iaald general assembly report to members peter ballantyne and toni greider

www.iaald.org [email protected] IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider Montpellier, France 27 April 2010

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IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider. Montpellier, France 27 April 2010. Agenda. Adopt Agenda Minutes of 2008 GA Reporting back Executive Committee Nominations Incoming President Other Business. How we operate. Executive Committee 2005-2010 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider

www.iaald.org [email protected]

IAALD General AssemblyReport to members

Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider

Montpellier, France27 April 2010

Page 2: IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider

www.iaald.org [email protected]


• Adopt Agenda• Minutes of 2008 GA• Reporting back• Executive Committee Nominations• Incoming President• Other Business

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

How we operate• Executive Committee 2005-2010

– New structure 2010 onwards• Members (institutions, individuals, students)• General Assembly• E-voting• World and regional congresses• Chapters and groups (china, central/east europe, africa, UK,

USA)• ‘Sisters’ (jaald, usain, fita’s, …)• Website: www iaald.org• Listserver @ University Arizona• Blog: http://iaald.blogspot.com • Journal: http://journals.sfu.ca/iaald

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Executive Committee, 2005-2010

• Peter Ballantyne (The Netherlands)

• Vielka Chang-Yau (Panama)

• Debbie Currie (USA)• Michal Demes (Hungary)• Elizabeth Dodsworth (UK)• Elizabeth Goldberg (Italy)• Toni Greider (USA)

• Barbara Hutchinson (USA)

• Nick Maliha (Syria)• Shuchun Pan (China)• Takashi Nagatsuka

(Japan)• Stephen Rudgard (Italy)

• Plus ex-officio reps chapters and ‘sisters’

Page 5: IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider

www.iaald.org [email protected]


•leading global community of practice for information specialists* in agriculture and related disciplines

*people and institutions who are professionally involved in creating, capturing, accessing, or disseminating information and knowledge concerning agriculture and rural development

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

What we do• IAALD connects agricultural

information specialists worldwide• IAALD convenesconvenes agricultural

information specialists worldwide• IAALD communicates and advocates

the value of knowledge and information to its members and others

• IAALD collaborates with members and other partner organisations

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

2005 Priorities

1. Strengthen the membership base 2. Engage the members3. Facilitate professional development for

members4. Expand and deepen partnerships and alliances5. Hold events and workshops6. Inform and communicate with members and

the wider agricultural information community7. Establish a sound organizational financial base8. Reorganise the IAALD business practices

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Headline Results• Refreshed governance model• Membership stable?• Finances stable?

– Cutting costs (e-journal)– CTA and FAO support

• Africa chapter• UK and Ireland Group• North America Group• 2008 congress / 2010 congress / 2 Africa conferences• Iaald 2.0 communications• Journal• Iaald ‘.com’ organisational/financial base

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Major Milestones• May 2005: World Congress, USA• June 2005: IAALD blog• October 2005: iaald.org identity• December 2005: New strategy• April 2006: New marketing materials and display • May 2006: Africa Congress, Kenya• October 2006: IAALD registered as legal entity• January 2007: Back office re-organised• January 2008: Journal re-launched• August 2008: World Congress, Japan• 2009: UK and Ireland Chapter formation• July 2009: Africa Congress, Ghana• October 2009: first e-vote• February 2010: New governance approved• April 2010: World Congress, France• 2011: INFITA Congress, Namibia• 2012: Africa Congress, South Africa• Participation in USAIN, IFLA, WITFOR, AIBDA, AFITA meetings• Participation in CIARD initiative• 6 board meetings

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Journal• Quarterly Bulletin’s 52-year run ended in 2007• Agricultural Information Worldwide (AIW)

launched in January 2008• Editorial Board for AIW formed• AIW goes e-only in April 2010:• http://journals.sfu.ca/iaald/• Coming soon:

– New Editorial coordination– Open access archive back to 1992

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Page 12: IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider

www.iaald.org [email protected]

Chapters and Sisters• Africa Chapter

– Conferences in 2006 and 2009 (and 2012)

• UK and Ireland group• North America group (USAIN link)• CEE?• China?• Participation in RIBDA 2009• Participation in USAIN 2008 (Ohio) and 2006 (Cornell)• Japan congress with JAALD, AFITA, INFITA• Contributed to e-agriculture and CIARD initiatives

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Africa chapter• Plan of Activities

– Activity 1 – Finalize the Chapter’s Strategic Plan– Activity 2 – Training Plan– Activity 3 – Advocacy Strategy for Opening Access to AR4D

Information and Knowledge– Activity 4 – Amend the Chapter By-Laws– Activity 5 – Membership Recruitment Plan– Activity 6 – Establish the Chapter’s Legal Office– Activity 7 – Preparations for the 3rd Conference of the


• The next Chapter’s Conference will be held in South Africa, 2012, possibly in Johannesburg.

