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*MWCH0UWR«HHUMUMIh*^1fai^'^, i: m i am, ? Miai fc.of; .. B' lit- •... ',,! •the vool ..' ar& 0 liria, ~ .- Gl'lC N ? vfl &'.. /N>A W*tiBrtoiraJ»''Pioemi»ii,"^a8tii))U«liea 3anuarj>!2J, 1824 dh»hf!oajlM"Tlio Jeffersoniari" In 1837. "DeniocrtiticlMon," Estalillsltoil August 0,[1864. .ERTOWN, MEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MAY II 1904. Democratic union" and "JeiTersonian" merged 1847 Changed to "The Jeflforeon Democrat" in 1865. Oiumgod to "The Watertoirn lie-Union" in : Now that Gen. Kuroki is established at Feng Wang' Cheng-, ttte'Hussjans are. puzzled as to what move he will make nest. The fact that Hie semfa two com- •panics to Daliandiapu Tse, ten nxiles north, northeast of Feng' Wang Cfoeng. might indicate his purpose to proceed along- this road to Ting Chang Gien, 90 miles north, from where he would march due west to L'iao Yang. | This would permit an effective flank- : ' ing movement, but such, a move is not, ' considered probable, tlie likelihood be- BeCline Battle at FeUnSf-WaDg- iu S that he will move along the road , by which the liussians retieated to- ward Liao Vang. This road 'branches I off at Chats Chang, 20 males westward ! of Feng Wang Cheng, and continues I almost diirectly west to Hal Cheng, I which was captured by the Japanese I during the Chino-Japanese war. A j march on this place would compel the evacuation of Xew Chwattg, as the force there would be in danger of de- struction or of being subjected to a siege by the armies converging from I Hai Cheng and the southern part of ' j the Liao Tung peninsula. , . . . . Ir , „, , I There is no confirmation -br officials AlekreffTte-pOTtai Woul^ed i n H i s Fli ffllt in St. Petersburg up to the present of --All 01 Llao-Tung Peninsula, tout , 'to report that the Itussiuns are pre- paring to e\actiate Xew Chwtlug, but j few would be surprised should it ttjrn Chang and Japanese TaKe the Post, NEW CHWANG IS BUILDINGS AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. •—-?*? *•-,_, m& V, Sort Arthur, now Held by Japanese. 3?eng' Wang Cheng', to which the Ku- sians retreated after their defeat at the ST-alu a week ag'o Sunday, is now in lira lhands of the Japanese. It was taken 'fffrlday after an. encounter "between -small detachments of the hostile out to" 5 be correct. The effect oi k inarch along the road to Hai Cheng Would be to place absolutely in the control of the Japanese all Manchuria t-ween the Yalu and the Liao Tung peninsula, with the exception of Port Arthur. t , ^ n 1 r . ^ f t ' ^ Eussians admit that at this ttbe purpose on the part of the Itus- f , ^ Japanese control •wane of covering their retreat. Be- . lle 0 ter ritorv meu . tiom , d , Ule HlII , akv •fore retiring; they exploded their maga- Invalid, the army organ, making- this -zine, hu't left large quantities of his. . , ri - .- , „,. - .gital stores, which the Japanese «e !™? 1 e8 ^ 0m Hie remainder of the press 'UsiTt? siienx. ' T £ „ I 'i - .j. * *« 1 , i A Onlv one afterno'oii paper referred to JF^SFh^'^T T «P*I*& « r l y ' " ' t h e Abandonment of Feng Wang S1I. 1 . f ^ force to Feng Wang j t •» ^ j , KMng .and Vi'ould there, offer st unborn ^ ^ and t , e , egTa , im 0& J S &. V^Tlr \ i - J ^ attese ad r ni ' e i' that point were closed. nothing- of the toad oceniTedL and, ^ G Kuropatlcin's main f oi-ce v^?^??' 3 ! P a '°' baWy staUinLiao , i s now -stationed has not been an- ™ J* •£ < ^i'-, x -. • ' nonnced, though Gen. Zassalitch states .What Ktu'opatlan's exact plan is, maib ^ CWf t&vy left for Schindjane Beems as completely veiled m mystery, Tliere ^turnes'to be the greatest ig- as the Japanese plan. The Evtss axis n , orance regarding the plans of the now are m full flight northward,, Muk- eomniandei-in-clulf, who is taking den for the present seeming to toe the precaution to prevent infornia- •otojective piomt toward which the re- L ion "' re - L aeMin g. tlIe . enemy, the censor at- .treating forces are making. I Liao y refusing to pass a s^srli •J^'he Russians are hastily evacuating s aispateh wnieJl i n a ] i y w a y im U- rjfew- Ghwang, at the head, of the Liao | eates t]le Kxlssian rnovemeabs. Mes- "mmig n^mnsula, which they began to , s ^ . otlier poiats a , M strictly fortify soxx ne ^ ^§'° «i anticipation i ceusored . 'toi-a-ffrnjatiies^ landing at that point., It fe believecX tl]iat Gen , idu-oki, Sn- : 3Triday ant Sav.' urda y ™-*f began to | steald , of proceeding to Hai Cheng, will *Blismairtli3 ffhe f-oi'W , pJace ™' e gu , ns move northwest axong'the road to Liao wn 'teaiiis, wJhidi "v»T re B6:nifc north.. Yxmg. He will find the Russians en- tCroops also -began t'o 2*>b.' Te ancl P 1 I trenehed-at Tien_Ch.ori.Ohan pass, west ably by this tito-e JSew Cl)--v,,' aBS ? s a '. of Mao Tien Ling pass. It is alleged! -.Russian mili'tai-r Jpost is aibandtow Ithattlie abandonmen of Southern 'SOiis practically leaves in possses^ 021 ' Manchuria will be beneficial to the «of tOie Japanese ithe whole of the LiaD i .^issians as it will enable the complete .Tung peninsula except Port Arthur, HvM'ch is now completely feollated. . The 'dispatch aun'ouneing the'evacua- ttioh'-of-Sf'ew Chwang states also'that toe Russian Genei-nl staff in tlie far "east is leaving Liao Yang for Mukden, and this may indicate that the EusVJ Bians are also about to abandon Lino' lYang, which has been one of their iahAei" Jniilt-ary headquarters in, JSIan- 'chSftia. ' ,'. , iCul'opatldn's dispatch, announciing i :i i \ 4 \ 1 Justices Sp2ncer and Rogers Presiding Ibis Week. fOOD GETS A VERDICT Jury Awards Man Who Fell in Diteh $2, 8y5 T». Il'.W . uill , thv i. I'll:! i xv i i. 1- i! i-i.'.. ui.'' n !.. 1, .1 i*i..i-ni -Plaintiif Was a Former Agent at Lvans Mills. • l iii-.i-ii- ni -< . --i--ii.il .ii ri... i.l.iHii- thr.ug, l^.ir A. >|'i-in i r .; il.-' . \ - i . , ri.<>iii :t n d h i a i .l.i-ti.-.- \\..- ! 1.. ,:. .In-li-- ii-n- i.ntil 1 ri<!;i .t... 1 .: a 1- « . :ir \% Ii! i-i- 11 .i i' 1 ""' .-.,i, t i :l„- u, i.- | 1- * I J I !. i- -.i M. -|, in- V l.i.-Ilt : i h - i-si :. lu Station in" .ii u'-- ,i i ,k. .I.I- " « " '' -.1- - , ; ._... . . i- li i ' 1 i . V . . - . t > I'll III t.n- i.-.l The jihiintiff alh-ge- that while so en- gaged he caught his right hand in the cog- wheels of the winder which were unguarded and that his hand "was .ri.-lull, ii... --.tiit.iig the amputation uf tlii- Cn^t r and thumb. 'I hi- ili-f. n-i- i- a general denial and ulli-...-h c..iiwibut*>ry negligence. M.( Lin.- K A- \aii Na-inee «i'tli X. F . lir. ,-n in-.- ntionicy- fur tlie plaintiff .i.ml i'niiil:, Walk, r iV Humi. represent !ln- ih'fcnilant. The fi-l.l..«iiig jurv "'as drawn to l,..ir tin- ,.i--: Th.-. d,.rc Tpdl, T.J. \I.irl.-... I'r.i.nk- l'lnrrnira-me, T. lyL .1 -• II.| -. \i.,..- MO..illi-j , t'. A. L : ndsley, lu-ni-cii' .N. Miiynanl, W. 1). Washburn, I.i-\i FraJ.:- k. * 11. .M. 1'otter, Georg-e M. I'ratt ami Emery Cowan. I - -..-:i\ iii.-i ni-ng tin- jury hi'oug'lit n a M-rii:'i-t if «.".U'iu for the plaintiff. riDENCE AGAINST THE ITALIANS Above are shown photoamrfw or several of the prirci-nl huillinrs at 1> St. Louis fair; al.o Presid nt Boo-e- 1 . . - ,. ;f1<?nt F] . „ .-;, S) wno is at the Head of t-e wit, whx> started th» big shrw by wi e from Washington, and Pr. exhiibition. [in i i-,.t*-. -I.i-ti. i- Hi. -ii- u.P * - *ii hiu. in- r--iil.ii' trial nriu ill,.-. \\.ii.. 1 in- c.i-1- i.t I Iiu'.c- 1-i. H u u I ia. tin- J™ Yi.ik I i-nrial »;i- pl.ic--: mi liiil ill f-;!(.n-|i.< ii.tiit I. ..iiliy. T l . i ^ a . tiih i- t" I'-i.e -!-. l.in.aL:- !• 1- il.jurii-v -.-;.i.in.i ll.ii. - I i t : t- aic.ei llt-fj ,i;i M. i- i.f tlii- il- ti-ml ml. in .'.—1 t h e pi.i.n;iil «.i- -tri.ji agciii l'ur the ili-ftii'laiit at L*u.n> Mi.lt. ami n-i'!i.| m ,n- tin- -i.„t;..ii, just c.-t of llu- .!. fi-iiilan:'- pr..j t-ri.\. '1 h>- .. m- jilaint allif.-i-.