Òi talked with zenith about tigercloud, and realized that

MKS Technology Solves the Pain with TigerCloud Mahesh Saraswat had been working in IT for about a decade when he started his own business three years ago. Having worked with the federal government, the City of Chicago and private rms, he’d gotten his hands dirty with a range of technologies, from Windows 98 to virtualization. Today, MKS Technology is a diversied IT solution provider for SMB clients. They provide cabling services, camera and security systems, and web development. But their primary growth comes from their infrastructure services group which Saraswat personally oversees. MKS Technology performs gap analysis, server and mainframe installs, and virtualization with Hyper-V ® and VMware ® . Saraswat rst began working with Zenith Infotech in 2008, when he took on a client who had a BDR appliance installed. He was impressed with the technology and began replicating the BDR osite. Osite replication opened a whole new business opportunity – hosted Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service. Saraswat worked with Hyper-V to provide server and desktop virtualization, he started exploring additional options for implementing onsite and osite cloud options. TigerCloud Came at Just the Right Time TigerCloud was launched as MKS Technology began working with a client in a particularly challenging circumstance. “I had been working with this client for 8 years. They started with a 5 user shop and a Small Business Server 2003. Today, they are a $25 million company with 150 users,” Saraswat explained. Unfortunately, although his client had grown dramatically, their IT infrastructure hadn’t grown with them. They were using a 9-year-old 400 GB server with 4 GB RAM running a 32-bit system. Their applications were running slowly and they had no room to grow. “TigerCloud came right in the middle of that. I talked with Zenith about TigerCloud, and realized that it provided the technology, precision and tools to help my client grow at a cost they could aord.” The key for Saraswat was the ability to address his client’s critical pain points. “We began by moving over applications that were performing poorly, and then virtualized their domain, Exchange and terminal servers so they could decommission hardware that had reached its end of life.” Now, they are implementing o-site replication to provide complete site-level disaster recovery capability. Providing companies with the tools and performance to solve their IT pain points, eectively manage growth, and bring together the right hardware and applications to meet their business needs. MKS Technology Bartlett, IL www.mkstechnology.com Business Challenge: After starting with Zenith’s BDR-G12 appliance, MKS now uses TigerCloud to provide high-performance virtual machines, robust business continuity, and high-speed storage at a price clients can aord. Solution: MKS Technology has grown steadily, and expects to double their business in the next year, largely by providing cloud IaaS services for their clients at competitive rates with exceptional performance. TigerCloud is helping MKS move to the next level of growth. Results: “I talked with Zenith about TigerCloud, and realized that it provided the technology, precision and tools to help my client grow at a cost they could aord.” Network Administrator

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Page 1: ÒI talked with Zenith about TigerCloud, and realized that

MKS Technology Solves the Pain with TigerCloud

Mahesh Saraswat had been working in IT for about a decade when he started his own business three years ago. Having worked with the federal government, the City of Chicago and private "rms, he’d gotten his hands dirty with a range of technologies, from Windows 98 to virtualization.

Today, MKS Technology is a diversi"ed IT solution provider for SMB clients. They provide cabling services, camera and security systems, and web development. But their primary growth comes from their infrastructure services group which Saraswat personally oversees. MKS Technology performs gap analysis, server and mainframe installs, and virtualization with Hyper-V® and VMware®.

Saraswat "rst began working with Zenith Infotech in 2008, when he took on a client who had a BDR appliance installed. He was impressed with the technology and began replicating the BDR o!site. O!site replication opened a whole new business opportunity – hosted Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service. Saraswat worked with Hyper-V to provide server and desktop virtualization, he started exploring additional options for implementing onsite and o!site cloud options.

TigerCloud Came at Just the Right TimeTigerCloud was launched as MKS Technology began working with a client in a particularly challenging circumstance. “I had been working with this client for 8 years. They started with a 5 user shop and a Small Business Server 2003. Today, they are a $25 million company with 150 users,” Saraswat explained. Unfortunately, although his client had grown dramatically, their IT infrastructure hadn’t grown with them. They were using a 9-year-old 400 GB server with 4 GB RAM running a 32-bit system. Their applications were running slowly and they had no room to grow.

“TigerCloud came right in the middle of that. I talked with Zenith about TigerCloud, and realized that it provided the technology, precision and tools to help my client grow at a cost they could a!ord.” The key for Saraswat was the ability to address his client’s critical pain points. “We began by moving over applications that were performing poorly, and then virtualized their domain, Exchange and terminal servers so they could decommission hardware that had reached its end of life.” Now, they are implementing o!-site replication to provide complete site-level disaster recovery capability.

Providing companies with the tools and performance to solve their IT pain points, e!ectively manage growth, and bring together the right hardware and applications to meet their business needs.

MKS Technology Bartlett, IL


Business Challenge:

After starting with Zenith’s BDR-G12 appliance, MKS now uses TigerCloud to provide high-performance virtual machines, robust business continuity, and high-speed storage at a price clients can a!ord.


MKS Technology has grown steadily, and expects to double their business in the next year, largely by providing cloud IaaS services for their clients at competitive rates with exceptional performance. TigerCloud is helping MKS move to the next level of growth.


“I talked with Zenith about TigerCloud, and realized that it provided the technology, precision and tools to help my client grow at a cost they could a!ord.”

Network Administrator

Page 2: ÒI talked with Zenith about TigerCloud, and realized that

Making the Cloud Sale

Understanding and addressing a client’s areas of pain is the key to MKS Technology’s success. “We go into an organization and !nd out what their pain points are. What are they having trouble with? What are they expecting from a new system? Where do they want to be !ve years from now? Then we make recommendations. With the economy the way it is, no one wants to buy new hardware or technology. But if we have our numbers right, we understand what the client wants, and we can deliver what they need with TigerCloud, the sale becomes very easy.”

Cloud Services and Virtualization Is a Key Area of MKS Technology’s Growth.

Saraswat has been using Hyper-V since 2008, and now has about 10 clients using it. He thinks the reticence among some businesses to adopt cloud services is really an issue of semantics. “The terminology is deceiving. If you think about it, every organization has had a form of their own internal cloud – they had their own servers and their own internet. This is just an expansion of that.”

Saraswat sees TigerCloud as a fundamental piece of MKS Technology’s cloud strategy. “I think it’s a great product and I see a lot of potential. I am looking at some big sales coming this year and in the future with TigerCloud. I can buy a TigerCloud solution myself and host multiple client servers in my virtual environment. I can have my own MKS Technology Cloud, providing them their own cloud with virtual servers for a nominal fee.”

Saraswat urges other solution providers to look into TigerCloud. “People need to look into the details of the topology and the software. People really need to understand the cloud, the technology and how important backup and data sync is. TigerCloud can take them to the next level of growth.”

To Learn More About TigerCloud:



“I think it’s a great product and I see a lot of potential.

People really need to understand the cloud, the technology and how important backup and data sync is.

TigerCloud can take them to the next level of growth.”