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  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure





    Exhibitionand sponsorship



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    25International Speakers215Exhibitors



    Global CEO

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Scepters iConference & Awards International invites you to the platform of our annual Conference

    and awards dinner in Lagos to benefit the upwardly mobile Executive. A great place for

    brand/service/product alignment, promotions and sale.

    th This exciting event will be held from the 16 18th December, 2014 at the Intercontinental Hotel,

    Victoria Island, Lagos.

    THEMED: Nation Beyond Oil.

    Scepters iConference& Awards is organized every year in Nigeria, this is the 3rd edition.

    Participation are in several levels such as exhibition, advertising, product placement, sale products

    and services, sponsorships and the media.

    Please find more information on this exciting event and its sponsorship levels. Do not hesitate to

    contact us with any questions. We look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.


    Jci OKOH

    Founding Executive/Director,

    Scepters iConference & Awards International


    [email protected]


    To receive complete booking &reservation

    form, please email:

    [email protected] | [email protected]

    Enclosures: Sponsorship Information & Event Fact


    11, Omotayo Ojo Street

    Off Majekodunmi Street

    Allen Avenue, Ikeja



    Lagos, Nigeria

    +234 708 500 0124 | 909 050 0088

    United Kingdom

    +44 7854 308 752


    +1678 499 6416


    +1615 839 7922

    Dear Nation Bulder

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure



    For CelebratingExceptional Brilliance


    Nation Beyond Oil18:12:2014

    Intercontinental HotelVictoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria



    Awards 3.0


    [email protected] | www.scepters.net | www.fb.com/myscepter+234 708 500 0124 | +234 909 050 0088

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Exhibition andSponsorship opportunities

    iConference invites you to Lagos

    for Global CEO iConference 2014!

    Drawing more than 2,500 leaders of international businessfrom over 80 countries.


    How to get involved

    Sponsorship and supporter

    benefit packages


    oin us in Lagos, Nigeria as while advancing the capabilities and iConference promises to be a vibrant

    government officials, senior competencies to develop new ways of market- place strategically located

    executives, academics and others effectively exploring innovation, within the heart of the conference

    from more than 350 organizations. In globalizations, interconnectivity, self- venue.

    addition, a number accounting organization, and emergent andprofessionals, technologists, data evolving phenomena for leaders in Stand size Early bird* Regular fee

    analysts and software developers for business, government, the economy,

    thought leadership, best-practice, and and society. 6m 2,550 3,000

    working sessions on data transparency.

    Learn how structured data has made CEOs will learn how to implement best 9m 3,825 4,500

    policy makers, accountants and practice for data collection. Financial

    investors worldwide, successful at market participants will hear about 12m 5,100 6,000

    putting up structures for corporate risk/cost reduction and efficiency gains.

    accountability, enhancing transparency Business Leaders will find out about the 15m 6,375 7,500

    and efficiency, and using complex data benefits of new, rigorous approaches to

    to make better decisions. transparency and open data.

    Technologists will get hands-on training Shell scheme standard equipment andThis event will focus on growing for practical tools they can put to work lighting are included in the prices

    pipeline for data currently produced immediately. quoted.

    and consumed globally with a target

    audience in IT and business, the The event offers you the opportunity to *Early bird prices available until 20

    program will feature practical case build your profile with the leaders in September 2014.

    studies and hands-on workshop-type international business while they

    sessions designed to give attendees debate to what extent

    insights and tools they can apply internationalization affects nations,

    immediately to their own business. An communities and cultures around the

    emphasis on collaboration and world.

    networking will serve to facilitate idea-

    sharing. Case studies presented willfocus on government reporting,

    corporate actions, corporate financial

    fundamentals reporting around the


    Benefit packages offer you the

    Bringing leaders from around the globe opportunity to build your profile with

    in science and practice from across the leaders in international business.

    disciplines together to explore and

    advance our understanding of complex Full details of Platinum, Gold and Silver

    systems in our modern world and the sponsorship packages and conference

    implications for opportunity and risk. supporter opportunities are available,

    see pages 411.Appreciating the limitation of traditional

    tools and methodologies for

    understanding complexity the Engage with participants and make newconference endeavors to introduce and contacts, and consolidate existingevaluate new tools and methodologies relationships. The exhibition at