- tli.it mi ii.:.'1J. l'.ml, the il.'1'iinl.iiil. \\ it hunt tin- kninvieil---- or l-uIiM.-jr. of t h e plaiulilT, c\ca\atcil a large trench on tlie plaintiff's pren.i-es, placed a stub switch in the trench and left the trench open. On that night the plaintiff fell into the trench and INDICATES THEY ARE MURDERERS OF VAN GORDER AND MISS FARNHAM. Buffalo. May lo.—The four Italians run «:.-.! 11 ur-dav on suspicion of hiav- i..^ ... . ii .-. iiin-1-ird uith the murder of .1. .a \ an iio-nivr aud h.s half-sister,. Ml - r.iiiil.au,. iii-ar Angelica, on Wtd^- i.i - ia\ . «i it- taken to- Allegany county ' Friday. A i ..ii-tai.'.i- arrlU'il m Buffalo TfrS-~" day attt'iuoi/u «;tli a warrant charg- ing tl.t- lour Italian-, with murder in. '., u,.- tii-t d-'gree. The prisoners wexe '• iaL. u to ;Li. Afl.guny cuunty ja.ii at i Mi-lmont. , j A w.itih fuiitiil on one of the nien is. j -.,i.| N. aii-u.-i- the de^ription hi a ; nat.l, woin in Van. Uorder and which I' is ni.Nt.-ing. t '1 In- pn.-oiicrs were questioned 3?i'i- '•'; day and finally admitted that they left j the Italian camp near the scene of the '' murder together, boarding a.train for,', lluffalo at 5 o'clock Wednesday m'orn- 1 ing-. Cartridges found in tte pockets." Great Courage Shown When Port Arthur Was SeaJe&tJp, J.v- ntration of their forces. eoncfe^ •-, ^, ne p e0 pi e a r e tried by the ThOTlgi. -i r . nvali i t i 3 reeaiieci tdiit general wiiiliv - counseled patience Gen. Kuropavfekh* + er sbua'g. Ko woid before he left St. Pt»- i uc t j s jjeard of criticism of hi'S COnw. i le jjno^-g eevry one recognizing -that •• ^ t> all the conditions and is better oim^ judge as to when he can safely oflcfi battle to the enemy. Tjhe gruesome figured in the Russian losses.- on 'tlie Yalu dl"? ^'S' 1161 ^?. 0 'fe d TOGO TELLS THE STORY Whe 'Ciiplul-e .of Feng Wang Cheng and! i ^gj, orted b Ma , Gen , JCashtalm- an'other which increases greatly th.e g w \y^ 0 inmself appears to have lie-'U feasvraltiefe sustained toy the Busslans at J ^vounae^ by a flyiiio' s tone. The list taie. Va.lu, adds, to the deep gloom a,l- St'ea'dlv existing in St. 'Petersburg. ' The fiasjiaich 'fi-ivin"- the dietaiils iof the Rus- sian losses siiiateg that 2,397 officers and men were killed; ivonnded arid misS' ing as the resuUit ol 'the battle of Sun- E,tissitin casualties were probably above 3,000. , IVew Ohwaug- reports Viceroy Atsi- feff slightly wounded upon his liaaty flag-hit fifom Port Arthur Thni'sday'. Tlie niceroy is safe now at Mnkd'en. 'ilM» fact that all the dispatches are sent in.' (S,en. Kuropatkin's name shows Ales-'] rTiefE's authority, if any has been left jifcoiiim, is merely nominal. .DEEP GLOOM IN CAPITAL, J Further Reverses and Greatly Increased iasses Depress Russians. St. "P-et-erstrarg, May 10.—Two official *'dispatches calculated to- increase the i iderpression existing among- all ein'cHtes in Russia, wrere .given out Sunday might. IFrotn the 'iioint of view of. the pro- ;gxess of.tilieicampaiign the most impor- itant is 'tlhatrregraTddngi the capture by itlie Japanese wSlthout opp'osittoii of . !Tf eng Wang .Cheng on May 6. The second gives details concerning '•the killed, .wounded and missing ; among the troops under the command ••of I/iettit. Gen. ZassaEtch as. the result of the fighting on-'the Yalu, the num- \ber of which--aggregate 2,397 officers . and' men. Gen. Itnropaitldn forwarded a mes- ;.sage from Lieut .Gen. Zassalitch who Ifcacli heen.le'ft 'in -command of the -column retiring from Peng Wang •"Ghieng-, which described the movements -of- the enemy in connection witSb. the •loccupaifeion oif tihe town. "The inlfoT'm'a.tion caused no surprise '.to the officials, who had already iieen •.advised of ithe d'ecision -that no attempt •would be made to hold Feng Wang Cheng, fee superiority of ffih© Japanese in all iig'htiing anns ensuring a disaster Bitaalar to .tliait at Kin Lien Cheng. '.TJierefoi'e den. Zassalitch was given ist-zict orders that there Bfliotild be no figliit of the rear 'guard. The xlnssS-aos ieft while Gehi Eurold Wasnaftkinglhis .idispositlions for a toig hattle. The Ja.j)an'esG approached from "two directions aJoiig 1 'the main roatl and up •the va'iley, pla.'eiing hatteties so asi to .contmand i)he town.. This procedure i^hJovVs ihat the- enitare ifapanese plan ditj .»peiiaitidns' has toeeii thotliBihtifuily jire- , vpai'ed aiid 1 tEalfc: lej^Sry . divisiion. eom- ''.jnaftder 'knew eXaciJJr'wiJiaifc fhg S'htoullJ by th enaibles all" exact etaittiment of the forces of ZassaMtdb., which W . e m Tit up exclusively of Easterit Mibcri^. and included the 9th, 10'th, li>eh, i2l!l ancl 22d reginuents, a battalion of tne , - ,„ . r ir, 7 r'X VT"" i 8«li regiment, al the riflemen^ of the day, May 1 A dispatch from Toao 3d baifct | rv . ot the 3d , a rtiHerv torigade-J a-elatang to the same fight .says the|. ttlle 2 d a n d 3d oatiteries of the Cth artil' lery buigade, the 2d company of Siber- ian sapijers and a machine gun d'etaekV nient of tli'e 3d rifle torigade. Gen'. Europatkm does not give the strength of the Japanese, only alleging' that it was live times that oi tlie litis- isiaus and far- superior in artiller. The casualties show that one-fifth Of Gen'i'Zassalitch's coirumamd was placed out of action. The 11th and 12th regi- ments lo'st-' more than half their men in •Hie fight. The" 3d tottery of the 3d ar- tillery "brigade was almost annihilated, losing 88 in kill«l'and wounded and 71 out of 110 horses!' The .second battery of the 6th brigade is&t! heavily. Of the 110 horses in this "Battery 108 were Idlled. The 3d battery of the/ ffth' brigade, lost 24 killed 1 or wounde'd , And 41] horses. Of the machine gu-ii'' detach- ments only 26 were not lolled or wounded. - T3ie name of the priest of the ii"tir regiment who led the gallant charge and who was among the wounded is 11. B. Tohorbaekoffsky of the Orahodox Greek church. Gen. Kufopatldn Bays no prisoners were taken by the Japanese, but lie admits that seven officers and 679 men were left on the field, but it is not known whether they were wounded or. dead. The only gleam of 'brightness in the dark cloud ovei'shado^ng the east lies in the information from Ma,j, Gen. Pfltig', who says the entrance to Port Arthur is not yet blocked toy the Jap-1 anese. How this information was oto-| tained like officials will not say, butt they insist that it is reliable and are satisfied that ithe defenders will pre vent the success of the further efforts wM'ch -the Japanese are undoubtedly making to bottle up the harbor None But Small Boats Can Get Out of the Harbor—Heroism Unsurpassed in World's War History. av -.lao, May 1Q.-X ice Admiral Togo's ( ^ As£lffa Maru> Thpf official I'ep'Grt oI t he kt'test engagv- hieilt oil Port. Arthur, which was re- ceived here Saturday, shows that the Japanese have blocked the entrance to other steamers Had reached the li irhor m-outh. 'Hie M ; kawa Maru i-te.'.uii'il boldly in. Phe was fo'lnwed by ru- otlhev of the mwl-tmlmen. beli -v.-d fo be the Saiuira M«ru, The Itus-ians bad fires burning at the niiufh of the barbov and they ti*eil also many pow- erful searchllg-lils on the inv.td'ng Jap- liiieb-e vessels, Tlwy poured an iiu'Os- sa.nt fire into the, channel. Lieut. Susa. who was in conuwru "f the Mikaw-' ikah, ttnl.e-'ta ingly forced J'ls s-bip into the channel, ramnied his v. ay through the bo .ins and readied the center of tlie inner tn- tranoe. Ftcre he anchoed h s ^c•cl and then blew her up. She s.mk im- mciliatelv. Ancther steanicf, Mllipu e r t t 0 " e . ,1 e Pakura Maru, then ciiim* P' an ™'. r near a projecting rock at the mi,. 