-i of interest to men and boys › lccn › sn89081022 › ... · dr. c. e. gerretson, dentist,...

PAGE EIGHT ]mp&tfe<Bt PagV WILLHttR TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920. HtKjUftt- HEW LONDON New London, March 3$*-Otto Man- I clear and maintain the plot for the kell was an over Sunday visitor at public use intended—simply a na- -I Willmar Miss Inez Walters was "in Willmar on Friday and .Saturday,, _ Elmo Pederson of WatBriS^was in town the first of the week. Albert Thimel left Saturday for a visit with relatives in Minneapolis. The Ole Strand family moved to their new home in Burbank on Friday. Wallace Brisbane from / Waseka, spent the week end at the Peter Bro- berg- home. Miss Dora Lawson visited her sis- ter, Mrs. F. O. Swanson, in Willmar. from Wednesday to Thursday of last week. Mrs. Hazel Olson returned to Min- neapolis Saturday* after a week's vis- it at her home hfere. . - — ~- Eric Paulson came in from - Sun- berg Wednesday to store his house- hold effects in the Nels Haramon cottage. Mrs. C. K. Land entertained on Friday afternoon for about twelve of her friends. Albert Winblad departed Saturday for a week's visit in the Cities. On account of the bad weather Thursday night the Seniors Literary program was postponed until tonight. (Tuesday.) Rev. E. M„ Hanson attended meet- ings in Litchdille, North Dakota, last week. Mrs. J. A. Nordin and daughter Hazel, of Minneapolis, have returned to their home after a week's visit here with the former's sister, Mrs. Ed. Gustafson. Peter G. Johnson and family of Hawick, have moved to New London to take charge of the Standard Oil Co.'s business here. They occupy part of the Jordin residence. Hans Holm, recently in the Standard Oil employ here, has accepted a position in Minneapolis. The hotel man Hasserud of Spicer, and last year New London's hotel man, sold his property at auction last Wednesday, and will depart for the coast* country to make his next home. J. S. Christenson of Norway Lake left Monday for a week's visit at Red Wing, with his son, Harvin. and en- route he will stop in St. Paul on busi- ness. Chris Wesby came over from Star- buck last Wednesday to spend a day or two visiting friends in New Lon- don* Chris has lately purchased a barber shop in Starbuck and he com- bines business with pleasure in this trip as he is looking for an assistant — barber. Chris is very popular in New- London and his many friends were glad to see him and pleased to learn of his prosperity. Mrs. A. N. Mickelson was in at- tendance at the District meeting of League of Women Voters at Will- mar last week. She will report brief- " ly at the Civic League on Monday night, on the various splendid ad- dresses made before the convention. We note with regret that the district meetings like the National conven- tion at Chicago, just closed, finds it- self unable to "keep out of politics", altho the League was pledged to be noBFpartisan. Peter Ogren ended his clerkship at the Big Store on Saturday, and de- . .parted on Monday for Prescott, Wis., to take charge of a confectionery business there, recently bought for hka by Manley Ogren, who is a trav- eling salesman. We wish the Ogren's well in their new work. The J. H. Neer heirs have this spring renewed their offer of "Sol- berg Point" to the village of New London, for a natural park. The gift well be in the nature of a memorial to the deacesed, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neer, and an approach to the same will also be donated. It is hoped our council will take favorable action on the matter at its next meeting. Sel- dom is a public bequest made so al- together gratuitously, no purchase price whatever is asked and no re- quirement is made of the public, ex- cept the reasonable request that we tional beauty spot. Mr. A. G. Lindberg died at his home south east of town\oiPMonday morning, the cause of de^b be$ng a cancer. The -aged genttetHfcn ia^ Sur- vived by two sonsr Alfred qgjcl ^Mar- tin, who lived with him. salso^Mrs. H. 1 W. Petersoir of Warren, Minn\Mrs \A John Nelson of, 1Mew< London, T»« Mrs. Alma .Warner of Roe* Springs, Montana. The funeral will occur on Wednesday from the Swedish Luth- eran church. It is reported here that Orange Geer, a ,J.ong time- resident of Bur- ba'niif,'died on Tuesday at his home in Bagley, Minn. Mr. Charles Geer has departed for that point today. - Air. and Mrs.