i . ie appropriated groundwater according to the...

CVi Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co., Helena, Monlana—41338 »^^^ 3 ^'j<» fl U I File No T....22M -R-39E""-- I DUPLICATE County Q-arf ield- I STATS OF MONTANA I ADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJNDWATER CODE ["[)} E C E I V E [fTl I OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER \j\\ .... .„„„ 'Ill I ww JANg 1964 - ^ 1 Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rigfas.,. , I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) O irtI t LIIUI W t !".: \ l fiQher.t..J£....CaldwelX- , of -Jordan- I (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) I County o f .... 0ar-£i«ia State of Moafcejia I I have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: | . I . I I ; i | 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based | I ': ! j.----:--—|- -Llvestoek-tt-s* I | j j j j I i g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- I '; ! ; ! j tinnous the use has been—^l.)..-.OG-fe(>b«P •1-9-59 i-at-ermi-tant I I i | | i : ! -t24-.J«ae--19-a5.-—-©sat-4nu©u-B W ; ; ; 1 ; ! 1 E I : : I .(1) i I 1 I " " I ; ; ; '! """'; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I •-•-: :-—: •—-| ' .... per mmute)._(..i.>._..£_saia.-ene I I : I j _ .:.„_!?„? .... ^ -S-Qelloae - fl H < • ! < ^| I i | \ | ', ; I | 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands fl H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof fl I IX )NW SE --Vi7"'*"v2") Nil H (2 )-SEy£E.~ Seca§... T.22MR39E - H Indicate point of appropriation I Each P smaU sqnar^'represents 10 6 - The meaM of withdrawing such water from the ground and the I H acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal fl (l-*-»QB» I fl| . /o 1 Wri-HTwnT -PT riT.r I ^H YT5"# ""ntttfUXXtX X a^3n H H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- drawal of groundwater tl)...October -19-59—• None- I Hi f •> \ Hon» I 8. The depth of water table—tl)--Il4-- 1 - •(•2-)-J'-lOWS-t-O--Sttrfae«- M fl H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other H works for the withdrawal of groundwater..4-l)--6-65-'-^««p-—-3-14- l --Of--2 Jl -easi-Dg- fl -<«4-*ten» I H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year...(-l.)—Hoae- fl B (2) l,>00,000 fl fll 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available—Unknown- | IJ 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including fl H| reference to book and page of any county record-Unknown I H Signature of OwneCg^.^^.^.,^^;^^,^ ..... I Date^L^.^.. 3 ... / .._/.9?^. 3 I H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I flfl located. I ^| Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I flg Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau I flfl of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I

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CVi Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co., Helena, Monlana—41338 » ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ' j < » fl

U • IFile No T....22M -R-39E""-- I



w w JANg 1964 - ^ 1Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rigfas.,. , „ I

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) O i rt I t LIIUIW t!".: \ •

l fiQher.t..J£....CaldwelX- — , of -Jordan- I(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) •

I County of. . . .0ar-£i«ia State of Moafcejia II have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: |

. I . II • • ; • i | 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based |I ': ! • j .----:--—|- -Llvestoek-tt-s* I| j j j j I i g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- •I '; ! •— ; ! j tinnous the use has been— l.)..-.OG-fe(>b«P •1-9-59 i-at-ermi-tant II i | | • i : ! -t24-.J«ae--19-a5.-—-©sat-4nu©u-B •• W ; ; ; 1 ; ! 1 E •I : : I .(1) i I 1I " " I ; ; ; '! """'; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •I •-•-: :-—: •—-| ' . . . . per mmute)._(..i.>._..£_saia.-ene II : I j _ .:.„_!?„?.... ^ -S-Qelloae - flH • < • • ! < ^ |• I i | \ | ', ; I | 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands flH s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof flI IX )NW SE --Vi7"'*"v2") Nil H• ( 2 )-SEy£E.~ Seca§... T.22MR39E • - •H Indicate point of appropriation •I EachPsmaU sqnar^'represents 10 6- T h e m e a M of withdrawing such water from the ground and the IH acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal fl

• (l-*-»QB» Ifl| . / o 1 Wri-HTwnT -PT riT.r I^H — YT5"# ""ntttfUXXtX X a^3n H

H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- •• drawal of groundwater t l ) . . .October -19-59—• None- IHi f •> \ Hon» •

I 8. The depth of water table—tl)--Il4--1- •(•2-)-J'-lOWS-t-O--Sttrfae«- M• flH 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other •H works for the withdrawal of groundwater..4-l)--6-65-'-^««p-—-3-14-l--Of--2Jl-easi-Dg- fl

• -<«4-*ten» I

H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year...(-l.)—Hoae- fl

B (2) l,>00,000 flfll 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available—Unknown- |

I J 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including flH | reference to book and page of any county record-Unknown I

H Signature of O w n e C g ^ . ^ ^ . ^ . , ^ ^ ; ^ ^ , ^ . . . . . I

• Date^L^.^..3.../.._/.9?^.3 I

H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I

flfl located. I

^ | Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

flg Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau Iflfl of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I

I STATE OF MONTANA \I County of G*.r!iiW JI Filed in '!•• * • c^ LVT County CSadi «na

• Records: of C ..-Ji. d ' ••: , Stala oi Mootoao,

I ', this . ^ Z . , •••,• ,t....AiL£^. , . . .

H <—n C«*; inf; Gintk opdr^ftconXbt •) •

\ 6R0UNDWATER INDEX P a 9 e _ Z ° f _ / _ ! t ',V* \

• • . i i . - ^ vi i County ^sZrJ/^ Twp. «jgj yf Rge. V ^ - ^ ^ •, \

• J ! ^___^ . . — ,'• • I i C o u n t y ;

\ \ Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks

j | / Vh///,*) ££/,*££ St &S/13 /^rs^-3-j ! ,s >r\:,S,+)/?/„**- Qt &St3. teX$M*- •:\ \ //y)yA/,*j/ZJ,,Ai!rQr: £$L3. ^^4/ :1 '• y / 7?,;,/,.,/?/,,sf-Of? AM* nrj^-»

| ! \n ' zizzzzziz jV i


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L ,. [ —— . ^«o«4*&iirfi

I; GW3 " ^ ^ ' ^ ^ . j

File No :. ; T.^i4-R ^-k _ • ; , '

DUPLICATE . County.-^fcTj^&f.

STATE OF MONTANA nT\."* ^ 7 ~~ ^\



STATE -ENUINEERNotice oi Completion of Groundwaler Appropriation Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ./...%J)Z./.. . ' . • „ *

* 6^j£d^..M..#yjL Address* Contractor (if any) /^JAskfUb&^f.

Address of Contractor .."rz^ZZ...

Date' Started....;/.^.jrT4.W Date Completed /..$..£..&!.

K "DesSribe daeans of oataining groundwater without a well "as bysub^rrigatjon and daheri natural processes". Include deptly to

I , . •• wtfter wh& applicabfe;j^^^^i^;....«<SrtJ....fir;.r!i^^^^!«iC*)««^'

_ __: . _ . ^ ^ a A t G ^

i ~ I y ...£,£^.....^&^(<<!ii£ ;^

1 } Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth-' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit-

5\J. YtSWSea. I T.-5.2NR UOJ~ ^en* e stim a*e approximate lengths of periods of use ..^t^g^..

Indicate point of appropriation / J y~-- / /] -f-i/ , ^ . / /4and place of use, if possible. jte*- ^«-*^«^-...,fc^..fc^W &A<2^«#


Signature of Ownej\ ;v^<^^&fe*^ ^W..y£qU£&?


This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theSchool of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


. • • . ^ 8 4 ' • ' ' ' ' . . •• : ^ : / : ^ § % \

STATE OF MONTANA" | . . " . . . - ';• - •County oi C ' t i e l d ) . . ,•/• ' • -,

, ,, . . , - , state, of Mmrtntin, • . • : . • . - - . . •, j

1 I • • " n > i < M i 7 - 1 if • •• ^ ;- :

» • ' . •


! .' ' ' 'i •

• • • .

* -

I File No _ T... ?./#.R....4<<fe<£. „ I

I DUPLICATE . Co\xxAy....4J6tA<J{j£Jai... I



I — STATE ENGINEERI Notice oi Completion nf Groundwater Appropriation Without Well II (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I " . . Date of Appropriation of Groundwater £%.j£jf.. 1

I M** '•' : '• Oft inenfa^^.^.^k^ I• 'ifv ;. Contractor (if any) ^fe^-SSfe I

I '' •' Address of Contractor .•.- :: 1

I '•• Date Started. 3T7:.... Date Gom&aXa&....<zd%*rJ/AZ4?" ^ ^ II . • "•••• ' /?&</- V- " - ' \I ... • N » Describ.e means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by II • J'A ..-'ii sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to II r m r • ''•?•• - ; ^ / •• •• * • II ^M i-^-i: '-LHI±— wlM;whin-appli!fble. /.^.J^!J...^^?......^r.....^£i^A^!!?.y II I' * . ' • ' • • 'V- - ' - • •'-'"'?>• ?•••••': " - * ' • * ' • "• : • ' s / r v - w " , ' / \Jf r I

i -. iii. .—^ii^-.—. >!r^fZs^__ /tf^/^Ja/.....dd..£t<(J...r.. r*J£...«6d.4.d I

I W 1 1 E ff . .-./ • / , / / • / II M I M _ ...dj^*r7^..^.£..j£*(j....^*f. /%£..$/.*....:. I

Jl j Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- I

I ! od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- II JSWviS**/. Sec...^. 1.jt2&..if0j?'tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use £&£**/ II Indicate point of appropriation J ^ . ^ ^ U ^ ^ . . . . O ^ . ^ . . . ^ ^ ^ . . ^ ± K ^ ^ ^ II and place of use, if possible. jr /? /]' /f /? I

I ...^^vl....^^.J4t<i£&...*bkj......J^ 1

I Signature of Owner yC! I

I Date J/t<s...::3.j...../<4.6s I• This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

I Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in I

I which the works are located. I

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. l

I ;. Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate Jo ;"ne II School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

II •


\ • • . . ; ; . . ' . v ; : ' : : : - , • • - • !