1 of tlie harbor and sank. Following- the tfakura. JIarti came the Totm ,i:i, Tclnido Maru and Olaru Maru, the Sagmid Mara and Aikuku Mr-rti mid six sleamc s against the switch. lie was uncon- scious for some time and sustained 1 of one of the'men are similar to tbosa I serious bijuries which permanent'y j found on the floor of the room wbei'a The first detachment under Vice Ad- ( disabled him. The answer is a ge.i-jthe murders were committed. mi.ral Togo aud Rear Admiral Xashihi, eral denial. Detective Taylor said: "Tlie men second in comn.and, arrived off Por. Ar. , The case was tried before JustL-e) under arrest are undoubtedly the men thur at 0 in the morning for the pur-1 Spencer at the May term la.»t year and pose of protecting the destroyers an 1 the plaintiff was non-suited on the torpedo boat flotillas and to search for I ground, that in all probability he would the crews of the sunken merchantmen, ^avo come in contact with the swit.h The vessels of thche detachments re- 1 had it riot been on his premises and en- mained until 1 o'clock of Tue.-day af- tirely on the premdi-.es of the defend-1 lodged in the in-et at Angeliea Ippi ternoon .but their search was fruitless, ant. The plaintiff appealed to the ap-1 night an^t j.he. district aftovnej" <w4 The day was foggy aud it was impos- pellate division, -winch, reversed the j teetl\r* employed oil fho Oas? flsg S tain that they ai**. the nturclerers Jfmti Tun Border and Miss FarnltEu who murdered \'an Gorder and hijs; "«^;.. ter. They can not get away fijW now even if they will not admit ifc, Angelica, May 10^—The four It'a suspects arrested iti liuf|ala v sible to observe the condition of the judgment, holding that the case was enemv. The detaobmenls tfa-n re- -one for a jv/ry and granted a new tvW, the harbofi On Tuesdivy iiibriiing, after the advanced to the mouth of the barlj-jr, Russian Mines VorK Havoc. blockading flotilllk Had been scatt'i-ed I by a gale and the commandbi' of the •tilla had sigaialled in vain filial the ,, . *t be abandoned, pending the a*te*«y of tlle M . ormi the crews o[ moe'Seralffi'Jv -.| pSi i u n o ^ s e c]a u-vt.a Dhe scwrat'e s^-, - : .. h isolated t - »^iiivt'hi?r' Wti. ""ocpfd'd t-o The Enssian fire now became Tt'sh- ly effective, \N j bile a number of & mk- i en mines which «cre struck by t'le steamers began to e.vplo.Je. The*-c o\- plo^iims caused hcaxy casualties among the Jajianese on board the blockading \essels. The Tumi Maru collided with a boom. This turnel b.'rstcni to the eastward and she sank a-t'hwart the jiassago, lilicking neiriy one-half the entrance to the harbov, •\Micn the Tcdo Maru reach, tl the horn their'tffln-pa.ilI0DV,i~ . fhe wcx"k on--JWefr own ae -JiWft^ ln ik'i.tive iliey foM'tf t'l ieir way, ill Miel K ii-iith of the passage and was Inter- face of'the 'BussiaiV flif-P; w " ie!l WllH ing her tmcliov, her captain, Com- more deadly than even iwftrw a s a re "i mantler Takiiyaiif-i, warn shot through suit of the imp."oved ItussSiii d.Th- n ; : '^'llhc sloiuin-h and killed. ^ub-Li-iit. over tile field of mines. Many' of tiT s> (_,V;>tv a ta succeeded 'to lite connifin 1. 11» exploded, vet five out of tiie Japanese hinA'aiVl t,u< -' yedo itanl l,u '' IJU,1< l \' r blockading ships WCTC januneJ into il'Cj'j-w.0 otkeT stone laden tte ihl v?, lie- inner channel and n-ow in-.-veilt eg. ess WARSHIPS SHUT OUT. Part of the Russian V adivostok Fleet- Japs lu Putsult of Them. , " -n. May If).—The Daily Tcle- briTHfc. „] eurresiionilenl saV»: 'It grnpll* H'-v n ]mrtion of the Rlls . is UFIH-WA (M* t has h( . e n s u ... siaii M-adnyistoclv n^- ,... . -_ 1] , cessfuJly shuf out ami is »i». F> Cory, Charles Classen, li. T>. Moore, P. C. Jennings, U. E. Briggs, Elias "Walters, W. A .Armstrong, A. O. Jl'ayes, Jay Baker, (ieorgv Boomer, Ocorge Earle and J. M. Urown, Justice Itogers Fr'day morning denied a motion made by John X. Car- lisle for the defendant for a new trial of the cas,e of John Murphy vs. Edward Cuff. Judgment roll for $l,(i0s.tip in favor There were blood spots on their clo| ing and the story they told was nil straight. 1B Only one man gave his correct na when arrested. He was Antonio Gioj gia. The- others are Gersace Yexsavf] Sabestiano Pizzate and Pagnole. Tveo of the men have been identifiej as visitors to the Tan Gorder faim -o| the Sunday preceding the murder, is known that Uiorgia and his th companions left the railroad cat, Monday, the day before the mVjmJ. sea of Japan trving to ciadc tlto «- ,J - 'of the plaintiff in the ease of Murphy anesc-," " [ V)ii r , lff - llM ;,;'en entered in the county T1 ' I ; he r , Tol;i ?, car ***KT?i*mXu* | 0l ^ V " l f- e l- » "'UVerbu-sday Uiol-Uing they appeared taily Chronicle says tl-irt 1,!(M J * 'the plain tiff's evidence consumed the Erie railroad station at SHvains sums are retiring ti'om Si w Uinun/; - - - - - i . . . . from the harbui' in all c'raf t exce^rting small boats. Th'te attack exceeded all its predece-ssO'i 1 * i-u distperjtion and the courage displayed- by the volunteer crews" is equal to that s-hown in any event in the war Ws'bory of the- world. Altliough Vice Admiral Togo again Avoided damage to a single one of his vessels, the attack prbveu' t{> be ex- pensive in lives. The blockading fleet eons\sfal of eight stone ladc'H niercbantmijn.- They were escorted by the gnhboats xtoigi, eonimander FugimWo,- -and Chdik.ii; ComniaiKler Iwamuraf the Keedud t^r ^edo boat destroyer flotilla,- tinder 1 tlie command of Commander' S'hida; : the' thSry-torpedo boat desfeffye'r nalilli; Com-nSandcr Tsuchiya; the 'fourth idv- OwnnM'der TsiicMyaj the fourth dot- pedo boat flotilla, Comm-and.er Yasis 1 ' imaj the tAntli, toi'pedo boat ilotili*,' Commader 0%ixki, and the fourteenth' torpedo boat'ffofi'Ha., Commander fcla- kurai. Sig-nals Were' Unheeded. lie-veil to be the Oram and S igli'iii -Mtt.'n, then entered the mouth uf tie harbof and sail]!. ITic ^ifeiliii Maru tlii'it nfrU"k a mine five .-able lengths froiu v. e mouth of th'O'ria«*.agf,which es^'nleil and caused her to sink. The lieut n- ant of this vessel', rchirta, Chief J^it^i- neei' Aoki and eig'iu <i\ou are mis^itR'. A steamer, thought <•»> b' v the Asii- gawo Maru, which appcui-ed ,to have had her ruddoi.- broken, l.Ji-." hers-If up at tlie foot of Golden lliii «'*d sank there. Vice Admiral Togo 1 -in his rep'u/i |j says: '"J'his nndcrtaliing, eompiirP.'l with tlie iist tw^o, resulted in greater cas- ualti^ 8 o n ollr side. 0«ing to tlid in- clemwXV of the. weather and the in- cr'eas>ed preparations for defence co.n- pleted by iiie enemy, we could save none'of the officers or the civws of the c5ho.ta-i'ii3fa.ruV * e Sag-ami Maru, the hu : fturu.>faru or fke Asngawo Maru. I: is so'he regret fed .%a( nothing partioi- lar ctmict he Iwinieu' concerning their t'lieir ditties, hut to Liao Vang. The corrcspolldeht als"'i says that Chine-e bandit^! have tlti- strnyed the mad to Tashi Chin and to Hai Cheng. The liiissians are making a new road. The correspondent adds that bandits ha%v a1 tacked and cut olh% t-r ]mrfs of the railroads. He points out that the capture of Dalny will enable the Ja>pane-e to cut off Port ArihurV- cle'.'tric supply. The- Daily Telegrapl.-'s eorrcsjiondent at Toki.i, tele-graphing" under date o r May 0, siv<: "The Japanese have l'-e.'jlile^tcd the I'nitvfl States govermiienf in inquire into the fate of -li) nii-n who were missing after the blocking of Port Ar- thur. It is liepeved that several of them were captured. "It is' reiterated that the Japanes-e have occupied JJiilny. "I learn from, trnstwnith.v sources that ti-c Uussiuns in the battle of the Yalu lost- over 40 gulls, i-lin-mous qiifllltities of wai' uititerial, hnrsvi', cal'ts, amnnmitiiin ancl cqulp'ment." GRINSTONE ISLAND i .. . brave t-Itech a-rg-e* of The blockadlng-vCssels and their es-|the memi'n'y of their WMftpIary con- RUSSIAN TROOPS IN GOOD SPIRITS Despite Tiring- Marching: and Hard Rides in Railway Trains, They Appear Cheerful. Mukden, May 10i^-6till no foreign, newspaper .correspondents-'are allowed at fcia Yang, where all the foreign :alttaelbes are deta8![edv -(Cdntiiiued; on 1 page ioliri)_ cort left the main aqiindron for Poit Arthur on Monday evening. T'hoy encountered a southeasteyly gale and by 11 o'clock at night the saas were mountainous and it was found- impos- sible to keep the steamers tugfethci'. Commander Hayash'i, who was in eomrnaiid of the expedition, obs.