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r I 11 THE SUN SATURDAY JANUARY 24 18H1 B 2OO DANCERS AND NO MEN IITml1ANOT1rIJ FROLIC OF 41 JlC1i 1111 iTORKlita GlHLH Were t 1OOO Women or no In the per ohllnt qtrey Man nnd Pro- ttIanL rdefl With Ire CrcemThe I 11m to be One of the 011 pI iy GUlnp Thing In the nIp Town beautllul dancing ilnncon tto VM the I Mall on Saliaro larden last r it with n mon It wee tInRnOnO In nura- f In merrlntnt and I In unlauonrse ft- tutbeeW bin leaispnrtyof the working girls of 1tbli town nnd neighboring towns T1et1 cJul Wl re rcprcornted and fully I gos rnnclng from 11 towollo- L I lrtHr J0iini te I B0rt Each one of the 2000 hat the ot In flvlole c1 5L f friends to look with the I td and their lrondEI the directresses- jTir friend there wore 11000 people In I I imphlthoatre Safe behind the rigid r inithaJ bon erected against bearded tMglrlshM their beautiful frolic out There were three black coats there some of jjljajjjtherhail counted four but por- ILthlcounted ono twice i WI11IW E Dodge was In one of the- WtkOOt t Then there WBSJB servant of M- rlb 1 jrwln one of the directresses who J In the capacity of an assistant The T tr who really had the privilege of the lut JI was Mr T J Iul the assistant ULtsUndent of tho uT r j C Duel a brother ot the assistant ettirlntenatnt wanted to nnd that ofllola- lLja the evening and wee rash enough to lailde It was white the girls we- roI I the Saratoga lancers When the saw a manl a taint I on the- M there a at once a storm of hisses Mr kill i till goodlooking Uao Hews I apparently not abahed a bit br this ifttl demonstration He attempted good nlitedly to pick his way through the moss of aJuaeddaniers but they would not havo It blocked the way and crowded him n Tbt u Htlnit tbe guard rail so that he was S TwUlartly compensated for this later on- pngtheM1ppertbe1rl9 sent out some ice- ream to the men on the entrance A- sgflaseainphis real a gron n of girls curtain which drawn across the entrant just beyond vu its rS1 wslt him hm want him they shouted HI downt drink be pats Ice cream itiirlyssTtlA oclock girls and women be- ta ¬ tei flock Into the big Garden They came Ktwot m threes In lour and armies For 1 toer they In an undiminished Jtrelm through the two gates at the Madison palnd whether member of the societies irnothiJ all ben tickets wih- lbUe eni the members came lr- Bisters and their aunt and loek eoatlna as were eligible Many Indies bits been interested In this work came li SoWBudthen a man presented himself ud WM ilflr leered bY the girls as he was iTS tl eelook Landers orchestra struck UD- Hi BUMP for the grand march and tbe auuu- Moid been laughing and cbRtnl all I tell Into line They by tLer tel drU teacher and by Miss Zdltk in the line were iiDimtwrs of the Thirtrelghth Street Club liitiaamberweiringred tubas and fichue- asS the other clubs In tho wtrtheBeoond8treettbebteadfeu t the wrvor the Far and Near the Progressive frotp ctHill I tbe Neighborhood Guild the the Ivr of this- s1l7niAVorkere mI of Jersey City the Ejnjtfiil Society the Mutual Benefit and th- eN 0 from Hobolten the Elizabeth tad loletel from Brooklyn Tb r members MTrra wore th Ue shape of turbans and fichus or Ilr shoulder capes of cheese cloth Wben Ml had circled the floor the scene ihu totbSaxatogslanciernthe like of tti animation and plcturesquensss Ih Jynever I soen before In this town- Thsbszes Iud the Daloonlea wr thronged vtth ipectators among and of leers lost to view in that mass of women 1 one only man I As rdtoppe orange topped blutM yellow topped and iod- wWtisahbiue topped dancers warmed- pletheiaae1ersin as many of elgbt 6 Ut SKT would hold a cheer arose tom tonerof the room Set after set the Ibt nnttl the amphitheatre rang with the sonndT A broom drill l that followed t I Mrtldpatedln by thirtyeight members of Tbjrtrelshth Htreet and the Ivy clubs- Thedrtliwsawtthbroozns tied wltb ribbons ittarlotta colors and cave the audience good ba qt theumCUto exercises that tbe glrUt- racuse rooms Their manual id evolutions were military aurat anl nl followed women a luslo Iblrtyelchth about 10 lob and the Prospect Hill Annex and Stead hitclubs There was no more interesting scene to the- lpsctatorsthsnthecountrydsnce which was u the same plan as a genuine backwoods tnekdown Everybody danced who bud not Utin another girl out to supper Her again ttt cheats broke forth music ltd tie exaggerated drowlnl I that never totted to rise from the acre of seats beacamewiiatisknown among these girl nmnuu as the junior drill It wa given by Endeavor Club an organization compose 101101 Its members lola TUB BUN reporter of Wtttr mil only Bbe was quite right They tin all pretty and their light blue turbans U4 nest shoulder dreues ot the same color Httbemofc AVIralnla reel followed such eold hive delighted the devotees oj a Isetsat dance In 11 palmy dar The sets isiiiy filled the Tee dincs wound nn at 10 oclock with a rUOnoftheSaratogalanclers Just before does President Sturelx of the Madison rdtn Company was permitted to ftOD the eene of the girls though ii1n r pretty and ware models sSL I IPnllanes A typlra trimmed costume Tith narrow bands of velvet with SiSVc of r light pale pink and blue She Miss Grace I Dodge thn Pre1 of the Awoclatlon of Working Ulrle So Ji2iHkt most of the directresses wai- a Xi a blsk cashmere at fifteen Cents l yard tmmej velvet at abopt rfXIWndwlth turban and fichu of ffir it 4 cents Bhe wore no jew and ennrnenta of all kinds wore very isri eren imong the spectators 0QOupof girls wore light white muslin Mpwoldeted with yellow daisies and sits reilow Debus to These iltoul by correspond EUeOiiya011 the house of tbe bolday Olttyet Loag lelant1 StLotbergoj1p hadapronsof pale pink b blllbl uf Ilht blue and turbans pink U out wore light rod tllrbaH- fltJrMl C L I were Mles Dodle l c ar IrIn MIs C B u mats Potter srchibaid Alexander h1aSitebseca F Ioe Sty and varied the comments or Il it I left theWf 0 Iard 0 DII 11 o Ithlnk there said one turbaned T MbMIlalloFnlot rklngfiirlB1 Societies 1SS4 and has lately hi jkeil widely 1111 any proviouB effort to e e iTiinnJ KK 101 selfImprovement- e pi t irSSiVfflniBle of the club Is that b- l tlbel i ei who heip tbetiiseUo- kifffi1 Idt la to establish Jki °° Jal pleasure and workni leSyVwtiYllchsnuJl bo upported and 5 are eirle tbpmsehes Iilin rich Ir I J entitled with the movement they eDI1 lenent Tr largely to tboKlrls aR help and IIe them time and lbr t irhlndlvldull rooms here IM danirt w J iahly eenlnl s and tOt as mBn fdiica- i oriDrwhe as lnu indivIdual flubs can rtahre dhlle1 eqnaiiy emong all rfc wBS that tiny inornberr- ffidli brll no bolf Ulan any ullicr inoni- Jf bUD e 0bsrd- dlaates from chute In n I three ilueluth met lntlie Mettoiotun Onrra dy e Irnt fur I onviiuion of three IODru 11 Inf r to establish H com D Of It n lor all the chubs anil tn kU hJp lladlI1 I eachh oilier f In I the work or PI k1 ttIr irisJEt iiij Olprh W hl lid Iner a Iro08I0n l iUkio et- J it the iciiisrai BesmmiH yesterday O PRrtulalv l illsscreoihlo 1101 r Ole trlld Il I 1lt ted I ofon JuOfco Fitz kotuJhDe ml oi > tealln a dlnmom- ln I t1gui 11 lrt llle scarf r slon ODI G a econd 1 nll real estate dealer l air vIe< n- 1II Whl otltr n or in th 10 ogiilred I s II who lied Mfn I h1 elI ant it tbe ci RlHrll for tenilog s rtt I cvlcIOI tNuI tr I nl I er n unother- lni 1 H IMieriil ftfclons leloro Jin i IUde ranlol codf 1IIt 11 vvniili- r tt n art eel hl Tlfn MOlr to Blat 1111 on elll 101 tet 1kg rtlil fJff 1luken blur utlgd > ri rnnL 1 r Ill who Bfneneil him icr 1 CQWIs Intenoe begin at the expiration of dTKlClf AND OUtOUJfSTAlfORS Dr liepw Tells the Tale Alumni Wlmt They Will no tnr a Men With Fxltiradoa The bluo banner Ynle wits contiplcuoun by Its absence from tho annual dinner of the Yao Alumni Asuoclntlon lust night not because tho Hnnnrd footlmll teRm trailed It In tho mud of NoTcmljor but because Dolmonloo li still 10 choice the now ecorntlons of his banquet room to permit what ho consders glidIng re- fined ¬ cold On either sldo of Dr Poiiew thin President of tbo nosoclntlon worii President Dwight of Yalo University Edward King President of the tlnrvord Alumul Association J W Alexander President ot tho Princeton Alumni Associa- tion ¬ Prof Iladloy hen Hosted leaao H- Bromley W 11 MoKlroy Major Bundy and Isaac Newton lewis Among Iho 150 or more Yale men at theother table were Ilroyton Ives 0 Van Bantvoord ft 8 Bussing Pioctor Clark E H Converse W R D Stokes hobart IatraY 0 A Watson L HolbrookHC Irll Miller H Uurtls nnd I O I J ho oatlnn or the thinner wee not onlY enllr- enoil by Instruniontnl IIHIIC but cOle sings tom the Rne club In the cho of winch ni voices joined cheerful tliores I greeted Pros ¬ dont Dorow when bo Inured to order and began the speech which wns to open the ora- torical ¬ purl of Ill foBthltluK Alter riaylnt the lato political upheaval which hail apparently overwhelmed one party only tirovfd that iiatttrs may come and parties may tio but Xaio goes on forever he con tinned The Icily press and the magaelnes haw been lull durlnu the pnRt year of discussions upon the question whether a collegiate educa ton uiilltn a bun to mmpeto lu the active of life or not The error In the dls cushion I N that hit luaklil ot a large lortuno lias beuit tuki n as standard of success There ire In thin United StatpBubout seventeen millions ot workers lit these It would be a large estimate to sty that two hundred thou- sand ¬ wore college graduates nnd yet Ikl A Lou Iku Adhitn tho college graduates all tao rest Thi lr trained ability guides the millions they form the majority among the law tnHKeta they till the bench they take care of the ciuiBolencea of the rest In the pulpit of their health In medicine and ot their estates for a commission at tbe bar Thor give them their politics their opinions nnd their mop all through the press and as man tigers of grant corporations ami business en terprUes tuny substantially control the trans- actions ¬ of the country- A college friend of mine translated from the law to rkilroadlng rt oued a bankrupt cor- poration ¬ from ruin and placed It upon a pros porous basis anti thou administered its af- fairs ¬ with consummate ability When he re- turned ¬ many years afterward to his homo and sat as of old upon the nail countO tha corner giocory tho wise men of the neigh ¬ borhood gathered about hIm and one said IK it trw that you air gettln a of eaaf mure thousand dollars a Sly friend said l Tlt It Wall said the looaloracle that shows what cheek and sarenmstances will do fur a manBut It was neither cheek circumstances though my friend bad both but It watt the dis- cipline ¬ anti rlnlnl of u liberal education Hi < ended a praise of Yale with this There are 100100 lawyers In the United States and nine Judges of the Supreme Court Every one of these lawyers with the doctrine ot chance belovtl there Is- is probability that be selected for any vacancy that may occur upon the bench of tint highest tribunal on earth Iwo such vacancies have happened past few years It was not chance It was not accident but the survival of tbe fittest which BRMI them both to Yale and the supreme evi- dence ¬ ot the htKheat quality of selection that they both came from my own class of M- 1rrslilent Dwight the next speaker when the strains For bee a jolly good fellow which greeted him had subsided said amonp other things that he and Prtsi dint Patton of Princeton hail been called fanatics about footbal He didnt believe a Princeton could ho a fuuatlo about anything and he himself hnd been told that he looked like an Episcopal minister As for football In connoUol with Harvard ha thought when tho football team of that university had recently presented Itself Ieforo him In iinestnf laurel should have told It not to act as If It had never won a vic- tory ¬ before I President Dwight added that It was fifteen years since this hud happened Prof Harley told a story which lie said Mr Depew used llfty times a year It was abut the Englishman who Insisted when at a Western hotel on having his dinner In coursesoup fish entrta roast Ao and was askod by the waiter whether he had partitions Inside Harvard the moral was wanted to give education on the Western plan and not begin with the freshmen in the soup and the seniors for the alterUlnner speakers lena H Bromleys speech concluded with a poem In honor of the President of the laie Alumni Anflorlntlon of which a couplet was Ireib at a dalsjr end Sweet u the d w- No rty ever LiSts on Chauncey M Dpw- Mr King In behalf Hnnar made some remarks about football o Mr Alexan- der ¬ had something to say on the same subject but In a reverse way After the siientlnc was over college songs wound up tho merrymaking Tine PEW OHLEAHS rzCTunr4 Acquittal of the ProTenxui BUM e Their Second THulGullty the Flrat Time NFW ORLEANS Jan 2STbe jury In the ProvenzanoMatranga vendetta case brought- in a verdict of not guilty tonight This Is the vendetta which is supposed to nave caused several murders and culminated in the assas- sination ¬ of Chief of Police Henneesy A feud arose out of business dlfierfnces between the Mmranga and Provenauogangs last summer Whllo tbe MntranguH wore riding home lu a cart otto night about midnight they wore fred upon from an ambuscade sum of them killed The police found half a dozen Italian blundorbusse on the street In the neighbor- hood ¬ of shooting and the JliUrauirns Identified the Provenzanos as their assailants As these vendettas had become frequent among the Italians hero there was aloud demand on the authorities to break them up The case was vigorously prosecuted and the Provenzanos were found guilty but the case was sent back by the Supreme Court on a legal question On the new trial aftarhatIng the most conlllalng and contradictory evidence the jury returned verdict of not guilty I In the mean time the Mntranga party are in ohaisrd with the assassination of the jai ot Police The conviction of the Proven Eanos on the original trial was the first time a verdict of guilty was rendered in an Italian vendetta case The verdict confirms tbe popular sentiment that In cases ot crimes committed by or against Italians It is impossible to secure convictions NrwTmrfth Kloper Art In Troy TROT Jan 29he police received a despatch on Wednesday them to look out for1 Leonard G Robinson and Hose Van Zlle who bad eloped trim Newlurgh the former having also titian over 1300 from his brother Mies Vat lie has a brother in this city and at his house tiny appeared this ovcinlocr 100 were al ¬ most mini dlntnly nrrenied situation wit dlscupsrd HI headiuaitem anti at the broth rs suggestion an immediate wedding wnx deemed udvUanlo UoLiUbOii Conceited and tho hot Dr Unldwln was culled nnd led 11111 knot Thou thn brldocropm was jail Over 200 was found on his person The balanio wet expended In hotel theatre und travoll nc opensH Ills probable that the complant against Ilobinson will be withdrawn to mOl row Bev David HpnrReon Vrrrf Hore Thief The Itev David Spnrgnon Perry 90years old who once was 1 preacher was taken Into the Court of Hepsions Brooklyn yesterday for sentence Ho bad pleaded guilty to 1 charge of having stolen a horse and wagon from James Wowney of Brooklyn Perry took the horse anti wagon to Philadelphiawhere he WHS ancmod Judgo Mnoro asked him If he bad anvlhlnc tn say for hliiifceU before sentence iiWHfnorwW the old man Th- HlstrsnlChailty hall promised to take care of iH tar thu rest my life and Id rather be given Into tholi charge than so to prison Mnoio punt him back to jell and If the hitters want to rare toe him they may do 0 A Tlirrntrnul Htrlke Averted CIFAI Fiiin Pa Jai 23The conforenca of operaloiBunil miners advertlsnd for the inth Ins was lipid nt tho office of W 1 Dill of this cltv yosierdnv and toduv Ii 1 lirnuuh the wito iounsls of all engaged an nnitciblii auioniiient was arrived ut and the Conleiniiro Rdioiirneil The agreement grit vldos for joint of operators and I rOnIntll liilnwi to ho oonvenlent point- Hinlatnilitio ot Inter tbiin t iho I it ltd week In- Mnch taxi t Thin hiiMlli onus for ii time at IMI i uliut lluenonid tn I tn I disaiti one Blrtigule lor nil Infiiiio of wages A HI Pistil t CIIHIIN umerilnr ttttuii ted- Kr IAii Ion ai This afternoon the jury In t IheiiiscolJ O YeiviilH i tho St 1nul census ei wit pliartod with making 111rln Wil 1110 linu In ii > erdlit or imtuulliv- I i t trlils of Mi nil upnl t enumoratoiB I cdllbr hold luei itt Mlit enl oil William Eiubtr of I ineflrg A CA cigar m- IrUIrIOr 75 rullu u iirrMUrt In Wlillii- nUt n M I p011 areSt iOii- tVtriei with unirnptr wniluct wiib Aniil Tec i ii Sri at IS hirer urmiei o the OktUnaM l lr look tbt tin IB cbwc Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U S Govt Food Re- portBaking oaI L Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE When Baby was irck we gave her CaMorla When abs was a Child the cried for Cutorla When she became MIss she citing to CMtorla When she had children she avs them CtI j C iaht net this the Mb time I have haUsolel theaeboour tM urTiial floe Shave need WOllTg LOVE LACXiae mr bontj wear longer tha bean ale always brlgtit and dMa D WolffsAGMEBIacking i I 1 fimrltmlfor tin ITonu sad ftiGtra i Change a Pine Table to Walnut A Poplar Kitche Press to Antique Oak A Cane to Mahogany Bo what cm b done with aDo wett ol MU IKONr- ir U YP H 1 1 WOLF e> RANIOIf PhIladelphia rrrtMi Burn 1 I J- I I I- I Qf w OOL FEl WARUZNGTO- aii at the Brnnlnh inhassy In Honor ot the Touting Kings BlrthditrW- ASntNOTON Jao 29Th8 ball given this evening by the Spanish Minister and wife in honor of the fifth birthday of the young Klnl Alphonso was a brilliant event Owing large number of Invited guests it WM neces- sary ¬ to secure additional specs for their ac- commodation ¬ notwithstanding the spacious entertaining rapacity of the Urge double em- bassy ¬ on Massachusetts avenue Representa- tive ¬ and Mrs Council of Omaha who oaupJ the adjoining house originally built ¬ necting doors for Just such an emer- gency ¬ generously offered the use of their parlor floor for the occasion and the usual crush of a large entertainment was par- tially ¬ avoided Carte blanche had been given to the florist whose artistic Ikl was every- where ¬ displayed In a blending of palms and flowers combining In roses of yellow and red the national colors of Spain The walls ot the entire double suite were hidden beneath pendant vines combined with tho glossy leaves of tho laurel and holly A Iob of scarlet and yellow roses tied with the ish colors was suspended between the folding doors and on the flowerdecked mantel In tb second room was a portrait of the young antI his mother The mantel in the front drawing room was ornamented by a floral crown with the letters A XIII entwined In blossoms The entire basement floor was used for the supper room The Minister and Secretaries of Legation at ¬ tended tho reception at the White House In full evening court dross with Jewelled orlel The Minister returned in time sist his wits in welcoming the Mme Buarez wore a companY ported robe of fellow Canton crfipp with Flowers of embroidered silk mul and orna- mented ¬ with ribbons of moire1 The bodice was cut Vshaijcd at the neck anti trimmed with bands of chlllon Diamond orna ¬ mootsllterd on her corsage ami a necklace her throat r Armen dane of Madrid guest of the house 101 ooru oolor brocade bet daughter l Ansele Buurez a handsome gown of tcarlet Over the entrance to the house was suspend- ed ¬ the flag of Spain and transparencies were placed In every window In the rear parlor a lull string baud was stationed behind a semi- circular railing ornamented with national hangings with a back ground ofroploalrlanB At lv oclock the cotillon was feone Medlgli with MUs Everett daughter and Mrs Sidney 1 Everett Intone of the flgnroi- ot the dance there was Introduced a large frame covered with tissue paper through Whl3b the couples broke their way causing much merriment rbl favors were scarlet and yellow rosettes for the gentlemen cigars tied with tbe two colors small balloons porcelain bonbonnlires monkeys and blonE plaI paper knives Tho second of the cam receptions given br President and Mrs Harrison was beldloulebC Itwaslnhonorot thaCongresa i in the executive mansion was a brilliant one The superb toilets of tbo ladles who attended In full force many accompanied by their guests from a distance made a striking con- trast ¬ to the background of palms and smilax that decked the entire suite of apartments al- ternating ¬ with cut flowers of white and pink arallns that banked the mirror stands and blossoming plants ot white and red Mrs Harrison wore a gown of steel blue bro ¬ cade mado with side panels and trimmings of velvet of a darker shade Tho bodice was cut V shape in the neck and filled In with point moo that also finished the elbow sleeves Long gant de suede of tan color were worn and sho carried a cluster of La France roses Diamond ornaments were worn at the neck and In the hair Mrs Wlndom Itoo next to Mr Harrison In a handsome plumcolored velvet over- a front petticoat of white satin Mrs Proctors gown was of steeluruy velvet brocade with side panels and sleeve puffings of white satin Mrs Miller wore white satin brocade Mrs Wanamaker it princess robe of black velvet trimmed with sliver passementerie Mrs Noble on elegant toilet of old Kohl satin com- bined ¬ with pale blue and e1Iborateltmbrld ered In two shades husk a rich gown ot turquoise bile br cade trimmed with lace Mr a garnet velvet trimmed the neck with puffings of yellow chiffon the hack of tbo bodice crossed with jewelled braid Mrs BuBell Harrison n white flowered brocade with front