i separate waists i l attractive i - chronicling...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES AUGUST 20 1908 THURS DAY 1 7 1 I n > Befrilled Upper Indispensable to Every Woman WAISTS COSTB- lue Batiste for JSSL Four yards batiste inches wide at SC HM One yard sheer ailover sm broidery 191 Two skeins blue silk to em- broider shaped piece around yoke at 6c M Six yards val edging to trim yoke collar anti cuffs at te One dozen tiny crocbetad but- tons Two spools white cotton at fa If One pattern J 331 White SaUlt f r 41 Two and auarter yards 36 in wide at S J444 Two yards white batiste for lining at Sic 50 One yard white silk net square mesh 44 in wide for LiO Five strings tiny pearls fer embroidery shaped piece around yoke at 35e T Two spools white slat at fie 11 Half card hooks and eyes at lOc One pattern 1 Flowered Chiffon for tf07 Two and threequarter yards flowered chiffon M in wide at 1 a7f Three yards pink mpeso line wide at file 24- Onehalf yard allover prinoees lace at 2tl Six yards French Val to trim yoke at ISc It8 Two yards pink stinfmed rib- bon lc a Hall yard hooks and eyes at 13 M TWO spools white silk ie It Two spools sold thread at He One pattern H- At least one little waist that is frilled ruffled ineertkmed piped or otherwise trimmed is indispensable in the feminine wardrobe t These little waists are the ony fluffy articles of wearing apparel which are permitted with the strictly tailor made Some are of cream color others are of delicate tone repeating the body color of the suit and all are hand em broidered- It is a boast with many girls that they possess no lees than ten lingerie waists all crisply laundered and laid with tiny sachets of violet or Japanese scent in the cedar chests reserved for them While this seems an unusually large number for a reserve stock it is eeeen tial that the cOMing bride fresh col lege girl or dame of any degree own as many as two elaborate waist for best One can be of pink flowered chiffon crepe over pale pink silk the shoulders shirred the yolk of all over princess lace cut deeply square and outlined with a shaped collar on which has been traced with gold thread a Japanese de sign of leaves Tiny ruffles of val lace soften the hard line of the yoke and finish neck and sleeves The same idea is carried out in crisp silks and taffetas for the breezy out door damsel who cares little for flounces and frills This maid wears with her doublebreasted jacket checked and striped waists strapped with bands of the same material For wear with these waists a good skirt of white broadcloth or voile for evening and a dark cheviot for street wear are absolute necessities WIFE OF COUNT TOLSTOY MOTHER OF THIRTEEN HELPS HER HUSBAND- The woman who considers herself hard worked in keeping up with society might take a lesson in usefulness from the life of Mme The countess who was a woman of court circles born and bred to affluence has met the difficulties whlcn her hus- bands views entail with remarkable- tact and wisdom Despite the care of a large family for she is the mother ot thirteen children and has the of an estate she finds time to as met her husband in literary labors Count Tolstoys is exceedingly difficult to decipher and patience with which his copies the books bears witness to her devotion She has co studied her huaoands vegetarian tastes that she is quoted as saying that she could give dinners on and vegetables 9K days in the year and never one DO IT YOURSELF Depending on others is like a cake minus baking powder you can always count on a fall down The girl who does it herself need never lose beauty sleep wondering if it be done As well put faith in the weather with invitations out for a garden party as to feel dead certain of otoers doing that promised task What you do yourself may not be well done but at least you are oft tin anxious bench As well count on the unboned lace collar to cling back of the ears as get Itp dependent habit how to do things yourself and them rcakes you as indif ferent to the xhhnc oT others as a dead beat to debts LOCAL MENTION Tells The popularity of the Holmes Bakery products is due to their quality Pies 30c Milk Bread te Delivered fresh from out 1st stud X ats bakery Phone Lightning Rods J H Kuellag KB 12th Philippine War Act Last Cartridge Majestic Pic- tures lOc Tell your friends Masons Best Quirt Jars 75C Dos Quaker Matches Ifc doc J5c Brooms 26c 1 lb Mixed Pickling Uc tf Nutmegs 5c 1 Ib Ground Pepper Me S Oleine Soap lie J T D Pyles stores Chicago Jewel Gas Ranges Are the Pest C A Muddiman Co 616 22th nw SEPARATE WAISTS WILL BE POPULAR- One I I thr I 0 eII it f- Inches 4 at at fl si- I I TOletoy I Q t Gar- ment Iz M f5 yoke w r i yard 0 manage- ment su r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR FALL 1 ATTRACTIVE IST I I L I j Answers to Questions Asked cBy Many Readers of The Times RUSH QUERIES Wll be answered by telephone Call Main 52ftC and ask for The Times Bureau Information This department ki conducted with the desire to give information and to be of practical service to The Times readers If answers to questions by mail are desired stamped and oavolopos must be inclosed No attention can be paid to questions relating to minor personalities of the stage republishing of poems or quotations or the solving of mathe- matical problems I addressed 2 a ¬ Navy Yard Furloughs Mrs M S W Employee laid off from the Navy Yard on