i till ilnox 18 hours 27 hours hat lo chicag- i othe st...

THE SUN SATURDAY JUNE 10 1905 I n r T r I 4 CHOATE GUEST OF PILGRIMS FCYfl STAllTKn TO HOlSK Till 4HKWC1V AMIIlSSiDOIt- nnhop Potter and Mr Chnato Ilrfer 11 tip NCM ana Ono Sinn Who Snys lies Poor Offers SSOOO sir llurlltuer- Duriiid IralsM Iloturnrtl lllplntnnt- Jssoph H Choate late American Amhflfl radar to tho Court of St Jamess wua wel- comed homo lost nl ht nt a dintier which won on ifprftJontutivo of New York an it was eQthu4lustlo It foil to tho Pilgrims oi tho United SUtM whoso kindred widely on the other sldo Mr Chonto helped to organize to ertond thh wnlcomo to him and there nothing lacking In tim Tfcnntb with which Mr Choute was greeted by the aSO New Yorkera gntherod around him In Iar8 ballroom of tho Waldorf- i Attorln Mr Chontn reonliatod us an after dinner ipenker on this side of tho water Tho j train of hb services ns such on the other j has not told upon him apparently Bishop Pottor was tho toastmaKter at the dinner On lib right wit Mr Choato and on hlfl loft tho British AmbaHNidor Sir HoarY Mortimer Durand On Mr Choatea right Paul Morton who next Mr camo In for mot attention and of much talk Others at the guasb table were Justice Morgrtn J- OBrifn Comptroller Grout Commissioner McAdoo Judge Parker Haron Kaneko of Japan Gen Frederick D Grant Iresi LJwup Admiral Coghlnn Robert Shaw i Oliver ABBlwtant Secretary of War II Evans Cornelius NHllss lenWilson fladazuchl Uchida tho Japanese Coti Over tho head table was a mass of Ameri- can British flags from which blazed in electric Welcome Home The menus contained a steul tie guet of the evening a niproductlon painting glen to him his Birieude In of having nerved than any other American Amhiuwi- lor There was alno a poem written In celebrtttton of the event M ireene The too cream boxes bore n of the evening Itwn after 10 oclock when Potter and proposed a toast President which cheers were more cheers too when he pro nail a toast to the Afterthat called upon the see the received THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON i May t trtiV I Mr PEAK Mn DCTNCAV I have your letter of the lith Inst transmitting I Invitation of the Pilgrims of the fulled to attend their to Ambassador Choate on the evening of the nth of June but I hove already had to refuse several inch Invitation It is out of the miniMon for me to leave Washington at r WM the r aide lat to Cole dent Dr i law h o- ff t t- ote onio of r which thli f I It wero for to 13itler1 Morgan Dix MnrrL4 IC cay and fort his id retary to read nong was wkh ow ¬ ¬ < tne time of your Mr Choote an Ambassador rendered high Mid useful service not merely to hi own and to tho country to whicl- ha was accredited hut to all mankind tun It U eminently fit that American hould loin to pay him honor With best for the success of ocaion I am sincerely yours The PilsruiH of London sent the follow- Ing Our very best wishes Your gain i our IMS- It bccom me now said Bishop Potter to propose a tot to your guest the lion Joseph Choate I iiavo lately in prints that our guc t returns a tale of some perplexity a to the hn in to follow hare He U a member of tho bar but some of his associations prompt him toward a better calling Ho I ar constantly mistaken for ont nndtlicr The Bishop then told how when Mr Choate was with a young woman Strand the latter him Bishop That Potter was tlw of Mr Chontes life He is honored not only he aue he Is a Seat lawyer hut because he Illustrates qualities that have bound him tu all his men We have met here BSO to to him our sympathy that a great republic id willing to a representative rto one of the greatest courts of world iWid expect him to pay his own expenses also it is necessary for an i Bod or to cultivate the art of holding ids That is a hardship of diplomatic In responding Mr Choate said tonight at the Mafi House I could not express half of I felt of gratitude of friendship Of ot parting in the presence n assembly of that is great and in Great Britain Mr Balfour on behalf of the Eng people bade me oed and fare wellj now in an equally representative of nil that I honor in madn up indeed of the men I have and wintered for more than forty years with a htirinkling here and young men have a it were grown up at my feet an l who are very to me you in behalf of my countrymen give me an equally atlee home- If I could feet that I deserved onehalf- rf the praise and benediction lavished i pon me on occasion I should he so mv head would strike the stars but in truth and Indeed I do not It TM my privilege to serve as Ambassador In two in two reigns and under two of the most celebrated Presidents of United States and nil the time my duties in England were easy very Toward own countrymen who visited England In such increasing every there was of course hut one rule lo folow ttint the Ambassador fenta no party and no social class hut was the servant of nil ulilio so that Whether Mr Bryan came who fairly ientoil of our countrymen with whoso political faith I was at or a exPresident whom I had heart llv supported I was tho servant cf both them in contat with ho loading men of the country nail to put tho limited resources of the embassy fit their command And I am hound to that in those two inanfivn wore objects of equal intern ruts to British statesmen to a of disappointment when I hall taken Mr Bryan to of Kneland and saw thin gold bullion in Its famous vaults with apparent vrst to find thnt it seemed to no on his pollticjl faith SornetimRs Indeed he most exacting of countrymen demanded a thor than I thorn as to breakfast with the King or at Windsor Castle or to visit private establishment to which 1 had no HCCCM But on tho whole they were habitually reasonable and I found it a great to minister to their wants The American Society in London which n great In in relieving distreRii of stranded Ameri- cana was a great help to the om- boRfcy laughter ho had hind instnic ABOUT CNE In THRBB COFFEE DRINKERS- have som disease caused hy it Ask them get well If not too drop when they leave ofT COFFEE POSTUM M H j the e I an dow i d turing and lr Ute Ion i emtI err th re 0 ar I Tn I the ery r anti av I al Ir II ley and uo i J good EIT thee I r t 1 to ear tOt NtL I ing I tin t > ¬ ¬ tlans frrm IlcMcont MeKhiov to promote and maintain tho friendship and in tho KnvlUh thlnex- mnpln of his hit lund among them stiidiol tions nodal llfo mid hut mot with nothing hut kindness ami good will ho toiulnuod that there Is not n nina woinnn or child in Irent Uritnlu win h nui frUunlly iw anti that as n people tiny urn to he on terms will United States They have manifested great interest in our heroes Washing- ton rrnnkiln Hamilton and Lincoln hut there ii on living American who appeals very Mrongly to their and Is of interest- cunoiilv and applause and if hi nnmo were to it would command the sarno overwhelming support that it among his own tlemen will nut mu to mention his name cheers Mr Choato wnnt on to ny tint everything that had tOil in thin way of relation with England been removed and that Lord IjimKlnwnn and Mr Hay who wore tho responsible author wore to the credit for that had teen done Their coiuhut of our relations aid Mr thoale dan hemi on both Mm- sitaro and nhovooonrd and sincere it will lo happy for liotli countriui if spirit continue I n one other political factor went on Mr Client at nil times a strong influence for harmonious and cordial relations between tlio I wo count I tho pv and great inlluenco of tide King Till lal o aim t h Sovereign of iriiit have been steadfast in tho fnlt h any I rouble bet wren England mind would he a ralainUy and to bo avoided all honorable mean mid I may titiTroly disavow somewhat too praise bestowed on in for bringing perfect relation between the Mr said dial ho found n inmon table tho old circle of his friends He nlso salt ho had niiieh to lament in haunt lost I ho resemblance which ho oneo luau to Potter Ite said that hn oni1 was told that ho rewmbled tin and when ho hits informer said Oh yes sir the likeness is wonderful tho rover loohod half so clerical Tluie is one drawback the ernlvissy Mr went cjn in a home II shares this distinction with Turkey Each successive Amlinssu to nlwut for a home which the of his persona purse have wandered from street to Port land place from to terrace and I hall to move from one o another In the midst of my term tho owner naturally enough wrnted to livo in his own However by the courtesy of successive landlords Viceroy of India mid the 1riine MlnUter of Hrltain I found a place from which to Moat tin Stan and Stripe hut what 1 maintain is that a country like ours rich mid powerful should of its own to Moat Mug on the