draperies of pearldotted tulle and Mrs Dimmick a black Brussels net with feather trimmings and handsome diamond ornament especially invited were Mrs MacAll tor Langhton Mrs Wallace Mrs Countess sterhHZ Miss Omen Stanford tf Jov Jersey Miss Hargous New York and Mra Foster ExSheriff Davis No Downed Yet The anticipated fight in the Hudson C untY Democratic Committee over the selection an Executive Committee did not take place The Genera Committee met last night in the in Grove street Jersey City It was expected that xSherlft Robed Davis would be dropped from the Executive Com- mittee ¬ but when Chairman Michael J ODon announced the committee lfrVavlsw the 5eil one Henncssy named The Charles I Iober Davis Mer shelmer Frank Smith Patrick Kenny John P Feoney John Conway WeinthaL and Simon Kelly Chairman ODonnellis an exoOlcIo member of the committee It Is now said that an effort will be made to prevent Davis from succeeding hlmsol as Chairman of the Executive Determined to Stmrre RIlrt Death NEWBIBN III Jao 28 George HalltmI- rAllts In fasting with days have passed since he touched food lie is very weak and his friends have given up all hope of his recovery SPARKS FROM TIlE TBLBOBAPB John B Mnnltnn I of Ntr York bM been appointed G adtnllal clerk to tie CotnmUtioner ot teniloDi- Tba key Mluoc J Bavai of Boston bu accepted a call to tiis nlturUn Church ot tbt Memah ID Clilcaco air Ll2il Hlackiou I who bad besn married I only a short tim was hallr burned at Plltiburiia yeiurdty by the explosion uf AQ oil lamp IonHlderaMo arm ut te In Georgetown PJL ortr- diteaa4 animi children raieinbllnc dipbtherla Sev- eral bays dud cut the pnbllo acboola has been clod The Edison General Electric Inmianr of > w York flied In the Otto of the heeretary or state yeiterdar a reriincatt ot an morsels In In capital from SUuvoooot- OHSIKJUOUO 1 h < joint reflation aedydopud tiy the Indiana Beuat aaVlng tonn dressed beef truit aud repeal MoUlnley bill waa adopted by the JOb enterdajr lbs loii Glllce In the new Town hODm Miford MiL wee enters I br burglar ia blown open ottO faou in money nampa and regis- tered package taken Chu Truer IS earl of as e who worked on a farm of Henon larry three milts from Norwtcn tlt corn mined cubiC yesterday morulnr iboutltociock taklnicilryonnlna I Insanity I Is supposed to be Ubl Anderson Harris colored who mnrdored Uajror LoW of ilinton Mlii Hired months ago was tardty t ty Judv rhrlsuian I to DO hanged Marob li Harris confesied and received Ills eeaience wltn Indif- ference Stephen T Sherman of the late firm of Sherman Brothers A Co of llun Io who was oonrlcud of grand larency tn connection with train transactions was ye teriJa aeiitenrtd by Judge Lamberl to Ore years in Auburn State piUou The tars II N Uonklln of AlkanyCapt 0 Oemmlni with I 11 ions of Coat consigned to Byron Dexter hat mtuiufacturer of Danbnrr dragged list anchor In Ihuridaya storm drifted on to rooks lust outside Norwalk harbor and rank l In eight test of water The tilt expreRB on the North fenn Railroad ran down three Hungarians on the trestle bridge access Kancon Crrek three tales Iron Bethlehem Ia kllllog- Anihony Uwuiltoh l itO Joseph teantos Joseph timed escaped work without injury Tbs mel were In search of The ramblldx old house In which the bnrnre of tbe- Oaiuee mile their punt standing at the corner of tenth Stale and rianet turrets I lrorid nc > waisuid by auc- tion yesterday for ttfc The mantelpiece In the I hlatorlo room brought SO The building I to give place to real estate improve meats The third suit for 0000 bas been brought In the Clr nil Court 1111mlnelon111r10 t M I T Sot a capitalist of hl I two brought a few days ago li for the recovery or comralwlnns al legeit to be due for negotlanng the sale uf Iln1114- fo Tennessee for KPUOUI m an I Iteiidell ot New York brings I the lust suit O Fred Crawford woo received a majority of rotes In the election of lire Warden for tile Central Falls I district of Jibed ISland on Jan 5 has been tiled to appear before the Supreme Court of rrorldence I on the Information ot ihe AltornerUeneral that at the Urns of his election he was not a legalized voter sal that therefore George A Cuminlnn who recelredthe next bltibett number of 010 II lawfully elected Wad- A Itocbeiter deteetlre left Joust lit I alb with check ewtndler Challis HeberU allis Melnstermann llebert was sent to prison front Ieoria fur trod larceny tom one year anti his term expired yeitrrday Tbe detictlre was watting al lbs prison llebrrta plan was 10 deposit mousy In- C toOrob the presence of some friend time checks and then draw out his deposit sod skip At Peoria be- got Wooi this manner There ate enouih counts agalnit him II In yew York State to keep bin la prison during his Iflt coivlclsd BICOOKlTTf The Grand Jury Is going to SI Jolmlaoil nest week te- Inraeilgaie tie manaament lbs County Firm Iuplla 1st the girls Central Grammar School will In future be larrleittn Ihe ere of tue Atlenllo Avenue Ilsilroait Company rOt ball firs Tbe annual dinner of the Police Captains will be nrld- nn t1 I llllh assembly rooms Academy of Muslo and iSti persons will participate The new tie frtneil Fplsropal hub of the Recon cl iliaC In NrMri ni end Jefferson avenues will be opened not worship tI mirrow IliehopW KMcUntson- or lilla 1elptila will preai h lit the amid and the Rev l tic n II MiiTmtii i In tie eveiilnir A platform will i lie lielU III tie aftrrno at which ad mIHI wil te inwie ly the Itei li j W Ilitnilugion rector rhiinli ant the restore uf neicliborlng- ciingrfgailuiial rre l ieriau leilM and 14 tiiol lot diuretic An effort will ate be i ado In wipe out ihe- roailnn debt nl Ilia unircii whlrh amcunn to S70U Toe satire cost ot the new church was H 0oa I TIIW nniium or 1InrI UOL lie flu3 ej Watch nt nurgaln pond nor rows from leiry to ray for I Jerry Faher a aulleless young Immigrant from county Kerry I landed at Philadelphia on Tuesday from an Allan line steamship Ha intended t < go to Syracuse but having lost the address of his uncle there ho decided to come to New York All hunt up some of his uncles friends He went to 127 Washington street and started out yesterday to look around th lower part of this town A lon genteellooking young fellow greeted him effusively br another name than his own Jerrr politely corrected the young fellows mistake and promptly related the his- tory ¬ of tbe Kahey family since the time of Urlan Doru Might tho stranger Inquire the name of Jerrys uncle in Syinciino Why of course Fabey Why Fahey wits an old friend of lila a very dear old friend than whom tlioie wasnt a liner man In Hvracuse Jerry wan congratulating himself on his lurk In meeting hm unclon irlend when along came nnotlnr Hirnncor who stopped In front of Jerry and the irlend of his undo and said In a mournful voice hxcuseme gentlemen but can you direct mn to a pawnbrokers snot friend of lorrys uncle tl the inquIrer tThe had bettor look for The inquirer he won a stranger and didnt know the city Then the friend uf Jerrys undo Ref tened and even sot interested In the Stranger with the mournful voloo The stranger said he was hard up that his wife and children wore starv- ing ¬ and that he would have to pawn his tJOO gold watch tho gilt of his dead mother Whereupon be produced the watch The friend of Jerrys uncle ventured to in- quire ¬ how much money tho dlstre sod stranger wanted for the watch and was Informed that it would be sacrificed to tho necessities of the starving family for tho IncOnSiderable sum of 838 Tho friend of very much tempted to buy but the figure was too high The stranger wouldnt tako a cent lose no not a cent The friend of lurrys uoolf made a pretence of going on wll JrJ the hapless stranger called to take advantage of a mans distress he could have the watch for la The friend ot Jerrys uncle decided to take It and pulled out a roll of bills apparently of large denomination to pay for It The stranger said he rouldnt change lowest ofltho bllln aol 1 the frlaml nf Jerrys uncle asked Jerry If ho could accom- modate ¬ him for a few minutes with J35 ot course Jerrr could Then the friend of Jerrys uncle went up the steps of what ho said was a bank to not ono of his big bills changed to repay Jerry Jorry waited below for a long time for tile uncles friend and finally got tired anti told his board- ing house keeper about his adventure He- r tol It to Detective Peter Oroden who Is try ¬ find the bunco men natron BY A MASKED BVROLAB The BtrmBsja Story Told to the Newbnrgh Polls A Colored Women bJ Ncwnunon Ja 23Mrs Isaao Sailor ot 317 Washington street tells the polite a sensational- story about a masked burglar ontorlnl her house Rhe says she had lust 1300 from the bank to pay Mile At 230 yesterday morn- Ing the burglar got In the house by breaking a window Ha forced UH way into her room by holding a revolver in thoocackof the door She screamed but no ono heard her alholll others were In this house at tbe yielded to the demand of the Intruder anti went to a drawer and taking out 1150 gave It to hIm Ho cool looked It over and saying I was not all bad demanded more She protested and the burglar throw her down Rolling her by tho throat with one hand and pointing the revolver at her with tie other be threatened to ki her if tbe money was not forthcoming toll bll the rest Was up etarand he told her to go Inlllt It but herself out ot story window dropped to the sidewalk boiow and made her escape In let night clothes to Charles Notts house She aroused hull but when he arrived at her house the burglar was gone Mrs Sailor Is a colored woman and widow The burglar was a white man I The Sit Bartholomews fescue MlaMon The St Bartholomews Rescue Mission whlcn is under the patronage of tbe Vanderblt has started a now scheme for poor men to secure work The Itov Dr Greer of Bt liar ¬ tholomews has adapted a plan in vise by tbe Guard of Honor of Bnffiilo to tho needs of charitable work In this city When a man ap plies for asslstnce Superintendent HldloJ gives him an Introductory circular tiuestB tbe mon upon whom he calls to notify the Mission If he Is employed If the mon lon whom he calls are not able to employ him are requested to sign tbolr names on a given to the applicant so that Mr Hadley car be assured that he Is making serious effort to procure work The circular states frankly that nothing Is known of tbe character of the appli- cant ¬ ro lug as the superintendent is con- vinced ¬ of tile faithfulness of the applicant he provides him with food and lodging Ho far seventy men huvo been started out by Super ¬ intendent iladley of whom forty have got work Fire In n Broadway Store Two alarms wore turned In tot a fire in the subbasement of the fonrntory double build- ing ¬ 767 and 769 Broadway occupied by Kreu der Kline k Kreuder dry goods dealetlhor ly after 6 oclock last night In were nearly 130000 worth of goods but the damage by fire and water will not exceed till OM Thomas Connor janitor of tho building who is a paralytic was carried out by the llromrn and Itobert Walsh driver of engine S3 was oeroome by the smoke while In the building but revived when carried out Into the open air The Homos were confined to tbo tubcellar The building Is leased and partly occupied by the 8 8 White Dental Manufacturing I o and is built on Sailors Bnus Hal bor property An Appeal for Irelands Evicted Tenants BUITAIO Jan 23r James Mooney e President of the Land League received the following cablegram today signed Dillon OBrien Harrington and liedmondB- ouLCfiss SurMerJa 23 TaJamn Mooney Buffalo Tending negotiations the posItion of evicted tenants Is becoming extremeli critical Write entreating Amer lean friends not to delay forwarding funds to cane ten ant from ruin In accordance with this urgent appeal Mr Mooimy who II an exPresident of the Land League aud the confidence of the Irish leaders earnestly reque ls committees having in trust funds contributed for the relief of the tenants to forward this money at once to Dr Joseph E Kenny and Mr Alfred WebbS OConnall street Dublin Ireland Odd end Ends of Sports Tbe football team of the I AAC will go to Newark to morrow play the 1rl of the same name The annual baUof Ih lodges ot the ions ef- X George will be held at Grand Army Hall Williams berth uu Jan ja The lacrosse ohasoplonihlp of the A A D this season be worth winning ana every Indication points to a Sill contest for nut piece Constant Reader a pnbllo I exhibition at the office of lbs wltce it on Dee 5 INK Louis Iyr of Canals lifted A on which were eighteen men The actual weight was 1511 pounds The Wayne A C will take pomeulon ot Caledonian Park on Feb There I Is an flintlap traik on the gronuui dressing room shooting gallery und all other auxiliaries of a well appointed outdoor club O p a UrooktvnAply to the Secretary of the Eastern Mhletlo I Club nil Huihwlck avenue Rrooklru for the information hireS The club is not a member- of the Amateur Athletic Ullo1 but sill apply shortly for admisiluu Into that In the weekly contests at whist In the Krooklyn Bi- cycle Hubs tournament u ticIni slay evening tbree series were plave i reiultln as robes I UtMrs skin and butler detested Messrs llaviuond nnd viaiculm Ser Into 13 Maura Itibmlng and roller belt Meikrs Malcolm ant skinner br Mt it aud Mrssr Malgolin ant roller defeated Xlesirs Bklnuer unit Italiuiiug by 1U 10 IK The BoudonttN V Canoe riuli bld In annual lag on Tuesday erening at wbiili lie folluwlaej I electrdor tbo ensuingterm J A toen r woo rank Van Deuien Vice Commoiluret llutton secretary Dr I i I crlsbell freaiurar The Commodore tamed 1010101 contmlitBe t House G li 11 ovkrnilail Auxustns- Hares ApullOKtlon II Illhbard Jnnneu llakbrouck Diaries I He l ia erifne RenottiUr Jolsb l llaibrouck- WlilUin Stephens JoIn Ii Mine 11 yaK KiM7u or Title situSir Hating reid lb article Acorns Stand True to Thelr ulura I I rl1 C tee lines In rurdlo the clove ormle Ills I a a rumor hO loined Hie Mi A U nnd that I wilt represent all I Inturu competitions I have eiked fur release from the Acorn A A which was refused on 1 was thus compelled to re Un 1 liare noregrets for having joined the M A i knowIng I It will be of neat adranUge to me as on athlete Ilhlnl I have done myiluty UK an duet Inward Ibe A hut recent I cclins of the oillcla hora compelled- me to mike a change rn MC M helm uy 390t Union Street lirooklyn Loon BmnrH Jan flThe Centra Lull Club held their monthly live bird shoot on their grounds at Pleas- ure liar opening event nas a club Shoot CI ten birds e MIZblo Trice wHiting with I a rein score The cot their stores were as tollowsi I ill Limit lieS Jr I A I Cuhberiy 9 J 1 erich U A blewmim O Jiuhus Van Dyk su S W Held o iiistia rrlc U W Marker 7u II a Price 9 A mUl4 out shoot Si I enirince eight entries was won by George and A Cubuerly Join Price and Phil Daly Jr Another mtsajindeuin event same conditions wee won by VV u stud E W Price and Japhla Van liyke The final event a wissat4 nut nine conditions was woo by P vvewd John L lrlce eat George noberly Alter the shoot the membero weut to Prices Hotel where the Hub cup and bmlite were presented to H W Held and K M Price respectively- A special handicap toad race for the point prize was held by tbe members of tha Rldgi wood Harriers on Wednesday evening over the ileodnle roads Tne coerce was about nve miles The traveling wa fulrlr- goud and the time made by the winner was try creditable It was n clock wiltS Referee Janirs A Hlanchard of the I enturion A C railed the runners out and neti airheit hem nccordlnir to tt eir handicap allotment i apt lulin J iiurdln woe an scratch wit th meld sri innrfce axieniing from 0 druids up tominute 1 ieecondi Jam s Mnrlht nlj 0eecoua wnti ny t n yards from oi ruin icratcb who H esnve rards In trout of Arthur JoIn II I mlnuteUsecondsi It was a rattling finish with the three place I men righting It out all the way TIm 11 minutes UK seconds IRlClt LOVE rs SVIRITUAIISX- AnMFrund The Society llcilre Seats for the InformatIon ofT II Keliey About three hundred circulate were received yesterday by members of the Brooklyn Spirit ¬ ual Association The same society a week ago received A tot of circulars headed In MR let lire Madam Die ne Fake In which many members of the association were caricatured Yesterdays circular owes Its origin to the AntiFraud Society I the circular Itself avers It begins as follows Free lovers fools and fakirs must bl driven out ot Brooklyn spiritual meetings The Anti Fraud Society Is determined to expose and hold up to ridicule the contemptible Impostors called public mediums and the fools who are duped by thorn Also the free lovers who by their Presence at public meetings keep r- eleotab pooplo away All persons of good character desiring to join the AntlFrana So- ciety ¬ are requested to notify the secretary An address to tile spiritualists of Brooklyn follows In those words In our next circular we will give the names addresses Ao of tho free lovers who attend the various spiritual meetlnics In Brooklyn At thu unsent time we am In PO- Bression of names dates Important facts Ac In the once of thlrtrtwo persona and we want to ct more Information If you lire In sym- pathy ¬ with this movement and know of any persons whose names nonld appear In our next circular plea e fill in the following form and return to us We intend to make It hot for free lovers and mediumistic liars and trick Blor In the form at the bottom of the circular thero nro vacitnt spaces to be filled with the name and address of any married woman whom tbe signer can positively lit ate to be maintaining questionable relations with a man the address and name of tile man also to bo given The blanks when out are di- rected ¬ to be sent to Thomas B Kelsey at tbe general delivery of the Brooklyn Post Office The circular concludes as follows Wo hope enough additional Information will be sent In to make our next circular InUrestlne TILE POTTKRLOrELL FATLVJtR Beginning lroeeedlnas AasktneJ9 tho Members of the Firm BOSTON Tan 29Tbe criminal proceedings against Walter Potter of the PotterLo ell Company brought at the instance of BllnglufT Disney c Co of Baltimore on a charge of em- bezzling ¬ a note of that firm after many post- ponements ¬ were begun In the Municipal Court this morning before Judge Hardy Mr Lovoll his partner would also have been a defendant but ho Is a fugitive and It Is said by those who are supposed to know some thin about his movements that he will not again be seen around here until this trouble blows over The complainants- tried to have all the facts relating to the wreck of the banking house brought out In the bearing t hut counsel for tire defence In- sisted ¬ that the evidence must be ronflned to tlut Incidents connected with the disposal ot the notes lu question Mr Iotter was In Europe at the tlmo tho negotiations were car- ried ¬ on and all the correspondence was con- ducted ¬ over Mr Lov oils signature The flu fence will be that Mr Potter know nothing about tlio negotiations In this particular ease and that no case can be made against him Mr Lovell will keep out of the way and thus cause a cessation of criminal proceedings against the firm Iho evidence showed that the notes were dated Aus 1 ISTJ and were respectively for 3001 3871 3Sdl and 18991 and that they have all been discounted Cashlor Foster of the 1otterLovell Company took tile stand with the books of the company and showed that the note for ISflJt was soul on Attic 19 with the guarantee ot the Potter Lovsll Company that the note for 3061 was sold on AUK 10 and guaranteed that the note for 3S71 wits Fold on Auir 22 and guaranteed and that tho note for J3881 was pledged Aug 6 This testimony rondo a sensation m court as It contridl ted the statements In Mr Lovells letters to tillnglulT Ulency it Co The ciiao Wit continued for a week An Endowment for the InstItute of Chris tins Philosophy Mrs Mary B Robinson ot Mamaroneck will read a paper on The Will before the Ameri- can ¬ Institute Christian Philosophy at Ham lion Hall Columbia College on Tuesday even- ing ¬ Fob 3 At the last meeting of the Insti- tute ¬ It was announced that an endowmend fund of tlRnOi had been secured Mr Cor ¬ nelius Vandorbllt contributing about onehalf ot that amount What Id English Billiard f The English billIard world baa been all torn np by the dispute racing among tlie professionals on the subject ef what really constitutes the English championship game It grew out of John Roberts offer te discount any Player In the world 24000 points up that Is Sob ert ottered to concede a start of 12000 points to his adversary at lbs spot barred game W J Prall ap¬ pealed to the Billiard AssociatIon to settle the disputed point whether or not the spot stroke la barred In Eng lIlt billiard It seem certain that Ihe rules will be modlned Just as tlie rule of the American game were when hlois n- and Schaefer became too expert at call nursing for the oust crack one of the founders of tire game adopted In bit and since recognized as the standard for chain plonibip contests sarm When the Championship Committee of 1870 trained the rules It Was expected that every one would be able In time to make hundreds by means of lbs spot bat it is now found that after all there are only about ten players who even with tile spot can boat the champion laying spotbarred and that a championship table to even SIte very test atnaieur a piece of furniture which reduces breaks to a very small compass If the leading prnfeiilonals ao not want the championship table It should nt one disappear tor the spot barred game has evidently greater attractions for the public tItan the spot tn piar- Trie Knitllih Billiard Association held one meeting a