i till i it the food that does goonufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01423/00517.pdflaxative...

Till DAILY SUN OAINESTHLR FLOIIDA 106 MARCH 14 I Y TIM ftteWIIDC It ACQiimnO Was Char d with MurtJerinsj Mta e Dyer at Savannah Baraaaah Ga March 13 The carp al the cue of Tin McBride charged with being out less thaa aa hoar returned a verdict of aot The young man was coagrat MBoa the result by a host ef- Tk McBride was toad os haw ef harta Murdered Babe Dy OM ef throe brotken who one at lanes Jut araMa hecaaie fa Ickt to treat ef Ute city hall with Ptaamhtac laayoctor McKeaaa McKee k4 beaten Babe Dyer the to a feat at the court hovM- WM after aaUafaetkm He Matic MeXeuM M he alighted raaa a street ear The other Dyers were a load or reedy to do ae- wfcM HarfcerMCtM McBride LAM and Pfttretaaa Patrick Kearney atonrn by all aye Babe Dyer who had sal flrtac lugaa Tiaa McBride Ian ef the harberauater heard the aad raa frees the harbonaaatera sad teak a Mad la the shooting araettac Ma Ire at Babe Dyer who VM retreatiac before him and defaed- teg fctatMlf with flea that he hurled aurder after frteatI dart tM Pstos were I jtlllty t dated 7 the ear Nt ea aged a r tut 1Neeaa M Bab L 1 taking Jaws xis of the PIee Citable lea ap esrd as ease MSS filial Mesa ttalani Leftelatlen Dlaeueted- Waehfaftea March 13 Statehood iajlslattoa formed one of the topic f at the White House oa Meadey It developed from toe calls ea the presMeat ef Speaker Caaaoa RepreeeatatlTe Water of Indl aaa the Bepablte whip of the house thai tile aseatbera of the house were iaeeaacd at the acttoa of the senate I set ealy ea the statehood bill but on I ether measure passed by the house which have bees decided with disap- proval by the senate Patrick ranted ANther Reprieve Albany N T March 13 Governor HJffglM issued a further reprieve May 18 la the of Albert T Patrick who I wader sentence of death for the alleged murder of VII rkua Marsh Rice The respite is joist request of District Attorney Jerome and the attorneys for Patrick la order to allow time to continue the proceedlBRB on a motion for A new trial now pending In New York city A Scientific Wonder The ere that stand to its credit make Buehlens Arnica Palve a tide woader It cured E R Mulford lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry WajBctbare Pa of a distressing ease It keels the worst burns lenci nib uleen euu wouadi ehll Males mm salt rheuM Oaljr e at II drat st- artsIil1aWOl tile baa cue sf I c I I r tltsd r y weld at- M k idea pike 2 t > < = ANOTHER CARLO- ADr This Week- We are distributors of this excellent rooting at Fac- tory Prices Will last 13 years and ran halt a much as Tin ASK US ABOUT IT TheiS J THOMAS CO G1LNESY1LLE FLURIDi f r OF PAR OlD ROOFING t ¬ Models THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Coa tlp Mon DilouraeM In- tllK 4ion Sour Stomach Colic DiuiacM Hea l eh anything by ditonlcicJ Urn Rcsom That Di uny F Ug by your dlc to work incrcMl6g your appetite and IB fad sakes you feel tike a MJf49 MAX mi all Srojr tor t Date Set fer Royal Marrlag Madrid March 13 Premier Moret Monday officially communicated to the cabinet King Alfonso bethrothal to Princes Ena of Battcnberg who will be officially known as Vic- toria EuRcnle Later the two houses of parliament were notified The min- ister of finance will present a bill ap irlatlnic the sum of 150000 Lemen Elixir and a petting the annually caused organs a sad are sr 1U1 a e Cedaea here- after < ¬ ¬ + tor the future queen The date of the marriage has been definitely fixed for June 2 Cured Consumption Mrs U W Evan Clearwater Kan writes My husband lay tick for three months The doctors laid he had quick consumption We procured a bottle of Ballard Horehound Syrup and it eared him That years ago