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    If you are interested in any exhibition,Advertisementssponsorship or advertising

    opportunities, or to discuss a tailored

    package please contact:

    Simisola Smith

    iConference Producer, London

    +44 (0) 785 430 8752

    [email protected] theme

    structured and driven globally and

    transnationally. Delegates will considerPlace an advert in the iConference 2014how talent is developed to driveconference programme or delegate bag.innovation and how countries meet theLimited availability.challenge of providing high qualityFull page 2,000business to ensure the widespreadHalf page 1,000inclusion and participation of theirQuarter page 500citizens. The conference will focus onFlyer 2,000what impact an internationalized

    technology and business can deliver in

    these twin areas of innovation andThis year Connect, innovate, go global isinclusion.

    the focus of the conference.For full details of iConference 2014 and

    Platinum and gold sponsors have the to subscribe to our newsletter visitiConference 2014 explores how

    opportunity to purchase a session. http://scepters.net/iconferenceinnovation systems are formed,

    The perfect opportunity to network with

    those who also believe in the importanceof delivering quality, internationalbusiness fit for the 21st century.

    Andrew Colin, Chairman, INTO University Partnerships

    Sponsoring and exhibiting at Global

    iConference allows you to:

    build and develop relationships with influential high

    level CEOs, business figures and government bodiesforge partnerships with business institutions, industry

    and government bodies

    build awareness and maximize exposure of your

    organization, products and services to all participants

    observe and discuss the latest data, market trends

    and research findings on international business

    attend sessions and engage with delegates

    present your product, company or self on a global

    level from one location.

    Sector representation 2013, 2012,

    Business/Industry 6% 6% 19%

    Business Providers (TVET and HE) 45% 62% 62%

    Ministries and Government Bodies 11% 11% 12%

    International Organisations, NGOs,

    Associations and Membership Bodies 24% 16% 7%

    Media 4% 5%

    Other 10%

    Dubai London 2011, Hong Kong

    Education sector representationHigher Education 61% 68% 92%TVET 5% 5% 8%

    Both (2012 only) 34% 27%

    Regional representationUnited Kingdom 29% 39% 26%

    European Union 5% 9% 5%

    Wider Europe (2011 and 2012) 4% 4% 2%

    Americas 7% 8% 6%

    Sub-Saharan Africa 26% 6% 2%

    Middle East and North Africa 5% 10% 4%South Asia 11% 8% 6%

    East Asia 13% 16% 29%

    *Definitions of regions were restructured in 2011

    iConference 2011 in Hong Kong saw greater numbers of participants from Central, South and East Asia. iConference 2013 in Dubai saw greater numbers of

    participants from the Middle East and North Africa and South Asia.

    For iConference 2014 in Lagos we expect a greater proportion of delegates to come from North, South and Central Africa and the Pacific

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Sponsor packages

    Platinum Sponsor 240,000

    Gold Sponsor 25,000

    Silver Sponsor 12,000

    (maximum of one platinum sponsor)

    (maximum of four packages)

    (unlimited packages available)

    SponsoringiConferenceoffers high

    visibilitybranding to theinternational

    business sector.

    The benefitsHigh visibility branding

    Supporter packages at the discounted

    upgrade price

    Opportunity to purchase and tailor a

    pre-conference session

    Prime positioning of exhibition stand

    (subject to availability, stand price not


    The integration of your organization in

    iConference public relations, press and

    e-marketing campaigns

    A special mention in the opening


    Complimentary conference tickets and


    Your logo featurediConference homepage


    Pre-conference mailings and email

    newsletters sent to the 13,000+

    iConference mailing list

    screen backdrops and conferencesignage

    All event collateral including the front

    cover of the conference programme.

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Sponsors gain maximum exposure fortheir organization and the uniqueopportunity to be associated with

    iConference in its entirety.

    Corpora te logo on a ll iConference 2014 adve rtisement s

    Full page colo ur adver tiseme nt on the o utside back cove r

    of the con ference ca talogue


    (Max 1)

    240 ,000


    (Max 4)



    (Unlimi ted)


    Colour adver tisement in the confe rence catalogu e See above Full pa ge Half page

    Oppor tunity to provid e conferenc e staff t-shirts with event logo

    and sponsor company lo go

    Oppor tunity to deliver a theme relevant c onference se ssion

    Disp lay of your co rpo rate lo go on the plenary sta ge holding sc ree n

    and backdro p

    A feature in one edition of the iConference 2 014 e lec tronic newslet ter

    Inclusion of your promo tiona l lite rature in the conferenc e b ags

    Display of your c orp orat e lo go on eve nt colla teral (signag e, program me, etc .)

