iabse kolkata 2013

INFORMATION The Secretary Indian Group of the IABSE IDA Building, (G/F), Room No.12 Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road New Delhi-110 011, INDIA Phone: +91-11-23782923 +91-11-23386724 Fax: +91-11-23388132 Email OC : [email protected] Email SC : [email protected] Website: www.iabse.org/kolkata2013 12

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Page 1: IABSE Kolkata 2013


The Secretary

Indian Group of the IABSE

IDA Building, (G/F), Room No.12

Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road

New Delhi-110 011, INDIA

Phone: +91-11-23782923


Fax: +91-11-23388132

Email OC : [email protected]

Email SC : [email protected]

Website: www.iabse.org/kolkata2013


Page 2: IABSE Kolkata 2013


The current global paradigm is one of inclusive growth that puts a premium on mobility ofpeople and goods, across formidable barriers. Under the same paradigm, quality of life in theholis4c sense of ac4ve communitypar4cipa4on in the affairs of society hasalso gained currency. Mee4ng thesedemands has posed challenges to thestructural engineering community,par4cularly in the context of crossingwide and raging rivers, deep gorges andsea links, and also in devising places ofcongrega4on for sports, conven4onsand other public gatherings demandingunclu5ered space. The structuralengineering solu4ons, then, which focus on providing long spans for crossings and largecovered spaces as in airport and rail terminals, sports stadiums, conven4on centres, havebecome the norm.When it comes to long span bridges, Kolkata, home of the famed and iconic Rabindra Setu

(also called Howrah Bridge) across theRiver Hooghly, holds the pride of placein India. It is only appropriate, then, thata symposium en4tled Long Span Bridgesand Roofs – development, design andimplementa4on, be held at a placewherefrom, while being inspired by themajesty of the bridge, we can take pridein the achievements of structural andbridge engineers.

Considering that the world, as a whole, is rapidly urbanising and the pace is greater indeveloping countries like India, there is a need for structural engineers to share their exper4seas well as to think imagina4vely about foreseeable structural forms, materials, andconstruc4on processes. It is with this in mind that the symposium has large span roofstructures and long span bridges as the two major themes.Both social and ethical responsibili4es of engineers’ ac4ons will also be debated.


Kolkata Metropolitan area is

undergoing a major face change with

many development ac4vi4es being

undertaken, par4cularly on the

infrastructure front. Some of the

ac4vi4es are river crossings, metro

lines, stadiums, buildings that are

under execu4on. Technical visits and

tours will be organised during the

event. It is most likely that the

tunneling ac4vity below the river would be one of the highlights and the organisers endeavor

to include a visit to the site.


A social calendar will include

opportuni4es for social interac4ons,

entertainment, shopping and visits to

nearby places of interest. These will

be open to par4cipants and

accompanying persons.


A number of post-symposium tours

to many popular places of interest

near Kolkata and other parts of India

will be offered. Details will be

provided in the Final Invita4on.

Page 3: IABSE Kolkata 2013


Bidhan C. Roy, Chair, India

Mike Schlaich, Vice-Chair, Germany

Dipankar Paul, Secretary, India

A.F.M. Saiful Amin, Bangladesh

William V. Anderson, Canada

Mourad M. Bakhoum, Egypt

Nirmalya Bandyopadhyay, India

Anne5e Boegle, Germany

Mikael W. Braestrup, Denmark

Stathis Bousias, Greece

Yozo Fujino, Japan

Carlos Mendez Galindo, Switzerland

Carmelo Gen4le, Italy

Naeem U. Hussain, Hong Kong

Jürgen Krieger, Germany

Ekasit Limsuwan, Thailand

Joanne McCall, Canada

Raz Mor, Israel

Govind Sharan, India

Harshavardhan Subbarao, India

Joseph T. Tortorella, USA

Yongxin Yang, China

ADVISORY COMMITTEESudhangsu S. Chakraborty, Chair, India

Jacques Combault, France

Manfred Hirt, Switzerland

Aarne Ju4la, Finland


Director General, Border Roads Organisa4on, India

Director General, Central Public Works Department, India

Managing Director, Delhi Metro Rail Corpora4on

Member Engineer, Delhi Development Authority

Member Engineering, Railway Board, Indian Railways

Member (Tech), Na4onal Highways Authority of India

Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department, West Bengal

Chief Engineer, Metro Railway, Kolkata

Gilson Marchesini, Brazil

Anant D. Narain, India

Jӧrg Schlaich, Germany

Leo Wagemans, The Netherlands


The Interna4onal Associa4on for Bridge and Structural Engineering was founded in 1929.

