i nova motors ltd. vol. sons rt - e ru ou : i i•...

rT - fED t) stoops to before enter· esearch lab· eft) is T.E. The prince the first in Britain. ush Doort Ltd. N'S USED CARS AND TRUCKS THE DAILY NE pRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 66. No. 246 THE NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1959 e ru ou Interin1 Understanding Is willing to meet Chinese Prem-! are to lay a foundation i are practicable and will put an ler Cha;1 En-In! to d. scuss any 1 . for : e.1d to the risk of border clashes 1mttcr of Although there WBll no full de- he declared. nnt, he added, "If our i bate on the border situation, Mon-; ' Rre tn i>f'ar fruit we con· 1 day the flrst of Parliament's wln·' He said hls reply WBll handed centrAle our lmmcdlnte attempts i tcr session, a date of Nov. 25 was i to the Chinese ambassador Man- on interim under- j set by the speaker for such a de· i dny and wlll be publlclzed when Some ·prel'mlnary steps bnte. : reply has reached Peking. - ··-- ··---···-- · ·-- ···-··- ; DE:IIASD ACTION ants estron Debated As spoke, nbout 500 members of the right-wing Jan: Sangh Pnrty demonstrated out.l de Parllament demandbg ac- t' on to "evict the Chinese from Indian territory." called for the resignation Pleads N-ot Guilty . ths: rw:Jit· ·: p,:t;·: j,--: tl:e 1 ail al ;. : the o! the l!ungar· ox Defence Minister\', K. Krlshn 'nn yoaths, 'lho are said to be submitted a memor· MO:"";TREAL Paul ·comcd us they !'each age o! nndnm to of Parllament I Robinson, 33; of suburban ·La. '8. I urg'ng them to urge the gorern·' Monday pleaded guilty .,. ·\'E TO s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of the with vio- ' ··· · to quit Indian territory by a lcnce of $.iO,OOO worth of Salk vac- r Gi'ecn tho.t the .forestry !nile date, fnllbg which lndln I cbe from the nlverslty of Monl· of would them out by force."' real Aug. 31, o. ron moved to Unllerslty of i In a letter hand d over her Co!umb!a the 195G !'lov. 8 after a long of The charge came after man)' thousands der clashes, Chou En-la! propo;ed, son was arrested Saturday In a .s a.so found new homes In, that India and China each with-: pollee raid In suburb:lll Boucher- I ' draw troops 12\2 miles from their: vllle. : 1'he Hu"lgal'i.ln Is not. present positions along the 2,50().: Robinson nh<o p 1 en de d not· the no'.'' _l:ol.lt mile border. He also I to n of recell'bg. Umtcd' with India. . , 8,650 vials of Sak vaccilll-! nnd to 1 B:ltnln .. e nnd other Nehru, In to opposition' a charge of the thefl or n sooo 1 v:ould Insist on motions gorernment fnll- i car to tile n'"ht wntch-1 _n:1 re- ure to protect terr!lorlnl 1 man of L1e U. of t.;· Sil' Munro of :-lew integrity, sa!d the sug. ; wer;! Impracticable. ! A plea for hail :-"35 refu,ed Ire s .. vlet L'n promptly re· "We hare made some other pnel!mlnar)' hearmg set for l\o\'. Jected t:1e in a statement. I propooals which, In our oplnlon · 24. ., . -- •' !Price, 7 Cenh) r Charles Hutton & Sons -- --··--·4-- ·-- The stolen vaccine was rc- MOSCOW-Soviet test pilot Gennady 1\IIkhallov, wearing a pressure suit, prepares for a simulated high altitude flight 4111' .. CAF Bontber's Secret covered .almost Intact by Monl· !ng tests out In Moscow, llurlng the test, the pilot's physiological reactions were carefully obsenred to pre-deter- ., real pollee b an east-end apart-: mine the of flight Into Ule upper regions of the earth's alruospl)ere. The Russians are currently trying to develop 1 ment four uays later. I way to rocket a man Into space and bring him back to earth allvc.-UPI Photo. Adenauer Arrives In London D.m: [measures." I The Vall ant has been flying out Prtss Stall Wrlltr cou.'lter-measures" j of Uplandi k.; more than two ICP•-A Rnl'al Air. Is an unwieldy phrase for the weeks a.,d Its job Is not yet Canada Must ------ -- ·---·-·-- -·-- -- Be Jet now Is cal and mouse laboratory war I complete. a secret prcjcct !or which has been go'ng on for years Defence olflclnlll sa:d It must !rom airport In the electronics !leld. be assumed that Soviet bombers R. d s wn·nch LD:'oi'DON -Chancel· for a visit Sir Winston Nikita Khrusbchel' but that er. . tiiS !mr.ed : The object of this could jam North American radar J ea y, ays lor Konrad Adenauer arrives Churchill. btcrim agreement on lkrlin a!· llld:rstrod Is. · srenes battle of brnJns ts to out- leBllt partlallr-in attack :here today for a visit and 1 Despite sharp words In the last fers the best prospects. l'itl th1 RC'M"s wlt n enemy hy trying on this continent.. ARNPRIOR, Ont. (CPl-Can-: the Soviet Union would deliber· ·a ?!d to ,help bolster sag_ging. ye3r, efforts hal'e been J?adc ( the other hand, ar.d es\ai>- 1 to keep your own defence system But public nnouncements are, ada's top survival expert said· ately start a war, be. flnt1sh - \\est .. lay down _a of 7!)Jloses a summit. mea"s to counter· lmpcrl''ous to Interference whlle 1 never made the abl! .. Cnnada must be pre· • cause they are as well aware as Two themes are expected to. for the v1slt. Adenauer s tnp IS • .argely devoted to d1sruss!on on . o"l;· offlcl:ll at the time befuddling your 1 lty of American alr de· pared for the "possibility of -cir· we of tile damage both dominate the talks the: seen as a step in the drive: Berlin and considers disarma· 1 ,,' , ,l"c Is or;>oncnt's attempts to throw 1L i h!nce command to counter thnt Russia w!ll de· would suffer. , and Prim_e launched his merit t':le No. 1 item,. :n e•te.roruc counter-•lnto disorder. mlng, : llbcrately start a general war. i "However, there Is always the. Mm1stcr a summ1l gover:Jments re- 1 On European Sydney F . 1 re1gnt IOBERT RlCE Pm1 St:t!t Wrltrr ICPl - A p!ea for allll s•;b1ta 1 tl a: de- frciJhl rales WilS . 'to!o:a,e the royal !ro;r. tl•e .lei\' thP Makes Plea For Rates Decreases With the So\•let Union posses-' o[ c:rcumstanCL'S un·: and European tradmg last . to ences, and the world's larl]cst · rler which the u.s.s.n:·mlght 1 dlfterenccs. · · .. : s rclutwns w1th 1 W11l. pam- fleet nnd up to 1,000 long anti: cide to do Thcralore, we feel i mak;:Jg a VISit· tnl Europe. . 1 o: avo1d1ng form: medium • range Jet bombers- we must be prepared for the 1 sch,clu1ed a J 0 o. 1 but post· Obseners t?nl mo bctwe:n the SIX nahan o[ can·yhg ntomlc weap- ll'or>t c<Jsc, n:1d appreciate lhe! ponerl beranse of his l.l health_. the summ1t the b1g d1scusswn v.1ll mo,n mar!.et and _the propoHd ons - Canada must be prepared Sol'i!,t's capah:liti.cs." , Adcnauer and Mcm1ll.an Will on a conference agc_nda. l.lu.er groupmg. Adensuer for the worst, said .• Gen., H onlv 10 per cent of low- hare fnur se.•s1ons. To- Brltam thal many 0ds a of the two groups Arthur Wrlnch. est mlmhcr of Sov·ct. day t\dennucr Will tal;e t1mc out could IX' rlt,cu,cd proLtab.y ll'l.h 11 a necess1ty. Gen. \\'r'nch Army director of homber pcnetralcd contlnPn'nll. -- -. . - ---- ... - - . su:·viral training, was a:ld drll \'ere d their Pope C·J'"17a. te'l' ".\ Te:'7 rH Ca1'"dt"1za ls 'our scene." 1 freight rates. • a national civil crefrnce confer· lxlmbs on :\Nth .\merica, the c;,. J 1 V j LV It ur;ied a nr 1 t'o·al trruJSporta· 1 "It Is Immediate remedial 11C· ence here. -ilH:I>in:ion wou!rl be he31'1' ond tlon that. the: tlon we are to correct snid: "It Is unlikely he >aid. . V:\TIC,\:'l' ClT'i, Most Re1'. Aloislus Joseph: third Italian, secretary of Sn· lung. term o! the At· the dlfflcult position of our exist- · l'rpe nnnounced he 70, bi;hop of prcmc of the A;• •, lnn'lc pro1·b es in bringing raw lng basic lndusti"'J and to encour · FI'nd Bodi'es·· Of 9 1 ; will enlarge College of Card- :\.D., who holds the personal: Signature. highest tribunal ma!Nials and sending finished age L'lem and others to establish i " hals to 7D by eight r:mk of archbishop and has Holy See. · to aHd from central Can- secondary Industry In our area," 1 new carr! in a 1 s at serving as the Vatican's papal; Hev. Agostbo Bea, t!Je Gcr- Rcla, i said the. hl"ief. presented • starting hc1·c Dec. 14. · nunc·o to West Germany for the, man, confessor to the l3le h:Je by city sollcltor M. G. Whalley. c :\'anv:d cardinals - desipatc , last eight · Pius XII. Bea, now tje CO:vtPETITIVE RATES "We make this request, not as A. ' h . were three Italians, two ,\meri-' :\!s3r. William Theodore Heard,. college's only Jes•Jit, is adv:!er The provinces claim I suppliants asking asslstnnce from Ir ras ICtims I a Scol<man a Germen and 75, an Oxford University edu- to the Holy See's Supreme Con· hnl'c a right under Confed- 1 a beneficent central body, but as , a Spaniard. , cated native of Edinburgh. First 1 gregation of the Holy Office, the eratlon to be able to sell t"helr I equal pArtners with the rest of The mol'c followed Pope John's 1 an became both a Congregat'on of Rights and the and In the nation and as part of the de-: ORLEA:-I'S (APl A four-' detachment at 1\ew decision uf last December -:- a 'lawyer and a Roman 4D Congregation ?f Universities. C,1nnda at rates, velopment of our counlry In a National A!rllnes plane said he miss S\'eing the after he tY.'came 1 years ago and ordamed pnest Rev, Arcad1o the a n•suit, ivant cheaper' s;·sten: •• t:c logical way. into the shark. 0 , his helicopter 5 -,'l,epl lou:· old, l'.'ent o.n to !>?rome dean of the secretary of the Vet· -·-·--·-··· ·· ·---- waters of the Gulf uf Mex'co ·tow ol'cr the oOO·foot Jeep water,. , co,\ege lm11t of ,o by ralsmg the t•hurch s sacred Rota, the Holy 1can s supervising tl'- "'-"·l· .. u:v'· T.akes. Dz'n·z early with 3G passengers: 1t FEET LOSG . :>0:1)• lo 75, rom· of the 75 cord·; best kn?wn world's Roman Catholic re- six crew members aboard. '"fJcy were so big," Sigman ma!s hal'e then. cases. He hves hg1ous orders member of the Coast guard rescue plcl;ed 1 said, cst'mating the sharks were month's will Rome. papal. com m 1 s s ion for Latin up nine bodies nnd intensified the '12 to 15 . m-:an tbc new college Will num· · Msgr. Paolo &1, an Amenca. lol' others, little hope : Three coast l'essels re- ?cr 31 ltalians. and 48 non-Hal- · papa\ nuncio to The pontiffs a 11111'l.a ld 's held fl 1 f any sun<vors. . ported picking Up the nine bor\iP.l li111S. rrance 1\'l!J the SJnCC !9J3 and former _apostolic I means \!!al presen.t Cardinals 'l'he bl" DC·7B lost radio con-· amid the scattrred dehrls. The· groups rcpre;entaton delegate to Auslralia, :-lew Zea·, and the card1nals-des1gnate wlll : tact s::ortlv after as fog : h()(lles were to he aken to Gulf. with cardinals and the and Oceania. 1 gather ln Rome Dec. 14. ; slipped In· over the gulf and 11 11 ._port, til guard Un'tcd Stales will follow with six. : Archbishop Gustavo 7.3. i The Pope !llso that .\si:m \;bgJom. External A f r a 1 r s Mlnlsl.l!r ' but closed operations at Moisant 'I'll plan wnt down about 100 Canatla ,two . also ra)llll nunCIO m ' Tisserant, the charged that Howard Gre: nf iUP. afrport here, for the, mlls southeast of :O:ew Or!ea!lS, ln arld1 t 1on. to Arc!.! bishop Bern, Sw1tzcr.nd, for almost F ren:h dean of _the College of Hnmmlrskjo!d's current l'lsit ·to ported Hnr :;] 0 1 d's move; ?>faml-origlnalcd fl!gh_t. nbcut 2j m'les from the marshy des1gnated yca,rs. : Cardm.als has r.es1gned the secre- l.nns "can only mnke the exist· • whe .• he w: . on the One of the pilots of the two 1 Louisinna coast near the month arc: Msgr. Francesco the, tarysh1p. stl!l more compll· Mane.,: at press con· coast guard whlcJ ·of tile Missis>ippl Ri1·er, ·-·- ---- -- ference. guided search vessels to the I Sigman said it was opinon , H ' 1 • ld' ' Js e:;l)()c\ed to "ll Is our r'ew that a repre- I scene said "there probably will: thal t!le plane blew up when It. ammars rJ 0 s nrr'1·e here Satur.day after scntallve of the UN should be, be more bodies found, but lt'.1. hit water. This, said, was in- i A'!.. Laos a 1vepl( In Lan<, gov· kept· In Lr.os," he said. "We: getting dlff\c u 1 t because of dlcnted by the clothing stripped 1 rrm":Jent that Com· 'would hope he'd stay until a way · shn:ks." . ·off the severe. bu!'11in)! of M• • A T • 1 1• h J b munht \'wt :\om Is Is found to work out the dlfflcul-. !,eut .. Tames L. Sigmon. the ,bodtes :md peeling or tile lSSlQfl lC { IS Q for lls . Ues there." ecutive officer of the coast guard · sktn, · - ·---------- -·---· ---- -·. -·-· ; ' 0 Prepares For Nuclear Attaclt Mikoyan Due Today ByJOSEPHMocSWEE:II Stales and thelunderminedhiseffecth·.enessand Press Staff Writer u l made it unwise for him to try 8 '. REILY t , l t rt f th t By DOUG I :\S 1!\RKSESS . W':len Pr'm 1 Dag llammar,kjo:d's mission In confirm ng expectations that to continue b the jab. p,.. s · .. len arc ue.r.g sc up across pa s o e coun ry, ' •· · • ' ' · 1 e • r to La us is ne of th t d 1 h ould station a npr t t' ' 1 ·nrr \\'r:tr ' to assume central L'IPROVE c R T Canadian Press Staff Writer bakct· announced Mr. :\1ikovan's . •· . 0 e mos e ·, e w . esen a 11 'e This may sound ominous for , .or:_. :·CPI - tluUes In the el'(mt 1 CUI S , ... ' : HALIFAX ICPl - Provine ol 1·isit, he said it would be uniik.ely · o: his tasks _In In Hammarskjold's future In the o. nuclenr attack Isolates 'proV· Mal.-Gen .. A. E. \\rlnch, d rec-, government officials Monday that a federal cab'net minister quwt s hecommg to ha\_c. the. I U:O:, but the same dlplomat.l CCUNl !rom the capital. 1 tor of :old drafted plans for 8 "wa.rm wel-, would be on hand. of Umted of nu,sl as exp_1es;ed by 1et, stress that the Korea.n War was RY PARSON I to a lhrefoday con·' the conference communi. allons' come" for Soviet Deputy Prem- Dr. Arutinnian and asslst- :\atwns m I Ambassador A;kad}_ Sobolev JUst i a more seriOUS affair !eron.; on clvll defence· health. facllll!.es at present are part!eu- ler Mlko)'an due here todny on ant arrived here from Ottalla at ,.It .may, >n fact, be the most' b.elorc the left New' than what is In Laos. I a,rl- lann·n were lven: larly vulnerable the army Is I an unoffldal vlslt. . 5:10 p.m. AST in lhe .Jckhsh of the lot. llamm.a1·sk]old: ' I Some clues for a solution of , n brief of plan: fnr I engaged In putt ng In circuits reason behind the ranking midst of a driving rain storm. ?ften h_as t_ackle.d But. __ Diploma.s, n.o.te that the. Hammarskjold's difficulty may I emm:encv government operation I that wll! stay In operation dur-. Sov.et diplomat's \'!sit appeared The genial dlp!omat smiled when ons Ius \l_ous Try.,\e I be seen in the diplomatic doub!e- e• th Cl.JI Def c 11 h lng an attack. , to be for a -brief rest enroute to: prov·nc'al offidals apologized for llons . 11 erc outhonze? by tbe UN Lie, ?e £eare.d talk that was exch j t be- 9 Y ence O ege ere 1 • , 1 A . , secunty council or tne assemblv, I the Sonet opposition to h1s · !I! li;S 1 :rhe army aillo WBll stre•"'hen· 1 co .. Dr. Amazasp ruhu.'llan, 'I the Inclement weather. 1 h d th b k. · 1 1 1 . th K . t t' fore he undertook his mlss1on Ia · · · · · ' ·· '""' ' s ·! t b d t c d " , h h ct h' or e se "e a e ac In" o roe 1n e creon men-en 1on . . Six re;rlonal officers for the led· lng telel)'llll with 1 a\ e am assa or o ana a,l I m sure t cy a not 1:1g to --- _____ - --"--------· ___ wh1ch 1! Is the vlcUm era! government's Emercency 1 army In each province· who arrived here Monday said do with It" told reporters. i of aggression from I Organl7.llllO:I already and WBI setting up a backstop ra- "often unexpected circumstances i Al"exander Tn·al Opens :Communist North VietNam. are at work settlng up the gov· d!o communlcatlons network. arise from unexpected visits." 1 TWO CHILDREN BURN --------- ernml.'nt nu•le1.1!1 four others 1 He lnd'cated that the deputy: SEGUIN, Tex. !APl - Two, 1-for A 1 be t a : BEADS WATERWAY GROUP premier's agenda would be burned to death Sunday HULL, Que. rCPl-The trial of: l!uguetle-Marie Charette of Hull, Jl 'e·n [,lz·er · I :\'ewfoundland Pr'nce Ed: I , I left "to Mr. Mlkoyan himself." · when the bottom fell out of a gal- Ronald Kyle A i ex and e r 20 ·first -woman lawyer to defend a:1 'JI j u ,. 1 ward lsland.;..are to be appointed · GTORO!>ITO (CPl-Lt • Gen., The weather offlce predi!tcd a 1 jug of gasoline one of the opened Monday in Court of. accused in a murder case in Hull . e I so,n. . Howard Graham, forim!r chief or. "damp reception" for the l:lo. 2 1 children had home. The Queen's Becnh. He is charged! Evidence in the trial was Cloudy with · . 'staff of the. Canadian army, has I Russian. Rain Is forecast for this' gasoline wns set aflame by two with conspiracy to commit mur- ·that Cote had entered tne bank ' today 35. ran. ! .J. F. Wallace, to the been appo nted president and I arternoon whe:1 Mr. Mlkoyan nnd i kerosene heaters In the home of der In the denlh.May 15 of bank i nlone aad shot the mana•er I I of EMO, told delegates P,cnerl mann&er of the newly- h's 28-member party arrl\'e at the. Mr. Mrs. Fred Toms. i Alexander Heron at. Heron g-rappled with hlm. i 1 ',f'ERAfURES re 1 t.1at Jn IO \heir dulles as formed Great nearby airport - . 1 Timiskaming, Que. : sn:d Cote then fled I Vancouver .. ·· .. 24 38 , When we a co·ordlnRllng llnk between Ied· Development As!oclat;on, It about 3 p.m. AST. EXPLODES Cote. 36, was convicted with nnothcr man in a car. . Winn·;l('g .. .. . .. . -8 6 · .If mcm- era! __ emergencv p\nnnera nnd n:mounced Sunday The associ· I'RE;'Iol!ER ON . _rAPl- A Sat11rrlay of murder ami Ken .. Cote and Alexander were nr- i Toronto ......... 29 43 tarct!!-...now ··e . those of the prov.nce, the reg- t'on bren establl•hcd to en- Premier Stanfield of Novo homb exploded m th s town 23 tenced to be 11 in rested together half an hour i "loll'rcal · ....... 3Z 39 \b lnsterd or lo;wl oft!ccrs aud their Sti1fls coural(e economic dcrelopm.cnt Scotia and Minister miles from Hnvana cunnection with the oamc death, blcr at a roarlblock new :O:orth ' \lo::clon ......... :r1 50 e' things lher arp : wll! f-!Ssumc the through low-cost transportatbn wUl visitor on were no casualties hut 50. which oct 11red during an at-· Bay. Out .. 40 miles southwest of 1 Sydr.ev · · · · .. · · · 20 · 47 · 1 me t s !! O .. awa Is cut; an the St. Lnwrcnce Seaway and behalf or the prov!nc al fed-. persons were reported tnken Into temr>ed halrlup. Tim Bouth from · ·'st. John's · · · · · ·- 45 olf In a nuclear attack other I the Great Lakes. ern!_ governments respectlrely. custody in the Alexander Is dele n de d by ' Ba''· rt . II !j 1··1 I : ! i :,· \! I ! ·I I , ; . ' ! : (. ' :I :I 'I I I ' •I I ' . I 'I I ,I ,. ,. .. ,, ., I ; I '• I : I I I I , i ' I 'I H I I I J I . i i:l ,I 'I ' I I 'i I I : I ', ; I ·, ; I• .. ' I I ,I I I d . I , II Jl I I,, II :I ' : II' '11 :; .. : I jl( I .. H I 11 1 1 (I :lr: I :: I I. I. " f \. 1: II , 1 :

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Page 1: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of

rT -


1 t) stoops to before enter· ·esearch lab· . left) is T.E.

The prince r, the first ·h in Britain.


Flush Doort

Ltd. ., OHN'S



Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 66. No. 246 THE ~AlLY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1959

e ru ou Interin1 Understanding Is willing to meet Chinese Prem-! are ~cessary to lay a foundation i are practicable and will put an ler Cha;1 En-In! to d. scuss any


. for dlscusslo~s." : e.1d to the risk of border clashes 1mttcr of ~lspnte. Although there WBll no full de- he declared.

nnt, he added, "If our meetl~gs i bate on the border situation, Mon-; ' Rre tn i>f'ar fruit we ~hould con· 1 day the flrst of Parliament's wln·' He said hls reply WBll handed centrAle our lmmcdlnte attempts i tcr session, a date of Nov. 25 was i to the Chinese ambassador Man­on rcl~hln~ a~ interim under- j set by the speaker for such a de· i dny and wlll be publlclzed when ~tanding. Some ·prel'mlnary steps bnte. : t~ reply has reached Peking.

-··-- ··---···-- · ·-- ···-··- ; DE:IIASD ACTION

ants l·~ungar;an

estron Debated

As Ne~ru spoke, nbout 500 members of the right-wing Jan: Sangh Pnrty demonstrated out.l s· de Parllament demandbg ac­t' on to "evict the Chinese from Indian territory." The~· called for the resignation

Pleads N-ot Guilty

. h11r~ bc~n h.~· r~,ror;s ths:

y.:n::l:~ :1r~ rw:Jit· ·: {o~ t~t>:~ p,:t;·: j,--: :h~

,1 [.(~•0::1;1Jr.!!~·: ll?rl~:i 1 '~. tl:e 1ail al ;. ~rrss c~n-

: protc:;U~~ the f~tc o! the l!ungar· ox Defence Minister\', K. Krlshn 'nn yoaths, 'lho are said to be ~Ienon a~d submitted a memor· MO:"";TREAL (CPl~Tean Paul ·comcd us they !'each t~ age o! nndnm to mem~r! of Parllament I Robinson, 33; of suburban ·La. '8. I urg'ng them to urge the gorern·' flech.~ Monday pleaded ~at guilty .,. ·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of the t~ft with vio-

' ··· · to quit Indian territory by a d~f· lcnce of $.iO,OOO worth of Salk vac-r Gi'ecn recoll~d tho.t the .forestry !nile date, fnllbg which lndln I cbe from the nlverslty of Monl· ·~·c~lty of Hungary~ Unlverslt~· would t~raw them out by force."' real Aug. 31, o. ~at; ron moved to Unllerslty of i In a letter hand d over her i3:.iti~h Co!umb!a uft~r the 195G !'lov. 8 after a long ~series of bar~ The charge came after R~bin-~ rcJ~~ ~~~- ~nd man)' thousands ~f der clashes, Chou En-la! propo;ed, son was arrested Saturday In a ~ell:~: .s a.so found new homes In, that India and China each with-: pollee raid In suburb:lll Boucher- I 'ano~o. ' draw troops 12\2 miles from their: vllle. :

1'he Hu"lgal'i.ln qu~~tlcil Is not. present positions along the 2,50().: Robinson nh<o p 1 en de d not· o~ the rss~mbly a~~nda no'.'' _l:ol.lt mile border. He also sug~~sted I ~uilty to n chnr~e of recell'bg. wr~!;e:l~ r~p~rts ~ad th~ Umtcd' t~lks with India. . , 8,650 vials of Sak ~ vaccilll-! nnd to 1

s:t<~s. B:ltnln .. F\'a~: e nnd other Nehru, In a~swer to opposition' a charge of the thefl or n sooo 1

'.".~s~~rn c~n,:~·~s v:ould Insist on motions alle~lng gorernment fnll- i car belon~ln~ to tile n'"ht wntch-1 cor.sl~cr~~lr.n o~ _n:1 lmpendln~. re- ure to protect J~dla's terr!lorlnl 1 man of L1e U. of ~!. l~boratory. :·~··:. t.;· Sil' L~slie Munro of :-lew integrity, sa!d the ~lnese sug. ; z~n.3nd. 'ge~t·ons wer;! Impracticable. ! A plea for hail :-"35 refu,ed ~nd

Ire s .. vlet L'n ·o~. promptly re· "We hare made some other pnel!mlnar)' hearmg set for l\o\'. Jected t:1e l~ca in a statement. I propooals which, In our oplnlon · 24.

., . ~ -- •'

!Price, 7 Cenh)

~~ r .·

A~~ Charles Hutton & Sons

-- --··--·4-- ·-- -· The stolen vaccine was rc- MOSCOW-Soviet test pilot Gennady 1\IIkhallov, wearing a pressure suit, prepares for a simulated high altitude flight 4111'


CAF Bontber's Secret ~fission covered .almost Intact by Monl· !ng tests c~rrlcd out In Moscow, llurlng the test, the pilot's physiological reactions were carefully obsenred to pre-deter- ., real pollee b an east-end apart-: mine the ~fleets of flight Into Ule upper regions of the earth's alruospl)ere. The Russians are currently trying to develop 1

ment four uays later. I way to rocket a man Into space and bring him back to earth allvc.-UPI Photo.

Adenauer Arrives In London D.m: ~r!S'IOSR [measures." I The Vall ant has been flying out

Prtss Stall Wrlltr "~lectro~lc cou.'lter-measures" j of Uplandi k.; more than two ICP•-A Rnl'al Air. Is an unwieldy phrase for the weeks a.,d Its job Is not yet Canada Must

------ -- ·---·-·-- -·-- --

Be Jet b~mh:~ now Is cal • and • mouse laboratory war I complete. a secret prcjcct !or which has been go'ng on for years Defence olflclnlll sa:d It must

!rom Up!~nds airport In the d~fence electronics !leld. be assumed that Soviet bombers R. d s wn·nch LD:'oi'DON m~uters) -Chancel· for a visit wit~ Sir Winston Nikita Khrusbchel' but that er. . tiiS !mr.ed ~!onrla~·. : The object of this behlnd·t~e-. could jam North American radar J ea y, ays lor Konrad Adenauer arrives Churchill. btcrim agreement on lkrlin a!· llld:rstrod t~e pl~ne Is. · srenes battle of brnJns ts to out- ·~-at leBllt partlallr-in an~· attack :here today for a 2:~-day visit and 1 Despite sharp words In the last fers the best prospects. l'itl th1 RC'M"s ~ntral wlt n pote:~lial enemy hy trying on this continent.. ARNPRIOR, Ont. (CPl-Can-: the Soviet Union would deliber· ·a ?!d to ,help bolster sag_ging. ye3r, efforts hal'e been J?adc ~o ( Adenau~r. o~ the other hand,

ar.d prov:~.~ es\ai>- 1 to keep your own defence system But public nnouncements are, ada's top survival expert said· ately start a grn~ral war, be. flnt1sh - \\est Gcrma~ r~lal!ons .. lay down _a bla~ket of ~ncndsh1_p. 7!)Jloses a summit. conr~reucc· mea"s to counter· lmpcrl''ous to Interference whlle 1 never made co:~cernlng the abl! .. ~!onday Cnnada must be pre· • cause they are as well aware as Two themes are expected to. for the v1slt. Adenauer s tnp IS • .argely devoted to d1sruss!on on . !~t· o"l;· offlcl:ll at the s~me time befuddling your 1 lty of Nort~ American alr de· pared for the "possibility of -cir· we of tile damage both side~ dominate the talks hetwr~n the: seen as a step in the drive: Berlin and considers disarma·


,,' , ,l"c homhe~ Is or;>oncnt's attempts to throw 1L i h!nce command to counter j~m- cumsta~ces" thnt Russia w!ll de· would suffer. , 83:y~ar-old cha~ccllor and Prim_e launched ~Y ~!a~millan af~er his ~ merit t':le No. 1 item,. :n e•te.roruc counter-•lnto disorder. mlng, : llbcrately start a general war. i "However, there Is always the. Mm1stcr ~lncm•llan. a summ1l Cons~r\'ntll'e gover:Jments re-

1 On European trad1~g dHf~r·

Sydney F . 1

re1gnt IOBERT RlCE

Pm1 St:t!t Wrltrr ICPl - A p!ea for allll s•;b1ta 1tl a: de­frciJhl rales WilS

. 'to!o:a,e the royal ~~ tr~nspo7iat!o~.

!ro;r. tl•e .lei\' ln~·J~­~: thP Syt'~cy

Makes Plea For Rates Decreases

With the So\•let Union posses-' pos~ibility o[ c:rcumstanCL'S un·: c~~fcrence and European tradmg d~.~t•.o~ last . moat~ to ~Iter: ences, Ade~auc~ and ••l'!r~Jiloo;J. !n~ the world's larl]cst sul•metl~ · rler which the u.s.s.n:·mlght 0~ 1

dlfterenccs. · · .. : Bnt~m s rclutwns w1th co~tmc11· 1 P:O~ably W11l. ~1scuss ~he pam­fleet nnd up to 1,000 long anti: cide to do ~o. Thcralore, we feel i A~en.a,ucr !~ mak;:Jg a VISit· tnl Europe. . 1 ~~~l1es o: avo1d1ng _b:~m~rs form: medium • range Jet bombers- we must be prepared for the

1 sch,clu1ed a .~.car J 0 o.1 but post· Obseners her~ t~mk t?nl -~n, mo bctwe:n the SIX nahan co~

ca:>a~lc o[ can·yhg ntomlc weap- ll'or>t c<Jsc, n:1d appreciate lhe! ponerl beranse of his l.l health_. the summ1t the b1g d1scusswn v.1ll mo,n mar!.et and _the propoHd ons - Canada must be prepared Sol'i!,t's capah:liti.cs." , Adcnauer and Mcm1ll.an Will centr·~ on a conference agc_nda. l.lu.er Se_ve:~ groupmg. Adensuer for the worst, said ~lnj .• Gen., H onlv 10 per cent of t~c low- hare fnur work:~g se.•s1ons. To- Brltam feel~ thal many sJ.lbJe~·;s 0ds a hnkl~g of the two groups Arthur Wrlnch. est csti~lntcd mlmhcr of Sov·ct. day t\dennucr Will tal;e t1mc out could IX' rlt,cu,cd proLtab.y ll'l.h 11 a necess1ty.

Gen. \\'r'nch Army director of homber pcnetralcd contlnPn'nll. -- -. . - ---- ... - - .

su:·viral training, was addre~~in~ !\cfcnc~s a:ld drll \'ere d their Pope C·J'"17a. te'l' ".\ Te:'7 rH Ca1'"dt"1za ls 'our lnd~str:a! scene." 1 freight rates. • a national civil crefrnce confer· lxlmbs on :\Nth .\merica, the c;,. J 1 V j LV

It ur;ied a nr1t'o·al trruJSporta· 1 "It Is Immediate remedial 11C· ence here. -ilH:I>in:ion wou!rl be he31'1' ond tlon p~llcy that. r~med!ed the: tlon we are requ~st'ng to correct I!~ snid: "It Is unlikely t~at wides;nc~d. he >aid. . V:\TIC,\:'l' ClT'i, IR~utersl-' Most Re1'. Aloislus Joseph: third Italian, secretary of th~· Sn· lung. term pro~lems o! the At· the dlfflcult position of our exist- · l'rpe Joh~ nnnounced ~!onday he ~Iucnch, 70, bi;hop of Far~o. prcmc Tri~unal of the A;• •, ~ lnn'lc pro1·b es in bringing raw lng basic lndusti"'J and to encour · FI'nd Bodi'es·· Of 9

1; will enlarge t~e College of Card- :\.D., who holds the personal: Signature. highest tribunal ~!the

ma!Nials and sending finished age L'lem and others to establish i " hals to 7D by appointin~ eight r:mk of archbishop and has bee:~·. Holy See. · pr~ducts to aHd from central Can- secondary Industry In our area,"

1 new carr! in a 1 s at ccr~monies serving as the Vatican's papal; Hev. Agostbo Bea, t!Je Gcr-

Rcla, i said the. Syd:~ey hl"ief. presented • starting hc1·c Dec. 14. · nunc·o to West Germany for the, man, confessor to the l3le h:Je by city sollcltor M. G. Whalley. c :\'anv:d cardinals - desipatc , last eight p~ars. · Pius XII. Bea, now hecomi~.g tje

CO:vtPETITIVE RATES "We make this request, not as A. ' h v· . were three Italians, two ,\meri-' :\!s3r. William Theodore Heard,. college's only Jes•Jit, is adv:!er The ~Iar'tlme provinces claim I suppliants asking asslstnnce from Ir ras ICtims I co~s. a Scol<man a Germen and 75, an Oxford University • edu- to the Holy See's Supreme Con·

th~v hnl'c a right under Confed- 1 a beneficent central body, but as , a Spaniard. , cated native of Edinburgh. First 1 gregation of the Holy Office, the eratlon to be able to sell t"helr I equal pArtners with the rest of The mol'c followed Pope John's 1 an Anglica~. ~e became both a Congregat'on of Rights and the oro:~1cts and goo~s In ce~tral the nation and as part of the de-: ~EW ORLEA:-I'S (APl A four-' ~lr detachment at 1\ew Orlean~. decision uf last December -:- a 'lawyer and a Roman .catholi~ 4D Congregation ?f Universities. C,1nnda at comp~tltlve rates, as~ velopment of our counlry In a ~nglncd National A!rllnes plane said he col'l~u·t miss S\'eing the mo~lh after he tY.'came ~ont1ff-


years ago and ordamed pnest Rev, Arcad1o Larrao:~a, the a n•suit, th.~y ivant cheaper' s;·sten: •• t:c a:~d logical way. crash~d into the shark. infested~ sh~rks 0, his helicopter 5-,'l,epl lo,brcak_th~ lou:· ccntu~1~s. old, l'.'ent o.n to !>?rome dean of the ~pa~1ard, secretary of the Vet· -·-·--·-··· ·· ·---- waters of the Gulf uf Mex'co ·tow ol'cr the oOO·foot Jeep water,. , co,\ege lm11t of ,o by ralsmg the t•hurch s sacred Rota, the Holy 1can s co~gnegatlon supervising

tl'-"'-"·l· .. u:v'· T.akes. Dz'n·z ~z·ew early ~!onday with 3G passengers: 1t FEET LOSG . :>0:1)• lo 75, rom· of the 75 cord·; s~e·s ap~al ~r·bunal best kn?wn ~~~ world's Roman Catholic re-'· ~. a:~d six crew members aboard. '"fJcy were so big," Sigman ma!s hal'e ~1ed s·n~ then. ~or m~tnmomal cases. He hves hg1ous orders ~nd member of the

Coast guard rescue u~its plcl;ed 1 said, cst'mating the sharks were !\~xt month's appo•~tm~nts will 1~ Rome. papal. com m 1 s s ion for Latin up nine bodies nnd intensified the '12 to 15 ~t lo: 1 ~. . m-:an tbc new college Will num· · Msgr. Paolo ~!are!la, &1, an Amenca.

~R s~~rch lol' others, wit~ little hope : Three coast g~ard l'essels re- ?cr 31 ltalians. and 48 non-Hal- · l~al'an. papa\ nuncio to Fran~e The pontiffs announceme:~t

a 11111'l.a r.~k1·o ld 's ~z'st'l• ~~ • held fl1f any sun<vors. . ported picking Up the nine bor\iP.l ~ li111S. rrance 1\'l!J ~aVe the lat~cr SJnCC !9J3 and former _apostolic I means \!!al t~ presen.t Cardinals 'l'he bl" DC·7B lost radio con-· amid the scattrred dehrls. The· groups stron~est rcpre;entaton delegate to Auslralia, :-lew Zea·, and the card1nals-des1gnate wlll

: tact s::ortlv after midnl~ht as fog : h()(lles were to he • aken to Gulf. with ~e1·e:1 cardinals and the ln:~d and Oceania. 1 gather ln Rome Dec. 14. ; slipped In· over the gulf and 1111 ._port, ~li>S., til coa~t guard s:~irl. Un'tcd Stales will follow with six. : Archbishop Gustavo Test~, 7.3. i The Pope !llso ~portejj that

.\si:m \;bgJom. External A f r a 1 r s Mlnlsl.l!r ' but closed operations at Moisant 'I'll plan wnt down about 100 Canatla h~s ,two c~rdm3!S, . also l!ali~n, ra)llll nunCIO m ' ~ugene Cardl~al Tisserant, the Th~ 5 :a:em~nt charged that Howard Gre: nf Cannd~ iUP. afrport here, desli~atio~ for the, mlls southeast of :O:ew Or!ea!lS, ln arld1 t 1 on. to Arc!.! bishop Bern, Sw1tzcr.nd, for almost F ren:h dean of _the College of

Hnmmlrskjo!d's current l'lsit ·to ported Hnr :;] 0 1 d's move; ?>faml-origlnalcd fl!gh_t. nbcut 2j m'les from the marshy ~!eyer, t~~ card1na!~ des1gnated ser.~n yca,rs. : Cardm.als has r.es1gned the secre-l.nns "can only mnke the exist· • whe .• he w: . !~stloned on the One of the pilots of the two 1 Louisinna coast near the month ~fonday arc: Msgr. Francesco ~!orano, the, tarysh1p. In~ ,,l~untlon stl!l more compll· 'subje~t Mane.,: at press con· coast guard hellcopt~rs whlcJ ·of tile Missis>ippl Ri1·er, ·-·- ---- --r~!cd.'' ference. guided search vessels to the I Sigman said it was ~i< opinon , H ' 1 • ld' ' };JmmJr~klol~ Js e:;l)()c\ed to "ll Is our r'ew that a repre- I scene said "there probably will: thal t!le plane blew up when It. ammars rJ 0 s

nrr'1·e b~~k here Satur.day after scntallve of the UN should be, be more bodies found, but lt'.1. hit water. This, h~ said, was in- i A'!.. Laos a 1vepl( In Lan<, wh~re th~ gov· kept· In Lr.os," he said. "We: getting dlff\c u 1 t because of dlcnted by the clothing stripped 1

rrm":Jent hR~ r~~~rg~d that Com· 'would hope he'd stay until a way · shn:ks." . ·off the ~o!fes, severe. bu!'11in)! of M • • A T • 1 1• h J b munht ~:···tn \'wt :\om Is t~·!ng Is found to work out the dlfflcul-. !,eut .. Tames L. Sigmon. e:o~-: the ,bodtes :md peeling or tile lSSlQfl lC { IS Q for lls ~rcrt'lrow. . Ues there." ecutive officer of the coast guard · sktn, ·

- ·---------- -·---· ---- -·. -·-· ·-----~-- ; ' 0 Prepares For Nuclear Attaclt Mikoyan Due Today ByJOSEPHMocSWEE:II !.1 sbbOl\hl."'lthU~nl·~n~.i1ed Stales and thelunderminedhiseffecth·.enessand

Cona~lnn Press Staff Writer • u l made it unwise for him to try 8'. ~ls REILY ~ t , l t rt f th t By DOUG I :\S 1!\RKSESS . W':len Pr'm ~linlste Dicfe~ 1 Dag llammar,kjo:d's mission In confirm ng expectations that to continue b the jab.

p,.. s · .. len arc ue.r.g sc up across pa s o e coun ry, ' •· · • ' ' · 1 e • r - · to La us is ne of th t d 1 h ould station a npr t t' • ' 1 ·nrr \\'r:tr ' c~:1ndu to assume th~ central L'IPROVE c R T Canadian Press Staff Writer • bakct· announced Mr. :\1ikovan's . •· . 0 e mos e ·, e w . esen a 11'e This may sound ominous for , .or:_. :·CPI - T~n ~O'Ie.rmnent·s tluUes In the el'(mt 1 CUI S , ... ' : HALIFAX ICPl - Provine ol 1·isit, he said it would be uniik.ely · \C~te o: his num~rous tasks _In In La~s, Hnmn~~r.sk]old ap~;-a1:5 Hammarskjold's future In the

o. In~ w~erJ! ~olern- nuclenr attack Isolates t~e 'proV· Mal.-Gen .. A. E. \\rlnch, d rec-, government officials Monday that a federal cab'net minister quwt d!~lomacy s :~ce hecommg to ha\_c. go~Je ac~msl the. Wls~es I U:O:, but the same dlplomat.l CCUNl l.-~r !rom the capital. 1 tor of sur~lval operation~, :old drafted plans for 8 "wa.rm wel-, would be on hand. s9c~etar)_-ge~c_;al of t~e Umted of nu,sl as exp_1es;ed by So~ 1et, stress that the Korea.n War was

RY PARSON I D~!P"ales to a lhrefoday con·' the conference communi. allons' come" for Soviet Deputy Prem- Dr. Arutinnian and a:~ asslst- :\atwns m _l~o.!, I Ambassador A;kad}_ Sobolev JUst i a muc~ more seriOUS affair !eron.; on clvll defence· health. facllll!.es at present are part!eu- ler Mlko)'an due here todny on ant arrived here from Ottalla at ,.It .may, >n fact, be the most' b.elorc the U~ cht~f left New' than what is hap~n!ng In Laos.