F 6 8 3 , , ; : £ & • • • ••'•:

s \ A T E O P M O N T A N A » 1 ' ; .• .'; ( ; ; ^ ; : •'.•"' iC o v - j T y j i . . » M e l d } • ••..'••;••:••. ...-'• ; :'

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A.a.-i9i.fei2?.- y / ^ - ' - i ^ r i r=3sr • " \ ; ••• ;V;: . : ^: i - : : ; •' ':^m^F • ^ jrlrf* ' ' ' '•'•'•''"''' ' ' ' ' • "•""' ' '"

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*u«. . (?se*4~~ ' •-.".'••• • • • ' : • • " • ; • ;

• 4

k» -

^ * GW3 • ..'. . "3ttol^^»7i '

File No T..«KaLi)L.R...t/..O...£i- '

DUPLICATE / Covaity..J^..a^yjUtf............




: - STAlt tNUlIiEEft /: Notice oi Completion oi Gronndwaier Appropriation Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

list ^0Date of Appropriation of Groundwater 1..?^....!. K Z

v •• ' Owner^?/^^..^..i&5AdreSS..^4l^«^

I Contractor (if any) .:. ~. \'^^!z^..

Address of Contractor

Date Started..../.5_iT/. Date Completed L/?X..3N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by

sub-irrigation and other natural/processes". Include depth to<-_ water when applicableiiX^^S—--^'*'— &*• •jf/JQ^Vt^^'-^/

' f J f / f /I /y ' / / ff'.—. ^ M ^ f t C M ^ l . . . ^ ^ ^ . . . ^ . . . ^ . . ^

w— —TTT~E I. ^l. iZ

Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- I' :—'• ' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit-


V\ ' Sea.l.tf... Tji^.ffei/<J.l5-tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use

Indicate point of appropriation ..^^ajsJ^J^.. a ? 4 f c A 2 ! ! ^ A . - - i d f e 3 ^ . - « ^ ^ .and place of use, if possible. ^ r ^

.,if§!A£jiU^&<3~£s3i, J

Signature of O w n e r ; ; ^ ^ ! ^ * ^ . . - ^ : . . ^ , - ^ ^

I V>&te...<p=)...A^....-.^.J.J..../f^..^

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theSchool of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


I . .. . •

V ' . . . . . . ': fe. 682

. . 125341 • 'I STATE OF MONTANA )' County of G» -ield )

Filed in tha oflfce of the Cour-ty C'etV nno

Hecoidsr of GMfiold County. Stotajrf M uti.-u,

to.. .:..3>L...doy of...gme^--^:.

• ^ W " M £{?**-&<£»«^^_ County Clerk and HacoxdSF1*^ I


' • • • • *

*^GW3 -®>f ,dFile No..... . VJUJLJRJ&JL. •/ '

DUPLICATE . CoutrtTjYfe^^j&a^^,.—^.... I




Noiice of Completion oi Groundwater Appropriation Without Well

I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ (?)Date of Appropriation, of Groundwater j.J...Jt....l..':.^:L/.

Oy4^d^..WJ0fjMvAA&veSs IContractor (if apy) ....^^VkfeS^r: ]

•. Address of Contractor

Date Started...:i.^...j^..^Z« Date Comple ted . . . . . / . ^ "^N ,.. Describe means of aferfifaifig groundwater without a well "as by-jj, sub-irrigation and raWijfiiatural processes". Include depth to

„ watBjr wheti applicame.-^SC;<^^.'...-**i!....^r...^fiAfe4rtf*Mj:..§'^

— : ^}^A^^ii.:.Al^-~. ^^....^..^...!!^^4pf^^

T n - T D - JkfA - -*• ••I J T__fTT.

| Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth-' : od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit-

sVi. Secjii/. T.^^lilR.M6^- i sn i e s t i m a t e approximate lengths of periods of use

Indicate point of appropriation (/--^Xj/ j£&i< C^-^r*^^ /f;>u^l^3^u^0 °^<rand place of use, if possible. ". • 'myjr ' " "tf "f •-•—~


Signature of O^^..:^^iJrf^t.. <^>/......-../^f^Xy

Date <^.^O..D'...LJfJ3This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate fo the State Engineer; Triplicate to theSchool of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

. .. fe • 6 8 5 ; • , - „- ; •

125344 • • ' I

i . TATB OF morn* ^ . , •

} rvc •••••• * •' .. nictvflt Moptos* ' | H

IGV Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—41338 c ^ ^ ^ * 3 { |

File No T....2-2H R-.^OS-



( Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) S T A I t t N l i 1 N L r . i \

l......£dbjeE.t._B<....Coldwel3 , of. J©i<dan.-(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

Comity of_.._™G.ai!£i,ei&~ State of f4oKbanahave appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I " .! j ! i I ! 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based

•""I j | 1'""': • " " •—Doffl6sti-e-aa&-Li-¥e-B-tiQe-k-aBe, j ,. I | f.7... g J)t.te or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-1—! ;.— ; — j — I tinuous the use has been J.Uly...l£Q2---*--©©:RfciHH©US

\V ; • • \ 1 j E

; | ! ! ; ! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons. . . . • : : ; - - , : •—. per minute)—ICWlS-Gallon-S

: ; ' I I : ! '• 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landss to r.-hich -water has been applied and name of the owner thereof


SW..-%-SE-Sec.J.9-TgaN R.40EIndicate point of appropriation

EachPsmall squa^'represents W 6- T h e m e a m B o £ withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal


1 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater Juljr...X902

8. Ihe depth of water table f iow-fl-ta-BUP-fao*

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other•workB for the withdrawal of groundwater..-l.o.l...K..aj.l....x...i4^i...yQ{)4ett"t5r-ib


10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year £):._i^g_.^Q....ga.2:2.T:jnB

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available—Uaj^jig^

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in. carrying out the policy of this act, inclndingreference to book and page of any county record -Uijkil-OWH-

Signature of O w n e r ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . . .


Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureauof Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Jits'i l


r 595 ;

STATE OF MONTANA ICoBnty of C . -?''elr) ),•-•

filsd in th • <c I A-- County Clerk and: Reoordgi of Oi-ii-.-:..! ••• •. 5ti* o) Montana,

twa_.._j§Z' . . iCyUfe:.s

jS**~) County 01--k -r:a~^fcTrSot

»*• Paid «.r^uL±^_ ^ 7


w1 • '

™«*° , J v M 1 Q C 1 U J - ^ J ,&?.,&D _ j y uu

NI«4 c o m t ^ ^ / :/ \ * > \ u -«**rfrMlfiUl£ERf?)ECPivi?nrk

W ^ ^B n^ r a A T O R°FGBOOTroWATEl^DE^ l t ! f l l l V I L ln|' " OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ^ ' " ' j AN g 0 ) 4 ^

Notice of Completion of Groundwate?TApkr6i!lfiiNo&Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) _ ^

I a r- f \ . )Date of Appropriation of Groundwater 1.1. *-* > ^

Contraoioi (if any) ^}3z&3jtZZ...

Adhress of Contractor

la *r o 14 *~ *)Date Started..././..,?.....^. r ) a t e Completed.//.. . '?.. . .?^

N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as byI 1 1 ; 1 ; j j sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth io-—';-—: i—- . j—- : ':--- water when app l i cab l s^^*? . . . . ^ . ^...^fp!^^....^L......

-—:—-:—-: |—-i ••—• yQ4jZZ(4>^._..ydLl^- - [ — - ! ;•— :--: j—" ^^fJ^a. S^Zrd^:. ./..f.£.^r.

,v —:—\—; :—\—|— E / , (/

. . . . ; . . . . ' : . . . . : i ; : . . . . Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method• i • ; ! : u s e ( i t 0 measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

' • ' ' I ' ' ' I As estimate approximate, lengths of periods of use...^!!?!?3C!i^

V* Sec T E sCtz_ ..yi^^ftA, °-^*^±^Indicate point of appropriation ' Tr I ft '"ff '"7"< x™ ~~and place of use, if possible. ....tJ-^Lsu&6uA (tl^~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^?^*^!~*X*~'?

Signature of O w n e r . ^ S ^ I ^ ^ ^

Date jk^JLLJlfJ*TWB form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


• — ^ — ^

t . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • ; ,

i. 688


tfKMB 0 ? UONTANA jCffljaiy oi G*rlbld j

HW in th» c"t •: O{ thr county Oi«K and«»coolas of amli^j County. StcleofcMootaaa, • ' •




* •

^ H '^" ' GROUNDWATER INDEX Pa9e ^ ° f _ / _ W j M g | M |

I f,, -^"^Tr1^-, •f V f Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks Q H B H | 9

H ! JU2A*-~*AJ***LXL wet***? - N^Bl

I u 1 UBii

Form No. 18v 8-60 T. 22U E-__4j3B |

County n?-r<f4caA ;

. MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY r , \ jjButte, Montana '-'U • •,••;•; •—'

I - • • : • - •-,! p 1 M r r j jk I i i 1 W a t e r W e l l Log o I .-•:.. i. :i <x!!» i _ u 1

I = — L-- i ;

I : T t~ Owner Edward M. Thomas Address Jordan, Mpp ana

I I i Ori l ler Carl Jerrel Address Miles City, Montana

I | j flate Started f/?*/tifi Date Completed 7/gf/g9I , I ! 1 ! 1 Location: Sec. ). T. ?9 R. ),i i s e c . RE JCTCA

I Type of well__^ d r i 3 3 B d Equipment used. Rotary• tDug, drlvan, or drilled) (Churn, dr i l l , rotary> other)

I Water use: Domestic | | Municipal [ | Stock \ x I Irrigation | |

I Industrial | | drainage | | Other

I Casing: 0 f t # ^p 300 f t . Type i r o n size U i ch ;

I Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

I Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

ft Perforated or screened: Ft. 130 to ft._3QQ . Ft. to ft.

