ice truck killer reincarnated- final paper

Ice Truck Killer Reincarnated Kaitlin Kimsey Cass High Forensics Final 7 th Period- Bohannon Case Summary The first crime scene discovered was called in at 2106 hours on the 15 th of April 2014. The scene was called in by Lieutenant Deborah Morgan who discovered the scene. First responders and the coroner arrived at the scene between the hours of 2200 and 2300. The body was cut into pieces and placed strategically in the hockey rink located at 196 Cass White Road, Cartersville, Georgia 30121. The ambient temperature of the hockey rink was 52 Fahrenheit. There was no direct sunlight or lighting on the body. The body parts were wrapped in construction paper and twine. The body parts present were the head which was on top of the torso and the remaining body parts surrounded the torso and were the right foot, right hand, and left forearm and thigh. The victim was seen as a white female in her late 20’s- early 30’s. There was substantial reasoning and evidence to suggest a homicide had occurred. Evidence at this crime scene included the fibers of the twine that wrapped the body parts and the evidence that the victim’s actual death contained. The second crime scene was called in at 0120 hours on April 18 th , 2014. First responders arrived on the scene at 0138 hours to find mass amounts of blood at the location of 198 Cass White Road Cartersville, Georgia 30121. This was in the basement of Brian Moser’s home, who was an original suspect in the case of the homicide of Cherry Popping. The mass amounts of blood indicated a death had occurred. With a hard search for any evidence of Brian Moser being down there, the forensics team found a Jolly Rancher wrapper and quickly searched for a latent fingerprint, which they found. The evidence at the second crime scene of the murder of Cherry Popping included the mass amounts of blood present and the Jolly Rancher which contained an unknown latent fingerprint. There was substantial evidence at this crime scene to suggest a murder had occurred at the location. Results and Discussion The Kastle-Meyer solution is a phenolphthalein indication solution which has been reduced, usually by reacting it with powdered zinc. The basis of the test is that the peroxidase-like activity of the hemoglobin in blood catalyzes the oxidation of the colorless reduced phenolphthalin into bright pink phenolphthalein. I used this test to test the blood that was found at the second crime scene located at 198 Cass White Road to ensure it was blood that was present. To perform the test, first I moistened a Q-Tip with four drops of water. I then touched it to the blood sample taken from the crime scene. Following that, I added three drops of 70% Ethanol, then two drops of the phenolphthalein solution, then two drops of hydrogen peroxide. The solution turned pink immediately as shown in figure 1.0. This indicates the blood sample was indeed blood. Figure 1.0. Following the Kastle-Meyer presumptive blood test, I performed a blood typing test to determine what type of blood was the blood present, to compare those results to the type of blood the victim Cherry Popping had and to also compare the results to the world-wide average of that distinct type of blood. To perform this test, I started with two samples of each type of blood; A, B, AB and O

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Cass High Forensics 2014 Final Paper Teacher: Chuck Bohannon Author: Kaitlin Kimsey


Page 1: Ice Truck Killer Reincarnated- Final Paper

Ice Truck Killer Reincarnated

Kaitlin Kimsey

Cass High Forensics Final


Period- Bohannon

Case Summary

The first crime scene discovered was called

in at 2106 hours on the 15th

of April 2014. The

scene was called in by Lieutenant Deborah Morgan

who discovered the scene. First responders and the

coroner arrived at the scene between the hours of

2200 and 2300. The body was cut into pieces and

placed strategically in the hockey rink located at

196 Cass White Road, Cartersville, Georgia 30121.

The ambient temperature of the hockey rink was

52 Fahrenheit. There was no direct sunlight or

lighting on the body. The body parts were wrapped

in construction paper and twine. The body parts

present were the head which was on top of the torso

and the remaining body parts surrounded the torso

and were the right foot, right hand, and left forearm

and thigh. The victim was seen as a white female in

her late 20’s- early 30’s. There was substantial

reasoning and evidence to suggest a homicide had

occurred. Evidence at this crime scene included the

fibers of the twine that wrapped the body parts and

the evidence that the victim’s actual death


The second crime scene was called in at

0120 hours on April 18th

, 2014. First responders

arrived on the scene at 0138 hours to find mass

amounts of blood at the location of 198 Cass White

Road Cartersville, Georgia 30121. This was in the

basement of Brian Moser’s home, who was an

original suspect in the case of the homicide of

Cherry Popping. The mass amounts of blood

indicated a death had occurred. With a hard search

for any evidence of Brian Moser being down there,

the forensics team found a Jolly Rancher wrapper

and quickly searched for a latent fingerprint, which

they found. The evidence at the second crime scene

of the murder of Cherry Popping included the mass

amounts of blood present and the Jolly Rancher

which contained an unknown latent fingerprint.

