brooklyn and a munlx1 of noils key oud hnlvM wero from lila stomach After tho operation Fusil had no trouble with Hi things Im nwallowed until March 12 to have undergone an operation Bollovtio Hospital and WAS getting read for It when on Saturdayjilght at an enter lain mm t of nn association named afte him ho swallowed more metal article They mndo hits condition worno anti ncoi- ultated Ills removal to the Oermnn Hospital Dr O O Pobe time house surgeon wn in chargn of tho operation and moro thou u dozen doctors woro present Tin opera bit lasted for three hours and at limo en of that time thu following articles been taken the irwns utomacli Six knives of different sizes watcl- oliniiioiiii key ring uhiiln key oim desk key four Vnl j lock kcyH button hook fourteen wire nail two nails nail and two pins rite operation left him In a critical anti It was doubtful hut night if In would recover sin witon von TICKETS Kvctre Who IfseU Olive u Nam- Arrcstnl hut in A letter signed Olive May was received at tlio Herald Square Theatre on Monda- nskinfi thut pn8se bo sent to MIs May ti- an addriwi in Hovpntrtnth street near Siventh avenue Thin was liki several others by mtvaiw of which ticket to time Frohnian theatrert had obtained letters were all in one hut tin names of divers actors und uotreuses hat been signed to them Detective Sergenntti Browno and Sum- mers who had been called In to tin forger pot Treasurer William P of the Herald Square Theatre to put on ai- A D T messengers coat and cap take the tickets to time address given In Olive May letter There Xewman in Lust hallway u woman who said that sin was Olivo Mays sitter and would take tin tickets Xewman said he was to deliver them to no one hut Miss May Tlm woman said that Miss May was out but thut time tickets might be sent to her b mull Newman went away and after he had learned from MIM May that the had written for other woman was arrested Situ said hem naiim was Ollvl- illiaithii and that slim was formerly an uclriiu In thu Merier street station slu admitted that nlm had written a number of letters for tiokeM Mime that soul the passed to help make living A M Palmer who knew the woman when site was an interceded for her and at Jefferuoii Market court the complaint wa dropped after nhu promised to abandon liur plan of operations on time theatre box ofliCO- rtpa Health Offle r Inilits That I in in I grants lie Se re steU VISe lla- AVBTIN May 3 Tho passenger freight tratliu of time railroads in Mexico wbiob lead to the three border points Texas is paralyed ns the result of the strict enforcement of time order of Dr George Tabor Toxn State Health Officer r qulr lug that nil who desire lo enter the United States via TDXUS shall retnaii- in detention at either Xuevc Laredo Cludud Iortlrio Dia or Juur6z five no matter front what place or in Mexico cumin Under thin order tlm whole of Mexico ii clawed ns with fever Mexican Government authorities that Vera Crux is the place in that where the disease Dr Tabor Is also refusing to admit tin from Mexico until has been Xo trains on the Mexi- can Central or the Inter national are permit tod to cross the RU- Cramie because or the windows of the coaches not screened nOOKS H7W LOOP TilE LOOPS nlllnB nark and Forth Ttireugh the School of Fish A maim who gave his namn as Uoorge Murray of 108 East Seventeenth street ww arraigned in the Adams street police court Brooklyn yesterday charged with halng tolen a pin worth 1110 on a bridge train from Horace E Stlllman a fish dealer at- i Fulton Market Mr Btillman said that lurray was one of a gang of pickpockets who do what IN called looping the loop This dodgu consists in getting on n train it this end of the riding to street Brooklyn At ho pickpocket takes a return train to New the performance Indefl Looping the a rick for the at the crush hour- It is bank and forth through the fame school of flab Murray was locked In default of 11000 for a hearing on Friday next f WHITES 1HVORCKD- oelrty Wenun or Bridgeport Fell In Late With a inductor HitiDOFronT Conn May 3 Dr Benja ilu W White a prominent practitioner and lubtnan got a decree of divorce from Ids ifn Olivia mind tho custody of their nine old son in tIlt Court tonight n ground of infidelity Robert of a con nctor on tlm Sow Haven railroad wab Mrs White met hll commuting between Bridgeport and evr York to u a ear ago Bofor her recent separation her husband tho moved ooioty in Bridgeport and Stamford Intent ThrmirlvM Not to Harry PrmeniK- KADLNQ Pa Muy 3 Thirtyfix Protes unl clergymen of this city recognizing constantly increasing number of llvoro nnd deeply sensible to the ml to the alwo to time Church it a meeting today of the Reading Minis rrial As an agreement that hey would not a man or wimnn white tho other party to the dlvorcu living An exertion to be granted v when n- llvorce granted on statutor grounds is tho- ppUcani for Jerome In time Tenderloin liitrint Attorney Jerome and two of hit KtlHlimtH Corrigan and Lord dropped Into Im Tenderloin station at II o html thrtHMiunrterw of an ours talk with rapt rot t Whllo- hty were there inspector Walsh happenedi- i loin Kinft Slarlnr Arilvrd C rp llil April t hal John r pin Io- n H had ole ole lAt hen lad and the not tick aid she OiWlTI7 l l EXIO and of i part The sav art I HaD Il I from i I I till I onl I t I v I lat I TrI re- moved ft out OnE Ia totir lion e thoc con- dition let ter Tim met lie actress infected coun- try dis- infected passenger rear itt flIi arced rae rommctrn i 151 elI title hunter 5 > > > < VO VIGKPIIKSWKSCI run TIm SPJEAKtW DECLARES Would Sot Actrpt Nomination tnil Any Ctrrumstanoft Wtntj to I Back t o the llotue and Run for Speak Again Cioixt Word for Itooicvel WASHINGTON May 3The protectl- assoelatlon that wo formed In time Intere of Speaker Cannon to keep the nomlnatli for the from being thru upon him proved Ineffective and M found it necessary tonlght position clear In an Intervle In reply to a question the Speaker said Even at tho risk of being accused declining that which I could get It I desired It I answer unequivocal that If the nomination were tendered u I would not accept it under any elrcui- tancea whatever If there Is any languai which can be more decisive write It In In answer to further questions and t make hit statement Htlll more emphatic M Cannon said I have not been a candidate for the vine presidency am not now and will not b What are the reasons I have boon for u most thirty yearn a member of time Nations House of Representatives I may nay m life work has been In connection with legli- latlon In thu House I have boon nominate by the Republicans of the Congress dlatrlt In which I rcaldend have accepted inatlon I have to hope I sha be reelected If time Republicans huvn n inujoril in the next House of Representatives t which In my judgment there IK no doubt I will be a candidate to suecee myself tw Speaker If perchance how ever the Republicans should not have majority in the next house I will Uk my place on the flour end give the hew service In my power to the minority Iu my judgment I can do better in any capacity at a member of the of Representatives than I can do At this point In the Interview Senate Burrows entered the Speakers room an Introduced two of hi constituent to present Speaker and future VIeePrefiident Mr Cannon bowed expressed hit pleaaur at seeing two Michigan men and turnln to Mr Burrows remarked In lib iro way Vou will see m as an archangel befoi I am VlcePresldent I am glad you retain your senses replied Mr I have no touching the publl service declared Speaker Cannon re Burning time interview a soon as lils visitor had left outside of and disconnected with the House of Representatives One word more There are many met in the Republican In the mlddl West and elsewhere who are better equip pod for the great office of VleePresiden than I am and would add more of strength to time ticket Ulan I would BO tit my du oision and my duty cat citizen and a R run together in the oonolajloi that I have cometo which h final Mr Cannon titan made some remark the certainty that Illinois wfl in the Republican column an added Roosevelt nomination for the Prosl dency loon boon a certainty for a and wax first suggested In IllinoUi hi became President AH a candidate for tin Presidency he needs no running part no to give him strength He U stronger thai hit in that State and I may go furthe and In that whole country in LI BOLT If IIEAHST HI LES TO Sell of DtlrKalr From lees llkrlj- Jo to St Louis DEB MoINES May 3 After one of tin most bitterly contested struggles in the his- tory of tho party the Hcarel forces sue ceeded in obtaining a ruling by Chairman Jackson of thu State central committee to night which enables them to control time pro limlnary organization of time State conven tieR which will convene tomorrow at u oclock All contested delegations will be excluded From voting until the credentials oommittei upon their contest As the cre committee will be made up of member from each of the eleven Congresi districts seven of which arts controlled bj time forces this will result In eatlti delegations in each of the counties This will affect 111 dole jntoa and will wake a difference of 122 ir vote At a conference of the antiHeiiMt forces held late tonight it watt decided to bolt tomorrows convention if the Hearst forces are found to be in the majority at- s anticipated They Justify their courts m the that money has been used o corruptly carry close counties and that raud has been practised Two sets ol delegate ate likely to go to St Louis A4I GIKL HAIt 110 1FOVXUS- Zonftulon of MM Powell Who Klllri- Eitclla Alnln Admitted DOVER Del May 3 After a spirited Iglit in tho Court of Oyer and Termlnoi today time confession of Mrs Mary A Powell thiit she killed Estella Albin watt ndmitted in evidence It was In three parts and the wrongs had the discoveries she made of isslea Airs Powell confessed In time presence f three witnesses that the girl followed upstairs glaring insultingly at tier and a bltternotw develop her down with a catsup bottle md then fought until she cut girls a Sue had uilfo with hr to the garret to rip up some When Dr Wilson tool the stand this he wan asked by Deputy Attorney General Richards how many were Inflicted upon the body of Albln One seventy he replied thirtyone bruises and ito cuts AUTO IHIOKK HOVS LKUS- e nrlver Arrested lint Boji Father Hill Make No Complaint David Curtis of 241 West Twentyeighth treel a driver employed by George A Vheelook of 341 Madison avenue ran his utomohllfl over Joe Suueone 7 years old f 323 street in front of is home yesterday afternoon Joseph boys rather picked mid carried Into the fr Coleman who was relied from Bellevue fotimi that the log re broken Curtis was arrested akcn to the Kai station Sausono refused to make a complaint ihiii he learned that son ii front of the