-Arthur Ihlang have" a lease on- the hotel building and are today beginning a renovation of the same, preparatory to moving the pool room into the hotel basement. They will furnish lodging for transients and will operate a restaurant lunch room also, for the general public. The fourth number of the Lyceum Course, consisting of impersonations by Miss Jessie Rae Taylor, was given last Tuesday evening and was well attended. Miss Taylor is a very ac- complished artist in her line. • Her impersonations of male character, es- pecially that of grandfather, left little to be desired. Miss JTaylor has a pleasing personality ami the arrange- ment of her program was such that there were but short if any inter- missions, so that the audience was entertained constantly thruout the program. Miss Taylor is. said to be the only woman impersonator elected to membership in the Actors' Nat'l. Paint Club. The door receipts were $18.75 over and above season tickets sold. Chicken theives are abroad again in the depot end of town. John Amundson had . twenty chickens sto- len from the roost on Friday night. Frank Rose has leased the new house btrilt-by Peter- Rose, to Mike Butala and family, who will vacate the Moline property. Mrs^ G. T. Mo-~ line and son-in-law Edwin^Ericj£Son, will return this month from St. Cloud and occupy their former home here. Mr. " Oscar 'Helst'en of Canada visited his aunt, Mrs.. Ula Carlson, here last Thursday enroute from Murdock, where he spent some time with his parents. The Misses Sina and Freda Nelson of Irving were here on Thursday and Friday taking the state examinations. The stockholders of the New Lon-. don Central Telephone Co., held their annual meeting la^t week and the officers of the past year were re- elected for the coming year. The treasurer's report was as follows: Receipts EASTER NEEDS AWAIT SELECTION A display of unsurpassing loveliness in accord with the prevailing mode, is here, awaiting your approval To look upon the Spring apparel is to want it. Commission Total Distbursements Operation, Wages .... ... Repairs and labor Postage and expenses Rent, light and heat Taxes Total .$1052.70 . 406.30 292.65 $1751.65 . .$ 963.14 . . 180.59 60.00 20.00 .. 240.00 64.28 $1,563.01 $ 188.64 SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. A. F. Aimer, Pastor. Services next Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. English services in the evening at 8 o'clock. The Bible class meets at the par- sonage on Wednesday. New London Photograph Gallery The date for Elkjer Brothers to be at the gallery in New London have been changed from what they were given in last week's issue. The photo- grapher will be at New London this week Thursday and Friday; and also on Saturday, April 10th. KANDIYOHI March 23.—Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hoglund of Willmar spent last Wed- nesday at Frank Hawkinson's. Ellsworth Brown is spending the week with his uncle at Litchfield. Mr. Brown and son, Morgan, spent several days in the Cities last week. Mi^ and Mrs. Quam and two child- ren left on Tuesday morning for Min- neapolis. Mr. Quam returned home in the evening. Mrs. Quam and child- ren will spend several days visiting. Lilly Lindblad spent Tuesday at Atwater. Miss Anna Carlin, of Stacy, spent last Saturday here attending to bus- iness matters. Anna Sundeen and Miss Freed of Svea spent Saturday here with friends. Miss Lindblad spent Sunday at Willmar. Frances Nelson was a visitor at Atwater last Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. McLoud, a baby boy. Edmund Backlund has bought the . old Fahlstrom house from Mr. Mc- Loud for $3,000. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Olson spent the week- end with friends in Minneapolis. Mrs. August Swedberg left the lat- ter part of the week for a several j days' visit with htr daughter at Min- ' neapolis. Miss 4 Moline from Kansas is here for a several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rosenquist. Miss Dora Johnson of Atwater is displaying a line of millinery at the Farmers' Store. Mesdames. Jno. Peterson, Earl Col- lier, Aug. Lundquist of Willmar and Selmer Oberson of Westby, Wiscon- sin, spent Monday at O. W. Kroona's. Mr. Hedin of Willmar spent sever- al days at his farm here last week. Hilma Pearson of Lake Elizabeth has. joined the confirmation class at thePEbehezer church. " The week old infant daughter of Jtfr. and Mrs. McDermott died last Thursday evening. Funeral ser- vices were held on Saturday, inter- ment being made at St. Patrick's cemetery. Lawrence Severson of Tyler spent Sunday here with his wife. * Bijrs. JUewis Peterson from Kings- burg, CJalifoniia, is here for a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. F. Ander- son?" LUTHERAN EBENEZER CHURCH Rev> H. Tillman, Pastor. :' C o m m u n i o n services next Sunday Afternoon at three o'clock. Special songs by the choir. Choir practice at Brown's Wednes- iv evening. A Ladies' Aid meets on Thursday with Mrs. C Jacobson. Confirmation class meets on Sat- urday afternoon at two o'clock. Sunday school commences on Eas- ier Sunday and both the English and Swedish languages will be used. LOCAL AND PERSONAL —Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Peterson of Atwater were Willmar visitors Tues- day afternoon. » Dr. H. F. Porter, Dentistry, Carlson Block.