i te&siits oaraamataat ?h3 -...

r MISCELLANY, ajrsh . AeTwo forewt ktf p eaala ni uuhn a u ad f rim , bo r" w Breu1 on .rtfta day ef emTth, tfawhstovseotswtrth. It kerth, r - rf Welron' n Th reete Pf I" T"" , Bemtmbtrnl e kaar. w t M ka IhaM dr qmt, The ed home arc" IS M m Ik days rw trwud inli, Marked with afJrt ere. One mot w thlek af ikrwe we'r lost, Onn saon their reel. ( TV bW i sif'ws nf w la 11it Kj.Hnti eve1 M ker a Tw ! hot ihi lhr tvilMH, TV j kae a 4. blAhl e aerf. Tit reevttit 0 vets' the luouihlu, llswwatff b'th, had I er k r la II stem, tft;w eVv, Uil " toward them lhjrlar arm ip eel. AW iw ear tn't w.'u kp TM UiK of the do sj. Hmm KcrrrWr fa the fw Terh THE SPECTRE CrXOLZTVX. OS TItS FORESTMYSTERY. Br Chrlettn II. Cnrpreter, TV tya before thst appointed for tie wed-dU- g, Bradf wwadol Hi wsy to the huntl , tetmbl'rj and fetrfil, creeping up tht oU ; batetuiloul is he we, te M detected by ea 11 lailxj to cetch iy due to tb myt-Ur- j, oi u hi entereJoue of the npper room, thee bersta'tad h'vf cle lo the doer. Saloon 1 to ti mautel;, and sought th semi pex1, b toucVd th rpring, th ttJ itV till bick, bat kl b xpti to lad tbn wi tbo i irl ll'u) bnVi haj datypMrei. rf mo ooaintt ho vi Urror trvkaa, tVakttr tunte to curat and uiaittw 4 t t'. roojolf J hlnielf Hb tk Um, tkit tb iIito Tim ftf had foaod It. aaJca;d i'k It, acd abould bobafoiadwlth U, W vtU bo thought nUty of tb c.-i- of wmr4.r, a W that htt, with a loUmn Thanexl rafa( b wo ant jteJ, and 70a art all ac quia!! wUh tb nccMilinjt rnt.' Wbatbiar'ar nvntlrt u cclndd, lb Jai(t t t oom tajaoati baHod la pro fjaadthMt, tbia aruia2 h leUlmadt "HzCrtaliO, jouilotjl pUId, asd wall told, y ffl tsAjra at wha. wart th coaUali tt tko hudta la Uw iKnt cVoMt." Owrj Bad a ttfn to Lif;t who witktniUat mlaaad a tnunpatat tmD, UeadtbotVairtdarado In tb Jalb-- i' hod tntatVfM''M aiiaaea I. iu nnrUod, and arUaiatwBi of honor barit from tho boholdon, m a fair si drb pan', OLd attoarneott and , darkly ipott, tipied to tUt. Thaaa ip wtr loasd to b til. A t3sd Us Girj motion! to th a'tor-to- who pUfol aaothtr punl (a tb hud of th abtraU , It contained a I nlfa, much ruit-- J, aal, afUr ton imlaiOoti, th half erul " war ditearond. To a tiraleai 7a, thy vara our KroUb npoa tb W, bat to tboi a aawplr latam'od u lb Cart, thy would bo UdrlH"K. D" Ilarry aad th Colwtl t3rribrtd George1 atatiaarat to th tMti tWt kioWle. and Caalrltn. Uram, lVJort,i UsfflaJr, wai ncaUoi. TCdj! aianxiixp'ctiriaai la'er-ti- n V reOniMj tb uinei Kirmnti, aad daird lh7 bjood to tb prUontr, thit ah had U wr tbemi bii thay bal UukjuiIuJr, TVmr wa a no dob' u to Urtdfcri' IU, aad a i'nUew. natmir bgi to arti aVam tho crowd, aad ffvin Mitl mur InoaaMd taaUrA,ttKtiee of 'L j ic x Um. th otoulr! lioch bin' and nveral of tb o2on hjrrM Brtl til vo 1 rTint lf "OJ ar6t'ie,it,iro3ibtlirjo3i, ocolaa Uttoutwa the G.--j- e wu atrut to aaakaaoiMrlU'no,. bel gWoa, rtUalad to ukMt. VUaltiii i.d tt iiUl, hprWi "TAtaU, birlrj n'.Itf.t'.vi y prorl tb pnjbr (aJt iii oo laiUK., I aibru tli rIHy of 1 4 rmrj-- r "' A faotfai cknr e in'iel BralfjrJ'i fe. tor'i, hi csnino loll him 'twai that of JoTa' A edd, clammy btnd ootdtU clliftag to hi lroa,., a ringiag tOml bit tin, aal la a i:aU of ompUt inaction bo haaii 111 reaTlction. 'I wadai tin gouty of tb poUoalag of my wife, wfco ald U'. nfjrbt , if lflng b afii dailt, and who iiJuraiad m iht b aid la LU i prUoa c.U blriyd binmif in moment of rg,atdK9MrUiih ibii accuter. Sit and iaJduoat It ka bn coniamlat br Lie, atd .ttvelrt oc'ick lut tuta eh paiMdfiom orth" "Vasarca, mu!" lee led upon th air. "Lj nth him lu th i.a-w- t lr! Lyuci Again tb aerslott cf tbe o'Bn werect'lej Let re ii'ioa,wbtl tiwtlltii tat owwlng In his Met, barring hi faoa In hi hand. Tb Jad arose, an1 fas enug lis ejrai upon CraoJlfi' face, exiunid t "George CianuiT s'ala to tbe but of your Judgtaeat, the ctae of fust many crlrots U it enmity, maltriooint, or what ?'' "Gold I" Gold lucre, the ihloiog wat'.th of the earth, bod than made til mtn dotted of his fellow nun, debarred of heaven, leagual wl.S Satan. Gidb4 done Ibis, earned bta to commit a doab murder, made him lu 101 deeply for lb dttli for god Ct.deotd bid nana, (tail him a wreck, a e Imlotl' a uur-tUr- aocaraedof God. bfeifal emiunt of till guilt itrUt iu with holy tor.or. Aud can It be that the g'orioui mind given to man, th wonderful powen of nil bran, h't itrtrgth and wigor, hare bean so parrud by a longing fur wealth, Uwhtoa byrectletl ettrirtuaac Thoee .lfi4turtd to the etructn of hli fal- low men f Tt Judxpat't'id to great Urgtb upon thi dastard yio'e cimaiitted under cover cf nlcht, npoa UredrVrd't cmducl throuetbout, aid tndiacby rami king tbtt bowreiver prtrately Bnd Meetly done, criu.0 would exhibit Itaalf at (torn Um or noolbar, that tbe projf u Ufore them to profit by. Without ntivtor. from thtlr itati, the jury crotWBBoed blm ( f la sidCf! ottaoc Drtdrord beard hU condem-BAtlo- n, hd had lloeled himealfto hi fate, and though bit Ut were dark, ana hi mUo tullen, ib fazed upon th Join; a I'lucUee ran thro hla ai be baud that olreful word; be Klanoed tw-aiw- a his friend, cold acd distant, MovtiicedbyBiideaUbUevtdeooe ef Bltatieal-1111- 1, they eocld not tympethtxt with tack a wretch. Suddenly, with dadaaraU BBtrgr, h BT rial tn set "Ue'jll I would oik Grorg CranUO by What maot h bAt, la hi diuii , rendertd ueanifaUr The Juje (ermitttd th question, and Georg laptUf? j 'B dotf totf ttaA (lloroorwi t 11 & V--- - "Tool that 1 hT. boon, to bo dtddot Corooa cm your lnfunal Smlgt I" "Ordorl wdKl" It tu olnwit LspooilUa to ki lb TUlajoti from ntfltog mmmiry voajroaneo apoa him load naimartnci aroto, tha officari attompUd to bod him away from th aourt-hou- and It wai whh tb atmoat tlolooc thy iaccdd La getting him Into th earilag and drirlng lo tb ptWm. n tu thr oonAnod la hi coll and loft alon. B.OUd congra'.uUUoni gmted Otarg Cranllffi oaaleldaa, u 1 1 lisued from Um room, and with lb Colon! and Iltrry, rroeoodod to tht halL hen th cU door ahat llralford ap with hi own thocghla, doapotr Mttlod npw him, In wMe-u)trj- t to th la'Ioi with whkh h ttror lo dtcalr htoiielf when h Uft It In tb morntnf. ltow diflTtront war bli feillngi now, to Uiom of a few wekj ago than looking forward to th ac'joulilon of wtaltb, and Rra'.lfled pleasure, now cwtdomtod crlmUol, with tb gaUowi looming cm " jualy bafor bli mind. Th thooRht arout-t- d him from Mj iat, hi hod Ldlon upon, and h trod tnally to and fro, burying hi hied In 111 thick mat! U ihtnlng Unclt hair, cartlog at th remtmbrarc of Qyx Cranl.tTe narra'lr, ravtog at th daluthn be had boon led Into. " Haunted m Intb form of ipcc'.ro, and I bar lean cnvlctad en tb I'rtngth of hti 1 lory, a ho has 10 Hert'Jy been watching m In a matrtr I oonld not prmnt. Accaraod b hi dTlce t Hat lhar Ii on wound to rank' la hli heart. J alia la my rlctlm, gon to her graro, la, hi,ro'tonJ ' ! W are eqnol on bar ltd. I inppoM tie had a recoLcUlalloa, bat they did not Hi long to r Joy It I a nd iba'l I aubmlt to bHcA? Sever!! Itgntd with Satin, U will protect m. Tha area fiend old ma, I wl J Mitr, TMtR, U th po.t of th jeilng crowd " Twice rtaotutlon beimtJ In hli , telling of tt utconqoe.ed demon within. ciurrEB xxiv. lavrot t a WKnmso tn k ad Di4T!i. '"Itrlrir flowiro, freih Bower, fo- - ta trld tj wrl Tk J wer born to LI 1 h In btr ntaleg tielr. 8U le 1tIoc the knm o hercbl'da xd'e ml thj Itk balk btdnreweU toker fUk i'hita. llr f i now by another eale. Krlag flowet for U lok of th fair jming br'd. Mr. limine. " ni U the rod of crime end woe 'Duel lo do. lie wtLtd ll o." Awow Jilla Cnstiff lay La her coffin ta that room, wber twomemorabU aoenei had Ukn pUo Ufor her foe wot th ghajtly whitnt of dth,)t th wazan featnr wora lmH which tpokt of paae and pardon, for th ruf-ftr- er 00 earth, for bar who died In th h)pa of fergtran, la th armi of him ih had In Jurod, who as fondly loved and Meeaei her. George itood aloBe baitde the bier, eosMmpU tug the beautiful day there wa a aad tmHe of peace upon bit Upe, yet a weary expreselon wreathed hli brow. "Voa or at rest," he murmured, at he bent OTer and klntd th alabnter cheek. Would that I wait ot JaUa, how htppy we night hiTe been bat for thli fatal error, aad yon or biitlcUB,p)lionedl I ah all go mail' and he pre red hli hand to hi forehead, ui bowed hli head upon the effia he did not more, until tlftht footitep arouaed hlai, when, taming, he beheld narrr and Virginia, whi, not obeerrlng him, hti entered and retreaUd to the window her aoft TOlee cam aootblngly upon hli ear, u ab ipeke of him In p'.tylng, iirrowfal aocenU thanking Gl for hU preierratlon and gibrlng for hli great lo, and, In hi heart, he bleat th iwet lympathiitr. Ai they turned to gaz apon th dead, they met the eye of George, who wai gating Intently apon them. 1 1 any ipokelnlow tone. " Virginia, let me, notwlthitandleg th un. finaeei of thli ociUn, Introduce to yju your brother. Georg, my btrotbd Virglnla.M A toft b'uia itol over her face, as ihe placed her hold In the one he hod extended, and he whl(tel to Iltrry, aa he ktaei her white blow 1 "A brother' kUn, Iltrry yea will forfclre me.when I Utlyoa I have heard the woidi the uttered to you, a few moment! ojo. Tou have fouid a treuare gua'd her well, and may your future In be hipp'er thin mine hat been !" and without walJn for a reply, he hur- ried a ay. Ilaiiy thrtwbli armi orcued Virginia, and fo ding bar to hU htart, exclaimed, la treau. uloui accent 1 1 1 Gul.'glT me itrength to prlzi her my life aball be given for her hipplne." A prophetic eaineii leaned to b I'.etling over the I ui.ui, exeiuii wu7, ue wi uer irom vae 1 room to lb gardan, to dry tb tear trimb'Jng I Thie.dt later, tb mortal remain of JaTU C'ra? InV, the 111 fated, mlignlJei, yet repeataat w ir, wme hidden la the tomb. Lit her ilu be buried with ter. 1b twen'.le'h dy of the month rolled roind, and again wai tbe mUaiab! priiouar Mated In tht court room, agtiu tb Jidge arose to allroii tb multitude, who brealhleuly aval ted th pa'alog of Il'adnrd'i lentenjej profound wai the ailenc u he ipcke, while the prisoner area at h! co aim and. "NeUon llradford, you have been Justly, law fally tried, by a Jury of twelve of your coun trymen, unprejudiced, unbiased, aid beta found guilty of the crime of muider, la It word foim, whkb, accotdlng lo our I'atute, require tbe extreme ptna'ty, tiicei by them. 1 therefore prua4to peaa ntnci uponjou, ondmiy It exert a boly Inflaeag on those who are here ai" embled, may It ring la their ear, when they or Ump'ed to crime, and res'rala th hand, and I banish th thought, making them to ihan evil, and practice goal. On the twenty-fir- st day of October, 181 you are to b hung by tbe neck, until you are deal I And before you are to appear before your outraged Mtkir, I