i,·j · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. ·...

I,· I \ i I :.._ ·-, - c , · Mark. Draper ... ~erves. ~s porliomeritoiian . - . . . - .... - . - - ·. -.

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Post on 07-Jan-2020




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Page 1: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

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· Mark. Draper ... ~erves. ~s porliomeritoiian .

- . . . - ~ .... - ~ . - - ·. -.

Page 2: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un


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2-Renegade Rip

;'~< :v· ·~ .1 r.~.~i~~\; t,:'. .. ~~-n I,:_._ ~.- :, ·",

;-~~~~>·)fJ--i '. . . ::.·_ '. ..-;

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. . Ricfia.'rc1:\vin~ ; ~.'. . . allends activities workshop . . . . . . . - . . .

• . B~mie l',laworski .. · .. ·. 01 t,ends go_vern'menl. workshop

. . Judy Fisher •.•. · .. aflends publidty_'workshop .

. Mike Parker ... attends finance W?rkshop

.. . D~n Gr~g·o;:y ... : . ottei1ds othl<etics workshop· ·

Oeleg(lteS Attiincl ( Be Speakerf Wiil ,n1111~1111nu11111w1•w1U1Uu,JY1u1m1™~11u11 T . d . . w· , . . ··. ·.. ' . · . 'L < . t n6te ~J~;;:t1::tri~,~g~~)··wh.at . '. . . ?HA~~n ·~· 0 ay_ . :yman. ;S. as . America l-.ft>Jns fo ~~e.'' . ,·. ·., .. ·. In Speech :Journey'. . ,~~~e ... ·.·. . , . I . . . . . .. · ·. . . .

·, .. · .. en;f~~tf l~fef~t~~\a~~i~=:::;0

;:::~~r~t~~piac.~. awacd:_0t~iin-~· lu111~l!Ul\ll~ll1U~IIIU1nlll1111111num1111m1Jl)IIU~~! ::As.:: p ace me11t '.: D ir_e·c1.or·~ ---:---c--new 'ideas· Jrom 'th~ir\resp~tive .. :·pro.mptu ;.spe_akmg -"'as; given ./o::" :, . _: , :: ~Y- 23, 1924> - · · · · . · .. . ·. · . -· - - ·

workshops and .. they ace m contact ·, i\fary , H.1i:nmelhC1C!I )or he~. pe~-- : . · :- ,: · .· .. ·. · ' . · ' ' ' · . by Donna. Hopkin, . _ . ·. . . . _ . . . . " . with cith'~r larg~c. sch0<>ls ;which, fo1ma1:ce I~ t~e _Sou0:rn Clli~o_r~ia •. · '. In ii _··· a:l~cu}:Yf:ei.nwitii . thrills .. Jf students . want ·_ to. sec . i\frs. al rcadf'111.in{ 'stfrdei:its ,":aiting for.·. geograph1Cally, : v.e arc . isolated Col1cg1Ne .forensic .: ~SOCJ~twn; h f f . d . p d . bJ ball Ellen \X'yriun for a job, they lwl' her help in fi~Ji,ng jobs:' .. : -: .. '.,....

·from., said -·ccillins He addecr:--Totirnament hel.d .last. frrday .and·. t c acutrc:. own~ .oui- se better hurry, becjus'e ,the .Bakers· · : Sh(_ocg:il! t~at day,v;,itl1out tele:-· . . "·The'·_ s_ tudentsget. a. ~ha nee .·to',~ Saturday. at Pasaden~.:· according to . t~m l_ast F.riday .. Thfe.: mafl lscbo.clel .field Co_llegc . Placement. Burell! 'ph_·o_ n_e_._ora.n}' Jiles ·.fri<l, shc_h~s bee_ n_ . · · · -- ·- · ' · · ·· · Ph'IJ. o· b.b Bk c [d Col[pg alter seven innings o error u J leaders. in ;'I bigger, more important . . Y. JS ' a s, . ~ _ersue .· . ' e . . .· f _· I ·_. -·Jc '· . . . : .director is leaving. for Alaska. ' going Jul!' speed since:· lri thif year· .

. situation." . . . . . . . spt,xh mstructoc: .: i :- .: : . .· "".a, a.cu ty \ { • : Today is her last <lar Oil (Jrilpus. of 56,57,-<Mrs. Wyrilln -.fQ\mJ.l_a ·_. T~o other'_Ba~erslielf.- College .. · .. _,.Exchorigei . ;, .. Her hu;b1n<l lus a position J, JO totjl of 806 jobs.for :uc students,.

. - . ·. speakers; W1ll1e .Kelley and Mar,.. ·Th ·· I· f Whitt' C liege. engineer with a large oil Jinn th<:r..:. In_ the ye.ir of 58·59, the niimber -.

Z .. • --~ · · · c··. · ,· 1 · . gaceF Sweat, . entered the :' finak .. · · e ~tr ,c o . · } ,_er. • o .. h · · incr.c_Jse_ J to 1544 J. ob_ s ! Wcll __ over _. . ·. lffl. m·e·,· ffl. ·a· n·· . ·a·· $ ··K'J·I· .. ·· '_· ·. · ·_ ·· .· ·._·_ .<t·•· .·.:·. _-_-._have.rcg1ster_ed a_ pr_otest-agam_s_t_ t e C . · - .. ·:. e eywon._:i.super10_r.'ra.mg:m .. · ..... :··-·bf.· .. -··. o· 1·d half-_o_f_the_-.di,·_ stu'.dent_s.a_t·B·- --·: ·. · · · · · · . · .... · · ... · .. , . k' . .d_M' . po,\er of sheiks y o_rmmg an, __ . . . , . .

. , : .. · · _ .... · .. · • · .. : · .. : ,. ·.. ·•cxtcmp<:>rancous spea mg· an . 1ss· ,·ra··<l -Soc- , t.. The 0·· •gan·i'za·t·i.on , .. _ha,_·c_-ap1·,lie,Lfor .. ,:_bot)1.:.:par_ t:tjme_~._,. ___ :.. ,·. ··~ -- . FieJ~~Jrip ·:M~,,i~9.'. S;\:~t ~was_?1wa~~e1: ~nl;'e}ceilenL -~~c~s~o-Je ;;;,~'iog--in popularity. - .,m<l (Jcefr jobs. through~ Mrs.·_ . - . . .. - ,d .. h Htmg In Bers~a5.1'\JF ~ng. _:_ .. -_. 'The exact purp_ose of the Old Maids. .wrnun~ .. · . . . . . . ; . ·_ .. : ·.

, A-meeting will be he fonig_ t .···.t\lso,.superior.ratm_gs.were·g,ven· · · .. ·t·k . . · · -· · ·-. · ··" -·t · k · ··11 L·~ · at 7··in SE .51 for e,enone going., ·.·t·o .. Ch·e.r1·e· Ca'r·r· ·an·d Mis·s· Himnie_J'. is no nm,!). Tak mg over nex wee: w1. _iic :.·


• • * · ,i; · *. · Mrs. Lucille S1uttei of:Bak_ersficld,: on tl1~·geology fie!~ iiip over:E~'ste! : hoch 'fcir:o'cal 'interpietati<>n: Excei;. 'Th.an ks . for .the ~resents, who is :i." field diredof'M th{Cainp.. ya<:ation •. to : the 1fother l<;>de : lent ratings fo( pets'tiis!,C spea~ing - Auntie,:· _ •. , . . , · _ Fire G-ids. Oddi}· ~no ugh, this \Vas. rnuotry: ••.. · ·.-.. _·. _ . -,._.·. ·._. , ·.· ·- . ·.:went: to. Willit; -Kelly. and. Charl~s ··. · ''Oh; they are. nothing to thJnk the positi1;m -h_eld by Mis, Wyman ·--There: are a·: fcv.;_ vacancies, and. : Cate .. Itj: 0 oraL interpretation, Judy:· nie for.'' .... _. _ -.:· _· . . .. . _ ·•· ....:. befoce-she.:became-director of~ the any.· intere·sfed geologf. stuJen~ JS. ~ fisher."' Cie_rry -~Iogatl; ahd . Polly . ·. '.'.That's \\•hat . I 'thoµght, . but . Plicernent BurCJU. < Prior to that, urged to ·attend, ;iccotdirig to John : Pierr9 · r~ei\'ed excellent ratings, , Mother iold me to. thank JOU just . ' Mrs. \X\miri \\'JS :i n.itional field Zinm1erman;· geology instn.ictor,',.; : ind Miss·,_sv,e.it was_ JWJ.[de<l an . the same:· . . . staff nlJmgcr _iii Chicago, 11,linoisi

-·_ · Th __ is __ ·. t.rip_· __ wi_l_l_: ___ o._ffe.r __ :_·on_· e __ ·. un_ 1_·.1,_o_f ... ,:_ .. e_xc_elle_ n_t .. · rating· _· ·_ for . imprompt1.• . . .. G · · ·· .·· · ·· · · · ·· · .· · · .. rnJ she tr.i,clcd all O\'er the llnitect

·, ·. ~~1iJlf~g}~·?Jii~:tia1%(tw,::.;~ . spe~kmg. _ .. · . . . ·. .-T_r~nsf ~rs :f's:~ed. ... . " '·,'. \ .. -: '_ -·~ ::.'_ .,aBF~ ·s11res '.~ruil in,~ emp10}'t'~, f~r: th& . . . ,"'-.:---: . ..:.:..--a·:g~logy~coiirse~i,~eH~ible~.lQ~go,:-,.-'. . . ··•< . - . To File ,for:Dorms· .... ~~~---. 'coriipa_ny:-·-' :---·· .-·-·--·----.--_--· .'

