i. n. k. - first united methodist church, dodge...

I. N. K. I Now Know Dodge City First United Methodist Church September, 2019 Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe, are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor. Front Yard BBQ Sunday, September 29, 2019 5:00 p.m. This year, our annual Front Yard BBQ takes place on Sunday, September 29, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is a great chance to invite family, friends, neighbors, & co-workers to a fun outdoor activity that IS NOT worship. Plans have been made to have a BIG Tent for shade & relaxation. There will be musical entertainment as well as other entertainment, such as; yard games, and bouncy houses, Ron Cole, etc. Bring your favorite lawn chair for your own comfort. We will have Kirby Meats hamburgers & hotdogs on the grill. Feel free to bring and your specialty side-dish. United Methodist Women Sunday September 15, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS : Pg. 2 Jerre’s Column 3 Juan’s Column 4 Jeremy’s Column 5 Sarah’s Column 6 Melyssa’s Column 7 UMW Reading Program & Operation Christmas Child 8 Lists & Congregational News 9 Obituaries 10 Calendar 11 Vital Stats 12 Back Cover Great Plains Info

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Page 1: I. N. K. - First United Methodist Church, Dodge Cityfirstchurchdc.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/... · 2019. 9. 8. · bautizandolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del

I. N. K. I Now Know

Dodge City First United Methodist Church

September, 2019

Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe, are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor.

Front Yard BBQ


September 29, 2019

5:00 p.m. This year, our annual Front Yard BBQ takes place on Sunday, September 29, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is a great chance to invite family, friends, neighbors, & co-workers to a fun outdoor activity that IS NOT worship. Plans have been made to have a BIG Tent for shade & relaxation. There will be musical entertainment as well as other entertainment, such as; yard games, and bouncy houses, Ron Cole, etc. Bring your favorite lawn chair for your own comfort. We will have Kirby Meats hamburgers & hotdogs on the grill. Feel free to bring and your specialty side-dish.

United Methodist Women Sunday

September 15, 2019


2 Jerre’s Column

3 Juan’s Column

4 Jeremy’s Column

5 Sarah’s Column

6 Melyssa’s Column

7 UMW Reading Program &

Operation Christmas Child

8 Lists & Congregational News

9 Obituaries

10 Calendar

11 Vital Stats

12 Back Cover – Great Plains Info

Page 2: I. N. K. - First United Methodist Church, Dodge Cityfirstchurchdc.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/... · 2019. 9. 8. · bautizandolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del

“Love that Never Ends” Rev. Kira Austin-Young wrote in her

monthly blog last February, that if you walk

into any grocery store or drugstore during the month of

February, you will be met with an explosion of red and

pink hearts, enormous stuffed animals, and giant boxes

of chocolates. Even email inboxes are full of restaurants

and other venues advertising special dinners and events

for two. These seem to be signs that our culture’s

liturgical observation of romantic love, “Valentine’s

Day”, wouldn’t be far away. Whether you are partnered

and celebrate or think the whole thing is made up by the

greeting card industry, these are the messages that we

receive about what love looks like.

Love, particularly romantic love in February, seems

to be about jewelry, chocolate, and champagne. Now

there’s nothing wrong with having a special day

designated for showing a little extra affection for

someone, but if our only idea of love is the one that is

propagated by the Valentine’s Day Industrial Complex,

that’s a problem. Not everyone is partnered, and

holidays that focus on couples can be painful for those

who are single or who have recently lost a spouse.

The Apostle Paul’s treatise on love from 1

Corinthians is a passage that is familiar thanks to its

frequent use at wedding ceremonies. But hearing it in

the context of the worshipping community on a Sunday

morning, these verses sound different and closer to

Paul’s imagined audience, the church in Corinth which

was wracked by argument and division.

Directly before this passage, Paul told the church that

no gift is better or more honorable than another; they are

like parts of the body. No matter what gifts an

individual has, if they do not have love, it is all for

naught. The greatest gift of the Spirit is love, and its

fruits are patience and kindness. Love rejoices in truth.

It is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. Love

never ends.

