i lose my guru all the time

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  • 8/2/2019 i Lose My Guru All the Time


    June 18, 2008

    This is a 1000 word essay which I wrote to capture the kind of longing and inner dialogue that goes on in

    a soul of a seeker on the verge of letting go of form. It encapsulates my own contemplative journey

    merging my years on the paths of Shamanism and Buddhism form & formlessness. I want to share this

    piece because perhaps its speaks to others longing as well for that one thing or that one person that is

    the answer.

    So I think it could be beneficial but Id like to figure out how to get this essay into shape for submission,

    if that is possible. Should I turn it into more of a story or leave it discursive & questioning. If I could

    figure out how to take my natural prosey flow and make it the most readable, or digestible for magazine

    publications, that would be awesome. I think the thing is, I dont know if I have a style or not.


  • 8/2/2019 i Lose My Guru All the Time


    I Lose My Guru All The Time

    By Antara Davis

    Sometimes I say The Earth is my Guru and I consciously will it to rise from the ground

    beneath me like a living statue of sand, as if I were some Merlina Magnificata. Yet the

    moment my longing makes me reach forward to grasp the diaphanous hand, the form

    disperses in the breeze. Sparkling particles of light merge into crackling leaves, fly into

    jagged rocks along the shoreline, and hide in the wild horse mane of sea spray. In the odd

    moment when I catch the guru-light smiling inside clouds reflected in asphalt puddles,

    blackbirds splashland to disperse the light, contented in their momentary tub. And so it goes,

    the more I want form, the more it is frittered away how frustratingly educational.

    So life goes on, and the teachers take form as woman, man, earthquakes, fires consuming my

    favorite redwood forests, and yes, the yappy white lab next door. Nothing is just the way it

    seems. It keeps you on your toes, this awakening business. It vacillates from the hard work

    of training my pompous-ass mind to effortless acceptance and the big toothy smiles of its all


    In my current reality, it appears everything solid is being rattled. It is as if the mindless

    consumer flea-ridden paradigm is an indignant dog trying to shake off the wet. So, just like ye

    olde Tarot card The Tower, that which no longer serves the whole is being released and the

    whole world is watching and scrambling for cover. In these times of a collapsing economy

    and supposed looming disasters, I want the guru to caress my face with rain and cleanse my

    fearful drought away, to tousle my hair with encouraging winds and prod me forward, to

    soothe me with turquoise waves and the security of a warm financial sun. And guru wouldnt

    be guru if he didnt reprimand my willy nilly mind with bolts of lightning and send me flying

    into consciousness.

    My precious idyllic teacher will grasp my brown feet with her own wet mud fingers and keep

    me glued to the power of each step. Never mind that the step is painful and teaches me to

    walk a differently, with eyes more open than ever. Recently I took a nasty fall on a roughly

    paved path and gouged two glorious holes out of my right knee. It took 2 weeks for me to

    walk right and bend the offended appendage normally. I keep hearing stories daily of

    assorted friends falling, breaking, straining and bruising all over the place. Yup, it is all part

  • 8/2/2019 i Lose My Guru All the Time


    of the training, the development of agility, of balance, of using the tools weve been honing

    for years.

    Then there are the times of equinimity when I am sitting still in the various power spots of

    Santa cruz and I toy with notion of self as artist creator, playing with the starstuff of matter to

    express my love for the Divine. For example, in my magical make-believe way, I gather clay

    in my earthy hands and make play-doh planets so I can cherish guru-mama in return, so I can

    see it all in this one form, turning it over and over, holding & marveling. Creator creating its

    creator, endlessly mirroring and I wonder, is that how YOU do it guru?

    And so it is that my house is one big altar containing bodhisattva altars and homages to the

    sacred round every bend. If I cannot dwell in heaven now, I will bring it here to me. When I sit

    in the sands of Twin Lakes Beach of my hometown Santa Cruz, I cannot resist making sand

    mandalas of feathers, shells, kelp and twigs. Its far too difficult to restrain my need to write

    huge lovenotes in the sand to Yemaya, the sky gods, and the wetsuited boogie boarders

    riding one in.

    Once in the aquamarine waters of Maui, I floated facedown with my snorkel mask on and

    became completely relaxed listening to my slow rhythmic breathing. My intention was to

    patiently wait for fish to show up. Since they werent, my focus shifted to my shadow floating

    amongst a white-light web of dancing water reflections shimmering on the pale ocean floor.

