ice breaking - pgt chemistry workshop

5 - Day Workshop on “Building 21 st Century Chemistry Classroom through Project Based Learning”

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5 - Day Workshop on “Building

21st Century Chemistry

Classroom through Project

Based Learning”

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1. Find your Partner

2. Interact with him /her over a cup of tea

3. Try to know about her / his aspirations in life &

other positive traits

4. Introduce your partner (Time Limit 2-3 min.)

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Albert Einstein was born in Germany. He was a

great physicist from America and a Nobel laureate.

Einstein gained worldwide fame as he created

extraordinary theories related to relativity and for

his suggestions and premises that are related to

the light’s particle nature. Einstein is one of the

most renowned physicists of the twentieth century.

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The foundation of the Nobel Prize-that has been

honoring people from all around the world for their

great accomplishments in physics, chemistry,

medicine, literature, and for work in peace-was

laid by none other than Alfred Nobel. He was a

Swedish scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author

and pacifist. He was a great genius who invented

dynamite and many other explosives. He also

constructed companies and laboratories in more

than 20 countries all over the world.

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Svante Arrhenius was a Swedish physicist and

physical chemist who formulated the theory of

electrolytic dissociation. One of the founding

fathers of physical chemistry, Arrhenius also

present a revolutionary model of the greenhouse

effect. He won the 1903 Nobel Prize for Chemistry

for his brilliant contributions.

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The British physicist and chemist, Ernest

Rutherford is known for his remarkable orbital

theory of the atom in his discovery of Rutherford

dispersion with his famous Gold Foil experiment. He

is also known as the “father of nuclear physics”. He

was honored with a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in

1908 for his exploration into the disintegration of

the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive


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The Italian scientist, Amedeo Avogadro is most

famous for his contributions to theory of moles and

molecular weight, including what is known as

Avogadro’s law. In respect of his contributions to

the molecular theory, the number of molecules in

one mole was renamed Avogadro’s number.


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Otto Hahn was a German chemist and researcher,

who is widely considered to be one of the most

influential nuclear chemists in history. He

pioneered the fields of radiochemistry and

radioactivity. Also known as “the father of nuclear

chemistry”, Hahn crusaded against the use of

nuclear weapons after World War II.

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Boyle carried out various experiments which helped

him in the discovery of the relationship between

pressure and volume of gases. This resulted in the

“Boyle-Mariotte Law” which implies that if the

temperature is constant, the volume of gas is

inversely proportional to the pressure. The phrase

“chemical analysis” was also coined by him.

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English scientist and physicist, Michael Faraday is

known for his brilliant discoveries of electro-

magnetic induction, electro-magnetic rotations, the

magneto-optical effect, diamagnetism, field theory

and much more. Many famous historians regard

him as the most influential and exemplary

experimentalist in the history of science. The

incredible scope and profundity of Faraday’s work

spanned a time of 60 years. He is considered as one

of the top figures of the 19th century for his

remarkable contribution in the field of electricity

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Werner Heisenberg was a German physicist and

philosopher who is noted for his crucial

contributions to quantum mechanics. He devised a

method to formulate quantum mechanics in terms

of matrices, for which he was awarded the 1932

Nobel Prize for Physics. Heisenberg is widely

considered as one of the most influential figures in

nuclear physics, particle physics and quantum field


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James Chadwick was English and he was a

Physicist by profession.In 1932, Chadwick made a

fundamental discovery in the domain of nuclear

science: he proved the existence of neutrons -

elementary particles devoid of any electrical

charge. In contrast with the helium nuclei (alpha

rays) which are charged, and therefore repelled by

the considerable electrical forces present in the

nuclei of heavy atoms, this new tool in atomic

disintegration need not overcome any electric

barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting

the nuclei of even the heaviest elements.

