i, ii & iii john and jude22. i john 3:12a - who “was of that wicked one” and killed his...

I, II & III John and Jude Eight Lessons (Verse-by-Verse) Large Print Bible Study Course “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15

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Page 1: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

I, II & III John and Jude Eight Lessons (Verse-by-Verse)

Large Print

Bible Study Course

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God,

a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth.”

II Timothy 2:15

Page 2: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24
Page 3: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

LESSON 1: I JOHN 1:1 – 2:6

1. I John 1:1a - How long has the “Word of life” been in existence?

2. I John 1:1b - “. . . which we have _____________________, which we have seen with

our _________________,”

3. I John 1:1c - “. . . which we have _________________________ upon, and our hands

have _________________________________, of the Word of ____________________;

4. I John 1:2a - What did John do when “the life was manifested, and” he had seen it?

5. I John 1:2b - Who was “that eternal life” with before He was seen among men?

6. I John 1:3b - With whom did John have true fellowship?

7. I John 1:4 - Why were these things written?

8. I John 1:5b - Since “God is light,” what is not in Him?

9. I John 1:6 - Can one have fellowship with God while walking in darkness?

10. I John 1:6 - “If we say that we have ____________________________ with him, and

walk in __________________________, we ________, and do not the _____________:”

11. I John 1:7a - How can Christians “have fellowship one with another”?

12. I John 1:7b - What can cleanse us from all sin?

13. I John 1:8a - Who do we deceive when “we say that we have no sin”?

14. I John 1:8b - What is not in us when we say we have not sinned?

15. I John 1:9a - What is God “faithful and just” to do when we confess our sins?

Page 4: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

16. I John 1:9b - From what is God able to cleanse us?

17. I John 1:10 - What do we make God if we say we have not sinned?

18. I John 2:1a - “My little _______________________, these things ________________

I unto you, that ye _____________ not.”

19. I John 2:1b - Who is our “advocate with the Father”?

20. I John 2:2a - “And _________ is the ________________________________ for our


21. I John 2:2b - “. . . and not for ours ______________, but also for the _____________

of the ____________________ world.”

22. I John 2:3 - What is an evidence that we know the Lord?

23. I John 2:4 - Who is described as a liar?

24. I John 2:5 - In whom “is the love of God perfected”?

25. I John 2:6 - “He that saith he ________________________ in him ought himself also

so to _______________, even as he walked.”

Memory Verse: I John 1:7 ~ “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have

fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all


Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 5: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

LESSON 2: I JOHN 2:7 – 2:24

1. I John 2:7b - “. . . The old commandment is the ______________ which ye have heard

from the _________________________.”

2. I John 2:8b - What is past because “the true light now shineth”?

3. I John 2:9 - Who “is in darkness” even when he says “he is in the light”?

4. I John 2:10 - Who “abideth in the light”?

5. I John 2:11b - What happens to the eyes of one that hates his brother?

6. I John 2:12a - How did John describe the forgiven believers to whom this letter was


7. I John 2:13 - Name three groups of people to whom this letter was written.

8. I John 2:14 - Which group did John describe as “strong”?

9. I John 2:14b - What was abiding in these young men?

10. I John 2:14b - Who can be overcome by the Word of God?

11. I John 2:15 - What did John warn believers not to love?

12. I John 2:16 - Name three attributes of the world that are not of the Father.



Page 6: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

15. I John 2:17a - What will pass away?

16. I John 2:17b - Who “abideth for ever”?

17. I John 2:18 - Who shall come, “whereby we know that it is the last time”?

18. I John 2:19 - Why did some not continue with John?

19. I John 2:20b - From Whom did these believers “have an unction”?

20. I John 2:21 - What did these believers know?

21. I John 2:22a - “Who is a _______________ but he that ________________________

that Jesus is the __________________?”

22. I John 2:22b - “. . . He is _________________________, that __________________

the ___________________ and the _______________.”

23. I John 2:23a - Who does one not have when denying the Son?

24. I John 2:23b - “. . . he that _________________________________ the Son hath the

______________________ also.”

25. I John 2:24 - “_____________ that therefore _____________________ in you, which

you have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have __________________ from the

beginning shall _______________________ in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and

in the Father.”

