i nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitallibrary/news...day. the maaaaa s high...

^mm 1 VOL XUr. No. 26; MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, Je>VEMfi£R^.^oi< DEFENSE W n . McffiffiYjOYES POEMSTOUBRJtfY|OFnQAi^ VISIT OCOKHIAW Oftffi TV)T.T,AB A YEAB Col. Gmargm AnoatMut, j Dr. darkaon Prteoatt Copf of 'H«r»W F^rt McH—ry," Re- j "Song* <rf LoTe aad War." ktedft>MaM««M Lady.^ - ' -PlaaaJ la Stale J^tMwm. ProMiaa Ddegatipn Alao In- :aBMtL.th».Jail and Takai -^Aulo Tnir-Aboiit dty." " Apropos the^ appqintraent of j Dr. Clarkaefthaa justpreaotted | Accompanied by icpiuBimtg- arepresentatiTeof THE JouBNXLto the Virsrinia state Ubrary in Itivea of the local board of chari- -w r TBrab»TrtIirwesriS5fflPTFnffim6na:'^r^^^^ of IS pSiiS; mS: meJnberroT^(^dSr^ iwttee.<^_-the-J^Atliuia|Stj^^^^ at l^f piy^ w«r " Tn man ddegatioa-wtuab-la Jft>angledbMMwCentenna ca- thft £fh1i^n^ N^w» IiWd*r. of Monday, NuremUer IT, cnmnd llB.&Wng«FOQTB DefMito Wopdbwry '**T*C-ninrnf^aMitf -^^ z - - * . . 26 to 18.- Forart JfiffllAi^ One of HaymarkeCS Popolar v»MiB TTcaoaQ ar rMr o N n r s ber, 1914, the one hundredth an *• aiversary of the defence of Fort McHenry, the following bit of information may interest some of THE JOURNAL'S readers. There has been on exhibition for a year er more past in the National Mu- seum in Washington the very .fas wMck iii&Qiied the the folbwing arlaele witfi-refw"- ence to the gift: Dr. H. M. Clarkson. of Hay- maitet, Prince William county, in- Washington Wednesday, who IB atyled "The PaRtrlsurmte. an inspection of penal and correc-1 ond. In a hard-fought~ game on Round Athletic F^l<^ jgy: ^on- day. the Maaaaa s High School j neaday, Nov Avery beautiful but quiet wed- 19. when Miss Nel- »>w af MPI aad - tfiflWl aes W. Bell, of Haymar- of the South." has juHt pwaited to the Virginia state library through fi. W. Merchant, of this r,-acgMfof 4he anlatgad edi- •rXmeiica^eleetnfyingTTation-i tion of Ids po«ns, ''Stmga of Lov« alaoaia, "The Siar 8 p « i i a l e d Banner," not only the flag occu pying in a glasgcase a large wall space on the right as you enter the main door of the old museum, but iMCturesof Francis ScoUKto' •nd Maj^©rorgB Ailtni5t€aa;ias6 has placed in our lilwary the gift ' B swcHrdaAd'epaulettes^' -from -Df."Ciiiriuii>u 0f~hfir'jBOcmi^ " " • "Evory ^ son. at Whetstone^' •Q«o. Armistead, one of the bravest Kien of that period, and Joseph Nichelson, brottier-in-law to Mr. & -Mcey^ 4?)«Biptedl>y a dll^fRUs^td spirit of vacillation, if not'-a greater weakness, <»xier8 came from JWashingtcm to surrender. The btavB uflBcBf IflHgirilteil his poaitiim as commandw Mm nv «lEd- a»M Umbey JJne untera. -Toes- ', the 13th day of Septonber, the-, attadi" wt» begun, ii^ forty-two ponndftrs wooTd state Librarian H. K. McD- waine. in acknowlpayiny tif Mr Merchant the receipt of this book, says: "I wish to thank you for 'GouBs uf LuvB auJ WlU-.' i'h» book 1B one of omatdal inteteS: ^ ™ * 2 ^ " " « ' ? thla eoUBUV a score OS iJB to m . ' ket. Vs.. and one of the b e ^ today vis^ the Distncts work-1 In the ftrst five minutes of the 1 known and hest-liked girls in house at OccoQuan. Va. .game. Woodberry smashediprince William county, became The commission, which amvedTthrough the Manassas tine Tor A] the bride of Mr. T William Gar^ Washmgton W e d n ^ y is i touchdown. Woodberry missed I rett. son of Mr. and Mrs. John composed of August Plaschke. goal. Manassas then received {D. Garrett, of Fairfax Va. the Johnannes Hiekmonn. director of a central prison in Prussia, and haying made the suggestion that PaulJtemppte. dlractfti'af a » - direct representative or uie min-1 the kick and after a few minutes > event occurring in Washington, ister of justice, Prussia, who has 1 of play Round gnt away for a D. C . at the home of the bride's more than a thousand prisoners bag end run, for a touchdown, j sisters in the We^hester, Fif- gPgf'=^ hjJJi'^gJT'sJo^^ gPOl and the firnt 11wnth and 0 sUwts-nurthwwu- Schneser. representative of the BiniWg 6t tB6 Ittteh^r. <^ho ai^ has ehuge of a large number of priaons and reform achoola: form school in Prussia. tirre5p^agtg'a~feeiuestonBe Department of State, the District board of changes is arranging yfe wish to <^tghiii tSeVlriguua the visite of tn:^>ection of tiie state, hbrary copies of a^ booka commission while iti-Washington. wtittcu by VliaiulailgW,about I President John Joy Edaon of the Virtnni* I fthall wnt« 4i^-4)r^^airg-tedav paHt-WrrTw^^ Clarkson th^nlrinfr iHm for the gifL" Dr. Caarkauu is the author Oig numevoos otlier .meritorioas poems, whidi have not ai^>eared in boot fwm, am<mg -s^cfa are flWOll Mmikited tor speoal oe^ cassiona undear the aofgdecB of ^e- Umted DBogfatera <tf the G n f ^ enwy, aad 1 ^ rednlo^ and peaee W^»W V^^^X:^ir^rl J •••• \^9WZ 1 J « f a j f l 1>^» 1911; / theeonimissiMrat the New Wil- i»xd WCAL Oi'^iCIALS WITH THKJIT" The local officii who aecom panied thedei^ration toOccoquan were Br. Geor^M. Kohw vi«. yeaident <rf_ gte board, and Geacge , S. WilsMi, secretary. Waiiam'i'. Myers of the oflSce of flie secretary tn t)w» quarter wound tfp with a score > Rev Dr. E. V. Regester. pastor 01 seven to six in lavor of Hanas^ of the Mount Vernon Place M.E. *"• I church, South, performed z,the In the setand quarter. M. H. S. ceremony which, on acconift of the recept death of the bride's kicked to Woodberry. The visi tors then tned the line but found they couid not eUn» and by a series of end runs and forward pasaP^l^alFnartT^ hall fn UnnZ^ sas' 1 yard line Manassas heki them for three dw^ns, but Wwd- beiy just managed to get.-the ball over on the last down. J Wfaodbenry miCBod the goal aud kicked to M. H; S. Round again cm;iedWoodb«ryfor touchdown. ,. Mapasaas missed t|ie gx»l.^"~ln ^E. next iew minutes of play. Ly uefa. of MauaifcHut, iuierceptedp a forward pass and tau fifty yards for touchdown. Manassas kicked goal and .the score stood Manassas 20, Woodberry 12. ID t V fifirfmd half, Adaniaon sister, was witnessed only by a smaH grpup of relatives. . The bride, who is a typical Vir; giuiabruiuicteof ehantiing beauty and most attracitive personality. TO ffiET AT LTRCHRIG VirgataEJuuimMl The exeentive eommittoe of ference has completed Ae ybed- ule of meetingti for the eifl^th Tnjaaal conference ,to be h e i d ^ ~ Lynchburg Nov. 26, 27 and 28L The o^ference ir composed of— t he superintendents' eonferenee, the SUte Teachers' AaaodatioD, the School Trustees' Aaaodation and the Co-operative Education Association, four large co-opera- ting bodies, of which the State : * . looked particularly pretty iii her handsome going-away gown of. aimj-auJ-miTy Stffan, Wl a membership of aboutfivetiiOQ- laud. H B iiMHitfiii mat atom: three thousand viaitan win be in Btte^idanee and the bofl]HtaUe Uoima of L^miLbuq; will be thrown, open to them. " ine eoflterenoe proptsr wUt. be preceded by a meeting of^tte. scli^ aM civic icaguM6a tuea-' day night, and the division soper- intMidents-wiri. also begin timr aad-gloves-to match, wearing a corst^e bouquet of English vio-' 1 ^ ik»n^lter the congratulations liad been extended the couple de- ^arted—anrid^owcrs of ^iee^ad old shoes—on their honeymoon trip, to indude Richmond-, Balti an izetarpreten :TSt and Roads at end started- bres^ jng up the Wogdbei'ry Fon»t plays befor tiiey got started. Ti3e baU was jfirst iii Manassas' pasaegBipaa and then in Wood^ lieiij-^'and in the last few miu- utes Roiuul made a beautifQl dash more and oth» Dftp 1 thoy anil th«r fneodsin Haymarket. where the gipofa is engaged in buai« fw forty yards through Wood- points. After hfi at hnrnfttn ness. We feel that we are only echoing the sentimests. of the many other friends *qf the coupkl wheri we wish tjtein the most perfect hamainess aild prbsperi tyi. .' " " . . ^ ' . deliberations at that 'time, On lar R^RRJnn nf thf i«ffnf^r*in'» win ^ opened with an addresa fay Dr. S. C. Mitchell, president Of t h e Iffpdiwil Ctint>pi cit-Wi^wiim On the Ram^nWifftnniwrnf r^tff^ W. Bright, head of the depart- ment of Eoglish in the Johna B ^ d a s Universit7i aad (Ae vX Qw liiKomi AmsriBUi aehulara will adrirPM thp «>»»> Tp«rfw»»* Association. . Wednesday night at 8 o'doc^ . the genaul meetiiig^JEilL Be nn> der the an^I«s~ o£-t& JSopdntn-^ teiHleuls' Conftinaiee an(f SghwHr iatt sheat of' Ihe^immuy 'a shipa^ •iiJetJv an/T r»tiPTittv awaited th^ TO ApyERiBE m m ^cmassion has beoi iff ^ - . _ . . ,___^_ this eoBBtry about MX weeks, and i ^ " y Fofeatjor .toUcMoWn. I l j e t pnqyr psypholagiftu moment ^Tbe Briti^ tiirew thdr bon^ some weitduitg over two hundred pounds with such tBrri&; J«Hi. nwmrh attenaea thfe e6nven- force thatrtt is said, tniri^ -airat were seen onee, the shock making the veiy ioundatiop ot the iort g e m h ^ At 3 in the af^pmnnn aftfir ninfi hoora of fighting the British sent a few vessels nearer tiie fort and withm range ^ _ t h e A m m ^ n guns. Shot <ad sheBJall with thp fury of a ^qrm from beavoi, so =^9^ cape Ae range of the misaileaof^ death. Sooc the d|rimess of atgltt fell, veiling lUe acene ftem the j^^ deeply integ- csted. ••.'•"•-••, i "Mr. Key, practically a priao- ti<» of the Aaaerican Prison As- aodation at Indtan^^dis. 0. F, L«wis, secretary of .^e New In E^ Mmuai r^orCtb the ing with the delijgation. gnai, and the acprewasM^r'avHaw governor of Virginia. State Com- ,vm,tni^..ion ve«tPrH»^ 5it »>». p«.. missuMierof'A«;ricaltiire Getaxelman^^ibaasy and: the White W. Koiner aLioiigty wlviratHiJHooaa. Lata* "the viaitMa la- that our next IcKialalure provide ;^)eded the kxal jail and were a state ^^;>n^ifiati<Hi,.which initakyionanaatcHu^iietripaboat Ms owjt wntd^. -wm ' •advertise and th»oi*^ Rock <k«d£ Rtek, tot^wecidti^spteMlidoixiHir- acci»npaniedfay Dr. K<^er. iCr. tumtiaioffered herejor «n£« ofjwitoon an<^ ^ r.7J^^^ fmf^^l^^ wSjug??-1^ mdnrtry. eeonomy and 8oa» cap>-:t.intendant of Washington Asylnm' '"^^J^"^^ ^ ^y "^-r ^ ital to^=iflv<Bt^-j^-our Virginia and jaBr—Tomorrow a vi«t will ^yd." In the r^)ort, Commis- be paid to the National Training SkMW Koiaet alau calls aiUHHiuu Sehuul fur Boys, Uie Quvenuaaa. Woodbeny and Woodberry puHed -^Ni beautiful f<Hward pass for thirty yards, and then carried the bail over on end nm for a touchdown. Woodberry missed roodberrv's terrifatrv nnti I 'jLMiJf'ir.ifM TiUBlLtA* AsBuciaiiuu, aud Mw About rdtrtlUulb^BnidYoiuigtt attaawrHa •cUitBBCS Will be ddl*« ered by Dr.^ryu^es De(armQ,_ head of the department of edo- cationinCfMmeUUBivernty, wbo will discuss Swne Vitri Sehooj ProKans, Jma~ by Hon. R. C. Ae_last _mx miniites of jrfay. Then Wiwd berry pulled o S - ^ aeries of foiwanl' PSSB^ curiedthe ball to Manassas yard line, there losing the ball to M, IL^ S. oa^owBS. The^f^histle Wew before IL ^ S. cowild Hne 10 Time of ganitf^^ t^-minnte ligl^n^T: of Haymarket. to the fact thia in »00 the.vriae Hosfitaifor the Iwane M^^^ of agriciSljturai lands in Virginia sib^. the Traimny School for ... , ,, ^ ^ . . .was plaeejd at |32aQ00.QeQ and Girls.-WaAington Sty. Wir%iiLiu Hit hut ef the. Cntaah; that JLhe^ V&lu^ had increased' ._.Jeet, where he hadgMie'toeffect I^Q |7jOf,0{|O.QQO the release of Xh-. lV9fiam Beaa«v jjg p^r cent. prpmiiwait eitiaen of Upper j—"Wtf have >•' AFBm, AI, p i , , . , iioi gppreetetea; Mariboroui^^<|^wheJiadi»Ml|i^^ arrested by the British for al-iprrpaf vaiji^ r.f th^ <it^*^ ,„ logod erool tfcotp^nt of some of widely and liberally advertisthflr; 7 hfT wnnrirrfiil r>!.w>ureea- Wcrrz the 'Minden' in an agony of' have millions of kile aCrea. This Buapcanc, starflcd^cr jind anon! y""]^ y"" ^"n^>i^ tli^ value ef our land, much of which is now of the rain there was a fuU at- i ment was given by the Nokomis On Saturjayt. Nov. 15, in spite ' quarters. Referee^J. L. Hynson. ITmpire—y W, Garrisan H. LincatiMai Mr. CabdI. Mr. White. Touchdowns—Sound (3^ fcynch (1) and Woodberry <3). A most interesting entertain^ ^Tio n^ »T.o T^^o^ .^^l^g^ffl^l ,f foiro of the seasoa^^ given. last F^day evening at "Ciover HiU," the couiiLiy Lom^ ol Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, when their, daughter, Ifiss £ ^ y J. ^husou7~'asterlaiued a nuinber of younsr:people;in compliment heoBt. i!iieat> Mias liMigr The guests were received in the large' parkr, which was at- Uaato^dy deeomiwl witit ferns and otho* potted pMts. They soon repaired, to the "athletk field" to engage in hvelv kame^ football the wfft Mfif;G^ rnyjBaiWartfed AtTJw lie itrf^jfril foirthe best football jj^i is now the possessor of a saa High Sehuul "arm baad la the blug and g<(M. Mr^ D. C. Bieames,- stale supn'mieiHiait of " pubHe Instroetioi^ .who will port on The Year> Pn^p^sr secretary of state, n e^>yted to address the omfefeoeeon llai^B- givmg Day. At 8 p. m the gea- eral meeting of the Stite Teaeb- CTs* Aaaodatiott-wiH be held at whigh time addresaca wiH be <i»r Hvered^byS^Ri-Jaaies D. AaweB,- member of Congress from Loms- iana. ami by Hon. C. A. ProeBer. secretary of the Natiobal Sodety fw the ProBiotiBa of EdneatiaB. "• •>• - -—T-r j ^ ,. u i- AjaiayjKJDJsjtiveu tu the got ^t^^r^r"^ 'eiid-uemimia uf UieOe opMatiTO ^ jEdacatiofr jdaaadation, A^aad to QH; toal iwaiaiop Bf ^ e SXUT ^BsaMErs AssociatiOB;~ wlueii ^^B- inelatfe tiie annual bosmessmeet- 4»Cr- Tlie_greategt array of g p q ^ ' y Siffiiggg^t^iZ^^SA^^ ^ ^ _^^J^a^-j^AJi^g^ tbe arched cuw>py ttove. Efeijiito n u . caiwpy old flag. smaller ones. A large and toved the old flag. It was the i thrifty papulation in the eooaBun-*«ne of Mr, symbol of law, g«»en«ent «^\^^t^!^.^!^^!^J^ Bfe^inte MeDonakL X:K„.;„ •^ K;.« „^ . ^ , . allfcmdsOf business. , Jiaewi aad-Mzs. Chas. K tation prize, A^eJtici •ukwi. iMtewmuMxTrmf. I Conferences has been :teeured for jLyechS^LIBSJigg. AmoaigpSepartiifieBt p « # f f i l l n « ' ^ ^ S : ' * ' era! sesswns n(^ named above civilixation to. him. He feared the worst He hoped for the best. About 3 o'clock in the VIA-MILLER evKientilyintemB^I at 2:3t n. m. ~ ! witb much regret. •.^t^^^':^.'''^^'^'^''' """^^ "r^ ^ <»lyiWilL>«rG^&DS?th1;!pn>fessorofEdo^ invited guests i»esen^ also. guests present. MJ^IBU enjoyed Charlotte Haydon, Lucie M>v >«.r^L>ff«, r^ji -• - • ,„itj _ ^ ; ; ; ^ f r ; n ;^,„rJ ^terestin, f^ start "^ ai^^.g^^^JLaL-^^. th^ T i^tt %h^l ^t^n A playlet of L-hai-atter .^ over, in Nokesville oo Monday, .Utf fiaMainglnB^Q m^rrSsm £«fte- . EoiaiL4^I5L.^t,fesJIBnip H. YjuL^qt eg^gnhakart of S t QeotKe's Trade School. New the rear. Bat simiilfeebusirl^-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ : ^ ^ r i T ^ . , .^- . u . . . «„ton and our American barges Mr. Via's parents. They were Latham. Mrs. S. B. Sanders i °^ "** P**^*" who gave it; S i i t d aueh a toifit fire ea the'{•••"•''••••r[^>'* >'i^ ."'•*'". MlM MM. W. I, Smdowt Miaa l O w ! "•'^''^'•' "<•"•" ^ 'J- ^ „,„^ _. ^ ^ T t h a t they w « ^ d with S ' S f B ^ t e ^ i l ^ d S o T ™ ^ ^T^^^ arfl Mrs. g. R. Mc- j Opening Address. H. L. Bivena.,! S^e I^hman. .a*,-S«,«,«ar of Home Econom- all possible haste to get out of "'^r S ^ ^ f t h , ? ^ . Mrs. ^ ^ S c throughout theafternoon' ^ — - - — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . Messrs. pouglasJanne,v, Fran- i^s i„ Ihe Rural Schools of S-uth Johnson. Marr Bexrode.Wiiliette i ^^f^^"^^ of Music in the «;hoola K; M>-q». Sara ]j6lf>ARoe andi"^P»'^"J"ig. Mi&s Mai> D. Fiay- range of the deatli-dealiug-Vitt han bwn liead rrf the dhpuatrt^ n of shot and sh^L The ment ot music at the Hebron storm rescue ships tlieu caugrr Fort Mefienf^F wh«e Music throughout tbeaftemooo RftiiHing- *^-^yaT« Hammrli: ftii-i niiiiiilffTrtij JMiwaa |jafi»w,lveeai Duati. Imn, Ludium- mSeminary, and both MR—and and Nellie Sanders. Dfttnty yo'fpcahtnfntji Mrs- Via have a host of friends ser\ed and enjoyed by all. et. htm!. Edna Adams. r e' RwilaUaiL Edward Hamrniir es- ReciUtion. Miss Van Sickler. - *cis Lewis, LeRoy"Brackw«H, Gfxs. aiHlPwiu .^attiujdii. W. CHrniU Pics;: Pri^At^yyt R r. Rta/.;.- Norveil Larkin,C.H. Yarborouph. v^elJ and rrol'-EdwwW. Bowcn. jr.. Gorton H. Lightner. John "f R^wJ^iP'jMacuu Guilt^e. P^e!^ Wiilcoxon. Wheatley John^son, ident i. D. Elgglestoa and Prof. battie «»»«M^-~14M earth auaked.fwiWMvwlif*^^ "- '-"^ -2:^TiZ^''^^Zr^^^''^"''A^^~^''Z'\"i «"''''r''^'=^""'''°=*\"»*»-^5!^. Harvey Janney. .Maurice H ^ Gamer, of the Virgima oatwe eweae«.—H>e earm guMmu aad ftapp» Ute. : - - -- The wrrrpranv dispersed with. Minnehaha,-Nokomis."^ William Lucien Urkm. Wiriiam Pr.ivt^v-hnV iroMt,,-^ P t m tboupH a volcano was strog- After a bndal trip tJ»ey wiltbethe reeimgthat thts meeting wa»i 'Paddle Your Own CaBoe.'^:So^:C. Gather. P«J»ell M. Meu, Mar- ir*^^^"'f %'*"f"jL^ ^ '""/V^-^'-^ gling to relieve itself of itsfeBg"**^^™^ ^^ *"^ "j?°°- Augusta the best hot it is a trait ef this' ciety. _ = shall H&vdon, W. Partee Weir. " ^- "^•^'^- •* ^- f^ra^nn A :. . ^ = > <»UBty. where Mfv V la 16 engaged-progressive and nsetnl socitity t Nokomis Son^. Soctert* ' Pau] Rexrode. Hendley Johcson ^^'Pf^er a-J R .b< r; IT %.-;,h f . ii^.evi or, .-^Tecifi F»*re in teaching school. . 'that the test «-always-the best.'• A CLARKSON. and Edvard Puads. the L"r-.v. .t ^^ \ -, .-»- *«»**** 'i^ NokesA-iiieto wii* fhem a long pwially by the hu8ten~d.s present ' "Three Little Indians, Hia'Wi'tha, Harvey Janney. Maunce Harreij;. Ljman Garrit'I

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Page 1: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI

^mm 1

VOL XUr. No. 26; MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, Je>VEMfi£R^.^oi<



Col. Gmargm AnoatMut, j Dr. darkaon Prteoatt Copf of 'H«r»W F^rt McH—ry," Re- j "Song* <rf LoTe aad War."

kted ft> MaM««M Lady. - ' -PlaaaJ la Stale J^tMwm.