. on the trip. The.cost .will lie $30, ': Board -Settles .. _·_ . . . · · ·: : .· ;, .'.·. · - ; "·- ·"'"' ~ , ·: ·:: . . . < • • .. •

. . which will ~over'tra?!~rtatiori·a[id .-_. ·_, •... · : .:! ~. _.: . . · ··_- ${ud~nts _mt~rested: '.-n applying · M'?.:Ellen·V!YT!'cin ... _ · .. _ . _ · . _ · . .· _ -. -. ~--food.:..:Ea~e~_r_1S.:.J?P:<;l;'.l~<l-}o ____ < . . (Co.1111n"td /~()'!' P_~ge J~>:.:.-:...-~; .tor. r:~s_iJ!,_en~e __ in th1 ~ ~esn~L ~f~I -: . :_ . w1l,I _relox:-1.r: 'Afasko -~-:.--:--- . _For ,o,11 your dothrng peeds_!- - -~----:~ ·. ---.. --: :.... -· -f .. 1-h' .:o\\~pin~u1p ....::.-d us~e!etedc-and'::fromludmt±9>1J.eg~_Jep_c<;:·ba.ls .Or::;!:!!e.. ~l. __ - · _ ... ·- -- --· - ..=..:, • .:..=. ~--~-.--. • • • • , .....

-~-.. c J~W!:·~~~-15=. y .. --~~-~ ::~Ca_ .. ::,-.-f-, ~-~ --~~-~~~~ (~~ds··~7dc~?~/~t~~~ ':~e~'. ~)~r~!~~::~~~l-~~~~~)OA~7ro<~~~~:. j~,;~r~;:,sf1~~-,~~~J~;a~l~lr~~:1~~;r:~ ·. ~-- w· -. e' . ·1-,.,·:/-·~ ---:::~-~---. ·~ -.-----'[he tnp y.·1ll be m ~he"' .N)._~r_[ldl,l _ .. mod 1onh ?'_a~ ·-e le-! : - 11_ er_ ~.1/dS~d~ -- !Jils arid applic-ation. forms. - -- to relax fcir J while. . . , - . - . . · Coast Range and Sierra eva a an · t e new c a use was. me u e , . . · . . . . . . ___ _

. · . · . · _ · .. _ · - _ ... .- .. · .· ·. - · < : · . Applicants "'."'II be selected on Before Mrs. \X\nun <~Ille. lo - < · · -Foothill: belt .. Pr~b!ble porn~ .ot . It ,r~~d,_.:-_ Qutstanding stu<Jei:it:, . the· basis.of the earliest application. Bakersfieid Colltge the.re was no 1420 19th St. . FA 5-5881 interest include Pmnaclcs.Nat1on~I who·are not.members of the Asso- · d g de ve :ig. e · • · · ·1 · · t b h SI cstab · · · Monument;, Monterey :Peninsula,. ciate<l'. Stiid'cnts·,-_is .construed br ~fl . ra_ a r - . P accmcn urcau. _ere. JC • S O -Full L' - f Point- Lobos, .. ·oolomitc"-qu.my .- ~t ·-ilie-Stude~f B<'iciyA\~.ir<ls(omniit-:-· -Ullll@!llll@illlllUllllll~lllllllj1UIIIHffill!ll@!lllllU -- lrshed· all th\ po lines; pr~<:edurcs,- .. _ - - ee !Jr ine o

,· Salinas;: •. Sa'nt~ Cruz . J\l~untams; , t~J<? apply. to_Jhose stu_<lents .-.?<ho.·, \ - · __ ·.cf < ::: .. >. · __ ... _. < · · ,: · _· · an~. forms: .\X he~ she arm~d_ t~o Rose Mci~ie Reid : Pe.iiriena_ ~-t.eqnient Plant a'.1d qu_a_ ~--_,:;_.c_ an ___ no_t ._ h __ · 6~cs_t·l·( a~or_d .. _-~ '.~tu_.·_· ·_d,ent. _---. :·.,· ~-IJ,;;,_-A·. -~---~ -·~ · __ . 4 ·. ~-,"M __ ·_ · . ~:iys bdQ~e_ thi: oi~1ing of_ !id1001 · _ or:id Catalina._ .. · ry, San Francr~co ~~dem} of Sec-.·_ l;xidy: f~cd .and tho,e /ll'Jmed: ~tu-._ , , .·_,< ~ .. ':"r. . Ill' the: fall of 19)6, there were 'ences, _ s:ulf~r :~,"" . J\lini:;; Ck-Jr-:· dents;,hay,i~g _no.ust: Jo[:Ofl(;; 1t is :' · P~bii;h;d wttkl/ihr~ughoui th; i,.hooi ., .· :'_ ·_SW. IM. · _·s·u1t.s _Lake 1nd tfoaning Cave:. • · -~ lhi':: irite~tion_ o_f _this- commit!~· lo c ·. :year by· 1he. As,sodaled· ,5fuc!~iih 'of. .

. . . . \\'eed :oul. students who'. Jo.not !iur. ·,, Bokersfiel_d: Coll~gt, Offices: of-;.th_e · · .. •-'. :· · .. :. ' . · ... ·d ':bod.;:.·, 'd ·bee · f'~ - · .. - lo'negode ~ip are.l0<oled J_n' the Cam~ .

·. c ._ .... •• . . . . _ ... - · ... : •• • ?U ,_ent, . _, .}. car S .·• , .i~_e '! l!~l · .·. pus . Cenler .·Building< of · Bakersfield· ,-.· Davis-Ag·e.nt ·, Ii ere:·· ...... 1i_npo.rl~~r and' facet1_0.us :rc-.,so~s.'c~-~-~> Colleiie.'Ya.01 Pcin'ororn-ci' D,Jve~"Tefi= ~~­. --~ .. , ··_·:_, :'-·:::·:-.:·· ,:·. :,. Stud_ent.:Body-_Busme-s;Managt:r:' .... ph~neFAlrv,!'w:7~17tl,Exlen,_lon244 .. • NEixtTh.ursd.ay ., :. J\_iike I'afkt:r, p~esenttd): fi~i.ri~iai. Eclil:oi ;'/;_: .'. ; ;_ >;.: . il~ C~lirch .

<:.0 .. ;-: .. :.. ,,<.:... ~:..;..;>_: . .:,,,~ : _:_:_ ~--co<Je ::(or ;._adoption : as ·:(_()!)~tltl!l:On_., ~ An_alont ~d,to,r • ; ••• : .•.• -· fm ljaud ·; Pnce (i1tt1nger, as,1~ta~t .d1£tC(_or., bf_iaw' l l; however; t~e· matter was . : Busiorn Mcncge_r. Gerald.in• Wharlcn: ·: oL the <office. ,\JL. rd~tio?S wit~, pos'fp_oned . until next._· Tue.saay's . Hen Edilor •' ..... ; , ... Cllamb'ers

:_}ri~:;.1~r:~rv1(~:lt~1r~r!ft1i:./: '7ritbii~;d-s~1t _:i~ ei~~_'{i~a~~c- ::• .::::~;!~~'~:,--::'.:·::~.-:-_,·R~,~ii~:_t;:{ :.- -dpect.r. L'b .. · 4 - f · · ,-11-, ~-0·. · · · · Comm1t_tce a request fro.m D_e-an of- ._Club Edolor .• ·.· , .. ·_. ·.· Dione Popo:,,ky

.-.. ·1 Q95 - 2500 . _ -- _ • 10- -·. - - •

Com~- see· ·our·· ne-we-~t ·_cone,i,on,. ·;fyl.-d . foi f1g~;.~,1~i1eiy. with

.. 1; .. -._dom < of 'ciciiof>: j.: an'd .• 2~ '. pie'C:e. styles in_ J~_ste-~, ,Otter\~ arid_·:

- ~nit;_~-·-.·.- le~plre,-,: ~wim-·;hadt"s,_·: .:__,lo,:•~.~•• .Io: io 20; · ·.· .- ·: -- -.-

.... SPORTSWEAR.·, '.STREET_ FlOOR ay, JO. I rary . rom. ., .a.m. Stu'd · . ·r· ' 't 1 a·' . f . . . .·· ... : . · . . . · . , . . ·. · . · . . =: ·: ents ·1> argare .u:vmson or a . Phologropher ..... -..• ·. : Ted Sm,1h. • < •

1? I:?0 p.m .. __ . . ·S.2000': fund to ~tch .. feder~-1 ''. ,Stolf wrii;;, ~ ~ Donna Hopiin, cio;lene . _,· ... ·"-G1ttinger y.,ill ~d1sru,~s,, ~ntra_nce ... N-, .· . ...:. 1 b ·c . _. Ed ___ • __ c h I,.:_ . Hunt, Runell-Power, George P.a,le- -

..- ...... : :_"·.·-·.·.

• •, • ,>, .. "r•...,' - •: •

:' . requirements, t~ansfem_ng _of· ere~-, .. ' at1_ona e en.Se , ucatwn SC O . . .. t,~h, on_d Gort Porker. . . . . . '. . its, housing, · and employment. at ar~h1ps: Jh.e gq, ernment contnbutes .. · .. Advu:''. '. ••. ·., , ...• o,,~ J_ones Davis, · . . . . •· .· . ·_ · ·_. · riine<ien!hs of t_he funds. · ' .· · auu11lllla11Ull1111ntn11nUlllnu111nu11111numUlll1mU _

. - . . ' - - ·. . .. , ·- . - -.- - -

·_ p..,:::...~:.,· -~··.::: • .. ·.. .<;. ... >-,,.

