i we you abje never bane take co r rilnotufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/58/91/00093/0538.pdf ·...

k J S = a abJe ViU 1e TIlE L 8v 1T R Ri- P AliVIKuU SOU 1H- Peniaorta IrilU Leave loU 723 nm aet No8t l14 p m So ii11LEY- Mall urr1re lit 1102 m So Sotnst 000 am lo fl311xeL Junction i 12 Prn- 815am So3Ffl8tilall- Si21Mlxert l IpfT tflver Junction tr ni Leave Mall 630pnv 4 frit Xo 1000 a m So 2Mlxed nlre at eKJpm- Xo22Mlxed Mail 2Fast 1242 pm Pena ° I O2FStMa11 ll00pruU- oS2 6351 m Mixed makes Immediate con South 8 No jcilon Train with tho K C A P for Jacksonville uHll points South connection at 2 North ra ke No Irsin via Montgomery foi with train iotnaton Soth Bast and West alwi with points Sew Orleans and the South- West ir lfl for Mobile trttna Ho 8 aod I2 carry sleeper Information address For farther JT W LURTON Pensaoola Fla = tal ujdlmal OUR CLUBBING LIST Semiweekly Atlanta lliNxEn and Journal per year IL25 BANNER and Thrlco eweekNew York World per year 165 BANNER and Semiweekly TlmesUn Ion and Citizen per year 1175 DANNEBand Homo andFarrn per year I DANSEB and Semlwceklv Savannah Sews per year 105 Now Is the time to subscribe for your years reading- See A Q Jones notice Go to Campbell t Butlers Read J W Williams notice Read Mr LlnUms notice for rent Chipley Is certainly enjoying a building boom Another large crowd n toDeFunlakl- ast Saturday Ma A Lewis of DoFanlak was a vis- itor ¬ here Tuesday- Those 50 piece dinner sets at Campbell A Butlers are winners County Commissioner Rome was In the city Thursday business Wo will have a number of chanced In business to report nextweek Mr Lamp Harmon has taken charge of Capt A J Gays stables here Where ohl where are those street lamps cone wo used to to hun some Capt A J Gay came up Sunday and spent a day or two on business- Mr T E Gainer and mother of Econfl na spent Sunday with friends here Mr R U Uarrcll camo up from yernon rrlday having made bis bond- T J Mobley of Vernon came up on bus- iness ¬ Friday returning Saturday- Mr P N Tolbottof Hartford Ala was among tho visitors here Saturday Sheriff Allen and C Tharp made a bus- iness ¬ trip DoFunlak Monday Prof Llpe delivered a lecture here Tuesday night theM E church A largo number of strangers were on the streets the early part of this week Mr MIA Dekle of Marlanna came over Sunday and spent the day with relatives- A R Do Fluent editor of the Jonrnal Ooylestown Ohio goffered for a number <>f years from rheumatism In his right shoulder and side Ho says My right arm at times was entirely useless I tn- 4d Chamberlains Pain Balm and was urprlsed to receive relief almost Imme Uately Thr Pain Balm has boon a con- stant ¬ companion of mlnoaver since and It neverCallaior sale by Patrick Bros Mr 8 F Moore a prominent merchant uWestvllle was hero Monday on busi- ness ¬ Mrs M A Cannon of Cairo Ga18 vis lilng her daughter Mrs J D Forrester taro this week I am prepared do kind of bicycle and gun repairing All workguaranteed A B NOWLIK Mr Claude Pelham marshal of of Rant ford Alt and W M Melton were vlolt ors here Saturday Mr A F Register Vernon was ui Wednesday on his was to Marlanna to at- tend Judge Porterrijevee- We hear that the entire navalstores business of the late firm OBrien Cartel VM purchased by Mr OBrlen lie U a oodbujne IIlllan and we wish him con tIIuedaeeeiiti f L I Don rail to hunt up J R Sapp It you I want any work In his line done anybody- can point out his place to you Mr A J Gay has purchased the entire business of Gay Carter both hero and at the Bay Success to him I Mr Albert Miller who was shot re- cently ¬ Is doing very well his brother In ¬ forms uu that he will got well Question What did tim street lamps cost Chlploy Now where are they gone whero thn woodbine twlnnth We want everybody five miles town- to come In some dark night and see the lllumlnatlonof our street lamps Straw hats straw haul we havo them- In all tho latest shapes and styles and the prices are LOWER THAU LAST SEASON Our Spring clothing Just received you are Invited to Inspect It we certainly cat suit you In a suit Campbell Butler I Mr H Faust passed through hero this week from his old homo at Ozark Alajln was on his way hack to the Bay country- Mr John W Gainer ot Econflna was a pleasant caller at our office last Friday come again we are always glad to see you We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlains Cough Remedy In our home We keep a bottle open all the tlmo and whenever any of mj family or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy and as a result we ucvpr have to send away for a doctor and Incur a large doctor bill for Chamberlains Cough Remedy never falls to cure It Is certainly a medicine otgreal merit and wortliS D MKAHKIE Jon era Merchant and Farmer Mattie Bed ¬ ford Co Pa For sale bv Patrick Bros Tax assessor J W Williams wishes ev- erybody ¬ Interested to know that ho will b < here the remainder of this month ready to assess their taxes Supt W C Lockey Rev SB Rogers B T Morgan V E Coleman Richard Scarlett and others left Tuesday morn- Ing for a big fish and hunt Mr Houston Jones of Jones Mill Mon ¬ roe county Ala camo over from DcFu nlak Saturday night and spent Sunday with ye Editor and family and latest styles of Sum- mer ¬ See the newest I dross goods at Campbell Butlers hundred styles to select from more than a and the prices ore right of course Mr W II Watts and wife of Ponsaco Saturday to visit Mr Watts la came over I parents here Mrs Watts spending the week but Will returned Sunday night Mr Fcrnlnand Chambers of Indianap- olis ¬ Ind came In a few days ago and will spend some time the guest of Mr G him a pleasant visit- Mr A Danloy We wish J T Bownn who has just finished a succcsstul school at Blountstown Cal- houn county was In to see us Saturday lIe says Calhoun Is good but give him old Washington- The Cooks store Is abonl annex to S A completed and ho has moved some of hit oft to a shows his place goods Into It and deserves Lenny greater advantage tho