i3! at roanoke st., cured croaking! richmond college ...tatest caibuneües l>,ned in oliv«;, are...

tatest Caibuneües l>,ned in Oliv«;, are just (ha 1 thing. Heu upeclineud m.ido - entrance.. ~7? , *1 Coli' photographer, Jefferson St., Over P. 0. M blc -H yo'i You a; op Croaking! "scorch o'uture of Roanoke is nssurcd. It 'bnllt. It eadqunrters of tlio new Norfolk fi BPockS8tofn ratlroad- BlcycIetOlltlc'1'! issues do not cut any flg- uyiug real estate. _:er is king you pay your notes } ~ easy dollar, and if the yellow ._rids you know what you pay. pstock becomes valueless and may in for something else besides, tes of deposit don't always draw, id real estate in Roanoke is safe pay you from G to 10 per cent, our investment. |3 this? c dwelling with twelve rooms in ution; now renting for $2-10 per Price, $1,200 cash. H Im dwelling on Henry street, rent- |jil80 per annum. Price, $1,400. with 0 dwelling rooms above. jOnt-or-to1^' Rents for $100 per annum, "i house in the heart of the city, A Btltchish. Ti l house, near tho Roanoke and i depot , $800; $50 cash, balance, Month. ng on Luck avenue, $^50 on long Are noi house on Last Church street, ecrvc a frcj iilfu Insu HveBtXtCC"lt 10 roonl llweUin8 With all con- handertebncs' 011 Patterson avenue; price, Tho tlndost $0,000. Talk this ... , , welling in best residence loca- waafF. LUmg( both hot and cold wtiter. ^¦Ktna Llf)750; $200 cash, balance $25 per _'ents for $22.00 per month. This I for a business man. 1 dwelling on Campbell street, .vary Raptist Church, $2,100; $200 lance $20 per month. tome residence ^lot on West End d, 75x150 feet. Price, $553. lest lots on Center and Loudon i, in rear of West End roundhouse, .75. iod 0 room houses in East Roan- tp on monthly payments. bargains in farms near Thax- iOOcash; and 22 acres 1-2 mile anoke, price $2,200. Write for .ars at once. Tie flays i;eal Estale and Insurance Agent, All ltlcyc- thts Jinc. . Commerce St., ROÄKOKB.VÄ. YO CAR LOAD OF Sad Barbed Wire-the long $Mjt kind.to-day. I «II stock Poultry Net. V /f 'thing in Our Line at Bot¬ tom Prices. ~ old reliable Hickory, with prea- i^p^provernents, tho beat wagon sold. ^i^me and ace ub beforo buying ftleewhero. S' ÄP ö Mi lied r:J ap?,.We have the Largest Stock aim HAMMOCKS In the city. v4iuf/e are selling them out very J,wrfw. Don't you need one? .ome and see. )m The best Ice Cream Freezer fo.i the city. You don't have > turn it all day, either. At te lowest price. SON ~& MYERS, KS.I ROANOKE, VA. professional. Yardr^rett perkins, OfflC ttornsy-at-law and Commissioner If . IC, Id'- yryt, ln Chancery, "\0 t box 110, Roanoke, Room 10, *\ Floor. Kirk Law Bulldinir. T.T.tfL* °ver 1,200 bottles Ster- <i. B. A |,Hlized Malt sold so far this " M l season. As a summer tonic4 ^ lit is unexcelled. 20c per J. 11. p.*' bottlo;_$2 per dozen; at w\ k". V. B. T d. Am J.P.B), iv' K i Musaie's Pharmacy F.B. t * Miss White«s School For Girls and Small Boys. The eighth year beglnB Boptember 7,1890. In¬ struction thorough. Terms moderate. For particulars apply 603 Campbell avonuo b.w. 8 80 _ MRS. M. C. MISSIES School for Young Ladies and Children Will Opon Monday, September J4tb, at 124 Seventh Avenue S. W. rr HOROUGH INSTRUCTION IN HIGHER m urgllsh, Mathematics, Latin, French and Art. 1'rlmary pupils taught by the best of late mothodr. Tho pupils have the benefit ot man; yhars ot careful and training worn In the class¬ room. 8-10-to 101 Richmond College, RICHMOND, VA. Handsome grounds and buildings. Attention paid to health and morals ot students. Academic degrees of M. A . B. A., and Ii. S. Legal degree ot B. L. Facilities tor study ot law unexcelled In the South. Academic tuition $70; law tuition $40. Session begins September 34. For catalogue and information address 8 12 Bw F. W. BOATWRIGDT, President. UNIVERSITY OF Ifiil CHARCOTTESVItLB; V"A. letters, Science, Engineering, Law. Medicine. SchhIoh beginn lOtli September. Tuition In Academical Schools freo to Vir* p'<ji1>'u«. For catalogues nddrcss l"M. M. THORNTON. LL.D.. Chairman Roanoke College, SALEM, VA. ÖOUR8B8 FOR DEGREES, WITH ELEC- tlves: high standard. Also, Commercial and Preparatory Conrscs. Library 20,(XX) volumes. Working laboratory. Good morals and discipline. Six churches; no barrooms, llcalthtul moun¬ tain climate Very moderate cxpoimes. 44th year begins September lUtli. Catalogue, with vlows, freo. Julius I). I>relier, 7 10 tt President. WILLIAMSIiUKG. VA. Doerd from $19 to $16 per month; tuition feo Tor half session. $17.60; medical feo, $3. Students willing to teach two years In the public schools pay only the medical fee and are charged $10 per month for board, fuel, lights and washing. Full Collegiate conrso, Next session begins October 1st, 1890. Send for catalogue. LYON G. TYLER, If. A.. LL. D., 8 89 2m President. Randolph-Macon Academy, Front Royal, Va. Uealthtnll; situated among the mountains; pure air and water. Prepares Boys and Young Men for College or Business life. A selected corps ot teachers. Thorough mental training. Physical hcalthfulncss. Moral and religious lnflnencc. Full equipment. Moderate charges. Session be¬ gins doptember 17.1896, and continues for nine claendar months. Send for full particulars to Rxv. B. W. BOND, Principal, 8 4 2m Front Royal, Va. JERSEY DAIRY CO. WILIi DELIVEK PROMPTLY TO ANY PAKT OF THE CITY FRESH MILK, CREAM, BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK. Special attention given to Ico Cream and Water Ico. ANDY J. HUFF. 7 13 tf Manager. 'i'lioue »8. Plr.no, Banjo and Gnitar instruction, Mrs. D. W. Meadows, 512 Campbell Avenue. 9 6 tf St. James ^8a^ OTE La j J. J. COX, Proprietor. . . Opposite Passenger Depot . . The only first-class $2 House in Town. Electric Lights and Call Bells in each room. Newly Papered and Painted. Capacity I 50. LORD RUSSELL ENTERTAINED. Washington,Sept. 19..Among the dis¬ tinguished persons who called upon Lord Russell, chief justice of Great Britain, to-day was Attorney Genet al Harmon. Lord Russell and party took a drive in the morning and visited several of the departments, and later journeyed to Mount Vernon, where the tomb of Wash¬ ington is located. Attorney General Har¬ mon and Secretary Francis accompanied Lord Russell and his party return to New York to-morrow. MILITARY TRANSFERS. Washington, §ept. 19..The long ex¬ pected transfer of troops has been ordered at last by the War Department and the lOrders go out this afternoon. Among the transfers are the following: The third artillery, with headquarters at St. Fran¬ cis Barracks, Fia., and scattered along the southern Atlantic coast at Barracas, Fla., Fort Monroe, Va., and the Wash¬ ington Barracks, has been ordered to ex¬ change places with the fifth artillery which is located in San Francisco harbor, with headquarters at the Presidio and partly along the northwest coast, and a small portion at Fort Monroe, Va. Several years ngo I was taken with a sever attack of flux. I was sick in bed for about ten days and could get nothing to relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me and has been a house¬ hold remedy with us ever since. J. C. Marlow, Decaturville. Mo. For sale by the Chas. Ljic Drug Company. i i3! Miss Delia Stevens, or Bo9ton. Mn«. writes: I novo always snO'ered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, au<i many reliable physicians, but none relieved mo. After taking 0 bottles of I am now well. I am very grateful to yon, ns I feol that it saved mo from u lifo of un¬ told agony, and shall t.tko pleasure, in speaking only words of praise for tho wonderful med¬ icine, and in recommending it to all Treatiso on niood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any ad¬ dress. CURED SWtPT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, On. WANTS less Than a Cent a Word i No advertisement received less than 15 cents for the first Insertion and 10 oents for aabaeqnent Insertions. Seven words per line. One Insertion. 