i padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Introduction Screen 1 of 18 Background: picture of an iPad Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – black LEHN095 - white Actual text: iPad! Do You? Screen size: __4:3________ 16:9, 4:3, 3:2 (Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any) Narration: Welcome to the quick and easy training, iPad! Do you? In this quick video, you will learn all the basics about using your iPad in the classroom. Audio: narration Audio: MusicLab_(4real).mp 3 Video Storyboard iPad! Do you? ransition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds nimation: “iPad” to appear; “Do you?” to slide in from the left udience Interaction:

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Page 1: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: IntroductionScreen 1 of 18

Background: picture of an iPad Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – blackLEHN095 - white Actual text:

iPad! Do You?

Screen size: __4:3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:Welcome to the quick and easy training, iPad! Do you? In this quick video, you will learn all the basics about using your iPad in the classroom. Audio: narration Audio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

iPad! Do you?

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s secondsAnimation: “iPad” to appear; “Do you?” to slide in from the leftAudience Interaction:

Page 2: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Congratulations to students and teachers on the use of the great iPad technology! Screen 2 of 18

Background: collage of pictures moving in and out of the screen of students smiling, holding iPads Color/Type/Size of Font:

White/Myriad Pro/75 Actual text:


Screen size: __4:3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: Before we get started - Congratulations! You should be very proud and exited to have the privilege of using an iPad. iPads will open the door to great learning, and will enhance the overall environment of the classroom. Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard


(picture(s) of students smiling using iPad

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: Zoom in, pictures scrolling of students using ipadsAudience Interaction:n/a

Page 3: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Audience: students and teachersScreen 3 of 18

Background: Gray with black apple symbol Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text:

[No text]

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: So, who will this video help? Students and teachers! That’s right, students after this video you’ll know everything from how to carry an iPad to how to open an app. But teachers you won’t be left out – there’s some basic technology hints and how-to’s for you to at the very end! Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

(pictures of students and teachers using both personally, in groups, to teach, etc.)

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: pictures will swivel inAudience Interaction:n/a

Page 4: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Description of the basic iPad expectations Screen 4 of 18

Background: video Color/Type/Size of Font: LEHN095 - white

Actual text:iPad expectations:-iPads should be used for school content only--ipads should remain at school in safe places –

-Video of students storing the iPads in safe places. Over top of the video, the specific iPad expectations will pop up for visual support to the narration.

Screen size: __4.3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: With such a new and fun tool, we do need to share some expectations that we have for our students when using iPads. While there is so much that the iPads have to offer, please remember that these are for school use only. Students should only be using and accessing apps/sites based on teacher instruction or permission. Also, iPads should be kept in a safe environment at school at all times. iPads should never be left on the floor, the edge of a desk or put inside a desk or cubby. Under no circumstances should an iPad go home with anyone! There is a “find my iPad” application for each of these, so you don't want us knocking on your door one night in search of our new tool!Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Video of students storing the ipads appropriately with text “appearing” on top of iPad expectations

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: text to appear over video of studentsAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 5: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Basic handling/conduct rules Screen 5 of 18

Background: video of students with text over top of video Color/Type/Size of Font: LEHN095 - white

Actual text:-iPads should be used with clean hands-iPads should be shared with other classmates

Screen size: __________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: Also, while It’s important where we keep these iPads, it is also important how we handle iPads, and how we act with them. For one, iPads should always be used with clean hands. We don’t want jelly from our sandwich or marker lines on our hand to get on the iPad. We also want to be sure we use 2 hands whenever holding the iPad. While they’re very light, its important to use two hands to ensure there are no accidental slips!

As a side note, please remember to share iPad use appropriately with your classmates. Your teacher will explain this more with each project.

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Video of students showing correct handling and conduct, with text appearing to reinforce

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: text to appear over video of studentsAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 6: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Student ContractScreen 6 of 18

Background: Scroll picture Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Old English and Brittanica Bold/ largest size to fit inside scroll will be used Actual text:Acceptable Use Policy:•I will always use the device with clean, dry hands.•I will always use two hands when carrying the device.• I will make sure I know where the device is and will properly put it away when I am finished using it.•I will make sure to let my teacher know when it needs charging.• I will only use apps and programs my teacher has instructed me to use.• I will not have food or drink near the device.•I will be responsible and make smart learning choices when using the device.

Screen size: __4:3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: Ok, so now that you’ve heard the basic handling techniques of the iPad, you’re ready to sign our Acceptable Use Policy. This is just a contract saying that you understand the expectations the teachers have for you when it comes to using iPads. You need to make a promise to the following statements (read all bullets from the contract)

Before you leave today, we need everyone’s signature. The quicker we gather everyone’s promise, the quicker iPads will be delivered!