\ I , ME EJ JOHN LUSK alld DQ N ROBIN$ 0 N -_-_l_:.\_!_:.-

, ·• .. ·.· ' : I · They're the sh~ing stars iifOIµ' Unive~ity cfortter·:}~- . :·.. • ; .,. ·-. . -•gi .-. _They'reris~udbya'hostof1o~gfeJlow§f6r_their·· .· t.{_i·

· .... Mj . . : ta.sty selections of school and dress attire\~-.. Drop in . . . . and meet them boih, and you'll~ that they're fops.' "-.

- . . . .·. --~-----·--·--.--·-·-_----.---· ... ____ ·_ ... ------~--···--· . . -

: _. ·-·~. -· -~- ----- ·_. -~-- . __ _

-... -.

UN-IVERsrrv·; - . . ..



. _ 'Fo.uritain Pen Headquarters'·, __ --. BUY A PORTABLE~PAY.~LIKE 'RENT

·. . - . .. ·- -~PRICES::FROM~~


. ,··.14.50' :--- · . .

,--=· FREE~l-0-DAY--.:~­-- -~ -sMfrH-CORONA···:: . . TYPir·iG:·couRse·• .. ·

-$~.00. DOWN

. . ,~Heie lwas,dean-ciand eager,: : : •.. - but I f!fflr lcorN:Uo£i J got .•...

:- - -~ c tltesa A-1 Se1:.I~isWaJi~k.-· . · ·: ~ -=-~cr~hiteSanf(oOleoCQ!t~ ·. -...:

"'7. -, t«ill, ;ui tabI~~ lHiH"'~ . c.hani~ poclet back po,:xet

. · eod comb poctel'No,r fru• A-1 on thg eampos. Hold i~ girb, thil! I comb mi.

ha:r 1~· :

.. :.'.. 'CII :. - t:a C: wt.1 n.'1 -· . ~ 1r;(l . -11:~

.. .:. %1-(1. - . -SUO ~- $1.U .: $3.50 .· 1-12 · $150 'SUI 52..SO ·

. . ·._14-11 · . $191 $l..50 ·: jUI

Aiyoiu tcwori1~ campus shop - . . - _.. .


••··•·~ullthan"$- --~- PAOLA'S -> -.-· ....... ~..- ._....,. ____ .. - •• -_ --- --- - ,~

Jamaica Room · ·. <·i oo·N.--Chest~r Ave; .. ·

. . - ..

B.OWLING . _"; -


···---·- .. · · · --· ---~~c--SWIMSUITS-~·urclta-sed-n:o\~i-1~~~-:'~:-:- - . -----··----- ---- .. -----··_- .--------·---.--.---------.-----~-- -~ - .. - - . - ....__,_, . -~--::-.. ---

·_ will:not be. charged to_ yo~ until July .. . - . ·- . . . . . . .

--GORNE-R_ i---\M&,,td1r'Most-Wante,...d-: ~· --Les~Than-...---+-----~~~~~~~~~~nr----.Portable Typewriter $5.00. Per Month·. GET YOUR A-1 TAPERS AT Ladies' Sportswe.or~~freet Floor -

. Girls' Yoyth.Cenfar-Second Flo.or 1409 •. I.9th St re.et

~- -~r-.-: --.... :: ~ ~ . l-!~-

. •

1622. 19TH .··! FA 4-9751

~LLEY · \!j F FIC E s,.:mrn ! ~ .. :~:·:~: . ·~

1809 Oui.r An. . · · FA 5-5768

,; . -·· . .. : .:._ .. _;... _. -- - __ _: __ ~ .....

. ' .

, F~est,:m~n Coi,rt~il. : . Wants Old. Bo'oks · :· A book SJ.le will be heid by' the ·

-1:r~ApriH~l , 20 in t!Je Campus_ Center, _from

, 9:30. to 3:30. · -. · . . . . · All students and faculty members '. ·

, .are. urged· to bring books, stated . Dune PofX>vs.ky, duimun. Pro­ceo:!.s wil So. to the F reshnun ws.s.

~ .... -.: - -.

Page 3: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

- - ·- _: ~ •• '. - - - _. ·-· >

. . -----·

4 Renegade Rlp

~·-••·.···· .. WeiiklneJa--Gat1e--S11ilie:lii,iid-f Puts .·.· · · · · · i.t'eet Tiil~ . 011.line To J•Y , . · .

. r::i:.fo'. i3EAC_H.::_B~kersfiefd Col,, · .. thi:" :Points. which :'are :e~pecie<l t~ dieted : that.· ilie .:Renegades· CO\Jld • .. leg~ s track coad1; Rex Gross1rt, be lost: to SD. and. Long Beacfr in. lose ta_· Sap Qiego by tw_o: points ha~ been playing {ga,nc of(hincsc · . tlic. weight; _-evenfs and·: h\lrJles, .·. anq to. Long. B.t"".tch· b)· kn:. That l-ht·~kers,. the .results of which .,,,ill .. Joh'.nson_ ,and .San·· Diego's: E_d Bu:.: would give. Ba~ers~eld · i .2·2 c_qn, . be kn~wn today,·,·.. -:· . .. · . (hanm-~ill be,n)atchtd in ,vh.1t· is .. fi:rcr~c:dual ri1ect- record a~<l.n1ak('. •

Grossart,. ·fretting ovc.~ lflJUflCS •. :(•xpeded to De rint-·of the top Mttro . it. virtu1_1ly: impos,ibk to r.epe.1t <lS .·

and scholasri~ ind!gibilities> has h!d ·•• 220 .l:>-ittl~-s. o_f: the. scisoii; Jqhns~n· .. · <l_ual .. champ. J:he :9.ides ·. Jowncd • to. shuffie his. spike: squad entries . has the besJ. Jaycee. fodong t1m~ m ·; Santa Monir.i., )S-44; ·and· Er~G- . from '?'eek to '>•,eek, and in toda} .. s -. the· nation .(;!l:fbt). Buchrn:111 has niino,.· 801./r;it y2; ),j' the Metro Metropolitan Conference du.al meet ... done: 215. The sophomore Gade - season opener for all three :Schools with• Long Beach :ind san· ·Diego ,viH also enter the: I oo', 'where he's • last Fri<lay'at St.L - ;: .·... .·· J.t ~8/ the importari_ce of :iccur~(}' Jone 9.7, 30~ •iri 50:ilegree \VC:jther . • Sweep Sprin'ts·· ' . is most pressing .. •· .. . .. ,_ ·_. ..yith a biting wind ·a~ his fock. ' > Despite a muddy trJck;·Johnson _.

- . Sheppard Switched. . . . . . S~ggs, a freshirnn -.\:ho piep1i~d clocked 9.7 . :i_nd. 21-Aat. to· pm: . Anothe[ q'!cstion. th.it th~ Rene, at Dela,no High,'. ~viii: bi: _in fuH Ihker,fielJ lo i on~·two:tlJreesweep

gades .will hive to ·answer is hO\\' forn.1 for.the first t,m_e this season.· - in both sprints .. He was bjcked up much. t~ p:irtial ineffec'tiviriess pf · Suggs suffered a leg ri1usde injury· by Young and Wilbcrt_,Ho]ley in:.· miler Leland Sheppard ·will cripple in the GaJ~ intr:l:S<JUJd; right after the cer\_turr in"d . was triiltd by

. the: .Bakersfield t~m .. point. an- · h~~g_ tii?d.Jghns_on_in ,t_ 9.? .!:i.!l.n~r{d0 • . Bi:qwn _a!!_d: X o_u_!}g i_n_tl~<:'.J~~l9.ng,_ lane he. '. Sheppard • wo,'i't ....i;un .his Suggs rarr second to. quirtcr-miler llroad jumper· Lloyd NcCoy, o.ut

·speci~lties_.:._milc_ :ind .·tWO·mi!e-c' . Dori Biowb !Jst week end at Sl[llJ. .. for trJck· onlya ·wcekiftcr con1-and iristea·d will compete. in the . Monica. Suggs was clocked. in ~03, . plrting the _b1sketball_ season, leaped 880 and the mile iel~y. . . . •

.The Renegaaes are'.1:ountiog 00 a three-tenths behind Bro\,•n's win-· 22:5; Grossirt expects him to· hit.· sprint trio of Dennis Johnson, Rori : ning. time.. . . . dose to 23 feet tod:i}'. He ·achieved Suggs anJ .Curtis Young to garner. Grossart hjs pcssiinistic:iHy pre- . 22-7- in practice· earlier this week.

. . . Wilhite!, . ciccomponied by Track Cooch Rex Grossart,.ma~es her appearance _al lost wee_k's sports rally:




--, .

NEW DISCOVERIES-Bakersfield College's r~~nlly-imporied song leading ,~-ani, fealurin'g -,ovely Rick Giffin [22-22-221, center, made its fi!sf appearance of the season last week at the 1pring sports rally: - ·

: .. -:k ...... -.~~....--...::.._. ___ ..:.~----· .: . ...._: ... ·.,,.~ -... ·-"-··· -.·· .• ;.: ... -~-.·· .· .. -_,.--.-~ ~----- ··-- - .. ·, .... _.-- __ - -·~· _.,._._·~-

- .--:-.-.. --_ =-------=- -·--~

--~· No_Ciasses_ ______ ·. . . . . I ' . ~. ·. - ,__ _. - ··- - .