and siace thin we have always kept a bottle in the We ean not do wihout it For coughs and colds it has no equal 23j 6tc and 1 Sold by W M Johnson Two KIPed In Fight Mlllon Ga March 13 A shohothln- palray ociurrod at Sarboro 7 inllts here In which two men were kill ed John Burke and Ed Aycock both white quarreled over a and the quarrel In a row each kllllnp the other with n The men were prominent In hnt section and tho tragedy In o plnred John Burke leaves a wilt anti rove children Aycock was unmnrrUd Clears the Complexion Orinn Laxative Fruit Syrup utimu later the liver and thoroughly the syitem and clear the complexion- of pimples and blotches It i the ft laxative for women and children a it Is mild and pleasant and dory nut gripe or sicken Orino much sup rlor to pills aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics M it dots not irri late the stomach and bowels J W McCollum ft Crushed Under a Boiler Raleigh X C March R V J Wler and John Whltelnw were killed house f pistol I was six be- low mule ended cleanses i Cow ¬ > < near the rock quarry Just east of the city The two men both of whom were over fiO years of were Inter- ested In the Wake Granite company and were oversevlnj the carrying of a large boiler to the quarry In go- ing down a steep Incline the wagon turned over and the men were crushed to death Invaluable For Rheumatism I hive been suffering for the att I few years with a severe Httack of rheii- nmtfcni and found that Ballard snow Liniment wa the only thitiK liiit Rare me satisfaction and tended toaleviate my pain March S4 John C DignHti Kinsman 111 1oc lard 1 rioul by W 31 Johnson Congressman Gilbert Will Resign Fort Wayne Ind Man h Newton W Gilbert rtprt uitlvo In congress true the twelfth district hay announce here that he will h resign his seat to accept a judgesMp in the Philippine which poslilon hm been offered him hr the presMtnt- Corgr Siman lllbcrt will give up hU seat ome limo during the present CASTOR For Infants and Children Thi Kind Yoi Nays Always Beufhl Boars thIS Signature of C Tragedy at a Lop Rolling Sparta Ga March IJ At a four milts WIlt of town Jack Barnes was shot dead by Manuel Thomas Hath parties were negroes Seaboard Parlor Cars The Seaboard A Line operates buf- fet cars between Waldo and Tampa on train tearing Waldo that connects with the morning train from Gainesville lll I lion ties Ion 11 v c age I r2 log- rolling ¬ > > > ¬ > < RAIL TO QUENCH OAS WELL FIRS Cap Weighing Thirtyfive Tone Was Thrust Aside by Rush of Flames Caney Kan March 13 An attempt to cover the RHH well C miles from with a great Iron hood upon which a week of preparation had been spent was made Saturday night and failed The hood with Its attached pipes and weights weighing more than 35 tons was aside bent and broken by the uiltjhty rush of gas ad flames The cap was placed partially over the stream of fire only after atrenu ous efforts and with hardship to the who suffered Intensely from the heat Following the effort the gas spouted from the well with rruewed force expelling rocks and shooting a flame over 150 feet Into the air The well has now been burning for fifteen days and millions of feet of j gas have been burned Dangers ef Pneumonia A cold at this time if nffl Ud i to cause pneumonia which is to fatal aad even when the patteD recovered the lun s are weakened theta peculiarly n eeptiblr to development of consumption Fo Honey and Tar will stop the huge ber I thrust I I I tea Men Ivy > cough heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia LaGrippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curatiT Tar There is nothing Just as good J W MeColliim kv Cu Another ueasavk t r nfr ne- AlKcoirus Spain March IS The French hlcirats il rhirv y will not accept foreign control