There was substantial evidence at this crime scene

to suggest a murder had occurred at the location.

Results and Discussion

The Kastle-Meyer solution is a

phenolphthalein indication solution which has been

reduced, usually by reacting it with powdered zinc.

The basis of the test is that the peroxidase-like

activity of the hemoglobin in blood catalyzes the

oxidation of the colorless reduced phenolphthalin

into bright pink phenolphthalein. I used this test to

test the blood that was found at the second crime

scene located at 198 Cass White Road to ensure it

was blood that was present. To perform the test,

first I moistened a Q-Tip with four drops of water. I

then touched it to the blood sample taken from the

crime scene. Following that, I added three drops of

70% Ethanol, then two drops of the phenolphthalein

solution, then two drops of hydrogen peroxide. The

solution turned pink immediately as shown in figure

1.0. This indicates the blood sample was indeed


Figure 1.0.

Following the Kastle-Meyer presumptive

blood test, I performed a blood typing test to

determine what type of blood was the blood present,

to compare those results to the type of blood the

victim Cherry Popping had and to also compare the

results to the world-wide average of that distinct

type of blood. To perform this test, I started with

two samples of each type of blood; A, B, AB and O

Page 2: Ice Truck Killer Reincarnated- Final Paper

and from there added antibody A to one of each and

B to one of each. I also had two samples of the

blood found at the second crime scene of 198 Cass

White Road, I also added a sample of antibody A

and antibody B to each, and then compared the

results to the known samples of blood to determine

what type of blood the victim had. In figure 2.0 you

can see the results of my experiment. I determined

the blood found at the second crime scene was type

A with Antibody A, which matched the victim of

the first crime scene, Cherry Popping’s blood type.

Figure 2.0

I then compared this to the world-wide average of

types of blood and the averages. These are listed in

table 2.1. The table indicates that Cherry Popping’s

blood, is relatively common with thirty one percent

of the population having it. Both of these blood tests

prove and indicate that the blood in crime scene two

is blood and it belongs to the victim from the first

crime scene, Cherry Popping.

With the latent fingerprint found, I

performed a latent print analysis. I first identified

the Henry FBI number of the fingerprint found and

also that of Brian Moser, the current suspect. The

Henry FBI number is a number based on the

patterns (whorls found on each) of the ten fingers of

an individual. The Henry FBI number is a

percentage that the world has the same type of

fingerprints. There is a given number for each

finger’s pattern and then put into a formula. This

can be seen in figure 3.0. This system reduces the

effort necessary to search large numbers of

fingerprint records by classifying fingerprint

records according to gross physiological

characteristics. Figure 3.0 also shows the results of

both fingerprint analyses; both resulted into a Henry

FBI number of 1.










































= 1/1 Figure 3.0

After I found the Henry FBI number I performed

the latent print analysis of the two prints (found at

crime scene and Brian Moser’s) and then compared

them. In the latent analysis of the fingerprint at the

second crime scene and Brian Moser’s, it was found

that the print was the left index of Brian Moser’s

prints. Both prints were found as a radial loop. The

minutia, including an eye, delta, and several ridge

endings and bifurcations, match between the two

fingerprints. There are bifurcations in the center of

the loop, and three ridges up there is an eye. Two

ridges below the bifurcation at the center is another

bifurcation. Four ridges below that bifurcation is a

delta with an island in the center of the delta. Three

ridges below the delta is another bifurcation that

results in a ridge ending further to the left. One

ridge down and further to the left is another

bifurcation and ridge ending. All of these minutia

can be seen in figures 3.1 and 3.2 with 3.1 being the

fingerprint at the first crime scene and 3.2 being

Brian Moser’s taken fingerprint.