—Adv. —Miss Esperance Lawson of New I ondon visited friends in this city over Sunday. Dr. C. E. Gerretson, Dentist, Loney Block. Telephone 199.Adv, —Col. J. W. Hankey of Litchfield is at present in this city taking orders for nursery stock. __ Drs. C. E. Anderson and G. A. An- derson, Dentists—Bank of Willmar —Mrs. P. P. Fjellman returned Monday evening from a couple of weeks' visit in the Twin Cities. —R. W. Wigley of the Majestic theatre spent last Wednesday in the Twin Cities booking pictures. Dr. Robert V. Malmgren, Dentists, Metropolitan Bldg. 'Phone 800.—Adv. tf. —Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson and Rev. David Nygren of Kerkhoven were Willmar visitors last Thursday. —Alfred Jacobson returned to his home at St. Paul yesterday after a Visit with his brother, Andrew Ja- cobson. —Miss Marion Marshall arrived Friday evening for a weelCs visit at ier home here. She is teaching at Minneapolis. Mary Ahlborn, Corsetier. Phone J25.—adv. tf. —Misses Ruth and Bertha Carlson spent Saturday until Monday visit- ing at the Rev. J. G. Johnson home it Kerkhoven. —Carl and Allen Wallin,. Peter ?linck, A. M. Swenson, Dan Burns ind Russell Curran spent Sunday visiting at the Twin Cities. —O. J. Pladsen, Halvor Shipstead >.nd A. O. Borgan left yesterday for \ T ew London where they will attend he meeting at the Lutheran Free :hurch. The series of meetings are n session on Tuesday, Wednesday \nd Thursday. Leaves This Week J. Albert Peterson leaves the lat- er part of this week for his new lome at Ihlen. His resignation at the "•irst National Bank took effect last Saturday. His wife and baby will emain here for some time until he 3 able to secure a house at Ihlen. CHARMING SUITS What a joy to change the eostume. Away with the heavy coats and on with the pretty new suit. Spring is the time. It will change your entire out- look. Suits ranging in price from $50.00, $55.00 to $90.00. Spring Dresses for Easter Fashionable dresses in every conceivable new style. So great a diversi- ty of style that one will find it a pleasant task in choosing the model most becoming. Prices from $18.00, $22.50 to $75.00. The final touch to your Easter costume must be gloves. For the well groomed woman—French Chanut Gloves with two clasps in gray, brown and black at $4100. White kid glove with black stitching at $3.50. Also plain white kid a^t $3.50. « Footwear for Easter Women desiring fashion, quality and service should see our display of Pat- ent leather oxford^. Fine eyelet styles, with turned soles and covered Louis & Cuban heel. Prices $12.00, $11.00. Dress Pumps in patent and kid leather. Very smart and excellent fitting. At $9.00 to $12.00. The new two eyelet pump. The "Frenchiest" shoe we are showing in black patent leather. Louis heel. Price $11.00 OF INTEREST TO MEN AND BOYS With Easter almost here you will want a new suit : : :: : : AH your wants will be satisfactorily filled here Suits Suits ^*>/>^N^^S*^^N^^WW^^*^^^^^* Suits Plenty of smart, snappy styles for young men. Suits with the latest form-fitting coat in double breasted style, as well as single breasted—belted and plain. Slash pockets, 5-button vest. Colors—Blue, Green, Gray and Brown. Prices $45.00, $47.50 to $65.00 HATS and CAPS Gordon Hat The name speaks for it- self. Prices $4.00, $4.50 to $6.00. Cloth Hats The demand for these soft cloth hats is increasing. Colors Green, Brown and Black. Prices $3.00, $3.50. GORDON CAPS In the latest shapes and colors. Prices $2.00, $2.50 to $3.00. i New Assortment of Ties The very latest of ties. All the lead- ing colors. Prices 75c, $1.00 to $3.00. SHOES To.be well-dressed, you must have the best footwear. We have a very desir^ able choice. Black and brown in vici kid, black and brown iiLcalf skin. Kangaroo, that imported leather. In the dressy English last as well as the broader toe. Prices from $7.00,<$8.00 to $15.00. it HOSE Blue, Gray, Black and all the popular colors. Silk and cotton. Prices 35c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. .->»€» V J$S Z&' vj- &~ J& i uUi

