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f 7 zo 9 PAGE SIX OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2 1908 I CONDUCTOR JONES REMOVED Conductor Jones who has been in 1 the hospital since the Seaboard Air- Line I wreck Saturday was removed I to Jacksonville last night oy Dr Boyd and placed in Dr Boyd sanitarium I the DeSoto hospital I WILL NOT PLANT TREES NOW I The Womens Civic League was to I have planted shade tnes about the new school house on South Third I street within a few days but owing to the hot and dry weather have de1- tided to postpone the planting of the j trees until rain falls and the weather I turns cooler HENRYBASE I I Today at noon at the Ocala House I Mr T C Henry of Inverness and Miss Carrie Base of Dunnellon were united- in marriage by Rev Barnett Mr Ed ¬ ward Turner and mother of Dunnellon- were present at the remony The bridal couple took the train for Lake- land ¬ from which point they will pro- ceed ¬ to Norfolk Va KINGS DAUGHTERS TO MEET I The Kings Daughters will hold a meeting tomorrow morning Pt 10 oclock in the lecture room of the Methodist church- DISTINGUISHED I VISITORS- Gov Fred M Warner of Michigan with Mrs Warner and six other ladies and two gentlemen constituted the party that came up from Crystal Riv- er ¬ this noon and proceeded to Tampa and St Petersburg this afternoon The governor Is a sixfooter well propor- tioned ¬ and not bad looking with a clean shaven face and his upper lip adorned with a graceful mustache The ladies of the party all wore summer dresses and seemed to think the weather was just the thing 3 We have a splendid llnet of the A A Waterman fountain pens Fully guar ¬ anteed The Corner Drugstore Messrs Frank Washburn and J P Godfrey arrived yesterday from New York City Mr Washburn has been- In northern New York for the past year and will now reside with his par- ents ¬ in this city Mr Godfrey will pend a short time visiting him and will then go to South Florida to buy oranges for the commission house of J P Godfrey Co New York City FOR RENT Furnished room bath hot and cold water South Third street near two hoarding houses Apply to P0 Box 1000 Miss Washburn the trained nurse returned from Citra yesterday where the has been on professional business for several days Bargains on Christmas goods We have a fine line of these goods that will be sold at vecy low prices The Corner Drugstore 121 W J Mitchell carne in today from Lake City with his merrygoround I and is putting the same up on the lot opposite the A C L depot Toys toys toys Immense lot of tops at Fishels 5 and 10 cent store The two engines in the S A L silI ver Springs wreck have been brought- into 1 the Seaboard yards Fifteen new post card views of Ocala- at j Fishers 1130dw Master Tom Pasteur went down to liit n ton this afternoon Boys and girls accompanied by their mothers will be given a present at Fishers A N Goodwin the young turpentine operator at Standard was a business caller in town today Ve are headquarers for all good things to drink and eat Good service and prompt attention Hogan is the man Mr Hall the meat man of Okla waha was in town today Sheriff Carter of Inverness was In town today Only 50 cents for supper at the Episcopal bazaar tonightand a good one Dr E O Guerrant who spent the night in Ocala with his son went out to Umatilla today to put his winter home in order for the reception of his wife and daughter who will remain a few days longer In Ocala Mrs H C Chamber will arrive to- morrow ¬ from Atlanta to spend the winter in Ocala She will have rooms- at Mrs Isaac Stevens and will take her meals at Mrs C J Phillips- Mr F E Robins moved to Ocala this week and had his goods shipped right out again He came to work for the Banner but they failed to agree Mr P B Bowies family will arrive this week to make their home in Ocala They will reside near the high school building I All prescriptions filled at the Anti Monopoly Drugstore are filled by drugs and chemicals guaranteed under the Pure Food Law They use Squibbs chemicals guarantee No 75 also Parke Davis Cos laboratory drugs none equal guarantee No 6 Always- the best the motto j I A REQUEST TO THE LADIES Messrs Sylvester and Bridges make I their annual and reasonable request i that ladies attending the lyceum course will not wear their nats during ttie performance as each hat will go- a long way toward obscuring the j stage from every one who sits behind the hat- There I are only a few seats left for the performance tomorrow night and j if you want to go you had best secure i one this evening LADIES COAT LOST I Lost a ladys short coat jrrey checked Wednesday between the res- Idence and ofrtets of F W Ditto I Please return to Mi Dittos office and receive reward I I WALKING ON WEALTH An Aladdins Lamp Story of the Sa ¬ vannah Auto Races Savannah Morning News I Walking over money j There are multitudes of retrospective individuals who have heard the knock- of Opportunity but failed to recognize- the tap until after it was too late but to walk over money actually to tread- on fives tens and twenties was re- served ¬ for the