pny you maka tuc1. reparation by repentance. oi layi In your pover, and miy Qjd hive mer- cy on yourtoull" Not one heart but bounded wlthla Iti onflnei asjlhe fearful ondamnetion wai concluded, for no matter what miy be the dspth of crlmi a fel- low beloghaicmmlited, we cannot htarthat terrible death lentenc spoken. Long did tbe Judge linger upon the eloetng words, for there u inch villainy and flindlth-ni- ts In tb prlaoner'i acliont, that It leemed almost lacriltgioui lo speak th mm of th Most High In connection with him. I No word escaped Uradford doling hi remaining in Court, but lth look of intense malignity, be listened to Ma fei. Tbe day et far hi execu- tion, wot th 21st of October, by a iiraag o in- cidence, lb day following, the one upon which Virginia u to bocome tb brtJ of Uttij tor this Utter vnt, buy preparetlone bad keen going on at tb Villa, aad many were the com- ments and ejtculatbni of tbtGraudy and Know all club, as lundry bavr bjxei and trunks arrived fro aKtwTork, ani the formir coa&-dent- ly aaeerU?, thit tbr wat on axtra larg triak h knew ojsta'jiei th bridal rob, which bort mark " I'ails" upon It. Tim, whloh tUyt sot for mtn, flaw rapidly on, shedding healing ba'ju on th iottowi of George Oronliif, who wa rarely leen beyond th 111', preferring todtad te tbe noisy bustl efth Uleg- - now and then the Colonel, who wai aa ever welcome gut at th Vttl and Hal', tpent a quiet eveting with him. ItwouUhavobwntU wish of Virgiala,to pottpoo bar marrUge apon th vnt of Jalla' oealh, but Harry and Ueorg woald not J laid to It, to ah waa cwtent to waive delay. Tktbeevrftb. SOthofOaUber, and Vlr. (JnU and HArry, etend apoa the beleoay at th vin, th mooobetmi lUtl eofUy threugh th trallina vine, banding 'naath thalr hltuhuu PT eight Of ABtaJW b'jmtJafet, WIU omwUU arm art aad the HaUd rIDar, cur fair heroin ten to Iltrry. "Deoreet VlrgtoU, tVI to now, In oil th beeutlf ulnee of your young heart, do you bat to trait the on apon whom your fatur welfare depeodi, a your to' protector f'' On toft, whit bond reited In bli, whL'e bli Urge, larneet eye wire bent apon her fair, 04 with the putty and feiveacyof her nature, beaming In her azure orbs, ihnofil murmured! "Jay, Harry. Henotfortk and fefrwer, nta deatli ihaTI part uf , I am your. Fear f 'Per feet lov cuteth out fear.' Doubt? Could I, and plac 1 my ha, d la thine, and lay, com weal, com woe, I am with the t Ah ao, nrry,tuch wordi form no part of tb vocabulary of true love." I tm atlilei !' he repUsd, "but my own Jem!, I could not can the mine, with on feel ing of regret lying at your heart, and hence- forth and forever, your happtneea, yoarwl- - fare, your lore, dearest, ihall b th on objKt next my venaratlontf thlghUoai God, who bean me, of my x's'onci 1" II had raleed hli hand toward heaven as he poke, and there wai something n tolemi', to fall of feeling, In hli tone, that as he conclu- ded, on Involuntary ' Amen,', eseiped Virgin!' 111. TtUOmlima. FORSALE AND TO LET. ipecoAcnci good farm am linds -- 7- ror er lo eirtieure rr of real ete, mar near Hew Y rki If nee eeah woold bealvaliMd. Applf t JM. WlUjikf 1HlBre4- - war.upeUln. 411M BOK BALK, IS on.UK CUUrT, A -- - Perm eff I lew, nor rood Imprevement, wlh fra't,(MMl house en4enit also a larie paMIe kouia snlhfnwli,tel4eprtteertn'Uaer. InqnlreeT A T.IRaKP,mlhepreae,SinUifniPn't Jer-- oath plank rwA Wi'lio F01 BALE-I- N 8UBHT OOirNTBT. yireela. aCermefOASlaere- -, with hcu, Ure ln. ft ixu armi aoaer uiurina. ptie-e- 4 M. lerd 1 DrwIUlL AililrMe e eell oa T. L.. uriviir. UKIH. 401 dreeawica tt, N. V, after t e'clKk I'.kL TOR BALR-T-UK WHOLl OB A aa lmprTo4bnaef eOMirae, li Bertea tr.tinl He wee of Haeaenaark. N J. For parti aieniiKinite at a iL RIMOUM ANiTi lamp KnfaicK BrT.'T'J".I ttU haWalUI, ea the premie. eiw ckuo n FOR SILK OB EXCaABQB FOR Cttr pnPrtreoer,rrtitnianto4balli-l- n B4 1 et f raft4 fruit, M aula from (he ettr, ea the line of th Elthta aveane ral'r4 . Hnutllea. Tk view eeaaieBae U PalbMie af th ?1??' Slfc'.'PUS 'e to riven applv to ALU. WnJjUlt,TrYaUeC,rooaa.41t'110 kP FOR 8ALK--U FAB1C8 Df HOW-nxwth- MMHeeer Coaatlee, KJ. Cite 00 U no era, 4 eolL lotiaioa feaee, timber, fruit an wwVri all within twa honiVrf N.w .V-- rt tnt laforwetlaji, hranlr at It Ontre tt, N Ymk, offloaof aU. WaLL,forikiwaea. eU4l10 PFOB BALB-t- 80 ACRXS 07 HKAYILT laal fca Qrana C3&. aaar a aim I verr aairbl plaa lor amlle ahaiMal at a aal eoat,eSoe4ia a larr prafli. Oaabemaaea road rraatn tana. Terms verf eaer. Will evehaaae, tor farther Information eail en d kfeKAHON. 11 unatnaaa e.nara, luue. iiaauaJ, Jaaria K.C00FOBA FARM OF M AGBXS- -n C aillea Pram Hew Tftrt- tmllaaa-aa- l at B.at.a ttJK&lL&fi5rg MBKUBT BB 8 O LD THKIDOOTOB Sea JT.StTSrtt "&' ST" Wfg&SBB88l3&& UM 1000 AOBBB OF THB BZ8T FARICDIO m mmUUm toy! yorihiBBri. A thm rmy Uw prim fieo. Apatpn "earpan rar.reeaia. FOB BALK OB KZCHABUE FOB aaaftf tVooktn or WCBameboxah prepertr, aa ., I atMfwaer la lis etorvfal Mir oMlatenf aFOR IN 1817 XAlllie Neap. B'tar and Btttlentrp store, 7I pieU wn.i upajiirooieiiMeLoperweea. eatii'r'it irr reaMoa liven for telllai. d! Sllt A LEAXT BOOTS OUKJKD. uwkkbs or tnnaTHWincH batm uut ttoofe, wu nve (real troabU, ntlaeii aad noner, br aidtnc a aot So the lavantor ef ike " tsever-ralrl- Elurtle OaoienS7 erlertn eaig reeai to ho tnaoa water dtbt. warranto, far ea ana a hail anal per foot, to aatlralp ear leakr reofe and fir aflametlaa, er a pap teanlraa. AodrMe J. a. IIKN KV 00, Orlo m fonth-eUt-b eC, WUUeioatiarih! etat.aCBOmlltwarar.leml.BXiaUa. a- -V FOR BALK A BLACKSMlTn SHOP la, aotnf a toed hoalneat; wnl be aeU cheap, with aI yeare If a; to oner wieriiairts taVMt le att.erkulaMa loqolce el uuturtui '& ram Doatb t. Dear unurca, Bouu Breooira. ri'l FOB BALK cnXAP 1 BIAOTIFOL g. ea Bedford av, Broekira, 4th houa from, av, S mtaate hr aare from feck Blip ferrr. and Kulaoa ferrp. Xtt oo af th boot venae la Wrooktv! lnqalre an the preraias. of II (I. WRiaHT.nrBkI.il S WBIOUT.&X PXne.t, N. If. iieettoiWtktei$lieMaar-mla- e tioud and eaoTtiMQ. diae-14- 0 jq FOR BALK CHEAT-T- UK GBOCKBT Ijm. aadltqaot etors, with all ntterei. all ner, eod two oouuteri, well oltad with etoek. and two bank roooia, eultabl for a familr to live la 1 rant enlr OS, paid so sue 11 el tfanuarr reaeoa fivea for aelltni at tbe ate, aa, o a utn (. aoiiir fetUiUVMk A. TO BE RENTED A CIOAR STAND atm delo a fair baalaeee, la the nowlr net uillehod leeoBoaee.No.lllMeeta ek To a mert unAeretaaa hie htielneee, this le rood aaUffll FOR BALE THBEK THREE BTORT XIL KnsllahbaeeoriMt.hrlekhoaeea.earanlneei. Hi lent from 4th er, Bs eoalroi aald koooae an ItUd ap wtttroniaov, ranrea. not aaa eoia weeerr, ne neeine, aa eunia walteeet tbe wui ooeeta oa vo aPPtrtor, LAkLUL Ua peemteea. flat TO LET EK THK BUN BUTLDINO. of aUeeaa end rnRoo eta, a earner room ea th tUBaoi toaae. warn i vsuen; eotnAe en Mnmaa t: aoarrHilMkamktlaaiina, laanlntatb auanaa fO TO LET-ST- ORK AND DWKLLINd aan. M 1TIH tMrleloo it, aear Jraereoa st, baa been onupied ae a ehoe etor for Bve roar, mat vary low. Bee nooa mi paernaeaa peinioa earoatretii; aalneathe di riM &FOR BALK IN BBOOKLTN- -A NRAT 8 brtek bouie U pern erec, tu W tier et, a email I etocv brkk froat oott, U Beet BolUe,aeor Ooort et, oontalaa water, ae. end In pert eel erdes; eleo a lot on tea eaeaenr aioo oi ertiwieh aee, near Deneon rnnqln thrpuih to Baraaond ai. ktraitoaaTa. AS, FOR BALK THK STOCK, LKASK AND arnvBilore of th alnely Btted up froeerp end Uaoor tor. 111 htulhcrrp et. A rue choose for thelavwt. BieatoVaamalteaaiUl. Iikeuin at th at, eolir jrtOBOCERT FOR BALK THK STOCK UB, andflitoreeaf a rotaQ iraonre. slaaatad aa tbe aoreer ef a rood taoroaibXara. aad eotn e food oath bnerlnem. afnet ha sold aooa. laoaln of atlLLU A wssllnitonete. M TOUrr-- DI THB BUB BOILDIBIi, ernaf f Meaaeaand raltoa to,i mrtxit, a the pth Boor, eua-ant- o M eta be had If reoelrod i alee i fclli, aatnnealM rnBoa ek, eaakabte for en ( e V&. K " VlmT -- , TO LXT FBOtt THB 1ST OaT NOV. ?, ha mBon aelUm.tor aUaraa aal rwitea MIUU OK LKASK-WT- TH STXAD1 Boon, BOxn leet, ha ah brdKSad now bo- - kuaneteaaa 'mwnart snot ana roan eta, fnmnidiawlllkegt' veaabootthaeamaloof ap-- K"- - Tbeeo rooaasaeoh have tarn wtadowa. ea ileal ee earroara ha th ltr holB lor eaaay. rrrzz Parpoeee, Taop an well tie pled tor print- - eve a larae an an-ara- a voatt sot patlea. TnapuoLe toe) br eteom i alee hen two eteem BszttKJXiT&a&r' AA FOX BALF-- OR A GOOD PARTNER aa, wiu aaaii rapiui taka-- th beet porter honeo BaTBOOISje it'.t eaoaeei eetahltaheeUi paan. 011 W. al. beMlaaaoU Mo aerate, 414 flat J FOX BALE AN OTSTKR AND RAT. S .V?i!JiUf ''"' InrielnatUB lUaeaea t Ulbe besumsaw e.tler meter iiatiM livea for aeulnd ant. 14U M FOR SALK CHEAP AH OTSTERAND dmdrlJJajmla.inity iwep, aueeererewh area run or eoetam i no. iaseneak, laanlre at tha pmea.lt! in ere, wtsmaathaaa tfiah ata, A. MUST BX BOLD THIS WKKX A . --- -- "- - IT mmtltmt. RaatJa.. maB tharaat,- .- ti,tSkWZiSSSABi FOR SALE AND TO LET. A FOBBiLXATAaRKATDABGAI- B- BT A Bryt iea aeaj avomrr. natl a tb tnyiet preariemt tborevt haere Uf bn etlr, now dolai a Sfh bo"H! ZSZH 7lh!riai4 douare per weak. tayassh WpOB aa.k,Jtno to ramaiaoa bond 5JJ amrttTie. ai aJBaT7t J. KU- - M70TJCT-- A 3VALL BTOBK 05 con. umef nta aveai tk at, reat lew. IB tare f leal is tratfa foe hora, waajOBe, jHeoor or aert Aprlpto jnnw trorxim. ffest or 1, invftotudtc euariit a r orr store roniALK-TnKO- vut ft ritabUahmant p towvi eel a of Vw will apport a f.mllr. ntv too ranti ononlra at the atore fl ai. are.bettfitkasdlTUrta. iUriU ett LIQUOR STORE, BAB ABD BILLIARD aa loom far ealaebean, with or wltkont eteeaoThO liaidlaUe. AjplatW UansUto eve. oat Karri IfD, 41 mi SALE-- A CiHDT ABDTOT 8T0AE for aaa.nawaVtlaieieedbeilneee.th oal 'raa- - n fi r aellln. tb prr.prl.-te- hie terra a lerre itore t Ihle I (nori eker.ee lot a ptreoa with m lI eerUL appif at t as'iaia are. dl 3104 LFOR . 8AIE CHEAP TTIE THREE STO 14U rr and bomnl brick htoee and lot Me fS Prerl. dentil. Binth arooklrn. about three mlaate ev'k tri m tha HmhI ltaai in frrr. O0U ait rema'a oa bond aod mertaaif fr three vert or looitt If ro nlred. Appl 1 JQUX U. alLOB, U goah tTHiUes t. e'lve JC.F0RSALE A I) INI SO AND OISTER 4kl. Mleoo, t- la the meet b'utaett pe't el fie eltr, aodbt-twie- three ball room and two thettree. AppatnUMterti. dtenei AATO LET A CORNER GROCERY STORE, IA lark rooms and retlar, with Bstaroa, a toti boaf. neee tetioii, ao old stand, a lev rent Ate. fniiir of O. BllLlllVUouo Urul.No. ug u,dfoid tt.d' flat va FOR BALE TnE STOCK. ASD FIX- - IAU, tttreeaeerarst en aooount of .l.tnce Inqulr at 144 Varkk at. w. a. diirui FOR BALE-STO- CK AND FIX TURKS nf a email hnttir. chaoe and fruit atore. In cood loutton ICS Klabth are, bet loth and HVth its In intra oa Ihe premier. all r.w & FOB 8ALB CUJtAP- -A CORNER ORO- -. eery and Honor rtor. bow dole a fair baalaeee. The oajr reaeoa for mIIum the roa man la ao eta Lie efettendlof s the r,ln,ad ho wlnhee to loere a trade. Ieq loireeato aorta east ear af aoth ttmot saanatTa CIIMH4 FOR SaLK A SKsV HOUSE ART) SIX ere nf land la OraaorUIa. New Jereae. 