iatrogenesis – medically sanctioned cold invasion

Medical Iatrogenesis The role of traditional wisdoms In modern medical dogma

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Post on 17-May-2015



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The role of traditional wisdoms in modern medical dogma. Many sports and structural injuries are iced as a matter of apparent necessity. The application of ice continues often for months, sometimes every night, overnight. The ice damaged body part may end up in supportive slings and equipment as the area is eventually apparently permanently disabled. In TCM we are taught that obstruction causes pain. Pain is due to lack of flow. Invasion of cold as a healing intervention runs against all traditional and natural wisdoms. Cold may numb an area but it also hurts as it blocks the circulation preventing blood flooding the damaged area with new resources for healing, and surging forth to whisk away debris. Almost everyone has lodged cold within - simple palpation, history taking and observation will show that cold is in there and by its very essence is wasting yang. Removing the stored cold will allow the normal Yang and Qi back into circulation allowing the present manifestations – (seen through normal ‘diagnosis’) to instantly shift. Removing healing blocks gives deeper, more permanent results. As part of any healing interface, education as to what not to do is crucial, as all aspects of urban and medical myths are now suggesting that cold heals, when in fact it does the opposite. All ‘old wives’ would have set such nonsense straight. Ask anyone over 80 - what their oldies told them will shine through. Case histories in diverse areas will demonstrate what we can do to reverse this new attack on the body’s healing abilities/Yang Qi.


  • 1. Medical Iatrogenesis The role of traditional wisdoms In modern medical dogma