Fourth of July and on all our great without lease or license from Viceroy Premier or anybody else loud j Mr Choate slid his own unfortunate poem in Tin Srv mover I ond doC all alf lan hi tIlt t ht t t onl hal dol hal ton hOI I hOI I rral hind dpiltelly a goon neiIecssoni t hOi r a flI t r foci surf i t t ennui ni eu a i Ito flIt Iiihdal I tart g biat t i I lii nisni s nil subunit colt ret ui no Lou id I chIll led tnt 0 k I ties t I I tnt a i a 1 ty iii out a ii iiucet WI count rs boa t e gut l Ill I ttwt nod boat e Ftt h I it mutt Fa silt inns Carl- ton t use hluiighhir t ill t a t I po1t ion tasmni adnitiral lv a ¬ ¬ > ¬ MM stained stranger wandering aoou streets of London and finally with a policeman who told that hi would to move on home I Home said ho 1 have no home in the American Amiasndor The present arrangement he Mild i undemocratic and blow the of a great notion It is utifaii to the President bemuse it his choict every time Ho mijriit to to lay ii- hanri on the xlinuhler of whomever con- siders the best man among our mil- lions o represent in Europe whether n of his own or not cries of I of you thnt any politico in llnenco will urge this reform Mr Choato was heartily chwrod Then a member of the society Rot up mid saul that nlthough ho was a man would give j SiOUO to start a subscription to buy a home for the American Bishop Potter wild IIB would appoint a committee tine object of which le to further the Sir the Kngli h Am- bassador at tbini Iompli- mentefl Mr tlioate lie referred to as one of flu1 bot American Ambassadors ever sent t Knglnnd and that there was great regret unions his over mine O H of Mr Choate and his wife find daughter who had ii him so well in London Sir Mortimer sail he wasnt point to dilate on Mr ClViiles good and genial coniiality till char act ritie of hits countrymen but that when Englishmen wanted a on any sub- ject under tlie sun turned to ho neir disappoint fit them At lis term was not a known r better likid man IIP Ameri- can Ami if SIM lor Sir Mortimer said to a of applause Nicholas r dent of- Columbia wound up making IUCIIISTS II NT FHfM HKItrl- lnllaii 1iillce Are Now Mearelilnr Thrill fiprtlil IMf Dftpilfll ll SrvI- iONDfjN Juno 9 In a sent lucre by mail Tut SaN correxjncient at nome that two siipiciou characters supposed to bo anrchiss one cltiy this week visited tho royal palace at Venire which Queen Dmvager will wnn occupy They were not detained are now searching for them receive I information from tho- Tnited States that nn rchists ro for Italy The Ciovern- ment refused to allow the nlnvo inform- atlii to he telegraphed nail Iho orre sent it by mail Spanish IHrecttirn Aeeuspd- wriul dlili l l ntr l I Ills SfS June 0 A committee of the shareholders of the Northern com- pany has ipfured to adopt the annual re- port which shows a of 000ooo pesetas The committee tnnkes serious against the directors utah other oiiicials Itnillnni ttiro fur tlnliliS uhlf lintiattli in Tin Srv- Tiiiis Italy June Prof Iioni of University linn emmett an advanced cae of rcbios by ex- posure to the niys ot ntdiuin Th iirrvMirr rnnilnuinl hlirli nvrr the Mliltll- oAtlinilr nnd Xrw Kneliitul Maici r lcrilny wliirr thy WM fair uini Hi tu 12 ilrirrrjv- rtrinrr There was an Men of lov j rfv nr r v- crliiff fiiiru Sintcs with Its crniir- ivir Nihrakn nml smith imivlnir mirth Wfsiwani thin eric un1 nllindfil by clomlj Miinvrry ciinilltliinx In Kansas Nclirnslin Inni the DikiiKis Mlnnisnlii UlMonslli llllno- Indtnnn niul Mlchlirati In Ihr oulhwwt itnc- lKniky MWHS hi iviiilicr wns Ixtrrniv hcnl ruiflnir Iniin HI In riccrrrs- lirivnltid In Hi Southwest find Stairs I In llil city 111 dikj fair anil warmer wind frisli nnd varinldr slilflnir train in sontli- nviraffc luunldlty 51 prr vent barnmrlrr car rrcleillurrail 10 cn level nl h AM 30 IS 31 icmiiriAlurr ycitrrday as rrcordfil hy the uniclal ilicriiiiimitir Is xniwn In thc annrxpd lahlc- Wt HMi IKTi ll OAM ra WlfllM 77 M- I3M 71 M JlM 70 M 70 i7 I Mid 07 liinrviir 77 nl nP M- VARiiiNnrnN roiiicBT I on TO HAT Monnov- rtor rustfrn York tind rustfrii ffiMt r7 la- MOUVM thin uftrrnuon nr ffttlnc nhoiccrs ant rotttrr- jmorroif HyM to frFit imtlhrrlu Kinds if coming Inr IXInnnrn New Jiruv Maryland the DIs- Ulrt of Clilunitila ant VlruHila warmer today with showers In tin nr rvrnlne showers nnd cmilir tnnuirrnw Iliht In Ircsli ilnds Itrcornlnc nortli Sunday For wcMPrn Srv Vurk shower today nnit cannier In cini iiortlnn shnivrrs anti rooter to- morrow Iresh snulli winds shifting to northerly Inr Kew Iviiitland tmrlly cloudy ulliK- hnwerft at nlzhl uliowrrs to morror fresh south- erly Minds iHTomtnc northerly tomorrow hill h Ill helm and hat I I led t Ir f t ln the sprrch fur TIP hit rid J enl t Wrl11r tie old ll 10 today rut tii i imeet tim i a ad di I I mimi I s uh nit i I an I ion loe- t Inn vu i to wi ui tnt I Idler Dii no nil Vst ii mIu ton am eon nt rylhteht ic stnreviluie I hunt i LI nil t tin a I I tot t or t tin t olInv tl aura v lint or vrit y IiI I tlI a tel report 4 soy ci itt I sin tIn th SiR Mi not eLI ttttisannonttuceni that Thur V Itt tnr TI mill I im unIt t tnt kin in Maui I tat r tie I nil diM noun ii t- at t- It iLtii5t ASCII yew uur1rfli norroit tilt rntooii soothe rir ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > Aside from its dainty and handsome appear mce the wearer ot the IlNOX i Featherweight Bamboo HAT j scarcely realizes that there is anything on the head All the correct designs in straw and Panamas Agrnrlrs In alt the principal clllrs ot the world ALFONSO PLEASES ENGLAND rorVf KVO HRAIITILY CHEEKED OV LAST DAY OF VISIT Han Knjoynl Himself In n Strrnuotu Round of SIshlsrelnRState Hall at limkl- iiKliain Palaco Knds the Formal En- tertainment Starts for Home To tliy- Kprtlal Dispatch to TIIK Sos LONDON June 0 King Alfonsos visit to England ended today nail ho will start for Madrid tomorrow Sailor Villa Urnitln Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs an- nounces tutu his Majesty has enjoyed hits visit Immensely Ho is deeply impressed by the cordiality of his reception not only by King Kdwnrd nnd his family hut by tho public Qthing could hnvo been kinder deferring to tho political relation tweon time two countries tim Minister ndds that they could not bo bettered lint the Kings visit hon been of tho highest inter- national significance emphasizing the good feeling nail milking closer tIm tins between Great Britain nnd Spain The latter coun- try will adhere to all her engagements with and England in regard to pending Alfonso before leaving invited King Edward nail Queen Alexandra to visit Spain He huts appointed King Edward to the Colonelcy of u Spanish regiment A state ball at Buckingham Palace to night ended the weeks functions King Alfotno spent thin afternoon at Windsor Castle accompanied by King Edward Earlier in the day he visited the Zoological Hardens and intpectcd the Fire Brigade His visit huts been a strenuous round of sight seeing and state functions ills energy high spirits and evident apprecia- tion created a mot favorable impression and he was cheered by the public every- where King Edward has conferred various grades of the Victorian Order on Senior Villa Irrutla Spanish Minister of Foreign So nor Polo do Bernnlxj tho Spanish Amlmssador and the members of King Alfonsos suite hat i FranC i aWe lie Afla ins ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FLAO OF iFCHLEHt- nlon llmhlrm and Chance Aromr KnthiiMasiu- Spffjl liniiatchrs to THE Srx- CIIRIHTIANIA Norway June imlon flag was lowered throughout Norway to- day and tho Xorao tricolor was hoisted in it place Tho change was marked by great ceremony and enthusiasm at Akerslnm tho ancient castle and fortress which com- mands tho entrance to tim harbor of Chris tlania Thirty thousand persons including tho numbers of tho Storthing witnessed tho ceremony As tho now colors wero un- furled a national salute was fired and bands the national anthem Foreign Minister Loo viand nnd other menders of thin Cabinet repudiate the foreign rumors that Norway contemplates entering into political combinations with other countries They declare that it is thu intention to maintain complete neu- trality and to keep outside of all political connections with other Powers They hopo that Norway will U able to discuss with Sweden and Denmark tho means by which the Scandinavian countries may liest secure their neutrality and work together for thin common good MAIMO Sweden Juno I Crown Prince Ciistavis Adolphus who returned lost night from Berlin received a tremendous ovation on landing in Swedish territory A thousand persons assembled nnd sang pntriotic songs The Prince wnslhe object of similar enthusiastic