11 all frori New York. o the Oentnd lUUroed. Tkeahov le plaaaantlr eltoato, wUhla three mlnntee welk of tbedepott 4treleeof peeeen' in pace atiiri win tie anld low. If anvllad for anon. nlre of 1) U.P1KH. tXWWTw.Ifchrt: Walkf, FI M, prk w, or a B, B. MtflUfUJji ea th premie. Olkii-ll- I Ai HOUSE AND ITOXE TO LET-A- XO IM. tttarriof ireeerr and llqu tret ire for !! fieri haeetenrwer ef clet and Pth are, laaelreof Mr. TUOktaJ CO ITON, ea Use pramlot. dIS rjid MFOR SALE- -A LIQUOR 8T0KK-- IB A .to leeaMoaiwaa Cttedap, anddolnabl( femflr trad win. bo raid ea eewaat of tha ewaer brmtt i alaa a eeroor etoce to nil. J. BaCKBLA, Ma.tW3 Eaat Ui .t. iZSrvS A FOR BALETix HOUSE ART) AB lAT. weiplredleaeeef Srean, stock aad rtnreeef eerreirT and Honor tore la aa etealleat loeatloa, tuated la 144 Wert lh et, bet 10th aad 11th iBHinirtoatWpremleee tor Idaa, aU rin A FOB BALK AH OTBTEB ABD FISn "w dotal a foodaaah boalaate. eetth-- V bertlalbbii mort be told, e Ke war h J other bnelnM. Applp at tbe maraet, mi lith eve,b anth aodtOlbsta. iAVID Q. LAtTKaaCM. dlinil Af. GROCERT-STO- RE. BLACKSaUTH Ida. ajofkthaofnekei' and harnem maker shone to ttTet UTfeVerk Depot. ouln Island taUee fiom Wllflihrah. Applrat IM WtlWh st, after 4 pjn. 4344149 A- t- AS0T8TlUtSALO0BT0RINTrTITH IJmil itntee. dole a lOoQislneai at pr teont, om the or of relist, asd d are. eU4n4 Tv FORBiUf THK HARDWARE, O ON Lat aattk aad tlshiai tssskte Hare, W raltoa e. . Wo. aatt flits JQ FISH AMD OTSTKR STARD FOB BALK (am. aheap haa etUVtoi7 reaeoa for aalllac eaa. Applr temedJakalr at lb Ooort atleat. Itroealjra; CU4pvM DaCO BTOSB FOB BlXE LKASfC t stock aad Ittara af 10" Sixth are, opp-ie- t e a tnas eacnaaa, bmh ewaee le chaaital heesulnea. Apply to Mr. rai.i, i row are, at t eetaca aiooriias MISCELLANEOUS. THE rGRKATESr BARGADT- !- J aTataaat aad olala odaaaa. fan trna (ruu. petrot damper, and all modern Improvement, the beet plaaoe In tb dtp, foil warranted. Matodooae t leee loan wtmleaaie prVe. tlBO fjeet eetavpUo, aaarlpM. OOLai0Vl3alol store. w4 Isnad-w- a, aear 14th at. did t'Ul A MAGNinCKUT frleanfntta fur - - -- .. With rnrafwl mhiml ' - luOtin. t.lul kr.eos.lrearvlac, aad lean olaeaal parlor pltaoi bt tv mtk , two pea warr-ntw- t. rich, poeerral ooi lo ium thn-- moatiu aad rrf"i made to eider for tttO; pnnetro. Aleo oosa rleh parlor furnlla-- e Apple In the f"raltarevkla orftblUhment la 4th Jve. brtnn HPia an 4th bwit 4oot to th Murrar bot-- L rrldarendSatniday. oaeh aatt must b sold. dll Vl riAaTOS ABD Iff L0DK0B8 TO Tt"let at Bl. M. and Sa ma lb, eat for tale roa bereelae 1 naait k Ted T octtve atone en eaa roeeh. Maelataufhtoo tbe Blaaaasnltae, h, and rnaeoaorrnw. straiaaiaa, an.urana euwaa. tUttaao'WI TO THE TRADKaUiD OTHaJt-S- tal TlBawlmmall amjajtaw -f akjajaabamj kaamdoL aVm .aayaaZ, SECOSDHAND FUBO FOR SALK ".,?' i.T 'aap plane, la toed order, will be eeUfo33 araet bo ' nslltt i- l- "alb eeeoatUava.B.lathebeeemeoa. dotltn) cMMJL SLKIUHS, WAOOHS, nORBKS BSTfcSOar heroaae, robee, belle. 4m. f ala aheap I IKa lalanal af etoek la raooidtarv. la Pnltoa avanae. stabl, 10 Neeirie et, ttrooktra, boia tat warooa. aratlaha,Bewadeeeood-haa- . dOaheraea, hlaaB, he, to k U sf eheaa, AlMTonaad eiprnaere- - (gUk FOR8ALB-8KO0- ND HAND TOP B&3fZ waron la rord order, kavbsi boeaaewlr pintaaditrled.uitbl for iioeer or baker and ear buiineeerequlrlal toeoMoo. To be eeoa end In- quire earner Blealoa st end Bowerr, ktABTlrl d'Jl'Wl CanULTOR8oXJCTIEAPONTt SECOND BBgay- - head eneeh. lllht ballt; eeooadV head rook. awes, eir I'lhtbollt i eeverel hendemne aew buarr waoe,omveoud hand wacaoa. aaa eeeoad-ban- d eonoDOVhaod itejeha AlkrBTlf,lleetlVhst,l.T. dUI'lee FOR SALE A COOD WORK HORSE. ,1TTV UeleM resdeoadltlon. Of weald etebenie foeawadoo rea'aShlBB ONI or OOU Ibe. Prl af har-- a BIB. luiiuln laibe store. cr. of 1st er. an 1 ft h t. or is OAU dlriU Tv, FOR BALK CHKAP FOR CASH- -t JKV? e 1 borem and earta with tha (nodwUlef workieetlefeetorp naeoiailTaa foeeelliai out. 1. at tne aaraeas maxera, oiu uaaeoe nre Alt rn liAROlIN IS THK OWBKRS T v- - nee for blm A leree bap ears hire! prtntlOO. lnnali n ef A AB Me. t Boeorpll flM STALLS TO LKT-O- NE BLOCK FROM -- flflH the eerner ef Bowery ea Onad ek Baaalr of BV B, It Bowery. dll lei AOOODnORSK, BUrCHKB CART end bararm for sals verr aheap, ea the r orhaaoo use for teem: alll bo Bold Beearate or Wether. Uaaberoeafor eaeweek et KT Wert 40th et. dltrltl FOB SALK CHEAP- -A STRONG ton, euttsble for e earaaaa, Applp to ho. M rwert ttreot. .3- -' trim FOR 8 LK SEVEN HORSK-- AJi Amontet tb let le o pear-bnt- tt bleak man. tapeaiaold Pitee BMt OMpeor-boil- t bar bene, eerea reeraola. Prlo (10. Oo loo prleed bar boreeaiBta tleifht tram u te ltH haaae. TBepen all wamated la erarr reepeet, Te he eoenet II bj aierie r3r,F0B SaLX-- el GRKTKABK. It It oflClVkesaee hlph, t peer old: ale a aorrel boree, 11 hande blsh, them hone ue fit far a beak, atp-ee- e. ar ear lrd of work, wilt he aold cheap. Inunlre Ui reutth tt. all 1181 kSTRATED-FK- OM NORTH B001E eed Weet eta. at about B but -- B. liuit here, le oat as bi toad talk aaa aaeael to a black top wainot nuarittaa rimr;-ea-r eee-- m rrtarnl-- a the abeveUarV.BlhbAV A OO. a N.th SSaarra are Saet ata. ar to WleL IU rAYSihMwaetlMet,wia bo enllahip rewaned. t ewa-te- a tii REWARD STOLEN FROM fv htouet OlIeawMorru Ooaatr,M..ahnwa mare. I reare old. aboatU kand kith, and ha th etrtnshalt. ekea tarnod anond. The aboee nward wUleenaldoadelirerrortae aaare at U Beet lath abLYaecettUelevoareaa, JlOOU Jr,.(lf.fi FOX BALK 1 BLACK HORSE. 7 hlfe roar us, waiveaee aooa ea Ola, te i bee been aeadteeaart end ta a feet xaquu at ausroa ea, 4041141 FOUND ON BfONDAT, DEC llih A aetrap. The aim or rf'H.lTff" !, Xevn aatba m sua eve. ana Mth atnet, 414 I1W FOB SALK A GOOD HORSX, hin,.eaarklaek. immKi as smaeeqwirt a aHNUin,f iianst 7 TOUNQ HOBSKB FOB BALK ittsti &&r?&d?t MISCELLANEOUS. M BXWARD-iTRAT- BD 05 THE atBth teat treat tha eremleea. US av OL a lerre bat rk aad wblU Wewfeaadlead doe, eaewertai tonraaaerUON.Irleekea-a- d Imshf till tear perae sein' ijbsi saa anovo oe ao 47lB IATbM- - KfifOTra uo $6 JaXWAhvD LOSr, OB FaUDAT ha, a amail ttao. otjta and ead Una. aralta bmUirt.lt, ears aodtldeeof beet teaaoUr, aLoataa ealtriUrprta tha Caw ssftCotaAaiutp heir aboat twa lock e load a the be, aariflooeer ealho beeaet, wee aad eaarierei kaelarfe blami era. aa4aawr totbeaaaaeaf MUpTTh aboee jwwd win W paid aeaaraetaoatwkaralai haa teat WMtThirtrrfxth . did vim tn eixnncBT-rAB- iB r Bnnni we BUiitnorr.BBt m IWOS faua, aveiiiinsiswaaee aeti -- ?H3 ,." fJTBOXNKTfl AND PATTERNS AT HIS. BBLL'B.IOataerlBeet-TkeBOaetstrte- eef and later baaaeta at redaead prion. Ka. fall of beaaae. waleta, ctoeke. maatUlaa, beitka rape, ekevee and epnae for ladle and ehlldrea. Puklnf aad all Had f tamptaf lot ambmlderte doott order. ceriiM aavj; nOUDAT PRR9EITT8. Mt VUtltri rtlUHi "KOTHIBJ BJ CfUTUAM TEHT. kavtniralrdbpUU .rrlTale aaotlior tarielotef BIRUS, woald reepectfeUp InvtU thairvore of the fatbdou(rtere to Hr him a eoll. aad ! tut th laraevarlftr now on band. Ws have tveoieed earn lb Baeet BINDING OANikMhd) U be foaod la th laltod Bute we beln the lareeet Importer la Hat theennatrr. alen, Hlljll tlNl ALUJl LINNEIB. MtK.KlNIi BIRDa, l"ABJthTB BTaB, LJNOa, aa. All la want ef a rood etna-fo- Oanarr, to iwenit to their friend a BoUdap OIA, ehoald aot tell to call la whether wtet le to parebeae er aot. a we do aot eharra for eserelnlnf ear atoak. Deal ftvrset tb ataee-- ti CUAXUiM IT, aear North eUt taecTOO OUt tXICm A BXOTBZK. TUX UKBETWOina) HAS JUST AR- - TtaWrtTed from Banpe with e vartetr ef tterraa elnelne Diroa, ae eaaanee, meevoirae, eariaraa, ter Uua,tfcai ale oa head lot ef Ulkln parrata. teiTeT muiietioa aaa eeti ptpar ast flmiaiBosawpoi is. fjuARLn kosi, nideenn Marth William at, aavra irom GERMAHT TO. COMder, a lot of Qeearr Blrde, la foU o, alea, oar renowned eett of Soai bread eeaarlee. lliMlinU innpmr. in n oijr vma aacnea, BBB, Uteis BimilAL, U North William VXWLY ritTOBTXD FROat QKB I fcaap, the beet let ef loo aad short breed aaa. 1 it BOUHTTriJjroa,e-SOLDIE- Ra, IB) aaJloi. aWethen who have eerrMhsaaraf the .fvVi v GOLD, SILVER AND SnEL r ?ii' Pn .aVaaoee. Bterao. rope. Btereoanopla e, Rurrerlof nd D re-- lee laetraaseate, Mtemat'e Karhlnaa, he. IL W. UUNI. lK.OrtlcleiawiilUmBrate.km.n. deldataellS SHIPPING. tfmjntm BTXAM TO LITKKFOOL, rAUa-oafll- iaf a ra, Cork. On of the aleht Maatraal am iMtt psKvJLrssi tt'szzBZzrssnEsi Uce4e.BlOendieo. ateew, B. tat a prtantpal towaa ef OrWOhitala mi Inland, a raoooa rata. Throaca amaeSa Stwrawil eat lb Prtnolpel akma ef twuwpa. rorrraiibt aad PHaaapai a aTraUMTOrRXLABTt DIKXCt nria. mmassF Caaaawiu OAJ TriOUVlW Paatar. 1 IhW elei Inm SefefefSolAdTtJoll IFOBKEW ORLEAHS-POSmY- ELT wa" sea imptaui, th micadMaUpper hl Jgm FOR NEW OBLKABS-T- HK 8PLEN aam sh Upper ahtpBOUrnaaUl CHIC tin poanirarp sau iu ledar.at 1 o'oloek: room fore few nor oaeeenaor.t otUrtor.aCDAm aaKST, 40 Booth rt. sunn tTAPSCOTTB USM OF UTKRPOOL c rar-- m aaiis vwtnortew el 11 o'oloek. the fae tot alia, BlSjri. ADAhtS. Oaaa. Obae. FOR LIVKBPOOL DRJtADNOnanT Uie-T- he etdeeidld allaa.v -- Sla lra"inarr- - wtll aeatHaale -- all on Tn 4... Vk I.JU; II.. ships ef thUlla an noted for their ntraorUnarv aeodi tar aamaaa. h tJ rSSt8! .kra..tai Korth rlear. er bsT. M. vamuaasaan, a aoeu va. eau-ii- e FOR LITERPOOL, THE BLACK B ILL tSSSHHRSrh 'aVm wi TBmTmeutsus H,-rl5- AMI. FORL1TABPOOL-X- HK FAVOalTA tataaT Taeedap, a smb. UeretaUrooaa aoeoaiedtlepe ananovnallrd Per aeeeaae, et tow rata, oa board, m tekVOOliLUUI 00, at effin oeTfler fc .hUrar. 410-1- 4 TAfBUOl'l'S UBTB Or UTkaWOOL rAOKBTa. CrNDBBt BtWiokax" kaaktn. tether The aikerl sri an AVaaaui 0Teo!DQBAXTra, aad .fJUBOOW UHB Or OTBIhlBBa. ol eahaakawar ayaaa tnniamla Bhetul mijSSShri ejr IV MlalBMTfc k mWUSgitt " TaNih at. Me. V. .TAfl ArJO.Qierse: FOR UTKRPOOL--OL- D BLAOK I sMi CHABO IXe-in- . alia ta niAreAa.. Tna I uuivaj irnlsenet. edtaona ROCTnrs PAssAaKomcs, Nan Booth . BiinnlbtnpnBaieaeTeaip, li siiiMaaanene toon, to London, gpenaa. frleads Mwimadla. U tlieoe.ao.nbr7. aaalwvwtbembnoihleatat ndaead IT!ltolU.,n .""? T? ! OeirtaffnotUr, m OLD BLACK BTAB LDTB AjTBl UTD LTaam)OmSmmBT 7 ImmOl mm8HPeLg-K.4.- UrLtrtVS X5I fiCfLjtll.daiA ' fwy'T etvM7ruZrnTr.e SaTOea wmheat de !m?kakSwhV atjATTSTSln. &2Sfir Itam-l- U miXIAaaatnsHBIiat DENTISTRY floft. AAIiriUiAL Ban FTLLDXarOB 7?n!!X.