ProMiaa Ddegatipn Alao In-:aBMtL.th».Jail and Takai -^Aulo Tnir-Aboiit dty." "

Apropos the^ appqintraent of j Dr. Clarkaefthaa justpreaotted | Accompanied by icpiuBimtg-arepresentatiTeof THE JouBNXLto the Virsrinia state Ubrary in Itivea of the local board of chari-

-w r TBrab»TrtIirwesriS5fflPTFnffim6na:' r ^^^ of IS pSiiS; mS: meJnber roT^(^dSr^ iwttee.<^_-the-J^Atliuia|Stj^^^^ at l^f piy w«r " Tn man ddegatioa-wtuab-la Jft>angledbMMwCentenna ca- thft £fh1i^n^ N^w» IiWd*r. of

Monday, NuremUer IT, c n m n d


DefMito Wopdbwry '**T*C-ninrnf^aMitf

- ^ z--*. . 26 to 1 8 . -



One of HaymarkeCS Popolar v»MiB TTcaoaQ ar rMr o N n r s

ber, 1914, the one hundredth an *• aiversary of the defence of Fort

McHenry, the following bit of information may interest some of THE JOURNAL'S readers. There has been on exhibition for a year er more past in the National Mu­seum in Washington the very .fas wMck iii&Qiied the

the folbwing arlaele witfi-refw"-ence to the gift:

Dr. H. M. Clarkson. of Hay-maitet, Prince William county, in- Washington Wednesday, who IB atyled "The PaRtrlsurmte.

an inspection of penal and correc-1 ond.

In a hard-fought~ game on Round Athletic F l< jgy: ^on-day. the Maaaaa s High School j neaday, Nov

Avery beautiful but quiet wed-

19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI aad

- tfiflWl aes W. Bell, of Haymar-

of the South." has juHt p w a i t e d to the Virginia state library through fi. W. Merchant, of this

r,-acgMfof 4he anlatgad edi-•rXmeiica^eleetnfyingTTation-i tion of Ids po«ns, ''Stmga of Lov« alaoaia, "The Siar 8 p « i i a l e d Banner," not only the flag occu pying in a glasgcase a large wall space on the right as you enter the main door of the old museum, but iMCturesof Francis ScoUKto' •nd Maj ©rorgB Ailtni5t€aa;ias6 has placed in our lilwary the gift

' B swcHrdaAd'epaulettes ' -from -Df."Ciiiriuii>u 0f~hfir'jBOcmi " " • "Evory ^

son. at Whetstone ' •Q«o.

Armistead, one of the bravest Kien of that period, and Joseph Nichelson, brottier-in-law to Mr.


-Mcey^ 4?)«Biptedl>y a dll fRUs td spirit of vacillation, if not'-a greater weakness, <»xier8 came f rom JWashingtcm to surrender. The btavB uflBcBf IflHgirilteil his poaitiim as commandw Mm nv


Umbey JJne untera. -Toes-', the 13th day of Septonber,

the-, attadi" wt» begun, i i ^

forty-two ponndftrs wooTd

state Librarian H. K. McD-waine. in acknowlpayiny tif Mr Merchant the receipt of this book, says: "I wish to thank you for

'GouBs uf LuvB auJ WlU-.' i'h» book 1B one of omatdal inteteS:

^ ™*2^""«'? thla eoUBUV a score OS iJB to m . ' ket. Vs.. and one of the b e ^ today v i s ^ the Distncts work-1 In the ftrst five minutes of the 1 known and hest-liked girls in house at OccoQuan. Va. .game. Woodberry smashediprince William county, became

The commission, which amvedTthrough the Manassas tine Tor A] the bride of Mr. T William Gar Washmgton W e d n ^ y is i touchdown. Woodberry missed I rett. son of Mr. and Mrs. John

composed of August Plaschke. goal. Manassas then received {D. Garrett, of Fairfax Va. the

Johnannes Hiekmonn. director of a central prison in Prussia, and

haying made the suggestion that PaulJtemppte. dlractfti'af a » -

direct representative or uie min-1 the kick and after a few minutes > event occurring in Washington, ister of justice, Prussia, who has 1 of play Round gnt away for a D. C. at the home of the bride's more than a thousand prisoners bag end run, for a touchdown, j sisters in the We^hester, Fif-gPgf'= hjJJi' gJT'sJo^^ gPOl and the firnt 11wnth and 0 sUwts-nurthwwu-Schneser. representative of the BiniWg 6t tB6 Ittteh^r. < ho ai^ has ehuge of a large number of priaons and reform achoola:

form school in Prussia. tirre5p^agtg'a~feeiuestonBe

Department of State, the District board of changes is arranging

yfe wish to <^tghiii tSeVlriguua the visite of tn: >ection of tiie state, hbrary copies of a^ booka commission while iti-Washington. wtittcu by VliaiulailgW,about I President John Joy Edaon of the Virtnni* I fthall wnt« 4i^-4)r^^airg-tedav paHt-WrrTw^^ Clarkson th^nlrinfr iHm for the gifL"

Dr. Caarkauu is the author Oig numevoos otlier .meritorioas poems, whidi have not ai >eared in boot fwm, am<mg -s^cfa are flWOll Mmikited tor speoal oe^ cassiona undear the aofgdecB of ^ e -Umted DBogfatera <tf the G n f ^ enwy, aad 1 ^ rednlo^ and peaee

W^»W V^^^X:^ir^rl J •••• • \^9WZ 1 J « f a j f l 1>^»

1911; /

theeonimissiMrat the New Wil-i»xd

WCAL Oi' iCIALS WITH THKJIT" The local officii who aecom

panied thedei^ration toOccoquan were Br. Geor^M. Kohw vi«. yeaident <rf_ gte board, and Geacge , S. WilsMi, secretary. Waiiam'i'. Myers of the oflSce of flie secretary tn t)w»

quarter wound tfp with a score > Rev Dr. E. V. Regester. pastor 01 seven to six in lavor of Hanas^ of the Mount Vernon Place M.E. *"• I church, South, performed z,the

In the setand quarter. M. H. S. ceremony which, on acconift of the recept death of the bride's kicked to Woodberry. The visi

tors then tned the line but found they couid not eUn» and by a series of end runs and forward pasaP^l^alFnartT^ hall fn U n n Z ^ sas' 1 yard line Manassas heki them for three dw^ns, but Wwd-beiy just managed to get.-the ball over on the last down.

J Wfaodbenry miCBod the goal aud kicked to M. H; S. Round again cm;iedWoodb«ryfor touchdown.

,. Mapasaas missed t|ie gx»l. "~ln „ ^ E . next iew minutes of play.

Ly uefa. of MauaifcHut, iuierceptedp a forward pass and tau fifty yards for touchdown. Manassas k i c k e d goal and .the score stood Manassas 20, Woodberry 12.

ID t V fifirfmd half, Adaniaon

sister, was witnessed only by a smaH grpup of relatives. .

The bride, who is a typical Vir; giuiabruiuicteof ehantiing beauty and most attracitive personality.

TO ffiET AT LTRCHRIG VirgataEJuuimMl

The exeentive eommittoe of

ference has completed Ae ybed-ule of meetingti for the eifl^th Tnjaaal conference ,to be heid^~ Lynchburg Nov. 26, 27 and 28L The o^ference ir composed of— t he superintendents' eonferenee, the SUte Teachers' AaaodatioD, the School Trustees' Aaaodation and the Co-operative Education Association, four large co-opera­ting bodies, of which the State

• : * .

looked particularly pretty iii her handsome going-away gown of. aimj-auJ-miTy Stffan, Wl

a membership of about five tiiOQ-laud. H B iiMHitfiii mat atom: three thousand viaitan win be in Btte idanee and the bofl]HtaUe Uoima of L^miLbuq; will be thrown, open to them.

" ine eoflterenoe proptsr wUt. be preceded by a meeting of^tte. s c l i ^ aM civic icaguM6a tuea-' day night, and the division soper-intMidents-wiri. also begin timr

aad-gloves-to match, wearing a corst^e bouquet of English vio-' 1 ^

ik»n^lter the congratulations liad been extended the couple de-^arted—anrid^owcrs of ^iee^ad old shoes—on their honeymoon trip, to indude Richmond-, Balti

an izetarpreten :TSt

and Roads at end started- bres^ jng up the Wogdbei'ry Fon»t plays befor tiiey got started. Ti3e baU was jfirst iii Manassas' pasaegBipaa and then in Wood lieiij-^'and in the last few miu-utes Roiuul made a beautifQl dash

more and oth» Dftp 1 thoy anil th«r fneodsin Haymarket. where the gipofa is engaged in buai«

fw forty yards through Wood-

points. After hfi at hnrnfttn

ness. We feel that we are only echoing the sentimests. of the many other friends *qf the coupkl wheri we wish tjtein the most perfect hamainess aild prbsperi tyi.

. ' • " " . . • — ^ — ' . • —

deliberations at that 'time, On

lar R RRJnn nf thf i«ffnf r*in'» win ^ opened with an addresa fay Dr. S. C. Mitchell, president Of the Iffpdiwil Ctint>pi cit-Wi^wiim On the Ram^nWifftnniwrnf r^tff^ W. Bright, head of the depart­ment of Eoglish in the Johna B ^ d a s Universit7i aad (Ae vX Qw liiKomi AmsriBUi aehulara will adrirPM thp «>»»> Tp«rfw»»* Association.

. Wednesday night at 8 o'doc^ . the genaul meetiiig^JEilL Be nn>

der the an^I«s~ o£-t& JSopdntn- teiHleuls' Conftinaiee an(f SghwHr

iatt sheat of' Ihe immuy 'a shipa^ •iiJetJv an/T r»tiPTittv awaited th^

TO ApyERiBE m m ^cmassion has beoi iff ^ - . _ . . ,___^_ this eoBBtry about MX weeks, and i ^ " y Fofeatjor .toUcMoWn. I l j e t

pnqyr psypholagiftu moment ^Tbe Briti^ tiirew thdr

b o n ^ some weitduitg over two hundred pounds with such tBrri&;

J«Hi. nwmrh attenaea thfe e6nven-

force thatrtt is said, tn i r i^ -airat were seen

onee, the shock making the veiy ioundatiop ot the iort g e m h ^ At 3 in the af pmnnn aftfir ninfi hoora of fighting the British sent a few vessels nearer tiie fort and withm range ^ _ t h e Amm^n guns. Shot <ad sheBJall with thp fury of a ^qrm from beavoi, so

= 9 cape Ae range of the misaileaof death. Sooc the d|rimess of atgltt fell, veiling lUe acene ftem the j ^ ^ deeply integ-csted. • • • . ' • " • - • • , i "Mr. Key, practically a priao-

ti<» of the Aaaerican Prison As-aodation at Indtan^^dis. 0. F, L«wis, secretary of .^e New

In E^ Mmuai r^orCtb the ing with the delijgation. gnai, and the acprewasM r'avHaw

governor of Virginia. State Com- ,vm,tni^..ion ve«tPrH»^ 5it »>». p«.. missuMierof'A«;ricaltiire Getaxelman^^ibaasy and: the White W. Koiner aLioiigty wlviratHiJHooaa. Lata* "the viaitMa la-that our next IcKialalure provide ;^)eded the kxal jail and were a state ^^;>n ifiati<Hi,.which initakyionanaatcHu^iietripaboat Ms owjt wntd^. -wm ' •advertise and th»oi*^ Rock <k«d£ Rtek, tot^wecidti^spteMlidoixiHir- acci»npaniedfay Dr. K<^er. iCr. tumtiaioffered herejor «n£« ofjwitoon an< ^ r.7J^^^ f m f ^ ^ l ^ ^ w S j u g ? ? - 1 ^ mdnrtry. eeonomy and 8oa» cap>-:t.intendant of Washington Asylnm' '"^^J^"^^ ^ y "^-r ^ ital to^=iflv<Bt -j -our Virginia and jaBr—Tomorrow a vi«t will ^yd." In the r^)ort, Commis- be paid to the National Training SkMW Koiaet alau calls aiUHHiuu Sehuul fur Boys, Uie Quvenuaaa.

Woodbeny and Woodberry puHed -^Ni beautiful f<Hward pass for thirty yards, and then carried the bail over on end nm for a touchdown. Woodberry missed

roodberrv's terrifatrv nnti I

'jLMiJf'ir.ifM TiUBlLtA* AsBuciaiiuu, aud Mw

About rdtrtlUulb^BnidYoiuigtt


•cUitBBCS Will be ddl*« ered by Dr.^ryu^es De(armQ,_ head of the department of edo-cationinCfMmeUUBivernty, wbo will discuss Swne Vitri Sehooj ProKans, Jma~ by Hon. R. C.

Ae_last _mx miniites of jrfay. Then Wiwd berry pulled o S - ^ aeries of foiwanl' PSSB^ curiedthe ball to Manassas yard line, there losing the ball to M, IL S. oa^owBS. The f histle Wew before IL ^ S. cowild Hne


Time of ganitf^^ t^-minnte ligl^n^T: of Haymarket.

to the fact thia in »00 the.vriae Hosfitaifor the Iwane M ^ ^ ^ of agriciSljturai lands in Virginia sib^. the Traimny School for

. . . , ,, ^ ^ . . .was plaeejd at |32aQ00.QeQ and Girls.-WaAington Sty. Wir%iiLiu Hit hut ef the. Cntaah; that JLhe^ V&lu^ had increased'

._.Jeet, where he hadgMie'toeffect I Q |7jOf,0{|O.QQO the release of Xh-. lV9fiam Beaa«v jjg p r cent.

• prpmiiwait eitiaen of Upper j—"Wtf have >•' AFBm, AI, p i

, , . , iioi gppreetetea; Mariboroui^^<|^wheJiadi»Ml|i^^ arrested by the British for al-iprrpaf vaiji^ r.f th^ <it^*^ ,„ logod erool tfcotp^nt of some of widely and liberally advertisthflr; 7

hfT wnnrirrfiil r>!.w>ureea- Wcrrz the 'Minden' in an agony of' have millions of kile aCrea. This Buapcanc, starflcd^cr jind anon! y""]^ y"" "n >i tli^ value ef

our land, much of which is now of the rain there was a fuU at- i ment was given by the Nokomis On Saturjayt. Nov. 15, in spite '

quarters. Referee^J. L. Hynson. ITmpire—y W, Garrisan H. LincatiMai Mr. CabdI.

Mr. White. Touchdowns—Sound (3^

fcynch (1) and Woodberry <3).

A most interesting entertain^

^T io n^ »T.o T^^o^ .^^l^g^ffl^l , f

foiro of the seasoa ^ given. last F^day evening at "Ciover HiU," the couiiLiy Lom^ ol Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, when their, daughter, Ifiss £ ^ y J. ^husou7~'asterlaiued a nuinber of younsr:people;in compliment

heoBt. i!iieat> Mias liMigr

The guests were received in the large' parkr, which was at-Uaato^dy deeomiwl witit ferns and otho* potted pMts. They soon repaired, to the "athletk field" to engage in hvelv kame^

football the wfft Mfif;G

rnyjBaiWartfed AtTJw lie itrf jfril foirthe best football jj^i is now the possessor of a saa High Sehuul "arm baad la the

blug and g<(M. Mr D. C.

Bieames,- stale supn'mieiHiait of " pubHe Instroetioi^ .who will port on The Year> Pn^p^sr

secretary of state, n e^>yted to address the omfefeoeeon llai^B-givmg Day. At 8 p. m the gea-eral meeting of the Stite Teaeb-CTs* Aaaodatiott-wiH be held at whigh time addresaca wiH be <i»r Hvered^byS^Ri-Jaaies D. AaweB,-member of Congress from Loms-iana. ami by Hon. C. A. ProeBer. secretary of the Natiobal Sodety fw the ProBiotiBa of EdneatiaB. — "• •>• -

-—T-r j ^ ,. u i- AjaiayjKJDJsjtiveu tu the got ^t^^r^r"^ 'eiid-uemimia uf UieOe opMatiTO ^

jEdacatiofr jdaaadation, A aad to QH; toal iwaiaiop Bf ^ e SXUT ^BsaMErs AssociatiOB;~ wlueii ^^B-inelatfe tiie annual bosmessmeet-4»Cr-

Tlie_greategt array of gpq^'y Siffiiggg^t^iZ^^SA^^ ^ ^


tbe arched cuw>py ttove. Efeijiito nu . caiwpy old flag.

smaller ones. A large and toved the old flag. It was the i thrifty papulation in the eooaBun-*«ne of Mr, symbol of law, g«»en«ent «^\^^t^!^.^!^^!^J^ Bfe^inte MeDonakL X : K „ . ; „ •^ K;.« „^ . ^ , . all fcmds Of business. , J i a e w i

aad-Mzs. Chas. K

tation prize, A^eJtici

•ukwi. iMtewmuMxTrmf.

I Conferences has been :teeured for jLyechS^LIBSJigg. Amoaig—

pSepartiifieBt p«#f f i l ln« '^^S: '* ' era! sesswns n(^ named above

civilixation to. him. He feared the worst He hoped for the best. About 3 o'clock in the



at 2:3t n. m. ~ ! witb much regret.

•.^t^^^':^.'''^^'^'^''' " " " ^ ^ " r^ ^ <»lyiWilL>«rG^&DS?th1;!pn>fessorofEdo^ invited guests i»esen^ also. guests present. MJ^IBU enjoyed Charlotte Haydon, Lucie M>v >«.r^L>ff«, r ji -• - • ,„ i t j

_ ^ ; ; ; ^ f r ; n ;^,„rJ ^terestin, f^ start " ^ ai^^.g^^^JLaL-^^. th^ T i^tt %h l ^t^n A playlet of


. over, in Nokesville oo Monday, .Utf fiaMainglnB^Q m^rrSsm

£«fte-. EoiaiL4^I5L.^t,fesJIBnip H. YjuL^qt eg^gnhakart of St QeotKe's Trade School. New the rear. Bat simiilfeebusirl^-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ : ^ ^ r i T ^ . , .^- . u . . .

«„ton and our American barges Mr. Via's parents. They were Latham. Mrs. S. B. Sanders i °^ "** P** *" who gave it; S i i t d aueh a toifit fire ea the'{•••"•''••••r[^>'* >'i ."'•*'". MlM MM. W. I, Smdowt Miaa lOw! "•' '' '•' "<•"•" ^ 'J- ^ „ , „ ^ _ . ^ ^ T t h a t they w « ^ d with S ' S f B ^ t e ^ i l ^ d S o T ™ ^ ^T^^^ arfl Mrs. g. R. Mc- j Opening Address. H. L. Bivena.,! S ^ e I^hman. .a*,-S«,«,«ar of Home Econom-all possible haste to get out of " '^r S ^ ^ f t h , ? ^ . Mrs. ^ ^ S c throughout theafternoon' ^ — - - — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . Messrs. pouglasJanne,v, Fran- i s i„ Ihe Rural Schools of S-uth

Johnson. Marr Bexrode.Wiiliette i ^f^^"^^ of Music in the «;hoola K; M>-q». Sara ]j6lf>ARoe andi"^P»'^"J"ig. Mi&s Mai> D. Fiay-

range of the deatli-dealiug-Vitt han bwn liead rrf the dhpuatrt n of shot and sh^L The ment ot music at the Hebron storm

rescue ships tlieu caugrr Fort Mefienf F wh«e

Music throughout tbeaftemooo RftiiHing- *^-^yaT« Hammrli: ftii-i niiiiiilffTrtij JMiwaa |jafi»w,lveeai Duati. Imn, Ludium-

mSeminary, and both MR—and and Nellie Sanders.