Today IABSE has about 4,000 members in over 100 countries. The mission of IABSE is to

promote the exchange of knowledge and to advance the prac4ce of structural

engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society. To accomplish the

mission IABSE organises conferences and publishes the quarterly journal Structural

Engineering Interna4onal (SEI), as well as reports and other monographs. IABSE also presents

annual awards for outstanding achievements in research and prac4ce that advance the

profession of structural engineering. IABSE deals with all kinds of structures, materials and

aspects of structural engineering.

IABSE Phone: +41-44-633 2647c/o ETH Zurich Fax : +41-44-633 1241Hӧnggerberg HIL E21.3 [email protected] - 8093 Zurich www.iabse.org

Page 4: IABSE Kolkata 2013


The Symposium will take place from

September 24-27, 2013 (Tuesday - Friday)

in ITC Sonar Kolkata and the Opening

Ceremony with a cultural evening on

September 24, 2013 (Tuesday) at the

Science City.

ANNUAL MEETINGSIABSE Annual Mee4ngs will be held at

the Pala, ITC Sonar Kolkata from

September 22-24, 2013 (Sunday -Tuesday).

COMMERCIAL EXHIBITIONA commercial exhibi4on will be organised

at the Symposium Venue. Companies

interested in exhibi4ng should contact the

Symposium Secretariat for more

informa4on : [email protected]


The official language at the Symposium will be English and no simultaneous transla4on will

be provided.

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The Symposium is intended for civil and structural engineers, architects and associatedprofessionals interested in the latest achievements and developments in research, design,construc4on, monitoring, maintenance and performance of long span infrastructure works. Itis expected that researchers, designers, consultants, owners, contractors, operators, suppliers,representa4ves of regulatory authori4es and other interested civil society members willpar4cipate.

THEME AND TOPICSThere will be two themes, namely• Long Span Bridges• Long Span Roofs

The basic topics under each sub-theme will be• Planning• Design• Research and Development• Implementa4on• Opera4on and Maintenance

Addi4onally special sessions on Poverty Allevia4on and Disaster Management, and a YoungEngineers Programme will be organised. Technical Exhibi4ons, Tours, Visits and othersuppor4ng sub-events will be planned to add to the a5rac4veness.

B. L. AjitsariaA. K. BanerjeeS. BanerjeeS. R. BanerjeeA. BhowmikS. S. ChakrabortyR. N. DandekarS. P. Da5aA. GhoshalO. P. GoelV. K. GovilV. N. HeggadeR. P. IndoriaK. K. KapilaS. Ball

S. MajumdarS. P. KetkarV. S. KulkarniD. C. MitraB. D. MundhraR. K. PandeyV. L. PatankarS. K. PuriB. C. RoyC. SankaralingamR. SarkarS. SenS. SinghA. Asa4V. K. Yadav


Page 5: IABSE Kolkata 2013

POVERTY ALLEVIATIONBy 2013, we shall only have 2 years le$ to reach the Millennium Development Goals, theoverarching set of parameters to alleviatepoverty across the globe. In 2005, the IABSEConference in New Delhi focused on thecontribu4ons of structural engineers in thissociety-wide development effort. As a look-back as well as to infuse addi4onal momentumin this ma5er, a special plenary session will beheld. The papers will review what wasdiscussed in 2005, including the declara4onmade then, analyse and add to the thoughts,all towards reducing poverty most effec4vely across the globe.


While there are many avenues of leakages of resources from development ini4a4ves, it isgenerally the case that disasters, when nothandled effec4vely, escalate tohaemorrhages. The effects also have atendency to linger over a long period.Structural engineers bring in their exper4seand experience to handle disasterseffec4vely – es4mate the poten4alconsequences, to design and build robustly,make provisions for effec4ve contribu4onto relief efforts (life-line structures) etc. In2005, the IABSE Conference in New Delhihad discussed on these issues. Considering that there have been some major disasters ofvarious kinds across the world since then, the session will build upon the earlier a5empt toenhance structural engineering contribu4ons to off-set the nega4ves.


All young engineer par4cipants born in or a$er 1978 will benefit from a reducedsymposium registra4on fee and a one year complimentary IABSE membership in 2014.