    Opportunity to purchase and tailor a pre -conference se ssion

    A special mention in the Opening Plenary

    Prime positio ning of e xhibition stand (sub jec t to availability,

    stand pr ice not includ ed )

    Use of iConference logo in your organ ization s marketing mater ia ls

    Inclusion of your organisations infor mation in the press re lea se

    The integr ation of your o rganisa tion in iConference 2014

    public relations act iv it ies

    Disp lay of your corpo rate lo go, ex tend ed message and con tact det ails

    in the c onference pro gramm e and on the we bsite (max 50 word s)

    Announc ement of sponsor status in the iConference 2014

    email newsle tter sent to 13,000+ contact s

    Complimentary conference p asses (valu e 85 0 each) 6 4 2

    Custom er invita tio ns for iConference 2014 co nferenc e

    offering a discount of 100 per ticket 10 8 6

    Available Unavailable

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Supporter packages

    and upgradesSupporters are able to have theirbrand exclusively represented at anevent or on a product.

    Produ ct Pa ckag e de tails Standardprice


    Even ts and fringe ac tivity

    Opening reception Exc lusive spo nsorship right s and branding

    privileg es of the op ening reception.

    Conference dinne r Exc lusive sponsor ship rights and brand ing

    privileg es of the conference dinner.

    Dinner cruise Exc lusive spo nsorship right s and branding

    privileg es of a d inne r cruise on Lagos ba y.

    Exhibition recep tion Corporate log o displayed on spe akers corn er inexhibition area plus three -minute we lcome spe ec h.

    25,000 15,000

    20,000 10,000

    15,000 10,000

    8,000 5,000

    Zone s

    Individual zones Exc lusive spo nsorship of de dica te d zones within

    the conferen ce exhib ition area tailored to yourco mpanys requireme nts.

    Pos ter Zone Exc lusive logo on the po ster wa lls. Opp ortun ity

    to pre se nt a pos ter and display lite rature insurrounding areas.

    Interne t Zone Exclusive logo used as d e fault home page. Ability to

    provid e bra nded statione ry and mo use p ads .

    Ent itled to display promot io nal mate rial exclusive lyin Inter ne t Zone .

    8,000 4,000

    6,000 3,000

    4,000 2,000

    Prod uc ts and brandingConference bag Exc lusive logo on all de leg ate confe renc e b ags. 10,00 0 7,00 0

    Lanyard Exc lusive logo on a ll de lega te lanyards . 10 ,00 0 5,0 00

    Conf erence app Exc lusive logo on confe rence app . Exclusive

    opportunity to send one ta rgeted m essa ge per day

    to a ll delegates .

    Sponsor s logo to app ear on the p ost event em ail. 8,000 5, 00 0

    Pads and pens Exc lusive right s to provide de lega tes with br ande dpens and pa ds . 6,00 0 3 ,00 0

    Person al Agen da Builde r Exclusive logo on Ag enda Builder. Exclusive

    opportunity to send one ta rgeted messa ge toall delega tes . Sp onsors log o to a ppe ar on theAge nd a Builde r post event e mail.

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    An exclusive

    opportunity for your

    organisation to host anevent.

    The benefits

    The option to produce event

    entertainment providing branding and

    profiling opportunities

    The inclusion of your organisationinformation in the press pack

    The integration of your organisation

    in iConference public relations activitiesExclusive sponsorship rights of the

    event Display of your corporate logo,

    extended message, contact details inHigh visibility branding privileges; the conference programme and on theincluding branding throughout the iConference website (Max 50 words)venue

    An organisation profile in the official

    The opportunity to provide guests at conference programme (50 words).the event with a corporate gift

    Prime positioning of exhibition stand

    (subject to availability, stand price not


    The integration of your organisation

    in iConference public relations, press

    and e-marketing campaigns

    Complimentary conference tickets

    and discounts

    Access to the iConference 2014

    participant list for business

    opportunities (contact details not

    provided due to data protection laws)

