i tvening star- i k entertain i munroe j has...

5- t t- ot a FOUR OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1908 Y tVENING STAR- K K L BITTINGER CO C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Proprietors and Publish- ersC C L BITTINGER Editor and General Manager- R R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBER- SOn L On or before the 10th clay of Jan ary 1908 all subscriptions to the rening Star that are mon than one in arrears will be discontinued Jle subscription price of the EVen Star Js r 0 rents a month or e pr- gar IN ADVA NT K Hereafter the c TO rates will be strictly enforced if le pays by the month it will be f 0- ints If he pays after several months ive elapsed the arrearage will IK arged at the monthly and not the early or advance rate Several of- r old friends are going to do with t the Star unless their recounts are r d up At the present excessively gh prices of paper cost of labor I > material it is business suicide to rry people for two to four years for dally paper and then settle if a tall paying the cash in advance rate ie paper is far better off to cut off such indifferent subscribers and R eStar will do so in future Would your grocer sell you a harrel flour at 10 per cent discount over twenty pound sack and le you ow- es iI veral years for it This is what yr T newspaper often dues The major J of the Stars subscribers pay for 5 paper a year in advance some pay arterly in advance others pay- onthlyelther way is satisfactory It > costs too nfuch to produce a paper s d the margin of profit is too small do a long credit business All of- e papers throughout the country are Utting off on it and the Star along- th others will do so in future T Jr The Star is in receipt of a card Governor Albert W Gilchrist a Idate for governor at the coming- ary The card contains a good ess of the bachelor candidate tit monkeys sitting on the banks of e river enjoying siesta as only eys can under the shade of a co nut tree Their attitude is peculiar J ls holding his ears another his and the third his mouth denoting V the first is distracted with the mble of rooters for the general the 10 ftpnd he cant believe the enthusiasm- is abroad in the land and the- r Is so enthused at the prospects the generals election that he is Id to give voice to his feelings tthe same this card is to be a potfent tor in the canvass that is now on- t gubernatorial honors R F1 Japtain W L Ditto who has been 0 ling the past week with his son ord and Mrs Ditto in Jacksonville Iphome again and can be found at office of his son Mr F W Ditto Ijlvideawake real estate dealer as ilthiff him in his business The genial tableman while gone had a most en Ilirable time with his family and the Confederate desires us to say that ia not 92 years of age as the Times Ion put It but 82 t f lie Star Is pained to hear of the dent that befel Mrs Nancy Wallace eral days ago at her home in the 0 cn ward As she was descending 7 tops into the yard her foot caught bthe fell to the ground severely shingr her hip Mrs Wallace is r oldest resident in the city being s re of age and has lived here ply all her married lif- eJoan f cf 0 Mathews of Palmer Ift who has been in the city som- eiilooking after legal matters before < w S Bullock and resisting an- t judgment of over 20000 sectr- nsthJl11 and had had the same lied He has other litigation to property which was given him- UrltYbU z which he now finds tiered Mr Mathews is one of bidest orange growers in the state ring interested in the wild groves tri In 1868 and of which he made jrat success He held a big hand j one time in the phosphate indus filn this county being interested C W White the controlling holders of the Blue River Phos iate Co > < r Charles Thomas the assistant tir aster and cashier of the Ocala- is taking his vacation and ex ct > qto go otit Into the country and it for month or two and see if cannot get the bloom back on his ka again- PRbe moving picture managers are- ugh me for a more central location and a to be able in a few days to lo- j hla attraction in the heart of the > v- itnws district and in course of s Vvshow the picture the Passion r one ot the most historical and ieta everput on the stage > Ben BlitChs s condition is deemed at better today fj r a- ittMto 1 < f J W C T U MEETING- The Wonwni Christian TVmporanre tnion meeting ystIday afternoon at the horn of the president Mrs K Van Hood was not only one of the largest ev r held but running over with enthusiasm in a dctfrmination to prosecute from now on a seven leagued boot campaign over the coun- ty ¬ until the day of election on th I wet or dry subject is disposed of Mrs Iarnet the new Methodist pastors wife was one of tlie modest but bril- liant ¬ lights at the meeting being fleet- ed ¬ a member and called on fur re- marks ¬ which slob made with an ef fectiV ness that somewhat rasped tin nerves of some of the shrinking and timid workers tine thoroughly ex j ploded the idea that women engaged in so righteous a rause as they were I engaged in did not unsex themselves I by going out into the open and using their powers of omanly inlluem to I make