Contribu4ons are invited in accordance with the theme and topics of the Symposium. Authorswishing to present a paper should submit a 200-300 word abstract in English withoutillustra4ons. Abstracts will be submi5ed on-line using the web-based abstract submissionpla3orm operated by the Symposium Secretariat. Hard copy, email or fax submissions willnot be accepted.

To submit an abstract, please visit the Kolkata 2013 Symposium homepage atwww.iabse.org/kolkata2013 and follow the instruc4ons :

The abstract should summarise the contents of the paper and clearly indicate the specificrelevance to the themes of the Symposium. Abstracts must be received before August 30,2012 (Friday).

Authors of accepted papers are expected to a5end and present their papers at theSymposium.


The Symposium Proceedings will contain a short version of all Papers and Posters accepted bythe Scien4fic Commi5ee. The full version will be available in a CD-Rom enclosed in thepublica4on.


Receipt of abstracts : August 30, 2012 (Friday)No4fica4on of acceptance of abstracts : December 14, 2012 (Friday)Submission of full paper : February 28, 2013 (Thursday)Mailing of Final Invita4on : February 28, 2013 (Thursday)No4fica4on of paper acceptance : April 30, 2013 (Tuesday)IABSE Annual Mee4ngs : September 22-24 , 2013 (Sunday-Tuesday)Opening Ceremony of Symposium : September 24, 2013 (Tuesday a$ernoon)IABSE Symposium : September 24-27, 2013 (Tuesday-Friday)


The Scien4fic Programme includes plenary, technical and poster sessions over three days.

Keynote and Invited Speakers will address the Symposium at the plenary and technical

sessions. Selected papers will be presented in parallel technical sessions. Poster sessions will

be structured in order to enable contact with authors of papers.


Page 6: IABSE Kolkata 2013


The city of Kolkata has a culturally rich heritage. It is the capital of the state of West Bengal,

one of the major and most advanced of Indian states. It was the colonial capital also, in its

older name Calcu5a, 4ll 1911 and a$er Indian Independence it mapped out a path of progress

based on development of industry and now recently, the services sector. The city offers an

intellectual ambience unmatched by any other Indian city; venerable educa4onal, arts and

cultural ins4tu4ons are anchored in the city.

This region of India has been the fount of many cultural and engineering movements,

buildings, bridges and ins4tu4ons. The Kolkata metro is India’s first metro, a trend se5er of

sorts. Now, by 2014 we will have another arm of the metro system that will cross the river

under the river, in the vicinity, unseen of course, of the imposing Rabindra Setu! The Second

Hooghly Bridge came later but is no less iconic and the most recently created edifice, the

Second Vivekananda Bridge, has carried that tradi4on forward.

The experience of this region, in long span bridges and other iconic structures, is easily

translatable to situa4ons across the world. This is precisely the ra4onale for holding the IABSE

Symposium in this historic city.

Kolkata is a big city with required conven4on infrastructure including sufficient hotel rooms,

places of interest in the nearby areas, and other features. It is located strategically vis-à-vis the

South and Southeast Asian catchment area for the Symposium. Kolkata also offers easy and

fast access from and to other Asian countries, and to Europe, Africa and the Americas.

Kolkata is the business center for eastern and north-eastern India and enjoys a rich catchment

poten4al. The landscape of the city is also changing, changing with the 4mes and the

increasing aspira4ons of its people.

While traversing the River Hooghly one comes across bridge marvels star4ng from, north to

south, Bally Bridge (Vivekananda Setu), then the most recent Nivedita Setu (Second

Vivekananda Bridge), then the classic Rabindra Setu (Howrah Bridge)and the neo-classical

Vidyasagar Setu (Second Hooghly Bridge), each a testament to bridge engineering over nearly

8 decades in this region.

Victoria Memorial is situated on 64 acres of land with the building covering 338 $ by 228$.

Construc4on started in 1904 and the building opened in 1921.

The Botanical Garden lies on the west bank of the River Hooghly. It ranges more than 100

hectares. The garden showcases probably the world’s largest Bengal Ficus -banyan tree. You

will find numerous really cosy spots.

University of Calcu5a, one of the oldest universi4es in India and also one of the premier

educa4onal ins4tu4ons, was founded on January 24, 1857. Its alumni have spread out across

the world bringing the ins4tu4on, the city, the state, and indeed the na4on, enormous


Bengali cuisine, while extensive and varied, is most famous for fish items and sweets.

Kolkata is one place where your palate will be sa4sfied without burning a hole in your pocket

or your tongue. Tours on fancy river boats are also available.