I a,rl- w~li1re lann·n were lven: larly vulnerable ~:ld the army Is I an unoffldal vlslt. . 5:10 p.m. AST Monct~y in lhe .Jckhsh of the lot. llamm.a1·sk]old: \or~. ' I Some clues for a solution of , n brief outll~e of t~e plan: fnr I engaged In putt ng In circuits T~e reason behind the ranking midst of a driving rain storm. ?ften h_as t_ackle.d t?_uglue~. But. __ Diploma.s, n.o.te that the. P;~· Hammarskjold's difficulty may I emm:encv government operation I that wll! stay In operation dur-. Sov.et diplomat's \'!sit appeared The genial dlp!omat smiled when ~~ ear~ler mlcn~nt ons Ius ~c-' \l_ous s~cre,m;-general. Try.,\e I be seen in the diplomatic doub!e-e• th Cl.JI Def c 11 h lng an attack. , to be for a -brief rest enroute to: prov·nc'al offidals apologized for llons .11 erc outhonze? by tbe UN Lie, res.g~e~ be~au'e. ?e £eare.d talk that was exch :~ged j t be-

• 9 Y ence O ege ere 1 • , 1 A . , secunty council or tne assemblv, I t~at the Sonet opposition to h1s · !I! li;S ~!o 1d~v 1 :rhe army aillo WBll stre•"'hen· 1 ~,ex co .. Dr. Amazasp ruhu.'llan, 'I the Inclement weather. 1 • h d th b k. · 11 1 . th K . t t' fore he undertook his mlss1on Ia · · · · · ' ·· '""' ' s ·! t b d t c d " , h h ct h' • or e se "e a e ac In" o roe 1n e creon men-en 1on • . . Six re;rlonal officers for the led· lng telel)'llll communlcatlo:~s with 1 a\ e am assa or o ana a,l I m sure t cy a not 1:1g to --- _____ - --"--------· ___ -------~ ~Laos, wh1ch sa~·s 1! Is the vlcUm era! government's Emercency 1 army c~rnmonds In each province· who arrived here Monday said do with It" ~e told reporters. i of aggression from n~lghborlng

I ~lensllfC! Organl7.llllO:I already and WBI setting up a backstop ra- "often unexpected circumstances i Al"exander Tn·al Opens :Communist North VietNam. are at work settlng up the gov· d!o communlcatlons network. arise from unexpected visits."

1 TWO CHILDREN BURN -·---~-··--···- ---------

ernml.'nt nu•le1.1!1 a~d four others 1

He lnd'cated that the deputy: SEGUIN, Tex. !APl - Two, •••••••••~ 1-for A 1 be t a sa~kakhewnn : BEADS WATERWAY GROUP premier's agenda ~ere would be ~hlldre1 burned to death Sunday HULL, Que. rCPl-The trial of: l!uguetle-Marie Charette of Hull, Jl 'e·n [,lz·er · ~ I :\'ewfoundland ~nd Pr'nce Ed: I , I left "to Mr. Mlkoyan himself." · when the bottom fell out of a gal- Ronald Kyle A i ex and e r 20 ·first -woman lawyer to defend a:1 'JI j u ,. 1 ward lsland.;..are to be appointed · GTORO!>ITO (CPl-Lt • Gen., The weather offlce predi!tcd a 1 lo~ jug of gasoline one of the opened Monday in Court of. accused in a murder case in Hull . e I so,n. . Howard Graham, forim!r chief or. "damp reception" for the l:lo. 2 1 children had broug~t home. The Queen's Becnh. He is charged! Evidence in the Cot~ trial was Cloudy with ·

. 'staff of the. Canadian army, has I Russian. Rain Is forecast for this' gasoline wns set aflame by two with conspiracy to commit mur- ·that Cote had entered tne bank ' today 35. ran. ! .J. F. Wallace, asslsla~t to the been appo nted president and I arternoon whe:1 Mr. Mlkoyan nnd i kerosene heaters In the home of der In the denlh.May 15 of bank i nlone aad shot the mana•er I I ~:rector of EMO, told delegates P,cnerl mann&er of the newly- h's 28-member party arrl\'e at the. Mr. a~d Mrs. Fred Toms. i mn~ager Alexander Heron at. w~e:1 Heron g-rappled with hlm. i 1 ',f'ERAfURES

re 1 t.1at Jn add!tlo~ IO \heir dulles as formed Great l.al«;~ .Wnterw~ys nearby Shenrw~ter airport at~ - • . 1 Timiskaming, Que. : Witnes~es sn:d Cote then fled I Vancouver .. ·· .. 24 38 , ln~mb.r When we a co·ordlnRllng llnk between Ied· Development As!oclat;on, It ~M about 3 p.m. AST. BO~tn EXPLODES '· Er:~est Cote. 36, was convicted with nnothcr man in a car. . Winn·;l('g .. .. . .. . -8 6

· .If chur~h mcm- era! __ emergencv p\nnnera nnd n:mounced Sunday The associ· I'RE;'Iol!ER ON U~ND . G'JA~,\.J.W, ~uba _rAPl- A Sat11rrlay of murder ami Ken .. Cote and Alexander were nr- i Toronto ......... 29 43 tarct!!-...now ··e . those of the prov.nce, the reg- t'on ~s bren establl•hcd to en- Premier Stanfield of Novo homb exploded m th s town 23 tenced to be ~an~ed ~!arch 11 in rested together half an hour i "loll'rcal · ....... 3Z 39

\b ~~' 0 Uld lnsterd or lo;wl oft!ccrs aud their Sti1fls coural(e economic dcrelopm.cnt Scotia and Fl~herles Minister miles from Hnvana ~!ond<lY. cunnection with the oamc death, blcr at a roarlblock new :O:orth ' \lo::clon ......... :r1 50 e' things lher arp : wll! f-!Ssumc the fe~~rDI gover~- through low-cost transportatbn ~{acLfan wUl g~t t~P visitor on TI1er~ were no casualties hut 50. which oct 11red during an at-· Bay. Out .. 40 miles southwest of 1 Sydr.ev · · · · .. · · · 20 · 47 ·

1 me t s powe~s !! O .. awa Is cut; an the St. Lnwrcnce Seaway and behalf or the prov!nc al an~ fed-. persons were reported tnken Into temr>ed halrlup. • Tim sk:~mi.~;.:. Bouth ar~ from · ·'st. John's · · · · · ·- ~I 45 olf In a nuclear attack f~om other I the Great Lakes. • ern!_ governments respectlrely. custody in the ensuin~ rou:~dup. Alexander Is dele n de d by ' ~lorth Ba''·

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'' c . .J ' I 1 oung anaua s Conk Wed\

HR. GR.'\CE-Todny, Sun· duy conunenrcs li1~ obser· 1•ance of Young CP."nuda's Book Week ancl in Ccmmon with all libraries throu;Jhoul Cana­da including those of this Province, the Harbour Gra~e War :\lcmol'lnl Library is mnklng an effort to direct the minds of our young citizens particularly and their parents and friends to the value or ~~:oo~ reading.

Posters ha1•e been placed conspicuously in our Librnry wltich, with attl'tctive book col'crs and R book display in· rlicnte some or the hook~ which tnR.I' be hono~·cd. :\ llC\1' ~\ii 1lll1Cnl rf I>Jr.•<S both fm· children Rtld ad1Jlts hal'e rr~rntll' been rccell'cd.

In l'~nnr~ti'un wltli its oh· <crY<tllcr, t\1e Librarian, ;\It·~. I.. l.'. JJa1·is ~lnrtrd the. prn­;:,.cJJ1111C b.\' ~ivln.~ a tJlk to I ·~•::\J~I'S Of \iJe lll~iJ ~ClJno\ c·:·:IJ r11 'J'inn·.ortn1· r,·c11ln;:; !., : Tl: i' l'.'crk. in ntlclitlon t, l'·c t'('~t:lar lilll'c:·~· :1rri~rls ( :1 Tu~~ rl:t\' 111,d Satul'd:lr, the


I 1: 1 rtl.1 1'.1:1 br oprn nli d:1;' The Bishop of Newfoundland, Rt. Rev. J. A. Meaden, M.A. D.D .. spent last Sunday in the parish of Upper l':·i,:n", \ol'~l'lhr:· ~01 ; 1 , [rom I 1 ' C d · · t · th S f C f. t Tl C ' ' · , 11 :~. 1; 1 _ ~-~ 11 ~~ 11 nntl fron1 2 to s.r:11a ove a m1ms ermg e acrament o on 1!' rna JOn. 1ree separate onfmnatwn Serv1ces were ;, 1•.111. 11\H·n it is lwpcd thnt

1 held, 0112 at Bishop's Cove, one at Bryant's Cove and e; third at Upper Island Cov~. This picture shows tne

""'': liht·;::'· ll'ill l:r ''i<itl'(l, 110 t 1 l'1shop, the rector (Rev, W. E. Mercer who also acted as the Bishop's Chaplain) and the newly confirmed 0'1ol' II\· Jlllp'l' ft';m ali tile f ll . h . . h Ch · h' f S J h h · · 1 C d ' r.·h~ol,· il.:t the part•ttLs and o owmg t e servtce m t e urc o • o n t e Baptist at B1s 1op's ovc on Sun ay mornmg at ftiC'nci' will t'lome niong. lt i~ t-le\·en o'clock.-(Photo by' E. H. Vokey) t'\lll'l'it•d tl1;;t nw:n·~r;·s of the ! .. :-.,-;" ,. 1;, • .,,.d •·nci of the La· ,.. ... ,· .\u,;tinr_,. will als1 make ~:1 cfforl to \':sit the LilJrarv 1 , .. · .,:·t·1e nur:n~ !he week. 1

nnrl thus show :111 mtercst in

Guest Preacher At St. Paul's

11 :: :Jt is being done. The last two Satut'd:J)'S hai'C

oiwv•n n markect interest in HR. Gf1AC:E - On Sunda;· 111c bock clrcuintion, and mornin~. St. Paul's Church had there seems to be an inclicn-: as guest preacher. the Ven. tiun th<1t cl!ilclrcn arc renew· ·Archdeacon E. ~1. J;1shop, of in~ un interest which fer some 'llotwood who wa_s J weekend time seemed to be waning. l'isitor to rclallvc~ AI Hr. \i'ith the Youn~ Cannd:t's Grace t\ul'ing the weekend. ll~ok \\'cck obscrl'ance. it is Arclldencon Bishop wa~ wei· hoped that l11cre will he n , comect b~· the Rectos, Rev. L. t'r:1!littu<~tion or the Interest ,\. J. Ludlow, who sa!d thot tiH·ou"hout the winter monllts. 1 he was no strang•!r to· thi!

~ ' Parish .. \rchdencon lltshop h~d

Personal~ ! preached hi~ fir,\ !crmon in 1 Sl. Paul'~ Church ;n 1Ril. HP 1 tlriil'cred a most impressive sermon from the l~::: "We an·

lift GHACE-:\Ir. W. G comnnssrd ahout with R great Chafe, Service :\lan~ger with cloud of witncsse~:· lnciden· S. E. llickman !\Intors at Gan- tailv, .1\rchtlcacon Bt;hop w~! rlrr, l'isitrct lit'. Ura~c cturing ~cl~hratin~ his ~el'cnty fourth !he wrrkcttrl and wa~ the, hirthda1· on Sundav, Novrm ~~~P~t nf his llt\l'le anri aunl, her t:,th. and his man;· friend~ ~1r. anrl ~Irs. !. C Dal'i~· r\lenr\ to him h~sl wishc~ lor

\1 i>• Rarilal'a It ichard~. r.r<ttH! Falls, wa~ tha weekend ;-:ue~l o[ Mr and ~lrs. W. A. Oke.

The manv friends or :\Ir. Edward Wh.ite will be pleased to learn that he has recovered from a recent illness and re-

• l11rncd to his work wit!1 the Dept. of 1ligi1ways on ~!ondar.

:'Ill', E. L. Oke went In Bell 1,\nnrl on :\lnnrlay [or his mnnt\1iy husines~. l'isit.

:\lr. c;rnrge Lilly who ~ur­frrerl a ~el'ei'C at lack O[ Illness "'me wreks R>!o is nnw much improl'ed in health.

"m<tn)' happy rcturnr•."

Obituary MR. TH!n!AS KENNEDY HR. GRACE-One of this

town's best known nnd highly respected citizen~-Mr. Thomas Kennerly passed peacefully away at ten o'clock on Friday cvenin~. Nol'embcr 13th at his residence, LeMarchant Street in his ~evenly fourth year.

The rlece<1scd was born at Hr. Grnce anrl w~~ ~ ~on o[ the late Mr. and Mr~. 1'erence Ji.rnned;·.

Left to mo11rn hi~ passing arc his wic\ow, (the former Caiherlne Coady) and three

:\!iss ~lar,lorie :\!ell's, Chief son~ William B. at Hr. Grace, Librarian Gaslln~ 1\lemorlal Terance in Bristol, England Library, paid a brler visit to and Francis at Ar~~ntia, and Hr. Grace on Saturday for an two t1a11ghtcrs Sr. Mary Re~ls Interview with 1 !\!Iss Helen of the Presenlation Convent, Power, authoress of Stories st. John's nnd Alice. Mrs. G. from Dickens for Children. Healey at Hr. Grncu One sis· :\!iss :'llews was accompanletl ler. Mrs. Julin Hayden o[ this hy :\lr. Dt•rm BrN'n of C.ll.C. 1 town :mti u hruth1•1' !'utricle \\'Ito rt't'lol·tl•·li till' illt~I'Vit•\1': J\rl!llr<lv al \to"'!ltl,llr. M~ss., \ill' Jll'l>Jiul'lit>Jt ''" ('.\l.l', utllll;iJ ,tlll'il'~. 'l'u tit~ lit'l'~~Htl '!'tll•<d:tl' rl'l'llill~ Oil !I 1J\·h11ll' rrblill''· thr' '''llljl:tllty uf K io l'<JlltJrl'llllll 11ith lllr ohsrr·l i:.t'"r 1-:r,·lc uf lil''tlll.\ ;, fX·

'~tu·t· "f \'otto~ ( ';uJ:ui~ Kuu\1' lrlldrtl ·rl!r ltillrl'ai Wltidl w•.~ \l't·t·k. ; l'rl')' i:o·r.•·ll' . ~ttritrlt"tl too\;

· pl:·~t' 011 S11nd:1~' hflt'rtluon · (;ut•,l< ot St. \'aui·s Ht'dol',l' from hi.' ialt• n•sir\J:ner to tht ,;11 'l'hur>rln~· wo•re 1le1·. \Capt. II noman Catholic Cath•:dral. ln­''"'''·rt', his wife nnr! fh·c • lrro1rnl was at !he Romar ··llildrrn. ""J\ nf ('~11111 ll'nin- c,lllnlir t•cmrtrr~·-o'i;:\11. r:;.r· >nr! ~~r~ .. 1. ,\1rr ~er St .John''·

)!I;;~; El1z>~~th rarm1t•r. • · [lc-~n~c ~h•rNr~ ::::t. .1oh11';,

11!11•-l th•1r rH•nt:, •t. Hr.1

Grace rltmn~ lh~ w~ek~lld. ·

--------~ --~

Open House At Library

t.he weekend. ft om 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

: )!iss L1nda Johnston, St. B.\\' R11Btnts, Nov. 14-Aitt\1unl', this I'CJt' " student In ro·opcratlon with l'OUn~ ~~ :\lcn;orinl U~1ivcr;dty, ~pent Canadian Book We~k •• our !he 1\ccl;cnrl as a ~ucst of Hrl' library wlll hnld open house r.. ;mrl :.Ir;. Ludlow during


on Wednesday, Nov. 18th,

We Rsk all tcnchcrs and par-i· t;rcctings arc extended to: cnts from this town and all

~·lrs. ~1. Tnpp who celebrated outlying areas to bring t~e{r. her birthday on Sundn.•·. :io- pupils and children to th i'cmbcr 15th. brary on Wednesday to vlslt

ancl ser \he lovely stock of books for all, we have on han tl.


":. ~lr. F. P. S\1cppani. Town ·Clerk is ~llcnding the Con­[erence of Town Cieri:~ whtch

.,· i.s he in~ held at St. John's this : wck.

'l'l1c annual Fall Sale of , ~ \\'ark with meat teas and ·~· lllher attractions will l>e helri

· lltHlrr thr nuspices of St. I'oul's C.E. WA ann St. Catlt· rrinr.'.< Gulirl nn Wednesdny n)1d Thurstlay o[ this week.

. ·' Tuhcrculnsis attncks people :. nf all ages hut. in Canada mid· '•: dlcnr:crt ;md nider mrn have

tbe highest rate.

This ·week the 'librnry has been closed owlna to the erec· t!un or a new renee. It ls hoped to resume regular aes· glans be~<:inning Monday.

. Le~ionaires Social

BAY ROBERTS-On Tues­day, !\'ov. lOth, members of the local bi·nnch of the Canadian Lc;:ion held 'A dance In their club rooms, tbelr wives antl special guests attended. A

"' •· ,;:.ndctfnl .:vcnlng Wi! enjoy-'~ t-d l1v nil. ~.:; .. The Anwrlr;tn ~xpiorer, Cnrl 1 Dt:. anti ~Irs .. ~very wet'e

·Akrley, rlictl while nn hi~ fiflh, !he Juckv ll'inn"rs n[ the elim­tritt In Afril-~ ~nrl i~ hnrirrl on~ iMIIon ~lillltr, ~1r. V,u2h<tn lhe alope of :.Iuunt .llikcno. I ~lcrccr wun ihe dour priz~.

Legion News SP:\:\'IAI1D'S. BAY, Nov. 111

-The annu•l Remembrance I 1 D:1,11 A!Jpeal was conducted

this vear as usual and the j pt·oce~ds are in line with : those of prel'ious year!. Span­; iard's Bay branch wishes to 1 express their thank! an ap·


1 precialion to ~!r. John R. Bar· ret! who organized \he sale of poppies at Bishop's Cove, to

Two wartime :oial'y chums met again the other <lay in Halila alter • sepa­ration of 15 >ears CI'O George S. Ro1coc, left, ol Sheffield's ~lil\s, King'a fo. S.S,, will retire on llensinn next year anrl was see~in~ le~a\ aclrice in the affitt of the Assistant Ju(\ge Ad\'ocatc General in the Uocl<yarrl at lla\if3x. St~lf Srr­~eant ,\lex. Ga\ia~hcr, right, ol Otla\la nlHI Halifax, who took down the pa;ttru­lars, turned out to be a Iarmer Royal :'\ary seaman petty nffi~cr who had brr" a lrienrl at the 11 arlime RC:"i repair basr. in llay Bu\1>, :'\ewfoumlland, in l~ll.

l =--,\TIO:\,\L IJI::F£:\CE rl!OTIJ• ~lr. Ronald Spurrcl! who did the same at Tilton, and to the following girls from Holy Re· deemcr School who collected HALIFAX-:\ wa:·timc friend- turned up in the offl~c of tiw .\,. l\CI\; we1·c .-en:~,.,

1 contributions and distributed i ship in ~cwfoundland was rcnc11·- sistant Jud~e ,\dl ocnle Gc:1crai forces in Gem,a~r. f', poppies in Spaniard's Bay: ed in Halifax recently b·.tt the to discuss matters concerning h·s work, reccilr I a :\Iary Barrett, Sadie Saunders, I characters in the p!o'. had chang- retirement next year. The .\rn1y ,Judge Ad1·oca'c ofii~(! Lorraine Drover, Yvonne ed their roles a bit · staa sergea:Jt took dOII'n the par- and c<>mc to Halif'\ .:: Pike, Janet Vckey, Verna The British destroyer Hi~~l- liculars. th~n introduced himself J staff srr.~cr-::~. ii~ .~ Bis!1op, Clarice Barrett, ~tar- lander collided with an icelwr~ . wi:h a twinkle. The >oldicr was reporter for C.c· ·, :. · jorlc V. ~tercer, Marion Snow, In 19H and was towed by tl1e IJat Royal :-;a,·y chum of fif:ccn Lola Sheppard, Olga Smith, famous tu~ Fou:1dation .Josephine years ago. CPO Roscir :, li:e:.:: Fr.1nces · Hutchings, Bernice into Bay Buiis for repair A >ca- in~ blacksmnr. 11 ::; Kennedy, Lillian I'loseworthy, man Petty Officer. Alex Galla~- The staff ser;:c;m: hali 'cr1ed Command or 1.1c !\\\ Shirley Gosse, .Joy Sheppa_rd. her, in the Highlander. soon ei~hl years ::1 the f1oyal \a1·y. rct'r~s. tltr llt'\ ,,::: :, ·

The Branch held a public struck up a friendship ll'ilh a:1 then had come to Canada. \\'\~en o:tly o:~e o;i1rr '' '" card party on Armistice even- RC:\' blacksmith in tl1e· wart.mc the Km·~an ll'ar bro~e oul. h·-' en· 1·in~ on li:,, \',,.: ' in~ ann the game was well, repair base tlm·c. one CPO tercd :he Canadtan Arm~· as Pr'• chic: ll'arn"d i:,, ::J;:

This IS Mrs. Elizabeth Jones of S!Janiard's Bav wh•J at~cnded. Supperwa~ser\'ed,:Georgc s .. no.sco•:· ''lH~ ~o•ncs·,atc .\iex Galla~l1cr. ~nct ll'n. i:~tiwr in ~i1·_.:,.:r,:.:. J 1 and the total proceed• were i from Shefrtcld 5 ~It! Is. 1\lng' Co. RCH. lie was attached lo ·.:\L• 'w ~oc, In i'""<o::. :' ·

is eighty-nine years old today. Tuesday, November considered encouraging, N.S. office ol th" !Jc't'ut:· .Jud:~" ,\,!- rctu:·n to h- :, .. ,, ·

h h h 1 d d ht h d 'I' [ l' \ r \ 'hi 1 Wlll'll the tlJis ti:nl' fur ::c·:',. 17 .S e resides wit er son-in- aw an aug er, _2~~e_~t__:: __ ~c_'~e ,o;coc __ ~~c" ~ or a 1 .e Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gosse, and is in very good health.

We JOin with her many friends here and elsewhere Newsy Briefs day." lo:.-s~ th:1:1 llll' y~;,1r bL' 1 urc that.

m wishing her a happy birthday. !Photo b,· E. H. Vnk~_y)

death and sickness, is slili :\'cw­foundland's costly communicable disease It takes "' mnn:· iirrs

''ARBONEAR 'lr G orr1"' lt i~ !h~~ ."'hurll';~in~ nf lrt•:tt· c . 1 - '' • .e. ~" 1 :15 29 other communicable clis-

1, '- t t St J h mrnl \~·llich .ll"t'tJHn1.'- fnr n~an.1· ,os.-m~ wen o , . o n 1 on ea.•c~ Fort'' r S;llnd;.· :1· ·

r: 1,~H'l' rdi!UI' (;~n::r

('lr;t:-~·d frr11l' O~',~: iarm in ... q:·,~ ,,~ .. ~.

\~ !'r,tr ~11 ;d1:n· ;.,: ·· T1

tn:111 wrri.h ,•11>' ··;' .'

lrflt~l led l-;,i:r: h· \\allier\ \\'or~"·- 1'.

Slturdl)', on busine~~- Tubct·culo>i.< is " rn~ior tllf'c;,i nf the rmpl~- '" 11111 l'ium ill'<i'.

P I New In ~omc l:(r-cC'rlrlin!~· t:lr wnl'~l T'lr :--llrll'lrr till\!' fur ll'f';J!IJH',lf ersona S rh .i S '· r L • r 1 1 ..1 j, r!n". mr~inl'' 111 two t!liw..:',- !l:f' t pHI(PS n r,.,. • ~ ~n., of iht coll'!nmnicahlr rlisra-r< 111 . [' ' . g • lo t ' '\ r:1l': lfl;1l rJiq•:J~r I" ·.:rcc•;·:l!k

Y I" k · .0\'P. ~~ pa:·1n • lnOr \'t!: thi~ rcsprcl. ll krrps p•rrnl< SPANIARD'S BA ' ;o;ov ' pI s r cl to rcaltil'e~. f I . f .,. r fll'li\cl i:l "" "'"·li•'l' ,l;,::r 11101\ II

-!'vlr~.Laura Hiscock arrii'Cd up erma. - away rom t 1011' an11 ICS 111

I i 1 '! mo~lh~ i.M.~c 1111mh~l's n[ t11r 11."' "inl _~,,,,., "~" :uul ,,.,·n::rl.

from We lesley H 1 s, ,, assa·) ,, \1· thai thr dru~, h-1·,, '" tnctc:, cl d I 64' D tl F patient.< are nm!hcrs nt· f,1ihrl'.-

chusetts, on We nes ay ast: Cl\llllONFAn l\;O\' 14-~lr ea lS i I'Om of youn~ families. it;, 11;\l'll 'or in ltN\n1cnl I' l1ich r:l!'llC·i '\ ... ::; where she spent ten weeks; . ' ' ' ·1 · 1 r ,cnlcner :n:· rnn:::r:·' \'!siting wilh relati\'es. She c_la:·ton' PPttle, ~l'lncr y . 0 rt one parent to ;t hnn>ehnld ~nin~ :'>II lll;.lit'l' hull l'ili'l'i',·~ drll~- anrt rt >"-~" i:nr r.,:. plans to spend the winter I• lalrock. oprnc!l hiS nc~v >UP· TB nere In 1958 !atisfactoril)'. If the molhct• ,, me in lrC<1lin: I "'"'l'l'tllll•i.-, I' :II'· naper months here with her daugh- crmarket today. ll ts s1tuated away it is hard lo ~rt c'1iidrcn I~· dia~no,is rcmnin' imt·~~·ian:. ter, Mrs. E. H. Vokey and a short distapj!e br-low Har I cared for properly. If the falhct· :'\ot ontv is tllo rll:Hlu' nf tc·c·n 1·. family, bour Rock Hill and measure~ Canaua's 1988 tuberculosis is ill it is hard to make ends cry mu~h ~reniN 1:1"" if di;c•a·c rnM;nr:~ hiLL

24 by 48 feet. It has modern death rate was the lowest in our meet without his ll'a~r~. were ad,·a:1ced h:i! tl!e >I a~· in ll.\LL,\S. Tr\ AF -

Birthday l(reeling to Lor· raine Drover on Monday, No· vemller 16, from Mom, Dad ~111t lhr family .

fixtures and lighting and car-~ history--(;.0 per 100,000. Treatment and C\lnlc Sen·lces ho;pita\ is <horlr<rcl ;mn I he nice person; .,,·ere iu: r.les a full line of popular focus , Newfou~dland's tuberculosis b 1958 there \\'ere approx- rhancr of in:cctin~ olhct'' great- Cl'ash~ i:1 Tela~ He will be aided in raterin~ to I death rate was also lowest re- mately 11,000 patients treated for il' reduced There is nl;o lc" like•- ll'eeke:Jd. on•. . : ." · his putrons by Mrs Pottle and 1 corded H.6 per 100,000. tub~rculosis in Canadian sana- iihood that a patient 11 ill need to I ac:ident k'ili~· et::: his fallwr. ~lr. t:ill.,•rl Pnltlr i There wer~ l 0'27 deHihs in Can- lana. 1 consider nnl' chnn~c of employ- nnolher kil:inc rau:.

~II'>. · Ju~r~h Peddle will \Vo> wislt Ill~ yutlll¥. 3tlll progrrl- 1 ~d" '!'!tis w;" 'loU fewtr th~n in' ln Newfoundinmt tlw unmhet·' 11 ,._.nl. · t:.-hltled somP ,,[ :~.1 ·

rrlriJI'~Ir hrl' IJil'lhthY uu .•i1r lm'l""'' IIIUJI a full slt~l't' lt~.\7·. Of 1\tr 1!r~l:ts l~sl yen tt?! 1111.~ ~<;,_ · h:Hl wtolh .. r t 1\ 1'-1' '']ll't'(iacf \Vt'l 1 t • 1 [ 1 ''l'l 1 1 · 1•\·rrv t\uiiJJ l'~JI..,t'd !1o111 lht• Wrllitr,dll~, l'\ul't-111\Jrr 1~. }liU '' t~ )JI u 1<' • · """ · 11rrr til a •'· ~llt .Jii( rtua rs. 1 •• olrr:.~• ru~l 1 ul ,tay tu .

tu hrl' ~~~ W~l'lll wblin lui' • ntlj'ht 1\lflltiJIIJ hrrt ltt:d lilt', 'l'lirlr llrlr ~• Jr:.IIJi lu l'\r\1'- iJII~Iuriuut \:.•1 Y•~,· lur • ~"I· '"'lr ul l''ll'i'l""'' S•·:ol, ill :'><·li-p 11 \1 \ -n 1 ·I' d 'nl 1 1 'tl 1 1 luliJull;t·td ,·.., u~c·d 111 f\n;I!H'r- !lir

\ta)J~y liirtlti,l~,\' !l'uiiJ hrJ' u r! :il'r •' 1 ·' ' ' ' lulliltll~tlll. rll "'' J Ill'"'"""'" ""' :lliiJ

Tulkn·q!,,~i· , .. ·. I \HI lllillitJll 1\r::t!·.' '·

I Ill" world :.• !! 11 ~ \ '.\ t't'll \Ill"! r- ,:111! !'.:

rant! I)· ana ll'irnll•. tl1rir nrw hnmt, ilin(•ll~· ltnl'l: Murr tltMI twu third> "r 1\tr liays '!'his i' tL·Il da~, t"'~rr 1:,,., • ol tlir !llJltl'lll~l'krl. l'auatliall• 11'~0 ditd ul tliUHCll·, 1\tr ;.It!'"~< lu1 I lie \ol'rl iLo,b

?llr~. Gordon Junt~ wos ten· losis WH~ ~0 ul' mol'f yrsr• of. Yt~r anti !hat :nl·rJ~< 1\'a,; jU

dercd a surprise party on Fl'l· a;:e. i ~-~-·····--·-••a••illll•tii••••••••••••••••••~ lilt".

rl~v P\'Cnln~ IR~t At the homP W~1S Auxiliary On "" Al'et·a~e amo~g 100,000' nr'~lr. ~nri ~tr.<. Lr1;i Pik,, thrl · • • . C<tn~clian~ lhHe were~~ Rcimi\-, ANNOU-NCEMEN nl'r~~ion br\n~ \1r•. .Innr~·· I ltd In •analorinm, fnr the first birlhrlay. A dPlightfni P\'Pn·' 1'/lllFin:\F.An. l\nl'. \~--At lim,, ~llff~rin~ rr~m tuhcrculosi•. - ' . tn1 IU~ ~p~nt )lll~·ina 1~111~<. i th! nrtnh~r mP~il'•¥ nf tho,, In ~rtditinn. ~nothP.r 21 filii_ nf. ~ _____ ,•••••••••..,.•••••••·~ ~k. dt!r 1\'llieh ~UP)l~r wu: r~rhnnPH .\uxi\ia1~· nf th, 100,000 relurn~rt '.P ~~nalonum · ~~rvl!d. B~for, the p~rty r~n·, W.M.5. thr 1i•.urly r'1a!lter wa5 lor 1 ~erond m· tlmd hmt. , duded l\!1'3, JoM~ ?Ia~ pre- 1 t~ken b1• Mr.•. E. Gillc•~i•. anrt Prol'indai neath r<Lies from.! arntPd with a lovely lift hy Mr~. G.· Fl. rowel\. II Skit '''~!! tuberculo.<'s. P"l' 100.000. J!Opuia·:. her frl~nd~ ant! f~r whi~h she 1iv.mt h~ ~lesdam~s !"ret! I tio~ in 1~;; and l~j3 were as fol-expresset! her thanks. renMY Hal'warrl ClarkP. llarr1· lows:

Cole ind iohn King This Skit I Prorlllce 1157 19~ <ho•"erl how much ~ Yi!ll from !'lewfeundland 19,2 14-A •

· ~ W.\!.S. mcmb~r con mc:1~ ' or 6<1 to a shut-in. death•

Pl'incc Edward Island I !.I o.O. November 11th On Oct. 31st. ~ ~"by Bon~ : :--; 01 ·a Scotia ....... o.7 fi,l

party wns held in the Sr.hon1 · ~CII' Brunswick .. 6.4 5.1 Hall. under the auspices of thr Quebec ........ 10.8 10.3 1 l.

BAY ROBERTS-The only W.~I.S. Ontario ....... ., ~.I 3.2. service to mark the obscr- • . Manitot a . . , ..... R.l 4.8' . I'Bnce of Armistice Day, in I The N~··~mlter rn~ctm,g w~s · Sa>katc~~llan .. 3.5 2.6 : · this town was the short ser- h~M_ on 1\o:, lOth. Titr \\orshq· I Alberta ....... 5.9 3.1 I I' ice 'of Remembrance held at sen•tce bemg co'~.neted b~ Bdifih Columbia .... 5.8 4.5 ~ the War Memorial and the ~!r~. I. nnvl~. ·Tilo "udv ChA" Ncirtb West Territories 90.0 laylng of a wreath, by mem· ter w~~ nlven by Mrsrl ames r.or Per per bei's of the local branch of don Walters and ~rrbe~, M~r 100,000 so. the Canadian Legion at 11 shall and was en ltlrd ,pnor Ca:~ada .. .. .. .. 49.0 8,349,! a.m., members participating step, H~arth anrl Home ~nrl 1 Newfr.undland ..... 122.8 538: ~ 11 ere Comrades W. Farnham, con;pnrcd. thr cuslon•.s or ~r,?nl ; I Total admissions 9451 I: ~:. :\!crcer, W. Deering and J. Afrte:l ll'tiiJ 1~10<• 111 Chmtt~n, p B 1. . . .... 49.0 49,; Snow. llfrica. A Sktt o~1 rnmmJ•n'l'' i <nl'a· ~cotia 63.0 Hi·

:However thi! Is a poor -.· .. ,, ..... :., 1''~' "11·c., by ~lc~ Ne1v Brunswick ... Bl.4 4B7 showing, In lhe remembrance rl3mcg Witlinm DaH• and S· Qu!lbec . . . . . . 57.0 ?.,78~ of those who pnld the Su· B11tl. Ontario . . . . .. .. ~-i.O 2,050

Armistice Day

preme Socriflce, let U!· all co· Plan! were m~(lc for a nub . Mimitoba ... , .... 4.i ... i ~9:: operate in thls and have a lir thanic<"ivin~ srn:cr, whil.'h .SnskDtchr.wan ...... ~"-~ :125 be\ter town observance In the will bP fnllo•vrrl \p· a ~neinl : A\b~rta ....... 4.>. ·• :i45 coming yean. hour, to be held on Tur~(hy lll,·itish Colum?'a .... ~I.\ r.~~:

neccmher l!t. It ls hnpe.1 th~!, N ..... Wrot ,~e_rr_t:•·"•'< ~. n.o 'I ~ l?ri~ cruwd WI P b~ in at · . t~n,hi1 re. U! adml;!ton~. They Jo :,ol in-

u:., I.: .. · '•' II',

HARVEY & COMPANt Cson,lriJ: i:,1 Ec;uir;m;:l.l Civ'·.:Jn


~~ y. ~$!sET ~'Ji.A,ffl ' PC\;~: :r'-ACl uAT~c- I ASi-~Nir-;C

Note: RA.\\SCT is a•; intr:g1o:ed

system ccmpo;ed of thr~e bose u:1ils ~ powder charge 011d b;tener. Just_ a sque~ze of the trigger sell eJ studs or drive pins intc concrete GJ 11

, n provide for o1tachmznl of construcliO

teriols. RAMSET mokP.s anchori11g cc;;y ond

d f h d P ··r~li:~ spee , ease o use, en:-- an o ··

exceplionol holding power. ::EE HARVEY'S FOR RAMSET





When Clul,tmu Suh wu~ first 1~ld in N•wf.:;und!ott.i in 1~4~ to [II'OI'itl~ fund~ for tlte fight a~Ain~t tuhel'elllnsls lite numlH•t• nf dcRths [t·om this rll~·~·'' w~~ :;()[) M compared with Gl in ln~8.

Srl'fral nlhPr m:tli'·r~ nf htt' · l'itHI.· llnn,tnk·:·,·liltHt.' p~1 ;,. II' inr.:::~.; Wrl'•• r1'"''ll" . .:rci 111111 1!11 hr'n•! tr,~ttted in ~rH1ll(OI'ii!Jll rn~·

m.-lin" J''o.<cd wi!h 'hr. ltizp:ll• no'-lllhen·ulnll• ehrsl eon~itin'~-Btnrrliclion. . . 1 TlliJcrcnlu<, in lcnm of both •••A!IW .. iUII.I'UIIIIi:SlliiOiii'.Riio.'i.,j&J.Jloi.'N:IIllni'•R•••••-•••••111!1••••••....-



ard for~

W nussell. lst. 1

i the Newfound 0Trade said Mot

members of Tr~nspbrt:

would, at th4 the Nlwfound

before on Tran hearing

todaY Jnd tc

Indica numbet

incidentall restu!awr II whc1 haddock on the

of the Grand St. Pierre B:

June appear t' indication of th

nt of squid caught for t

in the shown for thE

1952 in the J Fisheries R<

of Canada, aut tiJted by occu

s 1953 to 1 undoubted!

a forecast o: later in the possible fr·

catches of sc June when t

ndfish on the of the Gran Pierre Bank

lion of sq the :o>cwfol

g :\lay to any year appeat

The numbe1 inshore grou1

hOWe\·er, e only a

population 1

thnn half t October) this considered

Cia Vic·

nctiand h;:' 1 polin rlrath nf thr C)liril

nffici<JI.< 'Oid ycstrt

olrl m<tn In at !he ft

rpidet ha•:c

Page 3: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of


a!lrr a ltPI·

~. Kin&'• ra. in the oflice

'n. Starr Ser· n the pa~ticu·

11 ho had br~n !land, In 1945. \L'E I'HOTOl

rec,'il'cj a ;>ll!bl .\drocate olfitc! in .:11e to Halifax in : srr~eant. He i; c'l" for !he

1\~scic i > t!1c Ia~: :~1cksmllh ia the •liHI of t:1e f\C:i. . I he RCC\ will bt • 1r othP.r u:. "" tile \\"c.it ·..;:rned hi; trad~

::1 Shdfic:d's t ~ lo pension. r.~

tu his 1wm~ ;,-,"• IOI' (31'11\.