fortnight ago In onlon Tbe meeting was open to any- one taUnir an Interest In tie game and a Urge muster of bllliaril enthnilaat took advantage of the opportunity tn air their vlew The attendance Included alt the prIncIpal professIonal players A special general meet irmg nr tie association In to be convened by the secretary on Ihe signed rrqusltlon of members when tie Yeas question will be finally settled as to what Is English billiards and the style of table that Is to be recognised Cricket Beeorel Through a variety of causes changes In the efflee ef secretary lielug the principal the ciimplele record ot tIe Manhattans ion tlie gaol senon toe not male Its appearance until now The Manhattans are the un- doubted champIons of New York and their towing for the pant season when they lost tint a single sine In tba metropolis is utixurpaised Altogether they lost hut three games of tie nineteen tinTs I Two of these were away from home when they hid only sis nf their regular team Mr II Oobbs services In boUt depart meats of the game were the mnlnslarnf the club end bus record with the hail Is all the more remarkable when it is ubserveul that no other member ot the club approached tile figures i Willie J Iteie 11 B Coyne B C Bloxeom and It A Noon all sod eded In obtaining respectable batting averse and they were iustrumentel In obtaining the clubs good recorl for the season The following oftleere ties teen elected for tell Irasident U A Uonroe- iIcePreilflents II H Jewell and J ileardatlt Seer tar and Treasurer Usury Martin uapialn M It Cobbi hisCeplitifl L A Markmtoili Eiecutlret ommltiea- H C liliuaom A Wallle Y J rrsmlergast aid L A Mackintosh The following are the records Maiclxu plated uu wOn itt lost iii drawn X turn vs Paterson Von 1iiwi May w vs Liiiiitwoort Won 18 32 5 wlokets4S IS June I rs ActIon Won iiL Hino wicktailt 84- Jun 7 vs hum rountr Won lbs ic wteeis5L June 14 vs slaten island Won llvi9e JuiieJ i vs bedford Hon lisni July 4 vo Haltimnre Los 37 14ite July 4 vs llelmmii Loot 154157 4 wickets July 12 vs foatnopollian Lost baId July IB vs hew York Won 1255 July M vs ° Kings Connty won 569t Aug a vs eSew Jersey A O Drawn ee 4 wtokeuv ill Aug7 rs Staten Island Won 7HSS- Aug o vs lUdfonl Won UI4J AUtO HI vs fo > mopolltan Won 117 deelsred ML Aug Zlvs Sew Jersey A C Won roJd- Aug J3 vi yew Uirk lirawn UI639 wickets Atm S1 t va Paterson WotL 4H4W- fept 30 vs Kings County VtonU2 2X- achamplonslilp games of the Metropolitan League smiKO IVIIIOK nines Molt In Insfopa 1501 0105 an intl less AVigct- St N Cobb 5 5 hue 401 225- 22O J Ito iii 4 re 2is lao A Wale di hi 12 245 Ii is- ii o iitnrocm IS 2 43 itS 13- 3htAon 12 I 2j 173 II- Ii Ii iui pa ti 2 di iii lit it iieresirl 2 0 Is iO 10- F 1 lrenrfaet3i as its ait- ii iiillnn S 40 11- di Mitutuell 7 12 tI n- II blaitltt 6 iii 17 43- S Smith 4 it itt 42I- C Iclteson 4 13 ir j- ot out sowilsa soeaaos Maid WIC1 aver lIer cot Stint erg Toers till Si 542 iii 273 11 t 52 1110 74 eas- II It ioyne p3 Vi it C55- I 1 Preudargast 43 tO ia is a 57- C film 34 b 43 1 e4- 3itAtoon JO IS 52 9- 1 I Se 0 apo onirtTAire M Benjamin Constant llolelho de Mocal bites the Brazilian Minister of War who died at Itlo Janeiro on Tliursdnywns ono of the most progressive men In the rooubllc Ho was a native of that country anti about 43 years old Ills early youth was spout In acquiring an ed- ucation ¬ Ho wan always a republican from principle and wrote vleorous articles upon the subject When the revolution broke out ho was a lurofessor in tl rolytechnio School at Rio Janisiro flu was appolnteul tho first mii- nIster of War the ropuhlio hind but in Iay 180 exchanged that position to become Minister nt Public Instruction 1ostn and Teloaraphs Ho soon gave this up however to take the War poiinrtmont aaaln which place he held until his death Charles J Brockway of Newbnryrort Mass died rildny aged 80 He was connected with the importing house ot William Bartlett halt a century ago and afterward became Interested In the cotton Industry He was a member of tile first city Government of Newburvport In 1S51 was Treasurer oftie James Steam Mill for aliout twentylive years director of the Mechanics hank Assessor ot Newburrportalx years and held thoolllce of Hocrotaryof the Newburvport Fire Insurance Company for nearlr nine rears Cal T P HnlTo1dlfl dead at Madison Ga at the ace of 70 He was a member ot the Seers slon Convention In 1MGO but became a Itepub llcnn alter the war and was a member of the reooustruetlon Constitutional Convention of JBflK He served under Presldont Grant on tile Board uf Visitors to the Annapolis Naval Aeatitiny and on ono occasion delivered the literary address at West Point Notn ItbstanJ log his political belief he retained the friend ¬ ship ot llobort Toombs as long as Mr Too rubs lived Mr MorrU S Boynton ot Cambrldce Mass died on Friday aced r 8 years Ho was a char tel member of the old Boston Produce Lx change now the Chamber of Commerce a di- rector ¬ of the Chicago Boston and L refrig- erator ¬ line anti a director In lioth the hay State Live Stock Company and tho Kansas City Packing Company Henry Wilson who died of peritonitis on Thursday joined the old Volunteer Fire Ue pertinent in 1812 and was one of the oldest members of tile Association of Kveiupt lire men afterward organized In IhUO be wits elouted President of the Board of Fire Corn mlslonorn serving four years He was 81 years of age when he died William B FishIer a train broker In the flm of I and C Moore of this city died at his home In Newark on Thursday iifcut need 53 H wits horn In Little Fells Horklmer county anti In early life ho was cashier of the First National Bank ol Fort Wayne lad He leaves two sons anti a widow the daughter of llllaui M Force of Newark G Frank Chase died on Thursday at 328 Jay street Brooklyn In his 51th year He was a member of the old firm ot J D Chase hon opticians He was formerly a member of the Twentythird Regiment antI was a member of tho Society of Uld Brooklynltos Ho leaves a Widow anti four children Henry M Forestall one of the Inspectors ot the Boston Board of Health died Thursday He was 67 years old and was one of the orlul aid Inspectors of the Hoard Ho was a morn bereft old liarnlcoat Fire Association and was among tboso who wont to California in W William Powell Perkins who died at Way land Mass Tuesday was a graduate of Har- vard ¬ College In 182J Only three members of that clues are now living Lies H Dlxwell fieorge H Wbltman and Horatio Wood Mr Perkins was In lila 84th year Mrs Eliza riacg mother of Mm Washing ¬ ton Wlnson of New York died In Stockton near Buffalo on Sunday aged 71 yours Mother BaptUta the Superior of Monte Maria Convent who lund boon a reul use fortynve years died at Richmond yesterday Nathaniel G Manson the oldest Iron met ¬ chant of Boston died InCttmbrldgeport yester ¬ day aged 83- Cardinal Blmor Archbishop of Oran anti Primate of Uungarr dlod at Oran yesterday Baron Schmidt the architect Is dead In Vienna Slow Power neeume Pool Champtna When Albert Powers was beaten by Charles Manning last June for the continuous pool championship Ueorge- II Itomalne of Chicago who was Fowerss backer telegraphed to Powers to ploy Manning again and that under ne circumstance should he return to Chicago without the championship medal Lower played Vlaimlng again tor 3uo a side sod met with another defeat December 2 < last Powers letS eatlsned that lie had made enough Improvement and challenged his old opponent again Manning recelred the challenge on Jim uUuder the rates ot continuous pool the challenged party bas ten davs m which to accept and cover tile Forfeit or sa Manning says tbat he wrote tohlsbacLer but the latter tailed to cover Iowarss deposit There fore rowers on last Monday visited tha office ot the runswlck liaike Company the donors of tile emblem sad put in a formal delia rot the medal soul the title of champion lie was presented with the medal When Manning heard of rowins action he was very Indig Dint claiming thai lowers hail personally assured hire that be would not oldie time emblem if Mannings backer did not cover the forfeit Powers can keep tbe medtil Manning says but I will play tIm for t AJU and hoc the match decided In Chicago on the condition that be return the emblem and allow it to go to tie winner ot the mafb Power said to a Hex reporter In hilly Sextons bil hard room yesterday that lie was going to liloco 1m- medlatelr arid that the medal would go with him If Manning can get the backing said he I will be more thin pleased to meet him I am now the champion and as such 1 laos the privilege of naming the place of playing and that Is Chicago which Is my borne Skating Notes Kinks are tar better adapted to figure skating than outdoor lee because ot the absence of wind which greatly binders accurate movements and also leans tbe ice 1s always good when the temperature Is below FreeIng point The abandoning of Ice rinks sail tbe- nstltutiuu of roller skating is regarded as tbe chief ceuso for the decreased number of good flgure skater The great reriral of Interest in skating Ibis winter Is strong erldence of tIe vacillating ustur of the pjblio mind rlfttien or tweutv 3 ears ago lancr skating was all tIle rage and provisional skmsrs toads small for- tunes by giving public exhibitions The luterett gradu- ally died out but according to Mr Phillips and others tile public are again racognllug tbe beauty ot time art and true competition at the Thistle Curling Hick hubs ken on Jan 31 promises to attract a large g utierlng A record of the number dais on which there his been skating In the vicinity of lloboken has been kept fur twenty lairs by Mr Eugene It took The record shows tIle arerage to be ChIT days In a winter Mr Cook say that bad seasons seem 10 run lu periods of about three years Last year was the worst on tIe record there being only twenty tour skating dan In- dications are tbat a favorable period has begun this year Engene B Cook of lloboken the celebrated ftgnr skater tales his belief thai there I is nothIng possible m- ngureskaifugwhlcbcannot be accomplished by the best skaters The only llgures which nave not been troughs to perfection are looking turns amid pirouettes rue former consist of turns front the outside edge forward to outside edge backward and vice verse or from the inside edge forward to Inside edge backward and re- verse ¬ To do this on eltber toot equally well li the line ana nOC of a figure skater In pirouettes which are done either on the toe or heel the difficulty to Onlsa gracefully snCortlandt Lake Is well worth a visit on a good skating day even to noti skaters sImply to view the many clover eiponenta of tbe art both ruse and womin who can be sean on such occasions Many fair representatives lbs Sew York Tennis Club way be seen there exhibiting skill on rnnnert nearly equal to that which they almw lu wielding the racket Tile tubes hobart whose skill at leant U Will known skits roost gracefully Smite McKtulav attract the spas ot many br her pretty evolutions Miss Cablll the famous tennis expert Is an exceedingly clever skater end the Misses lloyd though eald lobe beginners give little erldeme of It Motes Hnbensteln brother the figureskating cbanv- plon In speaking of sped skaters sajraot Irwin the Canadian aroateuri On short tracks from twelve to- sisteen laps to tIle voile he car falrlr fly He Is the best of our amateurs In Caaaira Comnarlng him with other skaters he tars When TranL Deed was an amateur laud he nsa then at his basil l I do not think the man ever lived wbu could teat blm on our rinks Ue wee a skater all through lie had heavy llmbe and a very light body the advantages of wbltn you car easily apply In speed akatlng lie never was itended an an amateur and tt was only whsn he- Ceisel to take proper care of himself that he met de feat as a profesilonal tie bad wonderful Judgment amid never made a race hard for himself I think Irwin ranks very near owd sod now that he has strength he I ii a very hard man for say one to beat The New England Seating Association were very un fortunate In being nbUved to sipone their tint annual carnival last Haturrtar on acco- Iond of the Ice on spy Arllngten Mais being covered with snow The contests will take place If possible to morrow but It la thought thus postponement way prevent snaky of the belt entries from being pressed There were twenty three entries for the races Including thus Pounbue brother Joe and Jim Lithe Irwin of Montreal and Kl mar Simpson of Newbnrgb H V The figure skating enmpatmun lund seven entries Including Moses M ben stein brother of Louts Seorie D Phillips New York and r Bacon of Boston Resides these events there will be senior and junior polo matches between time Harvard Boston A A and btonebam AC la the see ior Class aod Cambridge Latin t ami ridge Manual Tralnlnir bomervllle and flrowri ant Nichols schools In lbs junior Uses and a fancy skating competition for lady skaters 900000 rma nr- Tke flI7FF4Z0 New Warner Itolldlnc Bnrncd Two Firemen Found Dcavd tn the RnlneB- UFTALO Jan 23The now and handsome building ot Warner Bros at the corner of Ter- race ¬ and marl streets was ruined by fire to night The building was erected about a year anti n half ago It was ot brick trimmed with Out stone and five stories high and wa divided into four stores Those were occupied br Warner Bros Darling A Harris and L Marcus A Son Each store was separated from the next br a solid wall ot brick twenty Inches thick at the base and sixteen at the top These wells ran six foci above the roof to prevent the spread ¬ ing ot fire in ease It should start In one of the stores All the provisions of the Board of Underwriters and the Fire Department had been carefully compiled with The lira was dlBrovorod at about 8BO PM butstlnc simultaneously from the three stories of that section occupied by L Marcus A Son clothing dealers vbon the dotmrtment ar- rived ¬ on the oceno the Marcus store was in flatnoa which shot out from nil tbo windows Chief Hornung sent In the second anti third alnrin anti the whole department was soon at Work there was n court In the roar ot Zlngshelm A Harriss anti all three stores had windows opening on tilts court These windows wore equipped with Iron shutters none ot which were closed ac they should have been Thn fire burst through tboso windows anti was soon In the other buildings except War- ner ¬ Bros storo I here wore then three sepa- rate ¬ tires side by side dhldcd only by the lira walls The lire veils a very hot one and the windows In tbe stores across the street cracked and cli In Twenty minutes after the discovery ot the fire the roof and lloornof the three stores hail fallen the windows were completely gone and the flames locked fuel Mr iVarnor ono of the proprietors of the building Wits summoned from the theatre anti romnvod all his valuable papers from bis- ollloe He was at a loss to account for the origin of the lire There was to his knowl- edge ¬ no menus br whlh tIle dru could have originated The total loss In estimated at 300uuo Two firemen have been taken from tbe ruins timid They are Adam Fisher Chief of Euuluo Zic4nntl Itobvrt Snyder ROSWRLT F FLOWKR FOR OOTiaurOB The JeaTtonontM Club Wattrtowm Rem ante limo to Succeed Hill WATERTOWM K Y Jan 23A largely at ¬ tended meeting of the Jeffersonian Club the leading Democratic organization In northern New York was held In this city tonight The gathering had a special political significance from the fact that time lion Daniel O Oriflln Chairman of the Sine Democratic Executive Committee intioduceil tIle following which unanimously adopted limo JelTersoulan Club gladly avails Itself of Its first opportunity to congratulate Cloy Hill and the Democracy of the Union UPOB his election to the Vnlleil Slaes Senate Having served continuouslyasGuvernoroftheBtatoHs lone as the traditions or his party permit ho IB now opportunely promoted to a iilaco ot- commnnillnc Infltiuncn hi itn arena presenting a yeller Hold for his nhlllty and statesmanship Wbllit lila advent to tin N muo may be too late defeat the Iniquitous Ioio bill yet his presence there ut any time will bo a beacon to ills utrty and n inenaco to every attempt against thn freedom ot elections and our re- publican ¬ Institutions Itiiiilnit That wt m eont to the consider ¬ ation of the Domocraoy of ow York the lion Koswell I Inwor at a worthy successor of Gay Hill feollnc tuftS by BO ilolnc we but voice thuG sentlmonti of our who o party anti predict the obvlouH losults of our next Demo- cratic ¬ State Convontlun Deitith ofHnby Ulna Baby Mine thus flat young bird to retira from over oto miles In the day of liberating Is dead baby Mine wan fatuous In Its day ant Its ready respense tv all demands of Ha owner ant trainer K U Oenover market A new era lu plg oii flrmi The bird was latched in April liSa Mio WaS lets than five months old when she begun that merles of journeys In which she won her honors Lp to this time them young hInd races ended with that teDium 24U mtlen The first jonrner in which Pithy Mine warn a par- ticipant was Aug 15 Stoma IlUon tOO miles The birds nine In all rtturnel but with tie weather agaInst theft they did not make the speed to suit their owner aid he at once sent theme beck to try It aver akmi The next journey wai from user de Grace 117 miles All returned The best speed vas llul yards ter minute A weik later tic ruin were liberated in u fMutton ia rulen ruin A VI and Sahe Mine and sl uttiera w era In the home loft at 10 Ao A M on tIle nineteenth day alter tIe Journey from Klkton tte team marled from Lriicliliarf IM miles from home at Ill A M and to tin surprint of everyone llaby Mine WHU home at evening having paSsed the tote at one minuti put ti clock Her rounier mark were reporteil In Kw Vork city iiv wire that night and his hinor wa accOrded her of being tIle first youngster to retnrn from over JMJ tnllo time tlay nf liberating Next spring Hnhr Mine was on tie toaa an an old bird tier record for tiC senon wan Second honors from Was Ington 117 mli entry twentynve birds sped 111 > ards per minute toy itt third honnra from Lynchburz Uu miles enlrr twenty four blrdei speed tai3 yar l May lOt sixth honors tram I bar bite N I froJmUfe entry eighteen birds Jnae li- aectmd from Atlitnta a 72 nitleit entry four blrdsi time out nine Otis The lourner by air mine during the seaion aggregated 171 u miles hortlj after thin sue was sent to a show at iadlon tinnaro Osrden v is- let go If the weather was HJltabe She was liberated by mistake In tine of the deniest fogeof the seksoiu blue vs ot course given np as lost but next day a ben tile cloud lifted she dropped Into her loft 1ft a terrible condition of exbaintlon The Washington Federation announces the following offlcern for the coming i ear 1reii rnt K II Bosweli Iotomac Clul Vice President I II MtockDan Alt h Club secretOr A C Melran Potomac Club Trees nrer A C Diorloiis Iost Uuh Itaci Hecretorlis rank Reamer anl Samuel Roth The schedule for the corn lag seaion Is May H tranklln Junction 200 mllest May al tharlotto N C US mlleei June IS retro H C 401 mllesi JuneJ7 Lawrencevllle Ua Oil incest Rent it loveivllle ha liOmllii Sept IB AmberiL Va lomiles oept liD Franklin Junction BOO miles Lively Ilfh nt Ilurvurd- OiMitircr Tam 23The Harvard sealer are In ac- tive ¬ training for the crew races Their dally work con- sists ¬ of sitting half an hour on the seats In the rowing room and swinging back aud forth with their bands on their chests trying to master the elementary body mo- tions ¬ The men also run short dlitaaoes every day And go through some dumbbell exerclne The rowing Is of such e character that nothing can be saM of It by way of criticism Several of thus truce who rowed In last years crew will no doubt begin in thus spring but emily two of the old men have turned up yet Tbe Harvard Tenpln Club has begun practice with a membership of tlfleeu Two matches have already been bowled one with the Casino nub of itoxbnrr and one with the Arlington Club The dab has two ilrkt close ally s for it practice and matches Ths new CIH 4i gate fur Itarvarits fence which has been given to tie college liy vir leorge von L Meyer 7li will bean Intercntlng addition to the college i iron cur It win be placed between llqwori1y end That er Like tile tamoua SlulOi gate between Mauacliurntu and Harvard It will laCe a granite underpinning arid will be cult ot brick anl frectluuc It Islntenled while preserving the general tharacter nf the North avenue gate to mine this second gate In every respect subordinate Its principal posU representing la scale time dImensIons of the smaller i o u et the North avenue gate As seen front the Delta It will present a recessed entrance shout forty lees wiiie linked on this outer corners by piers twelve feet high and on the Inner corner by piers of the tamo dimensions The get Itself will te of wrought inc of a simple design twelve feet in K I6lh serving M one o the carriage approaches to therard Tlie brick voIle of Holworihr and Tbaver will form the continuation of the wall of tile gate from this nreeL Work win be begun as Coon as the weisituer permits Mogini Stead A While are the architects The itervard llxtanlcel Jarden boasts of a rare va- riety ¬ of tie orchid famlir sew m bloom is ace if the trortcal greenhnusee Time planr which lea native of Madagascar l Is called tie AttgraernmSescjalpsdale The stem Is about four feet bill us leaves are of glossy green and are about a ffi I long The bloSsom wlilch Is nearly six inches In dunrter l very white and has a spur that varies In lenirth from a feet to a- foot and a halt The plant ha four spikes uf flowers with three blossoms on each spike

