
Suggestions and Proposal After choosing the site, I have chosen to propose a commercial building that is to build a digital like mall which specialise in buying and selling electronic devices. In this day and age of high definition technology, the most appropriate commercial building will be a technology mall which caters to the needs of all professionals both locally and foreign. A place which offers work, play and also provides the latest in information and communications technology. This building is maintained using solar power thus cutting costs by tapping energy naturally and conserving for further uses at night as well as powering a standby generator. Rainwater is also collected via a ducting system where it will maintain the greenery as well as habitats of nature. The

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Page 1: Ici

Suggestions and Proposal

After choosing the site, I have chosen to propose a commercial building that

is to build a digital like mall which specialise in buying and selling electronic devices. In

this day and age of high definition technology, the most appropriate commercial building

will be a technology mall which caters to the needs of all professionals both locally and

foreign. A place which offers work, play and also provides the latest in information and

communications technology. This building is maintained using solar power thus cutting

costs by tapping energy naturally and conserving for further uses at night as well as

powering a standby

generator. Rainwater

is also collected via a

ducting system where

it will maintain the greenery as well as habitats of nature. The interior and exterior

structure will be using sustainable wall panels which can resist heat and keep the

environment cool while reducing noise.

All units in the building will have sufficient lighting and space for their

specific use as in Small Office Home Office (SOHO), Small Office Versatile Office

(SOVO) and family needs. The car park will be using the Smart Parking System where

spaces are optimised and improve parking efficiency. Dining will be alfresco style

(outdoors) where one can enjoy the breeze on an outdoor patio and enjoy the leisure of


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Concept of the Project

There a few reasons to why I wanted to propose a mall there, one of them is certainly

promoting more technology and electronic

devices. Given that the Subang area doesn’t

really have a large place that specialises in

only electronic devices, I decided to help

encourage technology to the Subang area

by proposing one. This will be the place to

shop for all your electronic needs and what’s more, it is also convenient and transport are

available everywhere such as bus or rail (KTM)

situated behind it.

Technology is the future, in order to keep up

with today’s trend, this mall is built to spread

technology all over Subang Jaya and further. It


also be a popular tourist attraction as they can

participate and enjoy themselves in a mall filled

with all sorts of amazing technology. Since

there is not much “Tech” malls in Malaysia,

this proposed building will be a success! Some

inspirations are drawn from a few popular malls specialises in technology such as Digital

mall and Low Yat Plaza. These two malls are highly successful and respectively helped

spread technology in their area.

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Parking System

As usually parking can be a rather huge problem for shopping malls, I would like to include

the “Smart Parking System”. The smart parking system is basically an Automated

Mechanized Parking system that provide a quick and reliable solution to parking problems.

Smart Parking is very flexible and can be installed in multiple layouts entirely dependent on

site location and requirements.

Some of examples of how the parking system will work

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Elements in the Project

Before proposing the development of the building, I have already brief through various types

of shop lots in the propose building. Here are a few images to show the concept of the types

of shop there. Examples:-

Further Explanation of Each Element

BankCamera Shops

IT Hypermarket

Game Shops

Mobile Shops


Camera Shops

Camera shops are highly essential to any mall at this time and age. Since this is the age of technology, it is only logical for a mall that specialises in electronic devices to have it there. People all around the world love taking photos, camera shops are able to provide the latest camera or accessories to help the user take better and high quality pictures.

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Mobile Shops

Company such as Samsung or Apple can always be seen in any mall. Mobile devices are always sold everywhere, there will be more mobile devices shops all over the newly propose building as a mean to promote technology even further. These shops will not only be selling mobile phones but tablets and accessories as well.


Given that majority of today’s technology has a higher cost value, regular customers won’t be going around bring a lot of cash on hand. A small bank and ATM machines will be located around the mall to deposit cash or to withdraw. ATM banks are highly convenient and easy to use. So customers may be able to purchase high cost items with cheque or even cash.

Game Shops

Gaming shops are widely popular among teenagers, opening a few game shops in the mall would help promote gaming. Usually malls that specialise in selling electronic devices tend to place gaming as one of their highest profitable shops.

IT Hypermarket

IT Hypermarket is basically a market but sells only electronic devices. It is amazing place to purchase all sorts devices and accessories there.