5 cents per line Bnbsequent Insertions... 3 oents per line One week. ÄO cents per line Two weeks. 35 cents per line One mouth. 60 cents per line ROOM WANTED. WANTED.T H R B B UNFURNISHED rooms tor light housekeeping. State par¬ ticulars. Must bo central location. "BKOWN," care rimes. » 20 It WANT TO KENT FOUK OR FIVE ROOMS for light housekeeping, within five or ten minutes' walk of Terry building. Southwest section preferred. Address "K," Times ofllcc. f) 18 St UOARDERB WANTED. WANTED.FOUK GENTLEMEN BOA It D- err; room and mcale; also four or tiro table boarders. Bath room to house free. Terms rea¬ sonable. Apply to MKS. S. S. SUAFEK, No. 1017 South Jcfforson etreet. 9 10 lm ?OH BALiB. AGOOD SECOND-HAND BAOLE WHEEL for sale at Y03T-FOKKEK UO.'S. i) 3U U FOR SALE.A SCHOLARSHIP ISSUED BY Tho National Business College of Roanoke. Apply to or addrtas "TUB TiMEH," Roanoke, Va. 8 33 tf BPßOIaL. NOTICE). NOTICE.TUOHB HAVING OKICK AND stone work or vltrilled brick pavements tobe laid would do well to call on or address J. T. Falls, tho practical contractor and bnllder. Also all kinds of carpenter work, plastering, painting, kalsomlning and paper hanging done on short notice. All work guaranteed. J. T. FALLS, No. 118 Fifth avcniio n. e. Roanoke, Va. AGENTS WANTED. TWO OR THREE SALESMEN NEEDED FOR our N. and W. route at once. STANDARD CO., 84 Campbell avenue. 8-19-tt The Hodgen Commission Co. 208 south Jcllerson Street. (Second Floor.) Stocks, Grain, Provisions, Cotton. Private Wires to the New York Slock ExchaDge nnd Chicago Hoard of Trade. Fall Commission on Stocks and Grain One-eighth. On Pork 2Jc. Cotton 5c per bale. Determining tho financial standing of your broker Is more important than the selection of your speculative venture. Our bank references: The Guarantee, Trust and Safe Deposit Co . Philadelphia, Pa.; The National Metropolitan Bank, Washington, D. O.J Tho Commercial National Bank, Roanoke, Va.; and others If required. - 9 ' Trades Accepted on Margin of one per cent, on Large or Small Lots. Stocks from ten shares up; Grain from 1,000 bushels up; Provisions from fifty barrels up; Cotton from twenty bales up. KST* All c omninnteation« by telegraph, tele¬ phone or mall promptly acted anon. 'PHONE ITL HIS SON SUSPECTED. New York, Sept. 19..Arnold Flesch, of the clonk manufacturing firm of Bernard Pasternak & Co., is in a hospital with three pistol shot wounds, and his son, William P. Flesch, is in custody on sus¬ picion of having attempted to take his father's life. The shooting occurred the apartments of the elder Flesch in the Hotel Peteler. The father says he does not know Who fired the shots and the son declares his innocence. BANK FAILURE. Hollidaysburg, Pa., Sept. 11)..The pri¬ vate banking house of Gardner, Morrow & Co., the oldest banking firm in Central Pennsylvania, closed its doors to day, owing to the genernl depression of busi¬ ness. Thomas H. Suckling, clothier; Henry L. Bunker, meat market; Charles E. Reed, grocer, three prominent nicr- chants who are debtors to the bank, also failed. Their stores were closed on exe¬ cutions for $25,000. STEVENSON WILL PRESIDE. Washington, Sept. 19..Vice-President Stevenson informed Secretary Gardner, of the Association of Bryan Clubs, that he will acc.pt the association's invita¬ tion to preside at the club convention at St. Louis on October 3rd. The club officials now count upou an attendance of 10,000 delegates. .t Smoke "LITTLE DUKE" All Havana CIGARS. 5 cts .six for 25 cts. Masste's Pharmacy. Dark clouds of pain and Buffering van¬ ish before the bright sunshine of a bottl of Pond's Extract. Avoid imitations accept none but the genuine. Cream pulls. 25 cents dozen, at Ca tognl's. B. Y. P. U. STATE CONVENTION. It Assembles nt Lynchburg October 13 und 14.Interestiug^Mcctlng Expected. To the Editor of The Timosi The com- mittees of tho Lynchburg Baptist Young People's Unions are diligeutly engaged in making preparations toeutertaiu thecou- vention which will meet here October 13 and 14. All the Unions nud Baptist pas¬ tors iu the State have been notilied by the piess committee through circulars. It is important that those circulars should be filled out aud returned immediately to the press committco in order that tho enter¬ tainment committee may be able to mako an estiniato of the number of delegates to be entertained. About five hundred and fifty 'delegates are expected, Including pastors. All of these- will be hospitably entertained free of cost. Visitors who are not delegates can obtain the very best accommodations at tho boarding houses and hotels of the city at reduced rates: Namely, at private boarding houses 75 cents per day, and at^hotels $1 and $1.50 per day. Every possible courtesy will be extended to all visitors and every facility will be afforded them for profiting by the sessions of the convention, and a* warm welcome will bo extended them by tho Lynchburg brethren. «- An extensive programmo has been already prepared which will cover tho whole time of the convention, giving prominence to many subjects of vital in¬ terest. Able and eloquent speakers have been secured to deliver addresses on tho various subjects which will be discussed. Amonst them, tho Rev. T. D. Jordan, general secretary of the B. Y. P. U. of the South, who is well known throughout the Southern States as a speaker of rare ability, and what is more a man who is thoroughly in sympathy with the work. Wo may mention also the following prom¬ inent Virginia pastors: Dr. P. 0. McConnell, of Lynchburg: H. K. Hawthorne, of Afton, Va.; B. Cabell Henlng, of Brulngton, Va.; L. G. Brough- ton, of Ronnoke; \V. W. Hamilton, of Vinton; C. C. Cox, of Newport News, Va.; H. G. Ferguson, of Waynesboro, Va.: .T. A. Barker, of Petersburg, Va ; M. L. Wood, of Staunton, Va.; 11. W. Trib- ble, of Chnrlottesvtlle, Va.; R. R. Acree, of Knoxvllle, Tenn.; W. L. Wright, of Richmond, Va.; and W. S. Loyal, of Bed¬ ford City; and also