Central of Georgia tick- et ¬ agent during the Grand Prize race The Central foreseeing that the rush at the ticket offices in the city and at the station would be over- whelming the night after the races i established a ticket booth at the race- course These were tiny as well as temporary affairs designed to give room for a man and a validating stamp The calculations did not go amiss Before dark the agent had sold nearly 1000 sleeping car berths and hao worked himself red in the face The validating stamp had walked all over the booth in the meantime and as no I place had been provided for the money the bills were placed on the shelf that had been designed to support the stamp I The vibrations from the stamp I worked the money off the shelf and it fell to the floor during tin rush The agent was too busy to pick the bills and the coins up He just kept sell- ing ¬ and stamping and letting the money fall The booth was a money tight affair and he knew he could pick it up when he had more time When Passenger Agent Clements called at the booth in the late after ¬ noon to see how matters were going he found the ticket seller treading on a carpet of bills and silver After it was all over they counted up and found 63 cents more than should have been showed from the sale PIANO IS ON EXHIBITION- The beautiful 400 Harvard piano- or rather one of them that the Star is giving away in the voting contest is now on exhibition in the front of the Corner Drugstore where all musicians- are invited to try the instrument The first person to try the instrument af ¬ ter it was placed in the store was Prof DeBerry a representative of a rival house and a finished musician who pronounced it a firstclass beautiful toned instrument and said the lady who won It would be fortunate indeed The A R Harper Piano Co of Jack- sonville ¬ will ship another instrument to us to replace this one if the winner in the contest prefers should it be- come ¬ fingermarked while it is on ex ¬ hibition Also the fortunate lady either in town or hi the country win ¬ ning one of these instruments can prefer have a different style case if they SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE- If you want a new Champion New Home Sewing Machine never used call or or write this office and we caa give you a big bargain FIRE WOODFIRE WOOD We have a large sappy of lore wood both pine and oak fireplace and stove lengths Good seasoned wood- A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAR delivered cash Call at factory or PHONE 17OG GILES CO I LOW RATES VIA I ATLANTA COAST LINE 2740 Washington D C and Tickets on sale Dec 5 6 7 S good I to leave Washington midnight Dec 16th For further information call I on nearest ticket agent or write J G Kirkland Division Passenger Agent Tampa Fla- CRYSTAL RIVER CLIPPINGS- News Mrs J D Bennett wife of the well known physician here was success- fully ¬ operated on a few days ago at Springfield Ohio Mrs R J Knight I accompanied her mother to that city and are guests of Mrs Adah Bennett on tanus I Mr Geo W MacKay and Mr G S Scott of Ocala paid Col Hyde a quail i visit last week We did not count the j spoils and therefor cannot make a truthful report They say however that they did well Mr L S Beck has purchased the meat market from Mr Nixon and re- proved ¬ from Dunnellon to his old home here It is understood that Mr Nixon will enter the meat business at Dunnellon Mrs C E Herrick and several of the other ladies of the town treated Mrs G S Scott of Ocala to a launch ride to Shell Island this week THREE BUDS HAVE BLOOMED Mrs E H Mote and Mrs W H Rocker entertained mot delightfully- last afternoon in hnaor of Misses An- nie ¬ Atkinson Betti Mclv r and Francs Antic fn three b jiufu and accompli hed debutantes The guests were welcomed at th < front door by Mrs Hoker and her sister Mr Du val J nth parlor Mrs Mote Misses Anderin Liver and Atkinson gric loudly rc ivff1 Receiving viih them woe tiles H5rv y Clark one of tc taO ir brides nnd Mis Josephine Turpin of Americus Ja These la dies wore rlt g ant gowns and looked unusually handsome Miss Turpin H the attractive utt of Miss Pauline Sullivan The chanviing hostesses were jIeisantl assisted by Mrs Me Iver Mrs Anderson Mrs Sj trunk and Misses Mattie and Carrie Will- iams ¬ Among the many pleasant fea- tures ff the afternoon was a cute guessing prime which proved unusual- ly ¬ intMing as it was called Con- cerning ¬ Costumes a subject of which ladies seldom tire The vocal solo by Miss Mattie Williams and the instrumental music by Miss Bar- nett ¬ wrM p rfectly rendered and greatly enjoyed Delicious refresh- ments ¬ wire served This beautiful party was enjoyed by the following young ladies Misses Ethl Robinson Leafy Sylvester Bessie McKay Grace Hatchell Pauline Sullivan Caro Lid don Mary Carlisle Esther Weathers Lucile Stan y Mattie and Carrie Williams Alice Bullock Loulie Bar ¬ nett Lillian Thagard and Maude Alexander of Brooksville THE MABEL PAIGE COMPANY- The Mabel Paige company packtd the Armory Theater last night and in the play At Cozy Corner gave th audience a rare treat and every one in the