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Page 1: -I OF INTEREST TO MEN AND BOYS › lccn › sn89081022 › ... · Dr. C. E. Gerretson, Dentist, Loney Block. Telephone 199.—Adv, —Col . J W Hankey of Litchfield is at present

PAGE EIGHT ]mp&tfe<Bt PagV


HtKjUftt-HEW LONDON New London, March 3$*-Ot to Man- I clear and mainta in the plot for the

kell was an over Sunday visitor a t public use intended—simply a na-


Wil lmar Miss Inez Wal t e r s was "in Wil lmar

o n F r iday and .Saturday,, _ E lmo Pederson of WatBriS^was in

t o w n t h e first of the week. Alber t Thimel left Saturday for a

vis i t wi th re la t ives in Minneapolis. T h e Ole S t rand family moved to

t h e i r new home in Burbank on Friday. Wa l l ace Br i sbane from / Waseka ,

spen t the week end at the Pe te r Bro-berg- home.

Miss Dora Lawson visited her sis­te r , Mrs. F . O. Swanson, in Willmar. from Wednesday to Thursday of last week.

Mrs . Hazel Olson re turned to Min­neapol is Saturday* after a week's vis­it a t h e r home hfere. . - — ~-

Er ic Pau lson came in from - Sun-b e r g Wednesday to s tore his house­hold effects in t h e Nels Haramon co t tage .

Mrs. C. K. Land enter ta ined on Fr iday afternoon for about twelve of h e r friends.

Alber t Winblad depar ted Saturday for a week ' s visit in the Cities.

On account of the bad weather T h u r s d a y night the Seniors Literary p rog ram was postponed until tonight. (Tuesday. )

Rev. E. M„ Hanson at tended meet­ings in Litchdille, North Dakota, last week.

Mrs . J. A. Nordin and daughter Hazel , of Minneapolis, have returned to the i r home after a week's visit h e r e wi th the former 's sister, Mrs. Ed. Gustafson.

P e t e r G. Johnson and family of Hawick , have moved to New London to t ake charge of the Standard Oil Co.'s business here . They occupy pa r t of t h e Jordin residence. Hans Holm, recent ly in the Standard Oil employ here , has accepted a position in Minneapolis .

T h e hotel man Hasserud of Spicer, and las t year New London's hotel man , sold his property a t auction last Wednesday , and will depar t for the coast* country to make his next home.

J. S. Chr is tenson of Norway Lake left Monday for a week's visit at Red Wing , with his son, Harvin. and en-rou te he will stop in St. Paul on busi­ness .

Chris Wesby came over from Star-buck las t Wednesday to spend a day o r two visit ing friends in New Lon­don* Chris has lately purchased a b a r b e r shop in Starbuck and he com­bines bus iness with pleasure in this t r ip a s h e is looking for an ass is tant

— barber . Chris is very popular in New-London and his many friends were glad to see h im and pleased to learn of his prosper i ty .