machine CANNON SAISHO MEANS ITTOO I time Canon to ot not time oem over a Ice the Burr part abut yea par H Ie pBS one Heart D and tier Inc Into upon U lie reason- able else- where a Lime con- tested Lime she she Fasie after- noon East Street ltd his < > > H4R linOLOHT 940000000 HER Collector Nt ratten FIgures hauls Sent That Amount SAN PxAHCiHCO May 3Colltotor of Port Stratton has sonic statistic which show that more titan 100000 worth of munitions and supplies heart bought here by Japanese 01 Russian the war began The have sent several mllllor In gold yen by every Oriental steam for several month In December 17000000 In January 2500000 I February 3Mfl000 in March 128000 and In April nearly 7oou00o Russia has purchased most of her mi plies through Chicago and Now York Mr Stratton estimates that theue have been fully large a those c Japan making a total of 1101x000- 0TltAVSlT HILLS SWXLIf- Coinmliiion May Now do Alieail trim It Iliilrrarniiml Road Plain ALBANY May aOov Well todn signed the two YeW York city rapid tram bills Introduced by Senator White n request of RapId Transit Com- mission Till nttaiis tied time commls can go ahead and arrartge nt one for time construction of another bide pendeut rapid transit tunnnl road up un down MHiihattHti Inland two bills today remove th restrIction on the amount of inonuy whlci may bp upont by tin city In constructlni rapid transit totals which has been 60 000000 which amount already has be contractud for In the construction of McDonald and Brooklyn tunnel time amended law provides that t he tiinoun of bomln which may be Issued for HUB purposes shall not exceed time limit n- umount which shall be prescribed by th Board of Estimate and Apportionment and no contract for the construct Ion of such road or roads shall be madi unless Until such shall have conuunte thereto anti a limit to of buiuln available for such purposes It l also provided that bridges vladuttx may be considered ad street by thin Rapid Transit Commission In lay- Ing out new roads This will use of the Brooklyn bridges lot such pur poses RKJKtT KW IIAVKXS OtlKf Men Are Natlined Wllli the Campus stilts the Hallroail SEW HAVBX May a OfWclaU of New York and New Haven road were in formed today that he cur workers on th system hnd voted to reject the company compromise proposition granting sliorte hour and a slight Increase In wages In Instead of the U per cent demacdcd poll was practically unanimous It wn the belief tonight that the Comiutny would tin men way on the wage quei and that the men would accept terms Inc report that President Melluns West from which he will return tomorrow was to procure Western strike breakout waa denied the company tithe wa said he visiting hi forme home St Paul Before rcooiuinendlnx a strike tho variou grievance coramlttee now In session here have derided to appeal to President Mellei they cant get what they want from subordinate offtcUiU The striking bullertuakDrs got u jut today when they learned that half a dozen disabled locomotives were to tin shops hero entirely repaIred They have been trying to find out where the Cuinpuin lied the work done PLAE TO UltEAIi i- Hanlrn De o nt Clinton State IrUtin Rmli- lrvnl In Prlionrra iLKNH FALLS X V May a Warder Deyo of Clinton State Prison that an attempt nt escape was being plunnec after weeks of careful watching Prisoners Monelte and Klaitugan tiiken from the ranks mind searched yesterday- In Klanugans clothing was found a key which would unlock the cell Tin mens culls were next ir Menettes cell were found a dummy re- volver made of tin full several saws i jimmy a number of keys and a chisel In Flanagans cell more keys were found- It wax learned that the break for liberty watt planned for yesterday when Menette was to saw his cell door and gutting Into the south hail was to kill If necessary the odlcnr on duty and then open tim doors of the other convict lu time plot Menette U one of time mo t desperate mon in time prison and serving a sentence of years Flanagan iw In for year V AlTOMOBtLiSTS AHItESTKI Club Hail Illrrd a Uatifcr Mlinal Maim html Mar lie Failed Tunis Y May 3 Xot withstand ng the precaution taken by bile Club of America In stationing a man with a blue flag on the Boston post road Larolimont eight of their member were jrrenled jMterdny anti today charged with having violated the sed law or hating neglectwl to display the number their machine Some of the uutouio billets blamed the ftagirmn for their arrest Thny say that Instead of standing out in street and warning them that the police were making a crusade lie spent most of his time a wiloon and rushed without seeing him was adopted at the of Clifford V a Orienta Point who was urwteil and fined week Tlw club It U reported will where thorn Is no saloon The nnmes given by thotm arrested were Clark W J W Rou s A- ttc and E of New York M W of Brooklyn It H Davis of Bridge A of II Larcnmont fitted then from 10 to 125 each fVJIMVA KLKCTIOM- Itn luiDKrii of Importance Trrre Haute Hftoonin Republlran Agate IKDUKATOIIR Ind May 3 Returns fom n majority of the cities in Indiana holding elections today indicate that then save been hut few political change end heee in the of with the of haute Terre Haute normally a Republican- Ity but for two iil returned to It old lor y Mayor was defeated by 000 and the also lecled a majority of the common council Tat and the pr hay the they and a lit the the And hoar time and the ol Pro oal b the The met the trip n- It If tilt 1 rIM IUd he dot I is tel time at of the of a ana at a pint Mr Jot Jut of who mal I r she I fapa Japanese Sent pur- chases dorm Tim anmouni half that wait searo AttIc Isecitiosi N Awomno past Last hire new locate Alien were arraigned before the Pcace Terre years alien iii > > BANISHED FROM WEST POINT COL MILLS riTS CUT YILKK- iHRTinKn ner run IlArn Walker Irrfrri Aialnul Mil ItamamU au Inquiry Walkr Mri Away Altcgril lunnltlnc le a Woman TjpewrllnW- ASIIIKOT N May 3 Tlm military reservation U agitated a which tins been brought to the attention t the War Department officially and l gi proceeding wilt result It was hoped by time Department author Itlw that time matter might be ove without formal proceedings and consoquer publicity but things have gone no far it i Imponslble lo secure that outoomi P Walker o retired arm officer who hint been living In Cullom lieu one of the military academy bulldlngi was accused by R young woman employ- ea a typewriter In time academy of havln made iiinultlng reinarki to her The complained to Col Albert L Mills time HUperlntMident of the academy und h- nuule Capt Walker leave Cullom Hull un- dUmi ue l him front the reservation Th fHUi on Capt Walker flied charge with the War Department nRaiiiHt Col Mills alleging In ubntunc urbitiur and brutal treatment The War Depart made Inquiry Into the conclusion that should M tlunu It was partlciilarl anxious lu avoid a format investigation that tIme young WOIIIHD concerned who t highly respected might spared tin Hiibarrassinent of notoriety Capt Walker would liavu none of It Ht insisted upon fits right to have tin charges ngnlnst Col Mills investigated und the Department hoij forced ti admit that ho Is eiitltlod privilege Xo definite conclusion as to the method of Investigation has boon reached mind noth- ing will be done probably until Secretary Taft who Is expected to return to Wanning ton tomorrow has an opportunity of look ing into the cast U was saId at the Wur Department toda that any inquiry Into the aharges ugalns- Col Mills must ne Hsarily embrace ai Investigation of time accusation made b the typewriter which caused Col Mills t dlimitaa Capt Walker from the reservation- and that formal counter charges against Cnpt Wulker might result Capt Walker entered time Military Acad- emy from Ohio in 1801 and was retired Ii 1883 for disability incurred in time line o duty Cal Mill It much younger thai Capt Walker He entered the Mllltar Academy from Pennsylvania in 1874 and 1 now a Captain of the First Cavalry holds the rank of Colonel while Superintend of the Military Academy He lost ai eye in him Santiago campaign of 1S9S Tb President recently nominated him to be BrlgadlerUetierol but the Senate did no confirm time nomination U wa sold In some quarters today tha the Presidents failure to give Col a recess appointment as might be due to the charges brought again him by Copt Walker but there is tio ground fur this supposition CfpM points are Involved in the consideration b time of the question of giving recess commissions to offlceM whose now luatloris time Senate failed to confirm IMIT OFPICKK JILTS A GIHI- Vnr lleparlment Akt llrutrol Pllrhn- in ipuiu niiy UP inn ii- WASHIVOTOV May 3 LieutCol Wllllan F Pitcher of the Tw ntyelghth Infantry who stationed at Sun Francisco has beet called upon by time War Department ti answer tho charge of jilting Miss CarolIne Harold a clerk In that department LieutCol Pitcher Is 1 years old lie win born In Texas and was appointed to the Academy and after spending two yean there was In 1871 commissioned as Second in the army In the complaint filed with tit Will Department It alleged that he become engaged to MlM Harold six or srtven months ago and that at hit earnest request site gave up her In the Department shortly before the fixed for time wedding bout March asserted that not only was time date Fixed but that till bridetobe had purchased her trousseau and a dinner in honor of time approaching event had been given by Rear Admiral Colby M Chester whose slimily were old friends of Miss Harold Col Pitcher time day before the date le lucted for the marriage went sway from Washington It U alleged that he made no excuse for lib departure beyond leaving note to time effect that he had been called away Harold succeeded in securing rein statement in the Wur Departmelit and ipparuntly regarded the affair as a closed Incident Sumac of her friends to whom die told the story urged her to bring charges against ol Pitcher but dlnllk- ng notoriety she declined to do so Olio f her friends however flied formal allega ions at the Department two weeks ago md LieutCol Pitcher was called upon an explanation The explanation was received a few days igo Ills only direct answer as to hits reasons for not marrying Miss Harold vai it Is understood that he had changed ils mind This and other answers to the HienlioiiH put to him were regarded jy time War Department officials as uiiHatis second request seut him with notice that he must make cata- orlcul answers to thu Deparimeills in tunes Senator Simmons and Representative Small of North Carolina have muse of Miss Harold und are pressing the War Department to act ALE MK TO LOOK LS OMW rat n lle Will Brim Uatrli of Social Student here XEW HAVEN May William II- iallcy of Yale will male hU annual ex iilrslon to New York tomorrow with lint nemberrt of tho graduating claw