Ell1TOR IIEI.E.\SED \COLlVER ICP ' - mainlr fi !;Hnilic~ - ~ang , S:•turclny a· ·. rditm· t;cor:~

.: from

1 t;i\'11NI :\or\ 11 :~ nv•· ror coni ~1nrt rl " ~.1. ()(10 r i nr for till

CR ... SHES !\ILL ' d.L,\S, Tex I AP 1-. persons were ki!:td ~"" in Texas :r·::d. one Jr·•ln-mo:• !t·nt killing eight her killing Cour ,. ,•:! some of the

~PANY, ~w.t Div:~;,n NNOUNCE :WfOU

SET o~St'tNiNG 1tr.gra~ed e base units "' ener. ·igger sets concrete or of construction

~g easy and : hand opr.rolion



ST. Jo+tN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily New._

ard Of Trade Members 1

fore Royal Commission 1

Briefs In The "News''

HIT BY CAR _ Ru;;cll 1>!. \'irr· : sidrred: · roads to maintain arteries of arc allowed to participate in 49·year·old Ira Percy of

II hr :\'r':.roum!iand (1) The overall ddverse el· communications In ~rder to en· aid granted by th~ Federal Brigus was hit and knocked ~~ 1 'e ,

3;d ~!onday feel that our Insular and geo- sure that transpcrlation ser Gol'crnment with regarcl to rlown by a car on Hamilton

Tra~~r~h~·rs of his graphic position has upon our vices conform with national transportation facilities St. Avenue yesterday morning. He: Tr~nsportation economy In relation to that of standards. JJohn's woulct lose one of its was conveyed to the Grace~

wonld. ~~ tile re !he Nation as a whole. (7) The need for an East largest single sour~.·s of In· Hospital by the dtlver of the h :'ltwfonnclland (2) The time factor, having Coast Ferry. come." , . car and was treated for minor t ! p;a,- udorr the re~ard to the abnormal and un· (8) The application of more Mr. Crosbie adder. thP shiP· cuts and abrasJons He . . Pon on Transpor· warrnnted

1 delays we endure favourable freight rate struc ping industry Is rcsr.ensible for then detained for ·a x~:~ •

1 s,1 0 ~ hc.1fings in 1

In the matter of freight, ex· tures to Newfoumlland. wa~cs in excess of 21z million i f:;r a possible. injur~1

to his I ~a" ,,ncl ton1or·l press, and other facilities In At the same time the Steam dollars paid annually to 'Long· . left ev~.

t · . connection with tht· supply of ship Section of l,hr. :.:ewfouncl· horcmect alon.e." . · CAR STOLEN

___ ,UAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1959

!\!11'founrll~IHI Board o! : goods a~d services to the tax· land Em~loyers ,\ssoc1at1on ll!r: Cr~sb1e . was speak1~g Harold Snow, 77 Hamil· · olirc t1

1r (;ol' . payer. Ltd. will. Ill conjunction With , in connectiOn With the Bne! ton Avenue reported to

t.a~; 1~1 pra~tn.c\ informa· l 131 The. need for additio~al thP; L.S.P.';'. suhmll another I which ,the Ne~l'foumlland Em· city police that his truck

1 f0r tllr prrsrn- ~ubs1dles m the transportatiOn I Bnef that 1~ supporlrd In gen players AssoclatiOI\ 1s submit· had been stolen from in

'" !fiol 01 h

11 ,, f. The fie hi-"' wfe iol 1 d to !he I "' pd01 I pi o by llw N « lio f I" oo ,.; "" llo o w il h !he 11 oot of hi, o!H" 0 , s 40 ,4) ;,; lt~fo the, l'r;m;portn·: R~ilways.. . . foundland Board of Trade. L..s.~.U. to the R•l)'a~ Com·


p.m. yesterday. The tr~ck ...,..... ;>'{

ol "" '"' 1 1 li '"'"" '"''"'""""" of """'"" "" Tco""P"'''"' '"" ooo· I lo o 1959 Chmolo> boll· '"I so<d ol r

1·od e "ld

1 !ho i ol "' "'""' . o I "" '"" M <. A. I! C!"'bl o. Cho If moo . d '" li '" hm io!' oo ToO'il _, : too p "'" pI, k· 0 p b; "1"' · . ; :

'"'"'" •l llml '" . '"'" lo! >ho '""' ,,. , of tho st"'mohlp Soohoo of tho '"' IV"'""'" of ""' wook 1 """" """''" C·l3 ,. 1. .' . .' <. C t- r-'"l :c ~uhstan·, (51 The neecl to make pro· Ncwfoundlanct Employers' As· !' COLLISIONS _;_;;, ) ;

013 r '" · . ' ' b lk hi . t' I td 'd d th t \'IT .... D 1011

owinc ei,ht pmnts VISIOn for u s pme~ts. , SOCia Ion ' . sal to a;· a ' w arf T . Three collisions were rc- • · E.. AGI!OI.OGISTS FOBl'~I-A~rrJlo·~i,ts from the ,\lianti~ l'rol'ilo~·,., Ctrl shnul•l he con- I t6) The need. for Feerler "unless Steamship operators . h ender porled to city police yester- who recently atlCIHled ~ sprciJI fnl'll\1\ at ihc Cnna!liJII t'il"il lll'fCII~C ('olfr~r. dny • At 1 05 p m a two car Arnprior, Ont .. inchulr•l. left to ri!:ht:-1!. W. H. Ch;!Hcry, Department of ,\~rl·

C h 0 G d B k coll.ision Look .pl~re at -the cnlturc. St. .John's, \"fhl.; S . .\. Hilton, Dirc<·lor. Hc,careh Si<1lion. D.O .. \., Frc•l·

Ug t n ran an S 1 Tc.nders will he aeccptcd up intersection of Bcnnetl .'\l'e· rricton :\.11.: G. R, Smith, 01rmi1t, ,\gricultural Instil11te of l'anada, Trm·"· :-:.s.,


c1nl Department of 1 nhllc resulted In $IOU damage to and R. C. l'arrnt. SuJ1rriu!r1•1lcnt, Hesrarrh Branch, JUl .. \.. ('harloltrtown. I'Ll. a I to. C\n~·cmbcr 25 by thr, l'e?· nue and Le:V!archant Road and \yorks for. wl.\arf rcronstruc· both of the car~. At 4.45 p.m. 'l'he group conlillere•l fallon! implications on thr fa;·m.---(l'hntn by ,\ndrr11d!unt)

Inshore Catches \':,:~~:~~~:~~t~~::::· ~~, :m;~·T~:~J~t,'~;~:;i;:rA··-----------1·~----.--~t _D ____ · --~---·---A- : --lt-- --1 'Grand Falls. p.m. a two·car collision at the! gro ogis s ISCUSS .. griCUl ura

rllatilr numhN> of·, Bank and St. Pierre Bank ill. squid feed on young herrin~ HARB~UR JOB Intersection o! Prescott and: Indicate

taken indrlt·nta\1)' by· :I lay and June and somewh<lt and on capelln and may re· Ten_ders Will close :\OI'em· Water Streets resulted in I II whrn fish· I later on the northeast edge main there throughout the. ber 2~ for one aspect of the sligh damage ttJ one ~ar. . I l' t' Of c· 'l

l\"l!hlatldgdaolc0kr on the ;outTI·I of the bank. They penetrate to season but presumably If ian· I ha~hour development plan HITS POLE mp ICa lOllS IVI k t I b I J 1 ternflsh

, were available 1'n the .1 which Includes the removal of A truck collld•d with a Defence

of 1110 Grand Uan ' coas a areas y ear y u Y on tl k hi 1 SL pierre Rank In! the south part of the east oceanic zone migration in·: te s~n en .s P Deso a under, power pole on Holdsworth Junr ap;



r tn hal'e coast and by August have shore might lack Initial drive i the. pier wlmh housed th~ old I Street at 4.15 p.m. yester- OTT/I \1'/1-Fort)--lwo agro-. population ha1.ards from r;11lio- com he. _.\t:llnic Energy Com·

10~ication of the n•la·. reached most areas along the Squld taken by the A. T:! C.~.H. ptp~r t~hed.l Thr's shed: day and broke off the logists from acro>s Canada actil"it)·. food production anrl mi"ion. C!t<llk Ri1·er, Ont., "· of ··~u:d ,

1hieh ca~t and south coasts. In some Cameron on Xovemller- 11 : anc par 0 le w tar .>ere· pole. There was slight took part in a sel'en-rlay forum distribution_ ·;>Ius senior rcprc>cntatil·es cJU~Il: tn:· <Jail in- ,·cars only, squid appear also. 1958 were feed.lng on lantern: I bact!) damaged! by l:re a damage to the truck. at the Canadian Cil'il Defence i Special sprakers inl'iudrd: from the ])cpart:nc:~tmenl> of

'·'c' in tlH' '"ason. but in comparative])• small fish' and the "scattering i coupe of mont ts ago CAR ON FIRE . College. Arnprior. Ont., to •lis- Dr. E. r:. :11asse.1·, :;l·ic:nlific :\grieullurc. \ationa\ Hc~lth ·:; ;':Jwn in:· ,

11,. )"Cal'S numbers, In the Gulf of St. layer'' investgated by the i\. West End fire trucks were cuss the implications of Cil'il arll'isor, Dcfen~e He"•arch · anrl \\"elfarc. \ational Defence

1 ~;~ :n tilt• .lnurnal Lawrcnee. \\'hen squid are 'f. Cameron at that time yield· 1

y t d railed .at 1.0?. p.m_ ye,tcrday Defence in agricullurr. Tile B~ard, Ottawa: Dr. L T. _\lex- and the emcr~,. measures or· F:•llrrir' Ht•>c•areh. scarce inshore In :'l;ewlound· I ed onlv lantern fish. Data on ' es er ay . to the mtersectlon of Kitchen· I conference was held from :\0-. ;meier, c. s. Department of. ~~niznlion of the Priry Coun-

c! c"narla. ":1d w~s land the bulk of the squid i annuat" lanternflsh abundance I , er Avenue and Pennywell i l'embet· 2-6 and was opened ,\gr;cu\turc: Dr. ll. B. \ew· ril Office.


lll't'lliTrlll'C population would seem. there· I are unfortunately lacking but c ·i R.oad where a car had caught W}th an addrrss b.Y Dr: .!. C. · -~---,, JP.i:t t:• ln:iB. fore. to remain offshore. Fori their presence In 1958 may In ourt I flr.e. The blaze was ~Xtlll· \\ oodwarct. eXl'C\Itii'C dlreetor N G d a l~m~··l of .<quid squid were taken inshore. they warmln!-: in the :\ewfoundl~nd : . . , - . culty. . Department of Agricullurc in . 0 ro u n . s '·ur.noubtcdl) not example. In 1958, when few hal'e been Influenced by carl)' · ~urshed without much diffi· of the resl'arch branch or the

lott•r i:·. t\1\' ,p;~son were reported south and east I area. This is cited as an exam· I ~n ;la~l~trate s. Court Y_es- POLICE. BLOTTER . I Ottawa. . · po•.·:b:t· t:·"m in·. of the Grand Bank on August· pie of the probable indirect tel da~ ·one man 11 as sentence.d City police report s1x


a:c!lr• "f ;quid in 16 by the C.:'I.A.\'. Sa~k,·ille Influence of temperature as to .. ::eren. da~s, and had hi~. arrnts made la!e yester· . ~he_ forum ha~ ._a ~~~·o-~J.Id Junr IIIH·I: trawling and off the Flemish Cap on affecting squid migrations tli,11 11~~ lleen~c s~isp~nded r01 · day and ov.er n1ght. One - pt~_posc._ to lll~OL\llllal,'-, 01 ~ 1 ."

fi>h 01\ :·~\(' SOiilll-' :\ol'ember 11 bv the C.G.S. In this nrca. Squid appear to tl\0 )COilS. for a dtalge of lm· Jr.ftn WIS glvln In charge llo~Jsts Ill sllll DefeLCC II\

of the c;r:nlil (lank :\. T. Cameron: On August a1·o\d hIgh temprratt1:'t'~ ;w,1 ~·e.d drii'Ing, . . .·. lor bein~ drunk and dis· : or<.ler :hat .t.lry ma)· ser.'·e a' S: Pirm R"nk 16. 1958, from the Sackl'ille (about t9•c inshore; altho\l;lll I 1 II~ II om.en .II el e eomict_ccl orderly In the home, two tcch~mal <on.sultants Ill act-pcoulation nf -quid mi· large numbers of squid were reported at the surface in on !hun~ ~\iaigcs .. One 1185 were arrested for drunken ·


15 to IHilllllClal and m_unl-

: :;:


tllr \t•wfoundlanrl seen at the surfnce at Station temperatures slightly OI'N lm.cd S~J:OO. C?r h'iJillg drunk.' driving, and three ordin· ! tlpa.l Ctl'li Defcn·c·c,. ro·DI d!n-~lar ''' \nvrm- 24. lat. 44°08':\', ion~. 44'14'\\', 1R°C bv the Sackl'ille at· and dlsOI dell~· al'!l anot~e1 ary drunks made up the , atois. and to d1sru.s a rl1 ,1ft anr rm ~•i'"r~·r' t,> he anrl Station 26. lat. 47'01'"'. Satlnn :iR on August 16, 19581 S25.00 for smash.lng a wme I -remainder. ~o_ry of a .manu_al .~ntJtlcrl

. T~r 1\ll,;,,,rr• taken 47'17.5'\\'. Some were taken. and to a\'old very low temper-' bo.t.lle on R public ·streeL ' . Fallout On fhe F~rm 111\lch 'n,hnrr ~rntiiHI' in with a dipping net but Inter· atures (few have been taken · 1 he otl;cr ~oman was fmcd i LOSS· FOR ts ~Jelng prep~·~~ 1

lY ,'he ~e-rrm. hn•'''ITr mav br discarded. On ;in~•cmber ll. I In water of zoe and beloll'); : $10.00 foi bcmg drunk. ' LONGSHOREMEN pat tm~nt of Ahlll ultui e rn .. cn· ·Since on I-.- a p.u:l of 1958 the \. T. Cameron made but apparent temperature .. Lac·k ~~ a newsprint shed I operation with federal (II il

• • • • 1 111 tile city could deal long. Defence.

For Rumor "Thne is no fnnndation fur the rumor th~1t Peppcrrell

.\ir Forte llasc is going to be phascrl out of operation,'' said J.irul. Ry;~n, 61th Air llcfcnrr Information IHficer at Pep· pen·cll. "\\'r ha1·c not been able t~ e'tahli'h where or why this •rumor has started.''

In April of l%R the l'nitcd S!att•s Air Force h;nl plan·

. -' 'I I I . I

' ·; ' I I I Jt; i ,, I I

., I

t ' '

' :

:.I ' I' l i '

; I

' •I

''. '


.•:,! I

' '.


papn:at ·n,1 I' <·oa;t- tl'<lll'hng sets for ground fish preference rna~· be due. to the L o I shore men a S200 000 blow this le" !I"~"· l·::.'.t. !ilr >:ear nea: Stati?n 26 and t~ok. 4 reaction of fishes. on ';''hich the arry a ey winter, prcsid~nt \\'illiam · Sul!jcc·ts indudcrt _on the.

to Otlobrt ''"' .1n1.nal1

squid at_ Se,t ,3, lat. 47 15:-/,


. squid prey. AcclimatiOn. also. Breen of the L.S.P.U. said re· agenda were the l'flrl'h of

ned to phase out of oper;~ti~n !'cpprrrclt hnl it was later rlrciclerl tu rliscontinnc the plan. The pha'c nnt was lo have taken place o1·rr a two-year 11rriod anrl ha>es that were stationed at l'epperrrll were gain~ to h~ mo,-r,\ to oiher USAF sites in the area that are alrea•ly In opcr;1tinn.

I '

bP con>;d,·r,-d 1

to be long. 45·25\\: ;1 .s,quirl at may hal'e an effect on the a:· A d L b cently. A fire last year de·' nuclear weapons, fallout anc\ 1

. oceanlr It: n:i.J\1. In . s:~ _4 .. lat. 27 14 ~. long. I reel lnflue~ce of tempcl·. tten s a or strayed the c.~.R. sheds I fallout predictions. the world i :~rl :11 l'a most; 4a-25 \\: and 11 squid at Set 1 ature on squid. 1 • newsprint n 0 r 111 a 11 y was I situation on fallout Ill re\alion 1 squ:~ m:,,· '"mrtimes 5. lat 47'23':\, long. 45°50'\V., 1 !hat pilot .whales influence stored. Since then shipmentsi to soil anrl climate. health and i -----------------

omnlr I'HIIW~Iiout the . I squid migratiOnS mshore may Conference 1 b t d t B .I Some of the most ln1POI'tant


be argued, but apart from the ta~e ern roue ? otwoou · -----~ ________ _ factors whic-h ma1• contribute ff t f thi p edat In 11 which freezes over m the w1n·l fro~~~ :.,;:':;\;:~-, i~',W- ~~ keeping the squid mostly off· ~~o~~~~ o area~ ~n oi~eallleert Larry Dairy. presi<lcnt of the ter. There. has been no word: PI ReSidenCe ~~

al the shore in any yea)' arc (a) I schools of squid, the IJI'l'l'illl i\ewfoundlaml Federation o! yet what will happen ~·hen the an al'ailabilltl' of food and (bl. ld 1 t' ld harbour at Botwood rs closed. , , . I squ m gra Ion II'OU seem Labour, is in Halif1:< attending, d ' H II tile tendency of Ill e)( to remain. to be as a result of a 11\0I'C the Dalhousie Labor·University NARROW ESCAPE An o= nlng a ocranic. This squirt Is not gcn·l general movement. L'ndcr Institute which hc~a11 on :"'lo· · A friendly call from a ' l


Lee--Barter Get

Nine Montl1s Eaclt C'

l};mS crally a pl~nktonlr feeder. al· hunting pres>ures while some vcmber 16 in the Arts ~ Ad· i next·door neighbour prob· ~~ though un,til It reaches about 1

pilot whale herds which cs· ministration Builrhn::. ~1dley: ably saved th1 life of a Plans arc 11011

being ill-r-18 em 16 : ln.) 1n- mantle' cape might learn to al'old the; C01mpus. Bell Island woman Man· Pill' ell for tile million dol!ilr .lt~hn I.e\'. 21. nf !'ell)- llar- Lll·. hmrr·rc:·. no other char~e! length in late June lt is pre: inshore area and >o not lend I Among the <li,cu,ions to ! day. Mrs. Clem Ezekiel rcsidcnee am\ dinin~ h~ll for hour. anrl ])add Bal'ln_ ~:J. nf \Je1·e bel' I\ lain. donunanll)' fecd111g on plank to drll'c the squid insho:•r, he he\cl at tht• conferemc will had ju1t risen from a chair I the new L'nin'r>it,,-- TIH'S(' St. .lnlln·s. wl'rr scotclll'l'rl· lo ~\agi.,lrate \lu;:ll 0'\'cill to111c animals. most]): cup· these herds appear to be hr one

011 the Ec•;nomie De· · in her kitchen to answer 1 i builclin~s ll'ill not he buill nine months raeh in :lla~is- tolct t!ir c!cf<'llnanl.' lhal their ~ ,Jrrcil haus_icll. Before t?klnf( ~ 0 ' mainly oecanic in habit and IL'h>pmenl in !he :\!!antic Prol'· knock on~ tloor. There this year hut work will >tart !rate's Court yesterday_ t'ihC lloi nwrr. serious hcc~use

'·tli·e I he ft•edlll~ mostly 011

flsl~,'. squi0, comr \nshorr on\~· because lhc. incrs. which will be discussed was 1 sh sound of a carl I' in InDO. 'l'l\r ;m·llilcl'ls The s<'lttcncc' 11crc ;Ja• .erl it rlid not ii\I'O\Ic 0111 isolatrrl ,.,.,. thi' will not l'OII\C to the Jlg~~r :squid mi~1·ate inshore. ln :\o· 1 nn \\'crlnrsdril' morning. ' rille shot and 1 bullet i ;;rc -Larson and i,ar.,nn. Salem. in 1·on 11cdion 11i!l1 !11c theft tri!IIS;Jr•till!l. lnstr.1r!. hr sairl,

o!fr·. ~~~·rr in 111111 arr thougl\1 to he hlmrll vcmbcr !058. thr ,\. 1'. l'alll-~ · whizzed through the kitch· 1 \.C.. with llnrwr.ort and Gul- llf ciO-'L' to Stl.IHIO from tlu• ··it .seems that this (rnisaj'l·


: ,,_,\ ·' ,:.


!c• I hat lt.l' _llw risllcrmcn. Squid II\ a)', eronrcpor!cc\ scl'el'al 1\unrlrcd 'i'hrcp mrn ll'ill h1· exprrs~in~ , an passing through the ll;Jn of St. .John's as as:·.oci<~te s•_ .John's :llolnr Hr~i>lrati11n · j'lrnpri<~linn l1~rl bern goin; on oln n·,, · ,, "·l;r,.cll nl'l'll'r cnrly enough ln hcgln 1 pilot whales ncar Flemish Cap.· thrll' l'il'WS 1111 thiS ~ub.trcl. ' back of the chair Mrs. . architcl'ts. Dil-i>illll of tile nrp:li'lmcnt fell' oomr timr." ;I !"r l.,,.r llos \reeling on C"aplin Inshore In' Siner thC"sc whales feed nl· '\'hry ~rr !'rofc>Sur ,John Ezekiel had just been \ :\lcai\11\Jilc work I' flln~rr'- of l!igh\I';JY~'- SOlirl tl1r m;,~i<lr;Jic: ''This

\-cwCounrllaiHI. altlwu~h some·· most exclus11

·ely on squi11 Ill is. Graham, nrpartmcnl of Eco· using, Pollee are investi· , 111 g 011 llw ndmlnistratllloll and, s1x other motor rr~i' ' makes the )H'r>enl case a lnt ,., ,,,.,




1 limes too late ~sin 19~8 when appears to he ~nor! cl'lrlrnre nomk~. Dnlhousir University, gating 1 report that 1 boy o\ltcr buildings 011 the linl-: tratlon rmployrcs .wr1-r >us j mr;r~ _'crious .. than It n1i;!ht

!,,, , htTII l:ll IIH' caplin struck l~tshore early· thal squirt were in ronsider- 1 i\clson 0. ~!ann_ El:~eutive.vice· was seen carrying 1 rille I'Crsill' site.:\ Iarar portion o!, penrlrrl from1helr Johs :1! lhC' ap,,cat .to br. _ en,".~~ <'.iseasr anrl die! not remain long. Bul able abundance in lhe 3l'Ca, president, Atlanllc Provinces ln • field near the hom•· the b;·ickwork is takin~ shape' same time as Lc~ anrl Rartrr I The .JIId::e cons:ctererl the :n :2


, ••• Trn o! ~ar. ~~~in ·and oth~r smal~! while fewer pilot whales or l~conomic Council . and Dr. on one building and steel is~ in conncdlon With the m1s-, ,·ou!~t of t11c rlcfendants in dea'h< h-· . ,.


small. fishes such as lantetnfish m~~ 1

. squid were repo1·ted from or Eugene Forsey. lJJrector, ~e· WORK ON BANK still rising sky\\·ards. I appropriation of funds. Sol f'l""'ng >_cntence. __ .. :n<lcr two be taken on the banks and far taken Inshore In N'el\'found· search Department. Canad1an ' Work on a new bank build- ------

started and is to continue ......... •• yr V V V/ i offshore. When In the bays land at that time. Labor Congress, Ottawa. lng for Grand Falls has ~N«$ .A...\1'\/'V' A _A,. ,A. A throughout the winter. Other , C•

tl1t fh:1t m·n hun1t

111 ·11

a lo KD tbruugh the new Post OfClce )le~tertlay were 100,00.1J rhdslm~s Sral Dppeal letters, addresml

I! 1r l'ru 1·1 albrrl .... 1

nr~. It IK signl!il'ant &hat It was In anoth~r Po>t Ofrlce In farawuy Urnm"rk, that 1 postal worker, hy Tube

1 . e dt~a or Christmas Seals, flfly·fll'e years ago. !llnce tl:~n. the Annual Christmas Seal Sale has been ' •ulltr leO th I

or Tuberrtul usls AssadatlonH In every bemCH:rallc country In the worhl, to finance a programme for the prevention and cu asls 1 Ttur~p~ in ·' n the llrteen years that Christmas Seals have been fighting Tuberculosis In Newfoundland, Post


ol th \ Fart of the Pro1•lnce have, by their valuable assi~tance ann co·operatlon, made a vital contribution ,_, tl"el')'

lbe Ieite~' nnual CamJial~n. Photo above shows 1 group of leller·carrlers about to leave the Post Office to start

·-(DiiUf Newa Pholol, •

work Includes warr and sew­erage work, residential con· structlon and the building of a Salvation. Army Citadel. Construction at Gander practically completed. ,1, w I de~:~~•m,~:u1gv:o~:e~t~~ I'> whole year; Short~ges !< QUILTED LINED presently ex,st, 1spec•ally ~ for brlcklavers and plast- , > FOR BOYS' 'N' GIRtS' trers. In addition to many !

men 1r1 •mployed on the · e Grey, Blue, Br'Jwn and Fawn smaller lobs, ovtr 300 . c University development , program, about 250 are ; > Gabordine. working on the Conleder· : allan building and 1 c e Fur·like collar. smaller group o~ th1 har· 1

bclur construction pro· > • gram. Nearly 400 are Zipper and metal clasp clos-worklng on th1 Trans· c • 1~9· Canada Highway. New •

Include 1 $900,000 hospital FIT 2 - 5 work In th'et-plannlng stag• > extension and 1 schoDl .............. ..

building to accommodate ~ 750 students. 1'

Unemployment ! <> Figures >

The following flgures show

lered for employment as of • the J21h of :-;ovember, also c listed Is the numoer for the ~arne period last year. ~ WATER STREET

Males Females 12 :\'ov. JQ59 . 4,247 733 . ~ 5 :-;ov. 1959 . 3.804 672 1 pj

13 Nov. 1958 . 4,970 882 1

FIT 6- 8 ................ ss.95

1 I I

I ,

I 'I


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. 4. .

1"HE DAILY NEWS .1-;l': I

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... • · .

•• !


Newfou"dland's Only Morning Pap9r


Canada ......... ... .. $1:2.00 per annum United Kingdom

and all forei~n countries ... $14.00 per annum Authorized a~ second class mail Post Office Department, Ottawa.

The DAILY NEWS Is a mom.lng paper established in 1894, and pub­lished at the News Building 355·359 Duckworth St"eet, St. John's, New· foundland, by Robinson & Company, · Limited.


The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despatches in this paper credited to it or to the Associated Press or Reuters and also the locaJ news published therein.

·All Press service and feature articles in this paper are copyrighted and their reproduction is prohibited.

Member Audit Bureau

of Circulation.


Extravagance During the past ten years New- The present tight money situ-

foundlanders have been enjoying ation must have been caused by , fairly prosperous living compared bad management. The economist~

to the standards existing a few who set the pattern for the Bank years before World War II. E\·ery- of Canada may or may not be right

. body should be happy about the in their decisions, but they cannot opportunity of enjoying better liv- deny that they are upsetting pro­!ng through instalment buying, but gress at present. They say the set­

.· perhaps many people have over- back and the refusal of banks to stretched their credit. advance money on municipal, gov-

The Bible reminds us of !eat;~ ernmental and other projects at ·,.")•ears and fat years. Sometimes we reasonable rates of interest will be

.forget that in times of plenty there temporary. It is then a "lean" per­is no reason to be frugal. Take iod but a nasty one because of the dinners or banquets at hotels. How manifold implications. much food is left over? Our eves The more we are likely to cogitate are bigger than our capacities ancl on our present way of living the as a result a fair!~· large portion more extravagances \t,."e can find. of steak goes back to the kitchen Perhaps a little more thought as to be given to pigs or the garbag~ to om habits will wake us up to can. The same applies to the final being more realistic. a little more course ... part!~· uneaten portions frugal and some thought for to­of pie, etc. While we ma~· not be morrow. given to orgies equal to the days Our social welfare plans now of ancient Rome, there may be a well entrenched can and have been parallel. The old adage of "waste abused. There seems to be more not want not'' should be exercised. ways of actual theft than taking

The abundance of food spoiled money out of the till. Politicians by over-ordering is not common who made the Unemployment In­to :Newfoundland. Local visitors surance regulations and other 'to other parts of Canada and thE' legislation covering different wei­United States often find the situ- fare benefits will be the last to

· 11tion even worse in those larger tamper with the machinations of . places. The inference, of course. their own handiwork. But even :j.s that we have more than enough they must consider the extravagant ;~~or our needs e\·en to the point of angle sometimes just in case the :throwing good food away while state becomes burdened in debt and :man.\' countless thousands are is unable to meet the increasing • star\'ing in other countries. load on the Treasury.

Diabetes Detection Week :> This is Diabetes Detection Week. ;~ponsored by the CanRdian Diabetic

• '·Association. of which there is a ·~local active branch. The slogan for ·.this year's obsen·ance is "ls there an undisclosed diabetic in your family?" A simple test can be made by any individu'll with the kit whic:h is obtainable free through drugstores. A cou'pon obtained ~t the store will enable' the person in :~question to send for the kit to :toronto and it will be despatched ·.·as soon as possible. . ~· Any person who is a diabetic, or :who is interested in diabetes, may :join the associatid'n by applying :'6ither to the local branch, 26 Mount :Royal Avenue, or to the national office, 96 Bloor Street West, ;;~oronto 5, Ontario. ·•·· More than 200,000 diabetics may be benefited by the Canadian Dia­betic Association. There are at least this many known diabetics ;n Canada, and perhaps another 25,000 will shortly discover that they have diabetes. At present, in Can­ada only a few thousand persons belong to the diabetic association.

Diabetics find they can live nor­mal. happy lives with the disease. Perhaps the most difficult prob­lem they face is that of arranging

, the diet at home. At th~ request of the patient with his doc,tor's con­cent .the national dieting counsel· ling service is made available with­out charge to any member. Food for special diets are sometimes difficult to obtain, and a special food committee of the· Canadian Diabetic Association has been working on the problem of produc­ing and distributing these items.

This week commemorates the discovery of insulin by Drs. Banting and Best November 14, 1921. Since then insulin has played the im­portant role in the. life of diabetics and saved them not only from dis­comfort but ·gave them the relief required.

While the CDA does not make a house-to-house drive for funds, it does get support from members. Anyone interested in diabetes, whether they have the disease or not, can help the great cause with a donation. The Diabetic Associa­tion operates as a voluntary, non­profit organization solely for the advancement of the interests of diabetics. The St. John's and Dis­trict Branch is marking this spec­ial week with various events and has planned various activities for the winter and spring.

Transportation Commission The Royal Commission on Trans­

portation will convene here today to hear a series of briefs from the Pro\·int:ial Government Rnd traCle and other interested gl'oups. The ·high cost of transportati'on sint:e

· Confederation has Rrlded to the higher cost of Ji,•ing in Newfound-

: land compared to other pro\·inces. . It is hoped the com mis;;ion will · be ~hie to see our point of view . which, we know will. be ably pre­sented hv Hon. P. J, Lewis and associates.

We remember the magnificent argument presented by Han. Mr. Lewis and other Newfoundlander~

. pefore the Royal Commission on Coasting Tracie a few years ago. The same applied to our arguments before the McNair Royal Com-

mission on the Terms of Union. The Daily News greets Chairman

of the ~ommission Hon. C. P. McTague and his fellow commis-. sioner~; and hopes their ~lay here will be profitable for them and this province.

Transportation in Canada has become an lncreil.singly important issue. In eastern Canada in partic­ular the freight rRtes' question has always been cause for much con­cern. It i1 hoped tha McTague Commission will be able to .et a pattern for the Ottawa authorities which will provide more equitable distribution of costs and also pre­sent some further points of inter­!St on Newfoundland'~ problems to those not 110 well informed.

The People's Choice By BRUCE BIOSSAT

In the past decade or so, American voters appear to have created for them­selves a fresh dilemma.

They want men in politics who are aeveral cul.!l above the old standard pat­tern. They want them bright and un­tarnished. At the same time they want them tough and practical enough to be able to find their way around in the grubby arena of domestic and world political Intrigue.

The combination of these traits isn't easy to come by. Experience has taught us that some men who appeal because

·they are "above politics," stay so far above it that they limit their usefulness u leaders and legislators.

There is, ultimately, no escap~ from the hard bargaining of politks. He who tries to stand aloof wlll simply discover that someone else moves in to do what he should be doing. And more often than no\, \he results will be less than what the people wished and expected.

This is e.spwa!ly true of the presi­dency, One does not have to be a con· stitutional expert to know that the President of the United Slates does not enjoy legal authority over the Congress. His branch of government and the leg­islative are independent, as is the judi­ciary.

Yet over the years the Ameri~an peo­ple have come to look more and more tq the President for firm leadership, for guidance of a sound legislative program, for a setting of the tone anJ pace of government.

Obviously, ln the absence of any shred of authority over Congress, his only in­fluence !.s political. His office automati­cally pssesses immense political power. Few lawmakers can i(illore it if he casts it into the balance.

A pre.o;ident who wastes this influ­ence, who lets it lie dormant, or turns hi~ back upon it, is diminishing the

weight of his office. He cannot be just a statesman. He must also be a politi· ~an. •

It may seem ironic to demand of a man chosen as "above politics" that he become a politician. But there is no help for it.

. Americans. choosing a president In 1060 will need the very keenest eye to see in those candidates before them the man or men with the remarkable blend of freshness, imagination. and tough­mindedness they want.

They have lost patience ~·ith the old mold, yet find it hnrd to fashion ~ new one to !it the advancing times.

BIGGEST FIX OF ,\L In a new jibe at the United States,

Russia now s<~ys it will .>tage some quiz programs on it.s own, with Americans to be tested on questions about that coun-

. try, and awards to the winners. These quizzes, it declares, will not be fixed.

In the light of our quiz program his­tory. we perhaps have this one coming. We like to say that the Russians prac­tice dishonesty ami immorality with deliherole purpose. But this time, at least. we didn't look like paragons of virtue our.>elves.

Nevertheless, we ou~ht not to let the molter rest with the Russians having the unchallenged advnntnge.

Admittedly we hoe been fixing quiz progroms in this country. But we can fairly point out that in the Soviet Union, the whole radio·TV network ls fixed. Anybody who thinks It isn't should just try to broadcast something the government doesn't want on the air.

In fact, we cnn go a big step farther: Thr:r whole country is fixrd. The Krem­lin may not furnish answers to quiz questions. But it supplies answers to e1·erythin~ else. And lf you want to li1·e in RLlSsia, you'd better feed them h~c' a.< the)" are handed nut.

---- --- -· -------·----- - - -- --------


What Others Are Saying 'CA:\'ADIAS CONn:l'I"T'

Calgary Herald Efforts to scale down the M perc!'!\\.

"Canadian content'' on Canadian tele­vision should be resisted and resisted most strongly at this time. We sa)' this, fully aware that the term "55 percent. Canadian content" is virtually meaning­less to most Canadians except that it sounds rather a lot.

DURABLE AUTHOR London Free Press

Eden Philpotts, English author, mark­ed his 97th birthday by starting work on another book, his 251st. Proof of his long creative life Is that he was writ­Ing nine years before Somerset Maug­ham began, that he wu 21 years of age when Stevenson wrote "Treasure Is· land" and that he wa.~ well established before \\'ells. Galsworthy and Joseph Conrad were known.

'COWS DON'T KSOW' \\'ind~or Star

\\"bile new methods hJ1·e eoserl work for the modern farmer, no machine has been rlcvised to eliminate the early ris­ing which has always characteriwl farm life. The morning and evening "chorrs'' of an older age are simpler now, with much of the labor eliminated· by e!ec· trlcity. But they still demHnd the farm­er'a personal attention. Thi~ is at least partial explauation of the opposition of farm grups tn Da)·ll~ht Saving Time. "The cows don't know about the time ehange," sum& up the attitude.


Britain Is going to reform her gamb­ling laws. She h going to toss overboard punitive laws against various sorts of gambling up the statute books for 400 years. She t.. going to allow new forms of gambling, In doing so. she does not settle the question of whether gar:•bliuR 1~ marHlly right or wrong; ouly the in­dividual conscience can do that. But she faces the facts. And the facts ar~

th~t Britons. from the cottage to the castle, have always gambled, enjoy gam· bUng, and have every intention of con­tinuing to gamble.


When the people of Ontario were "~oW' on the aholit!on of prohibition by Premier Howard Ferguson it was on the promin there would be liquor "con­trol" in lhe province. One or the boards charged with the administration of liq­uor laws in Ontario is known as the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Whether there Is, or ever has been liq­uor "control" ln Ontario, Is a subject tbat Is wide open for discussion. There has been much evidence to &how that liquor law enforcement leave5 much to be det~lred .

CAUGHT IN THE ACT Cape Breton l'nst

The motherly proprirtor of ~ Syrlnry dairy foiled a hnlrlur hy picking up a· meat clea1•er anrl rhasing [!'Oin her shop the young man who told her he had a gun.

Burglars In North Sydney were nab· bed br pollee on the roof Of a storu after an office worker heard noises

·to arouw h.t.a IIUSp!clon and rang up the pollee.

How etten wa have wished tllrlt criminals were caught ln the act, and it happens Just often enough to lighten the hearts of the law-abiding and serve I! warning to thn~e who plan offen­ees agllnst law and order.

PRAISE FOR CATS l'l'terborough Examiner

\\'e hal'e hren a.>kec! to call atten­tion to the fact that the week which has nnw almost sped is Jnternalional c:1t \\'eek. Let us say a few words, lhrrelore, in praise of cats.

First, and best, is that no cat has been implicated in the organization of CW. Cats do not care whether people like them or not, and are ut· ter!y unorganizable.

Second, so far as we know, no cat has been involved In the TV quizz scandal, the Belleville ci\•ic corrup­tion, or the tight money situation. Cats are utterly honest; they just want the best of everything for themselves.

NO TV IN SOUTH AFRICA St. Thomas Times-Journal

It was with some surprise that we learned there is no te!evision In South Africa and there ne\·er will be unless

.. the i:overnment has a change o! mind. According to :\. A. Hertzog, :\finis·

ter of Posts and Telegraphs, South Afrl ra will not hare TV because "of its pas· sible destructive effects on children and the less riel'elopcrt races.''

He comparerl TV with modes aJHI 'airt "ln the cinema parents are able to pick fllm.1 for their children. This is 1mpossible with telel'lslon."

OLDEST PRESIDENT Portland Oregonian

As Prrsirlen! Eisenhower p3~~ed

his 69th hirthda)· on October 14, he nearecl the time at which he will be the nlrlest man ci'Cr to sit in the White Hou,e.

Two other presidents reached A9 during their !ensures. Andrew .Jack· ~on was the oldest in office. His sec­ond term expired only a few days before his 70th 1 birthday. James Buchanan was within a few weeks of that mark when he left the White House. Ike's term will not be com· plelcd until almost three months after his 70th birthday.


Hosplt:il paticut!t are peuplc as well as medic;l[ cases, and they need sym­pathy and understanding as well a! medical care.

Timely comment to this effect was uttered at a recent convention of the Associated Hospitals of Alberta by Dr. W. Dnugla' Piercey of the Canadian Hospital A~~ociation.

There is always the danger In hoB· pitals, especially large ones, that the merlical care, while efficient, may be overly impersonal.

Strength For Today By EARL L. DOUGLASS

RETURSING SOME OF THE HONEY In certain sections of the British Isles,

hPe·kPrprr.< are practically compeller! by cuslom to gil'e a percentage of their hnney ra('h ::car \(} their nei~hbors. The hee.~ get a ron~iderable portion o£ their honey frnm the flower garrlens of these nei~hhnrs, ancl the logic of the situa­tion, therdore, is that the neighbors should have rort of the honey.

In this little 'rction of the world ther·e has grown up \his quaint' recognition of the extent to which others contribute to our happiness and of the responsibil· lty which i5 therefore incumbent upon Ui to share this haplline.ss with our benefactors. Whether we have religion faith or not we should, as a matter of pure fairness, recognize the fact that many of the things we possess and enjoy most in life have come to us through no effort.'i of our own, but because of the

------· ---

'But J Thought You Were a REAL Maai ....

Washington Column D.\:"iGEROl'S ~L\N BIDS FOR Rl'LE OF li'S, CO~I:\IU!'iiST PARTY

By R;\ Y CRO:I!LEY NEA Washington Correspondent

\\"ASH!NGTO:\'-C\'EA) - There's a biller struggle lor control going on in the U.S. Communist party.·

The final round will be fought Dec. 10-to-13 in a X ew York City hotel.

Likely result is new, tougher, more a~gressive leadership under a top·flight organizer, a man able to whip the party into shape. This means more trouble from the Communists in 1960 and 1961.

Probable winner: Gus Hall, real name Arvo Halberg; age 49; height, 5 feet 11 inches; weight, 220 pounds; build. heavy; eyes, blue.gray; hair, hghl brown; com· plexion, fair; race, white; small scar on left thumb; two pockmarks on left cheek; mole on right side of neck.

Graduated from eighth grade at 16. Did odd jobs, then went to Russia. In 1931-33 attended Lenin Institute, a Com· munist training school in ~Ioscow. Re· turned to U.S.

In 19:14, conl'icled in connection with a riot in ~Iinneapolis. Hall testified that "when the time comes" he was will­in~ to take up arlll.l and fight to over· throw lhe government.

On .July 1. 19~7. arre,te~ fnr forging a nominal!ng petition in the 1940 elec· lions. Sentenced to 90 days.

In October. 1951. ch~rg~rl with con­~pirary to advocate the overthrow of the l: .S. government by force and vio­lence. Conyirted. Went underground a;; a fugitive fr0m jaslice. Captured on the ~!exican border. In jail ~ix years.

Fifty.four-year old Dennis, alias Fran· cis. Xavier Waldron, Jr .. alias Paul Eu· gene Walsh, alias "1\!ilton" has been U.S.

nation or the neighborhood in which we l~ve or the household into which we happened to be born. Common decency requires that we gi\'e oack some of life's sw••etness I.<J those round about us because from them consideral.Jie sweetness has come into our lives.

- '-.


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. '


There is belie! \118~ ~ . Canada during lnf\7 ·.<ou:j Canada during 1H67 ~<·n~ic · · !rom all parts or ll:r ',\ n:i1·· cel<-bra\ing our cPIHrnr .. a •

The opportunity nf a fair still exi>ts. hut w1:: prompt action i~ ta.,cn

Red hoss for 13 )~m H1 1 : ·

ciliatnry, a man 11III•q t~ to get agreen:ent.

The party ~as dor:1:·~d ~~

an ad in membl·rshJp unrle~ ~.·. backers say that's becaule leadership, because he'5 a to drift.

Hall, now the party'! , , director, is the curren: car::~!

militant California Co:n · ' been on a series ol JUn!<rH . through the U.S .. bu1:dtr.; ~ political fences.

He's trying to makt certa1~ ~

ority of the approxima:ely Ill women who will dec1rle Ore. who will run the l' S 1_·

for the next two ye'C•

Hall is considcrerl ' .~'":. He has tremendous rl·;' e H'1 He has the ability I' .1 h1p 1 men into a militant !: re 1

no good.

Hall's most prohahlr 11r•· ' I he general secretor.' -hp 1

n[ the top leadPr>hip nf th!

lowed by a rrJi.c~IJn: eli : the 2-1 oc!ri dislril'l' ~~ .rh1cl · munist.s hal'e dil'ided •r.• n

That's in prepara•tor for "comeback" Hall h'~ 1r. "'d

~len who qnnw \.11.< H•'l a bull in a chir.a <hop. direct methods, anrl ur .,,.,,~.,

Hall is hard. tnuch affa·l:' outside, tough as na1l' ::;<Jd! · less •. , strong for ~:,;r.f:r.•

cipline. Yet he ac:' ::te a well met ... a Khru;~,·hel' ·

Hall is a big comr c ,, 1°

ni.s. present gener~~ "t•,re:l.'J U.S. Communist plr'-' !ng to oust.


prelude - · Org: H. March.

to worship-M ra.

of Praise-·"T~~. my SheparJ IS .

Readin~s-Lu w. osm•md;

Mrs. Sidney 2j. 31-'15.

A. B. Le _ "Thy Kin God." loW Hyrr

"A Stewat with the f< taking part

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"Coppcrhelt shown and

The film stri nally interestmg

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: 1rf that ~ world g 1067 wnu:ct b! ~ 1 96j' WOUld b! · of !he wo:·Jd to 11· rrn\enn.al. c~::i:y of 'el'urinl >1'. hut \\'ill p111 ' 1• taken.

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<n willing :o l'nt

•,,, declined 1n r;hip under 1m

'"Is because Dc::Us cause he's a IT.ln

;e party's midwest e current darlirj Jrnla CommunL~:~.

.·1cs of junket! · S. building bis

:o mak~ certain of :rroximatel)· 1~0

'I decide Dec. •he U.S. Communilt

111 o year5.

·•rrelaryship· a "drr.<hip of the r:' 11 ~ gti n~ of [,,m~ts in wh1ch tltt

dl\'ided the t' S.

~reparation for tltl H~li has in mind.

Hd. tough, a!fa~le h as nails instde · ""~ for hair-fine . • he acts like a '

a Khrushchev typl.

Eui!:.l 'H~ contrast to general secreta!')'