Figure 3.1

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Figure 3.2.

The results from both the Henry FBI analysis and

the latent print examination prove that the

fingerprint on the Jolly Rancher wrapper found at

the second crime scene match correctly with the

print of the left index of Brian Moser, indicating he

is guilty of the murder of Cherry Popping. Though

these fingerprints are very influential in the case of

the Ice Truck Killer Revived, they do not

necessarily prove Brian Moser’s guilt. According to

the Locard Exchange Principle, just because the

prints were present at the crime scene, it doesn’t

necessarily mean he was guilty of the crime. It just

proves his presence at the crime scene.

I performed a microscopic analysis of a

sample fiber and of the fiber found at the first crime

scene that wrapped of the body parts belonging to

Cherry Popping. In the microscopic examination,

both crime scene and sample fibers showed a light

brown color with an estimated diameter of 3-4

millimeters, while an extraneous fiber came up with

an estimated 1-2 millimeter fiber. You can see these

characteristics in fig. 4.0 and 4.1; 4.0 being the

crime scene fiber and 4.1 being the sample fiber. In

the burn analysis, both crime scene and sample

fibers showed odors of similar scents (burnt leaves,)

while the extraneous fiber smelt of burnt plastic

indicating it was not of natural origins unlike the

crime scene and sample fibers. Both crime scene

and sample fibers also have a spinning/curling like

reaction to being in the flame. These results indicate

the sample fiber of twine matched the fiber found at

the first crime scene located at 196 Cass White


Fiber 4.0

Fiber 4.1

The last set of evidence was the evidence

that was by the victim’s body at the first crime

scene. The decedent was ruled a white female,

approximately 30 years old with brown hair that

was about 20 inches long, brown eyes and no facial

hair. She has all of her upper and lower natural

teeth. No scars or tattoos were noted. The victim’s

had no clothes on when found. Her body was found

cut up in the hockey rink on Cass White Road. The

top of her head was pointed northwest. Her body

parts were located as stated above, with them

surrounded the torso.

There was very little lividity because of her being

drained of blood. The little bit of lividity found was

because of cellular breakdown. This has little to no

indication on how long the body has been dead.

With the ambient temperature of the hockey rink

being 52 Fahrenheit and the temperature of the

body being 65 Fahrenheit, the algor mortis

suggests the body had been in the hockey rink for

close to 24 hours, before found.

Rigidity had also been set already in the body parts,

suggesting the body had been dead for 24+ hours.

All of the evidence present indicates the

guilt of the suspect Brian Moser in the murder case

of Cherry Popping located at 196 Cass White Road.

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Based on the evidence I analyzed and

collected, I presume the manner of death of Cherry

Popping as a homicide. I also presume Brian Moser

committed the murder based upon the convicting

evidence found at both crime scenes. The cause of

death was exsanguination.

The fiber and death evidence found at the

first crime scene underwent investigation. An

autopsy report indicated the rigor, livid and algor

mortis, along with the manner and cause of death.

This confirmed Cherry Popping’s death was

exsanguination and was a homicide. The fiber

evidence was found as twine.

Blood and a latent fingerprint were found at

the second crime scene located at 198 Cass White

Road. The blood evidence indicated a murder had

occurred, that it was indeed blood, and that it was a

probable match for the victim of the first crime

scene, Cherry Popping. This evidence was obtained

through a Kastle-Meyer test and a typing

examination. The latent fingerprint found at the

second crime scene was an exact match to suspect

Brian Moser. Though this did not prove guilt, it

proved his presence at the crime scene. This

evidence was obtained through the determination of

both Henry FBI numbers and latent print


Through this evidence and my expert

opinion, I presume Brian Moser’s guilt in the

homicide of Cherry Popping at the crime scene of

the hockey rink located at 196 Cass White Road.


Ashbaugh, D. (15 April 2004). Classification of

Fingerprints. Retrieved from:


Bearden, B., Golson, C., Kudolo, G. (August 2008).