of tIlt Franco Spanish police for Morocco The Get mans are firm This nuikoh a mo- mentary deadlock ujHin details but a solution is conslikrid assured as the parties agreed on the main principles Involved Girl Kills Sweetheart Wlchlth Knnh March lit Corrlnne Miller 1C and killed swefthiiirt William Morrow aged 21 Monday morning because of Jealousy Morrow stood at the head of H stair- way when shot The body rolled down the btulrr and into the MI for rtMt t ffrd from what mrdlr l Bra- e ll il l T t ptu ftod Catarrh nf th stomach Ptti a to Cud ibis 0 I ft l llD mfttt ell B J 4c our doctor tar- Srtt I ibowrd him In noth i tor r mftlB l r fttMiat till m 1 nclhof ft tftp- olati ictltBnnifti win ftl ta other taffrnrt- C Ul IilrlDltr llftf- Th qualitlf of role Honey and I Ie I the shot her lot rttt WORMS but boo f I lID Iht I 0 lb jar We II n eat for Cow i wind Area I aeretaaod wax sue I hut when tat and bse Man npping my rltsllsr tor Ihat ever sine aPp Ul CANIIrCa1NAtfN > > ¬ < > > > PI ft nl Pftjftlftbl Pot nt Tft t O wl Do Good K r Wrftk n or ilrli r v M N TC toM lo bulk rnUii t l t UCU Uo tftal U to tan ur your r beck utUE Remedy Co Chic co or NY 994 HmiL SALE TEN MLUN MIES GRIND Pleasant to The new laxative Does not gripe or nauseate stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom filch liver and bowel For Sale l y J W Mrtollam A fe- Alnehtia Founts i 806100 acres in area MS milts railroad 900 miles watjuti road M pustutfiVes 123 public chiHils 27 phosphate plmtit J0 mill Hvw newspapers and corn cotton rice oats rye potatoes pineapple or anRt pt tan and all kinds of vf taliles fourteen churches two Univenity Florida private i chool three newspaper State land the best water fire alarm system electric and Rail lights two ice firtones machine shop three wool facto cotton gin two ft ctorie three railroad two fertiliser man iifacturuiK cumpanie one tlber manufactory one rectifying tur- pentine plant two and stocked embracing ever thing in the commercial line III I Um laxative Roil Syrup take AlACHUA COUNTY i Ooo pears Gainesville the County Seat1 school inn well I The and mot has saw court- house pro- duces liar the sirs s stores wt ¬ ¬ ¬ > + ° The Food That Does Goon Tae 04 tlra OU CUM h Blttoa Far decOntM for BVwKk M CiM i llin all rnlBMuiy DUcu All DraaflMs two ctM 6e f L TUAL aMrnie rife BY MAUL KOWJUalN ft SweH Nay Twt Names Maids of Honor Macon Ga March 13 MU Mia WllllnRham daughter of Mr and C B XVIIMnpham who has been chosen sponsor fur the Sims of Veterans at the New Orlpaas reunion has all the maids of honor who are to accompany her These are Miss Kath- leen McttreRor Kate E1U Mis Francis Solomon and Mlis Lena May Williams Jordan Touring Carolina Columbia S C March 13 Hon Ifarvle Jordan president of the South ern Cotton association Is making a tour of this state He delivered speeches at lancaster Chester and Florence The meetings have been well attended by the farmers and tin hand of the association I being well rcrelvrd La TrtIM co Ire Mss has j I gins Oete aa lad Lap CsWra Peeala and sad is as sibs as and teAdran so Flea chosen > ¬ T F TOILS UNDERTAKING CO FULL LIVE OF NEW GOODS XM- XENTS TOMHSTONE9 cud FEME- Henooa uttentloa to u m cem la slits liar Mat sad tce ruitU o Jen- prompty to Gainesville Florida W R JOHNSON E tabUhed 9 Year COMMUNION MERCHANT IVboleviie Dealer and Shli t er o KRUIt cad VUURTAtlLK 5 VV sixth and Ueonce M Ctoclnnat Ohio ItosiD- IYa to llant Cucumber Etc Cur Ioutoo CabbJirc sad ToiLJtoe RcfiZ- racv r Cltr HnJ IJanU Clnelnisitl O M ri- oartl A J W Mratv Molntu ttclUt J M Holding lluin 5iie rii II I Yo ML Erin ttin Ka Matrix or tere uu lirr r Hndetor Advertise in Tilt Sun I I I IRO I un ii loJr Steebltte n lealhe ge ilun ii AcE r i lrSee aamte attended F rr1e I fatrJ sit