Dfttnty yo'fpcahtnfntji Mrs- Via have a host of friends ser\ed and enjoyed by all.

et. htm!. Edna Adams.

r e' RwilaUaiL Edward Hamrniir es- ReciUtion. Miss Van Sickler.

- *cis Lewis, LeRoy"Brackw«H, Gfxs. aiHlPwiu . attiujdii. W. CHrniU Pics;: Pri^At^yyt R r. Rta/.;.-

Norveil Larkin,C.H. Yarborouph. v elJ and rrol'-EdwwW. Bowcn. jr.. Gorton H. Lightner. John "f R^wJ^iP'jMacuu Guilt^e. P^e!^ Wiilcoxon. Wheatley John^son, ident i. D. Elgglestoa and Prof.

battie «»»«M^-~14M earth auaked.fwiWMvwlif*^^ "- '-"^ -2:^TiZ^''^^Zr^^^''^"''A^^~^''Z'\"i «"''''r''^'=^""'''°=*\"»*»-^5!^. Harvey Janney. .Maurice H ^ Gamer, of the Virgima oatwe eweae«.—H>e earm guMmu aad ftapp» Ute. : - - - - The wrrrpranv dispersed with. Minnehaha,-Nokomis."^ William Lucien Urkm. Wiriiam Pr.ivt^v-hnV iroMt,,-^ P t m tboupH a volcano was strog- After a bndal trip tJ»ey wi l tbe the reeimgthat thts meeting wa»i 'Paddle Your Own CaBoe.'^:So^:C. Gather. P«J»ell M. Meu, Mar- i r*^^^"' f %'*"f"jL^ ^ '""/V - '- gling to relieve itself of itsfeBg"**^^™^ ^^ * " ^ "j?°°- Augusta the best hot it is a trait ef this' ciety. _ = shall H&vdon, W. Partee Weir. " ^- " • ' - •* ^- f ra nn A : .

. ^ = > <»UBty. where Mfv V la 16 engaged-progressive and nsetnl socitity t Nokomis Son^. Soctert* ' Pau] Rexrode. Hendley Johcson ^^'Pf^er a-J R .b< r; IT %.-;,h f . ii .evi or, .- Tecifi F»*re in teaching school. . 'that the test «-always-the best.'• A CLARKSON. and Edvard Puads. the L"r-.v. .t ^ \ -, .-»-

*«»**** 'i^ NokesA-iiieto wii* fhem a long • pwially by the hu8ten~d.s present ' "Three Little Indians, Hia'Wi'tha, Harvey Janney. Maunce Harreij;. Ljman Garrit'I

Page 2: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI

yp^ir u AWAa^^^ JOLLR^-AU FKlPAX- >^Qf



Le Conte Steven., of W ^ - iMEETlNG (M^ SUPERVISORS.: R- J ^ ^ ^ ' ^ "f ' ' f ^ ' .

4ag toa*Bi i*»Uni»ra i ty ; I tw- i r - w,eetinr of the Board *• M 'oJiT. '• ** **

water Colleire- Professors Walter!^ ciupormora 9i rnave^i^^-j ^ ^ „ „ „

^ f « ^ ^ ^ h m o n d College; Mrs.''he said county on Saturday. ^ «ddeUv^in* piu.

2.00 W. W. Fritter, Cola* Z.9t\l. T. Syncox, • p e c i j

Z.O0JR. H. Keya, rcgivtrsr,-Jg^H^Hottlw. iitf J. P Idt»fh

* ? *


B. B. M«nford, t-resment of the* ' - ^ , -^;f, V T. SVIIWA. CLAU- D. J. A»i»,fto«." " g.«>tj.-IVif.nneC^o»Hrii

G. A ^ e w , Super-' ° « ^ J-P- > * « ' ^ / - S : , S ' ^ ± »« J K«^. iu«l«* of .Wtl«.; Co-op«rativ« EdiK^ition A^soeia^ tion; Miss Ella Tisor of Girls' Canning Clubs; Mr, 4 , U . oanqjTt rlirtiT -t/caiwu- i atration Agent for Virginia; Supt Frank W.Dulce^oftSettFchmi Iiistitutft. Rtehiwowd; D>. F.

were ureseaLJ. T^&JiiwiA,

J. L. Dawson. 0 . C. Hutchison and T. M. Russell.

the application for a Powell's ctaet—xfc:. r« filed, and it was

L. E. Merchant, W. L. Br«wa«r,elerk" C. W. Gmrruwo, " " Lewia Lupine, jvig^ " " E. G. W. Key*, jadge o f e K e ^

4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2:00

Horn «i>j daliToring f-olla. Martin, of Randoiph-Macon Wo-: ordered that J. L. Dawson, com- ^ E. C. Miller, jod^e of election.

lRtB' iC^<igg .—^^^"^ < imiMirn^''- f"*- ^^i^* m i m n a e . t a k e Wm.r.row. elTk h t e i a c t t o n . t c . 2.00 3.S0

In addition to the Regular meet-

said .bridge, and advertise lor ini^^^tJpn^ wiU, hold remuQ^s. The teachers from each Congres sional Dictrict will ateo hold sep-arate district meetings^'

T^e most pretentious exhibit erer attempted by the schools of Tirginia will be on display at the

proper measurements tor aubr, Wm. T. Abel. cUrk of electioa ' - J. W. Hem<l(«.jn(lr»"

proposals to coriSttnet the n m e ; Offlergd chat

cMnmitte* to be appointed a_ secur^ nr rpine^ onsuzuice court house and jail as follows: $5,000 oi> court house and $1,000

City Aoditorium^during the CoTL-lon iai!. j h e same to be for a term ference. The Teachers Club of ol not more than three years. the city will serve a luncheon to the visitors and Randolph-Macon

C.E.Bi5»wner," ^/eo. rt. LtaTHJ, jodiie

tion and deliveriny Polb,

2.00 J. F. Gulick. 2.00 Same,

board J. Ti Sy»*coi.

g.00]J. P. Manuel, J. L. Dawaon


Qj^-fid; IlamtwU.^adga of ctectiaa.-E. S. Brockett, ' W. W. Davia, clerk " A. T. Lacey, " " H. Rfid. judga " •"

at 00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

ceptioriotilViday afternoon. Mn-»K fuf Uie iiight wootingf, which rill be hid<d in the splendid audi­

toriumof Court Street Church, will bo furniafaed by the Btadents of Randolph-Macon, and the public'^school chorus. th& day mftrt;ingsJirilLJbe-fa.eld..m the large MehBChwlbuildiuK. wfai^ has an excellent aadijtoriuni,

The railroads of the State have granted greatly reduced rates for tlcT=Dund-Uip U> LjHLL trains run eonvwiiwiUj^inid fre= ^uently from all potnt^ and the city is centrally loeatedT Excel-

able ratca have been provided by the local committee in coopera­tion with the Woman's Club; and accredited deJegates will beentCT-t&ifttfd fr<ltfi>f dim g e . * The head qiiartpr^ of t.hft Conference will be established at the' Virginia

-Hotel, whfiare^.Superiptendent Glass and a IjO-gftlrtf*! committee wil l

R. E. Simpson,

Since the Act of Assembly, ap-1 " L ^ . ^ * ' ' : * ^ ; " proved March 12. 1912. has been j ^ ^ " I'^^^fJ^ a t t a c k e d upon constitutional|g_j_i,^Ain„ grounds, and it is to the iotereat j and deli^erins pollal of this county to have the vaK-i A- H.Co«pt»»jo*Frof«tKtfeai.

~ Ai BuHakertw dity of said act jpheM, it »»S » -t h e Uw»d unite wife

other counties in retaining coun­sel, and bear the expense of de-laudij^said act intiie ratio thifr county is pecuniarily intw^sted. and the Himg"innwi*iiltih'n »tfitt= ney of this county was authorized to bind this board to such an agreement with such otiier coun-

Tho bid of E . g . Bodipp & Son Jor^whiteraS'lumber, delivered at Ilan'iaon'o Ford bridge, was

inre - Tm Ford, near Dumfri®—the report of viewers was filed, and it was .oriered that G. M. Ratdiffe be nppfwnted edmmiBBtoner to adver­tise for bids to (coiffittuct said foot bridge in accurdance wife said lefmrt.

P. RobertsonT

rho ttend to every want of those attend. All trains will bg

ill be naoigpod

a committee-purpose.

On aiccount of the great value and inspiration~tg~be "derived from this gre^t ^ajl^riog it is hoped every section <>f theStete

agenL be givttaUui sum of $12.80 in fsn foifcostsTnd dami«esfor ppirtffft rtnaba' It was foand uee-

Ndsoa Abd. DuafriM rd. id,,- &96 .

Charlea Dnnn, apeeia^^ao*d ftmd-

wi!l be well r^resented.


N 01 \v 1 thstanding the devoted eare of mothfir.,,jiau^ter Aod son?, united with the iihtirihg attention of jier phys«ian,.Dr.

lonfr and pamful w i h God-given gtfength, •^Inira K m s t a i n

from earth to paradise on l^ies^ dav. Nov. 11, there to await the con"i:-g: of her s(»Towing aoes lert tor a little while. —

iho 13th, ^^ce^Bg to the of "the Episcopal chweh, ^—jgdroBS wst.

church, and amidat nf^jylatiyafli

to * r^S^lnsi^" ^ husba'n(t ''= -~=-

not dead, • jhii W

^•••me f e v bribing s t « ^ ahead

ford on the laiMk devisees, and also for aay iotare daiaiages for keeping said timber t i i t out."'"' ' ' ':'"-'•• • •;:-" "•

Ord^ed that warrants be drawn and delivered lu i^ a>auly

for balance of year 1913. The following accounts were

presentedr -examined, allowed.. fmd (H-dered to be certified to the C(Kznty Trieasairar for payment:

W. Comwdl. .jadge of rfee-

W. S. Saaith, clerk " " H. M, FaiTr-—'^ " " '

Same. roocn rent. J. M.Kty^.judge of elecUua.tfic,

Rjdiard Doiwvaaii^ •* '^ -R. 8 i ' Ke;y> atart ft ulaatpa



Jaa. D. Wheelw," B, W. SteriKv iwiat

,2.00 Geo. W. Muddiman. account con-2.00 tract, wings and waila, Sud-2.00 ley br id^, 100.00 2.00 W. X. Smoot A Co., coal for

f g p t . : — » : t» t - . S.«0 Auatiii Westover Boad Madiia-^aoir' ery Co.. Manaaaaariwd fond. 4BO.O0 VOCt\f. P r>.viiK ».y«-i^^m. eo-fd. . |D.0O 2.00 2.00

G. B. Lowe, ;• Rwiben Rntrirmon,

2.00 2.00

J. 3 . 3luike, elgrk and roam rant»


G. C wnghl^ Ueil df eleuiiu W: F. George, jnjge " J. O. Dnffey, " " - " __ M. C. Sathard, jndg« of tiect^

and delivering polla,



UemdOR," " ~


W. H. Wheeler. G W Smith.

room rent. 1.50

Mrs. C. Le4man,'< 1.50

W. W. Fritter, 1.50

&r-~~ rent 1912 tad 191S,_ '

W. C. Histon, room rent, F. H. Sanders, Jaaoaiy and A«^ ' yutmwuu dWiUua, wuui iwU,

F. 6 . Sand«s , November" dec^

3.00 L56

titm, roMn rent. A. J. Bradtaj", regiattkr.

LSD 6,10

Vaebn Cave, p o w W. A- Evana, Iggir A G?:,^^ J C Rarfape,


5.44 W. C. Wagener, special n L f d . , W. C Waj{«Hiei', HuptiliBa Xar jail

U.Shir lej , apacwtt aaaa 1

ooanty fopd, J. P.'l^eachmaB, treasnrer,-0(^o-

q u b road ftuqid; _ 'r'\' 3eS.1T J. I^ Dawson, ^ e ^ a l ro«d fnad, 3&40 D. M. SMfw. " " •' 4.25 Salisbury Metal Ca]v^=C^q>eeial

road fund, "~ Ta.4B bFalctmer Co., coanty fund. 1.83

man, in full for foot bridge. 150.00

cuiaiii ioBloun,' zi tmdge. Reeve'* Ford, 3.00

J. F. Galick, eommiasionar, foot bridge, Reeve's Ford, S.OO

AuatinBrothara,4ron for bridges, liO.OO Manassas Journal Pub. Co^.cafd. 22.50 T. M. RuaaaU, poorela in ," " IT.OO W . ^ A * e y ; ^ ^•D.Ceto.*"*'" Isrpaaperi''—" W » S. T. Hall, aupplies for jail, etc.

county fund. 17.95

aervicea with td. fd..



T T F : Gn l i c t , ' "

O. C HutchiaoR. Geo. W. Moddiman,

tract Roanoke bridge.



&80 ^ 4.00

-4.M &.ao


i » f Piwiilii Ar« f>iimfnimrfr«< by Senaatioaal RaauHa That f oj-lew Ua« of S t r u g * New Liqtdd and Report* of

Startling Otrw CoqtiniM to Appwr.


jt HimtT P^*^** W;H H«T«i Opportnnity ta Invwtifate New lii)^ud F^^s^ f f n fcf y t

Results In Atlanta and Ebewbere.

account COB-CO., Sodley


J. E._Nels<», r ^ u t i n ^ B. H. Amoid. " _ T.F.Rpi»/-M..y,iceforC.H.

3.00 1.20

.R. T. Crouch, registrar, " " Wm. F Kiter, TMwJ K Hfrrfll.


biuJiug land boolc^ -afc»


glass of water witHout suffering ^ , ^ . ^ _ :"gfti'TW I?*TVn<rip inp1arnrffth^ '??^- *^.? f^^L"^*"?

aa, wwrlf on appi«aah — to Sadley^hridge.aperial rd.iar^——8S

Emerson Fetser, work en ap­proach to Sodley bridge.special. Wfw^^^vl^S^ , • II——

J. K. Kidwefl, Worfe^A ftpprtkaA to Sodley bridge, special rd,fd.'. 4.37

Ray Croas, w s r l c ^ apprcaen to Sudley bridge, ^Xcial nt. fd.. TSa

iMm^rA ggfiBsnay. woric on ap- - - : proach to Smiley fandge,8peciar"

~jead, fnnd, 12.8? S. J. Qrondi. work on appnndi ^

to Sodley 1nidge.iipecialrd.2d., 5.96 E. Li. Croadt, work on approatA

gnPiay k>Mg^ *r° '^* ' •** *^ .

& R . Croas, work ooappcoach to Sodley

iwicst TasaMe ftices

Thea« i^« the cardinal

• re a c a l apd ixy Jdbem

roads to i»n. 1, 1914. apedal read fond,

C. 6 . Svans, '^>ecial road fond, E. W. QpiriwtU. law daaiaaes-


C.'C. Fvaiis

ev. MorT»"5ri5lgk.thefg M-H«M»CJatteo^eleetioa.e«c. orticiated, aasisted hvl". A. Duitj,

James Russell, tsaeiel^laad.

4.001 A. J. Hoekmaa.'

P.B.Maybaglk,eie(k J. « . R«id, T I l i s i i i U . miMLj

R. Free, judge- of election

....Asa J. L. HanbadE. J. W. Joaea,

F.Caton, n.s$

M B D L Q** fc M. Seese. J. B. Haryii», jndgs

2.a»lc B.;

Vi. loo. ooce past «>•• b^nd, fti^t kgUT, a I l f f la Tift U

i. J.RowT.jadgeof eieetMn.etcI, j ' r ryA.Hr. Jr..ji>dgeatfdect>OB.

I JOB. P . Smith, eierk iNe»l6R bJWR,"

4.001W. J. Jasper. 2.0»lJ. 1 Evans.

ConrweU. B. C : E. K. Baaae.

*? .> in (53


a.«ii>. • claim, e

CA.Heineken.Jr..cie»k J. C Wise, dcfkaff TTT

Wise, Adaua, j o ^ v *

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 BnlKny BraBtaviPe 1 2.o»'J- T. Roaebetry, ** "


headaches, backaches, painful urinatioaand was nerrous and irritable. Sonaetimerl"could not'

Atlanta, Ga.—There seems to be no end to the excitement that_

and m y o t i ^ ^ ^ w i I S t ^ S ^ ^ l w ^ ? f a l » g ^ 4 ^ * ^ - ^ ^ ^ g ^ Btrange foBowiag t h r i u e o f ^ e new and i-ttn-dowaj Root Juice treatment in cases of stomach and^ kidney disorders and rheumatism.

Some of the severest cases that could be f OUIMI have been treated BuccessfuUy with the new liquid and au quick have the roaulte been in many cases that the suf­ferers and their friends were dumfd^nded.

doctors and at least ten or twelve medicines without finding a cure. I have been using the new _Rpot Juice treatment twenty days now and am feeling better every d^y. I have spent at least $260.00 seek-inff- a pure without even getting relief, but I find the juice treat­ment is fast curing me. The mecicine has proved to be worth

PaBBdns—iha j e e r a -iieioifis4ite weight in gold to me." iKtfS Theumatism for oBonths and who had to be carried about claim to have recovered as if by —i-.«i« «f»»r ^^r^^ tW Strange new medieiRe time and are utniets UHJuyiiig health. Sufferers from stomach fenlblg', who could not drink a

fee a--very -1 now walking

the—best the

Mi. Oa: L. :Baaainicer, of UW Elm stwet. Macon, said he t^aa suffered from rheumatism and stomach trouble for nine years

'-afawijanti ikaLdlUiuueh four d.(ytnrg_ had t j ^ him there was.no cure' for him,, the first bottle of the juice treatment relief and -fhat fine.

bad given him' ha w ^ fueling

gagered a tuiuta. fromludigeatiep; headacfaesj tielehing. and bk»t-mg; iMUM a^ter meais anrf otlrer similar distresses now declare they have a hearty appetite, can

anything mill 11W»<J "HUfBi from any of these symptimia.

M|»ny pmininffnt^ anrf inflnpnt^ iai panpla of this City have taed the treatment with profiounced MM'T'R^ and a aumbor have given

Among th«»4fr t o r raiDUC

Mr. H. F. nnt Btatomgnts for mibiicacion.-

19 E. PavUijHi street, whose wife has been jHractieally an invalid fqp-^cair years. When «een and

rd ahnnt hTT irifr'n ey^rienee. tEit

geayr ^tatgn only onw botUa I am be^

Seay said: "It is true I S a y has been wond^uUy

Ordered t h i ^ a e board be ad-ffaenefited by the new treatment. jomrnea to meet again en Salroc^ Site has been aiffering from _^^ WrT»iww>twr IS, iflil^ t ' ftmi rh tpwible and IttdneyiaPigPne in my waamoii

tnHibl^a f w f«ir^Bu^iQ$1at«ly -became eoBtplieatcd-'wi^

rtPt-thuy did. not' her and then, we

started trying every remedy we and stairtlmg experiences.-. heard of. During her illness

JMESL Seay has uSea one hunareo and forty feottles^f y«K>as weU-"

or no relief. She i s now on the third bottle of this new. Boot Juice

Mra. Mattie t;orqmCT and ber^^a^ drwfii as 400 Crvtiilny Btrwt, said:

indigestion, gas on the stomach and belching. I used to throw " up half what I ate a r i ouffered fearfully• I &0ent a lot of'^mmey o n d o c t o r s anH mpijirinf'a. h u t


got to relief. When I heard nhn-nt Pnn«- TmVp a m ^ f l w gT1*at

thingH it w<» doing for the Sick,

ginning to, fed fine. My food digests now and what I e a t ^ a y s down. I know this new medi-cine is d<^"g B ^ ^ worid of good ahd I btiltive it is ipoiag to o — ^ . — e u J » ^

i n ^ coaspletdjr-. after thirli 1 iMi years of suffoing. I, for o>Ml, e u i certainly pecommend ^ ^ r -

lyptie iH my eonoition. Liadcof spa^ malrts it impe8=-gjble to print all the many Bimi.

lar gtoTTPa that wpre told, but it w tfaf e to my that at least a dozen-people recited equally interesting

CAW w o w a.OKtjjtmx> HERE.

Local people are tobe g 3Fen aa °

treatment and we are d^ighted ~ e-has

in stWiugUi, has a splendid appe? titfi sleets weiljaU; night and feels I main laboratories at Fort Wavne. better than ahe hastor f onryears. In- fa i^ the jthree bottles oi this new medicine ItasdorieBKHe for her than all the hundred and forty I ^x>ke of."- _

At ahnost any hour of the-day t ^ ^ragj iere where the new

medicine wasexplained one could

olaained i>y those who have been using it.

1 TTOry i n t c i - j t a H n g anA r g m a r l r -

itral Railway of Georgia for eightyears. Mr. Gaines explained

tad-'ij^Fti—tTTJotjted-tnr and off for five years and that he luiffnnij intcwnrlr, When asked.