demonstration on reaching Lund and on his arrival at Stock- holm this morning LONDON Juno hns sent u telegram to tIe Vienna frric- Ircnir saying that thin nddross of the Stor tiling to King Near Is nn expression of the will of tho wholo Tho separation he says will bo a blessing to nIt the north FILIPIO rornoL rapture Ie Ieral f am ml Inn ami Demnml Immediate InilPiirndrnee- filitlnl fnWr rtpmtli la Till SIS MANILA Juno 0 A advertised meeting of thin Federal party was held to- day hut the nttendnnco was slim Thfi conservatives wero overwhelmed Those favoring nn indefinite period for prepnra for selfgovernment worn beaten nnd of iank another was substi- tuted amid wild demanding immediate independence of the delegates left meeting before the final vote Was taken The radicals were in full control of tho niliiatlnn They urged llio abolition of constabulary a reduction in time taxes MIIS VOTTFK KXILAIS l ORT How Klip Jot Slonoy lrnni Iosslck Who I- rhargril IVItli KmlKVloinrnttt- liectul Me liftpitfh in TUB Sux Juno 3 Tho trial of Alfred Fossick the solicitor accused of emhe77ling MIRti mono the estate of Agne Skinner which ho was said to hnve I lent lo Mrs James Brown Potter began today Mrs Potter testified that Fossick was her solicitor for years nnd in complete j control of her tiorionnl affairs front October to January In October she leased the Savoy Thenler for SlOOO telling that slm j needed ocr an overdraft at tho neil 25000 to nm the theater Few sick said ho had clients to ndvancn0- iOOO Bray Lodge which sue valued nt maul 100000 to 10000 Between Nov 21 and Jan 24 Fossick ii300 Into tier She had requested her money account When the lease of the on Fel 4 Fossick proposed producing Du Barry saying ready to refused to give their names it wns arranged that she should draw her ordinary salary of 500 a week hut din never any Fossick paid 15000 Into her account 11 and March 3 she drawing checks on clients as a matter of conven- ience to them Fossick assuring her that everything Wits asked what was the net result of her association with Fossick She It ruined when her lawyer objected to tho question She a bill of Bray Lodge during tile week of the Du harry run so poor employees of the theater would not wages BMIIFZZICUS nisnoMCsr nunoYKES can be Insurrd Mlnsi br tILe lldcllly boadt ot- THK ALTVA INDEMMTV COJIPANr ruar ntce- Inx employcri agiUut Iou PanlcuUn at William Street New York HUlA I I i 1HHfI ton WIlt I I pail account Fo I behalf- of Fn I was I lat k i I N- ol CLAd I I c u red ibis tiThe rnson nat I uii ito IlA I lIEN It 0 Etugtut nil ill i r r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ALBERT T PATRICK MUST DIE COURT OF APPEALS AFFIRM ins rwvrnrov- JurlRfl Writes the Irrvalllnt Opinion In Which luilscs ilartlott llulnht Werner Concurludsrs Oltrlrn Vnnn anti Chief linlse Cohen UlMcnt- AinANY June o Lawyer Albert T Patrick convicted of murder in thin first degree In causing time death of William Month Rico the aged millionaire In Now York on Sept 21 law will suffer the ex- treme penalty for his crime Today the Court of Appeals handed down a decision sustaining tim judgment of conviction Rices donut was due to chloroform and mercury administered to him during his last Illness Patricks appeal was argued before the Court of Appeals on March U last by Id B Hill who asked for a reversal mainly on the ground that tho condition of Nices body after death as revealed by the post mortem might have been caused by time embalming fluid used by tho undertaker Tho prevailing opinion of tho court was written by Judge in which Judges Bartlett Haight and Werner concur Judge OBrien wrote a dissenting opinion in which Judge Vnnn and Chile Judgo concur In time course of hits opinion Judgo Gray sets forth that tho theory of the people was that Patrick hind conspired with Charles K Jones tutu or us iometimoH called time secretary to kill lute unit that the defendant procured Jones to administer chloroform to him while hn WitS asleep in the accomplishment of their joint purpose This purpose it was claimed was motived- by the desire to obtain possesdon of Iticos estate through a will In favor of Patrick and through various transfer to him of properiei all purporting to have been executed hilt which had in foci I been forged defendant with Joness aid The opinion continues The wits IKIMV upon a denial that Nices death was edeiied by violent means or that it wits by the proeu fluent of the defendant and thin proposition wai advanced that the were not brought home to tho defendant or if the evidence warranted Iho hiding that were that that fact tint necessarily fasten upon him a criminal agency in murder it was com milled thin act mantle to die for the prosecution had the voluntary confession of Jones that it was It Induitnl and aided theicto by tilt defendant the defendant was a pritn our law if he aided abctlinl it whether j present or absent or if he or indi counseled commanded inducifl or procured another i commit it Penal lilt I thin trial therefore presented these qlietkms to time jury upon whether it tuna that death wiu thin result of poisoning or whether that result aided or induced or procured by thin defendant Circumtan was sulitj nl for their deter mlnatlon death admitted If it was of such a character as lo have nn inference of guilt the only revoaiiblo possible from the fuel dNcIosnd Tho jury might well lint U n the evi- dence that the was the rewult of natural cause and It uo to sume criminal agency They coulii well eon cludo thu no natural cause death and that light of medical opinions it could be nc counted for as happened in the way testified to by Jones chlorr form nciminMercd white victim wits sleeping The physicians who at t to physical making death It WHS for the to whet lien the nets and opinions with that of Prof Wit- thaus cctiiiinted for a death bv chloroforni The witnesses of the telifierl to the faits of a congestion extending all over the lungs and of tho orim in a normal condition relath t the agti o time deceased Tliomedical export upon the hypotheti- cal ease put assumed tlr ixUUncn t f edema of thin IIIIIRA which must arise front or as Dr Flint expressed It whHi was a of a disiiso If tho believed llm if the physicians who took In nutopsy i certain that there WIIM no eiieie nf a vital organ to account ur tim i deina The linding of mercury in time body corrohor aid Jones ns to having isivvn meiviirial pills to the deceased to wriikin hi svtom thinl that tin verdict rested upon sati facton evidonoe nf the of Jnnesii lory and of the connection of Patrick front to the close of the Conspiracy fliscln cd The iiirnrs were bellovlnp that death was caused by chloioform vi ntiing and that i certain material facts hwirn to wit- nesses other taken thein- Klvei irresistihlv to the one inference that was the mind that had con- ceived th crlriiniil act nnd induced its Tl1 evidence independently of tbe liitinu i f tln n ItMiilt v i enihing implication of Patriot In delibirate purpose to kill Ki in urdor that ho his ant alt it Hen I furerlt lot call I hI I hit pnl itut of tlt I I l e ole not In I I t hull il olr hw ion wn h h t ill l lit ray Dive C rut y oh limit t ch Ii t its tnt echoic muniler ii tat I tCt ti wit 4 a it o Ucat it t lilt t hint for tint the tin I tug assist ed t isy I 0 ti1it ions niat urn I I IIt Sn v ut tug test i miluiti t tim t rim t I mfm l s I rn II a t I tin Jones Inc I i t t nick eon lii iss Inn I ¬ < ¬ ¬ < In justice dors tint demnml that the have n new trial no error wnro upon tliis trial in tho ruling of the Court or in tho of the accused In my judgment the evidence upon which now is demanded not elwnpo Iho result It i cumu- lative in nature nail l mls principally to contradict the former IIIKSKNTINd OPINION Judge in Ills dissenting opinion rays the defendiiit his counsel hums presented legul objections involving gravest chn racier that can- not be silently ignored If they cannot ho to any fair talmud the objections should whatever is thought of defendants guilt or innocence Tho first tiling to bo carefully consid- ered is tho the It is n fundamental principle of criminal law before one can ho convicted of murder or manslaughter It must be clearly that the death of a human being was feloniously Tho primary iiiuvtioii whether Kievs wa tho result of a crime The fuel is not C- Htnhlished by tho strongest motive but must he proved People beyond reasonable Mice was a old man M old was quito sick Dr Curry attending him daily declaring tile wont nt any mo- ment lie was delirious on morn- ing and died on Sunday afternoon Jones his the Peoples principal witness Haw him last to alive tried to kill him but he does not know