    In a moment, down was up, and it appeared as if I was a form in the web of life strewn across

    the sky of existence. I wondered if this was what it felt like to live within the guru, swimming

    inside like a smitten blood cell.

    Was it my breathing or did I relax enough to breathe the gurus circular breath with him,

    pranayam with his puja eyes;

    With conscious awareness, I can walk upon her holy body with every appreciative step, and

    dreamily lay upon the oiled and scented guru every night. This state of mind is the fruit of

    diligent desire to know the beloved. One shaman teacher told me you must entice the Divine

    like a lover, by offering your love like trinkets to the gods, by studying at the feet of those

    who carry the scent of lovers sated.

    So at this point along the path of disappearing gurus, I leave guru jasmine flowers at the feet

    of the guru willow tree. By allowing guru endless forms, form disappears, the form is all

    encompassing, there is no end, there is no beginning and you realize you are part of guru too.

    How could all the earth and all form be guru yet not you? Not me? Its all guru.

  • 8/2/2019 i Lose My Guru All the Time


    What do I bow to for I cannot find gurus singular form. Where then is its temple for I cannot

    find the walls. Whose feet shall I kiss? Is there no more bowing then? Could it be that my life

    can be lived now as one long bow, as an eternal kiss to the guru that is everywhere. Shall I

    live my life gently then? Kindly, loving, seeing only beauty even in the most heinous?

    Oh to understand the marriage of emptiness and form, the blending of the beauty way with

    way of the void. There is not one without the other. I want to take the shimmer of my

    indigenous bones and fan the embers alive with the breath of the invisible. I am the petulant

    child that wants Gaia and Buddha to marry and my eyes blur with green hills and starry blues,

    and the sun and moon merge with the clash of cymbals.

    Heaven comes to earth to sprinkle its starry seed in me. And I thirst for the water to take it

    deep into the earth and be held in its warmth, for the lifeblood that will soften the shell so I

    can crawl out and back up to the light. I am that seed, I am that opening, I am that blending,

    that holy seed child.

    And I want to know and bow to the sacredness of my origins, of my truth, of eternal wisdom

    that haunts me, chanting the earth is my guru. I lay my body down, I kiss the clay feet which

    crumbles at my touch, diamonds are everywhere. The forms are only carvings consisting of

    magical stuff, diamond dust. And the rubies and emeralds and sapphires glinting in the

    shadows of ignorance sing their crying songs, lamenting the blindness of such dry eyes. And

    the grief is unbearable and the beauty stark like one stainless white rose blooming in a field

    of carnage.

    The cacophony of clamoring souls makes me want to run but instead I reach out my hand to

    remember, to tell them I wont forget the suffering and how endless that chain is of life

    beyond life, of planet beyond planet of beings who wait for the ones who dare to feed the

    bellies empty and forgotten. I touch upon the sadness of eons, the vastness of the work, and

    see few warrior souls standing mountains away from each other but willing to bear the torch.

    And I dont know that I am that, just that there is so much work to be done and if writing is

    my way, then get out of my way, for if word is sacred then sacredly shall it be written, and

    with reverence shall it be spoken, no, sung to the echoing void. I am a lone violin watching

    the setting sun, pulling the shadows towards me like a blanket of slumber. The earth in all its

    violent shades and tired softness, a cactus earth with velvet petals, shocks me from my

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    complacency. With skulls on her belt and jagged teeth she holds me like a newborn to her

    breast and I am fed. And her drum heart awakens in mine.

    Fragile bubble of the moment, you are my universe, my fleeting lover ever changing, the one

    I long for, your edges just beyond my reach. There is nothing to do but dance in the world of

    form, create with honey eyes and hummingbird hands and wait for the wind to touch me and

    the earth to sing me back.

    My guru has taken form but it is too big to see at once. In the dollhouse of my mind I make

    clay versions so I can cherish it back, the way it cherishes me. So I can create it, that way it

    creates me. For now, I am in my guru, on my guru, my guru is vast. The earth is my guru and

    I the chela, devoted student and lover. I offer an orchid to the mango tree and the tree

    shivers deep praises to the wind.