2. What we will whizz through Revision Gut health where we get our Blood/Yin from Yang Qi essential for life What wastes it? COLD How to quickly remove it Cases AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 2 3. Bodies designed to work perfectly within reason WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 3 4. The role of Shen in prognosis Where there is hope there is life . . Medical pointing of the bone . . Too old A.M.H. is too low Hopeless/stage 4 Palliative only (vs Galloping Heart) AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 5 5. Heather Bruce Copyright 2007 6. Are they stressed? Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 7 7. Heather Bruce Copyright 2007 8. Emotions upset 9Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 9. Yin requirements Good foundation (genetics), so it has the right blueprint to unfold (Parental Jing) Plenty of rest, water, nourishment and safety on all levels. (post natal life) Clean non toxic environment Circulation working scars on all levels broken through so the textbook flows (meridian charts) can irrigate properly. 10Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 10. Only so much Yang to go around WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE Circulation Digestion Protection Warming Holding in place 11 Why do we even listen to the physical model and then expect using a medicalised version of energy medicine to make changes at the surface, when we have tools mainstream medicine can only dream of? Why do we not believe in our own medicines gifts? 11. What does Yang Qi do? Digestive fire needs to be protected to provide life Thyroid (BBT) and other metabolic issues Circulation and eventual degenerative changes if damaged. All aspects of Spleen Qi holding Immune/Lung Qi strength Reproductive & sexual oomph Fluid transformation ICTAM 2013HEATHER BRUCE 12. How we fuel life: food factory working well 13Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 13. Upper heater WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 14 14. Middle heater WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 15 15. Digestive Yang WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 16 16. If there is weakness . . Yang functions may gradually start to fail Circulation, digestion, holding things in place, protection, warmth . . . and phlegm may form Questions to ask self . . What sets this patient up to have their face fall down and not everyone else, and not last week, but this week? What wastes yang? Presence of cold. Esp stored cold WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 17 17. Heather Bruce Copyright 2007 18. What does cold in the body do? CAUSES CONTRACTION HARDNESS circulation slows right down becoming solid think cysts /fibroids/pain relieved by heat CONSUMES YANG 2013HEATHER BRUCE 19. Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 20 20. R.I.C.E. First Aid for any problem numb it (Why does it hurt?) Not free movement of Qi & Blood Body does not want you to damage it further also to pay attention not pretend it did not happen) Cold - stops the circulation of life carrying blood & nutrients Cold stops the removal of wastes products Altogether gets in the way of healing AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 21 21. COLD how to release? AREAS TO LOOK Upper back Belly Hands & feet/ bum at night/ general chilliness WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE REMOVAL METHOD Scraping & cupping Cup navel /then moxa on ginger/salt General navel cupping with possible back work 22 22. Restore Homeostasis What is blocking healing? Pull out the stored cold release the Yang back into circulation Much is also found on, and watch the videos http://sharpen-up-your- results.com/cupping/ before attempting to assist miscarriage or any pregnant woman with this. It is profound and not to be used with any needles or other treatment process concurrently. Originated for me from a throw away line from workshop Dr John Shen did in Sydney in 1981. The last 30+ years I have spent refining this and why it is so profound a healing, and so needed in almost all patients, regardless of what they present with. Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 23 23. Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 24 24. Cupping navel to remove cold Before someone paid money for healing - what happened at home? A home remedy from the old people in many lands the navel cupping from China (prior to The 4 Olds expulsion/campaign) all knew about and practiced home medicine . . not superstitious. . All also avoided cold exposure, esp in women They may have pulled out the cold where needed. They knew to live sensibly - and avoid all aspect do potential cold as women would be damaged irreparably Lived within rules governing wellness that had been passed down through the family lines for generations Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 25 25. Process what to do and why Remove stored cold from the entire body. (8 Extras act as reservoirs to ensure what is too overpowering is not released into general circulation) Can see /feel its presence. Once removed, restore Yang with moxa Continue then as you would with any other treatment, although initially it may take at least an hour for the process to finalise. Ideally would only have to cup the navel a few times. Probably finish off with sacral moxa fan, and send a moxa stick home with instructions on how to do homework and a selection of info on how to improve health. Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 26 26. Use of moxa Invaluable tool all through any problem ensure that the operator and the receiver are well hydrated. Moxa penetrates to the channel level, promoting Qi and Blood movement, removing stasis, warming cold, elevating yang and drying cold damp (Abbate, 2006). Whilst it is heating, tonification with moxa provides gentle reinforcement to the patients deficiency condition. (Abbate, 2002). By improving circulation, pain is relieved. (Flaws, 2005). Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 27 27. Sacral moxa directions WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 28 2 3 minutes Upwards only 28. Moxa sacral fan WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 29 29. Sacral/pelvic opening WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 30 Why? To get flow going up GV esp of Yang Qi 30. Heather Bruce Copyright 2007 BIRTH OF A ? ROSE? 31. Navel cupping WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 32 32. YANG: how to restore? Moxa used indirectly, on a tissue with salt within A slice of ginger as a foundation Light it outside, wait till not smoking - now a small hot mountain to place in salt in a tissue, on the navel and repeat 3, 5, 7 times as needed When cupping - watch the tongue as it radically changes. Listen to the patient describe all the odd things they feel happening WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 33 33. Cup on AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 34 34. Ginger & moxa movie WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 35 35. Cup Off AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 36 36. General navel cupping pregnancy considerations Regardless of the stage of pregnancy . . Body placement (her off to the left side, propped up a little with towels to get her off centre) and hernias aside - This may still work with very little suction Must be lying down, and kept warm. She may get very cold as part of this process, and the tongue will instantly change and continually do so throughout the hour or so this is happening. No needles or other interventions during the cup and moxaing. Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 37 37. Body may drop a ball WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 38 Easy enough we do far too much; expect our bodies to cope with far too much; on far less quality nutrients than intended 38. Three magic helpers Moxa (sacral fan) (Slides above) Magnesium (no Calcium) Mentioned soon) Massage (opening pelvis) releasing whatever is blocking the Qi and Blood flow to the placenta, the birthing area and the reproductive organs. (See www.HeatherSays.com/) Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 39 39. Why magnesium is missing in modern life Lowered magnesium availability in foods due to industrial farming practices Dietary habits leading to low magnesium uptake, such as consumption of sodas and carbonated beverages Excess stress or illness, which lowers the ability of the body to utilize magnesium Mineral imbalances, such as excess calcium, which blocks cellular magnesium activity Metabolic differences in individuals, such as excess magnesium excretion by the kidneys, sometimes resulting in magnesium losses and deficiency Stress: chronic, low grade creates adrenal deficiency Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 40 40. Magnesium Depletion Markers Ligament and muscle aching and cramps/spasms, twitching, irritability. Emotional unrest and insomnia, possibly with feelings of heat in the afternoon, with flushing; maybe extending into feelings of being overwhelmed and not coping emotionally. (Sircus, 2007) (Sound like Stuck Liver Qi overlain with Blood deficiency?) I have found a total 1:1 correlation: see extra P/P Magnesium deficiency = Stuck Liver Qi/Blood. Easy to check out yourself in your own life/clinic. Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 41 41. Treating symptomatically We could treat locally and believe the medical version of events Or we could choose to be using an energy model ask - is it flowing? When there is enough Qi mobilised to make the changes needed. If not - ASK yourself. . . What is blocking/impeding normal flow? AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 42 42. Alternative treatment See the whole, not the bit (why did this happen at all?) How? Move the cold out Restore the yang Clear the meridians Encourage normal Qi and Blood flow Then see if a local/specific treatment is now needed WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE 43 43. Cases - 1 Troy, 41 years old Body builder & PE coach Was lifting 150 Kg & someone moved the weight so he did it one handed. Tore all the L pectoral/sternal ligaments Came in with a freezing cold belly. Cupped navel & moxa prior to needling setting him (& me) up to win. AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 44 44. Where the cold from? Life he does not ice anything. But could easily put a bomb under the air-con he has to work in all day. Freezing shoulder also , so ginger holding moxa whilst sitting fro rest of session and magically post Si 3, Korean hand needles for neck, and GB 34, St 38 op side, Liver8 resulted in a full range of neck movement which he could not remember ever having PLUS no pain from injury at all (also used ear points) AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 45 45. Owen - 2 31 years old. Work physically as a carpenter & works out Coming in prior for back issues. Today first time (colder in Melb now) cool belly. Limited time for extended session- so upped navel an all back stiffness/pain gone. Moxa on ginger in navel all needed to do for apparently magic resolution AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 46 46. 3 - Ice used relentlessly Brett was bounced out of a night club Hands bent back. Finger tip nerve damage told by neurologist to learn to live with it if he was a pianist etc they would operate. . . Now unable to row (his lifes passion and entire social life, exercise and identity revolved around this) Put on weight & physio friend suggested more than his own dry needling perhaps come and see me . . . Had been sleeping in an ice contraption he had engineered for months. Nothing not healing . . . . AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 47 47. Freezing belly Had to cup this many times, Moxa on . . With each session tongue changes. More movement, less pain Banned from using cold including most drinks - only body or above temp drinks no air conditioning. Fingers gradually less tingly had been trying to block out the massive pins and needles from nerve damage .. AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 48 48. Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 49 49. 4 - Hollys knees . . 16 yo. Irish competition dancer landed all weight on both knees Got up & kept dancing a year ago. Mum was reading a book I had written Cold is Not a Womans Friend and pointed out what I had not asked .. She had been icing her sore bits - ankles also had given way they also were iced all night for over a year. Massive period issues Eventually on cupping her belly not working locally instant shift in all things She walked out on air . Couldnt believe the difference in herself (science skeptic +++) AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 50 50. 5 - Sharis periods . . Started at 9 years old. Mum brought her in and I banned them from all sugar/fruit/cereals etc seen as being outrageous . . Shocking Hot Blood S&S and flooded for 2 years. Now a competition swimmer and since a week long swimming camp in winter, in a very chlorinated pool is incapable of living in her life. Vomiting after all meals, at home, GF, hair falling AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 51 51. Why seeing me now? All else has but worked .. . Still feeding child cold sweet diet soft drinks . . Mothers used to know and old wives tales got us to here. Needs not TCM but life overhaul as with so many now the glue is no use without the bricks the raw ingredients See all on my other sites research into nutrients as we need to work smart as the medical profession has missed the role of diet . .and contaminations from modern industrial & current urban myths (health comes from vaccines). AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 52 52. Hormonal mud-map Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 53 53. What tends to block nutrient assimilation/life Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 54 54. Iodine? Yang/Thyroid . Iodine? All cells in the body need it irrespective of having ones thyroid intact or not. All cancer aptoptosis - needs iodine to run it. Womens esp breasts and cycling massively more - hence the weight/foggy heads/dampness in general correlation 1:1 iodine and damp /Candida/gut health . . . Look to all links within www.simple-natural-solutions.com for more on all aspects covered in Vit D, Iodine, Fluoride, Bromide, Aluminium etc . . AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 55 55. BBT Best option here to work out metabolism When cupping belly and ever having it warm up one session to next esp any womens problems .. Aqueous iodine on skin . ..best on torso. Shari - It all soaked in within a minute Often menopausal women with their hot flushes are radically low thyroid with blood test showing in normal range and their iodine will often also soak in, in front of your eyes. AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 56 56. Heather Bruce Copyright 2007 57. Birth injuries. . . 2 major reasons for post natal damage (Flaws, 2005) Cold invasion and Blood loss . . Lets ice damaged perineums and engorged breasts And demand that it happens. . And not worry abut the fallout not on their shift .. AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 58 58. Cupping pregnant bellies Is it SAFE? To do nothing to wait and see as the baby may be damaged as it is showing signs of leaving? Is it safe to not take the stored cold out? Is it safe to not moxa to restore the Yang? Is it safer to leave all that cold there for her Yang Qi to be further sidelined, keeping the embedded cold out of normal circulation? Perhaps we could ask a different question What would happen if we left all that cold in there? All that Stuck Blood and Qi from years ago? All that trauma on all levels? Heather Bruce www.simple-natural-solutions.com 59 59. Possible body mishaps Spleen Qi/Yang Xu 60Heather Bruce - 2014 60. Yang deficiency . . Ice her and see what happens in subsequent pregnancies . . . and her post natal recovery . . Breastfeeding issues esp infections . . . . Infertility Morning sickness Lack of holding function cervix and miscarriages Prolapses Haemorrhaging AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 61 61. Only so much Yang to go around WAFS 2013HEATHER BRUCE Circulation Digestion Protection Warming Holding in place 62 Why do we even listen to the physical model and then expect using a medicalised version of energy medicine to make changes at the surface, when we have tools mainstream medicine can only dream of? Why do we not believe in our own medicines gifts? 62. Covered extensively In all my work Look to www.sharpen-up-your-results.com for past presentations esp all the footage on cupping bellies - esp the Bun in the Oven work done for Pro D Is it safe?/cupping pregnant bellies. . And for patients to get the hang of TCM/self care . . www.HeatherSays.com - free info for all AACMAC 2014 Medical Iatrogenesis Heather Bruce 63 63. Heather Bruce Copyright 2007