-----. Next'0 Week--'--~-~~.,.:;,;.,:.~.::.,+-:,-


, - --



~¥."'::1-,-~~-Sopm=,EI·=:~~--+-'------'-~ :"t--t--~--...-.... ....... ~.duotion-~-(-~-'--

No. 27·

B.C SlJE- -Of.·HEALTH.·CONFAB 1uim1ui1i111iuui111i11111111111111m1uillllll1j111i111u1iui111

.j,,J·· .. ~ "'.; ;·, /. . ~. -.:':,,,, ·, ',~: ·._·. ,, __ A· ··.,,,_. _ ,· ._.~~ _,, ·. . _:_• •.,·· _: .. r·~t~:,f r?:-· ·VV'"'"4,,, ,,~,,., ·r. ~::-~;;:c~ ~~·-~- :.::)

\imo' IS ·!he ·ugliesi man on {:-;\ s· . . . . ;~~~~;:,~.i.~~0£~i!:; :~:·y~i t~~~t}; ! )

BC HAS;ci .new plcicernent :bur, , ... . eav. diredor>.She. is.·Mrs. Lucille

Soulte~. See page t:;..,<i; · . .UNC:LE _ ·JOE: get.S back- intci

. action lhis:week; and deplores lhe · 1oss of Ivy. See· page three.·.

THE BASEBALL, track and golf leo:m~·ploy at hom~·this weekend. ~ee page four·. . .

. 1u1i11ill1111111n1111it1ll11111un1um11in11111n1111111ll1111ui1

SOLO~Leila Dieter, second from left, buys books at ihe fr~sh Bao:k Sale from Mory Brown, right. At left is Jackie- Hoskins and behind lhe wheel is Sid Smilh. Th_e sale will be April 18, 19, 20.

Page 4: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

2-R.enagade Rip ,, -- ~ - .• ... ' - .. . . :. .... . ...

----·----·--."··- ·-~----- --- ---.:: :; __ ; _ _"._{: ;:-:_~;! .. ~-~ .. . _. . _ .. _

-··-· . -

_ . ..:.._


_ . Not really: ;caus:e ii Coke bad Been: _ : -' . - . . around in Caesar's _day~ Caesar would - --:---·- ·:__ - -::- . -have treated iiimseu to. tbe-sparklin"g" "-- --~ - . good taste/tlle w~lcomEdift of Cok~I . _- Caesars motto-''l came, 1 saw, I

- con"quered.'! Pretty good motto for Coke too~tbe prime favorite in ovu 100 countrie, today1 - -


Bottled ~·i ~•iry or~ Coco-Colo _Coniporiy by COCA-COLA IOfflJHG COIP. OF IAXDSREU>

-- :- -- _---....- .-· _.- .... ---·-··

. . . . . . . . ----. :---'----- ~-~------------

Friday, April 8, 1960

Artisf.Material~: · a11°d _s:up-plies -~ .· _-_·-

_ _. ~-~--:--.· ....... ·-:·.· .-·-.··>' ... -:-- ., .... ~ Bring In your. dvdent body cord ror

· o .. 1S% DISCOUNT o~-any."pvrchaie in-_.·our. :_cornp!ele ,_ line :or. :AT1i,l't. Male,ials ·and_ Sup.j>liu. · .

. - _ _ . The· : . ·-sherwin~Wiili~m~ co:-

- · 2936 Niles Sireel. •. Bakers fie I c( Ca iifor~io :

. . . .

:-==~-. ::::::..:..-..:0 .. --·:..:~:::.: .. - .::::-..:. ···--::;···_ ... -:_

MILGR4Y'S: -: , ,>._MEt·rS.-WEp.."fi..'


-~-;,_:·: -~ -~, LIN_E (?L~ .. ".·-a .. .: -0


1304 l~i~ St: --FA 2;62?9 lfonn11ly _Ru~ri Bros.I

: :..


DifvE'unoRr;s - . ' ',TYPE.-.R,T(P_Ccovxvy-· - - - -.. 1640 CHESTER. - FA_ 5-8681

·:--SWIMSU_ITS-purchased:now·- ·- --· -'--·-------- -.. -- - _ :·- wiH.11ot.be--ih"a-~s;d ·_t~:-v~~:---~~_iff ~iurv~~:·-=·------- -

Ladi~~· Sportswe~r-:-Streel Floor .

- Girls'_ Yf?ulh Cenl~r~Second FJoor .

·- ,,_. :::.,-,

.. --- ' - ..

. . - - ----- -~-<> --··---


32-LANES . . - . -~----·--·-.----·-. ----- ~--~

. leogve Bo_wling-:-Open kwling· · :_ - ·- frn Bowling lniirvdion .. - . -

fru Siio•• fcfrS1vden1, 9 _o.m.:6 p.111.


PAOLA'S . Jamaica Room

2624 "Mt. VErnon FA 7-2261


. -~~ ::· ~ ~~ ·--.: ·::-_• :--_: -. -.. ::. :_~ ... _-_ ~~

--~ :-:.:~ ~: Spdrkli.hg' . - . . ~ - .- .. · ·- ..... -... ·.· ..


·_-·fashions:. :--· ----_ . ---- - . - -·

- I .-



g,umuan' s l()(f N: Chester Ave·.­


'._TIW)ffiONAL:.SUITS .. -·39.5Q iDP. ~- :~ -

- .

<e. _· fflt_ .d·. .'. . -__ . OJJ"'~ UNIVERSITY. -··coRNER

1-409 nt•. Strut

- ,- - --


. __ .:-._._-_____ ...:....::..:.. ___ ...::.=.._.. . -- , __ · ' .• . -- .. •'

"Sometimes harsh."

.,.~. susp_ect Professor- Snarf's ~riticism jusl -a wee bit


i -I ,I

Page 5: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

~ . ·. ·_:...:... -·· --- -- ---- ------ - ·-------.-,---·--'.~----:.·--_;------:, .·_· _,: - .

. . . -- - .... - ---- . - .. -·-----·-·-----I, • .

r~~~- ~4 ____ ..::Reriegade_Jljfk= • · - - ... -- ------ . ---=---·-.

· ·-

. '

· ....

: ______ --~-. --·_--· ·._.: '-. --·. - . - . -- • L. "• .,,~..... . - -- ~:-. - ~ ·,.-:: ··-: --·- - . -- . ·- .. - - · ......

Page 6: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

~~'.! .. · :.."- .-.·: -_ . ..-~>.

2~enegode Ri(·.·. ----. -~-· -·-:--· Frlday>Aprll 22, 1960 ---.- ·

--l -' the ~o~pb!i~. -~erby ;_~:. _:-,:_ ~ ~",.:.:. -~ __ . . . . . ttlflUul11llllUJl!lllUtlUDIIUltlllOUuilllQJlllllUuJWHlt -. -------- --- -·-· - -~ .. ·-

~· ······cASl¥~lf'JflFJAl ~~"~- ·····-------~ · --~--~-=-~----·: __ ~-- --:-:.~;_-~-==~-~-. ;~-~---=--=-~ .cTh, int,y of i>i. J;;fosey: ~:"'.'fi;,, ~oll~g<h;,.~,y ,,,.,,;,,,. ·. f •.• ;,~;;: ,h; N,;,/ • • . Uonv entiOf lni tia tes Campatgn~ -. ~

into tfie local pol1t1Cal·arena·w.is no surp_m~ at_:111... __ .· _-·---~.,.: . A le_r, ~enty. /ea_rs of__ p~~e. to . . . - . . · . : : • . .

· .. J?r: Gs~i~ an exp~rt ~n Oil!f~;!1i~ ~i~t~q/had ldng be_en· a·ssoci~t:cd · -~~~.~~~ ;tP~!11,~~s:1~:r·;;~;1 h~~ ~----mr·"·o.-u· -hie- ·a· ·t: the· ~ue· g1·u·n1ng.

~-< .· &dito'tiaf, , ,

· . .w1.t~ th .. e}oc._al _ D .. ~ .. m··.o.c.ra· t·1.c ?. r.ga. ni.2~ .. t15>n. _as _-an a. lmo_st .. pe. r·e.nn1.al .. rn.mpa1g~,. _ ·again shift~d the· war to the East. · · J · · · rha1rman, mo~t • notably with the UJl_succes/~1 H_1:I_en. Galu~~n- Dou~las_ Ad(?lph · !"litlcr prayed to _God_: tlut. · .. ·, ·- .-__" ·. . , . : , ·. . · · . · · · , .. · ..

.. effo.r,t_ several }_ea__r~. ag_o and. mor_c recently,. m .195 B, as co:chairman of the every. Briton sl}ould be vanquished. . . Today, BC's. second nominating conve.nhon, -~he success o.r· fa,lur~ : · Clair Er;rgl~ /Weep, an effe>rt wh,1d1was -~119numcntally. successful,'..·.· •..•. ··.··. from European" soil. and imied a .• of which will ploy' 0 large porl in delermining th_E: respcmse t~, and .the· .. .• ~: ~~v;,,:br.-Gsey' is_ embJ rki~g-~p.; c~mp~ ign of his ()wn· f~r :the~ 38th · · •.. for~a.l_de<;faratfon '.of war o~ Yug?: - par(ici~~tio~ _i_n; _ihe ASB. -~lection M_~y .17., tokes pl~.ce [n the ·Coll_e~~: D1su1ct assembly post left vacant by the unt1mely._death of: ?\hss Dorothy .: sla,1a-::-~e first such splurge in Theater a( l 0,30 a.m. . .. .. . .. _ .· .... , . : . >. • ···: . o :

· Donahoe .. Dr." Casey'. did'. ~Clt. _originally seek, the" endorsement _which· \Va? . form1~11Je_s .. :, , . . . · ... · · .. _ _ _ . • · Thi?_ o~tcon"1e 'of_ !he cori'(e ntion ha,s ·o -~efin_11.e influence_ upon the rendered. fo)ijm by the i~cnt convention of Kern County Deinocratii: - •Aft~r; its recent. escapades wi!h -. results of. fhe elect.ion. :H_eld for the first. !•me ot/h~ _scho~l the ~ay. ·. dubs, .a rnceting which can onl)'bc dc-scr_ibed as a. combination eulogy .. the Bnhsh Nav>:, halian ship~ w1U . before. the. Junior }ose ·_ Bo".{I 9a~e, the eo_nver:i_110~ rece1~ed good . . for Mi.ss Dol)ahoe and en_dorsirig convention_ for_Dr; Casey. < .· ·.· · . ·• _ probably. have . to-. -be ·reviewed· attendgnce arid P!oved t~ be a·n: exce~lent_ ~ompo1gn_111g device. ~v~ry ...