house was more than pleased This company is one of the btst that has ever visited Ocala and would con- tinue ¬ to fill the house if they should play the entire week The singing and dancing specialties between the acts are more than worth the price of ad ¬ mission To night How Flipper was Flopped said to be one of the most laughable pieces ever played will be given and if you want a seat youll have to hurry for the theater will be packed Tonight will close the en- gagement ¬ of the company in Ocala and we hope Miss Paige will soon play a return engagement CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED WITH LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ¬ ease Catarrh is a blood or constitu ¬ tional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remediesHaHs Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not- a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results- in curing Catarrh Send for testimo ¬ nials free F J Cheney Co Props Toledo O Sold by druggists price 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation- BE WARY OF WALL STREET The Richmond News Leader says Wall street again reports dull busi- ness ¬ That is good Probably this is a propitious time to buy securities to hold That is a question for each man to decide for himself after studying the conditions prospects and prices of each security offered But no time is pro pitions for buying or selling futures on thin margin That is what Wall street wants people to do and schemes to make them do When the public re- fuses ¬ to do this Wall street is dull and the public is that much richer and happier BACK GIVES OUT Plenty of Ocala Readers Have This Experience- You tax the kidneys overwork them They cant keep up the continual strain The back gives outit aches and pains Urinary troubles set in Dont wait longer take Doans Kid ntv Pills- P P Anick Elm St Sanford Fla says I have used Doans Kidney Pills and can say that they are a superior kidney remedy My work brings quite a strain on the back and as a result I suffered a great deal from backache I would become so lame at times that I could hardly straighten and mornings upon arising could just about get around I tried plasters and liniments but the relief thy brought was only slight and temporary When I learned of Doans Kidney Pills I obtained a box and found that they acted just as repre- sented ¬ When I had used the con- tents of this box the backache had ceased and rny back felt stronger Plenty more proof like this from Ocala people Call at Tydings Cos drug store and ask what their custo ¬ mers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other- Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Poscoflce Drug ¬ store THE CITY BAKERY- No 55 South Main street Fresh bread cakes and pies daily Free de- livery ¬ Phone 296 LOCAL LEGISLATION- The city council met last night in regular session with a full board in attendance- The bit of 5271 against Messrs An I drson and Boswell of Duiinlon for i ue of the citys street roller having 1 hn fused on the ground that the j gentlemen thought they wre to pay j j only for the time the roller was ac j tall in use was placed in the hands i of the city attorney for collection j Mr M J Ros called the attention of the council to the fact that New berry avenue for the two blocks bc tween Oklawaha and Fort King av- enues j had been paved with flint rock and not surfaced and travel over it was almost impossible The street was t ordered surfaced and the charge- for I the paving to be collected from the property owners on each sid > accord- ing ¬ I to the city ordinance the prop- erty ¬ owners paying out third J A building permit was asked for by Mr Duckworth for a shooting gallery north of the square Same was re- ferred ¬ I I to the building committee- The livery stable ordinance prohib ¬ iting the maintenance of a livery sta- ble ¬ abutting on the courthouse or government building squares was I read for the first time and referred to t the judiciary committee j I All bills against the city which had I been properly audited were ordered j paid except those fur the electric i light department The ordinance introduced recently asking for an extension of ten years- i of the gas comnanys franchise was passed with certain amendments j among them being one that the gas company pay to the city an annual privilege tee of 200 In the controvM > y over the paving- of May street ordered some time ago the city attoirvv v asked to see if j he could not get a modification of the I injunction granted by him to some of j the parties interested some time ago j restraining others from interfering I with the property The building exit ordinance was passed with a few change This or ¬ dinance provides for proper exits and r entrances to all public buildings in I the city An Ordinance Entitled an Ordinance- to Provide for the Inspection of Fresh Meats Offered for Sale in the City of Ocala and to Inspect all premises and Market Places at which such Meats are Offered for Sale in the City of Ocala and to I Provide a Penalty for the Violation of this Ordinance- Be I