_ias profession kp analysis

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  • o V N Murthy, M.Com. FCS.Company SecretaryNizam Sugar\Limited,I Floor, Shakkar Shavan, Sasheerbagh,Hyderabad 500004 APPh. Res. [email protected]

    T 5 Seshagiri,KP Astrology

    59 Shanthi Nagar,Hyderabad - 28

    Cell: [email protected]

    Profession - IndianAdministrative Service - KP Analysis

    An indepth analysIS-on numerous natal charts has revealed that 'RAHU' the ascending node has a prominent

    role to play in carving an IAS officer. Shri OVN Murthy and Sri 1. Seshagiri Rao have done a joint KP research

    in understanding the metal of IAS from the horoscopes of renowned bureaucrats.

    Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is a unique

    civil service in the country. They are responsible

    for planning and execution of Government Policy

    both at Centre and State. The function of LA.S

    officer is multidimensional, coupled with work

    pressure, demands continuous monitoring and

    quick decisions and disposals. The Officer is

    expected to lead from front which requires

    courage, leadership qualities, wise and judicious

    temperament. A native to possess all such

    qualities requires supports from the planets like

    Venus, Mercury, Jupiter Mars and Rahu (Earthly

    pleasures). Though every individual in IAS is

    exhibiting unique qualities but there are few

    commonalities which we found in our research.

    A sample of 12 Natal Charts of LA.S Officers was

    taken up for study. It revealed a uniform pattern,

    predominantly involving Planets Ven Mer JuP

    Pahu Mars at Star-Sub level as well as

    signification of 1,6,10,11,3 & 9 cusps.

    1,3,6,10,11 cusps are considered - 1 represents

    Ascendant the character of the Native, 3 -

    represents not only inclination to take up

    challenging jobs but also IAS profession involves

    frequent movements, 6 cusp is for salaried

    income, 9th cusp represents higher education,

    change of assignments, transfers. wisdom,

    intuition, etc.

  • Chart 1st cusp 3rd cusp 6th cusp 9th Cusp 10th c~sp 11thcusp

    1 Ju->Sa-Su Me->Ju-Mo Me->Ju-Mo Me->Ju-Mo Ve->Mo-Ve Ve->Mo-Ve

    2 Ma->Su-Sa Su->Su-Su Me->Ve-Ra Ma->Su-Sa Me->Ve-Ra Mo->Su-Sa

    3 Ma->Me-Ve Sa->Me-Sa Me->Ju-Ve Me->Ju-Ve Ra->Su-Ju Su->Ma-Mo

    4 Su->Ra-Me Ve->Me-Ra Me->Ma-Me Ke->Ju-Me Ra->Ve-Me Sa->Me-Ra

    5 Mo->Ju-Ju Ve->Ma-Ve Me->Mo-Me Ma->Ra-Ma Ma->Ra-Ma Me->Mo-Me

    6 Me->Ju-Su Ve->Me-Ju Sa->Su-Me Me->Ju-Su Ra->Ju-Ke Ra->Ju-Ke

    7 Ke->Ve-Ju Sa->Su-Ju Ma->Ma-Ju Me->Ma-Ju Ve->Me-Ve Su->Ma-Ve

    8 Ve->Ma-Ra Ju->Ve-Mo Ju->Ve-Mo Ra->Ma-Me Ve->Ma-Ra Me->Ma-Ve

    9 Me->Ju-Ve Ve->Sa-Ma Me->Ju-Ve Ve->Sa-Ma Ve->Sa-Ma Sa->Ke-Me

    10 Ra->Mo-Me Su->Ve-Mo Ra->Mo-Me Ma->Ra-Mo Ve->Ma-Ra Ma->Ra-Mo

    11 Ju->Ma-Me Ju->Ma-Me Ma->Ra-Mo Ju->Ma-Me Ve-> Sa-Ju Ke->Ke-Ju

    12 Ra->Sa-Ju Ra->Sa-Ju Ju->Ra-Me Ra->Sa-Ju Ju->Ra-Me Ma->Ju-JuSun-Su, Moon-Mo, Mars-Ma, Rahu-Ra : Jupiter-Ju, Saturn-Sa,

    Mercury-Me, Ketu-Ke, Venus-Ve.

    The significators for profession viz. 2,6,10,11 cusps are tabulated as under:


    Chart 2nd Cusp 6th Cusp 10th Cusp 11 Cusp

    1 Me Su Mo Ma RaJu SaSunJu JuMeKEMOMe KeVe

    2 MeMo Ju Sa M~Ve Me

    3 SuRa MeJuKe VeSuMoMaRa Ve4 Ve Ra Sa Ve Sa Me MaMe KeMarJuMe

    5 Me Ve RaSa Ke Su Mo Ma Ju Sa Ve SaMeKe

    6 KeMoVe Su Mo Ma RaJu Mo Ke Sa SuKe Me Ve

    7 Ju Ra KeVeMo SuMoMaMe RaJu8 J(e Mo Sa Su Mo Ma Ra Me Ve Ju Su Mo Ma Ra Ju Me Ve9 VeMoJuSaMe Ma Su Su Ra Me Ket

    10 Mo RaJu Sa Su Sa Ve KeMe Su Ju Ve Sa11 Ve VeMoJu Me Su12 MeMa Ve Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa Ke JuMa

  • These charts reveal the emergence of Venus as a

    key planet apart from Mercury and Jupiter.