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Finance and Membership

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www.iaald.org [email protected]


• Updated the “Back” Office– Established IAALD mailing address– Legally established IAALD– Now able to pay by credit card or paypal– Automated the accounting system– Created e-membership packet for new

members– Introduced e-voting– E-billing– New Governance model

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

MembershipMembership Type 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Subscriptions 81 52 58 79 62 47

Institutions 60 39 56 46 40 33

Individual 99 73 56 56 65 70

Gratis 3 3 3 3 3 4

Honorary 6 6 6 6 6 4

Institution Low Income 0 17 8 10 7 6

Individual Low Income 80 52 131 99 59 62

Student N/A N/A N/A 0 1 1

Student Low Income 0 0 0 9 9 9

Total 329 242 238 308 252 236

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Income and ExpenditureIncome 2006 2007 2008 2009 2006-2009

Memberships 17,396 11,399 9,846 9,944 48,574Subscriptions 6,774 2,816 4,983 2,992 17,265Grants 49,259 17,049 20,369 6,510 93,187Other 10,795 16,386 7,147 15,157* 49,486Discounts 721 543 163 584 2,010Total Income 83,503 47,108 42,183 34,020 206,813

Expenditures 2006 2007 2008 2009 2006-2009Journal 20,409 29,486 16,884 26,224 93,003Meetings 10,975 8,838 6,908 736 27,457Administration 4,590 6,436 4,984 3,616 19,625Grant 59,393 0** 14,033 6,764 80,190Other 2,765 2,387 1,310 1,359 7,821Total Expenditures 98,132 47,157 44,069 38,698 228,096Profit/Loss -14,629 -49 -1,886 -4,679 -21,283

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

2010 BudgetIncomeMemberships 8,600Subscriptions 2,500Journal 8,000Grants 2,400Other 8,400DiscountsTotal Income 29,900

ExpendituresJournal 17,750Meetings 6,000Administration 3,250Grants 2,400Other 250Total Expenditures 29,650Profit/Loss 250.00

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www.iaald.org [email protected]


Page 20: IAALD General Assembly Report to members Peter Ballantyne and Toni Greider

www.iaald.org [email protected]

Executive Committee slate: 2010-11• Past President: Peter

Ballantyne (UK)• Member (1 year):

Elizabeth Dodsworth (UK)

• Member (2 years): Odile Bedu (France)

• Member (3 years): Jaron Porciello (USA)

• President: Barbara Hutchinson (USA)

• Vice President: Edith Hesse (Austria)

• Secretary/Treasurer: Toni Greider (USA)

FAO – Stephen Rudgard Africa – Justin ChisengaIICA – Federico Sancho China - ?

UK – Roger Mills

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Incoming President

• Plans• Active Engagement

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Fully Establish New IAALD Governance Structure (transition year)

(1) Define roles:– Executive Committee members– AIW Managing Editor (Editorial Board and Technical

Editor) – Communications Manager (social networking and

website)– Chapter Presidents

– Invited Organizational Representatives/Liaisons

(2) Identify & explore appropriate partnerships and collaborations

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(3) Revise the Constitution to integrate new organizational structure– Rewrite as needed (i.e. elections, officers, etc.)

(4) Plan for next election (establish date for changing officers)– Conduct e-election in late 2010/early 2011

(5) Determine & formalize AIW production procedures– Issues per year, etc.

(6) Strengthen chapters and recruit new members

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Determine how to maintain & leverage social networking services, i.e increasing revenue & membership

Conduct needs assessment (online survey) – Identify professional development opportunities,

options for member services & congress preferences– Determine possible virtual programming, i.e. webinars

for members (fee-based for non-members)

Assess IAALD website as a tool for delivering member services

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Continue to review back-office processes including developing operational procedures for forming & managing Chapters

Schedule of Meetings• Establish regular virtual conferencing for IAALD extended

Executive Committee • Review criteria for hosting World Congresses

– Determine appropriate schedule• Select sites for the next World Congresses

– Africa (two regional opportunities 2011 & 2012)– USA (formal proposal to host in 2013)– India/SA (formal proposal to host at some point)

• Look for opportunities for regional conferences and collaborative conference programming

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

We need your ideas and energy to build our community of practice: “information sharing and knowledge management in agriculture & applied life sciences”– Respond to survey (needs assessment)– Offer expertise – Identify and mentor new members– Facilitate discussions– Participate in Regional Chapters– Help plan World Congresses

Thank you…I look forward to working with all of you in the coming year!

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www.iaald.org [email protected]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world…

Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

-- Margaret Mead