furlough do not Premiums on Coins Miss S L Union Savings Bank 719 Fourteenth street northwest can inform you of the value of the coins Transport at Newport News Imiulror No army transport will sail from Newport News in near future the Americas Cup Times Americas Cup first won in London in UK in the ATTRACTIVE NECK FIXINGS ARE MADE EASILY AT HOME These hot days when exercise is too heating get your busy and make yourself some of the in numerable neck fixings that every girl loves and few girls can buy One of the newest and smartest worn by a girl who has just come from Lon don is so easily copied that I shall tell you about it It is a very full tulle ruffle for outdoor wear around the center with broad soft ribbon finished with loops and at the back of the left ear The ruffle is made of two strips of tulle eight inches wide and long enough- to make a full ruche around the neck Four or five times the width of the neck is not too much to allow as the ruffles must be pulled down into as in the frills on paper lamp- shades Double over the strips of tulle and gather them to a of about two inches wide that fits the neck One ruffle stands up and the other down as in the Pierrot ruche Under tle bow at the side put hooks and eyes for fastening Use messaline or other soft ribbon and draw it lit rolda around the crinoline The bow is made with three- or four outstanding loops and two ends that the shoulder blade The ribbon usually matches the tulle in color as is a tone The one copied was if the new banana shade of tulle with chiffon velvet ribbon in a soft cinnamon tone WASHING SILK RIBBON- As summed is a season of ribbons and as they quickly spoil every woman is in- terested to know how to freshen them especially when is away from the shops The following to a good method Take equal parts of alcohol and highly reed fled benfeine Be sure to use and mix them in out of dtors or in A room where there is no flame of kind Put the ribbons in a bowl and sponge them well preferably using a gently before they are dry and fold paper or in a with orris root or any sachet you have This takes off the odor of the benzine get pay time they otto NThe the ReaderThe was violent needle I I I flutings she I tIM y are 1 a err length- wise crin- oline ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > yacht races hold there at that time It has since remained in Staves despite attempts of British yachtsmen to win it Remedy for Gray Hair Mrd T B M There is nc remedy for gray hair The beet to do te prevent grayness is to take good care of the with frequent shampoos Naturalization Citizen You will have to take out naturalization papers James Lane Allen Student James Lane Allen is alive He lives in New York City NOVEL PHOTOGRAPH STANDS ADD TO ATTRACTIVENESS- OF A GIRLS ROOM A photograph stand with a polished surface in which the frames may be re- flected adds greatly to the attractive nose of any young girls sitting room Jf these frames are gifts and hold the photographs of intimate friends they are additionally interesting Frames for holding photographs taken in continental or Watteau garb are cov- ered with goldembroidered ancient bro cade the fabric pasted smoothly over the bristol board and the edges finished with gold braiding Printed cretonne frames are similarly treated and fin shed and both materials have Louts XVI tops sometimes jewel set An- other effective fabric covered frame gold cloth interwoven with pastel shades In a moire pattern and over- printed with a fine gold arabesque de signExquisitely finished frames are handwork productions of composl with moire covered slide These come and In differently sized sets for family groups the portraits of the elders being placed In the larger the juniors in the medium and the juveniles In the smallest For a series of small photographs or for kodak souvenirs are folding frames of English morocco and moire of walrus kid and gun metal and of sliver gilt rhinestone set Most attractive of all gift frames are those holding German color reproduc tons of such old masters as Holbein Heinrich Vogtler Van Dyck Peter Paul Reubens Philippi Pleter de Hooch and TVatteau BEADED BELTS Beaded leather belts are on sale quantities and are very pretty indeed The best of them are made of soft suede and decorated in manycolored small glass Imi tate the Indian work On some the beads are grouped only just front to take the place of a buckle wh have an imitation buckle both frrfit and back United thing Is- o tlonll resembling English morocco and i- nput beadsto the brass arise they s ott- ers 4 g ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JET HAT PINS Round and Egg Shapes Some as Large as Golf Balls Popular Large hat pine are very much worn of either round or ogrshape the latter the size of a pigeons egg and the former that of a golf ball Venetian bead necklaces are a great vogue the delicate colors anti ooinblnaUons serving to enhance costume to which they are allied Small- er beads worked after the Old World style into chains and necklaces are also in great request HandpaJntod chickenskin fans are prime favorites of the moment designed- on Louts Seise lines while a pompadour model almost round in shape is ac- counted of the utmost elegance The handpaintings usually depict some dainty TVatteau design The cult of color may be termed oae of the leading medtstfe features of the moment We not only go bank ages in search