I Type of screen or perforations ni t.n

I Sta t ic water l eve l , for non-flowing well: 1 0° f a e t f r c m t oP feet.

• Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in. on: I

I ' (dat.) I

I Pumping water level feet at Q ga l . per min.

I How tes ted : bailer

I Length of t e s t 2 h o u r s

I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth ofI shut-off)

I One well JrUltlfiBi: dug 1916 and 12 feet deep.

I (over)


Log of Well

Depth . feet Description of Material Drilled

From To .

0 50 top soil & sand

50 9h blue shale

9U 170 Shale

170 210 Sand and water 1 gal pe r minute

210 220 Shale

220 223 Rock

223 2U0 Shale bronn

2li0 300 Sandstone


I O\ Approved Stock Form—Slate Publishing Co.. Helena!. Montana—42234 a ^ ^ jp9 (^7 I

I File No TJ&3L JB_JJL/--- _ II DUPLICATE Comtyy£&*«!d6<£^J!U II STATE OF MONTANA II ADMINISTEATOE OF GROUNDWATER CODEr IP m TC> It V\F -n ;—\ II OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER T n i ' R I Ii UU iftNg 1964 i) II Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 196fiT AT £ E N to IN £ £ R I

I rt II (Name of Appromator) ([Address) ^ f^y (Town) II County "fr<S$.v*J&jP&$'&> • s t a t e o f . . . ^^^St^r3^E^^!3L-<<- I• have appropriated grotihdwater according to the Montana laws yreifeet prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: II N ^0 > Q r- JL SF I | i i 1 | i I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based^fefcu^dS.-i-^KSSTV' II i....',—i : j — I I— 1

• , , j j i i g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- JI 1—!._„.! j — j — j ous the use h been y..-!.../*/..^ |

• I ll.'ii jz - - = =I ; : : i | ! 4. Tbfl «mount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons II . . . .• :.—-• | — : — • — «e?roimito) 4£)rsJU QS^^.....^X^...f^3X^xr^t. I

1 : ! : : :. i ^ IM \ I I j j 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands II s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof II ' .......j... 9 r o. II % Sec T R II Indicate point of appropriation II and rtdts of use, if possible. Bach . II s<r:aU square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loea- II tion of eacKwell or other means of -rajthdrawd I

I *s<u£*&**49- ^^fe^^tafc^v^. II 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I

\ drawal of groundwater J....gjr....j - , I

I /....%Jf3 j• 8. The depth of water table f.Zy.pyJ.f. I

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specificatigns of any other II works forJie withdrawal of groundwater J.0L..f7JG....3j£..«Mrx&Au-.p^0*^ JIU^TKAJ^I. II ./^U^£^xrrtsUrs~Jf. .'..../ /. II j7i_ I

I :z::zizz:z:ziz:iziz::zzz:zzz:zzzizzzzzizizzzzz I\ 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year J2..<Zyr..&..&...O- I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available^r^T\«snwJfer. I

I :zzz:zzzziizzzzzz:^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz IB 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy o£ this act, including II reference to book and page of any county record >..,„,, ,.,-.. J

I ii;:ziizzizzzizzzziiirzizi'Z'izzzzzzzzzzzziizzz I

I Siunnturc of O w n e r ^ ^ ^ S j ^ ^ J f e ^ ^ W ! ? ! ^ ^ ^ I

j Date.i^3/./^.3I Three copies to be filed by the owner wit?) the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. I

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of II Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. <, / l3 1


STORE OF MONTANA )County of G»ra^d J

' BIBC! fa "^ '**» o{ the Count? Ctetk onetecordet of OariMld County, State rf Montana,


V— fait t c£- <i^~~ r \ "'•" ,'-

> - • *


»- * .


O\ Approved Slock Form—SUte Publllhlnj Co., Helena. Montana—42234 a ^ ^ £ » 3 t

File No I.^Zg^S. <^/....<~k.Sf'

DUPLICATE County <£o«e$zi^Li»!&&-....STATE OF MONTANA


Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights , c r a(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) O i n P - - " U l i " " "

i .^£&+&g&..~.~£!!l&...$&«« m «-*•-. of ^&saca^fc«s-e2l.(Name of Ap^opriator) (Address) < ^ (Town)

County of y&Z^si. ,.,^tl&^Q.. State of ^g^r^tsC^r^f^^-----have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

N j s

^ i - •-'• ! I i I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based...^^Z«rtf^<»r*«C3s« •&•1 ! 1 1 J « y l / ^ > -f.if • • ICI»I ~ iY rf"i T gmir*

i ! i i • i *

; ; ;• ! ! j 3 Date o r approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-

;—J ; — !—!-—-! ous the use has been / ' • ^ S " 1 ? '

w ! ! 1 1 ! j E

j I . , I ^ ^ke amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

••-: :•—•:— j — - : • - - - 1 — - per minute) ^fc......^ttg. (pjej^ttyiw^^fiS;

I : i j I : | 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landss to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

,S£7fj£"...y4 Sosjt... T ^ a •&*//.

Indicate point of opprt|t)>|ll|i(H\

small square ro'proaents Id aeffiS 6- T t e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-tion of each well or other means of withdrawal


7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater T W ' S ^ 1

/ 9^> 8. The depth of water table £?.&./...

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater - i 1~~.~,..^....'....~~i, .;/.j/..^p.j.

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^££..6^y..^tCQ.O ^reuS..

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available .^..'....£Z....4/£>. C*£**«t4:..ir- ,••<jplvej**v&»& •*/•&''•—••....jj/.g. &&&tj£. .&/ $f- .y../^S./-y^u^-* <?«.- ,:/.&:.'....**r..S*{'JZ'

-r&^fr^S^ -S&iSr-'-v: /•&r.p.!-!*S24!Lr-

12. Such other information *rf a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingroforonoo to book tmd page of any county record „

Signature of O w n e r . . . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ . . . . ^ . . ^ ^ ^ ^

Date....r^^...??.3 IJ.AAThree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whieh the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder: Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMJPH find Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. / A/.^"J "j

II 243 1

124358 ., ISTATE OF MONTANA J ' •

. County o{ G-afield J Ini=d in ih- oiiyi of the County Ctarir sn» H

Recoidac ot Ga.-hjid Cavity. Slats oi Montana, H4u« _ ^ _ ^ r _ _ dor o! iifel^r..: , •R. D. 19<^^:_Qt^i4^_o'cloek5^1 -K. I

v . • I

I 8-60 T •________ R« ltl£

I County narfiold

I M O N T A N A B U R E A U O F M I N E S A N D G E O L O G Y - . 7 ; M r ' l j f T , ' l " n \I S u t t e , M o n t a n a • r i, ; ' ' - ' - • v;' •ll>- i

L ; ' ! ' i - - 'I i i i 1 Water '.Veil Log

. ___! ;___ -..- • : - . ^ ; r ! ^ R .I 1 ' Owner Edward N. Thomas Address Jordan, Montana

I ! '• II I 1 Driller Car_-__a»l Address minaC^, w^^nI 1 1 Bate Started U/7/S7 Date Completed ij/9/57

I ! 1 ! 1 Location: Sec. 9 g T. 22 R. til -z sec.N-jftlE& Mjj jliy .

I Type of well__^ d*^**1 Equipment used rotaiyI lOug, driven, or drilled) (Churn, dr i l l , rotary, other)

I Water use: Domestic [ | Municipal | | Stock [ x 1 Irrigation! \

I Industrial | | Drainage | | Other, _____

I Casing: )MC 0 ft . -co 100 f t . Type iron Size U Inch ;

I Casing: f t . to f t . Type Size

I Casing :__5__55L_ft. to___5___L **• TyPe S i z e

I Perforated or screened: Ft. hO to ft. 10° Ft. to f t .

I Type of screen or perforations alotg _ _ _ _ _ _

I Static water level, for non-flowing well: 2 0 *W f e e t f r o m top feet.

I Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in. on:

I (date)

I Pumping water level feet at ft gal . per min.

I How t e s t ed : >>f>nnr .I Length of t e s t g h o u r B

I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth ofI shut-off)

I ; Log of Well


. Depth feet Description of Material DrilledFrom To0 BO sanely soil10 30 dark shale30 60 Blue shale ~ ~

60 90 Sandstone & shale

90 100 Blue shale

I I• : UU NOV 14 1957 ^ C0UDty ^ W : I


^•?,1 I | Owner Eftraid..}i....BijQoaa Address.....?S*ar*...?5«5*aS* M

| H j I j DrlUer. Q&Jemil Address *£^ .*!SS*«5£ fl

^ B ' _*_j ]____ Date Started *BS*1..2J...13£[. Date Completed April.2,..19£7.. •

^ B | ! i 1 Location: Sec....lQ T...22N. R..liU5..... J4 sec....Mi8lib •

^ H Type of well *£!:?3£. Equipment used XO.taiy. H| ^ ^ l (Dug, Irivcn, bored, or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary, other) ^M

^ B Water use: Domestic 1 |, Municipal j I Stock 1X I Irrigation | J H

^M Industrial \ \ Drainage \ I Other: H

H Casing: 1 ft. to .1QQ. ft. Type steel Size 1) ..inch •

B I^H Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size •

H Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size O

• Perforated wnsamnafi: Ft M...M. to ft 1QP Ft to ft •

H • Type of screen or perforations HB Static Water level, for non-flowing well: M. f eet--ft«n_-top feet. •• Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in. on: H• (date) •I Pumping water level M feet at 8. gal. per min H

I Howtested: *$W. 1

I Lengthoftest I.$£H?. I

I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-off) B

" •

a .*®^ (over) H

~~1f*) ft ;

! Leg of Well :

Depth, feet '•— F f o m —j — • Description of Material Drilled

1 _ _ 0 10 Sandy a o i l !

