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    1-'HE DIALl§T Edicor



    CONTENTS Frontispiece

    E.\RL J. CL.\DE C cneral :.hnagl'r of Statio11 KSL, Salt 1.ak .. Cit\

    Editorial ..... • ...................... . .... . ............... 3

    ).lit·ro Chat' .......... . .................................... 4

    The I),'\ er,' Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ri

    }.lonthly Freqm·ncy Tesh ........... . ... . ................. 8

    Canadian 'l\•sts .......... . ........... . ...................... 10

    ·1 h1 :.Ionth", Changes ............... . ................ . .... Id

    KS I,'!:, Time Service ....................... . .......... . . . 11

    St11dio (;o-sip ................................. . ........... 12

    Broaclra;.ting Stations (By Frequcncie:.;) .................. . 14

    Bro:•clc:asti11g Stations (By Call l.ettc.:rs) ................... 28

    Tht· I)\ Hug--By \\"illiam Vornkahl. \\'cstpnrt. Conn ....... 35

    Cirding tlu· (;Johe By John J. Baxter. London. England .... 36 Short \\'ave \'otes ........................................ 37

    l'rinl'ipal Short \\'an: Stations of the \\'oriel ................. 38

    \'\'RC Ham Xotes ......................................... 40

    \\'ith the \ir Raiders .................................... .41

    ·1 h. I>:\ Calendar .................................. . ...... .43

    l'o lin: Radio Stations ...... . .................. . ........... .t.J

    Till' l.·1te·;t in Transmitters and \ntennac .................. 46

    '\'\RC I):\ Tips Broadca:.;h ............................... 47

    I nl!·rt•st ing l~aclio Calls ......... . ........................ .4/

    C1>111111 l·11t .................................... . .............. 47

    Th " l'cy , :onc Xctw

  • EDITORIAL T he pn•sent DX sl·ason. now about

    three-quarters gone, has in many respect-hten unusual. \\'hilc signals oi distant statirh ha\'e hl'l:n uniformly good. static and electrical intaferencc oi the man-made nuict' h:l\·c at times seriouslv marn•d even. local programs. In J a nu'... arv, and fnr a pc:riod of about two weeks. a • sll'acly huzzing noise was pre\'alc:nt throughout almost the: entire country. During that time:, listening for DX was almost an impossibility.

    Dc:spitc these handicaps however. the season has been replete with fo;ts of c:x-cellent catches and as a result log-s ha\'C rncrtascd by leaps and hounds. DXers in the: East and tho-.e as far \Vest as Ohio ha,·e experienced fine reception irom man\' of the European stations. ..\ number of these ha,·e been heard in the late afternoon.

    Trans-Pacific reception i' beg-inning to pick up with some of the t•ld fa,·or-ites I Y .-\, 2Y \. 4QG and 2CE leading the procession.

    The hroadcasters ha' e extended ex-cellent cooperation to the: ,·arious Club-< and nc:\'er before in the: history of radio have so marw oi the big 50.000 waiters transmitted ~pecial pro!\'rams for DX listenc:rs . I ncludcd in this list are \\'BOQ, (to repeat :\farch 10. 3:30 to 4:30 A. :\{.. EST) WJZ. WS:\f, KFI. \\'SB and others too numerous to men-tion here. \\'OR. which officially ded-icated its new 50,000 watt transmitter :\!arch 4 will transmit a three or four hour program for the X:-\RC this month while KSL. Salt Lake City. will do like-" isl :\Iarch 31.

    Be Sure To Report

    Tn ,·iew of the fact that DX fans are enjoying such fine cooperation from the stations. it hehoo,·e.; each and C\'ery fo;-ener to do his part to insure the con-tinuance of these mutualh· pleasant re-lations and that can be do1ie in this man-ner. \\rhenever you hear a DX prog-ram. wh,· not send the station. regardles.; 0f its power, a "thank you" card if you alreadv have it verified? Secondly. return postaie should he inclosecl whenever a confirmation is desired and hy all mean' he sure to supply enough informatio n in your r

  • Micro Theo. F. Cannon. a'si,tant to till•

    Director (lf Program Operations of thl Columbia Broa take a prolonl.!'eepartment of thl· l olum-hia Broadcasting as .\ssistant to the Director of Pro.l.!'ram Op1•rations. Sinet• that time he has hl•en res•>0nsihle for the addition of .;urh star.; a~ ;\inn ~! ar1ini. ~ran Eastman. the Cnmp;nskv Tri0 and ·nun!l'rous otlH'rs to th\' li st .of C

  • THE DlA LlST

    J 1111 n~'-s ion ~ gathered while watching Borrah :.line\'itch conducting h is Ras-cab before the m icrophone: Slight, dar k, intcn .. l. ;.mall eyes da r ting glances, here, there. C\'erywherc, catch ing every gesture and mon: of the boys. Facial muscles move constantly as savage g r imaces ap-pear and fade in rapid succession. 11 cad looks a- ii it might be o n a roller beari ng as it tilts fo rward a nd backward to the time of the music. A n occasio nal smile flasht' across h is face a s a particularly swct·t no tt· 111 n·ts with hi s approval. :.t urmur- to himself consta nt ly for the sake oi em phasis. "Accent that," " Put more pep into it'" o r "That's swel l. '" Shoul

  • The DXers' Corner \!though hi, D>-.ing h;" practically

    bctn confined to ea rly Sunday 111orn111gs, Lt•, Jic C. Bri,cot·. 3743 H utrhinson St., ~lontrcal. ha' added the fo llowing sta-tion-. thi, -.1:a-011: \\.L:\ 11. \\"~1 1 .... x. T(; \\. \\'2~R. \\'IXBS. \\"9Xll Y. \\' L -L!!, \YHEF. XEM:). CJ IC. \\'SG:\, Kl'\C. CRCK:. KFD\'. CJLS. Cl lSJ. KF\\"ll. CJKL. \\'\ BY. \\"\"EL. \\".\-A\\', \\' IIJ B. KOL. KJHS. J..:GJ).\f. \VJTL. CMB X. XFX. XE LO and \\I ll I 0. Les w ri tes: "La-,t Sum111t:r I was listening to \VL\\' Ont: night and suddcnh· heard C\V aho,·e the music. I copied a couple of messages. (I can read C\\' as l am an army operator at .2CIC, Canadian Signal Cori>' station) and got the call lctkrs as C:\TV. tlw "Dutdll''" of Bedford" arriving in i\font rea l that night. I wrote to the chief operator and reccin~d a confirmation and standing in-Yitation to Yisit the sh ip any time it is in port. They were on 2150 meters which means thc·ir third harmonic on \V L\V's fn·c1ul'ncy wa' just about right."

    Rireley Ross, 2-t26 Alco Street. Dallas. Tex .. is informed hy \'OX F. St. Job n 's. Xcwfoundland. that they an· no\\ op-erating on 1195 kcs. Bin·ley lward LR5', complete program of Fehruan 12th . H e heard JOB K-2. JOCK- I the fo llowing morning- on the loud speaker. That mack the fourth time those three stations wc·re lo!!g-cd since Dc·cember 17. Tf he is successful prorurin .Q a II his out-standing- Y('rif1cations his tota l wil l he 602.

    i\[rs .. \nnie Kuntz. P. 0. Box 13. Cen tre Square. Pa .. reports tlw fo llowing-new ones this season: \\'9XRY. \VlXB


    lltl\\ard D. [."ay, Scio, ~- Y., would likl· ltl han: 'omeone tell him how to procu re a verification from K LC:\ as he 'l"nt them two reports last sl'ason and Pill •Cl far this year but nary an answer ck-.p:tt the fact return postagt• was in clo-t·c! l'arh time. I lowanl', log nO\\ total• -152 of which st·vcnty live arc 2.1)(1(1 miler~. lk-t catchc, 'inet• Septcm bo.:r art I\\. \'\ IRC. '\EE. KGCX, K:\lTR. 1'.JBS, KGI\\. '\ E:\10. 'E\\7 XFX. 1'.FXD. CJCX. ll'-BI and KCJ. Ht h;, .. a sufficient numhl'r oi letters out for t·c.i1hrmation to makt· him eligible for the \:--.RC Super Ace rating.

    802 Vcrics

    A lilt rt J. l:artholomn\, Bradford. ::\. Y C< lehratt•d his third anniH-r-.an ni IJ'\11 ._ hy loggin~ CKB I. Prince .\l-l1t•rt 'a-.k .. ''hi ch brou~ht hi, log up to 802 \cries total 744 oi which ninl'lv-lll' ;,n· 111 lhl' 2,000 mile cla". Of ti1c latt..r numhcr. twentv two arc 100 wat-ll'r• ;,nd two are of 50 watts. Recent con-t·,nr;nwn-. ha\"l' come frnm Cl'-1. Copt•n hal'lll l!t>r \ \. \\' \I I Y, \\'-IL\ ;ind KY\\' .\I is awaitin~ n·plie-. frnm !-..RE. KCRI. Kst·~. 1-(,\B::\. KFJ.:(>. XEE. XE\'%. XEWZ. XEFI. C\l. XEL

  • Monthly Frequency Tests (Time is A.~ t.. Eastern Standard; Frequenciet in Kilocycles)

    FIRST MONDAY t .00 to 2.20 1500--W CXW . Brookl)•ll , X . Y.