The Melting Pot - A Case Study in

Forensic Toxicology. Retrieved from:


Cardozo, B. (September 2011). Cameron Todd

Willingham: Wrongfully Convicted and

Executed in Texas. Retrieved from:



Dugdale, D. (5 February 2005). Blood Typing.

Retrieved from:


Harling, M. (1997). The Fingerprint System.

Retrieved from:


Helmenstein, A. (n, d). Kastle-Meyer Test To

Detect Blood, How to Perform a Forensics

Blood Test. Retrieved from:



Hoover, J. (10 August 2006). The Science of

Fingerprints Classification and Uses.

Retrieved from:


Ramsland, K. (2014). Hair Evidence Analysis.

Trace Evidence. Retrieved from:


Rao, D. (2013). Muscular Changes. Retrieved from:



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Smith, J. (12 August 2012). Locard’s Exchange

Principle. Retrieved from:


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Table 1 (Figure 3.0)

Right Index



Right Ring(0)


Left Thumb



Left Middle



Left Little (0)



Right Thumb



Right Middle



Right Little



Left Index (0)


Left Ring (0)




Table 2

Table 3

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Photo Log: 196 Cass White Road

04-10-2014 Ice Truck Hockey Case- BLOOD

Case #: 196-0410-2014-1

Photographer: Kaitlin Kimsey, Cass High School

Camera No. Mode Description Nature

I-Phone img.jpeg1 Picture Overall of crime scene Overall

I-Phone img.jpeg2 Picture Overall of crime scene with blood Overall

I-Phone img.jpeg3 Picture Overall of crime scene with blood 2 Overall

I-Phone img.jpeg4 Picture Mid-range wall blood Mid-range

I-Phone img.jpeg5 Picture Mid-range floor blood Mid-range

I-Phone img.jpeg6 Picture Mid-range floor blood Mid-range

I-Phone img.jpeg7 Picture Close up floor blood with wrapper Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg8 Picture Close up wall blood handprint Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg9 Picture Close up floor blood Close up

Settings Type Page

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

Normal Standard 1

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Photo Log: 198 Cass White Rd

04-18-2014 Ice Truck Killer Hockey Body

Case #: 196-0418-2014-2

Photographer: Kaitlin Kimsey, Cass High School

Camera No. Mode Description Nature

I-Phone img.jpeg1 Picture Overall crime scene Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg2 Picture Mid-Range of all evidence/ body Mid-Range

I-Phone img.jpeg3 Picture Close up of hand/ misc. part Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg4 Picture Close up of two left side misc. parts Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg5 Picture Close up of leg/foot Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg6 Picture Overall crime scene with placards Overall

I-Phone img.jpeg7 Picture Mid-range crime scene with placards Mid-range

Settings Type Page Sketch#

Normal Standard 1 1

Normal Standard 1 2

Normal Standard 1 3

Normal Standard 1 4

Normal Standard 1 5

Normal Standard 1 6

Normal Standard 1 7

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Appendix E

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Appendix F

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Appendix G

Blood Lab Report

Blood is often found at the scenes of violent crimes. Blood can be used to reconstruct a

crime scene by the location, distribution and pattern of the spatter. Blood has biological

characteristics, such as blood, that make it class evidence and extremely important to a crime

scene in identifying the victim and locating and identifying the perpetrator. Blood is interesting

in the aspect that it cannot only tell a story, but identify a single individual.

I will be performing a Kastle-Meyer presumptive test for blood, along with analyzing the

typing of blood present to identify the second crime scene’s blood. The Kastle-Meyer test is

based on the catalytic breakdown of peroxides by hemoglobin. To perform this experiment, you

apply four drops of water to a piece of filter paper or Q-Tip, followed by rubbing the wet paper

to the ‘blood’ stain. Then you will proceed to apply three drops of a phenolphthalein solution,

followed by three drops of hydrogen peroxide. If the test is positive for blood, the result will be a

deep pink color. For blood typing, you simply compare the reaction of your sample blood to the

reaction of additions to the blood to other samples of all eight types of blood.