There are certainly ways in which this is true of

romantic love as well, but to narrow this passage to that

particular circumstance is to lose the breadth of love that

is available to us in this world and as part of a Christian

community. In 1 Corinthians, love is about community,

not a couple. The community has often privileged

ministry to the traditional family unit at the expense of

neglecting those who don’t fit into the mold — those

who are single, divorced, widowed, or have a non-

traditional family structure. With an increasingly mobile

and transient society, even if someone has an extended

family, they may be geographically distant.

I wonder what it would look like if we embraced the

type of love that the Apostle Paul was tinkering with,

the type of love that is not romantic but rather looking to

lift up the other. I wonder.

All the best,


"Amor que nunca termina" La Rev. Kira Austin-Young escribió en su blog

mensual en febrero pasado, que si entra a

cualquier tienda de comestibles o farmacia durante el

mes de febrero, se encontrará con una explosión de

corazones rojos y rosados, enormes peluches y cajas

gigantes. de bombones. Incluso las bandejas de entrada

de correo electrónico están llenas de restaurantes y otros

lugares que anuncian cenas y eventos especiales para

dos. Estas parecen ser señales de que la observación

litúrgica de nuestra cultura del amor romántico, el "Día

de San Valentín", no estaría muy lejos. Ya sea que esté

asociado y celebre o piense que todo está compuesto por

la industria de las tarjetas de felicitación, estos son los

mensajes que recibimos sobre cómo es el amor.

El amor, particularmente el amor romántico en

febrero, parece tratarse de joyas, chocolate y champán.

Ahora no hay nada de malo en tener un día especial

designado para mostrar un poco de afecto extra por

alguien, pero si nuestra única idea de amor es la que se

propaga por el Complejo Industrial del Día de San

Valentín, eso es un problema. No todos están asociados,

y las vacaciones que se centran en las parejas pueden ser

dolorosas para las personas solteras o que recientemente

han perdido a su cónyuge.

El tratado del apóstol Pablo sobre el amor de 1

Corintios es un pasaje que es familiar gracias a su uso

frecuente en las ceremonias de boda. Pero al escucharlo

en el contexto de la comunidad de adoración un

domingo por la mañana, estos versículos suenan

diferentes y más cercanos a la audiencia imaginada de

Pablo, la iglesia en Corinto que fue sacudida por la

discusión y la división.

Directamente antes de este pasaje, Pablo le dijo a la

iglesia que ningún don es mejor o más honorable que

otro; Son como partes del cuerpo. No importa qué dones

tenga un individuo, si no tiene amor, todo es en vano. El

mayor don del Espíritu es el amor, y sus frutos son la

paciencia y la bondad. El amor se regocija en la verdad.

No es envidioso ni jactancioso, ni arrogante ni grosero.

El amor nunca termina.

Ciertamente, también hay maneras en que esto es

cierto para el amor romántico, pero limitar este pasaje a

esa circunstancia particular es perder la amplitud del

amor que tenemos disponible en este mundo y como

parte de una comunidad cristiana. En 1 Corintios, el

amor se trata de la comunidad, no de una pareja. La

comunidad a menudo ha privilegiado el ministerio a la

unidad familiar tradicional a expensas de descuidar a los

que no encajan en el molde: solteros, divorciados,

viudos o que tienen una estructura familiar no

tradicional. Con una sociedad cada vez más móvil y

transitoria, incluso si alguien tiene una familia extensa,

puede ser geográficamente distante.

Me pregunto cómo sería si abrazáramos el tipo de

amor con el que el apóstol Pablo estaba jugando, el tipo

de amor que no es romántico, sino que busca elevar al

otro. Me pregunto. Todo lo mejor, Jerre

Page 3: I. N. K. - First United Methodist Church, Dodge Cityfirstchurchdc.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/... · 2019. 9. 8. · bautizandolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del

In the gospel according Saint Matthew,

Jesus Christ declares the "Great Commission."

Jesus said: “Therefore, go, and make disciples

of all nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;

teaching them to keep all the things that I have

commanded you, and behold, I am with you every day,

until the end of the world. ”Amen. (Matthew 28: 19-20).