the voter see what is the true interest of the people in this contest for home anti God Those who heard her remarks pronounced her a jewel- in the cause KINGS DAUGHTERS MEETING The Kings aughters held an inter- esting ¬ meeting this morning Quite a strange cast was presented by Judge Bell who with Mrs W VT Myall and Mrs L IJitlingcr will investigate the same this afternoon Mrs Hattie A Jones was a pleas- ant visitor She belongs to the order in the Nutmeg state She was called- on and matte an interesting talk in which she complimented the order here for the good and efficient work done for the poor and needy of the city Mrs Junes and her husband are in the city for a short time guests of the Glonwood W F M SOCIETY The Womans Foreign Missionary I Society will hold its regular monthly meeting Friday afternoon January 3 3 p m at tile residence of Mrs Jno G Ferguson All members are urged to be present and to bring a new one and visitors arc gladly welcomed Ella R Bouvier Secy U D C MEETING- A called meeting of the Daughters- of the Confederacy will be held at the residence of Mrs Edward Helvenston Saturday afternoon at 330 oclock Business of much importance is to be discussed Mrs F R Gary Pres- A s CARD OF THANKS We desire to return our sincere and heartfelt thanks for the king and generous manner in which our appeal- for supplied for the poor and needy of the city as Christmas presents was re ¬ sponded to We also wish to express our thanks for the contributions of money tendered at the union service held Thanksgiving day and to any and all who in any way aided us in their labors to relieve the destitute Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me The Kings Daughters MISS JEAN AUSTINS PARTY The party given by Miss Jean Aus- tin ¬ Tuesday night was a great success Her mothers lovely home on Oklawaha avenue was most artistically and sea ¬ sonably decorated Mrs Austin ana Mrs G T Maughs and Miss Sara Da- vis ¬ assisted the lovely young hostess- in doing the honors of the evening also aided by Miss Leta Camp and Miss Alta Pearson who presided most gracefully at the piao The victors in the games were Miss Helen Brown and Charles Gates and Miss Camp After the games delicious refreshments- were served The occasion to the par ¬ ticipants was a memorable one and the gracious manners of the young hostess will be remembered with pleasure- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT- The court was busy this morning considering the case of E C McLeod- vs the Florida Lime Co H L An ¬ derson represented the plaintiff and Messrs Hocker Duval the defendant- The jury was pondering over the case at 1 oclock Justice Bullock found George Davis colored guilty of toting a pistol this morning and sentenced him to three months in jail or pay a fine of 5100 and costs The Montezuma hotel had fortytwo arrivals yesterday Among them were the following Dr E Guerrant Uma tilla A S Sargent and wife Boston W C Templeton and wife Asheville- Mrs S W Reynolds Gainesville R J Knight Crystal River James and W B Holder Citronelle F C R Da- vis ¬ Waycross A J McLaughlin Kissimmee J M Welsh Holder Miss Dixie Pillans Electra and S M Regan Tampa Master Henry Groves leaves tomor- row ¬ for Lebanon Tenn to resume Iis studies- J Carstens of Lake Weir is now the bookkeeper for the camp Phosphate Company vice J W Bishop resigned < t xi lc A 1i iiI I THE LYCEUM ENTERTAINMENT TIll Ladii > Iyeeum quarter who drew one of the largest audiences in entertain j ments at th armory taut night gays a must excellent and itntertaining pro- gram ¬ The sinxinjj by all the mem- bers ¬ was KOOI the violinist better uhiie th raI r Mr < re > Ie < Ui5n- lrak was as loud as the bcst mon tli pieces deliinied was the Iud ding the Runaway ioy the Boy orator of Texas and tInS 1 Vhistlinj Boy The performance of the quartet and each member individually was so g ood that they ere applauded after each number and the enehore Th evening uas a rare treat indeed JENNINGSJOHNSON The home of Mrs K K Bargannir was today till scene of one of the PIt tit st marriaies Dunnellon has ever knou n when Mr J IAM Jennings and Miss Sailie Johnson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Promptly at 7 a m the bridal party entered the parlor tIn groom with Mr Will Meuulf as best Ulan and the bride accompanied by Miss Minnie Bay of Baltimore as maid of honor The bride and groom were met by Rev Waddell D D who performed the ceremony most impressively in the presence of a small party of relatives and friends Tile grunts and hest man were both attired in the conventional black and the bride was beautifully dressed in a golden brown chiffon pinama cloth goill away gown with hat and gloves- to thatch and the maid of honor wore- a champagne chiffon broadcloth coat with hat tint gloves of the saute color The groom is one of Dunnellons must prosperous business men and the bride is a resident of Decatur Ala Directly after the ceremony the bridal couple took the northbound train for Jacksonville Birmingham and other points and the best wishes and hearty congratulations of the many friends accompany them t MRS STUCKY IS RECOVERING