"';t partY. the rnan


NEWS. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17 19-t.? 5 ,:t 0~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------~ ., 'I I

in making this dream of a new 1 on Tuesday evenii:!; In th~ Mn. Waterman will have to l Gordon Woodford reuet to: i ,' Library a reality. 'fhe next ! West Church Hall, which wa• rest for a considera!:lc pcrifld. hear she is. at pre,.ent a patient·~ I

ewisporte News speaker was Mr. Dun Eveleigh well attended. The llusiness of l\lr. and Mrs. L. W. Pelley 1 at the West Coast Sanitorium,.:,:


who came from St. .Tohn's for the meeting was to disc!.lss rr.olored to Port Blmdford O!l\ Corner Brook, sttlfPring from ,I

I the occasiory. He too express~d various projects, abo tfl ask Sunday November 1st to visit \ a Spinal condition. It Is hoped :j pleasure at being present, an•l the Nominating Cnmn1ittre to with l\!r. Pelley's mo:her. They . the results of the various Jesll . outlined the advantages given bring in a..slate llf Officers to were accomp!nled by !llr. and \being given will prove fuour- . by a good LibraryL, and ex· be presente~ to the next re- Mrs. Samuel Fud~e, and d~s- nhie, and Mrs. Woodford'(at&lfl ·

1 pressed the hop~ that the gular meetmg Dec. 3rd, A pile the heavy downf211 of I at the Institution will be ·mueh , orn:RISG I $202.00 (includin~ one Hfe ANGLICAN SERVICES I carnations. She was given in people of Lewi,porl• would Baby Band party was also plan- I rain whirh made <hiving ha~- , shorter period than at present J

y~.,sK . . 11

,c; I membership fee of $2~.00l was (SUNDAY 1 marriage by her father. Her l'lsit the Library nnd read th~ ned. and the usual Christmas I arolous. they all enjoyert thP I prerlired. . · : ·I ~E!·l'Xll.I.\R\' \rery gratifring and helped On Sunday lul services wer2 I Matron of honour was ~lnr· boo\:s provide:!. !l,• th"n r.li\ Frir~rlshio part:1• The pa~t '\'isit. returning on ~londay Mr. and Mrs. George Burton; .

\I'.II.S. · conslderabh· to redch the al· held In the Anglican Church garet (Mrs. Clnrne~ Hale) sis., the Ribbon nnd tl,r c;oors wcr·~ .I'P?r has been one of praor~~s. e1·rning. I were In Town r:?Cently to: St. 1' --;:=: 011 Thur~· !ocntion. T.he memhP.rs of the with Rev. A. Fudge presldlns. ter of the Groom. who wore I o~enerl b)' the Lil:<:• inn, ~!r_'. 1 and thP rxemti•IP. Jc,ol( forwar!l '!r. lloil~l~~ Rirkout. Wei \.'nhn's where Mr. Burton ·went.·; ~th Jl\ thr We_~t \\'.M.S. Auxlllar~· wl~h to thank The morning service which was Mauve colored satm with Ruy Downton. and the public 1 ~n a s11ccr3~ful r.•J:nin~ ''"1r. hrc Officer nt w._;·,v·;il!e wa~ fnl' >.!•'lical advice. which: his )

· hr 11 O'!lrn's ~!IS· ~II those who attended and for largely attended e~peclally hy matching accessories. , Her were free lo vir,w the Interior I ~Irs. I rr.row who i~ tr~ l'rco.i- In Tll'.m last week for a day r ·r.a!ly friends will be happy •o ',·I , Hall.\ar~" la·ld their! lhrlr generous nfrcrmg, and rounger members or the Con- F.ridesmald was Mi~~ Row~na of the btli1dine. The 11'\'3ther dent. has the. int~re•t of t1·0 or t\ro. i ::r.0".' w;cs \'Prl' encoura~ing.

. ,\U~ 'or'trr:n~ _;rrl'icc I ]onk forward to a1h1!her even· gregatlon took the form of an Woodford who wore iime green wns cxcelllionally disngre~~bl~. Auxil~ary at h~.1rt. anrl \\'i:h 1 ro:)l;y B~ll who h.odly burnt i 'fl~oy rc':~rnr•l · ast week~:and : .. ·. Than

11. ,denr!cd. , lnl: of fellowship In the nut Installation Service when the satin with matching acces and thlls the ~rowel not so Jar?•! e~penence blended wih kern ·1 1·:< !r~ some wr.,k< a~fl and . !dt via M.V. 1'-:onia for . .-their 1

lar~:h·c ~ri\rr of thr 1

too distant futurP.. following A.Y.P.A. Officers ~orles. Both carrl~d similar as had been ~ntid:nterl. How· intrrrst, success I< n• ;1·•·~,· : ,.,.,, ~onfir.ed to his homr f home at L1<e:e. They spenf·Jast '\ "'"' presicl•r' j LIONS cu:B were Installed by Rev. Mr. bouquets to the BritiP's. Wed 1 ever, mnny stood :n the cold. GfllL Gl!Jm::s Al'XH.T.\RY : u"drr Doctor's raro• is nou winter here, re'.un:.ng home

wh',~oenl \tr~. A. r .. I On Thursday evening last Fudge. ding music was played by Mr~. • and listene'l attcnlil-rly to the The regu!ar ~~·~Iinr. of the i better anrl cnn ~··t out arounr i rnrlv summer. Thclr son Pratt ; : . b~ rrt- lhr Lewisporte Lion~ Club met Chaplain, Mr. Hector Hussey, Otto Stride. lmmeaiolely_ after 1 sp~::!;c;s. :-·ith a fe.eil.ng or 1 Au~iliary of Girl Cuidr~ . As- l ~-·";"· P.Qh,,,. is th~ lill'c sor ! i~ ~n the tcac~i~g st3!f of 1

\urlr _ Orpnist. 1 and or~anlzed a committee for re-elected: President, Mr. Cal· the ceremony the pa:ty mot_or· I prtde 1n t'lts ne•1'. hutldm~. ! sona:1on ~~·as h_cld on Fr:r!c-;·1 or :.r.-. n~rf ~Irs. Garlond B~'l 1 Hi"h School her,?. rr~llorch 1 distribution of a circular tel· vin Coates, re·elec~ed; Vice ed around Town. before ~omg At 6 p.m. !hr l.1hrary Erar1


1 ~st In their r,,,,rle rooM. "·;t·1, ~~r~. E. T'ldeout wrnt to Bot· ~Irs. L. Bat~lone Is, her ~- ·or!hlp-:•lra. A. B .. trr to all householders, sollclty· President, Miss June Dwyer, o the L.Q.A. H;;li where th•: wer~ hos~• to the visitors II~· 1the President, Mrs . .J. T.. Rll'l· wood on ~:tmra,· on ~,:,·ic• , m:,n)' friends will reGret to ,

to 11 , lng contributions of u~ed cloth· elected: Secretary, !\!iS~ Anne wedding supper wa' ,erved tn eluding \lr:;. D. El'l''eighl. the: c1c•n presiding. It is unnrrstood I from her Doctor hc·Jr for fur· hrar not ~o well tl1e;r past few • f Prai,r-- "Tile Kin~


Inc. dl~hcd, pans. or anything Peckford, re-elected, A,stn• .. a number or rel.llives aml ~tayor. th~ c:er~y. ~• a turl~~Y ·the Annu~J mcc!iiH~ and clcc- thcr medical ach·icr St'.' 1\'<'S <1::)·,, an~l is under daily a !ten·': o, Shrpor.l 1;", ~80 usable for a huge jumble sale Sectv., ~fss Judy Russell. friends. Gifts reeeii'Pd wrre dinner at w:,eelcr'<. QJ•~ din· lion nf Officers will lake p!orc o~comnanicn to Botwofltl h1· rl?nce hi' her doctor ' m. . which th~l' hope to ~'lonsor in clecied; Treasurer, ~!Iss Ida numerous and ser\'icrablc. The 11 ncr ~~·a~ V"r1' wrll r•lc'carert. on Drccmher 11th .ot which 'l:ss Erltl' ~lr\lncan and ~!"'· )!r. r.~·-:li•Jnrl :t.:1-clni"h from ,

•· 1 f 1 h t' :'l.l•rcer. re-elected. connie h~\'e now taken nn. and thorou<:nll· en.il;'ld b)· all. :i~1r it i< hopcrt <l lar~c <ltten· Sidnc1· !.~,·lc. ~lr. Hideout ~11'1 c·o~.1 fnt··, L'nl'c was i·., T~•m few 1

· · Rradrn' .• -Lu,;r 1. : !I~ near ~ ure \I' en IP c " .,


0,,,,,nd: ~~~rl; . nrcessar)' arltclc~ hH~ h~E~n ln the afternoon a eilildren'~ I resldP.nce in an Anl. on fiRn?e ! Aftrr the dinne!', an infor- nonce will he prc'>•nt. •. her ~on Bert motot rrl to Bot· ri-<·s a~o acr~~~pariicrl IJ·; his

"'' llr~ ~·rlnc)' Hod· colccted for ~Rme. The rlub srn·lce was held which w~s i Street. Best wishes ~re extend· I mal Soria! hnur wa; rnjm·rd. PJmSO~.'\LS wood on Saturrlay rl'enin~ to f"thcr. ~lr. Solo~10r. r.,·~lr·i~h :. ' .,..,. : ,. "1.4j. ~Irs rcfcrrert to thrir letter the largely attended, and at 7 ll m., ed for their futurr hanninc~s. 1 when ~!r. Simms ;a·•P. 1li0>P Ma~ Hanl'ard. sturlcnl at rclurn wi\h her. .,, ho acc;r!~n··:lJy frll on the

)!allh 1 '~, .J , urcessit)· of " mimmmg ro 1r! Even Song which w1• \nrge!y I HO~IE AND !iCHOOL ; present. on. opportllni'·.- .to a~l< ~.lemorial l'niversi~y _spent thr :.fr. ~roorl1· Ha,··· arrl has wh<rf at hi> hrm! Town ' Slucklc ... ,\ P. l.cgr11 11' for chilrlrrn which ;t Is hoped attended. when Rev. Mr. Fnd~e ASSOCIATI~S .111~s ~.lifflm an)' a•tcsl1~n ~e-; w_rck~nrl homr I'ISJIIIl~ ll'i!h hrrn confined to h11 home {or anrl as a rrsult rcqt<ired

_ r. Thr Kin~dom. by the help of the public to delll'ered a Yery intcrcsling I The regular mr,;t,ng of the !,1hrar.1. procrec:1 t~e. '".~r1c:~l: his paren.ls_ ~!r. and )!rs sewral days, [ol]n'r'n~ a sc· mrrlical altcr.cbnrr. • .• 1 ~ 0 llrmnor)'. hnl'c In the summer of !9Al. 1 sermon. Home ~nd School .\ssoc1~t1on ,mtrr~stmg qu.<lio.:s 11.rP a.,k·l Moody Ha111arrl. roncl sel'erc cold. lfr is unt!or :.Jr. f.. B1•tt from Bo!l'.'ood

. o, G~d ".-\ ~\r,;·Jrclshin! This is a worth whilr projert I O:I'IMISSJOS , ! wa8 held in West. School _on: ed ~y Rei' .. )l.r. '-'~;~row, .the ~Ir. and ~Irs. fred. ~!arli': l!lc clorlor's c.1rr. nnrl is fh1s Core. C.ll. is at rrc:~nt 8 \r. .. . n thr follow·, and rtoubtlrss will meet with It is regretted 111 our las-. ~londav e1·emng. fhts bc1n~, ans11ers 1rr.1 en11~htemn1'! 'arm·ert from Bun)'ans Core nr. 111:11\\' friends will ~r gl"rl lo ~tlr.'t or his daughter. ~!rs. A. Ch!~l · ;~~IIIC' rart. I a reacly resron.le from. th~ news. re. The M!nlsler's meP.l· thr first meeting siuc ~he Fall i Capt. Barfoot ~n do~:1ers also i Saturclay e1·ening, and :~re kno,~·) now improl'in~. It i; n. r.c~rnw nt the U c. ~!?'"C.

r• \ 11 Lr· 1 public whose intert~t In the j ing held here. the name of School re·openiM a fmr num· 1 asked ouest1ons 11h1eh were I ~ursts o~ the ~orl'.'~rrls. ~!r;·. hoped he wl\1 soon t,c as ~ood \l'clcomc to Le1•·isporte Mr. , 1\'o:,,"an. \Irs Fret!. safct)' or the children ha~ al· Rei'. Cecil Hobbs who was ber attended. Mr. D. Quinn' nd.eol.lalely answe~r•l by ~l11s :\!artm IS a ststrr of ~~r~. as new acoin. 11utt. Hope )·our stay in this

.. 1.~~1\'~m~o )Irs.('. J.:wt;ysbcrnof~reRtl 1 ncern.At lnadl'ertently ommitted. Rei'. formrr President. wh? _h~s:~lifflm._thus mnktnJ: lhr.hour .Toseph.Pard)· anrt ~-n Aunt o[ ·~11'.'. Ben. F\urtnn spent Town will he a l'ery happy . 2 ,,. , 11 \!r!. · present there is practically 110 Mr. Hobbs wa1 presnnt for thr been transferred tn Halifax. iS inlerestm~ anrt lnstruct11 e. HI Mrs. Norman For11"rd. cnunlr rl"~·s herr ~~~~ wrrk .. or.r .

. ·. ~:~· wo'~t:~n.· ~,r~. plac~ for ~wlmmir,~. e\rept meeting from BlshDps .Fn1.t~. succeert~d by Mr \\'. C. Won:-: is u~derstood the help of thr ', The many f~irncls of :.rr rnronte {rom Corner P.rnok !fl Rirth'ia~· Gre~tin~s are ex· r itodr<: .~·h 11·nman., \l'oolfre)·'s ponrl. whlch ~llho' Y.P.U. . fre)', who. presided o1·er the, ouh!Jc. to ~el? pr~mote fu_nds: Harry_ Howlett ·11ere pleased to 1 hrr ho.me ;ll Tll'illir~<ltr. ~lr>. trnrled Mr. Gordon Ivany 011 'I · · . ~lh "'"'""" r an<II'Prln~ the purpose does The members of the Y.P.t. meeting wtth R len~thly d1s·, for lht> hu,!clmg "'JI beso!Jctt· se~ h1m lookm~: sn well 1n a I llurlnn s dau~hlrr Dorec~ 1s lhr occasion of his :,;rthdav on '1

-~~~~:n r~~~·~rll' ith \'. 0: 1 not ill all rrach rrnut 1 emenl~ spent,~ ver)' enjo)·able out,tn~ cu~slon re. thr f1•tur~ c:nod ~ N! in _the ne~r. future by the: p\clure In "The Doil)' News" 1 nn the teaching staff at \\'cst\ Thursda)· Nol'. 12th. Hope ·

11,, Gror:r II. i'c';·;·)· , (or snfel)' and ad 24 ,1acy !n on "ednesdR)' tl'enln~. No1. anrl Welfare of the Association. ! L1brar) Bo~rd, \\.heu 1! Is hoped ·on Snturday. 1\!r. I!Gwlett \II_ II I School. . . m<1n_1. more birthdays will I>'!

,·1 ;hn~ (Dr ~1 ,, '!. [l .. ,_. 1t , mimming, and with tms Town 4th., at Henley Hr. where the:1 Don. Quinn As President of i the rcmonse_ Will he 100 per .1 be rcmemhe:ed hy man~ 111 I ~!r. and :'llr~. P_,n~rnt l_er, 1 ,-ours. anrt each one happle!

• u·.ahlr 10 ht• rrr•t•nl··., rr<1rhin~ other slAndardJ of sat around a huge B~nflre and the Association, Mr. Quln_n 'I c~nt. The Library I~ _At your t?ls To~n \\here.~~ so man)' I last week for R~ctdmdalc. !'>$. than --the prel'ious one. Mr. · .,, l'r~ .1. : rniol·mcnt for voun~ a~~ olrl. enjoyed a good 1111g song. having been transfo•r·red In hts, dtsposai for goort readmg_ but limes. l'tslted soi!Citmg orders· whrre they ll'lll ~prr,d the Win· !l'anv who suffered 1 fractnr·

ll r>. 1.. II' 1

this· project or' a d·~r~nt 1nfc After the outing the)' returned caparlt)' as ~!anngr Bank Nova one thmg you can do which for h1s firm whe_n he was a 1 ter months with treir dau~h- cd ~pine some years ago, In i ~wimminf( pool ~houlrl become to the West Church Hall, and scotia to HAlifax, N.S., Mr. will c~st yot~ nothing, that Is Salesman. Best Wishes are ex-


ter. . a motor accident, le:;ving him , 1 ch~r~r to ket·p 1 the interest and partlr!patlon further enjoyed the evening woolfrey gave an outlined of ( l) "hen ~ ou take 8 bo~k tended for many more years Belated B1rthda1' w1shr< ar·~ confined to hts home since, Is

• ~· 11 ,·mnar.•·". 01 rl'er.l'one. drinking lots of chkken sotlp, the various actil'ii1es plann.ed home. p!ea~e take care ~~- tl, of good health. :extended !lliss Dorolh)' Gillin~- an example of fortitude and , · 3 •

10n · _ llr~ .. \. ll. 1 .:\~GLICAS CARD PARTY a~d eating the llOOd Paslry for the coming Fall and Wm· and return_ tl In ~oo~ conrht10n, Rev. A. B. _Ll·Grow. U. C .. hJm on her hirthdaj'. Oct. 3rd. pleasantness, which makes It a ,r

. , The Anglican Club ht·ld 1 ptes. ter. . th~s heipmg some one else


Minister of this Charge went ~orr.1· we are so Ia!~ extendrn~ pleasure 10 visit him, and his . . ,,, rrn· im•lrr< 1 c.,rd party on TliPSt:la\' last SURPRISE PARTY Amongst the discussions', enJO)' the same book, and. as to Laurenceton on Thursday , conEratulatiOns D;;rf)thy, but m:rnv friends wish him the

1 ;/~-~Jo.,r·~ 11 . 'all Tho~ . which was well attendcrl a~d Mrs. Baxter Freake whos; ! were School UnlfPrms and ; '':a.s the. an~_wrr t? ~ queslion , !ast and conducted a sen• ice wish~s are none the less si!1· he~t · in the future. Mr. Ivany .. ~ Slr11H0·'1ip !1r.pr, proceeds were satlsfacturr T!le birthday was on Thuuday :">/OI.I fund ralslng. also a question i g~len b) ~!tss ~r,rnm Rt th,~. m the Church there. The !<lc· I crlr_. . received ~el'eral long distant ,;, 11 rll don~ b~· :hJ;•' 'first prize fnr gentlem~n was Sth., was I!J'eatly surprised and answer period belwee.n. dmner. If. the . L1brary h~sn t! ramen! ~f. !he Lor,J s .Supper, B1rthrln1·. g"rert~ng• orr rx- telrrrhone calls fr0m family :I art. an' ,,.,., I'~ :ei·.·rd. ; won b)' ~Jr. Alfred Waterm:rn, when In the late· ~venin g. a Parents and TeAchPrs. It IS 1 a book y~u _11oultl espeeta!ly , w:1s admuliStrrert. A_ f.air num-. trndrcl ~lis~ A11drel' rarson> ! nnrl frirnds on Thursday. Fer ,!

~ 1mber tna';m~ pari anct prize !or ladir~ h~· Mrs. group of her friends vlsltecl her nnderstoo.d the _rrgu!ar month· llik~ to ha~e. Just osk thr L1h~! her attem!ed. T~e :.11m,ter wn: on her h1rthclay_ !,,,~. 14th:: man)· )·eor·· ~lr. r1·an,· was En· lh!:r miDu; ~if!< ar.•l. l'rril ~Iiller. while the booby home to surprise her. and ex· 1~ me~tmgs wtll take place: ranan. and. after thcpropr.' · accompani~d ~) ~tr;. tr,~ro11. llolh )OUI1~ la<hes 1 !lorotl•. , 2ineer with :he na;lwa,·. nut·· ,1

... b• the >iclr of th~ , went to ~~r~. Jim Bishop ol tend good wlshe~. 'lihe usual ~ame t1me as last ':ear. Thr : rharmrl.~. ha\~ hre~1 comm_um- i :.Irs. Gus \\ ntrrm,m siJpp<·.d Jtlll_ .~ud1:ryl arc ou t:,e staff, in~ which time hr ll'as v~r'" , cr. 1 , 1 ·_~mon~·l lh• ~~r~' ':\ntre Dame junctioh. Refresh- good eats were bron~ht, and first Monday on ea•·n ~!ont_l~., ~at~~ \lith, ~ou wtll get your: last week at her ~<l.1u~htrrs o[ S.~. l·on:.nnl _and Son _ : rourlrnus ann obliging. an:l

, .\ c~n~lc n•prr•<'ni·n~ 1 menta were serl'cd nnd An Pn· gifts also. Mrs .. Frr.akr who and large attendance and m· o l<. , , , I ~orne on Plea~nnt .I. and Ill· . A son 11<1s horn to \lr, , the frirnrts whom he marle ,.~ im of clolh and : jovahle evening spL·nt bv All. wu completely taken by •ttr i terest i~ solicited. \\ -~l.S. -~1 Xll.L\~Y , Jllrert her anklr. ll was no! l larrncr Dw;w a: Botwood: thrn. still rrmomber him \\'ilh ,,

· · P <rntin' thr nrcrt! · · prise sincerely 3pp•~ciate !hi~' MEMORI:\1. !'EIIVICE An l·.x~culti'P mPet,ng or broken but had to he lreatPcl llo,pi\al last ll'erk. 1 -till horn).\ , T!Prnr.lhr 11 ~rld toda)·."! ME~IORI:\L SUND.\Y kind gesture. A \'ery plra;~ant i NOVEMBER 11th. the W.~I.S. Auxiliarr wa~ helrt I by ft Doctor. It Is untler;tootl · Thr m:m1· fri•tln,; of ~Irs 1 (Continued ·1

prnrr. rr•Jrc•entin~ · . On . Sunday mornl.1~ t_he evening ~as spent. The wnlter j On ~unday the morn in~ ser , -~ .. ~~--------~~-----~--.. · _ .. ~·-- -- · -- --~-nf ~u:rl eommunion Canadtan Legion and Lad1es joints wtth her maT.y frle~rh \'ices in all Churcht s werr of

GNr· "A t;; 11!c. God's Au~:iliarr attended o;vinr. S1•r· In wishing Mrs. Fr~ake many 1 Remrmbcrance and on Wed· \l'ord.'. l'icc in the S.A. Citadel M more haon)' birthdays : nesday No1·. lith. the Canartian m Inn nthrr ~iCr~ com· ~lain St. where a very impres- WEDDI~G BI:LLS 'Le~ion. Thr Le~ion Auxiliary lh! gil\~ brought and sire service was held under the ROBERTS · Ll~DREW . : and Air Cadets paraded to the

1 ·n all ,·ncrrily. direction of the Cores Officer, A quiet but prctt~· weddtng United Church cemetery where lh; smic~ closed. a Capt. Barfoot who nlso preach- wu solemnized 011 Thursday a brief serl'ice was held, and

llrip "Coppcrnell Call· ed a very Inspiring sermon. last at the S.A. Ct!adel on wreaths laid on the graves of ns shown ~ 11 rt greatly emphasizing in his remarks Main St. East, when the Carpi the 3 CanAdian Soldiers whn

nr film strip was that true peace can .comA when Olflcer, Capt. BRrfoot unltr.d died In the Explosion here dur· ·. intcmtm~ to the men and women have ppace in In marriage. Audrey. daughter lng World War n. ~nd on the

of thr Au~.!llar~·. wilo their Indll'idual hearts. when of Mr. and Mrs. Chesley l{o. Monument of GeorJ!,e North· for thr sind~· hook thi~ men 8hall hAng the trum~ct In berh, and Simeon, son of Mary colt (Airman) who paid the ''.\frira Di•turhrcl" and the Hall, and atudy war JIG and the late Thomas Ledrew. 8uprcme ~acrifice in 1942. The lh! film stnp nn Aim~ more. when men ~ha!l beRt former!)' or Changr· Isl~~d~. weathPr was very dim;reeable,

1 their swords into plou~h~h~re~ but now emplo)•ed and res;dmg consequently the attenda~cc lh! 1:1~ mip rc!resh· , nnd to prunln~ hu~b their here. The Bride looking \'P.r)' , was ~maller than otherwt~e ~m ~rn etl h" thr I spears. The Band r~ndered attractive wa1 dres~ed i:l a 1 would hn\'r b~rn.

to 1hr wp,r.e~ from ~ Rppropriate muftic and tht se~· floor length dress of traditlo~al NEW MF.~IORJ.I\L REI.JOSAI. pment Th~ 1 \'icr was well attcndPd anden· white nlln lace, and cam.ed j LIBRARY OPENED

:~moumert to io1·ed. · a bouquet of red and wht1• A \'erl' outs!Rn<hog Pl'enl . . ---' ---- ~ · - -·-· took plac'e in th1s Town on

Wedne~day ~!tern,.,~n at 3 o'clock. when a new Re~ional Lihrary "''as ope11cd. Prc~rn! lor the openin~ wer" :Mr. Don Enlri~h. Director of Amai~A· mated Rchools In :>Hid. Mi~s Jmie Mifflin B A., Super· vl~or of Re~ional Libraries in this Province. Before the rib­bon WB8 cut to oper. the Lih· nry, a Service under the S\ipervision of the Canadian Lel!lon wu held when Com· rade George W. Perry addres· ~Pd the crewel ~&the•ed on lh'­Street, to witne~~ .the Unl'ril­lnll of a Phq11P, erectetl to th@ momory of the Boy~ from

To Tell You ....

4Ll AS()IJ1



PHILIPS INDUSTRIES. L TO. Cordially invite you to attend a



at Atlantic Films Studios 22 PrMCOtt S+rwt

. Lewisporte who "A h! the Sup

I, r~me Sacrifice in both Worlcl W~rA. Comrade Geo. W. Perry, representing the Leg;on refer· red to the Sacrifice paid that we rna~ obtain Freedom. and

1 referred to that gn•al States·

I man, Sir Winston Churchill. 1'hr orl~ to J\ewfourtilnnd wa~

'liung, alter which the. b~aJJtl· 1 ful Plaque was nn,·cilecl hl'

Arlit. S. Ford, (and a veteran of World War I. l and Miss Margaret Northcott, daughter of th• late Lewis Northcot, a Veenn of World War I. and ~hter of Airman Geor~e North· colt v;ho paid thr Supreme 1

••~rlflre in Wnrlrl War II. , Immediately After thP unntl· . !nl(, 2 minutes of .~!lence W<l5 · observed, after wh1ch Rev. A , B. Legrow, U .C. Mmillter, of· fered an Appropriate Prayer ' of dedication. This part of the Programme wu dosed with the National Anthem. Mr. Chas. Simms Chairman for the after­noon ·then introduced Mis~ : Jessie Mifflin who addressed 1 the gathering: and In her ad· i

dress atrenert the need of I good reading, Miss Mifflin said Education Is not complete when we finish schr,ol, but is .

I ~ontinuinl( throu~~ the read· . lng of good matenal. :

in y:our family? There may be-now is the time to find out

First of all, what are the chances? For instance, what would ~tatistiCG tell us about diabetes in a small Canadian town of say, 22,500?

Statistically 5peaking, 3 71 of the people in that town would be dia'betic -but 148 of them wouldn't know it! Nine more of them would develop diabeles within a year- 446 within their lifetime.

There are an estimated 100,000 undiagnosed diabetics in Canada right now. •

Thanks to the discovery of insulin by two great Canadian scientists, Dr. Charles H. Best and the late Sir Frederick Banting, diabetes needn't be a disabling condition- if i1 is discovered early. As yet, there's no "cure" for diabetes but it can be safely brought under control. A diabetic can lead a full and happy life and the keys to proper regulation of his health are usually insulin and an adjusted.diet carefully planned by his doctor.

WHAT ARE TH[ HM.PTOM!n Early symptom; are often vagut~. Her~. are the mo;t common:

1. Exce.,sive thir~t 2. Exce>sive urination 3. Hunger 4. Loss of weight 5, Ea1y tiring 6. Slow healing of cuts and bruises 7. Changes in vision 8. Intense itching 9. P:rin in fingers and toes

10. Drowsiness

WHO IS LIKELY TO HAVE IT? r::·:;:'"'~_·.·::.~rr~~?·7.=:;=::;?:~::7::~~;;~:::.::;.~/:FPG~Ytl.T\:J;w;~;z.: :~ I 4

ANYONE, even small children, may become di.1hctic, but here are the people most likely to be aiicctcd:

1. Close relatives of diabctiCll 2. Over-forties 3. Over-Weigh!J


TORONTO 5, ONTARIO ~··.i. Yes, please send me .. . . . ....... free tl!!st strlp/S for dtabete.s..


NAME ..... - ....... - ................. : ........... - ...... -------IPL.[.UI'I I"RINTI

I '•


1 i I

i '

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:Miss Mifflin Raid she wa~ i l'ery happy to be present at the opening of this new Lib· rary, and hoped !he people of this Town would t~ke advan­tage of same by reading the good books available. There Is said Mlu Ml!flin, vanous ktnds of Books, History, Health, r.eography, Fiction, and VRr· lous books of Non Fiction.

ADDRESS ...... --..................... ; ...... _ .. , •• _ .. __ ._ f] -~ II

NOV. 18-211 2.3()-9.30

You can .. DECORATE YOUR HOHE WITH MUSIC" from H~oro/ Arrangtmtnts


$199.50 F11rnHurt, Lamp•


ldr. Slmm• then asked the Mayor, Yr. Harold Starkel to apeak, which he hrlefly did :'o!avor Starke• also e~pres~rd

; ple.asure at being prrsenl fui' this momentous occ~slon ,nd

:~Aid hP. w~~ ilOl~ the Tm"n i Colllltil bad bee11 able l.o be~

Even If you have no reason 11> think that you are diabetic, here's how you may lind outz

Complete lhe coupon at rfihl and mail lt. Tho Canodlan Dia­betic Anoclotlon will send you on easy-to-use test strip, with full lnslructlons. Thll ltNico 11 lree, ol eo~~rso.

-.. -..................... _ ... """"'"-'"""""-'"""""'"'-·-· ~;; > .. ; ,.·~ ·:~-:~.::·~r-.~ .. ·:-~cc" -··o---, . ~":':':"t:Z,'7:SUE'~

DIABETES DElEO! ON WEEK, NOVEMBER 14 • 21 Commemorating the discovery of insulin In 1921 by Banting and lef

A public service message from the MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE CO. prepared in cooperation with the Canadian Diabetic Association


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'ANT ROBBY PEN PALS We rec:elved the followlni tter·· from 1 British Columbian dy the other day: Dear 'Madam,_l have a r• test to make. Since lt ls my >bby 'to have many things to ake and 11ew recipes to try,


Wonder ~,~ ·t.

Wardrobe Wise Man's Route To Flattery Prese~t-For You and

ours. , . The advene out· look clears up to some extent, but a little suspicion may stilt be justified concerning financial r a nsac ti on s .·"Make h~te

............ is a good rule to follow this instan~. Friendships

1 would be 1 pleasure to have ! ,. : pen pal among

1d:he whaomegn.

: · 1 , ·bat way, we cou exc n e J 1. '11' bobbin.

. Th11 Is the bil ytar for per· fume on Chrlatmaa 1hopplnr Usta. That d~~ean't mean tha· other beauty alfta won't rate They alwaya do. But this Is thr year In which great elaulc per fumes have blouomed forth in the apray form at prlee1 for every purse,

under present inll\lcnccs, so avoid any "'ntroversy. Dis­cretion Is lhe key word.


: ' I


i I

I I. I I

i ,' I


J I , I ani Interested In both large :. 1d amall sea shells. I have a

' · 1W from different part• of anada. There Is a foot long

· 7ster shell on the \\'all, and I 1 • ave oil painted a scene of a

.b on the inside. 1 , : , Call you get me in contact ' ' . ; :ith a lady with hobbles, . or ' :

1·i :erhapa crochet bonks, recipes ; ·: 11 .1 irade? Ladles In their fifties : : I 're more apt to be Interested. , • . Sincerely. I 1\mS. MEDA ~IELQUIST.

I '

libon'• Trailer Park, · .. R. No. 1 Nanalmo rltlsh Columbia. How about it. lad:es~ WrltP

> Mrs. Melquist i! ynu want 1 trade hobbies, coast to 'a st.

1NNUAL ~1EETISG The annu~l mert\nC of I

pencer Club will be heln to· lght at 8.15 p.m. In Bishop pencer College,

,NNUAL S,\LE The annual s3le of the Lad·

!S Collc~e Aid Society and ulld will be held Wednesday 1

nd T!iursda1· of this \leek The' l'ent ta~~ ·!llace in the Pitts' 1

~enl'orlal Hall. and will be peried Wednesday at 10.30 m b1· Don Jamieson. ' o'n· 'both dnys, coffee will e sm•ed !rom 10.30 to 12.30 nd ,,[ternoon tea will be erved fro!" 3 p.m. Mix-Maleh wonder• - aU There w1l be the usunl stalls quick-to·cut easiest to aew

I plain and fa~cy 1~ork. pantry j Whip up biouse, jumper, Jacket, o~ds, and no1 Pille.· . ol'eralls in thrifty cottons - gay 1

The ladles ln~·lte yu~ to come. I' solids or bright plaid 'n' plain . nd 'bring a frtend. d u o. To·morrow's pattern:

- ·


:'>lisses. · IIRTHDAY GREF.Tl~GS 1 ·Birthday greetin~s Rre ex· : Prlnte~ Pallern 4924: Chit· , ended to June Wilson, Cook , drcn's Sizes 2, 4, 8, 8 ~ize I : tree!, ann Lorrnlne Nose· i blouse ta.kes ~'' yar~~ 55-inch;

•·orthy. Cabot 5\rcct. who eele· 1 J~eket Po: ol'eralls 1 ,. yards. orate their blrthduys to~av. I Printed directions O:\ each pal·

: 11 lest. wishes !rom Lorraine Hor.


1 tern part Easier, accurate

, ick. Send FIFTY CESTS Cln colnsl

These new 1pray acents com1 In both perfume and cologne The're ln flacons designed fot dressing table• and ln lipstick size containen for the pursr Because 1>[ American genius for design the container• are hand some and e!llcient whatever thl' price tag. Newest of them Is one which

comes with its own refill which ellek In and out In manner of a lipstick ease. The change is made In seconds. The cue it self 11 shimmering mat silvet with 1 alender gold thread de· sign over the surface. lt comes boxed with three click • In refill• in different scents.

The great daulc perfumes h beautiful crystal bottles arr very much with us, of course. Many women are devoted to one clas!e perfume. Their husbands knowing this, alwaya aee to it that 1 bottle of the favorite acent In a beautiful ~!ft box is under the Christmas tree.

Whereyer your bud~et will al· low and the inclinati~n suggests Include matching ousting pow· der, 1oap cologne and bath oil or crystals ln your perfume gift You may not be able to give an entire 1et but at least one matched gift puh an added sparkle Into the whole idea.

Perfume Is the unh·ersal gift, Whether It's a spicy and expensl\·e scent, a perfume mlst,a cologne spray or a great big beautiful bottle ol toilet water, It's the one gilt that every woman welcomes. The \'aria:ions on the erume theme· are so many this year that there's a Christmas scent for Hery woman, every purse, Flower scent (left) In eau de toilette spray mist comes In golo gift setting, Is moderately priced. The pale blue bottle Is an Impressive size. Brand new In time for Christma• giving Is this purse perfume atomizer (upper center) with an assortment of !rag· ranee refills that click In and uut of a case the size of a lipstick. The case comes In gilt box with three refills. Beloved perfume classic (lower center) that's both woody and exotic has been a world fa,·orite since 19H. It's a lasting scent that will stay with the wearer for hours. Jack·ln·the·box gift (right) Is perfume purse dispenser that's actu~lly a one·dram gold·cappcd ~lass vial with court jester top.

It's the Ideal small gilt; contains a well·known scent.

Past, .. , On November 17, Future . • ·Tit ere ~ill 1943, nurse Edith Greenwood,. many beauty routine

Arizona, became the first "Miu Space Age," lor 1 wclma1n to be awarded aaoldier's may be able to chanae the rn~al. It was given to her for of her hair by swallowilga heroism Ia saving lives of pa· or forset her diet by tienl.! in a hospital fire. mo!phe:tc rtducing UPI!Jla,

The Dav Under Your Sign ARIES (Bo111 Morclt 21 to Aptlll9) . LIBRA [Sop!. 23 to Oct ll) l~~:~:u.re ptuocu who tr' to upJd the ap· Set~ tut hidden, (.a.~;tc,n h~ piecart. DGt \hlDr:s )'CUI twn w:Jy. fntior o( fnatratl~ll and ~~~~r:t

( 'I " ""I SCORPIO [Oct. 2l to No. 1 TAURUS ~fJrl 20 t~ ~IY "'"' . 'Rur.ovt )0\J~Ril irc.m l~e ' Be s.tud)' '" your ,,..!,MIIfll{ &n:i adJUit This il the t:n1 '1'1'.1T lo rm .. ycumll 10 tk •t«<• ot ttbm. SAGITTARIUS !Nov. 22 to·" GEMINI !May 21 to J""' 21) . CbcckJ.'".' spendm• od ,, Dtn't bt dheonrutd .:o;rn thouth 118• li'lll· vvid ac.mr b(~-,~.d IOU )uulr c:ilicinc!. ll••• con(ijr.:cel CAPRICORN {Doe. ll to CANCER (Juno 22 to July 211 lo!>llus •••oci>te~ ~ilb I Whu :rt)\1 u 1 "'ill bel under ck:K form•!kJI are fnotcl tcruti:lr, so thl~ btiOie 1pc~f. radl.ltlcua.

AQUARIUS !Jon. 21 lo Ftb.! UO (July 2Z to Au;. 21) ln(f!'.l.llly a"Od tl.:ill' urn ~ i= reed ste::d whtll 1olidtiP1' rec:opiiiOn.

VIRGO (Au9, 22 to Sept, 221 Ju1t btaaM yc-.a dt:e'l frd we.lf, du:rr'• no ruton tu lak, it ~~ Oil ctbrl""' ...

Between Us


An a!lc!mpt to cHr:c ~.~ .ac . Jil~.:allolt may makt Lh:Z:t 1 "ll can:~p)leatcd..

PISCES [Feb. 20 to IAut\ lll lt's net a sip 10f wukrau b Tite and btlp frott~ theu dw

Beauty T II you hal'e lroub!e

hair, massage a war~ed lanolin into the scalp brush hair Let oil minutes ~fore "'"rn~1::.: a lanolin or but not a detergenl a cream rin~e.


1. shampoos, work a .. tonic ointment into lbt Daily, surra~ hair pomade and brll>h 1~

more · t B f · Do you really want to be m.mu es. e ore :ong, m Thl~ year, beauty hnuses have :you most or thr trouble ol 1 ne~d only the audition of your I b~en made easier the

outdone themselves in coming [ Christmas wrapping. Some even 1 own card to be complete. In prettier and everylh:ng up with packag!nl that saves include ~mall gift c"rds. Others I any case, your shopping has sntisfnctury all around.

------------------------------~---------------- friends with your daughter-in-' Will take 0 ? a new ~'« law? If so !1ere are a few tips 1 manageabtlit\ , ,

The Doctor Posing for a Health Picture ~:-c"':~ ~:


Manners Make Friends

that should make It easy: 1 If .0 h . ,. Accept the fact that it is right: .· ~ u a\e an Oc.on;

and natural for vour son's wife 1 tlick to shortenm~. yoJ: to be the most iinportan person' to have a POint o: mler1;:

__ I in his life a:~d graciously take a :1. ly under y.our chm. 1 · · · :back seat , lar, a 'txlll, or ~orne

Al'oid d1stractmg manner1sms i , •• IJike a butlon Your btl:

. ! (stamps cannot be accepted! lor : I ):'11 '' AC . .\T!ON . :this pattern. Please print plain·. THERE'~ NO NEED TO LIVE,

I Co:~h·ol that nail bit in• head 1. Don t look for ~asons to cntt-1 1. h' h d . : · ' n• · • d •ht . 1 , L k, 1:1es are 1g an t.O!f ,scratching, foot jiggling and: ~tze ;.o~:. auo der-mb·f·~.' 00 1 next best are lho'e •~i

I knuckle cracking i or qua Illes an a I ' les you: Add width . . ' .h :.; · ~lr. Frnnk H. StJrlin~. Dis· ly SIZE, NA:'ttE, ADDRE83, IN HELPLESS FEAR OF I rict. ~lnnager e~! K.L .. \1 at Gan· , STYLE NUMBER, CANCER

' IIPr lnternatlonRl h1rnort left ; · I ec~ntly vla Montreal for vaca· 1 Send order to ANNE ADAMS, I Jon,. In P~lma d! :'tlnjom i care of· ST JOHN'S DAILY

· Spain), Atrstrru~m and Lon· i NEWS, Pattern Dept. eo FRONT , ,l.•n.. ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT,


\ ,: . ···' : i

' .

I .·

I , i I I ~ ' l I 1,•\

I >j I ,I\

<I I i 11 :

never again suffer from

leg fatigue!

Supp-hose by KAYSER

tile first

fashion sheer,

all nylon

stocking that

Try this remarkable new support · stocking that's for eve1'U woman on her feet a lot! Sheer 1111 nylon Supp-hose lifts and supports leg muscles, soothes aching, tired legs, yet looks as lovely as any fashion sheer! If you've hoped for gentle relief from painful leg fa,tigue, yet hated the idea of wearing heavy, ordinary support stockings, sheer, sheer Supp-hose are for you I Try them today .. , you'll be delighted! Costs just one-third the price you'd pay for other eupport

supports stockings, outwears ordinary

without nylons by far! $495 rubber! ·"'

lmJ pr. •

' tC.iltdllll Pol1nl No. 870,201

a fashion from Kayser Square ·-.

'Ill Store6.