wcited > > > = > + > + + + + + 30 Need o JOB PRINTING THE SUN JOB OFFICE Florida East Coast Railway Local Time Card No 64 In Effect 9 IMiSO- UTHBOUNDREAD DOWN UP No 1 t No 33 No 20 No S3 Dally tally V W l It V U U 0 Ij U U a M Ji i r i ti n u 4 10 l J 7 IM II V l 10 t V ft H a J yt- v t V- i I 8 7 I T STATIONS S No 74 No 2H nM- l ull lull u Jnrk u Hit I An 7 40 lilrt 2 II W II t h 31 11 S i II J It M i it M I irt It M HT I 15 t H M B p M H II il H M 441 l 1 4 W i IVI- D I 10 4 a iU 0i- i i ft i rt i y w j n- I U aj II l II i M II t j in J a- jn f- I r tt it i Jlulxi- liiiiiin ll urmoi I lMvtiit putt r iivt- Nrx Smirn- nlki II UMIC i sir Junrtiuti- N rt ink III Ttmril- rTtlii viik- 4wn lt kl ii- U i o- Illl l li- M 11 Kult J lM- IliHlt ll Uj i uni- lnt Ju ltr- rrt Inltn I i l tn Ikiil4- Wltt IullU ll Mt- ItiyuliMi i a t- i u i- un I I ftliJN- S r UW 755 Ar- JONUEXBED HCnEnrLK IIKTtVKKX JAIKsnNvn t t ivTTI i r- HitTIIBOlM 3 r29 35N No j DI fMleDaiSn 011 Dai Dil- sorTiiitofND 73 4 Dilly Dilly o zaT sB NO 92 Dan Dill Da fftw- hlcb no extMufffnt fun v PENiKSUUl AN ICCBBffAL STEA1SIIP CW NECnONS- c at H aiPaj Havana Key West and Nassau f aay art m tbe n When Your Order to q II sally Dally I I O I If 1 II 00 a lll r I i 94 t a I I I p lib a a l I I j I I I Ill U a I I I I u I 1 e po flUI a inn h I I I I I I I Ill I I 7t I I I I a Olin LhI a I I I a r I a 1 II I I I a I j tll a I I V I a I I II j a t dais 1 tJ I I r II t I a I I II 1 > r N I II I j I J4 a II 11 a all 1 a rl r I I t HI t I II i I e I I I I j t al a I j l I I a III p t I I t t I ii 4- Ilfl I it I a il I lit I t I I j I I I a T I 1 I I IIn I Ii a I t I n t J 1 a i I I ff I 00 j j I I rli j t a t I I II 1 I J a a 41 h I a p I lit I I i rotl a I r I I H II nlt I I I itnttabl II j I I a t iir en on Irats ZJ S l 51cp1ni un Autlp curN N 3 o31 0 99 I I a I I I I t t J I t I 38t I I a I 40 W Ij l 10 111 W alt Iu 1 a 730 I a III a Tf1 lfO1l1rhh M mllnnr 1 IIt tf t t II la olrat1 on tb tlalnl 1 If Ii 1 t nn- n Yo le SO 1M So t branch I I r Only 000 oJ as 1 J P W to a co P it a rPablo a ro II a U 110 M a pl a to w U a Ia I a P t110 do P U II m s t1 4 1 AT v P a o s s Each Week cMqe aar to amy at ant AI attacS not 11 0eII bit t I LOCAL TIMII CARD Other laformatJoa THE TICKET AGENT Q RAHNER Mil Act ST AUOUSTINE F Sena NORTH DOUNDRAO v II1 ball i t I 3 1v Jacl wen 1 7 I i 1 s h4 1 121 p S rt i p a S p tlne e IU a 4 e tit sa a 37 Iut Iaak i p i a a p a a Ir IwuA t Lt p r IL a t if Iv Ia11tu tr i Asa a iJl- i a tr ran s u p U5 a h In Irjl l ir p Grp a p 1 1 Id lU p 4 ad p I i p In r p 4- M A I I i p I i 0 p 3N p 4IM p t p 111 Ar Is 34p 1s a 1111 ti- t plr t Ir 115 p11 t lie j illr- a 12ai ter r a p t 1 s ill W 1 n Is p lid s p p p a- lit p ptr p sr p1 1 a i 1 o 931 lr sbrt Lc It 9 1 ull trt N tea sit j 11 1 1 4i p kl p p Y p p p 13 p toirl I j 14 I ot it t iii a p a at i2 E a p Jt ln a 11 a p I1 a i s u sill U i tt a p Sl I I a a l p ptr 1 s p h I a t 1 6i u M 1 p v p I 1t t5 r S a N 1 l p Puri Lan irniac n a1 6 p s aIlli rtlnnl1t7 6V u a p Lr 0tu a S a Li Itisml it r IImas a Iv I e i t 1arlnr LaJt ua Milo 7i f i I umlay T1 No No 271 No 93 pit Daily Dally Dally EtB- MrJatkanrllie 800 819u a 0J lto pi7t4 d9u 1 T 9e1 AtSLtudutlncOU a0Ml a 21o p Sn I In s 1 f No 2 a Dally Dally Es SlyinEs Sun Lt tueu flue 6 pI 6 6 p se u a 4u a i 111 ArJNmesh 710 710 p 110 p121 11240 7 W n i i 71 n nail Yo 4n- baly Only pally Su 3iayport 1all Ball y 11Ui p X13 tr 4 i a 1 ass s as uaaae lasses e t t f r0 a 7 e L s a4 iI- Cise Made JIM tvhl the Y YttwTta- alral s- zaa s ia tspasias- etss g sMs aids No traasfora tau swrrat rtawas hat Yw MrJ a sad d saal4eas to a- eaH Per CS 7f he w e SEE 4 UsaI PaN ± ± > > > < > > > < < > < < = = > > = = = == + + + + + ° + + < ° + ° + + ° ° + + + + + >