: H I d b · ' f 1 1

D · · : -. h k. · ,h. · · through glass bottom boats.. condidcite who was elecled to the offices discussed in the convention ff rte was a~ro.ac !c . , Y. at gr()~~ 0 t f oca b em~c~ats bw O .- ·ept t cir Ode to the Lend-Lease Bill were voted th'e top two i:andidat·e~ in the convention. -

e. O S ~ec~:r ~cy "'?sn t tn?es ~ b b~st; u~ w~t- a It (more i:crsua· The lily of France may" fade, · Beneficial as if may be, today's convention faces O probiem · From SIOO,. t ~ 't cah came appel -:?·. hr\l· Ybfn · t t ;s 001; (OnJe.cture the thistle and shamrock wither, oll· indicolions .there will be f~-..... nominations·. By Wednesday not O

on °t ur par -1


0concemc \dvit t -~ pro

I em.o sa H)h'. . ic two-dyeac the· oak of England decay, · single club lied turned in noinin.otion form\ which state. the ·agreement.

Po~ pays on y uv a ;c-ar .in . requires a most a, mu( lime as oes ·. but the Sta 5 sh·ne on forever- f th ·d'd. 1 t b ·· t ·d . . · · · .. a college instni<torslii . · · . - r . '. . . . o e_ can I a _e_. ~- e nomino _e .... : . .. . . _. . . -~- -- . . ~ --- -: .. -:- ~-,-. -. --- - ···-· ---:· -· :-: ·-··-· • ----· .:·.·--·---:--·;---~-~~vis-Wins· ...... ---,--- ----There. ore.severol.possible.reas.9n_sl.o.r.Jli~:elaye·d,:o_i:_~lo~ -~c!ion. . .·.·

_ . - . · ... _ - .· , . ·. . .. Wc,rking-.'E'ngfes;' --;:-- ·:::-·-_::·-;·~: ~"",- ~~Ano!her _.gan1e~bufll_· met ·defeaf--·An-· unfc;,rti.lr:icite:proble_m i_s ccius_e-dbythebod t.i!1'.l_irfg,~ttb!! ~nie~-t]l>°n:.~- --~~ . Aft - ,·. . I :,( .. f i ... · .· .·. : •\h D . · .. h .• j·. ii'' ··n: ·-. . . i' last 'mght at the . hands" of. Joe· . It tokes ·place. immediately ofter midterms,· several". big .events which . . .

ea t~t~1e~a. b J)'S -~ ~s~ss!~r l)~th CffiO\l,d" .3.e s .. ~a. brnnYlflCC • Louis,· heavj,v,·eight. champ .. The -mo'nopolii.ed' student inlere"st and. publiciiy, arid Easter "voc"otion. . ._.· · · · -"dSeY:d· .·3ea· - c_ JO .• cofu · d·.·. IS. - ha ·L. c _ca.n 1!·1·ed3 tcsHt e · emols ~don.. .sucker's name was Torty Musto. Art . . Some' stud~nt .le~clers,: fearing crn unsuccessful "convi:ntion,.' have·· .

s1 ere · sey w.is. ar. an away t e· ucst qua 1 1 .· e compete a D · · t d h fi h · · h. · d .. · · · • · • · ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • 1 : · '··· "b · · · · · _ -Jocto y -·t 'd,. .· th, · t r· · ·.i.t' · bl ·· ·r · . • h d -·. ,1

· . f : . onovan s oppe I e g t m t e a_ vacated ·postponement .. Thot wv1.rlua ly 1mpos.s1 le, bcco use of"the . · ra S _u } on: . C .5.3 ('. S -'\. er pr~ ~m, ra,cing t_ e ~\_~ ol:'r:ient, (? . : ninth round. . i. . . - . . . ·.. bulging adiviiies schedule. :.. . . . . . . . the Central_VaU,::;,_Pro1ect. He •s~:rccogrnzcd.expcrtonCalifornias thirst ,·,1· -,,111un· ·,,h1 1111·D11. ·IIJ· 111n1· flh ·un·, 'I · · ·.. : · ·, .· .: · · · .· • .· ·,: - · · · .· . ' ..... · . -troubles (a witer problem not to.be confused with/ire water). --.- . . . ' , : : IUu . _111 IIUIO .. ~ .. · Ullh'.••Ull UIU . ln ;all ~ra!Jo~1hty, if~he convenho_n ·~ to _fun,cllon as ;th~ organ1z_ers .

. ··-···:;-.:···.:·, .. ·-- .·_·-.. _-.··.·-:, ,:-:: ,·.:3··,·.,.· .,:· •• , - .'_::,.::. ·c· ... -·.:.:.·:>·-······.•·.·; .-, .. _.·k: .he>pe1tw1tl,oner(!le~1llhovelobed1scorded.)hot1soregulahon.· : ; Casey_s 11on:11na_t1_0~ ~uts a ~~C~Css_f_ul Sllfl1_P·Oll both ~OC~_l, ~ngle C~fO· : . 0_.,,posers. vv Or $ . Jfoti~g: t~al · f club :c~rinot non;ti~ote o. condid?f_e wil~oul firs! l_ur,ning

pa·1·g~ c.h,1e.fs_ .. J.:''?. q~·.c·k. ! .l fo.rn.:e.s l.oca'l· nc-,,sp1~_r·1·11an .. ,· secur·.·ed a·.·. p·r .. 12.e . T ·.·.·.;. e .. · .· .·.F"'. .·· .. ·.·:.·' .. ·".·.·.d· ... . ·.·:··.· .·•. ·.·. ·m····. O · .. wr.1U'e··.n .. ·.o.gr~emen.t b. y. · the_ .cond1d.· ate g1v1. ng h;is · ~erm1·s·s' tO?·;·H paltt1cal p!um. Mt_h t~e" st~t~.- ~1v1t D~fensc orga~12at~on,_ \Yhe_n. -~_ogle - o __ .. e . egture .. , . . _ ·. would be much· simpler to nommole from the floor,· without written runs ag-arn.' '1'1-'atch fo!.:1 stJmpcdc :ot l()(al.-Demos )or _th_e honor of i.-.p--\ < ,:·th :'·.·.k :.-·( 8 ··li· · permission of.!he candidate . . lcquiring his Kern C'J.mpaign· chlirml11Ship . which his become J -type of .. · .. ea urmg_. . ,e. ~o~ .~··. 0 :- ·: ac_ .. - ..•... 0 ·... . • : • • • • • • •• . - . : • . '. .•• : • . . ·. .

- -pclitical·goo·d:Juck··charm. ~ · · - _' -_ · . . . · .-· DV:~u1

sds_«:_t,0. MoVz:1~.ld~Cin~~~;~, :


1 ,_din· o.n'f'. .eve~!; _•t. $houtdhprove !of be on 1~teresti,ng ·_hour as student· · ·

- : · · ' · ._ - · . , . . 1va . 1, t e .. _1va 1. uamuc:r i, u: · ea. ers :start· p1ec1ng tog et er· the roonewor,_ of next,semester's gov· --. _ Joe.Gannon, the leading R~publican (3n_Jij:it;, is not a~ easy.roan to sic Orchestra \\"ill pl.i(.in'Harvey erning bod'(. . . , .. · .. · · . _·: : .• - . • ·.. · . · . beat; ,Althoug~. b!s govern1:1en_tal 'backgroimd <locs;not fT!l:aSU~_c: up to ·. Audi~o-rium at_ 8 :_30 p.nl. ori May 2 .. ·.. · · ·

~ey s,. G.in_ry?n·_ ,s. ;ktter _kn?-wn:. A)~caJ .. building .co~tractor, . Gan.non .··• The co~ceit is" bc_ing :sponsored • . . ·.··.·A ... ·· .·· .. -._·.·_ .. ·.o.·_r_ .. _·m· ... ·. k. · 1·n; g' . ~ •.... • ·.·P ... 1· ··.·i_o·· .. b' _· 1e·' .·_··.m· .. · ... ·•·. ·has. bee11 president of· the Board .of Trade,,the _state Re.11_ Estate. Board.-. ·. by.: the"- Ba~ersfield: Co\lege,; Office·.·. the Bakersfield·. 8c3,is b"iscb;i_l l team; 'and is associite<l with a·wide \'a riely :· of Co_ni:erts, and lectures; _under the· of local _organizations. 'The other "Republican,· Llo}'d Wattenbarger, is d_irectorship· of Dr,,.Jack_ ea.·.s·e.y. ·. , ' · ·. · .. . . . ·· · ·· ... · · · -·. · · · . ·

I k H b Id _Duri.rig the course.·af the s.chool.year it.seems that.a few students·