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- Provide more job opportunity to the locals

- Easy access to transportation

- Reduces time of travelling

- Provides high level of information and communication technology

- Increase economy by buying and selling high technology devices

IT Hypermarket

IT Hypermarket is basically a market but sells only electronic devices. It is amazing place to purchase all sorts devices and accessories there.


Given that the mall is not as huge as other megamalls, a suitable parking space for the mall is a Smart Parking system. This system does not occupy more space than usual parking space and fully utilised the area to save space. This is incredibly advance and good method for parking your vehicle.

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- Encourages the increase of greenery in that area

- Promotes a greener environment

- Smart parking system where it optimises parking space and create

- efficient parking

- Alfresco dining promotes healthier environment and space

- Sustainable living through solar power

- The only building in that area that specialised in technology and more

- Attracts talent in specialised field

- Revitalise the local community by make use of underutilised of public

land available for private sector


- Attract private investment in the area

- To showcase the latest technology

- To promote technology of the future

- Educating the community on the convenience of using the latest technology

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- Introducing the new way of life with technology combine with greenery and cost


- To encourage the usage of solar energy or renewable energy all over

- Promoting technology to the younger generation and allow them to learn and practice

for current and future usage

- Widen the knowledge of computer literacy to the current and future generation

- Setting a precedent of a fully integrated green building

- Encouraging innovation and invention of brand new ideas and system


- To facilitate and give access to digital technology for the community and all involved

- Providing high technology facilities

- To promote community awareness of technology advancement

- Attracting IT savvy professionals to congregate and network

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- Advertising of products and services more effectively

- There will be no disruption power or time by using the solar power system


- Noise Pollution

- Air Pollution

- Ineffective way of cleaning up the debris

- Having concrete built building will result in an increase in the carbon footprint

produced in the area

- With the KTM near the chosen site and a highway, there will bound to be a heavy

traffic jam

Risk 1

Unable to complete the project in the amount of time given


Amount of time wasted

Amount of money wasted

Waste of resources

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Waste of space

Project will likely be abandoned

The client will be unhappy and refuse any cooperation in the near future

causing loss of a business

Ways to Overcome This Problem

Good Project Coordination

Project must be planned properly by a certified project manager

Time management

Risk 2

Fail to receive the approval needed from the authorities to construct the building on

the site


Time wastage

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Energy wastage

Wasting of man power

Money wastage

Project will be abandoned even before construction begins

The project will not be able to be open to the public

Ways to Overcome This Problem

The project must first be planned accordingly to prevent any unnecessary

problems from happening

The design of the project must be good and stable

The project must follow a series of procedures and the law before


Risk 3

The sudden drop out of the project by the consultant, quantity surveyor or any other

party involve in it due to unexpected reasons


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Time wasted in search of a new employee

Project must be postponed

Ways to Overcome This Problem

Hire experienced people to work with decrease the likeliness of them

dropping out and seeing the project through and through

Provide good worker conditions and timing

Risk 4

Clients changes their mind about the project at the last minute


Time wastage

Supplies wastage

Waste of energy

Ways to Overcome This Problem

Convince the client that the project is able to be successfully completed

without any disappointment

Risk 5

Weather affects the project construction


More time needed to complete

May cause construction to be damaged

More cost to repair and continue the construction

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Wastage of energy

Whole project may be in danger

Ways to Overcome This Problem

Build stronger base once the construction starts

Use good quality material

Cover the construction properly and securely

Plan the working time according to weather forecast

Risk 6

Insufficient Budget is provided


Project cannot be successfully completed

Materials used for construction are limited

Ways to Overcome This Problem

Material must be used wisely and properly to avoid any wastage at any


A good quantity surveyor must be hired to take on any construction

project to manage and handle the budget properly so that the project can

still be completed even if the budget is low

Risk 7

Accidents or anything bad that might happen to the construction workers


Project cannot be completed successfully

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It will affect the productivity of the workers

Longer duration to complete the construction

Other companies will have no confidence in cooperating in the future

Ways to Overcome this Problem

Priorities the safety to all the workers

Provide insurance to all the construction workers

Supervise the workers at all times

Ensure that the workers follow construction procedure

Make sure that they are not engaged in dangerous acts at the construction



At the end of this project, we have concluded that it is very important to

coordinate and develop an understanding of coherent working relations among

various industry players and how to effectively communicate with other fields

an=bout what we wanted. We also learnt how to document our observations and

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understanding mainly from the research we did as well as to place and compile

all of our findings in this report in a systematic way. We are also able to fully

use the area of an empty space to its maximum potential rather than just living it

there as a waste of space.