It Ordained by the City Council of I Ocala I Section 1 That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be I unlawful for any person or persons I company dealer or corporation to I have in his or its possession for sale I I or offer for sale any fresh meat of whatsoever kind unless the same has been inspected by the city inspector- of milks and meats of the city of Ocala Sec 2 That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons company dealer or corporation to of- fer ¬ for sale in the city cf Ocala any fresh meats of whatsoever kind un ¬ less such person or persons company dealer or corporation shall have ob- tained ¬ from the city inspector of milk PPQ meats of the city of Ocala a cer- tificate ¬ of the same date as that upon which the meat is offered for sale certifying that such meat so offered is sound and contains no deleterious germs Sec 3 That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall he unlawful for any person or persons company dealer or corporation to oc ¬ cupy any stall or place for the expos- Ing of fresh meats for sale in the city of Ocala unless such stall or place has been inspected by the city inspec- tor ¬ I of milk and meats of the city of Ocala and certified by him to be In I a clean and sanitary condition I Sec 4 Any person firm dealer I company or corporation violating any I of the provisions of this ordinance I shall be subject to a fine not less than i 1 nor more than 10 or imprisonment not less than one nor more than ten days for each and every offense Sec 5 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed I 1 Report of the Finance Committee for Month of Novembe- rT the Honorable City Council City- of Ocala- Gentlemen i Your finance committee begs to report the following receipts- i and disbursements during the month- of November Balance in bank Nov 1 53707 23 Receipts City marshal 4S0 10 City collector ad val L14379 j I License fi94 SO I Clerk electric light 2257 05 Total 902 97 Disbursements General fund paid scrip 3132 21 Fire and water fund scrip 124S S5 Electric light fund scrip 95204 Paid scrip bond interest 132 00 I Total 5465 10 Balance in bank Dec 1 3617 87 Against this balance in bank on De ¬ cember 1st there is outstanding scrip I in the general fund in the sum of 35919 fire and water fund 8451 and electric light fund 39172 total 86542 The scrip drawn for the month of November from the several funds was drawn for expenses in the various de ¬ partments as follows By regular salaries 229 00 By street department 273 60 By police department 241 50 1 By water department 106875 Made to Eat Not to Keep- f4fI 1 World Fame- dCandies Z v I J Bottom layer Bringsf h- as many delicious morsels surprises as top layerS- old b- yTWTROXLER By fire department 165 00 By sanitary department 92 00 By market department 5 09 By cemetery department 71 03 By electric light department 928 46 By bond interest 132 00 By amt paid on city note 1000 00 By amt transferred from gen- eral fund to F yV fund 1209 09 Total 5406 34 The reports of the several officers- of the city are hereto attached and made a part of this your committees report All of which is respectfully submitted L W Duval Chm c Rheinauer GLASSES- IN TIME SAVE SIGHT Neglect to have them properly examined may cause a life- time ¬ sorrow and regret Small disorders grow more serious every day There Is satisfaction in knowing for sure that your eyes are all right- I CAN TELL YOU DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala FfI Office Hours ° to 12 a m and 1 130 to 430 p m Optical office and laboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block VIEWS OF THE SEABOARD WRECK Can be had at Mills studio North Magnolia street 1130tf More people are taking Foleys Kid- ney ¬ Remedy every year It is consid- ered ¬ to be the most effective remedy for kidney amir bladder troubles that medical Fcieifc r ni devise Foleys Kidney Ren ely Snrects irregularities- builds un w < irn < nit tissues and re- stores ¬ lost vitality It will make you feel well and look well Sold by all druggists- FOR I SALE500 bushels of Burt ninetyday seed oats Address J W Fait Morriston Fla 1124mw I In getting up your magazines for the next year remember the Ocala News Co will meet any club rates Come in and get price- sWANTEDInformation regarding farm or business for sale nor par ¬ ticular about location wish to hear from owner only who will sell direct to buyer give price description and state when possession can be had I Address L Darbyshire Box 2028 Ro- Chester N Y When in Ocala don forget Hogan place We will do all In our power to make It pleasant for you Hogan the whisky man- ANOTHER FS yyM CAR OF HORSES Hugh Nichols of Wildwood the horse expert is now in the blue gras ectios of Kentucky selecting a car o extra fine horses and mules whic will be on exhibit and sale at the liv ¬ ery stable of Tompkins Cobb Thoe contemplating buying something real ¬ ly good in the equine line will save money by waiting for this lot We mean business and propose to do busi- ness ¬ Come and see us- Tompkins Cobb Co Livery and Sales Stables Ocala Fla