success lie has attained- Mr Charlie Setterllnd the popular clerk Co at Hagerman for C W Hagerman Charlie has Just Saturday In town was his purchased from Mr C Ruckelsbaus nice dwelling west of town to the notice of attention Wo call vour Misses Richardson Cotton announcing- their I 1st Tho April Opening on Spring attend and see tho ladles should certainly pretty goods they will havoonexhibition- Mr formerly editor and J S Gardner of proprietor of the his and offlce any and will add another paper- to here ¬ fixtures success may our little town tend him will com- plete ¬ that he Mr Catchot Informs this week If- the the to finish It material are cetalnly proud comes In Our and extend their of the nosy depot It to the R R Mary E Wilkins latest In April Miss In the Country Jamesons story The La- dies Is now running bo publIshed In book Homo form by the Doubled company of New York L Scarlett of Talla- hassee ¬ R SurveyorGen Saturday spent come family at Orange with his be i a 0 course returning Monday for the BANNEB few very which we appreciated Rev s Rogers Lock < y and thosouth loft TuesdaY fora Mr Lockey cnn part of county Uro Rogers will look his he has hlR tun and look out the Mormons talk to to ho Is going MILLINERY OPENING t Cotton Invite Richardson Misses their friends and the public generally Saturday Opening on attend their Sprlog Wo will show you a pretty April 1st Hats and Nov- elty ¬ Goods line of Millinery goods TlftV of- called St Andrews ProfJCLIpe Ho has been ap- pointed on us for the and general allcn- tfr Jan the 01 CItizen the Christian lie Is going to make of the League States yrar tourof the leetnring organizing he will travel different a trip to contemplates wheel lie on bl8 the same all Europe next year NOTJCEI of the Chlple Drass To the members notlll to as- toemble Band You are hereby Saturda at the town with allinstrnmentll- belonging March 18 to said m band for the purpose practice By order of president- A pc A E NOWLIN Sec d L Ir I J J NOTICEI LAST CALL Tho State and County taxes are now duo and will become delinquent after April L I will bo at Chi ploy my last round on March CO and 21 everybody Is notified to meet me If they want to savo expenses AQ JONES Tax Col Wash Co MACLARENS NEW WORK Ian Maclaren who Is now on a lecturing tour In this country begins In an early Issue of Tho Ladles Homo Journal hU latest piece of literary work It Is a se- ries ¬ of popular articles In which hu de- fines the relation that a minister holds to js congregation how a preacher Ishelp ed bv his people how a congregation CAn make the most of a minister and other theses ot the most satisfactory attitude at a congregation to a pastor I CYPRESS CREEK OUTS Miss Jeanie Jay tho daughter ot one ot the farmers In this community was very seriously If not fatally burned last week the accident happening white she was In the field burning trash It Is greatly re- gretted ¬ by every one Mr Frank Daniel died last Friday morn- Ing His family has our sympathy The farmers In our settlement arc get- ting ¬ along quite nicely now and are mak ing considerable progress In pitching their that this will prove a I crops It la hoped good crop year v- LIST OF JURORS The following Is a list of tho names drawn to servo as Jurors at the Spring term of tho Circuit Court In Washington I county- WA Moshcr John M Anderson John I R Martin B F Thompson A E McMillan I JoshuaHinson John Nelson J W Yonn S W Jones W II James ne U Far nut J R Illghtowcr E PMaxontJ Wise- T rioT J II Porter B Gainer 11 M G W U Day T M Ellis E Gainer V 15- Snlvy W Swindle J R Post Goo J II Anderson James Yawl W Lee Daniel Anderson John Sturrock- J D Howell DEATH OF MR W M LOFTIN It Is with tho most thlsrnornlng sorrow and the that we announce regret of Mr W M Lofiln the former editor and tbo founder of The Dally Jour read ¬ will nal The news of hlR fraternal his sorrow by with throughout the State as well as associates and Escam of by the by al- most ¬ where ho was ma county During his long residence- In tnls everyone city had won the respect and of who lonelY him his esteem his ac- quaintances ¬ friends were numbered only by wife and children who Journal ex- tends ¬ his death The now Its heartfelt sympathy Journal The above comes to us In the Journal Loftin has for years of the 14th Inst Mr been Identified with Pensacola nowspapci work being for a long time city editor ol the News ho was also prominently con- nected with a number of local fraternal organizations and above all was always a friend to Ponsaaola In every way The bereaved family and friends have our sympathy COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Fla March 18P9 meeting of tho town coun- cil ¬ At a regular T Langston A It Wells were J W Williams and Jones chairman read and wero Minutes of last meeting Council order ¬ approved On motion on town treasurer- to bo to ed u In full pay- ment ¬ A M Watson for 7702 to against town up of nil Council or motion On Tan 11899 for Jan dcred A M Watsons account On S340 and Feb amounting to amounting Calley s account motion J E On T C f6 was ordered and 1898 for 1890 1897 Jonesaccount ordered On amounting to ordered to Investi- gate ¬ was the Mayor motion has been a deed not whether or given the town for tho graveyard proper- ty ¬ once one at to If until next adjourned motion the Council regular meeting J J WILLIAMS Clerk- It Is very hard to stand Idly by and see suffer while awaiting the dear ones our arrival of tho doctor An Albany NY dairyman called at a drug store there tor his child then und see a doctor to come very sick with croup Not finding the doctor In ho left word for him to come at Ho also bought a bot- tle ¬ hid return once on of Chamberlains Cough Remedy which he hoped would give some relief few should arrive In a until the doctor the doctor need saying hours he returned child was much better not come as tho the Scholr says The druggist Mr Otto Chambe- rlains recommended famllv has since Cough Remedy to their neighbors- and friends