Wrtttea lor NEA Service Can you do anythlnl about

cancer? I think ·so jl

Here •re 1ome of th~ thinKs y011 can do to prevent or delay 1 cancer arowth and help your I doclor to detect a malignant 1rowth while It'• still possible to cut lt out aurilcally or desroy lt with 10me form o! radiation:

Make aemlannual heall1 visits .. tf'hoto b~ Wondolt MacRa•.JI lo your doctor ao he can look at 11 nqulrn onl' a minute to have a picture taken o! your chest, hut • visible 1rowths on your akin and 1 tbe ~teture mey 111ve mont he or years o! wn:·ry and sur.erlns. Chrlstma• mueoUJ aurfaces, feel organs

1seal funda aupport an educational campaign to teach the Importance o!

like thl breaat or proalate where rtiUl&r X·ray uam!nat!ona. eancer1 often occur and make llldes or meterlal from places l!kl the mouth or the uterua for the pathologist to uamlnt

Stop amoklnl Do:~'t chew tobacco If you must keep your jaw• mov!ne, chew JUm or slip-­pery elm bark

Have your dentist take eare ol any prenure apo!J In your mGUih Don't Itt your lonaue, lips or c:.ieek suller from chronic lrrltatlcm resulting from • bad bite, mlulnJ teeth or lll·f!ttln1 dentu!'ll

If you work with 1 U:\eer· produeln1 1ubstance, follow dl· nctio111 for prevention lasued by Y<JUr eompany or by the Depart­ment of Labor

If you think your work re­quires expoaure to an Industrial C!H'cinogen, check with your local health olfictr or write directly to the state or federal commissioner ol labor

If you work b a hospital or around X-ray equipment, use pro~ctlve devices whenever you are ln the vicinity o !a machine t.~t's In use

If you work or play ln the sun, wear a hat except maybe for 10 minute~ 1 day If you have a

New Decoratio·n Idea

wart or mole on your head. or. Ring those bells!-those happy He~·s what to do: Col'er pap­lace, use e sun·protectlve Ol:tt·\ holiday bells-for fi clever naw er cups with foil, crimping neat­men! while you're exposed decoration idea; s~iny bells made ly arou:td rims. Punch holes

Avoid cosmetics that contain' by covering paper cups with al- through cup bottoms, then thread hormones umlnum !oil-so very attractive 1 ribbon through each hole. Knot It 1

Do not ask your doctor to give and so easy to make. ! on !~side or. cup I? keep in place, j

I you "gland shots" to relleve dis- 1 stimulate your sexual appetite jleavtng a ltltlc nbbon ahol'e t~e comfort! of the menopause or to! Have male habies clrcumsized cups .rOl: !langwg nnd a lilt~. nb. •

I h th .. ab t k ld 1 bo~ mstde. Tie dun store Jtngle 1 1 w, en eyre ou a wee· 0 , i bells to Inside ribbon. Decorate I

S • N Sb • 1.- 11 !1 do you no good but t!lere 51 outside of bells wilh circles cut : Cience ow nnu evidence It may redu?e the c~an- I from colored foil gift wrap. i h•J ltr• h ces that your son Will tater ~:;t ! Hang these sill'ery bells on the :

Cl e5 n ll OUl ca~cer o£ the prostate or his • Christmas tree in a doorwav or • wife cancer of the uterus 1 to be really gay, 0~ a door~:

1 Pain or Discomforr Fmdo Subalonu Thai Rolilf• P-"'

! bd.ltclinf .h It SliMU H-1htiU

i Toi'OQto, Ont. (Speel•ll'-For 1 the fi111t ume ecience has (ouad • I new healing 1ubat.nnce wh.h the 1 ability to allrink hemorrhoids and

to rellevo pain and itching. 'l'housanda have hcen , relieved with this inex~enalve sub~tanc• right Ia the pnvacy o[ their own home without any discomfort or lneonvrnlenel'

In ea!!ll alter eMe, white gently relievinc pain aelual reduction (ahrlnkage) took place.

Moat am~zing of aii-J'e!Ult. were 10 thorouih th~t auffere" made atat.ementa like "Piltt hav1 tensed to be a problem!•

The ll('erclls a. nel'o' healing sub­llllnce {Bi~>oD>·ne)-diKovery of • llmoll5 t~tienttfic institute.

Now I his new healing subs lance Ia oRtred in ouppozil~ru or Ol·~hncnl for.n called PrtpararioR H. Aalc lor It aL all dru1 1\c(tl-:mon•J b&Gk ~\Will tee.

1 lf your mather or maternal. When door is ope:~, bells will aun.ts died of brea~t canc~r, jingle with a merry greeting. 1'

don t nurse your g1rl bnbtes · (R ld W l The evidence of inheritance) eyno s rap · through nursing is slim and con· troverslal but do~'t take a: The avera;;life of a coin / chan~ is about 25 ~·ears, olue mainly

I Wish I could be more en- to living from hand to hand. L1uslastlc about our present ef­forts to prevent, control and de. stroy cancero·.Ls growths But t~ public announcements dur­ing Secretary Dulles' illness, for example, must suggest to the

Agricultural fairs trace back : to Biblical times, when the 1

prophet Ezekial wrole of fairs filled with livestock and metal·

thbktng newspaper reader the wares. . ...... _ .... --width of the gap between hopes ---and actual accomplishments Helps You Overcome

Looking back to the arly days. or my practice, 1 recognize I FALSE TEETH many of the great achievements of surgery and irradiation, Loosenes.s and Worry lAloklng forward to the next de-: No tonger be annoyed or teelltl·at-

d I r t t It" th ea.ae because or loose, wobhl7 flllse Ca es, com or myse f W " e tcoth.I'ASTEETH,nnlmprovedalka-hopt tltat development of a true line (non·acldi powder, aprtnkled on ' cure will make these B"hi'OI'n. your Pinte•l1oldothem nnner&o they I

1. - ... reel more comrortabte. A\'Old em bar- ·

__ ! can Jdmire and praise to your ' . t~ ; O.lr a. ,~ ' h b d d 1 hi' rollmg 1t ha:k f~t:

i Se\'eral bracelets t'lat took son, to vour us an , an to f · . . well together are all right but your friends. ac~d or 51\eepm;; :I

1 wearing more than one ~rna· Don't f~l free to ask your a st e p<.r • • , 1 mental ring 0~ a finger isn't· daughler-:n-law how much she 1 1 good taste pa1d !or a dre~s or for ~er hv-, Some facial r:·ob'e~~

t~g room curiam~. If she wants corrected wilh proce: n

Daily Recipe to tell you what something costs. mctics put on :1 1 a , 1;

she will. If she doesn't want to. 1 looks nJtural. 11 1001 :i1 remember that it really isn't any! set eves, minimiz~ tr.e : of your business :of th~ up~r lin c rec~::

E , 'f d ,1 . 11 . the brow b\' a"pirir.1 SPICED .SQUASH PIE lent you on espwa Yap .. brown shad~w ~cr;,,· ·

\L reci· 11e pla1·11 pastt·y prol'e of all your sons and dau·, f d b1 d' .1 711 nht • f · d d 't 't · · , ace B~ ,en IOc I · '• cup brown sugar, firmly, 0 er 5 nen s, on en lctze, 1·ong the brow <e a : ·

P'c~nd them If thev are old enough to 1 ·bl 1· " . " "" b . d ·h 1 ue or green ~: 1~h.o•o~.· 1 • 1 lt e marne t ey are o d e~ough; 1 ed [ . ,.d ~ sp sa to choose t'leir own companions. 1 ehx rem~ ge 0 1.1" 11 ·,

l lsp ~rated lemon rind Don't res~nt the fact that vour: I e las.1es. fro:n a [>:.

''< tsp ginger I dau~hter-in-law feel." closer' to: ol'er thfe pupil 10 lh!.,. .· \4 tsp mace c• ' ' - : ners 0 vour eve< l::l

\ ', tsp nutmeg her o11n mother than she does to b' 1. • k'lf 11·, b' •• ,; • Th 1 . , 1 1 d, ma 10n s 1 u 1 .ec. .. t.,· .11 , you. a ts on.y na ura an 1 . • . · ,. ~

tsp vam a extr~ct d should be no cause for jealousv., bt nntlg lOUr e;es for.tt 2 cups cooked or can~c 1 · 1 an y

!Qltash I£ you gi1·e your daughter-in- j ------ --

3 eggs law girts for her house, eit!ler: ---~~~~':': n~ cup light cream l~t her select what she wn:tls, or G R I F f I Line a 9 inch pic pan with good: make sure you know exactly;

flaky pastry Keep in refrigera· . 11 hat she wants before you buy · ALL tor unlil [iliing is made. Start 1 11

your Ol'en at 450 F, or hot If your daughter-in-law lives in ' Mix brown sugar, salt, lemon the. ssme town wilh you .. don't:

rind and seasonbgs with squas!l. i make a habtt o£ droppmg m un- J

Beat eg~ yolks slightly and stir: expecte~ly i inlo seasoned squash. Scald or· Don't expect your daughter-in- i I.~·~W.illl heat cream until a film wrink- law to be as expert at house- : les ol'er surface Do not boil. i keeping as you are After 11ll Then stir into filling you've !lad years more '

Pour into n:1haked pastry shell perience l'ery qrdully so rim of pie is lf your so:t is happy with the , not damaged and bake 10 min· 1 girl he married no matter what ' utes. The:1 turn down heat to 350 I her shortcomings are in your : F .• or moderate and cont1nue estimation, be thankful that he: baking 1. hour longer. Tc.st cen-/ married the right girl for him i tcr of. p1e w1th s1iver kntfe and 1 and make sure you aren't t!le : 11:he~ tt comes away clean your I one who ever gives him the Idea I pie ts __ pe~fect. that she !s less than perfect


newest the thin, shapely

darling . unbreakab!R heel

LIFE- TIME STEEL HEELS Now. you can wear the thin heels that are the height of !ashton and never worry about them breaking, You'll find these unbreakable LIFE-TIME HEELS on our flirli151, most flattering pumps. You can choose from BLACK SUEDE,, BLACK PATENT, BLACK CALF and !lO:oiE C_ALF Wlth BABY LOUIS, ILLUSION and SPIKE HEELS· Stzes 4 to 9 (narrow and medium fittings),


ments look as mole hills to a I tu~<ment caused by loooo plate•. Got mou:~tain l"ABTEETH a~ any drug countn. J



the 11th-hour sh hard·pressed to f

gift for I certain "e maY •pend

!;J al between lll!ver

equally ICC~I

with a c m evidence

. In msnY holL> will be 11 piece c

or c ma~ogan

carpathian lew, are pa

in subtle, IShtc>netlwhid! blenc

1 family, it will I as ever to c Dad with • m chair New

joined by other to provide soli·

1 favorite is suc!1 outril

that to be fo "mink" thro·

bound will dom1est11c or impor

satin - cover velvet chaiie I·

Malayan Progress RUSSELL ELM!

LUMPUR lCl flow o[ cars, bu

throughout the niJI!l e

high,.ay capital wit!! Po

than one hour'! this SO-mile

arrived visitor view of the e

being made in tl

a lew years ago the route today

Queen Elizabe side of the bro

Page 7: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of

0 to Mort~ 20) ,f 11'u.knru to •"lr. ... )1ft lhCM dur IO J1l,

!I'Ltld [nt~lfl. t.,,


11·e trouble v.·llb ~e a warmed

Lhe scalp and . Let oil remlJI :ore shampooin' )r soapless letergent r· rinse, once work a minim·~ lent into the lace hair lfiti nd brush lor lefore long, )"Our ):1 ! new s!ltn ,i I)'

• • • ,,·e an oblong fact wrtening your ' point of interest our chin, a srna:J ·, or some :ton Your best high and close are those with in your hairdo

it back from 1·ecping It acrou ·t ·-· . Jcial problems cu II ith propPr P)"P

11 on In a way ~:· n l. If yo11 hm minimize the · ';l':'r lid directly

hy applying a :1ctow across thil hlendin~ It well brow se a I

!"l'~n shadow ~ ~e of th~ lid, s. !rom a poilll pupil to the oul!l'

•·our eyes This ~killully blended.

1r eyes forward

tiFF ,LW

n, ~zy cable -

HEELS e the heliht. of ing You'll fmd ·n our f[irt!est.


__ .- ----

ere Are Christmas Gifts For Your Home ~::~~~:.~o:~~~J . land returned home from 1

Business Witb Chana


~1.' 11a1f WriWJ' rtd from I he 50

llt~d daze:\$ o! !or· :

1 il an unparalleled

dalllin: rhnstml\5 cl hOrne The~ could th~opper unless she re­

a:,. lo kteP a clt-ar tl ~:ciou.• £rip on the

lith-hour shopper t'e f. d hard-pressed to. ~~ a ifl for 1 mtaill rela·

! rnav sp-end time , ,je . l bet~een se1 era pos·

equallY Acceptable, I


1 !amilr. it ~ill be just I . 1, e1rr !o chip m

Dad ll'ith a new and chair ~ell' r~cli·

hlined by oth~r adjust· ' 10 prolide solid com·

pa.~.ptr 1 fa1 orile_ home· 1·1ere is ;11c~ ollln~lll ele· ~ !hat t~ h~ !o11nd i~

"mi~k"' 1hrows ol O!ePiY 00,~d with beige I lomes\ic, or Imported ac· rJjl, satin · corcrerl cus· 11 1e[l·et chaise long11es :

OjiU:tn! no!c is ;ounded, \ muc~ of !he richiy col-I · crr.a!elr fa;hioned im· ,

sware: in :he prer8·~· si~w mrices and new In io,·ei) !able linens, ,

~.r.eslic ar.d imported I rl.!nn!nl ho!iday motifs , l!ld Tammis Keefe o~ 1

lirtn clolhs, napkins, ' w aprons suggest gala


Planter-room divider, at left, Ia a Chriatmu lift for the years, It's fashioned of fine hard woods. Pedestal table of walnut with rosewood top, rlghl1 and tiny, walnut cabinet .make line, unuaual lift.

,. .

raphy ~:1d statlsllc_al facts up-to·; Halifax on November 9, where! By JOHN LeBLANC date Will be cheriShed, partlcu- · he had been employed during , Cannulan Press Stair Writer iarly ln families with school-age the past year. 1 OTTAWA tCPI - Canadian children '

1 l!·<:ders and Investors could prof·

One !landsome new atlas car· Kevin Lundrigan and Thorn· I !taJly l~ok into _prospects of do-l bl as Harnett Lord's Cove ar· 1 mg busmcss With Ghana, says

res a .g, separate map of the ril•ed from' Frobis'Jer Bay' on I an economist just returned from new boundaries of the United ' States in a conl"enient pocket ln· November 9 to vlsit their par· ' a United Nations missio;~ to that side the cover ent.s. ' newly-independent Afri~an coun­

We'll be tem~ted, too, by im· ported food specialties from Hawaii .. a~d their monkeywood serving accessories

Gay and useful accessories will be enjoyed by giver and recipient alike Deep • toned bells and gongs-some are beau­ties in bronze and brass-would be welcome changes from shriU suburban whistles for JUmmo:l· ing in the children; colorful wnstebaskets, hard-to-miss hints to drop pa~r within; jolly SantA pitchers and mugs for milk or c;,ocolatc. Inexpensive and just the ticket for young hDliday merrymakers

Taking 1 leaf from deparl· me~t store books, 1 nice gift can become something extra special with a little packaging

Mr. Frank Hooper, Meadow, returned from Sydney C.B., a few days ago, after a visit to his daughters and son.

try. Phil!p Stuchen, spec~al &dvlser

In the trade department's econ· omics branch, sald several coun­tries-:Jot the least 1 aroup be­hind the Iron Curtain-are show·

Congratulations are extend· log keen Interest in promoting ed to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester 1 trade with Ghana . Fitzpatrick Lord's Cove on Mr. Stuchen spent the last 15 the birth ~f 1 baby boy at month~ as economie adviser to the St. Lawrence Memorial the mblstry of commer~ and [n. 'Hospital on November 3, dustry in Ghana and now is put­

ting the finishing touches on a re­Mr. Jack Haley left for St. 1 P<Jrt to the Ghana government

J-6hn's November 9 on a He said l'lat administration !J busines& trip. He wa's accom· mak_i:~g atrong e!forta to arae panied by Mrs. James Hogan foreign lnvesmen t and l\Irs. Madeline Callendar. STABLE GOVERNME!'\'T

"There is a stable gol'ernment Birthday greetings are ex·

1 a?d ~ fnl'orab,l,e cilmate for aut·

tended to ·homas McCarthy , Side mvestors, Mr Stucben nld who will celebrate his birth·[ in an interview. day on November 19. Tom is _One recent mol'e IIIU lo ltJ'Oo presently teaching at Marys· Vlde,l~come .tu relief ln "pi• town and his mand friends at neer Industries until the h!lu.I

Gifts which make light work of home wish him "many happy investment has been recovered !11 th 11 1 ·d f h k returns.'' full Previously, such relief IP-. e pr_ac ca 51 e o ouse eep- plied only for fiv years mg w11l always ha1·e plenty of , . . e · enthusiastic takers This year Greetings are also extended 1 A pioneer m~ustry is II new 8111 those mig!lt include a new hu: to Gerard Maddigan at the or o:Je nat bemg conducted en ,• midifier which can help counter- I lighthouse who celebrated his scale adequate for th~ eount17 1

act the drving effect of artificial birthday on November 12. needs It can ~e a semce u W'tll h : . . 11.5 a produchon Industry eat on hl'lng room furnish1~gs "Th 1 ··- .o.... ,_ be f h 1 · h.· • The baby son of Mr. and ere s a Wlue area ...,. _.

or o e p In • uoupy c l!d s Mrs. Sylvester Fitzpatrick, velopment in Ghana," Mr. Stu-room h "d " d I uld d · ' Lord'• Cove, was baptized on c en sa1 , an wo • VISI

Sleekly styled by Da1·e Chap- 1 Xovember 8th at Saint Eliz· ~anadian investor~ to look ~11 lt." man, this humidifier in charcoal abeth Church by Rev. Father

brown and beige would blend in Hogan, P.P., and given the Also, he said, thls woulcl Ill ill wit~ furniture name Sylvester. aodparents line with the idea flat "we are

were Gabriel Fitzpatrick and going to hal'e to become invest· It holds Jl~ gallon~ of water 1\lelinda Papail. I ment-minded so far as countries

and is easily filled a:1d cleaned -- are concerned If m are Rolnl to Other ?andsome gifts of equal· Mr. Clement Fitzpatrick and expa:1d as 1 trading 111li011"

ly practical value rang!! from his family, Lord's Cove, re·l ALUMINUM PLANT modern barometer~ and tern· I cently moved to Musgrave, , A recent d.evelopment In~. perature • humidity lnde~es for


::-; 01-a Scotia. We wish them I he said, was the openlnJ el. 1

hom_e use .to a n~w. ex~eptional·l' lots of luck in their new sur· 1 sheet aluminum plant by th1 AI· ly hghtwe1ght, slim · hned c~r- roundings. uminum Company of Canada u pet sweener Shoe shine kit! 11 joint enterprise with the Gha~a with hrackels or arms for hold- Mr. Henry Strickland and government, for the IUpply!J!c e! mg shoes 11.re back family, Point May, have also West African markets

s r Th But there are many other fteldJ Other new de1·elopments b ac· m?\'ed to :-;ova co 13" ~Y he said, an Americll!IJ notably

cessories which will claim a 1, Wll! 10 fu~ure reside at Fair· are looking to Htab!mllnl lltw share of the Christmas stocking ·~· \'lew' ou~lde the city of Hail· proj€cts budget will be battery-powe~d fax_. Their m_any fnends at o~. th• lr.ad• sld•, -·-al --

,,.1 llim !.'nil·• States Oak-and·black vinyl chair !!lVI Morris chair comfort In 1 modern manner, left. ' Pomt ll!ay w1sh them loti of ·• ~ ~ ~ _,..,, ·~ w "' clocks, portable telel'ision sets, • . h'le& have IM!nt full • dresa 11!111· •Mn',, • !I! o! maps and Back Is adlu&table. AI right. sheer elegance to aJve 1 converlel of aynthetlc flben t t bl h luck and happ1ne1s "" , a compac , por a e stereo p ODD· • sions to Ghna In the 1a1t ,..ar

- r_hl_.ch __ b_rin~'--ol_lr~g_eo~g--~------------------ln_r_e_~_ls_t_lc_m __ l_n_k_~~-~~ __ ern __ ._c_oe_r_le_t_ls __ bo_u_n_d_l~n-l_at_ln~,----------------------------~------~g~r~a~ph~s-------------- ~ 10 Miss ~iUJbeth Harnett, They Include the Unlled Klnl·

lf} contained town of 20,000 will:! rows gil"e striking el"idence 'of 11 L • N I l\lr. Winston Locke, ll!ngr.J months, Lord's CO\'e, left for St. dom, Italy, Holland, West Gtr· lf 3 ayan neat ranch-style homes, plate- ~lalaya's position as the world's eWlSporte OteS I Lewisporte Motor~ was in 1 Carl Layte, steward on S.S. John's on Nov. 12• where she many, Israel and- from behind

• g!ass schools and central shop! largest producer of natural rub· I Grand Falls during present T\'Qrthern Ranger ls home al will be employed during the the Iron Curtain- Rus1la, C'liech· ProgreSS pmg centre has blossomed 1~ lll'c, ber. Tin mine&, whose watery {Continued from page ~1 1 week on business !or his firm. present, t'o spend his 14 days coming year. oslovakla, l!:a!t ~rma:~y, P~ years. At night, the well • llt pits scar the beautiful landscape, love and affection. Btst Wishes l\liss Eileen Hnbbs, student here before rejoinin~ his snip, land, Hungary and Yugoslavia

RL'SSELL ED! AS streels are lined with cnrs. ' are Malaya's second major 1 Gordon. Nur;e at the Gen~r;.l Hospital Mrs. Joh, Elliott wa~ in Town Mrs. Mary McGrath and her Canada and the Unted statu LD!Pt:n ICP - A. RUBBER TOP lSDUSTRY source of wealth. 1 :\l:r, Pat Newman was In spent Satunlay home l'isiting on Tuesday !rom Loon "Bay. two children, Thomas end ~al'e not &ent missions, but the

fioiT o! cars, buses and 1 Atop a nearby hill the 14-storey At Klan!(, a~ industrial and Town during the _pc~srnt we~k with her parents, :\lr. and Mrs. ~!r. and "!rs. Arch Lid.~tone Anne, arrh·ed here !rom Cus· US is expected to do 10 ln 1960 1~ tlirougl!oul the day: :\!alay Language Institute houses largely Chinese • settled city of enroute from his home at Jim Hobb3. She rc•.urned to were in Town on Thursdnv 1 lett, P.B., November 7. They

1 ~fr stuchen said there would

!flo the nl~hl along the, trainees being Instructed In !'low: i5,000, the road crosses the Klang Boyd's Cove to Gander, St. John's by Sat11rday even· from Laurence!OI• The m~ 11 ;1 ' will spend the winter months 1 appear to be a field for markets , · . hi~hw;;y linki:'lg 1 to teach the national la~guage.: Rirer over a new double-decked Mr. Len Clarke was l~ Town ing's train. She wns accom- friends of Mrs. Lids!Jnc wiil: with i\}rs. McGrath's mother, I for many kinds of Ca:1adlan con·

cap:tal wil~ Port Swet·; A few yards away are the first, bridge. Upstream Is the federa· durl~g present weP_k m con· pnnied home ~ her brother rcJ!!"et to hear ~he has been i \!rs. \\ m .. i\!cCarthy and brot· sumer end capital 1ood1 Thr i ultra • modern buildings of the 1 lion's newest and largest thermal necllon with P~r._Mn. D~pt. , Michael who is a ~1e1~ard on 1 quite ill with flu. ' her, Leslie Benteau. 11mount of. Canad,a: Ghan bus!