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Conductor Jones who has been in 1

the hospital since the Seaboard Air-Line


wreck Saturday was removedI

to Jacksonville last night oy Dr Boydand placed in Dr Boyd sanitarium I

the DeSoto hospitalI


The Womens Civic League was to I

have planted shade tnes about thenew school house on South Third I

street within a few days but owingto the hot and dry weather have de1-tided to postpone the planting of the j

trees until rain falls and the weatherI

turns cooler



Today at noon at the Ocala House I

Mr T C Henry of Inverness and MissCarrie Base of Dunnellon were united-in marriage by Rev Barnett Mr Ed ¬

ward Turner and mother of Dunnellon-were present at the remony Thebridal couple took the train for Lake-land


from which point they will pro-ceed


to Norfolk Va


The Kings Daughters will hold ameeting tomorrow morning Pt 10

oclock in the lecture room of theMethodist church-



Gov Fred M Warner of Michiganwith Mrs Warner and six other ladiesand two gentlemen constituted theparty that came up from Crystal Riv-er


this noon and proceeded to Tampaand St Petersburg this afternoon Thegovernor Is a sixfooter well propor-tioned


and not bad looking with aclean shaven face and his upper lipadorned with a graceful mustache Theladies of the party all wore summerdresses and seemed to think theweather was just the thing

3 We have a splendid llnet of the A AWaterman fountain pens Fully guar ¬

anteed The Corner Drugstore

Messrs Frank Washburn and J PGodfrey arrived yesterday from NewYork City Mr Washburn has been-In northern New York for the pastyear and will now reside with his par-ents


in this city Mr Godfrey willpend a short time visiting him andwill then go to South Florida to buyoranges for the commission house ofJ P Godfrey Co New York City

FOR RENT Furnished room bathhot and cold water South Third streetnear two hoarding houses Apply toP 0 Box 1000

Miss Washburn the trained nursereturned from Citra yesterday wherethe has been on professional businessfor several days

Bargains on Christmas goods Wehave a fine line of these goods thatwill be sold at vecy low prices TheCorner Drugstore 121

W J Mitchell carne in today fromLake City with his merrygoround

I and is putting the same up on the lotopposite the A C L depot

Toys toys toys Immense lot oftops at Fishels 5 and 10 cent store

The two engines in the S A L silIver Springs wreck have been brought-into


the Seaboard yards

Fifteen new post card views of Ocala-at


Fishers 1130dw

Master Tom Pasteur went down toliit n ton this afternoon

Boys and girls accompanied by theirmothers will be given a present atFishers

A N Goodwin the young turpentineoperator at Standard was a businesscaller in town today

Ve are headquarers for all goodthings to drink and eat Good serviceand prompt attention Hogan is theman

Mr Hall the meat man of Oklawaha was in town today

Sheriff Carter of Inverness was Intown today

Only 50 cents for supper at theEpiscopal bazaar tonightand a goodone

Dr E O Guerrant who spent thenight in Ocala with his son went outto Umatilla today to put his winterhome in order for the reception of hiswife and daughter who will remaina few days longer In Ocala

Mrs H C Chamber will arrive to-


from Atlanta to spend thewinter in Ocala She will have rooms-at Mrs Isaac Stevens and will takeher meals at Mrs C J Phillips-

Mr F E Robins moved to Ocalathis week and had his goods shippedright out again He came to work forthe Banner but they failed to agree

Mr P B Bowies family will arrivethis week to make their home inOcala They will reside near the highschool building


All prescriptions filled at the AntiMonopoly Drugstore are filled bydrugs and chemicals guaranteed underthe Pure Food Law They use Squibbschemicals guarantee No 75 alsoParke Davis Cos laboratory drugsnone equal guarantee No 6 Always-the best the motto j



Messrs Sylvester and Bridges make I

their annual and reasonable request i

that ladies attending the lyceumcourse will not wear their nats duringttie performance as each hat will go-

a long way toward obscuring the j

stage from every one who sits behindthe hat-


are only a few seats left forthe performance tomorrow night and j

if you want to go you had best secure i

one this evening


Lost a ladys short coat jrreychecked Wednesday between the res-Idence and ofrtets of F W Ditto I

Please return to Mi Dittos office andreceive reward I



An Aladdins Lamp Story of the Sa ¬

vannah Auto Races

Savannah Morning News I

Walking over money j

There are multitudes of retrospectiveindividuals who have heard the knock-of Opportunity but failed to recognize-the tap until after it was too late butto walk over money actually to tread-on fives tens and twenties was re-


for the Central of Georgia tick-et


agent during the Grand Prize raceThe Central foreseeing that the

rush at the ticket offices in the cityand at the station would be over-whelming the night after the races i

established a ticket booth at the race-course These were tiny as well astemporary affairs designed to giveroom for a man and a validatingstamp