Juice treatm^it which has b e ^ effecting these matTdtoos resoits-and which created ao much excite-ment in Atfaurtarduriiig the dem-uuHlraUuu at thai tHUCC. The

ind.. wbere the medicine is pre-pared, have made arrangonaits so druggists €an now prtseure It " through thdr wh<riesaler8 and tiiese wboitave not i^«4yp laeed- -it in stock can easily get it * -

Any person who suffers from— indigestion, belching, l>Ioating,

af lu miaU, hj» \}( appalUi, ^sleqtlessneas, nervous—

wsiift badcaehes, weak kldB«yar~ impupc blood, rheumatic painstMr

able experience was related by other symptwias* of functional Mh Wi^jwGaincnofa^W^jgOTDJdiotoriMuieeosrilir iiliiiiiiih.liuLP. avennp, who la weB luiuwn tar ^ t e g ^ or t nap ia <^n ty^^tejot^


irfflway Climes. having'bear«fi-1oi^nvtbeHAtTrace in < m e d ^ fteyed--aB ;CTntehBBM l^ ^\larheitiSeeyttie^iBOoA^arimeT

or by writing direct to- the Root Juice L^wrateries at Fort Wayne, LHL

In of the phenomenah I >^;w^r'wt

i^taewtaere it is-b^lieved that-fearfully i home people, suffering frwn vari-

froftt i^umaUsm in my jointaj oua ftama of stomaeh.-Hvq'. kid- ^ d u p - l i ""

iw i i r i i . . ' « i

lU ^ liljf dete.1 mined te dcvot»«tr whole time to the Real Estate and Insurance business, we hereby 8ob<Ht all p

-«QU«t thoeehavwg propei^*»i<~ ^ ^^^ fist the same with us promntly. j j j p ^ ^

W c p r a a w e to im»i f w 4 y witk aB aad I C. L. 1 >r!Ti . w S gim t W tnnifiM» amr beat attantia*. H o w a r

H H>-.*


W. H. Martin,, derii «f riectisB. Bailrs Tvler. " - 'J-. ••

2.06 S. F. Fogfe. S M . C-JL EariuKt. Caha -iOO D. T Hemdoo, "


E. W. Brigps, W W Wb^atoo. M. M. Russ«-U, .7 \ "

36.3B M.O0 16.25

100 75

S.U 12-90

f . no

^*^ Thingi

by tJi« LMy W e e k or Mootk

andlt waseepecuuiy severe dur-| ney and bowddlaorflflk, »iU find ' o r f hangfahlf jtn '

y fflgWrffotf afM^'pittr. and I ] wondcf ful results, w^yh have

I SBff»«d : a t e fiomi have already ased it.

to IbCMiea^ 't*uj> raiuwjt'taectinji

the fertnizef iorniTita' llyrrtl nrina tn tV, t u jp luJ ieep up ti;, krhhtr


f o do t h s the fambaer SIKMM coetais at kast as much

• s Phosphoric .^cid. in farmers m^i in^s that ron hfir Lt-t

We »U. ir iii«.1 i« .» r f u-men


O w note book -hae^<»ad«««} fects e s s« t i ,T and p,cat.v c; ,-pac^ -o recced ,i.e , ^ , ,hm?<

^.i. , i p u ^ ; ; : 7 ; 1 1 . • 1 ^ " . ' " ' " - " ^ O u l w;nc

* ^ » C * ^ f K - . f - i Kr .ri*

Page 3: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI


^ " -2ftj[^ iflSa al ftJBUSHKD EVXBT nuOAT AFTKUIOON BY



all to be said in its favor. Beauty is certainly not an attribute^ Tbough much may be said to the

jCODtnu-v. i^ /« not i£^wava a faithful indicator of *

w Entered »t the Poat Office at MBTniwnit

OlfcM Mail Matter Vu:|^a. as Second

poverty-Artckeo vocabulary, bat often <3t a laxy - intaUact. Most fr«qa<nt uaa of it ig pmhahiy made

Sj IBBrBIPTiQW. <1 no ft Vejm IHAUiiJUMtE

AovnmsiMc RATES Fifty O D U ftn inch for t b c f i n t IIUMIIIH ^ ^ Twa«t«ai«« r \ » 4 . # * * m^^A

W*WA8gA8. V A . , FRIDAV. N O V E M B E K 21, 1918-

—IS NOBOUT HUNmi? •- Chicjren, Toa8tad,.iria(LM fjni in a pie, is such a favorite on American tables that

expressive terms have been adopted by all English ^anduwtiiwiutal fifms, — well as bj Amwitaui bUHt ness houaes, for describing their goods. Slang is

> ing issued by the Department of Agriculture against phrases to the industrial world of a gmeration ago. fowls stuffed with sand. Fowls are stuffed for cooking In various ways, M T the BfessTng is noJTHE WATER-SUPPLY OF KURAL COMMU­

NITIES. Thft rfiapftnaihilify fnr Hiiw«iw*ynp ^to pnllipteH

ununportant part of the dish; but it should be ex-plained that the sand is not emplQyedJarjmlinaiy: purposes. It is only used by unprincipled dealers in poultry to prepare the chickens for the maHiet, where they are sold by weight. ——

A certain amount of sand, of eoarse, ia neeessiFy to a chicken's vfelfare; but to overload its system with sand is an act of Jrank cruelty. Nevertheless, according to the bultelih AI lh« Dn^ Uueul aOuiIed to, there'arie certain heartlew puullwrerH wLu, a /ew days before a chickgp is aent to inarket. feed it abundantly with red pepper, which gives tbeun-ausDCCting fowl an ahuftrmal appetite, and than

fuUow the ivd pepper with a mlxtims of a HtOe "Cpm mcri aB4-a-Ja»«^»-qgantity of foeaaad «lddwft eats .tins dl^tore rayeiMfUiy luid aii a Q0ft-wiqwiiHUi an aiB«mt oi atttd tkt- too pr^popd&Hkis^ for its hettA and comfcnt is intxodaced into its system. W b ^ the consumer, say some tuudoos ' Wftppgr of a boairding-faotise. faoya tire ehickeli, afae fiii(iB t&at what in the market awaned to be fuwl

has paid 26 <n- 30 cento apoond f<»> s u d . This, it is aniieeenary to rcfmart, is a most rep­

rehensible pTvetice. The qdestion j ^ How many chicken nis^B'-are guiitarof it? Htfw many stich has Uwir vocation fl&^^utaUzed^ ^ e dtwibt whether

^nt- ¥rnMi ^^wfa€<fcher«ay<me4wmiiirdiiBkiTtmth^^

by persons w i^ a sense of humor in some sta^ of CVIUTSQOD, ZOr uicaUUlMU SFc

selves. Our own words and phrases will convey the

meaning much better, it cannot be deniecT but there is a tendency of tfae-age to the slairt. cut -Baa ^ o w ^T^pnaB^wBOTiFf^ ipassvufp' —••• •v~'~wa^r"

geis uiei e. •—• This is an age of rush and bustle. These quick.

water is so often put on the water-supplies of our large, cities that the conditions in Amniean rural dislfieto are usually thought o tared in the puUie miadi. -as <^06tBdeal. NatOF-ally enough, farms which are remote from areas of congested population seem to be ideally situ-a t ^ fut obtaiuiug whelesoine wttor.—In reality r however, depldrably insanitary'conditions aslre-gards the farm water^upf^ies prevail widely, iff. we 'may believe state and naoooal gDvenmaJCT rgportSpi

AJacge pnHMrtioa^-fann watar-gtqyly in the fh^'l»r|fe)gg"af~tfag'<W4MtiV ^^^

«re:Mft4iliaBdant csmmfrMa riiaUow wells, wiudi are particulariy wabjeet to coi^Munation. Deep WAIIA ^ry aafiw hnt WTP nnt <»nHwnty

ger of pollution. The chemist of the Canada Ex-jpiaimenfiil Faznis, Dr. fVank T. Shutt, concludes from im exammatiwi of aeverat tboa8aHd~8amp,le8

fiira larffP hiutwhnlil l« III mitliiy ii ililimuiii, Mliply f ym, , |||||,||,n ffimi hoiacotcodD in riinftdft that

''imtbabdy not mcve than one-third of them iae pore and whtdesdme." laTestilgiAioQs made by the Bureau of Eiant Indastry^ i^ co-opontion with the Minnesota State Board of Heatth, showed ^lat of aevffnty-nine carefiiliy: selected andtyjHcalfitfaa^

pqbhe BiaAeto eonld net • buying a fair, ttfupurtiumif whito anff dart meat mil M mltitHinm iiwumrtUiit lif an lminpiwb» iiia^ rial except that in the tbnes.

UMB. The Department <tf'AfinneaIture should bo care-ful to avoid »uch whuteale laertmlaaciofa. ChiekCT i w s ^ pnrfeasimial or CMual. cohstitBte BQ^agudjiextent tiatf it is doobtfawhetfaer aatirfactory aro-

of the €lect(»a^H)uurt£^ Votes ooonf More than thio, the early morning pcrfor6umce-rf^ then* roosters make enonies aiougfa fw them id-Tipadv, aiid except tfiigg he ovcrwiMte&g^priaofirf t|ieir CTdpability as » rfaaa i\ U nnfpir ttf palp np»ri

the reai^tineat of ihdr neighbora even that of tlie -^9t»^l»S^iiftKcirto^yda^eiSli^8MBZ£=S~

THli GROWTHOt-" SLANG. "'=^~~: ""ISrEfjgKfthman has fastoied anoth«r cnnate- on Uit "amim," l i t auumiutea that liiv ioauiy frowth itt-Enrfand of barbarotm AiytPrjcan wwds and expivssioBS is becoming more perceptible every day, and attributes.tbv state of aff<urs feeefly to tfag devd^ajsenritf^'tig

frater-suppiies in Minneaula, mainly Wd^wamy


To visit and inspect the new safe deposit box equip­ment just installed in our vault by the Invincible Metal Furniture COM orMowoeT^^W Wi want you to mak<> thj* H^^^ ^^"r ^"Ving home, { K^p your most m your own compartment of our vaults am every patron should—that you are a part of thi^ mstitution


and fifly-nine wei^ poUyjted^ t^ iisoaUy because of cardesa (H* ignonmt manage^

generally aa a rawJt of poof location w «>Hftp «ffyi«. •TTfnrfl wanfa >r infiHra

The livers, surface ref w-y ny fiui riatorwa investigated were foond to be poUoted to niehian'

idler can l^^ecnred for homeMd use trCm such awiww. In an eiamjnation of the rartd water-aumdies in J"^«T~i 't 1liff hftffll fffliM that nf fhA private nuki water-stg^ee exandaed, 177 were deep wella, 411 shaBow wette, I ^ P M K U I forty livings and twolty-seven datens. One hundred

• «tdaiateett^tfaede«qKw«ii watona wevaof agood^ qaaBty^ioc^^w wece bad^jad sixteen d w ^ ^ But ii>» or tne 4ii sbailow waCcx weOs could be used. 209 were nnequii ocaUy bad and-43!were of duulilfulqi watoxb

famiges iM^iieh typhoid fever had occurred was uneqmvbcaDy had.

Wg&the devi3<^^mt of the OHi^gl

HT confeasies ''serioiB miagiyipies'' tpvver this cor-mption of the E n g l ^ lai rnapef wfiidt has gobe to anch amaxiag lei^;ths. _ - —Sketching the "InvaHipn." tne-EugihJiinairte^

fi^ the potmlatimt and thf gry»faw <HM»y»w« j

of the other Yankee bre^ties and be as perfectly " **»* educati<m of th* pabhc to the ondectyi^ "~'^'T:y^^'Vt^J^''*A^?^ ^^JP°^ ^ En faih ^rta of amtemhiatwa so d ^

^ ^ WfWBttJiligga.iWl ethewr •

^>. tan of base deceptioa aad is termed a -?iboob," or a "lobatar," as^

aucfcerjla vfce. With

a aigh of rflriraatiop he recalls the meetinfjif^tjKo culti^ted with the less poBAed element, which J6 flomeQincs deJitxibed aa the "high bfow givoo

B lTlrihfff ff W ' ^ ' * ' ^ frrifi T f r^^

or the^'^dope^ b g we have no reason to ioOow the boys have learned^ that t^

X language on tne -eci'eeh and "flnitw," leaflete "dodgers.

^in awaterfall a inquisitive peo|>le

"hibboitecks," a commercial traveler a mer," meal tlmeB the "eatt." a fooUah penoKT "mutt," or describe an effeminate nan aa "Cissy."

"WTttibBfy as graft. To-day we hear people ^^ak of "fall" of the

Ishint" 00 nan^Ttne desire to "boost" aa gizL

year, enterprise, or a "peach."

nvingceuas, cbe<bBgerof'peUidioo of tMtmal water--«np|)lies is yast^MnetaaaeSTrEveH Wi^a can be isipcbved and tendered lesa subject to pol« Intien if proper metheds etf driTiiqn liygnptoywli The tot jBafegnani, aeew^dJag xbit *0anal-«l the American Medical Afrteiatiwi.

Stt Htft^tHei

soinoinoY ATHLfciicsr A former h e a v y w w d g h t pogiUat, whose income

is derived from the lioaor tvAi^ htlth^ authority

for a rtatament thy* "^^t^ng-and doDking.'a^on

tion is fevoted to nmscle. Eveiybody fa^Ameriea

most not_drink and smoke. Thia manofnosde, who is a competmt authority the soBJr-t m i m r^gr-^»>:.-Jit^ A«i.i.^-^-gp^

'fiMtinf Uffl a M 6f titdtHy" every day, bat be is f<« it just the same." This is te8timoiiy;wartby

of Intention. • It has been said on more than one 9<vgirtn »K«f



rcaak; -

I-^ A fail fine of Fancy una Staple Groceries, Fresh aad Sel l Ifagrfa,

^ Buy our feed if yoo want a fat jwwc^l lran, MkUMaga, Cratiied Cora, Whole Corn, Wheat, Oats and.Hay.

Cash jpiig far B l f e

athletics on the present scale'will soonl make this nation the healthiest <n t^rti^



Page 4: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI


lickle was called —Mi'« Ida B F J E F L O G A L U E W S I ' ^ Pmladelpma on Tuesday by

-Mr. shortly

E, Newman will —Don't forget that the ladies \ f ""^ T ' ^ "~*'"' "'

t r


J —l|r. aSa Mrs. D; S. Lewts Ipft lawt wBfik tn reside in Vienna.

O. open

the extreujeitlnesaDf her brother, tiie JJewraan building on Main will serve the annuI^ ThanksgiV' L/>J^k. oi that (f^tjfyihtrivi.'^tik.^ rnmplrtp supply^of. irg ninnpr ia tbe vacant

his warerooms' in of the Manassas Baptist ChurcTl"it

I Mr. Lick4e has been ill for atfme, hardware, paints, oils and wall- rooms of the M. I. C. Building. jtitae as the result of a serei'etpaiwi.- Hw aon'iivl»w. Mr; W.^Th* meim^ will inoludo -fatfk^.

—Mr. T. M. RuseeU is building i burn on his arm. jE. Trusaler. who has been in the oysters, pumpkin pie and every-.

r- — Mr. Hulwit S. imer Eastern College —The boardwalk on Zebedee

street has been replaced by the; was among the thirty-on native brownstone.

- A s we go to press our win-"dcwrt "*!*'" being^ wsshed.^ Ftrfi particulars next week. ^——

—A case of smallpox has been repotred i m i ciriored~family liv-iny about two milea from Bria-tow. '

student l* P" * ^ to arrive next Tuesday <ing to have the dinner sent to* . , to enter partnership. i them will kindly JQciude their

A T„„ . J TT ^ jown dishes with the order. An ! I - A Japanese visited Eastern- ii. f- f . n u^ »v, I

cessfully passed the Virginia Bar j College on Wednesday evening, i ^ J ^ ^ ^ t !* '^ T'... 'TK i I '• I>;. .V.^^„JL. •„ • .u • i. / ^ T * . fancy doll and candy tables. The I

examination held at Richmond coming m the interest of Japan^; ;,^;^^-^t,-r.c-i,T.o/i. ^u^ ^». , i

a class of sixty-eight, who sue-

on November 5th. icse students studying in Am^ri- iladies wilili ttTthank tbe patrons! The will, insurance policy, mortgage,

-Mr.Ittehard Thorp, of Nokofr ^ilti> brBkc his anklglTueBday-f

fca. tlon

u^ » UU-* J I .. rofthe past and ask' "_e «?^i!5'tfd a large collee- . .• of exquisite painting* ^ft^^ngtnty . - —

note I y bond or stock.- —

Gordon rendered immediate me^ auri.JJie..iiuuryjg:r

l8 much iuipniviad aftBr « iwvere illness at his home in Glen Allen', near Richmond.

—MissTioia Davis, of the office of W. N. Lipscomb &Co., was recently appointed a notary pub-lie by Go«. ifami. ^

foot tdepfaone poles through town has attracted a "good deal'' pf attention this week,

—The ManwHsaff High School fWUamaua Win glay Uilpepw High School on Round Athletic Field tfajs afternoon. Kick-off at 3:15.

-Mr. T. Jf DfoadduB aud fam- -irffliK«gi»-7>tnr'FMtadriphiB ;iags: ^ Jongwry-" and" twoh ta Hi^teuJ

lly hftv* tt6v6d-fabr-aidi-ne# home on^-Sndtey i v d . reaaiUy '^•ffenMWte^feJTO^.g^^^ purdiased from Mrs. Ann EliiS' hfth Spiea,

-There wi l l be la pu Site dinner on Thank^ving Day at the Catharpin acho^hwiseand an

body is welcome.

-There will be serricea in Trinity Episcopal church nfe^ Sanday* nsonting 'M; 11 o ' d ^ and Sonday evening at 7:80^ «n Thank^ving Day at 11 a. m.

sapper w ^ be«jveir by tbe ladies of the Epiaeopri .tHaxxA in tfe

_M eyeai'Qg of ttw tirttt Mrtiwi««r;«


—Mrs. William J. Yoan^ has been awarded |5(M>.Q0 damages by the Soutli anri Rfulway for tlie dangerous Jaeekteat at the Cath-olic railway erosgiml a e y e r a 1 months ago. ^ '~^ ~^ "^

-Mim SaHieff«**i^ »»• l ^ n m a wasungton hoBpiSr

•doliiK vary ukiHty. ~"— .:

, —Mr. George A. B e a v e r s bagged two wild turkeys Tues­day morning on his place-near Blandsford Bridge. One of the turkeys was white, a eetor which Mr. Beavers says he has seen but once before in t)u& bird.

—Miss Linnie Chambers, of Washington, a student at Hebron Seminary, Nokesville, has been confined to her bed for about two IM-VH, mill ti»ntX'I.H CO «>nter a"

water colors and oils. :|t xeftificate, when iosnir destroyigdxauscg X

f mi^ j O" ' • • • • ! "

'^"^tu?y"ff ^Snl^rh^'^D^r' ^Tpes"^ Japan^'art. and ma ny -Among theManaasas people]! e n d l ^ s t r o u b l e , m i s e r > ' a n d l e g a l c x p e n s c 4 Sharpe. of t .rwnwicitrrite4^_^j^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^|.^ Washington for the George-|| ' [

faculty and students. . \ toam^irginia gamA Igfli .cuttm-.' I ^"lJ^"ir„^'*i'_'^l^_WP^"'t ^^P^feif& litttlij 'n ^ ' "* ""*• t day wejra Mrs WlT^Opaaomb | j " Qafe Deix»it Boxes and yuu will jievex liavg lu wmiv \

Washington, hospital to^daywhere an oprrati(m will 6e^rformed.

W. H. Gather, local - M r .

r^rj^Umtn^a fuliag nf t h g i R i t : office Department, the Thanks­giving turkey may be shipped by parcel post if it does not weigh more than 20 pounds and is not more than 72 inches in length and .cireumferenco. Coming ttn^ der the head of perishable goods, ^ may not be aent outside th^ second zone, or a distance of ISQ miles.

—Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown wtH TOflfrom Ne»v Yoi-k ou Sat

dace Bompany, i» making ay.

Newmsn builiilinir to the ware-tm nantor fi»*i -Wa««- a»iwi», j ^ y «iwf ft f!hattanoogB medwiinf?

rece^ty yaoUedL by F. A. Cock'

—A full attendance is re-qi i iMt iw^B* thgWfl-tinPii^Tfthn- TWWit^ — f h O F O w i l l ht i •H.irfay unfyf . gLg

ing of Bdlt Rtm Cwiftdl, N<y. IS. f^ GMiBon Draneii Ghtnth Order Fraternal Americanil. on Fnda^ereninK, Novembec i&th. i W e 91 ijoit&tory worii^ and bastneSB of importance to be transacted.


lofti bund. Prompt tfflitkm waff rwtrifiXftd and At WuuM 'd i » Uw meudr

—The N^nroA«rieidtural.£da* agona l and Industrial AlUance 4)£-^farQiem ^ ^BPnia will mtek. on Thaiikayying Day at tba

ngmber of intere«"ng nfUnvaneH

daughter,. Mrs. J. 0 . Judik.-

-Tfae firm <rf F. A> Coeki.^ A Co. has naovad into itaneironMu t a a on CeoiW llWflL.TIifelHlUa-1 iug and fixtures are up-to-dirte' in evCTy-peapeet aufl inviting aq>ect to passers-by.