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3:

Video Storyboard

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: words “typed” onto scrollAudience Interaction: n/a

Acceptable Use Policy:•I will always use the device with clean, dry hands.•I will always use two hands when carrying the device.• I will make sure I know where the device is and will properly put it away when I am finished using it.•I will make sure to let my teacher know when it needs charging.• I will only use apps and programs my teacher has instructed me to use.• I will not have food or drink near the device.•I will be responsible and make smart learning choices when using the device.

Page 7: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Games vs. AppsScreen 7 of 18

Background: Video of scrolling through apps on ipad Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text:


Screen size: __4.3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:Now that we understand how to handle our iPads, we can move on to the fun stuff!

Our iPads are already full of apps! Now it is important to note that these will not be called “games,” but they are “apps” – even if they seem very fun!

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Video of someone scrolling through the many apps on the iPad

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: videoAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 8: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: No App storeScreen 8 of 18

Background: video Color/Type/Size of Font: LEHN095 - white

Actual text:

Video of accessing the app store, how to use, location of email address

While the video is playing, allow the following bullets to pop up:-No access to App Store--(no email)-- Students should only open apps that the teacher has told them to for that specific lesson.

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:If you are familiar with any Apple products, you know how the App Store works. The App Store is where you go to get more songs, apps, games, etc.

However, because these are student-use only iPads, they do not have an email address, which is what is needed to download new apps. Please note that this is a rule from the district office that we are not allowed to download any extra app. Regardless, remember that students should only open apps that the teacher has told them to for that specific lesson. Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3:

Video Storyboard

Video of accessing the app store, how to use, location of email address, with text to “appear” for textual reinforcement

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: words to appearAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 9: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Over 90 apps on student iPadsScreen 9 of 18

Background: video Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text:

No text

Video of all apps/ using the camera

Screen size: __4:3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:However, don’t get upset yet- even though we have no access to the app store, there are already over 90 apps downloaded on each iPad! These apps range from subjects such as multiplication to analogies in ELA! Plus, the iPad also has a built in camera that lest you take both still photos and videos.REMEMBER! Students should only use apps that the teacher has given permission for during that lesson. Also, students are not to take pictures or videos of others without their permission either.

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Video of scrolling through the apps and selecting the camera/ using the camera

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: videoAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 10: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Why use iPads in the classroom?Screen 10 of 18

Background: pictures of apps running/students accessing different things on the iPad and having fun Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – black

Actual text:

Why use iPads in school?

Screen size: ____4:3______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:So, now that we’ve seen some of the fun things that iPads can do, why are we using them in the classroom? Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Pictures of students collaged together of students using iPads in the classroom, text to be “typed” on top of pictures

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: question “typed” on top of pictures of ipads in useAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 11: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Facts that show the benefits of students and technology Screen 11 of 18

Background: pictures of students using ipad and learning Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text:


Screen size: _4:3_________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: Technology in general has been proven very successful in the classroom. Not only has it been shown to improve student achievement in all content areas, but it also improves school efficiency, productivity, and decision making, improves learning skills, improves workforce skills, helps meet the needs of all students, and promotes equity and access to education.

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Pictures to appear, zoom out, and collage together of students using iPads in different settings


Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: pictures to appear, zoom out, and collage togetherAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 12: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Data that shows positive results from iPads Screen 12 of 18

Background: Black apple logo Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – white

Actual text:

9 Benefits of Using iPads in Schools

1. Tablets fit students lifestyles2. Classrooms are ready for the

iPad3. Students can run the

helpdesk4. Collaborative content creation5. Mobile data collection6. Tablets integrate with IT

trends7. iPads make mobile computer

labs easier8. Paperless!9. Virtual Tour Guide

Screen size: __4:3________16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: In specific, iPads will better prepare students to enter the 21st Century. Already 1.5 million iPads are used by students. There are over 20,000 educational apps, 80 of which are targeted for kids.Some schools are even allowing iPads to take the place of printed textbooks.There are actually 10 huge benefits of using iPads in schools: (read benefits and elaborate)

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

9 Benefits of Using iPads in Schools1. Tablets fit students lifestyles2. Classrooms are ready for the iPad3. Students can run the helpdesk4. Collaborative content creation5. Mobile data collection6. Tablets integrate with IT trends7. iPads make mobile computer labs

easier8. Paperless!9. Virtual Tour Guide

For more info, visit: http://www.scilearn.com/blog/using-ipads-in-schools.php and


Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: each line to appear one by oneAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 13: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene:Screen 13 of 18

Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – white

Actual text:Case Studies of iPads used in the classroom in Maine.