Dear brothers, the truth is that it has been very

interesting and a blessing to carry out this

commandment of the “Great Commission” the spring

and Summer of this year 2019. My job as pastor has

been to teach and instruct about THE MISSION OF

THE LOCAL CHURCH which is to make disciples for

Jesus Christ. When a person joins a local United

Methodist Church, this person decides to be part of that

community of believers.

To be part of a local United Methodist Church is to

join a connection society of people who have professed

their faith in Christ, have been baptized, have taken the

vows of membership ... and are associated in

fellowship... to hear the Word of God, to receive the

Sacraments, to praise and worship the triune God and

carry on the work that Christ has entrusted to his church

according to the “Great Commission.” The main work

of the local church is, “to make disciples for Christ


The United Methodist church does so by:

“proclaiming the gospel, seeking, gathering and

welcoming people to the Body of Christ; lead people to

give their lives to God through Jesus Christ; strengthen

people in the Christian life through worship, baptism,

communion, Bible study of the Word of God and other

studies, prayer and other means of grace; send people to

the world to live lives of love and righteousness as

servants of Jesus Christ by healing the sick, feeding the

hungry, caring for the foreigner, giving freedom to the

oppressed, and working to make social structures

consistent with the gospel; continue the mission of

seeking the lost to bring them to the faith community of

the body of Christ.

The General Conference of 1996 approved proposals

that allow more diversity in the organization of the local

church in the United Methodist Church. The

congregation has several elected officials and

established committees or task forces to strengthen the

ministry of the church, reach out and bear witness. The

church must provide a healthy environment that may

include every person regardless of race, color, sex, age,

nationality or physical or mental limitations.

I want to encourage you to continue to be passionate

and involved in the wonderful task of the “Great

Commission”, of making disciples for Jesus Christ. Let

us all strife to build the kingdom of God as we freely

proclaim the Good News of the Gospel. Amen.

Sincerely Your servant in Christ,

Rev. Juan Espinoza

En el Evangelic segun San Mateo, Cristo Jesus

declara la “Gran Comisión”. Jesús dijo: “Por tanto,

id, y haced discipulos a todas las naciones,

bautizandolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y

del Espiritu Santo; ensenandoles que guarden todas las

cosas que les he mandado, y he aqui estoy con vosotros

todos los dias, hasta el fin del mundo.” Amen. (Mateo

28:19-20). Queridos hermanos la verdad es que ha sido

muy interesante y de mucha bendicion el llevar a la practica

este mandamiento de la “Gran Comision” la primavera y el

verano de este ano 2019. Mi tarea como pastor ha sido

ensenar e instruir acerca DE LA MISION DE LA

IGLESIA LOCAL que es hacer discipulos para Jesuscristo.

Cuando una persona se une a una iglesia local Metodista

Unida, esta persona decide ser parte de esa comunidad de


El ser parte de una Iglesia Metodista Unida local es

unirse a una sociedad conexional de personas que han

profesado su fe en Cristo, han sido bautizados, han asumido

los votos de filegresia…., y estan asociados en

companerismo….para oir la Palabra de Dios, resibir los

Sacramentos, alabar y adorar al trino Dios y llevar adelante

el trabajo que que Cristo ha encomendado a su iglesia de

acuerdo a la “Gran Comision.” La labor principal de la

iglesia local es, “hacer discipulos para Cristo Jesus.”

La iglesia Metodista Unida lo hace al: “proclamar el

evangelio, buscar, juntar y dar las bienvenida a personas al

Cuerpo de Cristo; conducir a las personas a que entreguen

su vida a Dios por medio de Jesucristo; fortalecer a las

personas en la vida Cristiana por medio de la adoracion,

bautismo, communion, studio Biblico de la Palabra de Dios

y otros studios, oracion y otros medios de gracia; enviar a

personas al mundo que vivan vidas de amor y rectitud

como siervos de Jesucristo por medio de sanar a los

enfermos, dar de comer al hambriento, cuidar del

extranjero, dar libertad al oprimido, y trabajar para que las

estructuras socials sean consistentes con el evangelio;

continuar la mission de buscar a los perdidos para traerlos a

la comunidad de fe del cuerpo de Cristo.