^Tlw> T.. TrT. -gill hoBT aa anti-agarette" meeting next

Mr. Walter Haim« BAtw>rt-

gramr ins is~assured^

The saeeess of the meet' for tt'e past six- weeks, is expected home Sunday, Miss Hedridc is a daughter ^4fe-JetinHedridt;r of N(rfcesville. —'"'

—Mrs. S a ^ C. Hoc^tf is rai^ proTTing aflu au Uluewt i t IM residence of Mm. Margaret Pti^ ^ica], Qn Grant aYfinae. ATBong gie Lewis on West strpet, where ' o** t^esent were-Mias^ Stfa she makes-Jwr-jwme iritii-hcr ^ ^ - 7 ^ 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ Browi^

will spend some time in Eng^ipd, Scotland and IrelMi^-^^ n g thence to Gemuuiy. Austria-

and Misses Mamie Lipscomh,4-j Bessie Merchant,BetElliot,Leone! j and Alberta Davis and Ruth Mor- j gan, and Messrs. D. M. Pitts, j Marah»lt Haydon. W. Harold j 1 , Lipscomb, C. J. Sharp, L. Frank! I PattTe, K 'CTLeaclunanrW. W:"* Garrisoiu John L. Hynson, Gor­don H. Moran, Jennings Davi r Charles Lynn, John L. Elliot, C. H, Yarborough,jr.,Ohver/jynch, Comfoit Uon. Noryi 'iHomas ri. Lion, R. Thornton

aboi^t them. - ~ , Massive «tccl -vaults and ^¥alc J>x:ks will keep them

•safe from all harm.

urdajr Xten. 0, fof L<HMida. They awOWted Jwlgfr4>4fc 4^4'h^- f f

{ Sftki i i^iiniiinmiiiriii

n 1 IT 1 n

aofll^lginh)—Other points aro undecided. Mr. Brown gaes_in the iotarest of the Swthem rail

company, and will resuizw hi« present position with the Soutii-««»on his r^som, Feb. 1.

on ThanlpsgiVii^ Day, beginibnig nt

o'eodc. A thanks^yiHg pingnun will>e^rendei«d at tJie nwfniii^ service a$d ^ e .after­noon wiH be devoted to temper-

s» Eaal> 1^*^ "*® programs will con-

a tareaaee, thcTast of which iwiU ^rc^^«id«,te^«scha*««r i>^^i^\^^'':r-£^^^ ^ « 3

^ Key, jfi. IS. BkwjgS. - T T ^ k« HlMhwiU-be served at noon.

—MrRtJolia BhekweH, widow of Mr. William BhickweU, of Greenwich, died at the home of her son, near Remington, and was boriedit GreenwicF TUM^

t ^ . —A large and enthusiastic au-

Uieiice iu Eaatem Qdlwinr-MnTP day evening greeted Mr. Richard T. Wyche, who canoHe out &0C 01115 1'

I OF MANASSAS, VA. 1 waken vi to^-ettt«t«Br^^ot-to awai

intCTcrt in the old art teUin?. Tbe audi^ce listened. witJr much pi&axavW flaxiBxr fairy tales, folklore .tales, chll-dren's stwies. dialect stmies and Bvmm f(Sf n ^ s a g g j i g B o ^ thosei(»- ctutstmas, e tc Added toiaveryvaifed store, Mr. Wyche. opened to the aodienee the l»roadier fields of litesatore includ­ing mytiiok)gy. T%e history of the renewal of -the^stt^-t^ing art was~especially i^torertins as inveiH)y Mr. Wyclre. himwrff i^. enthusiastic developer uf the


The United Btates Civil Bef

Siie was a Miss Nu|t of was aboi^ 75

Bd ami sufferer for maay years.

—-^IBsg VKtxsfiix Garth Nk»l entertained some of her Uttie tttasiB Mondiay evening at ttae lutuc uf liei umililir, HIV. JL IT.'

Kmily honna, isna {lartison sag ESizabetfa SQH^.

-AB jinfitrtnnate wrcident oc~ c\aK& at rtrtwa SWHITHIT Mn week.' m i e boiler of tbe heating

r-4ad bursledr jtecessitiating the. installment of annwhwilei at B JAMiL utJUlUSF thing a»er two hanjpsd dnllawi The school opecatioB

Sunday aftemoou al ikne^Matit twr Mumhjf after • l iJWi of oae Tn Asbury M. E. Church. All week.

son, of G tneatiHie, a'gimndsoalHedriek. and wilTmove to. Har-of Mr. Henry F. Lynn, presideiit of the^Natioaal Bank of Maaas-


risonfaoiv the fint of theyear tof^ engage in business w i t h , h i s bwtfier, -^ir^Geerge Garberrof

Mam ^awi^ trm. ^f\^^ hmirfit nf i thaJLCJty. The people of Nnkpg-his health.

Lothenui ehoreh will

o'ek)^. Rev. a u b j ^ w a

be held

bF Ifr. Aderhokh's


will miwt JMt afti»r the aervicf

—Mrs. Henrietta Bowen died last Sunday in Baltimore, where the funeral service and interment I fr4oT.><y ;„ hjn lucaljij juid aiso took place. Mrs. Bowen was a daughter of Mrs. J. Mor­gan Beavers and a sister of Mi^ Ella Keys, both of Token cwunlv.

ville will

She leaves f«ir sons, Willfeun and Leroy Blackw^. of this coiut^; Gordoaand Bi<^ttrd Blackwc^ tiJ^^Sxaate, wnd<>n? daa^liter, ifa-8. W. H. Sknith. xif BWM Kdn.-Wanenton VtrgtiT ian. . :

menting^it. . narinn*. whifth «]xy

At-a meeting held onJNovem-ber IStfa at ih ir it^nngm-^lr*,*^ Richmond, u n d ^ the ausiMoes of A e Board of Directore of .tSe iyehm<^—Chamber ot C<»n-muu. . ' lBe Vltgiunr jepartinent of the S<Hithem Settlement and DgvekuwHairfh>gi>nW||ff^B ^V«¥ established. Mr. T. M. Carrinp'-WRr frwnrman cf^^tho VwKiuia - — T h e finanee' zation, huule the announcement thit Mr. Frank M. Bunch has

aBPQiQtfl<t-.: Ujte- managw

atained, at fiharkittiBSr ville. of whieh city Ifr. Boneh ia

viec Cttemiaiaion announces that while it has no difiSeuIty in se-oirinsr female 8tenogn4>hers and typewritors to meet the needs of the dq;>artments at Washington, tbe Mgplg of mde" t3igiMCT~5as tbempplKof lOlTiWHl •BOX equal to the d e b o u ^ Young men who Me. at least 18

r W o r f h RpinipmKprTTi^

to aeeePt tho nmial i>,n*r»ru^ ««1-ariea, which are $840 ami |900 « year, have exceUent onptortohi-ties for appointmen*-.. Whilei the entrance nalariai age tow, a ^

iMyJcapid to The e x a ^ ^

f<Mnp«>t nt j • stenographer _^ouM be able to pass, are betel each montfa in A a ySuf, except December, at the principal cities of the' United Stgtea^-'ftll lnfftwraT1flh~1ff gini tn tfaf nrnminatinn mnj hr -seem«d by addreoaiq8"the \ Statco < Wa»hi^$E>n. D. -C.

- Noveuibei . Farraers'^

at 10:30 o'clock in the ooun _ court house: ' P>»^|;?l[naTi CarT


m ^ H ^ U G H all the drizzling, snowy

run nrmnin staoothw or freaher ; j^ian yours with Jts JCu^baum label.

For all the shrink is gone- before^ yoti buy i t The origirwl London cdfai-water i»<ocessJakes c*re^of that. -'"•':''

•^SmrnkSamam CliitTnu MIL Che enfy. ones at their prices which are guaran­t e e all-wooT, London-shrunk, hand-tailwed and sewn with si&^thp


•Slowing of Hay Crqpa**ya-c f much interest to the Prince WiliiM farmers. Both the

_-MiMKateElizabethStrotber,l^*'™?*"*°l5*^ rux-. . . , • -of Markham, and Mr Charles "»«'° ^ « ^^^.fJf'P"^ «f <»^ " ^ e l ; ! ? *\I!!^^^ CM*?i«,$lJ8 b Teint>leBwiyUfDehplane.were:^»"^^!:.!^5"*f^'^*-.^"*^,!g.^^^^

-Miss Millie AUen, of Nokes-

last Friday to Mr. Clinton P. Jones, of Swctnam, F a i r f a x

Fooaiea f of

nfsn _}tn. Bcarry is a d a u ^ -Mfii fir T, Sttether, of

I three for the best ten ears. Tbe afternoon session wiH bg liik'ftft"

Markham, who owns the Welfley f a m near town, and a niece of

up by the discosskm of re8ola> tions adopted by t*i« wyfpmittjio

Door." T1w» twigKim««»y a^^^^y countit—Sha in the slUactite Mis. Juliu Pwidhftmi Laaehrmiii, ' and popular young dmghter of of Bristow. She is a very charm-!

on Ifgwhrtmrti farh s w l r a r ba»-ing alk>wed ten minutes to ex-

. " - * - ' I M ' »" - -AC A*^ -j^^A, ^m mm .. —afc.. , j s —

f T H i t *M lOcUSacBea,


Mr. i»4-Mr8. W. T. Allen, of j ing and atUacUve young woaiau j piuHs his views and ten m i n u l ^ Henry K, field & C< NAkPCTttJA a >aatt»- /rf M _ n Q j«Mupci, jumgna, Lmn^ irOCirS, MSBy Bowli^ Gre^where'she"waa"a, Maliiis^'Tnrtitilte ^7eniy^ \ f . ^ ^ * T ^ " * ^ ^^ ^/^^^. K t i n c U a n d B u i l d l n g M a t e r i a l .

Allen, of this place.and has many: saa to wish her much happiness: '^^ °° "* ^^^ °^ ^ *="™ in I iu \Xw fuLuw. Shtf attgfHltHl the' """^ "" Ipcpalstvm m l a w of >

student at the seminary. For'and was a recent guest of Mrs. | ! !T.®^ ^ ^^ agricultural high the present the young couple will, L. Frank Pattie and Miss Char-'

this j reside near Swetnam where the Jotte .< eric;i>red in bu.siness

Smith. Mt. Bern-- is L'" Kin-, vviur.i - riu.s;ries5 man 0


Subscribe f&R--THE JOURNAL, in ad-- ancp •

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vrA. - .-

Page 5: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI


\ABblri r ^ J t t l r " ^ KNOW J ^ ^ ^ THfc iHANASSAS JQUEMAL. -gBIDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1913.


Mrs. G. w. Goods, of strasburg.' "^h^ Manas§as Schools nrisited friendsiwreTuesday; - - . j ; " 8i A.-a.-l£^^ . .

Miss Munie Lipscomb visited .''* *'*'' "'»*'.>'* . 'K'«»-v»j>i«:; >5r rolativea in W a s h i n g t o n >aat! week.

l f j« A. D. Benton, Yockt is visitang Mrs. John A.


Mrs. Kate HynBon,of Washing­ton, visited friends utT Manassas thfeweek: __-

1Han«SM« High S c b ^ .

of Newt • ^ ^ " * ' ^'^^ °^ ^P'"^ *** ^^^

FOOTBALL Jnterest in football waxes g reat

as thetim&advances toward the gwl ef the^BaikJB'reffgRaf;^B^ Thanksgiving. i>ay gan^. The splendid teannwoft §f M&n&ssas, shown Tuesday in tha crrt>at ate.iy-

iakMlMMBakii |Eat |

gle with Woodberry Forest, win-prevaihng tone of the reception ning a score of 26 to -18. is aii4 tendered to the first year students augury of a hotly contested fight by the faculty and students of for honors on the part of Cul-Mauassas iiigh Schoolon Thurs- )eper in the game scheduled for

Rev. Dr. John D. McGill -The PUuns, Saturday.

. Mr. aojl.Mra..JLrthur.:ff. Sin-, clair were Washington, visitors

^ y night, the 13th i i ^ n t Br. FamcS Lewis, of the third

year class, fulfilled with dignity b'f duti<^ as host of

the evening, utaading mi^ji \h^ receiving line to welcome the visitors and leading In the amuse-

Miss Mary £dmonds,of Catlett, jnadea badness trip to Manassas Wednesday.

Mr. N. Wilson Davis returned to Manassas Thursday evening after spending several days in Hamsonburg.—— ——_ _'

Miss Lucy Whitacre and Mr. Douglas Moore Whitacre, of F^r-fax C. ti., were Manassas visitors last Saturdas . [

The following pnjgram brouabt forth generous appreciation, re­flecting great credit upon Mrs. HodgajindLJiie young members of her class in expression:

Chorus-"Santa Lucia"-Third Year Class.

Recitation—".Tim, ^V Caf Hia8~Evelyn Chapniin."

Mrs. Arime Saryent. of Coium- B^tf* ' " \ t thn f?pnra" Dia ueigbts, Washington, is a

.gaest of faer sister, MTS;"S'. R. Lowe, near Canova. - '

Mr. Levi Hixson has returiied ^o^HslwHw in Wf >fti tipwifineg^ after a visit to has sister. Mr^

-John B. HombakecLOf this place, ^Mrs. S. A. IWia?, of Qoicks-

ham. BochiuglMuii twiuiy, =w=* gttest <|f iag iLawjriter, J | t & ^ E.\Wine. in herTwme 0B-Qf«8»

^ - . ^ ^ l - ^ r — • : avenu^,

it> TJiMwlnia wh<»rp aha vne it Man-^ e s t of her sist^," Mrs.

-Chester, Mrs. C. £. Nlsdi spent several

•days in Clifton last week with her daughter^ Miss Mitrthft ^"^

m ^ ginia Nash, who is a teacher ^|^4b«^sebd(^ theare. r — " ^ IMrs. W ^ . ^^llklHB-hig^

' turned t o ^ r holbe in Alezand^

BeJitfttifto-' 'NQWI Was Sold*; -Miss Olive Hombaker. Chorus-' 'Let Us Haste to Kel-

vln Grove'' -Third i! ear Class..

Miss Mjrrtle Merrill Recitati<al—"Entertaining^is-

tw's Beau" Iflss Virginia Wal-kcT; -


On Wednesday afternoon the long-expected spelling match for the first year class in English

fsr ilfy and student bedyt Mw.

^ N t PfflffiEft MkaoUMtjfPurm

Larkiw, principal of ge igfcfe — izraibinar SchooTand M|s» Lulu Metz. of M. H. S.« actii^ as judges.

A group of eight students spelled successfully through the three hundred words based on the vocabttiwT of Franklin's Au-

—:tobiogrsphy, the work bemgmad at this tim? by the cl&ss. 'From the' assembled students of oth^r classes > and' from Sheppe's "AdvancBd Word Stud­ies." words WBTff oivftn in ipnirk

ton. a dinner-party being ranged ill their honor.


Bennett Grammar SchcxJ. Miss Grace Mtwan has had


~ " X Dcre diseases now than formerly, be

-be prevented, one by vaccitia-tion, the other with antitoxin. You can keep from having colds, grippi^ bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh,"typhoid "fever, "ihuuma-tism aad-other dutgerous cold-weather—8iinicnts,~rf~yoa—pnt you your system into a proper healthy r?onditioo to resist disoase.

Rexall Olive Oil E m u l s i o n --helps thfebody produce substan-

prevenl the "growth

Waat; F>r ScU tmd BMC«a*a*aiu iid,«r

rf rhr* e«ata a " • • •>ttk*rato > r*r tk« Art

For Sale.-Dog's, 1 Llouelu-n gip, also 2 puppies 6 months old, partially broken. Apply to R. A. Meade. Haymarket, Va. ll-21-2t

TtnrBJSWbrtijg yoor eggs to m* and *»ve from one to two eta. a dozen CMt. S.C.Cart^r.Grant and Luc Aviw. 11-44-^—

Hens-300 single-comb White teighom henan and ?.-yMr,nlHa,

vrtncfT ef diaeasg' ggiiufl lu the bluiHl.

Succession, and after a stout de­fense Miss Edith Smith captured the prize, a dollar offered by the English department

Miss Marie LeachnaST Recitation — "The

Cried fOJf aieMwHi"-ian Lewis.


Choiai8-^lLoye'8_«ld~Bw« Soaig"-Third Year Haas.

Later» Miss Ruth Round and Miss Charlotte Smith drew the hnppy group onCUWHi tUC plSy-

^OjtthelJliatlv jB>d tibe ''C^yssey'^ haTei>een told floeiicly indgfiiiieS^ fglly by the niwubers of the

- stay I ground, where in the meonlia^ Lhey iau races and played with zest the old circle games, recall­ing in their fleetness uid grace the fairy riiigs and the nimble- footed elves and brownies. In-doors, ODe6 aiore. i;«freahinentft 'watTserveiat- the third year boys and girls agutt surging to the frm^jas gtoarooH-entertainers.


Oral werk in-T —r- fbr trees, uiakjiig uTMiimie 1 ilinry- •,-j.||.,J «fT-nr- • ^1 ^—i ^

departed from the accustomed order and ^r ies of ^.^Iredc

iKwwith A A W i f r f i»riH«»ntn

thircl year class Inl ^xmnectkm; dose study of

t h e griMit. YXtea nf Wyirrtaw. Ghray. Keats and Shelley have denKHUibBted the dose mpatiiy of t£e poet with the life of Greece in the wc^ ' s Gokl^ Age.


ria aftttf BtHiBIUug > siMtftr m Mai

I ) ( « c ^ (m Lee atenue,' _

Mrs. Henry F. A^nrst, wife of Senator Ashurst, of Arizona^ and oictar in-Uwy, Mrs. Fair, of AleKBndria, wwe in Manamaa on


Thp TAiirh<>r«' r.ftnfer«.n«> hf

Hnisiness- '^;)ending •» part pf the day with Mr. and Mrg 7-*>-i p Tt"'**!«« *>'"iiJ'*'"^

-an_Pairview avenue.

^Bfffked- by thoughtAdness uid

riage took placdinnWinty Epis-LUtikl GUmtU uu Osii SSik


—Mr.Md Mrs. Allen LawsOllvet, the latter formeriy Miss Olivia 1 , ^ _ *i. u „ *

The 'demonstrations of the young ladia UI UW were given with tnedom from setfHeoaafciouftness uu the pan .Of

l^sjyMl primary pupUs. w f f e POQndly

applauded, especially littl^ Rose

now enjoying -tiiie tfeauties of the Pacific Co»8t, having spient the pttHt WOBS. a i 1MB / i l i A " " ' ! »"•! •»

ads. The^TriUlie at hwne after De^ eember Ist at Cane Girardean,


Mr. W. R Doak fell« ns that aH farm'rg '• wimnnitiea should inaipt '>" m ppprt nf the pnrrpnfT revision trirfch inchades sperial

fot loans on land on

Up to II o'eloA^ mearriment rMi fre^y wfen Miss Osbourn gave the last hani ahakc to^tiie boys and girlfl who had "mifh a very, very aojoyabletime.'

As.a stimolOB history and civics. department has event boards in

the work in; ithe English


and 8eni<Mr dass-rot^s on yfaicfa " cuppings iBom oauy popcra. t53

most int««sting week developing from her little pupils 'interest in the Thanksgiving festival so close to us.

TJiie form of the illustration »iwas a opnd-table eACitiae In

thus putting the system into a healthy condrfento resist dis­ease^ It will help you get well and strong if you have any of the above diseases, or other dis­eases. It 18 very .good for chil­dren just at this season of the year—to make them healthy and strong to successfully resist cold weather ailments.

There^s direct benefit to you in

which Indian life v as portrayed by paper-cutting of Indians in the forest; cardboard construc-tion with canoes all arranged.as a woodland scene with "real cedar

KruuuJ. The canoes, anchored upon the

dwre, were natural, indeed, ¥rith

-itsjippling ourfaee.-

Mr». Siemens HeM» U.D.C:

At the cen\

LauTin Steveng,_of Brandon, Miss., was elected president-geii-eral of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. after Mrs, Na­than D; Eller, of Lyneh^rg, had withdmwn: —Other bffioos dected were: Honoiary president^en^lad^drs.

aeh first vice-president, Mrs. B. B.

MnniUMftg nigfcr iH:WMlargriy^ .tended on Friday, the 1 ^ in-sfamfe, aH but one teacher of the difltiiot i S s p i i i t i y ^ tilt ioil caB. . —

Mis-q Gracft MnraTr*8 paper waa

fStee'-s 1nU9k>retatk>n of the part x>if u thitiooks 1& vbi maasp W <rf"The three Bears."