3X) j 30 Dark sha lo

1 30 (50 Blue eha le

60 90 Sand aone and a^a lo

I 90 j 100 Blue Bhale

! Form No. 18 ' ' fl|8-60 1. ??v R. [iff B H

I County fta^aid Ut


; B u t t e , M o n t a n a \J[\ . , , , . . [ U j H H

; j j j 1 1 W a t e r W e l l L o g . S I * k E N G I N E E R ; H

> " j t " owner Edward V. Thomas Address Jordan, Montana ; • •

| i Driller Dodd Drilling company Address WoK Point. Montana WM

I I .n-i » . » _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — _ — — _ ; ^ _ _

1 4-___ flate started 5/29/$8 Date Completed S/3V$8 : j H

! I ! I L o c a t i o n : S e c . 11 T . 22H It . UlE 1 s e c . SE^SW^ HHType of well__^ drilled Equipment used Hotary ^ H

lOug, drivan, or dri.led) (Churn, drill, rotary, other) ^ M

Water use: Domestic f I Municipal 1 1 Stock | -; | Irrigation [ j BH

Industrial | | drainage | 1 Other H J

Casing: 0 f t . \:o 220 f t . Type -£-*-_/ Size U4 Inch Hj

Casing: f t . to f t . Type Size_ H H

Casing: ft , to__ f t . Type Size__ BB

Perforated or screened: Ft. 11,0 to f t . 9?n Ft. to f t . BBJ

Type of screen or perforations gint.a BJBj

Static water level, for non-flowing well: 100 feet from top feet. ^H

Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in, on: BH(data) H j |

Pumping water level feet at 7 ga l . per min. MB

How te s t ed : V^a^^a^• HJ

LetiRth of teak „.9 Vimiru HJ

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of HJ

shut-off) HJ

(over) • !

* ~ * " • _ _ _ _

H | ! Depth feet Description of Material Drilled JMI

<^^H* ! From To . .IB

^ H l 0 18 Surface sand & clay ^ H^ ^ _ ^ ___ | _ _ - _

j^B 69 71 rook " ~~ ~~~~ H^ ^ B 71 89 Sancfer shale B^ H | i _ «• • 89 93 Rock H^ ^ H 93 182 Sandy blue shale & sandstone streaks mM

BR 182 183 Eock Hj^H 183 220 soft sandstone H

I File No ^1A.^.U.LR:........ / I

I DUPLICATE County ..^..<%A/jJJ4~- II frv^ 1!? Hr 11?'If \F 7™1 **"""*>V I

I STATE OF MONTANA D j l l l / U 16.11 . « .^ . f U I



I . STATE ENGINEER II Notice oi Completion of Groundwaler Appropriation Without Well II . (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) B

I Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ......L.L*?.....L...\Zj.. I

I . Owa«cJ(^M££^...<^..$«^^ I

W Cdnfractor (if any) .*<z34*6^tJL:. ~. I

I Address of Contractor ....T. ZZZ... M

I , ' ; Date Started...../.^..i~...^7. Date Completed....i...f..j;.T^r. 1

I N ' Describe means of.obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ID — sub-irrigation and*other natural processes". Include depth to II "*™~""""' ' ' 'V / • • • >/ II J water when applic'able... ;^5^....^.^....^-.«^S^*J?r!^..^.... I

I -T~T --—-4~- /fy;HSM^J..y^j^..^^ I

I .Lj-pLuLL. 4$#$ i_ ___:

I .... Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- II ' • "——• ' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- I

I X& V\ M.y.£Sss/ii?... 'FjlM'R.J/.lB t e n t estimate approximate lengths of periods of use ..U^Q^sff/... 1

I Indicate point of appropriation / , hJZfa*4- <zJt.....&$L .U<UAJ.. I• a n d p l a c e o f u s e , i f p o s s i b l e . - / p r f / " * / ' • i ' I

I / " \

I Signature of Owner^^Sr:^*!??^..!^....-..^^^^ I

I Thin form to be prepared by contractor (if ony), otherwise by the owner. 1

• Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in I• which the works are located. I

• Please answer all questions. II not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. 1

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the I• School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I


v •• . . • • - ,:

j . • •• • • '

I "' : , •

±2530.6rftATE OF MONTANA I i \« W * 7 o i G»Hi'-.V.' --••

R t o d in t a « : . « • • • - M g o t a a * ,

«WB f/ -}y<iZ—- (5ls

^ _ .

" * _ _ v - ^ E C O f E i ^ . ^ :*-"•:• •

I DUPLICATE / ^ U l i JUN121964 mm..&*t£$l.:.



^y _ _ STAU fclNiiiMEERNotice of Completion of Groundwaier Appropriation Without Well

,••••'' W n t e Chapter 237 Montana §g§§ion L«WS, 1961) f / ^ - v IDate of AppropnsMBH 8^ GrflynfJwiater LLJ$....J...\j;>/....., I

IContractor (if any) ....Z^Z^^^J^r^rrr:.

Address of Contractor ^Zi..

„;, Date Started.. . . / .^.. .X^r:: Date Completed.....//!./_5X*~

Vi N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by

sub-irrigation arid other natural processes". Include depth to

water when ap'plicable.p2^j<^...-K<o..£W=.11^j^i^j-t1>^?.....4^....

— ^sfa*^b«r*?i^.....d<^^

I I .it&lj*^ /U*2?..j*i#&...../..f..j>.J?:. .'.'.

Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- I'' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- I

\\ y4 gec -p R tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use

-. Indicate point of appropriation . . . . . ^ . . . ^ ^ ^ . . ; y ^ . . . . ^ . . . . « W r f 2 ^ < . . . ? ^ .1 and place of use, if possible. \ST/ ^ ^ ^ *!>>*«" t / jHt^"=ty ~

Signature of 0wnerj^^^^fe^—<2%^.-^%^&^«-'


This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice $rt> to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in

which the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theSchool of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


H j j H 'ATE OF MONTANA \ "" HH ^ ^ H Coaaiv of * •; ' J ^M

^ H B f I d " '•>• '• - >"trCU>Aa^ H

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B . ----; Count? C v.i a.-id- ai5prJ<BJ ^ H

^ H '"'."" ^•^,~n» " , •^ ^ H » fee Paid $.£2£_^__ S

i •

I GROUNDWATER INDEX p a 9 e _ / _ o f _ / _ ^ B B

} County 4#at*/,',/*£, Twp. ^?^ >f Rge. ^ J , Sil

I Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form Fi le No. I Remarks l l l l l l l l

i I • •' '•• - ' r < *^

fcj 1 1 1 1 1 I ' ?i

I l^g] h! r-'.i 1 ti • ' ' • . ' • I — — — ^

: • • • • • • ' • " l ; -

I I ''„

£• , . . — . . . — — - . i - . , • . — — i • — — - '( V

i . ^1

" \ k.—_ _ I j . ^

Me No T...^..*L...R...#2r

DUPLICATE County .-.



Declaration of Vested Groundwate? T ^t l N G l N £ E R

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

x.....^A.4^^D...2.&^^..i£j. )Of ^^JULL-./(lyune of Appropriately' (AjldjAaO y4"'" (Town)

County of. >i£.^!?£JZ.!..£/..*L....r .: .State of /./KMQ.ifJJ....).

have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

j i I I j i j I . 2 . The beneficial use on which the claim is h^zi^~rr^J^^X^.C6Jm^L^

! ! ! I i ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-;....!.-—:-— ! — ! '. ous the use has been .J..sO,../!...~r-y

w i i '• I I M . t ' • : PfbCL IM i . : .1 i... I';'•*'• i i ! *• The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

-j^-i pf-f" ! " * : ^ ^ ^I '. • ! I I I ! I ' 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands

s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

S*J i/ sec^ <*£% R^2- ~~ '"""""'. " zzzzzz zzz::::':Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. Each ,Bmall square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-

tion of eachwell or other means ofwithdraway...^,

tSC^t^p-jr x^/CZrtZ&tk^*

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater ./..&../..../tri


8. The depth of water table <^..w?...^U/..+

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater ./.._....._ ./?. .,....„ J..J . . . / » ;-.. %.

£&&*» J.an}£. 4£±*Jte£>2../_Zl J10.....h^.....:fi&^r:. X*a ._.fe^E^krl__ .". .1...I....1 1...

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ox.^...^4.7^..^:..STr.......^l..^S>.

11. The log of formations encountered m the drilling of each well if available

zzi:zzziiziz:::z::ziiz:z:zi^12. Such other information of a similar nature as; may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including

reference to book and page of any county record.