L?m~ra.t1ve run _nown. c operates a iii_ ing supplr concei:,n. . · "Also· in the ·:repertoire. of this h · f 11 · d . · · · · ·. · · · · · .. . . ·.. - . : - . : ·. . . - groii"p\of women. singers are· the , ave not.. 0 owe . c_erloon_stolic,' lows ·and school dis!,ict _regulations . . . . . . . _ ... - -._Ho~~-~."d. M.of~·e. r . . .. . .- . _ worlss ... <of .·._ct>n. !~mi,o:rary ::M. exica:n -. a_nd .. have; been- r~moved · from ·school or · placed on disciplinary

G . . . . . , . , 'P!Obotie>n. ,- . · · · · ·

.· .•~.-!:~:tf ;::t~I·-[),,. . . . titf ri~l~t1,.• ... ~;:~;~.~g·.·, .. ··-1 -

·· nd:.t:l.01.!,)"!s.·1~!.h.!_11u1.1n a m,u r . --.1 .;_:._. c· • ., :·. •• - · _ Student Counselor of colVff\MI :-Or> emrph - ham . oihtl - . resen!Jy .=mg exhib!te_d in the Hd._ J:lole~~ ri,~,.~i.~~ilnl in a·, •. :-: rl-i:•-c-s::..· _~ .. --_:_'---'---

·_ college popei.'.l. .. . · _. · · Blkerstield Colleg,e Art: Ciallery, . of columns by Miu.Rene Gade qnrwer• . . - . Dr, Norman ;Topp.i"ng;....:_uM,~r-. are the, paintings oL·Leoriard. Ed-· . )ng' leUert . of. thq(, .:follege\t[uder,h -

sity_. of_·. Sou ... th_ern·.Qi. _[_ifomi.1 ·pr.es.i·.. monson California Romantic ri1int- . 'WII~ pr~b_1~"'' c_oncemlns dating, holllO .

d .r Th ' II · : ·.. · · .· · J • · · ·. life, etr: Anyone having: those· p1ob:

· · ent, announ_ceu the beg[nning of er. · . e ga ~ry is open·. to. V1S1tors - tern, Is tnvu,d 10 1end a 11 110, 10 Miss _const~~tion; on· the ·_quart(!i-'.ohi-. from 9)- Monday thiough Fridar,. . Gade 01klr,9 for ad•I<•- . . n1illion~dollar, SC. fan1lty>Club and from ?·9 p.m.- Monday through . - ---· building"on the.Southern Cal:c:iin-, . Thursday. . . .. . . ..... · Dear Rene; . _ , pus. It must~really be something According to Jidmons~~.-.his . I ain a. freshman_ an{_6come . 10 sec because the pla'ns:foi-. the· · p1inting. is i:omantic because it ·· from· i"· good· Christian · i)ome. I

. pl.int ,,·ere awar4e4 ~-c.itation from~ "refers to ,natural ·phenoniena such , hlYC been. goi_ng st~dy with· this·

. Progressi,·e Architecture magazine. as air,. water, ·.earth, and ·to the· _· boy for se,·eraJ months:•H~ is really" . . ~DM_I.Y TR?JAN everyJay. orientations of up and : . very nice bui he is alw.ays swearing .

. :'• * -• . down, _left and right, above and' in frorit"ofmy friends arid p·arents. · · ·:lb~ best iaid' plans. ofrncn and': below, near.aria: far.'' . . ·.· · , This if _very embarrassing ·and my mice ofteri:go astray.'.' I wonder :if: . Edmondson; 'who _.v,as: born iri <'parents,irepuhing the pressure on this were )hetheme.song Jo"r;lhe . S1cramcnio ;ind: eduniied: ar• tlie :, 0rne to gcl:rid of him. I like him

· L 0th Annual Model United Nations · .· . Uni\'ersity "of California,. at. ~rJ.:c;'. .. \"CC}' ~nuch: and don\ know "what. to . '.cotifab: at• the :Urih·ersit;·. of Cale-; . ley, ._Je1·otes his life. to:.· painting/ do,·coul_d you help me? . forriia o.;1.f· !3erkelcy· i:ampus'.'.The.. . and Jo _the _teaching .of painting, . : .· . ' .·.: . Emb;massed

--·delegations' were--:-to-bc;-hguscd-at~ .:His.p~ifl!i.ngs_}W.UxJii.~iit4jg._ th~ D5ar_ Ernbarrassed, ., · ... · . · ·-. com .. enfi_on ·hotcls.-p~ur;-i\-endcd.' up~:::=::_ ·_Gllggcqli~im: .Museunj,-- •·Cimrgic _,: .Ttil 'liiiii:-:-"Go 'ici'hell !'..'._::-::.

:that._the._ho.tel1nariagers werc·not · .JnJtituteoLArt,Sao Paolo Museum;·_ ·::.·a.-,_.:-:,:.:;.*:•·.•·· · · · · . prepared. for .. the. ·forthcoming· · San Francisco Museum of Art,.Los D. R '

invasion! . . . . . .· . . - Angelc-s County Museum; the Mete 1:;1r_ e_ne, .• . . . . . . .. ··.· Burchaos did no.t _end .. here .• the ropolil:in MuseurfJ -of Art,' the . .A boy has been.comtantly as~ing . . me to go out with him.' He is very n1ceting was 'a farce! ·Allan Solo- Librar)"·ofCongress; and in ~ther .. g"ood looking, h~s a new ~over: ·. n\onon, ~ecretary General, managed·. mJjor co-lltctions. in . tlie United tible;and loJds of money; but, he · · tci restore:sqJc111ni!y ti)thc meeting States.· h1s a .. fast"_ reputation: I've~ heard· with this statement, "We are. !iv·. - · · · · · · · · h - h h 'Id k · d ing in a w.·Jrld in w. li_ich o. nc -.:diplo_- ·. ·. _... secr~tories; g~!ting'· ide6s. f;~;/.~ 're~~i{t · ·. Among" . th_e_ p.i_intin.· gs. be. ing" . ex., .

1 at . c t. rows WJ · wee en par~

h'b' • th II · · · ·· ·,ties· :it· his be.ich ,hous·e· on the

·.inali·c·crrorm· 1·g· h't_de.st.rO.}' us.·.· Poor. ex I it in e art g_a ely, orron.~ed.t.heir ow.n_e_xhibilion_iri the h"b't'd. · · "R · ,, .. 0 · · · . · , - . J 1 _c ... are euni_on, ·. pera coast. What.should I do? · . guy! . _ ._ .... · _ ... ·· .. . · . .-- , . . secre.tories' lounge ·in the adm1n1strohon bu1ld1ng . .Som'e of. the · S · · , · · ·A · d · -- · · k f t d "B

1 0 h . eason,"· · 1 he. · rrn·aJ,": "Para e,': Ki·n-da eo·nfused. . * _ * - * '. . •·. . wor s. ea ure . were o t ut of _I e Blue," o_nd "Flight From ·

- ---- . DAI~i;CALiFORNIAN'.: ....... Reolity.:· ----····,. ··- .. --· ::'·cuff Dwetiers," "Gltcway," and . Dear Kind:i"Confused,. . . Hm-m."n,.ri,, BC ASB ii,embers . · ... · · . ·· · . . . . . . . . . '"Furicral:'._The· titles ;ri:means ·of-- ::.five-me-·his .. name,:-address. of.

.. tt1ta~1;(~~1:~;~:::j~~~ti~;k •. Jobs_ Off eJ~d In Fire, Forestry·_~eptsi· .· .. .· ~t::n!~-eont:~~:~on~ r.i_thcr .th1n ~ii~ t~u~~i~~!cf~o;i ~~~,t~:.nd

h1ving their cars towca 'awa>·;· al . . The Unite.cl States forestry De- .. ·. ment: cif Jnterior; ind the . Kem ]Ulnl1111llltUU1URll1tOllllH1IIIRl1Ullilll!l11UhUllllJllbt

1heir ornrrisk, if they \'iolate ram· pJrtmcntoffcrs intcrest!ng jobs _this County Fire-Depadfl_len(o.ffe:r'.jobs pus parking rules .. · . , - · summtr. Also the California State ·_ that· are ·alwa);S favorites· with :stu- · : .. - :_ .· ~VAUEYSTIIR F?rcstry Service, _the' u.s Deplrt- den\s. The.fire depaitme'nt". p:i.ys

· " · iu· iii 111 ·· [I I · 11 · ·,11 bonuses :for. workers ,after a fire. ·. Hl~lllU,111, 1llll1•1llllll11 IIIIIU IIUUl liUUII 11111111 Ill . -·The . s:i.iary·. ·ror' these' jobs . ranges .

I "i . .:.. . i

.1 ..

