ic-qa-b59 bored cast-in-place reinforced concrete piles

Edition 6 / Revision 0 TRANSPORT FOR NSW November 2020 TRANSPORT FOR NSW (TfNSW) QA SPECIFICATION B59 BORED CAST-IN-PLACE REINFORCED CONCRETE PILES (WITHOUT PERMANENT CASING) NOTICE This document is a Transport for NSW QA Specification. It has been developed for use with roadworks and bridgeworks contracts let by Transport for NSW or by local councils in NSW. It is not suitable for any other purpose and must not be used for any other purpose or in any other context. Copyright in this document belongs to Transport for NSW. REVISION REGISTER Ed/Rev Number Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised By Date Ed 4/Rev 0 New edition, incorporating learnings from RTA Piling Inspection Workshop and feedback from industry. GM, IC 17.10.08 Ed 4/Rev 1 5 Coring requirement clarified. GM, IC 24.08.09 Pay Items (a)(i) and (a)(ii) Pay Items description and scope changed to differentiate between drilling in overburden and coring in rock. Ed 4/Rev 2 1.2.5 Retitled. Definitions of “you” and “your” added. GM, IC Bernie Chellingworth 15.01.10 3 6.1 Added: NPER registration as equivalent to CPEng, Engrs Aust, for certification purposes Annex M Referenced documents updated Ed 5/Rev 0 Global Clauses rearranged and reworded to improve clarity. GM, CPS (Peter Letts) 20.02.14 1.1 Statement on pile installation tolerances moved to clause 6.1.3 and modified. 1.2.4 Standard clause on minimum frequency of testing added. 1.3 New clause titled “Definitions” added. 3 New Hold Point on submission of certification that piling equipment will be used within its safe working capacity, and set and coring has been completed, replacing Hold Point in clause 6. 5 Coring requirements clarified.

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Page 1: IC-QA-B59 Bored Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete Piles

Edition 6 / Revision 0 TRANSPORT FOR NSW November 2020





This document is a Transport for NSW QA Specification. It has been developed for use with roadworks and bridgeworks contracts let by Transport for NSW or by local councils in NSW. It is not suitable for any other purpose and must not be used for any other purpose or in any other context. Copyright in this document belongs to Transport for NSW.


Ed/Rev Number

Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised

By Date

Ed 4/Rev 0 New edition, incorporating learnings from RTA Piling Inspection Workshop and feedback from industry.

GM, IC 17.10.08

Ed 4/Rev 1 5 Coring requirement clarified. GM, IC 24.08.09

Pay Items (a)(i) and (a)(ii)

Pay Items description and scope changed to differentiate between drilling in overburden and coring in rock.

Ed 4/Rev 2 1.2.5 Retitled. Definitions of “you” and “your” added.

GM, IC Bernie Chellingworth


3 6.1

Added: NPER registration as equivalent to CPEng, Engrs Aust, for certification purposes

Annex M Referenced documents updated

Ed 5/Rev 0 Global Clauses rearranged and reworded to improve clarity.

GM, CPS (Peter Letts)


1.1 Statement on pile installation tolerances moved to clause 6.1.3 and modified.

1.2.4 Standard clause on minimum frequency of testing added.

1.3 New clause titled “Definitions” added.

3 New Hold Point on submission of certification that piling equipment will be used within its safe working capacity, and set and coring has been completed, replacing Hold Point in clause 6.

5 Coring requirements clarified.

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Ed/Rev Number

Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised

By Date

Ed 5/Rev 0 (cont’d)

6 Individual sub-clauses rearranged and relocated to improve clarity.

Clause heading title changed.

Hold Point deleted (replaced by Hold Point in clause 3).

6.1 Headings added to form new sub-clauses 6.1.1 to 6.1.5.

6.1.2 Attendance of Geotechnical Engineer during all pile excavation work mandated.

6.1.3 New sub-clause on installation tolerances.

6.1.5 Safety requirements around pile hole revised.

6.2 Clause heading title changed.

Headings added to form new sub-clauses 6.2.1 to 6.2.8.

6.2.2, 6.2.3 Previously clause 6.2, now divided into 2 different sub-clauses.

6.2.3 Requirement for filling gap between pile casing and soil revised.

6.2.4 to 6.2.8 New sub-clauses on use of drilling fluids added.

6.3 Headings added to form new sub-clauses 6.3.1 to 6.3.4.

Previous Hold Point on placing of reinforcement cage and concrete moved to clause 8. New Hold Point on cleaning of pile hole added under sub-clause 6.3.4.

6.3.3 Requirements for pile hole wall roughening and cleaning revised.

6.3.4 Concreting to immediately follow socket excavation and cleaning emphasised. If delay of more 6 hours, further cleaning is required.

7 Clause on indirect examination of pile hole using weighted tape added.

8 Hold Point on placing of reinforcement cage moved here from clause 6.4.

9 Individual sub-clauses rearranged to improve clarity.

Headings added to form new sub-clauses 9.1 to 9.5.

9.2 Dewatering requirements of pile hole clarified.

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Ed/Rev Number

Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised

By Date

Ed 5/Rev 0 (cont’d)

9.3 Requirement added to verify by calculation that time to fill pile hole is within the mix reversion time.

9.4 Requirement added to maintain records during concreting of depth tremie pipe outlet, level of concrete and corresponding volume of concrete placed.

11 New clause on pile load testing added.

12 New clause on pile integrity testing added.

Annex B Items (b) and (d) amended New Items (g) and (h) for pile testing.

Annex E New annexure on frequency of testing.

Annex M Occupational Health changed to Work Health.

Ed 5/Rev 1 6.3.2 Requirement for excavation of pile hole to comply with Clause 6.3.1 emphasized.

Lower level of excavation directed clarified as “new” level.

MCQ 14.01.19

6.3.4 Hold Point – reference to Clauses 6.3.2 and 7 added.

Ed 5/Rev 2 Global References to “Roads and Maritime Services” or “RMS” changed to “Transport for NSW” or “TfNSW”.

DCS 22.06.20

Ed 6/Rev 0 Global Clauses rearranged and reworded to improve clarity.

EDCS 26.11.20

Guide Notes Guide notes on use of permanent vs temporary casings, sloping bedrock and large diameters piles added. CCTV examination now done by Contractor. Comments on Clauses 6.5 added.

1.1 Clause reworded.

1.3 Definitions of “dynamic analysis”, “dynamic data” and “dynamic testing” revised. Definition of “wave equation analysis” deleted. Definition of “tremie (pipe)” and “working bentonite” added.

2.1 Additional requirements for temporary casing added, incorporating part of previous clause 6.2.2.

2.2 New clause on concrete incorporating part of previous clause 2.2. Only self-compacting concrete or high workability concrete to be used.