than one hour's tral'el-1 Kula Lumpur campus of the' nower station. w~ich generates C.N.R., Mr. ClarK~ IS well I ~LV. Bonal'ista. ar.d ~~ now I I ness 110111 IS neghg1ble !his 36-mlle road, a· Unil-erslty of Malaya and Sing a. electricity ! or factories and kno\\:n to many !oJl(S ln thP ; spending his allotted 14 days Death rates from tuberculo-

~~~~ 1isi:or gains .•, lore. Bulldozers have stripped I Kuala Lumpur. Near Malaya's Provmce beln_g fm; m•ny ye_ars I home. 1 sis have fallen rapidly In the Pnlerecl nnatorium for treat lit~ o! tne economiC, the Jungle of Its green clothing 1 only Muslim college, a new pal· a trainman With 'Nfld. Rall\\ay.l Mr. John Sharron who wa~ · Big Ben. great bell In the 1 last ten years. Incidence has ment for the first time. There

b!in& made 1n t~ you~g lllo clear the way lor a new resl- 1 ace is under CO:Jstructlon for the velop t!le nearby North Klang 1 home for few days v:sitlng his ! Pa:liamen t building, London,' not kept pace. Last year in I w~re _also 3,640 re admlssion5,

1 . . dence now growl~g up on the I Sultan of Selangor. Straits bto a major port. . i family_ has now returned to ~·e 1 ghs 13'.~ tons and was made I ~anada there were 8,349 p!· bnng1ng the total close ta a ew )ears ago t.rop1cal naked, brown soil. TIN VALUABLE RESOURCE Whil the K 1 L .p t, Nain to spend the winter J In 1858. l!ents with tuberculosis who 112,000.

, Iii route today 1s llke • Light industrial factories, mak·l The road ends at the busy ' e ua a umpur or I Queen Elizabeth Way,· ing producll formerly Imported, docks of Port Swettenham, now ' Sw~ttenham highWIIY ~erves as I t 11Ge o! the broad high· ! from overseas, ribbon the hig!l-1 being developed as the f.edert.· visible proof of \tala~ a s cur~nt I~ II any roRd on the' way as It skirts Petallng Jay a tlon's principal port to supple- posperlty, which gll•es lt . a

to:Ul!l~. II"! new factor·, In the distance Is 1 steel relay men! the free ports of Singapore higher llvln~ stan?nrd than liS ltallon;. planned hous-. tower of the new pan • Malayan and Penang. New berths ar• be- southeast Asian nel?hbors, pohtl· . m~ern unil'erslty' 600 • circuit microwave telerom· lng built to accommodate ocean· cal leaders and buslnessn:en also

lin rru~s and rubber 1 mu~icat!on system II going ships, many of which now express confidence in thm cou~­Hundreds of ac~s of new rub· ha1'e to anchor In midstream. A try's economic future.

Ja)·a, a new, self· her trees planted In geometric i plan has been proposed to de· In t!Ie last few year• many

.&ibe starts here ' "When it'aan Elide you atart" ilnot jurt alloru

-it'• a fact. Experta on electrO chemical reeeareh are bUJy the year round at E:rid1 dilcaYering IIIBYI and mean~ or

1111kin1 th• y,oorfd'a beat automotl~• battery 1ven better! More


than 200 pat.llt. held by the Ezlda Company tall tht Italy of

continuinll battery _!mpronmenta. Improvements that mean filter atart.

In any weather; J!U\c reliability; !on..,. ' Ufe and iesiiii'Vlct requimnentl.



large European-owned companies have established offices in Kuala Lumpur and industrial concer~s are being invited to Invest in building plants In the federation. The government has passed plo. :~eer industry legislallon offering tax concessions, loans and other incentives to attract new l~dus·

· try Anti-dumping laws have been f,flprove d and It Is hoped to set up an bdustrial finance corpora­tion,

High world market prl~s for netural rubber have ensured the 1'

federation of lucratll'e revenues to help pay for Its development program Althoug~ the tin . has suffered more fluctuations, it also remains a valuable source of in-come. CURRENCY STRONG

With one of the strongest cur· rencies In Asia, the federation has no foreign exchange problem. The Malayan dollllr is more than 100-per-cent backed In sterling.

But there are problems on the horizon, which t~e federation can

· only leave u.,attended at the risk of eeonomlc disruption, The POP· ulat!(m ill expanding at the phe· nomenal rate of 3.4 per cent a year, unemployment Is growing, the rost of development projects !~eluding education Is constantly rising, and there always Is a dan· ger of a serious fall ln the rubber price

Consequently Increased atten­tion ill belnJ! devoted to finding the mon,ey to pay for :1atlonal development T o t a! budgetary and capital ·expenditure this year may exceed $350,000,000

Because Malayan credit has been good, It !las been possible to borrow large sums overseas and from oll·rlch Brune!. But govern· ment financial experts aay the country mUBl Increase Ita ordl· nary general revenues to avoid contlnu.!d heavy deficit budget· in g. DIVIDED OPINION

Opinion !J divided es to whethu there should be m~re concentration o~ estab!lsh~nt of seco:~dary, high labor , consump­tion Industries, or going ahead with heavy lndU!try sue;, as a steel mill. So far the 11overnment appears to have adopted the for~r rourse · with additional

emphasls on villale home Indus· tries


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Itt$ Otlt "TOWN & COUNTRY"

WINTI!R TIRES Thl1 wrltte11 Gu-tu ill honest ptoof of dependable "Town &: Country" performance. It promilea to pay tow· ing'charges if your new "Town & Country" tires fail to 1olve your winter traction problems. How can the Firestone de!lera listed below make thia Guarantee? Becauae they hnow from long nperience that "Town & Country" tiru will pull you through the wont that winter can bring! They're smooth lllld 1ilent on dry pavement tool

PirMielltlllftWII l C.llftlry11 tiNI adv­ally pay far the111HinL You're aafer from costly car repairl e&UJed by eol· liBioru on slippery winter streets, and from damage to trBillmiaaion cauaed by.rockin11nd lurching out of deep anow. With aeven tin• to rotate jn. ate.ad of five, your preaenttirea will last far longer.

Right 11ow, y .. r fire•f•11• cf~aler 11 featuring ''Tow11 & Country" tir11 at the l•wtal pricu 111 y•art. S11 hl111 today.


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Page 8: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of

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! _,;. _____ ....;;,. __________ ~ __________ ,, __ _ THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17


'I I, q I ------------~--------~------------------------------- \

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: . Toronto I ~Ut'n~n~~ ~: ,., IM ~r· +1~

TOltOSTO CLO~ISO S'TOCKI Aum•QUI !DI)J 1t; ~~\; 61!i

IJ Tb1 Cnadi&'D Prtu I AubeUe 131)!) 21~ 2 2~1 .a. 1.1 Tona.ID II tork Enhnrf'-~·o,, 11 r\unor ~~0 2i0 · 2in 270 -+ 4

·,_ f!~DIIHoa. Ia tnta uelus m•rktd I. RarJI.r11n :l:la 19 U HI + 1 f-OG d 1a1. 1• - E,odhlclead u-E1• t Banilfltld ~00 I ~ II

1 ;fiPII &w-Es.·wurutl.) j Barna! 4~ 13! 1Jl lll

I, ' :\'rt FlasP )lelala 7000 10\~ 10\-'1 IO~i

llot~ lolu Rlrh La .. Cion CJI'ro' B10k1 llOO 111'1 11\i Jl11 ~IIXES ' ·!lu~ liOO II ·17 17

· 'Abacu lOll 32 ll lt -1 E<l<her 1100 12 7l 72 iltod lJran 1012 10 g 10 Biblo 4000 !'.) I I t Va '.AdVOCIII 1000 190 m 290 S'.crofl 7006 63 i1 n ,,kaitcho 2000 4~ 14 4l Sldcop' 2l:J1l 14 13 13 -1 lllba Expl 7000 711 7 7 Sloe'< IY . 1000 10 lO lO

~11om 6100 Ill, 11<4 U\1- 11' 08°0',1~~en "9"/JJIOO .'i 'I , 9 AU Rox TlO 21 21 21 . -4 . - • ·' " · '4mal Ran ZIJ7 10 1\'11 1!\ia -l\2 · Bralorne ·UO :S73 :S73 S7S -5 ·Am Nopbo Mel !J 6l 12 ' Srn~r:t 1110<1 2 2 2

, :~1\110 Hur 110 lll'o ll'o lPk • ·~! Brun•~1ck 200 :.ll 2.10 2.10 tiS 1 , : •AnJ ROIIJ'II 4)00 24 23 23 +I I Bu!fad 6?l0 101-> I 1 1 .! '·1 i~n>U :lOll II u 11 -~ 1 ull Ank 110 UO m m -1 ·. · ' . ~read "'II 30400 4 3 4 • 'I : un~er 11111 liiOO 7 5'oi 7 t ,J I :l Area. dla T0900 l7 l4 l7 • 2 ~ Cadamot 2l00 12 12 12 .: ': f. C Con 500 222 2.:0 2:0 -l I Camp Chlb ill !.\ll 110 Ill -!

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•oELUXE 4·000- SEOAN $1975

Completely new from grille to exciting gull-finned rear deck, feature for feature the 1960 Hillman demonstrates the superiority of British craftsman· ship. Save in style with Hillman ... low operating cost, up to 35 miles per gallon fuel economy, low initial prices starting at $1795 port of entry. • Increased horsepower, no nt.riflce of economy.

• Improved braking efficiency for greater nfety.

• Wider, deeper wlndahield for better visibility.

• Cultom·crafted interior for &mootber comfort.

For the first time, you are offered a choice of gear shifts ... on the steering column with conventional shift pattern or floor mounted for that true sports car feeL

START IN STYLE behind the wheel of the new 1960 HillmAn MinJ: •.. completely redesigned from new grille, wider v;indshield, to exciting gull-tinned rear deck.

DRIVE IN COMFORT Vfith increased horsepower and improved braking · ••• travels five in elegant ease with lots of iugsage apace in the big, family-aize trunk.


Ca n>p 1\L 2Sl 112\t 121.0 1110 - '·' C4n AllOr!& 17600 10 81> 10 4 2 C Dyno 117l ~ 23 2T +1 C Malorl 2.100 4111; 31 ll -1 C N lr.ca 7000 11'.~ lt ll -1 Cdn NW lll.l 11 lT l7 -l Cdn Thor 2000 J I 5 - \'i CandDrl 4:W U 10~~ 1M>;. Can·Er1o &7730 lJ1 Ul l:ll -1 Can·Met l!lll 24 :u 2'l -1 C·!'olot wll 7900 3 211 3 + 1.0 Captain lOOO 12 I ll +I

,carlboo ~so t3o m 12.1 .lD c ••• ,.. l2.l. Ill II llll llh Cayzor 1100 40 ~ ~ -1 Cent Pat 7140 lll 1\l.l lOl -1 Coni Pore 1700 11 l2 11 Clit1klrk 1000 4 I I Clilltlr 173l ll 37 :!7 -1 Clilb Jae :1.100 !l M l4 Chlb-Kay 3000 l! 15 ll Clilb M 40011 72 T2 71 -1 Chlmo :1200 ~~ 30 lO -l Coch Will llOO !00 2.1l 100 -lD Cody·Rtco 1000 g I I Coin Lako 3000 tm ll\1 lliO Conlaraa 1400 lJ lO lO c Btllekono 5000 7 6\'a Ill - V. C CaUinao lOO 9l'l 90, ll> C Denl!i;DD 89!~ lll'·i 11~1 ll~l- 1v;. c Dtn wll 30~ 12 r.l 5.1 -ll c OtooovorY IC60 liO 110 m -l C Fen 1000 27\1 271'1 271> • II\ Con GUUu lOO II> II. 61.

I, C Halllwtll 12000 61 52 61 -1 Con !lowoy 11000 2110 2.11 2ll -4 C Martus !liN II 5.1 5.1 -1 Con M 8 lll8~ Si9Uo ll\> l&v. - 1o C MOIIIl llr.l 131 Ill ll4 -ll c ~!orr 101 llOO • Iii 2.1 2.1 C Mooher lOO 16 16 1.! +1 Con Ne&UI 13JJ 11\'a 111.1 1110 C· Northld llOO II ll. ll C RoJCOUrl 111100 I 5 I - \\ c Sar.orm 2000 Wa l'-' ll1 -Is Con Sud 1330 45 I! 4l -l ConwHI 110 390 190 190 -lC CO!"~Ill 4111 12 !0 10 -1 coprand 3277 111 ll ll.l -! Coulee. )tOO 33 3! 32 ~ 1 Co•·lcb lOO 110 110 110 -1 CraiJml uoo Ill! 390 1110 Cnstaur 1000 I ~ 0 Crolncr • lOCO T 11t 7 Crowpot lOOOOOGOOOOtll II -1 D'A.rRJon 4~0 l3 :\1'., ll +l De Cour 2000 14 II ll -1 Dctr !loU l200 20 19 ll -1 [lome co ll!'1 18',, Ul4 - '-1 Donolda llOO I"> I 11ia Uu\'an l!OO ll ll 1l E AmPhl l!Ol 7V. T T - V. r.ut Mal llOJ Ill no tlO

I Eut SuU llO 160 Ill Ill Elder 10100 140 ll.! t)n -ll Eldrlch lOO :U 2l 22 -l

I El S I 1000 i 7 7 Eure~& 1000 11 1~ 11 -1 Falcon 2i'2~ 128 t'7-'4 28 ~ 1-f. Farada, 2200 16 16 II -1 F.ara w11 3~00 \L1 1 1:,.S .,.1 F'we•t TUftl 2.100 10 lO 10 Fatima tlOO l1 ll l + Geco Mlnn 4l 117" 17'• ll\1 Gene• 1ooo Ill• 1111 Ill. " 11 Giant VK 7l0 llO .ilO Pl o -10 G\aclrr 1000 4 :z• :!' -1~., GF Vn• (000 27 1l 2.11'1 + 11 Grandroy lOOO l! ll ll + 2 Greyhk llOO 3V. l ,, l,. -J, Gunnar 3UO Ill~• JO .4 U ,, + ~ Gunnor wta 2160 ll7 l!l Ill -tl Gowll\im 2000 m 710 7~-> - 11 !lard Roe~ 1000 lO lO 10 Har·~ln 600 ~11 Pl1 91'1 - 1'1 Ha<lll 600 1& . II II H o1 1,111 111100 lll'l 20'0 :..: -I Head~·ay 1100 !0 lO '" + I Heath !lOO lV. l 1 - V. HoiUnltr !00 llil!• 19 29 - I> Hud SlY Hl ~2 ll'i !IV.- ~' lod LilLI 1000 l\'a 2'> l\'a lnl Moly 4000 II ll . ll tnt Nlekol 1960 U! 114V. ll"'a - 10 lrloh Cop 1200 l!l l7l 171 -ll lr<rn B&f 100 21~ . W Ill

~~occbuo l!OO 139 lll 133 -2





By J. It WllllAMS


'.SC.191T1FIC. A!>PECTs: HE'S I50T Alii AloJ6LE,

HI I AHJ'T 5TICKIN' ,__.., MV Oillo.l CA.JT 10 Flm>

'11--..---:;BIJ OI.JT»l,\T Jf 15.'

A1com ,\lsc09f Anthonlan .\rno Allu ,\uriHlll!l

I Bai\E.'y S A. H:1l-:tr Talr

) Ratcr.nn 1'~~\ricf' Bellet:h,u tllr Chth l'lnn\"\·iltl n:-nl:f' RCJuz;,n r:.l E~ c~~.tumtt C Colllf'rilc C::m<tlark Ca:o.onma carl 1.rr Q Ca•Ji:H C\l"\'~\11'1d neh!nna nom I! F•h F'RkM ro,l\Mit. fuluritY JhiiiRn R'l"'\lil'IE:f"f' Tnt Crram 1.0 Krrr Add t.nrafi~ \frrrlll ~~~~ (lolh "in CorJI \{o.e;ador ~{oniOn." ~ Formaq S Ji'Ck 1, "".; ~i'ntlu:o '\'ormrtal ~-' Rare Orch,..n r~uduh Provo Qur CohaH Our 011 OuP ~mt-ll R~r! Crr!lt Robrrnl St t.a.w R\'r StdcoM !'trep :R. SU\U\'ilin T nin Titi'n l' 0\ 1 c: \'.11lnr Uth \'lr,:"lnill \\'rC'drm \\'Pndr-11

New York !DOO JJI> l311 331'1 - I> lrn:;;;;-.:~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~;,::~~~~~~~~~~~;~J-----J Ell0002l 23 23 J:firco& •n 400<1 to to 1° - " UII·Shaw 2.100 10 1o c

Jollol 1000 ll 2.1 2.l -3 Un Keno WO llO !Ol ~ -10 C ~~;=m~%' ~ Qoo Pow Ia C Hydro Car 300 JlW. ~~· Wa NE~ TORK CUh'ING ~TOCJI8 JooamJlll JOOO 13 13 13 _

1 Un Fort 3300 33 32 ll Cdn Brew 14,L Jl.o)'ll Bank 78\~ C I Powrr 196~ $15\4 1~ lSV, + 1.4 ' B:r !b• A11~latd Prr.c;a

JOWII)' 2189 39 :ta )I Upp Cu 40 110 llO .,., it L Cllrp un. C[ Pow PI' 100 SH 4'!'. ol) + 1 •• I Sn To'!'~ f'totk Esrhii!.JP!Ii n. 11 Kerr Add 2.240 120 19~1 20 t !! \'enluru 89.5 12'3~ :z' 14~:lf. +\t I ~~nf'~·~·er 20\>!1 Shawln 2!\~ c OIJ tlJ 1'2.3\.1 2JL; 2J1:~ + V. C'ld '£s-dlt'ldPDd, n El·tilhl•-Kllem C wll 1!00 10 100 D •• I l'lolam 100 l!7 116 1M -I C lnt Pwr pr ~y, ;!::~, Can PL ~ CrR 1070 24 23\1 2lll -1• ' " l:.worr'oto.) Kirk Mill 1\~ Ja

17 !!1

u ~~\0 _ v. Wallo Am 12.1 700 700 700 + 10 CPR 23\\ C 01 pr 1011 11!> l!1 l~l I Nrt Labrador _., .. 741 .. ,

2 -41 WeedoD. ~00 20 11 11 _ 2 Dcm Far UN !itt~l B\-4 ' C \'lcilerc;: t50 Sl~ l~h 14LAI stork l•lnHI,...Lew Cion Cb're ~

L !)ulault 2.1)0. 71 72 Worntr 1000 1111 ll 11 + " Foundollon i~" Cona Pap 1710 Con l! •nd S l8l Sl9!' 19 19 - V. AC7 Jr,d 2000 49 411!~ 411V, . Lokt Lilli TOOO 7 T ITO -1 1\'lllroy l2l0 129 Ul 12.1 -2 Ford 170 Cono G1a!5 100 !7 'ZI 27 ,. 1/a AIUo Cb 5](10 31 l4l'o )IV. \'a L Oou 1000 11'11'1 2!l WUI101 UlOO ltM lO !O _ " ----- Crwn Zell A 7l0 $19 1!'4 1814 Amnrada GOO 71'> 71

1• 71~ - 'Ia

L sboro Ill IJO Ul t:~o -11 wr Harr 617o 118 126 128 _ 1 New York Dllt sea~ Ill s1m n lz _,. Am can llOOO 40h w.1 4o11 + :-" La LUI JOO 40 400 40 -t ~& \'ale Ltl.d 500 10 19 HI Dome til 6lO 970 ~50 850 -20 Am Cyan 6400 383/t. ~71.4 57~ -1 Aa t.amaq~o :12.1 It~ 1.1 :190 Yk Boar 1300 101 10! lo.'l D Brldlo 4!1() S2l ~ "0'1 - .., Am Mllll 40000 9l"o 18 81\0 -2111

• 1700 3Y1 3 3 \' BG I"~ M ll u • .. D Cor~et !.25 Sl7 17 l; Am Smell 5100 so~ ~" ~ ... ~ L"inu • l -II oun1 ·~ •• ~ ~ li~W YORK CLOSING STOCIIS D Fndry 17s 5," •• , 9 _ ., •m S" 7'~ !l't ll !.1 - "'· I LL Lac 400 Ill 1!2 II \'uxono lOO 4 4 4 1 s th St I ll M ~ ~ • ~ n w ~ I Londo 10~ 3Z 27 30

1 :.

13 Zenmae tliOO H S4 24 - Be wer. onb· W !2111 D GlJu .pr 230 114 14 14 + v, 1 Am 'l'el 17100 77~4 76'4 76'-1 - ~

Lor&do trtJ 6900 ~ Ill'"- "-1"- ~ l Zulapa ~00 16 1& or& arnH 4J% NY Cent 27~ I D Storu i'5 S52\-1 !2~1 ,s~u, + ;.;. Am Tob 1.((1() 104 lOJVJ 101~-i + J,l, m V'l"1i '1'1 lr'"'l - c b ll + ;\I c and 0 e9 Radio Corp ~~ ' D Tar f4S 116 16 Hi I c\na('OI'\dl llC(lO 151~- 6l1'4 63 + v. Lo\.1\lct lSi)() lJ 121~ 13 1"1 B tf ! ~"5 Cons Edi.JOn ~~ Std ou NJ ·4e\l, n Tar pi' '200 116.\\ 18~ 18~ 'Armco 511 1700 70~- 69\6 159~.f. -1'·~ I Lyndhlt . 9~ g1~ _ t.\ 1.1 ° u 500 3 S ' l7! -I! I F.l Auto Ei 4911'~ Vtd Alrcrart J8. o Text Hn SID''• 10,, 101, _ ". ' Arm··!" ct. 1000 44r• 4~\4. 44 1

4. + 1 • Lunx :WOO tt1 '~ 'Pend On 500 1H 245, 245 Grn El ll'' v d' , ~ ,.. """ ' ' ~~ 190 290 m v .. t. I rc ., .ana lUlU 2:.-•. nu ont 100 S1r:o' "·''• ,_,,, .. " Babcock 1700 34~ :n:~. 13' -1 . Mal.:lt.lll ....... + \'- uuoOIJ <.:an 7000 EO 71 751 +4 rooc~,·ear ~~~·' U! I - ~ 1' r HGOO 7 5l~ 7 .. OilS l · 4 ntl nu· •• I Fit.m , .. , ~0 S;!1~ 21.., :2.l~ .• - If.! Bait Ohio U700 .w~, ]A ]Ill~ - • 4

Moe 11 lO !OJ 103 103 G ' Gl Nor Ry 4l"• Foun~atton 861 Sll'o ll'h II'>- y, 1\olh Slotl :16~00 Wo l1 l1 -l'o · MacLtod .:00 2!0 218 279 +l AAcl~! a, 1200 l7 17 17 lpt T T '1 , l'ra..,rr 112~ S27~~ 'l7 2:7 P.Oelnt 1\r 9ROO 1~'~ J;>i. :\l~- ,~ :l!ad.en :-'- 10'." I"" 101>. " I'J ~ox 14~ 2!1() 140 2.10 -II ; Ktnnteo•t Ill t F C "' !3'' M + '• Mllntt ~ ')';I l"o;r• ll'l .,. 1 Am Lr-due ;aroo tf)l'i 10 Hl I • r rt• pr r.n !-'20 .510 .5ln Rordr:'i o 1roo [)U·-~ "J . Malartic: UOO U'l vn • Anehcr 1000 11 1J 1:1 · Fr~11 A 7:J..'l 515'.1. IS:'.I. l~~~ Ron: War 23:10 4JS.,. 431.\ 41~ -


Manult tJ 1000 ! ~ ,; ,.., Anmrra noo g~ ~ 9' +s :· Mutual Funds I r.aunti'u 100 SJ~,_.. :\7':• li,, l'udn !\Hi 5oon 'lPI H H -, Marlin )0 :\t h :\ -\ I Ratt !!ii\ 4~ 120 7~0 71n -111 Gl'll ~ rr 11l11 S~j~'J ~~.~ 1 -!1 ~:1- P.ml ~!\1111 1\600 ':!,~ .. 2~'·1 24'4-


~!al·brun '\N'I \:\ l3 L !,· 1, ,

1 Rall ~ !3.\rr 22., 119·1• \~J' HP, 1 (;f'n n.n.11m 1M H2 11 -t:l - •""J Rllro;:h" llWI :~~sf. 32'i. l~," -·


Jl!2' P.lln " • -- I' 'flYTI_:~t Yt!I"O!C (il., .11\1Pf ~.\ $lj Ji J'j C'Alllmri 4M 2J'.'l ~_,., 1.11·4- I

~~1\nrl~T· ~'," ~:\, ~ 1.~ _,· : ~:~;~ ,,: ~~ I~ ~~ ' I "~ TR'E CA!<I'ADIAN PRt:~ I Unll flr!'l 22n .$~11 IIi p; ('~n nry lr!IO lfl \~P~ ln Mc~~l\r 100'1, ' Ji A _W'I .. : Allll \rv.'l :'1 ~ l- - 1 1 All! 4•k 'Unm11 011 A 2'-\ 1\l~t. 1,_,1 11'- -- 114 ('rR Rf,n(l ~~"' 'zt,, ~P• -' MrWat ~(:(fl 17 11 I'T ,;"") Calaltl 4.M0 &S 48 4J1 ... 1 'J. All Cdn Ctl:m 7 4~ .111r11 Hnm• Otl R ?.:11 5\1 111,• 10'1- a. (' 1 u .r I .\o(Yl ~fl'J. ~·.:& tn-lt. -- '· Mfl'll~"~r ~ 1J 13 1l Cah·er1 l:OO 45 61' 4.' - -"11 C~n Ttt.. ~ 1'}1 A~· H SmJih l~~ ~~I'lL'& Vi'·• 41l1, 1- t.4. C';drr Tr•c tnl~ ~tl-i ,, :u'l - 1' ~hrr1U UV'I 113 111 111 -4 C 011 lAI VII] UO lH! 11 -! .-m~"riCIIIn Orto~ i.U J:n1)H ~mith rr ~ ·~ l,;; .l.A .;. •11 r~l~l'll!.'" i:ll'll _,,_, :~1• 113'~ ~ ~-Meta t'rlft ':~~ ll-IJ I .~ -" C (')II L .,1', 110 J4 l1 14 +l Bll!a":Jhrll" 'l'i.~~ .,.~I Hud E-1.\' ~ '~''-4 .'-2 .... l c·n,.., nt~t" lV>t'l ~'9. ~~;.;t"J '-ll' .. ": Mirtm llYI !2 \1 ,.,~ T C'&l FA 41Sf1 SZt'l~ 10 %'1'-t (a!'I.Uunrt \!15.11 .)'7,5£ r' lmr ~!ln.~ 2\ ~~ ,., ~4 r:t1r ... •l~r T1 1:!1"(11'1 11.:'\l~ .,,,~ ~~ -- I I

Mlilt'ltl!. 130l'l 103 te' -:- CS 0\1 ..t, 2M M 80 M ·~ Cnrrnr.lllh• lnreatou ! !4 9 ~ 1 Jn\·~t!l A. 12~ )...,~ S-UJ ot., J.. 14. Cili,.~ !li,... 7'21Yl 47" ... H o\7 --1 Mi!l Cnrp 1110 51~\\ 1.1~ .. \31\ '":' IL\ CS l'..,lf 1%tl 31~ ~1~ ll! DMn Zqultr lnv 14 71) t3 00: lmr Otl ~~IJ '-1~ 3''' .Ha'l -1 r:l,.\'11• Ll~ ~M ~7'4 ~~ l8'i ..


Mi,.oro 10illl 1.11 lO 2! •' C Cllltlft %311 11ll IM to -1 Foo~ Colloe!Jf l.l7 ~.~l I lmr Toh ~n ll2 1.2 1l <'II' """ '1 11 .. 41'o- '· Moneta 2MO n H o:~~ -. CdJt Ot\' 1.50 3"1'5 1M 31!!1 --6 Tint 0U ,.1'}1 4.31) Inr1 ,\r:c~r :z~~ S37" ,17~,. li\• -+ 41 Cl"'~l ~~lv 2:'!M 1~1..; I~ 151

9- _., M~ Wr111it ~ !l I 5\ & -+

5l c Ex Gu WO 1u lN 210 _ 3 Groupr.d l'!'l.t':~l ].79 C.U lnlnd C pr 12S $21'11' :1t.i, 2g.- \-\ r~~·p:~ OIVI ~g•, -'11" ~,, +

1 ~ lu

u 45 """' U 62 - C H!rh cr 1373 41'1 ~ 40 .,_, GrO"tJp Sr-l !.00 .5.,! Jet ~jt"k!l ~30 $95 94~ 99~- 41 CCI:".IIlll'l'"r 16/il) :191.1, 28..,..., '!91' .. ~.

~~n>~,n cr ts 17 IIIli IW. +" C Hual<y 2:1n ISl 1M !~3 -ll Groupe~ In como A""11m !.4l !.91 !nt Ulll !lO SJlll 3l',~ l~\'1 - % coni C•n 74M 4l"i 44'> 4l'.;, "' '' Nat ~I 2.1 I 8 I -It C Buoky wU 400 !10 100 soo -!.l GrllW!h 011 aod Gu I 11(1 7,14 lotprov L 7ll Sl7 l7 .17 Con Oil lSO<l lOla 48 lO + l\', Neal011 t! S &!'. t'7" .. 1 Cdn WO 1315 129 l2i 1!9 •l lnvutora Gr=th P'Und 5 00 &.4! Iroq Gl r <l 11411 II"> 14'-' Crano Co 3100 63 62 52~ - '-Nn Ll'e 6 1 1.5 ...- Cent Dtl 2378 UO 125 !2! _, lnv~•torc:. Mclual 10.98 ll.~ Jama\t:a. pr M UOJ 103 lDl Crown Zflll 1000 ~ 54 :54 - l'z N"" Deihl 1~ li li li Cborler ou 1000 m 115 !I! Keyotono ll.Jl IUO La batt Ul S2.lV. 25\la ~!V. - \4 cunl,o Wr 11100 3l 19~1 lil"' -2' • N Dick•• 2 :13 221 22! c Dnloa 1000 21 21 1.1 -s Levtnu !'Wid 1.~ 7.20 Low!• Bros z>l SlOV. 1011 ltM !Jfo<!n 11(100 u 411\4 46\'i -lli N Goi\'UI 11 7 7 Tl ~ c Mlc Mac 3112 HO 2.16 ll! -'l Matoal Aceumu1ollnl l'll•d 7.24 7.91 MaemUI B :!.ll $37~ .I7U, 37'4 + '!\ mot !.tial 300 31\~ 11\'a JW. .;, v, S Burl l! 1 1 Con Puk 155& 4;, 4Y.t ~ _;.;. Mutual lntcme Fol'l.d 4.01 5.37 ~h!J!.Ftr 11)29(1 112 11!1 11!1 Dom• "'00 !Pi. 1~ 19•~ .:. t(, Now Ju•• !!00001 M Mt• M+ c Wut p 1000 ll.l m 3M + 10 North Amtr Fund Ill Con R!l t.ll Ma,r.F !V.pr 15 $ION 104V. IW> -"' DOUR Ill ll()l\ IDI/a 31'> :13!0 -l'• N Koloro SlO(I 10\\ 10 " cr .. wU 11 4to0 :129 n2 111 -ll Raltiuon U! '9! Mitch !lob A 1W Sl2V. 12\> 12!'1 -%!> Dow Ch!m 3!0: "" ?'J'\ 9'!10 -11~ Nowlun4 111011 11 18 U - " Domo Polo 800 170 rro 170 -l Rolen! Fund H! l.% Mitch Rob B 4l0 ~ ~ & Dll Pont Hffl Z57'' !l!l> 2!3 -4\i N Mn 2100 11 15 Ja - I'J uuvn snl ~ 5 f _ " Sova ud t•v11t . 1.11 !.10 ~!ol!on A 311 f'lt\ 23'-' 2l-'i ~ V. l':lll Kod MOO 119'' 9!'i 0!1~ - '' N M)·lama 11300 Ill 112 113 -1 Dyum!e 1300 130 1ll 1!7 -3 5upm11td Amtr !'u•d U~ T.O! MnJ•on B lU Jl.l\'J 23'> l.l\'1 + W Eolon Mil 1000 J!U, :17

1 6 Jl!1

'1 _,,

NoW ROilfll 3000 !V. ! I -1 E.ulwd A 100 1aa !.10 IM Snporv!,ed Exec IIi !'l.rrT Mol.oon pr 17.1 $39<> :19\'a 39", - ~I El Aoln L 100 m> 49'> 49\'a -1>

Ntekol MS »" IS !'T 17 -3 Farlo 4!.l .17! JTl 37l -211 Suporvlltd Exoe l& 11'1.35 Mil Loco . IM Stili lBV. tm !1:1 Pu NCl 13900 19 2Sitl 11'> - >; Nlc~ Rim 1100 30 lO 10 ~ Gr Plolna 1100 112" 11~ 1111. _\II SSupon·l.lod P:xoc lT 1.21 Morran 200 SJ2 :u J2 -1 FirotOftl 3000 !37\IJ 11111 lllV. _.

000 140 111 1M -1 H 1 1 5ap!M.'istd Exec: 58 1.!3 S.SO Morgan pr 110 $91 11 91 Fnrd U~ 76._. 7! 75L.IJ - ,. ~~~~linJ iooo ! 5 . I -l ag:: g:l ~ ID~is S~l m. l~~ = ~ Sonorv!Jtd GL"0"1h Fund 1.70 1.72 ~at Dr111 LIO $ll\O llV. ll'-' Frueh Tra llOOO 28\1 2714 17V.-"' Notllldl 702 tt7" W,i 41" + " Jump Pnd 1600 11 11 11 -1 Suprrvllo~ Income Fund 3.1!9 Ul Norooda 270 $1611 46\lo 46'~ Gon Dyn 9100 4l•i 444. 14 .. NoriOI~ 2000 l ! .~ H B QU 0 a42 tt2\4i 12\t 12V. _ \1, x-TV Eltc!n>nlc ll.lO 16.51 NS L\ihl 12.1 Stm 13\4 13'< Gen Elec i900 lll'i 51 8214 Norlarlll! ~00 21 Jl 0: +I Martsold lOCI g 1 1 Tlmtd lnvuimonl l'llnd l.lO l.94 NS Lllhl rt !0249 30 29 :!JJ +1 Gon Foods liOO !Ol tom J011oi ~ II Nomlllal lllO SU lfO Ul Lando ~12 :12.1 22! l2l Uoltod Aocumulativt 11.31 15.M Ogilvie 2.l H1 47 47 Gon MUll 1400 llV. lt'lo llllo - "' NOI'lliS 1%00 IS 13 13

1 +loL ~- '1\11 11 11 00111 "11.1 n z-U.I, ltlnda. Ont 51.,1 17l S>O'i %~1 10'1 Gen Mot moo :.W. lO !0\o-


Non•·no 110M 10 I + n N Cent 21100 2.1 ll 2l _ It ' au '"' JOO Sl!V. lll> Ill> - "' Gm Tiro ~9200 115 &0"' n'o +4\• N Gall 1111 n n u s o.vt.. 1000 u 17 JT Toronto .,e "'"' 3!1() llllv. 28v. 281'1 + v. (:u~d•n too ~• m1 11., + '': N Col<btrm WI I \I Ill Ill -:!'

1 Ml~con llOO 10 48 45 onmana lO Jlll\1 :10..., lOll GOO<lrirh 1200 18'i 1!7\'.o em - "> 1

N aoldcrl 1!10 :12 :.2 :12 Medol 1710 107 100 100 -1 owell R 100 Still IB'i lilt c;oodyear liOO m•• m•< 13111 -I'• : II !lank 4700 1116 100 100 -5 MaJirana 11011 1... 31'. 3\i MOlT AC'ITVE 'I:OBOSTO ·~! OWP1' Corp 130 ll4\'.o ~4 54 -... Gr Pallo aaoo 211 m 111• - II I Northap Hll tT U ~~ -l Norlhul HI!. H 10 1010 117 'Ill• Conadlan Pro,o rtm !rOll 1!1() 42.l 415 42.l Grand liD !100 31" 31 31 - lo ' NOI'In A wU Oli! 10 !10 w NCO ,.r 120 t2!" :IS" :ZSV. -114 - loin Blrb Lo• CIHI ?1<'11 rico Br 490 541:> 43" 4Jio> - , Gt A P 6900 111o llli lilt - '< ~ North c.. llOO !II 111 1

11: +1" Pae Pill 13~ Sll~ ll ll _ 1,1 INDUS'I'BIALD ._,. _ •• rov Tr&na 7.!0 Still !no 14!1 Gr Nor llf !900 47'' 44'< 4llo -l'o

Norvatto 1!00 U 1~,. ••• _1,. Permo pr 1100 Ill 75 10 +1 BA 011 llllZ7 . $321> m•, •• ,. ,., Q Nat Gao 120 $l5V. 15\'.o ll\'1 Gull Oil l500 IM\\ I~<.!Ol.,. -31<

Qbu\a 411011 I on """ "' Petrol :1100 107 1\l.l 107 t2 Trana MID 4lll Sll'o1 II II Que ow 3lO $36 Ill :16 t 14 l!om.tk 2000 41.,. 41'>< 4HI + 11 O'SrlOll 1000 .7 ~11 ~ -l PhlntPI 2.12.1 71 71 71 + 1 ~Uo·F 367l $121'1 l!!t ll~ lltllmanc lOO SIS l6 l6 -1 Rud BaY lOO li! II \'a 5411 - V. , Oka llaN 1400 11 U

12 _

1 lac• 10800 70 a 70 tJ Alumlnl 3141 J191'a 1m\ 21 -1% Roo AV C lOll 17 6~ !It- \4 lnl suo Mck 3900 4lfT tom 401 + i

O'!AI'l' ~00 13 P011~er ut10 17 IT !T Imp OU n lOll Sl! 15 15 -IY• Rot AV C pr 2!1 184 M !4 +4 lnt Harv 1800 ~ - 4B'!t-""" Optmllkl 2910 Lll .JCI 600

17 -T Pralrto I II DOll~! 2.15 2!15 +1 OILS Royal Ba•k 14l $78" 771'. 78V. +1" lnt Nidc 3100. 1001'• 99 119 -l ,

orcban :11000 U 17 T Pro\'o Gao 5411 Ul 240 210 -l Ll Ptlo 17500 19 1! 1M - " Reilmans A 102 Sill> ll'_. ll!l. lnt Pap l100 l:H ll1 1~ - 'Ia , Oflll&dl 1000 1 I" •L Ran1tr 100 14t 1411 14t +I Placo I BOO 70 13 70 t! StL Cfm A 100 Ill 14 ' 14 lnt Ttl ~900 U\1 4111'1 ll -l'o ' Ool ko 2.100 t8 fl\0 1i\IJ - "" Royallto llO 600 m 600 +1 Mid Coa P500 30 41 41 StL Co111 6!l ll!ll. lsllo lG!i Johns ~a• lOOO l0\1 49\1• 4!111 - I> Pa.:.oll 3000 ~l dO 31 ++~ Royalih pr 110 $17~4 t7"o 11o;, Nonh Cal Jml 1l 10 lOll Salad·S r'll Sll 11 ll KmnecoL llOO 13'1 91 ll'l -1'• Pamour lllO tl 61 II I'J Sapphirt lOO 7l 73 73 <I We,tbaml T900 61 12 13 -2 Sha.,in 23'27 m•k 28'1 21!\'o +V. K"'g' 900 II'> li!O 11"1 Parbre 20150 2 1 2 - Sarcet 202! 130 Ul Ul -£ ~!NEB Sl'lawla 4 pr 720 Sll l8 l8 Krothler 100 18 11 18 - \oi Pardll 12200 11 11 .~~ -+; Stcur Fret 600 410 ~ .0!1 -ll


R ol [.akt 121!00 2H'I 20l,.l 1l -1 S\rard lnc: 200 S7 7 Lotw's lne 3700 ll~ Sl"\ 13 PltO 2191 3\!! !00 - Soutn u !!iOOO 11 17" 1'1¥11- ,~ Lorado 10~900 J2 27 JO +S Southam r.l.5 rn Marth'\ Co 000 4i~· ~~ 4.5~- ""I ayma

11t uoo '22 2l 2:2 Spooner ~ 12t,;, 12 u - 1h A. U eadl.a 70900 !1 !5' n + 2 Sld Sir su 1447 SIR~ MP"rrk. oon 7tit~ 751.; 761,4 - \-~

Purltal 3\00 1~ 2~ 2! :i!f, Stan'>"tll :1.100 50 SO so -~ Cu l!:rln ~n.so ll2 114 1M --t Steel Can 1.5!1- 18.5 Mlnn M~l 1300 l4'n'.li 142 14-4 -3 ' Porro• r.lOO to-t il II l ~ub Oil 5000 Ill m IM -10 ------Pick cr"" 1100 11'1 9l 11'1 + Ttdol wlo 40011 1 1 I M I Plam 11100 SltM 1U4 10V. ~ l4 Triad Oll !1110 330 l!.l lla -21 ontrea PoriUI 1100 TO !7 17 j 1 Un 011.1 1m !!! Ill 17! -l

Canada is onr o!

trieR which for ll had the world's culosls dea!h rate. home of· Christma! maintained Its country l'i'i th the The United Stare!. Iceland, Isrsel ar.d are contenders · po.<ition.

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ro<ton Tr.l lloe WI M5,. Way.. 610 1\0 9V. ~··· - \Ia .()!oiTQ4oL (;LOSING 8TOCJII Pronto Ull :II! 271 :112-.. Waburna, T!IOO 14 ll 63 -1 lly 'not Cooodllo Pru~ rna Air I~ II !0 !OuL ,. W Dtcalta 1100 Ill 131 131 -1 Mo•lrul Slock E"b'oro-Nor. 11 Pnl'IIU 411011 1\1 l\'a ""' + W lAUI 100 llO :llO llO (QIIotatiODI Ill etDII DD1 .. 1 DUlrktd $. Quo A.a..t MOO 11 11 II -1 BANK! ,_odd lol, xd - Es..!lrldend, ~,-.I:•· Quo Clllb 113(10 27 Je 118 -J Moatnal 8112 IM" !414 14141 rl,.,la, :nr-E•·wamolo.) Quo Coli 700 II 16 11 Commorco 41t 1.11\'a "" llllo> - ~ Nol Quo Lab ll)OO 4 I 4 lmportal m· 11111'1 "" 1!4\'a + \Ia AbiUb! 1111'1 m" 37% :!711.- 'II


EASTERN CANADA DEBE Q Motol !lOO '2 )() !II -1 Royal W r7!1'1 71\la 7! +IV. Arn•w I 100 Sl7~ 17~ 17\1-" QUnJton UOO 14 14 t4 Tnr·Oom '25~ 1~811 ~~~~ 58 -1 Altnma RM ~~~ 37\-'J 371!.1- V.. : Qoomoot 72ll J11V. II II INI>II~TRIAI·~ Alumln mn $2!lV. ~R 2A -1•1 •

., 'I

with up to 35 VJiles· per gallon fuel economy, low maintenance, low depreciation and low initial coBt , •• Hillman prices start at $1795.

Radlort 1!(00 l8 ~~ !l -2 Al•Jmlnl 3141 S29Va l7'1 2A -m i Anr Am 1'lO p 4l 11!'1 411'.0 411'-'- \'a I Rayrock li87l ll 43 42 -IVa An11o N!ld ll'l,l 18 7'1.< • 7Va- \lo' AriUI 7T ~11\i 31 1/• 3P.o -J¥.

Our DEBENTURES are easy to buy, are an approved Trustee I and may be pur~hased in amounts of $100.00 and upwards a! the rate of ' '.

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· ill At4Ur and de/roster, tum sianals, ·, .kdricwinthhidtl wipei'S. Inland{rti6ht

· ... ehr:U'~ and whiUwalls extra.



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1.310 3



1·; ,! - 21'11 on~re3 BC Phono U1lS HO'o Wo 40'1

Stanr('k •' - - Brnwn 150 19;4 gy, 91 4 - 1,/:z Slarrall ~ 4 4 4 V. MOSTK!':U CLOSINO ~TOCU Col Pow lllil 19~ 95 95 - \1, SI"P 'R 2.1!3 Ill 11\\ II.,.- ''Abitibi 37'rl Fmrr r7 Con C•m .61).1 J.m> 32'11 l2'i- "o SlurJrcft li'IOil lil II II -2 Abll ~r Gt Loku J7 Con Celli PI' !I sm; 2!11> mit 1,1 Bulllvan 1100 Ill! 1!1 Ill! ~ Aoblalog U Row Smith 411\1 Con lroa 310 ~m 24 21 - 11 !lllnbunl 1100 l 11 l.l Bnq•a c Nat m·l Hud Boy Min ~ CSL 12.l 143 ~ U -1 SUrf. 1nlet 1~ I 5 ~ -1 Bank Mont 5~1, Jm 11 H01nk S... rst. pr ISO Slllf. tts..:r, 11:.~ t ~' TaurnD "t :%{XXI ~'l ~ ~2 +l •nk NS 69\~ lmp Oil l~'fl C ~\' E:lcct tSO SWi lli\\ IM\'.1 •r,.mu 700 'lCI 'lOO 201 -t 1 IIIJ!lf PC :!!l~ lnl Nli'k ''~ C Hank (..'om :l~t S51S'~ ."I.~ S!l TM:'a·FI 1100 110 17l 175 -3 aUnHIIt A 4211 lnt Pap C Hrrw 7'l7 SH~t H 1.·C 341~ Thom L 3100 ll J6 ~ -2. '-'!~II .an~·l ''•~, frr IPI c: CP\ 1110 S:!O'·J ;zn1:J 2fl'-..: , u1 Tnmbill 1 s~ 5% '~ -1 Trl"ll I Rra1.11 260 MrCnll c Chtm CP'll 230 Sj:j1il f,·,i. 6!. + ~ .. Rf.ll :170 17 17 17 -1 Cltl"f'lit.nrl ~ ~MA.f!.ll 11; 14 ' r Cnnv~>rl A lr:r'l :l."tfl :nn ;\VI Trlbt.r 700 1 :10 Yl 3\1 -1 C CPmPnl . 12,1. ro~•Jt11Uh 12 ; C Cn""''rt 8 7.2.' 4M HO H~

Tria Chlb 1000 1.6 1M 11 C Cement pr 2l~l Pr\('1 -tl~-1 1 C Allr't*• 10! fJn·~ H ll _,



The ·Eastern Canada Savings & Loan Serving Canada for 70 years. Now serving Newfoundland at




or Hock1

o.n. dgi

ve Batte

Three unans· in a ]oo

Bon's took a 3 in the seeon

final frarne th Dave Batten

and Dav Kev Holl

Don Morriss the fact that both squads 1

and with few plaY~ the styli

fans many II 5 threw plen:

and with selling up P ~oalmuuth •

' h~,l. Ballrn wa~ I he

[nl'll'al'cl [ur \ c1• H ru dcr.;un · 11 ,.c. Ballen WI

r of the gam cd the Blucgo: do>c in dri\· Henderson. b1

up manY St. ;pcarhcarlcd plcl

rlrircs. lie louk 011 the bluclinc

Sl. Bun's zone. St. George o

a fine lor his

the puck w area, \1' ill

lined St. ree defenc

k was tops bul Don in the m1

rtr!ensi\'e pe 51. Bon's. Batten who got their way. He own blueline t(

(rom just Bon's zone, ThE !he top left ' -rick went on a tlte count. llc

cL'I'IlCr on a higl re Dowden mo nets to cut do'



·, anrl Hoi\' l'1

in a first place iate heske!bal

action at t The Irish

is 3

I basket fo1 Pat's mol't•rl lime lea1l 1

came hac or the fin

22·19 rdgr Irish pu1 · 0

and rollr1 r ao,2,; \'irtor· learns mis~"'

onportuni hall aw~,.

Passing Pial the only pl

. rebound,; . ile all lhP lr

their ~hat Da1·e R\·ar

e!fectil'e. · 1 • a rnan·to.nt~t ·•lac.cun· IS 1

until t contes

Paced St. stanza. H

from rebour ca.rnp up

8 ltp in ar . Tom A

Wtth Bern

Page 9: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of

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ll('IC'J i\., I 'l :\00 1, \\"f 3700 U'\

100 11/10

:Gloucester, to

St. Jchn'1 and

Newfoundlan~ Outports


from Glouc•sttn


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and 4124 ·

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~faundland ot pHONE.

TUESDAY, NOVF.MBER l 7 1 '1.59

r Hockey

cond Period Hos fdging St. Bon's

Feild 4'3

Big Game

VOC~t To Play Daily News l

With the fame of the Daily . !liews hock~y team spreading l

:the squad will take to the ice at the Prince ol Wales Arena on ' Wednesday night to meet a team ft·om VOO!. The encounter is set to get undrrway HI 7.00 with a trophy put by Super-Ace Taxi

·at stake. The Sews squad will have two :

Batten Scores Twice; Bo th Teams Disorganized With lineup changes from the team that edged CJO:\ 7-6. \\'ilh de-

Play Loc.se . fcnccman Ron Butler out nf ~c-tion wilh a bad shoulder Jim

Tl rcr 1111 ;tn~"wrd second period J!Oals made the difference for . "No Goal" Keats will move into .1

111. 1·

11 a loo~c ~amc of Junior Hockey at the Stadium last nirrht. Buller's slot. Bill Wcocott i~ '

1 d I f d b 1 "' another doutltful starter for the

B 1 ·~ tunk a :l-1 lea in t 1e irst perio ut t 1e Feild squad came News team but his place will be • ~:1 tht· ,etond ~lonza to go out front 4-3 and with no scoring in filled by Jim "Rocket" Rmsell,

f. 1.11 fratnc the encounter ended that way. the Port Union bullet.


1,·c H·.ttlen fired a ••air of markers for Fcildians with Graham George Swcetapple will be I' back in the net lor the News

' and Dan~ ~lcrritt accounting for their other t,allies. Bern with Keats and Dee ~!urphy • ,I 1\l'' llollihan and Frank Ryan were the St. Bon s goalgetters forming one set of delencemen rtl~· · k' h ' 1 ' along with John "Gander'' Car· Dull "orrissc~· p~c ·mg up t c J,!;nme s one asSISt. ter. and Harold "Had Baek"


.. : I I ... ;. I

I .

I I . I '

l I • .

I • ·-- ~·


• I

!i!r !•< L il"il . the · , Pearcey teaming up on the . h"lil ·q11:11t• d~;or· "llurse" :\!orrlssey banged •


. came with men In the slnbln. 1 other. ' .. I

~::d "'''' r,·w gum! a slap shot at Feild nets to Jllyrick got the opening Blue· Ches "Battery" Sweetapple, viJ;.• ~~~- •I! it' . nf set u,> the seco11d St. Bon's I gv1d tally with Henderson Ed "Clifford" Coady and "Gal-. '""' """" thnlJ;. mnt•kct·. Dowden made the I serving an Interference sen· Jopin~" Gene Garland will form , t!llr\1 ,·.rn:)· nf ~top but Kc1· llollihan poked tence and Merritt's marker I the first line for the New~ with :;- at!d ".:11 hotll the puck o\'er the line !or a, for Feild came wllh St. Peter "Don's Brother" Winsor,

-rl!:n~ :.p pll'I11Y ~-I game. Tile Bluegolds went I Geor~e sitting out two min· i Joe 'Ankles' ;o.nd "Rockel' nus- 1

I ,. 1.,

11\ •. ;""'"'·'ii\11 ·"·:ion out front :1·1 on Frank R)·an's: Utes for slashing, )~ell set on the second combina·.

Jl· ,~-· marker. lie lif1cd ~ high I Aftet' a nervou~ start Dave 1 tiol1.

01 ;: ,. "·'· · "' ''"'' 1 dril·r lila\ droppen a< it Dowel en 1etlled down In th~ .:· f···,•:·"' '"' ;·,:11 11 · 1rac·hrr! tilt Feild nets. Dow· I Feildi~n nrts. lie blocked 1 The Sews tram will have 1

SAVE-St. Bon's goalie ~like Healey falb to the icc to block a shot .,, ' '' il•""'':' ., .. , •:llll· drn put hi.• glove hand In SPI'er~l good ~hot~ In both I secret weapon but he will only fru n B I ~~ [ F 'ld' . I , I . ~,·.,,.,,,r.

11 •. ,.1•1

11 "'"' tltr f

1 f

11 h

1 b

1 ·

11 d h B•\'E B•TT ~· :be used if they 8rt hPhin<L A

1 o

1 • crccr o Cl 1a11S m ast nw 1t s Junior Hocke\' 11amc at

. ro11 o 1r ~ o u Ll ~ ppe t e ~e~oncl snd third periotl~ '' '' E., tl St d' 1 II .-, • ~ ·~~" ,,, : 1r ::11\lr ~ 11 rl under and Into the scoring and a bill man In the P'eild , . · ~ ft. .~ in. rentrr ~an will he ;e. a llllll. mt Fci c ians went on to edge the Blue golds 4-:1. Ed. ·r· .• ·.!.··tl : :r R:::~·~.dd dr· arra . win St. lens: Go~!. :'1! Ike tn umform for thr :'lew• sqltad. Quwlcv and Bern ~h rick of St J> n' • , I , tl I . h ,,·'.:N .n d:-:ll'· oL ' .· , L, kl . . . Healey; defence. Joe Slaney, A star plaver with Soulhern 'l "'· k. h . I · .· . ' · '

0 s arc ·

1 SO Ill on 1e Pay Wll



. · . .-,.-, .. ,,,·, ... ·:· "'":II<'< \1 Llh pia)· In the St. Bon R ac nl!_ expertenre i\llkr Don Morri~se~·. Bern ~Ivrkk·. Shore tram 8' the past few ~ear~ .\ ync :!Ytng nst h.s slitk.-1 Rcn·al Photo ScrYicc.) · rnn Graiiam ~lartin knocked Healey dtsplayed ·plenlv of ! , . · . • · . . · __ _________ -----·--------------;-

:::> :nil.' ~~ Bo11' c1 1 1

d 1 Rbllilv 'oct ween the posis fo, 1 orward1, Ertc St. George, Jim thts player LR a top goalgetter. .

1 01111 R rear Ill( pas~ an · 1 Flvnn AI Felix Frank R an St G 1 d ·11 b b k H• h ··Jra:'"·~rl,·d i' 1'' 111 ' 0 illlngrd a screened slap at the St. Bon's. The short netminder i · ' , · · , Y · eve ar an ...

1• e ac · · 1g School Hockey

drill'' Ill' '·"~krd "1 St Bon'< goal \'etminder wu at his best on screened 1 Bill R~an, Erroll Ro~e. · .d I as coach of the Nell! squad :)II :i11· !J;uvl"''' play• ;llkt• lle~ley m~,·ed a second shotl and knocked down Je\'·l Quigley, Derek Han·ey, Kev 1 but Jack Crane will replace ~: g,~,,, ; :11' \uu late f(lr a 3·2 game earlY ! era\ rlo~e-ln drives. The last Holllhan. I Peter Barron as manager. Peter B Scores T·wice

., I

il ,;, ... ,-,:" "' sr. tn the middle framr I minute and six seconds of the Referee: Gordon Duff; Duffy ii set to referee the fix· yrne p:3.'t'd " ""'' play l . j middle pel'lod were added to i Linesmen: ~rry Smith and ture and proceeds from the

• 1

•1m Batten tlrcl t up. Da1·e : Peter Duffy · k 1 ·11 t th R 1

ga:l!<' r~~:· n:· ,., \lerritt hit the post with the ' the final frame to allow; SUMMARY I he et aa ~s wt , go o. _e e· I . Ll:c• plii·~ "I'll Lll cmptv nets racln" him but I Healey to hal'e his Injury re·. Pi I P l I· 1 F lid' I tarded Chtldr~n II AssactatLOn, H 1 ,,.,. m·:~. 11·i:l1 tour · " ' ~ ir d · rs er D • • e 1an, · ~yet no !Lneup hns been r!·

.:dc·::nrrl ;-;: 111, 11·, L'an•d to thP l'Ol'ller to c-enter : paF'ie ' 1 · Dn1·e Batten, 1.05; 2. St. Bon's 11 d f th VOCM 6quad o y

the rubber. Batten trallillg the 1' ne pass ng playa came In Bern ~1yrick 5 10· 3 St Bo 's ease 0~ e . ·

t!ilc'l' r!L'It'lll''''\Wll. rln)' tonlt the passout and' ~purts ~urlng the encounter. Kev Holllh~n· (Do~ ~lor~is: Edgar Squire6 II expected to I . Cross 'Vin 4-Z:

el't'ill'cl lh!! st·ore at 3.3. , St. Bon s hemmed I\eildlans ') 10 30. 4 St B , F k don t~e goahe p_ads and per· St. Bun's goalie Jlculc\' re·

1 In their own zone on several ~~ ;

9 2·0 p · ltlon·sH r~n. form Ln goal while o!d.ttmers. Ri:;ht wing~r Pat Hcar:1 as· ings at the nine minute mark

!'Piver! a c·ul to hi~ right eye' occasion~ wl:lle Fcildlans ap-1 s!n~nius. ~ta~~~ 7~:o. ;n er Bob Cole and ~oel V1mcombe sis:ed on all four of his tc•ams ol the final period as Hutch·

~·. Bun·· llut l'rgainecl his feet to pre·; pearert to I ely mostly o_n! S.cand Perlad: 5. Feildian, I may also see acllon. :goals as last years runners up ings and Pat Densmore ex· "altCII "''" ~ol Fl'illl· vent a ~Loppn;:e of play to set i breaks down the Ice for thetr i Graham :\Iartin, 3.10; 6.: . for the Leo. B. Stear! trophy, changed passes which sprang 0.rir ""' llr rat·rd th~ stage lor thr winning I attacks, i Felldlan, Dave Batten, 15.09 7. I C • l . Holy Cross defeated a h<~rd fight- Hutchings in the clear but no




n h!uei::H' Lu ;,.on· f.eildinn marker. John Downer LINEUPS 1

• Feildians, Dave Merritt, 18.54.: 0ffiffiefC13 ing team from Curtis Academv more scoring occurred until I ~ har~ shot ll at Heale1 F lid! G 1 1 k 4'2 in t~e opening game of High ' Peter B\.'rnn scored l1i•. •. econd d;ilr r:·nnl .11,,, in,irlr 1r~u R u · l . .'. 1 ans: oa, Dne Dow·, Penalt es: Myric., 5.33. Batten· B }" L s h 1 11 k ' ·' ·' Bo~· Z.lllr Til(' }lill'k ~pllt to 5:0[1 ju~_l after lhe 10·: den; defencP. :\el' Henderson, 6.16, Batten. 15.41, Henderson,. 0\V Ina ea auc Y~-'~~rda/~~~~·rn~~m.lhe Stadium gual uf lllC game at 13.14 wlth

thr top ;,.1

t corner .1ur)· hu St. Bon~ dcfeneeman, Graham :'l!artln, .John Winter, 15.~8. St. George 17.49. h ~ I assists going tu rat Hearn \l . k '· d tl n rnbound B ~ I AST NIGHT'S G \~IE" Both teams ballcled h:~rd for ·. and .John Hutchin~s to ha1·e cr:~k 11

rr.: 011

~ hrr~k . )Ttr m .. sc 1, • : ob Kennedy, Bill Coultas; Tnlrd Period: Scoring none. • • ' · ··' th · 1 ~ . d l ll d f I r t f. d . c open:ng goa and aflrr a few : thn lix\Ul'C fl.lll.Sll 1.!\ a A2 ('l'U·

:l:r roun:. Jtr p1vkrrl ~n L ro e t·e~ n ron _n 1 forNar s, Dave Batll~n. ,Tohn Penalties: Flynn, ~.36, :\lartin 1 ' ... II l lh D

'I tl SECTIO'-.'' A c ose misses by both equal; . sader vietun·

• (t1

r.rr on R h1~h hla't If' goa mou . a1·e ·' en-1 I Downer. Dave :llerrllt, Gerry ~.36, Higgins. 18.38. ·' p D · IJollliL n 111lll'rri in poked It homp for a 4·3 IRme. Spurrell, Bob ~lercer, Don STOPS Base Ordnanrt-2 eter ensmorr opc~ed the >cor- ' · LlNEUPS ing a: 5.54 of tile first period on '• Holy Crcs~: Goal, Gerry

nrt; to rul d"" n l11r \\'ith ten minor p~nallic!. Higgins. Harl'\• Wells, Dave Dowden 10 7 8-23 H, Buller 2BR 27A 187 752 lJ 'f 1 k · hring c·allrd only two aoal~ ·Pike. Pat C'umb)'. · Heailey . , ... 7 12 ~-24 :.1. Downey 21A 222 22~ R6i ~ook e:ulp1a1~. fnt:oanrl·c~: •. 011e~h 11110 r~ .. ;_i. · Dawson: defence, Pal Dens· s · h 183 20R 215 60i .. , " ''11.1 a~ • more, Peter Densmore, John . ~:. O~~:ey 273 151 247 667 his own blucline skaird !lie .. , ·~ f .\lcCormick, Junior Gushue,

No Commercl. al 96~ 8~8 865 2689 length of tile iLe Hnct fired a . f I Carl Stapleton; forwards,. hard drive passed the Curtis goal .~... , , .... . Peter Byrne, John Hutching5,

Bowring Bros.-1 522

. ie. I Pat !learn, Nick Antle, Sea· all Hockey Action c. Mo~·st 185 167 170 : Curtis Academy howe\'er. PETER BYR:'I'E . mus O'Regan, Jim Squires,' • R. Smith 147 182 231 560 digging away and <Li : .Jerry Holden, Ed. O'Brien, Jim

With onlv two teams ready to G. Newell 21 7 251 202 670 · 9.02 of t~ first period Frank ilecn much higher. He m;~d~ Casey. :enter this '


1 meeting ol G. Fuller 172 229 316 71R ·Butler, captain of the Curt1s some amaing saves and was Curti 5 Academy: Goal, Char-

' the St. John's Commercial Hoc· 721 829 921 2171 squad lied the score O:l a close particularly good against the, lie Pollock; defence, Tom fault And Win Have andings

j key U!ague last night decided . 1 in dril·e that had Crusader net· ~no of By me. l!utc;,ings and 1 Leonard, Harry Bursey, ~ to cancel a series t~is season . Ayre's Ltd.-2 minlier G.err~· Dawson beaten all !lcnrn. He was extra good at, George Rowe, Wayne Harbin; land put the league oc the she!£ , G. ~lahon 182 224 14R 555 the wa,·. This had it l-1. the len minute mark when he : forwards, Ke1•in Collins, I for a year. The meeting was the i K. Griffiths 235 210 262 722 In the initial period Doug slopped a three man break·: Frank Butler, Doug Feltham,

•the rir~t round. I defered annual one of the league, G, Jacobs 177 147 191 515 · Feltham missed a great chance away. ! Art Wi" 3or, .Tohn Russell, Rob· I From the foul line St. Pal'l I and was orginally held last Fri-


W. Ennis 212 238 219 669 to_ put Curtis into t~e lead as he. Dawson. in goal for the . ert Bishop, Don Lawrence,

Unchanged :n I fir;! ri"'r t:r 'n

r'l>kril"ll aflrr art inn a: 1 itr ~It· Thr ln•h dr!r.n· :·.-!'uri ; ~0·25 it1

tneoun'rr ~~hi\r- !hE" \cok a drfaul•. win


\~,r:r 11111 .·t· hor~r\' ;:. il:w.'< eoul;l ·

· !o11r n~~~~ •n<l there· : lhr fil'urr. ilnt 11 llul)' . ~~.n ~: r~1 , nnw hil\"(~

'.\t',h Old' r:i1.nll' p\;1y. ~rcl"lnd fii\,J~ri c:uan:s

arr ~~~~~ !or HC·

w:i11 •:1 po.ul~ hut : pia~ ed ~ ~a me lr>~ ·

:~a~ut" li·ddr>r~. 1

l1!1::orlol t'n11 rrsit1· · '11 In '!crT rarlie.r

1 Lhr hH;Hetball hare to complrt~ tarlier •han figur­thr~ 'II <ch,·dule

ani! ail 1ix teRm~ Ut will 't'r acl ion.

anrl Sl l'at'1 will trip1ilf hrader

a~ ; p.m At 8 Cro;.< 1\ ill ~o a ~a i nsl ~·hd• IIIIard< and

Will ra<li at ~ p.m.


hit on six of their 13 free I day night. ' 806 819 821 2441 [ fatled to control a bou~mg pass Crusaders had to rr.ake a few : Gary Benson, John Butler. I tosses while Mac-Curtis made i The executive of last season I Pepp. Commlssary-1 't~at was centred out tn front !o good saves in the ~econcl per- Referees: Joe Smith and

th ! th I · f

1 th , · will remain In office over the B. Jackman 217 191 203 611 1 him as he left unco1-ered Ill iod. llr made a goud stop on .Jack Reardigan.

ree o e r stx ou rows, . d 'II k r 2 200 6~~ front of the net f" k I There were 13 per~onal fou!J I commg year an WL rna e e.-: J. Curran 194 23 .n . ·ran· Au tier at the twelve • sUMMARY ll d

1 th i, f forts to cut down the S2,000 owed' H. Murphv 182 189 201 572 · At 14.06 of the OlleLHng .'t~nza minute mark as he wr·nl around First Period: 1, Holy Cross,

ca e n e li&me Y re eren 1 by the league. An annual meet-' c. Gos~e · 21H 143 186 54S Peter B)-rne srorcd hi:; f1rsl of the Holy Cross defence onlv 1 Peter Den.~morc (Pat Hearn). ~elY :i:~~i a~d ~eo~ge Soren-


, lng of the league will be call!d 809 755 790 2354 . '":0 goals 0~ a nice passing play to be block~rl by the guali~ ·~.54. 2. Curti~ Academy, Frank n _g t 0 1 em IOln& next October to review the 3il· 8enneit Brewrry-Z · wtlh Pat Hearn that, Pl'e the wl10 came sliding r.ul. Dawson : Autler, 9.02; 3, Holy Crm8;

to ~lac-Curlu. . . I ualio:l at t!tat time. : ,l. Whit, 240 24B 286 774 . Crusaders 8 .2·1 lead JUst IY.!forr <il'o nml(' another l!noli gr~h !'etrr Byrne I Pat Hearn), 14.01!; Bern ~Iars~ all Wtlh 1~ potn\J Only Avalon-t'nited and Pep·' F. Walsh 1!16 189 149 534 the ftrst pertod endect. . on Butler in the th'rcl period · rrnalties: Byrne, 1.12, Butler;

for the wlnntnll St. Pat I team 1

perrell were cerUiin entries lor· G. ~!cKay 107 214 206 527 The second frame ~[!<'ned With as tile Curtis rapl;~in rlurled · 2.40. wu top polntgetter for the con- 1 the league thi6 winter and they 1 G. Wadden 243 259 225 727 a. bang. John lfutchmgs gul a thr Hoi)' Cross defence rather· Second Period: 4, Holv Cross test. Both Dave White and Bob ~.were the only teams to hare 786 OlU 866 2562 1\lo nunute penally at t~e I11CI11Y lrrqucntly. .Jerry Holden (Pat Hearn), Pittman had nine points for' delegates present. Last season Commercial c ble 1 ·second mark anrl a minute lat~r Ke1·in Collins was gircn a Peter Rvrnel, 4.16. Penalties: ~!ac:Curti~ with ~oug Phelan (ire teams entered the leftgue. H, Perry ;!5 ~~ 190 710 . Peter B:v_rne ":e~t to the s:nhi:t ~ill goo! at 7.40 of the fin~ II Hutcliin~<, 1.28, Byrne, 1.24,


~cor,tng etght potnh for St. R. Stapleton 288 241 218 747 for buardmg. \\ hile the Crus~dets p~rind when his passout was I JJ d Le d E R3 • l 11~ t · ·h t c ·t· 1 k • · · . ensmore an onar , .,_., , Pat I. I c· c b 166 217 246 629 ,rr 1\0 men s or Ill IS 00 . rlrflectcd into the Crusaders H 12 05

Boncctrn tty ommercia ~·- ~·i~ho~~ 237 243 195 675 :edt lor thte equalizJ.erl bu(, coctild I goal by one of llle defe~cler~: e;~~~d Per.iod· 5 Curtis Col-I • no regts er as om .• rc or·· t c 1· t 'tl · · · ' '

ST PATS FG FT PF TP B }i U i 1006906 849 2761. · •· p t D ·d J' 1 ° mol'e urIs 0 WL nn one !ins, 7.40. Penalties: Densmore ' : ow Dfl aaue . mlc~. a ensmore, an Lm goal or lving it up S. Angel 0 0 1 0 ;, h i E. F. Jlarnes-3 1 Squires killed off the penalties. ' , · 6.02. T. Angel 2 1 0 & TUISCAY, Nov. 171 h, I C. Mer.cer 204 308 272 784

1 Jerry Holden, gave the cru-' Charlie Pollock was called Shots:

stanza gave Mac-Curtis a 111·1~ B, Mal'lhall o4 J 0 11 Alley• 1

end 2: 1 R. Squlres 183 189 181 553 i sailers a 3-1 edge at 4.16 of the I upon to m_ake a great save Dawson · ·· .7 2 II ·1•: 9 10 I 28


lead. A(1er St. Pal'& came back D. Phelan 3 2 3 8 71~,\ nts Bl vc. 1 F. Peckham 236 144 201 581 ·second period as he sCJlred af-. from the stLck ol John Hutch· Pollock . to hold a 19-16 edie Mac-Curtis D. Ryan ll 0 1 6 ' H~~~~an Mot~~~- 1 A. Holloway 171 192 154 :117


ter taking passes from Pat Hearn · went Into a 23·21 advantage but J. Hickey o 0 0 o 1 3G-Cit Council !'Jo. 1 va. 1 794 833 808 2435 and Peter Byrne. this was the last time they were G. Hynea 0 0 0 0 · Mu~n Motors. I Evening Te!egram--0 Holy_ Cross controlled the out front. The lri~h led 28-23 J. Volaey 0 0 0 0 1.4&--0'Regan Agencle5 n P. Healey 179 211 120 MO gam~ m the ~econ<i period as an1l finished up 30-25. J. Brown 0 0 0 tl United Towns Electric · J. Comerford 171 226 163 580 Curtis couldn l se~m to get

With both teams sroring 15 B. Bennett 0 0 0 0 Allay• 3 end 4: ~ M. Finn 179 194 237 610 organized and only heca_use of 1

mond half poinll Bern Marahall J). l\laioney 0 0 0 0 7.15--~larshall Motors vs. J. Ryall 164 191 264 619 thr great work of Charhr Pol· . notched nine points for St. Pat'A. TotaL~; 12 11 ~ 30 Beverage Sales. 6Q3 822 784 2299 lock m the nels for the Curt1s !luu~ Phelan added four mark· , 8.30-~lunlcipal workers vs. Parker & Monroe-3 squad thr score ,··ould have

Irish-Scots Play Today

~rs with Tom Angel scoring the ! MAC-CURTIS: Baine Johnston. .J Birmingham 17A 173 232 583 - -- ----1

78 616 J. Fa~an 148 21~ 165 52fi 1 · h · h d b D other two. M. Martin 1 0 2 2 9.45-Simpson Sears vs. Har· G. Hallahan 152 286 1 r R' 180 19a 193 ,171 The secane game uf H1g man WLll e !Janke Y a\'e

1 b Dave While had seven points i B. Pittman 4 1 1 11 veys Social .~thletlc. · L. Sulli\·an 222 170 260 652 · ~i. ~~~~-e 164 .11 :; Hl7 47-1 School hockey is ~et for. the · Connolly on his right and Tom

1 p t~•l f"r li•>hl fur ~lac-Curti~ In thf final half D. Whitt 4 1 2 9 Alley 1 5 and 6: ~!. Hall 179 227 20~ 609 BliH 686 744 2099 : Starlium this aflc~noon. De· Owens on hi~ left for another t ' mn,, d into a with !lob Pittman scorina four D. Yetman 1 0 1 2 7.1~Dum. ·oistribulors vs. 711 856 873 2460 ~landard ~If g. ('o,-3 tending champtons St. Pal's string. Connolly al~u played 1m1

lr;,! ln11 \loc· and both Dou• Yetman and s. Browne 1 1 2 3 Parker and ~lonroe. tight & Power--0 \'' N'o.•nl\'orth.l' 189 152 136 477 . will clash. w1t. h ~locpherson . last sra~on while Owens will

lra:n. ar• I h l r () p t(•jl(\y

hr:r iam,• ''ll S(·hrct-

11 l'amp "'tk 'n lhP " T 1 h , .•. · ' ,c 1 A d l h d I d b k' h' r· • · .. of th,.

1111:\1 lramr \Iaurice added two points. For : J. Stewart 0 0 0 0 8.30-Avalon e ep one • <Default\. . C. Riehards 20~ 107 204 ;,74 ra crny tn a txturr sc e u e e rna ·tng LS trs. 1ppear·

22.·tn rd~r at onr \tartln it wa~ hlfi first litld iDa! IR. Well& 0 0 D 0 C.J.O.\'. b SECTION B G. Ra•nes 20~ 2I7 171 597 for 4-30 p.m. The game wtll ;mre. h • 11 d B'll p·

1 h ai!Pr icorina el•hl free ahot~ In Total!: 11 3 11 28 9 45--Horwood Lum er VI. , . J. Dd.acel.' 167 221 247 6 ~ 5 be the f1rst outtn~ of the sea· Gra am Ke Y. an 1 1cco m Pll< 011 ~ full . __ . .. " 1 · Avalon United. : F.ledrlc Utllltle!<-~ son for hath trnm,. of last year's St. Bon'• 1enior '

0't '"i

1r<i !low!'" · 1 THURSDAY, Nov. 19111. , W. Daniels l46 202 223 !'171 768 7 ~7 758 ~ 28~ · The Irish def~aled Holy· school squad will team up with

~!\.2.i 1 il'llirl' · H I Cr M il I G Dant'e'· '1.7' 195 14'1. 612 . Delph is Cote I.hl.-0 !~am• . · l Alleys 1 and 2: . · "' '' Cross in last yeal''s finals to : Drrm Connolly on the oth_l!f . nlll<l'rl mam· . 0 y oss ercan e I 7 ~~~!arshall Motors vs. A. Chafe 163 244 1119 606 . E. Thomas 118 215 202 535

cop their third slr~i;:ht league • combination. Kelly is eellte' lh; h ooportunitirs an~l · Simpson Sear5. . D. Hiscock 226 23Q 12~ 694


. DG. Thomas 138 15~ l.'i5 445

title while M;~ephrrson won· with Picco on left and Coii-. all all' II\' nn fa>t Juni' or Hockev Schedule I 8 SO-Beverage Sales 1'5. RIO 880 71l3 2483 .. Hartrry 176 162 1iq 5lfi Ol'rf ~ludrl High and St I nolly right.

11/;~•ln~ pl.,-s. DHe · , ,. ' Baine Johnston. , East End Bakery--0 \\'. Cooney 212 168 I?IJ 5~ 0 1

Teresa's in a spcci~l round 1 Art Tempeman will eoa~h ~ 0111Y plalt'r ~el· The Holy Cross junior hoc· With the decision or .t:te ~x-, 11.45-Avalon Telephone vs.: G, Furlong 197 157 155 :109 I ,

644 697 715 20J6

rollin series for tllr Howie: ~!acpherson with Cli£{ Andrews r!bouniJ, f~r ~Iac. key team has

1 mDetin& 5laled i eeutive ctf the Mercantile Hockey i Dom. Distributors. C. Hynes 180 188 165 533 :Dally News-3

1 :lleeker Trophy. Both teams re· ' as his manager. Ted Green wi:,

' 11 .1hr Irish nlav- fo1· l~e school tonl1ht at 7.30-1 Leaaue to replay the A.E. Hick· I Alley• 3 and 4: P. Holloway 119 228 ;53 600 ~ E, Coady ~ 14 183 20n 603

. leased their lineups last night.. start in goal with (;e_orge Bar an~' ri~~~r •har~ or r~. sharp. The meeting will have mw - Ayrea 11me of last. 7.1&-Horwood Lumber VA. A. Joy 232 30!'1 .03 740 J. Antle ~01 152 1 1 ~ 472 1 Joe ~lurphy, senior Irish I rctt also set for Action. Both

~If .r R.1 nil W<~> rs. the team ~amed for the first I Thuraday nlaht the schedule of I ~lunn ~otors. 728 878 776 2382 B. Jackman 148 154 146 448 : pla)·e rwill coach St. Pal's, and played last year. a ~;tire. Thr Irish Crusade;· game on Wednesday 1ames and referees for the com· I UO-Council No.2 1'~. JJen- • Royal l'levenl!e-3 C. Noftall 181 ~14 211 606 ! he'll have Eric Gregory back Second year men Danny . ··ll·ln·nhlll ~rfencr night and uniforms will be hand· I lng week was released last night.\ nett Brewe~y, 1 R. ~enne\1 204 211 17g 594 744 t03 682 21

29 ' in his goaic with e0h Abhott Puddestcr anct Ralph Cha~cey

I! n•ed thr ed out. I TOSIGHT 1

9.4i'r-Councll ~o. 1 vs. F. Ptcco 191 13~ 158 484 A. Stanley & Son-0 returning to defence anrl first will team up with .John Tht~tle 01

th~ until_ the ftnal The followiog playtrs ar~ to· 9.30:Bowrlngs I'S Canada Pack-~ :'llammy's Bakery. T. !lyan 186 167 233 586 P. McLeod 154 158 197 5~~ ! ycnr mrn Torn Ring and Joho an<l Cyril Squires O'l the Macs Rian con.rst. atend tonight; Frank Hickey. Cy I ers, Referees: Miller a!ld Pike AII•Y• 5 and 6: • . W. J\·ey 221 260 2U8 689 C. Evans 118 1G9 139 4-G · Stamp slate<! to pt•rfurm with defence. Chancey is team cap· . siaa~td St. Pal'~ in 1 Connors, John Muon, Bill Bar-110.40: Royal Bllllk of ,Canada VI: 7.15--Harveys SoeJal _and 1 802 773 778 2353 J. Graham 160 132. 137 429 him. The other defnnceman is · tain. Thistle and Squires Rrr

from za. lie hit fllr ro~. Kev O'Selll, Gerry Perry, Ayres, Feferees. Wl!ISOr and· .-\thletle vs.. United 1 Nfld. Arm. Works-0 L. Hudson 163 !IR 19: 474 Albert Crane who ~aw action I playing their first year. rebuunds 11hlle .. lack Monahan, Brla!l Phllpott, Ed Chaplin. ' Towns Elect!lc. : J. Cook JQ5 156 151 502 1 595 578 66J 1838 w1th the Salvation Armv Col 1 Gerry Lewis, who was

on ac~imr_ up 111\h four· Sharpe. Bill Ne1•1lle, Blll Malone, TJIUR!DAY: I 8.30-0'Rellan Agencies vs. · C, Pyne 128 141 ~27 546 • O'Keefe's Grocery-2 · le:tc rnlr)' several scaso;1s. 1 around last season, will center !hoi!. ~ ln and a pair :!.eo :".lahon, "Skeels" ~~~~on. 1o.43: E. F. Barnes n Bowrlnls' A\'a1on United. ! T. Walsh 1!18 221 157 576


J. Durdle 203 199 147 549 Mike ~Iurphy. who missed Allan Lethbridge, ~ returnee, with 0~1 .\n~cl hMl , T,om Power, Kenneth Byrne, Ke1• Referees: Slaney and Yetman. : g.45--Accounts Blc. 1'~. Par· .·


A. cook 224 :37 162 623 · Lor~tta .Gosse 163 234 2UH 60~ · 111 osl of la>l y~ar's ~··tion with ; ;~nd first year pla)·er . Ernie t~o. ern \larshall :>iorman. Gerry ·Radlord, Pula 1 ' ker and Monroe. 745 t55 697 2197 1 rolelhe 0 Keefe 154 135 214, 5~.1 ;~n anklo iniury. i' team cap· :\ndrcws on the ftr~t !me. Pittman . Tobin, Herb Husk and John SliP·; Curlinrt NoleS \ :London, New York-3 J. O'Keefe 220 313 !~R 7~1 t~in and wi·ll_ sk.1t1· ?s renter Time retu:ne~s wil~ form.~h_e Points l nutchr<i five lei on. I' r"l p t' c r I L. Dyrne 2~6 167 278 681 740 881 th5 2416 . 011 1he !'ir>t !me. lh I .lie !Inn~ <rcund combinatiOn With Donny

Stan B or_ \Iac~hmon- ; \ \winners In last nlghu Mixed ! rae ICe orne 1.. Hallahan 222 205 161 588 I. F. Perlln-1 :s left ll'il.J"''r will! Tom Con Youdcn a< center ~nd Hrnr:-~~'hi!, r!}o\\ne netterl 3 R \"DOLPH \'l t•pi K Bonspiel·-1

i h k y p ctices al · ~1. Burl 181 217 243 641 A. Cuul 182 182 202~ tili way on thr right >idt•. It will 1\'harn a!lll Harold Vardy as his ave Whit ' ·' • · " - en- · 'u~ or oc e ra J R 1 2n8 275 242 81" \\' C"ll 1 222 22i lAG u:l5 1 tl h 1 f II l · ~ Three f'r<t ''car mO.n

two ol e ~nt neth A. Marr Jr 13 was killed 1· W. Tiller, R. Bartlett. B. i the Stadium tonight will see · · oy e " ' " · d un 10 10

l in. Yl'nr. or 011 ~ am Wl_n,rr;.

1 ·. ' . ,,

quirk ~~~~!· ·in a hunting' ac~ident near hi~ 1 Rockwell, c. Reid, H. Wyllr. T. : Feildlans usinK the lee smface !137 864 924 2725 : R. Votsey 150 189 10-l H:l ~lurph1· whtle ConW<l)' pla)·crl wtllmake up the lhml hne wi.Jl'

o! hls In th~. hnme Salurday nig~t. Pollee said I Wtlllams, Mrs. Sparkes, Mils l at A. 15 whihl St. Pat's will hold T. McMurdo-0 . A. Thompson 214 22.fl 12:l 56~ last sra,~n. . .John Pottle ,1~ ce~ler lor_ Don

1 e second· he was shot by a~other you~asler! Klelley, ~a workout at 7.1S. , ~!. Lewis 177 162 189 528 1 768 B24 61:i 22117 .Tohn (,over, a srronil ytoar, Oakley and Gerr~ Korbat. · . .:


I i,


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MARCHAND Floor Furnaces


$l·S6.oo Available in automatic as

manual operation.

50,000 BTU-59,000 OBTU- 80,000 BTU




Real Cool Jacoby Bridge •

· ED:\10:\TO;.i CPI - ";\ rloc· 0 lor's Ufe is real cool. man." '. n : So said Dr. £rnest Bruce Toree 1

- I • o! Toronto in a.1 address to t~e ·

I annual convention o! the Alberta dll'lslon of the Canadian Medical·.

XXVII ed the shameful truth about I Association. !


Far to the north another the wig anc:l dared to laugh but : "We're our own bosses." the 1

klnd of wind was blowing. A he didn't know about the dead· 1 surgeon said "control our own· JIY OSWALD JACOBY ecld wind that swept the rain ly sharp bl~de. Guthrie reach· destinies, go~d or bad, we pla~ . Here is a rather pr•Jsaic look· In il'eat splashe~ against the ect behind hts neck, ~roped Into our holidavs as we please. and. 11\g hand that CIVet• opporlun· windshield of ~e truck. The I his i.scket ~ollar and _pu~lerl the , normally 1;·e live at a bettcr·than· · it;- for consicter~bk study of


beadlll:hts, stabbmg out at the 1 shimng thmg out 01 hts scab· 1 arerage station of life." both play and dcfen<r , ]a~t darkness of thP night, re· I bard. He was too weak to ' Dr. Terce entitled hi1 addre>S Of course, the lour-heart ron· fleeted off the shimmering cur· ' throw it. ''tSur~erl' in Hi . Fi." and de· tr~~~ i~ ol'eramhitir.u~ anrl n' lain of water as if it were • · He began to cr~w toward : ~crib;d his work "in the worrls or· dub opening or immediate club: solld wall. Both mrn in the Pico7.7.i, nn more than three . a hi·fi addict." . o:>ening or immediate cluh : truck sat erect, un~onsciously )·ard~ Bll'a,l'. The big man didn't "There arc a ~real many 1 <hift would heat il easi\)· but ', tfollsed a~ain~t the sensation of mm·e. Guthrie grao;ped the 'thing.1 In !ti . li musit· that are· \\'est npenerl anrl continued· brin~ submerged. I knik A black sharluw blotted · common to hi·fi surgery. di:1monds ·anrl South ruffed the . Picou!. who "'~S driving, out his \'!~ion momentarily. Vic· ''In the mu;ic field. hi·fidelity \ccond lead hi~h. snarled continually beneath his tory Joe had leaped down be i range.~ from the best cla"ics M this point he t'otllrt h;;rr , breath as he wrestled to keep sldc him, 1nuffin~. Guthrie, : playr.d by outstandh~ artists on trier! for fil'r h)· leading ~ • th~ hea1·y machine frum sliding 1 whispered. "Come on .. Tor'' and 1 first class equipment In t\1e wor;t · trump to dummy. ruffin~ anoilt· : off the primitive roadway. 1 continued to crawl. The 1ig :type of fusic played on bad' cr diamonrl h:~l!. drawing:

. Guthrie slumped a;;ainst the • chimpanzee leaned on i~s 'equipment. 1 trumps and knockinJ: out the • · hb door. He let his aching e)·es knuckles and mo1·ed along be· : THISK OF PATIEST I ace nf spades for ciuh discards 1

sink shut and sucked on hi~ side him. I He said a good 1\'ay for a doc- · but East could take Lare of this : raw· and swollen tongue. "~llno • • • tor to judge another doctor is to. line of attack by simply duck· I we bftter find a place to hole Guthrie rested and thou~ht put himself in a patient's posi·' ing spades twice. So South : up." a moment. Then hP tapped the' tion. : lhnught of a better line.

:Picou! saw It fir~.t. a rect· chimpanzee's broad fist and 1 "If the ordinary layman suffers He drew two rounds of angle of black against the gray·

1 fo.rcec:l the hilt into it. Victory i some decree of emotional trauma, trumps and played the king of

brown of a litll. "A r.a1·e. Shall I Joe, working his llps, watched 1 from an illness which requires 1 spades. East duckrd so South


we look at It?" He was already 'him and brought it down in 1

surgery. think of what a doctor · wrenching them off the trail stabbing gestures, llver and I must go lhroug~ under the same without waiting for Guthrie's over. At last the chimpanzee


set of circum5ta~res." ){ • -P""' ~'fl""'ro approval. The truck moaned lifted the knife high, still gaz· "A doctor knows the unex· ssr,r up the mild slope, slipping anrl ing at his master curiously peeled that might be found at an ""d

SSed >-,;rd • t • !: "''"d • ;:

sliding. Guthrie pointed at the center I! on, eration and the myriad of post- ><rei 1«:i

It was an old mh!e. perhaps of Picozzi's chest. 1 operatire complications that cau •

',!,'/.: I "''"•I 'li' l ~IJDl< , .. ,\\ l!lOO!';

a silver working. l~ng since The beast thrust downward ' befall him. Then the two word' abandoned. The timbers that with all the force of his hair)' • ln the English language which braced the entrance were rot· arm. Picozzi's body tensed like 1 become most important to him t.{ng but still serviceable, and a bow. arching up 3galnst the , are confidence a~d trust." · fhc rough floor wa~ clear ex· pain. The chlmpanzr.c stabbed I Speakin~ on tcac~er·studer.t rP· ceot for a ftw stones that had . again and a~ a in. Pico!Zi moaned 'lationships. Dr. To1·ee said there­fallen from the cei\i,,g. Picou1 1 :~s a terrific expelltn~ of breath ' nerer would ~ too many doc· , 5toppcd the trurk jmt in5ide j was fnrced from hls mouth and 1. tor.1. · t,.~e mouth nf thr tnnnrl. "Nn : hi~ head ,ierked r~n111lsively · "1\'r mmt kerr nur c~·e~ open ti~r ,~toin~ in tno far. I wouldn't :up ~nd rlown 5enr~1 times !S . fnr likely ranrlirlale.1 in onr Rrl· lik~ tn hal'c thr mount~in fall 'if norldtn~ )'r.~ to hi.1 !ate. H~ olc!cent ~t·ollp of pati~nl~." in ~~ 11~. Not ~rtrr ~11 we'I'P dirln't •rpr~r to realize what •

·'l~"lJ\Ijl\.\ 1'·',\\ pue 1 '~'c!

Z98'*' ~.

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: I tnnr thrnu~h tnFr 'hrr. eh. ltori h<n'pcnrrl to h!m. : 1\t~,·rc''. ·That~~ enou~i1. ,Jnp. Slor ' BARBS

;: ~ !'\ •· ! R nr M A

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Guthrlr ~aid nntllin~; 11ttt MW. Good .Toe~"' (iuthrir lonl< ~tehrd th~m cl1m·~ out tn· thr knifr hat·k and pull~d the !-·

~:rthrr. Plc~:li anrl th~ rllim· pi~tol frcr nf the cthrr man~ I Jl\' H 'I COl'H" • ~ · 1 1 " ' · n"' . · rnntmurrl 11 itlt R low ~parlr to , panzer. . . waist-hanrl. Picon~ ln;· ~ltl · 11C' 11 parents want \o rraltH thr .I· ark onrl East rlttr~rrl aoain ,

·PicoUt Iaugher! at th~ ~tr~r~· entire front of ht~ s11rt blood· how much theY're for~ntlrn " Pn c~.prcs~tnn on (,uthnc ~, snaked and pulp\'. . . . ~incc thcv left ~~hnol. .iu!t help A third !parlc ~nn~krd ntll 1

fare. So I m thr o;1e who sur· He laughed rack1nd~ wh1lc i the kids· with th~:r homework. East~ ~cc anrl hr prvlllptly lrd i Vll'es, th~ ~tuptd onr whQs onll' · thr chimpanzee gru11t~ct pleasur·l . another diamonrl. I fit to lift the crates. 'That's: ablv and patted his shaking -- . rl m t I Thi5 Iorccrt South to make • funny.'' With a su~den move· I shoulders. Guthrie !cized th~ , 1 More ~~opkf ~lout ;,, 011 ~t I another goorl pial' hut he wa5j ~ent. he slung a roll of blank· I beast's lcathcrv hand and kiss·: 0 some ung 1 wre 1 ten up to it. lnslcan of rufrin~ he l ets at Guthrie. ' 1H~re, th~n- ed it. "You're 'my pRrtner, Joe, so many easy w~y~ 110 0 ' simply discarded a cluh. Nnw! ~eape'' the only one.'' he was able to ruff the next ·· Guthrie fought to keep his • • • diamond with dummy's queen, e;>es. open. The l!sl th!n~:lng For all of Mallom precRU· cro~s to his hand ~nrl make corner of h!s brain told him. tiona. there was no trouble good the last two ~pades. ,;l!!!ep !lOW ar.d it'! the end of . baard!ng the cargo plane and 1

·)tQ\1. I taking to the air. Despite the =---. - CARD Sense ' It wasnt go!ng to r.::ppen that dril"lnll rain, ColoMl Aguilar There's one plac~ for surr "::y. Fierce!)', he rolled o1·er

1 and two of his aides ~arne out that no news iR good ncws-

0!'1, h!s belly and_ watchtd of the terminal to meet the any bridge party. Q-The biddin~ has !'leozzl. ·The day would fade plane. The)' were accompanied " West North East

bern: South

I o1l eventually and PicO'Zl would by Gabe Wise. ' Gabe chuckled. Actually, 1 "' Double Pass awaken as stronK as ever. The And then Gabe was hasten· 1 I m Jealous-anot~er man ?ff Pass 2 • Pass ? best he 'could hope for them ing her away to his car and for a weekend With my gtrl. You, South, huld: was that the Sicilian might ldll they were heading down the Lucky that l'b the understand· •Q J 7 4 3 •K 8 5 4 +3 2 lt!m ·quickly, after he got the


long winding road \erward 1he lnr. type, ~uh?" . "'0 7 Information he wantPd about , border gates. With a dull arhe. Clorls trterl to smile but sud· \\'hal do nu do? , tile ·rendezi'O\ls. Cloris realized that she And · den!~· her fare con.'orted 811 d A-llld four spatlrs. You only' ~ iut Picozzl didn't l<now. ~!allorv hadn't even said good· 1 shP began to rr)'. (,ahr stared : ha,·e six high card poln\.~ but II

about the knl!e. He had gues~· ' br · : at her. stricken. "\\'hat it ls? ~ your suit and dlstrlhutlon are _________ _:,__ __ ~·~·-___ what's wrong?'' : both good. Your partnrr has

~o .~ -- Answer to Pr•vlous Punla ··~othing,'' she sobbed.lshoYtn a Hr\' ~nod hand. Literary Lesson "::>:nthing at ~11." TODAY;S Ql'ESfiON

Gabe watched the wrt hlack I You holrl the same hwd olld p~vement unw1ndtn~ tn front )'OIIr nne ~parle re>pnnse Ita~ o~ thP ~ar. HI.~ f~~·e wa~ blrak.l hren pa~sen arounrl tn F.a~t Fmally, he ~<llrl. I <\on l think 1 whn ha~ hirl 1wn cluh~. \\'hat we can pai'P ~_t t~;r~. Are you I rln )'otl rlo n~ 11.~

i--------1 I. ~= :::- t:UWN

Wl!!er 1111001111 : . I Oreek JlMh :I.AJal!l \ I SIICJ::III;ful ll Cleap&tra'• : -~~ rlver ,.

ll~!ll4flc» 4~~'b ;.,~ ~:or,. . :, lll'cuch ' . .a•~ · · e !'lluzes ct . Cltrdller lpee(h

~~=~coils 7J'ranch river 18 ~ 8 Sldllad lll'amlly cf tva 8 Just above

m chll4'a boolt 'tM eoor Sl Blclc cf neck 10 Claim

123 Label 11 Whips 24 Mythical btr4 l8 'l'YPe style ~7 Wllla Cather'l 20 Adhesive

"Lad·•• 22 Sat · ' wu 24 :Enchanted -29Notan

32 Bteuti!ul boy in

1 li\ythcloi'J 1 U Illreet to , . co111umer

25 tmansllon 28 British poet 28 Vest!Je 30Wldow's

clferlllr 31 Othe:wl!l 33Dtfwe

devices ~5 Happenlnp 40 0\'Crcoat 43 Ruse

tn lo•·• 11'1\h h1m · . An~"'·er Tomorrow l"nr an lnstan1. Cl~m· 1!~~ I

partrrl in rl~nial. r•~d.1· with I

th~ kinrli)' lie th~t w~•tlrl ~par• FELLOWSHIP I hi~ f•~lm~&. But ~h· c~m:ht , Th~ Nieman Fellnw:h!p 15 !" , hen~lf in IJm~: no lie 1ras a"'ad given by Han•ard t;nil'er· 1 kindly. Sh~ murmured. "I'm . ~1ty ''to promote and ele1ate !on;, Gab~ ''

1· lhe !landing of Journalism in

lTo Be ContlnuNll the t!niled Sta1o~."

a Health Picture

; 88 Law ot!!eerl 1 27 fcQd.s ol! Jss Atrlc.an ulp

, •.• 1. ,31fltslluleader -:'!""1!11-.r"

. · · · 41 Scottish river " • .. · • ·42 Color

· i •• Give . .• !'. t~uil)'

~ .~ ~ ta J'alls • 49 Italian · epic poet 53Aui&l' ~4Hatlnr 56 Mon1~r tenant nP"'ft+-1--4__,

Is; Scot f 58 Wltked 1 59 Saint~ (a b.)

"\':~!n (iotsMrnn( - · Et Pl•nt o{'

' m11stard ·, famJI.t ~ ~ ' I

:\LA ~EIITIC!:, 1111:,

... , ,' . (l'holo b~ ll'rntlrll Macnoe,)· 1

II requtrca only n mluute to bn1·e a pkl111e tahen u! yo:tr chesl. hut ·1 the rlrlurn tna)' •. 1\'c monlhS or yrard or"""'' antl lllffl!t!n~. Chrlllm"' .

re;:ular X-ray •x~mloatloo•. . I. Seat !nnd• •npporl BD .~llcallooal campaign 10 le•cb lhe lm~nrlaoc• or




H[l;i~I\£RE ALL FixE·D F~ SiG, S'JCCUL'i:;I-JT, ~'OUTH· w,\1 ;:o«:l N' STEM:5 . .,1\N' '10\J B~iNG IN A LC\o\D

OF VEGEBULS! r-;;;"'-..;'-._

l<O'U -;.\~~'\> co;:;::. \\l,o;; c.u~

\t.~ 'i't'"':\ ~~EI ~C.~\0 \\-I,; C.ROSSG:lC'>-~

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I n101X?l1T !'o "'~N THE FILM o;.:,V.E CATC}41NG T'MAT BIG FI'SI-1 l.AGi'SUMMER.


I API'l1fCIATE 'WA'f. ~EALL'i t DQ, '!OJ 1 1"C Bmli'PND£RRJL TO f,l'i SQt.l .. , TOO ~JQIIDEli:FlL! MID !T 15 st6',~~mlG TO Ci:EAil' ProBLEM>!


1. ~ ~\:F.:,\ \\-I.';;. ~£~\£S\ '0\\ ~c., C.~'\> c,,~~ 1..'~ \-t>.\'\:. ~O'K. WD"K.Iy<(. \

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BIJ G S B U )o.l'lo.fY


e many-savages d Waiklki beach

nrf•SSI1t--a Boston captain and hls t more colorful

Butler. u11111n, Capt•in

,.rrill 1 t-1 1nd builds 1 '

lr• while f an Island m

1tole hi• girl

dson, "Wild is a profe~

with an insatlat women (nor resist him' a~

Rafer as an 1

great fe ;o;yuk Tsin co

China as and dies in

World War II 104. She also bt

empire of ' all America

navel, due for in :\ol·ember, a will, I belle,·e. read and di~ e \l'ith the W

R WRITE · ~lark Yl

has be.en Ia~

failure since come up with :

hit. He's wo: ould be called: Rise and Fall

• • • olde sod has to Dublin·bort

After 3 scenes In

film, "A he return







Page 11: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of

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;,.hpnr:l s Coming Novel 'Gone With· The Wind'

.. no one's gonna drag me down The Last Mile

-alive! •.





l!ylho aulhor or ~OM Hl!P.Z: TO ITI~








1.00-Romper ltonJII Z.OO;--Pantomine Quiz Z.30-Chez Helene 2.45-Nursery SchNl Time 3.00-The Star and the Story 3.30-Life With Father 4.00-()pen Hnn~• 4.30-Mantovani 5.00-Friendly Giant 5.15-l\1Rggie Muggins 5.30-0n Safari 1),00-Huckleberry Homul 11.30-News Cavalcade 7.00-Lea\'e It Tn Beavar 7 .30-Colone\ March !!.O~Thi~ i~ Your Mmlc !!.13-National News lt30-l Love Lucy 9.00-Mukey Spinane

. 9.30-The Chevy Show 10.30-Front PaJe Challebte 11.00-Startimt 12.00-Press Confrrenct 12.30-News Hudlinet 12.31-China Smith

I • . I

I '

I ' ~


1 I

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rry Halley Ltd. 90876


for lay route, Wages $~.00 ,-r week, plut

10mml.tlon. Apply


Phone .4631

When To Stay --Balsam Hotel

BADII lOAD lkllllecl .. Ill Btart ., Ill

aty. ....... Cllailhril1111 , ... ..... r. RenrYadolll 11111 Ja.


Dial 6336 Mill. JOBN FACE! ll11ll t Mellll'•



CO., LTD. lalllo, Televillon, Wathen. Befri&eraten, Deep Frenera

Eleclrlc Ralllet, Floor Polllhm,

C.ramophons Publlc Addrse Systema,

Tape !lecorden UPAII.S AND BEBVICI

5 LINES DIAL 1001 H Jill


-For Fast

Tixi Service. HOTEL TAXI • Dial 2424-2410


Open from S.SI tl I aJL pov28,lyr

100 1-tb. boxM IMPORTED

STEERS 10a.m ..





Reg. 98c.

for 39c






1955 CHfV 4-Door

1954 FORD Mainline

' 1)'1, Standard Trans, 4-Door Sedan Good Running Order.

Was $1075.00 Was $875.00

Now *775·00 NOW $600·00

1954 VANGUARD -4-Door Sedan

Good tires.

Was $575.00


. $375·00

19~ FORD · .4·Door Sedan

Custom Line

8 · cyl. engine.

Was $1095.00


! $550·00

1954 STUDE 4-Door Sedan

Good tires. Ideal Winter cor.

Was $475.00 NOW



4-Doar Sedan

Good tires.

Was $675.00




4-Door, 6 cyl. Winter Special.

Asking price $450.00



The perfect Winter

Car. Good tires. Good all round

condition. 1956 Austin Sedan

4-Docr Sedan Was $1000.00



Drop in, see these and many mere ucellent Buys at your Mercury, Meteor, Frontenac, Taunus Dealer.



Enjoy carefree driving. Let us show you what real service is. Drive in to· day I

rpecial! --, I I I R~apped Winter Tires: I

670 X ,15 ............... $15.50 I 750 X 14 .................... 17.50 I I We carry a complete line I 1 of fully guaranteed Fisk 1 , tires, B.A. charged bat- 1 • terjes, accessories and 1 Motorola radios. I .,.._. _______ ...


B.A. SERVICE STATION Waldegrave & George Sis.

Dial 6291

________ . ..__ N · . TOR SALE - The following

(wh I ) I Statutory ottce articles: -: 1 house-trai~er. 0 8 fully eqUipped. InclUding

~;..;,.;.;... ___ _._N_fi_d..- · In the matter of the Wlll and TV and washer; one 1957 Armatu;e Estate of Josephine Abbott, Plymouth car; one 1956

i;;iiiii W rks late of Kelllgrews In the Dis· Volkswagnn car; one double 0 trlct of Harbour Main In the walnut wardrobe with full 38 Province of Newfoundland, length mirror; one chest of