of subdued artistic tints but contrive to combine these in clever ingenious fashion to modern expressions- of shades variously called old blue vioux rose Empire green and buff brows These in reality although bear- ing strong resemblance to their an eeators fare quite latterday products Sentiment Counts for Much One cannot help but wonder whether the fascination that inevitably lingers around antique productions rests en real intrinsic values or whether sentiment has not a large word to say in its fqvor Personally I rather incline to the side of the more genuine worth of Old World workmanship more individual interest wee put into it and where one piece was then turned out thousands are not required Modern lace nowaver beautiful nat- urally lacks the soft subduing Influence- of age but whether this coma to these Utterda dentellev is a fact only to be proved by future generations- An expert in the cause has grave doubts her argument being that the flan now employed lacks the superfine quality of yore while some needles found concealed ad forgotten in an old needlepoint lace outfit revealed infin- itesimal proportions quite unprocurable today Some old Venetian tape lace also ws shown us worked we are told in a damp cellar the humid atmosphere being necessary to keep the thread in the requisite condition Such a tate of things would not be permissible hi these days with hygiene officials stalking in our midst and as most will agree a very good thing too AN ODD EVENING SLEEVE- So many tricks have been tried in sleeves for the last few months tat there is no telling what kind of drapery will next be substituted for a genuine sleeve- A new idea on a smart French gown is in this connectfcm quite worth de- scribing It is on a gown that is to be worn in the JUHNHB although by the use of a abort underateeve halfway to the elbow it can be made of service for a smart afternoon affair where one weirs long sleeves It is a band of lace in filet weave embroidered with an octopus of silver bullion The lace begins in A point at the top of the empire belt then each goes up to the armhole- is attached to side and top of it and then ends abruptly at the bust with- a bullion ornament There is no other kind of sleeve on the bodice NEW VELVET ANIMALS Fascinating black and white velvet Animate are quite familiar to all This ie particularly true shoe the plush Teddy bear leaped into such fremled popularity that the crippled little Ger- man woman who originated them has In than a decade risen from pau- perism to the state of a nearmillion dress one tried to the famous bear without violating that patent law signified the sign geechutz in the hand of the animal himself but th best they could do was to make pussy- cats bunnies and monkeys of velvet This summer they have still further ornamented their efforts by giving each animal a square pink satin face and if their is not increased they at least challenge notice A BELTING JUMPER Bmbroidered linen belting in white and color may be bought by the yard and a very clever little lady has used it to make herself a Jumper A double thickness over each shoulder from the waist line in the front to the waist line in the back is the foundation of the garment while a few straps across the back and front give the whole a very Junperllke appearance The four loops at the waist line form ed the shoulder straps are used to slip the belt through so when it is worn with a white and blouse the effect is of one of the popular onepiece dresses It Is Just such an arrangement that makes it possible to wear a blouse and skirt without a coat A MINORITY HOLDER Clara Why are you always because I have callers You suppose I would cease to be at tractive Just because we became en gaged did you George No not exactly but I did not understand that I was only a mem ber of an underwriting syndicate Puck Or shine your trip is just the same in a THOMAS TAXICAB Just phone Main 6670- It will be where you are 5 minutes later SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 300 An Hour The Federal Taxicab Co 15th Ohio Ave NW S BIG ARE IN GREAT j jet any td fin inch Ieee th lea complain- ing FAVOR having pee roman- tic wtl ever de- sign d a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PRETTY GOWN J OF FOULARD I r 1 AUSTRALIAN OYSTERS Oysters are sometimes regarded a dangerous but they are not usually con- sidered savage A Queensland judge however has decided that they are beasts Before a royal commission on the industry which has been sitting at Brisbane a witness stated years ago he had laid 100000 shells in the neighborhood of Friday island The Japanese stole the shells and the district court judge held that as pearl shell oysters were wild animals there was 10 penalty for stealing them ¬ 60 Womens White Skirts worth 500 1 156 Womens FINEST White Skirts worth 650 Q to 850 Tomorrow 4 Silk Remnants Values to Waist skirt and dress lengths- of Fancy and Plain Colored Foulards Allsilk Rough Pongee Plain Colored Peau de Cygne and Messaline 100 per yard Per OQf yard 44 Womens White Cannon Cloth Skirts worth up to 79 C 3 Tomorrow 9 Womens White Skirts t29 29 1 for 29c Taf- feta Prices to J worth 5400 Tomor- row a Tomor- row > By MAY 2IAKTOW Foulard is being extensively worn just now and is such a satisfactory material for the useful after noon gown woman likes to In elude one or more in her wardrobe This model is among the latest