The calculations did not go amissBefore dark the agent had sold nearly1000 sleeping car berths and haoworked himself red in the face Thevalidating stamp had walked all overthe booth in the meantime and as no I

place had been provided for the moneythe bills were placed on the shelf thathad been designed to support thestamp I

The vibrations from the stampIworked the money off the shelf and it

fell to the floor during tin rush Theagent was too busy to pick the billsand the coins up He just kept sell-ing


and stamping and letting themoney fall The booth was a moneytight affair and he knew he couldpick it up when he had more time

When Passenger Agent Clementscalled at the booth in the late after ¬

noon to see how matters were going hefound the ticket seller treading on acarpet of bills and silver After itwas all over they counted up andfound 63 cents more than should havebeen showed from the sale


The beautiful 400 Harvard piano-or rather one of them that the Star isgiving away in the voting contest isnow on exhibition in the front of theCorner Drugstore where all musicians-are invited to try the instrument Thefirst person to try the instrument af ¬

ter it was placed in the store was ProfDeBerry a representative of a rivalhouse and a finished musician whopronounced it a firstclass beautifultoned instrument and said the ladywho won It would be fortunate indeedThe A R Harper Piano Co of Jack-sonville


will ship another instrumentto us to replace this one if the winnerin the contest prefers should it be-come


fingermarked while it is on ex ¬

hibition Also the fortunate ladyeither in town or hi the country win ¬

ning one of these instruments can

preferhave a different style case if they


If you want a new Champion NewHome Sewing Machine never usedcall or or write this office and we caagive you a big bargain


We have a large sappy of lore woodboth pine and oak fireplace and stovelengths Good seasoned wood-

A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLARdelivered cash Call at factory orPHONE 17OG GILES CO I



2740 Washington D C andTickets on sale Dec 5 6 7 S good I

to leave Washington midnight Dec16th For further information call I

on nearest ticket agent or write J GKirkland Division Passenger AgentTampa Fla-


NewsMrs J D Bennett wife of the well

known physician here was success-fully


operated on a few days ago atSpringfield Ohio Mrs R J Knight I

accompanied her mother to that cityand are guests of Mrs Adah Bennett

on tanus I

Mr Geo W MacKay and Mr G SScott of Ocala paid Col Hyde a quail i

visit last week We did not count the j

spoils and therefor cannot make atruthful report They say howeverthat they did well

Mr L S Beck has purchased themeat market from Mr Nixon and re-proved


from Dunnellon to his oldhome here It is understood that MrNixon will enter the meat business atDunnellon

Mrs C E Herrick and several ofthe other ladies of the town treatedMrs G S Scott of Ocala to a launchride to Shell Island this week


Mrs E H Mote and Mrs W HRocker entertained mot delightfully-last afternoon in hnaor of Misses An-nie


Atkinson Betti Mclv r andFrancs Antic fn three b jiufu andaccompli hed debutantes The guestswere welcomed at th < front door byMrs Hoker and her sister Mr Duval J nth parlor Mrs Mote MissesAnderin Liver and Atkinson gricloudly rc ivff1 Receiving viih themwoe tiles H5rv y Clark one of tctaO ir brides nnd Mis JosephineTurpin of Americus Ja These ladies wore rlt gant gowns and lookedunusually handsome Miss Turpin Hthe attractive utt of Miss PaulineSullivan The chanviing hostesseswere jIeisantl assisted by Mrs MeIver Mrs Anderson Mrs Sj trunkand Misses Mattie and Carrie Will-iams


Among the many pleasant fea-tures ff the afternoon was a cuteguessing prime which proved unusual-ly


intMing as it was called Con-cerning


Costumes a subject ofwhich ladies seldom tire The vocalsolo by Miss Mattie Williams andthe instrumental music by Miss Bar-nett


wrM p rfectly rendered andgreatly enjoyed Delicious refresh-ments


wire served This beautifulparty was enjoyed by the followingyoung ladies Misses Ethl RobinsonLeafy Sylvester Bessie McKay GraceHatchell Pauline Sullivan Caro Liddon Mary Carlisle Esther WeathersLucile Stan y Mattie and CarrieWilliams Alice Bullock Loulie Bar ¬

nett Lillian Thagard and MaudeAlexander of Brooksville


The Mabel Paige company packtdthe Armory Theater last night and inthe play At Cozy Corner gave thaudience a rare treat and every onein the house was more than pleasedThis company is one of the btst thathas ever visited Ocala and would con-tinue


