i was the first patient of my own chakra healing therapy: historical evolution of a chakra healer

I Was The First Patient of My Own Chakra Healing Therapy Histori cal Evoluti on of A Chakra Healer

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Post on 19-Aug-2015



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I Was The First Patient of My Own Chakra

Healing TherapyHistoric

al Evolution of

A Chakra Healer

I am an electronics

engineer and

worked as a scientist

in DRDO.

On December 12, 2004; it happened so that I was standing in Sarojini Nagar Market, New Delhi,

India; waiting for my wife to come and join me for some shopping over there.



it happened!

As I fully exhaled once in order to come out of the

rigidity of having kept standing at one single place

for long, I immediately

discovered that I was seeing every

single thing crystal clear in the field of my vision far and


It was an utter surprise for a lifelong myopic that was


I did not believe what I was seeing, but I had to, since I was really seeing so vividly clear as

I had never done before all through my life!

Still apprehending, I closed my eyes once

and hesitantly opened them again very


Alas! My vision was back to its old habitual blur


But by now, my body had

preserved some memory of its

own, of what it had gone

through when it had

spontaneously jumped into the

state of a crystal clear

vision in its eyes.

I let my body take me along as it tried to repeat the maneuver, and to my utter joy, it was there again… that gift of a sudden clarity of vision was back to my eyes!

Though it didn’t stay permanently with me all the time after, but I was able to jump into this state at will.

I kept playing the game of swinging between the sudden clarity and the old habitual blur of my vision all through the day, and then the next day, and then next again…

… It continued going like this for the next

two full years. My body knew what it had to do

in order to be in that state but my mind was

not able to follow the entire complex

maneuver that the body was undergoing while jumping into the state

of its crystal clear vision.

I began looking for literature around that could have explained what it all was in its subtle dimensions. But the more I searched, the more I got disappointed.

Side by side, I was keeping

trying to exactly pin point what my body was doing in

its length and breadth as it was

performing the maneuver every


What I could put my hands on that stood nearest to what my body was doing to every single part of it

as it was performing the maneuver was an otherwise obscure and unclear description

of chakras being present in the body affecting the energy flow through it in a negative way as they

lied ‘closed’ in it.

And there was a certain unclear description of

‘opening’ these chakras, making it all more

esoteric than scientific. But a certain similarity between what my body

did and what the description of chakras said in an unclear way

kept me stuck to the discipline.

Also by now, I had managed to clearly pin point almost every single maneuver that my body was doing to every part of it, and matched its effect with almost every realistically predicted effect mentioned in all those obscure studies of chakras, especially the instantaneous effect that it had on my eyesight.

My body had opened its debilitating chakras in a spontaneous way on December 12, 2004 showing its effect in the sudden clarity of vision…

… and after two years of day and night experimenting with

pin pointing what it was doing to itself in order to be in that

open state, I was able to give a clear biological interpretation

to an obscure spiritual study of chakras as well as frame a

concrete methodology to open all the 7 chakras by re-

posturing the body in a way that did not obstruct the flow of energy through the body in

its full length from the Root Chakra on the pelvis to

the Crown Chakra on the top of the head.

Since then I have been doing it to

people who come to me

either for the pure curiosity

of opening their chakras

or else troubled by the chronic health

conditions, which are

miraculously cured by

opening the chakras alone.