shown and is quite distinctive in out yet slmp 3 It can be made either with or long sleeves and the chemisette or plast- ron can be of lace or tucking or of the sort that may be like while trimming could be ready made band ing quite as well as contrasting silk Al so any other thin material of the sea- son will be found quite as appropriate as foulard for tho design suits every thing that can be tucked with success mousseline cotton voile and the like as well as silk and the chiffon wool alsFor the medium size will be required- for the blouse yards of material 24 2 yards 33 or 1 inches wide with 1H 18 inches wide for the plastron and un der sleeves 1 yard of silk for the bands for the skirt 11 yards 21 8 yards 32 or 6 yards 44 inches wide with 1 yard ot alL for banding c i t- J thatevory threequarter mater 4 44 any- thing I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MARRIAGES INCREASING Reports show that there were 8793 more marriages this yoar in France than last year bringing the total num ber for six months up to 160630 the highest recorded in French history ex cept for the year 1S72 accounted for by delayed by the Franco Pnibaian war The new law makes it easy to marry and not no expensive the old requiring nineteen separate cer tiflcates and the minimum cost 10 With increased facilities for marriage more legal births are recorded ¬ ¬ Business Hours 8A M to 5P Al Saturdays 6 P At 420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St of Wash Goods We are going to make this one of the biggest bargain Fridays- ever held remnants without exception will be sacnficed tomor- row and a figure on them that will create a rapid clearance Every conceivable kind of material too numerous to mention but plenty for early shoppers Early purchasers will be the most for- tunate as the best go first Three Lots Worth up to Worth up to Worth up to 25c 50c Lansburgh Bro I2 c 5 c 7 c 12 c 6reat Offers from Suit Dept Remnants 1 1 2 15 Womens Allwool White Serge and Panama Suits worth 3000 and 3500 Positively one day only 175 Lawn Wrappers Light Lawn and Percale Wrap- pers in pink blue and black and white neatly made some with Dutch neck some with high collar sizes 36 to 40 sold regu- larly up to 175 Special for one day yOw 984 98c II i e ¬ ¬ 168 Nearsilk Petticoats 89c Made of excellent quality nearsilk in black only in two some have rows of others rows of fine tucks finished with embroidered flounce workmanship is the very best and equal to that put m of the value Special for one day OVW 248 Heatherbloom Skirts 198 Genuine Heatherbloom name on every band neatly made in a number of different styles also a few full foundation and dust ruffle Special tysQ Petticoats Greatly Reduced I 0 1 I i r1 r Nadine Face Powder Produces n Beautiful Complexion Soft and velvety Remains until off Purified by a newly discovered process Harm let ai water Prevents return of discolors tions rjn green bores only Buy one lOc pack- age and money will be refunded if you are not entirely satisfied Flesh Pink Brunette By leading druggists or man Prepd by NATIONAL TOILET CO ParisTenn Sold by Peoples Pharmacy CX Donne I Henry Evan and druKtiits Credit for All Washington FURNITURE AT AUGUST CLEARANCE PRICES This is a month when house keepers can save money by spending We are cleaning up our stock before of fall and there isnt a single department but what has many extraordinary bargains credit terms enable every one to buy who wishes and to the bills without inconvenience Peter Grogana- nd Sons Company 817819821823 Seventh St CLEANHAND POWDER For Washing the Hcnds Sawn far more asj Telvety than any soap and u vsttv more effective removing with sraoM oils Inks paint varaX etc Impossible to off with aoj On tale ct drag stores csssrally ONLY for largO Jar ftp Including the Famous Steinway Every piano in the sale war- ranted exchange it if not satis- factory in every way The prices in every case will surprise you Easy terms 1 925 Pa Ave Summer At Cost Sale now in progress Come In eariy your size is in the lot HIRSHS SHOE STORES 10261028 7th St NW Between X and L fits Is tender sweet delicious 5 U and strengthening It rouses sj every gustatory sense Serve at breakfast piping hot 928 La Ave Till au Month Just to start the ball a rolling j for piano business is quiet now J This is a brand new upright piano In genuine case Standard make fully 1 guaranteed Not one the j- T worthless but a real gem J of an instrument FREDERICK MUSIC J G Pfeiffer Mgr 1328 F Street fire lights easier bums and costs least you use i 25 Bushel Large Coke delivered310 40 Bushels Coke elrere tt73 Y- CO Large Coke deliveredJSS8 T 35 Bushels Crushed Coke deliveredJ3W T- T 40 Bushel Crushed Coko deliveredi SO Boahelx Crusted Coke delivered HSa J- S Washington Gaslight Co I t 413 10th St N W Slier are a rood many Douse renters in this cUr A- fc03dre4 of these would nutfc good tenants tot that house ot yours ton of this hundred en reading the To Rent every day now TintsWhite other r the sort I dirt get a n o derJ ISo wm I sitting f Sale of Pianos D ROO N w- All Shoes I I I t Golden Rod Sliced Bacon lm r 1111111 Ir f II J Ii- I New Piano i 150 500 t i i 1 i- II J illl J n i I n J J itof I I f- t THE i COKE Las Bushels wash- ed u lI a leaves ease s CLOSING f rr i N j hi k k it- t Y Co IGo1den- t n CO- D oooaooooe o o yo 0 a I s OdA6 Q lt t- as eas o a ads ¬ ¬ ¬ + < ++ +++ + + + + + + ++ + < > + +