2.3 New clause on steel reinforcement incorporating part of previous clauses 2.2 and 8.

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Ed/Rev Number

Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised

By Date

Ed 6/Rev 0 (cont’d)

3.1 Previously sub-clause 6.1.1, reworded.

3.2 Previously sub-clause 6.1.2.

3.2.2 New sub-clause on attending geotechnical engineer, incorporating part of previous sub-clauses 6.1.2 and 6.3.1.

3.3 Previously clause 3. Process held and submission details in Hold Point changed.

3.3.1 Required capacity of piling equipment to excavate additional depth changed.

3.4 New clause on WHS. 3.4.1 New sub-clause, incorporating part of

previous clause 3.

3.4.2 Previously sub-clause 6.1.5. Barriers to be provided.

3.5 Previously sub-clause 6.1.4. Drilling fluids to be managed in conformity to G36.

3.6 Previously clause 4.

3.7 Previously clause 5, heading title changed. Extent of temporary casing to be determined. Borehole must also be logged in addition to logging of core.

4 Previously clause 6.

4.1 Previously sub-clause 6.2.1. Emphasised that it is contractor’s responsibility to implement measures to prevent pile hole collapse. New Hold Point added.

4.2 Previously sub-clause 6.2.2. Requirements added to control alignment of casing during installation, and methods to prevent excavation below casing from collapsing.

4.3 Previously sub-clause 6.2.4, expanded. Headings added to form new sub-clauses 4.3.1 to 4.3.3.

4.3.1 General requirements for use of drilling fluids added, incorporating part of previous sub-clause 6.2.7.

4.3.2 Previously sub-clause 6.2.5, incorporating part of previous sub-clause 6.2.7. Table 1 amended, frequency of testing for bentonite slurry properties added.

4.3.3 New clause on use of polymer based drilling fluid, including site trials prior to use, added.

4.4.1 Previously part of sub-clause 6.2.7.

4.4.2 Previously sub-clause 6.2.8.

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Ed/Rev Number

Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised

By Date

Ed 6/Rev 0 (cont’d)

4.5 Previously clause 6.3. Previous sub-clause 6.3.1 moved to sub-clause 3.2.2. Remaining sub-clauses renumbered accordingly.

4.5.3 Previously sub-clause 6.3.4, incorporating part of previous sub-clause 6.2.7. Requirement added to provide record of drilling fluid properties during excavation of pile hole.

4.5.4 Previously part of sub-clause 6.3.4.

4.6 Previously clause 7. Contractor to provide indirect examination equipment.

5 Previously clause 8. Headings added to form new clauses 5.1 and 5.2.

5.2 Statement on timing of placing moved here from previous sub-clause 6.3.4. Cleaning of socket following delay in concreting amended.

6 Previously clause 9. Heading title changed.

6.2 New clause on test member.

6.3 Dewatering of pile hole only with approval of Principal.

6.4 Workability requirements for concrete changed.

6.5, 6.6 Previous clause 9.4 now divided into clauses 6.5 and 6.6.

6.5 Additional measures to be taken for large diameter piles or piles passing through gravelly soils.

6.6 Headings added to form new sub-clauses 6.6.1 and 6.6.2.

6.6.1 Tremie pipe requirements changed. 6.6.2 Slurry used to prime tremie pipe must be

discharged away from pile hole.

Larger over-pour may be required when placing concrete in water.

6.7 Previously clause 9.5.

6.8 Previously clause 9.6.

6.9 Previously sub-clause 6.2.3.

6.10 Previously clause 10. Repair requirements for defective concrete below cut-off level specified.

7 Previously sub-clause 6.1.3.

8 New clause combining previous clauses 11 and 12.

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Ed/Rev Number

Clause Number Description of Revision Authorised

By Date

Ed 6/Rev 0 (cont’d)

8.1 Previously clause 12. Bridge Technical Direction added in assessment for conformity of pile integrity.

8.2 New clause on cross-hole sonic logging. Use of steel logging tubes with threaded caps specified.

8.3 Previously clause 11.1.

8.4 Previously clause 11.2.

8.4.3, 8.4.4 Reference to GRLWEAP removed. Annex B Pay item scope revised.

New pay item (i) for test members (Provisional Quantity) added.

Annex C, D & L

Schedules updated.

Annex M Referenced documents updated.

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GUIDE NOTES (Not Part of Contract Document)

Use of Permanent vs Temporary Casing

Permanent casings (covered under B58) are required in poor ground conditions to support the side of the pile hole from collapsing during or after excavation.

Temporary casings (covered under B59) may be used to retain the sides of the pile holes long enough for the concrete to be placed. The temporary casing remains in place until the concrete has been poured to a level sufficient to withstand earth and groundwater pressures. The casing is removed after the concrete is placed.

Temporary casings are typically used where the loose soils are found in the top layers of the pile hole. Where the loose soils are deep, permanent casings should be used as the removal of the casings may not be viable.

The use of either permanent casings (B58) or temporary casings (B59) at a bridge site is essentially at the discretion of the Designer, based on a review of the results of site investigations.

The concern is when the Designer specifies the construction of piles without use of permanent casings (B59) in poor ground, for whatever reason, and the Design Verifier concurs with that decision, for whatever reason.

The piling sub-contractor bidding for the work is placed in the invidious position that, because the bridge contract sum is lower than it should have been because permanent casings (B58) have not been specified even though the ground is poor, it has to bid low to get the piling sub-contract.

The piling sub-contractor may then take a risk by constructing the piles in the poor ground without using temporary casings, but when the unsupported pile hole collapses or is washed out, this can result in defective piles and contract disputes.

Hence, the borehole logs must be reviewed carefully by the Designer before deciding whether to require permanent casings, and the type and extent of casings. Changes, if any, to the proposed casing must be further reviewed and discussed by the Designer and the attending Geotechnical Engineer before carrying out the changes. Stability calculations of the pile hole shaft and base may be required to be provided prior to approval.

Expert proof checking of bridge designs by TfNSW is essential to prevent excessive risks being incurred during the design of the bridge foundations for certain TfNSW bridge projects.

Sloping Bedrock

During excavation of the pile hole, a false indication that the casing is fully embedded in the bedrock may occur when the casing hits a non-flat or steep rock stratum. This is usually detected during the pile hole excavation when sounding of the bottom of the pile hole is carried out by the attending Geotechnical Engineer.

Additional boreholes can be also carried out if the bedrock profile is still in doubt. In such situations, the casing must be driven lower until it is actually fully embedded, by excavating the bedrock beneath the casing until it is horizontal using special attachments on the drilling bucket.