    13 10-\\ .. J .\ C'. . J olln~to\\n , ru.

    t . 10 to %.30 1 2 1 0--WFA~. Whitt' rlaln•. N . Y . 1370--WH,\I{. \\'lllhrn1•11ort. Pa.

    t .20 to 2.40 1500.-\\'~ni ·, n ln.:hnmton, 'X. Y . 5110--\\'Cll'uft l f", \\·u.,.h. 1:1 rn- 1'GEZ, t\Rll•1•Pll , l\lont. 1370-lit:.I , W nllo Wnlln, Wnoh . l !Hf)-.liGC.X . \\'olf Point, ~tont .

    7RO- l\.l•"QO, A11c-•horngf' , Alaska. HOO--li,EI , t •tu·at t· lto, l tln ho.

    1200--li \ "OS, Ut•l1lni:-hum , \ Vnsh. 1!1 10--1\IT , l'nldmn , \\'n•h .

    6 .:IO lo G.M 11 20-IUIS

  • 1 HI:. DIALIST

    4.50 to 6. 10

    tl .00 lo 11.20

    G.to 10 a.:rn

    5 .20 In G. IO

    11.30 In Ii .GO

    tl.40 to 6.00

    ! .00 to 2.20 ·! . to 10 2.:rn %.:CO to 2. liO 2.40 t o :1.00 ! . .''iO t o !{. 10 ~.00 to 3.20

    3. 10 lo 3.30

    3.!0 to 3.40

    3.30 to 3.50

    3.40 to 4.00

    3.60 to 4 .10

    4 .00 to 4 .20

    4. 10 to 4 .30

    4 .to t o 4.40

    4.30 to 4.60

    4.40 to 6 .00 4 .60 to tl. 10

    1.00 to tl.20

    11. t o to tl.30

    11.!0 t o 6.4 0 8.30 to 6.60

    11.40 to o.oo

    3.00 to 3.20

    3.10 to 3.30

    3 .20 to 3.40

    1 100-\\'IOlF, lndlunapollo, Ind. 1420-WACO, Waco, Tu:. I070--\\'l>Z . TUHt'oln , 111.

    1 ~00--1H: 1>F:. 1 ·' " " " " · l'nlls. ) !In n . UU0-\\'1.lll,, l'tt' \ 1'118 P o i n t , ' Vis.

    1250-\\' t.R . 'll111wnpoll ... , )Unn. 1190-\\'ll.\ ,\ , W•••t Lafnyelte, Ind.

    1200-\\'IJ, , St. I A•ul• . \lo . 14 10-\\'TA O. Qui nt',» , Ill. 1320-liG llF, f' ut'blo, ('olo . 1240-" ' :\. YZ, O r trolt, '11ch .

    FIRST THURSDAY 1210-\\'1"0(', ('h n r lotl•'. ~- C. 11 ~0-\\':-o l •.\ , ~ 1m rt unburg, S. C. 1:1 io- w s11hlh1. 1"•·~. 1 120-W"llau, Me. 920-W WJ, D f't ro lt , :'llkh. 7110-RGTIL, Billings, :\font.

    1!110-WLN R , l ,a co n la, N. 11. 1380-l iQV, Pltts buri:-h , Pa. 12 10-KOLR, D e,lls Loke , N . D . 1120-,VJ,AP, J .exlni:- t o n , Ky. 1380-W S )IJ{, Day to n , O . 1200-J

  • Page 10

    t\.:lo 10 a. ltl 1 :~ aa-\\':H'U. Toh tlo. o. 71ifl--\\ I. W . -.1. Loni•, ~lo.

    5.:~o to :J.hO 121 0--li\\ R \ , Shrevf'IJOrt, La.

    6.~o to G.OO 8110-\\'1'1' 1, lo\\n C'lty, In.

    11.60 to G.10 1230-liGG\I , Alb11q1wr11u••, ~. M.


    3.00 to :1.20 1290-lil.C'"I, Rli· the\llle, Ark.

    :l.:rn to :u;o 1410-- li:\. YZ, ltouston, Tt•x. 3.:rn lo I.Ill I IOO-liTI (,. Tulsa. Okin.

    4.00 lo l.'.!O 1260--lit' \(\ Port Arthur, Tex.

    1.10 lo 1.:w 13 10--IHd>\', Huron, );. D. 1.20 to 1.10 1260-IU((:\', \\'e•ln•eo, Tt•x.

    u;o lo 5. ltl 890-li \llli. l.lttle Hoek, Ark. .>.OO to (;.20 1210-li(;h(), W khltu, Fulls, Tex.

    !'L-20 lo ;;.to 10 10--\\''\ \U, 'ormnn, Okla.

    !';.-10 to fi .00 l '?GO--l~l 0 \, Fny00 C'MC'Q. Havana. Cuba. from 610 fllO Kl'llll, G rC'at Falls. Mont., from 1280 s;;o \\'ESG, Elmira. N Y., from 1090 880 C~IX . Havana. Cuba, from 905 890 KSU. Pocatello. Ida .. from 900 !i::o C'K \. Winnipei:. Manitoba, Canada. from

    780 !)80 ('MGF. Matanzas. Cuba, from 970

    IOHO CM(' ll , Havana, Cuba. fro m 970 11 ;o C':ll no. Pavana. Cuba. from 1350 119;, VO'I . St. John· •. Nfd .. from 955 12.10 XEl'J , Mont, Eldorado, Arkansas 1:no Wl\lfO . Decatur, Alabama 1120 WPRP, Ponce. P. R. fwas Wl\IFK 1120 XEAZ, Leon. Guan .. Mexico


    GIO \\' IP. Philadelphia, Pa. from 500 to 1000 610 Xl'X, Mexico, D F., from 500 to 1000 r;;;o l\'A , Auckland, N Z., from 500 to 10000 GSO WPTI', Raleigh, N. C., from 1000 lo 5000 720 :!YA , Christchurch, N. Z., from 500 to

    10000 9l0 WRC, W ashington , D . c .. from 500 to

    1000 8fo0 wnn. Kan!•as City, l\Io., fro1n 500 to

    1000 1020 XEJ, Juarez, Mexico, from 250 to 1250 1260 liGVO. Missoula, Mont., from 100 to 1000 1290 WNBZ, Saranac Lake, N. Y., from 50 to


  • KSL's Time Service By EARL J. GLADE, Managing Director

    Fl'11 innm·ations 111 our broadcast ~checluJc, at l'SL have invited more f:l\·orahll· t'o111n1c11t than the recent in-auguration oi the new automatic time signal 'l·n·icc. Se1·cntcen times a day. on the hour, 11ith the accuracy of a fracti(>n of a sl'cond. a 1250 cycle note herald, the time to the vast western area cm·end hy KSL.

    In that section of magnificent distan-ces kno11 n as the mountain tier of states. 5.000.000 peopk appreciate radio to the extent they operate their sets an average of ten hours daily. In much of this area, KSL. during the daytime, is the only "talion that can he heard.

    l.ettas from 01·er this g reat domain ha 1·c prodainll'd a special appreciation of the Ill 11 time sii:pial service. In many section~ it is the on ly way in which the correct time ma1· he secured. School auth-oritit·-. railroad· officials government re1>-resentat1n·s. steamship companies, com-mandanh of the l"nited States navy yard' on the Pacific Coast. airline ex-ecutin·, and numerous others ha1·e sent word oi thl·ir special appreciation of this sen·ice.

    Club Helped

    K SL is deeply indebted to the officers of the '.\" ewark ~ ews Hadio C lub for their interested helpfulness in securing this qlued inno1·ation. Tt was through th(' enterprise of Vice President E. 0. Cutler. that all of the preliminary con-tacts wl· rc ma

  • Studio \\'hill' wending their way through

    den 'l' tr affic at Second .-\venue and Fifty eighth Street , :\ew York City. the otlll'r evening. th t: car in which the H ome Tern n Boys oi \\'OR. ionnerh· the Ta,tyca't je,ter,. \\Cre nchng- wa' ·,truck a terrific wallop by an old dilapiclated truck O\\ ned hy t\\ o col1>rul gentlemen. Both car' \\ere haclly 'ma,hcd and the truck. which fo rmerly looked like a \\ reek, was now that ·in rt!ality. ,\fter 'Olll l' harang uin g back and fo r th and with profuse apologic' o n the 1>a rt of the col-on·d gl·ntlemc:n, tht! llome Town Boys dro\·l· off. Subsequent ly. they received a kiter from the ownl'r of the truck 'aying h e was in straightened financial circum,tanccs hut would he willing to pay a dime a week until the damage is paid fo r . \\hat an opti1nist 1 \t that rail'. it "ill takt· him .. even year, to pay.

