icf chicago world cafe process 12 10-12

Welcome to the ICFC World Café! December 10, 2012 Please take a seat with people you want to know better!

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  • 1. Welcome to the ICFC World Caf! December 10, 2012Please take a seat with peopleyou want to know better!

2. ICF Chicago (ICFC) is pleased to host a World Caf eventon December 10, 2012 for Chicagoland coaches and otherICFC stakeholders.ICFCs intent for this event is to create a space for opendialogue and fun conversation. We want to draw out thecollective wisdom from those we serve on how we maystrategically partner more effectively as we all Learn, Earnand Engage/Connect in 2013.Materials for this presentation include information & materials from World Caf(www.TheWorldCafe.com) and Conversation Caf (www.ConversationCafe.org).Special thanks to RedBike International for additional Caf resources. 3. Outcomes ICF Chicago, Chicagoland coaches, and otherstakeholders co-create a more strategic partnershipto better Learn, Earn and Engage/Connect in 2013 Experience a World Caf Learn how to conduct a World Caf Enhance dialogue and listening skills 4. What is a World Caf? An easy-to-use method for creating collaborativedialogue about questions that matter Fosters inquiry vs. debate People have freedom to speak and contribute Can be developed to meet specific goals Leadership Cafs Strategy Cafs Event Cafs Reveals the collective wisdom that is presentwithin a group and/or organization 5. What A World Caf Is Not A club or outlet for any one point of view Place to press your ideas on others Place to network for business This can be done before and after the World Caf 6. World Caf Etiquette Focus on what matters Listen to understand Contribute your thinking Speak your mind and heart Link and connect ideas Listen together for themes, insights, and deeperquestions Play, Doodle, Draw - HAVE FUN! 7. Setup: Drawing Outside the Linesis Required! Butcher or flip chart paper on the table Crayons and/or markers for participants to use towrite/draw their thoughts A Host for each table to help guide the conversationand keep the story of the table Table Host instructions at each table Carry your key ideas, themes and questions to the nexttable and cross-pollinate with the new topic and group Sign with table topic and question for conversation ateach table Flip chart or other paper for Table Hosts to capture keyideas and themes from each round of conversation 8. Structure of the CafRounds of conversation: 3Time for each round: 15 minutes Table Hosts welcome participants. Brief introductions: Whats your name? Where are you from? Share highlights from previous round(s) if applicable Each person has 1 minute to share initial thoughts on the tabletopic, then open dialogue begins Finish conversation by gathering key ideas and themes Go to new table with different topic and group The Table Host will stay at the same table and will let new groupknow what came up in the previous groups discussion 9. Todays TopicsAs Strategic Partners,What are some ways we can Learn together? What are some ways we can Earn together?What are some ways we can Connect withtogether? 10. Harvest the Learning Once the rounds of conversation are complete, spendtime as a whole group speaking to what themespeople noticed and to uncover the learning andwisdom that is now present in the group regardingthe topic(s) An additional way to harvest the learning: Cut out the doodles from the paper on the tables and glue them to rolls of paper that are posted on the wall Spend time looking for themes between the pictures and words One at a time use a marker to drawn lines between the pictures and words and explain what you see they represent in regards to the topic(s) that were discussed 11. What would it look like to be astrategic partner with ICF Chicago?Key ideas and themes from the World Caf held onDecember 10, 2012 were compiled and can befound in the World Caf Highlights 12-10-12PowerPoint also available on the ICF Chicagowebsite. 12. Whats Next For You? What is one key take-away from this meeting? How will you partner with ICF Chicago in 2013? How might you use the World Caf format toincrease group/team learning and communityconversation? You are welcome to use the information in thisresource to lead your own World Caf. 13. Thank you for attending ICF Chicagos World Caf! To find out more about ourupcoming programs and otherresources, check out our website!http://icf-chicago.org