Professor K. C. .lames, of Richmond, and Professors. S. Handy, of Roanoke, Vn., and several leading lay¬ men of the State. A mass meeting of all the Lynchburg Baptists will be held at the First Baptist Church Monday at 8 p. m. as an intro¬ duction to the convention, which will con¬ vene at 11 a. m. on Tuesday, the 13th. It is earnestly desired that all delegates may be present and participate in this prelim¬ inary meeting. The railroads converging in Lynchburg have agreed to give a one- third rate to delegates and visitors. Some further reduction may yet be secured, of which due notice will be given. Side trips have been arranged to Natural Bridge and tho Peaks of Otter at reduced rates. Those desiring to take cither one of these trips should notify the press committee at once. In behalf of the Lynchburg Baptists we extend a cordial invitation to our breth¬ ren and sisters throughout tho State. Fraternally, M. K. DUERSON, Chairman Press Committee. EPWORTII LEAGUE CONFERENCE. To be Held at Salom This Week.The Programme. The Epworth League district confer¬ ence of the Roanoke district will cor.vene iu Salem on Tuesday the, 22d,nnd continue in session until the next day. Tho con¬ ference will be composed of delegates from the various Epworth Leagues throughout the district, beside all the young people of thcM. E. Churches South are invited to attend. The Street Rail¬ way Company has placed the round trip at one fare and it is expected that the at¬ tendance will be large from this city and Vinton. The following is the programme: Tuesday September 22, 1800..8 p.m., music and prayer service, Rev. B. F. Ball. 8:80, address of welcome, by Salem League, F. II. Chalmers. Address of welcome (church), Rev. 11. II. Kennedy. Response, (for leagues), A. B. Hugh. Re¬ sponse (for church), Rev. F. A. Strother. Wednesday, September 23, 1800..Sun¬ rise prayer meeting, Rev. 11. A. Wilson; Ö a. m., opening exercises.prayer and praise service, Re/. C. D. Bulla: ir:;i(), reg¬ istration of delegates, appointment of committees, etc.; 10 a. m., tho literary department."The Head," teach me thy way, oh", Lord: Address.''God in His¬ tory," O. D. Batchelor; 10:15, address. "God in Revelation," Rev. II. I. Ste¬ phens; 10:30, address."God in Method¬ ism," Col. J. B. Gregory; 10:45, progress of tho league movement, Miss Maggie Ball; 11 a. m., sermon, Rev. II. H Joyce. Wednesday afternoon, September 23, 189G..Devotional department Tho Heart, "Uuite my heart to fear thy name.". 3 p. m., devotional exercises, Rev. G. T. D. Collins; 3:15, "Heart Wor¬ ship in Song," Dr. O. W. Woods; .8:30, "Heart Worship in Prayer," Rev. W. D. Keene; 8:45, "Heart Worship in Testi¬ mony," H. A. Meacham; 4, discussion of the above topics;4:30 reports and election of officers. Wednesday eventng,September '25, lisOO, 8 p. m..The Charity and Help depart¬ ment.The liife."I will walk in Thy truth.".Devotional exercises, Rev. J. C. Jones. Spirituality of tho League ex¬ pressing Itself; 8:15, (1) "In Helping tho Pastor," Rev. W. P. Locke. 8:80, cJ) "In the Social Life ol the Church," C. B. Camper. 8:45, (3) "In Visiting the Sick and Helping the Poor," J. D. Johnson, Jr. ARE THEY VICTIMS OF HOLMES ? Bones of Human Beings Found in a Clump of Woods. Chicago, Sept. 19..A grave has been found full of human bones in a dense wood a few rods from tho house in which H. H. Holmes lived at Wilmetta. It is thought by tho police that tho bones may be those of some of his victims. The bones had evidently been interred within two years and hadjapparently been placed in tho grave without a coffin. No clothing of any sort was found. From the sizes of tho bones it is thought they must have belonged to several different persons. Don't forget everything in tho Book and Stationery line is to be found at J. E. Rogers, 104 Jefferson street AN OLD DOCTOR'S FAVORITE. Dr. L. M. Gillam, who practiced medi¬ cine over forty years, originated, used and claimed that Botanic Blood Halm (B. B. B.) which has now been in use about fifty years, was the best Tonic aud Blood Puri¬ fier ever given to the world. It never fails to cure the most malignant ulcers, sores, rheumatism, catarrh and all skin and blood diseases. Beware of substi¬ tutes. Use this standard remedy. Price r large bot tie, f1.00, For sale by druggists. Heart Disease? Quick pulse, palpitation of the heart, she* breath, swimming head.terribly frightened? No Dr. X danger . simply Deane'S \ symptoms of Dys- Dyspepsia! onc " r r / person in five thou- Pills. J sand has real heart disease. Try Dr. Dearie's Dyspepsia Pills and see h.>w quickly this kind of heart disease disappears. White wrapper if constipated, yellow if bowels nrc loose. At druggists', 25c. and 50c. Sample mailed free. _DR. J. A. DEANE CO . Kingston. N. V. A FLYING MACHINE TESTED. It is Patterned Like a Bird and Flew Gracefully. Chicago, Sept. 19..Tho first public test of Octave Chanute's albatross soar- ing'machine, invented and constructed by William Paul, Jwiis made at Millers, Ind., last evening, under ;f avorabio con¬ ditions. The machine was heavily loaded with ballast so as to prevent it from flying any great distance, and wns auchored by four ropes, each 200 feet long, but the three points which the trial was to decide .first, as to whether it would leave the chute evenly; second, whether it would right Itself in the air, and, third, whether when it commenced to descend it would move downward slowly and alight easily .were all determined in a manner grati¬ fying both to its inventor and its owner. &T; The flight was less than 100 feet, but the descent and final alighting on the sand were as graceful anil even as those of a bird, from which the machine was patterned. Another test will be made to-day if the wind is favorable. HERB'S EAST CYCLING. Michael, the Welshman, in an Hour Rode 27 Miles 1,090 Yards. New York, Sept. 19..James Michael, the Welsh wonder, broke all the Ameri¬ can records for one hour's competition paced race this afternoon at the first an¬ nual national circuit meet of the Quill Wheelmen at Manhattan Beach. Twenty- seven miles mid sixteen hundred and ninety yards stands to the credit, of the foreigner for one hour, but Frank Star- buck, of Philadelphia, was only thirty yards behind him at the finish, and had it not been for bad blunders on the part of his pace-makers shortly after the fifth mile he would have given Michael the race of his life. HOLDS WORLD'S RECORD. Medford, Mass., Sept. 19..Star Pointer at Mystic Park yesterday afternoon not only beat two accredited faster horses, Robert J., 2.011-2, and Frank Agan, 2.08 3 4, but paced the three fastest heats ever made in competition, the times be¬ ing 2.02 1-2, 2.03 1-2 and 2.03 3-1, an aver¬ age of 2.03 1-4. He also lowered the world's record for the fastest first heat ever paced, 2.02 1-2, as well as the records for the fastest quarter and half, .29 3-4 and .51) 3-4, respectively. WILL HOLD A MEETING. Chicago, Sept. 