    ~·l orton ()ow ney ,ays t hl· Fn·11ch horn heat .. the sa>.01>hone when you have to hold one and play neitlll'r. Downey should know. for he was one of the first .. inger' tl) fake playing an in,trument. Hack in 1923 his fin•t bo", Paul \\' hite-man. handed him a ha ritonl' -;axophonc one night and told him to enjoy him .. elf between songs. Downey followed ord-ers and when he stood up for his next number the applauSl' doubled. The aud-ienn· thought he h ad a swell voice for a saxopho1;e player. .\fter tha t the fu-ture XBC sta r heH a saxophone or Fn nch horn a t each performance.

    Meet The Colonel

    Salull Joe Penner. He has heen made a Kl•ntm·kr Colonel hy G1wernor Ruby Laffoon and. according to J ot'. can no longer "cluck mi litan srrvice" Ouch!

    HN·ent snows faikd to clell'r all hu t one of some 2.600 conte .. tants in the audi tion o; for Kate Smith', "Xt•w Star Rt•\'lll"'. \\'hen the lon1· ~hsPntt'l' 0 s name \\a" calkcl. Joe\' :\'ash playfully jumped up and cried "Pre,ent". Car,•fully hid-ing hi.; ickntit\'. foe\' 1·nlt-red till· audition room ;is "TI~rol1\ Brinkman". Hr ai-frrt1·d a had Yoice and was n·ieefl•d. Jol'\· wa" alm'"I howled o\'er hy ~urpri"t· when till' n•al Harold Brinkman showed up a kw 111i1111tes later to claim his audition. .\fkr Brinkman had rcpeatedlv r!rnied that he had his audition tlw unro1l\'inced officials decided to let him "ing "again" to st ttl1• the point. Thu-. Harol


    medium has not yet produced a com-poser. the time is coming when the Kerns. Grofes and Gershwins of the fu-ture will be radio composers."

    \\'alter \\'inchell receives an average of 300 letters a day from readers of his column and listeners to hi s ~BC broad-cast>. He reads everyone for fear he will miss something he can use. Only one letter in a thousand produces any-thing he deems worth while.

    W e Think So, Gracie

    Reporters can't baffle Gracie Allen. Following a recent program one ap-proadwcl her. "Miss Allen", quoth he, "] understand you started your career singing in movie houses after school ;then went into vaudeville as an Irish colcen and then did dancing acts and a series of dramatic sketches. Next you met George Burns and did a vaudeville act together. Then you went into movie shorts. then radio and afterwards made fcatnrc· pictures. :\ow you are broad-casting in front of an audience. vVell, what ha ,-e you got to say?" To which Gracie. with a nonchalant flick of her hand. gave answer: "Well, I can't under-stand vo11 eitht>r. I do the best I can and I ·don't know why l can't hold a job. Don't you thi11k so?"

    Amos 'n' Andy never listen to ~erials, continuity programs or broadcasts. They are fearful they might unconscious-ly adopt another's ideas for the devel-opment of a scrip t. And to avoid any possible charge of plagari sm, they re-turn. unopened. all manuscripts submit-ted to them.

    Arthur Tracy, WOR's Street Singer. invariably wears his hat whi le broad-casting. Another habit is dashing a short distance from the mike at the con-clusion of every number and softly coughin!!' into a handkerchief. As a symbol of good luck, T racy brings with him to even· broadcast a billiard ball. s lighth· flattened on one side, with the nu'ffiher 13 on it. H e claims practical!" ever:-: important thing he has done and eyerY important contract he has signed has hctn on the 13th and 26th days of a month.

    Nt'lson Eddy. whose Jerome Kern picture will he given its premiere in New Orleans. has come East to have a look at Broadway and will then return to Hollywood to work on another musical movie. Here's hoping he will be ac; succesdul in the new merlinm of th':! scren as he w~s on the radio ..

    Page 13

    :\f.\RGlE .\11:\'TERS and J.\CK AR:-IOLD

    culmiuatiu:: 11 tbrcr·.\•1·cir air romance in the CBS ~·J/yrt a11d .lfcnge" srriol . recc11tl11 celcflrated a

    SCYiff 'it'CddiHg. Ju rri1·a/C /ift' f/te "HC'lt(\"Wl'ds" arc· DonHa !Jamcrd aud i~inton Ha·wortlt.

    The deference and respect in which Gene Arnold, interlocutor of the Greater Minstrels (N BC- WJZ network, Mondays 9 P. 11., EST.) is held by head waiters wherever he dines has its roots, supris-ingly enough, not so mnch in his genial friendliness as in his reputation as a bon vivant and connoisseur of foods. Gene's ability lo order a dinner correctly lies in hi s childhood duties at home. He was the second of fi,·e chi ldren and it usually fell to him to prepare the meals for the family at X C'Wton, Tit., during his mother's illness. He took to hi s cul-inary assignments and believes that if he hadn't become an actor and singer, he would probably have become a chef. His impressive reputation as a diner-out filled Eleanor Howe. XBC cooking ex-pert. with considerable trepidation recent-ly when she called on him to name hi s favorite dish so she could prepare it dur-ing a radio broadcast at which Gene was to be the guest. To her surprise and deli!!ht. it was spaghetti.

    Columbia is experiencing a case of the cart before the horse. or somethin g. A short time ago, David Ross. ace announ-

    (Continued on page 37)

  • Broadcasting Stations 11 F./\ 111) \I . H it I t , 11


    B Kilocycles

    8 (',J Hl\I ll AL 550 Kilocycles


    r n c.•u se , N. Y . ~ .' r'llt•uHr, N. Y . ''""~'Il l e, N . O. \\' f"ll lnKton , N . z. Slu ttgnr t . Oe rmnn1 GH

    516.9 Me te rs Qu«>IJf'c- , (} tu" Toro nto, Ont . )rly Brnatlraatl ni: Corp \ \':\'OX 111 :\l luml n r oacka stlng Ce , Inc. Lui~ L . Cast ro.

    Uo111lnkan HPJ>Uhltc. ,J. It. Saladin, Dlr. K~ITH Radio Corp. ~nuthwe11t Broad casting Co. P111o: .. t :0:-onncl Bro:utcaRlln g Co. WKB:>: JlrondrRsllng Corp. Knfrk.-1-l1o

  • THE DIALl'>T

    § B D \VIOO \VlltT


    610 Kilocycles

    § s ~ ~

    O'\~ ro:-.

    J{FUB JU:erlond

    440.9 Meters llfL\ann, Cuba Rogotu , Colombia lit. Jose1ih, "\lo. ~nn Frnn, Don L

  • Page 16

    § B NAA XF.T 61\' F 700 Kilocycles

    0 Ci WT.W

    710 Kilocycles

    ~ ~ Kl\IPC KPCB


    § WOB XEN D llltO 720 Kilocycles ~ § 1;i~~ t:j 3YA

    7~30 K~ilocyit~~ C) I K

    l CXlO

    B B XEllC 6CL

    7~40 ~Kiloc1~~~~·~ " 'Sil

    XELC 0 0

    750 Kilocycles

    ~ ~ Cl\tC \\'


    ""·'" XEAM

    770 Kilocycles ~ I=! ::::: t:j t'( XEOK 0 0



    I Kilocycles

    B C llWK C K S O C l\IBS


    J{T)I WF..\~

    "'" (' WTAll XEYZ

    7~90 K~ilocy0~~~! KGO LRIO WOY


    800 Kilocycles

    § § "~~~ W :FAA

    .\ rlin~ton, Vn. :Monterrey, N . J •. P erth. Au~l.

    428.3 Meters C ludu11utl, Ohio

    422.3 Meters llHr , :Xdt "\lode!'i to, Cul. J •orh.mou th , ;\, 11. Atla ntn. Gu . Col. d • l Va lla . 0. F . ) funich, G e rmany

    399.8 Meters Jin' ann, Cuhn llonolulu . Hnwnll l>t•troH. :'\11'-h. 1\ u(•vo t.ureclo. Tnnu1.

    394.5 Meters F:f\nttl e . \\' n.,.h . )laltlmorrie


    WTllO C'umbnl11nd , Md. 3 f ,O '1 t. F . :-0:.' ti rit'.). A ustrnlla

    348.6 Meters llnuu1n, Cuba """' York, N. Y. '

  • Page 18

    § § WJAR Wi'll"S XEW 900 Kilocycles

    ~ i ROA



    WKY WLBL W:'llFI

    910 Kilocycles

    ~ ~ CJAT

    Cl\lllW CRC'I

    L112 TICR

    XENT 4RK

    920 q

    i 930




    Kilocycles JlllK



    970 Kilocycles

    ~ § KJB



    980 Kilocycles

    § § CMGF KDKA XEAJ.: 990 Krlocycles

    ~ ~ LR4



    1000 Kilocycles


    Kilocycles cn~tL CHW C CKCD CKCK CKCO CKJ C

    CKW X C:\J.JO CX24

    ){GGF J{Q\V WTIN WI8


    102 0 Kilocycles

    8 8 KYW XEJ 1030 Kilocycles

    ~ ~ D D


    LU9 XEB


    1 040 Kilocycles

    ~ ~ D D

    C:'llGH CP4



    1050 Kilocycles


    1060 Kilocycles

    ~ ~ Cl\ICB RTHS



    309. 1 Meters Renltltt . 1'an1pl

  • Page 20

    1070 Kilocycles 280.2 Meters

    § ~ 1{.J llS

    W CAZ ''rnz


    ~IHt rra.nt·l!'4('0. Cnl. f'arU1uge, Jll . 1 ' 11-.(•ola. 111. ('lt• , ·e lnncl , Ohio

    1080 Kilocycles 277.6 Meters

    ~ ~ \\'HT


    Ch 111·lolt,., :


    1180 Kilocycles Jk,, Cal. l.1111

  • Page 22


    Kll1L K l'l'C

    Jf•nnwrk. 100 \Vestche~tt·r Broadcastln£ Corp. 100 H. H. Carman. 100 WGCl\1, Inc. 100 Peter Ooelet. 100 Hock l•lun


    ~ ~ wosu Xe\\ Or1t>un"(. Lo. . WHBI ~e\\o.rk, N. J .