&-- " kojkoVJt , rnrelrta rev iemiie aaro ein a, -- a. nemeaer eoota men ebeUe eaa be Oiled wtxhtt. rtrot teeth mi mat ed to tbo oatnrei noes wmh aataealaetaa, aoat thoot Bn-T- HX AafKRiOA TXBTH OO, aoltom,aMJbm7,atetaaei a,awhs .. .T . --; - . w I xrr smja ee wee sole aaa waieale eonat ta Be dBRtF. i. amtrnt, aTUBOBOa DaanTaTT, S2ES 9t94otn weet Bth an, rheaaeaaaJ Itraa, warn an aa hatiinaineii est ssararisi etatarau aat r f a Jiaa al eaa oa alia. aaaa. hrwmhaaiaal aaW MlJirtofj ta sBraaiii mmrnvrnraiamMMiMD windOBwrria- - ABaaam. BfRB O TBBTH rSllKXTSD OB .DENTISTRY. mHk0, B'?l,I)Klr"MT1 60S BROAD- - kw to: DaWTA tatbe BUte. .'alrr.JSliS'iralfM thatevairak M Oaraamataat ia ' aapai te&Siits halloa tb world to cwmorte. aeaTeTtea. bp the tanperieaeed. UnekUfullr nIUd Uf lUeete of OrmtfenouenvmjMte anearpoeeed In eleen esd atllitp br eap BOO aaila the workk -a- e- Jlir roeea. or saoaer retnreedt atrriio liter, klectroaliated with par -- M. BIOi elotU teeth. BL ataleee Tooth Bitncter. fee reellr eitiaatiaa teeth heat pela, eapenedln atfthJa before eseeU th prefeeelon. eeeoaUtln all wha wltneo U. & baseo par aatracaut wnure aruoelal tooth era "br. sTaTDftO, forreea DantleLUI "rrl et. bloak w rt f Btwdwai dU4lSJ BETB OF TRATn WITH AXL THB nits' amrroramente, hMiilj.dnTabOltr aad ea, who VlIOJKaV 5ttirbn.ifeTfl aeams l annuo warnai p give 1181 GENERAL BUSINESS. A NEVER FAILING ELASTIC CEMXHT CURB LrT mOOTB, htAXBTaKat KNTlaALT tOM noOW. !ke aiaar ( the aaaas "Guar Boo Bear. Ef?CllJJS bf-.- 0U Slotartlv, vr v.par eomnoeuoa a saaaan- - nil TWW AT.Tt tBLl fiBMaJTH wMeh ku trod tb aaritan rtrra whoa ntberov Bed reenedtea ban mllaa. IndWaatehU ef tUfaewUbehowBkrtne tavaater.eod rater. ewe to Braap os oar arm muaanfl wut kectvaa. Qrdets Dppost tsompUr attended to. Jabs an net ta be aald for antll ontlra tatlrmeMea ktolvea, tad than at thy rate oCJer Mrtal Boofa, vrra. eju m lie ilu au,ea re eel, and ahlail eB jUohi it a rinrtlwimtr lew AAfne J. B. HJDTBT o) Oo, U the OrearArentlaHewTarke B. SliBroadwap. aoa aDoe-i- A BCHiTECTURE A CARD V Mr.J.O. AUSTIN. Arthltoat and Uut Bnmper, aolf raerOno kkw erfe; r ILLS OF AI AND UPWARDB-- OK U.Unlea Beak fleeeatoa, r aaa Rnll a " - BtasUDali. reraalekr . naeeadt, raawaoo, ellBasntl aa Breadwep. RABK FOB SAVTBaS H eetwaOne, MOV. la eawar W eeaaaMatrsmetlLldaal be pirniah tafiarmeHea tba la fcHS fnael lb diaimlliaB la thna foant aot eatod oa for more tkaa an en reara, be eaal thmwtattooto.thoBenk,tob wtttmwjip. - tflt. Brf8 loSU. snASHPAID FOR OLD BAWSPAPERS. -r- booka, pamphleta. eatalofue eet waeta taper of evarp deertptloa i also rasre, .rope, barrlnr. aopper J beam. lead, pewter, tip metal, Ao. Will eeod to any pn new i rt bfooi ia er rforaey yl. cuaa nuiue r.aiB.aa(jn,Boauiaai, ana itoene oraorsfUofMB. tNahfll TtfssonrnoN thk firm or swart. UH . BWAATWO D1B8OLUTI0N OF PAnTntBSmP THB siSikM&S&m TVSEASED RTBBCDRXD BT MSDIOAe AteB fartaas aad vaaora, avnldasB B aajai ao hi tat Btea ef eraae arwp, eaa earraior the tankensB, JAJTRXn- - COAL On, WORXB I th Beet hrlillaat lUht k tht rorVf. paiea i alUftitloBtVreh'iiera mianadee. AH etaare tTeaitlr UeaV DEU0RX8T8 PRIZE KEDAL beet eteel. eaonot fat oat of order aad cheaper than the cheapest i I7 Broadwar, t Broadeae. tM Oaoal et, BM Bowerr, 11 lkth eve, aad tea raltoa st, Brootlra. Oil tkvta mad ever la th new alrl, at eoate par striae BoHHQoelTI hoald tn eerebBea How ta boaeek n to soeolr theenealn. with kaddli the winter, and at tba anma ail lllaieikar and asosal etreote, t the plate to Bad e toad nvl ebeep le Vpholetertna eVra to order. OILBBBT M. nixiaMiiiCUesso M; na. c. BOIREAO, 47 rULTON Near the Faiton PerrrJ BUIehln be VThealar at W1L'. hfeahLaa. blrta, OoHera, tleaoaut, Wrletbaude aad ahoaW'era- - BTaUkUrla. on lekle dona aa tba Lowiii Kanut Bpnolal ateaattoa Urea t eWOreeeee i ether nrmaam. Vamllv eealnaof erorr deeortptlen Is eoua la the aaet epUadld maaaer. ea vorr ate Omasa tXto ere Uvtted to eatt. Be eeaaceof tb Veaeal Uerae. the flae, ham ai eiecee.ur saewoa an intMse apoa mpaine.tie kerchl- -, ttanuearij, and soarfS ef erorr p atlas. aaHStfaa'lU rVTW TOBK. DEC L 186J THK FIK1I lef OWFM WOOD b thl dap dleeelred br aa Tbo buelnem will he eantlanad be JMTt r; OOD. JtUXr.WOOtAJ.W.OWaWnaUlnnl fiJEW IOltA AND HAal.KM KBlI.KQAD. Oa orefl after TlltkADaTVDeeemher 15th. Ihwh areme win Uav tdtb aa. ttatwm-B- o Work, a foOowa .rWUliaaan-eaMaa4UA-aUis- M r. n. Per Whit rtalne-- 1 and B T. BL fet OSr.m7tmerpeor.ef Whss ma roeniiro ma. tot lotoB rBe-- 4 r. M. from esth af. orHlUeea-4r.- Bt from tdthat Bee Aanr- -t A. hi from anth et, aaB traav ror -- T:tP ht. bom seth eceieeeeeti IB tbroosh traiae eoaaect with the K T. Centre) r the Viet aarsbaai. euniee ueioae o:e Bear J TbJU Plaine-- B and Vet. Well- e- A. M. UUertoa-TaV- hamap ! a aaau Bmmv .tor.kL.iipnmlralsL aid AND TEA LEAD BOUGH. athidheat aaarket art, at BIB Water et,m aalr. S' ARR8 CaiaCCALLT "" BOB FAjnlTUaB. "TTO IbT MiBXhT. to kbe BUlewtnd twltoielili reenwata the superior B BTABtri rBnTAlBn QLOm, see laBinlefliBalia. B mrthfal trtal eABaTBi OCUB an wood, laatber and data, ea i Warka. I moot olmefolly rut mil fat am he all tenses anaraiir raolnd.aad eeiirSeriWjjamiu a? to eel BevnaraSI lai wi than ever need, a ktBXABB, A CO. Seated ITAaUra AOXDLut'elnawUs'ahe TVEinJ hmVhtBO DS3i ml! sfirkMet. Bide Bhere pttelL Oairmm maaaeearaa. ILUkfTOanMienaBd Belt era, A tmeh Hlwktk fwB dOreorlind eeea. rains for dealen ha snseaef nreni 1 to amaan, a setmaJI tttheTtehlieb eert prladut eeldn. ivWwimeahnaBaa. Maafaotkniny "-Wa- aa.. Du,r"RoJ uiest smriissn to aitao-- er naaleo eenmnt asArnitleBa. far prarci!. Cmara, Uatdwexe, Toy, I Pwnlehiad Bterea. TO PABKBT8 AND GUARDIaNB. TbeVavIOiaerof tbalTth ererd take ptaas an la anneande tho eemeletlia fth nowachaot her tbo lajrl ttnated ta 111 h eu aear let er. and that eh waa wUlbeloemelly efeeaadeed Adleabedto aaaootpae etaoVeeh'lf! ' ,Blb"ll""li'iM' .TUkuBam I ee f th flaort bt tha tfty, adread, toieoaoiler arsn am idsflsn for a tar saoaae f tto Tesehsn en aan tmpra Par tbatr Bslnf ap aaaaartj, aaa am. la eves? roapaea. otaaiias us uav ieoolluiie prainjaan rwpiftj, oeimee ar eaeteesuoja me- w- &sst tli!MtpS riimtryn JAhOEB fWBHntO, f'3WL OaNTXaZJa WsXUAManamaBIV HiBaO, wssoim FT" BJED1CIWE8. TJOITTBJt IDOLS, haweeerlUolte OW, wVaTOTrrir,'- -- j9M(mat7 niTcrrteuom x, gvtewaa. -- 4 raf hTam-- Ir. akga- - jyuiJ5SSfSXSSIM se.VPl.'kieV SaraW TOZSZ EZmBT n. ' SH. 'Purra "'" OAJIaJBB KB aaoaa fey Dim2'J2SSSL'ialaSAa aUlawa-m- -e . . POR TtUPTUmV-- . D B. nraAhVB TBaaTTaELel lurwnja,,, Isoetorporoansllp.aibas eAaV Bfl FrmStLrtS aarvaoral seawi f aaTaB ammmaaTlewamm' from this ems, eUattarr Par araateaBaTDrTotamm HannWphrreUikh4TetaseeamlmmmmWH tale arew ef Toala far mora trBBSBpaBvaalmm) at hoar ef the dap, 3 ErewrVleateoet" "VftSSP" RET. BAjrUIL OOTXL BIDXClCATni snr BbriMr1aBkhTBarhJbmraBaeaF. Deepcjertpplaeeoradvithtweberaa UHamaaaaa PW aWawa BorU Mfcfleaa DEAD THIS TOO THAT HATB OOOOM reel feanadw. neaeta aaet aela. i lMrirmavwaaa. OarhvUhotpi rALXSTlNtVB PERUVIAN OOBtXAI, ' W UOUtaALB, He. la rLAR aT.H, V. tur MEDICAL. ACARDDR. LOCANDKR, Ul BPRtBQ doere wmt of Proder. '2 A CARDBR. OOOKi'kt kZUT isas ?ZSiZ isrr- - A8PXEDT AND PllLaJrEBT CURB dleeeeel and that emidM eemeea. rr." r v.'rrs'si rna win aaa dp oBperuf bo ur alju hBANllT. Berth Moan second door llrraadwae. flrhe Ban avarv al-- d tats dutnoa A EUROPEAN PnTBICIAN AND SOK- - AVoa, Dr. UNOTJIBT, offer has arefsawaaal a. rloa la ai dlfl-- oH petrate dleeeeeeT He heoBf reaaedp for tko naolt ef errtr arnnTKVmeahod eTal Owebp et, eoraer of BpHa. t t 'toek ewnoar, mat to u a. at. A LADHCS FRTKBD I DR. TANttKXZXl aa. rw.tl Broad ear, aaar 1 teinaldieaaea,aad raaaove obetrnotiomt end haajax A OURS WARRABTKD OB BO FAT OB. I n.uniBnVBf DrriBIOBIHei fBBRaaTa eyoisisaamTO? WARD, 483 BROADWAY, PrBTORaDI tbaoarrpormaaeataLd eetlrfaotorp ai nUdleeameeeaambar, n atttSod, khat hTeSa. ultln Dr. WASH, reu will that Bicaarr klmeeb- - ea.la. Con 1aneaJedTeB3 snedMunprmrM-- d, i 'emala 4 fJlvJnaled, Hie aaoatblp Fill. BV.par has. aover tau an iii inaaBrnwaj. ir t bbbiiii bji. laaiaa. tan ami aHaatlona Ofttos 48 Broad oer. aeil Wane? 1 tro. oa tatr. arietta, arraaaad that aatiar.ta aaiae- Beoet. CoeeaUatloas tratls. Atteedat.ee Uaitr.BU dell 4101 ftK. OORBBTT HAT BK OOjTBTJLTaS J wtthrnaeeadilmsdsl1saeaa,akaaeea. aiinahJonm7lwDaaneav-WBo- n a hat iriaatig M above for ever BT pear, aad when Bwbanea lartn freoa dleeeeee f the aal ry nranaa, est rJ?fTYrbrai3r? DR. OOOPXB, nasnltedeaaBalsseeprtvamaaeanlB U DUAJIB B-T- BUT SB pr xcihaTrtvnqfdvot4 te the kriarment nwsl OOXBTTT, BH SPBTNO ST-- H OOot' U nfilfilrrtr' IT nW ihttw muj ni. YANtTKXKXKXN-- InlPBaUAL LsV --r dtW mmethlrrtuientk pawartal 'tsaiedp for all feoeaie dee reeenieiienltbea HeUr to amrrtod i KaSOtmw B4B BneaSJwn mSB CTTJNDKKDB OF THK ajTrORTUatmlB) BRGAW W Ik v&mil &oaaaae anrulada -iir neelllllll.l H im.neancalarhriit. nt and aB other M Km-aJ- :, anonlnaetef J ether in iMiiipsTasajr eeeUWemeUaoaniH.nate eeiTtb fmmaj eeed. UIbBI. rHaodW s eaa ea an ens eai W. H. MAXWELL. FKMALK Hoathrp rtlle. avtoa L bdmi wbelrSianeadlrndodaTllb-aaW- e moat oaa be arxommadated. Those who wuh be haw their jafaato adopted will tad an eppurbanitr to iB MMUepetsawsknot. rrivaleisa4a M ingsT Itf ADAIfX BXSTXLL'B FKBtALK 111 Pill, an tho at Ir men Wren married er die can relr apoa with ee tot aa eerteletp at a baa. Bald at 111 Chamhen aa. Oaa ami or meilTla ft U4r form, to ear pert f th J,!), atr t tekTaVMeaf (ULTIOM-- iU mhm yvpaXtlM U &&r- - ru-- r - fiTiP TUX ETTL IN TUB BUD, BT OaamBg i.v dtnettr to Dr. er ABD, e twealarty eambsd wh-l- ly detmted te.tbe pms3ntp .rSfjstt dteeaeo. OnWeBB Broadway, aert WUeeOrS TtaS tre, ep etalra. Oneanltetloa iratU. ABiqejJBJ Ur.BU MdltayMadnn4aaimatadfnteBW TkTKW TORT INpTXMART FOB It aOelldre.etBle(eet. .no aMTtafnwetytoenlBfremMmiWima nUTrnM THK FUNCTIONAL DXRANOKHXantl toetaeatel to both eexa ere rooralil,Baj pnotrtdpwer swtered U a bMlthpVneWam uef Trii'emer Vo. 1. Bead "Benea rralaV . w 'IBllolol Boeaarehaa," It exptaua SI Miaem rtii f aanta.Be.t fte ef BeU kwkn re fiem hUDensei). Hew w ark, okesw be saayea fldeatlell- - eoe --naa.ee naaai. troea oue eraBBBa frirfn eetfl. iliastb5wirrkaiaMb0irl1gBjN 1HE OILKBRATKD Q BAToriaiAjk' v Beotor-eane- foWaeWBAasa SisfiggS READ I AND KEMnCBKRI-TH- AT Tarw boe artlraas ae maaafaetarea atwere he had et thaColnmUea Vtrietr Blow. 44 BoaBBo-- treea. WllllaamkaTBa. They en W aataewha t rwet. BBTlaTJ Oanaka OOLDayWUf aH pV riAr Ceate ok.wladJtokwtWvory belbponowhiaa It dpwthoare eet half foaeahar aanattfall ILACKer BaOWfl.aadvtn ae tajoea tMhabTttchln. The eatee I feafsajead uw'thehalr to es Jlahjaak, a ktTeBaei eaaw ef th mhwnfle ImBalJaa SrLiSSSSKS LaiSpaf-win- h- iB&Enmsir&r Thethlrdta! Pl.aVeaaa leeryan.. -.- - rnaa naaan aMaaSBs that tliintil.i nafhhae kansfwai mgg