La Conferencial General de 1996 aprobo propuestas que

permiten mas diversidad en la organizacion de la iglesia

local en la Iglesia metodista Unida. La congregacion de

tener varios oficiales electos y comites establecidos o

grupos de tarea para fortalecer el ministerio de la iglesia,

alcanzar y dar testimonio. La iglesia debe de proveer un

programa comprensivo de entrenamiento para el liderazgo

y planificacion para poder organizar la mission de la

iglesia. La Conferencia General reconocio que el Espiritu

Santo nos llama a ser mas humildes y a un estilo de vida

mas como Cristo, como comunidad de creyentes; y que

incluyeran a toda persona sin importar su raza, color, sexo,

edad, nacionalidad o limitaciones fiscas o mentales.

Hay mucho que aprender y ensenar dentro de nuestro

sistema conexional Metodista para poder ser mas efectivos

en la tarea que todos tenemos como creyentes de trabajar

para el Reino de los Cielos por medio de llevar a la practica

“La Gran Comision.” Les animo a que sigamos adelante

trabajando para la honra de Dios, sabiendo que nada de lo

que hacemos para Dios es en vano.

Sinceramente Su Siervo En Cristo Jesus,

Rev. Juan Espinoza

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Youth Ministries

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11

August has been a building

month for us and our youth programs. In the RZ youth room we are doing some upgrades and updates to our technology and facility. I am really excited for this because it gives us the ability to speak the kids’ language…. Technology!!! Though I am super pumped about that, I am more excited about our potential as a group and how much the kids have grown together throughout this summer. The summer campaign was more of a relaxed setting where the kids could come in and hang out; to some people this may have seemed pointless but in this case we have built some great relationships and kids are excited to be here. When they are excited they jump into learning with more open hearts and eyes to what God is trying to bring to their lives. They also have been jumping into helping our Church and caring about our Church because they simply are excited about what we are doing here. They have helped with cleaning up the youth room and want to do more even though I am trying to surprise them with our new set up. It is so refreshing to come to work and know these kids are going to be pumped about our programs. That’s what builds, kids excited about something good.

I like this scripture because it is

simple and it simply describes what I hope that the kids do here in our youth group but also for the rest of life. This is the simple truth that they do like to be believers and to love Jesus. They do

like the community and fellowship that comes from Church; it allows them to feel like they have support and belong. I just hate to see when this is ruined by the pressures of the world, and they lose that foundation that is a #1 priority. This foundation is something they should be able to fall back on when times get tough and need hope. I think this is a big reason why kids think they are alone! They need a positive atmosphere where they can come in and be lifted up and hear about the best kind of love that is God’s love for us. I believe now more than ever kids need Jesus and they need loved harder because our world is getting tougher. What would the world look like with just a little more love in it?

Upcoming Dates:

Messenger Youth Rally August 30th- 31st

Wonderful Wednesday Kickoff September 4th

Front Yard BBQ September 29th

Mercy Me Concert November 7th

Weekly Programs

Sunday School: Our Sunday School program meets Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:00 in the RZ Room. It is an open discussion and all are welcome! Reality Zone: Join us for a great time of worship, discussion, and fellowship! We will meet at 4:45pm on Wednesday for our normal RZ programs come join us!

God Bless, Jeremy Amerin

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Two people are better than one. ......

A rope made out of three cords isn't easily broken."

Ecclesiastes 4:9a;12b

Do you remember the story about the child who was walking along the beach throwing the starfish back into the ocean. Someone came along and asked why she was doing that- it wouldn't make any difference since there were so many starfish. The child replied "but it makes a difference to this one!" Dee McKnight shared with the staff a new twist on that story...the person who was throwing back the starfish would stop lean over and do something each time before the starfish was thrown into the water. When asked what he was doing? The person replied, " I'm texting my friends to come and help me throw the starfish back". Soon over 100 people filled the beach, all working together to toss the starfish back into the water and safety. Just as our scripture from Ecclesiastes says we are stronger with someone to help us. AND then even stronger when God is the center of that three cord rope of our life. Personally, when you want to do something major or are facing something beyond yourself - strengthen yourself with the rope of another person or many AND then put God in the middle of your challenge. It is harder to break such a bond! Be fortified by God's presence and others help each day! We would do well to remember and act on this as we face challenges in our church- ask or text for help and put the Lord in the middle! Whether it is inviting folks to worship or meals, finding helpers for children and youth, caring for our members who are shut in- whatever the task- serving God and others together makes for more successful ministry!