Large Diameter Piles

Cast-in-place piles with diameters greater than 1.8 m (or smaller diameter piles in complex ground conditions such as where a gravelly layer exists) are technically challenging. The construction methodology (including concrete technology) of these piles requires special attention.

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The Piling Contractor must submit adequate evidence, including stability calculations of any unsupported length of the pile, showing that the entire pile hole shaft and base will not collapse during execution.

Clauses 4.5 and 4.6

For friction piles, TfNSW’s Project Manager must ensure that the load bearing length of the shaft is specified on the design drawings to enable assessment of pile hole conformity to Clause 4.5.

CCTV camera examination when carried out must have the capability to view the whole pile hole circumference, to scrape the pile hole side and base, and to view the scrapings.

Clause 6.5

High workability concrete conforming to Annexure B80/G of Specification TfNSW B80 may require some degree of compaction. However, care must be taken to ensure that segregation does not occur due to excessive compaction. Where the degree of compaction is in doubt, test member must be carried out in accordance with Clause 6.2.

Clause 8

The extent of the pile testing, including the specific piles to be tested, must be determined by the Designer and clearly indicated on the Drawings, together with the ultimate pile design loads and the relevant geotechnical strength reduction factors.

Construction personnel do not determine the extent of pile testing to be carried out; this is a matter for the Designer, as clearly indicated in Section 3 of AS 2159, and governs the pile design, i.e. number, size, length and layout of piles, etc.

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Edition 6 / Revision 0 TRANSPORT FOR NSW November 2020



(WITHOUT PERMANENT CASING) Copyright – Transport for NSW



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Page 11: IC-QA-B59 Bored Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete Piles

Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing) B59

Ed 6 / Rev 0 i



FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................III TfNSW Copyright and Use of this Document ...........................................................................iii Revisions to Previous Version ..................................................................................................iii Project Specific Changes ..........................................................................................................iii

1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Structure of the Specification...................................................................................... 1 1.3 Definitions ................................................................................................................. 2

2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Temporary Casing ...................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Concrete ..................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Steel Reinforcement ................................................................................................... 3

3 CONSTRUCTION – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 3 3.1 Weekly Program ........................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Supervision ................................................................................................................ 3 3.3 Piling Plant and Equipment ........................................................................................ 4 3.4 Work Health and Safety Requirements ....................................................................... 4 3.5 Environmental Requirements...................................................................................... 5 3.6 Set Out ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.7 Additional Site Investigation ...................................................................................... 5

4 PILE HOLE EXCAVATION AND CLEANING .................................................................................. 5 4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Use of Temporary Casings ......................................................................................... 6 4.3 Use of Drilling Fluids ................................................................................................. 6 4.4 Pile Hole Excavation .................................................................................................. 7 4.5 Final Pile Toe Level and Pile Hole Cleaning ............................................................... 8 4.6 Indirect Examination of Pile Hole ............................................................................... 9

5 REINFORCEMENT PLACING ........................................................................................................ 9 5.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Timing ..................................................................................................................... 10

6 CONCRETE SUPPLY AND PLACING ........................................................................................... 10 6.1 General .................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 Test Member ............................................................................................................ 10 6.3 Dewatering............................................................................................................... 10 6.4 Concrete Supply ....................................................................................................... 11 6.5 Concrete Placing - General ....................................................................................... 11 6.6 Tremie Method......................................................................................................... 11 6.7 Concreting Records .................................................................................................. 12 6.8 Casing Extraction ..................................................................................................... 12 6.9 Temporary Casings Left In Place .............................................................................. 12 6.10 Cut-off and Clean Up of Top of Pile ......................................................................... 12

7 PILE INSTALLATION TOLERANCES ........................................................................................... 13

8 TESTING .................................................................................................................................. 13

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B59 Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing)

ii Ed 6 / Rev 0

8.1 Pile Integrity Testing - General................................................................................. 13 8.2 Pile Integrity Testing - Cross-Hole Sonic Logging .................................................... 13 8.3 Pile Load Testing - General ...................................................................................... 14 8.4 Pile Load Testing - High-Strain Dynamic Testing..................................................... 14

ANNEXURE B59/A – (NOT USED) ...................................................................................................... 16

ANNEXURE B59/B – MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ......................................................................... 16

ANNEXURE B59/C – SCHEDULES OF HOLD POINTS, WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS ...... 19 C1 Schedule of Hold Points and Witness Points ............................................................. 19 C2 Schedule of Identified Records ................................................................................. 19

ANNEXURE B59/D – PLANNING DOCUMENTS.................................................................................... 20

ANNEXURES B59/E TO B59/K – (NOT USED) ..................................................................................... 20

ANNEXURE B59/L – MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF TESTING ................................................................... 20

ANNEXURE B59/M – REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ............................................................................... 21

LAST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS ..................................................................................................... 21

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Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing) B59

Ed 6 / Rev 0 iii



Copyright in this document belongs to Transport for New South Wales.

When this document forms part of a contract

This document should be read with all the documents forming the Contract.

When this document does not form part of a contract

This copy is not a controlled document. Observe the Notice that appears on the first page of the copy controlled by TfNSW. A full copy of the latest version of the document is available on the TfNSW Internet website: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/business-industry/partners-suppliers/specifications/index.html


This document has been revised from Specification TfNSW B59 Edition 5 Revision 2.

All revisions to the previous version (other than minor editorial and project specific changes) are indicated by a vertical line in the margin as shown here, except when it is a new edition and the text has been extensively rewritten.


Any project specific changes are indicated in the following manner:

(a) Text which is additional to the base document and which is included in the Specification is shown in bold italics e.g. Additional Text.

(b) Text which has been deleted from the base document and which is not included in the Specification is shown struck out e.g. Deleted Text.

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Page 15: IC-QA-B59 Bored Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete Piles

(TfNSW COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents)

Ed 6 / Rev 0 1





This Specification sets out the requirements for bored cast-in-place reinforced concrete piles, and may utilise casings (acting as lining) that are intended to act as temporary support for the sides of the pile hole during excavation.

This Specification does not cover continuous flight auger (CFA) piles, which is covered by Specification TfNSW B63.

Materials and construction must conform to AS 5100.3 and this Specification.


This Specification includes a series of annexures that detail additional requirements.

1.2.1 (Not Used)

1.2.2 Measurement and Payment

The method of measurement and payment is detailed in Annexure B59/B.

1.2.3 Schedules of HOLD POINTS, WITNESS POINTS and Identified Records

The schedules in Annexure B59/C list the HOLD POINTS and WITNESS POINTS that must be observed. Refer to Specification TfNSW Q for the definitions of HOLD POINTS and WITNESS POINTS.