•~2?'~^j "^zSignature of 0 w n M . - ^ 7 ^ 4 ^ . . . . - < 3 ^ ^ r ^ ^ : C « H ^

Three copier, to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the woll is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, othonvisu the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the Saate Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMinrn and Geology, mid Quadruplicate for the Appropriate. '"• Lo")


; ' J

'..: ... 125350 /'--' r

SJATE OF MONEAJMfl ) A ' -?:•' . County <d Gu&rfd J

Wed in tha ottbe of <fae Coos* Qbck mid '••'] ..•' * " ft»x«d<« oi Oatfiald County,' Slat* at Ifenlasa,'

.:' ' ibb V n« n< 40Ps <*>/' '" / -7 / / Z 2 ' ^™ ^ "

Countr da t f and HfeXBtf ; •

. . " ^ *A1 ;,.,

^ : • : , • . » ' : " . '

. I - ^ - • , ,

--•' • , . * ~ \ *

OW 3 Approved Stock Form—Stale Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—12159 . c d 5 S ^ 3 if

Pile No T.£X>N R...7..:*r.




I Notice of Completion of Groundwater AppS^ififtti&nuilUER

Without Well(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Gronndwater.../..7..'/.M?.

t Owner / j£*£ .^ . . ; f c? j&«4^^

Contractor (if any) ,.....: — -.. _

Address of Contractor >

Date StMted..../..X.f&: Date Complet«4../..7./.»?.

IN . Describe me&ui> d obtaining ground-water without a well "a» by

, . _. -—-; ; 1 sub-irrigation nnd other natural prairesses". Include depth to'; .; ..:. ':'.....• - water when applicable..../.ST..tr.jL ffi,<&.Al,<L....U:M.<fl."':' T i • ^P ' :' /'; j ;. .- ; _,„_' , ^^^£K^X..fax^.t\t. : ...'.../..S--J ;•-• j - - i — ! - - jpOtoJLJmju..^^: : • • ; : YhJLA\**...r '. '.

: '; '; ' ; '; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method— : ''""rf'TF '• i ' u s e ^ t o m e a s u r e o r ortimate such amount. If use is intermittent

s estimate approximate lengths of periods of use.....' •„....'...•:...„

OM^y* Sec-2... 1)2Z R.%i ;.\AJLM^~&&&!U4^^ ~jlJltU4£<AK$£...Indicate point of appropriation ,-iC/ / r'J.^i SJ *±-*Sand plneo of use, if possible. . . . i!^y.. . .OX^A^>gfeA^-. .-.

Signature of Ownejj4rfe2^...^;S^r*^^

Date..AJKS^5<T......'SKV. /T../..KS*?..

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies o£ this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer nil questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBnreau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

I • 125354 ' I

• STATE OF MONTANA > , I9 County of G»rfield > .-; •• ' filed in tho o«{bo o{ a» Oaeste 0ttH0t HI ' Recoidei of Ooifisl'd County. SioM aLtbptaAA V •1 ,his .^Z.._ day 0^. ^'<r^ ,/! •

B ft. D. io,,^.!?..it..Z£zaS>i<x,i-.... s£-~ili. m

I gS^MM fifa^C^^^ • 1

• ' ^? £^- - " . " ' • ' ' '•• n> Paid «...JS>:

B ^ _ _ . . . j

I GW3 ^ d 1I Approved Stock Form—Slate Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—42199^ c*j§^>3 / f •

I F i l°N° T . . ^ ^ B 4£^. II DUPLICATE C o m t y _ |


I Notice of Completion of Groundwater ^ppropr^So 1 ^^ II Without Well I

• (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I Date of Appropriation of Groundwater..Z.J(C.«S~ I

I /I v J " II . Contractor (i£ any) ...yfSt^fc.* J

I Address of Contractor J

I ^tiate Started../.X.«r^. Date Completed..../...?.:*?'^ IB N , Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by II I ; • • j \ \ 1 ?ub-imgation and other'- natiiral processes". Include depth ta I

I j • ; '; ; ':---- w a t e r w^en applicable>W3!C!r^t!3!*^....^3»«^^ I

I "•• i--j i—; I—-j-~i-« sfc...&a<*d.....p<0&&n%. (!®fe«»fe^w^.<*?^MX.... II ..Ar\~\ ;--i-i- ./ytAv*. j^Ja^Ju^J^bt- II w j j I | i i ' J&4t Ukd....:.Ju^...^....^^I :x:n;:;:uu:: ±S^JL I ' .H ....':. ..:....'._ : ; '. Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method I• : i '; : : '. used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent II k l . . . s ^ i A , estimate approximate lengths of periods of \y&z.uAj^kt/f. . I

I ^ - * •jz-&ii± ia^Jl., o "• Indicate point of appropriation A si "n ' I• and place o£ use, if possible. oL^UC. ^U^O^Ci^A^.n^ j

I Signature of Owner^s3*TV^r: <&....&a*<*^jlCfa^ I

I //) 31 rfc?/ 2 1• Date..vO!Lfl^....>^?/.../Z.^^[.... |I This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

• Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the I• works are located. I

• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana I• Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I


v w 690


iTATE OF.JMQITOfiNA <\County of Q»rfieJd )}

Filed in the oiitoao*ftSb900onatSGl3HlBf<ato ^p,

(tocoidet o! OoriioW £fia«tty. S 8 M ^ f l ' * ' 5 f i a ' /to ^/..Hmd^-^^^y^

- • - ' ' ' • • ^ ^ ' " . • • • / - :

-• • ' ] ' • • -'-

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• • ! ' •'-'••"" En v C f ^ L i _ ,

' i GROUNDVIATER INDEX Page _/_Of_^_ i P i H i & ^ S i

1 .. -MSIliStillii

I County /JntJ^J^/. Twp. ^ / J ^ Rge. 3*4 i'H^^K '\ — ^ — — — — — — — ; i I b o u n t y ' ••'••.•.;.•• "'':':'j.V>!^^:;?

; Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks . : ;i:'vi^-f; I

I J15" . / / ^ ^ ; , JOU.^. t<*-dAfJ 4-St* yjjftfs*, -: | ; ; ? : ; . ' ^ j 1 / ' iI ' j" ! / : ; ::-c:-''^e^:\ •

1 j . . " • ' • ; • ; • ' : • ' < : • / • • ;

| . ! ; - • : / ^ . . - - ; : ^ ; > ' :

, — I . . . . . . • ; , . .

i • i/^mj. 1 =i- d |, -;s;;r:i — — j j , .J]': I V • ' ' ' . • • • • •

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1 i . ' . ' . . . " -':i _ ^ • ;: '' ' ' '

I : if. ;; ;"',;.;, — • — — ^ — — • ' • • ' • • • ^ " " ~ " ~ ^ — ^ — — — — — — — i ^ — _ « — _ _ . j . • . . - . _ I

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v . ' i ' . v i - : : * . ; ^ * * : . . •:

: — ^SiSpKSS'.!.; :; ' • | ,:2§S^^|5;.!

I ^ 3 Approved Stock Form—Slate Publishing Co., Helens, Montana—38496 <tfjgg=gjg». r C ^ M

File No T.|./../U..R...3:5?-^ ^ ]I DUPLICATE County-J^B^iX^S^L........ II STATE OF MONTANA W l f e - C E l V i. . Aj 1I ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODE ^ Q£C 3 0 1983 - ^ II OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER I

I STAlh LNuiwtER II Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation II Without Well I

I . Date of Appropriation of Groundwater |

p. i f JlU^tyry^ II Contractor (if any) ...yVKpryi. **•••• I

I Address of Contractor J

I Date Started...).^.M.^. Date Completed..../..^.U-.^Z. I

I N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by II j ; i ; 1 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to II ....', j ',.— .! |—-| water when applicable..*>fej!w**<i. At\£*dEZq b<tty#\J&4— I

I A..L4-4--- I—j—j— ..^X.....M^.....rp...^.:..^..X^ OMX**^ JI - ~ | — . j - - | j.~i |—- ...^yrs..-^fj^.. ^M^^....c^^.ti^^ I

I | I i j | ! Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method I• '. | I ! ! | used to measure or estimate such amount. If use ig-uitermittent -j II I—!—I—I—!—i—S—i—I fjl /ydLv&i r^&a^AAAoCPtNl ^tu^6^o^t J^y II s e^imaig approximate lengths of periods of W ^.^f^.J/i I

I Indicate point of appropriation _/(^ y'tj-'V. ~/yi^ j<LsL»*^y*iy^&fl ^y^^€Tyy^9\^i. if"&^? I\ and place of use, if possible. . •/• / 6 A . rj~a~s\ ® II ••/b^c^"i/U^fi^^ j

I Signature of O^ncr..^.^ry^.^.j\i!^^l^Lp<^^..iX^^'=^^ I

I Date-Ji^JJC.../^.: kS-I This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

W Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the I

I works are located. I

B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. 4

• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana II Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate. I

\ , . . • I : • • • • ;

( 1S1G32\ /«*£*»- ... i

SSATE OF MONTANK |\ • • County of Garfield }

Filod m «h4 o'Jits of ft^ County C n * aoSRocotdt ot aaii»l(l Cwv.nt/. Slv*' -! I..i>i>r-ito _.S?.O. day !.£.../&«-*<••

k •

I GRQUNOHftTER INDEX a9e _ / _ ? _ / _ . ' _ j ^ ^ ^ ^ | v |

i rn.-ty ^/.:^s, -TWP- ^ Y — R g e - — ^ ' ; ^ i ]

1 § i i " " " 1 C o u n t y 1 ' •;

S Sec. Name of Appropriates Type of Form File No. Hemarks | ,

U^U^^Zii^^ u^^ to ? <-^^ 1 -— — j

M_ rz—IZIZL—::=p:H: ; : I

Pile No T-JML t g f- I


ADsnWIsTEATOE OP ortftMWftiKR <ra* f o ) l C E I V E n f l°!!^^l!f l i U D E C 9 • 1963 ^

Declaration of Vested ^ ^ , ^ 1 ^ « H H | T E ENGINEER(Under Chapter 237, Montana Hm\m Laws, 1961) I, t ft I C L. m U I n u u i\

l-JnnJfiklffa : , ot..Brasefcb,..2faatana.(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County otJSSSSS^SA. State of....Hont«nahave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

nI j I | i I i j I 2. The beneficial use on which the cUirn is baSeli/.^HS^tiAS.. . . . : i : _.i : :. and s tock . __

' • | " i — j — , , 3 •£)atc o r a pp r o x j m a t e ,jate of earliest benefici.]. ultl,. ,?nd how con.