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Post on 09-Mar-2018




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Page 1: I te&Siits Oaraamataat ?H3 - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-12-17/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · aaakaaoiMrlU'no,. bel gWoa, rtUalad tohprWi ukMt



AeTwo forewt ktf p eaalani uuhn a u ad f

rim , bo r" wBreu1 on .rtfta day ef emTth,


It kerth, r - rf Welron' nTh reete Pf I" T"" ,

Bemtmbtrnl e kaar.

w t M ka IhaM dr qmt,

The ed home arc" IS

M m Ik days rw trwud inli,Marked with afJrt ere.

One mot w thlek af ikrwe we'r lost,Onn saon their reel.

( TV bW i sif'ws nf w la 11itKj.Hnti eve1 M ker a

Tw ! hot ihi lhr tvilMH,TV j kae a 4. blAhl e aerf.

Tit reevttit 0 vets' the luouihlu,llswwatff b'th,

had I er k r la II stem,

tft;w eVv, Uil " toward themlhjrlar arm ip eel.

AW iw ear tn't w.'u kpTM UiK of the do sj.

Hmm KcrrrWr fa the fw Terh




Br Chrlettn II. Cnrpreter,

TV tya before thst appointed for tie wed-dU- g,

Bradf wwadol Hi wsy to the huntl, tetmbl'rj and fetrfil, creeping up tht oU; batetuiloul is he we, te M detected

by ea 11 lailxj to cetch iy due to tb myt-Ur- j,

oi u hi entereJoue of the npper room,thee bersta'tad h'vf cle lo the doer.Saloon 1 to ti mautel;, and sought

th semi pex1, b toucVd th rpring, th

ttJ itV till bick, bat kl b xpti tolad tbn wi tbo i irl ll'u) bnVi hajdatypMrei. rf mo ooaintt ho vi Urrortrvkaa, tVakttr tunte to curat and

uiaittw 4 t t'. roojolfJ hlnielf Hb

tk Um, tkit tb iIito Tim ftf had foaod It.aaJca;d i'k It, acd abould bobafoiadwlthU, W vtU bo thought nUty of tb c.-i- ofwmr4.r, a W that htt, with a loUmn

Thanexlrafa( b wo ant jteJ, and 70a art all ac

quia!! wUh tb nccMilinjt rnt.'Wbatbiar'ar nvntlrt u cclndd,

lb Jai(t t t oom tajaoati baHod la profjaadthMt, tbia aruia2 h leUlmadt"HzCrtaliO, jouilotjl pUId, asd wall told,y ffl tsAjra at wha. wart th coaUalitt tko hudta la Uw iKnt cVoMt."

Owrj Bad a ttfn to Lif;t whowitktniUat mlaaad a tnunpatat tmD,

UeadtbotVairtdarado In tb Jalb--i' hodtntatVfM''M aiiaaea I. iu nnrUod, andarUaiatwBi of honor barit from tho boholdon,

m a fair si drb pan', OLd attoarneott and, darkly ipott, tipied to tUt.

Thaaa ip wtr loasd to b til.A t3sd Us Girj motion! to th a'tor-to-

who pUfol aaothtr punl (a tb hud ofth abtraU , It contained a I nlfa, much ruit-- J,

aal, afUr ton imlaiOoti, th half erul" war ditearond. To a tiraleai 7a, thy

vara our KroUb npoa tb W, bat to tboia aawplr latam'od u lb Cart, thy would bo

UdrlH"K. D"Ilarry aad th Colwtl t3rribrtd George1

atatiaarat to th tMti tWt kioWle. andCaalrltn. Uram, lVJort,i UsfflaJr, waincaUoi. TCdj! aianxiixp'ctiriaai la'er-ti- n

V reOniMj tb uinei Kirmnti,aad daird lh7 bjood to tb prUontr, thitah had U wr tbemi bii thay balUukjuiIuJr,

TVmr wa a no dob' u to Urtdfcri'IU, aad a i'nUew. natmir bgi to artiaVam tho crowd, aad ffvin Mitl mur InoaaMdtaaUrA,ttKtiee of 'L j ic x Um. thotoulr! lioch bin' and nveral of tbo2on hjrrM Brtl til vo 1 rTint lf

"OJ ar6t'ie,it,iro3ibtlirjo3i,ocolaa Uttoutwa the G.--j- e wu atrut toaaakaaoiMrlU'no,. bel gWoa, rtUaladto ukMt. VUaltiii i.d tt iiUl,hprWi

"TAtaU, birlrj n'.Itf.t'.vi y prorl tbpnjbr (aJt iii oo laiUK., I aibru tlirIHy of 1 4 rmrj-- r "'

A faotfai cknr e in'iel BralfjrJ'i fe.tor'i, hi csnino loll him 'twai that ofJoTa' A edd, clammy btndootdtU clliftag to hi lroa,., a ringiagtOml bit tin, aal la a i:aU of ompUt inactionbo haaii 111 reaTlction.

'I wadai tin gouty of tb poUoalag of mywife, wfco ald U'. nfjrbt , if lflng b afiidailt, and who iiJuraiad m iht b aid la LU

i prUoa c.U blriyd binmif in moment ofrg,atdK9MrUiih ibii accuter. Sitand iaJduoat It ka bn coniamlat br Lie,atd .ttvelrt oc'ick lut tuta eh paiMdfiomorth""Vasarca, mu!" lee led upon th

air. "Lj nth him lu th i.a-w- t lr! Lyuci

Again tb aerslott cf tbe o'Bn werect'lejLet re ii'ioa,wbtl tiwtlltii tat owwlng Inhis Met, barring hi faoa In hi hand.

Tb Jad arose, an1 fas enug lis ejrai uponCraoJlfi' face, exiunid t

"George CianuiT s'ala to tbe but of yourJudgtaeat, the ctae of fust many crlrots U

it enmity, maltriooint, or what ?''"Gold I"Gold lucre, the ihloiog wat'.th of the earth,

bod than made til mtn dotted of his fellownun, debarred of heaven, leagual wl.S Satan.Gidb4 done Ibis, earned bta to commit adoab murder, made him lu 101 deeply for

lb dttli for god Ct.deotd bidnana, (tail him a wreck, a e Imlotl' a uur-tUr-

aocaraedof God. bfeifal emiunt oftill guilt itrUt iu with holy tor.or. Aud canIt be that the g'orioui mind given to man, thwonderful powen of nil bran, h't itrtrgth andwigor, hare bean so parrud by a longing furwealth, Uwhtoa byrectletl ettrirtuaacThoee .lfi4turtd to the etructn of hli fal-

low men fTt Judxpat't'id to great Urgtb upon

thi dastard yio'e cimaiitted under cover cfnlcht, npoa UredrVrd't cmducl throuetbout, aidtndiacby rami king tbtt bowreiver prtratelyBnd Meetly done, criu.0 would exhibit Itaalf at(torn Um or noolbar, that tbe projf u Uforethem to profit by.

Without ntivtor. from thtlr itati, the jurycrotWBBoed blm ( f

la sidCf! ottaoc Drtdrord beard hU condem-BAtlo- n,

hd had lloeled himealfto hi fate, andthough bit Ut were dark, ana hi mUo tullen,ib fazed upon th Join; a I'lucUee ran

thro hla ai be baud that olreful word; beKlanoed tw-aiw- a his friend, cold acd distant,MovtiicedbyBiideaUbUevtdeooe ef Bltatieal-1111- 1,

they eocld not tympethtxt with tack awretch. Suddenly, with dadaaraU BBtrgr, hBT rial tn set

"Ue'jll I would oik Grorg CranUO byWhat maot h bAt, la hi diuii , rendertdueanifaUrThe Juje (ermitttd th question, and Georg

laptUf? j

'B dotf totf ttaA (lloroorwi t 11

&V--- -

"Tool that 1 hT. boon, to bo dtddotCorooa cm your lnfunal Smlgt I"

"Ordorl wdKl"It tu olnwit LspooilUa to ki lb TUlajoti

from ntfltog mmmiry voajroaneo apoa himload naimartnci aroto, tha officari attompUdto bod him away from th aourt-hou- and Itwai whh tb atmoat tlolooc thy iaccdd La

getting him Into th earilag and drirlng lo tbptWm. n tu thr oonAnod la hi coll andloft alon.B.OUd congra'.uUUoni gmted Otarg Cranllffi

oaaleldaa, u 1 1 lisued from Um room, and withlb Colon! and Iltrry, rroeoodod to tht halL

hen th cU door ahat llralford ap withhi own thocghla, doapotr Mttlod npw him,In wMe-u)trj- t to th la'Ioi with whkh h

ttror lo dtcalr htoiielf when h Uft It In tbmorntnf.

ltow diflTtront war bli feillngi now, to Uiomof a few wekj ago than looking forward to thac'joulilon of wtaltb, and Rra'.lfled pleasure, now

cwtdomtod crlmUol, with tb gaUowi loomingcm " jualy bafor bli mind. Th thooRht arout-t- d

him from Mj iat, hi hod Ldlon upon, and htrod tnally to and fro, burying hi hied In 111

thick mat! U ihtnlng Unclt hair, cartlog at thremtmbrarc of Qyx Cranl.tTe narra'lr,ravtog at th daluthn be had boon led Into.

" Haunted m Intb form of ipcc'.ro, andI bar lean cnvlctad en tb I'rtngth of hti1 lory, a ho has 10 Hert'Jy been watching m Ina matrtr I oonld not prmnt. Accaraod b hidTlce t Hat lhar Ii on wound to rank' lahli heart. J alia la my rlctlm, gon to her graro,la, hi,ro'tonJ ' ! W are eqnol on bar ltd.I inppoM tie had a recoLcUlalloa, bat they didnot Hi long to r Joy It I a nd iba'l I aubmlt tobHcA? Sever!! Itgntd with Satin, Uwill protect m. Tha area fiend old ma, I wl JMitr, TMtR, U th po.t of th jeilngcrowd "

Twice rtaotutlon beimtJ In hli , tellingof tt utconqoe.ed demon within.

ciurrEB xxiv.lavrot t a WKnmso tn k ad Di4T!i.

'"Itrlrir flowiro, freih Bower, fo- - ta trld tj wrlTk J wer born to LI 1 h In btr ntaleg tielr.8U le 1tIoc the knm o hercbl'da xd'e ml thjItk balk btdnreweU toker fUk i'hita.llr f i now by another eale.Krlag flowet for U lok of th fair jming br'd.

Mr. limine." ni U the rod of crime end woe'Duel lo do. lie wtLtd ll o."


Jilla Cnstiff lay La her coffin ta that room,wber twomemorabU aoenei had Ukn pUoUfor her foe wot th ghajtly whitnt ofdth,)t th wazan featnr wora lmHwhich tpokt of paae and pardon, for th ruf-ftr- er

00 earth, for bar who died In th h)paof fergtran, la th armi of him ih had InJurod, who as fondly loved and Meeaei her.George itood aloBe baitde the bier, eosMmpUtug the beautiful day there wa a aad tmHeof peace upon bit Upe, yet a weary expreselonwreathed hli brow.

"Voa or at rest," he murmured, at he bentOTer and klntd th alabnter cheek. Wouldthat I wait ot JaUa, how htppy we nighthiTe been bat for thli fatal error, aad yon orbiitlcUB,p)lionedl I ah all go mail' and hepre red hli hand to hi forehead, ui bowed hlihead upon the effia he did not more, untiltlftht footitep arouaed hlai, when, taming, hebeheld narrr and Virginia, whi, not obeerrlnghim, hti entered and retreaUd to the windowher aoft TOlee cam aootblngly upon hli ear, uab ipeke of him In p'.tylng, iirrowfal aocenUthanking Gl for hU preierratlon and gibrlngfor hli great lo, and, In hi heart, he bleatth iwet lympathiitr. Ai they turned togaz apon th dead, they met the eye ofGeorge, who wai gating Intently apon them.

1 1 any ipokelnlow tone." Virginia, let me, notwlthitandleg th un.

finaeei of thli ociUn, Introduce to yju yourbrother. Georg, my btrotbd Virglnla.M

A toft b'uia itol over her face, as ihe placedher hold In the one he hod extended, and hewhl(tel to Iltrry, aa he ktaei her whiteblow 1 "A brother' kUn, Iltrry yea willforfclre me.when I Utlyoa I have heard thewoidi the uttered to you, a few moment! ojo.Tou have fouid a treuare gua'd her well, andmay your future In be hipp'er thin mine hatbeen !" and without walJn for a reply, he hur-

ried a ay.Ilaiiy thrtwbli armi orcued Virginia, and

fo ding bar to hU htart, exclaimed, la treau.uloui accent 1 1

1 Gul.'glT me itrength to prlzi hermy life aball be given for her hipplne." A

prophetic eaineii leaned to b I'.etling over theIui.ui, exeiuii wu7, ue wi uer irom vae 1

room to lb gardan, to dry tb tear trimb'Jng I

Thie.dt later, tb mortal remain of JaTUC'ra? InV, the 111 fated, mlignlJei, yet repeataatw ir, wme hidden la the tomb. Lit her ilu beburied with ter.

1 b twen'.le'h dy of the month rolled roind,and again wai tbe mUaiab! priiouar Mated Intht court room, agtiu tb Jidge arose to allroiitb multitude, who brealhleuly aval ted thpa'alog of Il'adnrd'i lentenjej profound waithe ailenc u he ipcke, while the prisoner areaat h! co aim and.