The records listed in Annexure B59/C are Identified Records for the purposes of TfNSW Q Annexure Q/E.

1.2.4 Planning Documents

The PROJECT QUALITY PLAN must include each of the documents and requirements listed in Annexure B59/D and must be implemented.

1.2.5 Minimum Frequency of Testing

The Inspection and Test Plan must nominate the proposed testing frequency to verify conformity of the item, which must not be less than the frequency specified in Annexure B59/L. Where a minimum frequency is not specified, nominate an appropriate frequency. Frequency of testing must conform to the requirements of Specification TfNSW Q.

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(TfNSW COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents)

B59 Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing)

2 Ed 6 / Rev 0

You may propose to the Principal a reduced minimum frequency of testing. The proposal must be supported by a statistical analysis verifying consistent process capability and product characteristics. The Principal may vary or restore the specified minimum frequency of testing, either selectively or permanently, at any time.

1.2.6 Referenced Documents

Unless otherwise specified, the applicable issue of a referenced document, other than a TfNSW Specification, is the issue current at the date one week before the closing date for tenders, or where no issue is current at that date, the most recent issue.

Standards, specifications and test methods are referred to in abbreviated form (e.g. AS 1234). For convenience, the full titles are given in Annexure B59/M.


The terms “you” and “your” mean “the Contractor” and “the Contractor’s” respectively.

The following definitions apply to this Specification:

Contract Level Reduced level (RL) of the pile toe as specified on the Drawings.

Dynamic Analysis Wave equation analysis of a specific blow using dynamic data and measured pile/soil parameters to replicate the traces of force and velocity obtained by the Pile Driving Analyser (PDA) to determine pile resistance, distribution of resistance and pile integrity (e.g. CAPWAP, TNOWAVE).

Dynamic Data Force and velocity measurements taken near the head of a pile using electronic equipment (e.g. PDA and associated transducers) during pile driving.

Dynamic Testing Process of obtaining dynamic data from each blow of the hammer and subsequent dynamic analysis of specific blows. It is also termed “high-strain dynamic testing” as specified in AS 2159.

Integrity Testing Non-destructive test carried out on a concrete pile after its installation / construction to verify the quality of the pile shaft, i.e. continuity, density, shape and length

Pile Design Load Design ultimate axial load shown on the Drawings for the pile.

Piling Supervisor Your employee responsible for supervision and control of the piling operations.

Test Piles Piles nominated on the Drawings for load testing to confirm pile design parameters.

Tremie (pipe) Rigid pipe with watertight joints, or without joints, used to place concrete in a pile hole.

Working bentonite

Bentonite slurry that is fully or partially recycled, i.e. other than the first feed from bentonite hydration storage tanks.

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(TfNSW COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents)

Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing) B59

Ed 6 / Rev 0 3



The type, thickness and fabrication of the temporary casing, where used, must be suitable for its intended purpose and for the proposed method of installation in the pile hole.

Ensure that the temporary casing is sufficiently robust to enable embedment of its toe, in particular in sloping or non-uniform ground.

The inside of the casing must be clean and free of any projections (such as weld backing rings) which could be an obstacle to the placing and positioning of the reinforcement cage for the piles, or which might prevent the proper completion of the pile.


Unless specified otherwise in this Specification, concrete for piles must conform to Specification TfNSW B80.

Use only self-compacting concrete or high workability concrete conforming to Annexure B80/G of TfNSW B80, as approved by the Principal. The fresh properties of the proposed concrete must suit the actual site conditions.


Unless specified otherwise in this Specification, steel reinforcement for piles must conform to Specification TfNSW B80.

Fix reinforcement for piles in conformity to Specification TfNSW B80 and this Specification. Use templates when fabricating the reinforcement cages to ensure that the required reinforcement distribution is maintained.



Submit to the Principal each week a program showing your daily scheduled pile construction work for the week.


3.2.1 Piling Supervisor

Your Piling Supervisor must supervise and control the piling operations at all times.

3.2.2 Attending Geotechnical Engineer

During excavation of each pile, a Geotechnical Engineer, engaged by you, must be in attendance.

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(TfNSW COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents)

B59 Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing)

4 Ed 6 / Rev 0

The attending Geotechnical Engineer will direct the Piling Supervisor as to when ground or rock of the class specified on the Drawings has been reached, the extent of further excavation required to form the socket in conformity to the Drawings, and when the pile hole and socket are considered to be clean.

The attending Geotechnical Engineer must be a Chartered Professional Engineer with membership of Engineers Australia practising in the field of geotechnical engineering (or equivalent) and experienced in the geotechnical assessment of pile excavations. Submit to the Principal for acceptance details of relevant qualifications and experience of the attending Geotechnical Engineer.

An equivalent to membership of Engineers Australia would be an Engineer registered on the National Engineering Register (NER) in the general area of practice of civil engineering and experienced in the geotechnical assessment of pile hole excavations.



Process Held: Delivery of piling plant and equipment to the Site.

Submission Details: Details of the proposed piling equipment and method together with certification, including calculations, by a Chartered Professional Engineer, that proposed piling equipment and working platforms or supports, complies with Clauses 3.3.1 and 3.4.1.

Release of Hold Point: The Principal will consider the submitted details and certification prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point.

3.3.1 Capacity

The piling equipment must have the capacity to excavate the pile shaft and socket in the founding material to the specified depth and diameter to achieve the design pile resistance, including the capability to excavate an additional pile depth (if required) of either 3 m or 3 pile diameters, whichever is the greater.


3.4.1 Engineering Certification

Without limiting the requirements of Specification TfNSW G22, prior to bringing any piling equipment or plant to the site, provide drawings and calculations certified by a Chartered Professional Engineer with membership of Engineers Australia practising in the field of geotechnical engineering (or equivalent), verifying that under the proposed set up and site conditions, the proposed piling equipment and working platforms or supports will operate safely.

3.4.2 Pile Hole Protection and Safety

Provide effective measures to prevent stormwater run-off and loose material falling in during excavation.

Make each pile hole safe using appropriate measures, including provision of barriers and covering it with a secure lid, whenever the pile is not under construction. Leave the finished top of any temporary casing (where used), at least one metre above ground level to prevent personnel and loose material from falling into the pile hole.

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(TfNSW COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents)

Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing) B59

Ed 6 / Rev 0 5


Remove all excavated material from the site, unless specified otherwise.

Collect and treat the water resulting from your piling operations in conformity to Specification TfNSW G36.

Manage the use and disposal of drilling fluids in conformity to TfNSW G36.


Set out the site with adequate recovery pegs and survey markers so that the drilling and/or piling rig can be set up accurately at the specified location and aligned correctly for each pile.