    Your corporate logo featured on the

    invitation and event collateral

    The opportunity to give a ten minute

    presentation and/ or show a

    promotional film to the guests

    Opening Reception 25,000

    Conference Dinner 20,000

    Dinner Cruise 15,000

    (upgrade price 15,000)

    (upgrade price 10,000)

    (upgrade price 10,000)

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    iConference 2014 officially launches

    with an opening reception at Lagos's

    new Prez Art Museum. Guests will

    enjoy drinks and canapes outside the

    Oriental hotel designed contemporary

    art museum, overlooking Lagos's iconic

    bay with a view of South Beach. The

    Opening Reception offers the highest

    profile to promote your organisation to


    Senior policy and decision makers.

    The package includes:

    Exclusive sponsorship rights of the

    Opening Reception

    Two complimentary delegate passes

    (value 850 each)

    Eight complimentary tickets to attend

    the Opening Reception

    Six customer invitations for iConference

    with a discount of 100 per ticket

    Exclusive full page colour

    advertisement in the conferenceprogramme

    The right to use the iConference logo

    and official title of Opening Reception

    sponsor in your organisation's

    marketing materials

    Recognition of official sponsor of the

    Opening Reception in the email

    newsletter sent to

    13,000+ contacts.

    Standard price 25,000

    Upgrade price 15,000

    The Conference Dinner is the perfect

    way for delegates to wind down after

    the first day of the conference. Lagos

    has a range of stunning venues suitable

    for dinners of between 40100 people.

    A conference dinner with selected

    delegates represents a unique

    networking opportunity at iConference

    and will be an evening to remember for

    your guests.

    The package includes:

    Exclusive sponsorship rights of the

    Conference Dinner

    Two complimentary delegate passes

    (value 850 each)

    One reserved table with complimentary

    tickets to attend the dinner

    Six customer invitations for iConference

    with a discount of 100 per ticket

    Half page advert in the conference


    The right to use the iConference logo

    and official title of Conference Dinner

    sponsor in your organisation's marketing


    Recognition of official sponsor of the

    Conference Dinner in the email

    newsletter sent to 13,000+ contacts.

    Standard price 20,000

    Upgrade price 10,000

    Delegates will enjoy an unforgettable

    evening aboard a magnificent yacht

    which cruises along the waterways of

    South and coastline of Lagos Beach.

    Hosting between

    100300, the yachts can accommodate

    an extraordinary sit down or buffet

    dinner cruise across different levels,

    including the sky deck which boasts 360

    degree panoramic view of the South


    The package includes:

    Exclusive sponsorship rights of the

    Dinner Cruise

    The opportunity to give a ten minute

    presentation to the guests

    One complimentary delegate pass

    (value 850)

    Ten complimentary tickets to attend

    the dinner

    Six customer invitations for iConference

    with a discount of 100 per ticket

    Quarter page advert in the conference


    The right to use the iConference logo

    and official title of Dinner

    Cruise sponsor in your organisation's

    marketing materials

    Recognition of official sponsor of the

    Dinner Cruise in the email newsletter

    sent to 13,000+ contacts.

    Standard price 15,000

    Upgrade price 10,000

    Opening Reception Conference Dinner Dinner Cruise

    Supporters are able to have their brand

    exclusively represented at an event

    or on a product.

    Supporter packagesand upgrades

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure




    16-18 / Dec / 2014

    Intercontinental Hotel,

    Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

    Global CEOiConference

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Supporter packages

    Conference Bag

    Exhibition Reception

    All supporter packages include one

    complimentary delegate pass (value

    850) and an organisation profile in the

    official conference programme (50

    words). Please contact the office to

    discuss a tailored package.

    With your logo on every conference bag

    that is handed out to participants, this

    sponsorship item is an effective way of

    promoting your organisation during the

    conference and also of raising your

    visibility long after the event is over.

    Conference bags are made of

    environmentally-friendly materials for

    minimum impact to the environment

    (conference bags produced at cost to


    Standard price 10,000

    Upgrade price 7,000

    Delegates will enjoy a complimentary

    drink and canaps whilst browsing the


    The package includes:

    The sponsor's logo displayed on

    speakers' corner in exhibition area and

    a three-minute welcome speech.