"NeUon llradford, you have been Justly, lawfally tried, by a Jury of twelve of your countrymen, unprejudiced, unbiased, aid beta foundguilty of the crime of muider, la It word foim,whkb, accotdlng lo our I'atute, require tbeextreme ptna'ty, tiicei by them. 1 thereforeprua4to peaa ntnci uponjou, ondmiy Itexert a boly Inflaeag on those who are here ai"embled, may It ring la their ear, when they

or Ump'ed to crime, and res'rala th hand, and I

banish th thought, making them to ihan evil,and practice goal. On the twenty-fir- st day ofOctober, 181 you are to b hung by tbe neck,until you are deal I And before you are

to appear before your outraged Mtkir, Ipny you maka tuc1. reparation by repentance.oi layi In your pover, and miy Qjd hive mer-cy on yourtoull"

Not one heart but bounded wlthla Iti onflneiasjlhe fearful ondamnetion wai concluded, forno matter what miy be the dspth of crlmi a fel-

low beloghaicmmlited, we cannot htarthatterrible death lentenc spoken.

Long did tbe Judge linger upon the eloetngwords, for there u inch villainy and flindlth-ni- ts

In tb prlaoner'i acliont, that It leemedalmost lacriltgioui lo speak th mm of thMost High In connection with him. I

No word escaped Uradford doling hi remainingin Court, but lth look of intense malignity, belistened to Ma fei. Tbe day et far hi execu-tion, wot th 21st of October, by a iiraag o in-cidence, lb day following, the one upon whichVirginia u to bocome tb brtJ of Uttij torthis Utter vnt, buy preparetlone bad keengoing on at tb Villa, aad many were the com-

ments and ejtculatbni of tbtGraudy and Know

all club, as lundry bavr bjxei and trunksarrived fro aKtwTork, ani the formir coa&-dent- ly

aaeerU?, thit tbr wat on axtra largtriak h knew ojsta'jiei th bridal rob, which

bort mark " I'ails" upon It.Tim, whloh tUyt sot for mtn, flaw rapidly

on, shedding healing ba'ju on th iottowi ofGeorge Oronliif, who wa rarely leen beyondth 111', preferring todtad te tbe noisy bustlefth Uleg- - now and then theColonel, who wai aa ever welcome gut at thVttl and Hal', tpent a quiet eveting with him.

ItwouUhavobwntU wish of Virgiala,topottpoo bar marrUge apon th vnt of Jalla'oealh, but Harry and Ueorg woald not J laidto It, to ah waa cwtent to waive delay.

Tktbeevrftb. SOthofOaUber, and Vlr.(JnU and HArry, etend apoa the beleoay at thvin, th mooobetmi lUtl eofUy threugh thtrallina vine, banding 'naath thalr hltuhuuPT eight Of ABtaJW b'jmtJafet, WIU omwUU

arm art aad the HaUd rIDar, cur fair herointen to Iltrry.

"Deoreet VlrgtoU, tVI to now, In oil thbeeutlfulnee of your young heart, do you batto trait the on apon whom your fatur welfaredepeodi, a your to' protector f''

On toft, whit bond reited In bli, whL'e bliUrge, larneet eye wire bent apon her fair,

04 with the putty and feiveacyofher nature, beaming In her azure orbs, ihnofilmurmured!

"Jay, Harry. Henotfortk and fefrwer, ntadeatli ihaTI part uf , I am your. Fear f 'Perfeet lov cuteth out fear.' Doubt? Could I,and plac 1 my ha, d la thine, and lay, com weal,com woe, I am with the t Ah ao, nrry,tuchwordi form no part of tb vocabulary of truelove."

I tm atlilei !' he repUsd, "but my ownJem!, I could not can the mine, with on feeling of regret lying at your heart, and hence-

forth and forever, your happtneea, yoarwl- -fare, your lore, dearest, ihall b th on objKtnext my venaratlontf thlghUoai God, whobean me, of my x's'onci 1"

II had raleed hli hand toward heaven as hepoke, and there wai something n tolemi', to

fall of feeling, In hli tone, that as he conclu-

ded, on Involuntary ' Amen,', eseiped Virgin!'111.


FORSALE AND TO LET.ipecoAcnci good farm am linds--

7- ror er lo eirtieure rr of realete, mar near Hew Y rki If nee eeah wooldbealvaliMd. Applf t JM. WlUjikf 1HlBre4- -war.upeUln. 411M

BOK BALK, IS on.UK CUUrT, A-- - Perm eff I lew, nor rood Imprevement, wlhfra't,(MMl house en4enit also a larie paMIe kouiasnlhfnwli,tel4eprtteertn'Uaer. InqnlreeT

A T.IRaKP,mlhepreae,SinUifniPn't Jer--oath plank rwA Wi'lio

F01 BALE-I- N 8UBHT OOirNTBT.yireela. aCermefOASlaere- -, with hcu, Ureln. ft ixu armi aoaer uiurina. ptie-e- 4 M.lerd 1 DrwIUlL AililrMe e eell oa T. L.. uriviir.

UKIH. 401 dreeawica tt, N. V, after t e'clKk I'.kL

TOR BALR-T-UK WHOLl OB Aaa lmprTo4bnaef eOMirae, li Berteatr.tinlHe wee of Haeaenaark. N J. For parti

aieniiKinite at a iL RIMOUM ANiTi lamp KnfaicKBrT.'T'J".I ttU haWalUI, ea the premie.

eiw ckuo

n FOR SILK OB EXCaABQB FORCttr pnPrtreoer,rrtitnianto4balli-l- n

B4 1 et f raft4 fruit, M aula from (heettr, ea the line of th Elthta aveane ral'r4 .Hnutllea. Tk view eeaaieBae U PalbMie af th

?1??' Slfc'.'PUS 'e to riven applv toALU. WnJjUlt,TrYaUeC,rooaa.41t'110

kP FOR 8ALK--U FAB1C8 Df HOW-nxwth-

MMHeeer Coaatlee, KJ. Cite 00 Uno era, 4 eolL lotiaioa feaee, timber, fruitan wwVri all within twa honiVrf N.w .V-- rttnt laforwetlaji, hranlr at It Ontre tt, N Ymk,offloaof aU. WaLL,forikiwaea. eU4l10

PFOB BALB-t- 80 ACRXS 07 HKAYILTlaal fca Qrana C3&. aaar a aim I

verr aairbl plaa lor amlle ahaiMal at aaal eoat,eSoe4ia a larr prafli. Oaabemaaearoad rraatn tana. Terms verf eaer. Will evehaaae,tor farther Information eail en d kfeKAHON. 11unatnaaa e.nara, luue. iiaauaJ, Jaaria

K.C00FOBA FARM OF M AGBXS- -nC aillea Pram Hew Tftrt- tmllaaa-aa- l at B.at.a



m mmUUm toy! yorihiBBri. A thm rmy Uw primfieo. Apatpn"earpan


FOB BALK OB KZCHABUE FOBaaaftf tVooktn or WCBameboxah prepertr, aa., I atMfwaer la lis etorvfal Mir


aFOR IN 1817XAlllie Neap. B'tar and Btttlentrp store, 7I pieUwn.i upajiirooieiiMeLoperweea. eatii'r'it irrreaMoa liven for telllai. d! SlltA LEAXT BOOTS OUKJKD.

uwkkbs or tnnaTHWincH batm uutttoofe, wu nve (real troabU, ntlaeii aad noner,br aidtnc a aot So the lavantor ef ike " tsever-ralrl-

Elurtle OaoienS7 erlertn eaig reeai to hotnaoa water dtbt. warranto, far ea ana a hailanal per foot, to aatlralp ear leakr reofe and firaflametlaa, er a pap teanlraa. AodrMe J. a. IIKNKV 00, Orlo m fonth-eUt-b eC, WUUeioatiarih!etat.aCBOmlltwarar.leml.BXiaUa.

a--V FOR BALK A BLACKSMlTn SHOPla, aotnf a toed hoalneat; wnl be aeU cheap, witha I yeare If a; to oner wieriiairts taVMt leatt.erkulaMa loqolce el uuturtui'& ramDoatb t. Dear unurca, Bouu Breooira. ri'l

FOB BALK cnXAP 1 BIAOTIFOLg. ea Bedford av, Broekira, 4th houa from,av, S mtaate hr aare from feck Blip ferrr. and

Kulaoa ferrp. Xtt oo af th bootvenae la Wrooktv! lnqalre an the preraias. of

II (I. WRiaHT.nrBkI.il S WBIOUT.&X PXne.t,N. If. iieettoiWtktei$lieMaar-mla- etioud and eaoTtiMQ. diae-14- 0

jq FOR BALK CHEAT-T- UK GBOCKBTIjm. aadltqaot etors, with all ntterei. all ner, eodtwo oouuteri, well oltad with etoek. and two bankroooia, eultabl for a familr to live la 1 rant enlr OS,paid so sue 11 el tfanuarr reaeoa fivea for aelltniat tbe ate, aa, o a utn (. aoiiir fetUiUVMk

A. TO BE RENTED A CIOAR STANDatm delo a fair baalaeee, la the nowlr net uillehod

leeoBoaee.No.lllMeeta ek To a mertunAeretaaa hie htielneee, this le roodaaUffll

FOR BALE THBEK THREE BTORTXIL KnsllahbaeeoriMt.hrlekhoaeea.earanlneei.Hi lent from 4th er, Bs eoalroi aald koooae an ItUd apwtttroniaov, ranrea. not aaa eoia weeerr, ne neeine,aa eunia walteeet tbe wui ooeeta oa vo

aPPtrtor, LAkLUL Ua peemteea.flat

TO LET EK THK BUN BUTLDINO.of aUeeaa end rnRoo eta, a earner room ea th

tUBaoi toaae. warn i vsuen; eotnAe en Mnmaat: aoarrHilMkamktlaaiina, laanlntatbauanaafO TO LET-ST- ORK AND DWKLLINdaan. M 1TIH tMrleloo it, aear Jraereoa st, baa beenonupied ae a ehoe etor for Bve roar, mat vary low.

Bee nooa mi paernaeaa peinioa earoatretii;aalneathe di riM

&FOR BALK IN BBOOKLTN- -A NRAT 8brtek bouie U pern erec, tu W tier et,

a email I etocv brkk froat oott, U Beet BolUe,aeorOoort et, oontalaa water, ae. end In perteel erdes;eleo a lot on tea eaeaenr aioo oi ertiwieh aee, nearDeneon rnnqln thrpuih to Baraaond ai.


AS, FOR BALK THK STOCK, LKASK ANDarnvBilore of th alnely Btted up froeerp end Uaoortor. 111 htulhcrrp et. A rue choose for thelavwt.

BieatoVaamalteaaiUl. Iikeuin at th at, eolirjrtOBOCERT FOR BALK THK STOCKUB, andflitoreeaf a rotaQ iraonre. slaaatad aa tbeaoreer ef a rood taoroaibXara. aad eotn e food oathbnerlnem. afnet ha sold aooa. laoaln of atlLLU A


M TOUrr-- DI THB BUB BOILDIBIi,ernaf f Meaaeaand raltoa to,i mrtxit,a the pth Boor, eua-ant-o M

eta be had If reoelrod i alee ifclli, aatnnealM rnBoa ek, eaakabte for en ( e

V&. K " VlmT--, TO LXT FBOtt THB 1ST OaT NOV.

?, ha mBon aelUm.tor aUaraa aal rwitea

MIUU OK LKASK-WT- TH STXAD1Boon, BOxn leet, ha ah brdKSad now bo--

kuaneteaaa 'mwnart snot ana roaneta, fnmnidiawlllkegt' veaabootthaeamaloof ap--

K"-- Tbeeo rooaasaeoh have tarn wtadowa.ea ileal ee earroara ha th ltr holB lor eaaay.

rrrzz Parpoeee, Taop an well tie pled tor print- -

eve a larae an an-ara- a voatt sotpatlea. TnapuoLe toe) br eteom i alee hen two eteem

BszttKJXiT&a&r'AA FOX BALF-- OR A GOOD PARTNERaa, wiu aaaii rapiui taka-- th beet porter honeoBaTBOOISje it'.t eaoaeei eetahltaheeUi paan. 011

W. al. beMlaaaoU Mo aerate, 414 flat

J FOX BALE AN OTSTKR AND RAT.S .V?i!JiUf ''"' InrielnatUBlUaeaea t Ulbe besumsaw e.tlermeter iiatiM livea for aeulnd ant. 14UM FOR SALK CHEAP AH OTSTERANDdmdrlJJajmla.inity iwep, aueeererewh

area run or eoetam i no. iaseneak, laanlre at thapmea.lt! in ere, wtsmaathaaa tfiah ata,

A. MUST BX BOLD THIS WKKX A. --- -- "- - IT mmtltmt. RaatJa.. maB tharaat,- .-


FOR SALE AND TO LET.A FOBBiLXATAaRKATDABGAI- B-BT A Bryt iea aeaj avomrr. natl a tb tnyietpreariemt tborevt haere U fbn etlr, now dolai aSfh bo"H! ZSZH 7lh!riai4 douare per weak.tayassh WpOB aa.k,Jtno to ramaiaoa bond5JJ amrttTie. ai aJBaT7t J. KU- -

M70TJCT-- A 3VALL BTOBK 05 con.umef nta aveai tk at, reat lew. IB tare fleal is tratfa foe hora, waajOBe, jHeoor or aertAprlpto jnnw trorxim. ffest or

1, invftotudtc euariita r orr store roniALK-TnKO- vutft ritabUahmant p towvi eel a of Vw will apport

a f.mllr. ntv too ranti ononlra at the atore fl ai.are.bettfitkasdlTUrta. iUriUett LIQUOR STORE, BAB ABD BILLIARDaa loom far ealaebean, with or wltkont eteeaoThOliaidlaUe. AjplatW UansUto eve. oat KarriIfD, 41 mi

SALE-- A CiHDT ABDTOT 8T0AEfor aaa.nawaVtlaieieedbeilneee.th oal 'raa- -

n fi r aellln. tb prr.prl.-te- hie terra a lerre itore tIhle I (nori eker.ee lot a ptreoa with m l I eerULappif at t as'iaia are. dl 3104

LFOR. 8AIE CHEAP TTIE THREE STO14U rr and bomnl brick htoee and lot Me fS Prerl.dentil. Binth arooklrn. about three mlaate ev'ktri m tha HmhI ltaai in frrr. O0U ait rema'a oabond aod mertaaif fr three vert or looitt If ro

nlred. Appl 1 JQUX U. alLOB, U goah tTHiUest. e'lve

JC.F0RSALE A I) INI SO AND OISTER4kl. Mleoo, t- la the meet b'utaett pe't el fieeltr, aodbt-twie- three ball room and two thettree.AppatnUMterti. dtenei

AATO LET A CORNER GROCERY STORE,IA lark rooms and retlar, with Bstaroa, a toti boaf.neee tetioii, ao old stand, a lev rent Ate. fniiir ofO. BllLlllVUouo Urul.No. ug u,dfoid tt.d' flat

va FOR BALE TnE STOCK. ASD FIX--IAU, tttreeaeerarst en aooount of .l.tnceInqulr at 144 Varkk at. w. a. diirui

FOR BALE-STO- CK AND FIX TURKSnf a email hnttir. chaoe and fruit atore. In cood

loutton ICS Klabth are, bet loth and HVth its In intraoa Ihe premier. all r.w

& FOB 8ALB CUJtAP- -A CORNER ORO- -.eery and Honor rtor. bow dole a fair baalaeee.