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Page 1: I SEPARATE WAISTS I L ATTRACTIVE I - Chronicling …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-08-20/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · lace at 2tl Six yards French Val to trim yoke at ISc It8



7 1I n


Befrilled UpperIndispensable to

Every Woman


lue Batiste for JSSL

Four yards batiste incheswide at SC HM

One yard sheer ailover smbroidery 191

Two skeins blue silk to em-

broider shaped piece aroundyoke at 6c M

Six yards val edging to trimyoke collar anti cuffs at te

One dozen tiny crocbetad but-tons

Two spools white cotton at fa IfOne pattern J

331White SaUlt f r 41

Two and auarter yards36 in wide at S J444

Two yards white batiste forlining at Sic 50

One yard white silk net squaremesh 44 in wide for LiO

Five strings tiny pearls ferembroidery shaped piecearound yoke at 35e T

Two spools white slat at fie 11

Half card hooks and eyes atlOc

One pattern 1

Flowered Chiffon for tf07Two and threequarter yards

flowered chiffon M in wideat 1 a7f

Three yards pink mpeso linewide at file 24-

Onehalf yard allover prinoeeslace at 2tl

Six yards French Val to trimyoke at ISc It8

Two yards pink stinfmed rib-bon lc a

Hall yard hooks and eyes at 13 MTWO spools white silk ie ItTwo spools sold thread at HeOne pattern H-

At least one little waist that is frilledruffled ineertkmed piped or otherwisetrimmed is indispensable in the femininewardrobe tThese little waists are the ony fluffyarticles of wearing apparel which arepermitted with the strictly tailormade Some are of cream color othersare of delicate tone repeating the bodycolor of the suit and all are hand embroidered-

It is a boast with many girls that theypossess no lees than ten lingerie waistsall crisply laundered and laid with tinysachets of violet or Japanese scent inthe cedar chests reserved for themWhile this seems an unusually largenumber for a reserve stock it is eeeential that the cOMing bride fresh college girl or dame of any degree own asmany as two elaborate waist for best

One can be of pink flowered chiffoncrepe over pale pink silk the shouldersshirred the yolk of all over princesslace cut deeply square and outlinedwith a shaped collar on which has beentraced with gold thread a Japanese design of leaves Tiny ruffles of vallace soften the hard line of the yokeand finish neck and sleeves

The same idea is carried out in crispsilks and taffetas for the breezy outdoor damsel who cares little for flouncesand frills This maid wears with herdoublebreasted jacket checked andstriped waists strapped with bands ofthe same material

For wear with these waists a goodskirt of white broadcloth or voile forevening and a dark cheviot for streetwear are absolute necessities



The woman who considers herselfhard worked in keeping up with societymight take a lesson in usefulness fromthe life of Mme

The countess who was a woman ofcourt circles born and bred to affluencehas met the difficulties whlcn her hus-bands views entail with remarkable-tact and wisdom Despite the care ofa large family for she is the mother otthirteen children and has the

of an estate she finds time to asmet her husband in literary labors

Count Tolstoys is exceedinglydifficult to decipher and patiencewith which his copies the booksbears witness to her devotion She hasco studied her huaoands vegetariantastes that she is quoted as saying thatshe could give dinners onand vegetables 9K days in the year andnever one

DO IT YOURSELFDepending on others is like a cake

minus baking powder you can alwayscount on a fall down

The girl who does it herself neednever lose beauty sleep wondering if itbe done

As well put faith in the weather withinvitations out for a garden party asto feel dead certain of otoers doingthat promised task

What you do yourself may not bewell done but at least you are ofttin anxious bench

As well count on the unboned lacecollar to cling back of the ears as getItp dependent habit

how to do things yourselfand them rcakes you as indifferent to the xhhnc oT others as a deadbeat to debts


TellsThe popularity of the Holmes Bakeryproducts is due to their quality

Pies 30c Milk Bread te Deliveredfresh from out 1st stud X ats bakeryPhone

Lightning Rods J H Kuellag KB 12th

Philippine War ActLast Cartridge Majestic Pic-

tures lOc Tell your friends

Masons Best Quirt Jars 75C DosQuaker Matches Ifc doc J5c Brooms26c 1 lb Mixed Pickling Uc tfNutmegs 5c 1 Ib Ground Pepper MeS Oleine Soap lie J T D Pyles stores