until bo has a constant de- mand ¬ for It from that part of the country For sale by Patrick Bros druggist FOR RENT I have for rent a good short distance farm will rental or Call on or apply- to good terms from town A LlKTO- HChlplevFla OT1CE TO TEACHERS- The questions In Theory and Practice the Juno examination of Teaching Psycholo will be taken from Compaynes It can Education ay Applied to Smith 7 Whit- ehalfst Atlanta Ga W C LocUY Snpt Pub Inst Wash Co NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION- The existing between J copartnership McOeachy Bro E Mlnchln Mlnchln Co has this E known as by mutual consent dissolved day th lire continuing JR McGeachy collect all accounts due who business all the old firms In the firm and pay J E M IK CHIN Jt Co debtednrt E Mlnchln J It McGeachy Bro Cnlpley Fla March 10 1899 c V 7 Li pM WE ouradvertisement but we Sometimes change Never bane HAMILTONBROWN SHOESa- nd newr will so long as they give our customers PERFECT SATISFACTION about it they advertise them- selves There is no use talking When IOU wear one fair we can count on your Shoe Trade Ju t eoedved Tho Largest Line of SPRING lNTSE- ver brought to Cliipley oUr SPRING DRESS GOODSa- re anything we have ever now arriving and surpass shown and the price of course is nght- CAMI1BEUJ BUTtl At OEKfES old ntnnd U If troubled with rheumatlsmgivc Chain trial It will not borlalns Pain Balm a does no Rood Ono cost you a cent If It application will relieve the pain It also bruises In onethird tho cures sprains and time required bv any other treatment qulnsoy pains In Cuts burns frostbites the side and chest glandular and other i swellings aro 4uic k iy cured by applying- It Every bottle warranted Price 25 and CO cU at Patrick Bros drug store NoTlOK Notice Is given toall firms the or c irpnratlon holding ehtmtlllllIlust to present l Carter estate Administratrix ut them to the undersl nuihentiouted Ihlpley Via duly as r by- law from this date two years or same will be plended In bar of set- tlement ¬ This January Slot 1810- MY11X P OMiT Efi- AdminIstratilc of Estate of I P deceased NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Office nt Gainesville Kla I M reu 181891 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Inten- tion ¬ In support ol his to make final be- fore claim and that said vroofwlll Kla on Clerk Circuit Court viz Tliadles M Roberts- of 21th ItTO April Wnusau Ha Hd No 44428 for the VK of SW and NE1 or SW1 8 o4 TpaN 1114W- lie witnesses to names the fillowlng nnd- cultivation his continuous residence Martin of said viz I John tin Jlenry Harrell of Vernon nf Issue Shores Fla Foaterof UonlfayKla Wausau Fla W Q ROBINSON Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Flit Land March 181S91 j Ia hereby given that the following Notice of his Inten- tion ¬ notice has tiled settler named In support of his wake final I claim to nnd tbat said proof will be be- fore Kla on Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon or 18fl viz John C Chestnut 2ifh April his Hd No 24MO for the 1V- 3ofzgRSee4T8N Ith4V witnesses to lie names and residence upon his continuous Hob Tbad viz of Bald cultivation Martin Dun errs of Wuusau Ptn John Via Jos- eph Fla Gadl thms Cnlpley can 1n N Newsom of WG UNUlNSONi Beglaur Ed fee Paid NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Kla V Gainesville Land u March 13 lift I is hereby given that the following Inten of his named seltierbas of his In support make fuel tlon to be ¬ be claim and that said pronf will at Vernon Fla on Clerk Circuit Court rom viz Joseph N Sewsom April 2Mb 1809 Haeerman Fla Hd No 24115 for the 4 N R14 W BJ < of 8EK the following witnesses to- wove Uj onmes and resldente upon his continuous C cultivation of said land vizi B lhe tnut Jhircs M Chestnut Kccdham Hayes Hngerman Ha Henry of Vernon Fla GROBINfcON Ed tee Paid Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior Land Gainesville Fla Feb 20 1899 Notice U hereby given that tho follow ¬ named settler has notice ot his Intention tomako final proof In support- of his and said proo madn before Clerk Circuit Court at West vllle Fla on April 8th 1899 viz Nancy Register 221U HER for the NX o of SWtf Sec 29 Tn7NR13W following witnesses to Ho names and his continuous upon cultivation of land vt Watson B A Balkcom Collins Jeremiah Collins nil of Whltakpr Ala W G ROBINSON Rcgl ter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior a Gainesville Fla > Feb 901899 Notice Is hereby given that too follow named settler has notice of hi- intentiontoinako final In support of his claim thaualdproof will be made before Clerk Circuit Court at West vllle Fla on April 8th 1899 viz Ilagsl Fla lid No Books Hardy Lane NEE 23091 for the S of SEWf Pec 11 and W> o1SV1Sec 12TpON R14 W the witnesses to Be namel continuous residence t 1 and cultivation of vlt Willie Mc Ell Jamo- V Neal John Sliemore Richardson Fla- WGROBINSOV Register- A l FOR OVER FIF Y YEARS Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Syrup has been used by millions mothers for chll tlren while teething with success It soothes the child softens ibo gumsallays wind collo and Is the nil pain cures remedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the Sold by loar little sufferer immcdlhtely Druggist In ovety part of the 28o a bottle Unsure for Mrs Wlnslows Siothlng Hyrup nnd take no other klrd- NOTIOB Volt PUBLICATION Department ol the Interior Land Gainesville Fin January 80 IKK Notice la hereby lIved that the following named settler bll8 mod notice of his Inten lion tn make final proof In support of hIs claim nnd that said proof will Lw Fin be fate Clerk Circuit < onrt at Murlanna I Uth 1X30 viz Margaret A E on narrell ofGracevtlle Kla lid No 251UX- He RIBW for tbe oflW nnmvs the following witnesses to his continuous residence upon rind cultivation of said land viz J M Wil- liams ¬ H F Womlile D II Kicks Wm Forehand all of Ki- nWGBOB1S8ON Rej lsttr Ed fee paid NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Pie > Land Feby 131HN Notice Is hereby vel1 that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten- tion ¬ In support of his to make final proof clatm and that eald proof will be Ver be- fore D D MelvIn County Judge via at Eliza April let IftH Fin on non fontb- cNW4nfSW4Sec28Tp8N Hd No 28141 B 14 W tn He names and his continuous residence cultivation of said viz E U Miller of Ver McKeltbcn William Gainer Henry nou Flu W 8 Jones UO1UN80N Kl- aWO Register NOTHJE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Office at vllle Fin Feby 13 18TO Notice Is hereby given that the following ot his Inten- tion ¬ has tiled named settler of his III tuppcrt make final proof to be ado be- fore ¬ will that said claim and KU on Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon ol B Hays 18THI viz Uflftmu April 1st Hocennnn Fla Hd No for the 8U- j nndSWofNW- ec22Tp or8W ofSSV 4 N R 14 W following witnesses to the He names I unnn and his continuous residence rove Melvin of said viz JG cultivation James M L W Johnson J n Chestnut all or Ilagerman W 0 hOBlNSON- Edfoopaid Register NOTICE FOrt PUBLICATION Department oftbo Interior Fla > Gainesville Land Office March 6 mfl- Notloo Is hereby that the following hit Inten- tion ¬ tiled notice of has named settler of bit to make final protIn will be mado be- fore ¬ claim and that Kla on Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon of Sellers viz 1 Mary 22nd 1HM April FIR lid >o 243 for the EX of Chillier 82 Tp 4 N It 14 W- Ho SKK to following witnesses names the continuous residence upon and his Yates said viz Gadl cultivation John Cblpley Fla Henry lIarr Toad Roberts n aUBlu Ml Vernon his Fin W G ROBINSON RegIster NOTICE iR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Office Gainesville Fla March 0187J Notice Is hereby given that the following of his Inten- tion ¬ has tiled named settler C In support of his to make Thai > be- fore claim and that saId vreofwlli Via on at Clerk Circuit J Foster of 18t4viz William April 22nd 21S25 for the Wtf of Vernon Via Hd No NWH Sec 84 Tp 4 N tt 14 witnesses W to l He names the following sod his continuous residence of said vlt J B Martin cultivation Duncan Tbad Roberts Levi John- son all ol ChlpfeyFla w UOBIN80N Register NOT10E FOR lUBLIOAT10N- DellBrtmenl of tho Interior Land at Gainesville Fa Feb 27 1809 Do TiTi You Take THE B1NNE- Rilnot Why not- We will send TilE BANNKRpost paid to uny uddrt for ft per year Mo for six months 25c for three mouths OrWe will send TUft BANNER and the New Trek TbrlceuWeok World one year lor 16- 8Or 1 Notice U hereby given that the followtn named settler has filed notice of his inter of hIli In support tlon to roakn final proof be- fore claim and that Clerk of Circuit Court at Marianui fl- W 183 Oliver lAth Flagon Udle 24880 Cor his HMO of blJ11ey KU ofSKVi and bl K of NEK see K TpSNR13W- He games following witnesses to his continuous residence upon aDd oulllvatloo of Midland Adi ame T C Rhodes Ji Adams Newton allofChipley Fla- w O Btist- ej Ed fee paid We will send THE ANNKB and the Atlanta Weekly Journal onoyearfor140 Or II you w tnt all three papers Tea BAXKKII The New York World The At- lanta ¬ Journal We w 111 make the extrerce ly low price of only 200 for the three pa ¬ pens 1 YouY- ou never needed good papers worse than you need them now While the L war Howl hangs over the Nation you 8UUlliU hear the thunder rind see the flashes and In order to do this you must read good papers Today la the acceptable lime subscribe forTllItlliN1R Chip1cr Fi- nThFARQUHAR u jjOKFjjD OtlmmMn frrutttn Mit 4O If kul A nrittwirU SAW MILL t ENGINE III Tilt WORLD Witutttd thl bid ffOBKI IT lEST sd 5fi4rl Acrl U > rU- IraplinnnUotBiiiqa Ullla Michloltf midf Bblnllt Illti CtUKi lllj tl wtiirrltn A B FARQUUAB CO Ltd YORK PA UTuB Foil VUDLUATIUN Department of tbo Interior Land I UlofsYlileFla Feby 18 IffW 1 Notice U hereby that the following named ottlkr has Died notice of his Inten- tion ¬ of his In make tliml to lnui and that said proof will be made be at Vernon Kin on Clerk Circuit Court TUK of- llaKcrman Jackson A Thnrp l Aprlllst lluHilNn24140loptho VK- Df hWji Sec 2 Tp 4 N to witnesses the followlnn Ho names und rovo his continuous residence niltlvntlon of said land viz WJOrlcc- nwnlnw Otorse Moore J M Crlfflar Chance oil of Hugerman Kla nUn uN- Ed fee paid Register NOTICE iOU PUBLICATION Departmout of tne interior Laud Office at Gainesville Fin > Keby 111 189 Notice Is hereby that the following tiled notice of his litton named settler of his In support to make final lieu be- fore ¬ be will claim and that BIIIIllroof Fin on Clerk Circuit at Vernon Wuu- siiu 1st 1t19l vizi WlllUTaylorol April his lid No 28350 for the 8J 8E4 8 N U 14 W- lie nndlKtf of SS4 Sec 22 Tp to Witnesses aamts tho following and his continuous residence cultivation of sold lund viz 1 1 U Brock- L A ilrock A Grantbam Iverson Malnor ullol wausnu FlaW G ULmNaiJN Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Department oftbo Interior 1 Kla > Land Foby 1818111 Is hereby that the following Notice of his Inten- tion ¬ named settler baa Hied notice In support of tilts tit make final proof be- fore will he antI that olnlm at Ver- non ¬ County Judge Melvin II D Fla on April 1st ISO viz John J 23S9 fo- rTp8NIil4W Tiller of Wausau Flit Hd No Ibo of 8W and SWK of Wi i Seo 26 witnesses to- lrove Bo names nnd bis continuous residence Mnrfoo cultivation of said viz JG U B Murfbe J 1 narrow James Lay ill of Wausau FlaW G ROBINSON Register WE DO P LETTER DILL READS RUEADS ENVELOPES i NOTE I HEADS BUSINESS STATEMENTS N CARDS CIRCULARS PAMPIILEST T OMMISSARY MILL CHECKS J OIIECRS RECEIPTS DRAFTS N WEDDING VISITING INViTATIONS G CARDS Ik f TO ORDER SPECIAL NOTICEI DONT PAIL TO HEAD vera From now until further notlco toy prices for tonso- rial 15 cents work be Hair cut three 3 shaves for 25 cents All work done In flrstcl88 order LEE THOMAS- FOR SALE AT BARGAIN hou o and lot In the I A good For of town goodwoliwaterotc Information + t i L i