Pflfrwhf"i"»« WfflPff aemi by tBe^HSes Hildrecr Uwler, TMf SettoB-aad-SenieiZfidaeUjO^

magazjnes will serve as^datafor the canmi(t even Thursday of each week, before the stodoits in the ttdrd and nppor iiliifla^ ia foraiOMi and hefpre the joint dasaea of the

Ro<«_ nf Alshama; secoad via^

first and seccmd year, in ther afteritoon. !—flaair^BBaea^g='*fag=^*e3Bwt »jH.o««« «,«»««,«rfn««TiJ^^^^5anjE^ttal, Miss Mildred situation, currency reform, m J ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ _ ^ _ _ _ ^ ^ naticmal arbitration, the Panama Canal, the States Right Doctrine in cnnnerti»n witJ. Pinrhitf. aTK tg, ^ pennffi^ MSTF-nuie forestry reoervation, will be fol- 7Z;u»«„ m-iuT^Ii T ^ * . ^ ^ ^ ibwed opin discussion and afbafr

Jntee> class debates.

In keeping with medem re-fonii, ftrthe teaching of English, iL__„ . „ ^ ., ^ , . _ Iheiklwork of the a e h o o n s t e ^ P ^ " ^ ^" last conventaon ing earefoily (Seeted_ promiaiBg re^tSL^

Alrouly puUvus thdr appreeiatkAi oi


~Tii iiiijlil fho follnwinr

rate you pay and prifidpal, In

Tntefssr other words,

ThB mmUiw w'tire tflad to wel-' dcnta wiU sttcnd an oyster roast OIB to. thoc imdst Miss Maiy

The next meeting will take place the sieewad Friday t>f De-

it m>rely,aff<gds the Amenami^^nfa^.^ ^mtnn, ih iMhmhiictB: th« Muiie oopoftunity to finance I.^hnlfitl umiiiam. IGss Cox. i his operafioatfwbich Jhefor eigner ^ has enjoyed iotmanyjMars. Tfee; J^^^^

fAffhnlHd pmniam. Miss Co«. an

at "Chtiu-Hill," the achutrf p«

preaSdent, Mrs. W. T. CulbersMi, of Oklahoma; third yk^-pregi-

T W Fttiuuuii, u£

every ingredient in Rexall Olive Oil Euiulswu. TliB four Hypo-phosphites it contains are used by leading physicianseverywhgre in debility,.weakness and liability to disease, to strfent.T»pn tK*.

for immediate disposal. Price, 50 cents each. . Andrew Pringle. Manassas, Va. 11-14-tf

- F > J i e E 2 r L #au6age made daily, n« •n htmfiim -" " " ~ ^— uusa Maaa^M

ForSale.—A second hand work hmrTnftnrr ^ \ n n j . ^^.-. . .^- — j ^.^.^j • l o j n o o o , -Btmr tt l e w oeCvrin n a n O —

collars. Austin's. 11-14-tf For Sale. —Good general pur­

pose work horse; price very rea­sonable. Write or call at once. Michael Oleyarr Independent Hill, Vs . • • U.M.2K*

Wanted. —Hands railroad cross ties. Areola, V^.

for hewing J. F, Byrne. ^.lL-7-2t,*

For Rent.—Store room and ware room on Fair View avenue. 110.W 1M>F nVHiM. L. J. Heelze & Co. 10-31-tf

Purest Olive Oil. onie of

digestwl f uuOsliiuwu,beiirgtakBg with the hypophosi^tes, givjae rich tissae nourishment tiurough

•tewi. Yjw ^^ art .Mjk u>d run-

ly well now; bat are liable to

mg t e m ^ u n prepared to give ^atis^wtofy wont. Fit gtiarai

soffor from various cold weatho* -,j—--J— J, ^.. The Manawas JpurjfA;: mtoents, ase-tftexaS-tJiivei 0»|^ - iwBBi* lifwgiif,»«>tw«>, jnwfw Emulsion to get Md keepwdl and strong. For the tired-out Ton down, nervwis, ^nadated or ddrilitated—the convalesdng — growing chfldrsn—ag^ peopfe^ it . i n « tmuahht »u\ tn r^me^aA

health. Bexait

gth^ hffttw iIBrita, gkming^

4>Mv»0il H^ulaion— oTHhe ceiebntted: Rexalf

Reinediefl-«-u ftyr freedom from

North CarDiinarreconiingr^eerF^ taiy-general, Mrs. Pannie R,Wilr liams, of Nurtii CaroUna; tr^P^ urer-gatfeHtlrMHi. CD. Taterrf Virginia; register-general, Mrs. ^'•'"**" Itftnihirtnn *TlrnHiinn;

dfam (tf-crdsses, Mis. eosto-

John W. Lench. «f' Fbrida; custodian of

Antiiony Walke, of Vffginia.

announce that Virginia for the ietoml tiun^ won honor of izaininflr m/wU: TUMV -•»«*»-

Bickuijg 01 jiuu luiu siuui Hmuif. Pleasant tasting, containing no akoboIxM'dangeroiis drags, you'll be as euUiuaiaslH; about i ias we are when you have noted its strengthening, inv igorat ing . building UP. disease-preventing' effects. If it does not hdp yoo, your mon^ will bte given back

Having aold oar f a n u , we will offer Store—The Rexall Store—one of DKve than 7,000 leading drag stoees4n the United States, Can-1 ; | S!?.Jg?*J?^ adaand Great Britun.—DowelPs " '^hannacy^ Manassas, V a . — .-

fitmSmr to be •tak«R into dw (InM, h lill^MyMi; Alirar>.>i» it for ~ - - g ^

FTttMB. Ail*i—. A..S. Ofanated, 2Sc Sample

LeBoy. N. Y.

For Saie.—Two thoroughbred Berkshire boyrs, eligible for reg; istiatJQg. and eTr^ptinnnny g^^a individaals. M. D. L3rnch. E. F. Dv No^ 8r Mana88a ."Va. m f e 4 r -: iW Reafc—Now~ oight-rooar

house on Fair View avenue,. ^i2 per montii. C. J. Meetze & Ca 1 9 ^

T: Hi^Yyifmmntftfdi

ville. Va. 6-13

triona boy oae with tUdF" 11^ quaBtics to learn tfae-

_ taTMie. Thk fa H*lewKil oiHKiiUuuty fwthe r«lit boy. Apply ait Jov-nal Ofifiee. We have moved our coal anT

wood yard to the lot i Brown & Hooff's lun^b^ yard.

wert door bt Tlihhii' h\afi:fmH¥-shop, and we are prepared to furnish ourpatTMia with w6bd iti 4hy qotobtyT & Son. 8-2a-tf

fiiir nf Just recdved anoi Ponna ' l^airy and H<q:se feed.

Try a sack and watch yoor stock imiHove. Maddex&BynLlO-lT-tf

tCOilBfliEP SALE! •«su

in this-jiommunity only at oar .J^^hntpn ^ ^ r - H a y d o i l

at Badctaadr Va., «B

5abdaj;iiHcribcr 29/1913 cemnwneiiig at W o'eloehi-fc-afc - -

MTlililMpfe'lUiyeJ-Uc yesr-oldcoHa " ~ V.

7€an ^ eoha r

Terror and HofiiVipe mli be effenaT

by dni t boraeB, we«niu« «<>)t by F. T., drivnc horae by Tnjah, S y« Mi aevaral other bowea aad eoha

i be freah by day <

'High Sebeo[r« Misses Dorothy Haydeo,' Grace and Alice Metz. Idicy Buck. Marie Leachman, Marian LWiaA WilUt, VUijiui* Walkei. Yf Y- wiU tjgii^oaise vraiKer, vuijiuia rvaiikei,

» a-» '"g..«J^anJ Messrs. Douglas and Harvey Fr^nrh farmer negotiates a loanl^^^ ^pr Art

to lecture ea "Eors^ Janney, Roswdl Round, Cundiff WaUaiMi. <j«-TT' yinninnn f i r


cent pays off the toan. ChaHlarSZiterHodgrMi^ O s - i ' I ^ ^ man-Qwau of the Senate coan-1 bpurn, Metz. Myers, Round. * straw-nde wrth the »c*«tiki*ni. ihimg, atauri iwicntiythat nTanjgmim^ fl. WJIUIAUU. K, Wlli ""j["f ^'^^. tht. New Zealander got cttoney at j ep^pp A. Selina Taylor, Garth,J ^ ^ ' ^ * * ^ a ? " Taking ill this into eoaaid-;^yiagtiwg. Long,- MoaenaerfCTTi^^^y

Teachman, "of

«>r»Mnn- Mr. DMLk MP'S w; not hope to hdd our own rMr-kets, even under free trade, if

^ t Rarhoqi'BVilU


week there

T R M i-Bockland for the hdidays.

-has^—At "The Meadows," the hoepi. ? . ^ . r ^ r ' S r ^ g ^ t ^ ^ f e S g - " » ^ '<» »M,-We hon of U,e Lewi .Mi-

.f. lower ^ -rJ^ lu.^ 1 .1,11 1 whfff Mi>s T,ucyMarisn wfll haveTffi her transDortationsolow that charges! Buck, president of the Normal Miss Luiy IlULk, u( hn^ transporUbons^^ than inVact Training Class, has rallied to her "Hill Crest," the home of Mrs.

yard, in the cellar, in the attic^^

TtM RAYO is ideal for Jxxne usa ciear, bcigiit hgm—iilce sunligm oa_iai>. TTS;

-irtimifc, diuabte, compast, h a a ^ P9asn't ::_ leak. Uoesn^t-smokft

last fat yceoBt ttaay m ^ ^ b t aiuT

Uie RAYO. — ~ " - .——


over seas is no .i.x*. „ ^ • •.. ^ -n • »T«U i but 1 S a much as it costs tbe^supportherdaasmat^as leaders^usie Metz.-wail open mJThanks-\>,nn*« farmer to put his crops in out^f-door sports for the girls gj%nng welcome to Mr Murray

• . , ,. , ^ - et6. .ofRuffner. [MriU; aJiJ liib bude. uf WHSIHIIK-

Waahinat . R l c h m o e i ^ N o r f o l k . V a .

B L A 1 . T M O U ZfiTSr—

W.Va^ C.

MiVCISiiJI 01 ift^gBBk IteSakool S n u i

PIPS WANTED —Ppf whiu tmk >Briit>er. li! fegl Juim and 3 inches thick, detivered at Harri­son's Ford bridge; mn»t be •OOMJ, '^'^ \X al Uw LIMTL UUAe al li> o'clock m.

J - B . i iANVKU Vokegvi l le , \ ' a .

W. 9 . ATHKY. ProfTiMnr B«Mta^. r u r a i t o n UMI ail kiod*

ekax&Mor otharooi ( • T M I or deli^nnt^

Page 6: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI

•+-6- JOUENAL. FRIDAY. NOVWMHWM ' 1,-19137

-will b* vpr i '-ci- by the Tnwr of Mmn«8 Mka, > » . , UDUI 7 >>. m., December 3, 19U, and dien oprned. for fnrniabiag n a t e n a U and iostailing a comptete wmterworka plant and sgwer »y8_t<ifl>. ^ 4nwir until T n. m., Ue**»bW^^«»

•for the compleM msWll»Uon of the fl^trit Ityht ptant, •polf lines-wid « r — t

A ct^rtififd chtfk for $250.00, made

baoat accompany each bid to juar*nw«

Specifications and bidders' blanks furnished Of application. , .^ ,

Councfl resefye* th* right ta -rrject-any sMi all bids.

Blue phots are on file in Manassas for examination or will be maibed for fsToo ^p«r sel^=Bcttr TO be blue prints art' leUiiiied lyy Pecgmber 1st.

s, 'h'rfirmap — Manaj was. Va.

N. WILSON l>Avts. Engineer. n-7-4t Harrisonburg, Va.


~i All winter, at Chriatma* time, »t Easter time, alao oe your lawns and in yoor flover hada a t the Srst openinc gf Spriaifta—-if y w

• fiant mem, ' —•. - - ^ _:

Bolsao's FaB fafts are fall naed and t n e

• ' T P " * * *

SeiMtMBi^lpiwMdMtai • pMi-tion of fcaoJHaK O e mwt t^Sm-

WnAington V

-^For China.

pQLflriAflh^Ttiii Qo /

-^Si ly erjitare^ EAC-Our supremacy in the foUowing^

'lines has becB recofoltsd t«a yettnf. Dependable quaht>«s, exdosively

lowest prices for THE BEST.

Stcrliac Silvarwar* rwMt P U t ^ W u «

Rack Cot GUss T»iUl 'imtt — —

Ckafiac I>i«hM _

1215 F S t and 1214-18 G St. WASHINGTON, D. C.

>efa^p« •••••••••••<

iMMIili be had leased <or a asoBtb, bat ke did TC»t wn n«r' ^ ' ^ ^ _ _

"You'd flad U an lafaUiMe BMdiciae. yea think r

^ ^UUH III U U U I V ^ ^ IJtvakVr^SBS^ra^ —

ay cruaipy and and prooaaded oa Ua way cruaipy

Naal Dorman elaaced almoat pltyi lagly aA*F U s triaad. In a waa* thay

^wara nvais ns VFH. That l irboiB TTS" Ited weakly tha a&ma, young lady, Ulaa VUria Hdraa.' though o& diflareirT s¥nntBKS—v»....j T\..—jf— 1 .pp

a podeat - whala awritd

hard" on tha youag ^tendtrtfth. Still, TIfift WM laad-teartad. 8ka had di» appointad Martin aa to tha thaatar lariUtloe and felt that it wwUd ba DO haras to aocapt U s company aa

; tha present ofya«klll It was a pleaaaat e n o n ^ drlre, ai-

-though Martia rathar disgaiiiad has with his boastins of all tha monay |

paaslnr a taldaa Uia maw task Bl<nt

This vell known milling institirtioa, recently re-bailt and set in first .jslass otmdi-tioa, is now iieiila up«MiiS!tr by a miller ot: years' -o£ ex-

ElfflLL ""^m,

made at this mill. Fancy and ' T ' l i g r ^ ' h HdtLif

Otoiiij!li.li g>ad*i io giving oat isfacticNa wherever osed, and is ra]»dly attracting new ra»-tiwneiri Jfc ' vez7 best wh at and guaras-teea ]^n« a ^ liealthy. Bran, ^i^KngKand othCT feed for

'He aea4B yon one tboaaaad dadlara. He aaya'ha atartad In hnslitaaa.dinwa-faaU that HBOBBf. l l« doea. aot ea-camt»M» mm*a ^tUtn* thmt a^ • • w A .

It aiay aot 1>e Tery coaaKtaUa," ' fee expJalnedP'•'--":• --• -="------:^-"

"Wavar artnd that. "I am—te—awfc^ palu, 1 wmt U) IWe TBBlSgT

Neal's heart b«at-ai(Miiy aa, trans-'fonriac that dalatr farm 4a-flMiZhac^

sedt . He bestowed her taadcrly In the improTlsed TA1«3O. ' t^tni 'ha d i m * ' it airaad. plckias «wt the ionaotheat fart. ^ . the read.'

He called at Uie McnM h o n e t h » f i next aMTBiBS to leans good aewa tka

>^ola was aaated "pm| t i » • e n t a c «d& her -**»'«'• *»i»riAM>

improTed. These words floated tp Otm <rf the j ^ a a i ^ — '»^wiiit!.

Groceries, hifisipBS and Feeil

The Golden Drip Coffee and Puritj' nour Vrhich made the de-licious coffee, biscuits and wali-ing cake, served at Na^ & Can-iioii'b Jufiug t3M» demonstraSm of the Majestic were boogtit from the ycoeer;^-apd proriawn aUiJV: nf • • \


SELF-SUPPORTING This IE open to all men. women, b ^ s

and (pris who want 4« malre bi|r proOta " • «• fcoOa at once

day Hnatiers pasilv rnakt

Piill iiifui'BUliAn ot\ request.

The Waker Specialty Co. :u9 s. ri;i s;..—

01 lO.OOU lullajmd beau" -tifal desifiua of WAll-fl»— par. to cneose &om at IMIES lUiLUnt


fcaae plarrng yoiir (Mder.


.•^i->Rji--fria Va. * • LTMl * n,

He' w-aa tSHfty and steady. and~he sometlmea fancied that Viola rather admired thoee quaUtlea. Oa the oon-trary Martin was always In drtit, al­ways crumblinK at his hard fate and always llrlnc beyond his moaaa.

A wonderful stroke of "cood luck," as he termed it, cadie to him that very ufteraoon. Aa he waa paaalaK the one ufltue bulMlng of tha town t agur<~at an upper window balled.him.. It was Mr. Saow, the lawyer. — "nay, Mr. Martialf h i laliad dwimi "I want to see you at once."

"Some presalnc creditor, J aappose,** grumbled Leeter. •wl»'«^"-^ ^^ * K .

"Sit down, Mr. Martin," inTlted Mr. Snow In a rery acreeable tone. Then be mored hts hand over .towards a bundle of papers aad aeleeted one. "I liatB Ubard fruui >um g w a a r t g a g * continued the attorney. "As y m Jcnow, in your behalf I hsTe tried to Interest

yon in some small baslneea." - r«;'y<n."' t*ip idty. kla eyaa s lovl i ia .wtth eacemeM aa ha aotleed a WnttsulaK dUoA pinaed

)la' did eocaseaaent—^ rillace musicale,

and NeaU Dorman saw har hosse and Us excellent campaaj dBMed^'dr^w •

rpf- f week, tt'rtitt if^fc-rf «»J j i d -Dot come near the Morse booM. One feftaaOQC fee »ay8 jBi^tS,ii^JLfkum •In his elegant ~

and (ftre carload "of the famous viola had beard of somi of his eztraTscances and her tarher, a Pra& • H , „ J „ L . - - n - t . JnaAc « f t k ^ t tJert old itt!K»o#h*r, had "sat d o w a T ^ * " ' ' * ^ ^ * •**"• «"•«« « t s e f

the words Martin leaped tree of Uia vehicle. This upset, spUliax Viola to the ground. The horse dashed across a field. A cry of pain came froat Viola's lips.

"Hurt*" inquired Martin, but star-iaf anxioaaly after-the runaway.

"1 fear my ajikle is sprained. Oh, i Mr Martin T fopl »n f . fnt i Wnn't

you try to get me home to mot^r?" "In a minute. There's a barbed

wire fence at the end of tht flfiH ^ l U horse sbooid—run into—tlat^tr would cost me a pretty penny," and. off he dashed.

o Car^ads dftlHKOWif Buggiei

" ^RBBW gOT »4»iPlHi-»Wf . w -

e nave J lisl received^one cair-•load of Blue Ribboa Dugi{iea,

very best material available, bought in the white wood and painted as per our inatonictions.

Also all kindfr^ •


M»ag<i-im M^W#MW^*i wmii ••

It will be worth your while to inspect our stock.

E A. Cockrell & Co. Manasaaa, Va.

************ i '»»»»»»d»t»»»t

VTtBT t n -

cjosea aer eyea. aeifi-UMiible pala. Ohe leH-iiBs u a

herself at the point of swooning. Home, was not Xar away, hat she oould not possibly rise to her. feet.

•Why. MiBs Mnrsp'" cried—aM

y4u money—we we eui insure yoa satu^

"After, yesterdiq!^-Mr. Martin, •sottor, oC —before tbaXj iOiaao, ttr^-^^toye vther'

JM, CMUjif Ma MiBd aheat t^^&tw ^ _ _ _ _ _ « - , . . tUa Tfd«e 0t leva. Neal D o t a a a C t y f l ' l U D M D A l l W A V

it oat that h e waa a f k r o f d t W f U i f l T J I l l H f l H i f f H i

'sanily before

away from' town, tn d«'fct M * «•* rf jterfa, fcrut they did pot '"

«netf ap at laat, iitB hel** ratted licti-

-Mr. Snow l o A e d d e c k e d aad « • -gaataid. His r i sHw tieA tktf dtadc aa thoagh he was doing awaebody a ta-

*;iBtt i l l *ee; M a g the poaaeaaer oT t t e lax«eet aaionat in cash he had erer owned, hat not one aarthdr gs atefri <er the thTm' ecalerred.

•TTie day haa~eome"aaJ g o n e w K ^ 1 lower my Duslneas talents to start a

' af I B i l t t ^ ^ ^ S ^ y MxB.. .sntie BraAey Barber agaiast lier hnahaad, Arttav W^'^artjer, a New York lawyer, be­fore Justice MIOs ia the court, testimony waa gl^ea that the

att ie uhstaiti ahep « » - a n y dred .doOHB." he aoUlo«Uzed tejapmniiaty. T n h a y e e ^ s g n a d Steg wig that mmiSnomari. « Tweref hare swbther. r u take the that I eaa work the aid bo^ Cor

The tooitah yMiig maa dW what Maay a eaUew jeotth atwflarly e trpas-

were aew aalta ef ehittea, I—— a rcaMTal from ^ llTtar vaarters to a suite ia the priaei-•pai betel of . the place. .

that Matrte

GEO. D. B EBR Ev«r tat luTlt i^

theater I by Pity hi "my acw spider trap." aad Martin aUuded to ^the high aedal standiag of some


. . . . . . to S w — •Pi I •,!!':» iMiT r^iit^p J. M. BELLE

reflltze that she w«aid nol appear to :ta adTaatage Is ber plaia boaM>

gcira among Martin's boasted devotee* of weelth aad Caahioa.