Chicago Jewel Gas Ranges Are thePest C A Muddiman Co 616 22th nw
















fl si-I I











ri yard



su r













Answers to Questions AskedcBy Many Readers of The Times

RUSH QUERIES Wll be answered by telephone Call Main 52ftC

and ask for The Times Bureau Information

This department ki conducted with the desire to give information andto be of practical service to The Times readers If answers to questionsby mail are desired stamped and oavolopos must be inclosedNo attention can be paid to questions relating to minor personalities ofthe stage republishing of poems or quotations or the solving of mathe-matical problems






Navy Yard FurloughsMrs M S W Employee laid off

from the Navy Yard on furlough do not

Premiums on CoinsMiss S L Union Savings

Bank 719 Fourteenth street northwestcan inform you of the value of thecoins

Transport at Newport NewsImiulror No army transport will sail

from Newport News in near future

the Americas CupTimes Americas Cup

first won in London in UK in the



AT HOMEThese hot days when exercise

is too heating get your busyand make yourself some of the innumerable neck fixings that every girlloves and few girls can buy

One of the newest and smartest wornby a girl who has just come from London is so easily copied that I shall tellyou about itIt is a very full tulle ruffle for outdoorwear around the center withbroad soft ribbon finished with loopsand at the back of the left ear

The ruffle is made of two strips oftulle eight inches wide and long enough-to make a full ruche around theneck Four or five times the width ofthe neck is not too much to allow asthe ruffles must be pulled down into

as in the frills on paper lamp-shades

Double over the strips of tulleand gather them to a of

about two inches wide that fitsthe neck One ruffle stands up and theother down as in the Pierrot ruche

Under tle bow at the side put hooksand eyes for fastening

Use messaline or other softribbon and draw it lit rolda around thecrinoline The bow is made with three-or four outstanding loops and two endsthat the shoulder blade

The ribbon usually matches the tullein color as is a tone Theone copied was if the new banana shadeof tulle with chiffon velvet ribbon in asoft cinnamon tone

WASHING SILK RIBBON-As summed is a season of ribbons and

as they quickly spoil every woman is in-terested to know how to freshen themespecially when is away from theshops

The following to a good method Takeequal parts of alcohol and highly reedfled benfeine Be sure to use and mixthem in out of dtors or in A roomwhere there is no flame of kind

Put the ribbons in a bowl and spongethem well preferably using a

gently before theyare dry and fold paper orin a with orris root or anysachet you have This takes off theodor of the benzine

get pay time they otto














length-wise crin-oline






yacht races hold there at that time Ithas since remained in Stavesdespite attempts of Britishyachtsmen to win it

Remedy for Gray HairMrd T B M There is nc remedy

for gray hair The beet to do teprevent grayness is to take good careof the with frequent shampoos

NaturalizationCitizen You will have to take out

naturalization papers

James Lane AllenStudent James Lane Allen is alive

He lives in New York City



OF A GIRLS ROOMA photograph stand with a polished

surface in which the frames may be re-flected adds greatly to the attractivenose of any young girls sitting roomJf these frames are gifts and hold thephotographs of intimate friends theyare additionally interesting

Frames for holding photographs takenin continental or Watteau garb are cov-ered with goldembroidered ancient brocade the fabric pasted smoothly overthe bristol board and the edges finishedwith gold braiding Printed cretonneframes are similarly treated and finshed and both materials have LoutsXVI tops sometimes jewel set An-other effective fabric covered frame

gold cloth interwoven with pastelshades In a moire pattern and over-printed with a fine gold arabesque designExquisitely finished framesare handwork productions of composl

with moire coveredslide These come and Indifferently sized sets for family groupsthe portraits of the elders being placedIn the larger the juniors in the mediumand the juveniles In the smallestFor a series of small photographs orfor kodak souvenirs are foldingframes of English morocco and moireof walrus kid and gun metal and ofsliver gilt rhinestone set

Most attractive of all gift frames arethose holding German color reproductons of such old masters as HolbeinHeinrich VogtlerVan Dyck Peter Paul Reubens PhilippiPleter de Hooch and TVatteau

BEADED BELTSBeaded leather belts are on salequantities and are very

pretty indeed The best of them aremade of soft suede and decorated inmanycolored small glass Imitate the Indian work On some thebeads are grouped only just front totake the place of a buckle whhave an imitation buckle both frrfitand back




tlonll resembling English morocco and







s ott-ers












Round and Egg ShapesSome as Large as Golf

Balls Popular

Large hat pine are very muchworn of either round or ogrshape thelatter the size of a pigeons egg and theformer that of a golf ball

Venetian bead necklaces are agreat vogue the delicate colors antiooinblnaUons serving to enhancecostume to which they are allied Small-er beads worked after the Old Worldstyle into chains and necklaces are alsoin great request

HandpaJntod chickenskin fans areprime favorites of the moment designed-on Louts Seise lines while a pompadourmodel almost round in shape is ac-counted of the utmost elegance Thehandpaintings usually depict somedainty TVatteau design