    While in majority of cases Venus is found as 10th

    cusp sublord, Mercury is in 6th cusp sublon;l.

    Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and to some extent

    Saturn are connected to the relevant houses.

    Basically a native can achieve high status in any

    field only when the Ascendant is strong and

    especially the connectivity of the sublord to

    relevant cusps under consideration. In the present

    case all the Ascendant Sublords or its starlord are

    connected directly to 6, 10 and 11.

    These planets referred to will fructify the events

    during the combined Dasa Bhukthi Antara


    Venus (which has emerged as a strong planet

    along wi th Mercury) is for all comforts attached to

    the post and also adds glamour to the post held,

    holding of public office, helps in improving

    status. Mercury represents effective control,

    communicative skills, intelligence, analytical

    mind, grasping of subject matter fast, elegance,

    frequent transfers in the jobs. Jupiter represents

    Judicious & discriminative approaches,

    administration, discipline, fairness, memory,

    government, magisterial powers. Mars stands for

    leadership qualities, courage, self confidence.

    Saturn, for concentration and dealings with

    masses. Rahu is for profession and for base jobs.

    9 10th Sublord Venus, Rahu is in the sub of

    1010th sub lord Venus is in the sub Rahu.\

    1110th Sublord is Venus and Rahu is in Venus

    sign Libra.

    12- 10th Sublord Jupiter and Rahu is in Jupiter


    Thus it can be seen that there is a strong

    connectivity of Rahu to the 10th cusp in all the

    IAS Officers charts under consideration. Further

    in all probability Venus, Mercury and Rahu

    connection to 6 & 10 will mainly determine the

    natives chances for getting selected for Civil

    Services. Therefore the Role of Rahu, Venus &

    Mercury cannot be ignored while considering the

    charts for this profession.

    Another important point noticed is the role of

    nodes especially Rahu.

    It is seen that in almost all Charts Rahu is directly

    or indirectly connected to 10th cusp.

    1st Chart - Rahu in conjunction with Mars in

    Jupiter sign. It is the star lord for 10th cusp.


    3 -10th Sublord Rahu

    7 Mercury is 10th Starlord, Jupiter is in the Star &

    sub of Mercury, Rahu is in the star &

    Sub ofJupiter.

    8-10thsublord Venus is in the sub of Rahu

    From the above analysis of twelve charts we can

    conclude that for IAS officers the connection of

  • Rahu with the tenth cusp is prominent either at

    star or sub level. It is also found that Venus,

    mercury and Jupiter has a strong connection with

    the 10th and 11th houses in these charts.

    Astrologer friends can guide the native to pursue

    career as civil servant particularly IAS officer if he

    finds Rahu, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter strongly

    connected as explained in this article. As the

    aspirants are about 3 to 4 lakhs every year to

    compete for about 60 to 70 IAS posts, it is almost

    impossible for anyone to tell confidently whether

    the native will get through the examination and

    will become an IAS officer. However, as a KP

    astrologer you can easily predict on getting IAS

    service to the native with confidence.

    CHART 1

    Pin-R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-SSu Seo 8:27:57 Ma Sa Ve VeMo Lib 20:20:50 Ve Ju Ju Sa

    Ma Sag 27:22:26 Ju Su Mo MoMe Lib 29:38:15 Ve Ju Mo Ra

    Ju Seo 10:33:10 Ma Sa Su RaVe Vir 21:54:01 Me Mo Ve SaSa Aqu 10:52:51 Sa Ra Sa Me

    Ra-R Sag 20:38:54 Ju Ve Ju MeKe-R Gem 20:38:54 Me Ju Ju Me

    Cusp Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S1 Tau 26:59:53 Ve Ma Ju Ve2 Gem 22:14:45 Me Ju Sa Me3 Can 18:05:27 Mo Me Me Ju4 Leo 17:11:54 Su Ve Mo Ve5 Vir 20:18:34 Me Mo Ke Sa6 Lib 24:44:35 Ve Ju Me Mo7 Seo 26:59:53 Ma Me Ju Ve8 Sag 22:14:45 Ju Ve Sa Me9 Cap 18:05:27 Sa Mo Me Ke10 Aqu 17:11:54 Sa Ra Ve Me11 Pis 20:18:34 Ju Me Ve Ra12 Ari 24:44:35 Ma Ve Me Su