Mrs A P Stucky wife of the well known naval stores and railroad mag- nate ¬ of Ocala and Sarasota was on Tuesday afternoon operated on for nas taititis a disease of the ear by Drs Helms and Lawrence and the opera- tion ¬ having proved successful she is now proving rapidly at the local in- firmary ¬ of the physicians mentioned Mrs Stucky who recently moved with her family from Ocala to Sarasota- was brought over from St Petersburg- on one of the Independent Line boats and her condition was so serious that she had to be taken to the infirmary- in an ambulance The ladys friends throughout the state will be pleased to know that she stood the shock of the operation admirably Tampa Tribune January 2nd HILLWATERS Wednesday morning at the home of the brides parents the Baptist min- ister ¬ Rev P W Green united in mar- riage ¬ Miss Louise Waters and Mr P H Hill The wedding was the most beautiful home marriage ceremony ever in the little town of Levon The par ¬ lors were most tastefully decorated with evergreens and wedding bells in tersperced with streamers Christmas colors of red and green predominated throughout- The bride was lovely in a traveling costume of brown with hat and gloves- to match Mr and Mrs Hill left amidst a per ¬ feet shower of rice and congratula- tions ¬ for a short wedding tour of two weeks after which they will be at home to their many friends at the residence of Mr and Mrs J S Waters at Levon The large number of costly and beautiful presents attest the great popularity of the young couple Their many friends congratulate them and wish them every happiness HOWS THIS I We offer one hundred dollars reward- for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure- F J Cheney Co Toledo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and be- lieve ¬ him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially- able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter ¬ nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation FARM FOR SALE- A splendid farm of about 100 acres mostly cleared and fenced with wire live stock feed etc good houses water and located I1hmiles from fine railroad town in best vegetable and I farming belt of the state Cheap for cash Apply at the Star office- s 1 U r I i Incorporated Capital 5ftMM0 THE MUNROE CHAMBLISS BANK I i i Has Money to Loan in Moderate j Amounts to Regular Customers I I T T MrxHoK President ZC CHAMBUSS VicePresident A E CIKKIG Cashier I u u r Edison PhonographsThe- re is more joy in the home over the possession of an Edison Phono- graph ¬ I and a good supply of records than over any other article that a like t sum of money can purchase- I N I 1- tt I I I r- sY I I I = I I I a t- I I I I i I I I i I I I Ir i I I I i I E Always in stock Edison Phonographs at 10 20 > 30 and 35 t J 1S = 1- a = r 1j r f- n < tale E pa > AT- d CA o1 USA 0 G s i t s i- t u T 1 = 2000 DIFFERENT RECORDS IN STOCK From Which to Make Your Selections Records are 35 cents Each Grand Opera Records 75 cents Each Prompt attention to all outoftown Orders i I A E Burnett 9 The Jeweler Merchants Block OCALA FLA SCRUGGSMASSEY- On Christmas Day 1907 1030 a m at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs W H Massey Orange Springs Fla Mr Newsom Scruggs- and Miss Cora Lee Massey were united- in marriage the Rev S J Townsend pastor of the first Congregational church at Interlachen officiating- The ceremony was witnessed only by the family of the bride who was beautifully dressed in white silk with real lace She is not only a handsome young lady and a favorite of all her friends but a noble Christian girl One of the best girls I have ever known say those who know her best Her father is a well known business- man in the turpentine trade After a sumptuous dinner the bride and groom left for Hahira Ga Mr Scruggs is a young man of sterling character and a graduate of Lexington Ky College in 190L He has since traveled extensively and spent a year in the wholesale furni ¬ ture business in San Francisco Cal During most of the past year he has been engaged in the same business in Atlanta Ga His country home near Hahira will be the future home of himself and bride A happy New Year and a long and prosperous life is the wish of all their friends for them WOODSMAN WANTED Wanted a firstclass sober and ex ¬ perienced turpentine woodsman mar ¬ ried man preferred Apply to Wekiva Naval Stores Co Montbrook Fla S DISTURBED THE CONGREGATION The person who disturbed the con ¬ gregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle- of Foleys Honey and Tar For sale by all dealers Miss Lizzie Johnson one of the real- ly ¬ pleasant young ladles of the Griner Farm section was consulting an Ocala dentist today I Good to Eat W I Thats why everyone li- kesJellO I THE DAINTY DESSERT I I Approved by Pure Food Commission I Easily PreparedSimply add boiling water and let cool Flavors Lemon Orange Raspberry Strawberry Chocolate Cherry Peach lOc per package enough for large family at all grocers ir w Illustrated I Recipe Book free ° Highest award at f- all Expositions- The Ceaesee Pure Fo 4 CLeRey KY e Visit our booth at JameatownEipoai lion > a Y