When directed by the Principal and as required by site conditions, prior to commencing pile hole excavation, drill additional boreholes and take cores to confirm the adequacy of the pile shaft and base, and the extent of temporary casings if required.

Commence taking minimum 50 mm diameter continuous rock core samples at one metre above the level of the top of the rock socket shown on the Drawings for the pile, to a depth that is at least 3 m or 3 pile diameters, whichever is the greater, below the pile Contract Level.

Log the boreholes and cores starting from natural surface level in conformity to AS 1726. Place the cores in suitable core boxes and make them available for inspection by the Principal as required.



Provide in the PROJECT QUALITY PLAN the proposed methods for excavating and cleaning the pile holes, supporting the sides of the pile holes during excavation, and verifying that the specified requirements have been met.

If the Drawings do not show details of support for the sides of excavated pile holes, it is your responsibility to implement whatever measures necessary to prevent the pile hole from collapsing during excavation and concreting, using a method which is appropriate to the site geology and ground water conditions.

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Process Held: Commencement of excavation of pile hole.

Submission Details: (a) Certification that pile hole set out (refer Clause 3.6), and additional boreholes (refer Clause 3.7) where required, have been completed.

(b) Borehole logs and cores, where required.

(c) If not previously submitted, details of the following: (i) Extent of temporary casing or details of drilling fluids where

proposed for each pile hole. (ii) Method of placing concrete in the pile hole including size and

number of any proposed tremie pipes (refer to Clause 6.5).

Release of Hold Point: The Principal will consider the submitted documents and may carry out further investigation, prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point for each pile.


If a temporary casing is used, drive or sink the temporary casing through any inferior materials, without damaging it, to seal its toe in the founding layer. Ensure that the casing toe is fully embedded in founding layers on a slope or in ground that is comprised of variable materials.

Control the alignment of the casing with sufficient accuracy to ensure that the drilling head can be inserted and withdrawn without fouling against the casing.

Where necessary, use methods acceptable to the Principal to prevent the pile hole excavation below the casing from collapsing.


4.3.1 General

You may use drilling fluids to provide support to the side of the excavated pile hole.

The drilling fluid must be appropriate for the ground conditions and the groundwater at the site and the method of pile hole excavation.

If drilling fluids are used, maintain a hydraulic head in the excavated pile hole to balance the ground water level, allowing for artesian head where it exists, at all times during extraction of the auger. When withdrawing the auger, take care to prevent suction pressure forming below the auger leading to the excavated socket collapsing.

The drilling fluid must not impair the bond between the pile reinforcement and the placed concrete.

The drilling fluid must be easily displaced during pile hole concreting so that the interface layer is carried up to the surface on top of the rising concrete.

Maintain conformity of the drilling fluid properties with the specified values.

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4.3.2 Bentonite Slurry

Bentonite slurry must conform to Table B59.1.

Table B59.1 – Bentonite Slurry Properties

Property Test Method Fresh Bentonite Working Bentonite (1)

Before Concrete Placing (2, 3)

Density ASTM D4380 < 1.10 g/cm3 < 1.25 g/cm3 < 1.15 g/cm3

Marsh Funnel Viscosity ASTM D6910 32 – 50 seconds 32 – 60 seconds 32 – 50 seconds

Fluid Loss ASTM D5891 < 30 cm3 < 50 cm3 < 30 cm3

pH TfNSW T123 7 – 11 7 – 12 7 – 12

Sand Content by Volume ASTM D4381 Not applicable Not applicable < 4%

Filter Cake ASTM D5891 < 3 mm < 6 mm Not applicable

Test Frequency Before use, and at least 1 per day

Before use, and at least 1 per pile per day

Before each concrete placing

Notes: (1) Refer Clause 1.3 for definition of “working bentonite”. (2) Refers to bentonite slurry inside pile hole just before concrete placing. (3) Sample taken from bottom of pile hole.

Store the bentonite slurry for approximately 24 hours after mixing with water or until the slurry properties are in accordance with Table B59.1, to allow full hydration to occur prior to its use.

Do not leave slurry in completed pile holes for more than 2 hours without agitation.

4.3.3 Polymer Based Drilling Fluids

If suitable for the site geological conditions and subject to the approval of Principal, you may use polymer based drilling fluids in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Include details of the polymer based drilling fluid, properties and method of use in the PROJECT QUALITY PLAN.

The proposed polymer must be trial used on site to confirm its suitability prior to its use, at your own cost.


4.4.1 General

Excavate into the founding material to obtain a rock socket of the specified depth in rock of the class of rock or founding material specified on the Design Drawings.

4.4.2 Record of Drilling Parameters

Record and measure the operating parameters of the drilling rig when excavating the first pile hole.

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Excavate subsequent pile holes after the first pile with the same drilling rig operating parameters and work methods as that recorded during excavation of the first pile hole.


4.5.1 Further Excavation

Where excavation of the pile hole to a level that is lower than that shown on the Drawings is directed by the attending Geotechnical Engineer (refer Clause 3.2.2), the Principal will either accept the level reached as the final pile toe level or direct that excavation be continued to a lower level.

Where the Principal directs further excavation to a lower level, carry out further pile hole excavation to the new level directed, including further driving or sinking of the temporary casing if practicable and where necessary, without damaging the casing, and again clean the pile hole in accordance with Clause 4.5.2.

4.5.2 Roughening Sides and Cleaning Pile Hole

Roughen the side of the rock socket as specified on the Drawings.

Remove debris and surface smear and expose intact rock over the side and base of the rock socket, unless specified otherwise on the Drawings.

4.5.3 Acceptance of Pile Hole

Upon completion of excavation of the pile hole including cleaning, submit to the Principal quality records, signed by the Piling Supervisor, verifying that the pile hole has been excavated to the position, size and level shown on the Drawings or in conformity to the directions of the attending Geotechnical Engineer or the Principal, and that the design parameters specified on the Drawings have been achieved.

Where drilling fluids are used, de-sand and re-circulate the drilling fluid to achieve the specified properties shown under the column titled “Before Concrete Placing” in Table B59.1, i.e. just before concrete placing. Take the drilling fluid samples for testing to verify conformity from the bottom of the pile hole.

Provide a record of the drilling fluid properties measured during the excavation of the pile hole and after completion of de-sanding and/or recirculation.

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Process Held: Acceptance of pile hole.

Submission Details: Notification that the pile hole excavation is complete, and documentation verifying that the plan position, size and alignment of the casing, and the pile hole, and where applicable a record of drilling fluid properties measured during the excavation and after de-sanding, will result in a pile that conforms to the specified tolerances and other requirements of the Drawings and this Specification.

