iab sweden: viewability task forceiabsverige.se/wp-content/uploads/vce-jicwebs-mrc_iab-se...for info...

For info about the proprietary technology used in comScore products, refer to http://comscore.com/About_comScore/Patents IAB Sweden: Viewability Task Force 17 June 2015 Stuart Wilkinson, Head Of Industry Relations EMEA comScore [email protected]

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For info about the proprietary technology used in comScore products, refer to http://comscore.com/About_comScore/Patents

IAB Sweden: Viewability Task Force

17 June 2015

Stuart Wilkinson, Head Of Industry Relations EMEA


[email protected]

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IAB Europe - Measurement Blueprint

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IAB Europe Brand Advertising Framework

A set of brand advertising


Ad Formats Metrics & KPIs Quality &



Quality agenda being

developed Q1 2015



The Brand Advertising Framework:

Aims to address:

• Insufficient brand

spend online

• Fragmentation of

mobile ad formats

• Video inventory


• Measurement debate

IAB Europe’s Brand Advertising Committee’s

mission is to drive brand investment into

digital by providing Brand Advertisers with a

reliable and trusted Brand Advertising

Framework for the converging digital and

traditional media environment. The Mobile

Brand Builders are part of this Framework.

PC & Tablet In-Page

Brand Builders

Mobile Brand


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Measurement priorities

Better understanding of how online

channels works for brand

advertising campaigns

Cross media evaluations

Industry wide accepted online measurement


Agreed core set of effectiveness


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Viewability measurement exposes a

new industry challenge.

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%





Average In-View Rate

Low Correlation of In-View Rates to CPMs

A market lacking transparency?

Viewability measurement can help better align price and value

6 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Source: comScore Custom Analysis, U.S., Q2 2014

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In-view: why 100% isn’t realistic

User leaves page

before 1 second

Non-human traffic drives

up impression counts,

when a person never

actually saw the ad

User’s browser isn’t

on full-screen setting

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France 38%


8 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary.

comScore in-view benchmarks

Source: comScore vCE Benchmarks, Q2 2014.

The global vCE norms database comprises data from more than 200 billion impressions over the course of a 21-month rolling period.

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Source: comScore vCE, 2012-2013, Global.

Premium is defined by Ad Metrix as having an average CPM above USD $5.00 and an average monthly ad revenue of $100,000.

% Ads Viewable by Placement Type

Viewability rates vary by publisher and placement

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comScore’s has developed a set of integrated services to

fulfil many industry needs

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Validated Campaign Measurement

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Digital campaign validation now consists of multiple layers








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In-View & NHT Standards still evolving & varied compliance







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How the advertiser starts to see it.

Big is not necessarilly beautiful if its

not measured correctly.

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Partial Compliance often preferred, but limits Brand/Sales Lift












+30% vs. original campaign



+15% vs. original campaign


“70%” “60%”

With weak standards compliance

& NHT Removal

With weak standards compliance

& NHT Removal

With robust standards compliance

& NHT Removal

With robust standards compliance

& NHT Removal


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Increased validated/in-target rates greatly improve brand lift

Display guarantees:

80-100% validated delivery

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Trust in metrics requires standards

Standards require compliance

Compliance requires audits

Audits account for discrepancies

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Industry organizations in the US created the

Making Measurement Make Sense Initiative (3MS)

US Standards: Making Measurement Make Sense

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Principle 1.

Move to a “viewable impressions” standard and count real exposures online.

Principle 2.

Online advertising must migrate to a currency based on audience impressions, not gross ad


Principle 3.

Because all ad units are not created equal, we must create a transparent classification system.

Principle 4.

Determine interactivity “metrics that matter” for brand marketers, so that marketers can better

evaluate online's contribution to brand building.

Principle 5.

Digital media measurement must become increasingly comparable and integrated

3MS: 5 Guiding Principles

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IAB define the 3MS standard for display and video

Video: 50% of player in view for at least

2 consecutive seconds


50% of ad in view for at least

1 second

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comScore Integral Ad Science DoubleVerify MOAT

Viewability Capabilities

Technology Approach Page Geometry / Browser


Page Geometry / Browser Optimization Page Geometry Page Geometry / Browser


Capabilities Within



Can measure viewability for cross

domain iFrame situations for

supported versions of all major

desktop browsers (requires Flash

capabilities in certain instances).

Can measure viewability for cross

domain iFrame situations for supported

versions of all major desktop browsers

(requires Flash capabilities in certain


Can measure viewability for cross

domain iFrame situations where the ad

appears in a non--‐WebKit browser

environment (i.e, in browsers other

than Chrome or Safari)

Can measure viewability for cross

domain iFrame situations where the ad

appears in browsers other than Opera

(requires Flash Capabilities in limited


Use of projection No use of projection for viewability.

Reports viewability only for those

impressions it measures in the vCE--‐ Validation product.

No use of projection for viewability.

Reports viewability only for those

impressions it measures.

Uses a modelling method to project for

viewability of ads served

No use of projection for viewability.

Reports viewability only for those

impressions it measures.