Memory Verse: I John 2:14b ~ “. . . the word of God abideth in you, and ye have

overcome the wicked one.”

Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 7: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

LESSON 3: I JOHN 2:25 – 3:14

1. I John 2:25 - What has the Lord promised every believer?

2. I John 2:26 - “These things have I ________________________ unto you concerning

them that ______________________ you.”

3. I John 2:27a - What was abiding in these believers?

4. I John 2:27b - “. . . but as the same anointing ________________________ you of all

things, and is ________________, and is no lie, and even as it hath _________________

you, ye shall _____________________ in him.”

5. I John 2:28 - Give two reasons why it is important to be abiding in the Lord at His



7. I John 2:29 - What is an evidence that one is born of Christ?

8. I John 3:1a - What can believers be called because of God’s love?

9. I John 3:1b - Why does the world not know Christians?

10. I John 3:2 - What will take place for the believer “when he shall appear”?

11. I John 3:3 - “And every man that hath this hope in him ________________________

himself, even as he is _______________.”

12. I John 3:4b - What is the definition of sin?

13. I John 3:5 - “And ye ______________________ that he was manifested to take away

our sins; and in him is ___________ sin.

Page 8: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

14. I John 3:6 - “Whosoever _______________________ in him sinneth not: whosoever

sinneth hath not _________________ him, neither _________________________ him.”

15. I John 3:7 - What warning did John give to these believers?

16. I John 3:8a - Who “sinneth from the beginning”?

17. I John 3:8b - Who came to “destroy the works of the devil”?

18. I John 3:9 - “Whosoever is _________________ of God doth not commit sin; for his

___________________ remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”

19. I John 3:10 - Name two evidences that a person is not a child of God.


21. I John 3:11 - “For this is the ___________________ that ye heard from the beginning,

that we should __________________ one another.”

22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother?

23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described?

24. I John 3:13 - “________________________ not, my brethren, if the world hate you.”

25. I John 3:14a - “We know that we have passed from ______________________ unto

______________, because we love the brethren.”

Memory Verse: I John 3:3 ~ “And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth

himself, even as he is pure.”

Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 9: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

LESSON 4: I JOHN 3:14 – 4:7

1. I John 3:14b - “. . . He that ____________________ not his brother ______________

in ___________________.”

2. I John 3:15 - How can a person be “a murderer”?

3. I John 3:16a - By what can we perceive the love of God?

4. I John 3:16b - What ought Christians be willing to do “for the brethren”?

5. I John 3:17 - What quality is lacking in a person not having “the love of God in him”?

6. I John 3:18b - How should Christians show the love of God?

7. I John 3:19 - “And hereby we know that we are of the __________________, and shall

_________________ our hearts before him.”

8. I John 3:20a - What condemns the believer?

9. I John 3:20b - Who is greater than our heart “and knoweth all things”?

10. I John 3:21 - “Beloved, if our heart _______________________ us not, then have we

__________________________ toward God.”

11. I John 3:22 - Name two things Christians should be striving to do when asking for

things from God.


13. I John 3:23 - “And this is his commandment, That we should ____________________

on the ___________________ of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us


14. I John 3:24a - What is an evidence that the Spirit of Christ dwells in a person?

Page 10: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

15. I John 3:24b - “. . . And hereby we ________________ that he abideth in us, by the

__________________ which he hath _________________ us.”

16. I John 4:1a - What should the believer “try”?

17. I John 4:1b - Where have many false prophets gone?

18. I John 4:2b - Who is “of God”?

19. I John 4:3a - What is an evidence of “that spirit of antichrist”?

20. I John 4:4b - “. . . ________________________ is he that is ____________ you, than

he that is in the ____________________.”

21. I John 4:5 - “They are of the world: therefore ______________ they of the world, and

the world ___________________ them.”

22. I John 4:6b - Name two types of spirits.


24. I John 4:7a - “_____________________________, let us love one another: for love is

of ________________;”

25. I John 4:7b - “. . . and _________________ one that loveth is ________________ of

God, and _______________________ God.”