who are aking lilt course In social conditions Phis year he has divided his excursion Into wo groups one of about thirty to go and about time same number to go next week will In New York over Friday- n Thursday nil time city M visited thu party have lunolioon Otto of tliem Ill the Itowory- hlnutnwn amid tho on Fast Side will lx rovonsl under the guidance- if a of Central Omen Friday they will down thn heritor o time station aunt also do the norgun and the teiiomunt districts will return to New haven on Yldny evening Rirnrlti Ftlrurt of Vnnllln- miuiM uprrlor ilrllmn t r lr II UM It- Idr I 1 alt tar mark Welt Point that nol lent HOle mater Ion y but sot MIL Brl y President ill dale t- Ill a fur time factor alld today 3Prof to- morrow Tllo al tlON mell- On house a I I barge Voting type- writer tim Na- val Miss was I Pee Cenilit Ion Today Sat > > > IILISH AT Tin IIITI inns Bfport limit the PrmlUrnt VanU Him I Hun time l tii al n- WARiuxaiox May s Cornellti X of Now York had a conference with tl President at the White lion tonlgh Senator Alililcli was also n caller anti It reported nlthoUKh without authority tht- Mr Bliss Is being urged to accept ohaii- manNhlp of time national commltteo Thorn Is a general dwrc to Imvo serve hut heretofore ho lui plendid bl age antI pressing prlvaly buslmfK of fairs Mr Bllns hIM already consente to continue a of time committee O HECOHH FOR CttKSCKLS Figures of I H n4 Mtilril Out liy Atnrrlea Trotting AMotlatlonC- IIICAOO May n TIme directors of tin American Trottlng AsuooliUlon mill ax board of appeals at time Auditorium today und tried several cases cf allege violation of iissoclatloii rules The 8P sio will bo contlnuid tomorrow Proscptw record of isJKJf made at Wichita Kan Oct 10 wait dlsnllowixl timid the ofHoen n time fair aiMoclutlon were cited to nppea show why they should riot Ii penalized n nuin77L OKAI Terror if Cnluradu Klncknirn lilllnl b nannilM Hunter DENVKR Col May 3 Old Mose tim huge grizzly which has terrorized the stock men of Fremont and Pink counties for years made it i charge yenterda when cornered by J W Anthony wh tired five bullet In the animal without stop ping Itt rush and then put a sixth Into II brain between the eyes Time fe- dentl almost nt isis feet Antimony had bent trailing the grizzly lot two weeks Old Most is said to have killed four o five men The bears depredations 01 tho stock range have caused much lo to cattlemen and for years there hal beet a standing reward of 1100 to the hunter who would produce conclusive evldenci of his death lime carcais weighed an even 1000 pound ATE 40 B4V4V4S JV 0 MIMTE Capacious Man Challenget Swept nil llama Whose Record u sit BuioMixaTOX Ill May 3 Sw e William Deamude the Flthlan youth holds the eating championship of Vermillloi county on tho strength of recently eatlni three dozen eggs at one meal and two dozer bananas on another occasion has r etlvei- a challenge from Potomac Friends of Frank Hall of time latter place boast that their champion recently ate forty bananas hi forty minutes In a at Potomac and would not hays topped at that but he the call supper and bad to leave The Flthla youths backers say that twentyfou bananas is not their mans limit but he stopped because the supply of the ran out Th detail UM match between the were arranged today aM the data for tin contest will k set soon AVAL VISIT DEFERRED Death In Pretldent Palmaf Family nanhliM to Way Away WABHINOTON May time request o President Palma of Cuba the propose visit of the cruiser Olympia arid other American warships under Rear Admiral Jewell to Cuba has been postponed President Palma telegraphed today that owing to a death In his family It would In Impossible for him to extend official courte ales and ho desired therefore that the vlslti be postponed until time fall EXMAYOR AMES O THIAL Counsel Pitail Prevloui OonUeltor for Bribe Tnklne- ST PAVL May 3We are willing to trust Dr Amess fats in time hands ol any twelve mess the State may name W nwe challenges none This statement was made by Fred H yent associate counsel for exMayor AA Amps whoie trial for accepting a 110 bribe Bessie Lee a woman of the town police protection begun before Judge B Elliott ExJudge J M Martin as COUIISB for thi presented a plea of former eon otlon Mr Martin said The womflii- lessle Lee front whom Dr Ames Is here ac used of receiving a bribe of 10 IB with the Bescla Feirlo who appeared j one of the complalulng witnesses in th- ither Indictment itvc ur uoaS rime Hunt at Freeport I 1 UU lu rs the Burial Place of a Pet Chief a Scotch collie owned by Mist race C McCoy of ii 4 Decatur street died a few days ago and Miss iloCoy arranged to bury time dog In a plot if ground she owned at Freeport L I John Losea of Freeport whom she asked o dig the grave made up lila mind that u rime humid been committed and told Joe lee Archer B Wallace Early yesterday corning time Magistrate accompanied by onmtable Ira Baker Dr Denton and two indertakors assistants went to time plot After digging for halt an limit the oak asket was uncovered and opened Inside hey found time body of the collie dog wrapped In a shroud and around Its neck white ribbon On thin collar was inscribed Chief anti the number of a license lUlled iy the Bergh society Time party lot no time in putting the oxket back and filling up time grave Be ore they separated they made a solemn to keep time matter Quiet Democrats Hold HI Paul Mr PAUl May long fought mu ilcipal campaign was brought to a close onlght by the election of Robert A Smith Mayor and the entire Democratic city Icket The election was a contest of Ice against moralityand the former won City Council remains Democratic police are In t he control of the Demo rats which Insures a wide open policy- or two years Pllttbiirc llrcart for fhlvageC- IIICAOO May Thirtyfive thousand tilcago famllle worn supplied with bread nday by PitUburg bakers Milwaukee nd SI baking concerns refuted to hip bread to Chicago to help time proscribed mployirig nut of their temporary riMlicninent MXHU of H thront of a arm utlictlr slrikn in lho cill i I him l Hotel 1I I- to cause 11111 MilS many hear w who he rd for fruit ot two use 3At 11 to have from G d fence Identi- cal Jill 11 1 a TOW 3The i nil TIle TIll Louis hake flu tim last Egg restau- rant Cs Ilk immterposoanl will seek- ing > > > Russian Generals Report on Yalu Battle THE BODIES LAY IN HEAPS Big Russian Lost in Killed iM Wounded Admitted Thlnk lust aKMI anil 4 N- Mlawnr e Fell In tIme llatllp 8tip rli r- Mimlicru rororil till RtiMlans I Hrr Viiiulral TOKO l Uc Anvlhrr- Alirmiil tu IMofk Port Arlluir Mart Tw liinboals Hii ln FIre Ulnki Fight Mleamrn RriMrt That Japans Meeoml Army Miulpd In Man elitirla anil ripiurril Xrwrhwanri- liictal Culile lltfunteli lo THK Suv- Mr PKTFH8KtRi May lOrn Konrft- piUkln sends time following report of Sun days hattie at VaIn Oen Sn solltrlrs report dated today on the fight of Muy 1 says that the oattl- wns fought tmdiir time following circum- stances Time Twelfth and Twentysecond Koglments anti tho Second and Third Bat- teries of thn Sixth Brigade of1 Artillery were engaged In the battle which begin with heavy cannonading of our right flank by siege guns at Wlju und field batteries in the distance After a lull time fighting was resumed with extraordinary violence against the left flank of our main position atTurenohen and our position at Potletlnsky A fusil- lade was also begun by small parties of Japanese across the Al River The situation of the defenders position became difficult especially at Podetinsky which wee bombarded on and on both flanks Thirty Japanese guns were pitted against our battery at Potletlnsky which after having silenced the enemy mountain battery directed it fire on the Japanese Infantry and sustained few o we so long ac It was not obliged to take up another position owing to the withdrawal of our Infantry from the bank JATANEBK BOPIS8 JUT IN BBAV The Jap n under our fir nod bayonet attwlta on our trw V p SImultaneously with the attack at- Potletinsky an attack being made on our loft flank at Turenclien and the Russian trenches had to be abandoned under the Japanese enfilading fire Our reserve several times mingled with the flrot thus enabling it for a long time to maintain its position Finally all of the supports were brought up into the tiring line but owing U great distance from our main reserves It was Impossible for them to reach the ad- vanced force in time and our men retired from the principal position to anotbsr position in the rear of Tulenchen followed by time concentrated fire of the Japan who could not make up their minds descend from the crest they occupied sad face the the of our batteries at PoulemetU They dug fresh trenches and opened a heavy artillery fire on our new position and began i t turn our left lank toward Chihgow Two battalions of the Eleventh Reel ment and time Third Battery of the Third Brigade of Artillery belonging the oaaiii reserve were ordered Loofunhou They occupied a position with a doubU firing line thus permitting our advanced line which had suffered heavily and our wounded to retire A battalion of the Eleventh Regiment both flunk of which were repeatedly turned by tile enemy advanced with fixed bayonets preceded by buglers to clear a passage Tho Japan- ese however declined a hand lo band x nflict In front of time regiment a chaplain rearing a cross Will struck by two buts It was only by advancing on the Japanese with the bayonet that one of our rectaMfits wail able to retire On till arrival ilslanco from the Tenth Regiment alTtnir- roopn were shin to beat a retreat TilE RUSSIAN U H8RB The losses of the Eleventh and Twelfth egiments were very great but they or sot yet exactly known In the FJev th he killed included Col Laming and Lltut Dometti and Ralevuky nine company commander kllUd or wounded The Second and Third hftt tries of the Sixth Brigade having lost the greater number of their men sod horaos were compelled to abandon their al t fi after rendering them useless For the same reason six guns of the Third littery Third Brigade ot Artillery and Ight pottlemetts which could not be away were also disabled The nounlalnoUB natuie of the country sAd hot attack of time enemy mode it IM- loulble to nave time guns by moon of lrag ropes Up to time present HOO wounded indud- ng fourteen oltlocni have brought o time hospital nt Fengwaiigcheng Tbcir- iventunl transportation nlsiiwhere in folly wured Time leach may reach 00 lap nese cavalry appeared to time southeast f KungWnng lint teeing two companies illh two guns oppo ed to it did BO yea urn to approach Time transport i n of th THOUSA NOS KillED 0 lies time thefront ete CI- t woe to Cols The gamma brought lid luCre e inuah tg bodies hay In bMpiattbrbvrtrd fin lisa oils TwjfIh oat the been wrmdsi < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ >

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Post on 15-Nov-2019




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WEDNESDAY MAT 4 iljiPartly cloudy tOday and to

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Tin iirldiRriioiii Ha HIP Tint SlalfIn unity VOIIIIB Wlrtow Ilie Ship

trc l latrr No Pa-

riiRrr llcrr on Annllirr VrMd

The Steamship Com

jMiivV itiiiiiiprCiiy of Washington In yon-

inriliy from Iiiimiim had on board Beverawho woro on tho Pnclflo M

cixiiiicr Cdloii when Him wns wreckod ofl-

iho riBiM nf Salvador last monthTin Cdlon lilt ii rotf five miles out from

AIIIIIIIU on tin1 morning of April IIHIT inMiom WUH ladly Hhattured and nlu-

wii iKiiihNl just in tlmo to wive all aboardsin viiH broken In by tho surf Someof IMIHSOIIKCW continued to livo in tinlintcli sictloiiH and HoURhtshelUi-

n Aciijuilii until tlm Hloamshlp companyMnt unoilirr Imjit t thorn nwny-

Itivoijil ilio Inooiivonitmco to which tiewo iniiijoited none of the nhipwrorkiHone iiiiMd lily tin worse for tho pxperlP-

IIM1Tli iltliiis it WHS said luuullK-

Hi1 wliin the Colon hit the reefin Hivli altlioiiuh thero wanino inciiiiiieiit sixty pawen

i il did nut thrwiton to sorioul-

uviiiiM iluy wtro in Ignorance ol-

MIC Ixtenl o1 daninKo to the shipVi nmltcr of fuel I he Colons passoiv

err had fomollilni to liH Intoreiin i In hipwn ok and tlu y it Wlnii-

ihcv told ihiifly uonveniH Firsti I WiUon or the Colon and MrsVni Krna Schmld of liidrid Spainund siii IranilHco Cal

Mm Schmid Mrs nowtirrt wiw murrkil In heron shlpbourc-v lion the Colon was futirloun dayH out front

KniniMKo Ho murriud her as u rusull-of n of caiU witlioiit tiie knowiiluv cipUiin iiaiiio 1 Irvine

None of the Colonn pas uigerrt accuseftin rnptnln of being lauklnR ini it In was they say angry whciat I oclock In the morning ho hoard tintIIP of dm murriugu Thut was tlmmoniini of thu honeymoon and the cuplain did things tho pusHnngcrA ay wlilellit wouldnt want duno If ho had been ii-

ihc first matnit Itcotn or for that mutterin tlin boot of Hibhop R V Hllley wholnrforiued the marriage coremoiiy

Mrs Sohmld boarded the Colon ut San1ruiKlica March 21 Slit WH HO thepiLuHmgerr said th widow of H professoi-nf Httlptiiro in tlm Mark Hopkins Inotltud-nf Art in San KrancUco Her luislianiltile piisscngers heard had two yeari-UK