    WT,B "innf'apo ll114, "Inn. W'.'\EW '"'t'\\ark , ' · • 1.

    '- WTCN :\llnnt>o.po11-,, '11nn.

    1260 Kilocycles 238.0 Meters CFRN



    1270 Kilocycles

    1280 0

    i 8

    l•t1ulo de \'era.cruz.

    Radio Emisora C!llCO

    Caty of Camcl1·n. Hadl1) ln1lu~trlt•s B1·oaclcnstln1e Co. \\" 110 I> Bruaclc·aAting Corp, Badl;Pl' ltru:ult·a~tl ng Co .. Inl·, A. F ]{l1•hH\ lt•nMt. City or l>alla~. WOAX. Inflh' HOU!l:'e,

    Smith •' ~1Rt'f'. Junn Piza

    Lu lM i\lorlotP KALE. I nc. L.o:rot A nJ,;"1•lt•k H roaflcastlng- Co., Inc. H'ldio Stlltlon KF' H Co. A!"hlf')' C. J>lxon,

    Peoples PullJlt A~sn, Jewish D:tlly F'orward. Sth A\'t'. Bnuult'n~ttng Corp. Gr"'••n\'llffll !'\t•ws-Pledn1ont Co Ren~BC'lat>r Poly, Inst, ::uetro11oll't Puhllshlng Co.

    W. E. Burk(' & .J. A. Gesn~r. i"Orllw1n ltn1nd•·a:-;ting Co., Lid L a urie r,. Smith Vandry, Inc Chas. c. Hohlnson. Jaa. M

  • Page 24

    KIUJ Kl\IED K10ID JOn , Con h . 'Jonte rr('.\' , X . l .1, A J::"un'l

  • THE DIAL!Sll

    1360 Kilocycles



    1370 Kilocycles

    § § ~ R . .

    ('J{CW OMGE

    CX 42 J• Cuba JCe no, N~v. Plll•l>nri:-h , Pn. )lol>lle, Ala. J, 11 Crmou.:·. \\' lie. ~ew nruotn , Co nn. Daylon, Ohio

    215.7 Meters WfnnhH\~. 'fnn. 8 . P f"dro (If" \ I U11nc·u11 Hroadcastlnc Co. 100 Rig H orn Brondcnsting Co. 100 A

  • Page 26

    1400 Kilocycles 214.2 Meters (' \1('R llnH1nn . c•uhn

    ICLO 01lln, J\fo. llaytonn Ut•n


    1440 Kilocycles 208.2 Meters

    i CMffX KDFN



    .J Xl·:VJ

    llU \ ' OIU\. Cubn Cnsprr . 'Vyo. On.klnnd , Cnl. ) lou~ton. TexnM Green ..,boro, ,;. C. Allentown. Pa. Prorla, Ill. Allentown. Pa. Quine-,·, JU. ('hlh unhun., Chlh.

    1450 Kilocycles 206.8 Meters

    D ~ ~ B

    CF('T CllOS l•TllS


    Vldorln, B. C. ~umrnPrsJde, P. E. I. ~hreVPJlOrt, Ln. Ch•vrlnn

  • Broadcasting Stations CALL LOCATION

    C' l'\C'-


    < IC( ' H-QuebPc, Que C' llC'"-Mon treal, Que. ( ' ICl'O-Ottawa, Ont. ( ' IC C'S-C'hkoutlml, Qu~. ( ' IC( 'T-Toronto, Ont.

    ( ' ICC\'-Va nc:ouver, B C. ('It('\\ -Windsor, Ont. ( 'TI G t,-Parede, P ortugal

    C' ' l-MontevldPo, Urugu a y C"G-Mon tevldeo, Uruguay

    < ' 11-)l onte"ldeo, l'rui;uay ( ' ' 10-?\1ontrvideo, Uruguay C ' 11-Monte\'ldeo, Urui:un:r C'X 11;-Montevideo, Uruguay < ' 2 1-!\Iontevlc.l(>o, Uruguay ('' 26-Montevldeo, Uruguay C' 211-Montevldeo, Uruguay ( ' ' 1 2-~lontevldeo. Uruguny ( ''- I 1-!\tonte\'hlf:"o, Uruguay ( ' 'I. l ll-'1ontevldPO, Uruguay 1 \J;-Madrid . Spain 1 (!'\ -$t. Pierre. MIQ . ls. II \•~Budapest No. 2. Huneary 1111 ••-Port-au-Prince, Haiti 11 I ll-$an Pedro de Macorl1, D . R . Jll,-$anto Domln11:0. D. R. II.IN-Bogota, Colombia "ll-~!llan, Italy 11 ICO-llome, Italy I I TO-Turin, Italy 1 111l•A-Plttsburi:h. Pa. KOJ, rt-Devlls L ake, N . D. l

  • l'ap~ 30

    h.(.J("-.\mnrlllo, Texas h(,l - H n n o lulu, H awaii

    ' ' ' ' \ 0 -:\tissoula, M ont. h(,\\"- Portlanit. Ore.

    1,(, \ -0lympla, W ash

    h.11.J- I .. oA Angrle:c., Ca? h. ll(l-Hpnk~ n f', 'Vash . KH;.L-Chico, Cal.

    h IC' \ - C' lo•·i•, N. Jlle x.

    hlH-lclahn l•'alls. Id a ho ldllO-HoisP, I daho

    h I l>\\"- L,Amllr, Colo.

    h 11>\l-Eu r eka, Cal. 1, I EV-Olf' nclale, Cal.

    h. I r -Yak l mn. 'Vash . Kll ' L-Ga rdt'nl..:, .\ rlz. KTAT-Fo rt W o rth , Tex.

    tt~!i llolneiis, Iowa

    h \\ E.\-Shre\~e1>ort. La. h\\ l'\'- llllo, llnwall h \\(.-~tor).( tun. Cot1. J{ \\'.J,J- J>ortlnrHl Or~.

    IOVl{- SI. L oulH, Mo. I\. \\' l\.C-J{nn~.- .. C"lty, M o.

    h ._ \\ 1\: H -Xhrt''"''l•Otl, La. Ii\\ l,('- Dt•rornh, Iowa 1,\\ .~C-Pultr11nn, \\·al'h.

    1, \\ 'T'\'"-\Vntertown, S. D . h WTO-sprlngtl~lcl, :Ito.

    h W\0-Shm·ldl\n, W y o. Ji'\.A- Seatllf', \ Vn11h.

    Ii'\. r-Port1an1l. Ore. h~O-EI Centro, Cal. J, ",.1(.0- \ hrrtl1•1•11, \\~ash. I\.:\. YZ-llou ton, Tex Ji \~A-..."n n l "rn n(•h1co, Cat. l{Y\V-Phll 11cll'l1>h la, P a. liZJ•;O-Mn nlla, I'. r. l{ ZH~f-Manlln, P. I.

    l , H2-Bue n o1t Aire,,, A r g . LH3-B u e n oa A ire•. Arg. LH I-Bueno• Aire,.. Arg,

    LIC:>--Buenoe .Alreu, Arc. LRG-Bueno~ A ires, Arg.

    J. 118-Buen o. A ires, Arg.


    l l 1.!0

    101 '•



    ll W

    r.KO 1:;:10

    MO ll!IO

    113 1:170 1:120


    1160 1200


    620 :r10

    14!\0 12 !0 1060

    7110 710

    1290 ~:;o

    nto I IOO

    12 '!0

    J:l'lO 11 20

    1260 1190

    1170 1:110 1260


    II 10 1'!70 1200 11 :10 I '! 10

    12 10 J \!00



    1:110 I 100

    l270 1220 12 10


    1370 760

    1120 11100 1:1 10 1110

    12ao 1020

    720 6 18.11


    050 990 830 870



    l.l11()-0rlnnd o. l•' la.

    \\'Dl~ l~WllmlnJ"tOn , Del. \\' IH•; \ '-'Vn l erbury, \' t . \\'OOY-Jlllnnoapolls, M inn. \\'l>' C'-J>urham, N. C. l\'llOU-Chattanoogn, T e nn. \\ l>llC'-l!nrtrord, Conn. \\' O""-r-!"pw Orltan111, La.

    W1>7~Tuo~oln, Ill.