Memory Verse: I John 4:4b ~ “. . . greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the


Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 11: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

LESSON 5: I JOHN 4:8 – 5:4

1. I John 4:8a - What is an evidence that one does not know God?

2. I John 4:8b - “. . . God is __________________.”

3. I John 4:9 - How did God manifest (show) His love toward us?

4. I John 4:10a - “Herein is _____________________, not that we loved God, but that he

loved __________,”

5. I John 4:10b - Why did God send His Son?

6. I John 4:11 - “Beloved, if God so loved us, we _____________________ also to love

one ____________________________.”

7. I John 4:12 - What is an evidence that “we love one another”?

8. I John 4:13b - Who is given to the believer by God?

9. I John 4:14 - “And we have ______________ and do ______________________ that

the Father sent the ________________ to be the ____________________ of the world.”

10. I John 4:15 - Who has God dwelling in him?

11. I John 4:16a - “And we have ________________________ and believed the love that

_______________ hath to us.”

12. I John 4:16b - “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love _______________________

in God, and God in _____________.”

13. I John 4:17a - “Herein is our love made ____________________, that we may have

__________________________ in the day of ________________________________:”

14. I John 4:18a - What “casteth out fear”?

15. I John 4:18b - Who “is not made perfect in love”?

Page 12: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

16. I John 4:19 - “We __________________ him, because he _________________ loved


17. I John 4:20a - What is a man that says he loves God, yet hates his brother?

18. I John 4:20b - “. . . for he that loveth not his _________________________ whom he

_______________ seen, how can he love __________________ whom he hath not seen?”

19. I John 4:21 - If a man loves God, who must he love also?

20. I John 5:1a - What is evidence that one “is born of God”?

21. I John 5:2 - Name two evidences that we love the children of God.


23. I John 5:3b - What “are not grievous”?

24. I John 5:4a - “For whatsoever is born of God ________________________________

the ______________________:”

25. I John 5:4b - What is victorious in overcoming the world?

Memory Verse: I John 5:4b ~ “. . . this is the victory that overcometh the world, even

our faith.”

Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 13: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

LESSON 6: I JOHN 5:5 – 5:21

1. I John 5:5 - Who “overcometh the world”?

2. I John 5:6a - Who “came by water and blood”?

3. I John 5:6b - “. . . And it is the Spirit that beareth _____________________________,

because the Spirit is ___________________.”

4. I John 5:7a - Who are the “three that bear record in heaven”?



7. I John 5:7b - “. . . and these three are ________________.”

8. I John 5:8 - What three “bear witness in earth” and “agree in one”?



11. I John 5:9a - What is greater than “the witness of men”?

12. I John 5:9b - Of Whom did God testify?

13. I John 5:10a - Who “hath the witness in himself”?

14. I John 5:10b - “. . . he that __________________________ not God hath made him a

_______________; because he believeth not the _________________________ that God

gave of his Son.”

15. I John 5:11 - What has God given to everyone that has the Son?

16. I John 5:12 - “He that hath the ___________ hath life; and he that hath ___________

the Son of God hath not _____________.”

17. I John 5:13 - What may you know when you “believe on the name of the Son of


Page 14: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

18. I John 5:14 - What confidence can the believer have when praying?

19. I John 5:15 - “And if we know that he ______________________ us, whatsoever we

_____________, we know that we have the ________________________that we desired

of him.”

20. I John 5:16b - Is there a sin unto death?

21. I John 5:17 - “All _______________________________________ is sin: and there is

a sin not unto ____________________.”

22. I John 5:18b - Who touches not one “begotten of God”?

23. I John 5:19 - How does John describe the condition of “the whole world”?

24. I John 5:20b - “. . . and we are in _______________ that is true, even in his Son Jesus

Christ. This is the __________________ God, and __________________________ life.”

25. I John 5:21 - What instruction does John give concerning idols?

Memory Verse: I John 5:13 ~ “These things have I written unto you that believe on the

name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may

believe on the name of the Son of God.”

Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 15: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24


1. II John 1:1-4 - What is a key word mentioned in each of the first four verses?

2. II John 1:2 - How long will the truth abide in a believer?

3. II John 1:3a - What gifts from God are available to every Christian?

4. II John 1:4a - “I _______________________ greatly that _____ found of thy children

____________________________ in truth,”

5. II John 1:5 - What did John beseech these believers to do?

6. II John 1:6 - “And this is _________________, that we _________________ after his


7. II John 1:7 - What will many deceivers not confess?

8. II John 1:8 - What did John desire these believers to receive?

9. II John 1:9 - Who “hath both the Father and the Son”?

10. II John 1:10 - Should we receive those into our house that “bring not this doctrine”?

11. II John 1:11 - “For he that _______________________ him God speed is partaker of

his _______________ deeds.”