—-i—i i j — I 1 tinuous the use has been.....j9J2,...steadily,

W j 1 • j 1 i E """ "

• ;." ! ; • ! " 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons.... ';....:—: I—-j—: . . . . per minute)...ihoat..3..gallona..a.jidLntt.te» —

i ^ • ; - - j — - j - •;—-:-—;-—! I f\'. ! '• I I I ! | 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands

s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereofNat..applicable,

SSBK.% Sec?.?:... T.2M B33L -Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. , • * . , , • i. i * ^ J t

Hach small square represents 10 6- T h f t means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. locution of each well or other means of withdrawal

tmav4.+.Tr..3nd. filftctliC pump.

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater..3512i...EU!!Jp...l!?5.5?.

8. The depth of water table .UriklUIHU

• 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of atuy otherI works for the withdrawal of erouudwater..ahoweJ,.dug.-well,-^*-elia«etKri—12-l-d©eps- •—

I 10. The e s t i m ^ n m "«nt of groundwater withdrawn emh year..J3..hangela..daily.

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the driliinj: of uwh well if available

• ....MQUft". —" _Z!

B 12. Bu<;h other u«rovtuation of a sic.ilar nature as jnty iH, useful ia carrying out the policy of this act, includingH reference to In k and page of any county rei'iml

B Nona— 1

H Signntiire of Owner

I »Rii.:.«Rtt«!mb.er....ln, .19.63

B Thrw '>pies to be filed by the owner w ;i the County CUrk and Recorder of -tbt oonnty in which the well isB loeatfC.

B Please answer aU quoirtioiis. it not i •.H'licablc, so >>i«e, otherwise the fora will be returned.

B Original to the County Clerk aux} Ki.corder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana ftweau• of Mines and Geology, and Quadrupl)(i(,ti. frii> thi> Appropriator. . ., ^

It "

; us

: JLi<£Ht«J f '• >


! f , ' A r e O F Mom'iu« ,j '-wnt, of Gcrfield }

; Dl1 Paid S -j?r- n.^


«- . i


' • " ' " " • • • • " " • - " ' <

/~\ J»K "AW Approved Slock Form—Slate Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—38687 <*£ » 3 ..' *

I File No T.w^./X.B*5^3..*Crr.

DUPLICATE County.....^«^^^?:.^L.

STATE op wm*m r-A ,g. L |p rADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJNDWATER CODE p•< ^* i C i h v |)


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right^TATE EN£|iMrrr? j(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

... /; /T~'/ ^r // /—' / /"D JL/ ~ f) /

1 Q^^i^f... :: (~&: L^^T.-rSrr. at.//^2.1^r.^zt... dk*£g.<*s£zL(Name'ry^W'^ijji^to'fL^ (Addteisl- jt- "jy (Town)

County of. .r^a/sC'' Sfcf •(fe/Qf.. State of yS&..<&^G&z£*zz!:..have appropriatedff^otuuJipltet ocoading to the Montana laws in ejaect prior to January 1,1962, as follows:

I N ^f S

i j ^T r ,', "" 2- ThetafTeficial upe on wi^h the claim is based.....r3?Sfe*r'/fr...T!?fr'..1"""" | I 3. Date or approximate date olearliest beneficial use,; and hoy con-! !- .1 ; _ tinuous the use has..been 2,.%./.tf.. SL .55<ewfe:..:!w3£«tAr-*

I ! | i i_£ ...rt*^&*£. .•jj^..Jj&«.. J& Mej ! i ! I 4. The amount of croundwaSf claimed (in,miner's inches or. gallons{ 1 1 —I !—• per m i n u t c ) . . . . / ^ . ^ ^ ^ . . . - ^ * . . . ^ ^ . l&f^a^

i | 1 I I 5. K used fmirrigation,,give the acreage and description of the lands9 to which >wter has been applied and name of the owner thereof

I * secj/ T ^ / M ^ ::::::: i ^ ^ ^ ^R Indicate point of appropriation ' •9 and place of use, if possible. „ . , , . i. ^ » , J J i tI Ench small square representsflio 6- p ' ^ nrtttnB o£ withdrawing such water from the ground and theI acres. locution of/each well or other means of/withdrawal..^.....;.......,....,.^I ....,^^fe.....f^^....2feri /2M/g%t./.M-I yi5t.-.*MttS^B ....'....B 7. The date of commencement and completion ofUfe construction of^the we l, wells, oro^her worlfs^for^with-I drawal of groundwater .jj+J&ft. £MjUt£*Ui*r3GZtkr&x. -.*xtt.:..C2.gdi!ab^...../.£...3.....£,...9 / • ••?; -. -y^r ~w

I 8. The depth of water table \/.J2./.. .yfeci:^*<±^, :..-&Z&?LZ.

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each welljor the general specifications of any otherB works for the withdrawal of groundwater ^M.gr^......J^4J^J§D •rjh: .„,£•.

I '£&*?& ";&j&r:i!!^^

I 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year (..J2...J. .$.3*4jS*~...0.^...&&r^.fe<r**-

\ ' 6 /I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful ,n carrying out the policy of this act, includingI reference to book and page of any ejuinty record !.'.'.I -^-- -ji

I ". s''.} "T •••••••s~p

I snature of Owm-v(^A^^...^J^d^r.^I V^Jh^JUjjkJLlI Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clw ^^ Recorder of rt^0W1ty i n whioh- t t e weU i3

I located.

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwis'^^ ^ JJ. , l'oturoed.

I vVfiginal to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State ^uymeer; Triplr.-ite to the Montana BureauI oJf Slines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

I c?/ 3 6

• • •

; U3SG0S-

• . 8W.TE OF MONTANA )County of Gariisld )

r. Fikd in ths oifica of the County Cleric andRacordiir of Gai£icld Countr/atpto ol Moataao,this cfL day oj!^£2l>.

A. D. 11 g> ^ / ' ^ T ^ i g W - , A^ M.

lyltM^s^-fcfa-^County Cloik and R»Std« / £s

By ;Deputy

FM Paid « X ' <P<£

G * Apntm«a Snick Form—Stole Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—38687 " ^ * 3

File No — r2./jKsi...2..2.../^r.

DUPLICATE Comity...fr^^^^2:^..



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights A ! F- E N G ! N E •(Under Chapter 237, Montan* Session tMVMi. 196I)

^j^JLkih^s.jZjJ^ •" >..,.. ^J3±^±»^JSL ^t~iti(Name^Approp^Rtor) (AddresajL —•/ -^/ (Town)

County of rn^^Z.<*r.!^r^^f. State of /£Zc<^k&!&::*:z32^r.:.have appropriated groundyfater aceordiug to the Montana laws in effeci^prior to January 1,1962, as follows:

I N >«/tL ; I j <£ i 2. The beueficial'iise on which tjfe claim is based ..••-•

r —: 1 ;—1—j— . rf&fe. -.S ^££<*zA 1Xhz£zl£:fz.• i i i I " 1 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-I — ! ! .;.—\.—I tinuous tV use has peen..z.^1^.^..^r±^:::.....r±.:::.Z,^..'f...^:.....

I w J j -LL i Hi_E "~- • '^^:=^:::^=:^^::^I I ! I i ! 4. The amount of groundwater,claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsI i 1 1—j 1 per minute) </..£i.....£?.J*L]?tt£3;. <£ji.i_ ~z£JU.X..t.*.<n.

I i : i : i /.. ..._A«o..L/?& ^i~. .^L—v.^.-Ji/.J/^u.^,I ~~i 1 j n i r~ <?I I I i ' ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands• a to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

I *........^33.'*Mtk3i£ Z^M^IEIZZZIII:IIZ:Z::ZZI:IZ.I Indicate point of appropriation ""' 'B and place of use, i£ possible. .I Each small square represents-*^ 6. The means of withdrawing such. v,.Uer froth ' ^ » ground and theB acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawalI . .J?^.x.i.fk^U7!.-lLJ:....^j^....^x.^U..-...^.^J^j.I .. '••&)•* ~4Sr.*r.:£/L «zZ..J^i.4l.^..f.j :I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-• drawa>o£ groundwatej'...._.^_/16y.....^^.,^..:^iSii<^-•••-fc— '../&.£..&„ ......fiu.s.^^......^..,,..^. ;I &.<^.^.:LQll.:Z..feL.u/i;jL,.. .'. ../.. Z. --.i^,... ...,,.......:.I 8. The depth of water table £.t,fJ.A,.<::jC r-.iJ?..^.^ \JsJ.,M.'.•'••>• -.'. „

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, Bize and depth of each well or the (•*****' *lll"'lffic«MB <<fi. any otherI works for the withdrawal of groundwater

I TTSrz ^Z^J-'^/z^j.I 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ye&r..jf.-0...y.<f /i'..<2/.i ,.£.6...^. .^^?^>:.*'7

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

• 12. Suiatl «her information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including• reference to book and page of any county record

I "^7 : ~77I Signature of Owner..L,^.^:.:^.....<^C...X.-::.4if:.r.:^---I / ? / / s\

I Vite.J&&^Ju...!g...A.?.I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is

I located.