The cult of color may be termed oaeof the leading medtstfe features of themoment We not only go bankages in search of subdued artistic tintsbut contrive to combine these in cleveringenious fashion to modern expressions-of shades variously called old bluevioux rose Empire green and buffbrows These in reality although bear-ing strong resemblance to their aneeators fare quite latterday products

Sentiment Counts for MuchOne cannot help but wonder whether

the fascination that inevitably lingersaround antique productions rests enreal intrinsic values or whether

sentiment has not a large word tosay in its fqvor Personally I ratherincline to the side of the more genuineworth of Old World workmanship moreindividual interest wee put into it andwhere one piece was then turned outthousands are not required

Modern lace nowaver beautiful nat-urally lacks the soft subduing Influence-of age but whether this comato these Utterda dentellev is a factonly to be proved by future generations-An expert in the cause has gravedoubts her argument being that theflan now employed lacks the superfinequality of yore while some needlesfound concealed a d forgotten in an oldneedlepoint lace outfit revealed infin-itesimal proportions quite unprocurabletoday

Some old Venetian tape lace also wsshown us worked we are told in adamp cellar the humid atmospherebeing necessary to keep the thread inthe requisite condition Such atate of things would not be permissiblehi these days with hygiene officialsstalking in our midst and as most willagree a very good thing too

AN ODD EVENING SLEEVE-So many tricks have been tried in

sleeves for the last few months tatthere is no telling what kind of draperywill next be substituted for a genuinesleeve-

A new idea on a smart French gownis in this connectfcm quite worth de-scribing It is on a gown that is to beworn in the JUHNHB although by the useof a abort underateeve halfway to theelbow it can be made of service for asmart afternoon affair where one weirslong sleeves

It is a band of lace in filetweave embroidered with an octopus

of silver bullion The lace beginsin A point at the top of the empire beltthen each goes up to the armhole-is attached to side and top of itand then ends abruptly at the bust with-a bullion ornament

There is no other kind of sleeve on thebodice

NEW VELVET ANIMALSFascinating black and white velvet

Animate are quite familiar to all Thisie particularly true shoe the plushTeddy bear leaped into such fremledpopularity that the crippled little Ger-man woman who originated them hasIn than a decade risen from pau-perism to the state of a nearmilliondress

one tried to the famousbear without violating that patent lawsignified the sign geechutz in thehand of the animal himself but thbest they could do was to make pussy-cats bunnies and monkeys of velvet

This summer they have still furtherornamented their efforts by giving eachanimal a square pink satin face andif their is not increased they atleast challenge notice

A BELTING JUMPERBmbroidered linen belting in white

and color may be bought by the yardand a very clever little lady has used itto make herself a Jumper A doublethickness over each shoulder from thewaist line in the front to the waistline in the back is the foundation ofthe garment while a few straps acrossthe back and front give the whole avery Junperllke appearance

The four loops at the waist line formed the shoulder straps are used toslip the belt through so when it isworn with a white and blouse theeffect is of one of the popular onepiecedresses

It Is Just such an arrangement thatmakes it possible to wear a blouse andskirt without a coat

A MINORITY HOLDERClara Why are you always

because I have callers Yousuppose I would cease to be at

tractive Just because we became engaged did you

George No not exactly but I didnot understand that I was only a member of an underwriting syndicate Puck

Or shine your trip is justthe same in a

THOMAS TAXICABJust phone Main 6670-It will be where you are


300 An HourThe Federal Taxicab Co

15th Ohio Ave NW S






fin inch








wtl ever
















AUSTRALIAN OYSTERSOysters are sometimes regarded a

dangerous but they are not usually con-sidered savage A Queensland judgehowever has decided that they arebeasts Before a royal commission onthe industry which has beensitting at Brisbane a witness stated

years ago he had laid 100000shells in the neighborhood of Fridayisland The Japanese stole the shellsand the district court judge held that aspearl shell oysters were wild animalsthere was 10 penalty for stealing them


60 Womens White Skirtsworth 500 1

156 Womens FINEST WhiteSkirts worth 650 Qto 850 Tomorrow 4

Silk RemnantsValues to

Waist skirt and dress lengths-of Fancy and Plain Colored

Foulards Allsilk RoughPongee Plain Colored Peau deCygne and Messaline

100 per yard Per OQfyard

44 Womens White CannonCloth Skirts worth up to 79 C3 Tomorrow

9 Womens White Skirts


2 9

1 for 29c


Prices to


worth 5400 Tomor-row a




Foulard is beingextensively worn justnow and is such asatisfactory materialfor the useful afternoon gownwoman likes to In

elude one or more inher wardrobe Thismodel is among thelatest shown and isquite distinctive inout yet slmp 3 Itcan be made eitherwith orlong sleeves and thechemisette or plast-ron can be of laceor tucking or