Release of Hold Point: The Principal will consider the submitted documents, and will either accept the pile hole excavation, or direct you to provide access for indirect examination of the pile hole (refer to Clause 4.6), or direct you to continue excavation (refer to Clause 4.5.1), prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point.

4.5.4 Keep Pile Hole Clean and Stable

Following acceptance of the pile hole by the Principal, keep the pile hole side and base in a clean and stable condition without contamination or softening, until concrete is placed.


To verify conformity with Clause 4.5.2, provide equipment such as mirrors, probes, plumb weights, bright lights and CCTV cameras (where their use is practicable), including supporting personnel, for the Principal to indirectly examine the pile hole from top to bottom, including the socket base and side.

Verify conformity of the depth of each pile hole using a weighted tape at a minimum of three locations of the pile hole.



Clean the pile hole and reinforcement cage of all loose and adhering material before and after the reinforcement cage is placed.


Process to be Witnessed: Inspection of reinforcement cage prior to placing into pile hole.

Submission Details: Notify the Principal at least 2 hours prior to proposed time of placement of the reinforcement cage into pile hole.

Place the reinforcement for the piles in conformity to Specification TfNSW B80 and this Specification.

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The spacers attached to the cage must be of a type and distribution capable of providing the specified concrete cover and maintaining the cage in the specified position, over the whole length of the pile, after placement and during concreting.

Cages for raked piles must incorporate provisions for inserting and removing the tremie pipe without the risk of it being snagged.

Ensure that the reinforcement cage is centralised, particularly where telescopic casing is used, and that the minimum concrete cover is not less than the specified value.


Place the steel reinforcement and concrete as soon as practicable following final socket cleaning, and within 24 hours of the excavation of the pile hole.

When there is a delay between pile hole cleaning and concrete placement, do not place the steel reinforcement if further cleaning of the pile hole or rock socket is required.


Process Held: Placing steel reinforcement cage in the pile hole.

Submission Details: Certification that the pile hole is clean, and that all loose and adhering materials have been cleaned from the reinforcement cage.

Release of Hold Point: The Principal will review the submitted documents and may carry out further surveillance and audit, prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point.



At the time of concreting, the pile hole side and base must be clean and conform to the parameters specified on the Drawings.

Commence concreting the pile hole immediately after the release of the Hold Point in Clause 5.2. The Hold Point may again apply if the pile hole becomes contaminated prior to concreting


Where directed by the Principal, demonstrate using a test member in accordance with TfNSW B80 to prove that the pile can be concreted without deleterious effects. The details of the test member must be agreed on by the Principal.


You may dewater the pile hole only where practical and subject to the approval of the Principal.

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Provide a continuous supply of concrete so that each pile hole is concreted in one uninterrupted operation.

All concrete placed in the pile hole must have the nominated workability (slump flow spread) of the approved concrete mix at the time of placement in the pile hole.


Stir up any sediment in the pile hole into suspension immediately before placing the concrete.

Unless specified otherwise in this Specification, place concrete for piles in conformity to Specification TfNSW B80.

Use a tremie pipe and hopper to place the concrete (refer also Clause 6.6.1).

Place the concrete in a continuous process from the base to above the top of the pile, in such a manner and with such consistency that pockets of air or water or ground materials are not entrapped in the concrete, and the space between the reinforcement and the side walls of the hole are completely filled with sound concrete.

Take additional measures when selecting and placing concrete in large piles and in piles passing through gravely soils. Consider the use of a large tremie pipe or multiple tremie pipes equally spaced inside the reinforcing cage perimeter, as appropriate.

Carry out placing of concrete on test members when there is uncertainty about the outcome of placing concrete in piles (refer to Clause 6.2).


6.6.1 Equipment

The tremie pipe must be rigid and watertight throughout. Tape a steel plate to the bottom end of the tremie pipe or similar, prior to concrete placing.

Select a tremie pipe size such that at the concrete supply rate, the placed concrete will completely fill the pile hole, flow through the reinforcement cage and push any soil contaminants to the surface of the concrete over–pour.

Where a concrete pump is used, a flexible rubber hose may be used to transport the concrete between the pump and the hopper of the tremie pipe. Ensure that the hose is still capable of doing this when the bottom end of the tremie pipe is raised to the top of the pile at the end of concreting.

6.6.2 Procedure

Discharge any slurry used to prime the concrete pump and tremie pipe away from the pile hole.

Insert the tremie pipe inside the pile hole until the bottom end of the tremie pipe is at the base of pile hole before the tremie pipe is charged with concrete.

Do not commence concreting until the pile hole is filled with such head of water or fluids as to equalise the external water pressure from the surrounding ground.

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During concreting, lift the tremie pipe progressively as the concrete level rises, but at all times keeping the bottom end of the tremie pipe a minimum of 2 m below the top surface of the concrete until sound concrete appears at a minimum of 400 mm above the pile cut-off level, to avoid defective concrete at or below cut-off level.

When placing concrete in water, a larger over-pour may be required.


During concreting, maintain a record of the depth of the tremie pipe outlet against the level of the concrete in the pile hole, and the corresponding volume of concrete placed.


Withdraw any temporary casing whilst the concrete is still fluid at close to the original slump.

Where a temporary casing is being extracted during concreting, maintain a sufficient head of concrete within it to counter external pressure from the surrounding ground material so that the concrete forming the minimum cover to the reinforcement is not contaminated in any way.

Maintain the direction of pull on the temporary casing along the axis of the pile. Withdraw the casing slowly during concreting at a rate and in a manner such that no significant disturbance is caused to the surrounding material and that the pile hole is completely filled up with concrete to the exclusion of any voids. Do not withdraw the last section of casing until the concreting operation is completed.

Vibrating casing extractors may be used subject to compliance with statutory regulations (e.g. noise and vibration control) and the Conditions of Contract regarding protection of persons and property.


Where approved by the Principal, temporary casings may be left in place provided that the casing does not encroach on the minimum socket length shown on the Drawings and the minimum cover to reinforcement specified on the Drawings is maintained.

Where a casing is left in place, fill any gaps between the casing and the sides of excavations with sand, and compact the sand by flooding.

In the case of piles subject to high lateral loads (e.g. abutment piles and anchor pier piles), fill such gaps with a cementitious mortar containing fine aggregates proportioned to produce a pourable liquid without segregation, with a compressive strength at 28 days not less than 10 MPa when sampled and tested in conformity to Test Method TfNSW T375.

Cement used for the mortar must conform to Specification TfNSW 3211.


Carefully remove any concrete and/or casing above the cut-off level without damaging the permanent work not earlier than 24 hours after completion of placement of concrete.