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Page 1: I Till I It The Food That Does Goonufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01423/00517.pdflaxative Roil Syrup take AlACHUA COUNTY i Ooo pears Gainesville the County Seat1 school inn



Was Char d with MurtJerinsj Mta eDyer at Savannah

Baraaaah Ga March 13 The carpal the cue of Tin McBride chargedwith being out less thaaaa hoar returned a verdict of aot

The young man was coagratMBoa the result by a host ef-

Tk McBride was toad oshaw ef harta Murdered Babe Dy

OM ef throe brotken who one atlanes Jut araMa hecaaiefa Ickt to treat ef Ute city hall withPtaamhtac laayoctor McKeaaa McKee

k4 beaten Babe Dyer theto a feat at the court hovM-WM after aaUafaetkm He

Matic MeXeuM M he alightedraaa a street ear The other Dyers

were a load or reedy to do ae-

wfcM HarfcerMCtM McBride

LAM and Pfttretaaa Patrick Kearney

atonrn by all aye Babe Dyer who hadsal flrtac lugaa Tiaa McBride

Ian ef the harberauater heard theaad raa frees the harbonaaaterasad teak a Mad la the shooting

araettac Ma Ire at Babe Dyer whoVM retreatiac before him and defaed-teg fctatMlf with flea that he hurled

aurder after



tM Pstos were


jtllltyt dated7



ea ageda


tut1NeeaaM Bab


1 takingJaws

xis of the PIee Citable leaap esrd as ease



ttalani Leftelatlen Dlaeueted-Waehfaftea March 13 Statehood

iajlslattoa formed one of the topicf at the White House oa

Meadey It developed from toe callsea the presMeat ef Speaker Caaaoa

RepreeeatatlTe Water of Indlaaa the Bepablte whip of the housethai tile aseatbera of the house wereiaeeaacd at the acttoa of the senate I

set ealy ea the statehood bill but on I

ether measure passed by the housewhich have bees decided with disap-proval by the senate

Patrick ranted ANther ReprieveAlbany N T March 13 Governor

HJffglM issued a further reprieveMay 18 la the of Albert T

Patrick who I wader sentence ofdeath for the alleged murder of VII

rkua Marsh Rice The respite isjoist request of District Attorney

Jerome and the attorneys for Patrickla order to allow time to continue theproceedlBRB on a motion for A newtrial now pending In New York city

A Scientific WonderThe ere that stand to its credit

make Buehlens Arnica Palve atide woader It cured E R Mulfordlecturer for the Patrons of HusbandryWajBctbare Pa of a distressing ease

It keels the worst burnslenci nib uleen euu wouadi ehllMales mm salt rheuM Oaljr e at