Mrs. A. N. Mickelson was in at­t endance at the Distr ict meet ing of League of Women Voters at Will­m a r last week. She will report brief-

" ly a t the Civic League on Monday night , on the various splendid ad­dresses made before the convention. W e note wi th regre t tha t t he district mee t ings l ike the National conven­tion at Chicago, jus t closed, finds it­self unable to "keep out of politics", a l tho t h e League was pledged to be noBFpartisan.

P e t e r Ogren ended his clerkship a t t h e Big Store on Saturday, and de-

. . p a r t e d on Monday for Prescot t , Wis., to t a k e charge of a confectionery bus iness there , recently bought for h k a by Manley Ogren, who is a trav­el ing sa lesman. W e wish the Ogren's wel l in the i r new work.

T h e J . H. Neer heirs have this sp r ing renewed thei r offer of "Sol-b e r g Po in t " to the village of New London, for a na tu ra l park. The gift well be in the na ture of a memorial t o the deacesed, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neer , and an approach to the same will a lso be donated . It is hoped our council will t ake favorable action on t h e m a t t e r a t i t s next meet ing. Sel­dom is a public bequest made so al­t oge the r gratui tously, no purchase p r i ce wha t eve r is asked and no re­qu i rement is made of the public, ex­cep t t h e reasonable request tha t we

tional beauty spot. Mr. A. G. Lindberg died a t his

home south east of t own \o iPMonday morning, t h e cause of d e ^ b be$ng a cancer. T h e -aged genttetHfcn ia^ Sur­vived by two s o n s r Alfred qgjcl ^Mar-tin, who lived with him. salso^Mrs. H. 1 W. Petersoir of War ren , M i n n \ M r s \ A John Nelson of, 1Mew< London, T » « Mrs. Alma .Warne r of R o e * Springs, Montana. The funeral will occur on Wednesday from the Swedish Luth­eran church.

It is reported h e r e tha t Orange Geer, a ,J.ong time- res ident of Bur-ba'niif,'died on Tuesday at his home in Bagley, Minn. Mr. Charles Geer has departed for tha t point today. - Air. and Mrs . -Arthur Ihlang have" a lease on- the hotel building and a re today beginning a renovat ion of the same, preparatory to moving the pool room into the hotel basement . They will furnish lodging for t rans ients and will opera te a r e s tauran t lunch room also, for the general public.

The fourth number of the Lyceum Course, consist ing of impersonat ions by Miss Jessie Rae Taylor, was given last Tuesday evening and was well a t tended. Miss Taylor is a very ac­complished ar t is t in he r l ine. • Her impersonations of male character , es­pecially that of grandfather , left l i t t le to be desired. Miss JTaylor ha s a pleasing personal i ty ami the arrange­ment of h e r program was such tha t there were but shor t if any inter­missions, so tha t the audience was enter ta ined constant ly thruout t he program. Miss Taylor i s . said to be the only woman impersonator elected to membersh ip in the Actors ' Nat ' l . Paint Club. The door rece ip t s were $18.75 over and above season t ickets sold.

Chicken theives a re abroad again in the depot end of town. J o h n Amundson had . twenty chickens sto­len from the roost on Fr iday night .

F rank Rose has leased the new house b t r i l t - b y P e t e r - Rose, to Mike Butala and family, who will vaca te the Moline property. Mrs^ G. T. Mo-~ line and son-in-law Edwin^Ericj£Son, will re turn this month from St. Cloud and occupy thei r former home here .

Mr. " Oscar 'Helst 'en of Canada visited his aunt , Mrs.. Ula Carlson, here last Thursday enroute from Murdock, where he spent some time with his parents .

The Misses Sina and Freda Nelson of Irving were here on Thursday and Friday taking the s t a t e examinat ions.

The stockholders of the New Lon-. don Central Telephone Co., held their annual meet ing la^t w e e k and t h e officers of t he past year were re­elected for the coming year. The t reasurer ' s repor t was as follows:


EASTER NEEDS AWAIT SELECTION A display of unsurpassing loveliness in accord with the prevailing mode, is here, awaiting your approval

To look upon the Spring apparel is to want it.