Compliance with Reconciliation Guidelines

100 milliseconds min


Yes (audit in process) Yes (self reported) Yes (audited) Yes (self reported)

No “count on decision”

served ads

Yes (audited) Yes (self reported) Yes (audited) Yes (self reported)

Processing order,

processes applied

Yes (audited) Yes (self reported) Yes (audited) Yes (self reported)

Disclosure of Ad vs.

ad container

Yes (audited) Yes (self reported) Yes (audited) Yes (self reported)

Account for out of

focus tabs

Yes (audited) Yes (self reported) Yes (audited) Yes (self reported)

MRC Viewability Results for 3MS related standards

Audited vs Self Reported

Source: Media Rating Council


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Audited vs self-reported compliance

can account for discrepancies

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Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards

UK & Ireland (JICWEBS)




(Brand Safety)






Digital Trading




Audio Visual




Web Analytics


for Census


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ABC UK issues first industry report into online ad viewability

“It is crucial that advertisers and

agencies know what they are

buying into and that the product

owners demonstrate their

willingness to be independently


- Jerry Wright, Chief Executive, ABC, Nov 2014

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Percentage viewable when served:

Can the product measure what % (in whole percentages) of the content's area was in view at the

time of measurement? Could the content ever be seen?

Average percentage viewable over a defined measurement period (e.g. hour, day, week):

Can the product measure what % of the content space was in view over how long?

This average should be measured in units of whole seconds, during which the content must be

continuously viewable.

A minimum "opportunity to see" should include thresholds on both continuous time and % of

content area. Optionally, the product may also report on cumulative viewability.

JICWEBS – Viewability Product Principles

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Standard measurement language: Can the product report on just variable 1 or

both variables 1 and 2 above?

Measurement and asset render requirements:

Where this can be determined the testing programme must make clear at what

point the measurement of viewability occurs in relation to asset render, i.e.

whether pre, during or post delivery of the content creative.

If this cannot be determined that fact will be clearly stated.

It is recognised that Flash content, may take a comparatively long time to render

in a browser.

JICWEBS – Viewability Product Principles

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Verify whether a product is capable of counting "viewable impressions" in

relation to the above principles.

For this purpose:

Capable is defined as once configured; the product consistently measures and

reports as declared under a variety of scenarios during the period of testing in

the test environment.

Render is defined as the point at which the creative message is available to

view, following the principle of 'opportunity to see'.

The ultimate objective of ABC’s test programme:

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ABC Viewability Results – Nov 2014

comScore offers complete measurement of viewability comScore Results

Did the product perform as expected in the following scenarios?

Browser and


1. Ad is in view but

served within

multiple cross-

domain IFRAMEs

2. Browser window

is moved off


3. Page is scrolled

away from ad

4. Browser is

resized so that less

than 50% of ad is


5. Page carrying ad

is opened in a

hidden page

6. Page carrying ad

is opened in a

hidden tab

7. Page carrying ad

loses focus


Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Windows Yes Yes Yes Not tested Yes Not tested Yes

IE8 Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE11 Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Safari MacOS See note* Not tested Yes Yes Not tested Not tested Not tested

*comScore advises that for impressions served via cross-domain IFRAMEs in Safari, comScore uses placement-level projection techniques to estimate viewability for this browser in the Audience module of validated Campaign Essentials™.

“Not tested” shows where a particular test, in a particular browser, was not possible due to technical limitations in the test ing and should not be considered a technical limitation of the product being tested.

Source: ABC


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ABC Viewability Results – Nov 2014

Proves comScore’s robust in-view capabilities Did the product perform as expected in the following scenarios?

Browser and OS


1. Ad is in view but

served within

multiple cross-

domain IFRAMEs

2. Browser window

is moved off


3. Page is scrolled

away from ad

4. Browser is

resized so that less

than 50% of ad is


5. Page carrying ad

is opened in a

hidden page

6. Page carrying ad

is opened in a

hidden tab

7. Page carrying ad

loses focus



comScore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

DoubleVerify Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Integral Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No

Moat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



comScore Yes Yes Yes

Not tested¹


Not tested¹


DoubleVerify See note2 No Yes No Yes

Integral Yes No Yes No No

Moat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE8 Windows

comScore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

DoubleVerify Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes

Integral Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No

Moat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE11 Windows

comScore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

DoubleVerify Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes

Integral Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No

Moat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Safari MacOS

comScore See note3

Not tested¹

Yes Yes

Not tested¹ Not tested¹ Not tested¹ DoubleVerify See note2 Yes Yes

Integral Yes Yes Yes

Moat Yes Yes Yes

Source: ABC


1. “Not tested” shows where a particular test, in a particular browser, was not possible due to technical limitations in the testing and should not be considered a technical limitation of the product being tested.

2. DoubleVerify advises that for impressions served via cross-domain IFRAMEs in Chrome and Safari, DoubleVerify uses statistical placement-level modelling to estimate viewability. For this test, for these browsers, DoubleVerify provided reporting at the aggregate level only, and the results were within

tolerance of the expected level.

3. comScore advises that for impressions served via cross-domain IFRAMEs in Safari, comScore uses placement-level projection techniques to estimate viewability for this browser in the Audience module of validated Campaign Essentials™.

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JICWEBS Phase 2 and Phase 3

Phase 2

Standard vs Enhanced NHT – reporting

Phase 3

Granularity of measurement testing

Best practice implementation guidelines