In completing these labs I hope to accomplish obtaining the information that this

substance is indeed blood, and to type the blood given to identify it to the victim in the first

crime scene. I hypothesize that the substance at the second crime scene is blood and that the

typing is a match between that of the first crime scene victim’s blood, and the second crime

scene’s blood. I have hypothesized this because of deductive reasoning and that the substance at

the second crime scene appears to be blood with my expert training, and much experience in the

blood spatter field. No variables were manipulated in the Kastle-Meyer test; in the typing test,

each blood type was observed change when given the antibody A and B.

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Fig 1.0 Fig. 1.2

Fig. 1.3

The result of the Kastle-Meyer presumptive test was

positive for blood. The result was a deep pink seen in figure

1.2. The result of the blood typing was that both samples of

blood matched for type A with antigen A, which is seen in figure 1.3. In figure 1.0 you can see

the percentage of the population that also has A+ blood. These results supported my predictions

and hypothesis.

I hypothesized that the second crime scene contained blood and that it would match that

of the victim in crime scene one’s blood. The evidence found in the Kastle-Meyer test and blood

typing supports my hypothesis and predictions. Though my hypothesis was supported, I could

have performed more tests to further the accuracy of my results. I could have tested the blood at

crime scene two for DNA, done a luminol test, and done a blood spatter analysis. My results did

not turn out surprising; they went right along with my hypothesis and predictions. Go figure.

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Appendix H

Fiber Lab Report

Fibers are usually made up of many filaments twisted or bonded together to form a yarn

or thread and are everywhere. They form textiles that are fabrics woven into a specific pattern.

Because textiles are mass-produced, they are extremely hard to find and trace back to one

specific maker or individual, which explains why fibers are considered as class evidence. Fibers

contain probative value which creates associations and connections which is why this evidence is

so imperative to this case.

Each type of fiber has its own set of characteristics that can be discovered by using

different tests and labs. A microscopic examination of the given fiber was completed along with

burn tests. From this lab I will accomplish the matching to the best of my ability the fiber found

at the crime scene with the sample fiber we found at the secondary crime scene in the home of

the suspect. With the microscopic examination, you can find the major characteristics of the fiber

at hand; including the color, number of strands/filaments, the twist, kinkiness, and an estimation

of the diameter using a microscope at three levels of magnification. With the burn tests, you can

distinguish how a fiber burns, its odor, and the appearance of the ash/residue by burning the fiber

and sample fiber, followed by observing its behavior and smelling to analyze the odor. In these

analyses there were no treatments and/or manipulations of the variables at hand. A second fiber

of a different kind was used to analyze the comparison of the match versus a fiber that did not

match the fiber found at the first crime scene.

I believe that the fiber that was found at the first crime scene will accurately match the

fibers found at the second crime scene and home of the suspect. I provide this hypothesis

because of a small macro examination, while using deductive reasoning. I predict they will look

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extremely similar under the microscopic examination including its external appearances, and will

provide similar information from the burn test including the same odor and “approaching the

flame” pattern, indicating the two fibers are from the same or similar origins. If my observation

and hypothesis is true, this provides a reliable set of class evidence against Brian Moser for being

the Ice Truck Killer and guilty of the murder of at least Cherry Popping.

Fig 1.0

fig 1.2 fig 1.3

In Figure 1.0 you can see that the crime scene fiber and sample fiber are consistent in all

of their results, unlike the extraneous fiber that shows much different results. In the microscopic

examination, both crime scene and sample fibers showed a light brown color with an estimated

diameter of 3-4 millimeters, while the extraneous fiber came up with an estimated 1-2 millimeter

fiber. You can see these characteristics in fig. 1.2 and 1.3; 1.2 being the crime scene fiber and 1.3

being the sample fiber. In the burn analysis, both crime scene and sample fibers showed odors of

0 1 2 3 4 5




In Flame




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similar scents (burnt leaves,) while the extraneous fiber smelt of burnt plastic indicating it was

not of natural origins unlike the crime scene and sample fibers. Both crime scene and sample

fibers also have a spinning/curling like reaction to being in the flame, unlike the extraneous fiber.

In these analyses, I have found the crime scene fiber and the sample fiber to be a match.