12. II John 1:12b - Why did John want to see these believers “face to face”?

13. II John 1:13 - “The _____________________________ of thy elect sister greet thee.


14. III John 1:1 - Who was “well-beloved” by John?

Page 16: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

15. III John 1:2 - What did John “wish above all things”?

16. III John 1:3 - Of what did the brethren testify?

17. III John 1:4 - What gave John great joy?

18. III John 1:5-6 - What two groups of people did John instruct believers to “bring

forward on their journey after a godly sort”?

19. III John 1:7 - From whom did these godly folks take nothing?

20. III John 1:8 - “We therefore ought to ____________________ such, that we might be

fellowhelpers to the ________________.”

21. III John 1:9 - Who loved “to have the preeminence”?

22. III John 1:10a - What kind of words did this man use against John?

23. III John 1:11a - “Beloved, __________________ not that which is ______________,

but that which is _______________.”

24. III John 1:12 - Who is described as having a “good report of all men”?

25. III John 1:13-14 - Why did John not write many things “with ink and pen”?

Memory Verse: II John 2:2 ~ “For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be

with us for ever.”

Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 17: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24


1. Jude 1:1 - In what two ways did Jude describe himself?

2. Jude 1:2 - “____________________ unto you, and ___________________, and love,

be _____________________________.”

3. Jude 1:3 - For what did Jude exhort these believers to “earnestly contend”?

4. Jude 1:4 - Into what were certain ungodly men turning the grace of God?

5. Jude 1:5 - Who did the Lord destroy after He “saved the people out of the land of


6. Jude 1:6 - Who did God reserve “in everlasting chains under darkness”?

7. Jude 1:7 - What cities gave “themselves over to fornication and going after strange


8. Jude 1:8 - “Likewise also these filthy ___________________ defile the flesh, despise

________________________, and speak __________________ of dignities.”

9. Jude 1:9 - Who, when contending with the devil, “disputed about the body of Moses”?

10. Jude 1:10b - “. . . what they know naturally, as _____________ beasts, in those things

they _________________ themselves.”

11. Jude 1:11 - With what three men are these evil ones compared?

12. Jude 1:12a - “These are _____________ in your feasts of _________________, when

they feast with you, _____________________ themselves without ________________:”

13. Jude 1:13 - What is reserved for these shameful wanderers?

Page 18: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

14. Jude 1:14 - Who prophesied that the Lord would come “with ten thousands of his


15. Jude 1:15 - What will the Lord execute upon the ungodly for their deeds and speech?

16. Jude 1:16 - List three characteristics of ungodly sinners.

17. Jude 1:17 - What did Jude desire these believers to remember?

18. Jude 1:18 - Who will walk “after their own ungodly lusts” in the last time?

19. Jude 1:19 - “These be they who separate themselves, _________________________,

having not the ____________________.”

20. Jude 1:20 - On what did Jude encourage these believers to build up themselves?

21. Jude 1:21 - “Keep yourselves in the ____________________ of God, looking for the

_________________ of our Lord Jesus Christ unto ____________________ life.”

22. Jude 1:22 - “And of some have ____________________________________, making

a ______________________________.”

23. Jude 1:23a - “And others save with ____________________, pulling them out of the


24. Jude 1:24a - Is the Lord able to keep the believer from falling?

25. Jude 1:25 - “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and ___________________,

dominion and _______________, both now and _______________. Amen.

Memory Verse: Jude 1:22 ~ “And of some have compassion, making a difference.”

Student__________________________________________________________ Score _________________________

Discipler/Instructor ________________________________________________ Date __________________________

© 2017 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kjvhearthelps.com

Page 19: I, II & III John and Jude22. I John 3:12a - Who “was of that wicked one” and killed his brother? 23. I John 3:12b - How were the works of Cain’s brother (Abel) described? 24

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for demonstrating faithfulness and dedication in completing the

H.E.A.R.T. Ministry Bible Study Course entitled

I, II & III John and Jude

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Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth ~ II Timothy 2:15