no ono ran ever know whether ho a man or upon a corpse Ho saturated a sponge with two ounces of chloroform put in a cone out of n towel time cone over nnd no o of the body nail limit thin room Com- ing hack in minutes ho found the cone the name position The body limo not moved Tho of nut urn to shrink mono the pungent odor or tho struggle of death had sufficient to tim cone Js to bo Iwlieved Can tIle word of such a creatu re as Jones confessed him- self to be be taken to establish such 1111 im Twenty minutes after Or Curry his ear over to hear it with his noso six inches foil Hicas beard claimed to bo saturated with he yet did not smell chloroform Xo odor of was in the room Jones also claims that he burned tho towel and sponge with a match and that they up Science nay that that The undertaker and mnhnlmer found no odor of chloroform No ono thought of chloroform agency of thin Jones hud mado Ills and fourth confession after recanting three others that were shown to false certified to death front natural causen Embalming thud wojj Injected in- to the arteries by hydraulic pressure and td 10 jurr whjh I I e u hi all mar thlrt lot iturh t 1 an I oUr tIm Ion c fell In nt I romnini t III rge ii tlrctetl hum y iiii St U lit liii t lie nIt 3 t nut I 0 tIlt I tNM It rich I h rout l I t e 0 tti4Wl unit comivi nd inn vs If s ict I thIn t 1111 11 cool isimeil mciii t ii I I I a t itt cx Sui ada y Lt let I a tint t tit ii t lea Ii I cit iouoloriui it < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 18 HOURS lo Chicag- oTHE SPECIALT- HE FASTEST LONG DISTANCE TRAIN IN THE WORLD i i PENNSYLVANIA RAILR BEGINNING JUNE 11 1905 E vI TXI efl Lv New York W 23d St 355 P M Desb and Cort Sts 400 Brooklyn 345 Chicago 855 A M Pnllmnn Tar Sleeping Dining CVr nml IonilariniPiit Observation Car DAILY I t- Ar Pcrtnr molln ln Room Car I St 4 DULY Lv New York West 23d St 1055 A M Desb and Cort Sts 1100 Brooklyn 1045 Ar 6SO t Louis 130 P M Pullman Pnrlor Smolilnic Car DrawingRnnm Sprr1ncCan PI mi Compartment Ibservatlou Car to St Louts iiuoii i p tag Car lo Clnrlnnatl I t Jrlwl I I I Car SIMILAR SERVICE FAST TRAINS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO ST LOUIS CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI- W W ATTERBURY General Manager J R WOOD Passenger Traffic Manager GEO W BOYD General Passenger Agent Outings at of One Discriminating travelers will choose the Northern Pacific Railway in journeying to the Lewis and ClarK Exposition at Portland Ore June 1 to October St 1905 and do the Yellowstone Americas Won derlanden advantage of very low rates View the Great Puget Sound Country Only a short trip to Alaska Travel on to J North Coast Limited The Comfort Train Twe Imuontitnttl trains iltilr Ittwn St Paid Miiniax Ni t J Tuawu utd PortlmJ tfoiltirn PsdJIeBurliitfto ttlwtnt SI Louis nd Ktnta td Stttllc n Four tntti for Lees tnJ Clrk BooW B nitrcationi anJ iijj raaiorj lit emit or WonitrUnd lo I M CMitd aJJrcit 1C K Mtnton G D ito Hrtu- JCininl Putnttr Attat Si Paul 4 uvy New Yoilt City RETURNINCOT- HER 1 i M Tw- o I route taking 1 I J u Cit BalI f 4 P I- R a Seat sun i rUe t p x < = Electric Service at Reduced Rates Beginning Jtily 1st IQ Cents- a Kilowatt Hour instead of 15 Cents Contracts may be made at the following offices GENERAL OFFICES 5S Duane Street 380 GRAND STREET 117 WEST 125th STREET 30 WEST 32d STREET 634 EAST 149th STREET The New York Edison Co 55 Duane Street It found everywhere fortythree bourn ifforward WAS unite nnd tlioufin murder was no odor of chloroform WIIH no found time chomlstH who portions of thin tong after been anal Jones had tiuidn his flnnl confe Hion wns thin clilorofonn theory ndvnnced Projior in linpiwsilili The judgment rests on of- i bites iina Coroners physicians Jones testilled under Immunity Ho wan maintained nt in a and in n comfortable attended other of nmusemont and was flnnlly set at After Joness eonfession ns to thin chloroform time Coroners set to work to corroborate it experimenting n year ono of them IISIIIK 140 and animals All the lion ho wns a salaried official yet bo n hill for tboso services of SToOOnnfl actually re- ceived finn Tho other also a bill and wns ThosH facts corn not known at the trial nnd theso witnesses were presented lo tie us disinterested with no motive to nervert tho truth In oil thin records of this court no case ran bo found whore n conviction for n capital offense 1ms been sustained in tho such objections ns this cnse pre- sents I can sen no reason for making dIsc nn exception CttlKb1 JIDOK CUUKVH niSHKNT Chief lml o Iullen in n short opinion concurs with Judge Ollrien for cllsaercei with him IIP to several proposi- tions He says there is a limit to extent which errors may be disregarded even in a diSC where thought tho verdict is AT NUMBER 400 FIFTH I AVENU- EI Tillh A athi I- olid Silver for our beautiful Rose pattern table I wuro artistic shapes with American licauty roses in bold relief weight u teaspoons 750 other piecen nt proportionate prices A tine sot of 80 pieces In a compact onkchest 30000 You would find- a visitto our Fifth A venue rooms very interesting MERMOD JACCARD Catalog of Jtivtlry Etc Stnt Free pl on cremated o itoa houF I weddin MIa I S I x t r I was suspected tin ost i gal 1111 was iiiC ruling theaters mmii dares I aim t I nisiitt I n 11 file huttt 5 1W KING ¬ ¬ ¬ 27 HOURS 8 n lT- ISto St Louis THE ST lOUIS LIMITED I THE FASTEST TRAIN THE SOUTHWEST I AD TO Eddy RefrigeratorsO- ur Standard fora Quarter a Century The Premier OlassLlned Refrigerator perfection 01 cleanliness and economy Ordrrsby mall receive promptnnd careful attention 130 and 132 Wrtt 47d Slrrrt unit 135 Wnt Fortyant St New York l mcii in world titrj uiun 31 t r nn rlen f THE THOS J STEWART CO Rway t 4IKII SI V i lhaa in llih- FrU Sth SU tllTS- TORAOK WAUKHOUSK AM MOViNG VANS Write or telephone lily Intcrcsllnr booklet warranted thin facts As to seventh vital errors committed in the admission and exclusion of testimony he that or un is a confession and it is only fin a confession that the fact of at suicide- is admissible in evidence It is plain thnt tho confession of Jones was not competent evidence against Patrick and Joness attempt at suicide wins equally in- competent Hill said tonight that Patricks fight for life has not ended mind that either a motion for a before tho Court of would bo made ornn application bra now trial would bo made on of newly discovered evidence AdlllCCLTUHA L IXSTITlTE Separate neprmentHtloii for Canada Aus- tralia and India fiprclal cnWf Drifatth to TUB XtS HOME June 0 England notwithstanding Gorman has succeeded in obtain in tile International Institute of Agri- culture separate representation for Canada of tho mother country The of tho institute has been Axed at 800000 franos 160000 of which King Victor Emmanuel will con j tribute 300000 franc The balance will be contributed pro rata by thoother Powers I i I h ulcido ntl I I I I WISOjGER CARPET CLEANSING the niev LrL < ¬ ¬ ¬ = > For Men Only DOLLAR SILK Underwear made to lit well and well The mer- cerization strengthens the vnrn The np pearance is that of siiii nn appear ance NOT lost in washing end drawers are silkfaced Plain JUj white and blue Per garment BLACK HALF MOSt pure silk toe and heel 3 for l Manufarured in Chemnitz Germany expressly f r us Made with double and spliced heels Weve sold thousands of pairs in the lest five years to customer1 abe al- ways reorder Three pairs RT NEGLIGEE SHIRTS nr Si Our line is unbent hy any other nt C150 Here are Madras Shirts in light and Jark effects cheviots in plain whites and him a corded Madras in a new Mripcclirck design dainty and novel and othc nev made up either plain or plairi1 bosom and with cuffs attached gj or detached Every size A Get the Habit Goto UNION SQUARE 14th St near Broadway 279 Broadway near Chamter 47 Cortlandt St near Orecnvich 125th St corner Third Av- nnuvler to lletnln lnrilsn Iorlfillo- Q X sirrlo Ciililr Ufujici Tm six PARIS Juno tiNewMpap r tore that it nppenrs certain that Prom lor liouvip will retain thu portfolio Foreign AffaIrs reswnetl M Idic now Minitpr of Cni will it is tuM sitcceid Premier in the ofllco of Minister of Meyers llptratucriU- ONDOV Juno u The litl M S Meyers of Now York announecd SILVER PLATE THAT WEARS The Discriminating Duyei of Spoons Fork Knives etc consult ration to what is bought cln semi pieces bearing the trade marl 184 ROGERS BROS lint that lasts and is p equally for its wcuiiiif quality for Viauty In buying Candelabra Tea Sets etc for the goods of MERIDEN CO E2I Of year urc e a f < u of Mrs I ti n lot it f tet I II L Its Ihe 1 I j ia4ro4k Say ty 10 Hon v ion 1i lid flii i spec a a S Mi io W BRIT ¬ ¬ < >