The oajr reaeoa for mIIum the roa man la ao etaLie efettendlof s the r,ln,ad ho wlnhee to loerea trade. Ieqloireeato aorta east ear af aoth ttmotsaanatTa CIIMH4

FOR SaLK A SKsV HOUSE ART) SIXere nf land la OraaorUIa. New Jereae. 11 all

frori New York. o the Oentnd lUUroed. Tkeahovle plaaaantlr eltoato, wUhla three mlnntee welk oftbedepott 4treleeof peeeen' in pace atiiri win tieanld low. If anvllad for anon. nlre of 1) U.P1KH.tXWWTw.Ifchrt: Walkf, FI M, prk w,or a B, B. MtflUfUJji ea th premie. Olkii-ll- I

Ai HOUSE AND ITOXE TO LET-A- XOIM. tttarriof ireeerr and llqu tret ire for !!fieri haeetenrwer ef clet and Pth are, laaelreof Mr.TUOktaJ CO ITON, ea Use pramlot. dIS rjid

MFOR SALE--A LIQUOR 8T0KK-- IB A.to leeaMoaiwaa Cttedap, anddolnabl(

femflr trad win. bo raid ea eewaat of tha ewaerbrmtt i alaa a eeroor etoce to nil. J.BaCKBLA, Ma.tW3 Eaat Ui .t. iZSrvS

A FOR BALETix HOUSE ART) ABlAT. weiplredleaeeef Srean, stock aad rtnreeefeerreirT and Honor tore la aa etealleat loeatloa,

tuated la 144 Wert lh et, bet 10th aad 11thiBHinirtoatWpremleee tor Idaa, aU rinA FOB BALK AH OTBTEB ABD FISn

"w dotal a foodaaah boalaate. eetth-- V

bertlalbbii mort be told, e Ke war h J otherbnelnM. Applp at tbe maraet, mi lith eve,b anthaodtOlbsta. iAVID Q. LAtTKaaCM. dlinilAf. GROCERT-STO-


Ida. ajofkthaofnekei' and harnem maker shone tottTet UTfeVerk Depot. ouln IslandtaUee fiom Wllflihrah. Applrat IM WtlWhst, after 4 pjn. 4344149

A-t- AS0T8TlUtSALO0BT0RINTrTITHIJmil itntee. dole a lOoQislneai at pr teont, om theor of relist, asd d are. eU4n4Tv FORBiUf THK HARDWARE, O ONLat aattk aad tlshiai tssskte Hare, W raltoa e. .Wo. aatt flits

JQ FISH AMD OTSTKR STARD FOB BALK(am. aheap haa etUVtoi7 reaeoa for aalllac eaa.Applr temedJakalr at lb Ooort atleat. Itroealjra;


DaCO BTOSB FOB BlXE LKASfCtstock aad Ittara af 10" Sixth are, opp-ie- te a tnas eacnaaa, bmh ewaee le chaaitalheesulnea. Apply to Mr. rai.i, i row are, at t

eetaca aiooriias


THE rGRKATESr BARGADT- !-J aTataaat aad olala odaaaa. fan trna (ruu.

petrot damper, and all modern Improvement, thebeet plaaoe In tb dtp, foil warranted. Matodooaet leee loan wtmleaaie prVe. tlBO fjeet eetavpUo,aaarlpM. OOLai0Vl3alol store. w4 Isnad-w- a,

aear 14th at. did t'UlA MAGNinCKUT

frleanfntta fur - - -- ..With rnrafwl mhiml ' - luOtin. t.lulkr.eos.lrearvlac, aad lean olaeaal parlor pltaoibt tv mtk , two pea warr-ntw- t. rich, poeerral

ooi loium thn-- moatiu aad rrf"i made to eiderfor tttO; pnnetro. Aleo oosa rleh parlor furnlla-- eApple In the f"raltarevkla orftblUhment la 4thJve. brtnn HPia an 4th bwit 4oot to th Murrar

bot-- L rrldarendSatniday.oaeh aatt must b sold. dll Vl

riAaTOS ABD Iff L0DK0B8 TOTt"let at Bl. M. and S a ma lb, eat for taleroa bereelae 1 naait k Ted T octtve atone en eaaroeeh. Maelataufhtoo tbe Blaaaasnltae, h , and

rnaeoaorrnw. straiaaiaa, an.urana euwaa.tUttaao'WI

TO THE TRADKaUiD OTHaJt-S-tal TlBawlmmall amjajtaw -f akjajaabamj kaamdoL aVm

.aayaaZ, SECOSDHAND FUBO FOR SALK".,?' i.T 'aap plane, la toed order, will beeeUfo33 araet bo ' nslltt i- l- "albeeeoatUava.B.lathebeeemeoa. dotltn)cMMJL SLKIUHS, WAOOHS, nORBKSBSTfcSOar heroaae, robee, belle. 4m. f ala aheap I

IKa lalanal af etoek la raooidtarv. la Pnltoa avanae.stabl, 10 Neeirie et, ttrooktra, boia tat warooa.

aratlaha,Bewadeeeood-haa- . dOaheraea, hlaaB,he, to k U sf eheaa, AlMTonaad eiprnaere- -

(gUk FOR8ALB-8KO0-ND HAND TOPB&3fZ waron la rord order, kavbsi boeaaewlrpintaaditrled.uitbl for iioeer or baker andear buiineeerequlrlal toeoMoo. To be eeoa end In-

quire earner Blealoa st end Bowerr, ktABTlrld'Jl'Wl

CanULTOR8oXJCTIEAPONTt SECONDBBgay- - head eneeh. lllht ballt; eeooadV head rook.awes, eir I'lhtbollt i eeverel hendemne aew buarrwaoe,omveoud hand wacaoa. aaa eeeoad-ban- d

eonoDOVhaod itejehaAlkrBTlf,lleetlVhst,l.T. dUI'lee

FOR SALE A COOD WORK HORSE.,1TTV UeleM resdeoadltlon. Of weald etebeniefoeawadoo rea'aShlBB ONI or OOU Ibe. Prl af har-- aBIB. luiiuln laibe store. cr. of 1st er. an 1 ft h t.or is OAU dlriUTv, FOR BALK CHKAP FOR CASH- -tJKV? e 1 borem and earta with tha (nodwUlef

workieetlefeetorp naeoiailTaa foeeelliai out. 1.at tne aaraeas maxera, oiu uaaeoenre Alt rnliAROlIN IS THK OWBKRST v-- nee for blm A leree bap ears hire!prtntlOO. lnnalin ef A A B Me. t Boeorpll flM

STALLS TO LKT-O- NE BLOCK FROM--flflH the eerner ef Bowery ea Onad ek Baaalrof BV B, It Bowery. dll lei

AOOODnORSK, BUrCHKB CARTend bararm for sals verr aheap, ea the r

orhaaoo use for teem: alll bo Bold Beearateor Wether. Uaaberoeafor eaeweek et KT Wert40th et. dltrltl

FOB SALK CHEAP- -A STRONGton, euttsble for e earaaaa,

Applp to ho. M rwert ttreot. .3--'trim


Amontet tb let le o pear-bnt- tt bleak man.tapeaiaold Pitee BMt OMpeor-boil- t bar bene,

eerea reeraola. Prlo (10. Oo loo prleed barboreeaiBta tleifht tram u te ltH haaae. TBepenall wamated la erarr reepeet, Te he eoenet II bj


r3r,F0B SaLX-- el GRKTKABK. It ItoflClVkesaee hlph, t peer old: ale a aorrel boree, 11hande blsh, them hone ue fit far a beak, atp-ee- e. arear lrd of work, wilt he aold cheap. Inunlre Uireutth tt. all 1181

kSTRATED-FK- OM NORTH B001Eeed Weet eta. at about B but -- B.liuit here, le oat as bi toad talk aaa aaeael to

a black top wainot nuarittaa rimr;-ea-reee--m rrtarnl-- a the abeveUarV.BlhbAV A OO.

a N.th SSaarra are Saet ata. ar to WleL IUrAYSihMwaetlMet,wia bo enllahip rewaned. t

ewa-te- a

tii REWARD STOLEN FROMfv htouet OlIeawMorru Ooaatr,M..ahnwamare. I reare old. aboatU kand kith, and ha thetrtnshalt. ekea tarnod anond. The aboee nwardwUleenaldoadelirerrortae aaare at U Beet lathabLYaecettUelevoareaa, JlOOU Jr,.(lf.fi

FOX BALK 1 BLACK HORSE. 7hlferoar us, waiveaee aooa ea Ola, te i

bee been aeadteeaart end ta a feetxaquu at ausroa ea, 4041141

FOUND ON BfONDAT, DEC llih Aaetrap. The aim or

rf'H.lTff" !, Xevn aatbam sua eve. ana Mth atnet, 414 I1W

FOB SALK A GOOD HORSX,hin,.eaarklaek.

immKi as smaeeqwirt aaHNUin,fiianst




M BXWARD-iTRAT- BD 05 THEatBth teat treat tha eremleea. US av OL a

lerre bat rk aad wblU Wewfeaadlead doe, eaewertaitonraaaerUON.Irleekea-a- d Imshf till tearperae sein' ijbsi saa anovo oe ao

47lB IATbM- -KfifOTra uo$6 JaXWAhvD LOSr, OB FaUDATha, a amail ttao. otjta and ead Una. aralta

bmUirt.lt, ears aodtldeeof beet teaaoUr, aLoataaealtriUrprta tha Caw ssftCotaAaiutp heir aboattwa lock e load a the be, aariflooeer ealho beeaet,wee aad eaarierei kaelarfe blami era. aa4aawr

totbeaaaaeaf MUpTTh aboeejwwd win W paidaeaaraetaoatwkaralai haa teat WMtThirtrrfxth. did vim

tn eixnncBT-rAB- iB r Bnnniwe BUiitnorr.BBt m IWOSfaua, aveiiiinsiswaaee aeti


BBLL'B.IOataerlBeet-TkeBOaetstrte- eefand later baaaeta at redaead prion. Ka.fall of beaaae. waleta, ctoeke. maatUlaa, beitka

rape, ekevee and epnae for ladle and ehlldrea.Puklnf aad all Had f tamptaf lot ambmldertedoott order. ceriiM

aavj; nOUDAT PRR9EITT8. MtVUtltri rtlUHi "KOTHIBJ

BJ CfUTUAM TEHT.kavtniralrdbpUU .rrlTale aaotlior tarielotefBIRUS, woald reepectfeUp InvtU thairvore of thefatbdou(rtere to Hr him a eoll. aad ! tut thlaraevarlftr now on band. Ws have tveoieed earn

lb Baeet BINDING OANikMhd) U be foaod la thlaltod Bute we beln the lareeet Importer la Hat

theennatrr. alen, Hlljll tlNl ALUJlLINNEIB. MtK.KlNIi BIRDa, l"ABJthTB BTaB,LJNOa, aa. All la want ef a rood etna-fo- Oanarr,to iwenit to their friend a BoUdap OIA, ehoaldaot tell to call la whether wtet le to parebeae er aot.a we do aot eharra for eserelnlnf ear atoak. Dealftvrset tb ataee-- ti CUAXUiM IT, aear North


TUX UKBETWOina) HAS JUST AR--TtaWrtTed from Banpe with e vartetr ef tterraaelnelne Diroa, ae eaaanee, meevoirae, eariaraa, terUua,tfcai ale oa head lot ef Ulkln parrata.teiTeT muiietioa aaa eeti ptpar ast

flmiaiBosawpoi is.fjuARLn kosi,nideenn Marth William at,

aavra irom GERMAHT TO.COMder, a lot of Qeearr Blrde, la foU o, alea, oarrenowned eett of Soai bread eeaarlee. lliMlinUinnpmr. in n oijr vma aacnea, BBB, UteisBimilAL, U North William

VXWLY ritTOBTXD FROat QKBI fcaap, the beet let ef loo aad short breed aaa.1

it BOUHTTriJjroa,e-SOLDIE- Ra,

IB) aaJloi. aWethen who have eerrMhsaaraf the

.fvVi v GOLD, SILVER AND SnELr ?ii' Pn .aVaaoee. Bterao.rope. Btereoanopla e, Rurrerlof nd D re-- lee

laetraaseate, Mtemat'e Karhlnaa, he. IL W. UUNI.lK.OrtlcleiawiilUmBrate.km.n.



rAUa-oafll- iaf a ra,

Cork. On of the aleht Maatraal am iMttpsKvJLrssitt'szzBZzrssnEsiUce4e.BlOendieo. ateew, B.

tat a prtantpal towaa ef OrWOhitala mi Inland,a raoooa rata. Throaca amaeSa Stwrawil eat lbPrtnolpel akma ef twuwpa.rorrraiibt aad PHaaapai a



OAJTriOUVlW Paatar. 1 IhW elei InmSefefefSolAdTtJoll


wa" sea imptaui, th micadMaUpper hl

Jgm FOR NEW OBLKABS-T-HK 8PLENaam sh Upper ahtpBOUrnaaUl CHIC tinpoanirarp sau iuledar.at 1 o'oloek: room fore fewnor oaeeenaor.totUrtor.aCDAm aaKST, 40 Booth rt. sunn

tTAPSCOTTB USM OF UTKRPOOLc rar-- m aaiis vwtnortew el 11 o'oloek. the fae

tot alia, BlSjri. ADAhtS. Oaaa. Obae.

FOR LIVKBPOOL DRJtADNOnanTUie-T-he etdeeidld allaa.v -- Sla lra"inarr- -

wtll aeatHaale --all on Tn 4... Vk I.JU; II..ships ef thUlla an noted for their ntraorUnarvaeodi tar aamaaa. h tJ rSSt8! .kra..taiKorth rlear. er bsT. M. vamuaasaan, a aoeu va.

eau-ii- e


wiTBmTmeutsus H,-rl5-

AMI. FORL1TABPOOL-X- HK FAVOalTAtataaTTaeedap, a smb. UeretaUrooaa aoeoaiedtlepeananovnallrd Per aeeeaae, et tow rata, oaboard, m tekVOOliLUUI 00, at effin oeTfler fc

.hUrar. 410-1- 4


CrNDBBt BtWiokax"kaaktn. tether

The aikerl sri anAVaaaui 0Teo!DQBAXTra,


ol eahaakawar ayaaa tnniamla Bhetul

mijSSShriejr IV MlalBMTfckmWUSgitt "

TaNih at. Me. V..TAfl ArJO.Qierse:


alia ta niAreAa.. Tna

I uuivaj irnlsenet.edtaona

ROCTnrs PAssAaKomcs, NanBooth . BiinnlbtnpnBaieaeTeaip,li siiiMaaanene toon, to London,

gpenaa.frleads Mwimadla. U tlieoe.ao.nbr7.

aaalwvwtbembnoihleatat ndaeadIT!ltolU.,n .""? T? ! OeirtaffnotUr, m




UrLtrtVS X5I fiCfLjtll.daiA ' fwy'T

etvM7ruZrnTr.eSaTOea wmheat de!m?kakSwhV atjATTSTSln.