~~~!~~Bambrick Widow, deceased. drawers; one typewriter. .,. ~tree!. For full particuian call

All persons claiming to be 93928. ?ial 7191-2 creditors of or who have any ------·--::-:-:-:­

-----------~ claims or demand.!l upon or FOR SALE-One small house BUILDING MATERIALS . affecting the Estate of Jo~e· and land at st. Anthony, CHESTER DAWE LTD phine Abbott, late of 'st. John's Nfld. For full particulars

SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD aforesaid, Widow, deceased, are caJI 93928. For all your Building here_by requ~sted ~0 for~·~gd IL --0-ST--A~bl::-a-:ck--an-:d:--w-:h-:it~e-

Requlremen!ll call parllcularst dt etreotnh 111 ;rrs ~gn' setter dog about 7 months 80161 91171 dul yattes ~ , o e un e 1 • ' t h f

- . ed Solicitors fnr the Executors old. Answers. n t e name o

DRUG STORES \of the said Estate on or before "Shadow.'' Anybody know· ·the 3rd day nf December A.D. i~g his whereabouts please

---------- '195.9 after which date the Exe- nng 2178. CONNORS DRUG STORE 1 cuto~s will proceed to distrib- LOST-A white gnld watch on LAMBERT'S COUGH SYRUP : ute the said Estate having re· Gower Street. If the person

can be obtained at i gard only to the claim of which whn was seen picking it up CONNORS DRUG STORE 1 thev shall have notice would return it, a reward i~

334 WATER ST. ' Dated at St. John's this 4th offered. Call at 4 Gower DIAL 2206 1 day of November A.D. 1959. Street.

ELECTRICAL BROWNE, RENOUF " WANTE_D_T=-o-:-:BU-:::Y:--:A:-n MERCER Eight l\E\1. :\lo\'ie Projec·

APPLIANCES Snlicltors ror Executon, tor. Phone 80003 (after


Agency Department 243 Water St. Dial 2102


HEAP & PARTNERS 1 (NFLD.) LTD. ' Wiring ~!aterials, Wire and · Cables, ~!otnrs Starters,

Lamps, Switches, Lighting Fixtures, etc.