_a.nnon,. aci:or<l_ing t_ci •rcliablf sources,· \vas ,_being:·.considt:_red as ;i ; compose.rs, , · ain~ng/ whom · are . . . . · ·· _ . c:rndidate "fo(ma)'ocby __ the group _-of A_ngry Youn.'. Businessri1cn· who ;:Chaves and Barbef .. ·.: .·.···'.· · .Specif_ically, l_he rules violated ~re ihose concecning. the U5~ of.·· • eyentu~ll( backecl lo_cal: G<lillac_ King Gcrrc \Viner:"h:inrion turn~d° the· Ji~~-t~. rriaf be . purchased- at . alcoholic beve_rage,s before or ~unng_

0 college_-spons.ored ev;n!. lei: - -~

. . ···b.·id .. do.wn, n9_t ..... ~cal.iz. in. g.· .. a.·t. ,t,hc·.· .. t.im ... c.·. that .. t.hc:.'3s1·l·1. ·o .. isr.·ti·l.·t:.·ciss·e·m .. bly .sea.' '.--.·.Bo·. oth's··.2.Q20.· H .... s .. tree!;_ or·_at.· .. !he . Rf.gordless .of abge, students who _viola le th4'? rul~s ore _sub1ect to dis_c1- ~EY'S -:--:-·--::-v,·ou!a'sociii'.be vacant. .. · .. · ·: ·· · ·· · · .. · · ·. · · _·· ·.. BC~Business'..O(fice;::AJLseits:..irc....:._P inor~ .. oc~on !_ the College os well os lo police action by the Jocol . . -

:.· - '--'. :: .. _ '.: ... ", ,· · - "': . : .: :' }.i .,_ __ :_-. :._.· .... ;: .. - -.- :. -·_ ;,_. reserved "at $1 for' i:hildre1uind:$i· -authonhes.-- ---_ -_-. ----·-- · --------------~-.:... - &.llidii ·

from $2_55 tci $376 pee month :ind .is occasionally highec. · . . •.·. _· · - ·

· :· Afew·~mpie jobs'are: fire pre,·: · · ..-_entio_n · aid; i'~n.lrnI · ajd ( plant dis•

easer. forest --tuelighter, equjpnient. ·. -:- op_erat!)r; engmeermg aid, ·laborer:

}i~J(cw~an:·.'. loo\wut, icook, a_n~ -~~itj . , · C:isey,_ is: \n• yie, l>est carnp,11go1n~ ~s1t1on,.·_ ~s .f;ir, as _issues gc,: His :: for adults. _ Case . - inted- oi.i"t that .· _ · This edito'ria! is not discussing the_- evils of drlnkirig, but it is 1. .. famJl!_~ntuJt!! /!"ze~·cwfter _pr_gb(e[ll J,f!dica.t_~:lh.a~ _hf' ;-:,",1[1 dl1(~t] 00 that: . the $_2 tic!<et.s ~11"1 :k purchased by m!en?ed OS O. re.minder t~ _ student_, tho_! l~ey must follow. the no ,-C::m:1~m?lli:1~e_. :~~ •. st~rt~~ _s:.um 1~gm::gcneral1t1es-.(-I ~,.a~n~t mono-:- 13r:~Js:fos.:.~O .c~riJs, ,...:: ::.> _: drinking _rules .wh1!e..:otlend,ng.co!lege-sponsored e.venls._.:.. "· __ · ·_· · _,. ··--:·, -..

~~:~~;~n~~~~~~!~~iJ~j~llijj~~~i~rn~~~~(J~~ -.~-~-~ ---- ··~~-!~fil~---- ~i

-~~,~~1;;~1•1:~et:i~!fr~i:~~\'._~~~r~:~=~~{,c_:~!3;~~\1iu!1l1:e~~iaT!::C1a~~-:-·: 'i<.~-~if<ifi.: ·., · --

. R.·Do_rsey_ ~1cd h\o.rears ~go,-Just ,ifter tfie_d~~dline·for fil.ing had p_as_seq, - · ' · · · · · '.-.. • ·. the deadl111e·.was,not extemied -because-a Dcrrioc. t Walt . St' .. "h d. : P,ubllmed weektythrous_houl the~choo1 •

·-· . . . a' .:filed, agai_nst·DbrSC}':'~u(wh"en ~itis(Do~al]oe 'dee:} ~cZeral eda)'S!~f~~~ 1f1e,.:C'. x:~~~~r..J~·cofr~0::~

1~~;~~t,t I~;~---cde.i_il lineJor .filing, \he -:dl':idline. was exteri<l~d,. sipcei\{.othei- Deri1ociat : Rer,egodo _Rlp are. loco.red· 1n 1tie'C~m,: , (or. Republi<;an; for ~fot. nuttcr). hid filed ·agai rist ti"cr.' Immediately up<io" 'pus .• Cenler BuUdJng · of J!akenfleld _ ~

.. her ·_death;: &najoi_ Stie_rn and.· Assemblrni:n .···(~df ciining _ 39th .dis! rict): . i~~::·F~!~~:~~;;:r: ... ~~:l~~~~t-. John· Wilhams~n. rushtxl ,through_tho: leg1sbtur1: :1' bill to extend the· . e,n·· _· · .. ·· _ . · · · • · r· · Ch; th. lil,ng deadline. . . : · ·. · , . ' _ ' • - ~ : . ·• .. · .. · .· .. • · · ...•.. · · A,~;~~o~t· Edi;o;· :' .' :';:':.- ~·- :j7., H~~-<k.:

... _ . Labor_~;i I I_ pl;;.-~. bi ff ;:rt\ n thf ~~m1\aign:, l'he f oy/o:cmJr~ts who . ~~·~:•idi1;),~0j~•; ·. ~t0J~::\~f ;t:(

.~sk_ed _ for_ the. De11±0. du_b s_endorseme?t. "'.ere lH grilled. br· la~r rerpe· • . Sport~. Edit_o, :'. .-: ·, ,,: ; ; , ~im Ooon . . s~ntallYC!S .. ~o d_oubt Gannon;--as·an·emplore~:(Jn~ labgr. has _neYC'r looked: •. Fec,fure.}d,,or. , .. :~ .. ,:·;: Ro,a\ond_ ~·~l -kindly upon cmplo}'ers); will h3\'e a lit<'r.i! strikc.agJinst him·•;· • · · · :-·Sl?lf wul~n> .. Don~o Hopkin, Do1lene :.·.:·· ,: ••. _.7- •.• _=· _'_ .. _·_.- · .. ·· :·-·.·· - .. -.,_ : · ... -_ ... - :: _ .-·~- :'-'. · · · .• :_ .·· H1.1nt, -Ruuell -fower~ ~Gart. Porke:r. , .- ~ut ~he best (Ollllll~n_t 9riJl;1,· boof q~esiion \\'is -~lade: a\ :i"he ·De~o _ Oi~no P_o~a~sky, C_horlit Vol~n-,~~·o,,

.meeting· br_ l .·l\frs.- .. L)·d,~ ·.-Pauk-y.. of -MOJ3\(·, \~-hii sought . ihc 'g' rou·r· 's _ . M,nay O Oonn~II. Yi< Pollard, Roberl. e'ndifrse"menf - . - . . , . . ·_.- . . - . . - . . . . . loude_n, lHoy M_oore,. l!orv_ey Hall .. :: . ·.. . · · · · . Pholog,aphe". , ..• Donny Imes, Judy.. .

....•. ::w_h:if S :yo~/~sitioi1 On o~glniz!J IJoor /:\. (O<~(- ~nion, l;'C~n -as,ked. - H~mitrect, ci-...ig~~i~t''~l9n, .· '!nd Ted .. ,. :her.~ ... .- :_ · . .- ·· . · .. · · · · .. ·: · ·. .. _. : .. ""; ·:_,::··. ·. · .: . . -- . . . . . · .- . : Advi_s!•>, ;: ,:. , .~. : , Dick Jones·

~~· ---···-:

-:::- _: ---

( -

: :'Sir,·~· am org:i-nized.hbor;''si,e iej,lit:i· - · 11!111u1llnnu!A11im1!J111mlllumµn111u1~U11ullfl1111111

. ·, : JIM 1-!0UCK-____ : __ . -__ ~ .. ------- -_ .. _.:_~·- -· - .. - _______ _

·-T~i: coMPL~TE scHooCsuP-PLY.STORE _ ,· ... :-• .DRAFTING & ART SUPPLIES·~-·. .-. . . BINDERS-· .. PAPER·-.·.·._ ....

. Fou11foin P:en< He~dquc:irt~~r~- . _ .·· :BUY'A PORTABLE~PAYLIKE RENT . . . PRfc.es: FROM"

-. SMITH-CORONA World's. Most Wonted . · Porta hie_: Typewriter

:·' 74.50· . Plus F~d._Tax -:

:-_- C. fREE~l 0.;.QA y;~·c:­

;,·- --sMlJH.;.CQRONA·· -- -­. . TYPINCi:CQ_URSE: ...


Less .Than $5.00 Per . Month

. 1622,;, 19TH l FA· 4-9751 _ · ·

)d>-LLEY · -· \!.7FFICE ~-HHO I ~EP .ARKINCi.


KNii- Sllitl'fS:. ---------~---.-.------- -....-----. . -.. ·. 3 95·• .. · · ·· :·. ·-- • . :_up-~:·-~'-~-- •' . . .- - -----·

<I?~ffte~ u·NlVERSij'Y

CORNER 140t 19t~ Sheet

1vyL6<1-gue .·· . . _ la it ever I vy!-Wli~; to~-is ~e' ~ost -· . · : :·ro~t }ieveraie you, ~il IX)SSibI/: ·-:- , . ~ -­

.- ·- order'cin:-camp~ Just rook ~-~und you: : ... · -w1u1£ are th~ coiieie ~~ial teid~ · .

: going for? Coca-Coia! So take a I~ -· · . out of their-Ivy League ixx;k and do·Ui~ . _- as.me f Enjoy the good ~-of Coke! . . . . · · · ·


Bottled und~r olJlhonty of n:..· Ceca-Colo ~ by


·:. •. action-free. conifort . '

,-, .• slimJrinLfiiting .· - .· . . ·. _··- ·. .•. , •. :' _. cfote~cstcchtudents arc invite,d to_~-.:..~t,~~".:~·:-? -~i~~~-~~:~i~7:i~~t:~.~~:~W:_ ~ ~~e#ti!.'ttt~~ r~~;:·;~~0~·f~t ~hr~~~-h~tthf~~~~~ ·--·- · '. ~

. .. - . . -· . .--

?. ~ .:., .~-:>~)<:"--:?:- .: 1640 CHESTER . FA 5~8681: notebooks on, the table for :iddi· .-_

r .;n~~tkJ~f '~ . . . . .. . '''"'' iofo~<ioo .