Thcve w«ie ab furthciv reaitttaaoea

hmA i«M>ii Mmmtfmtg^ WiWJdlag hfjlla were l iac iag IKe ereaiag he

sismi CMira PeUtien Referrina

DnriM ttie trial of the

ye^rt .dC thUtr msfttefWi. Mrs. Barber, who, fui mailj Jt*ed a t j HaAtnga^ accused b t t Imshaad of

wBSe Us

motter "had spare her to bless molker aad spare her Ood make daddy a bettar •as:*''

Mr. BaAer took A h s a g e ta the ref-wvuu u»—saaer—u t u prayer. He aaid that whca ake taught the prayar ta tta^jUld U waa tbe

_.erad|es»_ ttl«r Jfce_jej*r did. „JSTjeri Mrs. Barber was asked why she had

Yoiu^iifldeM wiir be betta- satisfied wi& Saaoot quality '~^behiai I^OOL"" •

-LioailMr Mm Woifc

C M S itf CeBdofi


namtumnfimmm SCHEDULE

4m-«&t Sekedde fignes paUidied

[—auilaisJHK limH


So: l>-Daily looal, 8:d5 a. cOTinentiBB at ~ tp G A C . Sa. i l ^ f o r


tMsum Viir»ii|||^'


and Planing

W* keep xm lurad hBmhm-. Lime, Omaeat, • cam. Bnck, t^oon, SaiUi, Bliada, Shinies, "mHlngi Drtfir snrt '"initrrr FisMM.Tlpials. O S r V v m h , flii>ge<i,'serew« aad sS k ia^ af Baiidsra' Rardwarr, aad are prsfarsd ta ill all order* for wme oa ahori notice.

We fuarmiltM pricoi to be as low «k aay JB all


tffc ir; I J T V T T J M C


Gidnte uJti^



^ms CTlRTBD S T A T S S , '

1111 {Jajufnoo^

O, t . aoOTHB. |». «. UAMJJOW. e. a. waanxx^D. wanaxointaTs *.aMni , j« .

^^^STOA«r ft*^ tp an ^iwjaiii, ta.

TSa. 17—Exu^t yaJs insJ inaj f t i r p

No.TB—Dagy local. 5:14 p ]io.41—Dai^ Uutngfa Warn, U.-(M>. K.,

a l s p t e l s t o<.tiissMigiiiiIrcia •WnTiiigliii mm. Aloaadna aad <o take .aa paaMapa*

atiAidiaehedBlsdtoalsp. /*

sas<:10 p. o . points. . ;• "

Ho. 44—Daily through train sad Waahiaffton, 6:S6 p. i

0. Ki Daai ihiaunfc > • •shaa-^ p ^ oan &rWiiia£gioa aad SUk YiS.

True Frtawds. A larga xrowd had gathered at

fftaliea t e reeelve^jb* maa7' TW reporter indfaatad a lu the tMBgroUhd. "Tber are liliisdl gtlAM^d h> eee Um speakiag bet«,~ be espbdaed.

'Is W a>sissar' m aaa t/rnvmagtarto'

'^2S f.-m^ slop* oa flaff. tie* daily ezeept Saadsf, at C. A 0 . froiB KicbMoad -UiiiiTidiiiTlL

So. *»—rsarioeBrrsoan Me. a?—Daiiy Iae< 6:25 j

tbe Ka H—ueepL aaadsga, Piillaia PMM j j ^ rjr ' -T f'-'^-rTi tn ffini—fcan 1 H o w V»- - .-- -••:—_

Ke ni^- -Daiij lu'Sl. " la a.1 Iie.14—Eioepi .'"lundaT-.Pailinaa Parlor Oai

tram liam»nab«irf t» ff a»hiny jfa in-Sfi AO. !!•—Loca. Irooi " ' ~' JlSiSisosaJiidLUk

iHarriaoafaafg w WaM a n sa^ IK IS uu

' — H4a Oppertuetty. C Man -^wboee -Cart it Is to sitF ! ^

ibrwr JWK niJVM do^ •" iecl sefaaar

Manager—F\:r.nT' Great Soot. man. fo on UDBJf-d.atPiy ano mak*" Lb*- tcoet A H whnc rr ta-ts S>Jop) RuTle.'D

t whkKaiii Unr t n i o Sn«.9 aadlA.batwece aad >^Jrui afiord .good ssrriaa ta

^td trota Riohm. n.-i &roa^ flmili—ijllg C. A O Railway "^ ' ^ - . •f«.uuii-BAi. \:T:uda«e.i^ 8.H.aARf.WICK.PM».' H. r. CiKr, Geo Pane. Kgi. U S . BROWN iVfMir*; .A^mi. H, L. BldSOP. Pasaeiuer XatBt.


MOTOR X A A EFRCiSNGy-ja Uisdy a qnestioB W the diffi wf tfae

voe of deteya—DO tiakeiteB.

Saanateed: "





1LTC Biddlag,Ifaw^ggnB n^



P~«P» aad «a<isfsa>jfT »Brnoe aecmrn Hsaraefsmished lor anj reaaoaabi* diataiiea

Page 7: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI



tPtBifc. at i io i t f 1« 7

Ki»wtt and

CoDtagad FVM* P i n t !>•(•

pent Bp laTf. The waves rolled like lMllo«f_ in mjdcyfTi in a great storai. The ^ p t danced on the waten like corks on the bosom flf an uadolatuig tide.

Hflutf flacn:'' The lioiues d«T.

i«<»m<ug>»wiaa am

f ml i fmf I in the rify rocked on thoir found wwl wlir i»twins Mtiwmh mdwaiuitug


' ia pdtWaU&i of A ! th* Mln—i war* Totad o«t br • j i B M . > M > H ! ^ I i r f H r » i i r a a . m a •tvaacthaMd iMt Janaarr by aa iroB-

\ ttS6 thexQsely^ from the demon in liM Snp 6f i cyclone. At last the

horrible din ia oter. ty - hnyidaT g

ImportaCtoa af Uqaor IMo • • d a * ; tha ftr

•<dMola. 1J3»; I* 1*M tfca baak

flM.seO; ehlldraii la bowaa. MS; oharoiiaa, taw, t a r 7»rf». MCL poflto ara |8,S00.0M: bank oapttal ataek. tMe.OM; lurptaa. |41>.raT:

TcSr**; tS^^ftteT" ^^' ^^^^•-t^tii:r^^tS:t^:^rs::L^r,

aB4 tba -rikifto l«ab«r rart hM crowv to It. Baal aat^ta T « I « — i M f mA Taaca^ tai -tfia bai fMT m lat to >«.aM IK tba U 7< wljK... jCrePTTMBiaJlaK • > ! • la n a l t r lia «Tar7 dlraodoa.

• a atroac ta "di7 LoKC Bawdi th*t IsclnAac tka l i dnic iUf*a hot man than M^yaspU k i U

r**«B«a raeatpte. ;:

TTia aiifgllBg writa». «(-»-


ar» da«y laBa nf <ia fawt aetoMa-rte-toriea won kr Amerteaa atfal«taa orar ttaaa of Bajiand. AA^Bai^Uak taam i i a r o o m e to N»w York fag aa a t i^ ttiiae to maiatatolBr thrir- mi*4im» - • vartartty orar aa o t h * nattoBa. Tka^^vo omur

mtmBXMHt«m of Uw Amarieaas dropped tnto the BHtisk bead<i«art^ *BA

^_ reply to thalr ' lOaMi o f iairrtea t|>e EaSUahiBea pra-tc«t«4: "Oh, we aiwajs drtok ala. tet aot mudi of it." IIB the «»«»t«y ee*-taMa Oraat Biitalii waa bAdly beaten. B y m a a e B ia tke tisfat Ifttto iale am • o w ape*kiag aerioaaly eC tli* Patted WaieaV riae fat the atklatie wo(I4.7ittd

to •:igHiMLag-ae-

tokMaftar aU tteea tat flBi^aiid U the aiotker booatry caa

• k«»« BU t&i» « « a t i i l 9 s «C- ~har SoK fUamS.-"

VKRY MUCH AUVE. BeajJra, Ohio, haa been wttbot^ aa-

HOT neanr MTR ' l a s to the argamuit of the "veta" It

ahevUMkr thU date he' "dehd aa a doir aail."^ But "nowhere ia the Ohl*

a new one, the eld oae ba^mg

ist«ad Jud it made but a littte Taihg^ <»» • Whe«*Mia I u t ^ « ! t o w j ^ " " ? y " " " " ^ " * J ' T * " ^ " J ^ ^ J ? ! teUa aa. can he fouad a houiler or Itre-Uer town rhan BeUalre. : Thin ftu^ J« piaUUy demoagtrited.eTety Satanlaj alght. AH the stmea alons tne mala rfreeta were lo

almnot iHiptiiMilhlfi crowdea that

atatad that tti* eroKd tt» ao large the he. aaatotcd by hla eorpa • f e iwks . could aearcaly aceeaimodate t h e n . Thta ^ to now on a « t e a l ^ | t h e f^r ag h W l K r S K a l j f f t w e r t y . •Bd rafU road of procFeaai aad ta -fear y e a n wm undouhtadly to fail uaaait etty-e( the v^ley. The pi* af* befead lBg aware of the that the moi ^'^

and piakea ft.



PRtVEir Oft DfllNKaHt>Pt A Chiieaco eoroner glTea tt a*

oplatwB the raaulf nf hti with *>y-rtdin« acddenta—that

-WK6 a w « U JOI l ^ . . a M h a ^ should pe\

hKw, he Hiya, BB4eT which AasSear . caa he ft)^eA vp,

trusted la ao

druafcea t t e city

of the hondx have eeaaed. The lurid glare is no 1(»)£:ar seen. The waves lie down to rest <» the bOKMn of the waters. Is the bat-tie over? If ao. what ia the re­sult? Is the flag, symbirf of our

the dd fort still stAnd? These were the qnestjona that agitated the mind <f Key as with quidc;

of tike vemelapud the joleittdarkr. ness. As the diadows began to tipliftanihewlngBafUiiieumiiig morning, his gas? is turned fixed-ly on the fort.—A flutteriagbaiF tier is seen "floating in titefareeze. Tbffli he sees the 'broad

thff ^bright atars,' mow g^km^QS t o him aii»t^ timn thnwA tJiat HhJBfi <Hi ilte bi3DW jxf nUEht caifte info viiew. As an inspiri-.

M a f t Red Estate

for Ageiti

The Economy Wnder vw vy vtrttj* of a decree en-^

twNid at the Oetebei tcim, l»18, of the* Circuit Court of Prince William Coanty, ^ IB tha amt irf DaTw laai I%»teneB t t at.

AAtt^rtMMtn^WAn * *U 'y<^«',"<g»«d Special Cemmiaaiooer JV*nmmm».w tm^mvn • of S*le therein appointed, will offer for

. - I Bale,- to the btcheat VMet, I auction, on Co»k Book

at public

Sate%Nofcaber22,l923 -

rU win Stmt»»,

rrmidmt ml Viee-^reaM«n(,


Canal anaww, Gmommor^, JaJgam tmi kmitirmdg • / ether iMmportamt woin«« fftka dmrt km»» aU a«w«wfcwt«rf THSlIt VHOtCBST CVUHAMY RBCiPBi

ffti'i arirt • rmi NotMns nic* It ever puMt*rmd—Tha many gatyw featores such as the croa~tBlI<a V> reelpetl. and rapectally the bloaravhiM ft the eeiabrated contrlbatora. mak* tb« work ef both national and local Intsrcat.

Th€T«*B a Geld Mine in ft for Live Agentt

Previous book experience

rSWi . Ijbnpees at the Prospecti

the multitude of hanasom t8. uni»ii) iiaary

Mm ahqw^ ^Boine copy-

ted niustrationa and tovalu^Ie rec

day wm delose yoa iwua U lieuu fui uuUl aud luU hial>au

—act BOW while yoor own

This pla^e has some dwelling thereon.

TERMS:—One-hatf cash; balance up­on a credit of twelve months, intercat -bearing Ijoiids for which is to be given omtayof sale. Purchaser may antici-patej«aid dpferrgd-payfc«at. —

CoDimissionw of Sale. L. B. PATTIE, Auctioneer.

--f- J. E. M6IT6II, atia Courtr

Clerk of the alore-^on7 . do eertity that bond has

oree of sale in above aoit. l f t44-« " J . ^ - SBotBii.,-Cleric



T h — OffeiMaa. Ihircha— of $SomUat^ Sent F y e


Whha CaBfer*** Weal

poaoible m»i bl* Mite bed pink or Une bot-

WWa WeiTWaaheU hJl 11-1 »»A; aloaely woven; wans and durable; wide filk bindings; blue or pink borders. •5.00 Taluee, tperaal aale piioa, ^ « jw, 'a pair : . . . . . . . . # 0 . « f p

White Wool Blankets. 10.4 nze; twinorthreequsnerbedg: close- ^n ijn' ly woTeo; w ^ finished. 'A pair. # Z « 9 o

Crorliet^adipgeeds, closely weT&7 -«K-tlu«e^rabls deaigsi; easily ^^ .._ Isoadered. Speeisl TSIUS at.'.. Ipl>i.a7

Ceerfeiia, is handsotoe obinuL.

eouon^ling; floral and Mieeial ^ A g^ lifaigns Sfwisl Ts lnes^ . . . . #Z.UO

with eot-oet end*; attrsetiws

Pff— " ^ "^—' Tarie^ d designs sod ooioriags; doable bed aise: li^it and wana. %h. Tslaes, special $3.98

O K -

Vahiable Real Estate _ ; J ! ^ _ ^ tfodcr j n d t y ^ t f t o e of a deei-ee

oflW. R rnnkpjff 8(«ie.:Scnv>8 of paper from his pocket and under the inspiratiMi coming fra^i tiie vietwy he saw ttadlaec^ia^eved by the hernc raea. who had valaatly h ^ the fort while a very heUof shot and fiitett bad raged ahost them, that thf flag BtiH flattered proudly in tiie miormog ihiajhe wgate

aedng all

the aoDRthathas^riUedrnflli^u

*1 may. say in'dducg thi^

night of thf hfwnhardinfTtt waa


afssi ]^yyour 1913 .taxes now and save the

fiye per.cent, penhlty required by law to be charged ypa if yon xiail to pay by December 48t This fiv« per cent, is a fine i^on yew for not paying yoilr taxes whea due and, daea net obtain for yoa fiirth«iBda%eDce, except tkroagh the eoartear of m e eoUectm, opon v^hom the law if mamhitfflx, reqnirii^ theia »h pmftnnri fn •rt'fnwi n t h ^ p.ymg.i> «ft<>y December 1st.

T will ho a t ttw. InOnimr^ p l . ^ o .

n6w fiag was flying when/fiu-datigbter, Gewgeanttfc

tdge, Wednesday. Nov. 19th.~ Dewey Store, Thursday. Nov. 20th.

wasbw' t l , -^Joplia,'Friday, Nov. g s t :

wfaieh event i ag 4h» prc«raaa Domonrament and within the

Oneiawrhaat rnrl—B^p«.rm.tt . ; im» nf ttw. g j i ^

In his will it was provided that the burner should pass to his (tanghter. She beeametjte wtfe

A|4>lel»n, oi New XoA, agragiifiogof Daniel Web-L ster, She dred » Jiii8. TtBT^ far-famed fli« Is now ra piosses-airn o f t h e fmpmmfnt a t \yit.<Al

e o u e a had httter get boay aad

he to tock the


TO ipca up »«w I n» .T . » » » ^ dnmtea. <aigr?J i » tfjfl ja the

kuffiri « | th^ h€«) of iFort Me.-j Heriry. was one oi five totithevs, ideseoaded from Williajn Arrais-tead, an £ngli^iinan...wbo was \\m\ in YftrlTiNTfraTw haptiacidl

. , „ ^ _ _ _ ^ h o r W not "outlaw—ttie ihlng "Which

B a k e s the men iacapaUe of handling j t o n , emi; a machine? The people at Chicago ! his. w i f e a b o u t t h e y e a r 1 6 3 0 . a n d

Bt^naqph oi v .gngn-gra^Mto Virginia wits

r»ttia>j.;T.^ U / M ^ . y -Ki^^ 9^ Hickory Utme:. Toeaaay. Nov. 4A. Hayauurket, Wedaesday, Nov. Stfc (rfftflnwich, Thnraday. Nov. <th. Nokeevilte,"^ Friday, Nov. 7th.' Hoadiey, Monday, Nov. 17th.

T i W a y , Nov: l%h-

M ^ w i d e n t Hill,^Satarday, Nov. Bttl

K o ^ Wedneada; Nov :S5v


lath. PuUIBUUI. 1 borBiay. Nov. 13th. Dumfi'ies. Piidav. Nwt.44Ui.

ow> Monday, Nov. 2*th. KeliiagbXi, Tuesday, Nov. ^ t h . Bttia^iOe. Wednesday, Nov. astfc.

Dn'o^ter days from now onlpl Deoeat-ly office in Manaa-I will mail to a«y

ber 1st, I will be at m; aaa. . Upon jcqueat, tax-

10-17-€t kCBMAN,

Treasnrrar: -



ai d villi « aadert Me


of sale enfered at the OctoSer term, 1913; xst the Circuit €oart of Prince Wiffiam Cdunty, Virginia, in the suit of Sylvia

-et a) vs. Randall et al, tiier«in _ d=ei

sjonera of Sal« ^iuaa^ sell bidder, on


Ul IBB' MtfUwl

U M. LAKKJN & CO, — MANA99A3. VA. :—

Grai^, Flour, Meal, Feed^ Hay, Salt S O L C A O ^ W T S F O f t

^^m at 12 o'clock m., in front of the Peo|des Nataonay Bank; in the town of Manas­sas, aforesaid county, all that certain tract:fif land, nearWeUiogton, in Ha-wuaaa District, aaid eoOnty, kiiown aa the ^Charles and Bctey Ran^IJaod, «od >inn«w<^ l^y the We Boad. the ^ Wllinot/wi . GainesviBe - If anasaas Road aad the iaads of O. Wdls. ai>d others, eoataiti-iUK, dtere cs.ieaa.

9 0 ACRES of iale .

land will Iw uurviyed beforeday

TEima.—One thitd eaoh].baloiie»j> one and two years,

day-the purchaser to

with-li«id until therefor: and title to be

f j m e n t until paid Of aila nd!

in ftm. thoigtrthg noiM BUy he aatki-


Corimimidaets oFSaSe: J. P. K E R U W . Auctioneer.

1,-J. E. H e i T ^ C a a * df-Ubresaal do Biirlifj> that bwid ban '

_ 0 F -

Mill Pit^aerty. Under and by virtue of a decree en*

tered at the October term, 1912. of the' Circuit Court of Prince Wiltiam County, •> tl»e <5bai>cer>.<lUUWHUmw!iti- ifepeiKl-i i ^ under- the styTe"<>f eonsoiKiated mUjMSjff W. N._LiysfcwiUj JUHI Cuhi-(tany et ^ vs .T^ws und^zsiflQed

al, the of

^ „ . _ , _ ^ for .sale, at pt&Uc aacti<m. to' the htghest bidder, on. " .. V ^

Satete, at 12 o'cloclc m., in front of the Peoples itoaoflftl Baiik of MmiiiMt!, Jii iBrt&wrr

Ity l a can

wEw use ro» a*««A««. I t ^ a matter of seaaral kaowtedce

all kinds of nrill and factory' vaCasa. Aim now. tl Is aTjttorttaOvely aUted, Btjnors are to be manufactured from rarb.-.gft. •Such an enterprise bids m r Tfl fjjtt^u K m | a i i a i a luilusuyr

tei ie wT.! .UerBKttsr.' ca»» Oarty Xip'wa, thara may over the mahogany bar the aromaOe htirtiha!!. the pony of braady,

I war ai Ifflg- Three wege lalhe!.^ regular army and two in the mil

ftOTititia. Gen. Walker Keith Arm-iistead, father of ClaptitowleiiE.

S. A-, who lives Va.. lost an arm •

of Fort Erift, anrii

lArmistead, C iat Uppervilie.

of Manassas, aforesaid county anff ' state', all that certain tract or parcel of

>iy -f land, together with all machinery U.ei e-



boideirim «B OthatrfcraaJ BuJ and mwtaining aboat

2 0 0 ACRI seUiiiK. uiill, -etcr;

"e^ i his p U w h « a ;h

upuu U.—Is well waigreU and UdivMrt 1 jSt^ two tracts of 166 aere^jHid 4& ajree. • TERMS:-On«"-third cash, and bal

MARVFI nOUR _ ...._..,, ^

Sduudier airf Steiiii« Feeiis, UKOII Diiry Fed,

r ^ " " *f* **"'V^*^ '^'p. **—" «* M u ^ j ,

...GO TO...