Dos personas son mejores que una… Una cuerda hecha de tres cuerdas no

se rompe fácilmente ". Eclesiastés 4:9a;12b

¿Recuerdas la historia del niño que caminaba por la playa arrojando la estrella de mar al océano? Alguien vino y le preguntó por qué estaba haciendo eso, no habría ninguna diferencia ya que había tantas estrellas de mar. El niño respondió "¡pero esto hace la diferencia!" Dee McKnight compartió con el personal un nuevo giro en esa historia ... la persona que estaba arrojando la estrella de mar dejaría de inclinarse y hacer algo cada vez antes de que la estrella de mar fuera arrojada al agua. Cuando se le preguntó qué estaba haciendo? La persona respondió: "Estoy enviando mensajes de texto a mis amigos para que vengan y me ayuden a devolver la estrella de mar". Pronto más de 100 personas llenaron la playa, todos trabajando juntos para arrojar la estrella de mar de vuelta al agua y a la seguridad. Así como nuestra escritura de Eclesiastés dice que somos más fuertes con alguien para ayudarnos. Y luego aún más fuerte cuando Dios es el centro de esa cuerda de tres cuerdas de nuestra vida. Cuando quieras hacer algo importante o te enfrentas a algo más allá de ti mismo, fortalécete con la soga de otra persona o muchas dependiendo Y luego pon a Dios en medio de tu desafío. ¡Es más difícil romper ese vínculo! ¡Sé fortificado por la presencia de Dios y otros ayudan cada día! Haríamos bien en recordar y actuar sobre esto a medida que enfrentamos desafíos en nuestra iglesia: ¡pida ayuda y ponga al Señor en el medio! ¡Ya sea para darles la bienvenida a nuestra congregación, encontrar ayudantes para niños y jóvenes, cuidar a nuestros miembros que están encerrados en cualquier tarea que sirva a Dios y a otros juntos, se convierte en un ministerio más exitoso!

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The children this fall will be discovering and revisiting what it means to love God and Love their neighbor. The stories that we will be exploring are many that perhaps you too have seen or read. One especially comes to my heart and one the children experienced at VBS. That is the story of The Good Samaritan. A man who is beaten and robbed by thieves. He is on the road hurt and many pass by not helping. The unexpected happens and he is not only cared for for but given resources to continue to heal. Is this man a neighbor? How do we think and wonder about this? Perhaps your heart focuses on how God nudges us to not only see the kindness and unkindness in the story, but to notice how others respond to it. What stirs in your heart and mind when you witness others being treated with grace and acceptance no matter the circumstances of how they got there? What about when so many are left hurting and we don’t know or understand what can be done? When we pay attention to not only the hurt and pain surrounding us, but the joys and blessings that are intertwined, that’s when God’s love is evident. That is when we can feel the connectedness between those who God names as our neighbor. May we pay attention during our day. May we watch and listen to what is happening. May we experience God’s love in our hearts and through the hearts of others. Many programs kick off this month. KidsClub begins on September 4th. As well as the new Sunday School year on September 8th. Perhaps you wish to join our teams to share this story and many others. Please contact Melyssa for information.

Los niños este otoño descubrirán y volverán a visitar lo que significa amar a Dios y amar a su prójimo. Las historias que exploraremos son muchas que quizás tú también hayas visto o leído. Una viene