-rvel the impossibility of. keeping the' flo- tilla intact, and signalled it to aban- don the attack. These signals were repeated uht'il 2 o'clock in the morning but tney failed to reach the vessels of the expedition, which were swept apart by the tL-on-- pestuous seas 'ftnd proceeded separate- ly to the mouth of the ba.rbor, tjpon . arriving there the Mikawa i t a a , onel] of the merciia.ntmeit, saw tihat the en- emy was firing upon the fourteenth, torpedo 13011* flottilla-. Tibs men on boai'el the JVTikawa MarU tliotig'ht iixs. Jipry duet will i%main long in, tin; ampcrinl navy. . . "Tlie destroyer- and the torpt'do boaf flotillas, besub*y resisting the' enemy bravely, fought. 1 ,.against, wind* anil waves. The' torjji-rdo bua:t flotilla a).'- HRfc^ikWRUgHOv-OSES MS UfrB IN T t S ST. l.AWRSN' C E RIVER. C'ln-v+on, V.V.i'v io.-» J->'eemnH IC'islio, a respecaed far.Mei; living- <ui (In/Kl&tone fslandi was dro'WM abouif S Satufcfe-T' harbor a-nd rescued' move than half the men. Torpedo bo'af IN'u. 07 had a steam pipe broken by a, shell and wa- disabled, but n consort,' torpedo b .at No. 70 .went to dier as-i-tance and towed her a.way, Three <W 1 he crew of No. 07 were w-ounded. "The destroyer Octaaka bad her laa-board engine damaged by a shell afid oiie.siwloi' on hoard mil fc'lled. One sailor on board the Ilaylthusa was killed by a shell. "The third detachment. Hear Ad- miral Deva comon i anding, reached Sort, ArthiH* at 6 o'cloick. Tuesday morxtin'g. evemng", . Mr. "Riisho left y la-yftnn SftiuviSE.V evening aliout 7 for L> : < homo oil the island, and has not be-l-n,scon sfnf:-. IT is capsized skiff was fojnil,'iy,itli Ms» rail and hat, near the bc--ad of Pfctoiv| Island, only a short d'ii-t-anve from Mi-. Rusho's hiime. JOfl'orts arc now being- made to r'e- cofel* the body. Al'r. Jl'lis'iio was about 5.1 yet.' rs <*f «8' t ' of lily"* life on tlie f-mire day Friday, the foUowing witnesses being sworn: Henry E. Ti.-tker, Bm'zell Strong, Jacob Helm r, Peter T); Helmer, M. M. Miller, Erel E. Croissant, Hn-uty h. bawton, John S S- bury, Fred Sixbnry. Eehvard Denison, Albert E. Helmer, Ivan Evans, Geo g> libers, Lincoln U. Hawn and W. X Hand. lleJ'oi'e Justice lingers Monday morn- ing the case e.f Charles B. "Wood \s. the Xcw York Central was summed up by Hun. Henry Pureed for the defend- ant and FredB. Iiteher for the pliin- tiif. After the charge by the court the jury retired at 11:55. At 4 ]>. m. the jury returned a ver- dict of -s-.^rj in favor of the plaintiff. After the jury had li.-en sent out in the Wood case Justice Spencer tiok the bench, and after being intio.luced by Justice lingers said: "I am i c y glad to again be with the bar of Jeffer- s.m canity as. 1 enjoyed my stay with ,\ ou last j-ear." There was no business in Justice K..gers' court Monday afternoon and this division was adjourned to Tuesday morning. The cases ready for trial were those in which the attorneys v\ ere engaged in J ustiee Spencer's divi- sion. x Before Justice Spencer 1 . At the ojiening of Justice Spencer's court the calendar was called and the following cases put over the term: Ueorge S. Ceigier vs. the Hopper-Mor- gali Company and Homer E, Capper vs. William S. Merrill Chemical com- pany. The case Of Fred (Strong vsi the ,l\'ew York Central was inai'keti dis- ^i„..,.*„„ y.u'.,y.K.ny,i2'uiss t ;a and the cases 'of the Agricu lurit! Insurance coiitpnny vs. Charles Y\. Hates and ano. and Joseph Mc- Mantis vs, the St. llegis Paper coin- proached close to t he mouth of tfic,' nT1 ? h<irf fp*:"* most ' -* - - --'i/i-inds-f-iuie Island. He ft.'fd' many /ri'v-iuls* there and at tlii" ril%«V>. anr! was' hig-Aly re'sppctedi and esleeni, l '"' He is' snnftVd ' by a wife and tljr* e sons, vvJlliniiWas'prf and ManlinS, ah of (iriiulsiione Tsland. asked v\iien the first train passeld il either direction. 'X"iie ilrst ti'ain Vff due to .start for Buffalo and .^hjf hov.ght. tickels for that place, It saiii they had only a small antmitft change when they left the rajlroal camp, but Wednesday they had enoixgl money fo buy four tickets at $3 eacij) Tlie bodies of th© victims -weii buried at Pike Friday. The people cj the country are gi-eatly stirred up ovof the murder. | Bolivar, May 8.—The four Italians^! li-ged to have murdered John Van?Goif der and Miss Anna Farnham weaf'2 a=| raigncd before Justice Mapes iu'VEen iDunt jail Saturday. They ^'aived'- eM atuiuation and were remanded to jaj until the grand jury asse'niWes J t l.'l, aud hears the evidence agflii.'m^ them. The leader of the quartet, Anio' Giorgio, was brazen and insolent. I made so much noise in the jail thJ Sheriff: Bellamy had to tell I k to ke-*|! quiet. Versace and Pizatto were a'pfl so elemoiistratiie, ^vhile Pagnoll, +" youngest, has softened so much t h a t " would not be surprising 'if he made ,j confession. He is 28 .years old, b does not look to be over IS. ' . The three loiives found oh Hhe mse and a pair of overalls have been sei. to Buffalo to have the bl'oo'd sjjots et The watf i| First Excursion to the World's Mr" St. louis. Mo. Oix Tuesday, May Zidi',. via K'ew,Y'of& CcntraJ, from all statJoris. ElegmrS Liirst class, day c'oae-hes. Ejrceblllpnally. , . how rate S .f;or y th e ronnd tri P 7 ,Vslt y o u r ' v g M ; mteWnel-y' ticket ageni for full pa.r-ticmlfas; elcJm tue ' macmilel T amined by an expert, , found on Giorgia was idewtifieci po,j:i tivcly as the one owned by Van Go-rdt J Tlie other watch found on one -of >b& suspects has not been positively, idea,! tied as Miss Fai-nhani's. Rochester, May 10.—A Special if.di,j Bolivar, Allegany county, says: Ove/ 300 pcOlllc Called a t the 'BelmoBt .-jal Sunday and asked, to See tie folii- I t a l ians susiiected of tile mtii'der of J b h l Van Gorder and his sister, Miss A n i J Farnihanl. Among' them were a^murjl ber of Italians and ex-Senaltor V a a Gorder of Buffalo, brother of the mujf dered man. The latter had a -eonfefjl ence with Sheriff Bellamy. -lHvto. ixt,'| portailt fact« were brought out Sui'I day. M. L. Morehouse, cousin- of -$£-. Gorder, identifiecl the (tlhiost new co^ and vest found on one (if the.snsipec-f . as the properly of the mul-tlel-ed Tasflm iincl missing from, the house'a.ftef t3),' naurdei-. ! ' .. ',',: James Cocker, 10 years old, Son of Wi neighbor of Van Gorder,, positiveI|B identified Antonio Giorgio, oue of iirinj prisoners, as the man he saw g-oiii,J toward Van Goi'der'is house aboultJ' (i o'clock on the njglrt of Ithe tnuirdie.'J ,, ^,„ iZ'Ti " «•! The voungest of the four prisoners oiai.nL «h8K ft™ the rollls sftOttld come off , h « ^ , , d f gMmy&im he wa« « ^ ^ « ^ » " f l . p r e w e d . It is believed he will i ^ f l while" m mpt-ou. ;„„,„ „ „ mf B „' m • ?\f| pfwy weve marked off the calendar. The case of Dunne l>. James vs. the Villn^rt" of .Dexter was reported settled and marked off the calendar. The case of f-haiies Mciianus, an in- fant by guardian ad litem, Alice Mc- ifauxis,. vs. the St. flegis Paper com- pany wa,s,'first placed on trial. This is a neirligence action brought tv recover $15,000 'damages for injuries alleged to have been received at the defend- ant's phnii, at Deferiet, The complaint \ alleges that'on July 31,1902, the pla'n- Jtjir w a« employed at ttoe- defendant's itn'H as fourth hMtd on a winder and thai' h' s dulieis re^.nlfed him l.o adiuvt Hie /machinea-y of tl«} winder so that tlie p't-'per would, be of even width as it te^ed' over thpj rcdis .and that the make a confession. ^«jww^sw 1 ^^VA-iiw^y^'^j^rM.^i-u«w "*«>*-».:fe»,- -?ZM>~ m :\ r : - : :?fe Z£L*&m^EZ%Z!fflm^ *&p*<*!l$^^