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Page 1: I WE You abJe Never bane Take CO R Rilnotufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00093/0538.pdf · k J S = a abJe ViU1e TIlE L 8v 1T R Ri- P AliVIKuU SOU 1H- Peniaorta IrilU Leave





a abJeViU1e TIlE

L 8v 1T R Ri-



PeniaortaIrilU Leave

loU 723 n maetNo8t l14 p m


Mallurr1re lit 1102 mSo Sotnst 000 amlo fl311xeL

Junction i12 Prn-815amSo3Ffl8tilall-

Si21Mlxertl IpfT

tflver Junctiontr ni Leave

Mall 630pnv4 fritX o 1000 a m

So 2Mlxednlre at eKJpm-

Xo22MlxedMail2Fast 1242 pm

Pena °I


oS26351 mMixed

makes Immediate conSouth8No


with tho K C A P for Jacksonville

uHll points Southconnection at

2 North ra keNoIrsin via Montgomery foiwith trainiotnatonSoth Bast and West alwi with

pointsSew Orleans and the South-

Westir lfl for Mobile

trttna Ho 8 aod I2 carry sleeperInformation address

For fartherJT W LURTON

Pensaoola Fla



Semiweekly AtlantalliNxEn and

Journal per year IL25

BANNER and Thrlco eweekNew York

World per year 165BANNER and Semiweekly TlmesUn

Ion and Citizen per year 1175

DANNEBand Homo andFarrn per year


DANSEB and Semlwceklv Savannah

Sews per year 105Now Is the time to subscribe for your

years reading-

See A Q Jones notice

Go to Campbell t Butlers

Read J W Williams notice

Read Mr LlnUms notice for rent

Chipley Is certainly enjoying a building


Another large crowd n toDeFunlakl-

ast Saturday

Ma A Lewis of DoFanlak was a vis-



here Tuesday-

Those 50 piece dinner sets at Campbell

A Butlers are winners

County Commissioner Rome was In the

city Thursday business

Wo will have a number of chanced In

business to report nextweek

Mr Lamp Harmon has taken charge of

Capt A J Gays stables here

Where ohl where are those street lamps

cone wo used to to hun some

Capt A J Gay came up Sunday and

spent a day or two on business-

Mr T E Gainer and mother of Econfl

na spent Sunday with friends here

Mr R U Uarrcll camo up from yernonrrlday having made bis bond-

T J Mobley of Vernon came up on bus-



Friday returning Saturday-

Mr P N Tolbottof Hartford Ala was

among tho visitors here Saturday

Sheriff Allen and C Tharp made a bus-



trip DoFunlak Monday

Prof Llpe delivered a lecture here

Tuesday night theM E church

A largo number of strangers were on

the streets the early part of this week

Mr MIA Dekle of Marlanna came over

Sunday and spent the day with relatives-

A R Do Fluent editor of the JonrnalOoylestown Ohio goffered for a number< >f years from rheumatism In his rightshoulder and side Ho says My rightarm at times was entirely useless I tn-

4d Chamberlains Pain Balm and was

urprlsed to receive relief almost Imme

Uately Thr Pain Balm has boon a con-



companion of mlnoaver since and It

neverCallaior sale by Patrick BrosMr 8 F Moore a prominent merchant

uWestvllle was hero Monday on busi-



Mrs M A Cannon of Cairo Ga18 vis

lilng her daughter Mrs J D Forrestertaro this week

I am prepared do kind of bicycle

and gun repairing All workguaranteed


Mr Claude Pelham marshal of of Rantford Alt and W M Melton were vlolt

ors here SaturdayMr A F Register Vernon was ui

Wednesday on his was to Marlanna to at-

tend Judge Porterrijevee-

We hear that the entire navalstoresbusiness of the late firm OBrien Cartel

VM purchased by Mr OBrlen lie U a

oodbujne IIlllan and we wish him con

tIIuedaeeeiiti f


Don rail to hunt up J R Sapp It you I

want any work In his line done anybody-

can point out his place to you

Mr A J Gay has purchased the entirebusiness of Gay Carter both hero andat the Bay Success to him I

Mr Albert Miller who was shot re-



Is doing very well his brother In ¬

forms uu that he will got well

Question What did tim street lampscost Chlploy Now where are they gone

whero thn woodbine twlnnth

We want everybody five miles town-

to come In some dark night and see thelllumlnatlonof our street lamps

Straw hats straw haul we havo them-

In all tho latest shapes and styles and theprices are LOWER THAU LAST SEASON

Our Spring clothing Just received you

are Invited to Inspect It we certainly catsuit you In a suit Campbell Butler I

Mr H Faust passed through hero this

week from his old homo at Ozark Alajlnwas on his way hack to the Bay country-

Mr John W Gainer ot Econflna was a

pleasant caller at our office last Friday

come again we are always glad to see you

We have saved many doctor bills since

we began using Chamberlains Cough

Remedy In our home We keep a bottleopen all the tlmo and whenever any of mjfamily or myself begin to catch cold we