&2SfirItam-l- U miXIAaaatnsHBIiat


floft. AAIiriUiAL Ban FTLLDXarOB7?n!!X.&-- " kojkoVJt , rnrelrtarev iemiie aaro ein a, --a. nemeaer eootamen ebeUe eaa be Oiled wtxhtt. rtrot teeth mi mated to tbo oatnrei noes wmh aataealaetaa, aoat thoot

Bn-T- HX AafKRiOA TXBTH OO,aoltom,aMJbm7,atetaaei a,awhs.. .T . --; - . w I xrrsmja ee wee sole aaa waieale eonat ta Be

dBRtF. i. amtrnt, aTUBOBOa DaanTaTT,

S2ES9t94otn weet Bth an, rheaaeaaaJItraa, warn an aa hatiinaineii est ssararisietatarau aat r f a Jiaa al eaa oa alia. aaaa.hrwmhaaiaal aaW MlJirtofj ta sBraaiii

mmrnvrnraiamMMiMD windOBwrria- -



mHk0, B'?l,I)Klr"MT1 60S BROAD--

kw to:DaWTA

tatbeBUte..'alrr.JSliS'iralfMthatevairak M Oaraamataat ia ' aapai

te&Siitshalloa tb world to cwmorte. aeaTeTtea.bp the tanperieaeed. UnekUfullr nIUd

Uf lUeete of OrmtfenouenvmjMte anearpoeeed Ineleen esd atllitp br eap BOO aaila the workk -a-e-

Jlir roeea. or saoaer retnreedt atrriio liter,klectroaliated with par -- M. BIOi elotU teeth. BLataleee Tooth Bitncter. fee reellr eitiaatiaa teethheat pela, eapenedln atfthJa before eseeU

th prefeeelon. eeeoaUtln all wha wltneo U. &baseo par aatracaut wnure aruoelal tooth era"br. sTaTDftO, forreea DantleLUI "rrl et.bloak w rt f Btwdwai dU4lSJ

BETB OF TRATn WITH AXL THBnits' amrroramente, hMiilj.dnTabOltr

aad ea, whoVlIOJKaV 5ttirbn.ifeTflaeams l annuo warnai p give 1181




!ke aiaar ( the aaaas "Guar Boo Bear.Ef?CllJJS bf-.-0U Slotartlv,vr v.par eomnoeuoa a saaaan- -

nilTWW AT.Tt tBLl fiBMaJTHwMeh ku trod tb aaritan rtrra whoa ntberov

Bed reenedtea ban mllaa. IndWaatehUef tUfaewUbehowBkrtne tavaater.eod rater.ewe to Braap os oar arm muaanfl wut kectvaa.

Qrdets Dppost tsompUr attended to.Jabs an net ta be aald for antll ontlra tatlrmeMea

ktolvea, tad than at thy rate oCJer Mrtal Boofa,vrra. eju m lie ilu au,ea re eel,and ahlail e B jUohi it a rinrtlwimtr lew

AAfne J. B. HJDTBT o) Oo, U the

OrearArentlaHewTarke B. SliBroadwap.aoa aDoe-i-


Arthltoat and Uut Bnmper,aolf raerOno kkw erfe;


U.Unlea Beak fleeeatoa,r aaa Rnll a "-BtasUDali.reraalekr .naeeadt, raawaoo,ellBasntl aa Breadwep.



la eawar W eeaaaMatrsmetlLldaalbe pirniah tafiarmeHea tba la fcHSfnael lb diaimlliaB la thnafoant aot eatod oa for more tkaa an en reara, be eaalthmwtattooto.thoBenk,tob wtttmwjip.


-r-booka, pamphleta. eatalofue eet waeta taper ofevarp deertptloa i also rasre, .rope, barrlnr. aopper Jbeam. lead, pewter, tip metal, Ao. Will eeod to anypn new irt bfooi ia er rforaey yl. cuaanuiue r.aiB.aa(jn,Boauiaai, ana itoeneoraorsfUofMB. tNahfllTtfssonrnoN thk firm or swart.



siSikM&S&mTVSEASED RTBBCDRXD BT MSDIOAeAteB fartaas aad vaaora, avnldasB B aajai ao hi tatBtea ef eraae arwp, eaa earraior the tankensB,


th Beet hrlillaat lUht k tht rorVf.paiea i

alUftitloBtVreh'iiera mianadee.AH etaare tTeaitlr UeaV

DEU0RX8T8 PRIZE KEDALbeet eteel. eaonot

fat oat of order aad cheaper than the cheapest i I7Broadwar, t Broadeae. tM Oaoal et, BM Bowerr,11 lkth eve, aad tea raltoa st, Brootlra. Oiltkvta mad ever la th new alrl, at eoate parstriae BoHHQoelTI

hoald tn eerebBea How taboaeek n to soeolr theenealn. with kaddlithe winter, and at tba anma ail lllaieikar andasosal etreote, t the plate to Bad e toad nvl ebeep le

Vpholetertna eVra to order. OILBBBT M.nixiaMiiiCUessoM;na. c. BOIREAO,

47 rULTONNear the Faiton PerrrJ

BUIehln be VThealar at W1L'. hfeahLaa.blrta, OoHera, tleaoaut, Wrletbaude aad ahoaW 'era--

BTaUkUrla. on lekle dona aa tbaLowiii Kanut

Bpnolal ateaattoa Urea t eWOreeeee i ethernrmaam. Vamllv eealnaof erorr deeortptlenIs eoua la the aaet epUadld maaaer. ea vorrate Omasa tXto ere Uvtted to eatt.

Be eeaaceof tb Veaeal Uerae. the flae, hamai eiecee.ur saewoa an intMse apoa mpaine.tiekerchl- -, ttanuearij, and soarfS ef erorr p atlas.


rVTW TOBK. DEC L 186J THK FIK1Ilef OWFM WOOD b thl dap dleeelred br aaTbo buelnem will he eantlanad be JMTtr; OOD. JtUXr.WOOtAJ.W.OWaWnaUlnnl


Oa orefl after TlltkADaTVDeeemher 15th. Ihwhareme win Uav tdtb aa. ttatwm-B- o Work, a foOowa.rWUliaaan-eaMaa4UA-aUis- Mr. n.

Per Whit rtalne--1 and B T. BLfet OSr.m7tmerpeor.ef Whss

ma roeniiro ma.tot lotoB rBe-- 4 r. M. from esth af.

orHlUeea-4r.- Bt from tdthatBee Aanr- -t A. hi from anth et, aaB traavror --T:tP ht. bom seth eceieeeeetiIB tbroosh traiae eoaaect with the K T. Centre)

r the Vietaarsbaai.euniee ueioae o:e BearJ

TbJU Plaine-- B andVet. Well- e- A. M.UUertoa-TaV-

hamap ! a aaau Bmmv.tor.kL.iipnmlralsL aid

AND TEA LEAD BOUGH.athidheat aaarket art, at BIB Water et,m




to kbe BUlewtnd twltoielili reenwata the superiorB

BTABtri rBnTAlBn QLOm,see laBinlefliBalia.

B mrthfal trtal eABaTBiOCUB an wood, laatber and data, ea iWarka. I moot olmefolly rut mil fat am he alltenses anaraiir raolnd.aad eeiirSeriWjjamiu

a? to eel BevnaraSI laiwithan ever need, a ktBXABB, A CO.

Seated ITAaUraAOXDLut'elnawUs'ahe

TVEinJ hmVhtBO DS3i ml! sfirkMet.Bide Bhere pttelL Oairmm maaaeearaa.

ILUkfTOanMienaBd Belt era,

A tmeh Hlwktk fwB dOreorlindeeea.

rains for dealen ha snseaef nreni 1 to amaan,a setmaJI tttheTtehlieb eert prladut eeldn.ivWwimeahnaBaa. Maafaotkniny

"-Wa- aa..

Du,r"RoJuiest smriissn to aitao-- er

naaleo eenmnt asArnitleBa. farprarci!. Cmara, Uatdwexe, Toy,I Pwnlehiad Bterea.

TO PABKBT8 AND GUARDIaNB.TbeVavIOiaerof tbalTth ererd take ptaas

an la anneande tho eemeletlia fth nowachaother tbo lajrl

ttnated ta 111 h eu aear let er. and that eh waawUlbeloemelly efeeaadeed Adleabedto aaaootpaeetaoVeeh'lf! ' ,Blb"ll""li'iM'.TUkuBam I ee f th flaort bt tha tfty, adread,toieoaoiler arsn am idsflsn for a tar saoaae f

tto Tesehsn en aan tmpra Par tbatr Bslnfap aaaaartj, aaa am. la eves? roapaea. otaaiias usuav ieoolluiie prainjaanrwpiftj, oeimee ar eaeteesuoja me- w-

&ssttli!MtpS riimtrynJAhOEB fWBHntO, f'3WL OaNTXaZJaWsXUAManamaBIV HiBaO,






OW, wVaTOTrrir,'- --j9M(mat7

niTcrrteuom x,

gvtewaa. --4 raf hTam-- Ir. akga--

jyuiJ5SSfSXSSIMse.VPl.'kieV SaraW TOZSZ EZmBTn. ' SH. 'Purra "'"OAJIaJBB KB aaoaa fey

Dim2'J2SSSL'ialaSAa aUlawa-m- -e. .

POR TtUPTUmV-- .D B. nraAhVB TBaaTTaELel lurwnja,,,

Isoetorporoansllp.aibas eAaV Bfl FrmStLrtSaarvaoral seawi f aaTaB ammmaaTlewamm'from this ems, eUattarr Par araateaBaTDrTotammHannWphrreUikh4TetaseeamlmmmmWHtale arew ef Toala far mora trBBSBpaBvaalmm)

at hoar ef the dap, 3ErewrVleateoet" "VftSSP"

RET. BAjrUIL OOTXL BIDXClCATnisnr BbriMr1aBkhTBarhJbmraBaeaF.Deepcjertpplaeeoradvithtweberaa UHamaaaaa

PW aWawa BorU Mfcfleaa


reel feanadw. neaeta aaet aela. ilMrirmavwaaa. OarhvUhotpi



ACARDDR. LOCANDKR, Ul BPRtBQdoere wmt of Proder.'2A CARDBR. OOOKi'kt kZUTisas


dleeeeel and that emidM eemeea.rr." r v.'rrs'sirna win aaa dp oBperuf bo ur aljuhBANllT. Berth Moan second doorllrraadwae. flrhe Ban avarv al-- d tats

dutnoaA EUROPEAN PnTBICIAN AND SOK- -AVoa, Dr. UNOTJIBT, offer has arefsawaaal a.rloa la ai dlfl-- oH petrate dleeeeeeT He heoBfreaaedp for tko naolt ef errtr arnnTKVmeahod eTalOwebp et, eoraer of BpHa. t t 'toekewnoar, mat to u a. at.

A LADHCS FRTKBD I DR. TANttKXZXlaa. rw.tl Broad ear, aaar 1

teinaldieaaea,aad raaaove obetrnotiomt end haajax



WARD, 483 BROADWAY, PrBTORaDItbaoarrpormaaeataLd eetlrfaotorp ainUdleeameeeaambar, n atttSod, khat hTeSa.

ultln Dr. WASH, reu willthat Bicaarr klmeeb-- ea.la. Con 1aneaJedTeB3snedMunprmrM-- d, i 'emala 4

fJlvJnaled, Hie aaoatblp Fill. BV.par has. aovertau an iii inaaBrnwaj. ir t bbbiiii bji. laaiaa. tan ami

aHaatlona Ofttos 48 Broad oer. aeil Wane? 1tro. oa tatr. arietta, arraaaad that aatiar.ta aaiae-Beoet. CoeeaUatloas tratls. Atteedat.ee Uaitr.BUdell 4101


J wtthrnaeeadilmsdsl1saeaa,akaaeea.aiinahJonm7lwDaaneav-WBo- n a hat iriaatigM above for ever BT pear, aad when Bwbanealartn freoa dleeeeee f the aal ry nranaa, est


DR. OOOPXB,nasnltedeaaBalsseeprtvamaaeanlB


pr xcihaTrtvnqfdvot4 te the kriarment nwsl

OOXBTTT, BH SPBTNO ST--H OOot'U nfilfilrrtr' IT nW

ihttw muj

ni. YANtTKXKXKXN-- InlPBaUAL LsV--r dtW mmethlrrtuientk

pawartal 'tsaiedp for all feoeaie deereeenieiienltbea HeUr to amrrtod i

KaSOtmw B4B BneaSJwn mSB





neelllllll.lH im.neancalarhriit. nt and aB other MKm-aJ- :,anonlnaetef J ether in iMiiipsTasajreeeUWemeUaoaniH.nate eeiTtb fmmaj

eeed. UIbBI. rHaodWs eaa ea an ens eai

W. H. MAXWELL. FKMALKHoathrp rtlle. avtoa L bdmi

wbelrSianeadlrndodaTllb-aaW- emoat oaa be arxommadated. Those who wuh be hawtheir jafaato adopted will tad an eppurbanitr to iBMMUepetsawsknot. rrivaleisa4a M ingsT

Itf ADAIfX BXSTXLL'B FKBtALK111 Pill, an tho at Ir men Wren married erdie can relr apoa with ee tot aa eerteletpat a baa. Bald at 111 Chamhen aa. Oaa amior meilTla ft U4r form, to ear pert f thJ,!), atr t tekTaVMeaf

(ULTIOM-- iU mhm yvpaXtlM U &&r--ru--r -

fiTiP TUX ETTL IN TUB BUD, BT OaamBgi.v dtnettr to Dr. erABD, e twealarty eambsd

wh-l- ly detmted te.tbe pms3ntp.rSfjsttdteeaeo. OnWeBB Broadway, aert WUeeOrS TtaStre, ep etalra. Oneanltetloa iratU. ABiqejJBJUr.BU MdltayMadnn4aaimatadfnteBW

TkTKW TORT INpTXMART FOBIt aOelldre.etBle(eet. .no


THK FUNCTIONAL DXRANOKHXantltoetaeatel to both eexa ere rooralil,Baj

pnotrtdpwer swtered U a bMlthpVneWamuef Trii'emer Vo. 1. Bead "Benea rralaV . w

'IBllolol Boeaarehaa," It exptaua SI Miaemrtii f aanta.Be.t fte ef BeU kwkn

re fiem hUDensei). Hew w ark, okesw be saayeafldeatlell- - eoe --naa.ee naaai. troea oue eraBBBa



1HE OILKBRATKD Q BAToriaiAjk'v Beotor-eane- foWaeWBAasaSisfiggS

READ I AND KEMnCBKRI-TH- AT Tarwboe artlraas ae maaafaetarea atwere

he had et thaColnmUea Vtrietr Blow. 44 BoaBBo--treea. WllllaamkaTBa. They en W aataewha t

rwet. BBTlaTJ Oanaka OOLDayWUf aHpV riAr Ceate ok.wladJtokwtWvorybelbponowhiaa It dpwthoare eet half foaeaharaanattfallILACKer BaOWfl.aadvtn ae tajoeatMhabTttchln. The eatee I feafsajeaduw'thehalr to esJlahjaak, a ktTeBaei

eaaw ef th mhwnfle ImBalJaa



iB&Enmsir&rThethlrdta!Pl.aVeaaaleeryan.. -.--

rnaa naaanaMaaSBs that tliintil.i nafhhae kansfwai mgg