Sohiuid WOH 22 yearn old a blondnnd good looking Moot of the tacit onbourd began taking notice noon tintnnclior was weighed Firstlook notice too Somebody Introducedliini to Mix Schmid That was after the

war several days out from San FranMrs Kchmiil know how to play

urd KI also did the first mate TheyPlayed togother OH opponents-

ifho Dilley Bialmp of God airUtlauin tlm Barbados Islands who

told tilt story of the courtship und marwhen he landed yesterday didntexactly what the game wax but hi-

WHS sure it wan played with cardsAnyway the young widow proved to IK

superior to the first mate at und bealhim badly First Mate Wilson mof spirit He in according to the HiHho-pan athlete and cant stand dcfutu MrsKtfrida ixrceived that the defeat humiliated

That was on April 7 according t

Dishop who got it straight from tinfirst mate und Mrs Schmid-

On the next day Mrs Schmid went U

i irst Mate Wllnon and told him how ttorrjshe was at him The apology Ii-

ilw opinion touched Wilaoni-lieart His love developed and was returned in kind On tho morning of the 9tl-

WlUmi nsked the Bishop If he could keepa Peoret The lllehop thought ho could andi llrst mate him hu wanted him tr-

tf thn knotTluil cvoniiiR early but when It was

m ilark they couldnt bo seen the Bishoplirlil a rfhearKil of the ceremony on thedeck behind the smokestack StorekeeperHarry O Stovpus of tint crew hadICfii Int in on the deal and wait best manami Mi Iltltii Olofson of 7 Kant Thirtytii l Rtroet New York one of the pa nen-

Kln vas bridesmaid They also reImnrsed behind the Bmokestack HO theliiiliop says

Tlie woddlng ceremony was performedUt r in cveninj in the saloon whenpretty nearly everybody else had gonu tol il Then thn nows was broken to timpusAeiiRors Renorally who outol Ud and began tobration according to Binhr lastedovHr Sunday

Capt Irvine however didnt hear aboutthe wedding until 4 oclock in the morning

then he summoned his Unit mate fromthe cabin mot rudely and also requestedn Interview with the Bishop while the

HMiop was still In hueHe demanded that nhow hU-

sutliority The Bishop did and thenlilnfiH settled down until tho hum whenllio wreck occurred and Wilson wns auntitiotied hack to Still Francisco with the

nt of thn crew to explain tin urcldontIIi wife went with him Site was bound

lor Germany where alto met him She hadtat fullen heir to a largo amount of property

there Bishop Dilley thought thatMr IIton and his wife would probablyWin tho money later

Among the passmigerH on the City oflilngton MTO S Mlnskichl and F

Nakiiran eomiulH ionerH wnt out by timJ P nes Cinvernmcnt to study labor nnd-nauntrUI conditions In this country Theynave been on the iHthmus fourv tlgatlng thin conditions there for limo

of Japanese labor on time

They Bay that they foundleu of their countrymen then and

M far us they could learn they stoodcllmnto and other conditions well

Ul T thought that Jnpnnctfo labor could

fatiul liy tills Ciovornmen-

thlnl Illmielr lleituspKon l n llppulillrin-nusAioiiH May 1 John Weaver n

term DemotTat of committedMlvulo today U cauMi hIM sail voted for

candiilalt for Mayor ofrity river wiis 7 and

vs loostpd i Ini his family hndlwi tho Mralfiht

n ciinii lilnt cnrfil by Holin-iwrir i ri n ill 4t-

iI Irntr Inr nr r ill tntswnr Mau Jane drl

t If1 1 mi1IW


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Junk nf All lilniu nrmovnl Prom ll-

Nlaiimcti of John Ka rlJohn FUBJIO hunuin chain swjillower

wan oporatfd on yesterday nt time Oerma-Honpllal Fusl whobc u u niUHeum freak for uomo time21 years old anti lives at 211 Vorot ntreoTwo yearn ago be WHH operated on In 8

Hospital Brooklyn and a munlx1of noils key oud hnlvM wero

from lila stomach After thooperation Fusil had no trouble with Hithings Im nwallowed until March 12

to have undergone an operationBollovtio Hospital and WAS getting readfor It when on Saturdayjilght at an enterlain mm t of nn association named aftehim ho swallowed more metal articleThey mndo hits condition worno anti ncoi-ultated Ills removal to the Oermnn Hospital

Dr O O Pobe time house surgeon wnin chargn of tho operation and moro thouu dozen doctors woro present Tin operabit lasted for three hours and at limo enof that time thu following articlesbeen taken the irwns utomacli

Six knives of different sizes watcl-oliniiioiiii key ring uhiiln keyoim desk key four Vnl j lock kcyHbutton hook fourteen wire nail twonails nail and two pins

rite operation left him In a criticalanti It was doubtful hut night if In

would recover

sin witon von TICKETS

Kvctre Who IfseU Olive u Nam-Arrcstnl hut in

A letter signed Olive May was receivedat tlio Herald Square Theatre on Monda-nskinfi thut pn8se bo sent to MIs May ti-

an addriwi in Hovpntrtnth street nearSiventh avenue Thin was likiseveral others by mtvaiw of which ticketto time Frohnian theatrert had obtained

letters were all in one hut tinnames of divers actors und uotreuses hatbeen signed to them

Detective Sergenntti Browno and Sum-mers who had been called In to tinforger pot Treasurer William Pof the Herald Square Theatre to put on ai-

A D T messengers coat and captake the tickets to time address given InOlive May letter There Xewman

in Lust hallway u woman who said that sinwas Olivo Mays sitter and would take tintickets Xewman said he wasto deliver them to no one hut Miss MayTlm woman said that Miss May was outbut thut time tickets might be sent to her bmull

Newman went away and after he hadlearned from MIM May that the hadwritten for other woman wasarrested Situ said hem naiim was Ollvl-illiaithii and that slim was formerly anuclriiu In thu Merier street station sluadmitted that nlm had written a numberof letters for tiokeM Mime thatsoul the passed to help make living A MPalmer who knew the woman when sitewas an interceded for her and atJefferuoii Market court the complaint wadropped after nhu promised to abandonliur plan of operations on time theatre boxofliCO-

rtpa Health Offle r Inilits That I in in I

grants lie Se re steU VISe lla-

AVBTIN May 3 Tho passengerfreight tratliu of time railroads in Mexicowbiob lead to the three border pointsTexas is paralyed ns the result of the strictenforcement of time order of Dr GeorgeTabor Toxn State Health Officer r qulrlug that nil who desire lo enterthe United States via TDXUS shall retnaii-in detention at either XuevcLaredo Cludud Iortlrio Dia or Juur6z five

no matter front what place orin Mexico cumin

Under thin order tlm whole of Mexico ii

clawed ns with feverMexican Government authorities thatVera Crux is the place in that

where the diseaseDr Tabor Is also refusing to admit tin

from Mexico until has beenXo trains on the Mexi-

can Central or the International are permit tod to cross the RU-

Cramie because or the windowsof the coaches not screened


nlllnB nark and Forth Ttireugh theSchool of Fish

A maim who gave his namn as UoorgeMurray of 108 East Seventeenth street wwarraigned in the Adams street police courtBrooklyn yesterday charged with halngtolen a pin worth 1110 on a bridge trainfrom Horace E Stlllman a fish dealer at-

i Fulton Market Mr Btillman said thatlurray was one of a gang of pickpockets

who do what IN called looping the loopThis dodgu consists in getting on n train

it this end of the riding tostreet Brooklyn At

ho pickpocket takes a return train to Newthe performance Indefl

Looping the arick for the at the crush hour-It is bank and forth through thefame school of flab

Murray was locked In default of 11000for a hearing on Friday next


oelrty Wenun or Bridgeport Fell In LateWith a inductor

HitiDOFronT Conn May 3 Dr Benja

ilu W White a prominent practitioner andlubtnan got a decree of divorce from Idsifn Olivia mind tho custody of their nine

old son in tIlt Court tonightn ground of infidelityRobert of a con

nctor on tlm Sow Haven railroad wabMrs White met

hll commuting between Bridgeport andevr York to u aear ago Bofor her recent separation

her husband tho movedooioty in Bridgeport and Stamford

Intent ThrmirlvM Not to HarryPrmeniK-

KADLNQ Pa Muy 3 Thirtyfix Protesunl clergymen of this city recognizing

constantly increasing number ofllvoro nnd deeply sensible to theml to the alwo to time Churchit a meeting today of the Reading Minisrrial As an agreement thathey would not a man orwimnn white tho other party to the dlvorcu

living An exertion to be grantedv when n-

llvorce granted on statutor grounds is tho-ppUcani for

Jerome In time Tenderloin

liitrint Attorney Jerome and two of hitKtlHlimtH Corrigan and Lord dropped IntoIm Tenderloin station at II o

html thrtHMiunrterw of anours talk with rapt rot t Whllo-

hty were there inspector Walsh happenedi-

iloin Kinft

SlarlnrArilvrd C rp llil April t


John rpin











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Would Sot Actrpt Nomination tnilAny Ctrrumstanoft Wtntj to I