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana BureauI of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

I 3lM


jTrv:1 : ; O r t.i>.y>\rr^v.;> >

Co^aiy oi G...;.sM )

rdid in tho office of the County Clark andHacotdar oi CaritQld Countv^St^o of Montana*thio_._i^! doy <A^dj*^i*£

Couoti CtK( onii BB4OO1B« fjy/"^

B*_«__ > ^



*- , ^ _ _ _ _


H j County .-4~/,;y^ Twp. , 3 / ^ Rge. s,?/-/ ^^Mf

^ H | I j ~ I County ~~~ 1 ,^^B•H^ ] Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks ^ ^ ^ H

H r j / 'm-^w^;^P-A^CJ, ^gy aw// - ^H

• | \ /5 Ifi,,lJ,a7gn/? J/JTJ /a.™,'? - __IJ H[

^ H I ' /^ ^7-V^-^ f^ ' ^-"•*-<^- •>frVi's? sa.<r*ty/o -• ^ H

| H j 1 ^? W)--*^,^,^ J?-^^/' &#•/ . ^fV/J-: flH

H • j ! ^ l^y^^/a/^y- ,7ygffXy :: ^ HH I \ £? W»,,*~ 3~.-s^#,*\ JtsM " ias-x*f^ ^ |H " ^ - ^ Q^f/~^,!rA*~.j 46?y isLS&vcr T ^ H

I ~ : T IHHl GVi Approved Stock Form—Suite Publishing Co., Helena. Montana—»2234 a j ^ ^ 3 [y Bfl

• Me No T....&/A *3± •jH DUPLICATE County...(^?-.^^^?^r. H^ H STATE OF MONTANA ^ H^ H ADMINISTBATOS OF QEOXJNDWATEE CODE •—\ m ,f* tn fl •« «• m r—N H• OFF!0E OF STATE ENGINEEE fol ECEI VEffTk •H ~~~~ ^ JAN a 1964 flH Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ° •^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) S T A l t ENGINEER H

• i.3I^t....Z2!r7^^^^. .of 'B/k^MSZ. I^ H (Name of Apprapriator) (Address) _ ^ (Town) • •^ B County of JbjQU&JUUlM. State of ^.#Z!*i&*S«Ar>. HB H | have appropriated groMidwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: • •

^Hfr N S ' -f 0 IBj ^ H I i i I I i i i I 2. The beneficial use on. which the claim is based....4^£*A*ft*-&'. Bfl

• —- i : :—- •'••—-: i—- UmJBu. •B B I '''•'•'• \ \ • •^ ^ H , , j I j g Date or approrimate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- ^ HM B .....i ...J,.....: !....: >..— ous the use has been 19.1$.. rr?. . >Jfe?S*W<MW*<3 H

WBt i : j ': : ': ...£UJutu~.. •• • W ; 1 • 1 ; ; i E _ JB^•j ; : ; ; ; ', ^ rpne am0UILt pf groundwater claimed (jn. minetjs inches or gallons ^ H

• • ..-.i !.....'• :.—:.„..;..- perminuje).i^pr .^J^^.....^A..^^4r...^. •^ H ': I : i j i 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ HWKM s to which water has been applied and name 'Of the owner thereof | HH ' r&JZ.......MA.Ji£. pr*_J!M/M$<*Mih*u •• HW?tli& Sec.S T & L K S & L -/• <L •^ ^ H I n d i c a t e p o i n t of a p p r o p r i a t i o n ^ H| ^ H a n d place of use, if possible. E a c h . . , . . , . , 3 ^ ,. , ^ H• • small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground andthe loca- H^ ^ B tion of each wellp,r other means of yithdrawal..>r.<^£fctft—fe^^&K> ^M

^M ^Ax^A^S.~.JMlUZL..X^iS^£i / •j ^^ f t 7 The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, OTI other works for with- • •^ B drawal of groundwater 3^^hC^.......(Attt%^....^ha^. JLfc&&! /&AkG>MJ.....J..$.Mj... •

^ H 8. i'he depth of water table &MMJL<t...&.....fcU?±*/a.-!&&. 44<u....dLULA Q&!J-£/LL* H

^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other B J^ ^ B works for the withdrawal of groundwater * .ia,....._ ^ B^m 1 UttaZ«A7...fcji.<u4A- dJLtf^.....Lpp.....auj^...^../..^...i^.. •^ H ^JOA^...rr.....Jj>^aL.Q.^Jsr...JUaJf •-• •-• -~ H

^ ^ B 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year far?....J4:&&...3..O....%tL^uJt...ST&zCC£]2..... Bfl

H v _. mHH 11. The log of formations encountared in the drilling of each well if available &&muz~4-X&4JOj...&f.. JH

^m QduLiL XJGSJL A. -U

M •zz=zz:z=zz=::zzzzzz=:zzzz=:r:=:=:==z IH B f 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including • ••H reference to book and page of any county record *?t<hat£» .^fcCCi-<fe*«^Ct. ^ HBBV HJ

•AH Signature of O^nx^./^>a^J^.../.S^.^KeJLA^AJ. H

• - mx,JJL^3j..sJ.9M. IHH Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. H

HH Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. • •

Hj Original to the County Clerk and Eecorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of „ BjBH llines and Oeolosrv. and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. . _ ; /„ X B l

WM '" fcb*10 BJ

• _ ' 752 -:

^ H ' Count? of G«rfield J ' • •- •

^ ^ ^ H Fi'.ed in t\n oi' 'ia of thi County Clerk ani,

^ ^ H Hecorder c! Oiriicld Covnty. Stato of Montana. ' . ,IN rtis .J?./,*fa£: dr.v o!./^5fei ... ' '""


I C t t M r-, -AnRIPVjBdrSlCQlfrFqrm Scati: Publishes Co., Helena, Monlnna-41921 «S^^*>3 •

™ A roE^W^| ^i.f.^« II DUPLICATE Vl< ' . U U JUN 121964 Cotmty..^W*^&L II , STATE OF MONTANA 1/ II .Q AI»DHIBIB4lfA$C0i t4#£fifi CODE Q l ] ? f l f | ¥ ~ Y II (y OFFICE OF STATE ENGiNEEE U l " j ) I

I y Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) STATE. tNulNi_fc. t \ I

I i fA.add:....'Slljl^u^J. , ^hi^Zpl _ II ' y2Jame o f Appropriate) (Address) . ^ (lown) •• County of ^..OJtJuuJid/- State of 22?..Q*ufc^. ........... ...- II have appropriated grouEdwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 13b<2, as toUows: m

W I i j j i i i \ I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is baseaA&fcfeCK tt U4JL..... I

• j ; ;. — , — | j g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use: and how continu- •

I '• ! ! ! i | ous thj5_uss_has been *.Cuv±&£Cf- f&3&~:l~J~td—-zz?. •| : i : ; • • Q&j&^4t*t*jJk*.M*,. :^O^.....^M^U^ g• \V \ • J ' ; ' 1 E / I

I "f\jU}\ ' ; • ! ' ' *• e a m o u n t of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches.or gallons II . . . .: I.. . .!. . . .L...: . .--!-—:-— pcrminute) CAMt.:Xjie$. J.JU*dM.La&et&.-&aafe*ap II ; • ; «i j j ft* i-rs- ^^^Jh^t^^x^t^^ssg II 1 : : : i i ! j 5. I t usuiijin|, i | i | iu i ! l (" , Aiyi'Wli" l«M'UII|<() "ml cloHovltitloii ftt tl«* VrttitlB II c to w h i c h 1 ' \ \ - M i n i s '^e i i »|.i|.iMovl mid iiiuiiu oi tho mvitt1' :i»veoi m

I , " / .c^.iU^..J~ax. MJi^^.....UxmixLit-i/ II i MJ..V, Bee...//..T. /R....3 / - f f |• Indicate point of appropriation I

I Z t / ^ u a l ^ p i e s S i o aEc^ 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the grounded the.loca- II tion ofeach well or^ther means of withdrawal* ^L-i-iaMj^Jc I

I .^^J^.dt..J^oX )L. I

I u; . \• 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells^or othCTworksfor/^nth- |• drawal of grqtmdwater .<X(4^U.....U.rfU£~--Ly^---^ 1

m ..QA\^. ^......}pfri$^Z!3<uuJ?J.&-...J^^ I

I 8. The depth of water table.....Q/2^<_e.tf....1^.....&S^i^^^ 1

• 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth o£ each well op, the general specifications of any; other I

• works for the withdrawal of groundwater...'^ USiJ>cili2j;....(SrCQ;...; dzu&ii- QJp&^l. II fc^JeJjOl djjU.....^i-k,....\li^^JL u$....*r^...±..£=*tes. UnCESi u^%u> IH ^ MK 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year i.^./....^.^..Q. UMJVXSJLJ. I

I 11. The log. of formations encountered in the drilling of each wellrif available, ...fe»U«<J...«fa3.....ftr? cLu^tf- I1 .AI.C$ JlSiivu^}.-^ fattM* a..OuAJ^sAL fijuJL.Ualftu ^uLtutac^. I• <Sau.(4^ M.....cxi.fl../±4UJUz ir.td..V!AI.Ctw,^ J

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful iu carrying , out the policy of this act. including I81 reference to book and. page,o-f any county record.r..LL_^. &^i^n.;^....nj[^ 8^.L£U^...OJ)&L^ II 13S& <Xu^---yr<^..T..I^Ui---&^^^^i^^--lLu^A %OjL...-3U&a^...i.^. iUJ^... I• /0jLL.uii.....|-.^.-l5:..-i^ AjisJ^<u^J..Q*^db%J. I

• Signature of Ovraev....TJ(U^(JC...J.JJ:rr..//.^i£M&t.} I

I ^..M^..MZr/.^M

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Ckrk and Eecorder of the county in which the well is located. I

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of II Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. 5i (o 7 I

;-. , 125'liO /.. _ ; . . . ' '


County of C*-fiek; J

; I''--<S 'n yvj.cf.'A-o of the CoUatv r - ,n« ' • '", Recoidai .-I c-idiold Covnty. Statr ' - <

! t h i s • — ^ day Ol /fi^c-

«- n. w^3L_m ./^..^•cio6k... . . 0* «T

<.-7 County Clorlt^HcfSiioidor T"

: '•:• ' : ;• - x ^ " ^ , . " • - ' v - : - • . !