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W*tiBrtoiraJ»''Pioemi»ii,"^a8tii))U«liea 3anuarj>!2J, 1824 dh»hf!oajlM"Tlio Jeffersoniari" In 1837.

"DeniocrtiticlMon," Estalillsltoil August 0,[1864. .ERTOWN, MEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MAY II 1904.

Democratic union" and "JeiTersonian" merged 1847 Changed to "The Jeflforeon Democrat" in 1865.

Oiumgod to "The Watertoirn lie-Union" in :

• Now that Gen. Kuroki is established at Feng Wang' Cheng-, ttte'Hussjans are. puzzled as to what move he will make nest. The fact that Hie semfa two com-•panics to Daliandiapu Tse, ten nxiles north, northeast of Feng' Wang Cfoeng. might indicate his purpose to proceed along- this road to Ting Chang Gien, 90 miles north, from where he would march due west to L'iao Yang.

| This would permit an effective flank-: — ' ing movement, but such, a move is not,

' considered probable, tlie likelihood be-B e C l i n e B a t t l e a t FeUnSf-WaDg- iuS that he will move along the road

, by which the liussians retieated to­ward Liao Vang. This road 'branches

I off at Chats Chang, 20 males westward ! of Feng Wang Cheng, and continues I almost diirectly west to Hal Cheng, I which was captured by the Japanese I during the Chino-Japanese war. A j march on this place would compel the evacuation of Xew Chwattg, as the force there would be in danger of de­struction or of being subjected to a siege by the armies converging from

I Hai Cheng and the southern part of ' j the Liao Tung peninsula.

, „ . . . . I r , „, , I There is no confirmation -br officials AlekreffTte-pOTtai Woul^ed i n H i s Fliffllt in St. Petersburg up to the present of

--All 01 Llao-Tung Peninsula, tout , 'to report that the Itussiuns are pre­paring to e\actiate Xew Chwtlug, but

j few would be surprised should it ttjrn

Chang and Japanese TaKe the Post,



•—-?*? *•-,_, m& V,

Sort Arthur, now Held by Japanese.

3?eng' Wang Cheng', to which the Ku-sians retreated after their defeat at the ST-alu a week ag'o Sunday, is now in lira lhands of the Japanese. I t was taken 'fffrlday after an. encounter "between -small detachments of the hostile

out to"5 be correct. The effect oi k inarch along the road to Hai Cheng Would be to place absolutely in the control of the Japanese all Manchuria t-ween the Yalu and the Liao Tung peninsula, with the exception of Port Arthur.

t , ^ n 1 r . ^ f t ' ^ Eussians admit that at this ttbe purpose on the part of the Itus- f , ^ Japanese control •wane of covering their retreat. Be- . l l e

0 t e rr i torv m e u . t i o m , d , U l e H l I I , a k v

•fore retiring; they exploded their maga- Invalid, the army organ, making- this -zine, hu't left large quantities of his. . , r i - .- , „,. -.gital stores, which the Japanese « e !™?1

e 8^0 m Hie remainder of the press 'UsiTt? siienx. ' T £ „ I 'i - .j. * *« 1 , i „ A Onlv one afterno'oii paper referred to JF^SFh^'^T T«P*I*& « r l y ' " ' t h e Abandonment of Feng Wang

S 1 I . 1 . f ^ force to Feng Wang j t •» ^ j , KMng .and Vi'ould there, offer st unborn ^ ^ a n d t , e , e g T a , i m 0&JS &.

V ^ T l r \ i - J ^ a t t e s e a d r n i ' e i ' that point were closed. nothing- of the toad oceniTedL and, ^ G Kuropatlcin's main f oi-ce v ^ ? ^ ? ? ' 3 ! Pa '° 'baWy s t a U i n L i a o , i s now -stationed has not been an-

™ J* •£ < ^ i ' - , x -. • ' nonnced, though Gen. Zassalitch states .What Ktu'opatlan's exact plan is, maib ^ CWft&vy left for Schindjane

Beems as completely veiled m mystery, T l i e r e ^ t u r n e s ' t o be the greatest ig-as the Japanese plan. The Evtss axis n , o r a n c e regarding the plans of the now are m full flight northward,, Muk- eomniandei-in-clulf, who is taking den for the present seeming to toe the precaution to prevent infornia-•otojective piomt toward which the re- Lion"'re-

LaeMing. t l I e . enemy, the censor at-

.treating forces are making. I L i a o y refusing to pass a s^srli •J 'he Russians are hastily evacuating s aispateh w n i e J l i n a ] i y w a y imU-

rjfew- Ghwang, at the head, of the Liao | e a t e s t ] l e K x l s s i a n rnovemeabs. Mes-"mmig n^mnsula, which they began to , s ^ . o t l i e r p o i a t s a , M strictly fortify soxxne ^ ^§'° «i anticipation i c e u s o r e d . 'toi-a-ffrnjatiies^ landing at that point., I t fe b e l i e v e c X t l ] i a t G e n , idu-oki, Sn-:3Triday ant Sav.'urday ™-*f began to | s t e a l d , o f proceeding to Hai Cheng, will *Blismairtli3 ffhe f-oi'W , p J a c e ™'e g u , n s move northwest axong'the road to Liao wn 'teaiiis, wJhidi "v»Tre B6:nifc north.. Yxmg. He will find the Russians en-tCroops also -began t'o 2*>b.'Te a n c l P1 I trenehed-at Tien_Ch.ori.Ohan pass, west ably by this tito-e JSew Cl)--v,,'aBS ? s a ' . of Mao Tien Ling pass. It is alleged! -.Russian mili'tai-r Jpost is aibandtow • I tha t t l ie abandonmen of Southern

'SOiis practically leaves in possses^021' Manchuria will be beneficial to the «of tOie Japanese ithe whole of the LiaD i .^issians as it will enable the complete .Tung peninsula except Port Arthur, HvM'ch is now completely feollated. . The 'dispatch aun'ouneing the'evacua-

ttioh'-of-Sf'ew Chwang states also'that toe Russian Genei-nl staff in tlie far "east is leaving Liao Yang for Mukden, and this may indicate that the EusVJ Bians are also about to abandon Lino' lYang, which has been one of their iahAei" Jniilt-ary headquarters in, JSIan-'chSftia. ' ,'. ,

iCul'opatldn's dispatch, announciing

i :i i \ 4 \ 1

Justices Sp2ncer and Rogers Presiding Ibis Week.


Jury Awards Man Who Fell in Diteh $2, 8y5

T». I l ' .W .

u i l l ,

t h v i .

I ' l l : ! i

xv i i. 1-

i! i - i . ' . .

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-Plaintiif Was a Former Agent at Lvans Mills.

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. - - i - - i i . i l . i i r i . . .

• i . l . i H i i - t h r . u g ,

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The jihiintiff alh-ge- that while so en­gaged he caught his right hand in t h e cog- wheels of the winder which were unguarded and that his hand "was .ri.-lull, ii... --.tiit.iig the amputation uf tlii- Cn t r and thumb.

'I hi- ili-f. n-i- i- a general denial and ulli-...-h c..iiwibut*>ry negligence.

M.( Lin.- K A- \aii Na-inee «i'tli X. F . lir. ,-n in-.- ntionicy- fur tlie plaintiff .i.ml i'niiil:, Walk, r iV Humi. represent !ln- ih'fcnilant.

The fi-l.l..«iiig jurv "'as drawn t o l,..ir tin- ,.i--: Th.-. d,.rc Tpdl, T . J . \I.irl.-... I'r.i.nk- l'lnrrnira-me, T. lyL .1 -• I I . | - . \ i . , . . - M O . . i l l i - j , t ' . A. L : n d s l e y , lu-ni-cii' .N. Miiynanl, W. 1). W a s h b u r n , I.i-\i FraJ.:- k. * 11. .M. 1'otter, Georg-e M. I ' r a t t ami Emery Cowan.

I - -..-:i\ iii.-i ni-ng tin- jury hi 'oug ' l i t n a M-rii:'i-t • if «.".U'iu for the plaint iff .


Above are shown photoamrfw or several of the prirci-nl huillinrs at 1> St. Louis fair; al.o Presid nt Boo-e-1 . . - , . ; f 1 < ? n t F ] . „ .-;,S) w n o is at the Head of t - e

wit, whx> started th» big shrw by wi e from Washington, and Pr.


[ i n i i-,.t*-. - I . i - t i . i- Hi. - i i - u . P * - • *ii h i u . in- r--iil . ii ' t r ia l n r i u ill,.-. \ \ . i i . .