Back to the llotue and Run for SpeakAgain Cioixt Word for Itooicvel

WASHINGTON May 3The protectl-assoelatlon that wo formed In time Intereof Speaker Cannon to keep the nomlnatlifor the from being thruupon him proved Ineffective and M

found it necessary tonlghtposition clear In an Intervle

In reply to a question the Speaker saidEven at tho risk of being accused

declining that which I couldget It I desired It I answer unequivocalthat If the nomination were tendered uI would not accept it under any elrcui-tancea whatever If there Is any languai

which can be more decisive write It InIn answer to further questions and t

make hit statement Htlll more emphatic MCannon said

I have not been a candidate for the vinepresidency am not now and will not bWhat are the reasons I have boon for umost thirty yearn a member of time NationsHouse of Representatives I may nay mlife work has been In connection with legli-

latlon In thu House I have boon nominateby the Republicans of the Congress dlatrltIn which I rcaldend have acceptedinatlon I have to hope I shabe reelected

If time Republicans huvn n inujorilin the next House of Representatives twhich In my judgment there IK no

doubt I will be a candidate to sueceemyself tw Speaker If perchance however the Republicans should not havemajority in the next house I will Ukmy place on the flour end give the hew

service In my power to the minorityIu my judgment I can do better

in any capacity at a member of theof Representatives than I can do

At this point In the Interview SenateBurrows entered the Speakers room anIntroduced two of hi constituent topresent Speaker and future VIeePrefiident

Mr Cannon bowed expressed hit pleaaurat seeing two Michigan men and turnlnto Mr Burrows remarked In lib iroway

Vou will see m as an archangel befoiI am VlcePresldent

I am glad you retain your sensesreplied Mr

I have no touching the publlservice declared Speaker Cannon reBurning time interview a soon as lils visitorhad left outside of and disconnected with

the House of RepresentativesOne word more There are many met

in the Republican In the mlddlWest and elsewhere who are better equippod for the great office of VleePresidenthan I am and would add more of strengthto time ticket Ulan I would BO tit my duoision and my duty cat citizen and a R

run together in the oonolajloithat I have cometo which h final

Mr Cannon titan made some remarkthe certainty that Illinois wflin the Republican column an

addedRoosevelt nomination for the Prosl

dency loon boon a certainty for aand wax first suggested In IllinoUi hi

became President AH a candidate for tinPresidency he needs no running part noto give him strength He U stronger thaihit in that State and I may go furtheand In that whole country


TO Sell of DtlrKalr From lees llkrlj-Jo to St Louis

DEB MoINES May 3 After one of tinmost bitterly contested struggles in the his-

tory of tho party the Hcarel forces sueceeded in obtaining a ruling by ChairmanJackson of thu State central committee tonight which enables them to control time prolimlnary organization of time State conventieR which will convene tomorrow at uoclock

All contested delegations will be excludedFrom voting until the credentials oommittei

upon their contest As the crecommittee will be made up of

member from each of the eleven Congresidistricts seven of which arts controlled bjtime forces this will result In eatlti

delegations in each of thecounties This will affect 111 dole

jntoa and will wake a difference of 122 irvote

At a conference of the antiHeiiMt forcesheld late tonight it watt decided to bolt

tomorrows convention if the Hearstforces are found to be in the majority at-

s anticipated They Justify their courtsm the that money has been usedo corruptly carry close counties and thatraud has been practised Two sets oldelegate ate likely to go to St Louis


Zonftulon of MM Powell Who Klllri-

Eitclla Alnln Admitted

DOVER Del May 3 After a spiritedIglit in tho Court of Oyer and Termlnoitoday time confession of Mrs Mary A

Powell thiit she killed Estella Albin watt

ndmitted in evidence It was In threeparts and the wrongs had

the discoveries she made ofisslea

Airs Powell confessed In time presencef three witnesses that the girl followed

upstairs glaring insultingly at tierand a bltternotw develop

her down with a catsup bottlemd then fought until she cut girls

a Sue haduilfo with hr to the garret to rip up some

When Dr Wilson tool the stand thishe wan asked by Deputy Attorney

General Richards how many wereInflicted upon the body of Albln

One seventy he repliedthirtyone bruises and ito cuts


e nrlver Arrested lint Boji Father HillMake No Complaint

David Curtis of 241 West Twentyeighthtreel a driver employed by George A

Vheelook of 341 Madison avenue ran hisutomohllfl over Joe Suueone 7 years oldf 323 street in front ofis home yesterday afternoonJoseph boys rather picked

mid carried Into thefr Coleman who was relied from Bellevue

fotimi that the logre broken Curtis was arrested

akcn to the Kai stationSausono refused to make a complaint

ihiii he learned that sonii front of the machine




Canon to


time oem









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H4R linOLOHT 940000000 HER

Collector Nt ratten FIgureshauls Sent That Amount

SAN PxAHCiHCO May 3Colltotor ofPort Stratton has sonic statisticwhich show that more titan 100000worth of munitions and suppliesheart bought here by Japanese 01

Russian the war beganThe have sent several mllllor

In gold yen by every Oriental steamfor several month In December

17000000 In January 2500000 I

February 3Mfl000 in March 128000and In April nearly 7oou00o

Russia has purchased most of her miplies through Chicago and Now YorkMr Stratton estimates that theue

have been fully large a those c

Japan making a total of 1101x000-


Coinmliiion May Now do Alieail trim It

Iliilrrarniiml Road PlainALBANY May aOov Well todn

signed the two YeW York city rapid trambills Introduced by Senator White nrequest of RapId Transit Com-

mission Till nttaiis tied time commlscan go ahead and arrartge nt one

for time construction of another bidependeut rapid transit tunnnl road up undown MHiihattHti Inland

two bills today remove threstrIction on the amount of inonuy whlcimay bp upont by tin city In constructlnirapid transit totals which has been 60

000000 which amount already has becontractud for In the construction ofMcDonald and Brooklyn tunnel

time amended law provides that t he tiinounof bomln which may be Issued for HUB

purposes shall not exceed time limit n-

umount which shall be prescribed by thBoard of Estimate and Apportionmentand no contract for the construct Ion of such

road or roads shall be madi unlessUntil such shall have conuuntethereto anti a limit toof buiuln available for such purposes

It l also provided that bridgesvladuttx may be considered ad streetby thin Rapid Transit Commission In lay-

Ing out new roads This willuse of the Brooklyn bridges lot such purposes

RKJKtT KW IIAVKXS OtlKfMen Are Natlined Wllli the Campus

stilts the HallroailSEW HAVBX May a OfWclaU of

New York and New Haven road were informed today that he cur workers on thsystem hnd voted to reject the companycompromise proposition granting sliortehour and a slight Increase In wages In

Instead of the U per cent demacdcdpoll was practically unanimous It wnthe belief tonight that the Comiutny would

tin men way on the wage queiand that the men would accept

termsInc report that President Melluns

West from which he will return tomorrowwas to procure Western strike breakoutwaa denied the company tithe

wa said he visiting hi formehome St Paul

Before rcooiuinendlnx a strike tho variougrievance coramlttee now In session herehave derided to appeal to President Mellei

they cant get what they want fromsubordinate offtcUiU

The striking bullertuakDrs got u juttoday when they learned that half a dozendisabled locomotives were to tinshops hero entirely repaIred They havebeen trying to find out where the Cuinpuinlied the work done


Hanlrn De o nt Clinton State IrUtin Rmli-

lrvnl In PrlionrraiLKNH FALLS X V May a Warder

Deyo of Clinton State Prisonthat an attempt nt escape was being plunnec

after weeks of careful watchingPrisoners Monelte and Klaitugan tiiken

from the ranks mind searched yesterday-In Klanugans clothing was found a key

which would unlock the cell Tinmens culls were next irMenettes cell were found a dummy re-

volver made of tin full several saws ijimmy a number of keys and a chiselIn Flanagans cell more keys were found-