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Authority Procedures

Step 1

Applicant Submits Application to Secretariat of One Stop Centre the One Stop Centre (OSC)

Secretariat shall check and examine all documents submitted based on the checklist prepared

for application towards Planning Permission, Building Plan Approval, Earthworks Plan and

application for Road and Drainage. If the application is incomplete, the OSC Secretariat will

request the applicant to submit the necessary or addition documents/plans. The OSC

Secretariat shall: • Register the application • Receive the receipt of processing fees • Key in

data for electronic submission, if applicable: and • Issue letter receipt application to the


Step 2

OSC Secretariat Distributes Application to Relevant Departments The OSC secretariat shall

distribute the application with all accompanying documents to the relevant departments for

processing and for land development applications, technical departments/agencies referred to

area: • State Town and Country Planning Department; • Department of Valuation and

Property (JPPH); • Planning Department of Local Authority; • Department of Agriculture (if

necessary); and • Other related technical departments/agencies

Step 3A

Processing Land Development Applications (Section 124A NLC) by the Land Office For

simultaneous application for conversion and subdivision under Section 124A NLC, the

process and procedure shall be as follows: i. Receive application from OSC Secretariat; ii.

Receive payment or prove of payment; iii. Examine Form 7D, pre-computation plan*, letter

of consent from other land owner/s, and power of attorney (if required); iv. Examine status of

land (caveat, land restrictions, expressed conditions, and others); v. Register application in

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the ownership document; vi. Prepare land report; vii. Make preliminary charting; and viii.

Land Administrator prepares comments to the Director of Town Planning of the Local

Authority, and make copies to OSC Secretariat by fax, post, email or by hand. For Malay

Reserve Land, prescribed form in the State Land Rules has to be used.

Step 3B

Processing of Planning Permission Application by the Department of Town Planning Local

Authority For application of Planning Permission, the process and procedure shall be as

follows: • Receive application letter from the One Stop Centre Secretariat and open file; •

Check application fee; • Check documents as in the detail checklist • Refer to Development

Plans and Planning Guidelines; • Check content of Development Proposal Report prepared

according to the Development Proposal Report prepared according to the Development

Proposal Report Manual JPBD, Peninsular Malaysia • Send notice to neigbouring lot

owners / hearing of objections (for areas without a local plan) as in Schedule VIII

Development Control (General) Rules 1986; • Refer to the State Planning Committee and the

National Physical Planning Council (if required) and the period taken will depend on the

meeting date of the SPC/MPFN; • Receive comments from technical departments/agencies

and coordinate the conditions and comments; • Prepare written directions to the applicant and

ensures all requirements are complied with, within 7 days (or extended period granted); and •

Prepare recommendation paper to the One Stop Centre Secretariat

Step 3C

Processing of Building Plan Application by the Department of Town Planning Local

Authority For the building plan approval, the officer in the Building Department shall

undertake the following process and procedure: • Receive application letter with complete

documents from the One Stop Centre Secretariat and open file; • Check fee payment; • Check

Form A (Schedule II Uniform Building By Laws 1984); • Check the building plan based on

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detailed checklist • Receive comments from technical departments/agencies and coordinate

comments with the agreed layout plan; • Prepare written directions to the applicant and

ensures applicant comply with conditions; • Prepare recommendation paper to the One Stop

Centre Secretariat The Director of Building Department shall table the recommendation

paper in the OSC Committee Meeting.

Step 3D

Processing the Earthworks Plan and the Road Drainage Plan Application by the Department

of Engineering Local Authority For earthworks plan and road and drainage plan approval, the

Engineering Department shall undertake the following procedures: • Receive application

letter with complete documents from the One Stop Centre Secretariat and open file; • Check

fee payment; • Check document as in the detail checklist i. Earthwork Plan ii. Road &

Drainage Plan • Receive and coordinate comments from technical departments/agencies and

coordinates comments with the agreed layout plans; • Prepare written directions to applicant

and ensure applicant had amended the plans within the stipulated timeframe; and • Prepare

recommendation paper to the One Stop Centre Secretariat The Director of Engineering

Department shall table the recommendation paper in the OSC Committee Meeting. Step 3E