1 in- c.i-1- i.t I I iu ' .c- 1-i. H u u I ia. tin-J ™ Yi.ik I i-nrial »; i - pl.ic--: mi l i i i l i l l f - ;!( .n- | i .< i i . t i i t I . . . i i l i y . T l . i ^ a .

t i i h i- t" I ' - i . e - ! - . l . i n . a L : - !• 1-i l . j u r i i - v - . - ; . i . i n . i l l . i i . - I i t : t- a i c . e i

llt-fj , i ; i M. i- i . f t l i i - i l - t i - m l m l .

in .'.—1 t h e pi.i.n;iil « . i - - t r i . j i agciii l'ur the ili-ftii'laiit a t L*u.n> Mi.lt. ami n - i ' ! i . | m ,n- tin- -i.„t;..ii, just c . - t of llu- .!. fi-iiilan:'- pr..j t-ri.\. '1 h>- .. m-jilaint allif.-i-.- tli.it mi i i . : . ' 1 J . l'.ml, the il.'1'iinl.iiil. \\ it hunt tin- kninvieil---- or l-uIiM.-jr. of t h e p l a i u l i l T , c \ c a \ a t c i l a large trench on tlie plaintiff's pren.i-es, placed a stub switch in the trench and left the trench open. On that night the plaintiff fell into the trench and




Buffalo. May lo.—The four Italians run «:.-.! 11 ur-dav on suspicion of hiav-i..^ ... . ii .-. iiin-1-ird uith the murder of .1. .a \ an iio-nivr aud h.s half-sister,. Ml - r.iiiil.au,. iii-ar Angelica, on Wtd^-i.i - ia\ . «i it- taken to- Allegany county ' Friday.

A i ..ii-tai.'.i- arrlU'il m Buffalo TfrS-~" day attt'iuoi/u «;tli a warrant charg­ing tl.t- lour Italian-, with murder in. '., u,.- tii-t d-'gree. The prisoners wexe '• iaL. u to ;Li. Afl.guny cuunty ja.ii a t i Mi-lmont. , j

A w.itih fuiitiil on one of the nien is. j -.,i.| N. aii-u.-i- the de^ription hi a ; nat.l , woin in Van. Uorder and which I' i s ni.Nt.-ing. • t

'1 In- pn.-oiicrs were questioned 3?i'i- '•'; day and finally admitted that they left j the Italian camp near the scene of the '' murder together, boarding a.train for,', lluffalo at 5 o'clock Wednesday m'orn- 1 ing-. Cartridges found in t te pockets."

Great Courage Shown When Port Arthur Was SeaJe&tJp,

J.v- ntration of their forces. eoncfe •-, ^,ne p e 0 pi e a r e tried by the

ThOTlgi. • - i r . n v a l i i t i 3 reeaiieci tdiit general wiiiliv - counseled patience Gen. Kuropavfekh* +ersbua'g. Ko woid before he left St. Pt»- iu c t j s jjeard of criticism of hi'S COnw. i l e jjno^-g eevry one recognizing -that •• ^ t> all the conditions and is better oim^ judge as to when he can safely oflcfi battle to the enemy.

Tjhe gruesome figured in the Russian losses.- on 'tlie Yalu dl"? ^'S'1 1 6 1^?.0 'fed


Whe 'Ciiplul-e .of F e n g W a n g C h e n g and! i ^ g j , o r t e d b M a , G e n , JCashtalm-an'other which increases greatly th.e g w \y^0 inmself appears to have lie-'U feasvraltiefe sustained toy the Busslans at J ^vounae^ by a flyiiio' stone. The list taie. Va.lu, adds, to the deep gloom a,l-St'ea'dlv existing in St. 'Petersburg. ' The fiasjiaich 'fi-ivin"- the dietaiils iof the Rus­sian losses siiiateg that 2,397 officers and men were killed; ivonnded arid misS' ing as the resuUit ol 'the battle of Sun-

E,tissitin casualties were probably above 3,000. „ ,

IVew Ohwaug- reports Viceroy Atsi-feff slightly wounded upon his liaaty flag-hit fifom Port Arthur Thni'sday'. Tlie niceroy is safe now at Mnkd'en. 'ilM» fact that all the dispatches are sent in.'

(S,en. Kuropatkin's name shows Ales-'] rTiefE's authority, if any has been left jifcoiiim, is merely nominal.


J Further Reverses and Greatly Increased iasses Depress Russians.

• St. "P-et-erstrarg, May 10.—Two official *'dispatches calculated to- increase the i iderpression existing among- all ein'cHtes in Russia, wrere .given out Sunday

might. IFrotn the 'iioint of view of. the pro-

;gxess of.tilieicampaiign the most impor-i tant is 'tlhatrregraTddngi the capture by itlie Japanese wSlthout opp'osittoii of

. !Tf eng Wang .Cheng on May 6. • The second gives details concerning '•the killed, .wounded and missing ; among the troops under the command ••of I/iettit. Gen. ZassaEtch as. the result • of the fighting on-'the Yalu, the num-\ber of which--aggregate 2,397 officers . and' men.

Gen. Itnropaitldn forwarded a mes-;.sage from Lieut .Gen. Zassalitch who Ifcacli heen.le'ft 'in -command of the -column retiring from Peng Wang •"Ghieng-, which described the movements -of- the enemy in connection witSb. the •loccupaifeion oif tihe town.

"The inlfoT'm'a.tion caused no surprise '.to the officials, who had already iieen •.advised of ithe d'ecision -that no attempt •would be made to hold Feng Wang Cheng, fee superiority of ffih© Japanese in all iig'htiing anns ensuring a disaster Bitaalar to .tliait at Kin Lien Cheng. '.TJierefoi'e den. Zassalitch was given ist-zict orders that there Bfliotild be no figliit of the rear 'guard. The xlnssS-aos ieft while Gehi Eurold Wasnaftkinglhis .idispositlions for a toig hattle.

The Ja.j)an'esG approached from "two directions aJoiig1 'the main roatl and up •the va'iley, pla.'eiing hatteties so asi to .contmand i)he town.. This procedure i hJovVs ihat the- enitare ifapanese plan ditj .»peiiaitidns' has toeeii thotliBihtifuily jire-

, vpai'ed aiid1 tEalfc: lej Sry . divisiion. eom-''.jnaftder 'knew eXaciJJr'wiJiaifc fhg S'htoullJ

by th

enaibles all" exact etaittiment of the forces of ZassaMtdb., which W . e mTit up exclusively of Easterit Mibcri^. and included the 9th, 10'th, li>eh, i2l!l ancl 22d reginuents, a battalion of tne

, - ,„ . r ir, — 7 r ' X V T " " i 8«li regiment, a l the riflemen^ of the day, May 1 A dispatch from Toao 3 d b a i f c t | r v .ot t h e 3 d ,artiHerv torigade-J a-elatang to the same fight .says the|. t t l le 2 d a n d 3 d oatiteries of the Cth artil '

lery buigade, the 2d company of Siber­ian sapijers and a machine gun d'etaekV nient of tli'e 3d rifle torigade.

Gen'. Europatkm does not give the strength of the Japanese, only alleging' that it was live times that oi tlie litis-isiaus and far- superior in artiller.

The casualties show that one-fifth Of Gen'i'Zassalitch's coirumamd was placed out of action. The 11th and 12th regi­ments lo'st-' more than half their men in •Hie fight. The" 3d tottery of the 3d ar­tillery "brigade was almost annihilated, losing 88 in kill«l'and wounded and 71 out of 110 horses!' The .second battery of the 6th brigade is&t! heavily. Of the 110 horses in this "Battery 108 were Idlled.

The 3d battery of the/ ffth' brigade, lost 24 killed1 or wounde'd , And 41] horses. Of the machine gu-ii'' detach­ments only 26 were not lolled or wounded. - T3ie name of the priest of the ii"tir regiment who led the gallant charge and who was among the wounded is 11. B. Tohorbaekoffsky of the Orahodox Greek church.

Gen. Kufopatldn Bays no prisoners were taken by the Japanese, but lie admits that seven officers and 679 men were left on the field, but it is not known whether they were wounded or. dead.

The only gleam of 'brightness in the dark cloud ovei'shado^ng the east lies in the information from Ma,j, Gen. Pfltig', who says the entrance to Port Arthur is not yet blocked toy the Jap-1 anese. How this information was oto-| tained like officials will not say, butt they insist that it is reliable and are satisfied that ithe defenders will pre vent the success of the further efforts wM'ch -the Japanese are undoubtedly making to bottle up the harbor

None But Small Boats Can Get Out of the

Harbor—Heroism Unsurpassed in

World's War History.

av-.lao, May 1Q.-X ice Admiral Togo's ( ^ A s £ l f f a M a r u > T h p f

official I'ep'Grt oI t h e kt'test engagv-hieilt oil Port. Arthur, which was re­ceived here Saturday, shows that the Japanese have blocked the entrance to

other steamers Had reached the li irhor m-outh. 'Hie M;kawa Maru i-te.'.uii'il boldly in. Phe was fo'lnwed by ru-otlhev of the mwl-tmlmen. beli -v.-d fo be the Saiuira M«ru, The Itus-ians bad fires burning at the niiufh of the barbov and they ti*eil also many pow­erful searchllg-lils on the inv.td'ng Jap-liiieb-e vessels, Tlwy poured an iiu'Os-sa.nt fire into the, channel.

Lieut. Susa. who was in conuwru "f the Mikaw-' ikah, ttnl.e-'ta ingly forced J'ls s-bip into the channel, ramnied his v. ay through the bo .ins and readied the center of tlie inner tn-tranoe. Ftcre he anchoed h s ^c•cl and then blew her up. She s.mk im-mciliatelv.