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Page 1: I tVENING STAR- I K entertain I MUNROE j Has …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00735/0017.pdfgolden brown chiffon pinama cloth goill away gown with hat and gloves-to thatch


t t-





C L Bittinger and R R CarrollProprietors and Publish-


Editor and General Manager-

R R CARROLLCity Editor and Business Manager



L On or before the 10th clay of Janary 1908 all subscriptions to the

rening Star that are mon than onein arrears will be discontinued

Jle subscription price of the EVenStar Js r 0 rents a month or e pr-

gar IN ADVA NT K Hereafter thec

TO rates will be strictly enforced ifle pays by the month it will be f 0-

ints If he pays after several monthsive elapsed the arrearage will IKarged at the monthly and not the

early or advance rate Several of-

r old friends are going to do witht the Star unless their recounts arerd up At the present excessively

gh prices of paper cost of laborI > material it is business suicide torry people for two to four years fordally paper and then settle if a tall

paying the cash in advance rateie paper is far better off to cut off

such indifferent subscribers andReStar will do so in futureWould your grocer sell you a harrel

flour at 10 per cent discount overtwenty pound sack and le you ow-

esiI veral years for it This is whatyr Tnewspaper often dues The majorJof the Stars subscribers pay for

5 paper a year in advance some payarterly in advance others pay-onthlyelther way is satisfactoryIt> costs too nfuch to produce a paper

sd the margin of profit is too smalldo a long credit business All of-

e papers throughout the country areUtting off on it and the Star along-th others will do so in future


JrThe Star is in receipt of a card

Governor Albert W Gilchrist aIdate for governor at the coming-ary The card contains a goodess of the bachelor candidatetit monkeys sitting on the banks ofe river enjoying siesta as onlyeys can under the shade of a co

nut tree Their attitude is peculiarJ ls holding his ears another hisand the third his mouth denoting

V the first is distracted with themble of rooters for the general the10

ftpnd he cant believe the enthusiasm-is abroad in the land and the-

r Is so enthused at the prospectsthe generals election that he isId to give voice to his feelings

tthe same this card is to be a potfenttor in the canvass that is now on-t gubernatorial honors