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Page 1: I Re- I oaI - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1891-01-24/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · With Ire CrcemThe I 11m to be One of the 011 pIiy GUlnp Thing In the


I 11




1111 iTORKlita GlHLH

Were t 1OOO Women or no In theperohllnt qtrey Man nnd Pro-


With Ire CrcemTheI 11m

to be One of the011 pIiy GUlnp

Thing In the nIp Town

beautllul dancingilnnconttoVMthe IMall on Saliaro larden last

r it with n mon It wee tInRnOnO In nura-

ff In merrlntnt and IIn unlauonrse ft-

tutbeeWbin leaispnrtyof the working girls

of1tbli town nnd neighboring towns

T1et1 cJul Wl re rcprcornted and fully I

gos rnnclng from 11 towollo-L


lrtHr J0iini te I

B0rt Each one of the 2000

hat the ot Inflvlolec15L f friends to look with the I

td and their lrondEI the directresses-jTir friend there wore 11000 people In

I I imphlthoatre Safe behind the rigid

r inithaJ bon erected against beardedtMglrlshM their beautiful frolic out

There were three black coats there some of

jjljajjjtherhail counted four but por-

ILthlcounted ono twice

iWI11IW E Dodge was In one of the-

WtkOOtt Then there WBSJB servant of M-rlb

1 jrwln one of the directresses who

J In the capacity of an assistant TheTtrwho really had the privilege of the

lut JI was Mr T J Iul the assistantULtsUndent of thouT

r j C Duel a brother ot the assistantettirlntenatnt wanted to nnd that ofllola-lLja the evening and wee rash enough to

lailde It was white the girls we-

roII the Saratoga lancers When thesaw a manl a taintI on the-

M there aat once a storm of hisses Mr

kill i till goodlooking UaoHewsI apparently not abahed a bit br this

ifttl demonstration He attempted goodnlitedly to pick his way through the moss ofaJuaeddaniers but they would not havo It

blocked the way and crowded himn Tbtu Htlnit tbe guard rail so that he was

STwUlartly compensated for this later on-

pngtheM1ppertbe1rl9 sent out some ice-

ream to the men on the entrance A-sgflaseainphis reala gron n of girls

curtain whichdrawn across the entrant just beyondvu

itsrS1 wslt himhmwant him they shoutedHI downt drink be pats Ice creamitiirlyssTtlA oclock girls and women be-


tei flock Into the big Garden They cameKtwot m threes In lour and armies For1 toer they In an undiminishedJtrelm through the two gates at the Madisonpalnd whether memberof the societiesirnothiJ all ben tickets wih-lbUeeni the members came lr-