    \\' K \F- New York , N Y . \\'EJ\'S-Provlde n ce, n. I. l\' E llC-S u perlor , W isc. Wl•: llQ-T!arrlsburg, Ill. W F.nn- B u r r a lo, N . Y . \VF.DC-C hicago, Ill. Wl~EO-no .. ky ~l ou nt, N. c. W F.El - Boston, ~lass.

    W P.EC-Readin g, Pn. \\'P.llC'-Charlotteovllle , Va. Wl': ll~lcero, Ill. WF:l,J~Bnltle C reek , Mich.

    Page 3l

    H :lO




    I !IO



    UtO 10!10 1'.1711

    990 111111

    600 12'!0 1:!"!0

    12ao l t RO

    600 1280 1200 1170 1200 1070 ltlO 1080 1370 l t lO

    KIO 970 GRO

    1490 1200 1:110


    1:110 RXO

    1'! 10

    l :! IO

    J ~Uh)


    1'!:!0 f;JO

    1410 1~ 10


    91fl o:rn 6110

    1 l tO


    111111 1 ~00

    U SO l!l:IO

    1"!50 rn:o


    7MO 12!)0

    1!10 1 310 1210 11'!0


    830 1360 14!8 14%0

  • r .. .:c 32

    II I '11-Chlrago, 111. II I ~G-Elmlrn. N. Y. 11 I n>-Nl'W York, N Y. 11 I W-St. I.nut , ~lo.

    II I ' '~Royal Oak , ~llrh . \\I \ \ -na11n11. Tt·xn11 "I \Jl-:-.:ew Ynrk . ~ Y.

    II I \"-South llMd . Ind. " I \ '-\\"hltf' Plain~ N Y. II I 11('-Grrrn\'lllr. S C.

    II 1'111':-Clnrlnnnll, Ohio

    \\ I uc:-,\ It onna, Pn \\ f Bl~~yrnt·port. N. Y.

    11 c.nr-E""n"""'"· Ind. \\ (.U1-SC'ranton, Pa. \\ c.c \1-:\11,,.liillfMNlppl Cit~·. :Miu. \\ (,J·~~-Chk tgo, 111.

    \\ (, fl-N~w1•ot t '."\f"\P , Ya.

    \\ (. t .-F'ort \Vnynf'. Incl,

    \\ f·'-Chic':u~·o, 111.

    "(,' \ '-Chf"df'f", !'\ . , •• \\ (, p('-Alhany, C~R

    II l .Jl-Bu . falo. N \'.

    \\ '1.-Jn


    \\ "llf'-Oetrnlt. ~lh-h.

    \\ "110-Peorta. Ill.

    ' '' " BG-Rkhrnonach, Fla. WMFN-Clarksdalc, Mi,s. Wl\11'0-Dccalur, Ala. Wl\1 • P-Ashland. Ky

    \\ "" " -•·alrmont, W \' a , W\lP('-Lapeer. Mich.

    '' '1T-Ct>1lngtlehl. Ill. \\ TllO-Cumberland, Md.

    \\ T( ' ' -'.\l ln1wapollf4-!.;.;t. Paul, Mtnn. \\ 'T l ·a-Pllllalphln. Pn .

    W1'1'1-.\lht·n,, Ga. \\ I IC'-11 .i.i·tfnrd, Conn. \\"T,J'-.1111 kPun Tt•nn.

    \\·1 '1.l-:\1 lhntukeE>. '''h•.

    \\ "''·l-T11•nton. :-\, J, \\'1'0( -:..:an111nah. C:t.

    \\ T ll( '-t•:lkhart. Jnfl

    14.00 5XO


    u :rn 780

    lltO 1210

    soe 1250

    13 10 lUO

    10 1n

    1:110 fi'!O

    1'!110 1260

    1311 1100 J2flfl


    850 570 850

    1500 1500

    llGO 1!? 10 11130

  • \\ 2 ,H-f.ong lalnnd City. N. T. \\ 6XA T-BakpronPl1l, Cnl.

    \\O'\. ll\.'-Kn n•n• C'lty, Mo.

    '' \ -Gu;ulaln.1nn1 Jnl 'I \ l •:-'Tijua na, B . C. 'f \ l ":__Xngnlr~. r-::nnora. "\. 1 \ 1-;lle,ko City. n. F. ,.. I \J-Ca1aca. Cam. "\.I..\ •~~lpxko Cit,. D. F. 'F \ ~I ·Nupvn Lui Nlo Tamps. '-I \0 :\1t·,kali. H f"

    '-1 \\\ -Ht•ynmm. T1mp,..

    '- ' \ Z-Lf•nn, Cuan

    "\. 1.11-~IP,i-0rlzH l>a. \'. C. JI. 1'0-~lo•xko City, D. I". ;\. F'\.-.\1,.xko City, D I•'.

    "\. (:() \ -:-.:1onking, China '\ \ I I{ (' C';i l'


    I k110\\' " hat it 111t•a1h to b,· hit ten hy thl· D X bug fo r I have been b itten good. l have been dialing fo r station' l'Hr since the i.:-ood o ld dan of the crystal set and the thrn·-1w that I ha\'en't heard of since the In-H·rnalional tests. CZE. "Cih· of Zc'alous Edm·ation", ~fexico Cit\'. ·\\'oulcln't it hl· gn•at to han• all the· stations on this n>ntinl' llt remain silent for till' Europ-t·ans as they di'I a ft:,,. years ago? 1 was up tlmsl' mornings hut all I nmld gl't on my three-ri rcuit outfit was a \\'histk. \\'hat· I wouldn't do now with nn· ~lail'stir 130 or Radiola (i()' '\ow. ii Y~u han·n't at least a couple oi EurOpl:ans you an· not much of a Tf'\l·r

    Rolled His Own

    The first sets T us{'d \\'l'rt oi my own making I kept a log hut I ne'er veri-fil·d Oh, how 1 wish T did! I t makes me sick to look at Ill\' old lists and sec sOllll' of the stations. I IH"ard but \\ill ne' {'r hear again.

    ~I y first "ready mack" sl't was ~ Crosky: one of those with the I> 1k type rOndl•ns(•rs. \\'hat a thrill when f heard KFK \, Greeley, Col ' \\'OC. Daven-port, Ta. was considered distance tho-.{· days. The next was an RCA 16.

    Soon after getting this set I bccamgo up ot 582 stations (507 \'l'fificd) includ-ing fifty 2,000 milers. I \'crilicd e' cry l·~ll possihk. \'ou can sl'l' that J !.!Ot ~07 ,·erifirations and that was Sthcrs werl· X EX, KFI'Y. KID. H.l'S, KOTX. Kl \.I). KE-R.\:. Kl'J~l. K'\O, KF\~f. KFBK, T ftoilshu rg Gkiwitz, Trieste and Po,te Parisiene. \ t the beginning of thh season I was out of work and ho\\' I did DX! Every morning from the first of Octoht•r to the middle of December. Then l got a job that took up too much of m~· time to do any intcn'i"e ])"'\in{. T had to g-l't up at 5 :\. ~I. and the 0111~· time T was at my srt \\as from about 2 to 5 ,\. ~r .. Saturdays and Sundav-: . I almo-.t forgot. Thi" st:ason aJ,n hroul!ht nH' my first \uslralian, 4Bt.

    The I 9.B .34 season found n1e a mem-ber of the NNRC CPC. Tt was great fun to lwar stations with which you h:1

  • Circling the Globe By JOHN J. BAXTER

    . \ well 1m:aning pod onn· -aul ·· \nd tht· night shall ht.• filkd with n11i-ir". hut htm the ht•lovcd Droitwich souncls like a Int of tin rans banged together. Thr iollowing rhangcs of frequencil's oi Brit-ish Broadcasti11g Corp., •tations bl'canw dicctive February 17:

    Xorth Xational from 1490 krs., to 1145 kcs.

    Belfast from 1120 kcs., to 1455 kcs. Xewcasllc from 1430 kcs., to 11 20 kcs . ~Iidlancl Hegional from 1245 krs., to

    1490 kcs. Scottish Regional from 1285 kc,., to

    1245 kcs. 'Vest Regional from 1455 kc,., to

    1285 kcs. Xew :Midland Regional al D roilwich

    inrreasccl power to ~O K\\' that elate.

    HOLL \NJ) -It is proposed to form a ~tate--controllccl radio busint.·ss in which the radio companies will coont.•rate. Thl' plan includes closing down IT uizcn and an increase of power ior Knotwijk to prn,·icle ht.• ttl'r long wayc sen·icl'.

    DENMARK ·Danish a uthori ties do nnt believe in tclc,·ision. For that rea-son their new b roadcasting house in Cop-enhagen will not be equipped for it.

    1;REECE ha-: bct.·n allnlt'cl tht.· iollow-ino: channt.·ls · .\thens. 600 J..:c,. Salonika. l.?!l5 kcs. t•mlcr the Lucernl' P lan. Gr l'l'l'e is pnn1itll'cl ont.• nmn· station \\'hich will ht.• en·cted somewhl'rt.' in the south. :\[arroni has been given the ex-du-i,·c right In build station' in thi, rountry fo r the next twt.•nt,·-fi,·c yt.·ar-.