especialmente a mi corazón y otra que los niños experimentaron en VBS. Esa es la historia de El buen samaritano. Un hombre que es golpeado y robado por ladrones. Está en el camino herido y muchos pasan sin ayudar. Sucede lo inesperado y no solo se le cuida, sino que se le dan recursos para continuar sanando. ¿Es este hombre un vecino? ¿Cómo pensamos y nos preguntamos acerca de esto? Quizás su corazón se centre en cómo Dios nos empuja a no solo ver la bondad y la falta de amabilidad en la historia, sino también notar cómo otros responden a ella. ¿Qué se agita en su corazón y mente cuando ve que otros son tratados con gracia y aceptación sin importar las circunstancias de cómo llegaron allí? ¿Qué pasa cuando quedan tantos heridos y no sabemos ni entendemos qué se puede hacer? Cuando prestamos atención no solo al dolor y al dolor que nos rodea, sino a las alegrías y las bendiciones que se entrelazan, es cuando el amor de Dios es evidente. Es entonces cuando podemos sentir la conexión entre aquellos que Dios nombra como nuestro prójimo. Que prestemos atención durante nuestro día. Que podamos ver y escuchar lo que está sucediendo. Que podamos experimentar el amor de Dios en nuestros corazones y a través de los corazones de los demás. Muchos programas comienzan este mes. KidsClub comienza el 4 de septiembre. Así como el nuevo año escolar dominical el 8 de septiembre. Quizás desee unirse a nuestros equipos para compartir esta historia y muchas otras. Póngase en contacto con Melyssa para obtener inform

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In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

The author says we should eat food, mostly plants, and not too much. What does he mean by food? What kind of plants? How much is too much? He answers these questions in depth as we read through the book. Turns out food is not too hard to identify. He suggests stay away from processed food with many ingredients you can’t pronounce! Instead shop at the farmers’ market if there is one near you. How much to eat is a little hard to figure out. Let’s check with more traditional diets. By “traditional” the author means diets of cultures which have been around much longer than we have, with our so-called western diet. Look to Europe and native cultures. You will find their diets are quite varied and how they eat is different from how we do. How we eat our food may be just as important as what we eat. We eat so fast we are over full before our brains realize we have had enough. It takes about 20 minutes to feel full. In some cultures, plates are filled before sitting down at the table, and nobody has seconds. If you are talking and laughing with friends or family members, you will slow down your eating, and not have so much because you have time to feel full. Peg Abbey Social Action (2016)

September is upon us and all the activities of

school and the beginning of cooler weather.

We are only a couple of months away from

packing our boxes, so now is the time to get

your donations and bring them to the church.

If you want to donate funds to help purchase

items needed, just do so at the church office.

September items include small spiral

notebooks, pencils, pens, colored pencils,

small pencil bags, marker, erasers, pencil

sharpeners and small toys such as Slinky’s

and yoyos. Thank you, Church, for your

continued support of this mission to help

make Christmas a very special time for the

children who receive our boxes. Please keep

this mission in your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless you and keep you in his loving


“Go therefore and make disciples of all

nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I

commanded you; and lo, I am with you

always, even to the end of age.” Matthew


Prime Time


September 22, 2019

6:30-7:30 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

Prime Time is a ministry area for adults 55 years of age and older. Join us on Sunday, September 22, 2018 as we have a meet & greet and Sgt. Kolbeck of the Dodge City Police Department as he shares with us about “terrorist protection instruction”. Sgt. Kolbeck has shared this information with civic groups, service clubs, as well as those in public education. Join others from your church family as Sgt. Kolbeck shares this helpful information.

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Below are the names of those who are sponsoring flowers, broadcasts, bells, Wednesday Meals, and Upper Rooms for the month of September.

PULPIT FLOWERS September 1 Pat Seymore September 8 available September 15 available September 22 available September 29 available

RADIO BROADCASTS - $100 September 1 memory of Jim & Velma Faulds September 8 available September 15 Ned & Dorothy Lowry September 22 available September 29 KaCee Smith

TOWER BELLS - $75 WEEK OF September 1-7 Lowrys September 8-14 Kathie Schlereth September 15-21 Kornechuks September 22-28 available Sept 29-Oct 5 Kathie Schlereth

WEDNESDAY MEALS September 4 F.I.S.H. Group September 11 Ned & Dorothy Lowry September 18 available September 25 available

UPPER ROOM SPONSOR 2019 Ann Frigon Financial Services

Out-of-Town Bulletins

Joe, Susan & Andrew Finley, Sharon Springs, KS Bonita Hizar, Wichita, KS

SYMPATHY We express our sympathy to… …Linda Goff & family on the death of her brother. …Larry Burke & family on the death of his brother. …Noel Ary & family on the death of his nephew. …Barkley Walker & family on the death of his cousin.