T5r the F J irW— ler mrmct:

_ _ __-^ .CARtOAOS^^^eF New DuwBeK Sto<tebttker and Fiah Waugon^^Maagr

aind EKac Hamnrs* New Idea

Tnc IHue oeil v>roH> ft^pdiraiora-THE BEST ON

H i y l h a a r s . ThrsiWaK Machi


Alwajrs • • H s i t aad

Oifer»g-q>eap^Goo<fa. YOM Get No ]

T b > Y«a Pay far-Gold ktSHT

Gt Ihre Yw IMW Ae Ctdb H he » RffifTHIIJ


^ aiVg ME A CALL

JLItWENRICH Jeweler and Opikiaa

MAYHLBGH Funeral Director -^ Lkeused Embahncr-- — GREENWICH VIKGINIA *" " '

always on hand.—Soriiff^^fe aid^lJpytWBI hi UK! Omh* '""" ^ twdnc BoBuieas fumidied on daort aetie*.

^ irch trvck for delivering' casket m ehordi.


the city's OMacht for ike drlal

' battle of Savannah. Maj Baylor Armi9tead,who was given

Tills, died in 1M?—Hiii mnTftrr

' K U W P IM UQUOR SECURiTica. DistfllerTea Securities eorporatl<«i

was LitfT Baylor, of Newmarket. — dsuifhuir Of ^

t'h6Ba V wrii<t fur partkfiilai

Carohn* «>ULL>; ^ _ . Maj. John Baylor, first aide on

,,^;^^^K^4^f^^^^i^r7.^.^-gnr^i WaahingtoTiI^^Sg: M ^ fftm .14 to iOH AnHWicaa Malt Ar t t iur w . - T _ u^ common has fallen from i«M to 7%.: a n d Mrs. MaTT L a n d o n L e a c i ^ and preferred-m>w ««H tp--»Wt b e r si.gtCT. are g r e a t g r a n d - _ _ T^re--Trtmt xipotnit e t •hriuhaae '*«'—1 j a a g h t e r s o f M a j . John Baylor^ _ ia crt-er » IP ,»e .«* T^e stoai* \a •*- j j^fg^ie^if^/J J D j ^ e ladies h a v e , -trfhuted to tbe Webb law »" '^**^ '* |pgggut jy b^'comc m e m b e r s of t l j e ;

i|iIational Society oi Daughters of ;1812. throat the iBvitatwn of Mrs. Charles C. Gibson, Virginia •iiate President of tile organiza-

Ask B tl seii 7N Mr

It "shows many trf Rich's fashions fw- mgn. wuiiwn*

\ I, i . E-, Court, do _£XBCBted.aa^

,VUI. A W l U B e ^ H e m l l , Clerk of «f />~«.^ | certify ^ a t bond has been

• br decree of aale

10-24-.=>t .J. E. REitRELL. Clerk.

• n e aUai* ia Webb law^aSr »

St 'iretiersl mineueat tloii wide prohibition.

sad chiidces-«nd jroB «i - hay from it with every a

sdranee of satisfactioa.

& Rich's Sons T » 4 K FSi.Car. iM

WaskbCtn. D.

SURGEpM OEMTIST At Manassas every Toeaday aad

; Thursday. • Washingtoe address : Tltt 14th

I street, V i w . rsoptes MaSwnsI Bsu Hin itrnf.



G The JoiBiial's Prices OD M Work

Page 8: I nnti - eservice.pwcgov.orgeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...day. the Maaaaa s High j Schoo neaday, Nol v Avery beautiful but quiet wed-19. when Miss Nel-»>w af MPI



:>iy»;ftgifHl f t w t i h i i M<nMaMC|. Jly/td Groyton Ch»ptT», Goo4

Hoi»«l^eep< Q u b f .

"Down H the CroM "8«ftly and Tsoderly." "I'm Going Home^ Di* No Udre. ^ A»thu^<^aang her Bpifit ffent; out to Goa"and ahe i^reir open iiei' aim> »8 if to bereecivodinto

! the open arms of Jesus.

Mrs. (3iwtU' C ItouHd delight- of so UKm)jir]K aii appeal to the f«ny «nr<.rtirin«t the Gwyc and Miinaiisa« Geed iIou)»«k4

ved ones left ^eMii'd to walk in thff fooutapftoif Jaaua, and' aever; chapters of the

ijit.the]4)sv« I aeen in -a morfi marked borne of her daughter, Mr$ VV.

•OQIl^ Despite the i-ain the following

GrQvntert raamhwri wertr prfta 'iU: Mrs. Dogan, president of th^

•aerg' lastitute; JArs. J. F.Lewis, Haydon and TTre.

tewisr Mrs. 0. F. M.

From the Manaaaas Club were present: Mrs. Round, Mrs. F. E, Ransdell, Mrs. D. H. Prea-cott, Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Spies, Mra. L. B. Williams, Miss Sarah Johnson and Mr&,E,-Ar Hutchi-«on7 Quite a number of visitors were present, including Rev. and Mrs. Burks and daughter, Mrs. Dalrnn, Mrs. E. H. Hibbs. Mrs. H. Thornton Uavies. Mr . W.W. navio^ «jA Mr fipo. C. Round.

Mrs lioKin presided over tbe iiieetinfi;,*SM SL£tec much discus-Bion iht? dam uf the club oxhib^t was changed to the January Meeting of the Fanners! In8tt= tiite. _ -

Tlfe Manast4 ,~G'iTjveUjJT, Cat- [ harpin. Hickory GrOve and Stone HriUflt Pinna itrtj nlPtiApwCwl lu exhibit, aad a prize «f ISrOf-'-wiil-spenii the winter. fered by Prof. Button, former dtreetor-of the Manassas Agri-tiulittral SulmJl. will Iw wfaiUwl

The exhibit vnfr conststt df specimens of cooking of ail kinds, bread, pies, cakes, canned goods; pickle, preserves, etc. ;»also but­ter, cheese, lard ahd 'saOsage, and any and all kinds of fancy work, sewed, knitted, crocheted ab^^d oh: •.• •.' ,. •. . i •

All exhi^ts in the prize con­test must JJOL have, been^made further back than the year 1912. A •ipppjal 'tahlp'wifl he. r»mvidpd for moiiibBra wishing to tae la^ articles of an earlier diite.

M rs. Uogan invited both chap^ ters to meet with her on Wednes­day. 'D€C. 17.

degree the comforting influences j -feh» Gospel. We sorrow, but+

mat as those who have no hope, i Goodby, dear-MoIlie,

To realnu beyond the azure dome, With outstretched hands God's angels

MUl, II I W itff"* to, heAVi'" •'"'"e^ jweflt'


Thg ftuitt^l took place frutn the Hatched- Memorial Baptist church, of BrentOTnie^ of_which her fath^,"Mr. Robert Molair, is a deacon and trustee, and was attended by a large throng of sympathizing friends and neigh­bors making the 7th day of No­vember, 1918, mennorable in the annals of our little village. ——

The deceased wa.sonly 16years nM «nH |jfaM«>B har Parents.

I on


M»o>»s»t Druggists ha»e now on ««le at their stores

THE CELEBRATED RCX>T JUIGE vhich kftf created • sensation in Atlanta by its wonderful cures of CHRONIC STOMACH TROUBLE, KIDNEY TROUBLE, BOWEL and LIVER DISORDERS and RHEUMATISM.

PRACTICALLY HELPLESS INVAUDS have regained their health and strength after a short treatment, and persons crippled witl^ Rheumatism, who could not move about, are walking the streets enjoying the b<*l of health, "

HUNDREDS WHO NEVER EXPECTED TO GET WFJ.I., and many whom doctors. failed to core, have been restored to health in remarkably short time by its use.

Call at Any Good Drug Store and Learn All Abuul Tills

which ha^cauKsd no ertdx^^ubxcitcraeiit »t Atlanta and f e ^ weeks.

ny other cities during the part -



Miss Bettie Gossom^ of MJary-i land, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs MRryGoa.spm.Qflllis_BLa_C'e

Messrs. Brook R e c t o r &riS Charles Thomas, of liOtidoun,

l^ves- ofie Brother and four sis­ters to mourn their lossl

By Her paiiLur.

were guests ot Mr, J. i:. £>ouin —— one day" .this week. • •' • -'

Mr ftWH Mr^ SiHnPv niflrk.

T. W. T. NOLAND. of Indian Head, ijfelatigaajgrtfag:

Id., are visiting

HAYMARKET HyM*:PENINGS | Mr. Sim Davis, of Baltimore. i8"tSe-giest~grm-nannFtr:l^

Mr. Charles E. Jordan left on {SuT>(tay-ioI -~t anama wrierp.TSS.

Mrs.Frantz Petershas returned f.^Tn a viaif tn Wimhingtnn _ _

Messrs. J. W. Udft6&l^a»a U

neaf Upp' rweejc. Mrs. Wm. 'Xa. Joraan aicendeff

the wedding of her sister, Miss Nellie Bell, to Mr. Garrett, whic4 took place in Washington on Wednesday.

ReV. Mr. Eagle was the gue </f -Mr. Thoinas, of near AldieT this yreek, ^ r two days' shoot-. Ipg. With other game tie brought hMBe two nice wild tarkeys."

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Price are c p a n H m g a mnn«;h a f A H a n H ^ .

Ttfiss Jane Reeves, of' Balti-hspre, is the g^iest of Mrs^.Dei-aware Davis.

Wft regret to ptate that Mr.

B. Gossom. MiftflNfilllg B^H'ls t j g F r i n y f

friends in Washington. _ Mrs. Omar Kibier, Mjs. Eppa

Pir>kflt.t. anri Miss .Flor%^ Smith

spez Miadlobu»igr~

lajiL week in

ghfr men folks of the neigh-h6yhfl6< ^Bl I ciiioying the hiint ing season. i^oFted.

Lota of game re-


Don't mouirn 6ver_:itf Don't envy^^oRiers because they h^ye beauUful


Choice SQc Copy -7^

A Suggestion for Desirable Christmas JUifte :•:• •':' :at;a--

; Manyqf, the bfe«l l imjem writeia vf j^isatioa aa specimens of America's i^wingnUterary b-wnd.

m, Jn^hodlkg wiirthy-aL^

to mvc pfepety intelligent care 'Freek!<g..

and attention to your toair—a"ha thap lAf nthfrsi finvy you. Use

Girl of The Limfaerlost . . . At The FB«I Bf The B»imkt

-...-.+»«•« Stmtton Porter . . . ^ .Gene 9tr»tt<m Porter

...^MeBeJtlg""*»'^*Wff Mistress of Sfaeostone. .Florence Barein; Spinner in The Snu Lavender and OH L£ce . . ' . , . . Halter's Vic^io. '.. . . . . . Uoqey Uoon; The Ke'er-Oo-Well. ,'. Joyce 'of The Norta Wood

=- -The t'oTbhWen Way. . : . . / . . . • The Bolted D o o r . . . . . . ; CUnttmae ave on Uiueaome .

. . . . .Mynle lUed

fgndora V Box . . Dr. Da»id.

..!... ^ ...J. A. Miutliall . . . . . Marjorie Beaton Cooke

w;. .^^. . ra.—k.-^i M*, Smith . . , , , ,^ . . . . . . . . . , . - . . . . . .Cardiff L^dihait llau^qf The VVigyringHill»?.„. .- . ..:r7-rr.'.yerKie g. Rbe Uatot rn? t'nniitiyir' • L. Bebert Amos Benaett-



A most enjoyable luncheon was bounti fully served- bjr-^evtrjrf young girla, and a rising vote-e# thanka eietendod Mwi Refund tit

T..E. Garoett is jjUiteltTcI^ai' his home here. .

Mias Nannie Williamson spent

Harmony Hair Beautifier,- a de­lightful liquid hair dressing that is just what it .is named^rra hair

. ...MyrtleTTeea" . . . . .Myrtle Reed . . : JMfrey ramol . „ . . . R«;x tienA

The Conflict. -Tne Teonefwee >9ind , EuiK- FoZ'Seaton... The Conim'"n: I- w^

To make the hair ^ossy, soft

a most pleysant afternoon. oo<6wl rfayq ni Annapniia hsfr f


. . .vleoi

H. Oomstack The Prince and Be^f.,. .

3 »


Last spring tiie subject of t£ls notice' contracted the nteades. Lett in a weakened eofldlUAfl-fifig fell an easy prey.to that more' dreaded disease, tuberculosis.

—She faded rapidly away until M n v R, w h i > n H A T apirit - :^/>ft^r-itg

^ Mr. » id Mrs. Edgar Keyset were recent guests of Mr. Keyr

. [ser'sparei gene Keyser.

and silky-^to make it caoi(ai-t»

fTmii>i»»iiibiJuaaai)mai>>mJLiaiirJLUiai IIHHHI I yi'Wi's-s-,-; lknigntot--'*^tx- 'Qfl>^r

eor(!e Uibba A lie 11 liiT TS^uniBii-

. David Oiaham PttilUpa . . . . ' . . . , . .Owen H. Johnson .. .Erancia Hodmon Burnett ........Bobort W. Chambera

..P^G. Wodehonee

My tjidy ot D o u b t . . . . . . . . ' . Cwiniry Bay

. .Hontagua^Isas. -Randall Parrish

. .Oharles ijarver of Barbara y<»th . , ' . . . . . . . . . . .^Mtild Bell Wright

The Havmarket Civic LcagJie ^netwi Thuradayof last week, Addresses were made by Prof. Yarbwough, Htm. C' }• M Mftaft and Dr. W. R. Tollous. TL

"stjty put"-''to restore to your hair the well-groomed appear-an^e you wjint^iLtftrhaye —to

o le the unpleasant, -oife? odor of the hair and leave instead a JwllBliUuiUi Jaiirty, fi'eal* fr«gra'T'i>-7Ha'''"""y Hair Beau-tifiec "will ptease you, or your raonay back. -V«iy- easy to sp-ply—simply sprinkle-a little on

light Two years age I prcseated her [


with a Bible; raquoatijag that she

yeuf %air«ach dmar^afore brosh^ log it. r.nnt«itw no oil; will not

nake it t ^ lamp to the light to her path. So qoiet was her mien and s», r^enredlDt. RoopJaWthday, tfiey at tece-

When it became known tothc fg^ta^^ ^ e <»><>g ?f ^^^ hairjBor feet and facultjir and studenfe of

College that Sunday would b«

ker manner TTrtfle"3rft»TO<»ri nf kow^good use she ,wa8 nuddiv of

>kcr Bible To bo told me that she loved iiid ttfSCed-

To keep hair and scalp dandruff free and cieuL use Harmony

exiffessed l*e desir* to mark jti Sbampflo^tbia pure hguid sham^ in some way that world be pleas- j P«> «»*«» » ^^ ' » * ^ ^^^ »***"

^ w,^ n^^ ., . . T.TTrtr|°^^«^^y penetrates to every

in the Savior, but it W M a w>v. elation to find how famitiair she was 'with the saving truths and

servlee teefe^laee and Before he}P"t ^ h*^ and^«fe.'-maur|jMCA could realise theieaauuul Uw I q^'°^^~ "^">»g^ e l c a n s i n g . delay in leaviog the drawing- i Washed off as quickly, the entire room Dr. Roop was presented i oper&tion takes only a few mo-

ij.!* -—irr-.:_-mrr»—i— : ;; ^THiantfi r ' a r i T TinrfrT fh*« h a i r :


she knew by memory and could sing so fiiany of the sweet Gos­pel hymns.

The last ome 1 went in to see ker i read at her request from ktiT^Biiik ami .saiiu ami b»d=g

Qkssidy whowasa^Mupanied by little Austin K e n s ^ who also ^handed to Dr. Roop a handsome

: stPrtlng m^^rp^pg^r^hdink•b«W^ for his desk.

mfenis. Cahl t a r m

just a swenetdeanlihess. Both preparatH>ns obme in^fdd

shaped, very M-^uimental bottles, with sprinkler tope. Harmony Hair Beautifier. $1.00. Harmony

Comoletelv taken hv s^umr^^^ Shamp^, 50c. Both guaranteed

wOTd ef pwuisr- -epM ttft HBBwd Mie gfi4r-sh»

called th« lOV^ObAiuxiund her, and with a goodbyand Godtetees you she bade them farewell, be­

sides many a goodby und God bless you which she sent tJOfW •thers whom she loved "and re-H>OBnber«d and who could not ba present, and then putting her emaciated hands together and lifting- her eyes toward beev«i, she began sitij^ng:

-''I m Goii^ HojBA^ H«ft7SB'By «K) Bye."

• ,!--o«. Ixjver of My Soul.'

Dr. ROOD J appraprt . to satisfy you tn * v « y way, OT

Tnrgrafiteaean<i<xpreartiig4b»i<»°»°>'°"*y '^^^ " ' ^ s c b r ^ «cprea8nig desire the desire that he might The Rexall Store dv * ' " " muie for the ««leg6 jR thejmore than V.WJO

•^?- J!?P >-1.M iP t fe MaL I otoKip of the TTnited SfttM, Ctn--—Inia was followed by a chair' » ^ ing original tooot, e i , e u i , y P r 5 . 1 * ^ * ^ ! ^ ^ * ^ ' " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' " * " Harriman. It was founded on I ^^^ *>« Harmony laboratories m Shakespeare's "Seven Ages ofiBo®^". where the many cele-Mnw,^'and waa UBiivHrwl In a " * ^ UaHnewy Pcrfumca awn

parat TTSri Its progress a hig^ tribute to Dr.l IJowell's Fhariftacy, Mauassas,

Roop and ending witj^f^gra/'aft^} Va.

masterly manner, introdu<'\ng in-Toilet Preparations are made.-

i ^ ^

allusion to Mrs.TloopashisparTj = ner in al! his st3ccesse.=!. t

This ended, the occasion camel „,!!':";' to a well-roended conclusron m s I ^ ' r . ^.,^^

'«>cia! hour, in which daint* Te-'^^r^ "T!Z: , ™c:

njg w s. Ko<

•rruv a Sw.»«-t Powd^m for ChiUiri i » r h

trt->;h!T;er.t? '^'frf S'Tved. .•.j.rTir> ^

-PTv for 24 F«»rR All [>ms-

r Mother. T.sil of The Axe, . . . . . . Queen Shebs's Kiag.- : My Lady's Garter.. i . . . ,_ .

"SwjrerSerfice . . . . . . . : rf:. AdrMitiue of Bobby prde,'. Strawberry . \erea,. . . » " id ri,U|jut ItaiinI

.Katherine Norri^s Ridftewell Oiliam

, Bidrr Haggard . . — . . . .Jacqaea Fo&elU .'. Oynm Tow nsend Brady-

Printer Of Udell's. Heti Hnr . . ' . . . W t l d O f c v e . . . . . . . Innrr S i i r i n e , . . . , PruilfuJ V i n e . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . Grace Richmond — - - - . ^ • • ]Qrac« Richmond

The Blue Flower.' . . . . . . - i . . - ^ U e n r y V»n byl^ The'House on'Cherry S t r e e t . . . . . . - . _ . . . • Auieli* l^rr Miiid ut QIO New Yuik ." A.luelia Uarr'

.S E. White Cap'n Warren's Ward . . . .

FrairJo Conrbihip. Spirit of Yootk and The City 8b«et« Xliaq- "t niapn^ntma ^ — ^ „ „

.Harold. Bivdloss iS-Adama

GraasUurk. -Je»edy of Graostark.

. .George Btfr McCotcheon

Officer 666.. Rebecca of Sonnyb^oc^ Farm...

M»nr^»rL ThePower and The GIOIT AdTestnres of a UodasI l l aa . . The Saeriff of Van E ^ . .

Hnold BeU Wrieht ..Lew Wallace

. . . . . . . . . . . Basil King T r.-.— . . . : ; Bas: 1 Khw . . , . . .~:1tobert Hichens •> Joseph Liacoto

. . . .Cnrr ie l lfcHoa{)h. .Kate Dooglaa Wiggia.


The Pleoderer.

Grace it.(iooli . . . . . .Robert W Chambers

—Si^w^yt CalUm —r>— Marmret Mayi

.George Ban- McCntcbeon TheTost Embassador.

.Groige Barr ]fcCaiche(»i The Carpet From Bagdad.

-•.Koy Norton .£ . PhilHpa Oppenheim.

Hahdd McGrtth

WMti & Hanuiituu ciiizwi (.'umt s u> ura uT Tiw exptlfifin-L, jitwi MW itOj-mr •

his sincerity. The sUtements of people reaidinc ta fwr away places do not cotn-maiKi your confidence. Home enoorse-tnentis the kind that backs Doan's Kid­ney Pilta. Such testimony is esnviae-ing Ir.'a^tigmtinrt pTTivM i t true . B e -low is a statameot of a Manassas resi­dent. No stronger proof of menLxsn h* had. *

giad to confirm thf i . S o n ' s Kidney PiUi mfter

For sale by all dealers. Price eents. ?a*tn<-lfiH>ani Co., Btiffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Satea.

Remember the take no other.

name-'TVwTf "s—and ll-21-2t

If you want your Job Work de-hvered when promised, give your nrriP" u-i THX-IOIIRNAL.

EfciTtiilS M c M • die S C M H T M H wffl

Pw tod Pencil Tabieb, Note Books i f f i ^

Dowell's Pharmacy

Get He Journal's Prices on Job Work