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Page 1: I Till IlNOX 18 HOURS 27 HOURS HAT lo Chicag- i oTHE ST …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1905-06-10/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · THE SUN SATURDAY JUNE 10 1905 I n r T r I 4 CHOATE


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nnhop Potter and Mr Chnato Ilrfer 11

tip NCM ana Ono Sinn Who Snys liesPoor Offers SSOOO sir llurlltuer-Duriiid IralsM Iloturnrtl lllplntnnt-

Jssoph H Choate late American Amhflfl

radar to tho Court of St Jamess wua wel-

comed homo lost nl ht nt a dintier whichwon on ifprftJontutivo of New York an itwas eQthu4lustlo It foil to tho Pilgrims

oi tho United SUtM whoso kindred widelyon the other sldo Mr Chonto helped toorganize to ertond thh wnlcomo to himand there nothing lacking In tim

Tfcnntb with which Mr Choute was greetedby the aSO New Yorkera gntherod aroundhim In Iar8 ballroom of tho Waldorf-

i AttorlnMr Chontn reonliatod us an after dinner

ipenker on this side of tho water Thoj train of hb services ns such on the otherj has not told upon him apparently

Bishop Pottor was tho toastmaKter atthe dinner On lib right wit Mr Choatoand on hlfl loft tho British AmbaHNidorSir HoarY Mortimer Durand On MrChoatea right Paul Morton who next

Mr camo In for mot attentionand of much talk Othersat the guasb table were Justice Morgrtn J-

OBrifn Comptroller Grout CommissionerMcAdoo Judge Parker Haron Kaneko ofJapan Gen Frederick D Grant Iresi

LJwup Admiral Coghlnn Robert Shawi Oliver ABBlwtant Secretary of War II

Evans Cornelius NHllss lenWilsonfladazuchl Uchida tho Japanese Coti

Over tho head table was a mass of Ameri-

can British flags from which blazedin electric Welcome Home

The menus contained a steultie guet of the evening a niproductlon

painting glen to him hisBirieude In of having nerved

than any other American Amhiuwi-lor There was alno a poem written Incelebrtttton of the event M ireeneThe too cream boxes bore n ofthe evening

Itwn after 10 oclock when Potterand proposed a toast

President which cheerswere more cheers too when he pronail a toast to the

Afterthat called upon the seethe received


Mr PEAK Mn DCTNCAV I have yourletter of the lith Inst transmitting

I Invitation of the Pilgrims of the fulledto attend their to Ambassador

Choate on the evening of the nth of June

but I hove already had to refuse severalinch Invitation It is out of theminiMon for me to leave Washington at






latto Cole

dent Dr







onio ofr which thli

f I It wero for to

13itler1 Morgan Dix MnrrL4 IC





retary to readnong was

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tne time of yourMr Choote an Ambassador rendered

high Mid useful service not merely to hiown and to tho country to whicl-ha was accredited hut to all mankind tunIt U eminently fit that Americanhould loin to pay him honor

With best for the success ofocaion I am sincerely yours

The PilsruiH of London sent the follow-Ing Our very best wishes Your gain i

our IMS-

It bccom me now said Bishop Potterto propose a tot to your guest the lion

Joseph Choate I iiavo lately inprints that our guc t

returns a tale of some perplexity a tothe hn in to follow hareHe U a member of tho bar but some of hisassociations prompt him toward a bettercalling Ho I ar constantly mistakenfor ont nndtlicr

The Bishop then told how when MrChoate was with a young woman

Strand the latter himBishop

That Potter was tlwof Mr Chontes life He is

honored not only he aue he Is a

Seat lawyer hut because he Illustratesqualities that have bound him tu all

his men We have met here BSO toto him our sympathy that a great

republic id willing to a representativerto one of the greatest courts of worldiWid expect him to pay his own expenses

also it is necessary for ani Bod or to cultivate the art of holding ids

That is a hardship of diplomatic

In responding Mr Choate saidtonight at the Mafi

House I could not express half ofI felt of gratitude of friendship

Of ot parting in the presencen assembly of that is

great and in Great Britain Mr Balfouron behalf of the Eng

people bade me oed and farewellj now in an equally representative

of nil that I honor inmadn up indeed of the men

I have and winteredfor more than forty years with a htirinklinghere and young men havea it were grown up at my feet an l whoare very to me you in behalf of mycountrymen give me an equally atlee

home-If I could feet that I deserved onehalf-

rf the praise and benediction lavishedi pon me on occasion I should he so

mv head would strike the starsbut in truth and Indeed I do not It

TM my privilege to serve as AmbassadorIn two in two reigns and undertwo of the most celebrated Presidents of

United States and nil the time myduties in England were easy very

Toward own countrymen who visitedEngland In such increasing every

there was of course hut one rulelo folow ttint the Ambassadorfenta no party and no social class hutwas the servant of nil ulilio so thatWhether Mr Bryan came who fairlyientoil of our countrymen withwhoso political faith I was ator a exPresident whom I

had heart llv supported I was tho servantcf both them in contatwith ho loading men of the country nailto put tho limited resources of the embassyfit their command

And I am hound to that in those twoinanfivn wore objects of equal internruts to British statesmento a of disappointment when I halltaken Mr Bryan to of Knelandand saw thin gold bullion inIts famous vaults with apparent vrst tofind thnt it seemed to no on hispollticjl faith