19..A special meeting of the Southern States Passenger Associ¬ ation has been called for October 1st at Louisville. It will partake of the nature of a mass-meeting, its object being the discussion of winter tourist rates in tho South. All interested Western roads have been invited tosend representatives. WHOLESALE BHIRT MAKING. Havre de Grace, Md., Sept. 19..Another important industry has been located at Havre de Grace. The Poaley shirt fac¬ tory has leased one of the shoe factory buildings and will begin operations in a few days. The members of the firm are Andrew L. Stewart and George V. Poa- ley, both of Baltimore. They propose to give employment to at least int) girls. The output will be one thousand dozeu shirts a week. CLOSING OUT BICYCLES. ;':. Vost-Korrer Company, limited, next to postoffice, offer their stock of bicycles at the following reduced prices iu order to close out the wheel business: Our $100 '9(5 Sterling for $85. Our $75 '00 ladies' Columbus for $55. Our $75 »00 Lovell for $V>. We guarantee every wheel as represent¬ ed. Do not fail to call at once or you will miss great bargains. Roanoke, Va., July 20, 1800. R. M. Button & Co., Importers and Jobbers, Dry Goods and Notions, Baltimore, Mil. 1 am now opening up, at my sample rooms, Hotel Lee, Roanoke, Va., tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter samples of dry goods and'notions I have ever handled, which I offer to the merchants of the city and surrounding country at as low prices as same goods enn be bought In any of the Eastern mar¬ kets. Respectfully, 1). 0. BOOTH, Agent for 11. M. Sutton & Co. CITY CEMETERY NOTICE. All persons owning lots in the City Cemetery will Client the city engineer's office evidence of such ownership, and all persons having relatives and friends buried there will please report the names of same to the city engineer, together with the location of the lot in which they are buried, at the earliest possible day. This information is desired for the pur¬ pose of ascertaining the true ownership of the lots therein and making a record thereof. ,1. H. Wlngato, City Engineer. TWO LIVES SAYED. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had con¬ sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thee. Eggen 180 Florida St., San Francisco, Buffered from a dreadful cold, approaching con¬ sumption, tried without result everything else,then bought one bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are sample- that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Fn trial bottles at Rilassie's Pharmacy. Reg¬ ular si/.e 50c. and 14 DIRT IN THE HOUSI WAY TO BEGGARY." B FIRS INSU! LAWRENCE Represents the following old 111 Commercial Union ot London,"1 London; North British and Me-can bare; Norwich Union, ot England: Underwriters, ot New York; PtTlladeli writers, ot Philadelphia; Scottish Ux National, of Hdlnburg. Prompt attention given to any basine trusted to my care, OfTlce: No. 5 Campbell avenue w., mcrclal National UanU. . 81: At Roanoke Tuesday Sept. 22. the New Great Syndicate Shows AND PARIS HIPPODROME. Monster Museum. Triple Circus, Great Elevated Stages, Doubl« Menagerie, Spectacular Pageant, Grand Aggregation ot New Sensational FeatuteB. BIALTO, the s'rongest man on earth. JUPITeTT, the most majestic royal Bengal tiger ever In captivity. Tho only rlelng tiger In the universe. By an arrangement with the leading shows ot Amerlcathia will be the only circus that will visit this tcctlon thl» year. FOUR BIG SHOWS COHBIHBD. The best performing elephants; leopards and baoy camels; forty groat circus acts; live great hands In street parade; courtly knights and dame?; a drove oZ monster camels: zebras, bears and baby monkeys: twenty great Icapers; richly carved and glided tableau wagons; my raid cage«t, dens and lairs. Tho greatest bareback riders that the world haB OTer produced. Tho only Hock of giant African ostriches. The largest birds on earth and the only show possessing such a feature. Two meuagerles of wild beasts and open dens of savage brntes. mammoth elephants, Hons, hyenas, tigers, bears, wolves, leopards and panth¬ ers, zebras trained to drive like horses, knights In armor, ladles as princesses, male and ternalo jockeys, equadrons ot princesses, noblen and cavaliers In royal robes and rich costumes, mounted on spirited horses like days of old. Cheap oscurslon rotos. Evory railroad gives low rates to this big show. At 10 a. m. a glorious., grand holiday free street parade. One day only, afternoon and night. Doors open at 1 and 7 p.m. This will positively bo the Only circus that will visit thtB section this year, central admission, fxi cents. Children nndcr 9 years ot age, 36 cents. EVERYBODY HAS A RIGHT to a little piece of this earth. But they must Oght for it. They must watch their chance to get it.and get it. Wo have some particularly due offers to make just now.some properties that can be had very much under their real value and that are bound to be'jiigherjn a short time. 8-room house with all convenience, hot aud cold water, large stable, on Seventh avenue s. w., 111,600; cash $100, $15 monthly. 7- room Jiottso with cellar, Southeast, convenient to shops and school, $750,_on easy payments. I-N 8-room house Northwest, near Park street, $800; cash $25; monthly $8. 10-room dwelling, Salem avenue, largo lot 50x201), a special bargain on easy pay¬ ments. 4-room house Northeast, near 'ti&opt $.100; cash $50; monthly $5. 0-room dwelling, Northeast, $050; cashv $50, monthly $8. 8-room dwelling, Northeast, nicely papered, $850; cash $50, monthly $8. 130 acres farm land (5 miles from city, G room frame dwelling,', large barn and stable, 450 select apple t rees, -10 acres'in timber, balance in cultivation, nbout^30 acres fine bottom land, till of it tillable, well supplied with water. Fiuo bargain at $15 per acre. Terms easy. 00 acres 7 miles from city, with cont- fottable dwelling, large orchard, land lays well, plenty of timber, several fiuo springs on the farm, good stand of clover now on tho place. Can be bought for $1,250; one-third cash, balance uii Joug time. Kight acres near the city with 2 story frame building, 100 select winter applo trees. Good bargain tit $750: cash $100, balance on good time. 200 acres on Salem electric car line 5 miles from Roanoke. Land lays beauti¬ ful and line quality. Bargain at $30 per acre. Block of 8 lots ist Melrose addition, some shade trees on them. A bargain at $300; cash $50, monthly $10. 12 "beautiful lots in Beltnont, near school 'building, convenient to tho shops. Special bargain for the cash at $35 apiece. We have a good many small farms, well situated, convenient to markets, which we are offering at reasonable prices and terms. If you have anything to sell list it with us, or if you wish to buy or rent, give us a call and we will do our best to please you. PACE & BOBBITT Xo. lO JcUeraon St. I BUILDS THE H1GH- E WISE IN TIME AND USB