The top of the pile to be embedded in the substructure must be undamaged, sound, free of any laitance and loose material and have a surface roughness profile not less than 3 mm.

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Where concrete below cut-off level is cracked or defective, cut away and repair the pile to provide a full and sound section to cut-off level as directed by the Principal. All such repair work will be carried out at your own cost.

Keep the reinforcement protruding from the top of the pile clean and protected from damage.

7 PILE INSTALLATION TOLERANCES Tolerances on pile installation must conform to Section 7 of AS 2159, except that the inclination tolerance for vertical piles must not exceed 1%.

Demonstrate to the Principal that the inclination tolerances have been achieved.



Pile integrity testing must be capable of confirming that the pile is sound over its full length.

Carry out integrity testing on all piles nominated on the Drawings and assess pile integrity in conformity to AS 2159 and relevant TfNSW bridge technical directions.


8.2.1 General

Where cross-hole sonic logging is used, carry out testing in accordance with ASTM D6760.

Space the logging tubes equally around the perimeter at an equal distance from the pile axis. Provide sufficient number of logging tubes such that the testing will be able to cover the entire cross-section of the pile. The tube centre-to-centre spacing must be 0.25 to 0.3 m, unless approved otherwise by the Principal.

Extend the logging tubes to the bottom of the pile hole to enable testing the whole length of the pile.

8.2.2 Logging Tubes

Use round steel logging tubes that are watertight and free from contamination (e.g. oil, dirt, loose rust, mill scale, etc.) to ensure adequate bond between the tube and the surrounding concrete.

Do not use plastic or PVC tubes.

The diameter of the logging tubes must be appropriate for the sonic logging probes used.

8.2.3 Tube Installation

Secure the logging tubes to the inside of the main bars of the reinforcement cage. Protect the tubes against contamination and blockages by sealing the bottom and top ends of the tubes with watertight threaded caps before inserting the cage into the pile hole.

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Fill the tubes with water prior to concrete placement to avoid debonding between the tube and the surrounding concrete.

Should any of the logging tubes become blocked, the Principal may require drilling new holes or further integrity testing by other means.

8.2.4 Dewatering and Grouting

After completion of the cross-hole sonic testing, dewater the logging tubes and fill them with pourable shrinkage compensated grout with concrete strength not less than that of the pile concrete. Filling of the tubes with grout must commence from the bottom of the tube gradually filling to the top to prevent air entrapment.

8.2.5 Proposed Details For Approval

Submit to the Principal for approval the proposed: (a) number, diameter, location and length of the logging tubes;

(b) procedure for securing the tubes in location during concreting; and

(c) grout material details and procedure for filling the tubes after the completion of cross-hole sonic testing.


Where specified on the Drawings, carry out pile load testing to confirm pile design parameters. The required pile test load is specified on the Drawings and is dependent on the extent of pile testing as specified on the Drawings. Carry out the tests specified on the Drawings on the nominated test piles.

Additional performance criteria for load testing, if required, must be as specified on the Drawings.

Unless specified otherwise by the Principal, perform static or high-strain dynamic testing in conformity to AS 2159, and Clause 8.4 of this Specification as applicable.

Other types of pile load testing in conformity to AS 2159 may be used, as approved by the Principal.


8.4.1 General

Where high-strain dynamic pile testing is to be carried out, extend the top of the pile during concreting as required for the attachment of transducers or other test devices.

Carry out high-strain dynamic testing in conformity to this Clause and AS 2159 using an approved organisation with approved equipment using an approved dynamic testing system with subsequent dynamic analysis, all as listed in the “Lists of Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Approved Bridge Components and Systems” at: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/business-industry/partners-suppliers/documents/tenders-contracts/listofapprovedbridgecomponentssystems.pdf.

Testing must not result in the allowable concrete stresses being exceeded.

8.4.2 Testing Procedure

Use the following testing procedure:

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(a) Attach four bolt-on transducers to the pile at a minimum of 1.5 times the maximum pile width below the head of the pile in conformity to the requirements of the system supplier;

(b) Following the connection of the transducers to the analyser, strike the pile with sufficient energy to verify the required resistance.

Record the blow counts, measured resistance and nominal and measured driving energy.

The relationship between the nominal driving energy and blow counts determined from a dynamic test is only valid for the specific combination of hammer, helmet, cushion, pile rake, pile size, pile material and founding material.

8.4.3 Dynamic Analysis

Analyse the dynamic test results for each pile tested. Analyses must include full dynamic analysis (e.g. CAPWAP). When requested by the Principal, use field parameters obtained from the test data to provide a minimum of six different resistances with corresponding blow counts.

8.4.4 Report

Provide to the Principal two copies of a report for each pile tested including:

(a) Complete PDA (or approved equivalent) output for all blows, including driving stresses and net driving energy.

(b) CAPWAP (or approved equivalent) analyses for selected blows.

(c) Certification that the pile has been dynamically tested in conformity to this Specification. If it is not possible for this certification to be provided due to nonconformities in the testing or the pile tested, provide instead an itemised nonconformity report together with the proposed disposition.

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In the Schedule of Prices accompanying the Lump Sum Tender, the cost of the piling work is divided into the following items or sub-items. Provide separate items or sub-items for each different diameter of pile.

(a) Borehole Drilling/Coring Prior to Pile Excavation - Provisional Quantity

(i) Drilling from Ground Level to Start of Coring

The unit of measurement is per lineal metre of borehole drilling down to the level at which coring commences. The level is at one metre above the level at which rock socket shaft resistance is required (refer to Clause 3.7).

This item covers all costs associated with borehole drilling and logging.

(ii) Coring

The unit of measurement is per lineal metre of coring and sampling within the required zone. The end of rock coring is at the depth that is at least 3 m or 3 pile diameters, whichever is the greater, below the pile Contract Level (refer to Clause 3.7).

This item covers all costs associated with taking the cores, logging them, placing the cores in core boxes and storing them.

(b) Attendance of Geotechnical Engineer During Pile Hole Excavation

The unit of measurement is per hour of attendance on site in conformity to Clause 3.2.2.

(c) Excavation of Pile Hole Including Temporary Casing

(i) To Contract Level

The unit of measurement is per lineal metre of pile hole excavated.

This item covers all costs associated with excavation to the Contract Levels shown on the Drawings, including the installation and removal of temporary casing, sealing and dewatering (where necessary) of the pile hole, removal of excavated material from site, preparations for and attendance on any indirect examination of the pile hole, and cutting off to suit the pile cap construction.

(ii) Below Contract Level - Provisional Quantity

The unit of measurement is per lineal metre of pile hole excavated.

This item covers all costs associated with excavation below the Contract Levels shown on the Drawings, including use of temporary casing, sealing and dewatering(where necessary) of the pile hole, removal of excavated material from site, and preparations for and attendance on any indirect examination of the pile hole.