I hypothesized that the first crime scene fiber would accurately match the second crime

scene fiber and have similar results in both the microscopic examination along with the burn

analyses. The results I obtained from my fiber experiments supported my predictions and

hypothesis. In the future I could perform fore tests on the fibers, such as a weave pattern analysis

and a microspectroscopy examination. My results did not surprise me, as they were what I had

expected, but could be further proven in the future.

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Appendix I

Fingerprinting Lab Report

A fingerprint is an imprint made by ridge patterns on the tip of a finger that is also used

to describe the characteristic patterns of DNA fragments. It is unique and is consistent over an

individual’s lifetime. Fingerprints are individual evidence and are very useful in cases for

identifying victims present, victims missing suspects. Such significance of fingerprinting is why

it is so important to this case.

The characteristics of fingerprints can be seen in latent analyses. Within the latent

analyses you can assign each individual a Henry FBI number, which is a number based on the

patterns (whorls found on each) of the ten fingers of an individual. The Henry FBI number is a

percentage that the world has the same type of fingerprints. There is a given number for each

finger’s pattern and then put into a formula. This can be seen in figure 1.0. This system reduces

the effort necessary to search large numbers of fingerprint records by classifying fingerprint

records according to gross physiological characteristics. 1 An in depth latent analysis will tell

exactly if the fingerprints match or not. This is characterized by the overall pattern, the different

minutia on the fingerprint and the distance between each minutia. There are no treatments or

manipulations to the variables being analyzed. With these labs, I hope to obtain the type of

fingerprint found at the second crime scene and individualize it.

I predict and hypothesize that the fingerprint found at the second crime scene will match

that of the suspect Brian Moser’s. I feel this because of deductive reasoning and the fact that the

forensics team found more Jolly Rancher wrappers in Moser’s home, and that was what the

latent print at the second crime scene was found on.

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Right Index



Right Ring(0)


Left Thumb



Left Middle



Left Little (0)



Right Thumb



Right Middle



Right Little



Left Index (0)


Left Ring (0)



= 1/1 = 1 Fig. 1.0.

Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3

Using the Henry FBI number

formula, Brian Moser’s FBI number is 1. In the latent analysis of the fingerprint at the second

crime scene and Brian Moser’s, it was found that the print was the left index of Brian Moser’s

prints. Both prints were found as a radial loop. The minutia, including an eye, delta, and several

ridge endings and bifurcations, match between the two fingerprints. There are bifurcations in the

center of the loop, and three ridges up there is an eye. Two ridges below the bifurcation at the

center is another bifurcation. Four ridges below that bifurcation is a delta with an island in the

center of the delta. Three ridges below the delta is another bifurcation that results in a ridge

ending further to the left. One ridge down and further to the left is another bifurcation and ridge

ending. All of these minutia can be seen in figures 1.2 and 1.3 with 1.2 being the fingerprint at

the first crime scene and 1.3 being Brian Moser’s taken fingerprint.

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Photo Log: 196 Cass White Road

04-10-2014 Ice Truck Hockey Case- EVIDENCE

Case #: 196-0410-2014-3

Photographer: Kaitlin Kimsey, Cass High School

Camera No. Mode Description Nature

I-Phone img.jpeg1 Picture Close up of sample twine Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg2 Picture Close up of twine evidence Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg3 Picture Close up of twine evidence Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg4 Picture Close up of crime scene fingerprint Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg5 Picture Close up of suspect fingerprint Close up

I-Phone img.jpeg6 Picture Mid-range analyzed crime scene fingerpr. Mid-Range

I-Phone img.jpeg7 Picture Mid-Range analyzed suspect fingerprint Mid-Range

I-Phone img.jpeg8 Picture Close up of positive blood test Close Up

I-Phone img.jpeg9 Picture Mid-Range positive blood test and drop Mid-Range

I-Phone img.jpeg10 Picture Close up of blood typing Close up

Settings Item Type Page Sketch#

Normal 1 Standard 1 1

Normal 2 Standard 1 2

Normal 2 Standard 1 3

Normal 3 Standard 1 4

Normal 4 Standard 1 5

Normal 5 Standard 1 6

Normal 6 Standard 1 7

Normal 7 Standard 1 8

Normal 7 Standard 1 9

Normal 8 Standard 1 10

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