• - ' ' • • ' ; ' i - • «!

- " ' ' • • • • • V1 ! "'

• ° ' Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—38687 J%y>3 \ J •H & *-*. sX t'Z' ^1


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater RigjpftJE. ENtttNEEP- I• (Undor Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I ^WS!, o £ ^Pa^W^tor) ' (Address)^ —£— (VflVra) II County of.....^(S»fe^y"J^sfct.— ~ State of '.^Sfcrtt^bLaLAU- •• have appropriated g/oundwater according t» the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: •

B ! | j i i j 2. Theienefickl use on which the clajm is htise&.frfkzxMxU&S.. I

• I j i i i ! "3-. Date or approximate date^f earliest beneficjal use: and howxcon- 9• ;!_;—| 1 j 1 1 tinuous the use has been....,Z.5!L£x.. c<^^hK^f... Z /fe ..... I

H I ! ! ^ I I ' ~ "v II | ] ! ! I ! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner "scinches or gallons •I j ! i i 1 j per minute) .S...^M.'^.i^..,<0)n^^hi^&^.. I

I ! I ' i ! ! I 5. l i used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands IH s to. whichwater has been apnlitd apd name of the owner thereof* •

I ^...2.%rr_ sec/sT. ']>..<../ xi.J/ ^LJ&UOI^ £....K^..A..^...J^....:.d^../.^:^J2././ii/. I• Indicate point o( appropriation I• and place of W*?, if possibA<>, . •• Each small sciusre represents 10 6- T»o means »r witlnarawing such water from the ground and the •• acres. location^*? efi*\ ^ l pr other means of withdrawal II '••£— ^..<J^i^-J2^.i-*y&-i I

• f. TB* ,. .!,»:£ commencement and comnletion ul'.the eonsttrnetion of the \v«ll, weil«, «• othflf works tor with- I• **^" >l rfgaaadwater ^2tQ^i/.^.yC/.f..S^. - I

• *-TU._ ia*w««r mliU__ /...ZXTZZ:. _ _ _..... I

• 9. Kt) fHf ((8 it fliny be nvntlable, the type, size and (depth of euch well or fl« general specifications o'T ""T ,':tier IB worUn for th» vritiuSniwal of groundv»ater_ „ I

H 10. The estimated amount of groundwuter withdrawn each yearr <r.{....~ ../....r... '.....„ -y-r- I

B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of eaoli well if availaWe...-^^i^,<C..^^^^.^(^Lc!£^. I

H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including IH reference to hook and page of any county record ^JC&J>SJ<^ I

I Signature of Q\mm^^^/^.^S>2-^^^r^l^..

I v**0^.J%Zfj6A• Three CQmijji to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is• located.

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form -will be returned.

• Original to the County Clerk and Becorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana BureauI of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


Hi >BO I^ H | . 125017 . I

^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA 4 ^M^^^M County oi Oarfield i ^ H^ ^ H Filed in Iho oHtea oJ Ih» County CterU and ^ 1^ ^ H I ac-coid^i of OcxSord County, StaW of Montana, ^M^ ^ H | tti; sS.O. day oL...-Aik«= . H

^ B 1 ft.D,19.^..l-a^i0>o=^----»- •^ ^ ^ ^ H -' County CJSiS ajwrTOjJotaBl ^ ^ B

^^^H /rTfsl A. s/f-I'A, 'ft\/Z?**l'tfrL~*—— • ^ 1^ ^ H B» (T/rrifCfrWrt— " J ^ j j ^ f - - H

O'l Approved Slock Form—Siaic Publishing Co., Helena, Momano—41921 "C" T° 3 | y

File No T /-5?^-R 3.k....:l1 i ; Garfield



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights :pp(Under Chapter 237, Muntawtu. Session Laws, 1961) S T AT t t N Va 1W •,. ,- ;A

1 Frank McKeeyer o l > B r u s e t t ,(Nwno of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of ^ * l d - State of - *?** ,have appropriated gwuaiwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to J'^.'lary 1, 1962, as follows:


I I i j i i i i I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based '»ome .use..&....; i : i ; ! Livestock use •

* ! ! ! 1 ' ' ' •, , , | I , g Tjate o r approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-

... . . ; . . . j . . . . . ; I....- j . . . . . ous the use has been !^*ll?&S..°°$Q?£ow™eJor..: ! ! : | ! d.9??.estic..purgosjes at ...house&...for ..livestock

»V 1 • • \ • 1 E

• ; : ; ! ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsXJ^ . . . . ; . . . . : . . . . .• :. . . .!. . . . .: . . . . periainute). Q?- o u t .P.u t caS..]?.e...P.umPed ^.M i . .#Z. . . .

^ ..1..J...U 4.J..4... — :I : : I i : I 5. K iased for ivricntion, give the acreage and description of the lands

s to which >yalei has been applied and name w" A* owner thereoff o r garnen 5 ac re

...sw.% Scc.lS... T....21. B....3U - — -Indicate point of appropriation " " ~ ~wnd pluuu of UHCI, if possilli*. Eaci , . , , , ,small squaro i-opresent» \0 aercs. $• ^ u e moaim of withdrawing such water from the ground and tho loca-

tion of each wpll or other means of withdrawalnan punp * l s ° Si?S*?.i5 ?.??9e. SH?E 5.9. ^°3is.?

7. Tho date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works UIK with-drawal of groundwater 19.3U

8. The depth of water table about . .2£ .£ t .

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater .?5..£t...dee.p.....rocked.up..through..sand..ro..P.pm§s...fr9.m..shale,.

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year Aprp.x.....2.>.5D.0...Kbl«...p.er..year

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ^i.?...?:?...*..?.^^:??..*??:-!:..!?.^ b T

hand & used principally for house use. it hasn't enough water for much live Stock.

I12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including

reference to book and page of any county record

Signature of Ownnr / Jt,h-^--ic I H /"i '-'•^%/L'

n n t l l , t«c«jiip«' W, Vn.\

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Cierk a*£ '~ " 1 t * iti the county »• wliieh tii-• rt-eU is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so sttfr, olltersise (|((( ^ijntwi1' ''lejKnrncd,..

I Ori|<)i<al to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate' J* *'"' '"--nt Knginftr; Tl'tl'Haiiln to the Juiiitana Bureau ofMi,',"1* and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appr«pv«s«: . ^ I

jH ! "• \ 755 ::- ^ , I

^ H : .,, . 125'IM -, I

| ^ H K-Aii. OF MONTANA ) '" ': •[ ^H C O M - , - G{ G«-fiold / " c •

^^^^^^B ^•^ raid a .y ^— ^ ^H

m e-v. •

— -

^ ifJW 3 Approved Stoclc Form—Slate Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—42199 =4§§^'>J \\J

File No T...2L}.—-jB-AU:. ..

DUPLICATE County...S.«A_^&.£&...



STAJE ENGINEERNotice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation

Without Well

1 (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriate , ,if Groundwater JCS-3^^.


Contractor (M any) 2b*n?>.-^ .

Address o£ Contractor .ITT _

Date Started.../.^../.3i Date CompJcUi./ y £ 3

N describe means <>t obtaining Rroumlwater without a well "as by|—_ : . • j "'kirrlnation »>nl other n»t«»aJ processes". Include depth to....;.—.: : : . . . . I . . . .1 ^ e r when app<WM>~ &41. >utWr - •£U2L£uL..&&2.ti.&a...

-•-—: •— :.—;-. X-JUJJUJJ^ ft ,' flA^ui £*!.£...&-.: • ': • I . il w I , -r-

• -1-1 : '_]_: H ' r ~ " A&JL

*• : ' '• : • ftBanv-Utj of water developed and used -.with explanation of method— •— I : : "" u»eu viv measure or estimate such Hmotntt. If use is intermittent

estimate approximate lengths of periods of use CJLdiz&u.L4~.

* Sec- vv R jL^.^^J^.^..J^£^.d.,.x^....£<ii^oIndicate V»Mrt o t %.ppropriation () Q / ' , . Q ^ , T / ,and pl«>"> of me, if possible. ...<lLUJL.._.TlcU! X^liA^. AuuJ/....JrLUUUu»i£u^-.'"

..jlljr.Li&.ii£[email protected]*^

..&px±i..^...A,uL,hu..te.L ;.'.

Signature of Owner ~JJxCu-L.h: /J.l...tl/Scri:JLL*i&L«.

I Date #U^U B.L3.

1 Thi» form to ho lUK(yM>ri| by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

I Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whicli the

I works are located.

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form -will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaI Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

i -P

H^H STATE OF MONTANA >^^IH Count? of G*rfield )

H^^B F'-I*i m tho o!ft;o of the County Clerk . ..^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 H<>cordc[ oi O^xiiuli: County, Stcte of Montana,

WKKL ft. D. .^.3-^at..Z^if^.o>olock._.^a.......M., " . •'

^ ^ H H -' ^—. Count,- cieik and Bscctdoi . ' j

^ H : F n Paid« .3 v- *" V _^|9H ' nattllS^io^jL. —

• B w -