    CHART 2

    Pin-R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-SSu Leo 27:19:05 Su Su Su VeMo Vir 4:08:31 Me Su Sa Su

    Ma Cap 3:52:48 Sa Su Sa VeMe Leo 19:36:33 Su Ve Ra Ve

    Ju-R Pis 12:39:32 Ju Sa Ma VeVe Leo 29:30:15 Su Su Ra RaSa-R Ari 7:3230 Ma Ke Ra Ma

    Ra-R Lib 6:53:23 Ve Ra Ra RaKe-R Ari 6:53:23 ma Ke Ra VeDOB: 14.09.1939,TQB: 4.28,Lat 16:18:00North Long 80:27:00EastVol. 1------------------ 4

    Cusp Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S1 Leo 5:28:20 Su Ke Ma Su2 Vir 4:02:33 Me Su Sa Ve3 Lib 4:59:26 Ve Ma Su Ma4 Seo 6:16:22 Ma Sa Me Mo5 Sag 6:32:07 Ju Ke Ra Me6 Cap 6:04:20 Sa Su Me Ma7 Aqu 5:28:20 Sa Ma Su Ve8 Pis 4:02:33 Ju Sa Sa Ke9 Ari 4:59:26 ma Ke Ma Ju10 Tau 6:16:22 Ve Su Me Ra11 Gem 6:32:07 Me Ma Mo Ve12 Can 6:04:20 Mo Sa Me Ve

  • CHART 3

    PinR Rasi Degree RL N-L Sub S-S

    Su Lib 6:30:29 ve Ma Mo VeMo Cap 25:42:44 Sa Ma Ra Ve

    Ma Can 19:31:56 Mo Me Ve VeMe Lib 28:10:46 Ve Ju Ve Sa

    Ju Seo 6:54:01 Ma Sa Me JuVe Lib 19:43:55 Ve Ra Ma KeSa Can 28:04:55 Mo Me Sa Sa

    Ra-R Tau 1:27:07 Ve Su Ju Ju-Ke-R Seo 1:27:07 Ma Ju Ra Ra

    Cusp Rasi Degree RL N-L Sub S-S1 Can 23:31 :05 Mo Me Ma Ju2 Leo 18:38:05 Su Ve Ra Ju3 Vir 17:43:32 Me Mo Sa Ju4 Lib 20:02:19 Ve Ju Ju Ju5 Seo 22:55:22 Ma Me Mo Me6 Sag 24:14:30 Ju Ve Me Me7 Cap 23:31 :05 Sa Ma Ma Ju8 Aqu 18:38:05 Sa Ra Mo Sa9 Pis 17:43:32 Ju Me Me Ra10 Ari 20:02:19 Ma Ve Ra Ma11 Tau 22:55:22 Ve Mo Su Ju12 Gem 24:14:30 Me Ju Me Ke

    CHART 4

    PinR Rasi Degree R-L NL Sub S-S

    Su Aqu 14:16:00 Sa Ra Me SaMo Vir 15:58:49 Me Mo Sa Sa

    Ma-R Leo 1:16:25 Su Ke Ve MoMe-R Aqu 0:35:15 Sa Ma Me Ve

    Ju Sag 2:27:43 Ju Ke Ve SaVe Pis 25:00:44 Ju Me Ra MeSa-R Can 24:47:25 Mo Me Ra Sa

    Ra-R Ari 24:45:54 Ma Ve Me SuKe-R Lib 24:45:54 Ve Ju Me Mo

    Note: Based on the above theorythe readers are requested to browse

    for the charts atwww.astrouser.comjkpij-2 for the

    following examples.

    Cusp Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S1 Cap 22:54:17 Sa Mo Su Ju2 Aqu 27:59:44 Sa Ju Ve Sa3 Ari 1:53:51 Ma Ke Ve Ra4 Tau 1:38:59 Ve Su Ju Sa5 Tau 28:07:34 Ve Ma Sa Sa6 Gem 24:06:38 Me Ju Me Me7 Can 22:54:17 Mo Me Mo Me8 Leo 27:59:44 Su Su Mo Me9 Lib 1:53:51 Ve Ma Ke Ke10 Seo 1:38:59 Ma Ju Ra Ju11 Seo 28:07:34 Ma Me Sa Sa12 Sag 24:06:38 Ju Ve Me Me

    SI. No. DOB TOB Latitude Longitude

    5. 28-02-1949 11-06-33 28.39 77.13

    6. 12-03-1951 20-57-00 31.06 77.10

    7. 19-06-1951 23.36.00 18.34 73.58

    8. 13-06-1952 07.00.00 17.22 78.26

    9. 01-03-1959 00.27.00 30.44 76.54

    10. 30-04-1959 22.48.00 30.42 76.16

    11. 13-05-1958 16.33 28.50 77.05

    12. 14-09-1962 22.58 27.53 79.55