II drat st-







Ir tltsd














ADrThis Week-

We are distributors of thisexcellent rooting at Fac-

tory Prices Will last 13

years and ran halt amuch as Tin ASK USABOUT IT












For Coa tlp Mon DilouraeM In-

tllK 4ion Sour Stomach ColicDiuiacM Hea l eh anything

by ditonlcicJ UrnRcsom

That Di uny F Ugby your dlcto work incrcMl6g your appetiteand IB fad sakes you feel tike aMJf49 MAX

mi all Srojr tor

tDate Set fer Royal Marrlag

Madrid March 13 Premier MoretMonday officially communicated to thecabinet King Alfonso bethrothal toPrinces Ena of Battcnberg who

will be officially known as Vic-

toria EuRcnle Later the two housesof parliament were notified The min-

ister of finance will present a bill apirlatlnic the sum of 150000

Lemen Elixir


petting the




a sad are sr 1U1

a e Cedaea






tor the future queen The date of themarriage has been definitely fixed forJune 2

Cured ConsumptionMrs U W Evan Clearwater Kan

writes My husband lay tick forthree months The doctors laid hehad quick consumption We procureda bottle of Ballard Horehound Syrupand it eared him That yearsago and siace thin we have alwayskept a bottle in the We eannot do wihout it For coughs andcolds it has no equal 23j 6tc and 1

Sold by W M Johnson

Two KIPed In FightMlllon Ga March 13 A shohothln-

palray ociurrod at Sarboro 7 inlltshere In which two men were kill

ed John Burke and Ed Aycock bothwhite quarreled over a and thequarrel In a row each kllllnpthe other with n The menwere prominent In hnt section and thotragedy In o plnred John Burke leavesa wilt anti rove children Aycock wasunmnrrUd

Clears the ComplexionOrinn Laxative Fruit Syrup utimu

later the liver and thoroughlythe syitem and clear the complexion-of pimples and blotches It i the f tlaxative for women and children a itIs mild and pleasant and dory nutgripe or sicken Orino much suprlor to pills aperient waters and allordinary cathartics M it dots not irrilate the stomach and bowels J WMcCollum ft

Crushed Under a BoilerRaleigh X C March R V J

Wler and John Whltelnw were killed





was six









near the rock quarry Just east of thecity The two men both of whomwere over fiO years of were Inter-

ested In the Wake Granite companyand were oversevlnj the carrying ofa large boiler to the quarry In go-

ing down a steep Incline the wagonturned over and the men were crushedto death

Invaluable For RheumatismI hive been suffering for the att I

few years with a severe Httack of rheii-nmtfcni and found that Ballard snowLiniment wa the only thitiK liiit Rareme satisfaction and tended toaleviatemy pain March S4 John CDignHti Kinsman 111 1oc lard

1 rioul by W 31 Johnson

Congressman Gilbert Will ResignFort Wayne Ind Man h

Newton W Gilbert rtprt uitlvo Incongress true the twelfth district hayannounce here that he will hresign his seat to accept a judgesMpin the Philippine which poslilon hmbeen offered him hr the presMtnt-Corgr Siman lllbcrt will give up hUseat ome limo during the present

CASTORFor Infants and Children

Thi Kind Yoi Nays Always Beufhl

Boars thIS

Signature of C

Tragedy at a Lop RollingSparta Ga March IJ At a

four milts WIlt of town JackBarnes was shot dead by ManuelThomas Hath parties were negroes

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe Seaboard A Line operates buf-

fet cars between Waldo andTampa on train tearing Waldo thatconnects with the morning train fromGainesville


I lion

ties Ion


v c









> ¬



Cap Weighing Thirtyfive Tone WasThrust Aside by Rush of FlamesCaney Kan March 13 An attempt

to cover the RHH well C milesfrom with a great Iron hood uponwhich a week of preparation had beenspent was made Saturday night andfailed The hood with Its attachedpipes and weights weighing morethan 35 tons was aside bentand broken by the uiltjhty rush of gas

ad flamesThe cap was placed partially over

the stream of fire only after atrenuous efforts and with hardship to the

who suffered Intensely from theheat Following the effort the gasspouted from the well with rruewedforce expelling rocks and shooting aflame over 150 feet Into the air

The well has now been burning forfifteen days and millions of feet of j

gas have been burned

Dangers ef PneumoniaA cold at this time if nffl Ud i

to cause pneumonia which is tofatal aad even when the patteD

recovered the lun s are weakenedtheta peculiarly n eeptiblr to

development of consumption FoHoney and Tar will stop the



thrust I







cough heal and strengthen the lungsand prevent pneumonia LaGrippecoughs yield quickly to the wonderfulcuratiTTar There is nothing Just asgood J W MeColliim kv Cu