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Page 1: i3! At Roanoke St., CURED Croaking! Richmond College ...tatest Caibuneües l>,ned in Oliv«;, are just (ha 1 thing. Heu upeclineud m.ido ~7?-entrance.. *1 Coli' photographer, Jefferson

tatest Caibuneüesl>,ned in Oliv«;, are just (ha

1 thing. Heu upeclineud m.ido- entrance..

~7? ,

*1Coli' photographer,

Jefferson St., Over P. 0.



You a;

op Croaking!"scorch o'uture of Roanoke is nssurcd. It'bnllt. It eadqunrters of tlio new Norfolk

fi BPockS8tofn ratlroad-

BlcycIetOlltlc'1'! issues do not cut any flg-uyiug real estate.

_:er is king you pay your notes}


easy dollar, and if the yellow._rids you know what you pay.

pstock becomes valueless and mayin for something else besides,tes of deposit don't always draw,id real estate in Roanoke is safepay you from G to 10 per cent,our investment.

|3 this?c dwelling with twelve rooms inution; now renting for $2-10 perPrice, $1,200 cash.

HIm dwelling on Henry street, rent-

|jil80 per annum. Price, $1,400.with 0 dwelling rooms above.

jOnt-or-to1^' Rents for $100 per annum,

"i house in the heart of the city,A Btltchish.

Til house, near tho Roanoke andi depot , $800; $50 cash, balance,Month.ng on Luck avenue, $^50 on long

Are noi house on Last Church street,ecrvc a frcj

iilfu Insu

HveBtXtCC"lt 10 roonl llweUin8 With all con-

handertebncs' 011 Patterson avenue; price,Tho tlndost $0,000.Talk this ... , ,welling in best residence loca-

waafF. LUmg( both hot and cold wtiter.^¦Ktna Llf)750; $200 cash, balance $25 per

_'ents for $22.00 per month. ThisI for a business man.

1 dwelling on Campbell street,.vary Raptist Church, $2,100; $200lance $20 per month.tome residence ^lot on West Endd, 75x150 feet. Price, $553.

lest lots on Center and Loudoni, in rear of West End roundhouse,.75.iod 0 room houses in East Roan-tp on monthly payments.bargains in farms near Thax-

iOOcash; and 22 acres 1-2 mileanoke, price $2,200. Write for.ars at once.


i;eal Estale and InsuranceAgent,

All ltlcyc-thts Jinc. .


Sad Barbed Wire-the long$Mjt kind.to-day.I «II stock Poultry Net.V /f 'thing in Our Line at Bot¬

tom Prices.~ old reliable Hickory, with prea-

i^p^provernents, tho beat wagon sold.

^i^me and ace ub beforo buying ftleewhero.

S' ÄPö Milied

r:Jap?,.We have the Largest Stockaim HAMMOCKS In the city.v4iuf/e are selling them out veryJ,wrfw. Don't you need one?.ome and see.

)m The best Ice Cream Freezerfo.i the city. You don't have

> turn it all day, either. Atte lowest price.



Yardr^rett perkins,OfflC ttornsy-at-law and Commissioner

If .


yryt, ln Chancery,"\0 t box 110, Roanoke, Room 10,

*\ Floor. Kirk Law Bulldinir.

T.T.tfL* °ver 1,200 bottles Ster-<i. B. A |,Hlized Malt sold so far this" M l season. As a summer tonic4

^ lit is unexcelled. 20c perJ. 11. p.*' bottlo;_$2 per dozen; atw\ k".V. B. Td. AmJ.P.B),

iv' K i Musaie's PharmacyF.B. t *

Miss White«s SchoolFor Girls and Small Boys.

The eighth year beglnB Boptember 7,1890. In¬struction thorough. Terms moderate.For particulars apply 603 Campbell avonuo b.w.

8 80_

MRS. M. C. MISSIESSchool for Young Ladies and ChildrenWill Opon Monday, September J4tb,

at 124 Seventh Avenue S. W.

rr HOROUGH INSTRUCTION IN HIGHERm urgllsh, Mathematics, Latin, French andArt. 1'rlmary pupils taught by the best of latemothodr. Tho pupils have the benefit ot man;yhars ot careful and training worn In the class¬

room. 8-10-to 101

Richmond College,RICHMOND, VA.

Handsome grounds and buildings. Attentionpaid to health and morals ot students. Academicdegrees of M. A . B. A., and Ii. S. Legal degreeot B. L. Facilities tor study ot law unexcelledIn the South. Academic tuition $70; law tuition$40. Session begins September 34. For catalogueand information address8 12 Bw F. W. BOATWRIGDT, President.


letters, Science, Engineering, Law. Medicine.SchhIoh beginn lOtli September.

Tuition In Academical Schools freo to Vir*p'<ji1>'u«. For catalogues nddrcssl"M. M. THORNTON. LL.D.. Chairman

Roanoke College,SALEM, VA.

ÖOUR8B8 FOR DEGREES, WITH ELEC-tlves: high standard. Also, Commercial andPreparatory Conrscs. Library 20,(XX) volumes.Working laboratory. Good morals and discipline.Six churches; no barrooms, llcalthtul moun¬tain climate Very moderate cxpoimes. 44thyear begins September lUtli. Catalogue, withvlows, freo.

Julius I). I>relier,7 10 ttPresident.

WILLIAMSIiUKG. VA.Doerd from $19 to $16 per month; tuition feoTor half session. $17.60; medical feo, $3. Studentswilling to teach two years In the public schools

pay only the medical fee and are charged $10 permonth for board, fuel, lights and washing. FullCollegiate conrso, Next session begins October1st, 1890. Send for catalogue.LYON G. TYLER, If. A.. LL. D.,8 89 2m President.

Randolph-Macon Academy,Front Royal, Va.

Uealthtnll; situated among the mountains; pureair and water. Prepares Boys and Young Menfor College or Business life. A selected corps otteachers. Thorough mental training. Physicalhcalthfulncss. Moral and religious lnflnencc.Full equipment. Moderate charges. Session be¬gins doptember 17.1896, and continues for nineclaendar months. Send for full particulars toRxv. B. W. BOND, Principal,8 4 2m Front Royal, Va.



Special attention given to Ico Cream andWater Ico. ANDY J. HUFF.7 13 tf Manager.'i'lioue »8.

Plr.no, Banjo and Gnitar instruction,

Mrs. D. W. Meadows,512 Campbell Avenue.

9 6 tf

St. James

^8a^OTE La jJ. J. COX, Proprietor.

. . Opposite Passenger Depot . .

The only first-class $2 Housein Town.Electric Lights and Call Bells in

each room.

Newly Papered and Painted.Capacity I 50.

LORD RUSSELL ENTERTAINED.Washington,Sept. 19..Among the dis¬

tinguished persons who called upon LordRussell, chief justice of Great Britain,to-day was Attorney Genet al Harmon.Lord Russell and party took a drive inthe morning and visited several of thedepartments, and later journeyed toMount Vernon, where the tomb of Wash¬ington is located. Attorney General Har¬mon and Secretary Francis accompaniedLord Russell and his party return to NewYork to-morrow.

MILITARY TRANSFERS.Washington, §ept. 19..The long ex¬

pected transfer of troops has been orderedat last by the War Department and thelOrders go out this afternoon. Among thetransfers are the following: The thirdartillery, with headquarters at St. Fran¬cis Barracks, Fia., and scattered alongthe southern Atlantic coast at Barracas,Fla., Fort Monroe, Va., and the Wash¬ington Barracks, has been ordered to ex¬change places with the fifth artillery whichis located in San Francisco harbor, withheadquarters at the Presidio and partlyalong the northwest coast, and a smallportion at Fort Monroe, Va.