~:._:j ·-~--, ,·,_-{lf~/j_.,l·._ 1.:.; } .i~-~-..!. .,. ~f?t·.:, l .

. :/~-i1_~J .. · ;:\<'

< ..

. '.:;\~·::~·-> --. ?/\;:::~~-- c

-. f._·-~_\-~}5 }\.:t,::. ' ; ·- , . -,,:-,:-,1 .

Rf ir1 ·. ,y i{)'.1 ..

ig>f f :{J,~cfo ~!I~J;i:4J;rii •.

. . .- ·peri11ey'_s · · .. - - -· .. ,

-~: ~B_eac~:p!l~t:s -~~---eouo· .. -9~,.; 'iighl weight but -rugged ~lh plenty _of· itaying_ p<)Wtr."·Mcal_

'importanl leoglh in_ 1960 ia·ach-weorl BJ0<k, wti.Ltt, colOrlJ hand Wosh. ·· - .

<Olf . t•nijlh. _

28-38 .. , ... 2.U·l.91

walking . short,-



:·we·i1i::1r·· ,<

1420 19ih S~.'' :-.- FA 5~5881


.•. FOR .THE· .. :- --- • ·.-::-_···,·4' -· ~ .- --· -- -.-

. fAMOUS .,, - -.-

\\~GRAFF_._.·_ ... -. __ '.·· .SPORTSWEAR--:•· . . .. : . . .

Coffl:e_·sei o~r .• ne~.,/est Spr:i'ng··Sumffler

~~r~,1;_0~·0( . G~Aff: _blouses .. ccp1i -p?nt~ on.d Sr0c1s- in 1he ~e··/~i_t ilyle~. ~olors ·-O~d ·e~1oy·c-ore fo_bri~,., .· -


_·tho"~·iy .·Chicks

check>:: . "-• Coedf-


· . · wA~oRoBE.MAGic . . -- .. ~ - . . . . · FOR_ STUDENT AND ·

-~-~ CAREER:GIRL· ·.:., .. : ·

:.jk/COED.S4o~-- ; . ~ . . . ..

- . · 2914 Nl!,.ES -

· 1223 N. CHEST_ER .

. ; A STARTER;.:_This '. is "ihe first phase of. c~nstru~iio~ 'on Q. n~w •• .· ... : ciddifion -.1~: the-Cai;;pJs -Ce.nter .'..Work ~has 'be.eri :\raitecf· on:~' . - - : storehouse for the Sooblore_-;- . . . . . . - ... ·. . . . .·

·.· CC)11st ructio1f ·eegjjS·<.·r, •. ·l)n. BookStOi'e., Additloll; · · · ·

. ·eon~rru~tio~ • 1~ ~gun :on·· :iri : .. :~,iir be, ; :dm\bip;tio~ \tciiag? a~-d : ': .. · · :i<ldition. t~ the. GmpiIS Cfnter:·: _.": .• ~wk. spac< f9r;th_e:: books)ore, · It; . :· .· .·

·. According- io Book?tore nfan.1ger · ,viii .. be· erected -nexf (o - the :we-;t ·. - · (lirt-ncf.Thonus, the.new building _'..-w.ill of .ti.it: Gmpus Q.nfer. -~ . . .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=·~~~-~-~=· ~~~~·~~ _~D~c ~ilit e~Jridi~~s~deriJ,. - bo~y; it is rl~_cssary·Jo: build."an ·. · .

·- ----- - - . '. _'."·_··::. ... , SWIMSUITS-purchased-~now,~-:-~ .-L-~_---:_:°::. ____ ~ -... - ·- .. - ---~--- .... -~- ~ --·-:-·-----.------ _ .. _____ ,..:: ___ --- - --· --- -.:. .._ __ :. ______ ,. ;. - ---· -- . . .-

\Yi II _r:tot: b_e charged to you :·u.ntil J~ly·= :·. ~ . -· ----. . . . . . . . . . - . -_ - . - .. . - . - : -· . - . - .

--·-. Ladies' Sporfswecir-Street floor.

Girls' Youth Cente~'--S_ec~~c!_flt?~r .

. addition· on to the ·Campus Center. · · --__'Thh1ew building w1H be-arof!lb,-,: · . . !.nation: S!Orage<and ·. W(irk' spa.:e· for_-. ·_the J:~:iokstore,,The n_ew building ·

_will be . erected riext to the west -'wall 'of·Carnpos,Center; .

-~---According to· Cl~cenc-e -:Thomas;"· - · ·· _: J399ks_to_Je_~ge.I,Jb.e.Qe!!:.l:~1iJd. __ ·- _ , ing will be a _welcome. addition. · ·

-.. D'!ring the·:pastCJewsyeai5 the .... . Bookstore·ha.s hid to borrow. star·· : •..

·. - age :_splce. fiocn. thi;- college:· This ·. ~eant tlut supplies .v.·ere usually · spread about ,·a nous ·pl.ices on cam-

pus_. With the new space, all ·sup­pJ;es will ~ ~~~- ~ogether. : . . ·. >Tht building is to be completed m 150 dars or at the beginning of September when it will be needed most ..

Page 7: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

, ~1·-.:.· •.,-. '•

;:/ . --

·-· , .. ' _?.(.

-t .. ·.

-------. -.----·~. -------:--:--

Vic Lindskog ; , • leaves Bo.kersfield College

-:. .: ___ ._ - .:~- ---

""".'---=-----· -·-·---'--·"7"·-

--- ,.·.~---·· ----- ---· --· ~ _ .. __ .:._ -

--·---·-:;. .· ·~--=-- - ' ...


Linus Pauling·;.-, . -convocolion spea_ker ..

1rt1clc-s on socill .and political ques: tions, cspc-cillly Jbout · peace and -nudeJr wa·rfare. · -

All TOG£11iER, NOW-:--BC's Bond, which gave if~ ·annual c~nc~rt lost ~ight, will perform today in an asse~bfy at 10;30 a.m. - . . . - . . . . . . - . .


.- ~--·.

Page 8: I,·J · · · >. • ···: . o : ~ ~ -:.. . -~--- . . ~ y · -·t .· · • ···l ·. .. · · ·• · • - • · . (? . : ·un

2~enegade Rip-

- .- -_. __ --~·- - -- . ·--- - - .. _ ....... - .... --

~-- - . :c._ :P.eilney's_~_i.~ ~-,-:: ~' Becich Pants ·- -· J' ': - ·_ .·. .- . . . u,tfon gob~" light ,.;eight\~i ;..,gged wilh plenty of• slaying power. Most imp«tont ltnglh in- 1960 l>eo<ll'weorl lalod,_ •hite, color11 hond wo1h.:

. coif· !.ngth -

. 28-38 ••••• 2.98-3.98


welting shorts 3.98

. ·. . - - . CHARGE IT AT PENNEY'S

Regular Tick~t PriceJs 50 Cenis

32.LANES.-. -

leo 9v~ Bowlin9_:_opin ao.;..,;,;g _ : hee ·eo-j,;Jin9 l_nslru.crion .

Fm Shoe0

1 fo.-Studenti 9 .;_-;,,_.6-p.m. -:.. _- .-.-_-. -·: --··--·-- ---

• · Fl~E FOODS

-- :-:·--:: PAOLA'S-:··--: - ....... · . - . -

- •. Jamciic:a .Room ~624 Mt. Vernon . FA 7-i26l


- . .:. :. _ -- .: --.~--;:

-. -_ .. Fi;st t>1:rioiclas·ses oYri;~~~"b°dd~bu; ge; h·~re on 1iine~ 1his ;uy. locks'.lhe door after the li~JI ~rings:·· ... -. - . - -

-MEN'S.WEAR> .. -:- . -



1304 19th St. FA 2-6279 lf~rmetly lu~~ ~res.I .

-Y-- . -. : -nil-- OU ... -

-- . -- ----~-~ :----SWIMS-UITS'·purch_a-;ed--~~;~ -­:wilLnot be-clt~rged !~--'yoJ until\July · ·

Ladies' Sportswear-:-~treet Floor

Girls' Yo.uth Cenler~Second Fl~or

. _--·-.--·----.-·--

~ Friday; April 29,.1960

N-a~e ou/N-ew'St6re · . > _- . :c6hte~t: :__ _ -, , ·n,• _new slore, _ ~[ng· opened. by

Sfo-ppel"s about July -1; 1960; will be · foe', Colltgo. :students _ ond ·.Young · beculivu, carrying. o · complete · r;n. 01 _· <!othlng, sins ~s lo 44, · spom­weor, - one!. - acuuories. Al.I lltfdly "h-y." -_. ---- -~----- -·: ----

-:·.The flavor ol. the ,10,. will be lra­dition<il -- end· ,.,. · 011110,phue -OM of ftfenc!Tin.,i. : Conveniently·· le<otitd -al

-1528 18th. Str.ei, comer of f81h Clld Eye. - . - • - . . _ . - . •

· Gi~• this Store o ·name C1nd '1iy fw the __ $50 «>st prhe. Conlut clo,u June_ hi. All entrt.s become lhe prop­erty of Stop~l's. In case of o tie fhe 101fiut poslmorl: will w!n. Moll o, _brl119 entries lo_.· ·

s~--- - STOll FOi BOYS

. _ · _ 1524 1 Bih Sire et

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. Frida)', April ~9, ; 960----~-

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at :

~Ulli\lGn ,S ·.· ... . 100.N. Chester Ave.


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BERMUDA'- SIIORTS ~ ~~ 5.95- .. -- . -_ -

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(e~A'dtl UN°IV-VR~SITY



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