Ancther steanicf, Mllipu e r t t 0 " e .,1 e

Pakura Maru, then ciiim* P' an™'.r

near a projecting rock at the mi,.1

of tlie harbor and sank. Following-the tfakura. JIarti came the Totm ,i:i, Tclnido Maru and Olaru Maru, the Sagmid Mara and Aikuku Mr-rti mid

six sleamc s

against the switch. lie was uncon­scious for some time and sustained 1 of one of the'men are similar to tbosa

I serious bijuries which permanent'y j found on the floor of the room wbei'a The first detachment under Vice Ad- (disabled him. The answer is a ge.i-jthe murders were committed. mi.ral Togo aud Rear Admiral Xashihi, eral denial. Detective Taylor said: "Tlie men second in comn.and, arrived off Por. Ar. , The case was tried before JustL-e) under arrest are undoubtedly the men thur at 0 in the morning for the pur-1 Spencer at the May term la.»t year and pose of protecting the destroyers an 1 the plaintiff was non-suited on the torpedo boat flotillas and to search for I ground, that in all probability he would the crews of the sunken merchantmen, ^avo come in contact with the swit.h The vessels of thche detachments re-1 had it riot been on his premises and en-mained until 1 o'clock of Tue.-day af- tirely on the premdi-.es of the defend-1 lodged in the in-et at Angeliea Ippi ternoon .but their search was fruitless, ant. The plaintiff appealed to the ap-1 night an t j.he. district aftovnej" <w4 The day was foggy aud it was impos- pellate division, -winch, reversed the j teetl\r* employed oil fho Oas? flsg S

tain that they ai**. the nturclerers Jfmti Tun Border and Miss FarnltEu

who murdered \'an Gorder and hijs; "«^;.. ter. They can not get away fijW now even if they will not admit ifc,

Angelica, May 10^—The four It'a suspects arrested iti liuf|ala v

sible to observe the condition of the judgment, holding that the case was enemv. The detaobmenls tfa-n re- -one for a jv/ry and granted a new tvW,

the harbofi On Tuesdivy iiibriiing, after the

advanced to the mouth of the barlj-jr,

Russian Mines VorK Havoc.

blockading flotilllk Had been scatt'i-ed I by a gale and the commandbi' of the

•tilla had sigaialled in vain filial the ,, . *t be abandoned, pending the

a*te*«y • o f t l l e M . o r m i the crews o[ moe'Seralffi'Jv - . |p S i i u n o ^ s e c]au-vt.a Dhe scwrat'e s^-, - : . . h i s o l a t e d t-

»^iiivt'hi?r' Wti. ""ocpfd'd t-o

The Enssian fire now became Tt'sh-ly effective, \Njbile a number of & mk-

i en mines which «cre struck by t'le steamers began to e.vplo.Je. The*-c o\-plo^iims caused hcaxy casualties among the Jajianese on board the blockading \essels. The Tumi Maru collided with a boom. This turnel b.'rstcni to the eastward and she sank a-t'hwart the jiassago, lilicking neiriy one-half the entrance to the harbov,

•\Micn the Tcdo Maru reach, tl the horn their' tffln-pa.ilI0DV, i~ . fhe wcx"k on--JWefr own ae -JiWft l n

ik'i.tive i l iey foM'tf t 'l i e i r way, ill MielKii-iith of the passage and was Inter­face of ' the 'BussiaiV flif-P; w " i e ! l W l l H ing her tmcliov, her captain, Com-more deadly than even iwftrw a s a re"i mantler Takiiyaiif-i, warn shot through suit of the imp."oved ItussSiii d.Th-n;:'^'llhc sloiuin-h and killed. ^ub-Li-iit. over tile field of mines. Many' of tiT s> (_,V;>tvata succeeded 'to lite connifin 1. 11» exploded, vet five out of tiie Japanese hinA'aiVl t,u<-' y e d o i t a n l l , u ' ' I J U , 1 < l\'r

blockading ships WCTC januneJ into il'Cj'j-w.0 otkeT stone laden tte ihl v?, lie-inner channel and n-ow in-.-veilt eg. ess

WARSHIPS SHUT OUT. Part of the Russian V adivostok Fleet -

Japs lu P u t s u l t of Them. ,

" -n. May If).—The Daily Tcle-briTHfc. „] eurresiionilenl saV»: ' I t

grnpll* H'-v n ] m r t i o n o f the R l l s . is UFIH-WA (M* „ t h a s h ( . e n s u . . . siaii M-adnyistoclv n^- ,... .-_ 1 ] , cessfuJly shuf out ami is »i».

F> Cory, Charles Classen, li. T>. Moore, P. C. Jennings, U. E. Briggs, Elias "Walters, W. A .Armstrong, A. O. Jl'ayes, Jay Baker, (ieorgv Boomer, Ocorge Earle and J. M. Urown,

Justice Itogers Fr'day morning denied a motion made by John X. Car­lisle for the defendant for a new trial of the cas,e of John Murphy vs. Edward Cuff.

Judgment roll for $l,(i0s.tip in favor

There were blood spots on their c lo | ing and the story they told was nil straight. 1 B

Only one man gave his correct na when arrested. He was Antonio Gioj gia. The- others are Gersace Yexsavf] Sabestiano Pizzate and Pagnole.

Tveo of the men have been identifiej as visitors to the Tan Gorder faim -o| the Sunday preceding the murder, is known that Uiorgia and his th companions left the railroad cat, Monday, the day before the mVjmJ.

sea of Japan trving to ciadc tlto «-,J- 'of the plaintiff in the ease of Murphy anesc-," " [V)ii r , l f f - l l M ;,;'en entered in the county

T 1 ' I ; h e r ,

T o l ; i ? , car***KT?i*mXu* | 0 l ^ V " lf-el- » • "'UVerbu-sday Uiol-Uing they appeared ta i ly Chronicle says tl-irt 1,!(M J * 'the plain tiff's evidence consumed the Erie railroad station at SHvains sums are retiring ti'om Si w Uinun/ ; - - - - - i . . . .

from the harbui' in all c'raf t exce^rting small boats. Th'te attack exceeded all its predece-ssO'i1* i-u distperjtion and the courage displayed- by the volunteer crews" is equal to that s-hown in any event in the war Ws'bory of the- world.

Altliough Vice Admiral Togo again Avoided damage to a single one of his vessels, the attack prbveu' t{> be ex­pensive in lives.

The blockading fleet eons\sfal of eight stone ladc'H niercbantmijn.- They were escorted by the gnhboats xtoigi, eonimander FugimWo,- -and Chdik.ii; ComniaiKler Iwamuraf the Keedud t^r ^edo boat destroyer flotilla,- tinder1 tlie command of Commander' S'hida;: the' thSry-torpedo boat desfeffye'r nalilli; Com-nSandcr Tsuchiya; the 'fourth idv-OwnnM'der TsiicMyaj the fourth dot-pedo boat flotilla, Comm-and.er Yasis1' imaj the tAntli, toi'pedo boat ilotili*,' Commader 0%ixki, and the fourteenth' torpedo boat'ffofi'Ha., Commander fcla-kurai.

Sig-nals Were' Unheeded.

lie-veil to be the Oram and S igli'iii -Mtt.'n, then entered the mouth uf tie harbof and sail]!.

ITic ^ifeiliii Maru tlii'it nfrU"k a mine five .-able lengths froiu v.e

mouth of th'O' ria«*.agf, which es^'nleil and caused her to sink. The lieut n-ant of this vessel', rchirta, Chief J it i-neei' Aoki and eig'iu <i\ou are mis^itR'.

A steamer, thought <•»> b'v the Asii-gawo Maru, which appcui-ed ,to have had her ruddoi.- broken, l.Ji-." hers-If up at tlie foot of Golden lliii «'*d sank there.

Vice Admiral Togo1 -in his rep'u/i |j says:

'"J'his nndcrtaliing, eompiirP.'l with tlie iist tw o, resulted in greater cas-ualti^8 o n o l l r side. 0«ing to tlid in-clemwXV of the. weather and the in-cr'eas>ed preparations for defence co.n-pleted by i i i e enemy, we could save none'of the officers or the civws of the c5ho.ta-i'ii3fa.ruV * e Sag-ami Maru, the hu:fturu.>faru or fke Asngawo Maru. I: is so'he regret fed .%a( nothing partioi-lar ctmict he Iwinieu' concerning their

t'lieir ditties, hut

to Liao Vang. The corrcspolldeht als"'i says that Chine-e bandit^! have tlti-strnyed the mad to Tashi Chin and to Hai Cheng. The liiissians are making a new road. The correspondent adds that bandits ha%v a1 tacked and cut olh% t-r ]mrfs of the railroads.

He points out that the capture of Dalny will enable the Ja>pane-e to cut off Port ArihurV- cle'.'tric supply.

The- Daily Telegrapl.-'s eorrcsjiondent at Toki.i, tele-graphing" under date o r

May 0, siv<: "The Japanese have l'-e.'jlile tcd the

I'nitvfl States govermiienf in inquire into the fate of -li) nii-n who were missing after the blocking of Port Ar­thur. It is liepeved that several of them were captured.

"It is' reiterated that the Japanes-e have occupied JJiilny.

"I learn from, trnstwnith.v sources that ti-c Uussiuns in the battle of the Yalu lost- over 40 gulls, i-lin-mous qiifllltities of wai' uititerial, hnrsvi', cal'ts, amnnmitiiin ancl cqulp'ment."


i .. . brave t-Itech a-rg-e* of The blockadlng-vCssels and their es- | the memi'n'y of their WMftpIary con-


Despite Tiring- Marching: and Hard Rides

in Railway Trains, They Appear


Mukden, May 10i^-6till no foreign, newspaper .correspondents-'are allowed at fcia Yang, where all the foreign :alttaelbes are deta8![edv

-(Cdntiiiued; on1 page ioliri)_

cort left the main aqiindron for Poit Arthur on Monday evening. T'hoy encountered a southeasteyly gale and by 11 o'clock at night the saas were mountainous and it was found- impos­sible to keep the steamers tugfethci'.