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(d) Provision for Indirect Examination of Pile Hole

(i) For Indirect Visual or Other Inspection Method

The unit of measurement is per each pile hole indirectly examined.

This item covers all costs associated with the supply of plant, equipment and personnel to allow the Principal to indirectly examine the pile hole by indirect visual or other inspection methods.

(ii) For CCTV Indirect Examination Method - Provisional Quantity

The unit of measurement is per each pile hole indirectly examined.

This item covers all costs associated with the supply of plant, equipment including 240 V AC power supply, and personnel to allow the Principal to indirectly examine the pile hole by CCTV camera.

(e) Supply and Placement of Reinforcement

(i) To Contract Level

The unit of measurement is per tonne of reinforcement placed to the Contract Levels shown on the Drawings.

(ii) Below Contract Level - Provisional Quantity.

The unit of measurement is per tonne of reinforcement placed below the Contract Level shown on the Drawings.

(f) Supply and Placement of Concrete

(i) To Contact Level

The unit of measurement is per lineal metre of pile.

This item covers all costs associated with the supply and placement of concrete to the Contract Levels shown on the Drawings.

(ii) Below Contract Level - Provisional Quantity.

The unit of measurement is per lineal metre of pile.

This item covers all costs associated with the supply and placement of concrete below the Contract Levels shown on the Drawings.

(g) Pile Integrity Testing

(i) Pile Integrity Testing

The unit of measurement is “each” pile tested.

This item covers all costs associated with undertaking pile integrity testing in conformity to Clauses 8.1and 8.2, including construction and removal of any temporary measures required to undertake the testing.

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(ii) Additional Pile Integrity Testing - Provisional Quantity

The unit of measurement is “each” pile tested.

This item covers all costs associated with undertaking additional pile integrity testing in conformity to Clauses 8.1 and 8.2 when such additional testing is instructed by the Principal, including construction and removal of any temporary measures required to undertake the testing.

(h) Pile Load Testing

(i) Site Establishment

The unit of measurement is “each” establishment of the testing equipment on site at each bridge location.

This item covers all costs associated with establishing on site and subsequent removal of the testing equipment at each bridge site. No additional payment will be made for relocation of the testing equipment within each bridge site.

(ii) Pile Testing

The unit of measurement is “each” pile tested.

This item covers all costs associated with undertaking the pile load testing in conformity to Clauses 8.3 and 8.4, including construction and removal of any temporary measures (such as excavation and backfilling) required to undertake the testing, any excavation and backfilling required to undertake the test, and the preparation and submission of the test reports.

(iii) Additional Pile Testing - Provisional Quantity

The unit of measurement is “each” pile tested.

This item covers all costs associated with undertaking additional pile load testing in conformity to Clauses 8.3 and 8.4, when such additional testing is instructed by the Principal to verify design strength, including construction and removal of any temporary measures (such as excavation and backfilling) required to undertake the testing, and the preparation and submission of the test reports.

(i) Test Member - Provisional Quantity

The unit of measurement is “each” member.

This item covers all costs of producing a test member in accordance with Clause 6.2.

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Refer to Clause 1.2.3.


Clause Type Description

3.3 Hold Submission of details of proposed piling plant and method

4.1.1 Hold Submission of certification that pile hole set out and additional boreholes have been completed, borehole logs and core, and methods of casing installation and placing concrete

4.5.3 Hold Submission of notification that pile hole excavation is complete, and pile conformity documentation

5.1 Witness Inspection of reinforcement cage prior to placing into pile hole

5.2 Hold Submission of certification that pile hole and reinforcement cage are clean


The records listed below are Identified Records for the purposes of TfNSW Q Annexure Q/E.

Clause Description of Identified Record

4.5.3 Piling records, signed by Piling Supervisor, verifying conformity of the pile hole upon completion of its excavation

4.6 Results of pile hole examination

6.7 Records of tremie outlet depth, concrete level in the pile hole and volume of concrete placed during concreting

8.1, 8.2 Pile integrity testing results

8.3, 8.4 Pile load testing results

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ANNEXURE B59/D – PLANNING DOCUMENTS Refer to Clause 1.2.4.

The following documents are a summary of documents that must be included in the PROJECT QUALITY PLAN. Review the requirements of this Specification and other contract documents to determine any additional documentation requirements.

Clause Description of Document

2.2 Details of concrete mix

3.3, 4 Equipment and methods excavating pile hole, including measures for supporting sides of pile hole

4.2 Method for driving or sinking of temporary casing to seal its toe, if applicable

4.3 Type of drilling fluid, its properties and methods for maintaining its properties, if applicable

4.5 Methods of roughening sides and cleaning base and side of pile hole

5.1 Method of supporting reinforcement cage during placing into pile hole

6 Method of placing concrete including method of inserting and withdrawing tremie pipe

6.8 Method of extracting temporary casing



Clause Characteristic Analysed Test Method Minimum Frequency of Testing

2.2 Concrete for piles As specified in TfNSW B80

As specified in TfNSW B80

4.3 Drilling fluid (1) As specified in Clause 4.3.2

As specified in Clause 4.3.2

8.1, 8.2 Integrity Testing Clauses 8.1 and 8.2

Nominated Piles as specified on the Drawings

8.3, 8.4 Pile Load Testing Clauses 8.3 and 8.4

Nominated Piles as specified on the Drawings

Note: (1) If a drilling fluid other than bentonite slurry is used, propose for approval by the Principal the applicable Test

Methods and Minimum Frequency of Testing.

Page 35: IC-QA-B59 Bored Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete Piles

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Bored Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Piles (Without Permanent Casing) B59

Ed 6 / Rev 0 21


TfNSW Specifications

TfNSW B80 Concrete Work For Bridges

TfNSW G22 Work Health and Safety (Construction Work)

TfNSW G36 Environmental Protection

TfNSW Q Quality Management System

TfNSW Test Methods

TfNSW T123 pH value of a soil (Electrometric method)

TfNSW T375 Sampling and Testing of Grout

Australian Standards

AS 1726 Geotechnical site investigations

AS 2159 Piling – Design and installation AS 5100 Bridge design

AS 5100.3 Part 3: Foundations and soil-supporting structures

ASTM Test Methods

ASTM D4380 Standard Test Method for Density of Construction Slurries

ASTM D4381 Standard Test Method for Sand Content by Volume of Bentonitic Slurries ASTM D5891 Standard Test Method for Fluid Loss of Clay Component of Geosynthetic Clay

Liners ASTM D6910 Standard Test Method for Marsh Funnel Viscosity of Clay Construction Slurries