Another ueasavk t r nfr ne-

AlKcoirus Spain March IS TheFrench hlcirats il rhirv y will notaccept foreign control of tIlt FrancoSpanish police for Morocco The Getmans are firm This nuikoh a mo-

mentary deadlock ujHin details but asolution is conslikrid assured as theparties agreed on the main principlesInvolved

Girl Kills SweetheartWlchlth Knnh March lit Corrlnne

Miller 1C and killedswefthiiirt William Morrow aged 21

Monday morning because of JealousyMorrow stood at the head of H stair-way when shot The body rolled downthe btulrr and into the

MI for rtMt t ffrd from what mrdlr l Bra-e ll il l T t ptu ftod Catarrh nf th stomachPtti a to Cud ibis 0 I ft l llD

mfttt ell B J 4c our doctor tar-Srtt I ibowrd him In noth itor r mftlB l r fttMiat till m 1 nclhof ft tftp-

olati ictltBnnifti win ftl ta other taffrnrt-C Ul IilrlDltr llftf-


qualitlf of role Honey and I




shot her

lot rttt


boo fI

lID Iht I

0 lb jarWe II

neat for




Area I aeretaaod wax sueI hut

when tat and

bse Man npping my rltsllsr torIhat ever sineaPp






< > >


PI ft nl Pftjftlftbl Pot nt Tft t O wl Do GoodK r Wrftk n or ilrli r v M N TCtoM lo bulk rnUii t l t UCUUo tftal U to tan ur your r beck

utUE Remedy Co Chic co or NY 994


GRINDPleasant to

The new laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseate

stomach and livertroubles and chronic con-stipation by restoring thenatural action of the stomfilch liver and bowel

For Sale l y J W Mrtollam A fe-

Alnehtia Founts i 806100 acres inarea MS milts railroad 900miles watjuti road M pustutfiVes123 public chiHils 27 phosphateplmtit J0 mill

Hvw newspapers andcorn cotton rice

oats rye potatoes pineapple oranRt pttan and all kinds of vf taliles

fourteen churches twoUnivenity Florida

private i chool three newspaperState land the best

water fire alarm system electricand Rail lights two ice firtonesmachine shop three wool facto

cotton gin two ft ctoriethree railroad two fertiliser maniifacturuiK cumpanie one tlbermanufactory one rectifying tur-pentine plant two andstocked embracing everthing in the commercial line



laxative Roil Syruptake


i Ooo


Gainesville the County Seat1





The andmot


saw court-house pro-duces


sirs s









The Food That Does Goon

Tae 04 tlra OU

CUM hBlttoa Far decOntM for


CiM i llin all rnlBMuiy DUcu AllDraaflMs two ctM 6e fL

TUAL aMrnie rife BY MAUL

KOWJUalN ft SweH Nay Twt

Names Maids of HonorMacon Ga March 13 MU Mia

WllllnRham daughter of Mr andC B XVIIMnpham who has been chosensponsor fur the Sims of Veterans atthe New Orlpaas reunion hasall the maids of honor who are toaccompany her These are Miss Kath-

leen McttreRor Kate E1U MisFrancis Solomon and Mlis Lena May


Jordan Touring CarolinaColumbia S C March 13 Hon

Ifarvle Jordan president of the Southern Cotton association Is making atour of this state He deliveredspeeches at lancaster Chester andFlorence The meetings have beenwell attended by the farmers and tinhand of the association I being wellrcrelvrd








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Henooa uttentloa to u m cem laslits liar Mat sad tce ruitU o Jen-prompty to

Gainesville Florida

W R JOHNSONE tabUhed 9 Year

COMMUNION MERCHANTIVboleviie Dealer and Shli t er o KRUIt

cad VUURTAtlLK 5 VV sixth andUeonce M Ctoclnnat Ohio ItosiD-

IYa to llant Cucumber Etc CurIoutoo CabbJirc sad ToiLJtoe RcfiZ-racv r Cltr HnJ IJanU Clnelnisitl O M ri-oartl A J W Mratv Molntu ttclUtJ M Holding lluin 5iie rii II I Yo MLErin ttin Ka Matrix or tereuu lirr r Hndetor

Advertise in Tilt Sun







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