    1-; ER~f \ X Y Lict.•nsrcl listeners now number 6, 142.921. German hroaclca-;ting-aulhorities wi ll huild a modern statio n at Saarhru rkl'n . Stuttgart. Dcutch-landsendcr, Cologne. Frankfort ;111d \Tu-ni ch are adopting- an inkrval iikntifin-tion: it will ron-..i-;t of a few ha rs of the snnz "Thl' Saar is Ccrman". Berlin's new inten·al signal. the lcttl'r H in ~f o r sc rode. is hroa cl cas t at the exact frequency of 435 cycks. o r lh l' normal musirnl notr \ Bv means of this note. orchestras in pro~incia l studios ar c ahlc to tune tlKir instrunwnts. Prague Xo. I. usr th1< note as a warning for a tillll' signal.

    EG). I' l Egyptian broadcasting has gone all British! The new studios in Cairo arc dc,igned in English Tudor per-iod. The lohby is illuminated by an old Eng li -h lantern. \ l one encl of a ... tudio is an ocl English fireplace upon which sta nd three electric candles shO\\ ing red, green o r whitt.• as desired fnr signalling from the control room.

    \L:STR \Ll.\-lf you do not po,,l.,, a lin·nse the powers that he. confiscat.: ,·our r

  • Short Wave Notes (Time is Eastern Standa rd)

    I I I 'SB, 6030 kc,., 49. 75 meters, Pan-ama City, R epublic uf Panama, i, on the air dail} from 1.2 to I P. :\I.

    \\"J'\.\L. Bound Brook, X. J .. i' now opnating \\ith rcduct·d schcdull'. It tran , 111its on l i780 kcs., 16.0 meters, from 9 to 10 \ . ~[.. daily except Sun-day, and on Tue-clav. Thursday and Fridav from 3 to 4 -P. M. :.\londa,-, \\'ed1;esday and Saturday \\'3XAL is on 6100 kcs., 49.18 meters, from 5 to 6 P. :\L

    II CJB, "Voz de los Andes", 4110 kcs., 73.0 meters, Quito Ecuador, will broad-cast a special dedicatory program fo r The 1'.:t·wark X ews Radio C lub Friday even-ing, :\Iarch 8th , from 8:30 to 9:30.

    \\'6RC, 6030 kc,., 49.75 meters. Val-encia. \' enezucla, a newcomer to the ra nks of sho r t waYcrs, i« heard quite regu la rl y . w ith a strong sig nal. irom r, to 6:45 P. M.

    F o llowing is the schedule of the two (;enera l Electric short wave 'talion"' at ~d1cncctad\'. X. Y. · \\ 2'\ \ F. 9530 kr-. .. 31.48 ~i1eter-., transmih e\ l·n· 11i!.d1t from 6:30 to 11. \\"2X . .\ D. 1.5330 kc .... 19.56 meters. is 011 the ai r l'\·cry aftn-noon from 2:30 to 3:30. Both can hc id l·n tified I)\· the slogan ''The \ oicl' of Ell'ctricitv',-and thl' discharge of ten mil-lion ,·olts- of artifirial li t?111 11i nc (prnclwl"I in CE. high ,·olta!!l' \' lll!im·erint! bh1>r:t-toril' '-) preceding ead1 program.

    11]4 \BE. :\kdellin, Colombia. is now on 5900 kcs.. or 50$5 mders.

    CTIGO. Parede, Portugal, operates on (1198 kcs., -18.-l met1•rs. Tne!



    JU.'!0 1;;H·!O J\F rn.:;1 1:;:,;o HAS

    l !l.fi:I L'i'!HO DJQ H>.HM

    IO,; I

    rn.;·! 19.11 J!tK·!


    l !U):'i

    20.:\I :?"!.!) I 2:~.:{!J




    :!:i.'!:'i ~;;,•,!!)

    2.l.:\G 2.J.H> 2;;.:;:(







    29 .• J!l '!!>.Kt

    :io. 1:1 301;;


    31.'!f 3 L:!K

    3 1.'!K :11.30 31.30 31.3'! 3 1.3:; 31.38 3 1. l :i

    31. l:i 31.:>.'i

    :u.:;.1 ;{ 1.;';f

    31.80 3 1.8G 31.3!1 !IK. 1'

    40 . .l:i

    41.RO 42.00 l '!.'!."i

    12.83 13.M


    44.03 11.11

    I !;'.! IO

    1:;·!tO PCJ

    1;,•! IO WKXK 1:;too DJB 1:;110 GSr 1:;1•!:1 U\' J 1;,000 RK I

    1 lliOO J\' 11 1:101:; \ ' PD l '!K:IO C'NR l '!CHIO RNE 11'1!10 \'I\' 1 l!l!IO l'ZS

    I IKKO 1 IKCiO GSE 11 8.10 W2XE 11770 DJD 11 1;;0 GSD 11";:(0 Piii

    117'!0 CJRZ 11;0;;

    lllKo X \M

    101 IO JYM 10110 YBG 10:1:10 ORK 101 CO OPllf 100:;0 s ll\' !IHl;ft EAQ

    !ra~o '!RO

    !UiOO C'TIAA

    O;j~J.; llBL

    o:mo VK2l\fE 11:;00 W !IXAU 0580 GSC 9.'\M XGBD 9:>80 VK3LR 9:;70 WJXAZ o:;oo DJA H7.10 DJN

    0:;10 LKJI !1:;10 GSB

    !J:ilO \'K3ME 'l:tOO PRF:i !11'!8 CO ii

    0110 PLV 80!1:i C:NR oHCHI HBP 7 llHI llHABD

    7180 C R GAA 7110 HJIABB 7100 JIKE

    7005 VK3ZX C.8 10 11.\T'! GHIO Blll

    f.1110 OAIB C.710 JVT

    JA>an ~U\•a, I iji

    Rabat, Morocco Mo,co'' . l ' . S. S. R. :Utlbournt, Au\ tralla Safron. Jnd o·China Pontol ... t", France O:n •entry, Enrland \\'ay nr, New Jer~tY

    Zetstn, Germany Daventry, Enrland llubf'n, Holland \Vinnl1H~f. Canada P ontoi,f', Francf'

    ~terida. Vue.- .. l\le,leo ''azaki, Japan :M f'dan, Sumatra Ru) -.•l ede, Ban

    Page 38

    '1'11111• ( l·:~T)

    Works K\\ U 6 lo 9 P . :It . Sunday 8 lo 9 A . 1\1. 12·30 to 2 A M . to East A s ia

    to II A M 8 to 10 A M llrregutar) 8 A. M. lo 4:15 P. M. 12.30 lo 2 A . M., 3:45 to 7 : 15 A. 111. 4:30 to 5: 30 A . M .. 6 lo 9 A . M. Saturday 10 lo 10:40 A , 1\1 ., 5 lo 5:15 A. 1\1. Sun. 6 to 7 A, M., 10 to 11 A. M. llrreg.) 4 to 6 A. M ., phones Europe 7 lo 8 A . M Monday to Friday Sunday 7:30 to 9 A. M . Sunday 6 lo 7, 10 to 11 A . M . llrregular) 8 :15 A . J\1 and phones Irn•gularly 9 : 15 to 9 :30 A . 1\1. and Irregularly 11:15 A 1\1 , lo 2:15 P. M., 3 lo 6 P. M . 6 to 9 A M., 9:15 to 10:45 A . M. 3 to 5 P. M. Noon to 4:30 P. M. 3:30 to 5:30 A. M., Noon lo 4:30 P. M. 8 lo 10:10 A. M. except Tues. and Wed. 8 P.M to Midnight daily, 3 to 10 P.M. Sun. 7 to 10 p 111 .. 11 P . M. to 1 A. M. Phones MC'xico Clly evenings Phones KWU 9 to 12 P . M . !Irregular) 12:30 to 1 :30 A. 111.. 5:30 to G:30 A. 111. 2:45 to 4 20 P 111. Sunday 3:45 lo 4: 15 P . M. I Irregular) Phones GflP 11 A . M. to 1 P. M. (I rreg.) 5:15 to 7 P . M .. Saturday 1 lo 3 P. M. 2 :30 to 5:30 P . !IL Monday, Wednesday

    and Fnday 7•45 P. lit. Tues., T h urs. and Sat. 4 :30 to 7 P . 111. Saturda ) 5 30 to 6: 15 P M , Sunday I lo 3 A. M., 5 to LI A. M. Noon to 8 P. M., 8 to 11 P . M. 6 to 8 P M. 3 A. M . llrrl'gular) 3:15 to 7:30 A . M., relays 3AR and 3LO 7 A. M . to I A. !\I. next morning 8 to 11:30 A M .. 5:15 to 9:15 P. M. 3:45 to 7:15 A. M., 8 to 11:30 A. M.,