SornetimRs Indeed he most exactingof countrymen demanded a thorthan I thorn as to breakfastwith the King or at Windsor Castleor to visit private establishment to which1 had no HCCCM But on tho whole theywere habitually reasonable and I foundit a great to minister to theirwants The American Society in Londonwhich n great In inrelieving distreRii of stranded Ameri-cana was a great help to the om-boRfcy laughter

ho had hind instnic

ABOUT CNEIn THRBBCOFFEE DRINKERS-have som disease caused hy it

Ask themget well If not too drop

when they leave ofT




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tlans frrm IlcMcont MeKhiov to promoteand maintain tho friendship andin tho KnvlUh thlnex-mnpln of his hit lund

among them stiidioltions nodal llfo mid hut mot withnothing hut kindness ami good will

ho toiulnuod that thereIs not n nina woinnn or child in IrentUritnlu win h nui frUunlly iw anti thatas n people tiny urnto he on terms will UnitedStates They have manifested greatinterest in our heroes Washing-ton rrnnkiln Hamilton and Lincoln hutthere ii on living American who appealsvery Mrongly to theirand Is of interest-cunoiilv and applause and if hi nnmowere to it wouldcommand the sarno overwhelming supportthat it among his owntlemen will nut mu to mentionhis name cheers

Mr Choato wnnt on to ny tint everythingthat had tOil in thin way ofrelation with England been removedand that Lord IjimKlnwnn and Mr Haywho wore tho responsible author wore

to the credit for that had teendone Their coiuhut of our relationsaid Mr thoale dan hemi on both Mm-sitaro and nhovooonrd and sincere

it will lo happy for liotli countriui ifspirit continue

I n one other political factorwent on Mr Client at nil timesa strong influence for harmonious andcordial relations between tlio I wo countI tho pv and great inlluenco of

tide KingTill lal o aim t h Sovereign

of iriiit have been steadfast in thofnlt h any I rouble bet wren England mind

would he a ralainUy and to boavoided all honorable mean mid I maytitiTroly disavow somewhat toopraise bestowed on in for bringing

perfect relation between the

Mr said dial ho found n inmontable tho old circle of his friendsHe nlso salt ho had niiieh to lament inhaunt lost I ho resemblance which hooneo luau to Potter Ite said thathn oni1 was told that ho rewmbled tin

and when ho hits informersaid Oh yes sir the likeness is wonderful

tho rover loohod half soclerical

Tluie is one drawback the ernlvissyMr went cjn in a

home II shares this distinctionwith Turkey Each successive Amlinssu

to nlwut for a home whichthe of his persona purse

have wandered from street to Portland place from to

terrace and I hall to movefrom one o another In the midst ofmy term tho owner naturallyenough wrnted to livo in his own

However by the courtesy of successivelandlords Viceroy of India mid the1riine MlnUter of Hrltain I founda place from which to Moat tin Stan andStripe hut what 1 maintain is that acountry like ours rich mid powerful should

of its own to MoatMug on the Fourth of July and on all ourgreat without lease or license fromViceroy Premier or anybody else loud j

Mr Choate slid his own unfortunate

poem in Tin Srv







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MM stained stranger wandering aooustreets of London and finally

with a policeman who told that hiwould to move on home

I Home said ho 1 have no home inthe American Amiasndor

The present arrangement he Mild i

undemocratic and blowthe of a great notion It is utifaiito the President bemuse it his choictevery time Ho mijriit to to lay ii-

hanri on the xlinuhler of whomever con-

siders the best man among our mil-

lions o represent in Europewhether n of his own or not

cries of Iof you thnt any politico in

llnenco will urge this reformMr Choato was heartily chwrod Then

a member of the society Rot up mid saul thatnlthough ho was a man would give

j SiOUO to start a subscription to buy a homefor the American BishopPotter wild IIB would appoint a committeetine object of which le to furtherthe

Sir the Kngli h Am-

bassador at tbini Iompli-mentefl Mr tlioate lie referred to asone of flu1 bot American Ambassadorsever sent t Knglnnd and that there wasgreat regret unions his overmine O H of Mr Choate and his wife finddaughter who had ii him so well inLondon

Sir Mortimer sail he wasnt point todilate on Mr ClViiles good

and genial coniiality till charact ritie of hits countrymen but that whenEnglishmen wanted a on any sub-ject under tlie sun turned to

ho neir disappoint fit themAt lis term was not aknown r better likid man IIP Ameri-can Ami if SIM lor Sir Mortimer said to a

of applauseNicholas r dent of-

Columbia wound upmaking


lnllaii 1iillce Are NowMearelilnr Thrill

fiprtlil IMf Dftpilfll ll SrvI-

iONDfjN Juno 9 In a sent lucreby mail Tut SaN correxjncient at nome

that two siipiciou characterssupposed to bo anrchiss one cltiy thisweek visited tho royal palace at Venirewhich Queen Dmvager willwnn occupy They were not detained

are now searching for themreceive I information from tho-

Tnited States that nn rchists rofor Italy The Ciovern-

ment refused to allow the nlnvo inform-atlii to he telegraphed nail Iho orre

sent it by mail

Spanish IHrecttirn Aeeuspd-

wriul dlili l l ntr l I Ills SfSJune 0 A committee of the

shareholders of the Northern com-pany has ipfured to adopt the annual re-

port which shows a of 000ooopesetas The committee tnnkes serious

against the directors utah otheroiiicials

Itnillnni ttiro fur tlnliliSuhlf lintiattli in Tin Srv-

Tiiiis Italy JuneProf Iioni of University linnemmett an advanced cae of rcbios by ex-

posure to the niys ot ntdiuin

Th iirrvMirr rnnilnuinl hlirli nvrr the Mliltll-oAtlinilr nnd Xrw Kneliitul Maici r lcrilny wliirrthy WM fair uini Hi tu 12 ilrirrrjv-

rtrinrr There was an Men of lov j rfv nr r v-

crliiff fiiiru Sintcs with Its crniir-ivir Nihrakn nml smith imivlnir mirth

Wfsiwani thin eric un1 nllindfil by clomljMiinvrry ciinilltliinx In Kansas NclirnslinInni the DikiiKis Mlnnisnlii UlMonslli llllno-Indtnnn niul Mlchlirati In Ihr oulhwwt itnc-

lKniky MWHS hi iviiilicr wnsIxtrrniv hcnl ruiflnir Iniin HI In riccrrrs-

lirivnltid In Hi Southwest find Stairs I

In llil city 111 dikj fair anil warmer wind

frisli nnd varinldr slilflnir train in sontli-

nviraffc luunldlty 51 prr vent barnmrlrr carrrcleillurrail 10 cn level nl h AM 30 IS 31

icmiiriAlurr ycitrrday as rrcordfil hy theuniclal ilicriiiiimitir Is xniwn In thc annrxpd lahlc-

Wt HMi IKTi llOAM ra WlfllM 77 M-

I3M 71 M JlM 70M 70 i7 I Mid 07

liinrviir 77 nl n P M-

VARiiiNnrnN roiiicBT I on TO HAT Monnov-rtor rustfrn York tind rustfrii ffiMt r7 la-

MOUVM thin uftrrnuon nr ffttlnc nhoiccrs ant rotttrr-jmorroif HyM to frFit imtlhrrlu Kinds ifcoming

Inr IXInnnrn New Jiruv Maryland the DIs-

Ulrt of Clilunitila ant VlruHila warmer todaywith showers In tin nr rvrnlne showersnnd cmilir tnnuirrnw Iliht In Ircsliilnds Itrcornlnc nortli Sunday

For wcMPrn Srv Vurk shower today nnitcannier In cini iiortlnn shnivrrs anti rooter to-

morrow Iresh snulli winds shifting to northerlyInr Kew Iviiitland tmrlly cloudy ulliK-

hnwerft at nlzhl uliowrrs to morror fresh south-erly Minds iHTomtnc northerly tomorrow