begin to use the Cough Remedy and as a

result we ucvpr have to send away for a

doctor and Incur a large doctor bill for

Chamberlains Cough Remedy never falls

to cure It Is certainly a medicine otgreal

merit and wortliS D MKAHKIE Jonera Merchant and Farmer Mattie Bed ¬

ford Co Pa For sale bv Patrick Bros

Tax assessor J W Williams wishes ev-



Interested to know that ho will

b < here the remainder of this month ready

to assess their taxes

Supt W C Lockey Rev S B Rogers

B T Morgan V E Coleman Richard

Scarlett and others left Tuesday morn-

Ing for a big fish and hunt

Mr Houston Jones of Jones Mill Mon ¬

roe county Ala camo over from DcFu

nlak Saturday night and spent Sunday

with ye Editor and family

and latest styles of Sum-



See the newest I

dross goods at Campbell Butlershundred styles to select from

more than a

and the prices ore right of course

Mr W II Watts and wife of Ponsaco

Saturday to visit Mr Wattsla came over I

parents here Mrs Watts spending the

week but Will returned Sunday night

Mr Fcrnlnand Chambers of Indianap-



Ind came In a few days ago and

will spend some time the guest of Mr G

him a pleasant visit-


A Danloy We wish

J T Bownn who has just finished

a succcsstul school at Blountstown Cal-

houn county was In to see us Saturday

lIe says Calhoun Is good but give him old


The Cooks store Is abonlannex to S A

completed and ho has moved some of hitoft to ashowshis placegoods Into It and

deservesLennygreater advantage

tho success lie has attained-

Mr Charlie Setterllnd the popular clerk

Co at Hagermanfor C W Hagerman

Charlie has JustSaturdayIn townwas hispurchased from Mr C Ruckelsbaus

nice dwelling west of town

to the notice ofattentionWo call vour

Misses Richardson Cotton announcing-



1st ThoAprilOpening onSpringattend and see tho

ladles should certainly

pretty goods they will havoonexhibition-

Mrformerly editor and

J S Gardner ofproprietor of the

his and offlceany and will add another paper-

tohere ¬fixtures successmay

our little towntend him

will com-


¬that heMr Catchot Informs this week If-

thethe to finish It

material are cetalnly proudcomes In Our

and extend theirof the nosy depot

Itto the R R

Mary E Wilkins latestIn April Miss

In the CountryJamesonsstory The La-

diesIs now running

bo publIshed In

bookHomoform by the Doubled

company of New York

L Scarlett of Talla-



RSurveyorGen Saturday spentcome family at Orangewith his be i a0 coursereturning Monday

for the BANNEBfew verywhich we appreciated

Rev s RogersLock < y and thosouth

loft TuesdaY fora Mr Lockeycnn part of county

Uro Rogers willlook his

he has hlR tun andlook out the Mormonstalk totoho Is going


RichardsonMissestheir friends and the public generally

SaturdayOpening onattend their Sprlog

Wo will show you a prettyApril 1st Hats and Nov-



Goodsline of Millinery




St AndrewsProfJCLIpe Ho has been ap-

pointedon us

for theand general allcn-

tfrJan the 01

CItizenthe Christian lie Is going to makeof the League States yrar

tourof theleetnring organizing

he will traveldifferent a trip tocontemplateswheel lieon bl8 the sameallEurope next year

NOTJCEIof the Chlple Drass

To the members notlll to as-

toembleBand You are hereby Saturda

at the townwith allinstrnmentll-

belongingMarch 18

to saidmband for the purpose

practice By order of president-A





Tho State and County taxes are now

duo and will become delinquent afterApril L I will bo at Chi ploy my lastround on March CO and 21 everybody Is

notified to meet me If they want to savo

expenses A Q JONES

Tax Col Wash Co


Ian Maclaren who Is now on a lecturing

tour In this country begins In an early

Issue of Tho Ladles Homo Journal hU

latest piece of literary work It Is a se-



of popular articles In which hu de-

fines the relation that a minister holds to

js congregation how a preacher Ishelp

ed bv his people how a congregation CAn

make the most of a minister and other

theses ot the most satisfactory attitudeat a congregation to a pastor



Miss Jeanie Jay tho daughter ot one ot

the farmers In this community was very

seriously If not fatally burned last week

the accident happening white she was In

the field burning trash It Is greatly re-



by every oneMr Frank Daniel died last Friday morn-

Ing His family has our sympathy

The farmers In our settlement arc get-



along quite nicely now and are making considerable progress In pitching their

that this will prove aI crops It la hoped

good crop year v-


The following Is a list of tho names

drawn to servo as Jurors at the Spring

term of tho Circuit Court In Washington


W A Moshcr John M Anderson JohnI R Martin B F Thompson A E McMillanI JoshuaHinson John Nelson J W Yonn

S W Jones W II James neU Farnut J R Illghtowcr E PMaxontJ


TrioT J II Porter B Gainer 11

M GW U Day T M EllisE Gainer V 15-

SnlvyW SwindleJ RPost GooJ II Anderson James Yawl

W Lee Daniel Anderson John Sturrock-

J D Howell


It Is with tho most thlsrnornlngsorrow and

thethat we announceregretof Mr W M Lofiln the former

editor and tbo founder of The Dally Jourread


willnal The news of hlR fraternalhissorrow bywith throughout the State as well asassociates and Escamofby the by al-



where ho wasma countyDuring his long residence-

In tnlseveryone

city had won the respect andof who lonelY him his

esteem his ac-



friends were numbered only by

wife and children whoJournal ex-


¬his death Thenow

Its heartfelt sympathy Journal

The above comes to us In the JournalLoftin has for years

of the 14th Inst Mr

been Identified with Pensacola nowspapci

work being for a long time city editor ol

the News ho was also prominently con-

nected with a number of local fraternal

organizations and above all was always

a friend to Ponsaaola In every way The

bereaved family and friends have our



meeting of tho town coun-



At a regularT Langston A It


J W Williams and Jones

chairman read andweroMinutes of last meetingCouncil order ¬

approved On motionon town treasurer-

tobotoed u In full pay-



A M Watson for 7702 toagainst town upof nil Council ormotionOnTan 11899 for Jan

dcred A M Watsons accountOnS340and Feb amounting to amountingCalley s accountmotion J E On T C

f6 was ordered and 1898for 1890 1897Jonesaccount ordered Onamounting to ordered to Investi-


¬wasthe Mayormotion has been a deednotwhether orgiven the town for tho graveyard proper-



onceone attoIf until nextadjournedmotion the Councilregular meeting


It Is very hard to stand Idly by and seesuffer while awaiting the

dear onesourarrival of tho doctor An Albany N Y

dairyman called at a drug store there torhis child thenund seea doctor to come

very sick with croup Not finding the

doctor In ho left word for him to come atHo also bought a bot-


¬hid returnonce on

of Chamberlains Cough Remedy

which he hoped would give some relieffewshould arrive In a

until the doctorthe doctor needsayinghours he returned

child was much betternot come as tho theScholr saysThe druggist Mr Otto



recommendedfamllv has sinceCough Remedy to their neighbors-

and friends until bo has a constant de-



for It from that part of the country

For sale by Patrick Bros druggist


I have for rent a goodshort distance


will rental orCall on or apply-

togood termsfrom town A LlKTO-



The questions In Theory and Practicethe Juno examination

of Teaching Psycholowill be taken from Compaynes

It canEducationay Applied toSmith 7 Whit-

ehalfst Atlanta GaW C LocUY

Snpt Pub Inst Wash Co


The existing between Jcopartnership McOeachy BroE Mlnchln Mlnchln Co has thisEknown as by mutual consentdissolvedday thlire continuingJR McGeachy