It wax learned that the break for libertywatt planned for yesterday when Menettewas to saw his cell door and gutting Intothe south hail was to kill If necessary theodlcnr on duty and then open tim doors ofthe other convict lu time plot

Menette U one of time mo t desperatemon in time prison and serving a sentenceof years Flanagan iw In for



Club Hail Illrrd a Uatifcr MlinalMaim html Mar lie Failed Tunis

Y May 3 Xot withstandng the precaution taken by

bile Club of America In stationing a manwith a blue flag on the Boston post road

Larolimont eight of their member werejrrenled jMterdny anti today chargedwith having violated the sed law orhating neglectwl to display the number

their machine Some of the uutouiobillets blamed the ftagirmn for their arrest

Thny say that Instead of standing out instreet and warning them that the police

were making a crusade lie spent most ofhis time a wiloon and rushed

without seeing himwas adopted at the

of Clifford V aOrienta Point who was urwteil and fined

week Tlw club It U reported will

where thorn Is no saloonThe nnmes given by thotm arrested were

Clark W J W Rou s A-

ttc and E of New York M Wof Brooklyn It H Davis of Bridge

A of

II Larcnmontfitted then from 10 to 125 each


Itn luiDKrii of Importance Trrre HauteHftoonin Republlran Agate

IKDUKATOIIR Ind May 3 Returnsfom n majority of the cities in Indianaholding elections today indicate that thensave been hut few political change endheee in the ofwith the of hauteTerre Haute normally a Republican-

Ity but for twoiil returned to It old lor y

Mayor was defeated by000 and the alsolecled a majority of the common council










hoar time



olPro oal b



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If tilt


IUd he










a ana at a pint


Jot Jutof


mal I











that wait



Isecitiosi NAwomno


Lasthire new locate


were arraigned beforethe Pcace



alien iii





Walker Irrfrri Aialnul MilItamamU au Inquiry Walkr Mri

Away Altcgril lunnltlncle a Woman TjpewrllnW-

ASIIIKOT N May 3 Tlmmilitary reservation U agitated awhich tins been brought to the attention t

the War Department officially and l giproceeding wilt result

It was hoped by time Department authorItlw that time matter might be ovewithout formal proceedings and consoquerpublicity but things have gone no farit i Imponslble lo secure that outoomi

P Walker o retired armofficer who hint been living In Cullom lieuone of the military academy bulldlngiwas accused by R young woman employ-ea a typewriter In time academy of havlnmade iiinultlng reinarki to her The

complained to Col Albert L Mills

time HUperlntMident of the academy und h-

nuule Capt Walker leave Cullom Hull un-

dUmi ue l him front the reservationTh fHUi on Capt Walker flied charge

with the War Department nRaiiiHt ColMills alleging In ubntunc urbitiurand brutal treatment The War Depart

made Inquiry Into theconclusion that

should M tlunu It was partlciilarlanxious lu avoid a format investigationthat tIme young WOIIIHD concerned who thighly respected might spared tinHiibarrassinent of notoriety

Capt Walker would liavu none of ItHt insisted upon fits right to have tincharges ngnlnst Col Mills investigatedund the Department hoij forced tiadmit that ho Is eiitltlod privilegeXo definite conclusion as to the methodof Investigation has boon reached mind noth-

ing will be done probably until SecretaryTaft who Is expected to return to Wannington tomorrow has an opportunity of looking into the cast

U was saId at the Wur Department todathat any inquiry Into the aharges ugalns-Col Mills must ne Hsarily embrace aiInvestigation of time accusation made bthe typewriter which caused Col Mills tdlimitaa Capt Walker from the reservation-and that formal counter charges againstCnpt Wulker might result

Capt Walker entered time Military Acad-emy from Ohio in 1801 and was retired Ii

1883 for disability incurred in time line o

duty Cal Mill It much younger thaiCapt Walker He entered the MllltarAcademy from Pennsylvania in 1874 and 1

now a Captain of the First Cavalryholds the rank of Colonel while Superintend

of the Military Academy He lost aieye in him Santiago campaign of 1S9S TbPresident recently nominated him to beBrlgadlerUetierol but the Senate did noconfirm time nomination

U wa sold In some quarters today thathe Presidents failure to give Cola recess appointment asmight be due to the charges brought againhim by Copt Walker but there istio ground fur this supposition CfpM

points are Involved in the consideration btime of the question of giving

recess commissions to offlceM whose nowluatloris time Senate failed to confirm


Vnr lleparlment Akt llrutrol Pllrhn-in ipuiu niiy UP inn ii-

WASHIVOTOV May 3 LieutCol WllllanF Pitcher of the Tw ntyelghth Infantrywho stationed at Sun Francisco has beetcalled upon by time War Department tianswer tho charge of jilting Miss CarolIneHarold a clerk In that department

LieutCol Pitcher Is 1 years old lie winborn In Texas and was appointed to the

Academy and after spending two yeanthere was In 1871 commissioned as Second

in the army In the complaintfiled with tit Will Department It allegedthat he become engaged to MlM Haroldsix or srtven months ago and that at hitearnest request site gave up her In

the Department shortly before thefixed for time wedding bout March

asserted that not only was time dateFixed but that till bridetobe had purchasedher trousseau and a dinner in honor of time

approaching event had been given by RearAdmiral Colby M Chester whose slimilywere old friends of Miss Harold

Col Pitcher time day before the datele lucted for the marriage went sway fromWashington It U alleged that he made noexcuse for lib departure beyond leaving

note to time effect that he had been calledaway

Harold succeeded in securing reinstatement in the Wur Departmelit andipparuntly regarded the affair as a closedIncident Sumac of her friends to whomdie told the story urged her to bringcharges against ol Pitcher but dlnllk-ng notoriety she declined to do so Oliof her friends however flied formal allegaions at the Department two weeks ago

md LieutCol Pitcher was called uponan explanation

The explanation was received a few daysigo Ills only direct answer as to hitsreasons for not marrying Miss Haroldvai it Is understood that he had changedils mind This and other answersto the HienlioiiH put to him were regardedjy time War Department officials as uiiHatis

second request seuthim with notice that he must make cata-orlcul answers to thu Deparimeills intunesSenator Simmons and Representative

Small of North Carolina havemuse of Miss Harold und are pressing theWar Department to act


rat n lle Will Brim Uatrli of SocialStudent here

XEW HAVEN May William II-

iallcy of Yale will male hU annual exiilrslon to New York tomorrow with lintnemberrt of tho graduating claw who areaking lilt course In social conditionsPhis year he has divided his excursion Intowo groups one of about thirty to go

and about time same number to gonext week

will In New York over Friday-n Thursday nil time city

M visited thu party have lunolioonOtto of tliem Ill the Itowory-

hlnutnwn amid tho onFast Side will lx rovonsl under the guidance-if a of Central Omen

Friday they will down thn heritoro time station aunt also do the

norgun and the teiiomunt districtswill return to New haven on

Yldny evening

Rirnrlti Ftlrurt of Vnnllln-miuiM uprrlor ilrllmn t r lr II UM It-




alttar mark

Welt Point



lent HOle mater













factor alld today





















PeeCenilit Ion Today





IILISH AT Tin IIITI innsBfport limit the PrmlUrnt VanU Him I

Hun time l tii al n-

WARiuxaiox May s Cornellti X

of Now York had a conference with tlPresident at the White lion tonlghSenator Alililcli was also n caller anti It

reported nlthoUKh without authority tht-

Mr Bliss Is being urged to accept ohaii-

manNhlp of time national commltteoThorn Is a general dwrc to Imvo

serve hut heretofore ho lui plendid bl

age antI pressing prlvaly buslmfK offairs Mr Bllns hIM already consenteto continue a of time committee