Total Dis tbursements

Operation, Wages . . . . . . . Repairs and labor

Postage and expenses Rent, light and heat Taxes



. 406.30 292.65


. .$ 963.14

. . 180.59 60.00 20.00

. . 240.00 64.28

$1,563.01 $ 188.64


Services next Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school a t 10 a. m. English services in the evening at

8 o'clock. The Bible class meets a t the par­

sonage on Wednesday.

New London Photograph Gallery The da te for Elkjer Brothers to be

at the gallery in New London have been changed from wha t they were given in last week's issue. The photo­grapher will be at New London this week Thursday and Fr iday ; and also on Saturday, April 10th.


March 23.—Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hoglund of Wil lmar spent last Wed­nesday a t F r a n k Hawkinson 's .

E l l swor th Brown is spending the week wi th his uncle at Litchfield.

Mr. Brown and son, Morgan, spent severa l days in the Cities last week.

Mi^ a n d Mrs. Quam and two child­ren left on Tuesday morning for Min­neapol is . Mr. Quam re turned home in t h e evening. Mrs. Quam and child­r en will spend several days visiting.

Lilly Lindblad spent Tuesday at Atwate r .

Miss Anna Carlin, of Stacy, spent las t Sa turday he re a t tending to bus­iness m a t t e r s .

Anna Sundeen and Miss Freed of Svea spen t Sa turday here with fr iends.

Miss Lindblad spent Sunday at Wil lmar .

F r a n c e s Nelson was a visitor at A t w a t e r las t Thursday .

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. McLoud, a b a b y boy.

E d m u n d Backlund has bought the . old Fah l s t rom house from Mr. Mc­

Loud for $3,000. Mr. and1 Mrs. Olson spent the week­

end wi th friends in Minneapolis. Mrs . Augus t Swedberg left the lat­

t e r p a r t of t h e week for a several j d a y s ' visi t wi th h t r daughte r a t Min- ' neapol is .

Mi s s 4 Mol ine from Kansas is here for a severa l d a y s ' visit with Mr. and Mrs . Rosenquis t .

Miss Dora Johnson of Atwater is displaying a line of mil l inery a t the F a r m e r s ' Store.

Mesdames . Jno . Pe terson , Ear l Col­lier, Aug. Lundquis t of Wil lmar and Se lmer Oberson of Westby, Wiscon­sin, spent Monday a t O. W. Kroona's .

Mr. Hed in of Wi l lmar spent sever­a l days a t his farm he re last week.

H i l m a Pea r son of Lake Elizabeth ha s . joined t h e confirmation class a t t hePEbeheze r church. " T h e week old infant daugh te r of Jtfr. and Mrs. McDermott died last T h u r s d a y evening. Funera l ser­vices w e r e held on Saturday, inter­m e n t be ing m a d e a t St. Pa t r ick ' s cemete ry .

L a w r e n c e Severson of Tyler spent Sunday he re wi th h i s wife. * Bijrs. JUewis Pe t e r son from Kings-burg , CJalifoniia, is here for a visit with h e r mother , Mrs. C. F . Ander­son?" LUTHERAN EBENEZER CHURCH

Rev> H. Til lman, Pas tor . :' Communion services next Sunday

Afternoon a t t h ree o'clock. Special songs b y the choir.

Choir p rac t i ce a t Brown's Wednes-iv evening.


Ladies ' Aid meets on Thursday with Mrs. C Jacobson.

Confirmation class meets on Sat­urday afternoon at two o'clock.

Sunday school commences on Eas­ier Sunday and both the English and Swedish languages will be used.


—Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Pe te rson of Atwater were Wil lmar visi tors Tues­day afternoon. »

Dr. H. F. Porter, Dentistry, Carlson Block.—Adv.

—Miss Esperance Lawson of New I ondon visi ted friends in this city over Sunday.

Dr. C. E. Gerretson, Dentist, Loney Block. Telephone 199.—Adv,

—Col. J. W. Hankey of Litchfield is a t present in this city taking orders for nursery stock. __ Drs. C. E. Anderson and G. A. An­derson, Dentists—Bank of Willmar

—Mrs. P. P. Fjel lman r e tu rned Monday evening from a couple of weeks ' visit in the Twin Cities.