Commander Hayash'i, who was in eomrnaiid of the expedition, obs.-rvel the impossibility of. keeping the' flo­tilla intact, and signalled it to aban­don the attack.

These signals were repeated uht'il 2 o'clock in the morning bu t tney failed to reach the vessels of the expedition, which were swept apart by the tL-on--pestuous seas 'ftnd proceeded separate­ly to the mouth of the ba.rbor, tjpon . arriving there the Mikawa i t a a , onel] of the merciia.ntmeit, saw tihat the en­emy was firing upon the fourteenth, torpedo 13011* flottilla-. Tibs men on boai'el the JVTikawa MarU tliotig'ht iixs.

Jipry duet will i%main long in, tin; ampcrinl navy. . .

"Tlie destroyer- and the torpt'do boaf flotillas, besub*y resisting the' enemy bravely, fought.1,.against, wind* anil waves. The' torjji-rdo bua:t flotilla a).'-



C'ln-v+on, V.V.i'v io.-» J->'eemnH IC'islio, a respecaed far.Mei; living- <ui (In/Kl&tone fslandi was dro'WM abouif S Satufcfe-T'

harbor a-nd rescued' move than half the men. Torpedo bo'af IN'u. 07 had a steam pipe broken by a, shell and wa-disabled, but n consort,' torpedo b .at No. 70 .went to dier as-i-tance and towed her a.way, Three <W 1 he crew of No. 07 were w-ounded.

"The destroyer Octaaka bad her laa-board engine damaged by a shell afid oiie.siwloi' on hoard mi l fc'lled. One sailor on board the Ilaylthusa was killed by a shell.

"The third detachment. Hear Ad­miral Deva comonianding, reached Sort, ArthiH* at 6 o'cloick. Tuesday morxtin'g.

evemng", . Mr. "Riisho left y la-yftnn SftiuviSE.V

evening aliout 7 for L>:< homo oil the island, and has not be-l-n,scon sfnf:-. IT is capsized skiff was fojnil,'iy,itli Ms» rail and hat, near the bc--ad of Pfctoiv| Island, only a short d'ii-t-anve from Mi-. Rusho's hiime.

JOfl'orts arc now being- made to r'e-cofel* the body.

Al'r. Jl'lis'iio was about 5.1 yet.'rs <*f «8't' of l i l y " * l i f e o n

tlie f-mire day Friday, the foUowing witnesses being sworn: Henry E. Ti.-tker, Bm'zell Strong, Jacob Helm r, Peter T); Helmer, M. M. Miller, Erel E. Croissant, Hn-uty h. bawton, John S S-bury, Fred Sixbnry. Eehvard Denison, Albert E. Helmer, Ivan Evans, Geo g> libers, Lincoln U. Hawn and W. X Hand.

lleJ'oi'e Justice lingers Monday morn­ing the case e.f Charles B. "Wood \s. the Xcw York Central was summed up by Hun. Henry Pureed for the defend­ant and FredB. Iiteher for the pliin-tiif. After the charge by the court the jury retired at 11:55.

At 4 ]>. m. the jury returned a ver­dict of -s-.^rj in favor of the plaintiff.

After the jury had li.-en sent out in the Wood case Justice Spencer tiok the bench, and after being intio.luced by Justice lingers said: "I am i c y glad to again be with the bar of Jeffer-s.m canity as. 1 enjoyed my stay with ,\ ou last j-ear."

There was no business in Justice K..gers' court Monday afternoon and this division was adjourned to Tuesday morning. The cases ready for trial were those in which the attorneys v\ ere engaged in J ustiee Spencer's divi­sion. x

Before Justice Spencer1. At the ojiening of Justice Spencer's

court the calendar was called and the following cases put over the term: Ueorge S. Ceigier vs. the Hopper-Mor-gali Company and Homer E, Capper vs. William S. Merrill Chemical com­pany. The case Of Fred (Strong vsi the ,l\'ew York Central was inai'keti dis-

^i„..,.*„„ y.u'.,y.K.ny,i2'uisst;a and the cases 'of the Agricu lurit! Insurance coiitpnny vs. Charles Y\. Hates and ano. and Joseph Mc-Mantis vs, the St. llegis Paper coin-

proached close to the mouth of tfic,'nT1? h<irf fp*:"* most ' -* - - --'i/i-inds-f-iuie Island. He ft.'fd' many

/ri'v-iuls* there and at tlii" ril%«V>. a n r !

was' hig-Aly re'sppctedi and esleeni, l ' " ' He is' snnftVd ' by a wife and tljr* e

sons, vvJlliniiWas'prf and ManlinS, ah of (iriiulsiione Tsland.

asked v\iien the first train passeld il either direction. 'X"iie ilrst ti'ain Vff due to .start for Buffalo and . hjf hov.ght. tickels for that place, I t saiii they had only a small antmitft change when they left the rajlroal camp, but Wednesday they had enoixgl money fo buy four tickets at $3 eacij)

Tlie bodies of th© victims -weii buried at Pike Friday. The people cj the country are gi-eatly stirred up ovof the murder. |

Bolivar, May 8.—The four I ta l ians^! li-ged to have murdered John Van?Goif der and Miss Anna Farnham weaf'2 a=| raigncd before Justice Mapes iu'VEen iDunt jail Saturday. They ^'aived'- eM atuiuation and were remanded to ja j until the grand jury asse'niWes J t l.'l, aud hears the evidence agflii.'m^ them.

The leader of the quartet, Anio' Giorgio, was brazen and insolent. I made so much noise in the jail t h J Sheriff: Bellamy had to tell I k to ke-*|! quiet. Versace and Pizatto were a'pfl so elemoiistratiie, ^vhile Pagnoll, +" youngest, has softened so much t h a t " would not be surprising 'if he made ,j confession. He is 28 .years old, b does not look to be over IS. ' .

The three loiives found oh Hhe mse and a pair of overalls have been sei. to Buffalo to have the bl'oo'd sjjots et

The wat f i |

First Excursion to the World's Mr" St. louis. Mo.

Oix Tuesday, May Zidi',. via K'ew,Y'of& CcntraJ, from all statJoris. ElegmrS

Liirst class, day c'oae-hes. Ejrceblllpnally. , . how rateS.f;orythe ronnd triP7 ,Vslt y o u r ' v g M ; mteWnel-y' ticket ageni for full pa.r-ticmlfas; e l c J m t u e ' m a c m i l e l T

amined by an expert, , found on Giorgia was idewtifieci po, j : i tivcly as the one owned by Van Go-rdt J Tlie other watch found on one -of >b& suspects has not been positively, idea,! tied as Miss Fai-nhani's.

Rochester, May 10.—A Special if.di,j Bolivar, Allegany county, says: Ove/ 300 pcOlllc Called at the 'BelmoBt .-jal Sunday and asked, to See t ie folii- I t a l ians susiiected of tile mtii'der of Jbh l Van Gorder and his sister, Miss A n i J Farnihanl. Among' them were a^murjl ber of Italians and ex-Senaltor V a a Gorder of Buffalo, brother of the muj f dered man. The latter had a -eonfefjl ence with Sheriff Bellamy. -lHvto. ixt,'| portailt fact« were brought out Sui ' I day. M. L. Morehouse, cousin- of -$£-. Gorder, identifiecl the (tlhiost new co^ and vest found on one (if the.snsipec-f . as the properly of the mul-tlel-ed Tasflm iincl missing from, the house'a.ftef t3),' naurdei-. ! ' .. ',',:

James Cocker, 10 years old, Son of Wi neighbor of Van Gorder,, positiveI|B identified Antonio Giorgio, oue of iirinj prisoners, as the man he saw g-oiii,J toward Van Goi'der'is house aboultJ' (i o'clock on the njglrt of Ithe tnuirdie.'J

, , ^,„ iZ'Ti " «•! The voungest of the four prisoners oiai.nL «h8K ft™ the rollls sftOttld come off , h« ^ , , df gMmy&im

he wa« « ^ ^ « ^ » " f l . p r e w e d . It is believed he will i ^ f l while" m mpt-ou. ;„„,„ „ „ m f „ B „ ' m • ?\f|

pfwy weve marked off the calendar. The case of Dunne l>. James vs. the Villn rt" of .Dexter was reported settled and marked off the calendar.

The case of f-haiies Mciianus, an in-fant by guardian ad litem, Alice Mc-ifauxis,. vs. the St. flegis Paper com­pany wa,s,'first placed on trial. This is a neirligence action brought tv recover $15,000 'damages for injuries alleged to have been received at the defend­ant's phnii, at Deferiet, The complaint

\ alleges that'on July 31,1902, the pla'n-Jtjir wa« employed at ttoe- defendant's itn'H a s fourth hMtd on a winder and thai' h's dulieis re^.nlfed him l.o adiuvt Hie /machinea-y of tl«} winder so that tlie p't-'per would, be of even width as it te^ed' over thpj rcdis .and that the

make a confession.

^«jww^sw1^^VA-iiw^y^'^j^rM.^i-u«w "*«>*-».:fe»,- -?ZM>~ m :\ r : - :— :?fe

Z£L*&m^EZ%Z!fflm^ *&p*<*!l$^^