of the sortthat may be likewhile trimming couldbe ready made banding quite as well ascontrasting silk Also any other thinmaterial of the sea-son will be foundquite as appropriateas foulard for thodesign suits everything that can betucked with successmousseline cottonvoile and the like aswell as silk and thechiffon wool

alsFor the mediumsize will be required-for the blouseyards of material 24

2 yards 33 or 1inches wide with 1H18 inches wide forthe plastron and under sleeves 1 yard ofsilk for the bandsfor the skirt 11 yards21 8 yards 32 or 6

yards 44 inches widewith 1 yard ot alLfor banding



















MARRIAGES INCREASINGReports show that there were 8793

more marriages this yoar in Francethan last year bringing the total number for six months up to 160630 thehighest recorded in French history except for the year 1S72 accounted for by

delayed by the FrancoPnibaian war The new law makes iteasy to marry and not no expensivethe old requiring nineteen separate certiflcates and the minimum cost 10 Withincreased facilities for marriage morelegal births are recorded



Business Hours 8 A M to 5 P Al Saturdays 6 P At

420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St

of Wash GoodsWe are going to make this one of the biggest bargain Fridays-

ever held remnants without exception will be sacnficed tomor-row and a figure on them that will create a rapid clearanceEvery conceivable kind of material too numerous to mention butplenty for early shoppers Early purchasers will be the most for-tunate as the best go first

Three LotsWorth up to Worth up to Worth up to

25c 50c

Lansburgh Bro

I2 c

5 c 7 c 12 c6reat Offers from Suit Dept


1 1


15 Womens Allwool WhiteSerge and Panama Suits worth3000 and 3500 Positively one

day only

175 LawnWrappers

Light Lawn and Percale Wrap-pers in pink blue and blackand white neatly made somewith Dutch neck some with highcollar sizes 36 to 40 sold regu-larly up to 175 Specialfor one day yOw







168 Nearsilk Petticoats 89cMade of excellent quality nearsilk in black only in two

some have rows of others rows of fine tucks finished withembroidered flounce workmanship is the very best and equal tothat put m of the value Specialfor one day OVW

248 Heatherbloom Skirts 198Genuine Heatherbloom name on every band neatly made in a

number of different styles also a few fullfoundation and dust ruffle Special tysQ

Petticoats Greatly Reduced

I0 1


i r1


Nadine Face PowderProduces n Beautiful Complexion

Soft and velvetyRemains until

off Purified by anewly discoveredprocess Harm letai water Preventsreturn of discolorstions rjn greenbores only

Buy one lOc pack-age and money willbe refunded if youare not entirely

satisfied Flesh PinkBrunette By leading druggists or manPrepd by NATIONAL TOILET CO ParisTenn

Sold by Peoples Pharmacy CX Donne IHenry Evan and druKtiits

Credit for All Washington


This is a month when housekeepers can save money byspending We are cleaning upour stock before offall and there isnt asingle department but what hasmany extraordinary bargains

creditterms enable every one to buywho wishes and to thebills without inconvenience

Peter Grogana-nd Sons Company

817819821823 Seventh St

CLEANHAND POWDERFor Washing the Hcnds

Sawn far more asjTelvety than any soap and u vsttvmore effective removing withsraoM oils Inks paint varaXetc Impossible to off with aojOn tale ct drag stores csssrally

ONLY for largO Jarftp

Including theFamous Steinway

Every piano in the sale war-ranted exchange it if not satis-factory in every way

The prices in every case willsurprise you Easy terms

1 925 Pa Ave

SummerAt Cost

Sale now in progress Come Ineariy your size is in the lotHIRSHS SHOE STORES

10261028 7th St NWBetween X and L fits

Is tender sweet delicious5

U and strengthening It rouses

sj every gustatory sense Serve

at breakfast piping hot

928 La Ave


au MonthJust to start the ball a rolling

j for piano business is quietnow

J This is a brand new uprightpiano In genuinecase Standard make fully

1 guaranteed Not one the j-T worthless but a real gem Jof an instrument


J G Pfeiffer Mgr 1328 F Street

fire lights easier bumsand costs least

you use

i 25 Bushel Large Coke delivered31040 Bushels Coke elrere tt73 Y-

CO Large Coke deliveredJSS8T 35 Bushels Crushed Coke deliveredJ3W T-T 40 Bushel Crushed Coko deliveredi

SO Boahelx Crusted Coke delivered HSa J-

S Washington Gaslight Co It 413 10th St N W

Slier are a rood manyDouse renters in this cUr A-

fc03dre4 of these would nutfcgood tenants tot that house otyours ton of this hundred enreading the To Rentevery day now




the sort



a n o derJISo wm


f Sale of Pianos


All ShoesI




Golden RodSliced Bacon

lm r1111111 I r f II J Ii-

I New Piano i150


i 1i-

I I J illl J n i I n J J itof I I f-






















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