Photo of young kids using iPads and high school kids using iPads http://www.maclife.com/article/features/ipads_classroom_are_changing_face_education

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:In a school district in Maine, ½ of the Kindergarten classes were given iPads for 9 weeks. Classes with iPads had an increase in achievement scores higher than those without iPads. Another school district in Maine implemented the one-to-one implementation to high school students. At this time they say that it is hard to have evidence of the effectiveness, but the student surveys are fantastic. 83 percent of the student body reported that they felt more interested in school when they used an iPad, and 86 percent said that it was easier to gather information. We hope that our implementation of the iPads will have the same effect on you!

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: Pictures slide in togetherAudience Interaction: n/a

Case Studies of iPads used in the classroom in Maine.

-Photo of young kids using iPads and high school kids

using iPads



Page 14: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: iPad ButtonsScreen 14 of 18

Background: White Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – black Actual text:Labels: On/Off, Sleep/Wake buttonHome buttonVolume up/down controlMute switch

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: Now lets learn the basic of using the iPad. I know some of you already know a lot about the iPads, but some of the class and maybe you teacher have never used one. This is the on/off, sleep/ wake button. It simply does what it says puts it to sleep or wakes it up. This is the home button. No matter what you are doing, you can press this home button to display the home screen on the iPad. These are the volume up/down controls. The upper parts increases the volume while the lower part decreases the volume. The last actual “button” on the iPad is the Mute switch. When in use the witch is down and an orange dot will be visible. This WILL NOT mute apps only operating sounds of the iPad. To mute the apps the volume can just be turned down all the way.

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: Pictures transition in as they are being talked about, labels fly inAudience Interaction: n/a

Photo of iPad with Labels, and zoomed in pictures of the side

buttons to see exactly what they look like.

Page 15: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: iPad Multitouch tcreenScreen 15 of 18

Background: n/a Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – white

Actual text:Video will contain closed captioning of narration.

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: To move around and through the iPad you must use the Multitouch screen. There is no mouse or keyboard. We will dicuss a few major things you need to know. Flick your finger on the iPad screen to go through apps, songs, controls, etc. Tap against the iPad screen to open apps, choose photos, or select something. Pinch and unpinch to make images larger or smaller. You can use your thumb and index finger to do this. When needed a virtual keyboard will come up. Trust it! It will make suggestions will you are typing. If you see what you want while typing just hit the space bar on the virtual keyboard. Swiping left ot right with four or five fingers will allow you to switch between apps recently used as well.

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: video with ccAudience Interaction: n/a

Video showing each step described in narration. CC


Page 16: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: Things to do when the iPad is acting up

Screen 16 of 18Background: Notebook paper Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – black

Actual text:Things to do when the iPad is acting up1. Restart the iPad2. Reset the Settings3. Reset the iPad4. Press and hold Home key5. Restore the iPad (ask IT

before doing this)

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration:There are 5 thing you can do when you iPad is acting up. Number 1- Restart the iPad. When you press and hold the on/off button a screen will come up and you should swipe to turn off. Once it has turned off all the way you can press the button again to turn it on. Next, you can reset the settings, you will not loose any data, but you may have to redo some settings. If retting the settings doesn’t help you can resetting the iPad by pressing and hold the on/off switch and the home button down at the same time until it resets. If things are just frozen on the screen, press and hold the home key for 10 seconds and restart the iPad like described in number 1. The last thing you can do if problems arise is to restore your iPad. However this erases EVERYTHING, so please see IT before you do this.

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard

Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: words to be typed in to look like a checklist on notebook paperAudience Interaction: n/a

Things to do when the iPad is acting up

1. Restart the iPad2. Reset the Settings

3. Reset the iPad4. Press and hold Home

key5. Restore the iPad (ask

IT before doing this)

Page 17: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: CongratulationsScreen 17 of 18

Background: pictures of smiling faces holding ipad Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Myriad Pro/75

Actual text:


Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)


You have now learned the basics to using your iPad here at school Congratulations, and have fun learning!

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard


Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: Zoom in (text), alternating pictures appearingAudience Interaction: n/a

Page 18: I padstoryboard

Name of video: iPad! Do You? Description of this scene: QuestionsScreen 18 of 18

Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Myriad Pro/bold – white

Actual text:Questions?

Screen size: ___4:3_______16:9, 4:3, 3:2

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any)

Narration: Does anyone have any questions?

Audio: narrationAudio: MusicLab_(4real).mp3

Video Storyboard


Transition to next clip: Theme 1.0s seconds

Animation: Text will swivel inAudience Interaction: n/a