to fill the house if they shouldplay the entire week The singing anddancing specialties between the actsare more than worth the price of ad ¬

mission To night How Flipper wasFlopped said to be one of the mostlaughable pieces ever played will begiven and if you want a seat youllhave to hurry for the theater will bepacked Tonight will close the en-gagement


of the company in Ocala andwe hope Miss Paige will soon play areturn engagement

CATARRH CANNOT BE CUREDWITH LOCAL APPLICATIONS asthey cannot reach the seat of the dis ¬

ease Catarrh is a blood or constitu ¬

tional disease and in order to cure ityou must take internal remediesHaHsCatarrh Cure is taken internally andacts directly on the blood and mucoussurfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not-a quack medicine It was prescribedby one of the best physicians in thiscountry for years and is a regularprescription It is composed of thebest tonics known combined with thebest blood purifiers acting directly onthe mucous surfaces The perfectcombination of the two ingredients iswhat produces such wonderful results-in curing Catarrh Send for testimo ¬

nials freeF J Cheney Co Props Toledo OSold by druggists price 75c Take

Halls Family Pills for constipation-


The Richmond News Leader saysWall street again reports dull busi-


That is good Probably this isa propitious time to buy securities tohold That is a question for each manto decide for himself after studying theconditions prospects and prices of eachsecurity offered But no time is propitions for buying or selling futures onthin margin That is what Wall streetwants people to do and schemes tomake them do When the public re-


to do this Wall street is dulland the public is that much richer andhappier


Plenty of Ocala Readers Have ThisExperience-

You tax the kidneys overworkthem

They cant keep up the continualstrain

The back gives outit aches andpains

Urinary troubles set inDont wait longer take Doans Kid

ntv Pills-P P Anick Elm St Sanford Fla

says I have used Doans KidneyPills and can say that they are asuperior kidney remedy My workbrings quite a strain on the backand as a result I suffered a great dealfrom backache I would become solame at times that I could hardlystraighten and mornings upon arisingcould just about get around I triedplasters and liniments but the reliefthy brought was only slight andtemporary When I learned of DoansKidney Pills I obtained a box andfound that they acted just as repre-sented


When I had used the con-tents of this box the backache hadceased and rny back felt stronger

Plenty more proof like this fromOcala people Call at Tydings Cosdrug store and ask what their custo ¬

mers reportFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other-

Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25cents the box at the Poscoflce Drug ¬



No 55 South Main street Freshbread cakes and pies daily Free de-


Phone 296


The city council met last night inregular session with a full board inattendance-

The bit of 5271 against Messrs AnI drson and Boswell of Duiinlon fori ue of the citys street roller having1 hn fused on the ground that thej gentlemen thought they wre to pay j

j only for the time the roller was acj tall in use was placed in the handsi of the city attorney for collectionj Mr M J Ros called the attentionof the council to the fact that New

berry avenue for the two blocks bctween Oklawaha and Fort King av-enuesj had been paved with flint rockand not surfaced and travel over itwas almost impossible The streetwas t ordered surfaced and the charge-for


the paving to be collected from theproperty owners on each sid > accord-ing

¬I to the city ordinance the prop-erty


owners paying out thirdJ A building permit was asked for by

Mr Duckworth for a shooting gallerynorth of the square Same was re-



I to the building committee-The livery stable ordinance prohib ¬

iting the maintenance of a livery sta-ble


abutting on the courthouse orgovernment building squares was

I read for the first time and referred to t

the judiciary committee jI All bills against the city which hadI been properly audited were ordered j

paid except those fur the electric i

light departmentThe ordinance introduced recently

asking for an extension of ten years-i of the gas comnanys franchise waspassed with certain amendments

j among them being one that the gascompany pay to the city an annualprivilege tee of 200

In the controvM>y over the paving-of May street ordered some time agothe city attoirvv v asked to see if

j he could not get a modification of theI injunction granted by him to some ofj the parties interested some time agoj restraining others from interferingI with the property

The building exit ordinance waspassed with a few change This or ¬

dinance provides for proper exits andr entrances to all public buildings inI the city

An Ordinance Entitled an Ordinance-to Provide for the Inspection ofFresh Meats Offered for Sale in theCity of Ocala and to Inspect allpremises and Market Places atwhich such Meats are Offered forSale in the City of Ocala and to

I Provide a Penalty for the Violationof this Ordinance-

BeI It Ordained by the City Council ofI OcalaI Section 1 That from and after thepassage of this ordinance it shall be