—R. W. Wigley of t h e Majestic t hea t r e spent last Wednesday in the Twin Cities booking pictures .

Dr. Robert V. Malmgren, Dentists, Metropolitan Bldg. 'Phone 800.—Adv. tf.

—Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson and Rev. David Nygren of Kerkhoven were Wil lmar visitors last Thursday.

—Alfred Jacobson re turned to his home at St. Pau l yes te rday after a Visit with his brother , Andrew Ja­cobson.

—Miss Marion Marshal l arr ived Friday evening for a weelCs visit a t i e r home here . She is t eaching a t Minneapolis.

Mary Ahlborn, Corsetier. Phone J25.—adv. tf.

—Misses Ruth and Ber tha Carlson spent Saturday until Monday visit­ing at t he Rev. J. G. Johnson home it Kerkhoven.

—Carl and Allen Wallin,. P e t e r ?linck, A. M. Swenson, Dan Burns ind Russell Curran spent Sunday visiting at the Twin Cities.

—O. J. Pladsen, Halvor Shipstead >.nd A. O. Borgan left yes te rday for \Tew London where they will a t tend he meet ing at t h e Lu theran F r e e :hurch. The series of meet ings a re n session on Tuesday, Wednesday \nd Thursday.

Leaves This Week J. Albert Pe terson leaves the lat­

er par t of this week for his new lome at Ihlen. His resignat ion a t t h e "•irst Nat ional Bank took effect las t Saturday. His wife and baby will emain he re for some t ime unti l h e 3 able to secure a house at Ihlen.

CHARMING SUITS What a joy to change the eostume. Away with the heavy coats and on with the pretty new suit. Spring is the time. It will change your entire out­look. Suits ranging in price from $50.00, $55.00 to $90.00.

Spring Dresses for Easter Fashionable dresses in every conceivable new style. So great a diversi­ty of style that one will find it a pleasant task in choosing the model most becoming. Prices from $18.00, $22.50 to $75.00.

The final touch to your Easter costume must be gloves. For the well groomed woman—French Chanut Gloves with two clasps in gray, brown and black at $4100. White kid glove with black stitching at $3.50. Also plain white kid a t $3.50.


Footwear for Easter Women desiring fashion, quality and service should see our display of Pat­ent leather oxford^. Fine eyelet styles, with turned soles and covered Louis & Cuban heel. Prices $12.00, $11.00.

Dress Pumps in patent and kid leather. Very smart and excellent fitting. At $9.00 to $12.00.

The new two eyelet pump. The "Frenchiest" shoe we are showing in black patent leather. Louis heel. Price $11.00

OF INTEREST TO MEN AND BOYS With Easter almost here you will want a new suit : : :: : : AH your wants will be satisfactorily filled here

Suits Suits ^ * > / > ^ N ^ ^ S * ^ ^ N ^ ^ W W ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * Suits Plenty of smart, snappy styles for young men. Suits with the latest form-fitting coat in double breasted style, as well as single breasted—belted and plain. Slash pockets, 5-button vest. Colors—Blue, Green, Gray and Brown.

Prices $45.00, $47.50 to $65.00

HATS and CAPS Gordon Hat The name speaks for it­self. Prices $4.00, $4.50 to $6.00. Cloth Hats The demand for these soft cloth hats is increasing. Colors Green, Brown and Black. Prices $3.00, $3.50.

GORDON CAPS In the latest shapes and colors. Prices $2.00, $2.50 to $3.00.


New Assortment of Ties The very latest of ties. All the lead­ing colors. Prices 75c, $1.00 to $3.00.

SHOES To.be well-dressed, you must have the best footwear. We have a very desir^ able choice. Black and brown in vici kid, black and brown iiLcalf skin. Kangaroo, that imported leather. In the dressy English last as well as the broader toe. Prices from $7.00,<$8.00 to $15.00. i t

HOSE Blue, Gray, Black and all the popular colors. Silk and cotton. Prices 35c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.

.->»€» V

J$S Z&' v j -

&~ J& i uUi