    Standard price 8,000

    Upgrade price 5,000


    Scepters updates

    A high-impact product, all delegates,

    speakers, exhibitors and conference

    staff are required to wear a lanyard.

    Sponsor's company logo/visual identity

    on every lanyard distributed. Lanyard

    printing is double-sided for maximumimpact (lanyards produced at cost to


    Standard price 10,000

    Upgrade price 5,000

    Scepters has proved to be a major

    success at previous conferences. This

    year Scepters allows you to network,communicate and build relationships

    with participants at the conference.

    The package includes:

    The exclusive opportunity to send one

    targeted message per day to all


    The sponsor's logo to appear

    on the scepters post event email

    The sponsor's logo to appear at theScepters registration desk.

    Standard price 8,000

    Upgrade price 5,000

    Pads and Pens

    Personal Agenda Builder

    The pens and pads will be in constant

    use, not only during the conference

    sessions but also whilst networking. The

    pens and pads will be included

    in every participant's conference bag

    (Pens and pads provided by sponsor).

    The package includes:

    The inclusion of your company

    information in the press pack

    Six customer invitations at a reduced

    rate offering a discount of 100 per


    Standard price 6,000

    Upgrade price 3,000

    All delegates have access to the Agenda

    Builder prior to the conference and this

    is a great opportunity to gain more

    visibility for the sponsor's brand.

    The package includes:

    The sponsor's logo exclusively

    displayed on all Agenda Builder pages

    The ability to send one targeted

    message to all delegates

    The sponsor's logo to appear on

    the Agenda Builder post-event email.

    Standard price 6,000

    Upgrade price 3,000

    Supporter packages

    and upgrades

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    Poster ZoneThe Poster Zone is a progressively

    more popular aspect of the

    conference. Here, presenters display

    the results and conclusions of their

    work and research.

    The primary purpose of the Poster

    Zone is to communicate information

    and ideas to fellow international

    business professionals.

    This format promotes informal

    individual conversations and the

    opportunity to exchange ideas a

    great way to meet fellow delegates.

    The package includes:

    The sponsor's logo displayed

    prominently on the Poster Wall

    The opportunity to present a poster

    The exclusive opportunity to display

    literature in the surrounding area.

    Standard price 6,000

    Upgrade price 3,000

    Internet Zone

    Individual Zones

    An important and popular element of the

    conference, the Internet Zone is a sponsorship

    opportunity not to be missed. Used by speakers,

    delegates and exhibitors, the Internet Zone offers

    exclusive and powerful brand and marketing


    The package includes:

    Sponsor's website used as default homepage on

    all terminals

    Opportunity to provide branded stationery and

    mouse pads for maximum impact (at cost to


    Exclusive display of promotional material in

    Internet Zone strategically located in high-traffic


    Standard price 4,000

    Upgrade price 2,000

    Exclusive sponsorship of dedicated zones within

    the conference exhibition area tailored to your

    company's requirements. These could include

    networking areas, demonstration areas or

    sponsored working zones.

    Standard price: 8000

    Upgrade price: 4000

    Place an advert in the official

    iConference 2014 conference

    programme or delegate pack.

    Full page 2,000

    Half page 1,000

    Quarter page 500

    Flyer 2,000

    50 word feature in our iConference

    email-newsletter which goes out to

    over 13,000 decision-makers and

    professionals in international business.

    Also features organisation/ company

    logo and link to organisation/company


    Email-newsletters are also distributed

    through our Twitter and LinkedIn feeds.


    Please note: terms and conditions apply

    on all packages. Prices are subject to


    Advertising Opportunities

    Email-newsletter feature

  • 8/11/2019 IConference Brochure


    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Scepters 2014 Brand and Design / D278

    The Scepters is the Africa's international organisation for Online Social Enterprise

    Development and business opportunities


    11, Omotayo Ojo Street

    Off Majekodunmi Street

    Allen Avenue, Ikeja



    Lagos, Nigeria

    +234 708 500 0124 | +234 909 050 0088

    United Kingdom

    Simisola Smith: +44 7854 308 752


    Joshua: +1678 499 6416

    Laverne: +1615 839 7922

    Scepters Ideas & Trends Ltd.