…the family of George Mussemann. …the family of Irene Hastings. …Patty Pennington & family on the death of her mother. …Joe Finley & family on the death of his uncle. …Norma Ward & family on the death of her grandson. …Joyce Schilling & family on the death of her nephew. …Kay Rose & family on the death of her nephew. …Irma Churning & family on the death of her cousin.

Guests in Worship Sunday

We were delighted to welcome these guests at our services:

(July 21, 2019) In – Town

Donna Chapman, Josh McKissich, Manuela Rodriguez, Cisselle Morales, Marco Morales, Ismael Morales, Evangelina Arredondo, Luis Chaves, Vicky Ramos

Out – of – Town None.

(July 28, 2019) In – Town

Martin Maddox, Antonio Prieto, Yolanda Prieto, Johanna Santiago, Ana Maria Santiago.

Out – of – Town Shelley Alexander, Susana May.

(August 4, 2019)

In – Town Martin Maddox.


Carson Marsh, Tyler & Drew Miller.

(August 11 2019) In – Town

David Rodriquez. Out – of – Town

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rose, Joe & Barb Williams.

(August 18 2019) Out – of – Town

Sydney Shepherd, Jim & Mary Shultz.

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OBITUARIES Irene Hastings DODGE CITY - Irene M. (Evans) Hastings, 96, died Friday, July 26, 2019 at Presbyterian Manor of the Plains, Dodge City. She was born October 29, 1922 at Kalvesta, the daughter of George Jacob and Nellie E. (Lamar) Evans. She was a graduate of Cimarron High School and attended Emporia State College. She worked in Kansas City before returning to Kalvesta where she worked as a bookkeeper for her parents at Evans One Stop. Irene was a member of the Kalvesta United Methodist Church and the First United Methodist Church in Dodge City. She was a Pink Lady at Western Plains Medical Complex and a member of the Women's Chamber, both in Dodge City. She also served on the Finney County Library Board. On November 17, 1946 she married Donald E. Hastings at Dodge City. He preceded her in death on June 30, 1986. Survivors include: her son, Roger Hastings and wife Sarah, Wichita and their children, Jordan Hastings, Bryan Hastings and wife Sarah, Scott Hastings and wife Courtney, Elizabeth Hayes and husband Patrick and Rachel Hastings; daughter, Barbara Williams and husband Joe, DePere, Wisconsin and their children, Amy Williams and Russell Williams; and daughter, Ann Frigon and Doug Shipe, Dodge City; 3 great grandchildren, Robbie Hayes and Lucia and Lila Williams; 2 sisters, Nancy Sinkbeil and husband Ray, Medicine Lodge and Eleanor Eich, Mt. Angel, Oregon. She was also preceded in death by her parents, 2 brothers, Richard and Earl Evans and an infant sister, Gertrude. Memorial services will be at 10:00 am Saturday, August 3, 2019 at the First United Methodist Church, Dodge City, with Rev. Jerre Nolte officiating. Burial will be at 1:30 pm Saturday in Valleyview Cemetery, Garden City. There will be no public viewing, cremation has taken place. Friends may sign the register from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday at Ziegler Funeral Chapel, Dodge City. The family suggests memorials to the Manor of the Plains Good Samaritan Fund, Kalvesta United Methodist Church or the First United Methodist Church, Dodge City all in care of Ziegler Funeral Chapel, 1901 N. 14th Ave., Dodge City, Kansas 67801.

George Mussemann DODGE CITY - George Ernest Mussemann died on July 26, 2019 at his home in Dodge City. He was born May 24, 1926 in Wakeeney, to Ferd and Florence (Baughman) Mussemann.