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Aside from its dainty and handsome

appear mce the wearer ot the

IlNOXi Featherweight Bamboo

HATj scarcely realizes that there is anything

on the headAll the correct designs in straw

and Panamas

Agrnrlrs In alt the principal clllrs ot the world



Han Knjoynl Himself In n Strrnuotu Roundof SIshlsrelnRState Hall at limkl-iiKliain Palaco Knds the Formal En-

tertainment Starts for Home To tliy-

Kprtlal Dispatch to TIIK SosLONDON June 0 King Alfonsos visit to

England ended today nail ho will start forMadrid tomorrow Sailor Villa UrnitlnSpanish Minister of Foreign Affairs an-

nounces tutu his Majesty has enjoyed hits

visit Immensely Ho is deeply impressedby the cordiality of his reception not onlyby King Kdwnrd nnd his family hut by thopublic Qthing could hnvo been kinder

deferring to tho political relationtweon time two countries tim Minister nddsthat they could not bo bettered lint theKings visit hon been of tho highest inter-

national significance emphasizing the goodfeeling nail milking closer tIm tins betweenGreat Britain nnd Spain The latter coun-try will adhere to all her engagements with

and England in regard to pending

Alfonso before leaving invited KingEdward nail Queen Alexandra to visitSpain He huts appointed King Edwardto the Colonelcy of u Spanish regiment

A state ball at Buckingham Palace tonight ended the weeks functions KingAlfotno spent thin afternoon at WindsorCastle accompanied by King EdwardEarlier in the day he visited the ZoologicalHardens and intpectcd the Fire BrigadeHis visit huts been a strenuous round ofsight seeing and state functions illsenergy high spirits and evident apprecia-tion created a mot favorable impressionand he was cheered by the public every-

whereKing Edward has conferred various

grades of the Victorian Order on SeniorVilla Irrutla Spanish Minister of Foreign

So nor Polo do Bernnlxj tho SpanishAmlmssador and the members of KingAlfonsos suite






Afla ins










nlon llmhlrm and ChanceAromr KnthiiMasiu-

Spffjl liniiatchrs to THE Srx-CIIRIHTIANIA Norway June imlon

flag was lowered throughout Norway to-

day and tho Xorao tricolor was hoisted init place Tho change was marked by greatceremony and enthusiasm at Akerslnmtho ancient castle and fortress which com-mands tho entrance to tim harbor of Christlania Thirty thousand persons includingtho numbers of tho Storthing witnessedtho ceremony As tho now colors wero un-

furled a national salute was fired and bandsthe national anthem

Foreign Minister Loo viand nnd othermenders of thin Cabinet repudiate theforeign rumors that Norway contemplatesentering into political combinations withother countries They declare that it isthu intention to maintain complete neu-

trality and to keep outside of all politicalconnections with other Powers They hopothat Norway will U able to discuss withSweden and Denmark tho means by whichthe Scandinavian countries may liest securetheir neutrality and work together for thincommon good

MAIMO Sweden Juno I Crown PrinceCiistavis Adolphus who returned lostnight from Berlin received a tremendousovation on landing in Swedish territoryA thousand persons assembled nnd sangpntriotic songs The Prince wnslhe objectof similar enthusiastic demonstration onreaching Lund and on his arrival at Stock-holm this morning

LONDON Junohns sent u telegram to tIe Vienna frric-Ircnir saying that thin nddross of the Stortiling to King Near Is nn expression of thewill of tho wholo Thoseparation he says will bo a blessing tonIt the north

FILIPIO rornoLrapture Ie Ieral f am ml Inn ami Demnml

Immediate InilPiirndrnee-filitlnl fnWr rtpmtli la Till SIS

MANILA Juno 0 A advertisedmeeting of thin Federal party was held to-

day hut the nttendnnco was slim Thficonservatives wero overwhelmed Thosefavoring nn indefinite period for prepnra

for selfgovernment worn beaten nndof iank another was substi-

tuted amid wild demandingimmediate independence of thedelegates left meeting before the finalvote Was taken

The radicals were in full control of thoniliiatlnn They urged llio abolition ofconstabulary a reduction in time taxes

MIIS VOTTFK KXILAIS l ORTHow Klip Jot Slonoy lrnni Iosslck Who I-

rhargril IVItli KmlKVloinrnttt-

liectul Me liftpitfh in TUB SuxJuno 3 Tho

trial of Alfred Fossick the solicitor accusedof emhe77ling MIRti mono the estate ofAgne Skinner which ho was said to hnve I

lent lo Mrs James Brown Potter begantoday Mrs Potter testified that Fossickwas her solicitor for years nnd in complete j

control of her tiorionnl affairs front Octoberto January

In October she leased the Savoy Thenlerfor SlOOO telling that slm j

needed ocr an overdraft at thoneil 25000 to nm the theater Few

sick said ho had clients to ndvancn0-iOOO Bray Lodge which sue valued

nt maul 100000 to 10000 Between Nov21 and Jan 24 Fossick ii300 Intotier She had requested

her moneyaccount

When the lease of the onFel 4 Fossick proposed producing DuBarry saying readyto refused to give their names

it wns arranged that she should drawher ordinary salary of 500 a week hutdin never any Fossick paid

15000 Into her account 11and March 3 she drawing checks on

clients as a matter of conven-ience to them Fossick assuring her thateverything

Wits asked what was the netresult of her association with FossickShe It ruined when herlawyer objected to tho question She

a bill of BrayLodge during tile week of the Duharry run so poor employeesof the theater would not wages

BMIIFZZICUS nisnoMCsr nunoYKEScan be Insurrd Mlnsi br tILe lldcllly boadt ot-

THK ALTVA INDEMMTV COJIPANr ruar ntce-Inx employcri agiUut Iou PanlcuUn at

William Street New York










behalf-of Fn





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JurlRfl Writes the Irrvalllnt OpinionIn Which luilscs ilartlott llulnhtWerner Concurludsrs OltrlrnVnnn anti Chief linlse Cohen UlMcnt-

AinANY June o Lawyer Albert TPatrick convicted of murder in thin firstdegree In causing time death of WilliamMonth Rico the aged millionaire In NowYork on Sept 21 law will suffer the ex-

treme penalty for his crimeToday the Court of Appeals handed

down a decision sustaining tim judgmentof conviction Rices donut was due tochloroform and mercury administeredto him during his last Illness Patricksappeal was argued before the Court ofAppeals on March U last by Id B Hillwho asked for a reversal mainly on theground that tho condition of Nices bodyafter death as revealed by the post mortemmight have been caused by time embalmingfluid used by tho undertaker

Tho prevailing opinion of tho court waswritten by Judge in which JudgesBartlett Haight and Werner concur JudgeOBrien wrote a dissenting opinion in whichJudge Vnnn and Chile Judgo concur

In time course of hits opinion Judgo Graysets forth that tho theory of the peoplewas that Patrick hind conspired with CharlesK Jones tutu or us iometimoH calledtime secretary to kill lute unit thatthe defendant procured Jones to administerchloroform to him while hn WitS asleepin the accomplishment of their joint purposeThis purpose it was claimed was motived-by the desire to obtain possesdon of Iticosestate through a will In favor of Patrickand through various transfer to him ofproperiei all purporting to have beenexecuted hilt which had in foci

I been forged defendant with Jonessaid The opinion continues

The wits IKIMV upon a denialthat Nices death was edeiied by violentmeans or that it wits by the proeu fluentof the defendant and thin proposition waiadvanced that the were notbrought home to tho defendant or if theevidence warranted Iho hiding thatwere that that fact tint necessarilyfasten upon him a criminal agency inmurder it was commilled thin act mantle todie for the prosecution had the voluntaryconfession of Jones that it wasIt Induitnl and aided theicto by tiltdefendant the defendant was a pritnour law if he aided abctlinl it whether

j present or absent or if he or indicounseled commanded inducifl

or procured another i commit it Penallilt I

thin trial therefore presented theseqlietkms to time jury uponwhether it tuna that deathwiu thin result of poisoning or whether thatresult aided or induced orprocured by thin defendant Circumtan

was sulitj nl for their determlnatlon death admitted If it wasof such a character as lo have nn inferenceof guilt the only revoaiiblo possiblefrom the fuel dNcIosnd