Bisters and their aunt andloek eoatlna as were eligible Many Indies

bits been interested In this work cameli SoWBudthen a man presented himselfud WM ilflr leered bY the girls as he was

iTStleelook Landers orchestra struck UD-

Hi BUMP for the grand march and tbe auuu-Moid been laughing and cbRtnl allI tell Into line They bytLer tel drUteacher and by Miss

Zdltk in the line wereiiDimtwrs of the Thirtrelghth Street Club

liitiaamberweiringred tubas and fichue-asS the other clubs In tho

wtrtheBeoond8treettbebteadfeu t thewrvor the Far and Near the Progressivefrotp ctHillI tbe Neighborhood Guild the

the Ivr of this-s1l7niAVorkeremI of Jersey City theEjnjtfiil Society the Mutual Benefit and th-eN 0 from Hobolten the Elizabeth

tad loletelfrom BrooklynTbrmembers MTrra wore

th Ue shape of turbans and fichus orIlr shoulder capes of cheese clothWben Ml had circled the floor the scene

ihu totbSaxatogslanciernthe like oftti animation and plcturesquensssIh JyneverI soen before In this town-

Thsbszes Iud the Daloonlea wr throngedvtth ipectators among and ofleers lost to view in that mass ofwomen 1one only man I As rdtoppeorange toppedblutM yellow topped and iod-wWtisahbiue topped dancers warmed-

pletheiaae1ersin as many of elgbt 6Ut SKT would hold a cheer arose tomtonerof the room Set after set theIbtnnttl the amphitheatre rang with the

sonndT A broom drilll that followedtIMrtldpatedln by thirtyeight members ofTbjrtrelshth Htreet and the Ivy clubs-

Thedrtliwsawtthbroozns tied wltb ribbonsittarlotta colors and cave the audience goodba qt theumCUto exercises that tbe glrUt-racuse rooms Their manualid evolutions were militaryaurat anlnl followed

womena luslo Iblrtyelchth

about 10lob and the Prospect Hill Annex and Stead

hitclubsThere was no more interesting scene to the-

lpsctatorsthsnthecountrydsnce which wasu the same plan as a genuine backwoodstnekdown Everybody danced who bud notUtin another girl out to supper Her againttt cheats broke forth musicltd tie exaggerated drowlnlI that nevertotted to rise from the acre of seats

beacamewiiatisknown among these girlnmnuu as the junior drill It wa given byEndeavor Club an organization compose101101 Its members lola TUB BUN reporter ofWtttr mil only Bbe was quite right They

tin all pretty and their light blue turbansU4 nest shoulder dreues ot the same colorHttbemofc AVIralnla reel followed sucheold hive delighted the devotees oj aIsetsat dance In 11 palmy dar The setsisiiiy filled the

Tee dincs wound nn at 10 oclock with arUOnoftheSaratogalanclers Just beforedoes President Sturelx of the Madisonrdtn Company was permitted toftOD the eene

of the girls thoughii1n r pretty and ware models

sSLI IPnllanes A typlra trimmed

costumeTith narrow bands of velvet withSiSVc ofr light pale pink and blueShe Miss Grace I Dodge thn Pre1

of the Awoclatlon of Working Ulrle SoJi2iHkt most of the directresses wai-a Xi a blsk cashmere at fifteen Centsl

yard tmmej velvet at aboptrfXIWndwlth turban and fichu of

ffir it 4 cents Bhe wore no jewand ennrnenta of all kinds wore veryisri eren imong the spectators0QOupof girls wore light white muslinMpwoldeted with yellow daisies andsits reilow Debus to Theseiltoul by correspond

EUeOiiya011 the house of tbeboldayOlttyet Loag lelant1StLotbergoj1p hadapronsof pale pink

b blllbl uf Ilht blue and turbans pinkU out wore light rod tllrbaH-

fltJrMlC LI were Mles Dodlelc ar IrIn MIs C B

umats Potter srchibaid Alexanderh1aSitebseca F IoeSty and varied thecomments orIl itIleft theWf

0 Iard0

DII 11oIthlnk

theresaid one turbaned


MbMIlalloFnlot rklngfiirlB1 Societies1SS4 and has lately

hijkeil widely1111 any proviouB effort toe eiTiinnJ KK 101 selfImprovement-

epitirSSiVfflniBle of the club Is that

b-l tlbeli ei who heip tbetiiseUo-kifffi1Idt la to establish

Jki°°Jal pleasure and worknileSyVwtiYllchsnuJl bo upported and

5 are eirle tbpmsehes Iilin richIr I J entitled with the movement theyeDI1 lenent Tr largely to tboKlrls

aR help and IIe them time andlbrt irhlndlvldull rooms hereIM danirt w Jiahly eenlnls and

tOt as mBn fdiica-i oriDrwhe as lnu indivIdual flubs can

rtahre dhlle1 eqnaiiy emong allrfc wBS that tiny inornberr-

ffidlibrll no bolf Ulan any ullicr inoni-

Jf bUD e 0bsrd-dlaates from chute In nI three

ilueluth met lntlie Mettoiotun Onrrady e Irnt fur Ionviiuion of three

IODru 11 Inf r to establish H comD Of It n lor all the chubs anil tnkU hJp lladlI1I

eachh oilier fIn Ithe work or

PI k1 ttIr irisJEt iiijOlprh W

hl lid Iner a Iro08I0nl iUkio et-

JJ itthe iciiisrai BesmmiH yesterday

O PRrtulalvl illsscreoihlo1101 r Oletrlld Il I 1lt ted Iofon JuOfco Fitz

kotuJhDe ml oi > tealln a dlnmom-ln


t1gui 11 lrt llle scarf r slonODI G

a econd 1 nll real estate dealerl air vIe< n-

1II Whl otltrn or in th 10 ogiilredI s II who lied MfnI h1elI ant it

tbe ci RlHrll for tenilogs rtt I cvlcIOItNuItr I nlI er n unother-lni1 H IMieriil ftfclons leloro Jin i

IUde ranlol codf 1IIt 11 vvniili-rtt n art eelhl Tlfn MOlr to Blat 1111 onelll

101 tet1kg rtlil fJff 1luken blur utlgd

> ri rnnL1 rIll who Bfneneil him icr1 CQWIs

Intenoebegin at the expiration of


Dr liepw Tells the Tale Alumni WlmtThey Will no tnr a Men With Fxltiradoa

The bluo banner Ynle wits contiplcuoun byIts absence from tho annual dinner of the YaoAlumni Asuoclntlon lust night not because thoHnnnrd footlmll teRm trailed It In tho mud ofNoTcmljor but because Dolmonloo li still 10choice the now ecorntlons of his banquetroom to permit what ho consders glidIng re-


coldOn either sldo of Dr Poiiew thin President of

tbo nosoclntlon worii President Dwight ofYalo University Edward King President of thetlnrvord Alumul Association J W AlexanderPresident ot tho Princeton Alumni Associa-tion


Prof Iladloy hen Hosted leaao H-

Bromley W 11 MoKlroy Major Bundy andIsaac Newton lewis

Among Iho 150 or more Yale men at theothertable were Ilroyton Ives 0 Van Bantvoordft 8 Bussing Pioctor Clark E H ConverseW R D Stokes hobart IatraY 0 A WatsonL HolbrookHC Irll Miller HUurtls nnd IO IJ ho oatlnn or the thinner wee not onlY enllr-enoil by Instruniontnl IIHIIC butcOle sings tom the Rne club In the cho

of winch nivoices joinedcheerful tliores I greeted Pros ¬

dont Dorow when bo Inured to order andbegan the speech which wns to open the ora-torical


purl of Ill foBthltluKAlter riaylnt the lato political upheaval

which hail apparently overwhelmed one partyonly tirovfd that iiatttrs may come and partiesmay tio but Xaio goes on forever he continned

The Icily press and the magaelnes hawbeen lull durlnu the pnRt year of discussionsupon the question whether a collegiate educaton uiilltn a bun to mmpeto lu the active

of life or not The error In the dlscushion IN that hit luaklil ot a large lortunolias beuit tuki n as standard of successThere ire In thin United StatpBubout seventeenmillions ot workers lit these It would be alarge estimate to sty that two hundred thou-sand


wore college graduates nnd yet IklA Lou Iku Adhitn tho college graduatesall tao rest Thi lr trained ability guides themillions they form the majority among thelaw tnHKeta they till the bench they takecare of the ciuiBolencea of the rest In thepulpit of their health In medicine and ot theirestates for a commission at tbe bar Thorgive them their politics their opinions nndtheir mop all through the press and as mantigers of grant corporations ami business enterprUes tuny substantially control the trans-actions


of the country-A college friend of mine translated from the

law to rkilroadlng rt oued a bankrupt cor-poration


from ruin and placed It upon a prosporous basis anti thou administered its af-fairs


with consummate ability When he re-turned


many years afterward to hishomo and sat as of old upon the nail countOtha corner giocory tho wise men of the neigh ¬

borhood gathered about hIm and one saidIK it trw that you air gettln a ofeaafmure thousand dollars a

Sly friend saidl Tlt ItWall said the looaloracle that shows

what cheek and sarenmstances will do fur amanBut It was neither cheek circumstancesthough my friend bad both but It watt the dis-cipline


anti rlnlnlof u liberal educationHi < ended a praise of Yale with this

There are 100100 lawyers In the UnitedStates and nine Judges of the Supreme CourtEvery one of these lawyers withthe doctrine ot chance belovtl there Is-is probability that be selectedfor any vacancy that may occur uponthe bench of tint highest tribunal on earthIwo such vacancies have happenedpast few years It was not chance It was notaccident but the survival of tbe fittest whichBRMI them both to Yale and the supreme evi-dence


ot the htKheat quality of selection thatthey both came from my own class of M-

1rrslilent Dwight the next speaker whenthe strains For bee a jolly good fellowwhich greeted him had subsided saidamonp other things that he and Prtsidint Patton of Princeton hail been calledfanatics about footbal He didnt believe aPrinceton could ho a fuuatloabout anything and he himself hnd been toldthat he looked like an Episcopal minister Asfor football In connoUol with Harvard hathought when tho footballteam of that university had recently presentedItself Ieforo him In iinestnf laurel should havetold It not to act as If It had never won a vic-tory


beforeI President Dwight added that Itwas fifteen years since this hud happened

Prof Harley told a story which lie said MrDepew used llfty times a year Itwas abut the Englishman who Insisted whenat a Western hotel on having his dinner Incoursesoup fish entrta roast Ao and wasaskod by the waiter whether he had partitionsInside Harvard the moral was wanted togive education on the Western plan and notbegin with the freshmen in the soup and theseniors for the alterUlnner speakers

lena H Bromleys speech concluded with apoem In honor of the President of the laieAlumni Anflorlntlon of which a couplet was

Ireib at a dalsjr end Sweet u the d w-

No rty ever LiSts on Chauncey M Dpw-Mr King In behalf Hnnar made some

remarks about football o Mr Alexan-der


had something to say on the same subjectbut In a reverse way

After the siientlnc was over college songswound up tho merrymaking

Tine PEW OHLEAHS rzCTunr4Acquittal of the ProTenxui BUM eTheir Second THulGullty the Flrat Time

NFW ORLEANS Jan 2STbe jury In theProvenzanoMatranga vendetta case brought-in a verdict of not guilty tonight This Is thevendetta which is supposed to nave causedseveral murders and culminated in the assas-sination


of Chief of Police Henneesy A feudarose out of business dlfierfnces between theMmranga and Provenauogangs last summer

Whllo tbe MntranguH wore riding home lu acart otto night about midnight they wore fredupon from an ambuscade sum of themkilled The police found half a dozen Italianblundorbusse on the street In the neighbor-hood


of shooting and the JliUrauirnsIdentified the Provenzanos as their assailantsAs these vendettas had become frequent amongthe Italians hero there was aloud demand onthe authorities to break them up The case wasvigorously prosecuted and the Provenzanoswere found guilty but the case was sent backby the Supreme Court on a legal question Onthe new trial aftarhatIng the most conlllalngand contradictory evidence the jury returned

verdict of not guiltyI In the mean time the Mntranga party are inohaisrd with the assassination of thejai ot Police The conviction of the Proven

Eanos on the original trial was the first time averdict of guilty was rendered in an Italianvendetta case

The verdict confirms tbe popular sentimentthat In cases ot crimes committed by or againstItalians It is impossible to secure convictions

NrwTmrfth Kloper Art In TroyTROT Jan 29he police received a despatch

on Wednesday them to look out for1

Leonard G Robinson and Hose Van Zlle whobad eloped trim Newlurgh the former havingalso titian over 1300 from his brother MiesVat lie has a brother in this city and at hishouse tiny appeared this ovcinlocr 100 were al ¬

most mini dlntnly nrrenied situationwit dlscupsrd HI headiuaitem anti at thebroth rs suggestion an immediate weddingwnx deemed udvUanlo UoLiUbOii Conceitedand tho hot Dr Unldwln was culled nnd led11111 knot Thou thn brldocropm wasjail Over 200 was found on his person Thebalanio wet expended In hotel theatre undtravoll nc opensH Ills probable that thecomplant against Ilobinson will be withdrawnto mOl row

Bev David HpnrReon Vrrrf Hore ThiefThe Itev David Spnrgnon Perry 90years old

who once was 1 preacher was taken Intothe Court of Hepsions Brooklyn yesterday forsentence Ho bad pleaded guilty to 1 chargeof having stolen a horse and wagon fromJames Wowney of Brooklyn Perry took thehorse anti wagon to Philadelphiawhere heWHS ancmod Judgo Mnoro asked him If hebad anvlhlnc tn say for hliiifceU before sentence

iiWHfnorwW the old man Th-HlstrsnlChailty hall promised to take careof iH tar thu rest my life and Id rather begiven Into tholi charge than so to prison

Mnoio punt him back to jell and Ifthe hitters want to rare toe him they maydo 0

A Tlirrntrnul Htrlke AvertedCIFAI Fiiin Pa Jai 23The conforenca of

operaloiBunil miners advertlsnd for the inth

Ins was lipid nt tho office of W 1 Dill of thiscltv yosierdnv and toduv

Ii1 lirnuuh the wito iounsls of all engaged annnitciblii auioniiient was arrived ut and theConleiniiro Rdioiirneil The agreement gritvldos for joint of operators andI rOnIntllliilnwi to ho oonvenlent point-Hinlatnilitio ot Inter tbiin tiho I it ltd week In-