collect all accounts duewhobusiness all the old firms Inthe firm and pay

J E M IK CHIN Jt Codebtednrt E Mlnchln

J It McGeachy BroCnlpley Fla March 10 1899

cV 7 Li


WEouradvertisement but we

Sometimes change


nd newr will so long as theygive our customers

PERFECT SATISFACTIONabout it they advertise them-

selvesThere is no use talking

When IOU wear one fair we can count on

your Shoe Trade

Ju t eoedvedTho Largest Line of

SPRING lNTSE-ver brought to Cliipley


re anything we have evernow arriving and surpass

shown and the price of course is nght-

CAMI1BEUJ BUTtlAt OEKfES old ntnnd


If troubled with rheumatlsmgivc Chaintrial It will not

borlalns Pain Balm adoes no Rood Ono

cost you a cent If Itapplication will relieve the pain It also

bruises In onethird thocures sprains andtime required bv any other treatment

qulnsoy pains InCuts burns frostbitesthe side and chest glandular and other i

swellings aro 4uick iy cured by applying-

It Every bottle warranted Price 25

and CO cU at Patrick Bros drug store


Notice Is given toall firmsthe

or c irpnratlon holding ehtmtlllllIlustto present

l Carterestate Administratrix utthem to the undersl

nuihentioutedIhlpley Via dulyas r by-

lawfrom this datetwo years

or same will be plended In bar of set-



This January Slot 1810-MY11X P OMiT Efi-

AdminIstratilc of Estate of I

P deceased

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

Land Office nt Gainesville Kla IM reu 181891

Notice Is hereby given that the following

named settler has tiled notice of his Inten-



In support ol histo make final be-

foreclaim and that said vroofwlll Kla on

Clerk Circuit Courtviz Tliadles M Roberts-

of21th ItTOApril

Wnusau Ha Hd No 44428 for the VKof SW and NE1 or SW1 8 o4 TpaN1114W-

lie witnesses tonames the fillowlngnnd-

cultivationhis continuous residence

Martinof said viz I Johntin Jlenry Harrell of Vernon

nf Issue ShoresFla Foaterof UonlfayKlaWausau Fla


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

FlitLandMarch 181S91 j

Ia hereby given that the followingNotice of his Inten-


¬noticehas tiledsettlernamed In support of hiswake final

I claimto

nnd tbat said proof will be be-

foreKla on

Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon or18fl viz John C Chestnut2ifhAprilhis Hd No 24MO for the 1V-

3ofzgRSee4T8N Ith4Vwitnesses to

lie names andresidence uponhis continuous HobTbadvizof Baldcultivation Martin Dun

errs of Wuusau Ptn JohnVia Jos-

ephFla Gadl thms Cnlpleycan 1n

N Newsom ofWG UNUlNSONi

BeglaurEd fee Paid

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

Kla VGainesvilleLand uMarch 13 lift I

is hereby given that the followingIntenof hisnamed seltierbas of hisIn supportmake fueltlon to be ¬beclaim and that said pronf will

at Vernon Fla onClerk Circuit Courtrom

viz Joseph N SewsomApril 2Mb 1809Haeerman Fla Hd No 24115 for the

4 N R14 WBJ< of 8EK the following witnesses to-

woveUj onmes andresldente uponhis continuous C

cultivation of said land viziB

lhe tnut Jhircs M Chestnut KccdhamHayes Hngerman Ha Henry

of Vernon Fla GROBINfcONEd tee Paid Register

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of tho Interior

Land Gainesville FlaFeb 20 1899

Notice U hereby given that tho follow ¬

named settler has notice ot hisIntention tomako final proof In support-

of his and said proo

madn before Clerk Circuit Court at Westvllle Fla on April 8th 1899 viz NancyRegister


for the NXo

of SWtf Sec 29

Tn7NR13W following witnesses toHo names andhis continuous uponcultivation of land vt Watson

B A Balkcom Collins

Jeremiah Collins nil of Whltakpr AlaW G ROBINSON

Rcgl ter

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

a Gainesville Fla >Feb 901899

Notice Is hereby given that too follownamed settler has notice of hi-

intentiontoinako final In supportof his claim thaualdproof will be

made before Clerk Circuit Court at Westvllle Fla on April 8th 1899 viz Ilagsl

Fla lid NoBooks HardyLane NEE23091 for the S of SEWf Pec 11 and W>

o1SV1Sec 12TpON R14 Wthe witnesses toBe namel

continuous residence t 1 andcultivation of vlt Willie Mc

Ell Jamo-V

Neal John SliemoreRichardson Fla-





Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Syrup has been

used by millions mothers for chlltlren while teething with success

It soothes the child softens ibo gumsallayswind collo and Is thenil pain cures

remedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve theSold by

loar little sufferer immcdlhtelyDruggist In ovety part of the 28o abottle Unsure for Mrs WlnslowsSiothlng Hyrup nnd take no other klrd-

NOTIOB Volt PUBLICATIONDepartment ol the Interior

Land Gainesville FinJanuary 80 IKK

Notice la hereby lIved that the following

named settler bll8 mod notice of his Inten

lion tn make final proof In support of hIsclaim nnd that said proof will Lw


fate Clerk Circuit < onrt at Murlanna I

Uth 1X30 viz Margaret A Eonnarrell ofGracevtlle Kla lid No 251UX-


RIBWfor tbe oflW

nnmvs the following witnesses tohis continuous residence upon rind

cultivation of said land viz J M Wil-



H F Womlile D II Kicks Wm

Forehand all of Ki-nWGBOB1S8ON

Rej lsttrEd fee paid

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

Pie >Land

Feby 131HNNotice Is hereby vel1 that the following

named settler has filed notice of his Inten-



In support of histo make final proof

clatm and that eald proof will beVer


fore D D MelvIn County Judgevia

atElizaApril let IftHFin onnon fontb-

cNW4nfSW4Sec28Tp8NHd No 28141

B 14 Wtn

He names andhis continuous residence

cultivation of said viz E U Millerof VerMcKeltbcnWilliam Gainer Henry

nou Flu W 8 JonesUO1UN80N

Kl-aWO Register

NOTHJE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

Land Office at vllle FinFeby 13 18TO

Notice Is hereby given that the followingot his Inten-



has tilednamed settler of hisIII tuppcrtmake final proofto be ado be-


¬willthat saidclaim and KU onClerk Circuit Court at Vernon

olB Hays18THI viz UflftmuApril 1st

Hocennnn Fla Hd No for the 8U-



or8W ofSSV4 N R 14 W

following witnesses totheHe namesI unnn andhis continuous residencerove Melvinof said viz JGcultivationJames M L W Johnson J nChestnut all or Ilagerman