Comments by Technical Department/Agencies • The relevant departments/agencies receive

complete documents from the One Stop Centre Secretariat; • Check the application; • Prepare

and submit comments to the relevant processing departments according to application; •

Submit c.c of comments to the One Stop Centre Secretariat

Step 4

Complied and Coordinates Recommendation Papers the One Stop Centre Secretariat shall: •

compile and coordinate all recommendation papers; • issue letter of calling for meeting

attached with meeting agenda to all members of the OSC Committee; and • distribute

recommendation papers. Should a technical department/agency not able to provide comments

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within the stipulated time without a valid reason, the One Stop Centre Committee shall

proceed to consider the application and make decision. For applications that had submitted

the pre-computation plan at the early stage, any differences noted between the pre-

computation plan and the layout plan, the OSC Secretariat will have to inform the applicant

to make the necessary amendments.

Step 5

One Stop Centre Committee Meeting The OSC Committee Meeting shall undertake to

consider and make decisions on the applications for planning permission, building plans,

earthwork plans, road and drainage plans. The committee shall make recommendations for: •

pre-computation plan; • application for simultaneous subdivision and conversion under

section 124A NLC in accordance with subparagraph 136 (1)(c)(i) NLC or application for

surrender and re-alienation section 204D NLC in accordance with paragraph 204D(1)(d)

NLC. The decision of the planning permission in the OSC Committee Meeting shall be

issued through; • Form C1, Schedule I Development Control (General) Rules, 1986 - Award

Planning Permission to Applicant; and • Form B, Schedule IV Development Control

(General) Rules, 1986 - Notice to Person who Object the Planning Permission; or • Form C2,

Schedule I Development Control (General) Rules, 1986 - Reject to grant planning permission

These documents shall be signed by YDP or empowerment to the Director of Planning

Department Local Authority.

Step 6

Preparation of Notification of Planning Approval to Land Administrator The OSC Secretariat

shall prepare the necessary documents to be submitted to the Land Administrator: • Approved

documents (layout and pre-computation plans that had been signed); • Form C1, Schedule I

Development Control (General Rules), 1986 - planning permission approval; • letter of

confirmation of approval

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Step 7

Prepare Recommendation Paper to the State Executive Council (EXCO) The Land

Administrator shall prepare a recommendation paper to the State Director of Lands and

Mines to be tabled at the meeting of the State Executive Council for decision. The State

Director for Lands and Mines shall inform the State's decision to the Land Administrator and

make copy of the decision to the One Stop Centre Secretariat.

Step 8

The Land Administrator informs the Applicant of the Decision on the Land Development

Application Under section 124A, the Land Administrator shall inform the applicant of the

following:- 1. The subdivision that has been approved; 2. For every subdivision, the category,

conditions and expressed conditions (if applicable) as directed by the State Authority; 3.

Additional premium rate and quit rent for every subdivision as well as other payments that

need to be made; 4. The period for the payment of additional premium, quit rent and others;

and 5. Other conditions of approval as imposed by the State Authority. As the same time, the

Land Administrator need to present the notice in Form 7G requesting the applicant to make

the necessary payments within the stipulated time as follows: - 1. Surveying fees if the survey

is to be done by the Department of Land Survey; and 2. Payment for the preparation and

registration of the Qualified Title for every lot in the subdivision. For section 204D, the Land

Administrator shall inform the applicant of the following: - • The terms of the approval for

each unit that shall be re-alienated; • The additional premium and tax rates for each unit that

shall be re-alienated; • Period of payment of the additional premium, tax and other payments

that is charged; and • The amount of premium in Form 5A in relation with each unit. The

survey charges shall not be included in Form 5A if the survey is to be undertaken by a

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licensed surveyor and the Land Administrator has been given the assurance by the Board of


Step 9

Prepare Decision Paper for Acknowledgement to the Full Council The OSC secretariat shall

prepare decision paper of the One Stop Centre Committee to be acknowledged at the Full

Council Meeting of the Local Authority.

Step 10

Inform the Approval to the Applicant The One Stop Centre secretariat shall: • collect the

approved documents signed by the YDP or through empowerment to the Director of

Planning, Director of Building and Director of Engineering. • inform the applicant the on the

decision of the application enclosing the approved layout plan, building plan and other related

plans. The total time frame for the processing of simultaneous application is suggested as 92

days (3 months and 2 days). If the application falls within an area with the gazetted local

plan, the normal time to process shall be 67 days (2 months and 7 days)