Mnch taxit Thin hiiMlli onus for ii time atIMI i uliut lluenonid tn Itn I disaiti oneBlrtigule lor nil Infiiiio of wages

A HI Pistil t CIIHIIN umerilnr ttttuii ted-

Kr IAii Ion ai This afternoon the juryIn tIheiiiscolJ O YeiviilHi tho St 1nul censusei wit pliartod with making111rln Wil1110 linu In ii > erdlit or imtuulliv-

II i ttrlils of Mi nil upnl t enumoratoiBI cdllbr hold luei itt Mlit enl oil

William Eiubtr of I ineflrg A CA cigar m-

IrUIrIOr 75 rullu u iirrMUrt In Wlillii-nUtn M I p011 areSt iOii-

tVtriei with unirnptr wniluct wiib Aniil Tec i iiSri at IS hirer urmiei othe OktUnaM l lrlook tbt tin IB cbwc

Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U S Govt Food Re-

portBakingoaIL PowderABSOLUTELY PURE

When Baby was irck we gave her CaMorla

When abs was a Child the cried for CutorlaWhen she became MIss she citing to CMtorlaWhen she had children she avs them CtI



iaht net this the Mb time I have haUsoleltheaeboour

tM urTiial floe Shave need WOllTg LOVELACXiae mr bontj wear longer tha beanale always brlgtit and dMa D

WolffsAGMEBIacking iI 1fimrltmlfor tin ITonu sad ftiGtra iChange a Pine Table to Walnut

A Poplar KitchePress to Antique OakA Cane to Mahogany

Bo what cm bdone with aDo wett ol

MU IKONr-irUYPH 1 1WOLFe> RANIOIf PhIladelphia

rrrtMi Burn1 I J-

II II-I Qf w


aii at the Brnnlnh inhassy In Honor otthe Touting Kings BlrthditrW-

ASntNOTON Jao 29Th8 ball given thisevening by the Spanish Minister and wife inhonor of the fifth birthday of the young KlnlAlphonso was a brilliant event Owinglarge number of Invited guests it WM neces-sary


to secure additional specs for their ac-commodation


notwithstanding the spaciousentertaining rapacity of the Urge double em-bassy


on Massachusetts avenue Representa-tive


and Mrs Council of Omaha who oaupJthe adjoining house originally built ¬

necting doors for Just such an emer-gency


generously offered the use of theirparlor floor for the occasion and theusual crush of a large entertainment was par-tially


avoided Carte blanche had been givento the florist whose artistic Iklwas every-where


displayed In a blending ofpalms and flowers combining In roses of yellowand red the national colors of Spain Thewalls ot the entire double suite were hiddenbeneath pendant vines combined with thoglossy leaves of tho laurel and holly A Iobof scarlet and yellow roses tied with theish colors was suspended between the foldingdoors and on the flowerdecked mantel In tbsecond room was a portrait of the youngantI his mother The mantel in the frontdrawing room was ornamented by a floralcrown with the letters A XIII entwined Inblossoms The entire basement floor wasused for the supper room

The Minister and Secretaries of Legation at ¬

tended tho reception at the White House Infull evening court dross with Jewelled orlelThe Minister returned in timesist his wits in welcoming theMme Buarez wore a companYported robe of fellow Canton crfipp withFlowers of embroidered silk mul and orna-mented


with ribbons of moire1 Thebodice was cut Vshaijcd at the neck antitrimmed with bands of chlllon Diamond orna ¬

mootsllterd on her corsage ami a necklaceher throat r Armen

dane of Madrid guest of the house 101 ooruoolor brocade bet daughter l AnseleBuurez a handsome gown of tcarlet

Over the entrance to the house was suspend-ed


the flag of Spain and transparencies wereplaced In every window In the rear parlor alull string baud was stationed behind a semi-circular railing ornamented with nationalhangings with a back ground ofroploalrlanBAt lv oclock the cotillon was feoneMedlgli with MUs Everett daughterand Mrs Sidney 1Everett Intone of the flgnroi-ot the dance there was Introduced a largeframe covered with tissue paper throughWhl3b the couples broke their way causingmuch merriment rbl favors were scarlet andyellow rosettes for the gentlemen cigars tiedwith tbe two colors small balloons porcelainbonbonnliresmonkeys and blonE plaI paper knives

Tho second of the cam receptions given brPresident and Mrs Harrison was beldloulebCItwaslnhonorot thaCongresa iin the executive mansion was a brilliant oneThe superb toilets of tbo ladles who attendedIn full force many accompanied by theirguests from a distance made a striking con-trast


to the background of palms and smilaxthat decked the entire suite of apartments al-ternating


with cut flowers of white and pinkarallns that banked the mirror stands andblossoming plants ot white and red

Mrs Harrison wore a gown of steel blue bro ¬

cade mado with side panels and trimmings ofvelvet of a darker shade Tho bodice was cutV shape in the neck and filled In with pointmoo that also finished the elbow sleevesLong gant de suede of tan color were wornand sho carried a cluster of La France rosesDiamond ornaments were worn at the neckand In the hair

Mrs Wlndom Itoonext to Mr Harrison Ina handsome plumcolored velvet over-a front petticoat of white satin Mrs Proctorsgown was of steeluruy velvet brocade withside panels and sleeve puffings of white satinMrs Miller wore white satin brocade MrsWanamaker it princess robe of black velvettrimmed with sliver passementerie Mrs

Noble on elegant toilet of old Kohl satin com-bined


with pale blue and e1Iborateltmbrldered In two shadeshusk a rich gown ot turquoise bile brcade trimmed with lace Mra garnet velvet trimmed the neckwith puffings of yellow chiffon the hackof tbo bodice crossed with jewelled braid MrsBuBell Harrison n white flowered brocadewith front draperies of pearldotted tulle andMrs Dimmick a black Brussels net withfeather trimmings and handsome diamondornament especially invited were MrsMacAll tor Langhton Mrs Wallace Mrs

Countess sterhHZ Miss OmenStanford tf Jov Jersey MissHargous New York and MraFoster

ExSheriff Davis No Downed YetThe anticipated fight in the Hudson C untYDemocratic Committee over the selection an

Executive Committee did not take place TheGenera Committee met last night in the

in Grove street Jersey City Itwas expected that xSherlft Robed Daviswould be dropped from the Executive Com-mittee


but when Chairman Michael J ODonannounced the committee lfrVavlsw the

5eil oneHenncssynamed The

Charles IIoberDavisMer

shelmer Frank Smith Patrick Kenny JohnP Feoney John Conway WeinthaLand Simon Kelly Chairman ODonnellis anexoOlcIo member of the committee It Is nowsaid that an effort will be made to preventDavis from succeeding hlmsol as Chairman ofthe Executive

Determined to Stmrre RIlrtDeathNEWBIBN III Jao28 George HalltmI-

rAllts In fasting withdays have passed since he touched

food lie is very weak and his friends havegiven up all hope of his recovery


John B MnnltnnI of Ntr York bM been appointed Gadtnllal clerk to tie CotnmUtioner ot teniloDi-Tba key Mluoc J Bavai of Boston bu accepted a

call to tiis nlturUn Church ot tbt Memah ID Clilcacoair Ll2il HlackiouI who bad besn marriedI only a

short tim was hallr burned at Plltiburiia yeiurdtyby the explosion uf AQ oil lamp

IonHlderaMo arm ut te In Georgetown PJL ortr-diteaa4 animi children raieinbllnc dipbtherla Sev-

eral bays dud cut the pnbllo acboola has been clodThe Edison General Electric Inmianr of > w York

flied In the Otto of the heeretary or state yeiterdar areriincatt ot an morsels In In capital from SUuvoooot-OHSIKJUOUO

1 h < joint reflation aedydopud tiy the IndianaBeuat aaVlng tonn dressed beeftruit aud repeal MoUlnley bill waa adopted by theJOb enterdajrlbs loii Glllce In the new Town hODm Miford

MiL wee enters I br burglaria blown open ottO faou in money nampa and regis-tered package taken

Chu Truer IS earl of as e who worked on a farmof Henon larry three milts from Norwtcn tlt cornmined cubiC yesterday morulnr iboutltociocktaklnicilryonnlnaI Insanity IIs supposed to be Ubl

Anderson Harris colored who mnrdored Uajror LoWof ilinton Mlii Hired months ago wastardty tty Judv rhrlsuianI to DO hanged Marob liHarris confesied and received Ills eeaience wltn Indif-ference

Stephen T Sherman of the late firm of ShermanBrothers A Co of llun Io who was oonrlcud of grandlarency tn connection with train transactions wasye teriJa aeiitenrtd by Judge Lamberl to Ore years inAuburn State piUou

The tars II N Uonklln of AlkanyCapt 0 Oemmlniwith I11 ions of Coat consigned to Byron Dexter hatmtuiufacturer of Danbnrr dragged list anchor InIhuridaya storm drifted on to rooks lust outsideNorwalk harbor and rank lIn eight test of water

The tilt expreRB on the North fenn Railroad randown three Hungarians on the trestle bridge accessKancon Crrek three tales Iron Bethlehem Ia kllllog-Anihony Uwuiltohl itO Joseph teantos Joseph timedescapedwork

without injury Tbs mel were In search of

The ramblldx old house In which the bnrnre of tbe-Oaiuee mile their punt standing at the corner of tenthStale and rianet turretsI lrorid nc > waisuid by auc-tion yesterday for ttfc The mantelpiece In the Ihlatorloroom brought SO The buildingI to give place to realestate improve meats

The third suit for 0000 bas been brought In the Clrnil Court 1111mlnelon111r10 t MI T Sot acapitalist of hl

I two brought afew days ago li for the recovery or comralwlnns allegeit to be due for negotlanng the sale uf Iln1114-foTennessee for KPUOUI m an I

Iteiidell ot New York bringsI the lust suitO Fred Crawford woo received a majority of rotes

In the election of lire Warden for tile Central FallsI

district of Jibed ISland on Jan 5 has been tiled toappear before the Supreme Court of rrorldenceI on theInformation ot ihe AltornerUeneral that at the Urnsof his election he was not a legalized voter sal thattherefore George A Cuminlnn who recelredthe nextbltibett number of 010 II lawfully elected Wad-

AItocbeiter deteetlre left Joust lit I albwithcheck ewtndler Challis HeberU allis

Melnstermann llebert was sent to prison front Ieoriafur trod larceny tom one year anti his term expiredyeitrrday Tbe detictlre was watting al lbs prison

llebrrta plan was 10 deposit mousy In-

C toOrob the presence of some friend time checksand then draw out his deposit sod skip At Peoria be-got Wooi this manner There ate enouih countsagalnit him IIIn yew York State to keep bin la prisonduring his Iflt coivlclsd


The Grand Jury Is going to SI Jolmlaoil nest week te-

Inraeilgaie tie manaament lbs County FirmIuplla 1st the girls Central Grammar School will In

future be larrleittn Ihe ere of tue Atlenllo AvenueIlsilroait Company rOt ball firs

Tbe annual dinner of the Police Captains will be nrld-nn t1 Illllh assembly rooms Academy of Musloand iSti persons will participate

The new tie frtneil Fplsropal hub of the Reconcl iliaC In NrMri ni end Jefferson avenues will beopened not worship tI mirrow IliehopW KMcUntson-or lilla 1elptila will preai h lit the amid and theRev ltic n II MiiTmtii iIn tie eveiilnir A platform

will ilie lielU III tie aftrrno at which admIHIwil te inwie ly the Itei lij W Ilitnilugionrector rhiinli ant the restore uf neicliborlng-ciingrfgailuiial rre l ieriau leilM and 14 tiiol lotdiuretic An effort will ate be i ado In wipe out ihe-roailnn debt nl Ilia unircii whlrh amcunn to S70UToe satire cost ot the new church was H 0oa

I TIIW nniium or 1InrI UOLlie flu3 ej Watch nt nurgaln pond nor

rows from leiry to ray for IJerry Faher a aulleless young Immigrantfrom county Kerry Ilanded at Philadelphia onTuesday from an Allan line steamship Haintended t< go to Syracuse but having lostthe address of his uncle there ho decided tocome to New York All hunt up some of hisuncles friends He went to 127 Washingtonstreet and started out yesterday to lookaround th lower part of this town Alon genteellooking young fellowgreeted him effusively br another name thanhis own Jerrr politely corrected the youngfellows mistake and promptly related the his-tory


of tbe Kahey family since the time of UrlanDoru Might tho stranger Inquire the name ofJerrys uncle in Syinciino Why of courseFabey Why Fahey wits an old friend of lilaa very dear old friend than whom tlioie wasnta liner man In Hvracuse

Jerry wan congratulating himself on hislurk In meeting hm unclon irlend when alongcame nnotlnr Hirnncor who stopped In frontof Jerry and the irlend of his undo and said Ina mournful voice

hxcuseme gentlemen but can you directmn to a pawnbrokers snot

friend of lorrys uncle tl the inquIrertThe had bettor look for The inquirer

he won a stranger and didnt know thecity Then the friend uf Jerrys undo Ref tenedand even sot interested In the Stranger withthe mournful voloo The stranger said he washard up that his wife and children wore starv-ing


and that he would have to pawn his tJOOgold watch tho gilt of his dead motherWhereupon be produced the watch

The friend of Jerrys uncle ventured to in-quire


how much money tho dlstre sod strangerwanted for the watch and was Informed thatit would be sacrificed to tho necessities of thestarving family for tho IncOnSiderable sum of838 Tho friend of verymuch tempted to buy but the figure was toohigh The stranger wouldnt tako a cent loseno not a cent The friend of lurrys uoolfmade a pretence of going on wllJrJthe hapless stranger called to takeadvantage of a mans distress he could havethe watch for la The friend ot Jerrys uncledecided to take It and pulled out a roll ofbills apparently of large denomination topay for It The stranger said he rouldntchange lowest ofltho bllln aol1 the frlaml nfJerrys uncle asked Jerry If ho could accom-modate


him for a few minutes with J35 otcourse Jerrr could

Then the friend of Jerrys uncle went up thesteps of what ho said was a bank to not ono ofhis big bills changed to repay Jerry Jorrywaited below for a long time for tile unclesfriend and finally got tired anti told his board-ing house keeper about his adventure He-r tol It to Detective Peter Oroden who Is try ¬

find the bunco men


The BtrmBsja Story Told to the NewbnrghPolls A Colored WomenbJ

Ncwnunon Ja23Mrs Isaao Sailor ot 317Washington street tells the polite a sensational-story about a masked burglar ontorlnl herhouse Rhe says she had lust 1300 fromthe bank to pay Mile At 230 yesterday morn-Ing the burglar got In the house by breaking awindow Ha forced UH way into her room byholding a revolver in thoocackof the door Shescreamed but no ono heard her alholllothers were In this house at tbeyielded to the demand of the Intruder antiwent to a drawer and taking out 1150 gave Itto hIm Ho cool looked It over and saying

Iwas not all bad demanded moreShe protested and the burglar throw her

down Rolling her by tho throat with onehand and pointing the revolver at her with tieother be threatened to ki her if tbe moneywas not forthcoming toll bll the restWas up etarand he told her to go Inlllt Itbut herself out otstory window dropped to the sidewalk boiowand made her escape In let night clothes toCharles Notts house She aroused hull butwhen he arrived at her house the burglar wasgone Mrs Sailor Is a colored woman andwidow The burglar was a white man IThe Sit Bartholomews fescue MlaMon

The St Bartholomews Rescue Mission whlcnis under the patronage of tbe Vanderblt hasstarted a now scheme for poor men tosecure work The Itov Dr Greer of Btliar¬

tholomews has adapted a plan in vise by tbeGuard of Honor of Bnffiilo to tho needs ofcharitable work In this city When a man applies for asslstnce Superintendent HldloJgives him an Introductory circulartiuestB tbe mon upon whom he calls to notifythe Mission If he Is employed If the mon lonwhom he calls are not able to employ himare requested to sign tbolr names on agiven to the applicant so that Mr Hadley carbe assured that he Is making serious effort toprocure work The circular states frankly thatnothing Is known of tbe character of the appli-cant


ro lug as the superintendent is con-vinced


of tile faithfulness of the applicant heprovides him with food and lodging Ho farseventy men huvo been started out by Super ¬

intendent iladley of whom forty have got workFire In n Broadway Store

Two alarms wore turned In tot a fire in thesubbasement of the fonrntory double build-ing