Japtain W L Ditto who has been0

ling the past week with his sonord and Mrs Ditto in Jacksonville

Iphome again and can be found atoffice of his son Mr F W Ditto

Ijlvideawake real estate dealer asilthiff him in his business The genialtableman while gone had a most enIlirable time with his family and the

Confederate desires us to say thatia not 92 years of age as the TimesIon put It but 82


lie Star Is pained to hear of thedent that befel Mrs Nancy Wallaceeral days ago at her home in the

0 cn

ward As she was descending7 tops into the yard her foot caughtbthe fell to the ground severely

shingr her hip Mrs Wallace isr oldest resident in the city beings re of age and has lived hereply all her married lif-



0 Mathews of PalmerIft who has been in the city som-

eiilooking after legal matters before<w S Bullock and resisting an-

t judgment of over 20000 sectr-nsthJl11 and had had the same

lied He has other litigation toproperty which was given him-

UrltYbUz which he now findstiered Mr Mathews is one of

bidest orange growers in the statering interested in the wild grovestri In 1868 and of which he made

jrat success He held a big handj one time in the phosphate indusfiln this county being interested

C W White the controllingholders of the Blue River Phos

iate Co> <

r Charles Thomas the assistanttiraster and cashier of the Ocala-is taking his vacation and ex

ct > qto go otit Into the country andit for month or two and see if

cannot get the bloom back on hiska again-

PRbe moving picture managers are-


me for a more central location anda to be able in a few days to lo-

j hla attraction in the heart of the> v-

itnws district and in course ofs

Vvshow the picture the Passionr one ot the most historical andieta everput on the stage


Ben BlitChs s condition is deemedat better today fj

r a-






The Wonwni Christian TVmporanretnion meeting ystIday afternoon atthe horn of the president Mrs K

Van Hood was not only one of thelargest ev r held but running overwith enthusiasm in a dctfrminationto prosecute from now on a sevenleagued boot campaign over the coun-ty


until the day of election on thI wet or dry subject is disposed of MrsIarnet the new Methodist pastorswife was one of tlie modest but bril-liant


lights at the meeting being fleet-ed


a member and called on fur re-


which slob made with an effectiV ness that somewhat rasped tinnerves of some of the shrinking andtimid workers tine thoroughly ex

j ploded the idea that women engagedin so righteous a rause as they were

I engaged in did not unsex themselvesIby going out into the open and usingtheir powers of omanly inlluem to


make the voter see what is the trueinterest of the people in this contestfor home anti God Those who heardher remarks pronounced her a jewel-in the cause

KINGS DAUGHTERS MEETINGThe Kings aughters held an inter-


meeting this morning Quite astrange cast was presented by JudgeBell who with Mrs W VT Myall andMrs L IJitlingcr will investigatethe same this afternoon

Mrs Hattie A Jones was a pleas-ant visitor She belongs to the orderin the Nutmeg state She was called-on and matte an interesting talk inwhich she complimented the order herefor the good and efficient work donefor the poor and needy of the cityMrs Junes and her husband are in thecity for a short time guests of theGlonwood

W F M SOCIETYThe Womans Foreign Missionary

I Society will hold its regular monthlymeeting Friday afternoon January 33 p m at tile residence of Mrs Jno GFerguson All members are urged tobe present and to bring a new one andvisitors arc gladly welcomed

Ella R Bouvier Secy

U D C MEETING-A called meeting of the Daughters-

of the Confederacy will be held at theresidence of Mrs Edward HelvenstonSaturday afternoon at 330 oclockBusiness of much importance is to bediscussed Mrs F R Gary Pres-