    5:15 to 11:30 P. M. 5 to 8 A. M. 3 :30 to 4:30 A . M., 9:15 A , M . to Noon,

    1 to 5 :45 P . M. Wednesday and Saturda)' 5 to 6 .30 A. l\1 5 :30 to 6 15 P. 111. except Sunday 10 to 11 A . M., 5 to 6 and 8 to 9 P. M. 0:45 to 10 A. M. works Bollnas Sunday 3 lo 5:30 P. M. Saturday 5 .30 to 6:15 P . M . 7 to 11 P . M Wednesday and Saturday 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. 8 lo 10 P . M. llrregular) Monday and Thursday 6 P. M.,

    Tuesday and Saturday 8 to 9 P. M. 12:30 to 2 J\ . M. Sundays Afternoons llrregularl Thursday and Sunday 3 :~0 to 5:40 P. M.,

    8 :10 to 10:10 P . M. Testing irregularly 4 to 7:40 A. M . (Irregular)


    11.o I 1.;.00 1:;.:11 1;;.:111

    l :';.l!i


    rn.·!:J Hi.t:i

    IH.fiO IG.1111

    11.00 n .;.o IX.00


    IK.!l!l 18. 78




    IX.KG IK.!10 111.!ll

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    l!t.'.!O l!)'!f)


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    1'1. 11

    l 'J. :>O 1!1.:'10


    l!l.G7 W.fi7

    49.7;) l!l .R:I 1!1.11:1 1'1.!10

    l 'UHi ;;o.oo ;;o oo 50. Hi 50 .'.?7 r.o.r,!I

    M.8r. tt t .2M GI.RI 5 1.90 :>1.93 !)'!.iO

    :;2.!H :i:i.:'>G

    li710 TIEP IW.GO llC!RL GG20 PRADO ft4i10 REN

    f.GOO VPIFR G.; 111 lllL

    Gl!IO HnABD GIXO llll D li llO llJIABD GIOO YNLr 1;:170 Y\'IRC li:llO lllZ fl•!;;O llllA

    li'!cO OAX IB moo llJ:IABF Ol r.6 llJ2ABA GHiO YV!IRC Gl i>O CLC GI 11 CJRO

    GllO W8XK Gl!IO '!GE GltM LKJ I Gl'.!O fill'! HIO'.J fillHI

    1; 100


    YDA Y\'2R C \ l'C' llJIABI: W:IXAL ZTJ

    HO!n '!RO li0!/7 llJIABD fi0'10 \'E!IG W

    GOM.; C P:;

  • NNRC Ham Notes Our ok teck acl\"i,cr \\'2FHC, thinks

    that 1ntl·r10r decoration of his shack has imprm

    IT C2R L. (16(,() kcs.. 45 nwters, Gua ,._ aquil. Ecuador. ''ill broadcast a special prO!!'ram inr Th,· '\ twark '\ l'\\'S Radin Cluh ~[arch 17 from 8 to 9 P. ~L. EST This station is O\\'tH'd and 01H'ratccl hy Dr. Holwrto Lrvi. The actclrcss is A-nartaclo 759. Gua~·a(juil. Tlw program is to rothist oi nati,·e arti,ts . h··1i('al South \meri

  • With The Air ·Raiders \\ ith a log of mon· than 9$0 ycritied

    ..... tat1on~ and net:ding but a lt. \\ to con1· plttt thL ro,tLr of acti\C l .. S , hniad-ca,tL·rs. S. Ra1 Lc\\i,, ( l.otus C1t1· DX-er) Toledo. (Jhio, i-, nu111hL·n·d with the leading DXcr' oi thi, continent. Last Junl' Ray nearly realized thL· ambition of l ' H ry dial twi'1cr-thc logg111g and 1·cr ifying- of c1·ery ,tation in thi, t·ountry. lie wa" ,,ho rt hut t110 h. \I ED awl J..:ORE. hoth i11 Orcgo11. I h1ny-iour c1.untric' an· npre,cntl'!I in th1' ,.,Cl llcnt ]) '\ achi. XFX, \ ()\\ R, CK\10. and \\'9'\ \'. at one timt• located in Cartcnilk. \lo .. and whid1 usL•cl hut 2 "at ts po11 l'r. L' ntil late 1932 he used a Croslc1 Sh1111 ho,, 1929 model. along with a 'picn

  • tlw high fidl'lity ,1at10n 111 Bakersfield, Cal.. and rep11rt, hearing KTAT, Fort \\'orth, Tt·x .. on 1240 kr, .. February 23.

    John T. Twn'llll', Box 103 Oakhurst, .:\ . J., ha' bt•t·n doini.: a land office DX hu-ine''· Take a 1011k at these new ones -:>.E\ F. t.\.!h. \l·FE. \K\.. \\'IS.\", \:E).l,\, C). llL\., Kt.KB, K\OD. Kl'RC \ l\\'Z. \\'TC Jt. \\ \L \, \\ l>BO. \\'-\Im:'\ 1rn. \\ K Ill. KI· J ).I. \\"COC. \\T \\., Kl>. KF\'11, 1,c,ll. '\FLO. KF'O[ t Kill, \\ 111>1, KOi\ ;1nd K\\'TO have ,·erificd.

    NNRC Leads

    Ldkr, rq1ortino- rt·ccptmn of KORE', n fl'nl 'Jlt'rial sho" that ,'\ ewark X cw:> Radio Cluh nll'mbers rontributed 60 per l'l'lll. lD\l·rs, 5, :\' R( llltmbcrs 4 and those of the IDA :l per cent.,Thc re-maintll-r oi thl' n•p·•rt' \\t'rl' from DXl·rs unattached. The :\\'RC ll cl again in tht mail n''IH•n,t• t • \\'S \]', January 13 prngram \\'ith 40 1wr rl'nt while the t 1 > \ R \\·as sl·ro1Hl with .211 They rc-l"'all'd January 27, whtn \\'L\\' trans-mittt•d for the cluh, with :14 per cent and till' CD\: R was again st•rnnd with 2 per cent.

    Fred Sanders, :155 l ~ llis \ \'l'nue. Pesh-tigo, \Vk. has adrkd and written to 300 stations so far this season for verifica-tion . Replies arc coming in at the rail' n! l\\'l'nty a \\'('t'k. Uuik a contrast to tht• romplaini- of otlll•r D'\l·r, who com-p•~in th:it ,·erificatioth arl' unusuallv slow thi- yt•ar. Fn·cl ha' an arh-antagc o,·cr m•.-t dial t"i'tl' rs in that he works until miclnil!ht. 'l'H'n clays a \\'l'Ck, and, with-out l'X('l'ption, is 'a t th

  • l

    The DX Calendar (Time is Easte rn Standa rd)

    S unday, Jlta r c h 10 :

    C R C W, OO k cs., Wlnd•or, Onta rio, 12:01 to 12:30 A. M.

    C F C Y, 630 k c• .• C h a rlo tl• town . P . E . I .. 2:25 to 2:50 A. M.

    C K C W, 1!170 k cs .. Jlto n ct o n , N . B .. 2:50 to 3:15 A. M.

    C R CS, 950 k cs .• C hlcoutlml, Que .. 3:15 to 3:40 A. M.

    C FLC, 9~0 kcs.. Presco tt, Ont., 3:40 to 4 :05 A. M.

    C KX . 11 20 kcs .• Bra ndo n , M a n ., 4:05 to 4:30 A. M.

    C JGX , 1;:io kcs., Yorkton. Sa sk ., 4 :30 to 4 :55 A. M.

    C f' RN, I WO k es., Edmonlon . Alta. , 4 :55 to 5:20 A. M.

    C F' J C, 8KO k es .. K a mloo1>s. B . C., 5: 20 to 5:45 A. M.

    KGKL, 1:170 k es . . San An r elo, T e x ., 3 to 4 A. M.

    WBOQ, KGO k cs .. New Y o rk C ity, 3:30 to 4:30 A. M.

    WILJ\t , 1420 k cs., Wllmlnr ton, D e l., 5 to 6 A. M.

    Tuesd ay, l\la rc h 12 : C KBI, 1210 k cs., Prince Albe rt , Sask ., 3 to 4:30

    A. M. WRBU, 1210 kes .. Ande rs on, Ind .. 4:30 to 5:30

    A. M .

    W ednesd ay, llfa r ch 13: C MOX . 1 ~12.; kcs., H avan a, I to 5 A. M.

    T hurs d a )'. Jlta r c h 11 : WRU F , 830 k es., Ga inesville, Fla., 2 A. M. on.