Tho jury might well lint U n the evi-dence that the was the rewult ofnatural cause and It uo to sumecriminal agency They coulii well eoncludo thu no naturalcause death and that light of

medical opinions it could be nccounted for as happened in theway testified to by Jones chlorrform nciminMercd whitevictim wits sleeping The physicians who

at t to physicalmaking death

It WHS for the to whet lien the netsand opinions with that of Prof Wit-thaus cctiiiinted for a deathbv chloroforni The witnessesof the telifierl to thefaits of a congestion extending all over thelungs and of tho orim in anormal condition relath t the agti otime deceased

Tliomedical export upon the hypotheti-cal ease put assumed tlr ixUUncn t fedema of thin IIIIIRA which must arisefront or as Dr Flint expressed It whHiwas a of a disiiso If thobelieved llm if the physicianswho took In nutopsy i

certain that there WIIM no eiieie nf a vitalorgan to account ur tim i deina Thelinding of mercury in time body corrohoraid Jones ns to having isivvn meiviirialpills to the deceased to wriikin hi svtom

thinl that tin verdict rested uponsati facton evidonoe nf theof Jnnesii lory and of the connection ofPatrick front to the closeof the Conspiracy fliscln cd The iiirnrswere bellovlnp that death wascaused by chloioform vi ntiing and that i

certain material facts hwirn to wit-nesses other taken thein-Klvei irresistihlv to the one inferencethat was the mind that had con-ceived th crlriiniil act nnd induced its

Tl1 evidence independentlyof tbe liitinu i f tln nItMiilt v i enihing implication ofPatriot In delibirate purpose to killKi in urdor that ho his



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In justice dors tint demnmlthat the have n newtrial no error wnro upon tliistrial in tho ruling of the Court or in tho

of the accusedIn my judgment the evidence upon

which now is demandednot elwnpo Iho result It i cumu-lative in nature nail l mls principallyto contradict the former

IIIKSKNTINd OPINIONJudge in Ills dissenting opinion

rays the defendiiit his counselhums presented legul objections involving

gravest chn racier that can-not be silently ignored If they cannot

ho to anyfair talmud the objections shouldwhatever is thought of defendants guiltor innocence

Tho first tiling to bo carefully consid-ered is tho the Itis n fundamental principle of criminal law

before one can ho convicted ofmurder or manslaughter It must be clearly

that the death of a human beingwas feloniously Tho primaryiiiuvtioii whether Kievs watho result of a crime The fuel is not C-Htnhlished by tho strongest motive butmust he proved People beyondreasonable Mice was a oldman M old was quito sick Dr Curryattending him daily declaringtile wont nt any mo-ment lie was delirious on morn-ing and died on Sunday afternoon Joneshis the Peoples principal witnessHaw him last to alivetried to kill him but he does not knowno ono ran ever know whether ho

a man or upon a corpse Hosaturated a sponge with two ounces ofchloroform put in a cone out of ntowel time cone over nndno o of the body nail limit thin room Com-ing hack in minutes ho found the cone

the name position The body limo notmoved Tho of nut urn to shrinkmono the pungent odor or tho struggle ofdeath had sufficient to timcone Js to bo Iwlieved Can tIle wordof such a creatu re as Jones confessed him-self to be be taken to establish such 1111 im

Twenty minutes after Or Curry hisear over to hear it withhis noso six inches foil Hicas beardclaimed to bo saturated with

he yet did not smell chloroformXo odor of was in the roomJones also claims that he burned tho toweland sponge with a match and that they

up Science nay that thatThe undertaker and

mnhnlmer found no odor of chloroformNo ono thought of chloroform agencyof thin Jones hud mado Illsand fourth confession after recantingthree others that were shown to false

certified to death front naturalcausen Embalming thud wojj Injected in-

to the arteries by hydraulic pressure and

td10 jurr whjh



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EvI TXI efl

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Desb and Cort Sts 400Brooklyn 345Chicago 855 A M

Pnllmnn Tar Sleeping DiningCVr nml IonilariniPiit Observation Car



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Brooklyn 1045Ar 6SO

t Louis 130 P MPullman Pnrlor Smolilnic Car DrawingRnnm Sprr1ncCan PI miCompartment Ibservatlou Car to St Louts iiuoii i p

tag Car lo Clnrlnnatl









W W ATTERBURYGeneral Manager

J R WOODPassenger Traffic Manager

GEO W BOYDGeneral Passenger Agent

Outingsat of One

Discriminating travelers will choose the NorthernPacific Railway in journeying to the Lewis and ClarKExposition at Portland Ore June 1 to October St1905 and do the Yellowstone Americas Wonderlanden advantage of very low ratesView the Great Puget Sound Country Only a shorttrip to Alaska Travel on toJ

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It found everywhere fortythree bournifforward WASunite nnd tlioufin murder wasno odor of chloroform WIIH

no found time chomlstH whoportions of thin tong

after been anal Joneshad tiuidn his flnnl confe Hion wns thinclilorofonn theory ndvnnced Projior in

linpiwsililiThe judgment rests on of-

i bites iina Coroners physiciansJones testilled underImmunity Ho wan maintained nt

in a and in n comfortableattended other

of nmusemont and was flnnlly set atAfter Joness eonfession ns to thin

chloroform time Coroners set towork to corroborate it experimenting nyear ono of them IISIIIK 140

and animals All the lion ho wnsa salaried official yet bo n hillfor tboso services of SToOOnnfl actually re-

ceived finn Tho otheralso a bill and wns

ThosH facts corn not known at thetrial nnd theso witnesses were presentedlo tie us disinterestedwith no motive to nervert tho truth

In oil thin records of this court no caseran bo found whore n conviction for ncapital offense 1ms been sustained in tho

such objections ns this cnse pre-sents I can sen no reason for makingdIsc nn exception


Chief lml o Iullen in n short opinionconcurs with Judge Ollrien for

cllsaercei with him IIP to several proposi-tions He says there is a limit to extent

which errors may be disregarded evenin a diSC where thought tho verdict is


AVENU-EI Tillh A athi I-

olid Silverforour beautiful

Rose pattern table I

wuro artistic shapeswith American licautyroses in bold relief

weight uteaspoons 750 otherpiecen nt proportionate prices Atine sot of 80 pieces In a compactonkchest 30000 You would find-a visitto our Fifth A venue rooms veryinteresting

MERMOD JACCARDCatalog of Jtivtlry Etc Stnt Free

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27 HOURS8 n lT-

ISto St LouisTHE





Eddy RefrigeratorsO-ur Standard fora Quarter a Century

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THE THOS J STEWART CORway t 4IKII SI V i lhaa in llih-


Write or telephone lily Intcrcsllnr booklet

warranted thin factsAs to seventh vital errors committed

in the admission and exclusion of testimonyhe that or unis a confession and it is only fin a confessionthat the fact of at suicide-is admissible in evidence It is plain thnttho confession of Jones was not competentevidence against Patrick andJoness attempt at suicide wins equally in-

competentHill said tonight that Patricks

fight for life has not ended mind that eithera motion for a before tho Courtof would bo made ornn applicationbra now trial would bo made onof newly discovered evidence

AdlllCCLTUHA L IXSTITlTESeparate neprmentHtloii for Canada Aus-

tralia and Indiafiprclal cnWf Drifatth to TUB XtS

HOME June 0 England notwithstandingGorman has succeeded in obtain

in tile International Institute of Agri-culture separate representation for Canada

of thomother country

The of tho institute hasbeen Axed at 800000 franos 160000 ofwhich King Victor Emmanuel will con j

tribute 300000 franc The balance will becontributed pro rata by thoother Powers I




ulcido ntl














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NEGLIGEE SHIRTS nr Si Ourline is unbent hy any other nt C150Here are Madras Shirts in light and Jarkeffects cheviots in plain whites and hima corded Madras in a new Mripcclirckdesign dainty and novel and othc nev

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Get the Habit Goto

UNION SQUARE14th St near Broadway

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PARIS Juno tiNewMpap r torethat it nppenrs certain that Prom lor liouvipwill retain thu portfolioForeign AffaIrs reswnetl M Idic

now Minitpr of Cniwill it is tuM sitcceid Premier inthe ofllco of Minister of

Meyers llptratucriU-

ONDOV Juno u The litlM S Meyers of Now York



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