Several years ngo I was taken with asever attack of flux. I was sick in bedfor about ten days and could get nothingto relieve me until I used Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,which cured me and has been a house¬hold remedy with us ever since. J. C.Marlow, Decaturville. Mo. For sale bythe Chas. Ljic Drug Company.


Miss Delia Stevens, or Bo9ton. Mn«.writes: I novo always snO'ered fromhereditary Scrofula, for which I triedvarious remedies, au<i many reliablephysicians, but none relieved mo. Aftertaking 0 bottles ofI am now well. Iam very gratefulto yon, ns I feolthat it saved mofrom u lifo of un¬told agony, andshall t.tko pleasure, in speaking onlywords of praise for tho wonderful med¬icine, and in recommending it to all

Treatiso onniood and SkinDiseases mailedfree to any ad¬

dress. CUREDSWtPT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, On.

WANTSless Than a Cent a Word i

No advertisement received less than 15cents for the first Insertion and 10 oentsfor aabaeqnent Insertions. Seven wordsper line.One Insertion. 5 cents per lineBnbsequent Insertions... 3 oents per lineOne week. ÄO cents per lineTwo weeks. 35 cents per lineOne mouth. 60 cents per line


WANTED.TH R B B UNFURNISHEDrooms tor light housekeeping. State par¬ticulars. Must bo central location. "BKOWN,"care rimes. » 20 It

WANT TO KENT FOUK OR FIVE ROOMSfor light housekeeping, within five or tenminutes' walk of Terry building. Southwestsection preferred. Address "K," Times ofllcc.f) 18 St


WANTED.FOUK GENTLEMEN BOA It D-err; room and mcale; also four or tiro tableboarders. Bath room to house free. Terms rea¬sonable. Apply to MKS. S. S. SUAFEK, No. 1017South Jcfforson etreet. 9 10 lm



FOR SALE.A SCHOLARSHIP ISSUED BYTho National Business College of Roanoke.Apply to or addrtas "TUB TiMEH," Roanoke,Va. 8 33 tf


NOTICE.TUOHB HAVING OKICK ANDstone work or vltrilled brick pavements tobelaid would do well to call on or address J. T.Falls, tho practical contractor and bnllder. Alsoall kinds of carpenter work, plastering, painting,kalsomlning and paper hanging done on shortnotice. All work guaranteed. J. T. FALLS, No.118 Fifth avcniio n. e. Roanoke, Va.


TWO OR THREE SALESMEN NEEDED FORour N. and W. route at once. STANDARDCO., 84 Campbell avenue. 8-19-tt

The Hodgen Commission Co.208 south Jcllerson Street.

(Second Floor.)

Stocks, Grain,Provisions, Cotton.

Private Wires to the New York SlockExchaDge nnd Chicago

Hoard of Trade.

Fall Commission on Stocks and GrainOne-eighth.

On Pork 2Jc. Cotton 5c per bale.Determining tho financial standing of yourbroker Is more important than the selection of

your speculative venture.Our bank references: The Guarantee, Trust andSafe Deposit Co . Philadelphia, Pa.; The NationalMetropolitan Bank, Washington, D. O.J ThoCommercial National Bank, Roanoke, Va.; andothers If required.

- 9 '

Trades Accepted on Margin of one percent, on Large or Small Lots.

Stocks from ten shares up; Grain from 1,000bushels up; Provisions from fifty barrels up;Cotton from twenty bales up.KST* All c omninnteation« by telegraph, tele¬phone or mall promptly acted anon.'PHONE ITL

HIS SON SUSPECTED.New York, Sept. 19..Arnold Flesch, of

the clonk manufacturing firm of BernardPasternak & Co., is in a hospital withthree pistol shot wounds, and his son,William P. Flesch, is in custody on sus¬picion of having attempted to take hisfather's life. The shooting occurredthe apartments of the elder Flesch in theHotel Peteler. The father says he doesnot know Who fired the shots and the sondeclares his innocence.

BANK FAILURE.Hollidaysburg, Pa., Sept. 11)..The pri¬

vate banking house of Gardner, Morrow& Co., the oldest banking firm in CentralPennsylvania, closed its doors to day,owing to the genernl depression of busi¬ness. Thomas H. Suckling, clothier;Henry L. Bunker, meat market; CharlesE. Reed, grocer, three prominent nicr-chants who are debtors to the bank, alsofailed. Their stores were closed on exe¬cutions for $25,000.

STEVENSON WILL PRESIDE.Washington, Sept. 19..Vice-President

Stevenson informed Secretary Gardner,of the Association of Bryan Clubs, thathe will acc.pt the association's invita¬tion to preside at the club convention atSt. Louis on October 3rd. The clubofficials now count upou an attendanceof 10,000 delegates.


All HavanaCIGARS.

5 cts .six for 25 cts.Masste's Pharmacy.

Dark clouds of pain and Buffering van¬ish before the bright sunshine of a bottlof Pond's Extract. Avoid imitationsaccept none but the genuine.Cream pulls. 25 cents dozen, at Ca


B. Y. P. U. STATE CONVENTION.It Assembles nt Lynchburg October 13und 14.Interestiug^Mcctlng Expected.To the Editor of The Timosi The com-

mittees of tho Lynchburg Baptist YoungPeople's Unions are diligeutly engaged inmaking preparations toeutertaiu thecou-vention which will meet here October 13and 14. All the Unions nud Baptist pas¬tors iu the State have been notilied by thepiess committee through circulars. It isimportant that those circulars should befilled out aud returned immediately to thepress committco in order that tho enter¬tainment committee may be able to makoan estiniato of the number of delegates tobe entertained. About five hundred andfifty 'delegates are expected, Includingpastors. All of these- will be hospitablyentertained free of cost. Visitors whoare not delegates can obtain the very bestaccommodations at tho boarding housesand hotels of the city at reduced rates:Namely, at private boarding houses 75cents per day, and at^hotels $1 and $1.50per day. Every possible courtesy will beextended to all visitors and every facilitywill be afforded them for profiting by thesessions of the convention, and a* warmwelcome will bo extended them by thoLynchburg brethren. «- *¦

An extensive programmo has beenalready prepared which will cover thowhole time of the convention, givingprominence to many subjects of vital in¬terest. Able and eloquent speakers havebeen secured to deliver addresses on thovarious subjects which will be discussed.Amonst them, tho Rev. T. D. Jordan,general secretary of the B. Y. P. U. ofthe South, who is well known throughoutthe Southern States as a speaker of rareability, and what is more a man who isthoroughly in sympathy with the work.Wo may mention also the following prom¬inent Virginia pastors:

Dr. P. 0. McConnell, of Lynchburg: H.K. Hawthorne, of Afton, Va.; B. CabellHenlng, of Brulngton, Va.; L. G. Brough-ton, of Ronnoke; \V. W. Hamilton, ofVinton; C. C. Cox, of Newport News,Va.; H. G. Ferguson, of Waynesboro,Va.: .T. A. Barker, of Petersburg, Va ; M.L. Wood, of Staunton, Va.; 11. W. Trib-ble, of Chnrlottesvtlle, Va.; R. R. Acree,of Knoxvllle, Tenn.; W. L. Wright, ofRichmond, Va.; and W. S. Loyal, of Bed¬ford City; and also Professor K. C. .lames,of Richmond, and Professors. S. Handy,of Roanoke, Vn., and several leading lay¬men of the State.A mass meeting of all the Lynchburg

Baptists will be held at the First BaptistChurch Monday at 8 p. m. as an intro¬duction to the convention, which will con¬vene at 11 a. m. on Tuesday, the 13th. Itis earnestly desired that all delegates maybe present and participate in this prelim¬inary meeting. The railroads convergingin Lynchburg have agreed to give a one-third rate to delegates and visitors. Somefurther reduction may yet be secured, ofwhich due notice will be given. Side tripshave been arranged to Natural Bridge andtho Peaks of Otter at reduced rates.Those desiring to take cither one of thesetrips should notify the press committeeat once.In behalf of the Lynchburg Baptists we

extend a cordial invitation to our breth¬ren and sisters throughout tho State.Fraternally, M. K. DUERSON,

Chairman Press Committee.EPWORTII LEAGUE CONFERENCE.To be Held at Salom This Week.The

Programme.The Epworth League district confer¬

ence of the Roanoke district will cor.veneiu Salem on Tuesday the, 22d,nnd continuein session until the next day. Tho con¬ference will be composed of delegatesfrom the various Epworth Leaguesthroughout the district, beside all theyoung people of thcM. E. Churches Southare invited to attend. The Street Rail¬way Company has placed the round tripat one fare and it is expected that the at¬tendance will be large from this city andVinton. The following is the programme:Tuesday September 22, 1800..8 p.m.,

music and prayer service, Rev. B. F. Ball.8:80, address of welcome, by SalemLeague, F. II. Chalmers. Address ofwelcome (church), Rev. 11. II. Kennedy.Response, (for leagues), A. B. Hugh. Re¬sponse (for church), Rev. F. A. Strother.Wednesday, September 23, 1800..Sun¬

rise prayer meeting, Rev. 11. A. Wilson;Ö a. m., opening exercises.prayer andpraise service, Re/. C. D. Bulla: ir:;i(), reg¬istration of delegates, appointment ofcommittees, etc.; 10 a. m., tho literarydepartment."The Head," teach me thyway, oh", Lord: Address.''God in His¬tory," O. D. Batchelor; 10:15, address."God in Revelation," Rev. II. I. Ste¬phens; 10:30, address."God in Method¬ism," Col. J. B. Gregory; 10:45, progressof tho league movement, Miss MaggieBall; 11 a. m., sermon, Rev. II. H Joyce.Wednesday afternoon, September 23,189G..Devotional department Tho

Heart, "Uuite my heart to fear thyname.". 3 p. m., devotional exercises,Rev. G. T. D. Collins; 3:15, "Heart Wor¬ship in Song," Dr. O. W. Woods; .8:30,"Heart Worship in Prayer," Rev. W. D.Keene; 8:45, "Heart Worship in Testi¬mony," H. A. Meacham; 4, discussion ofthe above topics;4:30 reports and electionof officers.Wednesday eventng,September '25, lisOO,8 p. m..The Charity and Help depart¬ment.The liife."I will walk in Thytruth.".Devotional exercises, Rev. J. C.

Jones. Spirituality of tho League ex¬pressing Itself; 8:15, (1) "In Helping thoPastor," Rev. W. P. Locke. 8:80, cJ) "Inthe Social Life ol the Church," C. B.Camper. 8:45, (3) "In Visiting the Sickand Helping the Poor," J. D. Johnson, Jr.ARE THEY VICTIMS OF HOLMES ?Bones of Human Beings Found in a

Clump of Woods.Chicago, Sept. 19..A grave has been

found full of human bones in a densewood a few rods from tho house in whichH. H. Holmes lived at Wilmetta. It isthought by tho police that tho bonesmay be those of some of his victims.The bones had evidently been interredwithin two years and hadjapparently beenplaced in tho grave without a coffin. Noclothing of any sort was found. Fromthe sizes of tho bones it is thought theymust have belonged to several differentpersons.

Don't forget everything in tho Bookand Stationery line is to be found at J. E.Rogers, 104 Jefferson street

AN OLD DOCTOR'S FAVORITE.Dr. L. M. Gillam, who practiced medi¬

cine over forty years, originated, used andclaimed that Botanic Blood Halm (B. B.B.) which has now been in use about fiftyyears, was the best Tonic aud Blood Puri¬fier ever given to the world. It neverfails to cure the most malignant ulcers,sores, rheumatism, catarrh and all skinand blood diseases. Beware of substi¬tutes. Use this standard remedy. Pricel» r large bot tie, f1.00,For sale by druggists.

Heart Disease?Quick pulse, palpitation of the heart,

she* breath, swimming head.terriblyfrightened? NoDr. X danger . simply

Deane'S \ symptoms of Dys-Dyspepsia! onc" r r / person in five thou-Pills. J sand has real heart

disease.Try Dr. Dearie's Dyspepsia Pills and see h.>wquickly this kind of heart disease disappears. White

wrapper if constipated, yellow if bowels nrc loose.At druggists', 25c. and 50c. Sample mailed free._DR. J. A. DEANE CO . Kingston. N. V.

A FLYING MACHINE TESTED.It is Patterned Like a Bird and Flew

Gracefully.Chicago, Sept. 19..Tho first publictest of Octave Chanute's albatross soar-ing'machine, invented and constructed byWilliam Paul, Jwiis made at Millers,Ind., last evening, under ;favorabio con¬ditions.The machine was heavily loaded with

ballast so as to prevent it from flyingany great distance, and wns auchored byfour ropes, each 200 feet long, but thethree points which the trial was to decide.first, as to whether it would leave thechute evenly; second, whether it wouldright Itself in the air, and, third, whetherwhen it commenced to descend it wouldmove downward slowly and alight easily.were all determined in a manner grati¬fying both to its inventor and its owner.&T; The flight was less than 100 feet, butthe descent and final alighting on thesand were as graceful anil even as thoseof a bird, from which the machine waspatterned. Another test will be madeto-day if the wind is favorable.

HERB'S EAST CYCLING.Michael, the Welshman, in an Hour Rode

27 Miles 1,090 Yards.New York, Sept. 19..James Michael,the Welsh wonder, broke all the Ameri¬

can records for one hour's competitionpaced race this afternoon at the first an¬nual national circuit meet of the QuillWheelmen at Manhattan Beach. Twenty-seven miles mid sixteen hundred andninety yards stands to the credit, of theforeigner for one hour, but Frank Star-buck, of Philadelphia, was only thirtyyards behind him at the finish, and hadit not been for bad blunders on the partof his pace-makers shortly after the fifthmile he would have given Michael therace of his life.

HOLDS WORLD'S RECORD.Medford, Mass., Sept. 19..Star Pointer

at Mystic Park yesterday afternoon notonly beat two accredited faster horses,Robert J., 2.011-2, and Frank Agan,2.08 3 4, but paced the three fastest heatsever made in competition, the times be¬ing 2.02 1-2, 2.03 1-2 and 2.03 3-1, an aver¬age of 2.03 1-4. He also lowered theworld's record for the fastest first heatever paced, 2.02 1-2, as well as the recordsfor the fastest quarter and half, .29 3-4and .51) 3-4, respectively.