    Satur d ay, Jlta r ch IG: WBAA, 890 k cs., Lafayette, Ind ., I to 3 A. M . WIXBS. 1530 k cs., W a t e rbury, Conn ., 3:30 to 5

    A. M. S unday, J\ta r e h 17:

    KIEM . 1 ~ 10 k cs .. E ure k a, Cal ., 3 to 4 A. M. C IIRC. l\KO k rll 3: W E D C . 1290 k cs., S upe rior, Wis., 1 :10 to 1:30

    A. M. WOOD- WAS H , 1270 k cs., Gra nd Ra1>ids, M ich .,

    6 to 6:30 A . M . WBEO, 1310 k cs., Marque tte, Mich ., 4:20 to 4:40

    A. M.

    Thur~day. A11rll I : \ VJ BO. 11;!0 kc1)., Jlaton R u ug'e. La., 2:40 to 3

    A. M. WRU F , x:10 k c,., Galn e.vllle. t'la .. 2 A. M. on. WJl\IS. 14~0 k c. .. Ironwood . l'lllch .. 3:10 to 3:30

    A. M. KGFF, I lt O kc-., S h a wnee. Okla., 5:30 to 5:50

    A. M. WIBlll, t :r;o k

  • Police Radio Stations ( \I.I. l.OC'.\ T IO'I

    ( f ,/-\ tnf'fllnr fl. ('"

    ( .n\·-:-:t. .lohn. X. B (".JZ-Ybock, Tex.

    hGZ '--.\lhuquPrque. :-.;. Mex l \: (;Z Y-san Bernarc-llno, C&I.

    Ii '°FA-'\-Wyomlng, Pa.

    \\ '"·- Boston, Mas•. \\~ •• 1--Cr~en huri;:, r~

    \\ ( ' li-Dptrolt, Mif"h

    \\'1{ 111'-Detroll, J\lkh.

    Wli IH -Cinrlnnatl, 0. Wl{ l>\\"- Dalla". Tt•x \\'\111-W. Rear..--Lan~lng-, :\flrh.

    \\' l'J>-" -Da.yton, 0.

    \\ PU"-Auhurn. ~. Y. \\ PUO-Akron. O . \\'Pl>l'-Phllndplphla, Pa. \\ l'IHt.-RorhPster, N. Y. \\'Pl>S--St. Paul. Minn.

    \\ PUT-Kokomo. Ind. \\ Pl>l'-Pitt11hurg, Pa.

    \\ 1' 1)\ -Ch rlottP. =-: C. \\'PO\\'-Wa hlngton, D. C. \\' 1'0'--Detrolt, '.\llrh.

    \\' !'DY-Atlanta, Ga. \\· roz-Ft. \Vnyn•, Ind.



    \\I ' E H - Grand Hapid~. 'Mich. \\ 1• .. : ('-:i. l t-m11hi~. Tenn.

    \\ P t:U-.\ rl i ngton. ). I ass.

    \ \ i E J·:.-Brouldyn. :-\. Y.

    \ \ i:'f': F -lfron'\, :\. Y.

    \\ 11 .. : (t-:\t•\\· York, X. Y. \\' l 1 1·: 11- S411llt•n·i lle, :\ l a1-1H.

    \\ 1• 1 ·: 1-t•1·0\"ld•~n, )ltl.

    \\ 11 1 1-Columhu~. Ga.

    \\ P f ',J-llammond. lncl.

    "1°1' " -1f;u·kt>n!-":u·k, X. J \\ J' l 'L-- :-;t •olt"n\'ille. 0.

    " ' J'll l·~:'IL1ril,n. I nd. (County)

    \\' l ' ll F-l~id1111011d , \ 'a.

    \\' l'ff(;-:'il1•tl I !It'd , .1\l a8~.

    \\' I'll l-( 'ha 1·J1•'iton, \\', \'a.

    \\ ' J'Jl ,J-Falnnount. "" \'a.

    \\' 1'111{-\\'llmlngt•m. o. \\' l'""'P-fl ~1rrhhurg. l'

  • The Latest in Transmitters and Antennae \\ ( ))(", IL\\ 50.0CO \\:tit \\"(:,:crn

    Ekctrir tra1i-111ittl'r at ( artt'ret. '.'\". } . . which \\a' ckdical\"d to thl· radio puhli~ with a 'flcci ti thrtt' hour program ~Ion-day l'\'l'nini.:. ~larch -1. katuring 111any of radio', lll'ad!int'r'. j, thl' fir't radio tran--mitll r hnilt to h:t\'t' till' folln"·ing out-... tandin!.! il·aturt.· ... :

    It j, tlw fir,t high-powt'red radio 'talion to ll'l' a din•cti


    (E. S. T.) WLAC, :\ashviile, Tenn .. 14i0 kcs .. e,·cry

    Sunday at 1.2:50 .\ .).1. WNEW, :\ewark, :\. J .. 1250 kcs., every

    dav at 4 .\.:\I. WEEU, Reading, Pa .. 830 kcs .. every

    Saturday at 4 :30 P. :\I. WF'I"l, Athens. Ga.. 1450 kcs... every

    :\londay at 8:05 A.1L KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa., 980 kcs., eYery

    Saturday at 12 :30 A.M. KSL, Salt Lake City. Utah, 1130 kcs.,

    l'V:. J.: "Like The Dialist very much; each succeeding issue is an im-prO\ e111ent over the preceding one. Con-g ratulations to its editors and best wishes for thei r success."

    Xathan H andler, 64.2 Avenue C. Bay-onne. N. J.: "The Dia list is getting bet-ter all the time."

    Earl Godin:y, 356 Tligh St reet, Holy-oke. ~lass.: "I don't sec how you can publish such a great magazine for 10 cents. Xo DXer should he without it. T want my copy every month and am enclosing my subscription."

    John J. Oskey. (\V2BJZ) Route I. Box 85-\'. ;-rew Brunswick, ~- J.: "I received my first copy of The Dialist and it certainly has opened my eyes; you put out a dandy magazine for 10 cents. It has many features that make me its con-tinued supporter and T am inclosing my subscription. You use the hcst paper for it is the only log book T have so far seen. that ink could he used to write in it. I think the small boxes to the left of the stations arc just dandy; a small X inser--ted in them means an accurate recor d of sta tion s heard and verified."

    Mrs. Dora ~ewcomh, Box 20i, Ox-nard. Cal.: "The Dialist is a mighty fine radio n1agazine."

    Page 47

  • THE DX BUG ( conti•1m·d from page JS)

    h11t three >-hort of my goal of 800. 1 set a !!Oal for mysdf each season and find it great fun trying to reach it. \Veil. my log of ~l ay l. 1934. contained 797 stations heard, 729 verifications a nd 105 2,000 milers. I did get some nice ones-· KVL. KPQ. LRS. KT\\'. XE:\E. Frank-furt , Radio \"ormandie, XEOK. 4QC, Ber lin. \"ot quantity but a lot of q11al-itv.

    · Here we a rc in 1935 and l have so far clone fair ly well towa rds my goa l of 850 stations. I havl' a lreadv hea rd 847 not including Munich. ~(ilan. Touhu'l'. Hamburg. Leipzig. XE.\A, X E.\O. Y\'-1 RC. CX26. I do not lo!! a 2.000 mile station unti l I ha,·e a verification from them. I have also verified LS2. TG\\' , XETMO, KGD:\f. Cologne. XERC. \\'6X.


    BETrBR · SELECTIVITY? Boo'l tho~c weak DX ..,igna1~ separate tho~.c.· annoying interfering !-ilationc; with 1h1 llOOSTERF.TTE.

    l·~n·n aerial mu ... t be eiitJ)aratr-ly tuned-t·H-r) raclio 'hould ha,·e a BOOST ER-1·:-rn:. This 1kvice tune... } our arn:tl to the cor-net n· ... 011a11ct· ..... ith your radio 'ct. a~ a 1cl\ult '.\OU will get a 'ii;tnal incrca'e from 25 to JOO per ct-nt on weak, local or dis-tant 'tatin11'> • • \1.-;o ach as a \\ave trap to tune out in-tt·1 ft.ring powerful c;tation"" not a toy, but a n:al lahoratory in~trumcnt.

    Price $2.§0 (Plus Postage)

    DX FANS l)o you \\·ant to rt"C:rtve more DX? If so, thtn. t ry 100 fret of the famous Smith aerial wir

  • ~


    ThAMPLIVOX -dou/Jle-pu!t/H»e


    .:\ o t;l l11 p t r in fi{ wit h wi rin~ t o i n ~t a 11 In · -.ta ll ... in onr min ute without tools-Ino;,ert ~ i11 i.r 1•hnnr j ark autmnatically ~ilcnccs speak· l"r Pull inJ,:" 1•honr plug ou t puts receiver hack to 'Pt·aktr 01lf'ration Five foot cahlaktr at a r e mOt6 point from rt."Ct'ivrr (kitcht·11. l>eclroo m. porc h. t lc.) or for Ra. $l>.7S $) g5 Your ~t't P rice. ( ( 'omplt·h'. a.. ~IJu,t ratt-11) •

    Most Sensitive Earphones for All W ave Reception and Most Comfortable to W ear

    Tht·~ \\t·ii.::h but fr 1r ( H ounce.;, H e; ·lb 11t m clwk T U I '1 '1 Fl'·:ithc. r\\t· . ~ht P l11.Jlle"'. 2 -ll.Ov ohm . impcdoul l"t t. 11 1•iC'k np ~ign ;,J.. "'l faint thOlt t ill"~ •d1t1ltl not he h : ~ ... ~(.2 l>ouhlt•t C;u.::t• (-11 ft.) with :?5 ft. tran,po ... t·il lt-:il·in and IO ft Ciant Kil In ral•lc·. Cnm phtt· with ne\\' l ' ni ,·er-.;:11 coupler and Dnuhl