I unlawful for any person or persons I

company dealer or corporation toI have in his or its possession for sale I

I or offer for sale any fresh meat ofwhatsoever kind unless the same hasbeen inspected by the city inspector-of milks and meats of the city ofOcala

Sec 2 That from and after thepassage of this ordinance it shall beunlawful for any person or personscompany dealer or corporation to of-


for sale in the city cf Ocala anyfresh meats of whatsoever kind un ¬

less such person or persons companydealer or corporation shall have ob-


from the city inspector of milkPPQ meats of the city of Ocala a cer-tificate


of the same date as that uponwhich the meat is offered for salecertifying that such meat so offered issound and contains no deleteriousgerms

Sec 3 That from and after thepassage of this ordinance it shall heunlawful for any person or personscompany dealer or corporation to oc ¬

cupy any stall or place for the expos-Ing of fresh meats for sale in the cityof Ocala unless such stall or placehas been inspected by the city inspec-tor


I of milk and meats of the city ofOcala and certified by him to be In

I a clean and sanitary conditionI Sec 4 Any person firm dealerI company or corporation violating anyI of the provisions of this ordinanceIshall be subject to a fine not less thani 1 nor more than 10 or imprisonmentnot less than one nor more than tendays for each and every offense

Sec 5 All ordinances or parts ofordinances in conflict herewith arehereby repealed

I 1

Report of the Finance Committee forMonth of Novembe-

rT the Honorable City Council City-of Ocala-


Your finance committeebegs to report the following receipts-

i and disbursements during the month-of NovemberBalance in bank Nov 1 53707 23

ReceiptsCity marshal 4S0 10City collector ad val L14379 j

I License fi94 SOI Clerk electric light 2257 05

Total 902 97Disbursements

General fund paid scrip 3132 21Fire and water fund scrip 124S S5Electric light fund scrip 95204Paid scrip bond interest 132 00

I Total 5465 10Balance in bank Dec 1 3617 87Against this balance in bank on De ¬

cember 1st there is outstanding scripI in the general fund in the sum of

35919 fire and water fund 8451and electric light fund 39172 total

86542The scrip drawn for the month of

November from the several funds wasdrawn for expenses in the various de ¬

partments as followsBy regular salaries 229 00By street department 273 60By police department 241 50


By water department 106875

Made to EatNot to Keep-


World Fame-

dCandiesZ v


Bottom layer Bringsf h-

as many delicious morselssurprises as top layerS-

old b-


By fire department 165 00By sanitary department 92 00By market department 5 09By cemetery department 71 03By electric light department 928 46By bond interest 132 00By amt paid on city note 1000 00By amt transferred from gen-

eral fund to F yV fund 1209 09

Total 5406 34The reports of the several officers-

of the city are hereto attached andmade a part of this your committeesreport All of which is respectfullysubmitted L W Duval Chm

c Rheinauer


Neglect to have them properlyexamined may cause a life-


sorrow and regretSmall disorders grow more

serious every day There Issatisfaction in knowing for surethat your eyes are all right-


DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FfIOffice Hours ° to 12 a m and 1

130 to 430 p m Optical office andlaboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


Can be had at Mills studio NorthMagnolia street 1130tf

More people are taking Foleys Kid-ney


Remedy every year It is consid-ered


to be the most effective remedyfor kidney amir bladder troubles thatmedical Fcieifc rni devise FoleysKidney Ren ely Snrects irregularities-builds un w <irn <nit tissues and re-


lost vitality It will make youfeel well and look well Sold by alldruggists-


SALE500 bushels of Burtninetyday seed oats Address J WFait Morriston Fla 1124mw

I In getting up your magazines forthe next year remember the OcalaNews Co will meet any club ratesCome in and get price-

sWANTEDInformation regardingfarm or business for sale nor par ¬

ticular about location wish to hearfrom owner only who will sell directto buyer give price description andstate when possession can be had

I Address L Darbyshire Box 2028 Ro-Chester N Y

When in Ocala don forget Hoganplace We will do all In our powerto make It pleasant for you Hoganthe whisky man-


FS yyM

CAR OF HORSESHugh Nichols of Wildwood the

horse expert is now in the blue grasectios of Kentucky selecting a car oextra fine horses and mules whicwill be on exhibit and sale at the liv ¬

ery stable of Tompkins Cobb Thoecontemplating buying something real ¬

ly good in the equine line will savemoney by waiting for this lot Wemean business and propose to do busi-ness


Come and see us-

Tompkins Cobb CoLivery and Sales Stables Ocala Fla