CARD OF THANKSWe desire to return our sincere and

heartfelt thanks for the king andgenerous manner in which our appeal-for supplied for the poor and needy ofthe city as Christmas presents was re ¬

sponded to We also wish to expressour thanks for the contributions ofmoney tendered at the union serviceheld Thanksgiving day and to anyand all who in any way aided us intheir labors to relieve the destituteInasmuch as ye have done it unto

one of the least of these my brethrenye have done it unto me

The Kings Daughters

MISS JEAN AUSTINS PARTYThe party given by Miss Jean Aus-


Tuesday night was a great successHer mothers lovely home on Oklawahaavenue was most artistically and sea¬

sonably decorated Mrs Austin anaMrs G T Maughs and Miss Sara Da-vis


assisted the lovely young hostess-in doing the honors of the eveningalso aided by Miss Leta Camp andMiss Alta Pearson who presided mostgracefully at the piao The victors inthe games were Miss Helen Brownand Charles Gates and Miss CampAfter the games delicious refreshments-were served The occasion to the par¬

ticipants was a memorable one and thegracious manners of the young hostesswill be remembered with pleasure-

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT-The court was busy this morning

considering the case of E C McLeod-vs the Florida Lime Co H L An ¬

derson represented the plaintiff andMessrs Hocker Duval the defendant-The jury was pondering over the caseat 1 oclock

Justice Bullock found George Daviscolored guilty of toting a pistol thismorning and sentenced him to threemonths in jail or pay a fine of 5100and costs

The Montezuma hotel had fortytwoarrivals yesterday Among them werethe following Dr E Guerrant Umatilla A S Sargent and wife BostonW C Templeton and wife Asheville-Mrs S W Reynolds Gainesville RJ Knight Crystal River James andW B Holder Citronelle F C R Da-


Waycross A J McLaughlinKissimmee J M Welsh Holder MissDixie Pillans Electra and S M ReganTampa

Master Henry Groves leaves tomor-row


for Lebanon Tenn to resume Iisstudies-

J Carstens of Lake Weir is now thebookkeeper for the camp PhosphateCompany vice J W Bishop resigned


t xi lcA 1i iiI



TIll Ladii > Iyeeum quarter whodrew one of the largest audiences in

entertainj ments at th armory taut night gaysa must excellent and itntertaining pro-


The sinxinjj by all the mem-


was KOOI the violinist betteruhiie th raI r Mr < re > Ie < Ui5n-

lrak was as loud as the bcst montli pieces deliinied was the Iudding the Runaway ioy the Boyorator of Texas and tInS 1 VhistlinjBoy

The performance of the quartet andeach member individually was so g oodthat they ere applauded after eachnumber and the enehore Th eveninguas a rare treat indeed


The home of Mrs K K Bargannirwas today till scene of one of the PIttit st marriaies Dunnellon has everknou n when Mr J IAM Jennings andMiss Sailie Johnson were united inthe holy bonds of matrimony

Promptly at 7 a m the bridal partyentered the parlor tIn groom with MrWill Meuulf as best Ulan and thebride accompanied by Miss MinnieBay of Baltimore as maid of honorThe bride and groom were met by RevWaddell D D who performed theceremony most impressively in thepresence of a small party of relativesand friends

Tile grunts and hest man were bothattired in the conventional black andthe bride was beautifully dressed in agolden brown chiffon pinama clothgoill away gown with hat and gloves-to thatch and the maid of honor wore-a champagne chiffon broadcloth coatwith hat tint gloves of the saute color

The groom is one of Dunnellonsmust prosperous business men and thebride is a resident of Decatur AlaDirectly after the ceremony the bridalcouple took the northbound train forJacksonville Birmingham and otherpoints and the best wishes and heartycongratulations of the many friendsaccompany them



Mrs A P Stucky wife of the wellknown naval stores and railroad mag-nate


of Ocala and Sarasota was onTuesday afternoon operated on for nastaititis a disease of the ear by DrsHelms and Lawrence and the opera-tion


having proved successful she isnow proving rapidly at the local in-


of the physicians mentionedMrs Stucky who recently moved withher family from Ocala to Sarasota-was brought over from St Petersburg-on one of the Independent Line boatsand her condition was so serious thatshe had to be taken to the infirmary-in an ambulance The ladys friendsthroughout the state will be pleased toknow that she stood the shock of theoperation admirably Tampa TribuneJanuary 2nd