WILL HOLD A MEETING.Chicago, Sept. 19..A special meetingof the Southern States Passenger Associ¬

ation has been called for October 1st atLouisville. It will partake of the natureof a mass-meeting, its object being thediscussion of winter tourist rates in thoSouth. All interested Western roadshave been invited tosend representatives.WHOLESALE BHIRT MAKING.Havre de Grace, Md., Sept.19..Anotherimportant industry has been located at

Havre de Grace. The Poaley shirt fac¬tory has leased one of the shoe factorybuildings and will begin operations in afew days. The members of the firm areAndrew L. Stewart and George V. Poa-ley, both of Baltimore. They propose togive employment to at least int) girls.The output will be one thousand dozeushirts a week.

CLOSING OUT BICYCLES.;':. Vost-Korrer Company, limited, next topostoffice, offer their stock of bicycles atthe following reduced prices iu order toclose out the wheel business:Our $100 '9(5 Sterling for $85.Our $75 '00 ladies' Columbus for $55.Our $75 »00 Lovell for $V>.We guarantee every wheel as represent¬ed. Do not fail to call at once or youwill miss great bargains.

Roanoke, Va., July 20, 1800.R. M. Button & Co.,Importers and Jobbers,

Dry Goods and Notions,Baltimore, Mil.

1 am now opening up, at my samplerooms, Hotel Lee, Roanoke, Va., tholargest and most complete line of fall andwinter samples of dry goods and'notionsI have ever handled, which I offer to themerchants of the city and surroundingcountry at as low prices as same goodsenn be bought In any of the Eastern mar¬kets. Respectfully,

1). 0. BOOTH,Agent for 11. M. Sutton & Co.

CITY CEMETERY NOTICE.All persons owning lots in the CityCemetery will Client the city engineer's

office evidence of such ownership, and allpersons having relatives and friendsburied there will please report the namesof same to the city engineer, togetherwith the location of the lot in which theyare buried, at the earliest possible day.This information is desired for the pur¬pose of ascertaining the true ownershipof the lots therein and making a recordthereof.

,1. H. Wlngato, City Engineer.TWO LIVES SAYED.

Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,111., was told by her doctors she had con¬sumption and that there was no hope forher, but two bottles of Dr. King's NewDiscovery completely cured her and shesays it saved her life. Mr. Thee. Eggen180 Florida St., San Francisco, Bufferedfrom a dreadful cold, approaching con¬sumption, tried without result everythingelse,then bought one bottle of Dr. King'New Discovery and in two weeks wascured. He is naturally thankful. It issuch results, of which these are sample-that prove the wonderful efficacy of thismedicine in Coughs and Colds. Fntrial bottles at Rilassie's Pharmacy. Reg¬ular si/.e 50c. and


FIRS INSU!LAWRENCERepresents the following old 111Commercial Union ot London,"1London; North British and Me-canbare; Norwich Union, ot England:Underwriters, ot New York; PtTlladeliwriters, ot Philadelphia; Scottish UxNational, of Hdlnburg.Prompt attention given to any basinetrusted to my care,OfTlce: No. 5 Campbell avenue w.,mcrclal National UanU. . 81:

At Roanoke Tuesday Sept. 22.the

New Great Syndicate ShowsAND PARIS HIPPODROME.

Monster Museum. Triple Circus, Great ElevatedStages, Doubl« Menagerie, SpectacularPageant, Grand Aggregation ot NewSensational FeatuteB.

BIALTO, the s'rongest man on earth. JUPITeTT,the most majestic royal Bengal tiger ever Incaptivity. Tho only rlelng tiger In the

universe. By an arrangement withthe leading shows ot Amerlcathiawill be the only circus that

will visit this tcctlonthl» year.

FOUR BIG SHOWS COHBIHBD.The best performing elephants; leopards andbaoy camels; forty groat circus acts; live greathands In street parade; courtly knights anddame?; a drove oZ monster camels: zebras, bearsand baby monkeys: twenty great Icapers; richlycarved and glided tableau wagons; my raid cage«t,dens and lairs.Tho greatest bareback riders that the world haB

OTer produced. Tho only Hock of giant Africanostriches. The largest birds on earth and theonly show possessing such a feature.Two meuagerles of wild beasts and open densof savage brntes. mammoth elephants, Hons,hyenas, tigers, bears, wolves, leopards and panth¬ers, zebras trained to drive like horses, knightsIn armor, ladles as princesses, male and ternalojockeys, equadrons ot princesses, noblen andcavaliers In royal robes and rich costumes,mounted on spirited horses like days of old.Cheap oscurslon rotos. Evory railroad gives lowrates to this big show. At 10 a. m. a glorious.,grand holiday free street parade. One day only,afternoon and night. Doors open at 1 and 7 p.m.This will positively bo the Only circus that willvisit thtB section this year, central admission,fxi cents. Children nndcr 9 years ot age, 36 cents.

EVERYBODY HAS A RIGHTto a little piece of this earth. But

they must Oght for it. They must watchtheir chance to get it.and get it.Wo have some particularly due offersto make just now.some properties that

can be had very much under their realvalue and that are bound to be'jiigherjna short time.8-room house with all convenience,hot aud cold water, large stable, on

Seventh avenue s. w., 111,600; cash $100,$15 monthly.7- room Jiottso with cellar, Southeast,convenient to shops and school, $750,_oneasy payments. I-N8-room house Northwest, near Park

street, $800; cash $25; monthly $8.10-room dwelling, Salem avenue, largolot 50x201), a special bargain on easy pay¬ments.4-room house Northeast, near 'ti&opt$.100; cash $50; monthly $5.0-room dwelling, Northeast, $050; cashv$50, monthly $8.8-room dwelling, Northeast, nicelypapered, $850; cash $50, monthly $8.130 acres farm land (5 miles from city,G room frame dwelling,', large barn andstable, 450 select apple t rees, -10 acres'intimber, balance in cultivation, nbout^30acres fine bottom land, till of it tillable,well supplied with water. Fiuo bargainat $15 per acre. Terms easy.00 acres 7 miles from city, with cont-fottable dwelling, large orchard, land layswell, plenty of timber, several fiuosprings on the farm, good stand of clover

now on tho place. Can be bought for$1,250; one-third cash, balance uii Jougtime.Kight acres near the city with 2 storyframe building, 100 select winter applotrees. Good bargain tit $750: cash $100,balance on good time.200 acres on Salem electric car line 5miles from Roanoke. Land lays beauti¬ful and line quality. Bargain at $30 peracre.Block of 8 lots ist Melrose addition,some shade trees on them. A bargainat $300; cash $50, monthly $10.12 "beautiful lots in Beltnont, nearschool 'building, convenient to thoshops. Special bargain for the cash at$35 apiece.We have a good many small farms, wellsituated, convenient to markets, which

we are offering at reasonable prices andterms. If you have anything to sell listit with us, or if you wish to buy or rent,give us a call and we will do our best toplease you.

PACE & BOBBITTXo. lO JcUeraon St.