767 and 769 Broadway occupied by Kreuder Kline k Kreuder dry goods dealetlhorly after 6 oclock last night Inwere nearly 130000 worth of goods but thedamage by fire and water will not exceedtill OM

Thomas Connor janitor of tho building whois a paralytic was carried out by the llromrnand Itobert Walsh driver of engine S3 wasoeroome by the smoke while In the buildingbut revived when carried out Into the open airThe Homos were confined to tbo tubcellarThe building Is leased and partly occupied bythe 8 8 White Dental Manufacturing I o andis built on Sailors Bnus Hal bor property

An Appeal for Irelands Evicted TenantsBUITAIO Jan 23r James Mooney ePresident of the Land League received the

following cablegram today signed DillonOBrien Harrington and liedmondB-

ouLCfiss SurMerJa 23TaJamn Mooney BuffaloTending negotiations the posItion of evicted tenants

Is becoming extremeli critical Write entreating Amerlean friends not to delay forwarding funds to cane tenant from ruin

In accordance with this urgent appeal MrMooimy who II an exPresident of the LandLeague aud the confidence of the Irishleaders earnestly reque ls committees havingin trust funds contributed for the relief of thetenants to forward this money at once to DrJoseph E Kenny and Mr Alfred WebbS

OConnall street Dublin Ireland

Odd end Ends of SportsTbe football team of the I AACwill go to Newark

to morrow play the 1rl of the same nameThe annual baUof Ih lodges ot the ions ef-

X George will be held at Grand Army Hall Williamsberth uu Jan ja

The lacrosse ohasoplonihlp of the A A D this seasonbe worth winning ana every Indication points to aSill contest for nut piece

Constant Reader a pnblloI exhibition at the officeof lbs wltce it on Dee 5 INK Louis Iyr ofCanals lifted A on which were eighteen menThe actual weight was 1511 pounds

The Wayne A C will take pomeulon ot CaledonianPark on Feb There IIs an flintlap traik on thegronuui dressing room shooting gallery und all otherauxiliaries of a well appointed outdoor club

O p a UrooktvnAply to the Secretary of theEastern Mhletlo IClub nil Huihwlck avenue Rrooklrufor the information hireS The club is not a member-of the Amateur Athletic Ullo1 but sill apply shortlyfor admisiluu Into that

In the weekly contests at whist In the Krooklyn Bi-cycle Hubs tournament u ticIni slay evening tbreeseries were plave i reiultln as robesI UtMrs skin

and butler detested Messrs llaviuond nnd viaiculmSer Into 13 Maura Itibmlng and roller belt MeikrsMalcolm ant skinner br M t it aud Mrssr Malgolin

ant roller defeated Xlesirs Bklnuer unit Italiuiiug by1U 10 IK

The BoudonttN V Canoe riuli bld In annuallag on Tuesday erening at wbiili lie folluwlaejI

electrdor tbo ensuingterm J A toen rwoo rank Van Deuien Vice Commoiluretllutton secretary Dr Ii I crlsbell freaiurar TheCommodore tamed 1010101 contmlitBe t HouseG li 11 ovkrnilail Auxustns-Hares ApullOKtlon II Illhbard Jnnneu llakbrouckDiariesI He lia erifne RenottiUr Jolsbl llaibrouck-WlilUin Stephens JoIn Ii Mine

11 yaK KiM7u or Title situSir Hating reid lbarticle Acorns Stand True to Thelr ulura I I

rl1C tee lines In rurdlo the clove ormle IllsI aa rumor hO loined Hie Mi A U nnd

that I wilt represent all IInturu competitions Ihave eiked fur release from the Acorn A A whichwas refused on1 was thus compelled to re Un 1 liarenoregrets for having joined the M A i knowIng IItwill be of neat adranUge to me as on athlete IlhlnlI have done myiluty UK an duet Inward IbeA hut recentI cclins of the oillcla hora compelled-me to mike a change rn MC M helm uy

390t Union Street lirooklynLoon BmnrH Jan flThe Centra Lull Club held

their monthly live bird shoot on their grounds at Pleas-ure liar opening event nas a club ShootCI ten birds eMIZblo Trice wHiting withI a reinscore The cot their stores were astollowsi I ill Limit lieS Jr I A ICuhberiy 9 J 1 erich U A blewmim O Jiuhus VanDyk su S W Held o iiistia rrlc U W Marker 7uII a Price 9 A mUl4 out shoot SiI enirince eightentries was won by George and A Cubuerly JoinPrice and Phil Daly Jr Another mtsajindeuin eventsame conditions wee won by VV u stud E W Price andJaphla Van liyke The final event a wissat4 nut nineconditions was woo by P vvewd John L lrlce eatGeorge noberly Alter the shoot the membero weutto Prices Hotel where the Hub cup and bmlite werepresented to H W Held and K M Price respectively-

A special handicap toad race for the point prize washeld by tbe members of tha Rldgi wood Harriers onWednesday evening over the ileodnle roads Tnecoerce was about nve miles The traveling wa fulrlr-goud and the time made by the winner was trycreditable It was n clock wiltS Referee JanirsA Hlanchard of the I enturion A C railed therunners out and neti airheit hem nccordlnir to tt eirhandicap allotment i apt lulin J iiurdln woe anscratch wit th meld sri innrfce axieniing from 0druids up tominute 1 ieecondi Jam s Mnrlhtnlj0eecoua wnti ny t n yards from oi ruinicratcb who H esnve rards In trout of Arthur JoInIII mlnuteUsecondsi It was a rattling finish with the

three placeI men righting It out all the way TIm 11minutes UK seconds


AnMFrundThe Society llcilre Seatsfor the InformatIon ofT II Keliey

About three hundred circulate were receivedyesterday by members of the Brooklyn Spirit ¬

ual Association The same society a week agoreceived A tot of circulars headed In MR letlire Madam Die ne Fake In which manymembers of the association were caricaturedYesterdays circular owes Its origin to theAntiFraud Society I the circular Itself aversIt begins as follows

Free lovers fools and fakirs must bl drivenout ot Brooklyn spiritual meetings The AntiFraud Society Is determined to expose andhold up to ridicule the contemptible Impostorscalled public mediums and the fools who areduped by thorn Also the free lovers who bytheir Presence at public meetings keep r-

eleotab pooplo away All persons of goodcharacter desiring to join the AntlFrana So-ciety


are requested to notify the secretaryAn address to tile spiritualists of Brooklyn

follows In those wordsIn our next circular we will give the

names addresses Ao of tho free lovers whoattend the various spiritual meetlnics InBrooklyn At thu unsent time we am In PO-Bression of names dates Important facts AcIn the once of thlrtrtwo persona and we wantto ct more Information If you lire In sym-pathy


with this movement and know of anypersons whose names nonld appear In ournext circular plea e fill in the following formand return to us We intend to make It hot forfree lovers and mediumistic liars and trickBlor

In the form at the bottom of the circularthero nro vacitnt spaces to be filled with thename and address of any married womanwhom tbe signer can positively lit ate to bemaintaining questionable relations with aman the address and name of tile man also tobo given The blanks when out are di-rected


to be sent to Thomas B Kelsey at tbegeneral delivery of the Brooklyn Post OfficeThe circular concludes as follows Wo hopeenough additional Information will be sent Into make our next circular InUrestlne


Beginning lroeeedlnas AasktneJ9tho Members of the Firm

BOSTON Tan 29Tbe criminal proceedingsagainst Walter Potter of the PotterLo ellCompany brought at the instance of BllnglufTDisney c Co of Baltimore on a charge of em-bezzling


a note of that firm after many post-ponements


were begun In the MunicipalCourt this morning before Judge Hardy MrLovoll his partner would also have been adefendant but ho Is a fugitive and It Is saidby those who are supposed to know somethin about his movements that he willnot again be seen around here untilthis trouble blows over The complainants-tried to have all the facts relating tothe wreck of the banking house brought out Inthe bearing thut counsel for tire defence In-sisted


that the evidence must be ronflned totlut Incidents connected with the disposal otthe notes lu question Mr Iotter was InEurope at the tlmo tho negotiations were car-ried


on and all the correspondence was con-ducted


over Mr Lov oils signature The flufence will be that Mr Potter know nothingabout tlio negotiations In this particular easeand that no case can be made against himMr Lovell will keep out of the way and thuscause a cessation of criminal proceedingsagainst the firm

Iho evidence showed that the notes weredated Aus 1 ISTJ and were respectively for

3001 3871 3Sdl and 18991 and that theyhave all been discounted

Cashlor Foster of the 1otterLovell Companytook tile stand with the books of the companyand showed that the note for ISflJt was soulon Attic 19 with the guarantee ot the PotterLovsll Company that the note for 3061 wassold on AUK 10 and guaranteed that the notefor 3S71 wits Fold on Auir 22 and guaranteedand that tho note for J3881 was pledged Aug6 This testimony rondo a sensation m courtas It contridl ted the statements In MrLovells letters to tillnglulT Ulency it Co Theciiao Wit continued for a week

An Endowment for the InstItute of Christins Philosophy

Mrs Mary B Robinson ot Mamaroneck willread a paper on The Will before the Ameri-can


Institute Christian Philosophy at Hamlion Hall Columbia College on Tuesday even-ing


Fob 3 At the last meeting of the Insti-tute


It was announced that an endowmendfund of tlRnOi had been secured Mr Cor ¬

nelius Vandorbllt contributing about onehalfot that amount

What Id English Billiard fThe English billIard world baa been all torn np by the

dispute racing among tlie professionals on the subjectef what really constitutes the English championshipgame It grew out of John Roberts offer te discountany Player In the world 24000 points up that Is Sobert ottered to concede a start of 12000 points to hisadversary at lbs spot barred game W J Prall ap¬

pealed to the Billiard AssociatIon to settle the disputedpoint whether or not the spot stroke la barred In EnglIlt billiard

It seem certain that Ihe rules will be modlned Justas tlie rule of the American game were when hlois n-

and Schaefer became too expert at call nursing for theoust crack one of the founders of tire game adoptedIn bit and since recognized as the standard for chainplonibip contests sarm

When the Championship Committee of 1870 trainedthe rules It Was expected that every one would be ableIn time to make hundreds by means of lbs spot bat itis now found that after all there are only about tenplayers who even with tile spot can boat the champion

laying spotbarred and that a championship table toeven SIte very test atnaieur a piece of furniture whichreduces breaks to a very small compass If the leadingprnfeiilonals ao not want the championship table Itshould nt one disappear tor the spot barred game hasevidently greater attractions for the public tItan thespot tn piar-

Trie Knitllih Billiard Association held one meeting afortnight ago In onlon Tbe meeting was open to any-one taUnir an Interest In tie game and a Urge musterof bllliaril enthnilaat took advantage of the opportunitytn air their vlew The attendance Included alt theprIncIpal professIonal players A special general meetirmg nr tie association In to be convened by the secretaryon Ihe signed rrqusltlon of members when tie Yeasquestion will be finally settled as to what Is Englishbilliards and the style of table that Is to be recognised

Cricket BeeorelThrough a variety of causes changes In the efflee ef

secretary lielug the principal the ciimplele record ottIe Manhattans ion tlie gaol senon toe not male Itsappearance until now The Manhattans are the un-doubted champIons of New York and their towingfor the pant season when they lost tint a single sine Intba metropolis is utixurpaised Altogether they losthut three games of tie nineteen tinTsI Two of thesewere away from home when they hid only sis nf theirregular team Mr II Oobbs services In boUt departmeats of the game were the mnlnslarnf the club endbus record with the hail Is all the more remarkablewhen it is ubserveul that no other member ot the clubapproached tile figuresi Willie J Iteie 11 B Coyne B C Bloxeom and It

A Noon all sod eded In obtaining respectable battingaverse and they were iustrumentel In obtaining theclubs good recorl for the season The following oftleereties teen elected for tell Irasident U A Uonroe-

iIcePreilflents II H Jewell and J ileardatlt Seertar and Treasurer Usury Martin uapialn M It CobbihisCeplitifl L A Markmtoili Eiecutlret ommltiea-H C liliuaom A Wallle Y J rrsmlergast aid L AMackintosh The following are the records

Maiclxu plated uu wOn itt lost iii drawn Xturn vs Paterson Von 1iiwiMay w vs Liiiiitwoort Won 18 32 5 wlokets4S ISJune I rs ActIon Won iiL Hino wicktailt 84-

Jun 7 vs hum rountr Won lbs ic wteeis5LJune 14 vs slaten island Won llvi9eJuiieJ i vs bedford Hon lisniJuly 4 vo Haltimnre Los 37 14iteJuly 4 vs llelmmii Loot 154157 4 wicketsJuly 12 vs foatnopollian Lost baIdJuly IB vs hew York Won 1255July M vs ° Kings Connty won 569tAug a vs eSew Jersey A O Drawn ee 4 wtokeuv

illAug7 rs Staten Island Won 7HSS-Aug o vs lUdfonl Won UI4JAUtO HI vs fo> mopolltan Won 117 deelsred MLAug Zlvs Sew Jersey A C Won roJd-Aug J3 vi yew Uirk lirawn UI639 wicketsAtm S1 t va Paterson WotL 4H4W-fept 30 vs Kings County VtonU2 2X-

achamplonslilp games of the Metropolitan LeaguesmiKO IVIIIOK

nines Molt InInsfopa 1501 0105 an intl less AVigct-

St N Cobb 5 5 hue 401 225-22O

J Ito iii 4 re 2is laoA Wale di hi 12 245 Ii is-ii o iitnrocm IS 2 43 itS 13-3htAon 12 I 2j 173 II-Ii Ii iui pa ti 2 di iii litit iieresirl 2 0 Is iO 10-F 1 lrenrfaet3i as its ait-ii iiillnn S 40 11-di Mitutuell 7 12 tI n-

II blaitltt 6 iii 17 43-S Smith 4 it itt 42I-

C Iclteson 4 13 ir j-

ot outsowilsa soeaaos

Maid WIC1 averlIer cot Stint erg

Toers till Si 542 iii 27311 t 52 1110 74 eas-II It ioyne p3 Vi it C55-I 1 Preudargast 43 tO ia is a 57-C film 34 b 43 1 e4-3itAtoon JO IS 52 9-

1 I Se 0 apo

onirtTAireM Benjamin Constant llolelho de Mocal

bites the Brazilian Minister of War who diedat Itlo Janeiro on Tliursdnywns ono of the mostprogressive men In the rooubllc Ho was anative of that country anti about 43 years oldIlls early youth was spout In acquiring an ed-


Ho wan always a republican fromprinciple and wrote vleorous articles upon thesubject When the revolution broke out howas a lurofessor in tl rolytechnio School atRio Janisiro flu was appolnteul tho first mii-nIster of War the ropuhlio hind but in Iay 180exchanged that position to become Minister ntPublic Instruction 1ostn and Teloaraphs Hosoon gave this up however to take the Warpoiinrtmont aaaln which place he held untilhis death

Charles J Brockway of Newbnryrort Massdied rildny aged 80 He was connected withthe importing house ot William Bartlett halt acentury ago and afterward became InterestedIn the cotton Industry He was a member oftile first city Government of Newburvport In1S51 was Treasurer oftie James Steam Millfor aliout twentylive years director of theMechanics hank Assessor ot Newburrportalxyears and held thoolllce of Hocrotaryof theNewburvport Fire Insurance Company fornearlr nine rears