Edfoopaid Register

NOTICE FOrt PUBLICATIONDepartment oftbo Interior

Fla >GainesvilleLand OfficeMarch 6 mfl-

Notloo Is hereby that the followinghit Inten-


¬tiled notice ofhasnamed settler of bitto make final protIn

will be mado be-



claim and that Kla onClerk Circuit Court at Vernon

ofSellersviz 1 Mary22nd 1HMAprilFIR lid >o 243 for the EX of

Chillier82 Tp 4 N It 14 W-

HoSKK tofollowing witnessesnames the

continuous residence upon andhis Yatessaid viz Gadlcultivation

John Cblpley Fla Henry lIarrToad Roberts n aUBlu

Ml Vernon hisFin W G ROBINSON


NOTICE iR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior

Land Office Gainesville FlaMarch 0187J

Notice Is hereby given that the followingof his Inten-


¬has tilednamed settler

C In support of histo make Thai >


foreclaim and that saId vreofwlli Via onatClerk Circuit J Foster of18t4viz WilliamApril 22nd

21S25 for the Wtf ofVernon Via Hd No

NWH Sec 84 Tp 4 N tt 14witnessesW

to l

He names the followingsodhis continuous residence

of said vlt J B MartincultivationDuncan Tbad Roberts Levi John-

son all ol ChlpfeyFlaw UOBIN80N


NOT10E FOR lUBLIOAT10N-DellBrtmenl of tho Interior

Land at Gainesville FaFeb 27 1809

Do TiTi

YouTakeTHE B1NNE-Rilnot

Why not-We will send TilE BANNKRpost paid

to uny uddrt for ft per year Mo for sixmonths 25c for three mouths

OrWewill send TUft BANNER and the

New Trek TbrlceuWeok World one year

lor 16-


Notice U hereby given that the followtn

named settler has filed notice of his interof hIliIn support

tlon to roakn final proofbe-

foreclaim and that

Clerk of Circuit Court at Marianuifl-

W183 OliverlAthFlagon Udle 24880 CorhisHMO of blJ11ey

KU ofSKVi and blK of NEK see KTpSNR13W-

He games following witnesses to

his continuous residence upon aDd

oulllvatloo of Midland Adiame T C Rhodes Ji AdamsNewton allofChipley Fla-

w O Btist-


Ed fee paid

We will send THE ANNKB and the

Atlanta Weekly Journal onoyearfor140

OrII you w tnt all three papers Tea

BAXKKII The New York World The At-



Journal We w 111 make the extrercely low price of only 200 for the three pa¬

pens 1

YouY-ou never needed good papers worse

than you need them now While theL


Howl hangs over the Nation you 8UUlliU

hear the thunder rind see the flashes and In

order to do this you must read good papers

Today la the acceptable lime subscribe

forTllItlliN1RChip1cr Fi-


jjOKFjjDOtlmmMn frrutttnMit 4 O Ifkul A nrittwirU

SAW MILL t ENGINEIII Tilt WORLD Witutttd thl bidffOBKIITlEST sd 5fi4rl Acrl U > rU-

IraplinnnUotBiiiqaUllla Michloltfmidf Bblnllt Illti CtUKilllj tl wtiirrltn


UTuB Foil VUDLUATIUNDepartment of tbo Interior

Land I UlofsYlileFlaFeby 18 IffW 1

Notice U hereby that the following

named ottlkr has Died notice of his Inten-



of hisInmake tlimltolnui and that said proof will be made be

at Vernon Kin onClerk Circuit CourtTUK of-

llaKcrmanJackson A ThnrplAprlllst lluHilNn24140loptho VK-

Df hWji Sec 2 Tp 4 Ntowitnessesthe followlnnHo names und

rovo his continuous residenceniltlvntlon of said land viz WJOrlcc-nwnlnwOtorse Moore J M CrlfflarChance oil of Hugerman Kla

nUn uN-

Ed fee paid Register

NOTICE iOU PUBLICATIONDepartmout of tne interior

Laud Office at Gainesville Fin >

Keby 111 189

Notice Is hereby that the followingtiled notice of his litton

named settler of hisIn supportto make finallieu be-


¬bewillclaim and that BIIIIllroofFin on

Clerk Circuit at VernonWuu-

siiu1st 1t19l vizi WlllUTaylorolApril

his lid No 28350 for the 8J 8E48 N U 14 W-

lienndlKtf of SS4 Sec 22 Tp

toWitnessesaamts tho followingand

his continuous residencecultivation of sold lund viz 1 1 U Brock-

L A ilrock A Grantbam Iverson Malnor

ullol wausnu FlaW G ULmNaiJNRegister

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-Department oftbo Interior 1

Kla >Land Foby 1818111

Is hereby that the followingNotice of his Inten-


¬named settler baa Hied notice

In support of tiltstit make final proof be-


will heantI thatolnlm at Ver-


¬County JudgeMelvinII DFla on April 1st ISO viz John J

23S9 fo-

rTp8NIil4WTiller of Wausau Flit Hd NoIbo of 8W and SWK of Wi i Seo

26 witnesses to-

lroveBo names nndbis continuous residence

Mnrfoocultivation of said viz JGU B Murfbe J 1 narrow James Lay

ill of Wausau FlaW G ROBINSONRegister











Ik f


DONT PAIL TO HEAD vera From now

until further notlco toy prices for tonso-

rial 15 centswork be Hair cutthree 3 shaves for 25 cents All work

done In flrstcl88 orderLEE THOMAS-

FOR SALE AT BARGAINhou o and lot In the I

A good Forof town goodwoliwaterotcInformation


ti L