Figures of I H n 4 Mtilril Out liy AtnrrleaTrotting AMotlatlonC-

IIICAOO May n TIme directors of tinAmerican Trottlng AsuooliUlon mill axboard of appeals at time Auditoriumtoday und tried several cases cf allegeviolation of iissoclatloii rules The 8P siowill bo contlnuid tomorrow Proscptwrecord of isJKJf made at Wichita KanOct 10 wait dlsnllowixl timid the ofHoen ntime fair aiMoclutlon were cited to nppea

show why they should riot Ii


n nuin77L OKAI

Terror if Cnluradu Klncknirn lilllnl bnannilM Hunter

DENVKR Col May 3 Old Mose tim

huge grizzly which has terrorized the stockmen of Fremont and Pink counties foryears made it i charge yenterdawhen cornered by J W Anthony wh

tired five bullet In the animal without stopping Itt rush and then put a sixth Into II

brain between the eyes Time fe-

dentl almost nt isis feet Antimony had benttrailing the grizzly lot two weeks

Old Most is said to have killed four o

five men The bears depredations 01

tho stock range have caused much loto cattlemen and for years there hal beeta standing reward of 1100 to the hunterwho would produce conclusive evldenciof his death

lime carcais weighed an even 1000

poundATE 40 B4V4V4S JV 0 MIMTECapacious Man Challenget Swept nil

llama Whose Record u sitBuioMixaTOX Ill May 3 Sw e

William Deamude the Flthlan youthholds the eating championship of Vermillloicounty on tho strength of recently eatlnithree dozen eggs at one meal and two dozerbananas on another occasion has r etlvei-

a challenge from PotomacFriends of Frank Hall of time latter place

boast that their champion recently ateforty bananas hi forty minutes In a

at Potomac and would not hays

topped at that but he the callsupper and bad to leave The Flthlayouths backers say that twentyfoubananas is not their mans limit buthe stopped because the supply of theran out

Th detail UM match between thewere arranged today aM the data for tincontest will k set soon


Death In Pretldent Palmaf FamilynanhliM to Way Away

WABHINOTON May time request o

President Palma of Cuba the proposevisit of the cruiser Olympia arid otherAmerican warships under Rear AdmiralJewell to Cuba has been postponed

President Palma telegraphed today thatowing to a death In his family It would In

Impossible for him to extend official courteales and ho desired therefore that the vlsltibe postponed until time fall


Counsel Pitail Prevloui OonUeltorfor Bribe Tnklne-

ST PAVL May 3We are willing to

trust Dr Amess fats in time hands ol

any twelve mess the State may name Wnwe challenges

noneThis statement was made by Fred Hyent associate counsel for exMayor A A

Amps whoie trial for accepting a 110 bribeBessie Lee a woman of the town

police protection begun before JudgeB Elliott

ExJudge J M Martin as COUIISB for thipresented a plea of former eon

otlon Mr Martin said The womflii-lessle Lee front whom Dr Ames Is here acused of receiving a bribe of 10 IB

with the Bescla Feirlo who appearedj one of the complalulng witnesses in th-

ither Indictment

itvc ur uoaSrime Hunt at Freeport I 1 UU lu rs

the Burial Place of a Pet

Chief a Scotch collie owned by Mistrace C McCoy of ii 4 Decatur street

died a few days ago and MissiloCoy arranged to bury time dog In a plotif ground she owned at Freeport L I

John Losea of Freeport whom she askedo dig the grave made up lila mind that u

rime humid been committed and told Joelee Archer B Wallace Early yesterdaycorning time Magistrate accompanied by

onmtable Ira Baker Dr Denton and twoindertakors assistants went to time plot

After digging for halt an limit the oak

asket was uncovered and opened Insidehey found time body of the collie dogwrapped In a shroud and around Its neck

white ribbon On thin collar was inscribedChief anti the number of a license lUllediy the Bergh society

Time party lot no time in putting theoxket back and filling up time grave Be

ore they separated they made a solemnto keep time matter Quiet

Democrats Hold HI Paul

Mr PAUl May long fought muilcipal campaign was brought to a closeonlght by the election of Robert A Smith

Mayor and the entire Democratic cityIcket The election was a contest ofIce against moralityand the former won

City Council remains Democraticpolice are In t he control of the Demo

rats which Insures a wide open policy-or two years

Pllttbiirc llrcart for fhlvageC-

IIICAOO May Thirtyfive thousandtilcago famllle worn supplied with bread

nday by PitUburg bakers Milwaukeend SI baking concerns refuted tohip bread to Chicago to help time proscribed

mployirig nut of their temporaryriMlicninent MXHU of H thront of a armutlictlr slrikn in lho cill








to cause

11111 MilS





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ot two




to have



d fence



Jill 11 1




i nil











immterposoanl will






Russian Generals Report on

Yalu Battle


Big Russian Lost in Killed iMWounded Admitted

Thlnk lust aKMI anil 4 N-Mlawnr e Fell In tIme llatllp 8tip rli r-

Mimlicru rororil till RtiMlans I

Hrr Viiiulral TOKO l Uc Anvlhrr-

Alirmiil tu IMofk Port Arlluir MartTw liinboals Hii ln FIre UlnkiFight Mleamrn RriMrt That JapansMeeoml Army Miulpd In Manelitirla anil ripiurril Xrwrhwanri-

liictal Culile lltfunteli lo THK Suv-

Mr PKTFH8KtRi May lOrn Konrft-piUkln sends time following report of Sundays hattie at VaIn

Oen Sn solltrlrs report dated todayon the fight of Muy 1 says that the oattl-

wns fought tmdiir time following circum-

stances Time Twelfth and TwentysecondKoglments anti tho Second and Third Bat-

teries of thn Sixth Brigade of1 Artillerywere engaged In the battle which beginwith heavy cannonading of our right flankby siege guns at Wlju und field batteriesin the distance

After a lull time fighting was resumedwith extraordinary violence against theleft flank of our main position atTurenohenand our position at Potletlnsky A fusil-lade was also begun by small parties ofJapanese across the Al River

The situation of the defenders positionbecame difficult especially at Podetinskywhich wee bombarded on and onboth flanks

Thirty Japanese guns were pitted againstour battery at Potletlnsky which afterhaving silenced the enemy mountainbattery directed it fire on the JapaneseInfantry and sustained few o we so longac It was not obliged to take up anotherposition owing to the withdrawal of ourInfantry from the bank


The Jap n under our fir nodbayonet attwlta on our trw V p

SImultaneously with the attack at-

Potletinsky an attack being made onour loft flank at Turenclien and the Russiantrenches had to be abandoned under theJapanese enfilading fire Our reserveseveral times mingled with the flrotthus enabling it for a long time to maintainits position

Finally all of the supports were broughtup into the tiring line but owing U

great distance from our main reserves Itwas Impossible for them to reach the ad-

vanced force in time and our men retiredfrom the principal position to anotbsrposition in the rear of Tulenchen followedby time concentrated fire of the Japanwho could not make up their mindsdescend from the crest they occupied sadface the the of our batteries at PoulemetU

They dug fresh trenches and opened aheavy artillery fire on our new positionand began i t turn our left lank towardChihgow

Two battalions of the Eleventh Reelment and time Third Battery of the ThirdBrigade of Artillery belonging the oaaiii

reserve were ordered LoofunhouThey occupied a position with a doubU

firing line thus permitting our advancedline which had suffered heavily and ourwounded to retire A battalion of the

Eleventh Regiment both flunk of which

were repeatedly turned by tile enemy

advanced with fixed bayonets preceded

by buglers to clear a passage Tho Japan-

ese however declined a hand lo bandx nflict

In front of time regiment a chaplainrearing a cross Will struck by two butsIt was only by advancing on the Japanesewith the bayonet that one of our rectaMfits

wail able to retire On till arrivalilslanco from the Tenth Regiment alTtnir-roopn were shin to beat a retreat


The losses of the Eleventh and Twelfthegiments were very great but they orsot yet exactly known In the FJev thhe killed included Col Laming and Lltut

Dometti and Ralevukynine company commander kllUd or

wounded The Second and Third hftt

tries of the Sixth Brigade having lost thegreater number of their men sod horaoswere compelled to abandon their al t fi

after rendering them uselessFor the same reason six guns of the Third

littery Third Brigade ot Artillery andIght pottlemetts which could not be

away were also disabled ThenounlalnoUB natuie of the country sAd

hot attack of time enemy mode it IM-

loulble to nave time guns by moon of

lrag ropesUp to time present HOO wounded indud-

ng fourteen oltlocni have brought

o time hospital nt Fengwaiigcheng Tbcir-

iventunl transportation nlsiiwhere in folly

wured Time leach may reach 00 lapnese cavalry appeared to time southeast

f KungWnng lint teeing two companies

illh two guns oppo ed to it did BO yea

urn to approachTime transport i n of th






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lid luCre


inuahtg bodies hay In bMpiattbrbvrtrd








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