Cal T P HnlTo1dlfl dead at Madison Ga atthe ace of 70 He was a member ot the Seersslon Convention In 1MGO but became a Itepubllcnn alter the war and was a member of thereooustruetlon Constitutional Convention ofJBflK He served under Presldont Grant on tileBoard uf Visitors to the Annapolis NavalAeatitiny and on ono occasion delivered theliterary address at West Point Notn ItbstanJlog his political belief he retained the friend ¬

ship ot llobort Toombs as long as Mr Too rubslived

Mr MorrU S Boynton ot Cambrldce Massdied on Friday aced r 8 years Ho was a chartel member of the old Boston Produce Lxchange now the Chamber of Commerce a di-rector


of the Chicago Boston and L refrig-erator


line anti a director In lioth the hayState Live Stock Company and tho KansasCity Packing Company

Henry Wilson who died of peritonitis onThursday joined the old Volunteer Fire Uepertinent in 1812 and was one of the oldestmembers of tile Association of Kveiupt liremen afterward organized In IhUO be witselouted President of the Board of Fire Cornmlslonorn serving four years He was 81years of age when he died

William B FishIer a train broker In the flmof I and C Moore of this city died at his homeIn Newark on Thursday iifcut need 53 Hwits horn In Little Fells Horklmer countyanti In early life ho was cashier of the FirstNational Bank ol Fort Wayne lad He leavestwo sons anti a widow the daughter of llllauiM Force of Newark

G Frank Chase died on Thursday at 328 Jaystreet Brooklyn In his 51th year He was amember of the old firm ot J D Chase honopticians He was formerly a member of theTwentythird Regiment antI was a member oftho Society of Uld Brooklynltos Ho leaves aWidow anti four children

Henry M Forestall one of the Inspectors otthe Boston Board of Health died ThursdayHe was 67 years old and was one of the orlulaid Inspectors of the Hoard Ho was a mornbereft old liarnlcoat Fire Association andwas among tboso who wont to California in W

William Powell Perkins who died at Wayland Mass Tuesday was a graduate of Har-vard


College In 182J Only three members ofthat clues are now living Lies H Dlxwellfieorge H Wbltman and Horatio Wood MrPerkins was In lila 84th year

Mrs Eliza riacg mother of Mm Washing ¬ton Wlnson of New York died In Stocktonnear Buffalo on Sunday aged 71 yours

Mother BaptUta the Superior of Monte MariaConvent who lund boon a reul use fortynveyears died at Richmond yesterday

Nathaniel G Manson the oldest Iron met ¬chant of Boston died InCttmbrldgeport yester ¬day aged 83-

Cardinal Blmor Archbishop of Oran antiPrimate of Uungarr dlod at Oran yesterdayBaron Schmidt the architect Is dead In

ViennaSlow Power neeume Pool Champtna

When Albert Powers was beaten by Charles Manninglast June for the continuous pool championship Ueorge-II Itomalne of Chicago who was Fowerss backertelegraphed to Powers to ploy Manning again and thatunder ne circumstance should he return to Chicagowithout the championship medal Lower playedVlaimlng again tor 3uo a side sod met with anotherdefeat December 2 < last Powers letS eatlsned that liehad made enough Improvement and challenged his oldopponent again Manning recelred the challenge onJim uUuder the rates ot continuous pool the challengedparty bas ten davs m which to accept and cover tileForfeit or sa Manning says tbat he wrote tohlsbacLerbut the latter tailed to cover Iowarss deposit Therefore rowers on last Monday visited tha office ot the

runswlck liaike Company the donors of tile emblemsad put in a formal delia rot the medal soul the title ofchampion lie was presented with the medal WhenManning heard of rowins action he was very IndigDint claiming thai lowers hail personally assured hirethat be would not oldie time emblem if Manningsbacker did not cover the forfeit

Powers can keep tbe medtil Manning says but Iwill play tIm for t AJU and hoc the match decided InChicago on the condition that be return the emblemand allow it to go to tie winner ot the mafb

Power said to a Hex reporter In hilly Sextons bilhard room yesterday that lie was going to liloco 1m-medlatelr arid that the medal would go with him IfManning can get the backing said he I will be morethin pleased to meet him I am now the championand as such 1 laos the privilege of naming the placeof playing and that Is Chicago which Is my borne

Skating NotesKinks are tar better adapted to figure skating than

outdoor lee because ot the absence of wind whichgreatly binders accurate movements and also leanstbe ice 1s always good when the temperature Is belowFreeIng point The abandoning of Ice rinks sail tbe-nstltutiuu of roller skating is regarded as tbe chief

ceuso for the decreased number of good flgure skaterThe great reriral of Interest in skating Ibis winter Is

strong erldence of tIe vacillating ustur of the pjbliomind rlfttien or tweutv 3 ears ago lancr skating wasall tIle rage and provisional skmsrs toads small for-tunes by giving public exhibitions The luterett gradu-ally died out but according to Mr Phillips and otherstile public are again racognllug tbe beauty ot time artand true competition at the Thistle Curling Hick hubsken on Jan 31 promises to attract a large g utierlng

A record of the number dais on which there hisbeen skating In the vicinity of lloboken has been keptfur twenty lairs by Mr Eugene It took The recordshows tIle arerage to be ChIT days In a winter MrCook say that bad seasons seem 10 run lu periods ofabout three years Last year was the worst on tIerecord there being only twenty tour skating dan In-

dications are tbat a favorable period has begun thisyearEngene B Cook of lloboken the celebrated ftgnr

skater tales his belief thai there Iis nothIng possible m-ngureskaifugwhlcbcannot be accomplished by the bestskaters The only llgures which nave not been troughsto perfection are looking turns amid pirouettes rueformer consist of turns front the outside edge forwardto outside edge backward and vice verse or from theinside edge forward to Inside edge backward and re-verse


To do this on eltber toot equally well li the lineana nOC of a figure skater In pirouettes which aredone either on the toe or heel the difficulty to Onlsagracefully

snCortlandt Lake Is well worth a visit on a goodskating day even to noti skaters sImply to view themany clover eiponenta of tbe art both ruse andwomin who can be sean on such occasions Many fairrepresentatives lbs Sew York Tennis Club way beseen there exhibiting skill on rnnnert nearly equal tothat which they almw lu wielding the racket Tiletubes hobart whose skill at leant U Will knownskits roost gracefully Smite McKtulav attract thespas ot many br her pretty evolutions Miss Cablll thefamous tennis expert Is an exceedingly clever skaterend the Misses lloyd though eald lobe beginners givelittle erldeme of It

Motes Hnbensteln brother the figureskating cbanv-plon In speaking of sped skaters sajraot Irwin theCanadian aroateuri On short tracks from twelve to-

sisteen laps to tIle voile he car falrlr fly He Is thebest of our amateurs In Caaaira Comnarlng himwith other skaters he tars When TranL Deed wasan amateur laud he nsa then at his basill I do notthink the man ever lived wbu could teat blm on ourrinks Ue wee a skater all through lie had heavyllmbe and a very light body the advantages of wbltnyou car easily apply In speed akatlng lie never wasitended an an amateur and tt was only whsn he-

Ceisel to take proper care of himself that he met defeat as a profesilonal tie bad wonderful Judgmentamid never made a race hard for himself I think Irwinranks very near owd sod now that he has strengthhe Iii a very hard man for say one to beat

The New England Seating Association were very unfortunate In being nbUved to sipone their tint annualcarnival last Haturrtar on acco-Iond

of the Ice on spyArllngten Mais being covered with snow The

contests will take place If possible to morrow but It lathought thus postponement way prevent snaky of thebelt entries from being pressed There were twentythree entries for the races Including thus Pounbuebrother Joe and Jim Lithe Irwin of Montreal and Klmar Simpson of Newbnrgb H V The figure skatingenmpatmun lund seven entries Including Moses M benstein brother of Louts Seorie D Phillips New Yorkand r Bacon of Boston Resides these events therewill be senior and junior polo matches between timeHarvard Boston A A and btonebam AC la the seeior Class aod Cambridge Latin t ami ridge ManualTralnlnir bomervllle and flrowri ant Nichols schoolsIn lbs junior Uses and a fancy skating competition forlady skaters

900000 rma nr-



New Warner Itolldlnc Bnrncd TwoFiremen Found Dcavd tn the RnlneB-

UFTALO Jan 23The now and handsomebuilding ot Warner Bros at the corner of Ter-race


and marl streets was ruined by fire tonight The building was erected about a yearanti n half ago It was ot brick trimmed withOut stone and five stories high and wadivided into four stores Those were occupiedbr Warner Bros Darling A Harris and LMarcus A Son

Each store was separated from the next br asolid wall ot brick twenty Inches thick at thebase and sixteen at the top These wells ransix foci above the roof to prevent the spread ¬

ing ot fire in ease It should start In one of thestores All the provisions of the Board ofUnderwriters and the Fire Department hadbeen carefully compiled with

The lira was dlBrovorod at about 8BO PMbutstlnc simultaneously from the three storiesof that section occupied by L Marcus A Sonclothing dealers vbon the dotmrtment ar-rived


on the oceno the Marcus store was inflatnoa which shot out from nil tbo windowsChief Hornung sent In the second anti thirdalnrin anti the whole department was soon atWork

there was n court In the roar ot Zlngshelm AHarriss anti all three stores had windowsopening on tilts court These windows woreequipped with Iron shutters none ot whichwere closed ac they should have been

Thn fire burst through tboso windows antiwas soon In the other buildings except War-ner


Bros storo I here wore then three sepa-rate


tires side by side dhldcd only by the lirawalls The lire veils a very hot one and thewindows In tbe stores across the street crackedand cli In

Twenty minutes after the discovery ot thefire the roof and lloornof the three stores hailfallen the windows were completely gone andthe flames locked fuel

Mr iVarnor ono of the proprietors of thebuilding Wits summoned from the theatreanti romnvod all his valuable papers from bis-ollloe He was at a loss to account for theorigin of the lire There was to his knowl-edge

¬no menus br whlh tIle dru could haveoriginated The total loss In estimated at

300uuo Two firemen have been taken fromtbe ruins timid They are Adam Fisher Chiefof Euuluo Zic4nntl Itobvrt Snyder


The JeaTtonontM Club Wattrtowm Remante limo to Succeed Hill

WATERTOWM K Y Jan 23A largely at ¬

tended meeting of the Jeffersonian Club theleading Democratic organization In northernNew York was held In this city tonight Thegathering had a special political significancefrom the fact that time lion Daniel O OrifllnChairman of the Sine Democratic ExecutiveCommittee intioduceil tIle following whichunanimously adopted

limo JelTersoulan Club gladly avails Itselfof Its first opportunity to congratulate CloyHill and the Democracy of the Union UPOB hiselection to the Vnlleil Slaes Senate Havingserved continuouslyasGuvernoroftheBtatoHslone as the traditions or his party permit hoIB now opportunely promoted to a iilaco ot-commnnillnc Infltiuncn hi itn arena presentinga yeller Hold for his nhlllty and statesmanshipWbllit lila advent to tin N muo may be too latedefeat the Iniquitous Ioio bill yet hispresence there ut any time will bo a beacon toills utrty and n inenaco to every attemptagainst thn freedom ot elections and our re-publican


InstitutionsItiiiilnit That wt m eont to the consider ¬

ation of the Domocraoy of ow York the lionKoswell I Inwor at a worthy successor ofGay Hill feollnc tuftS by BO ilolnc we butvoice thuG sentlmonti of our who o party antipredict the obvlouH losults of our next Demo-cratic


State Convontlun

Deitith ofHnby UlnaBaby Mine thus flat young bird to retira from

over oto miles In the day of liberating Is dead babyMine wan fatuous In Its day ant Its ready respense tvall demands of Ha owner ant trainer K U Oenovermarket A new era lu plg oii flrmi The bird waslatched in April liSa Mio WaS lets than five monthsold when she begun that merles of journeys In whichshe won her honors Lp to this time them young hIndraces ended with that teDium 24U mtlen

The first jonrner in which Pithy Mine warn a par-ticipant was Aug 15 Stoma IlUon tOO miles Thebirds nine In all rtturnel but with tie weatheragaInst theft they did not make the speed to suit theirowner aid he at once sent theme beck to try It averakmi The next journey wai from user de Grace117 miles All returned The best speed vas llulyards ter minute A weik later tic ruin were liberatedin u fMutton ia rulen ruin A VI and Sahe Mineand sl uttiera w era In the home loft at 10 Ao A M ontIle nineteenth day alter tIe Journey from Klkton tteteam marled from Lriicliliarf IM miles from homeat Ill A M and to tin surprint of everyone llabyMine WHU home at evening having paSsed the toteat one minuti put ti clock Her rounier mark werereporteil In Kw Vork city iiv wire that night and hishinor wa accOrded her of being tIle first youngster toretnrn from over JMJ tnllo time tlay nf liberating

Next spring Hnhr Mine was on tie toaa an an oldbird tier record for tiC senon wan Second honorsfrom Was Ington 117 mli entry twentynve birdssped 111 > ards per minute toy itt third honnrafrom Lynchburz Uu miles enlrr twenty four blrdeispeed tai3 yar l May lOt sixth honors tram I barbite N IfroJmUfe entry eighteen birds Jnae li-

aectmd from Atlitnta a 72 nitleit entry four blrdsitime out nine Otis The lourner by air mine duringthe seaion aggregated 171 u miles hortlj after thinsue was sent to a show at iadlon tinnaro Osrden v is-let go If the weather was HJltabe She was liberatedby mistake In tine of the deniest fogeof the seksoiublue vs ot course given np as lost but next day a bentile cloud lifted she dropped Into her loft 1ft a terriblecondition of exbaintlon

The Washington Federation announces the followingofflcern for the coming i ear 1reii rnt K II BosweliIotomac Clul Vice President I II MtockDan Alt hClub secretOr A C Melran Potomac Club Treesnrer A C Diorloiis Iost Uuh Itaci Hecretorlis rankReamer anl Samuel Roth The schedule for the cornlag seaion Is May H tranklln Junction 200 mllestMay al tharlotto N C US mlleei June IS retroH C 401 mllesi JuneJ7 Lawrencevllle Ua Oil incestRent it loveivllle ha liOmllii Sept IB AmberiLVa lomiles oept liD Franklin Junction BOO miles

Lively Ilfh nt Ilurvurd-OiMitircr Tam 23The Harvard sealer are In ac-


training for the crew races Their dally work con-


of sitting half an hour on the seats In the rowingroom and swinging back aud forth with their bands ontheir chests trying to master the elementary body mo-


The men also run short dlitaaoes every day Andgo through some dumbbell exerclne The rowing Is ofsuch e character that nothing can be saM of It by wayof criticism Several of thus truce who rowed In lastyears crew will no doubt begin in thus spring but emily

two of the old men have turned up yetTbe Harvard Tenpln Club has begun practice with a

membership of tlfleeu Two matches have alreadybeen bowled one with the Casino nub of itoxbnrr andone with the Arlington Club The dab has two ilrktclose ally s for it practice and matches

Ths new CIH 4i gate fur Itarvarits fence which hasbeen given to tie college liy vir leorge von L Meyer7li will bean Intercntlng addition to the college iironcur It win be placed between llqwori1y end That er

Like tile tamoua SlulOi gate between Mauacliurntuand Harvard It will laCe a granite underpinning aridwill be cult ot brick anl frectluuc It Islntenledwhile preserving the general tharacter nf the Northavenue gate to mine this second gate In every respectsubordinate Its principal posU representing la scaletime dImensIons of the smaller i o u et the Northavenue gate As seen front the Delta It willpresent a recessed entrance shout forty leeswiiie linked on this outer corners by piers twelvefeet high and on the Inner corner by piers of the tamodimensions The get Itself will te of wrought inc ofa simple design twelve feet in K I6lh serving M one othe carriage approaches to therard Tlie brick voIleof Holworihr and Tbaver will form the continuationof the wall of tile gate from this nreeL Work win bebegun as Coon as the weisituer permits Mogini SteadA While are the architects

The itervard llxtanlcel Jarden boasts of a rare va-riety


of tie orchid famlir sew m bloom is ace if thetrortcal greenhnusee Time planr which lea native ofMadagascar lIs called tie AttgraernmSescjalpsdaleThe stem Is about four feet bill us leaves are ofglossy green and are about a ffi I long The bloSsomwlilch Is nearly six inches In dunrter l very whiteand has a spur that varies In lenirth from a feet to a-

foot and a halt The plant ha four spikes uf flowerswith three blossoms on each spike