Address: 6 p.m.). 24 Queen's Road. • ~--

no\'l0,17,24,Dec1 REAL ESTATE- Valuator of cit;, farms and outpnrt pro·

Philip. Wall & Sons Ltd.

10 George St. Dial 2321



T ·ties. 0\'er 40 year~· ~x· perience. John 'l. 0 Dm· coli. Auctioneer and Real Estate !.gent. Dial 9!lJ12. oct8,(tf)



no I'! 1,1 m

!H-E--C-:--E--:cN::c:T-::R-:-A:-L~BAR&Ei­SHOP. We are now opera!· ing eight chairs. You can be assured of the best possible service pius the least pos­sible waiting, 24 New Gower St., opp. Adelaide ~1otor1.


• CROSBIE & CO., LTD. Agents fnr




'HARRIS & HISCOCi~. LTD. Gencr~l Hardware

D1stribt1tors fur Sunbeam Electrkal Appliam·L·s.

:;pons ~noels and Sport~

wear for all occa~ions. DIAl 5016 1




Knock at Your Door : with Gifts and Greetings

:tll'CL\I:\ AUTmiATIC ·WAR~! A!H co:--:DIT\0:\1:->G

210 1\',\TE!I ST. DI.\L 4183

. HEATING 1------1 C. A. HUBLEY, LTD.

I'LniBI:'IiG and IIE.\T1!'iG ('0:-iTBAC TOHS

Rep. Gcnc1·al E edrlr 3ti King's Road Dial ~!1111




1\vailable at



165 Water Street

Dial 5567 nor2.1m


Newfoundland Services



TO LET-Suite 4 offites m Rnval Bank rluilding, West En.d. Ideal fnr shipping firm or custorru broker Dial 90312. John D. O'Dris coli, Real Estate Agent. ih8,( If)

p,m:TISG, DECORATISG­For all exterior, interior p.r.intirtg, cleaning, pa_Per· hanging Reasonable pnces. 'Phone 7397-H, ~1r. L. Howell.

Wall Washing WALL Wt\SBlNG - Wall•

cleaned by 11e'lll' machine. Results perfect: ! paint. -New ~!ethod R d Wall Cleaners, Freshwa er Ro3d. 'Pbone 91033.


"Let's play HOL:SE: just sit ann rent! •rr.:I!J at you ln FIX TilE

If YOU ~rr I hr llr around your h~H~E·'

! hesitate In 1<·: u; r.t~ Proper Too I • '-'~ ::llaterials mJke n "·' easy. Our; li \lr.· headquarlcrs .. ,, and get nur adl'lt~ 0 ~ tough jobs.

! Marjorie Mew1 i i Miss Helena Po·~ I

I Harbour Groce, · · · "Stories from 0:

. gramme .


ERS. Rug, acd to look like nc~ • Schrader process add!. to life of ru~s home or at o·Jr 'Phone 91033 ~e~ Rug Cleanm. Road.

from Friendly Business Neighbours ar.d Your GRE/1 T EASTERN OIL


. SERVICE I 1 Train "The Caribou" \eadng

St. .John's UO p.m. Thursday, ~o1. l~lh, will make connection at Pori aux Basques with the ~.S. B;~r Ha1·cn for regular ports ·

R.C.A. Stereophonic .

1 (iyic and Social · On the occasion of:

New Comer to the City The Birth of a Baby,


94865, 3582 01 90943

HEP.-\1!\S 'fll ft.-'.OIOS TV A:'liD ALL ELECTRICAL

,\Pi'l.l:\:\l'J-:S lll.\1. :::m to~UU.i


O'llll·,:: I'AIITS 1.\ ~TUUi 111.\1. ::G.1G l)ll l'~7:i~.

Hi-Fi (Twin-unit)

Record Player Soulh L'oasl scn·icr. , Going at a bargain

\.. . DIAL 91535 1.'0:-i:'iEt"I'IO:>i S'l'. JOII!'i'S 1,1·.1\'l~POHTE SER\'ICE

Tr<lin "Thr Caril10u" lcal'ing FOR >t. .loltn·~ t.:lO p.m. Thursday, I ~ 1 r1•. 1n111. will make counrdiou · .~l J.rwi~portr 11·ith the M. V.


Superior ture and Effew ~

residence of Mr. 0 Whiteway, :"\o. 215 Lr~l\1:(111\Ti

USED CARS t;o!la':i>la fur rPgnlar rorts St. Three room Apartment I ' ' ,,.,! .John's Lcw1sportc Sernce. I • , pee. Rosc11 oorl r.

C:\\'ADA · AEDLAIDE MOTORS LTD. consisting of k1tchen, . Queen Annr nr,.,,_.:_

FOil A l':\H YOU (AN · CO:\'NECTION WEST RUN d I' · I suite. consis:1n: of-V DE!'E:->D O:-> CALL i PLAC5NTIA BAY i bedroom an IVIn9 . Gent's arm cliJI"•. 3 .

I TENDERS · ADELAIDE ~JOTO~S LTD. I Regular 8,10 a.m. train leav. I room, : ch1irs and two leo:;·_,;!

I SEALED TE:'IiDERS ad·! ".\ Comrlcte ElGre i\1 \'our 1 in~ St. John's Friday, Nov. 20th, II m~tch, 2 hrarr br'"

dressed to Secretary, Dep~:·t·: n:.~L 3015 ! will mal:e connection at Argen- DIAL 58S9 .. H . ~cts brass fire ir''''· ). ment of Public Works, Otla'.l'a,: ----------- tia ll'ith )!otor Vessel for West R pee. maho:JO:'·.

: and endorsed Tender for 11 G ,o,.r:~s (R 1 'I) ,_• nun Placentia Bay. , l'lll'['c" E::tcn•lr': · ' D d I •• -...:1. e a. 'I 'I SALE 0 F \Vl··.·h 3 le;vc<. 6" ,· re 9 ng, Wood Island, P.E.I.! -~-----::--......-.-

wliJ be receil'ed until 3.00. HUTCH EN'S GROCERY co:'I'NECTION SOUTH co,\ST ; i in-: chairs with ,.,,mr :. p.m. (E.S.T.), : .1., \T ~IARKET SERVICE ' i ton" sideboard ,,:.: ... WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2, 19~9-: '' "· ' R"~ular 8.10 a.m. train leav- , suite to br sn:li <

53 ·~;·i::ir.m ~tr~.!t \:;_, TIRES . . Combined specification and· Di;ll 'i·!!i3 and 6062 in~ st. John's Friday, Nov. 2oth i a suite. I ::1:.n_::_ ·

I form of tender can he ~2:11 __ will make connedion at Argen- . · -.· table. small 11'1 ''" ',,•

and ohtnined at the offil'p of; l. HEALEY 'tia wilh the s.S, .Bacralieu for. i glassware. 1 t'hr.:~:-·,: : the Chief Engineer (H. & ri \, 1 .c.~ttl.•r pnrls South Coast Ser d d chair. b'ur ,,,.,, '''. I 0 Cross, r.cad; a\111 1\'atcr Strrrt c' " s II' at re uce I' ,. , ttawa, Ont., also at the ofli:·:• Ilia! JJ~G l'iee. , e Jng . rd. 1·R <luy "I;:"·' .:

I of the. District Engineer, IL~ 11 prices Truck Tires _ · nc'l' 3 pc~. IJ:· 'r•>r·'' .. '··,· 1288, Dominion Building, c:\'11' AGENTS I 'l3ining-clotlil'<· ~ '':'.

I lottctown, P.E.l. INSURANCE . Surplus Steck boo::c:s~ top. 1: ., To be considered ench I ~11· AND BROKERS , . b·•c ll'irrnr :"::1 r , ,

der must- . All first· paae t~res. n~ion::l dt· i:·. 1 1•.; · 1a1 me necnmp.1nird b_,. ""l' of Only small quant:ties ndw·,,,,. ,, , .. 1

thr altcmalil'e sec111ilh JOB BROTHERS f'err 1 .. 11'111 1 .,.,-'1 .•.. railed for in tl1e lcncl::r & CO. LTIJ. . each size. tao' c. 1 , .... ,.,., ~·' .

documt•nts, 1\';Jtcr Strrct . irhesetires are standard "rei 1 "Ciir~:i· r:.' : ibl be made en tl~e prinird Dial ~(jj8-J1~3 1 ,·ni :r~r. 1 c·

1e .. :··r:"r.·:

forms s11p;1\icd by the ~r.· i brand>._ NEW, I nwhr-·::~.r ~c .. ~~::.rY 1 . PRl'lnlCI~l RIHI in a~:·_ol'd· . MEEHAN & CO. ' : anv ls•1Jall1 1:: :' .. •

ancc Wltll the. eundltwns i T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St. :DUNN'S I 10 Ply Hi M'ler $70., b;Jp. 1 "'-"'i':u::" r; .. set forth therein, I Dial 7Ut6·i047 I · l<ro lo!\e hro11:1. .,_,._,_

Tenders must include the I PH.\RMACY 825' x 20, 1 br::;; tluu:o:r :1.-: •

lowing of the plant to anti. REG. T. MORGAN for. Mayor ;~n~ 10 Ply Hi Miler $70..10 :nul ell ""''' n·::'·:·. from the work 1 'fi'D Merr'lncetin" Btl. , .

· I:";St:IL\,\'CE I.D I ·. ' ~ 822 x 5, floo:· l:;~np. 1 · :'oil•·" ... The dredges and oll1cr llt::il· , . . I' O II ·. 168 Dial 738R I 1 .,,. · . ina ;Jinllt wl1irh arc intrn1l2d ll•mplc IIIII~ ... ·. · ~x • 10 PI Tubele·. ~101 33 hrci~cr. I ·(' 111 .. ' ', ·

h 3i1 lllll'KI\U!Ih ~t y "•J . ·lnr nr:Jclic:l': Ill'' .. ,· •• to be cmployctl on tlti.i ll'm'k. . • .:" · P1\RKDALE · to be eligibll' must- , !hal R03,U ur ',,,6 I Plt.\H~L\CY 700 X 17, al" ;.lt"·::·ll· ~'"" c .

8 PI H, M'l $60.09 'I '' !rr1"'1 · (~) be or l'.111adian m· united --~0-~~~U-G-S~T::-O::-::R::E::S:-- Elizabeth A\·e. y 1 1 er u1 r~n·~l' .• · . , Kin;:clsm reglstr,l'. and • 70 rittin'2.<. 1 "1\·,,,,ll!l'>

. . Ilia I ~1120 · 0 X 17, trl·c 11 .,.1,_-hrr. 1 ,.,,;11 : · (b) be of Canatlian or L 111t~d 1<. 'd •· tll'llu M CON"IORS LTD MURPllY'S 6 Fly Hi Miler .. S51.95 • 111[, om ma~e or " · . 1·. • rr 1",1.,. 1.1,011 !I ,,_,~, facture and, in the c~'P of 334 WATER ST. DRUG STORE 7 50 X 17, I sale. U.K. equipment, hnve Dial 2206 us· Military Road 8 Ply All Pur-hcen in Cnnnda at lcnst -----.,..----our YPilr pr·ior to the date AYLWARD'S Dial 6446 pose ................ $7 4.1 0

-of the tt·ntlPr rail. PHAil~IACY FLEMING'S 'l'he lowe-'1 ur any h•nder i Cor. Monl'hy & Empire A\'e, 26;; PPnn)·wrll Road MA.R·SHALL

: unt ncc·rssilrily aereptcd. 1 Uial 90070 mal 92937

ROBERT' FORTIER, I ·------- ' MOTORS LTD Chief of Admlni1trative i KEI'>JNEDY'5 . ..._ ________ . . 1 Strvice1 and Secretary. j 204 Duckworth St. MOBILE GROCETERIA

1 . Dcnal·tmcnt of Public Works, DRUG STOllE Storr At Your Door WATER STRE. E·T ! Ottawa. 1 Dial 2381 Dial 93490

All goods must.~ ~nd tak•n rlr 11rrl al~ly after s~lt.

John D. O'Driscoll

,\UCTJONt:!«o no\'16,17

KIN! Boy!



I 16 20 21 24 26 ::a 29 22 28 17 19 23 27 25




a chan


will be c

3 F





CHIPS .. .

BUDS ... ..






. '

Page 13: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of

>re thr ltr. )·our house

' to lrt us help Tools ,1,10

1ls make n1 , 111•

Ours is .llr. · .

·o~NIGHT CBN 8.40

ur Grace, outh01

~~ from Dickens'


I ETI:IOD RUG R USJ and Carpet

uok like n~w. tdrr process add! e of rugs. Cl · or at our :1c 91033. New

Cleaners, ..... ~ ... ~ I.

rtor Household end Effects cl

ence cf Mr. 0. ewoy, . ~;·, Lr~l.\llUI.\:'\T

at 1n.jn a.m. "nd;omr, Cllrl Rn,cl\'ood "!10>C & n Ann~ drall'in~

consisting s orm ~Chairs. 3 ; :~nd two roolstooll >,, 2 hrav:• brass :n.~s fire irons. 1 'CC. mnho~~n~·. r .. E··tcn'inn d:nln!

4•. l . ~·

~ \roves. 6 "Shcra;o ·hoir' with carl'er. sid~bo:~rd i smail~; to hP sold scpilrale•.

i·~ 1 m~hr~~~w . . _ .. ;mall qu:~n!it)' c~ld:tl

Ch 1•c·f1e .w,1rc, 1 C' • ' ,. h'uc tor.c:trY . 1·-R dn,· "Gilbcrl:' .. " pc" · b--lroont !UI.!• ·' "' • . . c•d

11 "-dnub~c b~thl · ·t ~,., L n tir--:~·~i;itt c~ .c .. "' o,.. . . bcf.

" p·innr ~nil h.,,, . ·,":·! ridr. 1 old IJ' ;' 11 \' !:~:: l'~. I

· . 1 111'' 1\ I . '"Jnp !"' , ' . n• . ~~·. ,.

,. I l'":·~cl " X · I" [1•1\ 1 "ChCVt:

· , , "rPcld r10r. 1 c.1cs.. · 1 II __ , n,· 5c•·rr.tR0'· . .. . I

1 s'11all l iub?. . • u~ ., • "\\'i\tnn' r ' '. ' , ll'illl I 't•'•"' bro\\11. 1 . ·• d •c 'I .

... ,. double b~ 5'.: 1 :·ll wool nn:trc~·~JI

•. · :,. 11111 • 1 · rhil•':. , , 1 "l'oiJ'pot . . . ,. . I . . ~.;.;lctic;~l 1 )' nc~~"· 1 • 1

t ·'l'"' "l·c r;~n~c. " .~• I I • - 'l ur~:\U

~· n"l' 2 . tee I ol ,t" " ' · • • · n}IOU-

.11"' I "\\ cstll'·. t't'' ' ' ' bll10 ,, '·' .~>hrr. 1 com

"l'"~t:nn 9 ~.m.

Ul ~oods ~ust ~~ 1 t~k•n de 1 ~rrY ly all~r sale.

John D•· ,: O'Driscoll.· AUCTIOI'i~· .






I N G 0 16 34 .52 70

20 38 !j8 65

21 37 57 61

24 36 56 75

26 1.1 Ao 71 . ~0 AD 55 62

29 45 5 \

63 22 ~5 /9

28 31 60 17 42 48 73 19 33 .51 23 39 59 27 25

Kin - Help Kiddies

t Watc~ R~pairs


Bank Of Nova·-··scotia a change in Banking days at

November 20th, the

on FRIDAYS from

p.m .. Md from 4:30 p.m.

- ----·· -- -·· ·---

lf.J STOCK 5 COCOA ........................... 1 and V2

HOT CHCCCLATE 1 oz. 1 lb. 2 lb. INSTANT ICiNG .................. 1;2 lb. DIAMOND SEMJ-SWEET ........ }2 lb. CHIPS ...................................... 6 ox, BUDS ........................ 7 oz. and 2Sc. CHOCOLATE PEANUTS CHOCOLATE RAISINS BRISTOL GOLD CHOCOLATES ........ 1 lb. and 1 ~·~ lb. CHOCOLATE BARS .. 5c. and 1 Oc.



Not inserted by I.L.C, .

T.M. ·~· \J.I. Pat. eft. un•r "u tu ..... \olt.

· ••old you hear about olf.' grocer cominK down :~-- · wlth food poi•onln&:?1

' _ .. A



Thursday Night, Nov. 19th CARDS ............ $1.00



to be drawn at close of Fair. All tickets purchased during Fair's activities eligible for Grand Bank Night Prize. Reserve your date and solve your Christ· mas Gift problems at the fair of the Year

with Prizes Everywhere.

St. Andrews Ball MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30th.

Grand March 9 p.m. Sharp (Guesh are requested to arrive prior to 8.40 p.m.

at the old Colony Club). Inquiries regarding available tickets ($1 0.00.) contact Pre5ident Dr. J. V. &oyl~, Vice·President W, W. McDonald, Gl!orge LeSh!!no, ~!w:tary· Trerssurer.

Newfoundland BLUE Potatoes For immediate delivery Ex our



¥, B. P. 0. EL·KS


There will be an Initiation Meeting on THURSDAY, NOV. 19th, at 8:30 p.m.

By Order Exalted· Ruler R. J. POWER,

nov17,18,19 Secretary.

WANT.ED Experienced B~ok - Keeping

Machine Operator with

Knowledge Of Book-Keeping Apply in writing to:


Newfoundland Armature Works Limited





Colour black, completely reconditioned. Winterized.

Reg. price $2200.00 Today and tomorrow only $1 ,595·00


• Vacuum Door Locks. • Push Button Radio. • Prismatic Rear View . ·' h' ld .., h

~!irror. • Wtnus te n as en • Variable Speed Windshield (co-ordinated with wipers)



·' ,' ~··



Ladies' College Aid Society ' and Guild of the United Church

and 'Presbyterian CoUeges will be held

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY November 18th and 19th


The Sale will! be open on Wednesday at 10.30 a.m. by Don Jamieson Esq.

There will be the usual Stalls, Plain and Fancy Work, Pantry, Novelt:es and Students' Stalls. Morning Coffee at 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Afternoon Tea from 3 o'clock will be served both days.

ADMISSION ............ 10 CENTS


Starting 1alary $2,750.00 a year

Five day week

Reply P.O. Box E5426 1-.-- . ---------. -·




Over 30 solesmen crnd skilled crofhm!!n· to !'mist you. Estimates and odvite given without obi igo­tion.



:• DIAL 2094-5-6-7


1: Getting Up Nights. PENETA~~~JsHENE t'ur f"JUick C'UIIIfllrl111; hell' tr11 1\,~d,,.•·h~. Rh~"llm~~n· !',•In~: l;rrrlnc l'p \1,111:-, ~otrnno;: rtuud.\' Urll\r. in ilt~linc lliL~~;~..I:'r:.,

1 I.•·.: 1'.11n··· .. ,,d lo· ~ nf c 1·:r::.\ rlur 111


I J\1rlnr.\' ;~nd nladdrr lroublr,,, lr} ... , ·

. ti'>Tt:X U110ck, ""''l'k•c ··•li>roo·li"'' oiUILOING LUTS FOR ~~ ' 1 nr monr~· hill'~. Ou•r ~1(111 millinn I OR TO l.ti\:SE ·

('Y"Tt:.:\ 1.1hl1~ .. u rri ~'IU\t ... 1rct~. ~urI : r.r.~~. Oun'l '-Ufrrr t~nothcr 11.:~~· wilhoul 75 I 20ft : il~~LtH: l'(lUr dru;:~bt for cr~~X. ' ··.::.. _________________ : l'eneldngut~hene Ls toc11ed ol;

chc Portugal Cove Ro~d 1nd 11 · · ntuate to the center of 1 Jruw;.. mg cummumly, only 1 few lol'; rr.ma1n 10 lh!s area

Uclil"V" llcl"hls 1s silualr 1i;;;' ,., ... . ·~

·' b"auulul ort•o "" the lup~~J-:-: c . t:uorl and "lrt'iilll new MutJcrt_-Buu~j~u,\·~ arc lJc1n::; erected uS:

1 9 5 5 :h 1!~ ~~~d~~~,·~~~~t•rt,~trtt 111 muJ. ;ng une ol tho>~ lui~ ~1lhrr 1P;.

P l Y M 0 U T H tne East or the We!l end appth:; 1mmrc1iatcly to :<'.

$650·00 ~~ . ·STAN CONDON: " • Baird Motors ltd. Avalon REali" co., ~-


SEI.I.l~l; \(:t<:NT iJi:ll IRI::. :R_I~ "' 7111~


GIRL to wrrlt r•i•·ht~ in Cr:11fe~::~., .. ry St~r~.

f'lou~l bn•:' n"'CII Cll'l'r(II'Cil'(«; rrq~l ~':JI'!d

pNS~I1crli ly.

Writ~J to Box 401 c o Oc1ily N!!!WS.


+ 6 .... ~-' . •. . . : ... -~·· • ;J ' . - -

"' '~ ' '



It can be dangerous and costly too, to try your hand at home-made repairs or im· provements I Hove them done the right way, the safe way, by consulting with one of the experts you'll find listed in our classi· fied section. A phone cell will bring the right help to your door I

DIAL 2177 - 2176 - 2179


Daily News ·~

·­... - - ~~

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Page 14: I Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. Sons rT - e ru ou : I I• ..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...·\'E TO c~ s \D \ · I ment to "serve nGt!ce on China to a charge of


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75c GlR~S




s . r.11LLEY LTD.~



SEALED TENDERS ad: dressed to Secretary, Depart­mEnt of P.ubllc Works, Ottawa and endorsed "Tender for R•· pairs to Rt!Jinlng, VIall, Short Baa:h, YrmQutil County, N.S." will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E.ST), WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2, 1959.

Plans, specifications and forms of tender ccn be seen, or can be obtained through:

Chief Engineer, Harbours and Hlvc;·s, Hunter Building, Ottcll'a, Ont.; District En-


OK ATLANTIC ANTHOLOGY. ·Selections by J. R. Smallwt!Jd, A. B. Perlin, E. J. Prell, etc. ...... . ............ $6.00

THE DESPERATE PEOPLE Far!·a·y M o w a t, Author of Grey Seas Under .......... 5.00

. '


450 miles.· .. ~ on one.tank of fuell

l!ehlnd the iower, broader grme of the new Mercedes-Benz 1 80 0, you'll flnd' the same amazing Diesel economy (up to 45 m.p.g.) •.. the same remarkable roadability and dependability ••. that hos mod£ t~e Mercedes 1 80 D outstanding , •• in ony wea~her under any rood conditions.

E_In7rr: r.nl;,t~n .nnll.din~, P.O. 1 H.M.S. ELECTRA

hex E 15, H • .!.ax, N.S., a.1d cnn 1

, N 4 OO b~ SrCII rt lhe P:;t o;licc5 at I T. J. Cam, R. . .... . Sllri~rrnc, Yarmouth and Dig. I



by, ~: s. : Ot~E HOUR 1 To be c~r.sldercd cnch ten· Liilian Smith ........ 5.75 · 1 d~;. m~~t-' (a) ce a:~';;mp~n!ect by one cf. ALL OUR TOMORROWS

t:·(} rltrrr.~l!rc s;cur!t~2s · h. L 4 50 c~llect for In the tender i Josep me awrence . NEW GOWER AT ADEL.A.IDE STREET, ST. JOHf'.!'S, PHONt

(b) ~~r~:u:~~! 1 · on thr. 'lrlnted • COF:MO~:,NT'S BROOD ! Until 1951 betting was per- 2ns form; supp:i, d b:,. the D~· Inglis Fletcher ... 4.50 ~Jade Bettin!! milted only at pari-mu:uc! ma-.. U pr::mcnt n~d In ~~··crd· u 1 chines ut rac~co~rses. But a: r.I'~C wi:ll the cnntllt!:n£ THE LOTU~ EATERS Respec•able ! lar~er l'u!ume n[ \dti"g was b:- ,, -·~·t icl'Ll thc:·cin. G~rcld Gre>en ' 4.95 t -- I ir,g done i!lr.g2lly through uuok- nUl s~s

1 Tl·c lo\'!l'st or Pny t:>ndcr n·:t B, J C GR\H.Uf makers. It was e.;timated at th.c: neccn:·lll' ~' ~c· ~:tl. ST,b.TION WAGON · ) · · : d 1 time that ahcut $Go,o:)[I,OOJ a II 1-

r..os~r.T ro~IIER, Can~.an :~·css. i"rr.s,ror. ~ff-' year was wa~~red r.t the pri- i f', C'~d cf Ar.l;,l:ci,t·tlive IN SPAIN AU .. KL.;\l"D •. ~· ~p - :'\e mutueis. 'but at lc3st S7~.0JH0i ' .... S:rvi'a and Se~rct•cy. Frances Parkinson track boo.:m~l.~rs,_lcJ.~} in· .~ • w~s laid wi:h ·n~;;~l b:u':ma!tcrc .,. , • , .

D""""l 'It f Public Works I Zealand for tn~. !a,t el)lt ~em,, G!l\'"'!lN'IfE:·<T PLE·\Sen I TIL" •. r. . . . ! · '" me

1 0 ' Keyes . 4 50 h d h ttl " rrs~nct2ble · ... · 1 ·'··t'·nt r·• · •

' • C\'1.1. Although some c:mrc groups .. b•' n' g t' c 1"1\' ·I-tO , •. ,. i •CS ;t.:l. ~\ ' c c•ti ' I ave rna ~ ~ n~ . · • ·h · ' Bec~use widesprr:rl r'-li:>"C•! -(:- ··:; , .. , · · '

I -------- 'r:ooR '"0 MORE . . .... t· . ,_ \\a., .ln~ln_ .l u •• I ' • •• • •• ' r ••

It' '" • sltll oppo~e tb o:.-tluC .. s;s.~~~~ .. r ut and h2cause ·::forts to: ~ ... c~ n.n~ .<. 1 : I;

I, '-"'~~· . ~- R[t AIRS Robert Ruark 6.00 'claiming It ~as ,,,;r<m~ fJctli· ep ~ s iii g~l b:o~ma::c·s l:.:d i ,-;:~t·, ~~,... -l: :r- fi1 l. n I · f b tl an·! cn-o '"""es supptes c 'co"d ... J 1 .. · · : t1es or e .1ng .1 .. L. .... _:., ' fJilcd it w:.s d~rir!ed to e.:;~J~il:l1 :-- ~. ~ ·~ : ' '' · I G80DBYE COLUMBUS gamblin~. the belt n~ estal)hsn- i a r'v~i svstem. The r!an \\'as ar;-: ;-~·,:: s:~.•~n : :··' 1: ~

R~t.Wr..JASLE .~A TE5 Gl1ARAN1 t'E~\ WC'~K

: ~ H O·N t I 3 l 2 I E~ectr • .:t<tk

C"!n'·re l ,.~ . ·~ • w I •

1 Ph'{' R th 4 50 1 ments hal'e b~cn flrm!y accepted • pro•·ed ~·t a re!crc·:c~m. : .r~m:rg, I ·"P

0 ... · .... ' ~ byTh:ol~wl Zeinl~~d~~\rn t- have: The bdtinrr sho;•s are opcra~ed i Oi the s:coT\ lilt

' c ega e.~L;:l:J:I:-; ~.1!:1. :'I ' '.:t:'l.n:.,~ltion fE.TJrccj'l-tmg . I • ~·At-.~K OF SHAME ' C\lt sharply into th~ one rations of llY ::n °1 ~·. h · ·" " I 1 '·"l'c ""~ 1 : .. ut ''~ 1 'I''{' u · · h 4 95 . , b k' d d .. 't 1.' all the rar.n~ and ar~css r,c- t:te ch" do.r.· , ~ \i,11 1 ,;eJnriC • 11\.e~al o~-:~s ,an. • c'"' e ear;· ing clubs. Ti\'B nnll' tr'·rs rr.ore' ~~ ti1c Gra~~. :·~:·:·1 1 1 fore~ass LlJt \.lC) 11 auld lead to • m·ne1• in bets than the pari-· t -· "- · .· , .... D. I & ( Ltd '' •t · h•n•'"'Sh• adri1cled ·~· ~· · · · O.lUon. ,, ' .. , c:·s 0 'a CO'J. f) ".:~ ··- . . .. mutue~~ al CO'Irses. Lest \'oar I t'ln Gcnl'r"l !10'1'"1 11 . , 1 ,, , . gambim~. th~:r t:usr~e5s 1olume · '~o·rt ~:;~ 0 ~.~00 was w~:;e·ed a:' ·. , ., " .. , _": I

I as rent"lccd 'a rly ca1"lanl'" · . ~Lo .. c1 r' , The Booksellers · .. '· " . e~··-mu~uels a~d $ES,{)')9,GOO wrth, ·~" a'fi'i'' 011 ,.,., '· I since th~y were set up 1, T.'., · ' " "'

-, " .. ''Jital in ti;e i - • I TilE TAR. " a'' • ~ T:l(lga: bonkmak~rl; h;wc be:-r: tal.. 1 )i)ln 442:> or 2008 cr 3191 ! The sys,cm hus ~. 11 en lise .~ 0 : hord ~il bv the schPtne. Scn•c en '::J.MP1EII AVF

\Iter hcurs 'PHOr~E MOl' :.~· STEA1,ISHIP Quebec Legislature

:~I?.~~~~~~~~~; Opens On Wednesday . KEO""' "'A;:,;. -;:, ·~ STEAMSliiP LTD. 'Ql'EB~C LEGISL:\TURE- · ·1 a~d lire to lcgislatnre sc>,:ons I f~lly away al St. Cl~re's ~krc)

' ---- --- - - . --- I an e\':~rydny ~X!lrt:~~::r)n whtch U·: t'11 ... ~ .. I .. l;:!)'te or intens;!:pd I

' · bi 1 · 'l ·s vcrv , ... o .... a.el,., · · c t h' f · i var~a y JlU!Z rs \'Iii m -c .. : 1' n • " ~~ ot 'ilnnrn>s'oo. But 0 e, '' <.Cc Cco\'ll • · '' Ze I d t •'·- al1out 'Xl l,e e or " " · · · 1 I· t• .. ·'· d •· ! one m ,,ew a ~J n, .. > • th•:~· f!J~ th~ ~oio~ to•!gh and IJ~ c c11r :, : n "( ~ • lhe TAB The s1g" T:\B, no11 th . t ,, 1 ·- • eat''' rerluc"" 1 sa1d he \ta;l ,, aJ.rmslo . h tl . c1r a-~~ , "r •. ·' u. . · . appcanng erery11· ere 1rou:::1-, 1 them. 'out t:le coun:ry, stands fc.r Tolal-j : "I bear n~. ill ·S::,t C!

·s;rtor Agency Board. whrch ccn-; · • d towJrd )OIJ. r.e ;"'! trois several hun :ired bet! In~~ lf'lote Convacte go home I diJO I I'• I'\

;:~M.V. Dur.dee lo~dlng at Tor· I By RlCIBRD D~IGN.\ULT 1 for more than 20 y~ars. ~lr. Hosp:tni on Nov. 16th, 193P o.~to:> ~c••. 1Pth. for Botwood and I Canadian Prell Stall Wrl~r I Du~lessls died Sept. 7. , ~lary Ellen Kenugh. Lecvi:l?,. tc st. John'~. I ~l!EBt:C IL!Pl -The Queooc. non. P~ul Suuve, Qu~bcc s new mourn husb~nd (P. Jo;ep\1); !1vc ~~ :'.l.V: :-~rth lcactlng ~lontrea1: lcg:slature opens Wednesda~ and: Pr~mler, Is poised lo br~ak new • so115, William, Edwerd, Leo. Hu· : r;:ov. 18/19\h, r~r !':\. Jo:1n's. 'durt:s the s~ssion !he prO\' :Jdal i gro:llld dUI'l~a the seSSIOn. T:;~: bcri. Jchn: !our uaughlers, ~!ary I

I.!.V. Zcbr!.l'!l lonfiir •. •: el :.;on· I ~ov·~rntr.enl proposes to correct: tal!, blur..eyed ~lo~treal lJII)'C.r 1 1 D!rs. Geo. Halleran), ~!ercedes 1

tf?cl j.;ov. 19ih. fur !lilY Bulls: ior.g • staJdln~ ril!flcr,Jtles in the. expected to unveil ~ stagg~r;ng D!rs. J. P. Hcnnessc)'l, Irene j

shops in el'€11' part of New Zea· .1

\s W i guilt)'." I d ,

. ·;"ar from being haunts of hectic I HULL, Que. (CPl-Ernest Cote,!, ~lr. J~:ti~:~'~.::, · vice, they hul'e a highly rrspect- i 37, of North Bay, Ont., Satun'~y i m_PrCr.G:,n\';", ·~·; .. , · able air. Thry look r~ther like i was ro~1:ictcd o,r !he rr.urdc: 1r., satd Co •• ·~"- ·.·;·:· • a bank and ~ave 1·.~rv much th~ the shoot ng of nl2xander H~, oJ,


cle1er mn:·.,", : · ' t T' · '·am'no Que bank man- carr.cd a l11 • •· '" .. aM St. John's. • liel,ds of educallun, .ltbor and mu- progra

1m of

1ieg!s!J!wn tacKling (~lrs. raul Penney), nnd Sheila; I

.~·s.s. :l!anch,~ter rum~ lo~nlng! n:c:~nl a:lmlnlstral on. I just noout n.i the mn)or Issues tilree brnt!lers, J:tm~s. Jnsc1h .. t Hnm!llcl" :-.7ov. lDth, Tor·' 1he new seR~!o~ promises .to be brewing In Qu~bec pray!;. co for lill'. A!uhonsus), Leo; one sis· ~nto .,..,,.. .. · ·~·a! .:-;ov o~e of the busiest and mo~. s!g-, year;. , 1 ter, Ca~hcrine 1 ~!rs. Cath.erme

S"me atmo<ph're Cller. s rar.~~ lmls, I ~· .• ' I d . u • • ... · o d t b · But ~e ·a c ' · from suburban housewives to ag~r. and was sentence o c I · · "

1· ·.

I · c d '! h 11 soon after "" 1:1 bu <i'ne•·<nlen ,,·ho transact the1r .1an~e ·' arc . 1

• • • ..,.

"" .~.., , 1 • h d 'ts from p:-1s:J:1 J::n !'er.1.-j

~':d !nr St. John's. ; m;r h!lt In years. 'I ELECTION FOLLO\\S ! llo.weiil, and 19 grandc:liiclren. . ~' qt Mor.· , But It wll! ia~k the color pro· Heightening t~e importance of Funerul 011 Wecln~;!lay from 11 .ti:eaJ. No·;, 231~~til for . Bot· v ded . by premier M.eurlce Du-, the .session Is st1\l another !Ret. r., Howlett Avenue for ~.30 a.m.

1 _______ Gt:t~.P .~! __ _

.• • ..... 1.! s. ~lessls; ~·hcse oratory and PO· i It Is to be the !ourth_~~d probably· Funeral ~lass at the Basilica./ FUSERAL NOTICE I

Mac:::c !!MAC'S Dial 5181 · 2 · 3

,; \l ·, Zebula loadln~ at !\lun· \.llcai st.ategy brought sparkle, last session of the 2o.h legls!Jtur~ , . ,1

t B 1

, •d c . . tt~ai '~uv. 30th for St. John's.; No·;·30th-l;,;vi~p:· D~e. 2nd. i eLliebct~dl in 19o1Gt': Thle 17·,~etm~ber :!~tel me~-~-- e_H.~: /. --FLO On-The-- fu;eral--of the . ~. , 1 , •. \~.\II A ST~:,\:11~'111':. , ., .. , ' · ·

1 e1 a orrcs 1on ' ~a" o e ; bte ~rrs. L. E. Flood (nee .

:. , 1 .1a".port leavln;: Montreal plannln~ sume lively d~batcs. · ·. · ; Ai)'C" Y. Sauntlers), who was: ; .~.S. Rer.ton Kent in port. · D~c. ~nd, arrive St. John's · · " 1 . ~i.~. he:.e Isle II e:1 ruu\e: Dec. 7th. 1 IN ME/:~ORIA/11 :accidentally killed in a motor 1

ffom :\lontrc:•l, due St. Jchn's! H!g:111n~r leaving· Ilalifa,; R J • p 'accident, wilt take place to-day, ; No\'ember 17th. I Dec 11th, arrlv~ St. John's \aUi.IO rnr-.' ram GREENE . Tuesday, ~01'. 17th, from "Grace' ~M.s. B~dford II S3!ilr.·J from' D~c. 13th, Ic:ve De~. 14th. 1 ·Church on the Hill;" Toronto. : lk~ifax Novem!m 18th, dt!e St. Jl •Nov~ port leaving St. John (Continued from ry~~e 11) I~ lovln~ memory of . :Remains now resting at ~Iiles I

.JOhn'~ November 23t·h. De~. 15th,lr&vlng Halifax Dec. 11."0-Pr()'jrarrt Twelve. tlc~r hus':a•.·.d anti fathr: .; Funeral Parlor, 30 St. Clan·; ·.~·M.S. "Fnuvetle" snlllng from; lStth, nrrive Sl. John's, Dec. l2.JO-~Iareh of El•cn!s. 1· 'fl:O?.!AS GREESE, '• Ave., W. Interment at )!oun• : • it~lit~x Novtmbtr 2~:h, due St. I !lOt!!, lc•v!nz Dec. 21st. 12.4~Sportl Pa~c. 1 who di.:d Nov. 17th, 1n 5 ~ :I Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. . · John'! N0vcmlrer 22nd. I Hlc:1l!n<!~ lenve st. John I 1.00-Artnur God!rey : "~lav ll1e Sacred Heart u - -----· :; !ri.S. BP.\le Isle 11 sai'ln~ from I D~e. 2~1d, lenv!ng Hallfax I 1.2~-News i · Jp,,~s have mercy on hi: i 1 i

lfonlrcnl !'iowrnb~r 21\h, due 1 Dec, 20th, nrrlvc St. Jchn's: 1.3G-Marvin Mlll•.•r I soul." _ . 1

St: John'! :\OI'Jmb·:r 29:h. i D~c 23ti1, bil'~ Dec. 29th. 1.45-Qulll'illr -lnserted by his Wiff

(final sailing ex :ltor.treel th;s; • £lutnceratlon 2.C~Hobby ~hop and daughter. aeason), - 1 liH!-' A.'liD NORTHERN 2.15-Couple !\ext Dear. ~-••••••••~:;, )CLARKE $TI!I:.MSHIP CO. i SHIPPI:'\Ii ro .. l.TD· 2.3G-News. ~: •Gulf~mt lenl'ing St. Juhn's; 'i'e:·;:us le::vln~ Charlotte- 2.35-Panorama. t:ov. Htl1. 1 town x~. 17th, arrive ~t. John's ~:~t~~~-~~ Miss ('"i'i~>aport le~vlng :\,ontrcal 1 Nov. UJ',h bave same day. 4.o"spotll'ght on

8 St•r

l'i'>v. 11th, arrll·ing St. J: ;,n·~ I •Fc;·.~us :e~ving Cha lotte· v- • ciNov. lGth, !~avlng Nov. 18th, town Nev. 24th, arriving st. 4.aG-Five Star .Matinee fHighlin~r len lin.~ ~1cntre~l Jchn's Nov 26th, leaving same I 5.0G-Word Play Nnv. !Bth, arrlvlnc St. John's · tlav. · r 5.31}-News ~ov~ ~.3rd .. l~avln~ St. John'• °Fcrgus leaving Charlotte- MS-Checkln' In Nov. ~5th !or B~y Roberts town D~e. l~t. arrive St. John's 6.00-Celebrity Tau!e :::•Gulport leaving ~lontrcal, Icc. 3l'd, l~aving same day, 8.3G-Checkln' In ~v. 25th, nrrlvc St. John's I •;, !fri·;ersllon. 8.0G-Fibber McGee and Molly :: I'IUilN:;:ss RED CROSS LINE 8.30-Suspense .~ S.S. Guernsey leaving New 9 01}-By the People ~ York No9. 17th, Saint John, 9.3G-Magic of Music ~ N.B. Nov. 20th, Halifax, N.S. 10.00-Final Edition

·--­------ -----



30% OFF



Nov. 24th, arriving St. John's 10.15-Sports Final Nov. 27th, leaving Nov. 281h. for 10.30-Jack Parr

__ _,. _ _._.,. __ _

,ONE BIUG~iT POT in miJy Bu~9et

1 Corner Brook, Halifax and New 11.01}-Musie Tlll Midnight York. 12.01}-SIAn Of!. BLUI PETI!R STEAMSHIP

LIMITED. 1\I.V Blue Cloud loading at · s • •d· p t

Glou~ester; MnsJ .. Oct. 30. UICI e ac M.V. Blue Peter loading at

Glcuc~stcr Mass !l:ov Hth JACKSONVILLE, Fla. rAPl...,. FU:U~ES~. WITHY & CO., Two persons believed Canadians I

LIMITED. f d h S d !·~wfoun. dland leaving Hall w~rc oun near ere atur ny, I cl'nched in ench other's arms-· I lax Nov 3, due St. John's Nov dead In a~ appare~t suicide pact


1.1vcrpool. · The bodks were found In a rar ~ Sailing nRaln same day for parked In 8 wooded area, w!lh

Sycamore tlue St. John's rubber hose from !!1e exhaust

I Nov. 6. Leaving for Halifax through a window. All the win­anti Boston Nov. 7,' due Halifax dows were closed

· Nov. 9 and Boston Nov. 12 Duval County ~ollce said pa­Leavlng Boston Nov. 18 · and pers Indicated they were W!ll!am





A. G. BARNES Ltd •. Halifax Nov. 17, due St. John's !·Clare Joyce, 30, and Beverly Ar-1 Nov. 19. Sailing for Liver· Ilene Blakeley, 29, both ol Nap-: BLACKMARSH ROAD

~=;;~~~~~!c.~Po~ol Nov 20. anee, ont. . I I D!Al ~J6,1U



,~bar npmj: · ' .· · , . ·-~ . '. ~ ' . ~ ' 'I '. 'I l.' ' l ' '

bu<bess and de•Jart There are • The all-ma.e JUry rcac e I , · h' . .. ' ! ' d' . 15 ' t ror arrr:•n ro ·'<'I'\' no crowds oi id'.~rs and loun"''rs vcr d m rr.mu es. " ·

SHAW ST. TEL. 80161









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ICED. ff ·sA

ANGELES­their suppl: couple will

&wo·week honeyE


OS;)::mb;y Tuesday.

pm'dent Vi P~ru c!ccla