Wednesday morning at the home ofthe brides parents the Baptist min-


Rev P W Green united in mar-riage


Miss Louise Waters and Mr PH Hill The wedding was the mostbeautiful home marriage ceremony everin the little town of Levon The par ¬

lors were most tastefully decoratedwith evergreens and wedding bells intersperced with streamers Christmascolors of red and green predominatedthroughout-

The bride was lovely in a travelingcostume of brown with hat and gloves-to match

Mr and Mrs Hill left amidst a per¬

feet shower of rice and congratula-tions


for a short wedding tour of twoweeks after which they will be athome to their many friends at theresidence of Mr and Mrs J S Watersat Levon The large number of costlyand beautiful presents attest the greatpopularity of the young couple Theirmany friends congratulate them andwish them every happiness


We offer one hundred dollars reward-for any case of catarrh that cannot becured by Halls Catarrh Cure-

F J Cheney Co Toledo O-

We the undersigned have known FJ Cheney for the last 15 years and be-


him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financially-able to carry out any obligations madeby his firm

Walding Kinnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter ¬

nally acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials free Price 75 cents perbottle Sold by all druggists TakeHalls Family Pills for constipation


A splendid farm of about 100 acresmostly cleared and fenced with wirelive stock feed etc good houseswater and located I1hmiles from finerailroad town in best vegetable and

I farming belt of the state Cheap forcash Apply at the Star office-

s 1U


i Incorporated Capital 5ftMM0


ii Has Money to Loan in Moderatej Amounts to Regular CustomersI

I T T MrxHoK PresidentZ C CHAMBUSS VicePresident A E CIKKIG Cashier

I u u


Edison PhonographsThe-re is more joy in the home over the possession of an Edison Phono-


I and a good supply of records than over any other article that a like t

sum of money can purchase-











I =I

II a t-




















Always in stock Edison Phonographs at 10 20>

30 and 35

tJ 1S= 1-


1j rf-n <tale

E pa>





Gs i t s i-

tu T


2000 DIFFERENT RECORDS IN STOCKFrom Which to Make Your Selections Records are 35 cents Each Grand

Opera Records 75 cents Each Prompt attention to all outoftownOrders i

I A E Burnett 9 The JewelerMerchants Block OCALA FLA


On Christmas Day 1907 1030 a mat the home of the brides parents Mrand Mrs W H Massey OrangeSprings Fla Mr Newsom Scruggs-and Miss Cora Lee Massey were united-in marriage the Rev S J Townsendpastor of the first Congregationalchurch at Interlachen officiating-

The ceremony was witnessed onlyby the family of the bride who wasbeautifully dressed in white silk withreal lace She is not only a handsomeyoung lady and a favorite of all herfriends but a noble Christian girl

One of the best girls I have everknown say those who know her bestHer father is a well known business-man in the turpentine trade Aftera sumptuous dinner the bride andgroom left for Hahira Ga

Mr Scruggs is a young man ofsterling character and a graduate ofLexington Ky College in 190L Hehas since traveled extensively andspent a year in the wholesale furni ¬

ture business in San Francisco CalDuring most of the past year he hasbeen engaged in the same business inAtlanta Ga His country home nearHahira will be the future home ofhimself and bride A happy New Yearand a long and prosperous life is thewish of all their friends for them


Wanted a firstclass sober and ex¬

perienced turpentine woodsman mar¬

ried man preferred Apply to WekivaNaval Stores Co Montbrook Fla



The person who disturbed the con ¬

gregation last Sunday by continuallycoughing is requested to buy a bottle-of Foleys Honey and Tar For saleby all dealers

Miss Lizzie Johnson one of the real-ly


pleasant young ladles of the GrinerFarm section was consulting an Ocaladentist today

I Good to Eat W

I Thats why everyone li-kesJellO



I Approved by Pure Food CommissionI Easily PreparedSimply add

boiling water and let coolFlavors Lemon Orange Raspberry

Strawberry Chocolate Cherry PeachlOc per package enough for large

family at all grocers

ir w IllustratedI Recipe Book

free° Highest award at f-

all Expositions-

The Ceaesee Pure Fo 4 CLeRey KY eVisit our booth at JameatownEipoai lion

> a