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Antoine Henri Becquerel was born in Paris on

December 15, 1852, a member of a distinguished

family of scholars and scientists. His father,

Alexander Edmond Becquerel, was a Professor of

Applied Physics and had done research on solar

radiation and on phosphorescence. He entered the

Polytechnic in 1872 and ultimately became a

professor in the same institute of the Applied


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Linus Pauling was an American theoretical physical

chemist and activist. He remains one of the greatest

chemists ever, and the only person in history to be

awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes; in 1954 for

studying the nature of the chemical bond, and in

1962 for his efforts regarding the prohibition of

nuclear testing. His contributions to quantum

chemistry and molecular biology are considered

revolutionary and created a universal impact.

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The British physicist, Henry Moseley is known for

his establishment of truly scientific basis of the

Periodic Table of the Elements by sorting chemical

elements in the order of their atomic numbers. In

his short career, he contributed a lot towards the

science of physics through his research. Many

scientists believe that if Moseley had survived a bit

longer he would have contributed a great deal to

the knowledge of atomic structure and also earned

the Nobel Prize in Physics.

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Sir Joseph John Thomson, more commonly known

as J. J. Thomson, was an English physicist who

stormed the world of nuclear physics with his 1897

discovery of the electron, as well as isotopes. He is

also credited with the invention of the mass

spectrometer. He received the Nobel Prize for

Physics in 1906 and was knighted two years later

in 1908

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The famous chemist and physicist, Marie Curie was

the first person in the history to be awarded with

the two Nobel Prizes in diverse fields of science

(chemistry and physics). She is notable for her

theory of radioactivity, techniques for isolating

radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new

elements, polonium and radium. Her work has

received great appreciation from many scientists

all over the world.

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Alessandro Volta is one of the most famous Italian

physicists who is highly regarded for his invention

of the electric cell as well as the 1777 discovery of

methane. body, Volta experimented extensively to

study electrical induction. He was successful in

creating some devices that were able to store

electric charge.

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Widely credited as the “father of modern

chemistry”, Antoine Lavoisier was a French chemist

and a central figure in the 18th-century chemical

revolution. He formulated a theory of the chemical

reactivity of oxygen and co-wrote the modern

system for the nomenclature of chemical substances

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Dmitri Mendeleev revolutionized our understanding

of the properties of atoms and created a table that

probably embellishes every chemistry classroom in

the world. His greatest accomplishment, however,

was the stating of the Periodic Law and the

development of the Periodic Table.

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Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von Rumford was an

American-born British physicist and inventor who

was a founder of the Royal Institution of Great

Britain. One of the leading figures in the history of

thermodynamics, his work rejected the popular

belief that heat is a liquid form of matter and laid

down the modern theory that heat is a form of


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Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger, more

commonly known as Erwin Schrödinger, was an

Austrian physicist and theoretical biologist. One of

the founders of quantum mechanics, he is known

for the Schrödinger equation and his brilliant

contributions to the wave theory of matter. He

shared the Nobel Prize for Physics with Paul

Dirac in 1933.

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The great British chemist, meteorologist and

physicist John Dalton. His tremendous efforts led to

the evolution of modern atomic theory. He published

his gas law which is now known as ‘Dalton’s law.’

In this law he basically stated that the total

pressure exerted by a gaseous mixture is equal to

the sum of the partial pressures of each individual

component in a gas mixture .

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Hans Christian Oersted was a Danish physicist and

chemist who revolutionized the arena of

electromagnetism by discovering that the electric

currents can produce magnetic fields. His 1820

discovery of piperine, the pungent component that

causes the hotness of pepper, and his 1825

formulation of metallic aluminum, are considered

significant contributions in the history of chemistry.

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Niels Henrik David Bohr is considered as one of most

dominant and influential physicists of the 20th

century. His remarkable work in understanding the

atomic structure and quantum Mechanics earned

him the Nobel Price in Physics in 1922. He also acted

as a prominent part of the team of physicists

working on the Manhattan Project. His contribution

to the field of physics has received remarkable

praise from many scientists all over the world.