George’s family moved to Dodge City in 1930 and moved into a house on First Avenue where George lived from 1932 until his passing. George attended Dodge City schools and was a member of the DCHS class of 1945. He enlisted in the US Navy (SeeBees) at the age of 18 and was stationed in Guam and Japan. After his military service he returned to Dodge City, and married Lois Winger on June 1, 1947. Together they owned and operated Tar-Jay Drugstore in downtown Dodge City for 6 years. After selling the business he delivered propane for the Dodge City Co-op. In 1966 he began working for the Dodge City Post Office and was a letter carrier until his retirement in 1987. George and Lois were married 46 years and raised two children and were grandparents to four grandchildren. When his family was young they enjoyed camping and boating and George was always the patient water ski instructor. In retirement he enjoyed his grandchildren, golf, travel and daily coffee with friends. George later married Nadean (Loller) Knapp in 2008. He was a member of the Howard Gotschall Post #1714, V.F.W. and Charles Earnest Scott Post #47, American Legion and served as Legion post commander. George was also a member of the United Methodist Church of Dodge City. George is survived by his wife, Nadean; a sister, Eleanor Conard of Dodge City; his children, Jana Mussemann-Moore and husband Daniel of Parker, Colorado, and Evan Mussemann and wife Peggy (Henry) of Mesa, Arizona; grandchildren, Anna Moore and husband Roger Haak of Denver, Colorado, Aren Moore of Castle Rock, Colorado, Jaime Mussemann of Chandler, Arizona and Jeremy Mussemann and wife Heidi, and their children Alison and Zachary Mussemann of Mesa, Arizona; step daughters, Dee Dee Knapp of Manhattan, Nancy Knapp of Dodge City and Billie Henderson of Yankton, South Dakota. He is also survived by 11 nieces and nephews and numerous great, great-great and great-great-great nieces and nephews. His family and friends will miss his sense of humor, his patience, his silly smile and his ability to repair just about anything. George is preceded in death by his parents; wife, Lois in 1993 and sister, Virginia Coggin. Funeral service will be held at Swaim Funeral Chapel on Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 10:00 AM with Mr. Jeff Hiers presiding. Burial will follow at Maple Grove Cemetery in Dodge City with military honors by District 8 American Legion Honor Guard and US Navy Honor Guard. Visitation will be at Swaim Funeral Chapel on Friday, August 2, 2019 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Memorials are suggested to Hospice of the Prairie in care of the funeral home. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at www.swaimfuneralhome.com.

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The Church’s Vital Statistics

Date Worship


Last Year





Last Year



Giving Last Year



299 300 70 92 2,721 3,733


269 357 62 70 3,868 6,615


273 296 32 66 7,940 7,118


308 337 41 96 6,301 8,587


337 344 68 93 6,914 6,048


11,212 9,438 2,376 2,533 271,900 273,517

YTD avg

350 286 74 77

Ministry & Mission Giving

Due for 2019: $64,970

Received to date: 34,943

Still Due: 30,027

Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes

(Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains) Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes.

If you know of anyone we have missed, call us at 227-8181.

Trinity Manor

Darleen Mapel

Patsy Craven

Joyce Crosby

Norma Ward

Butch Teufel

Reflection Living

Barbara Meanor


Kenneth Stephenson

Ned Lowry

Manor of the


Virginia Orrison

Kay Bowie

Jack MacNair



Mary Ann Black

Vera Kliewer

Don Webb




Carol Strobel

Sun Porch

Dorothy Huck

Edna Maley

Linda Mahieu

Alice Kolsky

Garden City

Marjory Howarter


Marilyn Crane

Bel Aire

Robert & Phyllis



Leon Allen


Margaret Irons


Donna Kline


Nancy Hutton

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First United Methodist Church Non-Profit Organization

…a community of joy! U.S. POSTAGE PAID

210 Soule Permit No. 148

Dodge City, Kansas 67801 Dodge City, Kansas 67801

(620) 227-8181

September 2019

Change Service Request


Great churches. Great leaders. Great disciples. Transforming the world.

Each church within the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church is asked each year to support

the ministry of the United Methodist Church through our Ministry and Mission fund. For 2019, that

“apportionment” for First United Methodist Church of Dodge City is $64,970.00.

The Great Plains Disaster Team, which receives support from our giving, continues to be

busy in the states of Kansas and Nebraska. The team’s pledge, “First in and last out” is a

reflection on our commitment as God’s eyes, ears, and hands here on earth. Thank you for

your continued support through our Ministry and Mission giving!

Thank You for your generous support of our Ministry and Missions!

Watch for More Information Here Each Month!

Your Lay Member to Annual Conference: Mike Morrison